#haikyuu is the gift that keeps on giving fuck
redrocketpanda · 2 years
One of the thing's I adore about Haikyuu is that not everyone is a genius. There are a few genius', a few "superstars", but for the most part the Haikyuu cast is made up of "townsperson B" people
Being a townsperson B doesn't make them any less special, or valued, or amazing, or important. And it doesn't mean that they don't get their moment to shine
Tanaka doesn't "excel" in any particular skill, he's very much the average Joe, but Karasuno wouldn't be what it is without his tenacity, resilience and camaraderie. Akaashi isn't an outstanding setter; he's good, but he's not great, he recognises his limitations, and really he's just happy he gets to play volleyball (with Bokuto). Yachi isn't on the court (on the stage), yet her talent and pro-activeness is what helps Karasuno get to the Spring Tournament. And a lot of the schools are "just" average schools; they work hard, they play volleyball, they have their moments to shine, and then normal life resumes
In the time skip, most people don't go on to play volleyball professionally or achieve any kind of "fame". They're retail and hospitality staff, school teachers, personal trainers, editors, students, farmers, labourers, "between jobs"... and that's totally okay
Whilst I'm sure it's amazing to be the Hinata's, Bokuto's, Oikawa's, Miya Atsumu's, etc, of the world, it's also really amazing to be the Yamaguchi's, Konoha's, Hanamaki's and Kita's of the world
They're still important, valuable, happy people, no less special or worthwhile than the "superstars"
And this is so needed
I know I personally feel the crushing pressure every single day to "prove" my worth, to be exceptional in every single way, to create things that are "valuable". I'm surrounded by media which encourages me to chase the role of the protagonist, that tells me that only the heroes are special and worthwhile, and that if I don't achieve (and sustain) that then I'll never be happy, my life will be meaningless and unmemorable, and I won't matter
But that's not true, that's not true at all
And thats why, in a world saturated with the hero narrative, we need the townsperson B stories... we need the townsperson B people. Because all of us are special, talented, skilled, valuable people who all have an important role to play
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goatedgreen · 5 months
this is gonna be such a nothing rant (haikyuu edition) but i keep seeing these posts on instagram that are obvious rage bait where its like "TALENT OR HARDWORK?" pitting like, a selection of characters against each other and it makes me SO FUCKING MADDDDD
literally my ONE issue with the show/manga before kita's appearence was this mythos of "natural talent" that permeated the bg of the show's morals/ideology. there was always the idea of "the best teams are the ones who dont give up" which is shown to be true (the best teams, as well, are also the ones who practicec the most), but at the end there would be this thing of, like, "well yeah you can practice all you want, some people will just be better", which is what a lot of people for some reason took away from oikawas character arc (ignoring the fact that this isnt what was meant to be shown but WHATEVER).
THEN WE GET MY FUCKING KING OF ALL KINGS KITA SHINSUKE here to say "yeah actually these people are fucking monsters on the court, but its NOT because they were somehow born that way. its because they WORKED to become that way." and as the audience youre like "yeah but what about oikawa", AND THEN HE PULLS OUT THE "they just WORK different. they THINK different. THAT is what sets them apart from the regular players" and you realise that the reason oikawa "loses" to kageyama isnt because is wasnt good enough, or because he didnt practice enough, but because he had the mindset that kageyama had TALENT, while he had SKILL. he FAILED to see that kageyama ALSO HAD SKILL, and that his abilities as a setter DIDNT come from nowhere.
IT IS THEN LITERALLY IMMEDIATELY PROVEN IN THE SAME MATCH, when we get the flashbacks for atsumu and osamu. ojiro (king) TELLS US, THE AUDIENCE, directly that atsumu literally worked on the skills he has FROM THE GROUND UP. atsumu didnt start as the better player, or even a particularly stand out player, but he had the MENTAL DRIVE TO BE BETTER. HE WORKED HARD. osamu was the "naturally gifted" player, but ultimately fell behind his brother because he didnt want it as much.
until kitas speech, there is this mythos of "hardwork versus natural talent" that permeates the show. kageyama versus hinata initially, then with tsukki and hinata, then with oikawa and kageyama etc etc etc. but with ONE SINGLE SPEECH, the curtain is lifted and the audience is forced to confront that every single character has worked IMMENSLEY HARD to get to the level they are at, its not a matter of natural talent.
he then says my favourite line in the whole show, which is "but if you're thinking theyre geniuses from the start, then youve lost before you've even had a match with them." and, "AND ITS RUDE" <- THAT RIGHT THERE. ITS FUCKING RUDE. CASTING OUT ALL OF SOMEONES HARD WORK AND ASSIGNING IT AS NATURAL TALENT IS FUCKING RUUUUUUDEEEEEEE.
anyway rant over but that is why i hate those fucking posts. there is not one "monster" character in haikyuu that hasnt worked hard. im sick of people saying any different because all it tells me is that they were not paying fucking attention!!!!!!
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harukapologist · 9 months
Hewwo fellow Haruka apologist/stan :)
I wanna ask the expert themself, what do you think about the headcanon that Haruka's parents (or his mom at least) is into taxidermy? There's a shit ton of taxidermy in his second t2, but also in a translation of AKAA lyrics (a more 'accurate' one, rather than the eng sub that's provided) instead of "I will keep killing to be a good boy" it's "Rather than taking something away, it's better to give". What if Haruka was killing animals to 'help' his mother with taxidermy? In his own sick and twisted way of getting her attention. And, let's not forget the famous scene where he's standing on top of the chair surrounded by the dead animal corpses, he's says "Mommy, look, aren't I amazing?". Sick, yeah. But what if he's presenting his 'gifts' to his mother, who's into taxidermy?
And the orange/amber liquid that everyone thinks is honey in reference to Muu? Someone in the comments said it could be formaldehyde, which is used for taxidermy. Just another thing that caught my attention
I thought about this way too much, but it's a just silly lil hc of mine
Hi hello!! Thank you for sending me this ask (and so sorry I replied so late!) I'm always happy to meet & discuss with fellow Haruka enjoyers :3c
I completely agree with that headcanon (in fact I don't think the orange liquid in AKAA resembles honey at all except for the color--the consistency seems closer to that of formaldehyde, and it makes more sense with the sequence of events that it'd be formaldehyde), I think Haruka's mom was a taxidermist or at least into something biology related, hobbyist or professional, so Haruka was exposed to a lot of things involving animals and taxidermy throughout his life. I assumed this is at least part of the reason why he dislikes animals--they remind him of his mom, when he was still somewhat loved by her, I imagine she'd tell or show him some details of her work/hobby, so he learned a lot about animals & taxidermy from her.
If I'm being honest, when I first watched AKAA it didn't occur to me at all that Haruka killed the animals, I interpreted that as a metaphor or symbolism (but I won't talk about that here because it'll be too long and it involves Weakness haha), so seeing most of the fandom interpret it literally (I guess because of his VD but I didn't take the VD at face value either) surprised me and I spent a while thinking of why Haruka would do something like that, and the perspective you offered really makes sense!! In my interpretation wouldn't call it sick or twisted as much as it is Haruka "accepting" that he is what his mom painted him to be, in his mind--someone whose only talent is bringing bad things, so he took to killing the animals in an attempt to utilize his "evil self's only ability" to do something his mom would hopefully approve of. It kinda reminds me of Tendou Satori from Haikyuu, who embraced the label "guess monster" because he was so used to being treated as a monster, so he embraced that he's weird and unlikable in a way that can make him still a good player but also true to himself. (I hope I remember correctly I haven't watched Haikyuu in like 2 years but Tendou is very dear to me) Except in Haruka's case it is way more fucked up lol.
Also gotta thank whoever retranslated AKAA more accurately--I noticed this theme with the innocent prisoners being painted in a purposefully bad light in T2 so we could vote them guilty, and the other way around as well, the guilty from T1 being painted as miserable and actually not that bad, yk. There's really nothing in MILGRAM that should be taken at face value imo.
And worry not I also thought about this an unimaginable amount, it's been on my mind the whole week actually, but I'm trying to articulate my thoughts into a coherent post lfhksdsl
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animelga · 10 months
my exposure to shonen is still sort of limited but something that always bothered me in One Piece - and would later annoy me with Bleach - is how they insist on making their protagonists the most exceptional people in the universe from the start. like yes they obviously want to make the protags seem cool to kids immediately but its so dumb that they insisted on doing that by making the protags feel so. inhumanly strong from the start.
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in so much early One Piece its like Luffy doesnt even need to try all that hard to win. duels have a hard time feeling tense bc it feels like Luffy is just fucking around for so much of them. and to work around it Oda just places him in Situations that restrict him until the climax of the fight where he just wins (or w. the Krieg fight just drag it out forever anyway). and it takes until like, Crocodile in Alabasta for things to actually start to feel tense, like he's finally out of his league.
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and Bleach, though it gets over the hurdle quicker than Luffy, is ESPECIALLY bad about it early on. so many parts of Substitute Shinigami & the beginning of Soul Society (Chapter 1, the Uryu competition, the battle w. Jidanbō) basically all just keep slobbering over how unnaturally and unbelievably strong Ichigo is to an absurd degree. though both series do eventually find their footing w. the protags and make it more engrossing to follow its such an annoyingly prevalent growing pain they go through
though i have no idea how HeroAca ends up in its later parts I am very proud of it for not really overselling Midoriya - he is no more special than the average kid and his potential doesn't come from any sort of innate strength or superiority, just through a good heart and wish to do good. and honestly i can say the same for Naruto, i think its damn inspiring for a manga from the 2000s to have a protagonist who isn't naturally gifted at the thing they dream of achieving. Its not just "I'm failing at school because my real dreams lie in this thing I actually have super secret proficiency in!!" (e.g. Haikyuu!!, Yu-Gi-Oh!), Naruto is flunking at school AND at growing as a ninja, yet doesn't give up on that dream despite being surrounded by people who mock him.
idk. dumb rant i suppose but i find it fascinating to see how different series depict their protags early on. & how Naruto/HeroAca show that you don't need to make them DA COOLEST PEOPLE EVERS!!!! to make a series that grabs people.
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miyamorana · 1 year
April Fanfic Recs
Here are the fics that I’ve really liked this month. All of these are complete. Enjoy!
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia (2), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1), Buffy/MCU Crossover (1), Dragon Age (5), Haikyuu!! (1), Merlin (1), Sense8 (1), Stranger Things (1), Voltron: Legendary Defender (1)
Find March’s Recs here or browse my fanfic recs tag.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: Brain Pain  Author: RayShippouUchiha Pairing: None Rating: General Word Count: 2,430 Summary: “Oh ho ho,” Izuku chortles into the darkness of his closet even as he grabs a bottle of water up so he can start gnawing on the cap. “I think the fuck not you raggedy-armed bitch.” It’s easy enough to start typing out a reply even with one hand and his vision sometimes blurring in and out. “I know a guy with more arms who’ll be a way better hero than you ever were,” Izuku mumbles around his water bottle, one eye squinted closed as he puts all of his faith into his phone’s extensively trained spell check and autofill functions.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: There Is A Pattern Here Author: lovelysandlonelys Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,309 Summary: Midoriya Izuku was just barely keeping his grades afloat. It was a hard thing to do when you were quirkless, because quirkless people were less evolved beings and couldn't possibly be up to par with their quirked classmates. And better than them? An impossibility. Alternatively: All of Izuku's teachers have accused him of cheating, until now.
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Title: Seeing Is His Superpower  Author: Shadowscast Pairing: Xander Harris/Spike Rating: Teen Word Count: 8,185 Summary: A post-Chosen AU in which Xander finds Spike's amulet in the wreckage of Sunnydale. When he picks it up, something interesting happens...
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Marvel Cinematic Universe Title: Collision Author: Crunchysunrises Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 6,087 Series: Part 1 of Personal Assistants, Superheroes, and World Save-age (Words: 22,911 - Works: 3) Summary:  Five times that Buffy runs into Tony, four conversations they have, three times Buffy admires Pepper's shoes, two times Tony offers Buffy a job, and the one time that she accepts.
Fandom: Dragon Age (Dragon Age II) Title: Paper and Cotton Author: calligraphypenn Pairing: Anders/Fenris Rating: Teen Word Count: 14,835 Summary: Over the centuries, there developed in the Circle of Magi a tradition of showing affection, regard and intent through the giving of small, practical trinkets. It became a way to dodge any suspicion from the Circle authorities--who could object to the gift of some paper, or a single coin? In which Fenris is a practical elf, and accidentally tells Anders through tokens that he likes him VERY MUCH. But (at first) Fenris has no idea, and Anders is daily more baffled and suspicious. As seen on Tumblr, and now with lovely art by AO3 user Prudabaga.
Fandom: Dragon Age (Dragon Age II) Title: Chances Are Author: calligraphypenn Pairing: Anders/Fenris Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,065 Summary: Anders knows what it's like, being hunted. When Fenris isolates himself in his mansion and keeps his health issues to himself, Anders puts aside their enmity to help him. As seen on Tumblr.
Fandom: Dragon Age (Dragon Age II, Dragon Age Origins: Awakening) Title: All of Me Author: Nikki66 Pairing: Anders/Fenris Rating: Explicit Word Count: 135,099 Summary: When Fenris learns he possesses magic, his life is forever changed. His friends support him, but can he cope with becoming his own greatest enemy? Salvation is just a mage away.
Fandom: Dragon Age (Dragon Agee II, Dragon Age: Inquisition) Title: Overthinking It Author: Starla-Nell (Princess_Nell) Pairing: Fenris/Dorian Pavus Rating: Explicit Word Count: 25,513 Summary: Fenris joins the Inquisition and meets Dorian. Somehow, they don't kill each other. Wait, they're friends? Wait they -? Oh. Oh, my.
Fandom: Dragon Age (Dragon Age II, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age Origins: Awakening) Title: Paths Cross  Author: Starla-Nell (Princess_Nell)  Pairing: Alistair/Bethany Hawke Rating: Teen Word Count: 4,149 Summary: Written for the Prompt: Alistair/Bethany Would love fics about these two adorable people crossing paths! AUs welcome, fluff and sweetness strongly preferred. No non-con, please.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: A Time Like Eternity Starts To Move Author: hgowff Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: Mature Word Count: 14,432 Summary: With the death of their parents, Shouyou gave up his future career to focus on looking after Natsu. Years later, Onigiri Miya Sendai is opening up and Niiyama Girls Volleyball Club has a pair of new coaches, one being a burned out V League pro trying to find his love of volleyball once more.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Oh Noble Hearts Author: queerofthedagger Pairing: Gwaine/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen Word Count: 1,700 Summary: The thing is, Gwaine may be a bit of a bastard, but he knows that it’s bad form to go around kissing people—especially people who mean something—when they are missing some rather crucial bits of information about you. Gwaine has a confession; Arthur, as so often, manages to surprise him.
Fandom: Sense8 Title: Worth It Author: FunkyinFishnet Pairing: Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal Rating: Mature Word Count: 6,386 Summary: She visits Wolfgang, on his way back to the Paris apartment and concerned about Kala’s mood as she asks, "Have you heard from Rajan?" Wolfgang’s concern sharpens, "Nothing since the day before yesterday. He hasn’t called yet?" (The cluster mobilises to solve Rajan’s kidnapping, and Kala and Wolfgang think about him and their love.)
Fandom: Stranger Things Title: More than They Make You Out to Be Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 2,451 Summary: Eddie was never guilty of the things they accused him of, but that hasn't stopped Hawkins from treating him like he was. Steve needs to make it better.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Title: In the Stolen Silence of Sunset  Author: breakaway71 Pairings: Keith/Lance, Acxa/Veronica Rating: General Word Count: 634 Summary: A moment shared with a friend, years after the war.
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ram-de · 8 months
[readthrough] foxhole court
Um... I heard this is a young adult book so I began reading it. but the themes it deals with seems so heavy what??? From hints of abuse, violence, identity fraud??? Who tf is Neil running away from. um I thoughts it was just a cute book about made-up sports... So why does this dude have a knife ready to stab his teammate in the ribs😭 HELLO????
The practice session is hell.. sports are hellish enough for the determined... Usually sports in the books I read aren't this detailed, then again that's mostly because I read romance sports not strictly sports book with a sprinkle of romance (I don't think this one is a romance)
noooOOOOO sign of abuse... Foxes are messed up and it's gonna be angsty... Found family please? 🥲 "I'll take care of this, you take care of you."
Andrew is creeping me out😭 I'm sorry why did he keep a knife under his arm at all times
Kevin you rude ass
Not gonna lie the story so far gives off thriller mystery's vibes instead of college sports books. There's a lot of baggage here and there sprinkled with violences
This low-key feels like blue lock... Like the sport is THAT serious. Someone is out here hunting a sports player... Wtf is Riko did in the past... Is he part of the mafia or something... As
He's indeed a part of Japanese mafia I...😭
I dont know if I'm suitable to read this one, please there's just a lot and I'm more of a vanilla guy when it comes to stories... Neil🥲
Matt is a cutie what can I say... I'm excited to meet the girls as well!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE RAGTAGS TEAMS... PURE SHONEN TROPES... everyone is so creative....
Alright. Here's how I will faction the Foxes:
Anger and Chaos: Seth, Andrew, Neil, Allison
Cold and Apathy: Kevin, Aaron, Neil(kinda)
Lively the Sun: Matt, Nicky, Renee, Neil(hopefully soon trust)
Well adjusted: Dan, Neil(he has to be to a degree to survive)
Why is everyone on each others throats damn CHILL it's not that serious...(it is for them) can we just BREATHE... coach wymack why do we even bother.... This is a mess
Neil's first gift🥲😭 I LOVE SUBTLE AFFECTIONS.....
I understand why there's this term "I can fix him." Because, the appeal of it. Ughh okay Andrew... I don't even like possessive tropes WHY DOES THIS ONE WORKS ON ME
Please don't tell me that the gang is spiking Neil's soda... Can one spike a soda? I don't drink so idk.
SEEE... fuck me this gang is shitty. Also fuck Andrew. He's messed up in so many ways he's unsalvageable. WAIT... THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS BEFORE? TO OUTSIDERS... 💀
Bro... This is so uncomfortable to read. I don't have the guts to stomache this... I should've read content warnings before reading this book. Nicky is doing outright noncon with that kiss...
Yeah fuck this group actually screw them all. Whatever the reason for this thing is it better be good. I fucking hate it here. thank you COAHCH WYMACK oh my goodness.
Whatever is it with Andrews lunatic loyalty to Kevin doesn't really justify drugging Neil like that and him being harassed??? Hmmm I still haven't seen an apology
Seeing Neil being passed around with the other Foxes is nice to see. Like a montage of how Neil's current dynamic was at this point. Wouldn't be surprised if they made it happen again as a callback. It's cute.
...frankly speaking I didn't like that Neil willingly returned to Columbia with Andrews pack. Dan and Matt was the only sane person in this team... I can understand the whole Columbia outing with the purpose if Andrew want to made sure Neil isn't bringing harm to the group. But then why was Nicky kissing him...?
Overall. I. I really liked the dynamics between characters and how they bounce. this sports shit is SERIOUS. AND YOU WILL DIE! it's like sports shonen manga because the characters are really vibrant... And i like it. (I like haikyuu :g)
And um. Um... Is Seth really dead...? he hasn't even gotten a character arc!!!!!!! He was warming up to Neil, the back clap when Neil scored, and nights bantered along watching movie with Matt. WHAT IS HAPPENIGN
Screw me I finished all trilogy... I am having brainrot and withdrawal...
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kosi-annec · 9 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 15
Hoo boy, 1st game of pre-lims
Wait tsuki got new glasses?? When??? Awww it's a gift from his bro, that's adorable
HOL UP WUT- ok first of all the animation was smooth. Second, tf was that?? He hit it in a weird form, it kinda looked like he was gonna do a kick instead?
Now they using their feet?? These guys are giving me the vibe that they've played soccer or something
Damn, well to be random and unexpecting is a useful strategy in itself
Oop- omg johzenji's a bunch of hinatas i just realized hskhsk
Well to beat the unpredictable ya gotta be unpredictable
"take it to em kageyama" idk but that was cute coming from hinata
Oooh karasuno is taking it back!
Oh hey Date Tech bg characters. "Two on two"?? Why??? This is a team based game tho, how
Johzenji strategy is basically "confuse the fuck outta the opponent"
Ya know, that makes sense. This is a game after all, if you're gonna be doing something you're good at it's important to have fun. Whether in a sport or any other activity, we can't forget to let ourselves actually enjoy doing it
"the setter looks like he's kinda set in his ways" pft- unintentional pun
Lol yama having to drag kage to the nurse
Well, bg char ain't really wrong? Hinata focuses too much on the quick attack, as it's what he thinks is the only move he's really good at. He needs to try improving on the rest of his volleyball arsenal, esp since the 3rd years will be gone soon
PFT- no one offends aone's bestie hskshs
Lmao the middle children worrying over their fellow middle child
Idk why but kage's bored face looks so fucking funny. Omg they went super saiyan
"synchronized attack, sugawara version" HSKHSHK
Omg- johzenji collectively share 5 braincells
Gsap, a flashback! Huh, so blondy here (still don't know his name) really just be a present focused guy
I think that's the issue with team johzenji, they focus too much on the present, which is why i think karasuno is gonna win here. Karasuno keeps in mind of the present yes, but they look forward to the future, it's why they try so hard in the first place
Lol dadchi knows his boys too well. Him and suga are the fucking backbone of this family
Johzenji's unpredictability is a strength, but also a weakness. Without any structure or foundation hold them up, it's a matter of time before they start fumbling and falling apart
Ahh so their old captain, their foundation, had graduated and left. He took the rest of the team's braincells with him LMAO, but it's good they've got their team mom
Omg HSKHSK the fucking simps at it again
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becomehaikyuu · 2 years
Haikyuu Chapter 0: One Shot
Despite what might have been implied by my introductory message, I am actually familiar with Haikyuu. I know the basic beats of the story (up to a point) have a grasp on a few of the characters' personalities and even heard of this fictional sport referred as "volleyball". Still, I want to review all of Haikyuu so I decided to start with the One-Shot so that I can say that I've reviewed EVERYTHING as well as refresh myself on the story somewhat.
The story starts with girls checking out the sports players (we can already tell this is a comic because in real life, girls are only into professional roller bladers). We get our first glimpse of proto-Karasuno featuring Kageyama Tobio (The Rival, the Setter and the group's Asshole), Tsukishima Kei (The Smart One, The Center and The Only Sane Man), Tanaka Ryunosuke (The Tough Guy, The Left Side, and The Big Dude) and last and certainly not least, Sawamura Daichi (The Dad, The Right Side and The Captain). Tanaka brings the power, Tsukishima brings the strategy, Sawamura keeps the team together and Kageyama sets them all up for victory. These motherfuckers are unstoppable...
Ah shit, they lost.
But they lost with enough dignity that the girls still praise them and they get the attention of Naruto Luffy Volleyball Ash Ketchum Hinata Shouyou who declares his intention to become the village Hokage the Pirate King to be the best volleyball player in the world (No, seriously? Okay, keep your goals humble, I guess...) the Ace of the Karasuno High Volleyball team. We got our protagonist and we got our story.
Somehow, the Japanese high school Volleyball team is having trouble recruiting members who want to join a sport with no known internationally famous players and give up their afternoon time for sharing gym space with sweaty dudes playing a sport that, for all any nerd knows, only exists in a Dead Or Alive spinoff game. Luckily, Sawamura was wearing his ruby red slippers that day and, after clicking his heels three times, he wishes that the team would be gifted with an ace spiker out of nowhere. Sadly, he forgot to thank the Good Witch Glinda or some shit because Hinata walks through the door instead. Hinata talks some high shit about being the ace but everyone's favorite Kichiku Megane (look it up) Tsukishima says, "With that height? Bitch, get out of here before I step on you."
Hinata passionately says that he is well aware that he is a hobbit but that he can Jump Good. OG Kichiku Kageyama says that he is so sure, he just needs to spike his pass. No issue for an ace spiker, right? Hinata has himself a good adult-cry about how everyone's laughing at him, psyches himself up and flies into the fucking sky...barely touching the bottom of the ball as it falls against his tiny gremlin hands. Literally only Daddy Sawamura pays any attention to his fairly impressive leap. Everybody else is rightfully mocking how, in spite of all that good shit he was talking a minute ago, the red-haired little shitling can't even hit the goddamn ball over the fucking net.
So earlier, Hinata said that he has played before. And he dang-dong-diddley has...in fact, he has touched the ball three out of ten times!
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Oh! Fun fact: he's never played a match. He specifically came to this high school to play on a real team!
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(My bullies were right! The woman on the right IS what I looked like when I read that!)
Kageyama asks how THE EVER-LASTING GOBSTOPPER FUCK was he supposed to be the ace if he didn't even know the basics. While being a dick about it (although far nicer than I would have been if I were in his position) Kageyama tells the others to toss the Shire reject out on his ass. Hinata tries to talk shit, Kageyama looks at him, Hinata wets himself and retracts his statement.
We finally get proof that stupid as he is, Hinata takes the sport seriously when he heads in early to practice the next day only to, realistically enough, find the ace setter Kageyama practicing even earlier. Hinata has his first homoerotic bitchfit over Kageyama justifiably talking down to him because he's actually good at the sport he chose to pursue and Hinata just coincidentally happens to suck at a sport that he said he was good at. Oh, and Hinata whines about Kageyama still practicing even though he's already good.
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(Picture unrelated.)
Our wisest of wise sages Hinata actually, using the vocal chords God saw fit to bless him with, asks Kageyama how does he get good. Kageyama screams (but doesn't hit, again showing more restraint than I would) that his skills came with practice. Practice while thinking about his form. Over. And over. And over. Hinata said he would do this, rather horrifically implying that that wasn't his goal for arriving at practice so early in the first place.
Kageyama lets his Chad show when Hinata lets his brain work for the first time we met him and, after remembering that he went to a strong middle school, asks why he didn't go to a stronger high school. Kageyama points that being in a mid school on a mid team means he actually gets to face strong opponents. Then he captures Hinata's heart against his will when he points out correctly that as a setter, his job is to multiply his teammate's power. Then, Kageyama says he's been wondering about Hinata too...
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Hold on. Kageyama says what we're all (i.e. me, the most important person in the universe) is thinking and wonders why Hinata sucks so hard if he's been playing since middle school. He then adds a verbal elbow drop by saying that he's wasting his jumping ability. Hinata gives the pretty good explanation that A) he lacked an actual teacher to help him and B) his team never played in official so his teammates didn't take the sport seriously. Kageyama tells him not to give excuses (even he asked but...Hinata been a sugar pill this time so he deserves some unfairness) and Hinata counters that they still had fun and that's what important, right?
Kageyama actually has a nuanced response (again, beating me who would have told him to have fun playing tetherball) saying that playing in official matches is only fun if you're strong. Hinata says he will become strong...and then we watch him eat. Anyway, we get a brief look at what kind of students the volleyball players are. Kageyama is sleeping through class (hope he passes so that he can stay on team long enough to go to that volleyball island those ninjas play on), Tanaka's a dirty boy (like me in school when we were legally allowed to use desks), Tsukishima actually wants to graduate and Sawamura is outside, probably already graduated for all we know. Daddy Sawamura watches Hinata practice and congratulates him on being hard-working (good quality) and honest (probably too stupid to lie). He clues Hinata in that Kageyama, while not honest, is focused on winning and has a flexible mind as a result. So, unlike the canon Kageyama that remember, he is willing to hear others' opinions out. So, the message is clear: if Hinata gits gud, Kageyama will pass the ball to him. Yay basic logic!
At practice proper, everyone can see Hinata suck in person. That's when we get a bombshell: Karasuno High will be going up against Hanagata Private Academy.
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(Artist rendition of the Center (left), Setter (center) and Spiker (right))
I didn't mention above because I only noticed on my second read-through but these bitches were totally spying on their match in the opening pages. Kageyama, being a Jock Chad, is excited about putting these nerds in their place.
The day of the match, some students start to talk shit but Kageyama and Tanaka scare them off. Daddy Sawamura had to drag them away before they decapitated them to use their heads as balls to demoralize their opponents. Hinata tries to join in but Tsukishima reminds that destroy someone in a match, you have to have actually played a match for that threat to have any merit. Freshly humbled, the team take the court and get. Their. Asses. Kicked.
See, the rich bitches have analyzed all of Kageyama's techniques so the team stands no real chance against them. It's not like they just let on a wrench in human's clothing on their team as their spiker, right?
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(Drawn by @darienart. Sorry for using it in this context without permission.)
God help us.
Poor Kageyama begs Sawamura not to put this wannabe Rudy motherfucker in but Daddy Sawamura says it's a practice match anyway and that they need to see Hinata's potential. Hinata's potential...is to cost them several shots with his stunning lack of skill. Kageyama has to restrain himself from killing Hinata on the spot to retain the honor of the high school's volleyball team. He backs off after rightfully informing him that motivation cannot make up for lack experience and technique. At that moment, something wonderful happened in Whoville Hanagata Private Academy: Hinata hit fucking puberty and told Kageyama that while he is fully aware that he sucks and is inexperienced, his job as the ace setter is to adjust for him and let him spike the ball. Proto-Kageyama, being sane and flexible, agrees. He gives his team a strategy and he and Hinata agree to trust each other.
Those crazy fucks from Karasuno High manage to account for Hinata's Superman leap ability and his inexperience and turn the game on Hanagata Private Academy, beating those rich fuckers IN A PRACTICE MATCH THAT HAS NO BARRING ON THEIR PLACEMENT IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE!
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After the match, Kageyama reminds Hinata that he still sucks and that he still needs to get good. Hinata says: "aight".
End of one shot.
Pretty cool. I definitely would have picked this series if I was in charge of Shonen Jump. It had a fun story and an easily mockable protagonist. That's all you need, right?
Chapter Rating: 8/10
(Holy fuck, that got long. This really wasn't supposed to be a recap but I kind of got into it. Why do I always have be so awesome?)
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sapphicssukii · 4 years
haikyuu!! 395
furudate has really been delivering everything lately 
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iwaizumi is studying sports medicine like we all had headcanons about because of oikawa’s knee and everything 
and he’s studying in california, probably at UC Irvine’s school of medicine 
bonus snippet: 
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
How The Monster Trio React To You Saying, “So When’s The Wedding?”
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A/N : you all really shouldn’t trust my words. I literally wrote that I might not post anything besides my birthday fic but look at me posting this hours later in the same day omg.
I recently read a haikyuu version and thought it was so freaking adorable sooo, here’s our three boys and their reactions to it.
Summary : how these three boys react to your question, “so when’s the wedding?”
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LUFFY literally tilts his head with his arms crossed, and has the hugest look of confusion. Did you just ask him that?
“Huh? What do you mean?”
He’s not stupid, he knows what marriage is. Shanks proposed to Makino after all, he was there. Makino even taught him that, he just wasn’t sure why you were asking.
“What do you mean, ‘what do you mean?’? When is the wedding, Luffy? I wanna know.”
The poor boy just furrows his brows before leaning back, since he was sitting on the deck with crossed legs.
“Isn’t that obvious? Whenever you want it to be. Just tell me and we can get married right now!”
He says it with the brightest and cheerful grin.
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SANJI doesn’t know how to react at first but that’s only because he’s not sure he heard you right the first time.
“I-I’m sorry, [Name]-chan.. can you.. repeat that?”
Visibly gulping as he pauses in his cooking to turn to you, seeing you lean on the counter on your elbows with a sweet smile.
“Sure. I asked when the wedding was.” You hum and Sanji could feel the dark blush creeping up onto his cheeks and his face heating up.
“I-I..” Sanji clears his throat as he turns around fully and kneels down before you, taking your hand in his.
“I’m ready whenever you are, my sweet! You want to get married right now? I’ll plan it!” Sanji swoons, his cheeks red and heart eyes forming.
“You’re right, I should properly ask you.”
Sanji pulls his hands away and reaches into his pocket before pulling out a black small velvety box and lifted it up, still kneeling down.
“My lovely [Name]-chan, the most beautiful person in the world, who holds my heart and soul in their hands.. will you marry me?”
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ZORO is so nonchalant and lazy about it, he’s literally just laying down and resting, when you come up to him and ask him that.
He just raises a brow and opens his eye to look over at you.
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
Obviously, he is a little flustered but would never admit it. If you look closely, you can see the pink hue spread across his cheeks.
“You know what I’m talking about! I’m asking when the wedding is, you tree.”
He narrows his eye before closing it and clicks his tongue. “We aren’t getting married yet.”
... yet?
Now you’re taken back, because it was supposed to be a joke, but you can feel your heart fluttering in your chest.
“Y-yet?” You tried to go along with it and pouted. You crawl over to him and sat next to his side, poking his face. “But I wanna get married now.”
Zoro grabs your wrist suddenly and opens his eye again, leaning closer to you before glancing down at your hand.
“Impatient ass.” He sighs as brings your hand closer to his face to see.
“At least wait until I buy your ring then, so give me your ring size. Once I buy it, we can get married.”
A/N : ugh this took me like only an hour or so but it was so hard. But it’s so cute, hopefully. Didn’t turn out how I expected.
Yes. It’s rushed. I’m in class but at least I wrote something! :>
Also to people who keep ensuring that they support me, I seriously love you and wish I can give you a fucking tight hug and shower you with gifts. I love you. 💕
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
HQ Boys Thinking Their S/O Left Them Pt. 2
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Character(s) included: Tsukishima & Ushijima
Warning(s): Cursing
Song of the day: Love The Way You Lie by Eminem
A/N: Wow thanks for 200+ likes on my last part & 15+ reblogs! I’m almost at 150 followers so thank you for that too! I can't believe that my account is still active! Here’s part two! As always my ask box is open for comments and such! I would love to have some more Anons or even some character anons. Part three is next so if you have any haikyuu boys you want next just send a message! Please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors!
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
Tag(s): @chibiiichann
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So the argument was your fault. The ‘harmless’ joke made its way to be more effective than you imagined. So maybe it wasn’t as funny as you thought to pour water on his head as soon as he got through the door. But it wasn’t your fault for not knowing he was having a tough day already.
“Baby.. please.. kei, I am sorry..” you whispered softly as you followed him in. You could tell he was angry. After all he just wanted to rest and now you just fucked everything up. “Kei.. please.” He turned to you.
“What?” He was drenched and tried to not let his attitude show. He just wanted to take a shower and go to bed.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.. it was just supposed to be a harmless prank..” you muttered softly now avoiding his eyes. They felt like they were burning holes into you.
“Oh wow so funny!” He looked at you. Now making eye contact you can feel the hints of venom in his voice. “It’s so fucking funny. You know sometimes I wonder if I ever did the shit you do to me back to you how would you react? I mean after all it’s just a fucking harmless prank! Do you ever just fucking think for a moment, ‘fuck maybe that’s not a good idea?’ Or no? I mean is you brain so fucking small and your so fucking dumb to the point you don’t have a good thought in there?!” His voice was loud, deep, and annoyed. You could almost see the hatred seeping from each word. You looked to the ground and took his hurtful and harmful words. 
It was your fault after all.
After a moment he looked down at you, getting out everything he needed to say, well almost everything. “It fucking sucks to put up with you sometimes. I hope you know your fucking lucky.” There he went, finally finishing his bitter words. He left slamming the door behind him as he started the shower. The warm tears that you had been holding in now finally making their way out.
After grabbing a jacket, phone, wallet, and keys you leave. Feeling terrible that he had to put up with you. Locking the door as you left you decided to take a walk. It was cold and dark. It was a terrible idea to have, but there wasn’t much more that you could do.
After he finished his shower he got out looking for you. He had sorta realized the weight of his words. He knew he went too far.
After about five minutes he realized you were nowhere in sight. He changed and grabbed his phone. “Pick up..” he muttered, calling you. It was too cold for you to be out, let alone it was too dark.
You looked down at your phone and just ignored the call, scared to be yelled at again. It was freezing, now coming to the realization that you should have brought a bigger jacket. You head to a nearby ramen place to eat.
On his side he is freaking the fuck out. “Fuck fuck..” he muttered softly. He tried calling you again and to his surprise you picked up. “Y/n where are you?” He seems upset.
“Don’t worry about it.. just get some rest okay? Night.” You’re almost about to hang up where he starts talking again. He is frantic and you can tell he is extremely worried.
“Y/n please. It’s dark and cold and I don’t want you getting lost or anything worse please..” he mumbled softly. He is trying not to seem overbearing.
“I’ll be okay. Goodnight.” You hang up. Not to your surprise he calls you about five times as you order something to go for the both of you. After about twenty minutes you start to walk back. It’s pitch black and freezing. You put the bag on your arm and zip up your thin jacket. Now holding onto your phone on flashlight with one hand and with the other the soup trying to keep warm. It takes you another fifteen minutes to arrive and you open the door.
Tsukishima was waiting by the door. It was quite late so you bit your lip and closed the door after. In that time Tsukishima’s arms are already tightly around you. His eyes were red and puffy and it was clear he had been crying.
“I told you to get some rest, Kei..” you whispered softly, unsure why he was up. Kinda glad that the ramen did go to waste though.
“I am sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” he started to cry again holding you tight. You were cold to the touch and to be honest if it weren’t for what he said earlier you would probably be really enjoying this.
“It’s okay.. I got some dinner..” you whisper breaking away from his grasp as you sit at the table him following after. He wiped away the tears sitting in front of you. He felt like shit. As you place the food in front of him he gives a weak thank you, which you just shake your head to and start eating.
After dinner you get up putting your dishes away. Getting ready for bed after. As you finish brushing your teeth and changing. You are met with his long warm arms around you once again. He missed you all day, and didn’t want you to be distant any longer. “I’m sorry y/n..” he whispered softly, tears rolling down his face.
“It’s okay kei.. don’t worry I know you didn’t, it was my fault anyway..” you muttered softly. “I’m sorry baby..” you wipe away his tears. “I didn’t mean to worry you okay..?” He just holds on tighter and shakes his head gently, picking you up. He decides to carry you to the room you two share. As he holds you, you whisper nothing but sweet words of love, trying to comfort him.
When he lays down you gently hold him. He clears his throat ready to apologize more. “Y/n.. I really didn’t mean any of that okay..? I really love you so much and I’m the lucky one. You’re so considerate and shit and you were just trying to play a prank but I had a really shitty day and just didn’t react well.. I’m sorry..” he whispered softly. His head is buried into the crevice between your shoulder and head. It was clear he was upset.
“Baby it’s okay.. don’t worry I know you didn't mean too.. it was my fault.." you whisper softly. His arms tighten around you holding you close. "I should have known it wasn't a good idea and just didn’t do it. Instead I decided to do it and then leave.. making you worried and stuff.. So I'm sorry.." you whispered softly.
He just shakes his head and smiles softly. "Okay.. I love you Y/n," he muttered softly as he closed his eyes. Quite tired from such a stressful day.
"I love you too Kei," you muttered back, staying up until you’re sure he is peacefully asleep. When you are sure, you drift to sleep. You are safe here. You are safe in his arms, being loved by him. This is where you are meant to be, forever.
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Practice was shit. He missed almost everything that came his way, and to be honest it was getting to him. He was quite pissed seeing you with some other guy. No matter what or who they were, they weren’t him. That’s all that mattered. You were laughing and smiling with them and he was upset. So of course he would be off his game. Who wouldn’t? You were the person everyone wanted. Ushijima was lucky to be your boyfriend let alone even talk to you.
But the same could be said about Ushijima. He was known everywhere and you got jealous too at times. I mean who wouldn’t when he got gifts every time he entered a match. He barely talked to you then too, because he thought you would be too ‘distracting.’ So in the end you normally would sit in the back and chat with a few people but tried to stay focused. Today was different. It was a practice not a game. So you didn’t mind not paying attention.
Once practice ended you were met with Ushijima’s tall form in front of you. “Oh hey baby,” you smiled getting up. He doesn’t look too happy and gives the guy a stare that makes him almost immediately leave.
“Who’s he?,” he looked down at you again. You’re shorter than him but to be honest he loves it. He loves the fact that he can tease you with kisses or the fact he can pick you up.
“I just met him. He is pretty cool, turns out he was in one of my old classes.” You smile a bit.
“Oh. Okay let’s go.” He muttered softly. Now expecting a kiss on the head before you two leave you wait. It takes a moment before you realize you’re not getting one so you just follow after him.
“How was practice..” you ask when you guys get in the car. It was quiet and you didn’t like that. It was too quiet.
“You would have known if you were watching.” He was brief and quick with his answers. “It went bad.”
You shake your head softly and when you guys get back into the house it’s no better. Now deciding to break the silence once more. “What’s wrong baby..” you look at him. Something’s off. Completely off.
He looks to you maybe for the first time, in what.? Half an hour an hour of being in the same car. Whatever it was it didn’t matter, it was too long.
“I don’t know why you have to come to my practices and just distract me the whole time.” He doesn’t think about what to say before he does.
“What..? I didn’t run up to you like usual and I stayed in the back like you like! What do you mean ‘distract’ you?” You look at him confused.
“Maybe you shouldn’t come then. It seems like everywhere you have to just be in my way. Let alone you just bring people with you.” He looks annoyed and maybe you should just drop it. But you can’t. You did nothing wrong.
“What? I stayed out of your fucking way! I didn’t ask to come. You asked me too! It’s not like I begged you to come and then was up in your face the whole time. Like your so-called fans! They were up in your face the whole fucking time trying to give you gifts and shit! But ya I’m the distracting one!” You looked annoyed. Upset. Pissed off. Whatever you wanna call it.
“Really? Really? We wanna go there now? It’s not like every fucking time we walk the halls together someone doesn’t come up to say hello to you! Or asks if your fucking free, I mean it’s not like your with me or anything.” You can tell he is mad. But it isn’t your fault.
“Yes really! You have fucking people wait by the gates of the school for you. I mean that’s what I get for dating you right? I get a bunch of girls following my boyfriend, I get called a distraction when I come up to you and get called a distraction when I’m away from you. I don’t know what to fucking do at this point!” You can feel yourself tear up. This is fucked up.
“Wow. Of course. All my fucking fault. Mhm just blame it all on me. You know what fuck you, and fuck your high horse.” He slams the shared room’s door closed. You don’t say anything, deciding to just leave. You grab your stuff and close the door. It’s a bit chilly and you’re glad you grabbed a jacket. It wasn’t weird for you two to fight let alone get on each other’s nerves. But when it’s going good, it’s going great.
You leave heading to a friend’s house and stay the night. Unsure how you fucking feel at this point. What the fuck was up with him? You just tried to stay in your fucking lane. It hurts. It fucking hurts to be called a distraction. Maybe he didn’t get that. But you knew he did. He wasn’t that dumb. He wasn’t that fucking dense like everyone else thought. You knew he wasn’t. That was one of his worst insecurities and you knew it.
The next day you were dropped off at school and we’re surprised to see Ushijima waiting. You bit your lips walking right past him. You could see the hurt in his eyes. He had eye bags and his eyes were red and swollen. He seemed like he had been crying, you felt bad. But at the same time you didn’t. You needed him to understand how much you were hurt by his words.
When lunch came around he was waiting at the door of your classroom and you bit your lip. “Do you need something?” You ask. It took him a moment before he shook his head.
“Can we please talk.. I’m sorry..” he muttered softly. He was clearly still upset by yesterday’s fight and so were you.
“Okay. It’s fine I’m sorry too,” you look up now, his big arms were wrapped tightly around you. He sniffled softly as he was already tearing up again.
“I didn’t mean any of that.. you’re not a distraction and I love you so much baby..” he whispered softly. “I was just jealous and shit..” he muttered softly. “I don’t like it when you hang out with others and stuff and I know it’s not fair.. I just get worried you will like them more and just leave..” he whispered softly finally opening up.
“Hey look at me..” you whisper gently, taking your hands and wrapping them around his cheeks. “I won’t do that to you.. I love you so much, okay?” He shakes his head.
“I love you too y/n..” he muttered softly. He was tired and you could tell. Once you reached the cafeteria you sat next to him and he laid his head on your shoulder.
A soft laugh made its way out as you held him. God you love him. Nothing could ever change that. No matter any fight. You loved him and he loved you. That’s all that would ever matter.
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it, so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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cloudytamaki · 4 years
hq » dumbass things
warnings: crack, dumbass topics (choking etc), swearing 😺✨ author’s notes: sorry if i didn’t get many characters / all of them,, i’m new to watching/reading + this is my first time writing haikyuu!
bokuto • you were choking on water, and guess what this dumbass does? he panics and yells your name, jumping up quickly as he slaps his hand down hard on your back. sir?? are we trying to give y/n a mcfucking back issue?
sugawara • found a puppy in the backyard at 12 am and brought it inside. i’m currently wondering if he needs glasses or a slap on the back, because it was obviously a coyote. you kept telling him and told him not to bring it inside, but he was in his mom mode and brought the ‘homeless shepherd mix’ inside anyway.
tsukishima • so you got up early in the morning and absolutely lost it when tsukki got up without pants on. this man was wearing his mom’s birthday gift from last year – boxers with chibi dinosaurs on them. when you pointed them out, he got redder than the dinos on the fabric.
asahi • you asked him to watch a horror movie with you. this was a very bad idea since you chose saw. he actually jumped into your lap a few times, and on a particularly gory part, he gasped and suddenly went silent. he actually fainted.
oikawa • you did the tiktok shower prank on him since he was singing at the top of his lungs. you jumped in, fully clothed, expecting a funny ass reaction. what you didn’t expect was him screaming, pulling down the shower curtain, slipping and falling, butt ass naked. he got shampoo in his eyes and landed hard on his wrist. you had to help this man up and rinse him down, then dry him after.
yamaguchi • you were at a gas station, buying slushies and random snacks for the car. you paid and walked out of the store, getting into the car. you thought he was behind you... he wasn’t. he actually got into an unlocked car; you dragged him out before the person could come back and call the cops.
kuroo • you have a pair of crocs that you wear all around the house, and you usually keep the strap up. but when you slid them on, you didn’t notice that the strap was down, and you were in the hallway trying to yank your feet out of the crocs when kuroo came in and scared you, causing you to fall right on your ass. he started laughing like a hyena and didn’t help you fix them.
goshiki • you were giving him a haircut since he insisted. i don’t even know how this happened but your dog came running in and started barking because of the mailman. and guess what?? goshiki jumped and there was some screaming – then suddenly you realized you had chopped a lock of his hair off. cue intense fright when he looks in the mirror. never again.
iwaizumi • you were cuddling in bed, fully asleep when suddenly he had a nightmare. his foot slammed into your shins and you let go of him, screaming. he shot up, his eyes crazed and his hair wild when he saw you on the floor. he helped you up and was so confused when you scooted to the other side of the bed.
kageyama • he... i don’t know how to explain this but he managed to get his foot stuck in the door. literally not joking. he managed to get his foot stuck in the door and called you for help, you grabbed him and pulled him hard but it didn’t work until you unscrewed the door.
daichi • he was eating lunch with you; he ordered a dish and he forgot to tell the waiter to hold the spice. so, when he started eating, he started coughing loudly. his entire face was red and no amount of water could fix it. guess who’s never going back there.
hinata • you know the funny my-child-is-at-the-register joke? you always laughed at it until it happened to you. you went to the bathroom and when you came back out, you couldn’t find hinata. he was gone... or so you thought; your name was blasted throughout the store on the loudspeakers. when you came over there he looked like he was about to piss himself.
lev • you were at the beach, slowly stepping into the water to have some fun. then your 6′5 boyfriend comes running in the water and slips on the sand, doing a wonderful face plant. and when he slipped, mud and water sprayed all over your nice new bathing suit. 
kenma • this man... you were at ikea looking at some new beds and wallpapers for your rooms, kenma was looking for a gaming desk. you told him you were gonna look at another theme and he nodded and sat down on a nearby couch. then you walked back over and saw him slumped on the couch, passed out. you had to shake his ass awake because there were angry staff people behind you.
tendou • he was making a scene about how he stuffed 12 pieces of gum in his mouth and was dancing to the store music when he started choking on his bubblegum. people literally passed by the aisle you were in with disgusted looks as you gave him the heimlich. don’t even ask me how, but he managed to get it stuck in his hair.
akaashi • you were going ice skating. kind of a classy activity, so you thought he’d be great at it. well... he kind of was; he didn’t fall, but he accidentally slid into the wall/railing thing a few times.
atsumu • begged you to go out with him to a new pizza restaurant and said he’d pay for everything. you reluctantly agreed, and you had the best pie of your life. and the $40 receipt comes, and you realize this man. left. his wallet. at home.
osamu • he mopped the floor and went outside, then came back inside, expecting the floor to be dry. well, it wasn’t, so when he walked on it, there were some nasty ass footprints. he actually blamed it on you uhm...
sakusa • someone recognized him in public and shook his hand because they were a big fan. the man went into convulsions when the person’s skin made contact with his.
terushima • he keeps acting like his tongue piercing is something to brag about. it definitely isn’t when he gets it stuck in some food and asks you to help him take it out.
suna • so... you were unaware he was taking a nap in the other room, and you were shaking your ass to some cardi b songs. and you thought the door was locked, and he caught you right in the middle of a split. your muscles popped when he threw open the door asking you to turn the volume the fuck down.
ushijima • you were cleaning the fish tank with him and you offered to carry the 10 gallon tank back to where it was after you washed it. he kept denying you and lifted it up to prove his point. when he was walking with it, he dropped it. 
yamamoto • kept talking about having guts and being manly, so you decided to test his resolve by dragging him to an actually haunted house. he did a very good job of disguising his surprise, but he just squeezed your hand tighter. you were nearing the exit when a big ass hairy spider dropped right in front of his face. man jumped back and shrieked like the little girl you saw earlier. he was so embarrassed when you brought it up.
nishinoya • you invited him horseback riding, and he happily agreed. well, you warm up to the horse before swinging yourself onto its back. he somehow botched both of those – the horse bit him and ran off when he got on. that pretty much ruined his perception of horses.
tanaka • he was going out in public and was completely oblivious to his own smell. goddamn, it smelled like baked beans fermenting in a sewer. he was acting all cool and didn’t even notice people covering their noses. when he got home with a bouquet of marigolds, you didn’t know what smelled worse, the flowers or him.
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heatwave2021 · 3 years
Heat Wave Fic Exchange 2021!
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Hello, hi! Welcome to Amy ( @saetyrn9​ ) and Cath ( @sailormiya​ )’s Heat Wave Fic Trade 2021!
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For many of us, the summer heat has hit, and what better way to distract ourselves than by giving and receiving fics for fun to make it through?
What Is A Fic-Exchange?: A fic-exchange or fic-trade is when all participants fill out a form, and randomly you are assigned another person to write for based on your own! The idea is that everyone participating receives a small fic as a gift, and gives a small fic as a gift as well! Knowing that, please keep in mind whether or not this is something you can commit to, as we want everyone participating to receive a fic they're expecting.
Fic-Trade Parameters: 
You MUST be 18+ with your age easily accessible on your blog to participate.
Minimum 500 words.
Should remain within the confines of the characters/genres/themes that are provided to you. 
Include only characters from BNHA, Haikyuu!!, and JJK.
In return, whoever receives your fic will do the same and should follow the same guidelines. Below is an example form you'll submit to us +here, and we'll send out the details of your assigned recipient privately once all the slots are filled. The application deadline is Sunday July 18th OR until all slots are filled!
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Name and URL: Amy (saetyrn9)
Characters I'll Write For: pretty much any male in BNHA and Haikyuu, Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi
Genres I'll Write: Fluff, SFW, Smut
Characters I Want Written For Me: Hanamaki Takahiro, Hinata Shouyou (HQ) Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou (BNHA) Fushiguro Megumi (JJK)
Genres I'll Read: Fluff, SFW, hurt/comfort, maybe smut
Characters I WON'T Write: Azumane Asahi, Noya, Tsukishima Kei
Genres I WON'T Read: Hard angst, hurt/no comfort
Option 1: Genres: fluff, sfw but can be suggestive or fully nsfw
Prompt: "It's so fucking hot I've sweat through my panties."
"Babe, are you trying to seduce me?"
Option 2: Genres: mild angst, fluff
Prompt: He's like sand after a day at the beach. Burning hot, it gets in all the nooks and crannies where you don't want it and when you think you've gotten rid of it all, you find it in the most unexpected places.
Option 3: Genres: Fluff, friends to lovers.
Prompt: Summer rain washes away the heat only for a moment, but it comes back tenfold when the clouds clear.
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The information in these forms will then be sent to someone who closely matches those same characters and genres to write for, and they'll have the freedom to choose which one prompt(s) they'll write for. 
In return, you’ll receive a similar list of prompts for someone to then write for. Just to reiterate, everyone is only expected to write ONE of the prompts, not all of them, and at minimum ONE of the characters provided. Three prompts and six characters are given simply for variety should you not vibe with the others. Though if you are feeling particularly inspired you can of course write more.
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To Enter: Fill out the form above and reblog this post! We will message you to let you know we’ve received your entry!
Pertaining to Dark Content: Dark Content writers are more than welcome to join, but because of the nature of the fic-trade--the person applying to have a fic written for them will not know who is writing for them--we want to ensure that everyone is safe and not at the risk of being triggered on accident. 
For this reason, Dark Content will NOT be permitted to be written. While that may be different for everyone, please use your brains. We all know the main types of themes that make up Dark Content.
Due Date: The week of September 13th, 2021 (Sept. 13, 2021 to Sept. 19, 2021)! Feel free to post your piece any time that week or before! 
Please make sure to tag for whom you’re writing so they can see it and feel free to include the prompt if you’d like! Use the #heatwave2021 and tag this blog when you post, too, so that we can compile and reblog your fics!
The Goal: To have fun and to maybe be introduced to works and writers you haven’t read before! Maybe stretch your legs and try writing for a character you're intrigued by. And of course to distract yourself from the heat with your favorite characters along for the ride.
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! may i request hcs of the haikyuu boys watching/helping their significant other workout? maybe yoga or just a regular workout? would be sweet if it was all of them but i know there are so many, so mainly kuroo, kageyama, bokuto, oikawa and nishinoya <3 thank you!!
hi anon!! i’m sorry i didn’t do all the boys, but i wrote for the specific boys you requested. if you, or anybody else, wants these hc’s for other boys i’d love to do them hehe. hope you enjoy!
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kuroo tetsurō
he’s so excited as soon as you’re like “hey wanna work out together”
like his whole body freezes up and then he just
if you’re already like pretty athletic, he makes everything a competition
but doesn’t actually compete
he just wants to watch you 😏
no fr he’ll be like “i bet i can do more squats than you”
and then just doesnt squat and only watches you squat
this mf 😭
he gets way too excited and puts an alarm at 4;30 am to text you/wake you up to go on a run with him
you: see that’s what we’re not gonna do
if you’re not very athletic or you’re just starting to get accustomed to working out
he is so. encouraging
like sickeningly so
tries his best not to overwhelm you and does really basic workouts with you
but also if ur laying face down on the ground crying “i dont wanna do this anymore” he will NOT have any of it
good luck unsubscribing to his services
he just wants to see you succeed 🥺 👉🏼👈🏼
cooks you the best healthy meals you dont even feel like youre missing out on anything
listen he’s so cheeky
he’s so mf TOUCHY
couples yoga with kuroo >>>>
it’s so funny bc this man is so strong he can do pretty much any move that requires any type of strength but pull out the flexibility card and he will pass away on the spot
he also just likes to watch you do yoga
not just bc he’s a pervert
but also bc it’s just interesting to see you in your zone
buys you yoga pants just bc <3333
“u just wanna stare at my ass”
“how dare you i would never objectify my gf”
stares at your ass <3
kageyama tobio
remember when i said kuroo would make everything a competition but wouldn’t really care
kageyama cares
he’s so annoying youre just trynna have fun working out w ur bf but here he is trynna kill u bc he’s so much better at everything
okay but if YOURE better 🤑
it pisses him off at first but then he realizes he’s pissed off bc ur so hot and make his spine tingle
work outs with him are intense as fuck
like he goes all out
but then he helps you stretch and 😏 it’s worth it
if he’s helping you workout, he’s kinda harsher than he intends to be
and when he realizes that yk maybe he’s being a lil extra
he apologizes and just asks how you wanna do it
spends the night researching hehe 
is encouraging in a demeaning way like “do you WANT to regret not working harder” ur like tobio i swear on my life i will start crying
when y’all are done he does like give u a small kiss and the sweetest smile “good work” and it makes it all the more worth it
about yoga though
when he first watched u he was horny hwbwjwks
he was like oop what is this feeling
but then it clicked lmao
avoids watching you unless you’re doing it privately so he can embarrass himself less
if you invite him to join you it’s just rigorous head shaking but he loves you sm he’ll do anything for you
he just follows your lead and is listening so attentively and is trying to mimic your movements exactly and is so awe oh my god he’s so CUTE
once ur done and ur both just laying on the ground you roll over and kind lean over him and give him a kiss “thank u for doing this with me”
“we should do it more often”
not horny just in love with you <3
bokuto kōtarō
so hyperactive good luck keeping up with him
he’s also like
LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN. HIM???? no way he doesnt go crazy w the work outs
if you suggest to work out together he’s so excited and he just does everything normally the way he does at 2.5x speed and you’re just like bruh 🧍🏻‍♀️ slow down
you do eventually find your own rhythm that kinda matches his own
and it’s nice to have him with you because like if you’re at a gym and ur using a device across the room from him he’ll just yell and wave at you and blow you a kiss god i love this dork
after you’re both spent you just sit on the ground across from each other stretching just talking just vibing
gives you a big smooch in between everything if he can
it becomes a really positive addition to your life ngl
if he’s helping you work out
he is actually the fkn BEST
despite him being a work out freak, he doesn’t force that on you in any way
if anything i think he’d be super gentle
so cheerful when encouraging you
and rewards you a lot
too much probably
he doesn’t just say it he really does mean it when he tells you he’s proud of you
loves it when you do yoga
immediately tries to join in
“oouu teach me this move” proceeds to fall on his ass <3
 t’s okay he has a lotta cushioning 😏
he always wants to try the couples yoga moves
he saves them on his phone to show you later and you cant say no bc ur already in gear and the yoga mat is on the ground hehe
(if you watch cody ko and kelsey kreppel’s couples yoga video that’s basically how it goes with you two)
^^^ in one of the moves he has to like lift you up by your arms as youre sitting down and he’s standing and he accidentally just shoves your face into his crotch
you both couldn’t stop laughing until you nearly peed and thats the beauty of love
oikawa tōru
he has to repeatedly ask you if you’re s u r e you wanna work out with him 
if you’re s u r e you can keep up
please hand his cocky ass to him <3 
if you’re athletic, prepare to have him try to one up you every time you do something 
it’s so sweet though cause he’s so determined and he’s sticking his tongue out between his lips and you’re just like baby please what is this 
tells you to lay beneath him while he does push ups so he can kiss you 
you complain about how sweaty he is but really you just want him to take his shirt off <3 
okay two important things i want to go over
one. oikawa does not know when to stop. so, honestly, you probably suggested to work out with him to keep him in check and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself 
please make him drink water and take breaks when necessary :( 
two. his knee :( he would probably need to be very careful and he’ll teach you the correct way to massage it and prep it before he does any critical work 
if you approach him one day about helping you work out cause you’re clueless — yes it will get to his head
but like ??? he’s your boyfriend??? your very athletic boyfriend??? 
who else would u ask tf 😹
anyways he makes a whole like list and shit
organizes it so well with color coding and different handwriting 
keeps you up to date with your progress and always says things like “look how well you’re doing babe!” and gives you a hugeeee hug 
now, oikawa is either weirdly flexible, or not flexible at all
we’re gonna go for the first one for this yoga hc 
joins you randomly and starts doing the poses correctly right away ur like ??? sir ??? 
distracts you. so much. 
“can i have a kiss— another one?— one more— one more babe— okay an—“ 
make out sessions ensued :)
nishinoya yū
actually i think noya would like to be in own zone kinda thing when he’s working out
probably blasting some katy perry in his ears ngl 
but when you tell him you wanna go work out with him?? 
now you’re both blasting katy perry in your ears 
stares. stares so much. provocatively. 
he’s your bf so you get it
but women have come up to you in the gym asking if you’re okay hbwjwkwe
makes you try out his routine while he tries out yours 
“wow babe this is sooo easy” he’s dying dont believe him
you guys probably have a handshake that’s so motivating to do before and after eeekkkk he probably makes you feel SO good about yourself after
takes you to eat the unhealthiest shit he can find after a workout because why not right ? chivalry? undead 😻
if you ask him for help he’ll accept right away
competes with you to help you improve 
“one day babe you’ll be beating me at these with such ease” 
he’s the loud kind of encouraging 
yells a lot
like so much 
body worship all the time <3333
“god u look SO good right now i love you so much” 
this simp i love him sm
anyways. onto yoga 
did i mention he stares 👁👁
because he does 
he already knows you do yoga and he will find out your schedule 
just. likes to watch you tbh 
if you offer to do couples yoga with him he refuses bc he likes the view where he is lmfao 
there are so many tiktoks of him just doing the dances while you calmly do yoga 
it becomes a trend lmfaowjwnsj
anyways yes best supportive bf award goes to noya (actually all of them who am i kidding)
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end note; MY BEST FRIEND PAINTED AKAASHI FOR MY BDAY GIFT I STOPPED BREATHING ,,, anyways i hope y’all enjoyed this!! feel free to request some more mwah
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
hello there. my bday is around the corner and i was wondering how would random haikyuu boys celebrate it with u 💓
how the haikyuu boys will celebrate your birthday with you
a/n: my birthday is just around the corner too so this was really fun to write 🥺 i decided to do it by team bc i couldn’t pick who boys to do lmao
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— karasuno
i think they’ll definitely pull some intricate plan that will go wrong one way or another
like a surprise party maybe
it was fs nishinoya and tanaka’s idea to set one up after school in the gym where they tell everyone to pretend to forget your birthday just to add that special element of surprise
but then again, guys like tsukishima and kageyama don’t need to pretend they didn’t know your birthday because they truly didn’t until hinata brought it up to them (don’t take it too personally tho lmao)
speaking of which, hinata almost spoiled the surprise for you if yachi wasn’t there to distract you 💀
despite being the second year’s idea to throw this surprise party for you, it’s primarily the third years doing all the work since tanaka and nishinoya don’t know how to organize a party for shit
poor kiyoko is actually doing all the work while daichi and asahi are putting up decorations with the help of the first years (tsukishima had to be forced tho smh)
yamaguchi and yachi seem like the types to overthink what to get you for a birthday present, probably going all out while kageyama would just buy you your favorite drink and snack from the vending machine near the gym literally five minutes before the surprise
it’s the thought that counts ig
sugawara made your cake as well with the usual message, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N !!’
and since the surprise party was being held in the gym after practice, everyone had to hurry and clean up before setting out all the decorations. and can i just say, it’s chaotic™️
yachi had to distract you for a good ten minutes by asking you to walk all the way towards the other end of campus to ‘get something’ that didn’t exist in the first place
meanwhile in the gym, the second years were in charge of taking down the volleyball net to replace it with a badly homemade painting with tanaka’s messy ass handwriting wishing you a happy birthday
the third years and first years as mentioned before were setting up decorations, hanging up streamers, setting out balloons, and handing out party poppers
with kiyoko, takeda-sensei, and ukai set out a table for sugawara to place the cake he made for you (which it almost fell cause ennoshita bumped into him)
hinata was also on the lookout if you and yachi were nearby
and when you were, he shout so loudly that even you heard down the hall
finishing up any last minute details, the team sets out their presents for you with their party poppers in hand before shouting, “SURPRISE!!”
it’s all fun and games until nishinoya accidentally released confetti at your face by accident
he made up for it with his present though lmao
— aoba johsai
saying that seijoh probably won’t do anything as big as a surprise party is a complete lie
knowing oikawa and the moment he found out it was going to be your birthday soon, he’ll plan something more extravagant than some lame surprise party (albeit, badly planned without the help of iwa)
he’d probably rent out a party bus to drive around the city before stopping by at some random karaoke place downtown
he’ll only invite the third years and your close friends so it isn’t too big of a celebration that it doesn’t feel like it’s your own party
the best part of the night was mattsun absolutely outshining oikawa in literally everything
there was even a stripper pole in the party bus and he just started fucking around with you to pretending to make it rain on him,, it was hilarious
you love rewatching the videos you took of that night
your favorite (besides stripper matsukawa) was iwa singing a ballad for you and when i say that man has vocals i mean it
at the end of the night, all your friends got up to sing happy birthday to you on the karaoke machine
the second years would probably feel bad celebrating your birthday with you, so instead they take you out to get udon after school and just vibe
you were honestly just surprised that it was kyotani’s idea to take you out like this, not to mention the cute gift he gave you that he put a lot of thought into
meanwhile i think the first years are just too intimidated by you minus kunimi
like kindaichi knew of your birthday but he was just too scared to go up to you and wish you a happy birthday before handing you your favorite convenient store snack as a little gift
— nekoma
unlike karasuno and seijoh, the way the nekoma boys celebrate with you is definitely on the more laidback side, yet they still put effort in wishing you a happy birthday
kenma, kuroo, and yaku would definitely stay up with you the night before your birthday playing video games just to be the first ones to wish you a happy birthday the moment the clock strikes midnight
they’ll even set up a minecraft server that kenma spent hours setting up and building everything that you like with a gigantic banner made out of your favorite colors of wool saying ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
the rest of the night staying up playing party games on hypixel despite having school the next day
in the morning, you’d find kenma and kuroo waiting outside your house so they can walk the birthday celebrant to school, plus they had bags in their hands to which you assume were presents for you
it was then did you realize that you were going to get more throughout the day after kuroo mentioned how he told the team that it was your birthday
there was something embarrassing and a bit cringey being showered with attention for your birthday, especially at school, but you still appreciated the team’s efforts
throughout the day, people would notice the gifts in your hands and would wish you a happy birthday, definitely causing a stir in the school when yaku, lev, and yamamoto burst into your classroom to shout happy birthday
while yamamoto is literally showering you with birthday wishes and presents, lev would give you a cute plushie of your favorite animal along with a little cake
he’d probably ask to eat it with you during lunch lmao
by the end of the day, kuroo and kenma would help you carry all the presents you received as you guys end the day off getting ramen
— fukurodani
i don’t think they’ll make a big deal out of it knowing you don’t like making a big deal out of your birthday either
the only reason why they even found out that your birthday was around the corner is because bokuto couldn’t keep his mouth shut
it played out somewhere along the lines like this: akaashi would ask you if you were free this weekend so you two could study for the upcoming math exam
bokuto was there as well when you had to ask for a raincheck on studying as your parents were forcing you to go out on a celebratory birthday dinner (as by their words, “it’s the least you could do.”)
to which bokuto literally gasps and shouts, “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND?” his words echoing throughout the gym and definitely catching the attention of the rest of the volleyball team
if that’s his reaction to finding out it’s your birthday soon, just imagine how shocked he would be when you tell him that you don’t really like celebrating it
akaashi would definitely understand and opted to buy you a little something for his appreciation and give it to you the following day, but bokuto wants to full on throw a party for you
“come on! it’ll just be a little get-together at the park!” he would beg
“thank you, bo, but i’m honestly fine just going out to dinner with my family.”
he would huff, planning to throw one as a surprise party instead, but akaashi immediately shoots down his idea out of respect for you
instead, bokuto would channel all that energy to giving “the best birthday gift of your life!” (end quote)
even konoha would challenge him on that just to tease him, but would still give you a well thought out gift
and yeah, it’s honestly kind of embarrassing seeing him walk into school with a box full of things you’re into including a giant owl plushie (school spirit ig??)
poor bo was outshined by yukie and kaori when they made a birthday cake for you
— shiratorizawa
lowkey i feel like shiratorizawa is definitely one of those private schools that would announce when their student’s birthdays are when they come close
like no one of the vb team would’ve found out your birthday was in a couple days if it wasn’t for that overhead announcement made by the vice principal
however, i wouldn’t think they’d make a huge deal out of it besides tendou maybe
the moment you would walk into the gymnasium, he’ll immediately wish you a happy birthday loudly before nudging ushijima to do the same
instead of one big party, you celebrated with them almost individually
tendou and ushijima both took you to the aquarium and bought you a gift that you specifically chose out cause they’d probably wouldn’t be bothered to do so without you
and then you’d go out with semi and reon to which you three just get sushi after school
lowkey i feel like they would buy literally anything you show even the tiniest amount of interest in and they’ll buy it within a snap
you literally had to stop semi from buying you anything else as he’ll end up spending all his pocket change when the sushi was enough
and unlike their upperclassman, shirabu and goshiki would probably just celebrate with you by just hanging out at your house--watching netflix, playing video games, maybe ordering some pizza
it’s pretty simple, but they’ll be there all day cause the time spent together is just really nice
— inarizaki
the twins literally cannot keep their mouths shut
the team was already pretty aware of your birthday, but they have been keeping the surprise party for you on the downlow ever since the twins proposed their idea of doing a little picnic for you
but go figure that it would be atsumu and osamu exposing their entire plan in front of you after nagging their team not to say jackshit in front of you
they’d still follow through with their plans, however, despite not being a surprise anymore
the little celebration would be held at the park, suna being in charge of the picnic blanket, kita being in charge of bringing drinks, osamu being in charge of bringing the food, and atsumu being in charge of... well,, bringing you ig
aran would arrive late only because he had to get his bday gift for you (which btw was the best one fs) as well as picking up your birthday cake with the words ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH <3′ 
it’s so obvious that suna was the one who ordered the cake, but it’s literally the best you have every received
overall, it’s pretty chill but you couldn’t ask for anything more knowing their efforts and how you’ve been laughing your ass off the entire time
you guys would even watch the sunset as yall sat atop a hill, taking photos to put on your stories and to post on social media
out of the hundreds of photos taken of you with your cake or aran force feeding suna food, the group photo taken exactly at golden hour was your absolute favorite
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yoshkeii · 3 years
"𝙵𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚜"
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࿐ character(s): Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane
࿐ genre: sfw, soft/fluff
࿐ type: (au) headcanons
࿐ requested by: anon
⌦ boyfriend male!reader (he/him)
⌦ genshin impact x haikyuu!!, modern settings
⌦ ‘can i request an au headcanon (basically genshin impact x haikyuu!!, modern settings, but the vision bearers are rarer than post traveler time and there's still spiral abyss where vision bearers help discovering new information and artifacts, and getting paid from their country for that) So, daichi and asahi's boyfriend(a vision bearer, which element is up to you to decide.)(also separetly) reacts that their boyfriend just give them an old flower artifact that he found that reminds male!reader of his boyfriend‘
A/N: an interesting concept !! thank you for requesting, im not good with reactions but- ihopethisisokay,, i dont think i did well on this,, khai writes hcs weirdly pt. who fucking knows.
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asahi azumane’s give flower: wanderer’s troupe or viridescent venerer
》 staring at the rosy-red petaled flower that was supposedly made into a brooch, a piece missing that would make the item stay on the wearer. your eyes glossed over the item, identifying cracks and scratches on the metallic bronze pieces that accompanied the ordinary looking flower, that somehow was in one piece. just... slightly off-colored. before jumping as your name was called by another vision-bearer with two others by the way towards the exit of the Abyss floor, you began to hurry over to them as you gently slid the “Gladiator’s Nostalgia” into your pouch. the name you had read before within a dusty journal, remembering it so clearly with a much vibrant image than the real one you had now. but it oh, so reminded you of your beloved boyfriend, the one waiting for you at your shared home. 《
→ Daichi didn’t know he would be dating a vision-bearer, no one would’ve thought of a thing really. they were such a rare sight to see out in public- especially in the modern days. but that only just added to the many surprises you came home with after your days of working in the “Spiral Abyss” is what they call it.
→ giving him the faded-out red flower as soon as you walked through the front door, a bright smile across your face, was a sight he would never get tired of. except the slight worriedness would built up seeing scratches n bruises along your skin the more he stared...
→ eventually leading him to treating your injuries properly, maybe a slight scold or lecture here and there-
→ “Love, you know you have to be careful. Especially with fire! I know you have a Pyro vision, but that doesn’t mean mess around- and play with fire itself- You aren’t immune to it.” “..even worse that you tried using your abilities to cook..”
→ “He-hey it was a one time thing-!! and I was really curious ‘Muraaa..” you whined, wincing and pulling your face away with a pout as Daichi pressed a cotton swab onto the cut along your cheek.
→ “Yeah yeah, lil’ember.” He muttered the nickname, swiping a thumb over the bandaid to cover the cut. “..there you are done, now go get a change of clothes dirty boy- I have to put the first aid stuff away.”
→ seeing you disappear pass the door frame of your shared room, he went back to pack and close the first aid kit. before his eyes wandered towards the flower you had given him earlier, which was just idly sitting there on the counter. Daichi picked up the flower holding it gently in his palms, feeling the petals with his free hand.
→ he stared at the flower for a long moment, observing the petals before noticing the scratches on the metal pieces attached to the brooch. he smile gently, beginning to realize this was a gift to him, a gift that you gave and probably risked your life to nag. 
→ sighing deeply at the thought of you getting hurt, knowing how clumsy you can be, he went off to the shared room where you would be. just to make sure you dont... do something stupid.
→ “Y/N?” Daichi had softly called out, seeing your head peek out from the closet as you slid a shirt on. he motioned his hands upwards a little, still holding the faded-brooch in his palms. 
→ “Oh! The Gladiator’s Nostalgia? The flower, do you like it??” the way you had ecstatically replied, he could imagine a puppy’s tail wagging so fast. your eyes shimmering as you awaited his answer.
→ “I love it, ember, it was really nice of you to give it to me.” “..although I hope you didn’t get hurt too much... to achieve it. I bet this was hard to get-” He spoke softly, genuine about the words slipping through his lips.
→ “Well actually... not really-” seeing Daichi look at you in confusion, “..I’ve seen that artifact set a lot on my runs with my team, but are often- broken’n’damaged. So I- I could never give you one-” “There’s also different ones apart of the same set for yours!! I might try to collect the others for you... or more.. flowers..”
→ “Wa-wait-,, there’s more-?” he longed on his question, before he could let out another word he noticed how you started to ramble. talking about interesting details of the items you could get him on your adventures and battles, and all he did was listen. settling down on the edge of the bed while you went on.
→ you were so passionate with your job, what you were doing as a vision-bearer. it’s what he liked about you, or well... loved about you. although he wonder if every Vision-bearer were the same, he’d still take you, . date you, just as who you are. with, or without a vision. and ofc he will keep an eye on what gifts you decide to give him in the mere future.
》 being an Anemo Vision bearer, your able to adapt and flow with whatever could come your way. making elements spread across the battlefield with one set of moves or to crowd-control them into one spot for the others to strike the unfortunate foes. time to time you would stumble upon the “Viridescent Venerer” set in the fallen loot of opponents or the scuffed chests that were stashed at the end of battles. they looked so different than most artifacts, especially the flowers. common artifacts were genuine real flowers, making them have the same aspect as any other flower, withering and fading into nothing but dull-bland colors. but the Viridescent Venerer’s flower did not, it was just a white wild flower that used to cover the earth. and it has not withered one bit, and still gives off an exquisite fragrance you noticed as the times you ran by it... and well of course noticed it as the scent was what you usually smelled since you had one as part of your outfit. 《
→ Asahi had always pointed out the flower on your outfit, the “In Remembrance of Viridescent Fields“ is what the books would title it, but in short you just called it the Viridescent Venerer flower or just... Viridescent for Asahi’s sake.
→ he had always complimented on how it looked beautiful and pretty, especially when his beloved boyfriend is wearing it. 
→ as days of works and floors of the Spiral Abyss, you managed to find a new piece of the Viridescent to use. unlike discarding the one you currently you had, you had an idea that came into mind, finding you sliding the newer artifact into your bag before leaving off to home. a smile brought onto your face.
→ now cuddling in each others presence, you both chatted about your days. already cleaned yourself up from your days works. hand in hand with soft laughter erupting from both of you, before it died off into comfortable silence.
→ “Azumane, love?” you simply called out, knowing you caught his attention instantly as you felt movement from him. “You certainly like the flower on my fit.”
→ “Well it really is- pretty. Like knowing how regular and most flowers wilt and wither- That one hasn’t! An-And I believe its the same one you wore the day we met too-” he noted.
→ to only be surprised at his memory of these types of things, you laughed- making him startled and a bit embarrassed.
→ “You sure have quite the memory, to even remember that image? I’m impressed, so I assume... it has caught your eye since the start? Just like I was to your own vision~” you cooed, getting up from his grasps before disappearing pass a corner of a wall.
→ confusion expressed on Asahi’s face, sitting up from his position on the couch before his eyes caught the glimpse of the Viridescent in your hand.
→ sitting on the edge of the couch, you motioned the flower towards him, a gentle smile across your face.
→ “I would simply like you to have mine then, it is quite old- and worn from the times I’ve had it through my lifetime. But I think it’ll be a nice gift from me to you.”
→ hearing the words being slipped passed your mouth, he felt tears daring to fall from his eyes- Asahi did not know why. but imagining keeping the Viridescent you had for who knew how long-
→ it would be something he would cherish, something he wouldnt let go.
→ exchanging gentle kisses across your face in exchange, trying his best not to cry the joy. because it was so touching- so simple yet so poetic to give. he didn’t think he deserved one.
→ and from that afternoon, Asahi had kept it. he had kept it safe and sound, bringing it with him whenever you were never there. so he had something to calm him down in anxious moments. he had a memory of you in a flower that would never wither.
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