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yume127 · 5 hours ago
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yume127 · 1 day ago
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yume127 · 1 day ago
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Who am I?
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yume127 · 1 day ago
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yume127 · 1 day ago
There's a lot about the relationships in BBS that are left SO vague you can have so many interpretations. Especially I think about Eraqus and Ventus, and how their dynamic has got to be different than the relationship Terran and Aqua have with their Master
Because. Because. Okay the writing doesn't take any time to show Ventus and Eraqus interacting other than the big confrontation at the ending. And mostly that's just inline with the way this game mostly leans on telling you about the relationships; based on things people say I'm pretty sure the intention is that there's a similar relationship of care as with the two Eraqus is seen talking with. But it feels weird, right?
And then you get into the fact that Ventus has not known Eraqus as long as Terra or Aqua. It's never made perfectly clear how exactly those two came into Eraqus' care, or how long they'd been training under him - but it's long enough that Eraqus trusted them to practice their forms with no supervision by the time Ventus arrived.
It's also not made clear how long a time it is between Ventus arriving and the start of the game - but I can't imagine it's been long. A year? Two? Three? Not to mention being put under Eraqus' care at an older age (and filled with suppressed trauma) - that's going to be a fundamentally different relationship.
And then there's Ventus' place in the Eraqus-Xehanort dynamic. Because from Eraqus' reaction to Ventus telling him what Xehanort said about the x-blade, he didn't know about all that. But.
Well, we don't know exactly what Xehanort told Eraqus - whether it was the same story he told Terra, or something different. But. While part of his intensity on keeping Ventus safe at home could come down to the trauma of his journey out into the worlds as a kid, I kinda also get the feeling he had a suspicion there was something up with Ven that Xehanort wasn't telling him, but he didn't want to think about it. Because then he'd have to see, and do something about it, and his track record when it comes to Xehanort's nonsense is that Eraqus Does Not Want to Do That.
But if that unaddressed suspicion, the fear he refuses to name, lingers in the back of his mind, there's no way that doesn't spill out into the way Eraqus interacts with Ventus - I mean, look at the way his other trauma impacts his relationships with Aqua and Terra.
So it's like. Maybe the lack of interaction between Ventus and Eraqus in game is just down to the very vague relationship writing in this game. It probably is. But also... there being a bit of distance between Ventus and Eraqus makes sense, and is a valid interpretation of what we've given.
It also makes sense with other scenes where they talk about Eraqus:
In Radiant Garden, Terra is equal parts upset with Aqua spying on him and at Eraqus doubting him; Ven is entirely focused on Aqua choosing to follow the Masters' orders against her friends' wishes.
When Xehanort talks to Terra about Eraqus, he has to appeal to Terra's sense of failing his master while also slipping in some digs at Eraqus. But with Ven, he says that Eraqus was acting again straight off - and Ventus immediately goes: "Yeah, that tracks."
At the end, while Aqua and Terra have a back-and-forth about Eraqus' death, and what it means for them - Ventus mentions Eraqus "tried to destroy him", but mostly in context of what's going on with his whole existence. He certainly doesn't ask what happened to Eraqus after Terra sent him away.
And there's a certain selfishness and self-centeredness in all these reactions - but it also depicts a difference in the level of attachment and respect/reverence Ventus has for Eraqus compared to Aqua and Terra. He's not a central pillar of Ven's mind, the way he is for the others.
I don't know, I just don't think their relationship was the same as each other. I think it ends up being easier for Ventus to move on from Eraqus' than for Aqua and Terra, because - to be frank - I don't think there was the same depth of love there. Love that causes a deeper grief. Love that makes it so much harder to come to terms with the man's flaws, and the damage he did to them even as he tried his best to care for them.
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yume127 · 1 day ago
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so i started watching this game series called kingdom hearts
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yume127 · 2 days ago
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Art Request from @scoobysnack1107
Prince and Fairy 👑🌸
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yume127 · 2 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roxas & Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Axel & Roxas & Xion (Kingdom Hearts) Characters: Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Xion (Kingdom Hearts), Axel (Kingdom Hearts), Lea (Kingdom Hearts) Additional Tags: Friendship, Platonic Relationships, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Roxas Needs a Hug (Kingdom Hearts), Self-Esteem Issues, Disney Town (Kingdom Hearts), Roxas-centric (Kingdom Hearts), Trust Issues Summary:
Lately, Roxas’ friends have been acting weird, and old fears resurfaced. To cheer him up, Ven takes him to Disney Town, but the trip doesn’t go as smoothly as they hoped.
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yume127 · 2 days ago
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yume127 · 2 days ago
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yume127 · 11 days ago
A Thread Called Connection: Ventus and Sora
Basically, I want to ramble about my favorite moments in Kingdom Hearts that involve characters' connections with each other, especially in ways that aren't directly talked about by the story itself (implication usually). This one is specifically about 3D and the Armored Ventus Nightmare.
It's something about Ventus instinctively saving Sora from getting consumed by darkness that just makes me want to cry? Especially when we find out in KH3 that Ven describes going through Sora's adventures as a dream that's kinda a blur to him. Heck, he didn't even know how Sora looked like until 3. And yet, he subconciously protects Sora fiercely.
And it's not confirmed but I've seen people entertain the idea that the AVN attacking Riku was the darkness twisting the armor's intent on protecting Sora by essentially having it attack anything that can/had hurt him before. Riku, who makes use of darkness AND has hurt Sora before, would be seen as a threat.
Since AVN is, well, a Nightmare, and Nightmares stem from Dream Eaters that protect the person whose heart they're connected to, the idea of AVN, even in a corrupted form, protecting Sora no matter what messes me up.
I've posted about it before, but THESE TWO! Becoming connected through a single act of kindness, and that bond carrying for years and years—the longest connection Sora has had in his life because it's been with him for the entirety of it. I just...I sob.
They're so fond and protective of each other TvT
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yume127 · 11 days ago
Sudden Random Thought
Roxas and Ven doing that thing where they pretend to be each other to see which of the other Guardians know who is who. Sora automatically calls them both by their correct names, and the others (impressed) believe it's because of the bond Sora shares with Roxas and Ven due to them being in his heart for so long.
Sora decides to go with that because he doesn't want to admit that it's actually because he can sense their different types of hurt.
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yume127 · 1 month ago
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have u seen that one tokyo game show video
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yume127 · 1 month ago
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yume127 · 1 month ago
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yume127 · 1 month ago
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Lauriam and Sterletzia scribbles.
When will they get to see each other again.
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yume127 · 1 month ago
lauriam doodle? 🥺👉👈
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whoops strelitzia came along for the ride
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