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Nepokojné ticho, co sedí tu
Osaměle vedle tebe
Když se tvé tenké obrysy boří do prázdna a do tmy
Jako lži dne co se ti kroutí mezi prsty
A líbají sedřenou kůži kloubů tam, kde možná zuby
Možná proudy závislosti
Zanechaly svoje kruté otisky
A je to tvá duše, vyzvracená na talíři před tebou
Co se bezostyšně svíjí a pošklebuje
Očima příliš starýma, ústy hladu a dávení
Kůže pohlazená barvami vodovek, zranitelná to něha
A to ticho, pálí uvnitř svým popelem,
Jen pár desítek minut a den zemře, jako slova
Rozlitá po podlaze vedle hromádky kostí zítřka
Je to šepot, co volá otlučené srdce, šepot
Mísící se s tmou tvých dalších hříchů
Neb není kříže a krve, není svatosti jak jednou
Poskvrníš bílý šat a ty víš, že inkoust pro tebe
Nikdy nebude lhát
A tak plníš pohár lítosti, a tak pohár převrháš
Bosé chodidla natahují se po střepech
- dnes v nich budeš spát
Pro trochu popela, pro trochu potu, vysvlékáš své nitro
Do naha
S lůnem svíjícím se jako had, masožravá růže
Otevírá poklopce a ty klesáš na kolena
Co víc mohli vzít, ukradli
Tak proč jsi neprosila? Tak proč jsi...
Svázána pramínky vody, vytesaná z chladu hvězd
Když hrdost staví náhrobky, které pozřou
Vše, co by bývalo zbylo z ukousaných vět
Ulepená od slin, vyhaslost pouličních lamp
Jenže ta mrtvá moucha, na jeho parapetě
Zabydlela se v zrcadlové síně zmožené mysli
Na tisíckrát.
Pozře tě znovu. Pozřel tě znovu. Bez viny, bez jediného pohledu
A krev stéká po slzách po stonku vadnoucí růže
Jako rosa co donekonečna zamrzá
Na tváři bolesti
A ticho dál hladí, příliš vědoucí, nelhostejnou dlaní
Nemá co říct, není vět a významů
Není pokory ani pokání
Jen holých větví stromů tvého nahého těla
Zračícího se v talíři, se zbytky tvojí duše
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Nepal's Power Exports to India Surge with New 251 MW Approval
Kathmandu, Aug. 20: Nepal has received approval from India to export an additional 251 megawatts of electricity from a dozen hydropower projects. According to the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu, the designated authority of India for cross-border trade has approved an additional 251 MW of power export from 12 hydropower projects in Nepal. Of the 251 MW, the Central Electricity Authority under the…
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d199f385e1f1ff8c52841377611fa170/28427cf7b9fea4d5-35/s540x810/df170b661dc1ede29e884eed938c74793bb59ca9.jpg)
#1 Co bylo
Na tý fotce je zachycenej večer před třicátýma narozeninama. Jsem na cestě do Vídně a spoustu toho nevím. Nevím, že za dva měsíce (bez jednoho dne) mě ze zálohy napadne jedna z největších atak v mým životě. Nevím, že má stabilita je otázkou nevědomosti faktů. A taky nevím, že přijdu o dva nejdůležitější subjekty v jedný schránce, která prošla proměnou nedokonalou. Tedy tou, která nepředpokládá plnou tělesnou metamorfózu, pouze tu charakterovou a z části fyzickou. Mentální stabilitu podepírám párátkama, který jsou složený z jasně dannýho časovýho rozvrhu, pravidelné fyzické aktivity a striktní kontroly příjmu potravy. V onu chvíli, asi kolem deváte hodiny večerní, 20.6. 2024, se párátka rozlámala na třísky a kyselina začala reagovat ve vší své síle. Kyselina je stále aktivní, ale její potence se pomalu mění v páchnoucí výpary a já opět stavím párátka na své místo.
Co mi pomohlo přeběhnout přes naleptanej most?
Nejsilnější pilíř pro mne byl sociální kapitál. Nejbližší, Ti, kteří bděli u zapnutých telefonů v aktivním hovoru a poslouchali, jestli spím. Ti, kteří se mobilizovali a zavalili mě jídlem. Ti, kteří zrušili všechny své plány a přestěhovali veškerý můj majetek v rámci pouhých dvou dnů. Ti, kteří mi dali práci, poslouchali, rozdávali empatii nad rámec svých kapacit. Jsem do konce života dlužníkem, tím nejvděčnějším.
Ne vždy to tak bylo, a pokud jsi v situaci, kdy je tvůj sociální kapitál omezen, třeba Ti pomůže přečíst si o dalších ochranných pomůckách pro práci s kyselinou. Tou nejdůležitější, tedy na úrovni obličejového štítu a rukavic, je psychoterapie. Bez ní to nejde a nepůjde. Kognitivně behaviorální terapie je můj sekuriťák, je v první linii. Potom gumová zástěra - farmaka. Díky psychiatrické péči a moderní medikaci máš tu nejmodernější zbroj v boji s kyselinou. Neboj se jí a vydrž prvotní diskomfort. Je to sice částečná ztráta svobody, ale věř, že kyselina je schopná tě o svobodu dřív, nebo později zcela připravit.
A teď zbytek - tedy plášť, digestoř, neutralisační roztok a podobně. Pro mne osobně to byla struktura a schopnost mapovat i ty nejbanálnější posuny. Teď budu zavánět Petersonem, ale pokaždé, když jsem byla schopna splnit sadu denních hygienických návyků i v bojových podmínkách, byl to posun. Když jsem žila v různých nebytových prostorech, a přesto jsem byla schopna se osprchovat, umýt si vlasy, vyčistit si zuby a natřít se krémem, bylo to vítězství nad kyselinou. Když jsem byla schopna si uvařit kvalitní jídlo na plotýnce s jedním hrncem z toho, co jsem našla v popelnicích, bylo to vítězství. Každej takovej den je dobrý si zapamatovat a brát ho jako cíl, když ležíš v emoční paralýze na podlaze už druhou hodinu v kuse. Další důležitou pomůckou v inventáři je práce. A to jakákoli. Prací myslím úklid, péči o svou noru (což je také skvělý barometr stavu psychiky) a potom, když jsi schopen každý den vstát ve stejný čas, práci placenou. Tvoř. Já vím, že se nenávidíš. Nenávidíš svou schránku, osobnost, svou minulost a charakter, svůj celek. Ale schopnost respektovat se za odvedenou práci je klíčová. Je to objektivní fakt, který šlechtí kohokoli, protože jsi to dokázal právě a jenom ty. Budu se těšit na plody tvé práce.
Okamžiků, kdy jsem udělala rozhodnutí, který mi pomohlo se vysápat z propasti zpět bylo opravdu hodně a těžko si je všechny vybavím. Navíc, doplňková samoléčba je věcí čistě individuální. Moje ochranný pomůcky a výzbroj můžou být naprosto k ničemu v tvých rukách. Proto Tě prosím, pokud se topíš v kyselině, vyhledej odbornou pomoc. Tady Ti nechám pár kontaktů na dobrý sekuriťáky. Přeju Ti hodně štěstí v boji a vůbec o Tobě nepochybuji.
Krizová linka ve FN Brno - Bohunice. Tady mě dostali z těch nejděsivějších duševních propastí, bez předsudků.
Nemůžu dostatečně ocenit tuhle stránku, tak ji prosím oceň taky a neváhej ji využít. Je to escape rope a díky za něj. https://nevypustdusi.cz/kde-hledat-pomoc/
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✨️My wacky Sonic AU ideas that i have scrapped and hidden away in my gallery to never be seen again✨️
(Read the Alt Text to know more info)
These doodles/concepts are kinda old, but i just never really showed or talked about them because i thought they seemed a bit too silly..
I was so obsessed with Sonic Frontiers to the point where i made a 'What-if' scenario where that whole thing with Hyper Sonic would actually come true and would be the form to defeat The End (This was back when the updates hadn't released yet, i think)
And this? Well uh...
I guess this was the design i gave Sonic for an "After Frontiers" AU...? I honestly can't remember.
But stay tuned! Once i have my tablet charged up and ready, I'll update this blog to post some more wacky Sonic AU concepts that I also scrapped away👍
#sonic the hedgehog#sth#shadow the hedgehog#harry potter obama 10#HPO Sonic for short#I had so much Sonic AU brainrot at the time#you have no idea#and you have no idea onhow much Sonic AU fanfics I've read :'D#Sonic AU#Art dump#concept art#scrapped concepts#Hyper Sonic#art#Sonic and Nameless Cat Crossover#sonic crossover#Sonic Frontiers#doodles#♧♠︎my art♠︎♧
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long time no shitposts
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Is it just me or does Roxas’ time in Data Twilight Town parallel Ventus’ experience as a Union Leader?
Think about it. On the surface, everything seemed perfect. They had what they always longed for—a group of friends they belong with, and a place where they felt important/loved and that could give them what they always wanted (a sense of normalcy for Roxas, and the opportunity of feeling valuable for Ven).
Some things don’t quite make sense to them (like the glitches in data Twilight Town, and Ven doesn’t understand why he was chosen in the first place) but their friends brush off their worries. They’re there. Of course they belong there. Everything is fine. And, for a short time, they’re happy.
However, it’s only a matter of time before they learn the truth. Old memories resurface, and everything finally makes sense.
It was all a lie.
They don’t belong there. They never did.
And now they’re left to face the hardest truth of their life.
#roxas#ventus#some months ago i was reading a post talking about khux ven#and i kept thinking it sounded so similar to roxas in kh2#and i've been thinking about it ever since#also what happened at the end was really the hardest truth of their life#roxas's biggest fear was losing his friends and not only had he already lost axel and xion#he had to face the loss of HPO with the added pain of finding out their friendship was never real#and he wanted to live so badly#there could be nothing worse to find out he had to give up his life for someone else#but i bet Ven would have much preferred that than finding out an innocent person was killed to allow him to become a union leader#that had to be his worst nightmare because he's so selfless he'd always put somebody else above him
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OC "Couple" Questions - OVDW Edition
For a quick introduction, the left one (brunette) is Oliver, an archdemon who works as a general officer with anxiety issues and one child. The right one (blonde) is Dewangga, a cherub and a priest, yet he acts like the Devil himself (i.e., killing demons and all). Their dynamic is like mutual pining between "awkward big guy" x "violent smaller guy", though personally I like simply calling them police x (whore) ustaz or crocodile x eagle or DEEP AND HOLIC
Also, the child is actually THEIR secret daughter together, but only Oliver takes care of her cuz Dewangga abandoned his responsibilities as a father (or mother) by force. Though, he's still at fault here.
Questions are made by Hershel Deercliff. I'll put the image below the cut. Original thread on Twitter (in Indonesian), dated 3rd February 2024.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f457691c86fa5ef983122d31bdbcbea4/caa2335a478ea642-99/s1280x1920/306b0f74f089642802d8162bf3eca7092096a181.jpg)
1. "What were their first impressions of each other?"
Oliver thinks Dewangga is weird and too extreme because he believes himself to be the most "rightful" one and that his actions of massacring demons can be justified just because he's an angel. While Dewangga himself mocks the demon for holding himself back against him or that he's not that serious about catching his ass for committing crimes, and being so meek despite being of a high rank. The cherub doesn't just hate demons, he DESPISES all demons, including Oliver, even if he looks handsome!!
But they had actually met earlier, right before finally running up to each other again and fighting after Dewangga committed his act. The point is, Oliver was confused as to how an angel could be stumbling onto the bushes on the border of the Underworld and Overworld 😂 He was just patrolling around the area, minding his own business, until he found someone falling upside down with his ass upwards.
Dewangga was, of course, embarrassed as HELL because he was caught trespassing and even got his ass stared at by a 1 RANK AND FIVE STARS ARCHDEMON, definitely not the demon he expected to meet right off the bat, whereas his position was very promising right. They bickered for a moment before Dewangga finally ran away (or maybe more accurately, flew away) lmao
2. "Is it a casual relationship or true love? Or somewhere in between?"
Unlabeled relationship????? They started out as enemies THEN turned into enemies with benefits tho... I don't know I'm not an expert at love??
3. "What was each of them's 'oh shit I have feelings for them' moment?"
Do they even realize? At least they realized it after they got separated for good. But what's more to do because they're an angel and a demon, so naturally they can't be together...
4. "Did either of them fight their feelings, or was it easy to accept?"
Dewangga hates himself and doesn't want to accept that he has let himself be carried away by lust, even to the point of throwing away his precious daughter (because she's still an illegitimate child and a literal abomination no matter how you view it). He's an angel, he should've dismissed his strange affection towards Oliver and returned to the right path, but in the end, he really regrets everything like why did he let this happen, why that, etc. He's afraid of what Agares, the other angels, or even Oliver himself would say if they found out that he... uhhh laid a fertilized egg? Besically he's in denial
On the other hand, Oliver is also aware that their relationship is taboo and that it won't be possible because they're from different species (?). Not only that, he's afraid that Dewangga's chastity would be "tainted" if a demon like him keeps hanging around with an angel, and even though he actually loves (and is curious about) him, Oliver feels that they're better off apart for good… even though he knows that they should talk about everything that has happened, like their child and all.
5. "When was their first "I love you"? What prompted it? If neither has said it yet, why?"
Nope. Both of them are afraid of what their relationship will be like in the future and what others will say about them, plus Dewangga doesn't want to be unfaithful to Agares just because he loves a demon but what I want to say is FUC—
Dewangga is the big spoon, Oliver's the little spoon cuz it fits their personality more 😂
7. "What was the biggest obstacle to their relationship?"
Their own selves, of course. They are a pair of an angel and a demon, their goals are different, and their natures are also different. It just goes against God's "teachings", apparently.
I think it's interesting how they're always on different grounds, no matter how much they yearn for each other and no matter how many universes they've passed through... by that I also mean in AUs. They are cursed with the star-crossed lovers trope 😭
8. "What drew them to each other the most?"
Oliver is attracted by Dewangga's fortitude in carrying out his duties even though he is a huge fanatic and his method of execution is very questionable. While Dewangga likes his touch (iykwim), plus Oliver is handsome. Of course he didn't like it at first, but after a while he thinks that Oliver is not like the other demons ahahay
Basically they're just like magnets, attracted to each other yet they can never be together simply because they're from opposing sides and of the same sex, although being gay doesn't really matter in this universe. My man god made the afterlife world gay because the original human world didn't allow him to be gay
Oh, and they are actually drawn to each other because they feel a strange sense of familiarity, as if they have encountered each other before. Oliver realizes who Dewangga is sooner or later, but Dewangga doesn't recall who Oliver is. Spoiler alert: turns out that Dewangga is actually Oliver's long-dead ex-crush (Eda) who got the chance for redemption and to live again but as an angel. As a result, he doesn't remember or even know that he had a life in the Underworld and met Oliver before. Reincarnation? Maybe? But even though Dewangga doesn't consciously remember anything, his body still remembers Oliver's touch AND YES you may take it however you want
It's not like Dewangga's memories are wiped or anything. Those memories of him as Eda in the past belong to Eda only. Basically Dewangga is like a new creature but made with Eda's traumas or core or something, Idk. Does he still count as Eda? But still, Dewangga is Dewangga, Eda is Eda and he's only a being from the distant past...
9. "How long did they know each other before developing feelings?"
Maybe at least 1~3 years (on Earth or the universe's Human World's date)? But if you count it from when Oliver first met Eda, well it was long ago man, don't ask me this I don't even know
10. "What's each other's favorite quality about the other?"
Oliver likes Dewangga who always stands up to his beliefs, has an unwavering will to fulfill his duties in the name of God, and is confident.
Dewangga likes how kind and understanding Oliver is, even though he is a demon, capslock ARCHDEMON even, yet he is a soft boy. He also thinks that Oliver's behavior is like a puppy. He really likes dogs. Do crocodiles count as dogs?
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victor martins i despise you
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Šedivost mokrého betonu
Podobná zbytku úlomků srdce
Odraz světel lamp
Němé slzy zasychající na tváři
Co bylo a mohlo být, všechno je pryč
Milosti žádá unavená duše
Tělo ženy co jde z ruky do ruky
Laciná cetka co na chvíli zahřeje
Než odhodíš ji v dál
Lůno co zabíjí
A tma v jejích očích potemněla
Ztrácí zábrany, ztrácí soudnost
Spolu s šatem smuchlaným na zemi
U nohou cizí postele
Vždycky vezmou víc, než jsi ochotna dát
A beton šedne, pokropen deštěm
Blíží se výročí noční můry
Možná procitneš, možná padneš
Svůdná náruč nicoty
Znova jsi svlékaná, znova se svlékáš
S rozmazanou myslí
V nestálosti srdce
A zase se vracíš, přestože dávno není kam
Zrozena ze hříchu
Pro hřích od světa se obracíš
Smutně prší
A ta šedivost tě nenechá spát
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ndia's power trade gesture a win-win for both countries
India’s recent decision to include imported hydroelectricity from Nepal under its renewable energy count is a significant and commendable move that symbolizes the strengthening ties between the two countries. This policy change, announced by the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, is a milestone in the evolution of power trade in the region, with far-reaching implications for both…
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c0e406e3b3a9eaae220cb9107a9b1f6f/46072540f2675750-a9/s540x810/5319408eeea66d242989e87012ddefd87a564f37.jpg)
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#HPO#India&039;s renewable energy#Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy#Lower Modi#Power Trade#power trade relationship#renewable energy#renewable energy goals#sustainable energy practices#xporting hydropower to India
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Argil LifeMasters REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE HPO Teams Intro Tony Dovale #H...
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Throwback: Happy 51st Birthday, Black Thought!
Throwback: Happy 51st Birthday, Black Thought! @theroots @blackthought
October is a busy month in music history. The Police’s legendary frontman Sting celebrated his 73rd birthday on October 2 Stevie Ray Vaughan was born 70 years ago on October 3 The Roots‘ Black Thought, arguably one of the greatest living emcees celebrates his 51st birthday today. And if you don’t believe me, check out the 10 minute freestyle he did on Funkmaster Flex‘s Hot 97 show. His work…
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/95c3a6155d72dfb301013c57c10d4c30/a10a68e798e9db69-ba/s500x750/908fca4ff28a2accf7bba7435af01b76e63f6535.jpg)
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#1980s#1990s#2000s#2010s#2020s#Black Thought#hip-hpo#Live Footage#music#music video#The Roots#throwback#video
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"Show off.."
(Nah, cus would you believe me if I told you I almost made a Sonic AU based on the sonic bootlegs I found online??😭
I'm still thinking about it)
#Sonic the hedgehog#sth art#Sonic fanart#sonic bootlegs#harry potter obama sonic#or HPO Sonic for short#doodle#♧♠︎my art♠︎♧
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