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tenebrius-excellium · 7 months ago
Very well said.
You really did your research, I couldn't quote half of these RttE refs off the top of my mind
I still struggle to accept this analysis and I'm trying to think of why.
I guess it's because to vikings, violence is an ordinary language of communication when somebody oversteps their boundaries. Heck, not just when somebody oversteps, it's just a day-to-day language. Sometimes even a love language! People will be violent for no reason at all, because they're so used to it that they do not know how else to convey their intentions sometimes, plus they occasionally think it is very funny. When something - anything - happens, some of the vikings' first reactive instincts is to respond to it with random violence. We see this with Astrid, with Ruff & Tuff, and more. So.
The distinction I would try to make is, to whom is Hiccup a pacifist?
Because in the viking world, Hiccup is giving people like wayyyy too many chances. He often seems to let his enemies trample all over him before he too decides that enough is enough. In this viking world, this httydverse, Hiccup is too trusting, too naive, too sensitive in comparison to his peers who would often JUMP at the opportunity to blast something to bits as soon as he allowed them to.
The distinction might be between a perception of Hiccup in his own tough, unforgiving viking universe vs. a perception of Hiccup by us, the modern audience, through the screen who know that the rating is kids-friendly. I remember how appalled I first was when Hiccup was using weapons like normal tools post-Httyd1. That he even designed more weapons! (Super silly me, of course.)
But there might be two different perceptions here, and they are simply about in-universe and ex-universe logic.
Perhaps compared to the other vikings, Hiccup is THE pacifist. He is frustratingly, sheepishly kind in a very rough world that wouldn't give two shits about him dying.
Perhaps to us, Hiccup is still a very violent person. Because as a modern audience in Western countries, his decisiveness when it comes to killing still counts as cold-blooded to some.
Does that distinction make any sense? Idk
Again, very well said on your part!!! Gave me some stuff to chew on!
Hey! Do you really think that pacifist Hiccup is fanon? No judgment, just...again, surprised by this interpretation. I'd imagine that if canon really thought Hiccup was balanced, they would have shown more of a moral struggle over the deaths related to him, no? But it's often left ambiguous (see Drago or random dragon hunter #3 who gets blasted out of the way Idk), which (to me) means people happily lived. Because they disappeared left and right without regard or mourning. We see no dead dragons or people on the ground after the Battle of the Bewilderbeast, for example, which makes the assumption that a lot of humans and animals must have died there, "objectively" wrong. Of course they needed to keep it kids-friendly, but I'd think if Hiccup was truly ruthless towards any threat to his family, they would have made the cost of peace a little more of an apparent theme. Thoughts?
I genuinely believe that Hiccup being a pacifist is a fanon thing because there's nothing in the actual canon to prove that he is.
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Does Hiccup oppose war? Yes, he does. Httyd 2 is all about him wanting to prevent it from happening. In R(D)oB the thing with hiding the dragons away from Dagur was also to prevent a potential war with the Berserkers. (A war that did end up happening, although because Hiccup and Berk lied to Dagur and Hiccup fake protected him.)
Does Hiccup entirely oppose violence? Even as a means of settling disputes? No, he doesn't and every battle ever proves that. (More on that in the RttE section)
And if Httyd had a higher rating, we probably would've seen those bodies and we'd probably also see Stoick lying in pieces or at least disembowled from taking a plasma blast to the chest for his son and said son covered in his blood. The fact that we don't is simply because Httyd needs to appeal to all audiences and for the majority kids, like you said.
But this doesn't mean that people aren't actively dying in the tv-shows.
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Barely passable screenshots, but these are from 'Heather Report Part 2' when Alvin holds Astrid above a cliff and that's not the face of someone who wants to be careful as he tells his Night Fury to blast him away.
Alvin gave Hiccup a choice in that scene; "surrender or I'll... well, you know the rest." Which in this context means that Hiccup should surrender or Alvin will drop Astrid to her death. Hiccup chooses to instead tell Toothless to "do it." And I doubt this means he holds no value for Astrid's life, but letting Alvin get away with the Book of Dragons just isn't an option either.
And let's not forget 'We Are Family Part 2', in which Hiccup and Toothless are so angry at Alvin for taunting him after hurting them (it's stated for days) that they don't think clearly and turn back around just to hurt him. A calculated move on Alvin's part, who hoped Hiccup would be too angry to think clearly. Angry people don't make for merciful people either.
Moving on from Alvin, shipwrecks are already hard to survive. You would need to wait for help to come to you and that is if you:
Don't drown first
Don't get picked off by predators
Die from lack of food or drinkable water
Die from exposure
Die from sickness
The USS Indianapolis is famous for having most of it's crew survive (like, 800 to 900 men?) the initial sinking of the ship only to lose most except for a little over 300 to exposure, lack of food/water and sharks. This crew started with over 1,100 men and only a little over 300 survived for four days until others learned of the sinking and send help. And that's a ship that sank in WWII, let alone a Viking ship that's mostly wood and doesn't have fancy ways to send for help.
Remember that comedic moment of Dagur vowing he's going to make Hiccup kiss his boots in the 'Smoke Gets in Your Eye' episode? When he's sitting on a piece of driftwood after the Smothering Smokebreaths tore his ships apart by taking all the metal out of them?
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A funny moment, but Dagur genuinely could've died from either of the causes listed above and it's not like Hiccup looked back and had second thoughts, he went home and was glad Dagur wasn't terrorizing his village for another day.
There are plenty of times in RoB and DoB in which Hiccup and Toothless hurt people and dragons alike. Is it his intention to kill? Absolutely not, but he doesn't shy away from violence either.
For a character the fandom largely appears to consider a pacifist, he sure does spend a lot of his time committing violent acts.
Even his future wife has a tendency to show love and excitement by punching him in the dorsal fin button before giggling. Would a real pacifist put up with that? He literally spars with her for fun and she gets to throw him around, they both like doing that!
Would a pacifist even survive in a place like Berk? Where everyone is so rough and disputes sometimes easily escalate to violent action with sharp objects involved? If that is the case, we might as well call Stoick a pacifist, because he's the one going around stopping these disputes from escalating that far.
But anyway, moving on to RttE!
In Snow Way Out, this is what Hiccup says:
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"If there's one chance to settle this without bloodshed, I have to try."
And seconds after, Hiccup has this interaction with Ryker:
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Ryker - "In that case, surrender and you won't meet the same fate as your dragons."
Hiccup - "Okay, here's my offer. Leave now and your men won't have to find out what burning flesh smells like.
Fanon and canon agree that Hiccup is a bad liar. If he wasn't, he probably would've been able to come up with a better excuse then "I'm making... outfits!" when Astrid is on the cusp of finding out about Toothless.
Which means that Hiccup is not lying in this scene. Which means Hiccup intends on following through. Could be just a bluff, he and the rest of the Dragon Riders are kind of cornered in this scene, but that doesn't mean he isn't willing to fight his way out if his only other options are either surrender or die.
And he says it quite easily for a character so many consider a pacifist. A threat to burn Ryker's men alive.
The thing is, Hiccup probably does know what burning flesh smells like, he grew up in a village torn by war in which the other side are fire-breathing dragons. He's also literally one of the oldest children of three (he, Astrid and Snotlout are canonically 20 in Httyd 2 while Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs 19) and the kids that aren't his peers are years younger than him. If you pay close attention to who walks around on Berk in Httyd 1, there are huge gaps in ages that continue into the tv-shows and the other movies.
So Hiccup probably is desensitized to seeing all of that, which could explain his lack of a reaction to taking lives, (a tsunami gets more of a reaction out of him) but that doesn't mean he can't mourn the failure in preventing more loss.
And let's not forget that this is also the episode in which Hiccup gave Toothless the order to shoot down Windshear, Heather and Ryker. Windshear and Heather who he considered friends until recently.
In the Guardians of Vanaheim episode, he has that moment in which he almost kills that Flyer with the Dragonblade in retaliation for the "deaths" of the Sentinels. The Riders genuinely think Hiccup is going to kill that Flyer, you can see it on their faces, which means even they think he's capable of that. Now ultimately, Hiccup decides not to and he tells the twins that they won't be torturing the prisoner. (And it's probably because of moments like that that fans decide Hiccup is a pacifist, despite all the violence he regularly partakes in)
But that doesn't change the fact that Hicctooth, Stormstrid and Snotfang chase after the Flyers with the intention of making sure that they never tell Johann about Vanaheim.
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Flyer - "All I know is Johann will be very interested to learn of its existence. The others left to inform him,"
Tuffnut - "We should probably tell Hiccup."
Hiccup - "I heard, Tuff. Let's go everyone. We have to catch those Flyers."
And that is what they do. They catch up to the Flyers and make sure that they don't tell Johann about Vanaheim's existence and Vanaheim isn't mentioned again, implying that Johann never did learn about it.
Now, the show does decide to show us the Flyers surviving (one of the few they actually show us surviving, too) but that has more to do with RttE's rating than whether Hiccup is a pacifist or not. Because Hiccup really did use lightning to down them and being struck by lightning can be very, very lethal. For both the Flyers as well as the Singetails.
(And honestly, are we meant to think that they never left that little island? Considering Johann never found out about Vanaheim? Still leaves their survival kind of up for interpretation.)
In the King of Dragons two-parter, Hiccup tells his Dragon Riders to make sure Johann's ships don't make it out. That is a thing that he says.
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Hiccup - "All right. Ruff, Tuff, Snotlout, you take out the ships. Make sure this is their last voyage."
All three of these moments show us Hiccup's willingness to do what it takes and it does include taking lives.
Although Hiccup does draw a hard line at when innocents are involved. Like how he didn't want to hurt the Singetails that were being forced to carry the Flyers. But it's also worth mentioning, that he did not plan on holding back when it came to the Rumblehorn that he believed threatened Gobber's life. (In RoB/DoB he didn't hold back with the Whispering and Screaming Deaths either. Even amongst dragons, Hiccup makes a clear distinction between "good" and "bad".)
That we either don't see the bodies if they're dropped by Hiccup and friends or see the enemy survive somehow (unless someone neutral or the enemy themselves take them out) has everything to do with the rating and Httyd's audience. Even the Red Death's death was bloodless and she exploded. Bits of her should've been everywhere! Instead we had the ash gently falling down to the earth.
This franchise isn't Game of Thrones, it's Httyd and Httyd has a rating that makes it appropriate for all ages. GoT level rating for Httyd probably would've given Hiccup+dragons Targaryen+dragons levels of carnage. And that isn't the case simply because of Httyd's intended audience.
And as for Hiccup's lack of a reaction to deaths supposedly caused by him, if we go back to the desensitization thing, if you used to watch people and/or dragons die in battle every other night for 15 of the most influential years of your life, you're not going to look up when you head into battle as a (young) adult on the back of a fire-breathing dragon and weep for every life snuffed out by you and your best Bud. Because one is a casualty of war and the other murder and something Hiccup hasn't done is murder.
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^^^^ That is Hiccup's face as he looks into the water to see if he can spot a single sign that Drago has survived. He doesn't look like he's remorseful for Drago dying, instead he just looks worried. And knowing Hiccup's history with Drago and the reason why he set out to change his mind in the first place, it's not worry for Drago himself. It's worry that he might've survived. That he could come back to hurt his loved ones and (most importantly) his village again.
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^^^^ Followed be the face of someone who wishes things had gone differently.
This is probably the biggest proof that Hiccup was meant to be chief. He set out to protect his village and he'll remain worried for his village. Maybe a hottake, but thematically/from a writer's standpoint, that points towards Hiccup destiny to be chief.
Of course, we know Drago canonically didn't survive due to the re-writes of Httyd 3 and the cancelation of The Fire Tides.
Now, I could talk about the Serpent's Heir.
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I could talk about the absolute decisiveness in Hiccup's expression and everybody's lack of a reaction to Hiccup setting a guy on fire (the most we get is Astrid stating how she couldn't keep him out of trouble) and how this is the clearest evidence of Hiccup taking lives with his own two hands to protect himself, but most importantly, Toothless. (And just like many villains before him, Hiccup did try to talk sense into Calder)
I could talk about Dragonvine (I don't have an online version of that comic) and how Toothless was poisoned and Hiccup almost hurt young Silkspanners because he believed they were about to make Toothless' last few hours in life Hell. (Meaning each comic gave an example of Hiccup protecting Toothless against a human and dragons respectively)
But the movies and shows are teeming with examples of Hiccup getting his hands dirty (either with his own two hands or through Toothless) to protect either himself or someone he loves. And that makes him the exact opposite of a pacifist. Because Hiccup will use violence to protect who he loves and what he believes in.
But like I said, Hiccup isn't a one-dimensional character and it's true that he doesn't want violence to be his first option. Rather he'll often give his foes the chance to resolve things peacefully if it prevents bloodshed on both sides. I've mentioned it once before in another post, but with how many casualties there are on the opposite side at all times and none on the side of the Dragon Riders (minus the occasional arrow wound or Stoick's death) it's only fair for Hiccup to give his foes the chance the back out. It's just that they never do, always underestimating him and the Dragon Riders.
And with the Red Death that kind of was never an option to begin with and Hiccup knew that.
But we do see him try to forgive his foes even though they've either stabbed him in the back before or are obviously planning to and that is likely where the "naive" part comes from. But Hiccup is also 15 to 20 years old, he doesn't even have half as much life experience as his foes do, who are every single one of them grown-ass adults well over a decade older than him.
And we do see him have moments of remorse, like in RttE when he tells Viggo that things didn't have to end so fatally in Shell-shocked Part 2 or when we see him make a big deal about not hurting the innocent Singetails in season 5 or even when deciding to give the fishing boat with the Scourge of Odin a proper send off. I think that's where the "pacifist" part of the fancanon probably comes from.
Even though we not only see Hiccup actively partake in violence without lying awake about it, but also be smug about both big and small wins and simply enjoy the thrill. (And to repeat once more, he actively enjoys sparring with his wife who likes punching his dorsal fin button to show him just how excited she is about something)
But anyway, a veeeeeeeerrryy long way of ranting about how the proof that Hiccup isn't a pacifist is from Httyd 1 all the way to httyd 2 (And the two comics) and that actual on-screen deaths are only not there purely because the franchise's audience is still largely children. :)
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crazy4httydxartist · 7 months ago
Thought to share my DRAGON ROOM with everyone who loves anything HTTYD/TDP ☺️😁
@httyd-fanarts @httyddragonfox @httyddailydose @hotccup @httyd-whump-week @toothless-nightfury @toothlessloveshiccup @toothlessrocks @dragonnguard @dragonnnfly @dragonprincequotesimadeup
@help-i-am-obsessed @f-angy77 @rottakone @hicctoothastrid @hicctooth @hiccupshypotheticalleftsock @hiccups @howtodrawyourdragon @howtotrainyour-toothless-dragon @athingofvikings @crophopper-7 @astridhoff03 @astridhaddofferson123 @astridhiccup @hiccupshypotheticalleftsock @hiccstridshipper19 @hiccstridedits @berkedits @berkcastteam @thereweredragonshere @thereweredragons-wheniwasaboy @thereweredragons
@queen-of-hobgobblers @dragonnnfly
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evilwriter37 · 1 month ago
Super Hero Personality Test
The other post was getting long, so I decided to make my own! Tagged by @ghostpebble! Take the test and figure out what your super power is!
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Laughing at the "clueless" bit of my personality traits.
Tagging @cloverofhope @lifblogs @howtodrawyourdragon @knowerofuselessfacts @rttehttydlover @fictionalnormalcy and anyone else who wants to do it!
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tenebrius-excellium · 1 month ago
Hiii! Jup, this was about your 1k started fic! Whoa, so you're making it directly Toothless' fault AND you're keeping the leg on???? Then again, what did I expect of @howtowhumpyourhiccup. Not... the whumpiest thing ever lol? Do go and live up to the name XDDD
Can I just ask that you make it your own, separate thing then, please? You don't have to refer to me or my posts. The idea is different enough.
Cuz in my version the leg is definitely off. Like, off off. That's the whole point. The tail was off too. If we're going by realism standards about the open would of a severed leg, wasn't there something about Toothless' saliva having healing properties? Idk. I want to make it possible for Hiccup to lose the leg in the woods and survive.
Still glad I inspired a fic though! Have fun! :)
I was just looking at your reverse Httyd AU, and I LOVE IT!!! I have a few questions:
Would Toothless still be named toothless, despite by the whole “biting off hiccup’s leg” thing?
How would Stoic find out he was alive?
Will Stoic ever find hiccup?
Does hiccup stay on Berk forever or eventually take off with Toothless?
What happens to the red death? Do the raids continue?
What’s the general conflict?
I seriously adore this take on Httyd, and I’d love to hear more about it!
Dude you assume I have thought this out??? T_T hahahaaha
No anyway hiiiii and thank you so much for these questions!!! They are fantastic! So the general idea was just that Hiccup and Toothless would switch injuries during the first movie (Hiccup loses his leg at the start, Toothless his tail at the end) and I haven't had the time to really dive into how that would change the entire dynamic of the film. Your questions are a great way to explore that, I believe, so let's get into it!?
1. Yeah Toothless would still be named Toothless. I'd like it to remain sort of ambiguous how Hiccup lost the leg - we don't know whether Toothless ripped it off or if it happened through some other traumatic force, like a fall, or if it was crushed by a rock. All I know is that Hiccup and Toothless VIOLENTLY collide in the woods. And you know the number that Toothless' killing blasts can do on a landscape. I assume the same indirect fault level that Hiccup had with Toothless' tail - Toothless wanted to eliminate the threat and thought he killed his enemy, or at least he scared Hiccup off enough to never come back, if he survived... only to discover that yes, the boy did in fact survive, with a heavy injury that will still end him if left untreated, and Toothless must come to terms with his role in the pain and suffering he caused. Hiccup must move from the role of a direct combat enemy to a wounded kid who needs support. Hiccup will need a fire to cauterize his leg, and to keep warm since I imagine there is a lot of rain on Berk. That will be Toothless' first chance to offer some help. But to approach Hiccup, he must drop his weapons first (like Hiccup had to drop his knife) and one of the things the Night Fury can do to show that he is not trying to be a threat anymore is to retract his teeth.
2. + 3. + 4. + 5. Yeah Stoick would find out that his son is alive. I'm not yet sure if Hiccup stays in the cove the entire time. I don't believe he would. Let's say he stays there for the duration that there are edible fish in the cove's little pond. But he can't climb out of the hole by himself, and he'll run out of food down there. So it's up to Toothless to help him move. Toothless might bring him fish from the sea at first, but it'll become too dangerous to openly fly around the island of Berk without being spotted by human sentries. So it will be Toothless who, seeing Hiccup's desire to leave, will grab him one day and move him to a remote cliff or something that's closer to the ocean, so he can catch fish and feed Hiccup there. This is where their friendship will blossom - Hiccup will learn to train Terrible Terrors, and Toothless and him will develop a closer physical bond while Hiccup heals. Toothless can't return Hiccup to the village himself, else he will be killed. Hiccup understands that, but he still thinks about how he can regain mobility and go back. He'll build a prosthetic leg for himself, tying it with straps of his clothing, and one day, while he is chilling on Toothless' back, Toothless will just walk off the cliff and show Hiccup the joys of flight.
Without Berk's resources, it will take Hiccup longer to master staying on Toothless' back. But eventually, he'll learn about the patterns of the dragon raids. Returning to the cove to perhaps grab something that he left behind there, Astrid will find him. The romantic flight and the discovery of the dragons' nest follow. Astrid promises not to give Toothcup's location away. Given that it's HER who won at dragon training in Hiccup's absence though, she is now expected to kill the Monstrous Nightmare in the kill ring finale. And knowing what she knows, she can't go through with it, prompting the discovery of Hiccup and Toothless. Toothless gives himself up willingly so that Hiccup can return home.
After that, the movie is basically "back to normal": Stoick uses Toothless to lead him to the dragon nest, Hiccup follows with the gang and they take down the Red Death. Toothless assumes the main part, since he is not limited by his tail. He can protect Hiccup better and outsmart the Red Death. After the fall, it's Hiccup who first gains consciousness before Toothless, and insists on taking him back to Berk so he can build him a prosthetic tail. Dragons come to live on Berk, and it's the same happy ending overall.
6. The general conflict would be slightly different having Hiccup's and Toothless' roles reversed. Some of the main differences are:
Toothless isn't part of a community in the way Hiccup is. Remember how no other dragon came to look for tailless Toothless. Toothless was abandoned because he was a lone cat, whereas Stoick would launch multiple search parties for Hiccup. So that would definitely create a different dynamic for the story.
It would be difficult to write this as a story where Toothless doesn't create the impression of keeping Hiccup "captive". There needs to be an immediate attempt to return Hiccup to the village but either Hiccup is still too sick to travel or it'll be too dangerous for Toothless, so it has to be impossible for a time. A quick Google search reveals that a below-the-knee amputation takes at least a month or two to heal. Prior to that, Hiccup cannot possibly think to put weight on a home-made prosthetic. So it'll take him an entire summer to learn how to walk again, just like it took several weeks for Toothcup to perfect their flying. Toothless isn't as physically integral to Hiccup's recovery as Hiccup was to the dragon's... Hiccup will build his own walking aid, and Toothless will "only" be there to provide food, shelter, and comfort. But on the other hand, this will give a better opportunity to gain some fascinating insight into the social order of dragons, as Hiccup will only be interacting with animals for a time.
It would be Toothless taking responsibility for the raids originating from his own nest. In the og movie, it's Hiccup who calls his father out for "killing thousands of them", and it's Stoick who sails out to end the conflict once and for all. In the reversed version, Toothless would have to decide to confront his own for "killing hundreds of them" and defeat the unrepentant and greedy dragon queen.
It would be harder to facilitate Hiccup's "discovery" without laying the blame on Astrid specifically. Perhaps Toothless finally brings Hiccup home after all, knowing fully well that he is walking into a death trap for himself.
The other themes, like of interspecies prejudices and unrelenting friendship betwee unlikely characters, could stay the same.
So, this isn't a hard outline, and there are lots of other ways that this idea can be played. If anyone feels inspired or has a better idea, PLEASE SHARE IT WITH ME; I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT IT.
I wanna make sure that this stays a movie that feels as much like og Httyd without losing any of the beautiful message. This is not an AU where Hiccup leaves indefinitely or becomes a dragon hermit like Valka... it's not supposed to be about becoming a hero or about revenge or about proving someone wrong, but about dragons and humans overcoming their differences. It's not the vigilante AU and not Damsel (2024) with Millie Bobbie Brown. The attempt is to tell the exact same Httyd story with the same morals, but reversed roles. Since Hiccup and Toothless have different traits and personalities though, it's interesting to think about what could replace what.
Feel free to hit me up with more ideas or headcanons, seriously.
Thank you for the ask!
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crazy4garff-127 · 9 months ago
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Some Art of HTTYD & RTTE!
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Please don't mind me posting tons of GARFF ART! I'm a massive Garff/Deathsong Fan! :)
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Baby Garff!
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Yeah I wanted to share my fav drawings of HTTYD I've drawn in the last few years, sadly I haven't done much recently....I do hope people love the art though....ENJOY and Goodnight!
@httydtroublemaker @howtodrawyourdragon @httyd-art-requests
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lifblogs · 7 months ago
Since it is Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day, I want to give a special shoutout to some excellent people. I’m not very good at reading fanfic lately as it makes me anxious for some reason, but even if I haven’t read all your work, I see the great stuff you’re putting out there. Now, in no specific order I appreciate @kybercrystals94, @just-here-with-my-thoughts, @marvel-starwarsfangirl, @fanfoolishness
@clownery-and-fuckery, and @squad-724
And I appreciate my other friends who are writing fic or have written fic that I haven’t read because of being in a different fandom. Shoutout to @howtodrawyourdragon, @ashleybenlove, @cascigarette, and @envydean! I’m proud of you even when you’re writing and even when you’re not writing.
Last but not least! @evilwriter37, my crazy brother. Can’t wait till you hit 2000 fics, bro.
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ashleybenlove · 1 year ago
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@howtodrawyourdragon wrote this awesome comment on my most recent fic and I love their interpretation.
That Hiccup's on his phone throughout the entire interaction, looking at pictures of Toothless lol.
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coneygoil · 8 months ago
fav tv show - gif game
rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag people Thanks for tagging me, @virtie333 🤗💙
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Tagging @sassyandclassy94, @howtodrawyourdragon, @ashleybenlove, @anotherdragonsfan, @nothingeverlost
if anyone is interested!
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fictionaldelightsbingo · 5 months ago
Under the Sea Bingo Queue || Fictional Delights Bingo
The 'Under the Sea Bingo' Event is now a part of the fictional delights bingo.
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Sent Out Cards (last updated 05/05): 00
Cards in Queue (last updated 11/05) : 85
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🧜‍♀️ Flick(2), Flick(3), strangerdanger(2), strangerdanger(3), evenfallwriter(3)
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sdbingo · 1 year ago
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Finished Cards (that were sent out this week) : TheRainRogue, rai, rai, pxgophagia, angelus2hot, endlesstwanted, a_gay_poster, just-ten-cents, blackmagie
Cards (still) in Queue for this Week : 0
Total Sign-Up's : 55 (all of which were sent out)
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Finished Cards (that were sent out this week) : 00
Cards (still) in Queue for this Week : 00
Total Sign-Up's : 27
Total of Created Cards Before :❄️55 & 💜16
Sent Out on Nov 1 : 17 ❄️ - 42donotpanic, Sivan325, sis, cywscross, svgurl, endlesstwanted, SubukuNoJess, Flick, Aerica_Menai, Foxywrites, prettysophist, DrElizabethGreene, HadrianPeverellBlack, sweetpeapod, Lupi, ChrissiHR, howtodrawyourdragon
Sent Out on Nov 2 : 07 ❄️ - LyriaBlackFrost, crowbjection, Lychee Jelly, Chaos, 5soshow, Tori, Otter-Love-ASL
Sent Out on Nov 3 : 06 ❄️ - sadbi-hours, The Butcher, Summerwritesfics, Morgana, Alleine Dyren, Chantal Dormand
Sent Out on Nov 4 : 09 💜 - Chaos, Flick, Lupi, Sivan325, SubukuNoJess, Howtowhumpyourdragon, Hadrian, Willow, cywscross
Sent Out on Nov 5 : 05 ❄️ - Winchesterek, shells, seles, Revelations Chapter 6, red_crate
Sent Out on Nov 6 : ❄️07 & 💜06 💜 - Chaos, prettysophist, SundialCat, pxgophagia, slyth, shells, tellmewhatyousee ❄️ - Machi, sweetpeapod, NeonCrayons, SundialCat, ChaoticQuill, Courtney
Sent Out on Nov 7 : 03 ❄️ - sarah, slyth, willow
Sent Out on Nov 8 : 02 ❄️ - foxywrites, brilliantdance
Sent Out on Nov 20 : 09 ❄️ - TheRainRogue, rai, rai, pxgophagia, angelus2hot, endlesstwanted, a_gay_poster, just-ten-cents, blackmagie
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evilwriter-originals · 2 years ago
5 Things You'll Find in My Story
Tagged by @mariahwritesstuff. Thank you!
Queer characters/storylines
Loving father/daughter relationship
Dark pasts
Tagging @howtodrawyourdragon and @lifbitch
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tenebrius-excellium · 7 months ago
I'm a bystander in all this, but I do wonder why you have such trouble believing that hiccups isn't some naive pacifist when in the very first film he chooses to kill the red death instead of trying to tame it? Or at least try and understand it? Like for the pacifist you think he is, that would be the very, very last option even when his loved ones are in danger, for any pacifist that would be the last step the one he didn't want to do (which he obviously did as every show/film after that shows hiccup feeling no remorse or disgust over it). And for hiccup letting his enemies walk all over him, that's most likely a self-preservation thing? For all the years of abuse and neglect he's been through, just because he's letting that happen doesn't mean he's not still thinking of ways to destroy them It's just to keep himself safe? This isn't hate or anything towards you, I like your blog, but I just think it's really part of the phenomenon that's so prevalent in fandom spaces nowadays that fanon/someone's hcs get so big they often get mistaken for canon and not a lot of people are engaging with the actual story in any way after a while, or they skim it so they don't get the depth of what's actually the truth. Again no hate obviously but I guess It's difficult for people like me to see takes like 'Hiccup is a pacifist' when everything else tells us otherwise or tells us he won't feel bad using violence and death to get what he wants or to get results when we know a real pacifist is usually a centrist and hiccup is very much not that
Heya! Hoo boy there are some misunderstandings making the rounds now oops.
My original take on this was: Og Hiccup, which means Httyd1 Hiccup, and Httyd1 Hiccup ONLY, is NOT a pacifist. Og Hiccup knows exactly what's at stake and acts accordingly. Og Hiccup is careful to extend his trust, as are the dragons he comes into contact with. And og Hiccup gives his love fully and lavishly when his trust is rewarded while simultaneously not hesitating to take out the Red Death because that dragon is clearly the source of all the pain that Berk and the other dragons have been through.
To me, every other Hiccup, especially RttE and Httyd2 Hiccup, is a pacifist. @/howtodrawyourdragon correctly opened my eyes to the fact that Rob/Dob Hiccup might not have been a pacifist after all, because that's when Berk was still characterized as tough and violent and everyone was still cooling off from the whole 'killing dragons' mindset. Enemies were also not 'misunderstood friends' yet. Like. The first enemies young Hiccup encountered were literal Outcasts. I don't remember if it was ever actually explained if the Outcasts are merely a tribe like the Berserkers, but the term Outcasts alone gave me a kind of impression that made the Berkians correct in treading with caution around them. Like. Outcasts are typically people who have failed to be integrated into society, so they have been banned to Outcast Island, no? Idk, anyway, it was full of evil-meaning thugs. There may have been a reason for Hiccup to stay vigilant.
What surprises me, through and through, to this day, is that Httyd2 Hiccup was written to be such a well-meaning pacifist. Like. Httyd1 Hiccup wasn't like that, why suddenly go there? It's like the director fumbled an arc out of his sleeve that Hiccup had to "go through" for growth, only... to me, Hiccup never needed that particular lesson. "A Chief protects his own", please, what else was the fight against the Red Death? The fights against Alvin? Hiccup had been doing that already. It was a fictional lesson to create plot for Httyd2.
Hiccup went soft in Httyd2. Artificially soft. Pacifist soft.
THAT is what I was aiming to analyze. I should have specified more.
RttE Hiccup fluctuates, but I don't want to open that can anymore.
I do not think og Hiccup is a pacifist. I think Httyd2 Hiccup was unnecessarily written as one. THAT is what surprised me. To write Hiccup as a peace-loving animal activist with a flower crown who can't understand, even after repeated warnings, how Drago might not share his starry-eyed opinion. When he had been fighting his own father on his stubbornness for at least a whole summer back in the first movie. Hiccup is not that blind, or dumb. Especially at age 20.
So I agree that the fandom milked Hiccup a bit too much for his supposed pacifism, but it's clearly a canon post-Httyd2 issue as well. Since RttE came out AFTER the second movie, the RttE writers had to somehow match Hiccup's character with what would lead up to his decisions in the second movie. That, to me, is why RttE is a bit sketchy in this regard.
It's all in good faith here, thank you for taking the time to send such a lengthy ask. You made very good points, especially considering the fact that Hiccup was an underdog who had to learn how to stand up for himself first (the 'keep head down out of self-preservation' thing). This is very true and might have made a better arc for Httyd2 imo. Telling Hiccup "babe, wake up, you're not being bullied anymore, you have actual influence now and people want you as Chief. You just gotta find the confidence to believe in yourself." Yeah.
Does that clarify things a little bit?
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evilwriter37 · 8 months ago
20 Questions for 20 Writers
Tagged by: @howtodrawyourdragon. Thank you!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
100% a way of life. It kind of has been since I was a child. I was sick all the time and had story ideas, so I started writing them down when I was too sick to go to school. I got bored of just reading and wanted to make my own.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
Well, currently I have folders upon folders of notes for my fantasy novel, but obviously I would like a clean, completed manuscript at some point. The entire work is 28k words at the moment.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
My special interests for sure. Obviously How to Train Your Dragon, but when I get into something, I really get into it. Lol, one could say autism is my writing inspiration.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Probably someone I idolize reading my first draft. I'm getting a lot better at receiving rejection and critique but it's still very hard for me. I had a good singing voice before I had covid. (The band teacher and the chorus teacher in high school would fight over who got to have me. I chose band.) Covid has absolutely wrecked my singing voice, but I think I can get it back with practice. So yeah, I'll take someone listening to me sing over reading my first draft.
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
I don't think so, no.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
Ao3. One time ao3 logged me out and I was like: "What are you doing? I live here!" I do have fics on tumblr that have over 100 notes and I have no clue how that happened, especially when I look at interaction now. Interaction and fandom as a community are just dying on this website. Oh, and fanfiction.net was so horrible that I deleted all my stories from there and never looked back.
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
3,125,805. I'm more than satisfied. I'm stunned. And for some reason self conscious? I've had people call me crazy for writing so much fanfic, especially for the same fandom, and it just hurts, because this is my passion. What did you think I was going to do? Hit 1 million words and stop writing? No fucking way.
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Movies and shows: How to Train Your Dragon, Good Omens, Teen Wolf
Books: Hard to say because I only really recently got back into reading. I haven't written fanfic for a book since I wrote a single Captive Prince fic. Oh man, Captive Prince was so good. Thank you pro censorship people for recommending it! (People got so mad about it and the themes in it that I decided I had to read it. So worth it.)
Fics: I'm so, so gripped by @lifblogs Bad Batch fic: Brother, Hold Me Up. That thing is an absolute work of art.
9. What's the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
I think the highest compliment I got was someone reading Infernal Fascination of all things with their book club. Like, this person would give me updates about what was said during meetings and they just devoured it. It was awesome.
10. What defines your writing style?
Visceral description and poetic prose. I like to think.
Tagging @wyked-ao3 @the-bar-sinister
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lifblogs · 8 months ago
Last Line Tag
Tagged by: @clownery-and-fuckery, and @just-here-with-my-thoughts
I actually wrote something!
“Hunter, I’m not sure this is a good idea,” Crosshair voiced. Tech couldn’t help but agree with him.
Tagging: @evilwriter37, @howtodrawyourdragon, @envydean, @cascigarette, @clownery-and-fuckery (again), and
Sorry if I missed anyone!
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ashleybenlove · 18 days ago
Out of Context
Rules: There's enough last/first lines challenges, here's an out of context challenge! Pick a random line of your fic and post it in a new post with no context.
Tagged by @evilwriter37 and @howtodrawyourdragon
“Girl, please, it wasn’t a secret,” Ruffnut retorted. “You just told her you wanted her.”
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coneygoil · 8 months ago
20 Questions for 20 Writers
Thank you for the tag, @virtie333! <3
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
Hobby. It was my goal to make it a way of life, but sadly, that hasn't happened.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
completed manuscript
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
There's been so many over the years. From characters that i enjoy writing for to fanfic writers who have inspired me...
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
I guess someone reading my 1st draft. I'm a singer and have sang in front of people for many years. That doesn't bother me :D
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
Not really?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
Since I have history with every one of these! I started posting on FFN in 2000. Posted on LJ for several years. Then started posting in tumblr and A03 in 2011/12.
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
Don't know my word count, but it's fairly decent. Maybe 300,000? I wish I could get it higher. I used to keep track every year of my word count, but now it's just a sad number.
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
I have to give credit to Once Upon a Time for getting me back into writing. I took a 5 year break, thinking I didn't need writing anymore. When I got into OuaT, it inspired me to start writing again and it's like it gave me my joy back!
9. What's the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
That I made someone's heart wrench in their chest. That sounded weird, but just to evoke that emotion is a goal of mine.
10. What defines your writing style?
Emotional. I want readers to feel what the characters are feeling.
tagging @sassyandclassy94 and @howtodrawyourdragon, if yall are interested in this!
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