#how unlucky how cringe how bad
the-deadlock-south · 2 years
Evil shit is me having a really good game and then my power goes out ☠️☠️☠️
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Yandere Femboy Tenant x Landlord Reader (2)
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Part 1
“This is your new life, my little landlord, now let me tell you about my rules!”
The sad thing about this situation is the betrayal for you
You’ve heard stories about squatters or terrible tenants that didn’t want to leave
But you were never aware you needed to worry about being abducted
And by this tenant no less
From your many other tenants who were bodybuilders, gang members, drug dealers
It was this one
The pretty femboy who was always late on rent
“What’s with that indignant look on your face? Mad you didn’t guess? That’s okay no one suspects just how much talent is behind my gorgeous face.”
You don’t know if you’d call a dedicated fanbase excuse me a cult a talent
Now in some foreign luxurious place, the only people surrounding you are Sora and the dedicated followers who have been commanded to keep you here
“Sora-sama is bestowing a gift upon you! Be grateful!”
“Sora-sama did say you would say these concerning things…but he was right your illness is severe.”
“No worries Sora-sama has taught us how to give your medication no worries! Now stand still!”
The medication you’re given ranges from alcohol, paralyzing serums, or aphrodisiacs depending on your behavior
Sora is very careful about where he’s affectionate with you 
He knows very well which of his loyal little followers will not mind, the ones that may even begin to worship you 
But he knows there are dangerous ones 
Jealous ones that are perfect for when he demands they commit certain crimes or ultimately sacrifices–when he gets to that point
It takes a while to go that deep
But a near attack from a jealous follower is enough to trigger it
Before this, he’d vaguely recall how he first cried to his followers about an especially creepy fan and hearing from police how little of their remains could identified 
Or how one of the fans got a little too forward making him actively cringe in front of his followers
That fan was never heard of or seen again
At the time his guilt was small but present
He didn’t kill those people…his fans did…besides they were the ones overstepping
It’s not that bad…right
But when you’re on the line that guilt dissipates
The tears he sheds when he caresses the bandage on your arm
Are ones of anger
He’s perfect, beautiful, kind, full of wisdom
So why was his love being tampered with 
The world should and would be at his feet
With you–safely–at his side
But he can’t do this without you being in danger
So he’ll let his tears show to the most loyal, the most violent, the most dutiful
“They hurt me by hurting my (Y/n)! Do you like this?”
“Will you not protect me? Protect us?”
“Of course! “Will you kill for us?”
“Good. We’ll be waiting to see the results of your hunt. My beautiful little followers!”
It kind of takes him back when you do try to add some input
Not too long ago he remembers pleading with you about rent
Now it’s you pleading with him not to execute the unlucky group that tried to take your place
But just like you did with him he’s going to cruelly deny you 
Well maybe he can be persuaded if you let him participate in an activity you’ve forbidden of him
“I might be willing to let them off with a loss of one limb if you let me do that one thing!”
“Come on! Aren’t you a benevolent compassionate partner to their king? Won’t you convince me not to punish them with my wrath?”
“Okay but only one time!”
“Yay! Wait for me to get my lingerie!”
He flips often between being at your whim to controlling every aspect of your life
But he has you for an example
Back then you were the landlord who caught his heart and kept him in line
So isn’t it just perfect that he do the same
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Sending Love Letters - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: ness, otoya, karasu, Reo
pt1: rin, sae, shidou, niko, kaiser
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, cringe, scuff, etc.
[btw i imagine kaiser and ness as good friends (like they were pre-bllk) ]
Ness sat with Kaiser and his family at the table, sorting through Kaiser’s many love letters
“Wow Michael, this must be a new record” Kaiser’s mother laughed “Who knew so many people had bad taste?”
Kaiser glared at his mother “Least we know I didn’t get my pretty genetics from you.”
Ness held in a laugh as he sifted through the pile of love letters. Kaiser’s birthday was over the weekend, and today being Friday, all the fan-girls sent him mail.
“This one girl had sent me like 20…” Kaiser picked up a fat stack, all with the same name signed 
“That’s dedication…” Ness stared in awe at the stack.
But he eventually snapped out of it and continued looking through the pile
“Oh hey, this one’s for you.” Kaiser pulled out a slightly crumpled envelope (from him just shoving it into his bag) “At least it has your name on it… did you send it?” he was hesitant to believe that someone liked Ness
“No I don't think so…” Ness took the letter and inspected it carefully, it was in fact his name written on it. “Lemme read it real quick…” his small smile indicating that he was actually very excited to have a letter sent to him
Kaiser gave him a side-eye before going back to counting his own, silently jealous that someone liked Ness and not him
Ness, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. “AHHHHHHHHH WHAT IF [Y/N] SENT IT TO ME!! AHDOIFHABWIEUFBI”
He was smiling like crazy, he knew well that the handwriting, signature, and writing style was yours, he was all to familiar with it
For good measure, he pulled out a piece of your English homework and compared the two (how he got your homework? Don’t ask)
It was definitely yours, he was sure. You did have 2 classes with kaiser that day (don’t ask about that either), and you walked past them 6 times in the hallway.
At this point Ness was quietly squealing, he was so excited that you liked him back!
Kaiser silently laughed at this, not quite understanding why Ness was so happy, but also knowing full well that he may or may not be slightly(??) obsessed with you, so he didn’t bother
Ness was then day-dreaming for the next several minutes, and would even blank out occasionally for the rest of the day
“For f#ck’s sake Ness, just write back to her already…” Kaiser was getting annoyed at the heart pupils in his eyes “I swear if you’re gonna be like this on my birthday-”
“OK OK SORRY!!” Ness apologize before slipping the letter away “I’ll do later” he promised himself that he’d make it perfect, just for you :3
“No thank you, I’m alright” Otoya gently pushed the girl off his chest, the girl looked up at him with confusion 
Hiori and Karasu’s jaws dropped while Yukimiya just laughed, “See, told you. Pay up”
The two other boys grumbled as they pulled out a few coins “There’s no way he actually did that, wasn’t he making out with that girl just a few weeks ago?” Hiori questioned, it wasn’t like Otoya to reject a girl, if anything, he was usually the one making the first move. Something must be going on.
“I told you” Yukimiya collected the few coins “I swear there’s some other girl he likes, why else would he stop talking to the others?”
“Rejecting girls for another girl?” Karasu also found this really suspicious “Unlikely. That would imply that he actually isn’t a total ass. Which we know isn’t true.”
Otoya rolled his eyes “Who do you think I am? Also- if you’re gonna discuss your little ‘bets’, maybe don’t do it right in front of my locker.” he laughed, not answering their questions
Hiori and Karasu frowned, “cmon, tell ussss!!” Yukimiya nodded in agreement “I must say, I'm curious too. Who’s the lucky or… unlucky girl?”
Otoya scoffed “No one. I don’t like anyone.” he laughed “Do you really think I’d get attached to someone so easily? Only a fool would do that.”
As he said that, he opened his locker to grab his jacket, when an envelope fell out. It spun in the air before landing on the floor, face down with the signature showing.
“ ‘[Y/N]’, heart.” Karasu read, “Is that the girl?”
Otoya swiped the envelope up quickly, “You saw nothing.” he shoved it in his bag, pretending nothing happened
“[Y/N]? Do you like her!?!”
“Does she like you!?”
“Why is it signed with a heart!?”
“Is it a love letter!?”
The three boys bombarded Otoya with questions, to which he didn’t answer. “I dunno what you guys are talking about.” He laughed with a smile, but his heart was beating so fast. He was asking himself the same questions, “Does she like me? Do I like her? Is it a love letter? Why is it signed with a heart???”
“Wait [Y/N]? She’s in my chem class, I have a project with her.” Karasu remembered working on it with you
“Lucky bastard…” Otoya whispercursed with a smile under his breath, Hiori and Yuki gave him a side-eye, not knowing what he said
“Wait, doesn't she have a boyfriend-???” Karasu looked at him
“Does she?” Otoya internally panicked, there’s no way you were already taken by someone else. “That’s fine, I can work with that.” he shrugged it off
“Why would she send him a letter then?” Hiori questioned
Karasu laughed, “That was a trap, I just wanted to see if it really was her.” he gave a prideful huff “She is in my class though- I’ll ask her tomorrow.”
Otoya froze in playful betrayal, “I don’t like her. I swear”
Yuikimiya rolled his eyes “Right right.”
Otoya laughed before grabbing his jacket and bag “Whatever. I’m gonna go home now, cya tmr.”
“Make sure to read it!”
“Remember to write back!!”
“Bye lover-boy!!”
The three boys teased him about the newfound crush. Otoya only scoffed and smiled, before walking home, reading the letter on the way. 
He looked around him to make sure no one was watching, before smiling like an idiot at the confession. “Hm. Knew she’d like me.” He felt a surge of pride, “Now i’m guaranteed to win her over.” He tucked the letter away, already thinking about what to write back.
[Adding on from First/Second Encounters, SchoolAU!w/Otoya, Hiori, and Yukimyia]
You and Karasu had been passing each other notes for quite a while now, sometimes in class, or just in the hallway, whenever, really.
The two of you even went out a few times, as friends(??) of course. Eventually making your own codes together as a fun pass-time
Karasu was just eating lunch with Otoya, Hirori, and Yukimiya when you stopped by and slid him an envelope before walking off.
“oOooo, your girlfriend just gave you something~~” Otoya teased, knowing well that he liked you
Karasu just laughed, “She’s not my girlfriend.” He picked the letter up and looked at it carefully
“Not yet.” Hiori added, “You’ve been trying to confess for weeks now, but you always chicken out.”
“Yea, it’s getting kinda depressing.” Yukimiya nodded
Karasu just rolled his eyes before going back to the letter written in code. He took a bit to decipher it, reading it word for word
“What does it say?? I literally can’t read that-” Otoya squinted at the paper
“I think that’s the point…” Hiori commented, before looking back at Karasu “Looks like we lost him…”
Karasu just sat there, smiling to himself, not hearing a single word the other’s said. He was much too caught up in the fact that you had basically confessed, he was worried he mis-read it. He looked over the words again, before tucking the letter away, and covered his stupid smile with his hand, but his whole face was red.
“The words may be hard to read, but his face sure isn’t” Yukimiya laughed at Karasu’s expression “I’m guessing she confessed?”
“What? No?” Karasu tried to play it off, but he really couldn’t stop smiling.
“Awwwww, such cute love birds.” Hiori teased, “When will your relationships be this innocent, Otoya?”
The fboy only shrugged
“Back to Karasu,” Yukimiya turned to him “What are you gonna write back?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Karasu stuffed a spoonful of crappy-cafeteria food in his mouth, still somehow smiling, “You’ll see though. If I’m lucky, the next time you guys meet her, I’ll get to introduce her as my girlfriend”
“Reo, can we please take a break” Nagi whined
“Alright, we’re done anyway.” Reo took a sip of his water, finishing up their training. 
The two of them packed up, bagging their things before a small envelope fell out of Reo’s duffle.
“Hey Reo, what’s that?” Nagi pointed at the slip of paper that had fallen in a small puddle, the corner now wet
Reo looked down on it before picking it up and shaking it lightly to get the water off “Looks like another love letter.” He tossed it in a bin with a shrug 
“What if [Y/N] sent it?” Nagi said, knowing 
Reo froze for a few seconds, “What if [Y/N] sent it-” He did a 180° and shifted through the trash for the letter
He felt slightly embarrassed to be digging through garbage, but whatever. He picked the letter back up and inspected it carefully, what if you really did send it?
“Wow, what a sight… the richest boy in school is digging his hands in the trash for some letter…” Nagi mentally judged him, but shrugged it off, used to Reo’s desperation by now
Reo carefully slipped the envelope in his pocket, and turned to leave. He used to read all the love letters he got, he’d be lying if he said they didn’t boost his ego. But ever since he started crushing on you, he couldn’t bring himself to, always imagining it was you who wrote to him (until Nagi told him he looks kinda desperate so he stopped reading them all together). But surely reading this one couldn’t hurt, right?
Once he got home, he went to his room immediately. His caretakers found this a bit strange, but Reo was acting weird ever since he mentioned you, so they didn’t bat an eye
He threw his bags down and put the envelope on his desk, tilting his light to face it. It was like he was dissecting an animal.
He sat down, and opened it carefully, making sure not to touch the still wet corner. He took a few seconds to admire the kuromi theme before reading the letter.
Reo tried to keep a straight face while reading it, but his heart was beating 100x faster than before. He had to take a moment to process after he read it.
There wasn’t even a way to be sure you were the one who sent it, what if he was freaking out over nothing? He looked again at the name signed, but it was muddled out from the water. Reo cursed himself for letting it drop into the puddle.
All he could see was the first letter, and it was in fact yours. But Reo knew better than to get ahead of himself, what if sent back a letter and it wasn’t you!?
He sprung out of his chair quickly and went to go look for his parents.
“Mom! Do we have any restoration technicians?” Reo barged into the room, unaware they were in the middle of a small meeting, he gave a quick apologetic bow to the guests in the room
“Reo honey, is it urgent?” Ms. Mikage asked politely, gesturing at the clients.
“Yes. Very.” Reo nodded, 100% serious.
His mother took a moment to think before replying “There should be one in the services department, though I'm not sure if he’s what you're looking for. Ask for Mr. Deez when you get there.”
Reo bowed, “Thank you, mother.” and with that, he ran out the room and towards the Mikage office.
Usually, he’d book a chauffeur, but he didn’t have time for that, he had to get there now. 
He pushed the glass doors open and stumbled to the receptionist, “I’d like to talk to Mr. Deez from the services department-” Reo took a moment to catch his breath
“I- yessir, right away.” The receptionist quickly dialled the man up and poured Reo a glass of water.
Once the recoverist arrived, he sat down with Reo and examined the letter. “Hm, I’m not sure I can do much for you, but I might know a man who can.” he pulled out his phone and started typing, “What did you say this was? A love letter?”
“Don’t worry about that” Reo said quickly “so did you find someone who can help?”
 “Yes, though he’s a bit far.” He showed Reo the location, “This is his shop, he specializes in these things, often working with detective agencies. You can call him Mr. Nuts” 
Reo took a picture of the map and stood up, “Thank you, Mr. Deez.” Before he could blink, Reo was already running out the door. 
Reo checked the map as he ran, it’d be a 27 minute drive, there’s no way he could run faster. He stopped in his tracks before calling his chauffeur.
Once the car got there, Reo hopped in, coffee in hand. “Take me here.” he showed the man the location, and they were off.
Reo tapped his finger as they drove, getting anxious. What if they didn’t make it before he closed? What if they couldn’t help him? What if he finds out that you weren’t the one who sent it? What if-
“Mr. Mikage, we’re here.” the chauffeur parked and was about to open the door for Reo before he hopped out himself
“Thank you, wait here for me.” it was too late to turn back now, he’d already put a good few hours into this
He walked through the doors and looked around, it was a small shop, tools lying everywhere. “Hello? May I talk to Mr. Nuts?”
“Oh? A new customer? Welcome! I am Mr. Nuts, how may I help you?” an older looking man sat at a rusted table 
Reo explained the situation and handed him the letter, asking for his help.
“I see I see, let’s take a look” The man took the letter and put it under a special light
“Please handle it with care.” Reo couldn’t help but worry
The man pulled out a few tools, some napkins to dry it, and put it under a metal machine. “Here, do you see that?” He pointed at a small screen attached “There’s what you're looking for.”
On the screen showed a filtered picture of the letter, and there was your name signed. 
Reo’s eyes widened, it really was you who sent it to him! His entire face lit up, he couldn’t help but blush a little, the long chase had been worth it.
“Thank you, sir.” he took the letter back and held it tightly “For your trouble.” Reo threw a few bills down before exiting the store
The ride home felt much shorter than the ride there, but Reo couldn’t complain. He plopped down on his bed, letter still in hand. His heart was beating like never before, face still flushed.
Suddenly, a notification from his phone snapped him out,
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Reo grinned, “Great idea, Nagi.”
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l-in-the-light · 7 days
Does Law consider himself as sexy?👀 How does he react to being complimented or so having a crush on him? Embarrassed, afraid or maybe proud? 🤔
How would he react when someone calls him sexy or says he's handsome? His first reaction would be probably this: disbelief. Next step would be: ignoring. Then, if that person still persists, Law would observe and if he thinks the other person is actually truly smitten with him, he would probably start to show off a bit, because why wouldn't he? Whenever his crew swoons all over him he does the same after all. Which is why I believe he actually would want to be pampered with attention and adoration, just not to the point that it would overwhelm him. Unlucky for him, that's exactly what seems to happen most of the time: when people fall for him, they create a fanclub dedicated to him and worship him. Would he be proud though? I don't think that's the right word here... more like amused and a tiny bit attention-starving.
Would it make him embarrassed? Yes, if that person is very dramatic about their crush and declares love to him at every possible occassion. He might start to avoid them and he would cringe and flinch a lot. He doesn't like huge displays of emotions and feelings, after all. Same with flirting, he just wouldn't even know how to respond to that. But if it would happen often he would try to find answers that could be interpreted in multiple ways and leave the person guessing, because he can be an asshole like that. It's an added bonus that it also acts like a defense wall as well.
After the first enjoyment and novelty of it passes, Law would then try to take a step back. Because he would start to feel afraid, maybe because he doesn't actually return the feelings (and he is considerate!), or maybe he doesn't want that person to know him better (he has bad experience with people knowing about his past, especially about the disease, and then rejecting him, after all).
Now, does he think of himself as sexy? I guess he would think he doesn't look half bad, objectively, but I think it would be more about himself enjoying his own manly look, than trying to swoon anyone. Like: yeah, he's a guy, he has a six pack, he might as well show it so other guys don't see him as a weakling and instead accept him as one of the tough guys. That kinda thing. Personally, I call it male ego/herd fever.
Admittedly, if it happens often enough, he might actually start to believe that either he's kinda sexy or the whole world went suddenly bonkers, or both. If it's the first option, I can imagine him being absolutely insufferable about it, but not in a narcisstic way: smirking knowingly and acting more confident about himself and maybe even showing off more than usual, just for the fun of it.
It would definitely help his poor self-esteem significantly, but at the end of the day it probably wouldn't matter that much. After all Trafalgar Law is a thinker, an overthinker even. He would quickly figure out that being seen as "sexy" doesn't mean much and sometimes isn't even that far away from being objectified as some sort of sexual fantasy, and it's not really about people liking him for who he actually is. That's why he would quickly stop paying it much attention and wouldn't let it get to his head. But he would definitely notice the interest people show him and store it somewhere in the back of his mind as potentially useful information. For what though? No one knows, because it's not like Trafalgar Law would act on it in any way, heh.
He might act differently though if it's someone he likes (and trusts already) that swoons over him, as long as it's not done in overly dramatic fashion, with huge displays of emotions. I think he would actually truly appreciate and enjoy it. Maybe one day, when they're alone and he feels slightly out of his mind, he would dare to ask the question: Why? Why is his significant other so swooned by someone like him? And he would listen and remember every single word he hears as the answer and keep it safely tucked in his heart from now on, even if he would find it difficult to believe in the answer.
And if it's Luffy and Luffy just answers something stupid and random, like "You're so cool, like a hercules beetle!", Law would be sour about it. But later he would realize that whatever bullshit Luffy said was actually honest and precious, once he finally understands the context of it (in this example: he would understand that hercules beetle is the coolest creature to ever exist in the world and it's Luffy's biggest trophy, treasure and pride). Law's world would never be the same anymore after that.
...I feel like I again wrote a meta fanfic, haha. Hope you had fun reading your answer <3
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Pairing : yandere!Lee Minho x F!Reader Word Count : 1.8k TW : yandere ; manipulation ; yelling ; fighting ; 1(one) slap ; the usual yandere angst ; Request : Anon : yandere lee know?
“Have you ever thought about what things would be like if I wasn’t here…” You pondered over the cup of coffee that you were holding in both hands. The only reason you held it so tightly was just in case he reacted badly to your question, and most of the time, if not every time you brought up something along the lines of you leaving or just not being there in general, he would blow up. The coffee was, in a way, a sense of security, a weapon if it had to be, just to save you enough time to get to the bedroom which had become your safe zone. 
He hummed softly, his fork scraping against the plate, creating the most cringe inducing noise. You wondered if he did it on purpose, but he himself even winced at the sound before dropping the fork and staring at you, so maybe it wasn’t intentional. You questioned everything he did though, it just came as a habit after being stuck with him so long. “Nope.” He said, almost cheerfully, as a smile spread across his face. “I’d like to think that no matter when or where, I would have gotten you at some point. You’ll always be mine, darling.” 
Even though he wasn’t angry, his response still had your skin crawling. He had said in a lot more words that basically you’d always belong to him, and you hated that. You didn’t want to belong to anyone… But sadly, you had ended up with him. The good memories that you had shared with him which feels like forever ago have long since been overshadowed by the constant fighting, the nights spent crying after he flipped out for what you felt to be no reason at all. There was no way out, you had tried to leave so many times before, it only made him more angry, and you had at some point just given up entirely on getting out. 
“What do you like about me though?” The breakfast table had become the birthplace of a brand new idea, a tactic that might have him making you leave instead of you having to find a way out. If you stopped doing and being everything that he liked, maybe he’d just get rid of you and you’d finally be free. Sure, it sounded stupid, but it felt like your hands were tied and there wasn’t much that you could do except hope that it would work. 
A quiet chuckle sounded through his lips as his head fell back, and you wondered if he was thinking about how to answer. Did he even have an answer, or had you just been unlucky enough to fall for him and his charms and he took advantage of that? “I like how you’re so thoughtful of me, making sure the house is clean and that I have something to eat when I get home from work. I like how you’re comfortable enough to walk around the house with your hair all messy and wearing my clothes, it’s so cute. I like the way you curl up next to me in bed every night and that adorable smile you have in the morning before you fully wake up.” You could see his smile growing wider the more he spoke, and for some strange reason, you actually started to feel bad about using those things against him. “I actually love those things about you… And there’s so much more. You’re just… My favorite person in the whole world.” His laughter got a little louder as his head rolled forward, his chin resting in the palm of his hands as he looked at you. “So what do you like about me?” 
Of course, you hadn’t planned on him asking you that question, you didn’t have a single thought in your mind now, and the intense stare down was only making it harder for you to think in general. “Uhm… well…” You chewed nervously on your bottom lip as you looked around the room, but every time your eyes passed over him you could see the large smile that he had been wearing grow smaller and smaller until his lips were set in a straight line and the light that had once glimmered in his eyes was gone. 
“Right…” He muttered, his hands dropping from under his chin to drum against the table. “You don’t love anything about me. I’m the world's biggest piece of shit.” There it was, the victim mentality that he always had. He was the one who was basically holding you hostage, but somehow you were the bad guy for not loving him after everything that he put you through. 
Even still, your head quickly shook, not because you were disagreeing with him, although that’s what you wanted him to believe. You just didn’t want an argument, you had gone a good portion of the morning without getting yelled at, and you didn’t want to start now. “It’s not that… I just didn’t expect you to ask the same question. I was thrown off guard a little.” You quickly tried to excuse your lack of an answer, and you kept your fingers crossed under the table as you waited and wished that he would believe you. 
“I didn’t expect to be asked the question at all…” He mused, leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were narrowed as he stared at you, sometimes it felt like he was just reading you, reading your face, your eyes, your body language. That’s exactly what it felt like he was doing right now. “But I was able to come up with so many reasons… And you can’t come up with anything? Do you not even love me?” 
You didn’t want this to turn into an argument, you had been actively trying to avoid one all morning, but it seemed like every single route led you to this. “I do… I do love you…” You stammered, already breathing heavily, the instinctive reaction to already be ready to run had you shifting slightly in your chair so that your feet weren’t underneath the table. “I just wasn’t ready-” 
His fists came down on the table and you felt yourself shrinking into the chair, you always became so small when he was like this. “You’re lying!” His voice rang out in your ears as you squeezed your eyes shut. “You always lie to me… Just tell me the truth. Do you love me?” The question would usually have you rambling on and on about how much you did love him, about how amazing he was. It wasn’t the first time he had asked, and even though he knew when you were lying, he would listen with a smug smile on his face. 
You weren’t sure what had changed today, but you were done lying. You were done with running away from him. You were tired of cowering whenever his anger became too much. If you fought back, maybe he’d change his mind about you, about why he loves you. “No. I don’t love you. I don’t love anything about you.” The smirk that he had been wearing while expectantly awaiting your usual response was now fading as he listened to you, turning into a scowl as he stared at you from across the table. “I hate waking up next to you in the morning, I hate when you come home from work and I have to see you. Your touch makes my skin crawl, your kisses make me want to vomit… I hate you.” 
The reaction didn’t come immediately, it actually took a couple minutes for him to process what you had said. This was completely unlike you, it was one thing to know you didn’t love him but have you lie about it… It was something completely different for you to be so vocal about not loving him, about everything you hated about him. “Is that… all true?” He quizzed, almost like he was giving you one last chance, a chance to change your mind, to take back everything that you said. Of course, you’d still be in trouble for even uttering those words, but the punishment would be less severe. Without a second of hesitation, you firmly nodded your head. This was it, you were sure of it. 
Before your eyes had even reopened after blinking, you felt the back of his hand land against your cheek, your face momentarily whipping to the side before going right back to looking at him. You weren’t sure where the courage came from, maybe it was just the months of built up anger from the situation that you were in. You were tired of being the scared little mouse that would cower in the corner of the room, waiting for him to come get you. You would fight back now, and you weren’t sure how it would end, but at least you had tried. 
Everything that had once been on the table was now on the floor with one quick swipe of your hand, coffee mugs shattering against the porcelain tiles of the kitchen floor as you practically lunged across the table at him. “I’m not scared of you, not anymore. You can yell at me, you can hit me… but I’m done hiding from you. I’m gonna leave… No matter what it takes… I won’t be stuck here with you anymore.” 
You were a mere inch from his face, and he had the opportunity to scream at you, to hit you, to do anything he wanted. It’s what you were waiting for as his eyes bored into your own, but strangely enough, he started smiling. His hand came up, gently gripping your chin between his thumb and index finger to hold you in place. “You’re so… feisty… My darling…” He cooed as he stood from his chair, tilting your head back so your eyes would stay on him. “It’s quite adorable that you think you have any say in when you’ll be leaving… You’re stuck here with me forever, you know that.” He chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss you softly. “Although I will add this little act onto my list of things to love about you… It was quite entertaining.” 
All of that… Everything that you had done… The strength that had somehow manifested in that moment… And it was all for… This? For him to find it cute? For him to practically laugh in your face and look at it as a joke? You truly were stuck with him… No matter what you did, you’d always be here. Everything that you did to go against him… It was all pointless at the end. You could either continue trying to fight against him… Or you could try to learn to love him. It would be hard… But it was the only thing you hadn’t tried yet.
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msmodesto1 · 1 month
My headcanons about mercs' cooking skills and food preferences because I want + I can
TW cringe
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Medic cooks just fine. Not good, not bad, fine. BUT! He knows how to make awesome pastries, and once you taste his cupcakes, cookies, and you are already addicted to flour drugs of his production.
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Demo doesn't have time to cook his own food, and sometimes he just doesn't have the strength to do it. He eats fast food or whatever his grandma makes for him. He also likes fish. I think he really likes sea fish.
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Meat, meat, meat, and meat, as well as meat and of course MEAT. He eats and cooks a lot of meat, and he's a master at it. Everything that can be fried or grilled, he cooks very, very tasty. But it's not always healthy food, and maybe you'll have heartburn after eating it, but it was delicious and you don't regret anything.
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Soldier cooks hellish dishes. The recipe is averaged, as there can be a lot of options. Soldier takes the soup, but does not heat it. The microwave is for wimps. Soldier pours the soup into the pan and starts frying it. He adds a LOT of garlic, onion, black and red pepper, flour for viscosity, and a lot of sriracha. He frying it until it starts to smoke black. Soldier never cools it down, he immediately pours mayonnaise into the pan and starts eating it. He eats from the pan, loudly scraping on the pan with a spoon. He eats, sweat stands out on his forehead. Soldier eats and mumbles "holy shit" under his breath. He often offers it to his friends, but they kindly refuse.
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This son of a bitch has a secret spell called "fast metabolism." He can eat everything in his fridge, in your fridge, the whole KFC menu, a herd of cows, a third of the state of Virginia, and half of the US strategic reserve in case of an atomic war, and he will still remain thin as a stick, after he can still say something like "oh, dude I think I've lost some weight." He mostly eats what his mom cooks for him. But he often eats fast food.
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Of course he knows how to cook, and he cooks very tasty. But everything he can cook is very fatty and high in calories and, not surprisingly, he eats a lot. Do you know how much he eats? If you are lucky (or unlucky) to get into his house for lunch, then you will barely finish the first course, and you will already have thoughts that you will crawl out from behind the table because you will not have the strength to get to your feet. And this is only the first course! There's also a second course, a third course, a couple of salads, dessert, and then Heavy will make you drink tea with him. Do you know how they drink tea in Russia? It's like a separate meal, only all the food is sweet. Do you think this food will last for a week? Huh, it's a regular lunch at Heavy's house.
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He has no taste in food. A steak with black caviar from a five-star restaurant and the fried sole of his shoe are the same thing for him. Seriously, he doesn't see the difference between a masterpiece dish and what Soldier can cook. Because of this, his food tastes either ok (if you're lucky) or disgusting. Well, yes, he put too much salt in his food. Well, yes, he confused salt with sugar. Well, yes, perhaps the entire periodic table happened to be in his breakfast. He didn't even feel it.
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He loves to eat delicious food and has great taste in food, but he will NEVER cook something. He hates cooking. If he has the choice of either cooking something for himself or starving to death, he will go in search of a pen to write a will.
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Pyro can cook... They think so. In fact, their food is disgusting in appearance and taste and always has a burnt taste. It's some kind of curse, but they burn all their food. Even if they pour water into the pan, it will still start to burn.
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dreadark · 6 months
Fresh Snow
some drabbles of kim dokja's company during a snow day, before the story of orv starts
One could say Kim Dokja was lucky for reaching his apartment before the snowstorm truly picked up. Another could say he was unlucky for the storm happening exactly on the night he meant to go grocery shopping. And the first would argue with the second, saying if he’d just checked the weather forecast a day earlier he wouldn’t even be in this situation, so that couldn’t be called bad luck, only a lack of forethought…
…Damn it, he really was hungry.
It was lucky he had time to eat lunch during work today, and unlucky he had literally nothing left in his fridge or pantry now for dinner. Clear proof that trying to cut himself off from instant noodles was a mistake.
The cold was worse than the hunger, though. Kim Dokja knew this building had terrible insulation, but now he was feeling the lack of it seep into his bones. Wasn’t it some building code violation to let the temperatures indoors drop this low? Of course, having the time or money to do anything about that was out of the question, but he could daydream taking his bastard landlord to court anyway.
For now, he just had to bear it. If the Iron-Blooded Supreme King Yoo Joonghyuk could withstand being plunged into the coldest depths of Poseidon’s ocean, then Completely Average Salaryman Kim Dokja could definitely triumph over a particularly cold Seoul night…!
Before he could cringe himself to death over that thought, a notification popped up on his phone. A new chapter of Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World? tls123 had announced another hiatus earlier this week, which from previous experience would last a couple days longer, so he hadn’t expected an update today. Maybe, they’d come back early just to save him—?
>> lol there ws rly smn like this… s5gir antis r so sad
Unfortunately, it was only a reply to a comment he’d made years ago. Specifically, one on a chapter of SSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor pointing out how obviously “Yoo Joonhyun” was ripping off his Joonghyuk-ie…
The person who replied had probably assumed his account was old enough to have been abandoned, especially with how much backlash his comments had gotten then. So they’d surely be in for a shock if the original commenter shot back with definitive proof of this so-called author’s plagiarism.
…Kim Dokja was twenty-seven now. Having graduated university despite all odds he now “contributed to society” by going through the motions of a meaningless QA job, so he would definitely be considered an adult. Definitely too old to participate in flame wars online. Definitely too mature to start typing up a cool reply (carefully composed, he couldn’t seem like he was letting emotion get to his head) on how much evidence he’d collected to support his point (all saved to a draft on his personal email account, so he could access it wherever) and how they should at least apologize to tls123-nim in place of this pretentious “writer” who still refused to…
And really, ‘s5gir’? With an abbreviation that clunky, no wonder they had to copy someone. Couldn’t even come up with a decent title.
Only after posting the reply did Kim Dokja realize he’d completely forgotten about the cold while typing.
read the rest on ao3 here
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jumps into ur ask box hello. hi. what are ur ng+ time loop thoughtz
god i have. a lot of thoughts about ng+ time loops in general. in relation to this post tho i specifically have Some Thoughts about Akira going through the loops trying to figure out why he's stuck there, how to get out, etc and also having to contend with Akechi dying every time but also like…the inevitable emotional cycles that come with watching the same guy die over and over.
✧ "Who is more unlucky here? The one who will die every time but never remember? Or the one who will live every time and always remember?" –> "Me. I'm the more unlucky one. What's this dude's fucking problem" –> "What's MY fucking problem? Why does this keep happening to me? Why doesn't anyone else remember? Why can't I escape this? Why does Akechi have to die every time??" –> "What's this dude's FUCKING problem–"
✧ does it count as a parasocial relationship if you know the guy irl and also it's based on the weird sense of kinship that comes with being doomed to repeatedly live through the same year over and over while he's doomed to die every time. hand in hand they are BOTH doomed baybee
✧ You know how Akechi is often portrayed as having Death Note-esque internal monologues when interacting with Akira? That but Akira is having his own wildly different internal monologue that sounds a lot like "okay you shit idiot. what's it gonna take to keep you from dying"
✧ The rest of the Thieves are surprised when Akira doesn't seem to react to Akechi's death, but they figure he's trying to keep it together for the sake of the mission. Truly tho Akira is mentally cussing Akechi out and lamenting the fact they're gonna have to fight god again soon. rip lawboy you would've loved fighting ol' yaldy
✧ Futaba hacks Akira's phone (for enrichment) and sees his most recent google search "is it bad to stop feeling bad after the 15th time you watch the same person die or are you allowed to start getting annoyed about it" – maybe he's going through something similar to what she went through w/ her mom? She starts prodding him about his past, but it doesn't really get her anywhere…
(If u want to get even more into Game-Based Reality Nonsense u could even say that Futaba can't find anything on Akira aside from his criminal record. No hospital records, no school info, no nothing. It's like the guy didn't even exist before the day he got arrested. Akira might not have any answers either, which, u know, doesn't help with the mental strain caused by being stuck in a time loop. Does he even exist outside of the loop? If the loop ended, would he disappear with it? etc etc)
✧ At the beginning of each loop, Akira makes a list of things that might break the time loop, updating it as needed. "Akechi survives" is at the top of the list every time bc it's one of the only things that never happens.
✧ Akira just generally having a slightly shorter temper w/ Akechi bc truly. How do u go through this sort of ordeal w/o wanting to rattle him like a maraca after a point. He won't hesitate to call Akechi cringe when the guy leans too heavily on his Pleasant Lawboy™ persona.
They wind up sparring in Mementos more frequently bc this Akira is more willing to entertain Akechi's bloodlust; fighting is a good outlet for Akira's own frustrations. Akechi keeps getting more and more annoyed each time tho bc why tf can this attic trash keep up with him? How is he predicting Akechi's attacks so well? (Akechi's going to start spitting fire if he ever finds out Akira has been holding back during their fights lmao. Akira can easily trounce him in 1v1 since like…3 loops ago?)
✧ Akira spending so much time annoyed and even furious w/ Akechi for not having enough self-preservation to survive even one loop only to ultimately circle right back into The Guilt + Sorrow bc god, all this time and he still can't figure out how to keep this fuckhead alive?
And it IS guilt Akira feels, unfortunately. Makoto and Futaba were both antagonistic towards the Phantom Thieves at first, too. Just spending some time with them was enough to reveal how getting screwed over by adults guided their actions; it doesn't absolve them of threatening the group, but it makes them easier to forgive.
Akira wonders, sometimes, if he's too quick to forgive Akechi. He's killed people, and he claims to be perfectly okay with being a murderer so long as it means he can reach his goals. But Akechi is a liar all the way down, too, because a cold-hearted killer wouldn't sacrifice himself for his enemies. He wouldn't give up his only shot at vengeance so easily after going through years of hell to achieve it. Yet Akechi still dies in that boiler room every time. Akechi never truly hates Akira, and Akira can't quite bring himself to ever truly hate Akechi, either.
But then Akira sees Akechi alive and well and smiling for the camera in the next loop, and he gets the abrupt urge to lay the guy out.
✧ "I want you to live. I also never want to see you again."
✧ And all of this is w/o getting into P5R's third semester hijinks. Akira thinking he's finally escaped the time loop only to realize that something Worse is happening now.
And Akechi is still there, because of fucking course he is–
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ncarnesir · 11 days
A Story of her Own
This is the story of a Sun Summoner that is much much older than the Darkling and is looking for her own haven if one might say. Can Aleksander be that for her? Is it even what she's looking for? Well you'll have to read the story to know ;)
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Art on the moodboard is from Abel Klaer
Back in 2021, after watching Shadow and Bone for the first time, I somehow got inspired and started writing. And the result was this, my very first fanfic, A Story of her Own.
To be honest, there are a lot of cringe parts specially in the beginning and you can tell I'm newbie writer, but I'm still super proud of it. What I'm less proud of is that it's still not finished, but I've been working a lot on it recently so maybe I'm finally going to complete this.
I am taking a looooot of liberties in this, regarding canon, the magic system, the history of the world. But I do think it's at least coherent. Also there's a lot of smut because... I like that.
Chapters: 41/~70
Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Relationships: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Zoya Nazyalensky, Mal Oretsev/Alina Starkov, Zoya Nazyalensky/Mal Oretsev
Characters: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Alina Starkov, Mal Oretsev, Baghra (The Grisha Trilogy), Genya Safin, Zoya Nazyalensky, Ivan (The Grisha Trilogy), Fedyor Kaminsky, Nikolai Lantsov, Nina Zenik
Additional Tags: Darklina - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Happy Ending, Endgame The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mutual Pining, Simp The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, BAMF Alina Starkov, Morally Grey Alina Starkov, Sankta Alina Starkov, Older Alina, Older Woman/Younger Man, Who's scheming really ?, Morally Ambiguous Character, different POV, Minor Character Death, mild graphic depiction of violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide attempts, annoying pet names, Mention of triggering subjects coming in the future, Potentially more graphic depiction of violence coming in the future, Unlucky Zoya, Sun Soldier Malyen, BFF Genya, We hate Baghra, Scheming Nikolai, Apparat is not a bad guy, Several Explicit Sex Scene, Dubious Consent, Light Dom/sub, Oral Sex, Dream Sex, Manipulative sex, Rough Sex, Minor sex scene between The Darkling / Zoya (before Alina), Minor oral sex scene between Malyen / Alina, Personal interpretation of how amplifiers work, Personal interpretation of different grishaverse myths, Mainly based on the show, And the Wiki, English is not my 1st language, English is not my beta’s 1st language either, This thing is a full story (with plenty of smut for fun), Rated non-con because, Dream sex she doesn't know is not really a dream, Kissing while the other is not aware, NO rape
Everyone always supposed the Sun Summoner would appear one day, the Darkling first, but somehow, they never imagined that maybe she was already there, among them.
Or how Alina is much older than she looks like and is playing a game of her own.
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ohno-myfeefees · 4 months
Good omens 2
Finally got around to watching good omens season 2 and just jotting down my thoughts.
I like the ending, aziraphale has always been very holier than thou and he thinks heaven is the best and god is the best so it makes sense that when given a chance to go back to heaven and make someone he likes his little nepo pet he will take it.
Also when Crowley points out that he was offered to come back to hell and he said no, aziraphale goes “well obviously you said no, you’re the bad guys”, as if the angels of heaven didn’t attempt to start Armageddon, kill all of Job’s children, and erase him from existence more than once (saved both times by bad guy Crowley mind you)
I like that when Jim said “I love you” to aziraphale, aziraphale didn’t say it back.
I feel like Crowley kissed aziraphale not cause he cared much about kissing or anything but he thinks that’s what you (or humans) do to show how much you love someone. “One fabulous kiss and we’re good”
I disliked Nina and Maggie, they were off putting together and boring and had no chemistry. But at the same time I also think that was the point. Maggie had a weird stalkerish schoolgirl crush on Nina who was in a terrible and abusive relationship that finally ended and she just wanted to live her life. Any scene with them induced cringe and just dragged on and on. Two heavenly beings decided to then try to forcefully pair them together. It makes sense that the ship doesn’t sail and I’m glad it didn’t and I hope it never does.
People complaining about how grumpy and cold and unlikable Nina is but she’s constantly being hounded by a stalker that she has no attraction to. If I was in her shoes I’d be as dismissive and rude as possible in hopes they leave me alone. Especially if you’re a woman, you should understand how insufferable Maggie is being and she doesn’t get a pass just because she is also a woman/attracted to women.
“I hAvE bRotHerS” stfu Maggie
I hate that Nina called Maggie “angel”, it’s so cheap.
Still hate his royal smugness Gabriel, especially since he got his memories back. Him being Jim for a season didn’t change my feelings and I think Gabriel and beelzebub’s relationship was weird with not much chemistry either.
I like Muriel, she is cute and innocent and naive. I feel like she is the cinnamon roll that most fanfic writers seem to imagine aziraphale to be.
Shax was only a good character at the start. Once she started getting her solo moment in hell and commandeering an army she got boring fast. Her initial relationship with Crowley was compelling as she took over his old position but her character was not consistent.
Archangel Michael’s incompetence and ignorance of anything human is pretty funny this season. I enjoyed seeing more of the angel bureaucracy fleshed out.
Beelzebub was pretty meh this season, too cutesy and not enough deadpan “why is everyone I work with an idiot” and “I don’t give a fuck” attitude.
Wtf was furfur even there for
Fav scene was the Nina “how’s your naked man… friend” and Muriel’s visit to the bookshop for the first time.
I found Crowley being able to access Gabriel’s file interesting especially knowing the clearance level needed and I hope they do something with it.
Just because I didn’t like some of the side characters from season 2 doesn’t mean I miss the side characters for season 1. Anathema, whatshisface unlucky glasses guy, racist abusive Shadwell, and “the them” were all also meh. They worked with the story but I didn’t actually like them or their characters.
Muriel is the best side character ever created aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The season overall was hit or miss, the writing wasn’t very tight, and I found some of the characters very boring and cringey and a lot of the story and characters lack subtlety.
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hearts401 · 1 year
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im cringe but im free
these arent au designs more of a like,,, symbolic concept yk?
rambling under cut
moth. idk what made me pick moth but maybe its how innocent they are. they're counterparts of a bug that is unversally beloved, and they are quieter, only come out at night, and are more liekly to be killed. they are the butterfly's quiet cousin who gets twice the bullshit
and also, nocturnal animals suit evan. creeping around in the night and hiding away in the day, yk?
ladybugs are loved and considered lucky. i mean, its bad luck to kill a ladybug, right?
the peak of innocence, and if u kill it, you have bad luck.
also they have all black eyes which is smth my cousin told me earlier and like... so i gave her rlly soulless eyes. nothing behind em
im forever biased so he has the most thought put into him.
spider-infested foxy mask... thats connected to william of course. but michael doesnt have six (i only put 6 cuz its easier to draw) eyes? well this concept is from evans point of view. the moment mihcael puts that mask on, he might as well be a spider just like his father. also spiders are predators, while ladybugs and moths are not (afaik)
but underneath that mask he is a moth caught in the spider's web. he cant get away, and frankly he doesnt know how to. so he puts the mask on, he accepts being a spider. after all, its much better to be the one catching than to be the one caught
finally, william.
he has a sad excuse for moth-like antenna, that more resemble rabbit ears, as well as a rabbits face marking on his abdomen(?) that is reminiscent of a black widow's mark. he is the one in control of the web, and his children are his victims as well as any unlucky others who step foot into his lair.
he is the predator, they are the prey, trapped in his web of lies and bullshit and evil.
thats corny but you know what im saying
idk i scribbled these down and im going to bed now lol i just wanted to share these bc the idea struck me
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daenystheedreamer · 7 months
really just attacking u today arent i. sorry about that! anyways if duncan and jenny had children How fucked up do you think those targaryen genes are making them …… Crazy mud witch and Incest prince cannot make stable people. Like i have the dsm5 open but i fear its not bad enough….. I think about this a lot this is my favorite question to ask
evilllll that there were none are u kidding cos they should be rightful heirs!!! egg 'yeah i love poor people' v when he has to actually materially support the poor.... my friend daenerys would never do this!!! i know their sons would be full of hate and spite and rage... okay dunk+jenny child ocs unlucky four of them:
aegon, named for egg, in hopes egg might change his mind. super bitter and despises cousin aerys. i would be a better king im literally alpha sigma chad my beta soy cousin aerys is GAY and CRINGE
alysanne, named for the good queen :) sneaky snake bitch. pretends to be sooooo nice but is whispering in grampa egg's egghead ear saying ooooo you wanna crown my brother sooooo bad u wanna do globo homo communism sooooo much
aemon, named for maester aemon :) second son insanity. mommy's boy. kills aerys♡
aelora, named for poor mad aelora. runs off to the blackfyres and disappears.... mother of maelys blackfyre mayhaps 😈
normal duncan and nice jenny having evil children VERY funny to me.
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animeangel21 · 2 years
Reminiscing your first time… MINORS DNI 18+ only.
as my actual first time.
I can’t begin to tell you how embarrassing it is and for some reason the one fucker I thought about was FUCKING HANMA! That bitch is rotting my brain.
But what I’m about to write is very true(for the most part minus all the meeting part but everything I will say about the sex is true and embarrassinggg), it’s going to make alot of people cringe very hard cause when I was on Ft with the person who I did it with we were reminiscing and I was high, embarrassed, dying inside, and I tried to suffocate myself with a pillow.
This one is for @ranmahaitaji
Hanma and you talk about your first time..
The beginning
You and Hanma had an odd relationship, you weren’t dating but, you messed around with him and basically affiliated yourself with the wrong people even though you were.. you.
You weren’t exactly saving your self for marriage your parents just raised you very religiously, they were very strict, always up your ass, to top it all off you were the middle child.
Your grades weren’t always the best, you did smoke only weed though they haven’t caught you yet, never frequently acted out, you were a decent child but not in your parents eyes. But, as if you weren’t unlucky but also lucky enough you met Hanma Shuji. You’d seen the tall boy outside beating down some other boy, you’d ran over and before he could swing another punch you grabbed his wrist and he turned shocked to see it was a small little girl who held his fist.
“shouldn’t you pick on someone your own height?” You had a problem with him beating someone who was unconscious and typically you ignored the gangs around you but this was the only time you’d involve yourself.
“No, you should keep walking sweetheart don’t wanna get caught up In these streets too late yeah? Might end up in someone’s trunk if you’re not careful” he snatched his wrist with a smirk and left the kid on the floor and pulled you away from the kid.
“ Tch, let go of me you beanpole. Why the fuck were you beating him anyway.”
“Hanma, not beanpole. And he owes me money, too bad he probably wont remember. And you are?”
“Y/n.. now I’ll be going I have a curfew” you said snatching your Arm and pushing the taller man back before walking away.
You peaked his interest to say the least. He would see you looking so uninterested as you stood with your parents outside the church every Sunday, He would get a glimpse of you walking down busy sidewalks, he of course took every opportunity to bother you till you exchanged numbers till you agreed to be his friend at least. You both had 2 different meanings of friends.
He wanted so badly to just keep you in his pocket, the world sucked and didn’t treat you any nicer. He would try to make plans and take you out to places but, your parents had such a tight leash on you, that you never could agree.
Then one day you agreed to sneak out and actually hang out with him and he was excited to say the least. You hopped out your window landed on the grass and the cold air greeted your bare legs. You wore one of hanmas sweaters that he lent you a couple weeks back and a pair of black shorts. The plan was to take edibles to him, talk for a brief moment, nothing more nothing less.
You didn’t expect for him to ask you for a kiss when you sat in the passenger seat of his friends car who he borrowed it from while his bike was being fixed. You didn’t expect for his hand to curl around your neck and pull you closer then ask you to join him in the back seat.
As high as you were, you were nervous, you couldn’t move and as soon as you met him in the back seat.. well use your brain.
You and Hanma were on FaceTime and now you were kicked out your parents house after ‘acting too independent’ and lived on your own with shuji as well of course as this was his penthouse.
He couldn’t come over cause he had some business to attend to so he settled on FaceTiming his girlfriend instead.
Hanma was never afraid to say what’s on his mind he would often like to embarrass you any chance he got.
Right now he watched you as you played with your orange tabby while you laid on your back on the king sized bed you both sleep in and cuddled in each others arms.
You wore his black sweater from what he could see and probably no pants because he knew you wouldn’t sleep with pants on claiming it was uncomfortable but he wasn’t complaining in the slightest, easy access he’d say in his head.
“Baby?” You looked at the camera could kinda see his face but not well with the lighting.
“Wassup babe” you said in a soft tone.
“Remember the first time we had sex, and you kept complaining saying ‘it hurts,it hurts!’ Good times am I right?” You just looked at him shocked.
“And what possessed you just to bring that up shuji” you brang the blanket up to cover your burning face.
“I was just thinking about doing it. Ya know? Getting you on all fours in the backseat doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” You we’re so embarrassed you couldn’t say anything to him and he laughed at your face.
“Wanna know what my favorite part was though?”
“What..?” You silently said.
“When you bent over the middle counsel then you answering a call while I was fucking you from the back.. and when I had you in doggy girl you were not breathi-“
“ oh my god please someone kill me now, please suffocate me” you said loudly and he only laughed.
“next time I fuck you I’ll make sure we do it missionary and I’ll choke you, and stick my tongue down your throat while I pound you how’s that?” You had a pillow over your face and only gave a thumbs up.
“Question” he said
“ after that, did you ever touch yourself thinking about that day n all?” He couldn’t help it, his hand released his erection that he’s had for almost 45 minutes since he initiated this conversation earlier asking if you had toys and what toys you had then again just minutes ago talking about sex.
“Y-yeah” you still refused to look at him and he smirked.
“Interesting.. well at least I’m not the only one”
“Someone please kill me..” you put one of the decorative pillows on your bed over your face and it didn’t help how uncomfortable your underwear felt cause it smelled faintly of his strong cologne.
“I’ll choke you out if that what you want baby, you never complain about it. Tell me something yeah?”
“what?” You said with a bite to your tone looking at him finally meeting his golden eyes.
“How’d you feel the day after huh? You looked like you were struggling there. From what I remember ‘it hurts! It hurts!” He gave you a smile and laughed at you while you planted your face in the mattress.and screamed.
“This conversation is done! Why are you attacking me like this?” You question him and rolled your eyes.
He chuckles and his free hand strokes himself while he too is reminiscing on the first time and how tight you were and how nervous you’d been, oh, you sucked him off too. Of course he didn’t expect you to be good at it but fucking your throat and seeing you cry was fucking nirvana for the reaper.
Now you didn’t even gag when he put his dick in your throat, it amazes him every time and he even said he’d get you pregnant from the way you give him head.
“Don’t be embarrassed baby, you were such a good girl for me.” He let out a small groan
Your face seemed to burn hotter hearing that and you sighed just looking at him. “Especially when I had your knees touching your chest.” He said looking at you and running his tongue over his bottom lip.
“I’ve never wanted to choke you more than I do now” you stated and he watched your fingers twitch.
“Touch yourself for me pretty, I’ve been doing it for a couple minutes now”
“Wh-what? No that’s embarrassing..” you said and he laughed and let out a semi loud groan to tease you a bit and get you all hot and bothered so you’ll touch yourself for him.
“Prop your phone up princess. Let me get a nice view of that pussy and your face. Let me see her. Remember when we did 69 for the first time hm? You sucked me off while I ate that cute little pussy all up.” He shuddered at the memory and your breathing hitched.
“Fuck yes, you moan so pretty baby. You were running from me too had you on all fours with that ass in the air and you’re a runner indeed cant handle some dick?” You clenched around nothing and you listened to his instructions and propped up the phone at an embarrassing angle showing your light gray underwear which had a rather large dark patch on the center.
“Let me see her, let me see my pretty pussy” he said and propped his phone on the side table giving you this stunning view of his sweats pulled down, his pretty cock in his hand, a great look at his abs and his face covered with his hair partially.
“Shuji, y’ look so good.” You moaned out and his breath was caught for a moment, you’d praised him a lot when he pleasured you but the fact is he didn’t even have to touch you to get you to praise him.
“Yeah baby I know I do, show me how wet you got from lookin at me, spread her open like a good girl should”
You moaned softly but tried to hide it from him but he heard that slutty moan. “Yeah, take em the fuck off. I won’t tell you again or I’ll hang up”
“N-no, I’ll do it. Shuji please don’t” you almost had tears on your lash line and eagerly pulled your panties off showing your slick pussy, webs of arousal coating your thighs and panties were stained and soaked as well.
“You’re leakin like a faucet, my pretty baby are you that needy. I bet you taste like fuckin’ heaven right now soaking my expensive Fuckin sheets Slut”
“Finger yourself, 3 fingers. Now.” His head fell back with a smirk and him Biting his lip while starting to stroke his thick, long cock.
You obeyed and lifted his sweater over your tits to give him a view of your pierced nipples.
You stuffed your fingers in your cunt and moaned at the feeling of your cunt stretching out around them.
“That’s it princess, you know how I play with that pussy. Curl those pretty fingers remember how I did it the first time then made you suck em off while I was balls deep in you?” Your eyes rolled back slightly, a moan slipped from your lips louder than you wanted as you curled your fingers.
The room was filled with your small whines and moans, the sound of your fingers thrusting into your wet hole and heavy breathing from you both.
“God I can’t wait to go home and pound that cute little pussy. Gonna fuck- fucking breed you till you’re dumb off this dick” he pumped himself harder and quicker using his free hand to play with his balls.
You visibly clenched around your fingers at the thought and more of your own slick dripped out your hole and collected into a creamy mess below you and on your asshole.
To say his brain short circuited would be an understatement.
“Just wanna lick you from front to back and handcuff you with that pretty ass in the air. I know you like being spanked too so I’ll be generous enough to leave a few handprints and bruises behind as a treat. Such a good little slut I have.”
“A-shuji gonna cum baby, please cum with me” you moaned out.
“Okay with that clit baby, show me how you’ll cream on my cock when I come home” his balls tightened in his hand and he pumped himself quicker spreading his pre across his shaft as he was getting close.
“Fuck! Shuji cumming” you felt your core snap and your legs shook slightly as you came and he came just from watching the clear and white translucent liquid pour out your clenching hole and dripped down between your ass and onto the bed sheets.
His own orgasm hit him and he groaned loudly repeating your name and glaring into the camera with a look of lust. His release painted his abs and fingers.
“Sucks you’re not here to swallow it like always.” He commented catching his breath.
“Shuji when will you ever stop.” You said watching him grab tissues to clean himself up while standing on shaky legs to clean yourself up.
“Won’t stop till im back in bed next to you.” He says using a wet rag to clean himself up.
“That has never stopped you from making any remarks.”
“Then why don’t you shut me up. Sit on my face and put that pussy in my mouth-”
“ALRIGHT I get it, I get it.” You say cleaning up everything and propping your phone up while you change the comforter you were on top of.
“Messy girl. Okay I’m done. For now.” He says winking at the camera and you give him a fake smile.
Once finished you lay in bed again, you glance at the clock and it changes at the perfect time.
Shuji isn’t paying attention watching something and you get his attention by tapping the Camera.
“What up baby girl?”
“Happy birthday Shuji” you say and his demeanor changed to something softer.
“Thank you baby, thank you for everything I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.”
You laugh and lay on your side. “Well I don’t know how this worked but it did and I love you” your eyes were lower than before, he only wished he could hold you, kiss you, and tell you to your face how much he loved you.
“I love you more than anything doll.” And with that you gave him a slight smile and you both fell asleep on the FaceTime call waiting to wake up in each others arms again in a few days.
© 2022 animeangel21. please do not copy any of my writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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Mambo - Prove It To You - Strictly NRC Dancing
Author's Notes: First Sebek fic (woo!) I actually really adore Sebek in a weird sort of way, but writing him was certainly a new experience! Especially since I was writing the Mambo.... Writing dancing is getting easier and easier though. Makes me realize how far into this series I've gotten. The dance in this fic was Heavily inspired by Heidi and Benji’s Mambo to “Black mambo” by Angel and the Mambokats on So You Think You Can Dance Season 2 Episode 18. Just like the rest of this AU/series the reader is female for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more this AU/series, the fics can be found here: Strictly NRC Dancing AU Master-List.
Type: Dance AU/ female reader/ fluff/ can probably be taken as flirtatious
Word Count: 1058
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“Stop! Stop! Did you learn nothing from your lessons, pup?” I cringed in sympathy as Crewel proceeded to lay into Sebek yet again.
“This is a sultry, flirtatious dance. You need lots of hip action, and-”
“BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE!” This time I covered my ears and prayed for this particular exam to be over just a little bit faster.
 Sebek was beyond frustrated at this point, and it was, to a degree, understandable. He knew the foot motions and the mechanics of the mambo. But the general emotion of the dance was beyond him.
Crewel eyed the first year with no small amount of annoyance as Sebek continued on his tirade, not helping his situation at all by having interrupted our professor. “The dances of the Valley of Thorns have no such need for such… Frippery! Why does thi-”
“The mambo is not a dance of the Valley of Thorns, though, is it?” There was a certain venom to Crewel’s words that came from a man who had long lost patience with his current student as he all but prowled towards us.
“The mambo IS the dance you are being graded on in approximately 40 minutes, though! Now, I suggest you watch me and the Prefect go through your choreography one more time and pay attention!”
As I stepped quickly around the room with Crewel, letting the man spin me at high speeds before pausing for brief periods of sashaying place with our foreheads pressed together that featured considerable amounts of eye contact, I couldn’t help but feel kind of bad for the young man who watched us closely. Not to say that I wasn’t frustrated myself, but… To a degree, I understood Sebek’s struggles.
 The mambo was a fun dance that was both sensual and flirty. Two things that tended to clash with Sebek of the twenty-something missives that must be written before he was willing to sit with a person’s width between him and the object of his affections.
The fact that he’d received the mambo, of all dances, for his class was beyond unlucky. In fact, it was practically unfair.
Judging from what I’d seen of his dancing thus far during our practice, Sebek wasn’t actually a bad dancer. He just wasn’t a flirty one, which was, unfortunately for him, necessary for this dance.
The proof of his skills was the choreography that Crewel had put together for us. Our performance dance was beyond difficult and required almost perfect partner synergy. And Sebek was doing admirably…. He just wasn’t terribly well-suited for Latin dancing.
“There. You see? All you need to do is add the right emotion to your dance, and you will be ready. Now, again, from the top.” With only those instructions, Crewel stepped away. Leaving me waiting for Sebek, who approached with renewed vigor.
And yet, the very second he took my hand, I knew there was no way this was going to be correct. The proper steps would be there, but none of the attitude would be. 
So I leaned forward, causing Sebek’s eyebrows to lift questioningly, as my brain was already working hard to figure out exactly what I could say to get him to do what he needed to.
I did feel a tiny bit guilty as I smiled at him oh-so-sweetly, “Why don’t you ask Silver for some help after we finish up here? There will be some time between then and our performance, so he should be able to give you some pointers.”
Annnnd Boom. 
The immediate shock and irritation that appeared in Sebek’s strange-looking eyes told me exactly what I needed to know. He’d taken the bait. 
Bait, that I had not wanted to have to use, especially since I didn’t actually know if Silver would be any better at the mambo than Sebek. 
But, with any luck, this would get Sebek through this class. Hopefully with a passing grade.
“YOU THINK SILVER CAN DO BETTER THAN I?!” I flinched at his overly loud voice, and, as if he realized how deafening he’d just been, his voice was quieter as he continued, “I’ll have you know that I was the best dancer in my class back at the Valley of Thorns. While Master Lilia may have taught Silver well, I doubt that Silver would be anywhere near my level of prowess.”
My eyes darted over to where Crewel stood with raised eyebrows; mercifully, he wasn’t interjecting. Perhaps he was willing to leave this up to me.
“I just thought since you seem unable to get the right emotion for the dance that Silver might-”
“I’LL SHOW YOU HUMAN!” In an almost uncharacteristic move, Sebek’s voice lowered till he was almost whispering as he dipped his head down to mine. A challenge shined in his eyes as he continued, “I do not need him to show me how to dance, and I’ll prove it to you right here and now.”
I would have to apologize to both Silver and Sebek after this was all said and done. But right now, all that mattered was getting this awkward teenage boy through this dance and past this class.
 For the sake of both him and my eardrums.
So I made the final push, stretching up with a slight smirk on my lips as I allowed my expression to reflect his challenge right back at him, “Then I suggest you do just that, Sebek. Because I honestly don’t think you can.”
Despite our close proximity, the usually easily scandalized young man outright smirked down at me, not backing away in the slightest, “Have it your way, human.”
Still tired, but now rather amused, Crewel called out, “If you two are quite ready…?”
My eyes stayed on Sebek, who refused to back down even as he stepped backward, keeping his eyes on mine as he held my hand up in between the two of us. 
I grinned despite myself as I called out in response to our instructor and kept my eyes on the young man in front of me who was holding my hand as if there were nothing there, “More than ready!”
“I certainly hope you are, human.” Sebek’s gloating tone hadn’t lessened in the slightest, even as the upbeat and almost raucous beat started up from where Crewel had hit play on the radio, “Let’s dance.”
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helluva-dump · 1 year
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Ahhhhh here’s something I’ve been thinking about sharing but I got so nervous how fans and antis may take this 🥲🥲🥲
Yeah so, I wasn’t too keen on Adam at first since the idea of him being the leader of arch angels and he looks too similar to Blitzo… But after doing a lot of roleplays with a friend of mine (WHO REALLY IS GOOD AT WRITING ADAM. LIKE KEEPING HIM HOW VIV WANTED BUT STILL MAKE HIM KIND OF CREEPY ) So Adam is a character I’m actually fascinated by. Mainly because he sounds so cringe that I wanna shit on him in my stories XD
Though, I also want to write him as an intimidating villain too.
While me and said friend we talked about our headcanons for Heaven and how Adam was originally a sinner… I feel like that was Viv’s vision. I think he looks more like a demon and does vulgar language is because he’s a sinner who faked his redemption to get the easy way out.
But tbh it works perfect! Since I kind of originally planned for Lucy to have a horrible experience with some angelic priest… but I scrapped it since I wasn’t sure how that work, but since Vivziepop made Adam.. it somehow made me wanna go back to that idea using him.
Basically he acts like a dudebro chud with entitlement and thinks he can do whatever because he’s the “first man of God” which gave him a superiority complex. And he acts like a massive creep to Lucy, so a villainous crush trope.
After his two failed relationships with Lilith and Eve, who are promincuous and defiant in his eyes… He was drawn to Lucy due to her kind, Caring, and humble nature. How she’s a guardian Angel who happens to cook, clean, and is very good with children. To him, that is his ideal woman. A submissive tradwife that can never ever question him and is a doormat for him to take advantage of. But unlucky for him, she never had interest in him and always calls his shit out and rejects his advances.
But in a serious note, I actually want to take what Viv was gonna do for Stolas and blitzo (before Romanticizing them), that she got into a coercion relationship as well as SA.
So trigger warning, he once found out about her dirty little secret (like finding her erotica novels she enjoys reading, Lucy is Aegosexual so she only enjoys that in fiction) and decided it’s the perfect blackmailing. He found these books of hers and threatens to tell all the arch angels about her sinful books to get herself banned.
Now in order from her to behave and comply, he basically wanted her to be his girlfriend in return. And as much as she hates him and doesn’t want to… she never wanted to get banned.. Sure, she agreed and is stuck in a very co dependent relationship with him.
I’m not gonna make him super one dimensional, part of me wants to have him actually act like a narcissist. One who always sweetens her up anytime he makes her feel bad. Or makes everyone believe he’s a caring boyfriend to her. But behind closed doors, he’s terrible.
I’ve been a bit nervous to post this… I know things like this are heavy subjects but from personal experiences, I’m gonna try my best to portray a topic with care. This isn’t gonna be the actual oc x canon ship for Lucy, I actually plan to ship her work another canon character that she actually genuinely loves and feels safe with.
Also, I chose to write this because this is sadly a common thing with Christianity, the toxicity of purity culture and how it affects women and how a lot of disgusting so called preachers say sexist shit. (I watched God is Grey talking about one of them which inspired me ) but I also wanna show the good side of Christianity with someone like Lucy.
I don’t wanna treat this black and white, I genuinely wanna world build the Heaven side of the heaven since I love angelogy and I wish we got that in the show.
Oh and that Angel in the background on the first sketch, that’s a friend’s oc. He’s massively protective over Lucy like a little sister and doesn’t trust Adam.
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nightxwitch · 2 years
Notes; a Sebastian Sallow Romance One-Shot
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A/N: This is another Sebastian Sallow romance one-shot with my OC, Séance. Feel free to imagine yourself or your MC in her place, I don’t mind. I simply don’t like writing “y/n” stories as much. All students have been aged up so they’re adults, since I’m in my 20s and don’t feel comfortable writing romance about minors. I wrote this in one sitting and I really hope you enjoy it! The feedback I got on my last story meant the world to me. It’s been years since I’ve written like this, and I feel like I have a purpose lately because of it so thank you for reading.
If you have plot requests for more one-shots involving Sebastian, Ominis, and/or Imelda, feel free to send them to my inbox! 😊
Summary: Professor Sharp has a reputation for humiliating students who are caught passing notes in his class. Today, these unlucky students are Sebastian Sallow and Imelda Reyes. Séance and Sebastian’s friendship has been rocky as of late and watching him spend more time with Imelda has her jealousy at an all-time high. It turns out that not everything is as it seems.
Word Count: 2,261
The quadruple potion station sprawled between Séance and Sebastian. He used to claim the cauldron beside her, but that had changed in recent weeks. The girl watched unsatisfactorily as Imelda laughed at something Sebastian said, and she felt her ire grow. They were leaning awfully close to each other yet again today, and Séance found herself grinding her teeth in irritation. Knowing that she had no right to be jealous somehow didn’t make her feel any less so.
“Is everything alright?” Ominis asked from the station next to hers, and she wondered if he had heard her teeth scraping against each other, so she stopped doing so immediately.  
“Yes, everything’s fine, Ominis. Thank you for asking.” She replied, still watching Sebastian and Imelda out of the corner of her eye.
The entire thing was driving her mad. Her and Sebastian had gotten much closer, almost to the point where Séance had believed that they would finally develop a romantic relationship. It was something she’d wanted for the three years she’d known him, and she’d almost had it. At least until Sebastian had suddenly decided to pull back, distancing himself both physically and emotionally. In favor of Imelda, it seemed.
Séance couldn’t blame him; not really. Imelda was witty, driven, and ridiculously beautiful. She imagined that most men would take interest in the woman, though she had never imagined it would be Sebastian developing feelings for her.
Professor Sharp started to talk, educating them on a new potion that required toad warts, cat fur, and a troll eyeball.
Sebastian’s hand slid toward Imelda, obviously concealing something. Imelda tried to inconspicuously pick it up, but Séance caught a flash of it: a piece of paper.
Séance felt her eye twitch as she began to chew on her lower lip because it was much quieter than grinding her teeth. She remembered when Sebastian used to pass her notes, and now he was passing them to Imelda instead. She felt her heart drop and the sting of betrayal churn in her stomach.
This pattern repeated throughout the class, the pair growing sloppier with each note pass until they finally made the mistake of exchanging the paper in front of Professor Sharp, who loomed above them. The professor stopped his instruction.
“Oh, for me?” Professor Sharp asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he held his hand out in a silent demand for the piece of parchment. “How thoughtful of you.”  
Both Sebastian and Imelda’s eyes became the size of saucers as they looked at each other, then up at the professor. Séance watched as Sebastian’s hand closed around the note protectively, and he made no move to place it into Sharp’s anticipant palm. Séance cringed, frowning as she observed the ordeal. She even felt bad for them. Everyone knew not to pass notes in Sharp’s class, because word had gotten around about what happened when a student was caught doing so.
“What’s going on?” Ominis whispered, leaning over to Séance's side.
“Sebastian and Imelda got caught passing notes.” Séance murmured back, careful to speak quietly enough that Sharp wouldn’t overhear.
“Oh, no.” Ominis said emphatically, eyes wide in horror.
“I know.” Séance said in agreement.
“Mr. Sallow?” The professor barked, a thick brow raising expectantly.
“May I please just take detention, Professor Sharp?” Sebastian asked desperately, a hopeful expression on his face as he dragged the note closer to his body.
Séance smirked, wondering what Sebastian had written that was so bad he didn’t want Professor Sharp to read it. Maybe he had been complaining about how boring he found the class or discussing forbidden spells; both things he had written in notes to her before.
“Yes, please just give us detention instead.” Imelda chimed in.
“Absolutely not.” The professor said, his voice final. “Now hand it over.”
Sebastian’s expression twisted into a grimace, almost as if he had been impaled. He reached up slowly and dropped the note into Sharp’s open hand. His brown eyes flickered over to meet Séance’s gaze before he quickly looked down at his cauldron instead, cheeks red as a rose.
Although Séance wished Sebastian wasn’t experiencing such a humiliating event, she was curious to find out what him and Imelda had been gossiping about.
“Ah, I’d recognize this horrific handwriting anywhere, Mr. Sallow.” Sharp commented. Sebastian looked like a dog who had been bopped on the nose in response. “And the neater hand belongs to Ms. Reyes here. Let’s see what was so urgent it couldn’t wait until after my class.”
Professor Sharp unwrinkled the note as much as possible and then cleared his throat, “Mr. Sallow: ‘So when are you going to ask Poppy to go out with you?’”
“Oooooooh!” Several students exclaimed in unison. Imelda crossed her arms on the desk and hid her blushing face in them, but her ears remained visible and were bright scarlet.
“Ms. Reyes: I’ll ask Poppy when you ask Séance.”
“What?” Séance began to choke, having swallowed at the exact wrong moment as she heard this information. All her classmates turned to look at her, other than Imelda and Sebastian. His eyes were firmly glued to the tabletop in front of him as he clenched the edge of it so hard the veins in his forearms and hands were bulging. She felt her face heat up and knew her cheeks were just as crimson as Sebastian’s.
Sharp continued, “Mr. Sallow: ‘That’s not fair, you know why I can’t do that.’ Ms. Reyes: ‘Because you’re a wimp?’”
The class laughed, and even the professor looked as if he found the situation humorous. “Mr. Sallow: ‘Ha-Ha, very funny. No, it’s because I don’t want to ruin our friendship. What if she doesn’t like me that way, or worse; what if we break up and can’t be friends anymore after that? She matters too much for me to risk everything.’”
The professor's tone was so flat as he read the heartfelt words that it caused snickering throughout the classroom.
Séance watched Sebastian looking increasingly embarrassed as her heart pounded away in her chest. So, she wasn’t crazy after all, she mused. There was something between them, and she’d misread the situation with Imelda entirely. Sebastian’s dark eyes met Séance’s, causing her knees to feel weak. He looked mortified, but also as if he was trying to scrutinize how she felt about what she’d heard.
“Ms. Reyes: ‘I could say the same thing about Poppy. I’ve loved her for three years, for Merlin’s sake. But sometimes you’ve got to take a risk.’”
Séance glanced over to Poppy, whose entire face was so red that it appeared as if she’d been hanging upside-down for half an hour. She wasn’t looking at anyone, and appeared as if she were just trying to survive the next few minutes.
“Ah, sadly it ends there.” Professor Sharp stated, “I suppose we’ll have to go back to my tiresome class once again. Oh, and that’s fifty points from Slytherin.” He added.
The other Slytherins in the class groaned, muttering choice words for Sebastian and Imelda.  
Once the Professor was done with his instruction, and it was time for the students to brew their potions, Ominis leaned over to her once again.
“Well, that was quite something.” He said, “I don’t think Sebastian was planning to tell you how he felt for a while, if ever.”
“Wait, you knew?” Séance asked, putting an emphasis on the word.
“Of course I knew.” Ominis replied, smirking. “He’s my best friend. Besides, he can’t hide anything from me even when he wants to. I know him too well.” The man straightened up a bit, blank gaze directed past Séance. “Hello, Sebastian.” He greeted.
Séance froze, eyes widening as she felt Sebastian’s presence behind her.
“Hi, Ominis.” Sebastian responded, his hand resting next to Séance on top of the potion-brewing station.
He was so close she could feel his warmth behind her, and the rich scent that was uniquely him gave her a weird kind of high; pine, citrus, vanilla, and a hint of woodsmoke.
“I came to see if I could borrow a troll eye.” He said, moving his hand away from the table. “I’m  out.”
Séance saw there was now a piece of paper where there hadn’t been one before Sebastian arrived, and she put her forearm flat over the little white note to conceal it.
“Of course,” Ominis said, handing him the proper jar. “I’ve already used one, so just bring the jar back once you’re finished.”
“Thank you.” Sebastian said, returning to his cauldron.
Séance moved her arm just enough to peek down and read the messy handwriting there: “Meet me in the Undercroft after class.” Was all that was written.
Anticipation fluttered in Séance’s stomach, only increasing as the minutes continued to tick past and their meeting grew closer. The rest of the period went by in a blur, with Sebastian refusing to look Séance’s way again. Once the bells finally began to ring, Séance saw Poppy approach Imelda with a shy smile on her lips and it caused her to grin as well. She hoped their talk turned out happy for both women.
 Séance made her way to the Defence Against the Dark Arts tower, quick footsteps carrying her down several flights of stairs until she ducked behind a staircase and entered the secret room. She found Sebastian standing there, awaiting her arrival.
“Hi.” He said, posture stiff and expression awkward. “Thank you for coming. I figured we ought to talk.”
“Of course.” Séance replied, nervously wringing her hands. “I agree, we should probably discuss this.”
There was an uncomfortable stretch of silence as neither one of them wanted to be the first to bring up what had happened. Finally, Séance took a deep breath, deciding that he’d already been embarrassed enough today and it was only fair that she speak first.
“I didn’t know you had feelings for me,” She began, “Especially since you distanced yourself the last few weeks. I thought I’d done something to push you away, or you lost interest in me even if you once had those feelings.”
He finally looked at her, chocolate eyes meeting hers. “I’m sorry.” He told her. “I shouldn’t have done that. Things were…” He searched for a way to phrase things, “heating up, for lack of a better term, and I got concerned and backed off. I fuck things up, Séance, it’s what I do. I didn’t want our relationship to be just another casualty in my long list of screw-ups. I care about you. As cliché as it sounds, you make me a better man. You believe in me even when I fail to make appropriate choices. I’ve never had that with anyone.”
Sebastian stepped closer to her, cupping her hand gently between his. “But I’m done running. I was too much of a coward to tell you how I felt myself, so I’m happy Professor Sharp read my note today. Now everyone knows how I feel about you, and I want them to. I want you to.” He closed his eyes, inhaling slowly before looking down at her once more. “The real question is, do you still feel the same way, even after everything?” He asked quietly.
“I do.” Séance told him. “I always have.”
He smiled broadly, arms sliding around her waist as he pulled her against him. “Does that mean it’s okay if I-” Sebastian began, but Séance quickly cut him off.
He dipped his head in response, his hand rising to her jaw as his lips touched hers for the first time. They both felt their chests heave with excitement and passion as they deepened the kiss. Sebastian gently bit her lower lip and she gasped lightly, parting her lips enough to grant him access. His tongue caressed hers as his slender fingers weaved through her long raven hair, holding her face firmly to his. Séance’s fingers worked to unzip his robe and pull it down and off his shoulders, her hands gliding underneath the fabric of his shirt to rest on his bare chest. She could feel his heart hammering swiftly as they kissed, and she stroked the muscles of his chest and shoulders.
He broke their kiss, staring into her eyes as he breathed rapidly. “Do you want me to take my shirt off?” Sebastian asked.
In answer she tugged the hem of his shirt up and he did the rest, pulling on the collar until it was up and over his head. It was the sexiest thing Séance had ever watched someone do, seeing the way his body moved as he stripped for her.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said, unable to tear her eyes away from his powerful chest, broad shoulders, and toned abdomen.
“What?” He inquired, awkwardly mussing up the back of his hair. “Is there something wrong?”
“You look like that under those robes?” She asked incredulously.
He chuckled. “The evidence speaks for itself. Why, do you like what you see?” Sebastian asked flirtatiously, tugging her waist to pull her toward him.
“Uh yeah, ‘like’ would be an understatement.” She admitted, fingers trailing down the individual muscles of his abdomen.
Séance finally looked up at him and saw that he was watching her with hungry eyes. Sebastian’s arms wrapped around her and he leaned in, kissing her lips once more. The man bent down to grab the back of her thighs and hoist her up onto a table nearby. Her fingers pushed into his hair as they continued kissing, long legs wrapping around his hips and pulling him in tighter against her.
Sebastian pulled back half an inch, stroking her cheek with his thumb as he grinned.
“I’m so glad I passed those notes.”
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