Law Of Attraction: A Diary
4 posts
My experience, what I have accomplished, my technique and some other tips Disclaimer: you don’t have to study to use it, just have faith it will work! I’m not a specialist but I’d love to help with some of your questions and doubts about the LOA :)
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missbabydevil · 5 years ago
speaking it into existence: I will have everything I desire by September🧿
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missbabydevil · 5 years ago
Is this really gonna work?
You have no idea how many times i’ve heard that question before. From people I’ve explained the LOA to and from some who started practicing it and didn’t get what they wanted. And the main problem, is that you haven’t let it go. That’s why it hasn’t come to you yet, cause you’re still obsesing yourself over it (i know you are, don’t lie to me). The main part of this whole thing is to ~Let Go~. Trust that it’s on its way! It really is. And once you forget about it...surprise surprise, it’ll knock on your door. Still don’t get what i mean? Let me give you an example:
You want this really cute person aka: your crush, to text you (cause like, pandemic, so you’re prob not gonna see him...right? Please don’t :p) anyways, you asked for it, you visualized it, “followed all the steps”, checked your phone: nothing; checked your phone again: still nothing; chequed your phone for the third time, you start to second-doubt, maybe this doesn’t work; checked your phone again, nothing. You ask yourself: what the hell am I doing wrong!?
Okay, so, did you see the problem there? No? Yes? Allow me to say it: YOU’RE NOT LETTING GO!
If you keep looking if it came, if you got that text over and over again, it’s never gonna come. Not until you forget about it. How can you do that if you really really really want it? Think of it as an online-purchase. You *know* its coming so you just buy it and then don’t think of it until its in front of your door. This is the same. You already ordered it, so why stess about it? Chill my friend. Be like master Oogway. That dude had all his shit in place. And as he said “You just need to believe. You must believe”. So, yeah, basically take it easy, LET GO, and be always greatfull. That‘s it. Btw this is Oogway in case you have no idea who he is (which is pretty disrespectful, you should be ashamed...jk, luv u <3)
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missbabydevil · 5 years ago
How the hell does one start scripting? Grab a notebook and a pen and i’ll show you :)
Oki doki, this is easy, you’ll have fun. So to beginn, i recommed to designate a journal to *just* LOA and scripting related. I even have a specific pen to write with. There are many ways you can start manifesting with this, but i think it’s better to take it slow. First small things and as you improve, you can manifest bigger things. The basic way to script is writing a letter to the universe; it’s easy and all you have to do is be honest and gratefull. For example:
Dear universe:
Thank you for this amazing day, i’m really happy i got to facetime my friends, it was great to see them. (Now you can start with what you want to manifest, remember to talk about it in present!) Also, i’m very excited! I received really good news about my grades. I’m in the top 10 of the whole school! (Also visualize how it would make you feel and describe it, the more exact, the better) This makes me feel so thrilled and relieved; all my effort was rewarded. Thank you, i’m so gratefull for this.
You can do this anytime and as long as you want. This is just an example but you can formulate your letter as you wish. I hope this helps!
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missbabydevil · 5 years ago
How to- Law of attraction
Okay so i know a lot of people (myself included) that want to get started with The Law of Attraction but have no idea how. This is how. First of all, this is not some kind of cult you’re joining nor means, in case you’re part of a religion, backstabbing your god. This is actually science. (I’m not going to explain the cientific part right now, but you can look it up or wait until i do :p) So if you’re scared and think by believing in this you’ll get heavenly slapped in the face, you’re wrong. Soooo, now we cleared that part, let me explain how to beginn.
There really is not an iniciation or steps you must follow, you can decide what you want to do, what you don’t want to do, and how or when you want to do it. I think it’s pretty obvious now, that the law of attraction is actually up to *You*. Wheter it works or not depends on how much you believe and how much faith you have. So first things first, before startinging scripting or anything, let me ask you: Do you believe? If you do, then you are already manifesting! If you don’t believe, you can read and investigate a little more about this until you completely do.
Now, how can you *actually* start manifesting? Let me tell you, there are sooo many ways to do it. You can even make up your own. The secret is: just have faith it will happen. Trust. Me. It. Will. You will want to be happy in order to attract other happy things, your vibrations are important. So put on your headphones and start listening to you favorite songs, read your favorite book, watch you favorite movie or show. Be positive. You attract what you give. So if you are thinking how bad of a day you’re having, how much you hate that class, how ugly you are...most probably, your day will get worse, you will hate that class even more, and you’ll find even more reasons to believe you’re ugly (which i know your not, cause you’re gorgeous). If you concentrate all that energy and turn it in something positive, you will attract positive things. You can say “this day is getting better because i’m with the people i love, because i’ll be able to sleep earlier, because i’ll see my pet” or “i didn’t like this class too much, but we have started a topic i love, a topic that’s really easy for me” if you stop giving so much importance to what you don’t like and instead dedicate all that time to feel happy and gratefull and positive about good aspects in your life (that you have or that you want to attract) you will not only feel better but see them come to you one by one. Remember: believe, be patient, and see your dreams come true. (I know i sound like one of those voices in comercials trying to sell their product, but this really helpded me and i know it can help you)
Finally, my last recommendation is to be...Gratefull. It’s really important to apreciate what you have and make sure to really feel it. If you’re only thanking the univers for what you have in order to get what you asked, let me asure you, its never gonna come. Gratefullness cannot be faked. You know it, i know it, the universe knows it. So, if you want to see your dreams become your reallity, better start thanking and realising what you already have. “Thank you for my loving family” “Thank you for my beautiful cat being healthy” even if your day was not good, try to rescue one happy aspect. “I’m gratefull for having enough food” “For having a place to sleep” “For not being cold at night”.
To sum up, (because I remember how to write a proper conclusion from my english class), in order to get started, remember to believe entirely it will happen, think positive and elevate your vibrations (with music or whatever makes you happy) and finally, be *always* thankfull for what you have and what you will have. (Cause you really will). There is not a thing too big nor small. If you have faith, it’ll come to you. When or how should not be your concern. Just wish, visualice and *let go*. I will be posting some technics I use and other things related to this, but for now thats it :) I hope this was a good introduction to the LOA and feel free to text me if you have any questions. There really are no stupid or too dumb questions! I’m here for you.
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