#how to gain pinterest followers
honeytonedhottie · 6 months
starting and managing ur blog⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍰
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so you wanna start a blog? in this post i’ll break down effective ways to start, manage and maintain a blog (from my own experience of course) i hope u find this helpful ✨
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to have a blog you need an idea or concept about what your blog will be about. make your blog about either something that you know a lot about/are proficient in.
or blog about something that u are learning about as a way to track ur progress and learn new information. you could blog about something that you love a lot etc etc. 
what is your aesthetic? for me it’s hyper feminine and pink and just DIVINE. when u choose and stick to an aesthetic it’ll give ur blog kind of a signature which is important for the rest of this post. 
when u have an aesthetic in mind for ur blog make sure that you have plenty of pins on pinterest that mesh nicely with ur aesthetic so u can find things like headers, dividers, photos and emojis that suit the aesthetic of ur blog. 
pinterest is my holy grail for resources. there u can find headers and photos to use in ur posts to give ur audience something visually pleasing to look at while they read ur post. 
what ur gonna want to start off ur blog aesthetic and theme is ; 
a header 
a color scheme (for coloring/bolding words. and the colors for ur blog page in general)
an informative bio 
a pfp 
if u want to run a well organized blog there are a couple posts that i think are beneficial for u to make. in fact the most important post that i think any blog should have is a MASTERLIST.
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master lists are great for a multitude of things. they help ur audience to navigate ur blog easier and see all that you have to offer in one convenient tap of their finger. plus when u make navigating ur blog easy, more people will experience ur content which will mean more interactions with ur post.
not only does it help the audience but it also helps u to know what u did and didn’t post, so that u can plan effectively for the future. it’s also a fun way to see how much u posted. i recommend making a new masterlist every year or when you can’t put any more links onto it 💀. if u want a reference for a good masterlist you can check out mine right here.
consistency is key in anything and everything and blogging is no exception. i recommend not blogging in a competitive nature, rather i think in order to be consistent with something like a blog you should genuinely just do it for funsies/passion and as a way to have ur own authentic creative outlet.
i don’t have a set posting schedule bcuz i don’t want blogging to feel like a chore when in reality it’s just a hobby that happened to gain an audience because people enjoyed it. and because people enjoy what i write, it in return makes me happy and wanna write more.
i cannot stress this enough but when u have a platform whether it’s small or big individuality sets you apart! have something that sets u apart like personalized hash-tags, a way that u talk, etc etc. 
personalize hash-tags with things like emojis. also, USE UR HASHTAGS because when someone looks up something like “self improvement” your post will be what they see if u add those hashtags.
furthermore if u personalize those hashtags it sets u apart and gives ur blog a kind of brand and individuality in a way. like a signature at the end of a post.
what posts you’ve done/want to do
upcoming projects or ideas that u have
how your following/interactions are growing or shrinking
how much $ u get from tips
inbox questions or dms to answer
your plans and goals
your personalized hashtags
i hope this post was helpful to anyone who has been thinking about or wants to create their own blog, i encourage you to do so ✨
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leoascendente · 9 months
PAC/ Major blessings of the new year ✨️
Hi my loves! Welcome back to another pick a card, this time focused into the new year and what will be the major blessings this new year has in store for you. As always, take a deep breath and take a moment to choose your pile, I suggest you to pick the one that makes you smile the most.
I wish you the best year possible, may peace, happiness and love be always by your side every day of this new year ❤️
Decks: Woodland wardens oracle, Raider Waite tarot and astrodices
For private readings click here / 2024 readings are open
My blog in Spanish here
All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ pile 2/ pile 3
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Pile 4/ pile 5/ pile 6
Pile 1:
This new year will be your year of preparation, there's something huge coming into your life at some point but first you need to learn some new skills to get and keep the success you are looking for. Universe is giving you extra time to prepare what you really want to achieve, it's like a period for trying new things and tests what works best for you, especially in matters of career and money because you'll be very lucky in these areas. If you are thinking into opening your own bussiness and be an enterpreneour, this year will be a lucky year for you but the cards wants you to focus on burocracy and legal matters too, you'll have it easy but there are some things you'll need to learn before, like paying taxes on time or investing money wisely
Your areas of luck will be about starting projects and trying new things it's all about taking the lead without fearing risk, whenever you follow your inner compass you'll find yourself attracting more abundance than what you expected. You'll also be very lucky when it comes to gain wealth and what will play the most at your favor is your knowledge about burocracy or legal matters, not only for this year but the years ahead where you'll be managing big amounts of money.
This year will be filled by happiness and meaningful changes, sometimes change can be overwhelming but for you this feels like something you've been waiting for a long time, a desired transformation of your reality. You are the group that got more major arcana, so this 2024 will be an end of a cycle where your life will take a 180-degree turn, there's also this energy of getting out of your head so much and starting focusing on your present moment. With the empress and the magician cards, I see you'll feel a lot more grounded and, for what I'm feeling, this will help you attract money easilly, you'll be a literal money magnet this new year. These two cards are also indicators of a good year of prosperity with work and money, the empress also indicates a huge physical glow up and a boost in your confidence, you'll feel super empowered during 2024 :).
Pile 2:
This new year brings you balance and stability, you'll feel a lot more supported and certain about the path you are taking in life, things will feel more peaceful for you this new year. If you deal with anxiety or something of that sort that involves your mental health, I see a big relief over 2024, you'll be making a lot of progress in this area. The major word I channel is balance, on your outside circumstances but mostly when it comes to yourself and your inner wellbeing, I feel my heart rushing and a knot in my stomach that are slowling relieving, this year might also involve some kind of spiritual or emotional healing too. If you have difficulties dealing with stressful situations this year will also bring you clarity to discern what's best for you and where to invest your precious energy.
You'll be lucky when it comes to find new ways to develop your passion or how you share it with the world, you'll be very lucky if you use some kind of social media or technologies to promote it too, especially if you are an artist. Your intuition will be improving too, if you follow it you'll find sucess at the end of the road, your guides will also be taking relevance in your life. Btw, blue will be your lucky color during the year
This new year will end up some conflicts you were dealing with, the feeling that you needed to constantly fight will dissipate in a very natural way, it will happen progressively in a time where you'll feel like you can finally sit and relax, you might feel extra tired sometimes but it will be because your nervous system will get out of survival mode. You end up a karmic cycle of your life that will allow you to focus on your finances and being productive at work because you got the ace and the 8 of pentacles right after the card of the world, so working and seeing progress will be a major theme of your year ahead, if you are into handcraft of some sort you can get extra income with it. You'll be also getting out of your comfort zone more often to find beautiful things outside of what's known to you, this will be a year of adventures that you'll live with peace in your heart.
Pile 3:
There's an improvement on your energy levels and your home life, you'll feel a lot more healthy and vital during the new year, I don't usually talk about health in any of my readings but your pile deserves it because your body is regenerating positively somehow, whatever you are doing to take care of it just know it's working and will give you proofs of it this new year. There's also a major message about your home life and how it will be taking a more important role in your life, maybe it's something as simple as to be able to decorate it the way you like or it's something more relevant like making a renovation of pipes or fixing leaks, whatever it is, it's something you've been wishing for a long time, It could also be that you'll finally be moving to the house of your dreams.
Your lucky areas talk about health again with virgo in the dices, I see trying to have a healthier habits will help you in this aspect of your wellbeing, maybe create a healthier routine or something that sort (it will be different for each of you reading this), always do what's most aligned with yourself. You also got pluto and the third house so this year will be good for you to transform yourself, maybe stepping out of what's known for you and try new practices, it could also be that you are re-learning some thinigs after an spiritual awakening. For a little amount of you this could mean taking a different approach when it comes to your physical health and needs.
Uhhh things got interesting with your tarot cards! There's a lot of love entering your life my dear :), you got so many beautiful cards that I had to take a minute to channel and summarize all the info. After a period of healing and purification all your dreams will start to come true, the healing process might seem too intense because you'll be getting a lot of channelings in a short period of time but suddently everything will start happening for you, it will happen in the most unexpected way at the mostt unexpected time, you won't see all the happiness coming, even if you receive signs you won't be paying that much attention. You got the star, 10 of cups, ace of cups and the empress, if this is not an omen of your true love entering your life I don't know what it is haha, maybe the message about the home means that you finally meet the person you are going to create a home with because you got the king and knight of pentacles at the bottom of the deck so this person is arriving with commitment, peace and stability. Congratulations my dear, you'll be discovering love in many different aspects of your life during this new year.
Pile 4:
Your major blessing is some kind of dharma, it's something that will make you gain hope in Universe's protection over you, this will come through other people that will communicate things to you that will feel like an eureka moment where everything starts to make sense. Honestly, this feels like making amends with the past, do you know when you see the bully of your high school after 10 years and all the rage dissapears because that person is having a nightmare of a life?, it's not about being happy about other people's suffering, it is more the feeling of there's someone up there watching everything we do and no one leaves without paying their karma.
You area of luck is about the people that will enter your life, I see you reuniting with your soul tribe this year and finding lovely people that will treat you with respect and admiration. If you are someone that has dealt with the worst aspect of human nature, this year will be a proof from Universe of all the good traits humans have, it's like Universe wants to compensate you for the battles you have gone through, you'll find your place and your people in this world.
With the tarot cards I'm seeing that you'll be meeting the most lighthearted and positive aspect of life, there's happiness, support and love entering your life to stay. You'll be moving on from a lot of mental patterns that were holding you back, it's like you have learnt the theory and you are finally dealing with the practice that you thought it would be supper difficult and challenging and will ressult into being the most easy and peacefull process ever, like you don't even have to make any effort because everything will be moving at your same pace. Between all the new positive people entering your life, there are a lot of chances to find a romantic soulmate there, because of the cards you got I see an unblock in your heart chakra that will unblock your love life too, especially for those that have been single for a while. At the bottom of the deck you got the 6 of swords and the wheel of fortune so this new year will be a shift in your luck to the positive aspects of life, you'll also be feeling more hopeful and optimistic.
Pile 5
Your pile is the only one that has one extra oracle card and it's because that card wanted to fly and land on the opposite side of the room, not to give you spoilers but it was the card of romance. This new year will bring you a lot of different blessings, I see 3 major ones at least, romace is very prominent through all your spread so this year you will meet your true love and will start your life together as a couple. Another blessing I see here is some sort of independence (it will be different for each of you so take only what resonates), it can be moving alone to a new place, working by yourself or releasing emotional attachments, whatever independence means to you is what you'll be getting this new year. I also see admiration from people when they look up to you, you'll be receiving adoration from others, like getting a fan club or something like that, it feels like people being devoted to you, so you might viral or achieve some level of fame throught the new year
Your lucky areas will be taking care of yourself and your beauty on the inside and the outside, if you've been thinking about changing your style this year will be very favorable for you in this aspect, also for beauty treatments or anything related to your image and appearance. Another lucky area will be your drive and inner power, you can rely on this aspects whenever you need a boost of confidence, remind yourself your talents and keep moving, you are your most powerful lucky charm <3
Uhhh Divine counterparts energy here in your tarot cards, the magician and the high priestess and the king and queen of cups, so you'll be finding a person so in tune with you that it gives me goosebumps all over my spine, you'll understand what a twin flame connection is after this person enters your life, btw, it's someone completely new, no one from the past. Your overall message about this new year is success and moving on from what no longer serves you, this new year you'll be aligning with your happiest and most successful version and honestly, I feel like you won't have to do that much because Universe is pampering you during the whole year
Pile 6
Your oracle card's literal is happiness, so honey, happy days are here again for you, I see even see you crying of joy a few times during the year. You are my spiritual pile and my dear, this year you'll be having magical moments with your spirituality, you'll see miracles happening in front of you, I'm literally hearing 'a glitch in the matrix' so you'll be seeing and undestanding Universe in such a deeper level. You'll be nourishing your soul during this new year, you'll be more in tune with your inner child and you'll be focused into what's best for you and your happiness, life will also be very gentle with you.
Your lucky areas have something to do with your soul mission, especially if you are the kind of people that loves helping others and would like to dedicate your life into a major service for others. It's something related to healing, it can be your own or this might be more related of a soul mission that involves helping others, whatever it be, you'll be receiving rewards because of this. Another lucky area will be the people that will enter your life, you'll have an amazing support system in the people you will know this year.
You'll be knowing a soul mate this year! You got 2 and 10 of cups and a lot of major arcana, so I see a major connection with a romantic soulmate but also there are a lot of soul mates that will enter your life to align you with your soul mission, every person will come with a lot of knowledge that will make you feel fullfiled on a soul level. There's also a shift in your luck but it will be mostly driven by your own mentality, you'll feel stronger and more confident in whatever your passions are, you'll be also having some sort of realization about what you want to do with your life and will plan how to make it true, Universe will be favoring you in this aspect.
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✩°。⋆ pas de deux, ln4 ⋆。°✩pt 4
part one part two part three
pairing: lando norris x fem! ballerina! reader
[face claim: luna montana is largely used as faceclaim but some other pinterest girlies in there too]
summary: y/n is new to monaco and quickly finds herself dancing with mclaren driver lando norris despite all intentions she has of focusing on only her career
a/n: i did not proof read so im so sorry if there's spelling mistakes at all! hope everyone had a happy holiday
y/n.ballet posted on their story
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"i think some of the other drivers should be here soon," alex, charles girlfriend, says loudly over the music.
you've been out with charles and his friends for a few hours now, meeting for drinks at someone's yacht and now at a club that you can't remember the name of. alex has quickly become the person you're clinging to, as one of the only other girls out.
"oh! i didn't know anyone else was coming," you yell back. she shrugs and gets up to pull you along with her to the dancefloor.
when you return to the booth in the corner there are more guys at the table, all laughing to themselves as they take a round of shots. charles being the first to notice yours and alex's return goes to introduce you to the new arrivals.
"everyone this is y/n," his words slur together a bit, he then points to everyone, even the ones you've met already, and reintroduces them. "and lastly we have lando."
he looks familiar, and not just from seeing him on tv or in advertisements around monaco, but it's like you've met before.
y/n.ballet posted on their story
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it's been at least an hour, and a few more drinks, since the other drivers met you guys at the club. you, alex, lando, and charles are sitting in the booth after everyone else abandoned the group for dancing. you've been sitting quietly, giggling with alex, as charles and lando go back and forth telling stories about each other.
alex leans towards charles, whispering something into his ear. he nods and then announces that they're gonna leave soon.
"i should leave too, its getting late i think," looking at your phone you see it's nearly 2am. you go to crawl out of the booth and stumble a bit trying to gain your balance. a hand reaches and grabs your arm steadying you.
"is someone taking you home?" lando asks looking down at you, hand still on your arm.
"that's a bit forward isn't it?"
"wha-oh, not like that, i mean how are you getting home," he sighs, "you're clearly drunk y/n, and no one in their right mind would let you get home alone."
giggling you try to touch both your fingers to your nose (not entirely correctly but the thought was there), "see not drunk im fine! plus i dont live far im just going to walk back to my apartment,"
"let me walk you?" he asks, moving his hand to the small of your back as he guides you to the exit.
"and tulip fever is why I like tulips so much, it's honestly one of the best movies I've ever watched," it's been about 20 minutes of you blabbering non-stop, walking through the middle of the street as lando follows you, "oh my god I walked into you the other day that's where I know you from! je le savais! I was on my way to classes and completely walked into you, im so sorry by the way. I can be so out of it someti-"
"breathe," lando cuts you off laughing, "I don't think you've stopped talking once since we left."
you blush with embarrassment, "I'm so sor-"
"don't apologize it's cute, I like it," he cuts you off again, "do you know where you're going, or have you just been walking down random roads hoping your apartment appears?"
you point at the building on the corner, "it's this building! I know where I'm going!"
"are you sure? because this the second time we've been on this street."
"yes I'm sure," you laugh, swatting at his chest.
he follows you as you enter the door code and walk up the stairs to your apartment door, "you coming in?" you ask.
"not tonight, just making sure the pretty girl made it home safely," he smiles, giving a half wave as he goes back down the stairs.
"goodnight lando."
"goodnight y/n."
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liked by ybfusername, landonorris and 4,019 others.
y/n.ballet à propos de la nuit dernière 🌷
ybfusername you better be prepared to explain those flowers missy
username5 where's the dress from?? 😍
username2 gorgeous smile
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liked by y/n.ballet, username3 and 320,872 others.
landonorris about last night 🕶
username1 that second pic omg
username3 DJ LANDOOOOO
view 4,274 other comments
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milliesfishes · 4 months
𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓲𝓻𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚
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(requested)(@kayleigh--23 <3) [fem reader] contains: pregnancy angst, arranged marriage, pressure to become pregnant. pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem reader summary: You thought being married to Coriolanus Snow would be enough, but when there is pressure on the two of you to have a child, the events that follow are life changing. author’s note: Oh I do adore pregnancy angst. Another take on the arranged marriage trope, please enjoy! Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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"...an heir."
You could barely hear the words through the door. Your husband of one and a half years and an old Snow family friend, a man called Mr. Vesta, had disappeared into his study an hour ago and they hadn't allowed you in. It had sounded important, and you couldn't help it, you needed to know what it was. Especially after you'd heard your name mentioned more than once.
With one ear to the door, you'd caught bits and pieces of the conversation. None of it made sense in your mind, this new bit of information least of all.
Coriolanus Snow was the least objectionable option when it came to marriage. Not that you'd had a choice at all in the matter, but for your own peace of mind you pretended. You pretended it hadn't been a strategic political move on his part to marry someone from your family. You pretended Mr. Vesta wasn't overbearingly and old fashioned-ly invested in the image the two of you presented as a married couple.
The goal was to make him president. You knew that much. And Mr. Vesta, as well as having known Coriolanus his entire life, had experience in running for office. But you knew very little else. Politics in Panem were a mystery to you, and at times they could be archaic. At least, the things everyone wanted you to do were.
The dresses you had to wear, the people you were seen with, how you acted. Hell, the arranged marriage itself seemed that way to you. But this was how it was done. Your own mother had married your father for similar reasons, though her situation had nothing to do with politics, only social gain. Yours was both.
You went into the marriage with a positive attitude. This will be what you make of it, you'd been told. You figured if you walked in with a positive attitude and determination it would work out the best it could.
But then you met your husband to be.
He was handsome but cold. Charming but manipulative. Attentive at times but distant at most. Every good thing about him was punctuated by a flaw. He'd make a good politician, you'd noted.
The wedding was a blur of photographers and fed lines. He'd barely acknowledged you, and you knew every look, every touch was false. It cheapened the whole experience for you, and a resentment built up inside you.
At least after the wedding night he'd allowed separate bedrooms.
Maybe you'd have felt guilty about your feelings toward him if he'd shown any sign of fondness toward you. But he didn't. He ignored you most days, except when he needed your influence or your image or your body.
Which is why now, in the present, you hardly worried about the consequences of eavesdropping. If they were talking about you in there, you deserved to know.
"...bring her in..."
Forgetting your confidence, you scurried away as quietly as you could, returning to the sitting room, where you'd last been spotted by them. Picking up a book, you pretended to read until Mr. Vesta, an older man with a beard, came in and said that your presence was required in the study.
Ignoring the way he'd spoken to you in your own home, you followed him back through the study doors, nodding at everyone in the room before your eyes moved to your husband.
Coriolanus was sitting behind his desk, a look of discontentment on his face. What had they been talking about in here? You moved to his side automatically. He may have not been your number one pick, but he was the safest person in the room for you to stand by.
Putting your hand on the back of his chair, you looked between them. "What did you need from me?"
"We're here to discuss a proposition," Mr. Vesta said, looking entirely too comfortable. He nodded at your husband. "Snow?"
Coriolanus took in an almost frustrated breath and turned up to you. He held eye contact with you for a moment before speaking. "It has been suggested that we..." he inhaled through his nose. "...produce an heir."
You blinked in surprise, doing a double take. When you looked at the other man, you could see that this wasn't a joke. They were serious.
"...No," you said in disbelief, looking back at your husband. "This was never part of the arrangement."
"Things change," Mr. Vesta said, giving you a pointed look. "It is imperative that you produce an heir by the end of the year. A male heir."
That sentence was so offensive to you that you had to look away for a moment. When you gathered your manners back, you said, "Why is this suddenly so important? Isn't us being married enough?"
"Coriolanus is the last of the Snow name," Mr. Vesta said, seeming to think he was providing an explanation. "It would have to happen eventually. In the best interest of keeping the old family names around."
"I don't see how that serves your interests," you said stiffly, and Coriolanus grabbed your hand, squeezing it as a warning, the cool of his ring pressing into your skin.
"It was of the utmost importance to Crassus that I, specifically, see this through," the bearded man said in stern tones. "He hoped his son would be able to carry it out on his own-" he gave Coriolanus his own pointed look- "but since he has not, it was time for me to step in. Not to mention that having a son would increase political gains greatly. Seeing that an old family is still strong."
You were dazed. It all felt so ridiculous to you. Of all the things they'd made you do for this role, this had to be the worst. They were asking you to not just sleep with a man you hated, but to bear his child. And Coriolanus himself looked less than happy about it.
"Within the year," Mr. Vesta repeated, and he stood up. "Both your image and your obligations to your family depend on it." He nodded stiffly at you, then left. You never got the impression that Mr. Vesta was all that fond of you. He didn't see you as a person, more as a machine that broke now and then but was ultimately served its' purpose.
Once he was gone, you turned to Coriolanus, your expression horrified. "You're not seriously thinking about this are you?"
"We don't have a choice," he said, his voice dangerously quiet.
"Yes we do," you protested, kneeling by his chair, grasping the arm. You were trying to look him in the eye, but he was avoiding you. "We're already married. Your image is intact-"
"But my family isn't," he said sharply, turning suddenly to look at you. "You don't understand. I have a responsibility to continue the line and Vesta reminded me of that." He ran a hand through his hair frustratedly. "I apologize that I didn't disclose this before but it's not optional."
"You think I want to do this?" His voice was irritated, and he stood up suddenly. You did too, surprised.
"No, but-"
"We have to," he said angrily, pacing. "I don't want to do it either but there are no other options. I need Vesta's support, and unfortunately that comes with the wishes of my late father."
You were silent, tears pricking your eyes as you realized this was really going to have to happen. Scoffing in disbelief and trying to hide your emotion, you buried your face in your hands.
He sighed, and you heard him move closer to you, his polished shoes making a distinct sound on the hardwood floor. "Sweetheart...I'm sorry. I am. But you're my wife. You know that means fulfilling certain...obligations."
Coriolanus took your hands in his, removing them from your face. "We'll make the process as quick as possible, okay?"
When you nodded, there was a ghost of a smile on his face. "That's a good girl. The sooner you're pregnant the sooner it'll be over with."
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It was terrifying how well Coriolanus knew himself.
The domineering persona he'd built up when entering the political game may as well have become him. It was a skill he'd honed- the art of pretend.
But every thorn had its flower.
Before meeting you he had high hopes for marriage. He'd hoped you'd be tolerable to look at, decent in conversation, with half a brain. Someone who'd please him, but nothing more.
But you were far beyond that.
Upon your first meeting he knew he was doomed. You were extraordinarily beautiful, with a pretty laugh. And so clever. You'd discussed literature and art so naturally, easy as breathing. Within the first hour of knowing you he knew he could fall deeply, madly in love with you.
And therein laid the problem.
Love was not the goal. In fact, love strayed so far from the goal that it was almost the opposite. If Coriolanus fell in love with you, it would ruin him. His mind, his soul, his pursuits. He'd gone to Vesta afterward and asked if there was anyone else, anyone at all. Surely there was some other girl who was less...enticing, but still had good connections.
Vesta hadn't seen a problem with the arrangement. He'd chided Coriolanus for it. He had the most sought-after woman in the Capitol. Your social status would make him more favorable in the eyes of voters, as would seeing him in love. Seeing no other options, Coriolanus had agreed.
To marrying you, not being in love.
He'd endured the game, accompanying you to dinners and galas, and going through with the wedding, all the while keeping you at arm's length. Coriolanus resolved that the only way to keep himself from falling in love was distance. And distance he maintained.
Except for at public events, he avoided you. Occasionally, he'd beckon you to his bed, whenever he needed to relieve some stress or tension, but that was the extent of it. He couldn't help himself- you were just so perfect. And you were his wife after all.
No matter how he justified his actions, it still felt wrong.
With Vesta's newest demand Coriolanus felt his control over the situation slipping. The old man didn't know what he was asking of him. Honestly how could he have, but it was still frustrating. He was asking them to produce a child as casually as one would ask a favor.
The worst part was seeing how distraught you were over it. A bit of his heart had warmed at seeing how you'd come to stand by his side but it was squashed quickly by what he had to tell you.
An heir. And not just an heir, a son.
Coriolanus could have strangled Vesta. It was ridiculous how invested he was in such private affairs. But his father's old friend was experienced in an area he desperately needed help in: politics. So, he had no choice but to accept.
Seeing you on the verge of tears had nearly broken him. He allowed himself to comfort you, just a little, convincing himself that that was what any husband would do, even if he didn't love his wife, which Coriolanus certainly didn't.
You fell pregnant quickly, which he was thankful for. For his sake but surprisingly, more for yours.
Naturally, he kept close tabs on you while still trying to maintain the distance he'd determined was the best solution for the situation. Reports were delivered to him daily.
You were quiet most days, hardly speaking to anyone. He felt guilt over that. Vesta and their public relations team had determined that for the first bit of pregnancy it was best for the two of you to stay out of the spotlight. That meant you were hardly able to leave. And with his insistence on distance, well...it was inevitable that you'd be lonely.
As the months progressed, his reports contained more concerning information. You were losing weight at an alarming rate, becoming more drawn. The baby was doing exceptionally well thanks to the doctors he'd brought in. But you...you were suffering for it.
He saw evidence of this when he was standing at the window of his study one day, taking a pause from his work, when he saw you in the rose garden wandering amongst the blooms.
The reports had not done your condition justice. Even from the window on the third floor he could see how thin you were, even with your belly swelling.
Beautiful, he couldn't help thinking as he watched you. Even in your current state, you were glowing. He tossed a look over his shoulder at his papers, a mountain of work he suddenly did not feel like doing. then in a split-second decision, he abandoned his study and headed down the stairs, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt.
Heading into the rose garden, he hesitated at the sight of you. You were bent slightly over a flower, lifting the rose to your nose. The corners of your lips turned up slightly as the fragrance hit you. Turning slightly, you caught sight of him, and straightened, your hand sliding over your belly immediately. "Coriolanus."
"Sweetheart," he greeted, stepping closer.
You looked a little puzzled. "Did you need something?"
He felt a little dazed, unsure really why he came out here. "No...I just..." Coriolanus was now less than a foot away from you. "I wanted to see how you were."
Your expression grew slightly more surprised, but you stayed graceful. "I see."
"Yes," he said, unable to stop looking at you.
Biting your lip, you looked to the side, fingers splayed out over your belly. "I'd have thought you'd gotten enough from your reports."
He blanked. "You know about those?"
"You aren't very discreet," you said, giving a tight smile. "Besides, I know you. You're nosy."
He sniffed a laugh at that. "It's hardly being nosy when it's concern for my wife."
Your hand fell off your belly and you moved to examine another rose, a white one. "I didn't know you cared for my wellbeing."
He followed you, tracing your steps. "You're carrying my child, sweetheart."
"Not by either of our choice," you said softly. You reached over your belly to touch one of the rose petals on the outside of the flower. "It is an obligation."
"And yet here we are," he said, picking the rose. He snapped the stem, tucking it behind your ear, his hand sliding under your chin, lifting your eyes to his. "Making the best of our situation."
Your doe eyes as you looked up at him nearly melted his heart. Coriolanus wished he could paint a portrait of you as you were right now: belly round and full of his child, one of his family roses in your hair. You looked so utterly his.
"You haven't been well sweetheart," he murmured, thumb stroking your cheek. "Even if I wasn't getting reports-"
"I'm fine. As fine as I can be," you said quietly, trying to avoid his eyes. "Growing a child is taxing, believe it or not."
"This is different." Coriolanus took your hand, which hung limply in his. "I worry about you."
"There is no need for it." You walked over to a stone bench, sitting with both your hands beside you. Your dress fell over your belly in such a way that your knees were not visible. The little detail made you all the more endearing to him.
"Darling." Coriolanus sat beside you, taking your hand once again. "I know this is hardly ideal, but I need you to try."
"What on earth do you think I have been doing?" you asked, looking up at him.
"You're fading," he said simply.
Taking in a breath, you turned slightly to face him. "I'm doing the best I can. I'm pregnant, you'll have your boy. There is nothing more to ask of me."
"Part of that obligation is taking care of yourself," he said, looking you straight in the eye.
"Am I not doing enough?" you exhaled softly. "I don't know why you're so concerned. You've ignored me for the brunt of our marriage. You do not seem to feel any affection for me. I don't see why you should care."
"You know exactly why I care," he insisted, his tone growing frustrated. "I cannot watch you wither away into nothing."
He stood up, holding out his hand. "When is the last time you ate?"
You bit your lip, casting your eyes to the side as you thought. "This morning."
It was nearly the evening. "Come. Let's find something."
"Coriolanus," you said exasperatedly.
"Sweetheart," he said earnestly back, extending his hand further. Even though he wanted to stay distant, there was a protective urge festering inside him, one he couldn't ignore like he'd done in the past.
You pursed your lips for a moment, then seemed to decide something. Taking his hand, you carefully stood up and let him lead you back up to the house.
As he found you something to eat, he thought of his earlier promise to himself not to let himself fall for you. He knew deep down that you had the potential to entrance him, make him adore you. Despite his aversion to this trait of yours, he knew he couldn't keep you at arm's length any longer. Not when your health was on the line.
Perhaps he could resist but stay close.
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Your pregnancy progressed with a few things to note.
The first being that your health improved greatly. You were kept under watch, and your weight became less concerning. You found yourself feeling better, a little less tired all the time.
The second notable thing was the sudden closeness of your husband.
Since the day in the rose garden, he had become warmer towards you, more open. He took meals with you every day, diligently making sure you'd eaten enough.
One evening he summoned you to his study, surprising you.
"Is something the matter?" You stood in front of his desk, slightly worried. You'd rushed up so quickly that you hadn't put your book down, your finger still marking your place.
"Will you sit with me?" he requested, gesturing to the seat in front of him.
You tilted your head, sitting down carefully, hand over your belly. "Is everything alright?"
"Of course," he said, nodding. "I just...wanted you to be close to me. Read your book."
Slowly, you nodded, leaning back in your chair. You opened your book and began to read, peering up to see that he'd begun writing again. Slightly confused but surprisingly pleased that he wanted you near, your eyes found the page again.
Shifting in your chair, you did your best to get comfortable, but it proved to be a difficult task. Your belly didn't exactly make things accommodating for you. Doing simple tasks with ease was becoming increasingly harder.
Apparently, this fact was noticeable to your husband as well. He set his pen down. "Darling?"
You looked up. "Hmm?"
Coriolanus patted his lap. "Come sit."
Tilting your head, your brow furrowed confusedly. "You want me to-?"
"You're uncomfortable," he said, leaning back in his chair, his arms open and ready for you. "Come."
Hesitantly you stood up, book in hand, and went around the desk to sit across his thighs. He secured an arm around you, a little over your belly and you leaned back against him comfortably. "Is this okay?"
"More than," he said, smiling just a little. "Stay here."
And with that, he went back to his papers, working with one hand and keeping you against him with the other. You returned to your reading, perfectly content against him.
This became a routine of sorts. You'd come shyly into his study; he'd hold out an arm for you and you'd sit on his thigh and read. You began to look forward to it, to this time you spent together. His touch was somehow comforting to you.
That was the third thing to note. How much you liked his closeness. The way he went out of his way to make sure you were comfortable, to make sure you weren't lonely.
That wasn't to say there weren't challenges.
At the first gala you attended with him since becoming pregnant, you knew it was going to be a trying affair. Coriolanus was attentive, whispering to you that he'd get you out as soon as possible.
Dressed in a white gown that accentuated your pregnancy, you knew pictures of you and Coriolanus would be splashed across every headline. Keeping that in mind, you did your best to be gracious, to smile and say the right things.
But, three hours into an event that would surely last all night, you found yourself becoming weary. You tugged at Coriolanus' arm, which you'd been glued to all night, but he didn't notice. He was speaking with a senator, engrossed in conversation.
His wife turned to you, starting to speak. "How have things been so far? With the baby?"
You smiled tightly, not upset with her, but tired. "Very well. It's been a wonderful experience."
"How lovely," she smiled, eyeing your figure. "It is a wonder to be sure. A great deal of people have thought you'd never give him a child."
You didn't quite know how to respond to that, so you merely smiled shyly.
"And you're certain it's a boy? We certainly don't need any more young girls around here," the woman laughed, oblivious to your discomfort.
"I suppose we'll see," you nodded, stifling a yawn with your hand and tugging at Coriolanus' arm again. He didn't respond.
"I suppose you aren't eating enough then," the woman noted, raising an eyebrow as she caught your yawn. "If you were you wouldn't be so tired. Or thin for that matter. I know when I was-"
"Darling," Coriolanus cut in, turning to you. "I believe it is time for us to leave." He nodded politely at the woman in front of you and escorted you out, one hand holding one of yours and the other on your back.
Once you were alone at home, you started to cry, a hand over your mouth as you let yourself break down. Your fatigue, the unsolicited advice, the comments on your appearance...it was all too much. You couldn't stand any of it.
It was just another reminder to you of how alone you were. You had no friends- the women of the Capitol were less than inviting, only speaking to you out of obligation and jealousy. And your husband...well, you weren't sure what to think of him at the moment.
Knowing you needed to move around to calm yourself down, you left your room, wandering down the hallway. You tried to keep your breathing even, a hand on your heart as you walked.
You stumbled upon the ballroom, opening the door and wandering inside. The vast emptiness of the large room made you feel small, and you marveled at the feeling. Sometimes being married to Coriolanus made everything feel more heightened. But being alone in this large room made everything feel smaller...less important. It was wonderful.
There was a piano in the corner of the room, and you meandered over to it, running your fingers along the keys. In your training as a socialite, you'd had several lessons in the instrument, but it had been a long time since you'd played.
You sat on the bench carefully, positioning your hands on the keys and beginning to play an old favorite. Muscle memory was your companion, and your fingers moved nimbly and easily. It was comforting to know that you still knew how to do it, that not everything in your past was easily forgotten.
When you looked up after you finished playing, Coriolanus was standing in the doorway. The corners of his mouth were turned up slightly, and he walked over to you. You turned slightly on the bench as he did.
Your husband knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his and bringing them to his lips. He lifted his eyes to meet yours, seeming to take you in. You were still in the same white dress you'd worn to the event. He squeezed your hands. "I'm sorry. I know tonight was hard."
Closing your eyes, you nodded, trying not to cry again. "I'm okay." Coriolanus was still looking up at you when you opened your eyes, and you gave him a small smile when you saw how sincere he was in his apology.
"Are you tired?" he asked softly, searching your eyes.
You shook your head. Somehow your fatigue had vanished somewhere in your walk through the halls.
"Okay." He nodded and stood up, helping you stand as well. "Will you come with me?"
It was a genuine question, and you nodded at it, somehow trusting him more in that moment than you ever had before.
He led you upstairs and up to a door you recognized as his room. You hesitated before going inside but ultimately decided to follow him. Coriolanus kicked off his shoes and sat you down on his bed, hands in yours. "Are you well?"
"Yes, I'm fine," you managed, looking down at your joined hands.
"Darling," he murmured.
"I just...it gets so lonely sometimes," you said softly, looking up at him.
"Oh, sweetheart," Coriolanus breathed, lifting your chin and searching your eyes. "I had no idea."
You closed your eyes, shaking your head. "It just gets to be too much sometimes."
His hand came to your face, thumb stroking your cheek. "Sweetheart." You opened your eyes. He brought his forehead to yours, the gesture surprisingly comforting. "I'm sorry. I never meant for you to feel this way."
"I feel like I'm all alone in this," you said quietly, rubbing a hand over your belly.
Coriolanus pulled you closer to him, his expression softer than you'd ever seen it. He kissed your temple. "I'm sorry darling. I know that's my fault."
"It's not. Not really," you murmured, leaning into him. "I know you didn't want this."
"That doesn't mean you should suffer for it," he kissed your forehead. Then Coriolanus took your face into his hands, and you leaned into his touch. "I want you to know how grateful I am for you."
You softened between his hands, looking up at him with doe eyes. "Grateful?"
"Grateful," he clarified, looking over you, your body and your belly. "Grateful because you have given yourself wholly to me. And you might say you didn't have a choice. But you did. And you chose to do this for me. Whatever the reason is, I am grateful for you."
You were stunned at this, your lips parting slightly. He saw you. He had seen you and he cared. A tiny smile made its way onto your face as you looked up at him. "That means a great deal."
"You deserve more than a great deal," he breathed, his hands sliding from your cheeks to your shoulders. "After everything...what you've given me..."
His voice was husky. "Nobody's ever done anything close to this much for me. You..."
"Coriolanus," you whispered, your lips ever so close to his. Months ago, you never would have allowed it, never would have gotten so close. But things were different now. The child growing inside you had changed everything.
"I'll never let you feel alone again," he breathed. "Never let you feel undervalued, unappreciated...nothing less than what you are."
"And what's that?" you asked.
"Beautiful," he murmured. "The beautiful mother of my child. A woman who is more than I deserve."
"Hardly," you looked up at him, feeling like you were seeing him for the first time. His expression was caring, his touch gentle. He seemed so different now than he was at the start of your marriage.
"Let me show you." Coriolanus muttered, hands coming back to yours, lifting them and kissing your fingers once more.
Your heart pounded, breath quickening, and you nodded. He set your hands down, moving his hand to the zip of your dress and pulling back slightly to look at you. You nodded and turned so he'd have easier access. He slid the zip down carefully and you helped him move the dress over your shoulders and down your body. It ended up as a pile of fabric beside his bed.
Gently, Coriolanus laid you back onto the bed, eyes roaming over you. He appeared entranced by you. Your skin was glowing, your body curvier, belly swollen. His lips parted. "Beautiful," he breathed, leaning down. Your lips were terribly close to his...
You took the final step and pressed your lips to his, capturing them in a kiss that started innocent but quickly became searing.
He pulled you in by the waist, pressing you against him. You knew from experience that Coriolanus' kisses were hungry, but tonight he must have been starving. The way his lips moved against yours was sinful, but you wanted it, wanted it bad.
Your hands moved of their own accord, tugging at his shirt buttons and discarding the garment once it was unbuttoned. His pants were the next to go, joining your dress and his shirt on the floor. When he kissed you, his hands wandered over your body, reaching for the clasp of your undergarment. His touch set you on fire.
When he'd gotten you completely bare and he was in the same state, he pulled back, not kissing you for a moment, just looking. You squirmed a little under his gaze, which was intense although caring. "What is it?" you questioned softly.
"Breathtaking." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "You...carrying my child...you're very nearly a goddess."
That made the corners of your lips turn up sweetly, and you pulled him down for another kiss, his body hovering over you, careful not to put too much weight on your belly.
As you laid tangled in his sheets in the aftermath of it, your body was more wholly satisfied than it had been in a long time. You looked over at him, smiling softly and resting on your side. He reached out and rested his hand back on your cheek, stroking your soft skin. You felt a connection with him then, for the first time since your pregnancy began.
Coriolanus leaned down and kissed you, his lips soft and feather light. He moved on the bed, so he was facing you. The soft light combined with what you'd just done made him look a way that pulled at your heart.
His eyes never left yours. You recognized that look. He was making sure you were comfortable, that you felt safe. Usually, you only saw that look at public events but seeing it right now after something so intimate sent a flutter through you.
"Will you stay tonight?" he murmured, one hand in your hair.
"Yes," you breathed. He opened his arms and let you snuggle close. As you drifted off, you felt one of his hands wander to your belly, caressing it gently. It was the first time he'd really touched it your entire pregnancy.
For the first time, you began to think of the baby in your belly as yours too. A baby. Your hand ran over your bump, and you smiled softly. It was both of your child. As much yours as it was his.
And you didn't mind it one bit.
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He had vowed not to fall for you.
He had spent countless hours convincing himself he hadn't.
But after the night of the gala, he couldn't deny it anymore.
Every time Coriolanus looked at you, whether it be at the breakfast table when the sunlight filtered through the windows and hit your face just right, or when he looked up from his work every night when you were on his lap to see your concentrated face as you read, he felt the tendrils of feeling close around his heart.
He found himself becoming more affectionate with you. He used your pet names in an abundance, and he always felt like he needed to be touching you. You were the bright point in his life.
The last months of your pregnancy were bliss. Vesta rarely called on him, so he was free to spend all he free time with you.
Walking in the gardens, reading side by side. He'd press a kiss to your temple now and then, keeping you close, making sure you were well.
He feared childbirth for you the closer you got to it. Thoughts of his own mother, and the stories he'd heard of swam through his head and he held you a little tighter because of it.
Now he insisted you sleep in the same room as him, wanting to keep an eye on you. Sometimes he'd wake in the middle of the night and just watch you sleep, making sure your breathing was steady, wanting to be around in case you needed anything. He was paranoid you'd go into labor while he was asleep.
And of course, when you finally did, he was.
You woke him in a panic, the bedsheets soaked, telling him in hurried tones that it was time, that the baby was coming. He leapt into action immediately, sending for the doctor. The two of you had fallen asleep in your bedroom tonight, and when he tried to move you, you whimpered and shook your head, a cramp rippling through your body.
The doctor arrived, and everything was a blur after that. He never left your side, even though the sight of you in pain made him feel faint.
Before the both of you knew it, the baby was out, and you were collapsing back into the pillows, your body exhausted. Coriolanus looked over to the doctor, who was holding his new baby...
Coriolanus stood up, his heart racing. A girl. Vesta would be furious. He was just outside the door after all, expecting the news any moment now.
He went to stand by the window as the doctor handed you the baby, gathering his thoughts. What would he tell Vesta? More importantly, what was the man going to do? His blood started to boil as he thought of Vesta hurting you in any way for this.
Looking over at you with the baby girl in your arms, close to your chest, he was filled with a sense of wonder. You'd grown his child, pushed it out of your body, and he was supposed to be upset that it wasn't a boy?
The door burst open, and Vesta revealed himself, looking over the scene. You rushed to cover yourself, and Coriolanus moved to your side, making sure you had some privacy.
"For heaven's sake Vesta," he said protectively. "You couldn't have allowed us ten minutes?"
"Not when the bloodline is at stake, my boy," Vesta said, grinning. "So, your son?"
"Not a son," you spoke up, cradling the baby close to you. You smiled down at your daughter, who was fast asleep.
The man's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"Exactly what she said, Vesta," Coriolanus said in quiet tones. "Not a son. A daughter."
Vesta's face grew cold. "This is unacceptable. A daughter isn't good for the family."
"And yet," Coriolanus folded his arms, still standing in front of you.
"She will have to be hidden away. We'll tell the public the baby was stillborn," Vesta moved forward, as if to take the child from you.
You shook your head, holding the baby tight to your chest. "No, no don't."
"To have a firstborn daughter isn't good for your image," Vesta reached out for the baby. "Your wife is clearly defective in some way. We'll have the child taken away. Given to another Capitol family."
"No," you cried out, looking fearfully up at Coriolanus. You looked so scared, and the surge of protectiveness that shot through him was amplified with what you said next. "Coriolanus, don't let him take her."
As Vesta moved toward you, Coriolanus stood in his path. "You won't be taking our daughter."
Vesta's face grew sterner still. "I beg your pardon?"
Coriolanus was unmoving. "A son will come eventually. But in the meantime, our daughter will be claimed as ours."
"Your image-" Vesta started.
"Will not be ruined by a child," he cut him off. Coriolanus took a step toward Vesta, his frame tall and intimidating. "Since I enlisted your help in my career, you have been rude, demanding, and disrespectful, especially toward my wife." He glanced back at you. Your eyes were wide as you held the baby.
"If I ever see you insult my wife again," Coriolanus started, his voice quiet but deadly. "Even if I hear of it, I will not hesitate to make you disappear. You see, since last year, my resources have grown exceptionally. I suppose I have you to thank for that."
Vesta was silent, looking shocked at his words.
"Now get out before I have you escorted," Coriolanus pointed at the door. "Out."
Vesta huffed, straightening his suit. "If your career collapses, you'll only have yourself to blame." He cast a dirty look at you. "Well, I suppose not only you."
And with that, the older man left.
Coriolanus stood there seething for a moment. He had half a mind to run to his study and call the right people to have Vesta taken out right now. But he controlled himself. Later, he thought.
For now, he turned to you, kneeling beside the bed and pushing sweaty strands out of your face. "I'm sorry sweetheart."
"You stood up for me," you said, smiling softly as you looked up at him. You looked down at the baby. "You didn't let him take her."
"How could I?" Coriolanus murmured, leaning in and nudging his nose with yours, which made you smile again. "How could I when I..." he swallowed. "When I love you too much to let that happen."
Your eyes widened a bit, your smile sweeter. "You love me?"
"I think I've loved you ever since I've known you," he said, the adrenaline from the interaction with Vesta seeming to give him courage. "And after this..." he reached down to the baby, stroking her soft little cheek with his finger. "I can't keep it in anymore."
You watched as he sat on the bed next to you, encircling you and the baby in his arms, pushing a kiss to your hair. He smiled, a real smile he always found himself wearing around you.
"I didn't think I'd be able to love you when I married you," you said quietly, looking up at him. "But somehow I do."
He lifted your chin, kissing you briefly. "You love me?" He'd repeated your words, which made you smile.
"I love you," you confirmed, looking into his eyes. You looked so tired, but happy. He'd never understood before how one could feel happy because of someone else's joy, but now he did.
He kissed you again, wrapping his arms tightly around you and the baby, around his little family.
The sun rose that morning, the dawn of a new day, but also a new life for him. He now truly had his wife and his daughter, both so loved.
And he was loved too.
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come talk about coryo here!
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
15 changes and blessings that will happen to your July
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
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SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , I don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and the reading itself belong to me. Expect grammatical errors with this reading, bear with it because english isn't my mother tongue.
💌 check out my back-up account @melodicbloom bio ; click the link, choose your favorite deals that you wanted to purchase and then send all of them to my email account ([email protected])
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New energy shifting for your spiritual gifts and abilities.
Your whole family will be protected and watched by God and Angels.
Commitment to a new relationship. Meeting new people in person not online nor virtual.
Joining a spiritual or religious groups.
Old things and something that will remind you of your past will bring attraction to you this month. It's the perfect to work on them, if you haven't in before.
Collecting memories or vintages stuffs.
Your spiritual path is growing, you are now open and recognizing the truth and will soon uncover them.
A confession from S, T or J.
Allowing yourself this time to be feel supported by others and be their supporter as well.
A new positive outlook for the future and present.
Old debt is about to be paid off.
Someone will get married or attending a marriage celebration.
Practicing new languages and instruments.
A birth of a child is a blessing in disguise. Can be starting something new again.
Be patience about what you are asking, you might not able to see it's result this month.
A big responsibility for yourself to your own family.
A great personal recognition and a positive solution for a problem.
Inheritance or a great fortune for a family.
A blazing love for platonic and familial one.
Moving on from a heartbreak, pain or shocking attack and dating and meeting someone new.
Surprise invitation or meeting from someone. Love is coming for the next months.
Visiting places which is reminding you of your childhood.
July 6 is the most important date. Can miracles and blessings is about to enter in your life.
A dream clarification about a situation.
Influencing others through words and actions.
For spiritual gifts and abilities, you are about to uncover the things about these abilities and gifts.
Big incomes for business and jobs.
A shy person, pretty and psychic is about to reach out to you to ask for your advice.
Redeeming yourself and following what your heart desiring.
Leaving an unhealthy situation.
Forgiveness, a color green is significant for this pile.
A stabber will caught on act.
Sweet words or actions from a Pisces.
New hobbies, career and friendship is about to shift for your own good.
Exchange something from a true friend.
A dark night will soon to revealed a bright dawn.
Travelling and meeting an old friend.
A letter or message from someone will bring so much joy for you.
Gaining physical and emotional strength.
Openness for good luck and positivity.
Facing a stressful situation or decision.
Healing from fears and traumas.
Travelling from one place to another.
Being ready to change themselves and determine to put themselves away from toxic addction.
Starting believing at oneself.
608 notes · View notes
cecilscribbles · 28 days
From Now, Until the End of Time: An Essay and Character Analysis Disguised as Ship Propaganda
So. You guys really liked that post, huh.
This essay has been a long time coming. I've spent hours awake at night thinking about these two characters, drawn heaps of fanart, I've made Spotify playlists and Pinterest boards, all in an attempt to drown out the urge to eat fiberglass insulation. I love these two, so, so much, and I hope this analysis does them justice.
It’s just under here. vvv
The Past
Starting off with the obvious: these two have history. Bill came into Ford's life at the absolute perfect time. He'd been seemingly betrayed by Stanley, the one person he thought he could count on, he'd been working himself half to death trying to wrangle some decent qualifications out of Backupsmore, and was attempting to make a name for himself in Gravity Falls. Things weren't looking too good. He'd hit a roadblock in his studies, and he felt like he still stuck out, even in a town full of cryptids and outcasts alike. He was getting desperate. He was vulnerable.
Ford often says he wants to become a pioneer, a founding father of science; which isn't necessarily wrong, he isn't lying when he says so, but this ambition really stems from wanting to be accepted and understood. Ford is cripplingly lonely, and you can see how this profound isolation reflects in every aspect of his life and his relationships with others.
So when Bill comes along, it's everything Ford could ask for: validation, understanding, mutual trust, and someone who helps him follow his dream.
They hit it off immediately. “You can call me anything except late for dinner!” “You catch on quick! I think I'm starting to like you, Sixer!” “Perfectly legitimate use of an Oxford comma!” “Jinx! WOW! Get out of my head!” “You first.” This is the first time Ford (and Bill) has clicked with someone in years.
Ford wasn't the only one in need of a relationship like this. Bill, struggling with the guilt of destroying Euclydia, wanted something - or someone - under his control. He wanted to be revered, to be seen as something other than the bad guy. Who better to come across than a lost soul, desperate to feel chosen, to feel special, with a passion for the supernatural?
Even if it wasn’t for long, they worked. They enjoyed each other’s company. And while Bill was using Ford for his own gain, and what they had wasn’t exactly healthy, there were real feelings on both sides.
There still are.
Which is a perfect segue into the next section.
The Present
You wouldn't want to be in a room with these two, would you? They have an absolutely explosive dynamic, an unbelievable amount of tension and chemistry. I think this is because they want to believe they hate each other, but whether they like it or not, they satisfy each other’s cravings and desires. They get the itches the other just can’t scratch. This was especially prominent during the early days of their relationship, but it doesn’t end there.
When Ford needed validation, Bill flattered him endlessly. When he was in shambles after falling through the portal, hunting down Bill gave him a mission to follow. When Bill wanted control, Ford was easily manipulated. When he was bored, he was there for him to play with as much as he so desired.
All of this, and yet: they can’t help but destroy each other.
Ford spiraled into paranoia because of Bill. He constructed the portal he fell into because of Bill. He got captured and tortured because of Bill.
Bill drove himself half insane trying to get Ford to listen to him. He had a drunken meltdown because of Ford. Weirdmaggedon ultimately failed because of Ford!
These two know each other to an uncomfortable degree. They have both been at their most vulnerable with the other person. They know each other’s bodies better than their own (not trying to imply anything here other than possession, but… take it as you will). They know each other's minds better than their own. What they have is messy and toxic and strangely intimate. The bizarre mix of emotions that they feel for each other makes them so interesting to watch.
The Future
The jewel in the crown of an already delectable dynamic; the amount of potential they have.
They’re often toeing some razor-thin line; between platonic and romantic, romantic and sexual, life and death, something and nothing. There are so many ways their relationship can go, so many realities, yet they’re together in every single one.
If one thing went a little different, they could still be together. If Bill had been honest in the beginning, or changed his tactics during Weirdmaggedon, he could have won Ford over. With so much time, so much knowledge of the other person, so much… whatever their twisted version of love is, the possibilities are endless. And I think this is a pretty good place to sign off.
The past, present and future, love and hatred, pain and ecstacy, this dynamic has it all. And the recent release of The Book of Bill only adds fuel to the fire. It's so refreshing to see so many new faces in the community, as well as old ones finally proven right. I didn’t doubt you for a second.
If you’ve made it to the end, thanks! I hope it was worth your time. Stay weird.
- Cecil
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ellavatorz · 2 years
My Beloved || c.b. x reader
prompt: dating Colby has its up and downs, but your love never lessens. and two years down this same path, you’re still absolutely love-struck for each other.
tw/cw: smut, fem!reader, established relationship, semi-sub/dom dynamic, name-calling.
a/n: this is for a lovely anon. thank you for suggesting this prompt for me to write, it was a fun one. I hope you all enjoy it as well.
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pic is not mine, found on Pinterest.
It wasn’t every day that Colby found himself drowning in his and Sam’s workload. However, it also was uncommon for him to not have something to occupy him.
Today, it just so happens that the virtual meetings he had planned were postponed for a later date, and his editing had taken a shorter time to finish than he anticipated.
And so, with a day’s worth of taxing effort being cut short, Colby treated himself to a bath. After texting you the details of his day’s end, of course.
Even as two years passed, the commitment of settling into a place of your own has remained an unspoken topic. Although it’s definitely doable, that step forward just hasn’t arrived yet.
Which is why you end up driving a few neighborhoods down to Sam, Kat and Colby’s shared home. Having a spare key, you welcome yourself to the upper level of the home and into Colby’s room.
Settling into his bed and under the comfort of his scent, you find yourself grinning at the idea that your presence would be a surprise for your boyfriend. And as if on cue, Colby’s voice can be heard from the bathroom, echoing a song his phone plays.
Soon after the song hums to a stop, Colby is escaping the mist of the warm shower’s humidity with a towel secured around his waist. You quirk a brow at his entrance, noting the manner in which his happy trail peeks out from seam of the towel.
“Well shit, here I was thinking I’d be the surprise but it looks like you beat me to it.”
Colby blanches at the sound of your voice, eyes darting directly to his bed to find you. He grins, eyes crinkling into a pair of half moons. Instantly, his body is gravitating towards you, that same damn smile settling into the quirk of his lips.
“I’m very pleased to see you, baby.” He admits, barely getting a knee through the comforter before you’re stopping him with a hand to his chest.
Confused by the sudden pause, Colby looks for any signs of discomfort in your body language. Once he’s found none, he looks into your eyes with furrowed brows. You smile in return, rubbing the skin of his chest gently.
“I thought you’d be excited to see me, but I didn’t think you’d be that excited.” You say, gesturing with your eyes toward the evident tent beneath the towel.
“Ah,” he chuckles, following your sight to his crotch. He flushed red and suddenly you’re reminded of how much you love to see him flustered. Cute, you think.
“Though I can’t say I’m not in the same boat.” You voice, ridding yourself of the sheets you were just enveloped in. You lead his hand to your lower half, nudging his fingers between your legs.
His jaw slacks at the feeling of your short’s dampness, caressing you gently as if unsure.
“Fuck,” he exhales and sits himself on the edge of the bed, hand not once disturbed from its place in between your legs. “I didn’t know I had that kind of power over you.”
“Oh please. You can’t possibly think that by standing there, looking as virile as you do with hardly any fabric on you, I won’t drop everything I’m doing just to claim what’s mine now, do you?”
You answer hastily. Gaining confidence with the sudden adrenaline rush, you taken it upon yourself to tug him free of the towel; allowing it to plop onto the ground beside the bed.
“You know what you’re doing. So let me give it to you.” You continue, boring your gaze straight into his eyes.
“And what’s that?” He quips, throat bobbing with the sultriness in his voice. He leans further into your space, snaking his free hand around your throat.
“Everything and anything you want it to be. So tell me, my pretty boy.. how do you want me?”
Without missing a beat, he’s hovering over you and working his way down your neck; trailing both saliva and welts as he reaches your clothed breasts.
Irritated with the sudden interruption, he rocks his hips against your shorts as he begins to remove your top. Growling at the stubborn fabric, he decides against undoing the clasp, and instead tearing through what he could to get to you.
You make an effort to scold him for mindlessly shredding your belongings but your words fall short when his mouth has attached itself to your breast.
Nipping at the perks of your chest, Colby hums in content upon hearing your delicate moans.
“Fuck, Colby, please—“ you whimper, feeling his growth camber against the exposure of your thigh.
“Please? And here I thought you’d own up to your word and let me have you however I wanted.” He retorts while gripping your hips with both hands, squeezing with vigor.
A bashful squeak replaces your response as he draws you in by the chin, reaching a hand behind your the arch of your back to stabilize you.
“And I want you miserable.” He concludes just before shoving you back into the mattress. With a staggered huff, you begin to chew at your bottom lip with anticipation, knowing damn well this could go one of two ways;
He could have you writhing in pleasure as he fucks into you, blinded by his quirk for pleasing you before himself. OR he could play by his own game and torment you until satisfied.
You hope for the latter.
“On your knees.” He orders, tugging your shorts past your legs, panties slipping off along with them. Rather than playing a bratty role, you follow as told.
Sloping into a downward angle with your ass in the air, you irrationally begin swaying your hips in a taunting manner.
Before you have time to comprehend what’s happening, your skin is left stinging in affect of the reddened hand print Colby has left. Mounting himself over your spine, he begins working his fingers through the folds of your cunt.
Heaving a pitched gasp, you lean forward out of reflex. Clearly, Colby has had enough of your antics as he responds by entangling his hand in your hair, pulling at the roots of your scalp until there’s tears filling your eyes.
A dazed moan rests in the air, but you’re far too gone to identify who’s it was. Then, Colby’s voice is echoing in your ear, breath whispering beyond the shell to where you can feel the stubble on his chin rub against your cheek.
“You’re such a sloppy little shit. Look at how much of a mess you’re making in my bed. And just off of my fingers?” He tantalizes in an ever so cocky manner. He feigns a laugh before removing his fingers from your heat and bringing them to your face.
With the grip on your hair, he tilts your head in his direction and uptakes the lewd task of lapping away at his fingers; tasting you.
“So messy. Making me clean up after you? Hah.” He chuckles, his eyes glazed over with a rawness of libido. Once he’s finished with his little show, he’s releasing his hold on your hair and returning you into a lying position— where he can see you and vice versa.
You aimlessly reach for him and he naturally hovers toward you, crowding into you to presses a slew of passionate, slow and hard kisses to your mouth.
“Fuck me, please. Please, Colby? Make me yours, please.” You whine, hands cupping his face. Embracing one of your hands in his, Colby allows his alter ego to falter for a moment to smile at you.
“With pleasure, my love. You’re always mine.” He counters just before aligning himself with your entrance. Your chest rises and falls with the feeling of your heat being filled, tightly compressing and decompressing with a pulse of its own.
Colby’s moans echo your own, parroting your noises here and there. The head of his cock brushes against your sweet spot, creating stars to appear before your eyes. Again, you reach for your boyfriend and he responds by bringing one hand to your cheek, cupping it gently as he kisses you with an equal amount of delicacy.
After a few more ragged thrusts, you feel yourself reach your climax in unison with Colby. Riding out the remainder of your highs, you breathe heavily and manage to rasp a small “fine,” when Colby searches for your awareness and well being.
Collapsing beside you, Colby tugs the covers over your recovering form before trailing light pecks over your shoulder. Although you’re too exhausted to reciprocate them, you smile and thank him before he’s moving again.
Returning from the bathroom with a damp towel in hand, he begins the task of aftercare for the both of you. When he’s finished, and just before he’s making a move to toss the towel into the laundry bin, you wrap a hand around his wrist, halting his movements.
He peers down at you with a smile on his face. You return it, despite it forming a little lopsided.
“I love you.” You murmur, shutting your eyes. There’s a soft peck placed in your forehead, his woodsy sent envelopes you.
“I love you too.” He replies. “So much.”
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swisccfinds · 9 months
Black Art Painting Mod by Simmazsims
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Im honestly gonna have Johanna paint some of these and maybe put them in her office! But how cute is this override mod?!
creator's notes-
I created this mod because I wanted my sims to be able to create art that is more of a black art aesthetics, cultured and of this generation instead of the bland boring ones in game if you get what I mean lol.
About The Mod:
This mod overrides the default paintings in game with 300+ NEW paintings that adds more of a "black art aesthetics."
This mod is functional via the Easel and the "Digitalistic Sketchpad" found in Build Buy.
This mod is base game compatible.
New paintings will unlock based on your sims Skill Level. As your sims gain skill levels in painting they will unlock and be able to paint masterpiece paintings.
Sims can also paint based on Emotions and Moods such as Confident, Focused, Playful, Flirty, Sad, And Angry. If your sims are feeling tensed or uncomfortable they won't be able to paint.
Overrides the following art categories: Classic, Pop Art, Surreal, Abstract, Realism, Impressionism, Emotional, Landscape, Figure
Functional Paintings:
Frame Your Paintings
Name Your Paintings
Sell To Collector
List On Plopsy or Etsy
Place Paintings On Walls
Place Paintings In Your Sims Inventory
Use keys "[ and ]" to resize paintings
Recommended Mods (Optional):
Faster Painting Mod
Better Paint Brush Override
This mod has been tested in game numerous times and it does work on my end. If you have any problems or questions please reach out and let me know. ENJOY! ♡
Some of the art paintings in each category might not be an accurate representation but I tried my best to match the art to each category while also adding my own twist.
I tried my best to replace all of the paintings in each category but if you find any paintings that I may have missed and hasn't been replaced please reach out to me and let me know so I can fix it!
CREDITS: Artwork found on Google, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. All credits belong to the rightful artist. Thank you for your creations!
Tag me in screenshots on any of my socials I’d love to see!
Thank you to Simmazsims for this cute override! show them some love and support to their patreon and their socials located in above in creator's notes!
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cher-rei · 2 months
afterglow pt- 13 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
genre(s): friends to lovers, fluff, slowish?? burn and just a good time
[wc: 5.3k] afterglow masterlist
notes: rahhhhhh!!!
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liked by liverpoolfc and 3 244 225 others
spamjam._. may 24th anyone? [tagged: taylorhinds]
view all comments below
taylorhinds 👀💜 [liked by spamjam._.]
liverpoolfc collab of the century I fear
→ spamjam._. if you know, you know 🤞🏻
user collab?? are they doing a photoshoot together or something?
→ user probably, you know how jamie is and her random promo photoshoots for brands 😭
→ user take back to the adidas shoot last year omw
→ user life was so much easier back then
virgilvandijk oh, so you were serious? 😂
→ spamjam._. I had a 10 hour board meeting yesterday for this. don't test my commitment 🙄
trentarnold66 she's a baller 🥵 [liked by spamjam._.]
fía.messi bro has me flying over for this 😭 [liked by spamjam._.]
→ spamjam._. I couldn't get your dad so I had to settle for the next best thing (and mateo is only 10 so I had to choose you 😔)
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"what's the date today?"
"the 23rd," laura answered promptly and went back to typing something on her laptop while the rest of your media team carried on with their personal tasks in the meeting room.
you stood at the whiteboard in front— a black marker in one hand and your ipad in the other as you wrote out and marked certain dates down and finalised a few things.
"okay." you tapped the marker on your chin and took a step back from the board, gaining everyone's attention. "those pictures are up for the efl final, but I'm going to need a date for next week for my meeting with the set designers and stylists because I have a few ideas for the launch."
sienna, another member of your media team was quick to check her calender, her email set up on her desktop. "you're good for march 4th if we're set to release the shoot may 7th."
you bit the inside of your cheek as you thought for a moment. "put it down. I'd also like an update on the news for the boss' special collection and," you wrote down something under the title national duty. "I need the flags ordered asap."
the room fell silent after that, everyone in their own headspace while the sound of keyboards clicking sounded through the room. you wanted to make next season's kit release a big one, the board giving you three words to ride off of and the mock design for the kit a few months ago.
you quite liked the tribute to the design and after consulting a few close professionals (sophia and alexandra) there was an idea of what you were going for. the idea of a more sophisticated look and aesthetic ran through your mind, the question of how would you style the jersey yourself playing a role.
"moped," you blurted which got you a few strange looks. "I want a moped for the shoot."
logan, who was silent for most the of the meeting eyed you for a second. "like the scooter?"
"the bike from that one disney movie?" laura followed and pulled up her pinterest page, moving her laptop to show you and you nodded, writing it down under the kit launch column on the board.
"I want it in red and maroon and see if they can get the jersey design on it," you said while tieing up your hair because this was oh so obviously only the beginning of the meeting.
you had been so busy the past few hours, confined between four walls that the only sunlight you were getting was the light emitting from the passage through the simgular glass wall of your meeting room that overlooked the second floor. your phone was probably buzzing with messages from clara asking you when you were free for your lunch break but that was the last of your worries.
but eventually something caught your attention from the corner of your eye as you stood in front of your team, going over some extra details. "the videographers are working on it currently so all we nee--"
you paused mid-sentence, the glimpse of a figure strolling past the room catching your attention for a moment. "uhm, all we need is to check if..."
they walked past again, only this time at a pace that was definitely noticeable. normally you would've disregarded trent's childish behaviour in the middle of work but everyone was growing agitated and needed a break.
you flicked your attention from your team to trent who was strolling along with his hands in his pockets, only to come back a second time, then a third until your team gradually noticed him. your lips drew into a thin line as he sent them a small wave, pretending to be busy.
"okay, everyone we can take a break." you set the markers down, their thankful sighs of relied making you laugh. "I'll see you in 45, okay?"
the seven of your team members flooded out the door in no time, leaving you alone while trent waited until they were out of sight to finally enter the room. he walked up you the whiteboard beside you, trying to act as if he knew what any of the writing meant while you continued to joy a few things down.
"don't try anything, the walls are literally made of glass," you said unbothered without taking your attention off of the work in front of you.
from beside you trent mocked an expression of hurt, offended that you'd accuse him of coming here just to do something. "I wasn't going to. I came here because I just happened to be walking by after our gym session," he answered, the lie dripping off his tongue effortlessly and you gave him a look.
you didn't respond, instead becoming immersed in your work once again. the marker in your hand moved between the spaces of your fingers, a pout forming on your lips as you concentrated.
don't get him wrong, trent found it extremely attractive that you were in your element— your hair messily tied up, the marker in your hand spinning between your fingers and the look of determination on your face made him crazy. but he was just a man after all and wanted to spend some time with his... free trial user.
with a sigh he sat down at the desk, spinning aimlessly on the chair to try and cure his boredom. he hated this— referring to the lack of privacy in the room because the blinds were open. suddenly, he perked up at the sound of your voice, but to his dismay, you weren't talking to him and were on the phone with someone he didn't care about.
"yes, I'd like to keep them neutral but you can have a selection and we can test them out on the day of the shoot," you said and hurried back to the whiteboard to write something down.
the sound of the marker squeaking on the board made trent cringe, that and he wished that you'd just sit down for one second. when the call ended, you felt the his eyes on you, a look of judgement perhaps? but what did he expect? you were at work and had to get things done.
"someone's cranky," you joked while flipping through a binder.
he threw his head back with a scoff. "well yeah, you're not even looking at me. you probably don't even care that I'm here right now."
really now? you rolled your eyes at his exaggeration, a smile dancing on your lips. "a lot needs to be done before the end of the month unfortunately and I'm kind of in charge of that." you scrunched your nose at the last part, the feeling of admitting that you were in charge sending a weird surge through your body.
tent pursed his lips, his look softening at the way you continued to flip through the binder, mumbling to yourself about not finding something. "I know but--"
"--there aren't any 'buts'." you put your hands on your hips, sending him a stern look to showcase your point. "you're supposed to be focusing on recovering. it's already an issue that you won't be playing sunday, we need you fit for the last few games of the season at least."
the room fell silent again, slight tension building up but you didn't care because it was the truth. it wasn't just him— it was curtis, darwin, mo and dominik as well. a few of their most crucial players were injured and unfortunately that make their chances of winning slimmer. and as excited as everyone was to play on sunday— the kids included even if they only got about five minutes of playtime, but this was still a final.
the coaching staff was agitated, virgil didn't know how if the chelsea squad were going to put up a fight and the injured players were beating themselves up. it wasn't an easy time for anyone right now, but they needed to focus. and right now, it seemed that trent wasn't getting the message.
it was unlike him, and you could see from the way that his leg anxiously bounced up and down that he knew that. so as much as you needed to reprimand him and remind him of what needed to be done, you could also tell that he wasn't okay.
with a sigh, you put down your things and went to lock the office door and close the blinds. the room was encapsulated in slight darkness again, prompting you to switch on the overhead lights that weren't needed earlier on.
trent remained quiet though, even when you came to sit down on the table in front of him. you looked down at him, the footballer leaning back in the chair.
"talk to me, what's bothering you?" your voice was laced with genuine worry and it made him ease into his seat further.
"nothing's wrong. I just wanted to see you but I guess it's a bad time." he plainly shrugged his shoulders, a look of mock dismissal on his face.
you quirked an eyebrow at his answer. "that's the worst lie you could've come up with right now." despite your targeted response you gently took his hand into yours and prompted him to speak. "is it because you're benched for the rest of the month?"
"yes and no," he said, looking up at you. "yes because I let the team down when they need all the help they can get. this is important to all of us and ever since my stupid knee happened I've been acting up."
he didn't need to mention it, but he was referring to the match against burnley where he was subbed off at halftime. you knew that it took a toll on his confidence, both on and off the pitch. there wasn't much you could do unfortunately besides comfort him.
"don't look at me like that," he groaned and leant forward to rest his head on your thigh, the embarrassment sinking in. "I sound so emotional, my ego is buried six feet under right now."
you stifled a laugh at his retort and let your hands run gently up and down his back. "it's okay. I'll ask harvey to pick it up for you, it's not a problem for him."
trent couldn't help but laugh, the feeling of his fingers trialing your thigh sent a shiver through your body. the two of you held that position for a bit longer, the feeling of being near each other enough to ease your respective anxiety.
"you're going to get better okay?" you said softly and he hummed in response. "whatever happens, happens but you need to do what you can. that's all that matters, so for now you're going to be the best bench warmer ever and support your team."
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it was the day of the efl final and the team was ready— standing ready with their mascots at their sides in the tunnel that you were running through to make some last minute checks.
maya messaged earlier on in the day to say that they'd be at the match today and you couldn't wait to see them again after such a long time, especially alex who was apparently extremely excited to be here.
today more than ever you wore your liverpool jersey proudly only to be called out for wearing it by a familiar face. you just finished wishing the team goodluck when a chelsea player caught your attention in the line beside you.
you eyes rolled at the sound of the voice but you turned to look at him nonetheless, the smile on your lips slightly forced. "colwill."
levi put out his hand for you to take into a friendly handshake, a cheeky smile on his face as he looked you up and down. "It's always weird to see you in anything other than blue. you switching sides for the day?"
the backhanded comment was obviously a joke, it was natural for the two of you to have banter like this despite the fact that it had been years since you last talked to each other. from the line beside you, harvey was shamelessly watching the back and forth.
it made no sense to him that you always knew someone. in every situation and match of theirs, there was always someone that you knew.
you scrunched your nose at levi, not liking the idea of wearing a chelsea jersey. "we'll leave those blue days of mine at the academy thanks. good luck for today though, you're going to need it."
levi stifled a laugh at your goodbye and watched as you left the tunnel, old memories flooding back but never staying.
"academy?" harvey asked out loud, not meaning for levi to hear but he did and nodded. when he told harvey that you played for the chelsea academy before you left london it raised some intrigue amongst the reds on his side.
judging by their facial expressions he could tell that it wasn't something you liked to talk about. "she got called up a bunch of times for the first team but never took the offer. first time around she was 15."
there was no other reaction from harvey other than an irritated groan, his head shaking to the side as they started to make their way out of the tunnel. "she's lived 100 lives I'm telling you."
from behind him, andy hurriedly shushed him, the laugh barely staying inside because of the strange encounter. but harvey was right— it felt like you've lived 100 lives because there was a piece of you everywhere, a piece of you imprinted within the memory of so many people.
"the carter effect," harvey mumbled to himself with slight distaste as he stood in his position on the pitch waiting for the whistle to blow.
agonising. that's how you'd describe the first of the match. it was like a game of tennis— back and forth but the team was showing resilience against chelsea and their 10 man defence strategy. the man to man marking made you want to scream, because this was not the strategy of a team that knew that they were going to win.
"fucking cowards," you muttered under your breath and jayden danns— one of the kids who were newer to the first team bench, gave you a look.
feeling his judgemental gaze on your side you looked at him with widened eyes, gesturing to the pitch. "it's the truth. you can't play football like this, it's disgraceful."
from the seat beside you, bobby clark, another one of the children (as you liked to call them) spoke up and asked you about how long the chelsea squad could play defence. there wasn't a definite answer on your side as you sat with your hand on your chin in thought.
eventually, it had all the kids in thought, all five of the boys that you were looking after watching with determined eyes to see if there was a break in chelsea's defence.
"the only forward who they're expecting to score is palmer," james said and you scoffed, the rest of the bench chiming in to talk about cole palmer's recent performance and how it's been saving chelsea a ton.
spamjam._. added to their story!
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amongst the chatter, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. the name that popped up on your notification center made you smile— trent who was sitting in the stands with the rest of the injured players.
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the last few minutes of the first half played out in a way that had your blood boiling. conor who was starting in trent's position today was playing exceptionally well for his first official start for the team, but someone else saw that as a threat apparently.
one shove from ben chilwell on conor had you out of your seat in an instant. the two players managed to fall on top of each other because of conor's honest tackle, and ben chilwell saw it as a challenge for something more.
seconds away from half time and a fight was about to break out and naturally the liverpool players tried to stop it, with a few players feeling provoked (cody and harvey). luckily it was broken up before anyone got seriously hurt, but by then you were already on the touchline alongside jurgen waiting to jump in.
the half-time whistle blew and you watched with distaste as they walked into the tunnel. instead of going up to the press room like you normally would, you decided to take a quick trip into the stands where the injured players were. you were alone today, and for another 4 months because clara was officially on maternity leave.
she was nearly 5 months into her pregnancy, but you still couldn't get behind your stupidity and not noticing any sooner. the signs were blatantly obvious but you thought it was normal— the loose clothing, strange cravings and her mood swings were nothing out of the ordinary.
she was doing well though, and was staying with her parents for the time being or at least until the season was over so that she could go back home with mason. at least she had stability, that's what mattered most.
"nice of you to visit us," curtis sarcastically greeted as you stood on the outside of the barricade. "I see the boys are treating you well."
it was clear that he was mocking you so you flashed him a tight lip smile. what the kids were doing was asking you questions about anything that came to mind— why you decided to work in marketing? was it true that you and trent were dating? (which you denied obviously)? who would win in a fight, a shark or a tiger? and funny enough you recalled jobe asking you the same question a while ago.
"a shark or a tiger?" he asked with a challenging smile.
your eyebrows furrowed and you looked at jude next to you, who shared the same expression of confusion. "well where's the fight happening?" you asked jobe who made it clear that he didn't like the follow up question.
he pulled a face at you, "what do you mean where's the fight?"
his question left you and jude speechless, his older brother trying to prompt his understanding of the situation further but jobe was stubborn and didn't care about the logistics of the scenario.
"it depends on where the fight is," jude said and you nodded. "they live in different environments entirely so it matters."
jobe rolled his eyes at the question, almost as of it were ridiculous. his shoulders tensed up and he leant forward on the chair he was sitting on. "yeah, but who would win the fight, this isn't about the environment."
you stifled a laugh, in further disbelief. "jobe where is the fight? where is it happening?"
"that's not the point!"
you couldn't stay to chat long to trent's dismay. he couldn't even hold your hand and the look of despair on his face said it all. but you agreed on keeping it on the low, no physical contact in public because there were always cameras around.
you flashed him a smile and waved before heading back to the bench just in time. a sigh of exhaustion leaving your lips at the thought of another 45 minutes of back and forth.
it was around the 60' minute when something built up, having you on the edge of your seat and holding your hands together in prayer and desperation until the ball finally hit the back of the net. however your rejoice didn't last long because once again, the referee was checking for offside.
you stood with your hands in the air in shock, utter hatred for the decision alone. "that wasn't offside at all! what the fuck kind of decision is this?"
the rage and irritation in your tone only grew when the referee called it, your scream drowning out in the sea of groans from the supporters. if it wasn't for james then you probably would have gone up to the stewards yourself to complain.
this was nothing new for the team though, and it was evident in their unimpressed expressions as they got back into position again. you carried on complaining for quite a bit after that— if there was one thing that you hated, then it was cheaters and liars. there was no reason to call the goal offside.
not too far away in the stands trent had his attention on you, an amused smile dancing on his lips as you complained to the other players on the bench— exaggerating your movements and explaining further, your blood boiling.
curris noticed him watching and teasingly nudged his arm. "talk about passionate."
he was right, your passion for the sport was never something you tried to minimise or hold back and that was something that trent found extremely attractive. you were always standing along the touchline with your hands on your head in distraught or leaping from your seat when they scored.
this was a first for trent— his past girlfriends who attended his games usually sat in the family booth and watched from afar, possibility not knowing what was actually happening on the pitch. but the idea of having you so close to him on the once place that he felt the most at home made his heart race.
close, both literally and figuratively— you'd be on the touchline, at most of his games because it was your job but also because you shared the passion for the sport and that meant more than anything to him. the fact that he could share what made him whole, with his partner.
"saffie's at home watching peacefully," curtis then shook his head as he watched you talk to conor who was subbed off, probably complaining again. "and this beast is picking a fight with the stewards."
trent stifled a laugh at his retort, stopping himself to try and listen in on what you were telling conor who was nodding along.
"exactly! I would have thrown him to the floor, conor. you're weak my boy." you pat him on the shoulder reassuringly, causing curtis to throw his head back in laughter.
20 minutes and two yellow cards later, the score was still tied at 0-0. the thought of the match falling into added time made you nauseous, because at the rate anything could happen. with a hand on your forehead you sunk further into your seat, all hope lost as the kids put on their jerseys.
"save us. please." your voice was meek and desperate causing the three of them to laugh, watching as the sub board went up. "I believe in you!"
when the final whistle blew for a short break before the added extra time you got up from your seat and paced up and down to loosen the tension in your legs. jurgen was huddled with the team, strategizing but you weren't too sure what he could possible be telling them.
personally you would have told them to break the chelsea players' legs. or at least try and play a bit rougher but there was nothing you could do except sit and watch. the kids were doing well luckily, and you did a headcount oh how many of them were on the pitch.
4. there were 4 first team players on that pitch and the rest were the club's academy kids going up against a full cheslea squad in a cup final. it was jaw dropping to witness this in person.
when jurgen came over for some water you asked him what the strategy was, to which he just shrugged with a smile. "I told them to have fun. just kick the ball until it hits the back of the net."
you blinked up at him for a moment, the answer a surprise to you but it made sense. there was nothing better that could have been done, so instead you started to pray and manifest, begging the universe for a goal or at least an opportunity.
with your lips pursed you looked up to the timer above the pitch, the big 116 mocking the players on the pitch. there was 4 minutes left and chelsea's management decided that it was a good time to make a substitution. obviously it was to waste time, but even then it was a stupid idea.
the players on the pitch were out of breath, virgil had swear dripping down his forehead and a look of complete exhaustion hiding behind his blank stare. what a way to make people suffer.
it wad the last corner of the match probably and tsimikas was up to take it. naturally you got up again seeing as this was probably going to penalties which you were confident enough in.
with hopeless eyes your eyes followed the ball as it crossed into the penalty area where the players were showing each other, trying to make way for a header. the stadium held it's breath, everyone's hope deep in the dirt until virgil managed to get a touch on the ball just enough that it successfully hit the back of the net.
it happened so quickly but the adrenaline eventually kicked in and you were being pulled into a hug from jurgen. on the other end of the pitch, virgil was sprawled on the floor, the boys surrounding him and laying beside him. it was all over once the final whistle blew seconds later and you heard the bustling noise from behind you.
darwin came running down the steps, pushing curtis to the side as he leapt over the barricade and onto the pitch in excitement with the staff. it was all too much, the overwhelming feelings of anxiety and excitement whirling inside of you.
you were left speechless, nothing more to say than. "how the fuck?"
the celebration was nothing short of heartwarming, but the feeling of watching the chelsea players leaving the stadium without saying a word was a better feeling.
"maybe you should actually try and score next time," you said with a teasing smile directed at levi who was heading towards you up the stairs with the rest of his team. "instead of standing as if you were the great wall of china."
all he did was shake his head and gave you a friendly pat on the shoulder as be walked past, before quickly turning back. "I still think you look better in blue though."
you stifled a laugh, not bothering to answer and instead made your way to the pitch where the banner was set up to take a few pictures before they came down to sing the anthem with their proudly adorned medals and trophy.
while they did all that you made a quick run up to stands, eagerly minding your way until maya, noah and alex were in the clear. the excitement on alex's face was enough for you, a proud feeling of warmth spreading through your chest.
"how was it buddy? did you have fun?" you asked and pulled him into a tight hug.
the younger boy nodded happily, going on about how scared he was and how he really wanted ice cream during the match because it was "super intense". when the time came you bid them goodbye and headed back down to take some pictures.
a fond smile formed on your face at the sight of the academy players, the group immediately making their way over to you with their medals and bombarding you with excited comments.
"I can't believe I nearly scored twice," jayden said with widened eyes, still in disbelief as he held up two fingers. "that's more than once and I just got here."
"which means that you better score soon, the season is nearly over." you lightly punched his arm, the group of academy players following you through the crowd of staff on the pitch.
once again james forced a sarcastic laugh, looking to jayden with his eyes narrowed. "well I just got here too and got booked 3 minutes in. I literally breathed."
not long after that, the photographers called all the academy players together for a group photograph and you took a step back and watched. but your attention was promptly caught by trent leisurely strolling beside dominik and mo.
with a smile you waved him over and suggested that he joined the picture since he was an academy graduate as well. he wasn't too sure at first but he eventually cut in.
after a few pictures your eyes squinted. "what's he doing here?" your question was directed at harvey who was seated on the floor, his face melted in irration as you spoke to him.
"I could ask you the same thing," he shot back and you nearly responded but the group dispersed, everyone going their own way as the celebration wrapped up.
naturally, you joined trent in his little stroll but made sure there was enough space between the two of you so no suspicion would be raised.
even though you were talking normally for the most part, it physically pained him that he couldn't even hold your hand. he gap between your bodies made him cringe, and what made it worse was that this was the first time that he's ever felt this needy or desperate to be close to someone.
but as you were talking to him now, the stadium still full of supporters while you stood in the middle of it all, he felt the desperation panging at his chest.
"bro are you seriously zoning out again?" you asked with a sigh. "this is the fourth time today-- and yes I'm counting."
"well sorry." he lifted his hands into the air in defence. "It's not my fault that my heart is in actual pain because I have to treat you like a normal friend in public."
your eyes rolled at his exaggeration, his dramatics being nothing new especially about this topic. "we aren't officially together yet so we can't do anything about it. calm down, loverboy."
normally this would be the part where he'd kiss you so that you'd shut up but trent had to bite his tongue today, and instead just nodded. it was the harsh truth unfortunately and as much as he loved private relationships, he wanted to show you off. he wanted the world to know that you were his.
but for the first time in a while he'd have to be patient.
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liked by judebellingham and 3 223 122 others
spamjam._. my kids dawg!! 🏆❤️ (and those other grandpa's too)
view all comments below
liverpoolfc red suites you so much more 🫶 [liked by spamjam._.]
→ spamjam._. say it louder for the people in the back 👏 @levicolwill
user ??? oh the dramaaaa
user 120 minutes of torture that I refuse to relive
bobbyclark can't believe that I made it onto the profile 😫
→ spamjam._. watch me crop you out.
→ jayden.danns @bobbyclark I'm the one who got the photocreds on her story 🥱 lower your tone in my presence
→ jamesmconnel and I got booked for breathing 😒
→ spamjam._. james that was a clear tackle?? you got booked for a reason 😭
→ jamesmcconnell yeah for breathing!!
virgilvandijk you should've gotten a medal for being the best cheerleader today 🥇[liked by spamjam._.]
→ spamjam._. aahhh!! I'm so glad my efforts were noticed
→ curtisjr you were screaming at the refs and nearly barged into the stewards room 🤨
→ spamjam._. which is more than you did today benchboy
mosalah grandpas? 😔
→ spamjam._. your leg is broken, so yes. grandpa's 😔
[next!!] [previous!!]
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Hello! If you are still open can I request these two characters from LMK (Lego Monkie Kid)?
YANDERE! Sun Wukong and YANDERE!Macaque the six-ear monkey (together) with a Y/N who extremely fear people who are stronger than them so they always hide when meeting one
Y/N: they are a person that has Social anxiety and overthinks alot even in small situations and they always hide behind something that is big enough to hide them (EXAMPLE: BIG Rock) (when their trust one is not there) and hide behind their trust one (EXAMPLE: Hiding behind pigsy) (when their trust one is there) when meeting a stronger person. And it took REALLY long to get their trust.
Sun Wukong meet them beacsue M.k introduced them to him
Macaque meets them on accident (which you can choose how /3)
I hope you can do this!! :D (NOT FORCING)
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: reposted by: unknown on Pinterest and crated by flying bark
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, OOC sun wukong . ALSO JUST WANNA AGAIN, thank you guys so much for the request!!! <3. You guys and this fandom are truly awesome!!!!
Swk: sun wukong
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
Headcanons began now
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I feel like sun wukong and macaque would find it adorable. Yet they would try their best to help you in the situation.
Like for example gaining your thrust, even if it takes a good while, it better for you to try hiding behind them then pigsy or anyone else. These two monkey boys get jealous at the smallest things
The swear to protect you no matter the cost so when anyone villainous or to powered shows up you know it’s about to be a show not to mention how sun wukong and macaque like being show offs while doing so
If both of them know the person will be a bit of a struggle to put down if they are a threat. One would carry you off to MK as the other fights. They only trust Mk with you cause he is the only one with powers such as theirs and well he’s the one they know the most of course!
When Mk introduced you to sun wukong, sun wukong was immediately memorized, especially by your cute little movements no one else but him noticed. Like the way you clutched mks sleeve while nervously, or the way you but your lip when you thought hard, or even when you played with your fingers to distract yourself from uncomfortable situations
But to sun wukong dismay soon macaque learned about you one way or other. They both budded heads with each other constantly due to you
They did come to a resolution after one incident that made them work together to save you from a outta control demon. I know sun wukong is immortal but holy hell did that give him a death scare
They keep you close and follow you anywhere, where ever you go they go. Even if your just rounding a small street Conor to a store they’ll never be too far behind always trailing right behind you.
They usually like teasing you when you hide behind a rock or anything, mainly sun wukong but if it actually turns out serious and you end up hurt these boys are going to go CRAZY
Whenever you get hurt they are most differently fighting and blaming each other, while also smothering you and making sure your okay
To be honest their like your personal body guards anywhere you go. Like I mean anywhere 😭
Macaque is horrible at social situations even with his slide guy mask. So he understands your pain, aswell as sun Wunkong a bit, but he’s more social then both of you so when it comes to talking or anything it’s usually up to him
Pigsy catch up’s to this and tries standing up to them but….let’s just say he stayed silent real quick -_-💧
Over all these two monkey boys are very overprotective of you so you better get use to two magic monkeys following you around 24/7 💧 I wish you luck reader -_-💧
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artemismoorea03 · 2 months
Monkies Deserve Better References pt 1
This is a bit of a long one so to save people who follow me for my other series I'm going to put it behind a 'read more' line. Both for that reason and because I couldn't be bothered drawing clothes so the references are naked (not like anything graphic though, they're basically shaped like barbies, don't worry)!
The reference I used I found on pinterest but was made by Toresoza on Twitter for those who want a better high quality version with all the hand shapes will have to find it on Twitter, but for now have this low quality Pinterest one to start out.
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Now! Onto the proper references! Keep in mind this is how the characters look from anything before Macaque's Not Alright! There might be some missing scars that the characters should have in canon that they don't have here (namely MK because it was 4 am and I forgot) so they might change slightly but for now here we go!
Let's start with Wukong! First with his glamours up and then with them down! (Peach included because I couldn't get the little shit's hand to work with me so I fed him).
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The scar on his brow and cheek would very likely be canon as well as the one on his upper left arm and right elbow which would have all happened during the fight with Nezha.
Included on his face are also the headband scars, burns around his eyes which are red after the Demon Hospital fiasco. Also from the demon hospital fiasco are most of the dark patches on his body (realizing now I missed another burn spot on his inner right forearm that's older than the rest but that's fine). When he was tossed in the forget his fur was magically burned whever it was touching the table which is why he has lines on his tail, wrists and ankles (noticed another mistake on his tail but AGAIN IT WAS LATE LET ME LIVE /lh /j). I'll fix it later but I'm too tired to bother now.
The injuries on his chest and stomach are a mix of the Demon Hospital stuff and MK's Not Alright injuries while the white on his back, shoulders, sides and hips are all from LBD :3
Other details about MDB/MAA Wukong as well as all of the monkeys is that his fur and hair are slightly different shades that are barley noticeable (I'm even questioning if I did it for him but I'm going to hope I did x'D). Wukong is also covered in freckles which he doesn't bother glamouring due to how much energy it would take.
Wukong also shares a bit of a 'dad bod' with Canon Wukong (I'm still learning how to draw weight, so ignore that he looks pregnant he's just supposed to be a little squishy). He is also the tallest of the three monkeys I have done, standing at a super tall /s 5'6" (167 cm/66 in (according to Google)).
Next is Macaque who until I actually did this I thought had the most scars. Nope. His scars are the biggest but he probably has the least amount of scars x'D
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Macaque's canon injuries on his chest and eye are visible when he's not glamoured but not nearly as obvious as his newer scars.
On his back is a whip scar that he got from Havoc and Confusion - the timeline on this is messed up and will be edited sooner or later -but it happened when he was quite young and doesn't bother him nearly as much as some of the other scars.
The scar on his right thigh, palms of his hand, horizontally across his chest and through his stomach all came from the Seven-Star Sword.
The three scars across his chest are from Wukong's Not Alright when he was cut down by the giant cat monster. This is also when the edges of his fur started to grow in white when they grew back (he should have a couple of other white patches on his body from smaller injuries but they don't have set spots other than *maybe* in his inner elbows, but again, it's not set).
Then, the final and newest scars are on his hips which he gained during the most recent run in with Confusion.
The white on his fur and in his hair is his 'natural' color from before he was killed the first time (not when Wukong killed him) while the blue is from LBD. The blue will likely never turn fully white but might lighten over time to be a more gray color than blue, but that will take a long time and unless Macis willing to shave himself completely most of his fur will always remain black
Other details about Macaque are his six ears in his unglamoured form which are red, blue and teal based on the colors from the 2009 Monkey King series which also inspired a lot of Macaque's background and life story.
Macaque is the smallest of the three monkeys and stands at 5'3" (160 cm /63.6 In).
Finally, there's MK and oh boy. I didn't realize how much of a break this kid needed after all of this but considering how his scars look I'm about to send him on vacation. A paid vacation with therapy included because holy shit.
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After I finished making MK I realized I forgot to look for any canon scars that he would have, but considering most of them would be covered by fur I'm also not in a rush to go through and look through them.
His oldest scar is on his forehead mostly hidden by his hair which is the scar mentioned in the third chapter in the series. From there the scars get bigger and more dramatic the longer it goes on, so let's go through the list.
The scars on his right shoulder is from the snakes that infest the Earth Turtle! Also from his adventure on the Earth Turtle are his top surgery scars which he doesn't glamour (he spends too much time/energy glamouring everything else and he's proud of them, so why bother).
He has a matching wound to Macaque on his lower left stomach (which might be in the wrong spot but again i'm tired) came from Monkies Aren't Alright when Chang Liu stabs him with an immortal killing weapon to have access to what 'makes him tick'.
Then in MK's Not Alright he got attacked by another non-venomous snake that bit his left shin and left deep scarring there as well but oddly enough that was the only scar he gained from that one.
In Wukong's Not Alright he gained two scars, the one through his right shin and the wound to his left shoulder blade.
The rest of the scars - the one on his face, most of the ones on his cheek, chest, back, legs, and tail all came from Macaque's not alright with some other minor scars that I forgot about x'D. They are a mixture of whip wounds, slash wounds and burns all came from Havoc, Ginger and Confusion trying to control him.
Other details include slight discoloration on his fingers from the same torture he went through to get the majority of his scars. Part of his bangs are discolored to be white and he's covered in countless white freckles giving him a very 'starry' appearance to him. (which in a way makes his fur look like space with the scars being shooting stars and planets).
MK is the 'middle' monkey and stands at 5'5" (165cm/65in , only an inch shorter than Wukong.
That's all that I have done right now but I'm hoping to make Loi, Red, Mei, and Nezha at some point as well as Tu, Yuanhou, Mihou, Changpu, Pengu and a super secret fifth option too ;3
That being said, if there are any characters you want me to try to make a reference for, just let me know. These were just some of the ones most requested by my discord and friends so I thought I'd do them first. Once I have the others done though, I'll post them.
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helioselene · 2 years
so youve migrated from writing twt to writeblr -> what now?
the following is my masterpost on the ins and outs of navigating the writeblr landscape! while it can be scary to deep-dive into the world of writing on tumblr for the first time, there are a few actions you can take to make it a lot easier to interact and share your writing.
psa: this is neither an extensive nor complete list of writeblr tips! but i hope it can help :)
interacting with others is one of the most important aspects of writeblr. im going to be splitting this section into a number of sub-sections because there are several topics relevant to creating a system of communication with other writers on here.
likes and reblogs; unlike twitter or other social media sites, likes do not hold the same weight on tumblr. as well as liking a post, the most important step you can take is to REBLOG. reblogging will share a post to your blog and thus your feed. in doing this, your followers and anyone who checks out your blog are going to see the post, rather than if you just like or comment. reblogging allows more people to interact with a post. content creators (including writers) can be motivated to continue posting when their posts are reblogged because it shows there are enough people interested in their works. the same goes for you! the more you reblog other people's works, the more likely your own posts will be reblogged, thus gaining more traction for all your hard-earned efforts.
taglists; you might be asking: what is a taglist? a taglist is usually featured at the bottom of your post when you share your writing. it includes people who have shown interest in your works - all you do is simply @ them. it means that people who are keen won't miss out on seeing the things you post about your wips! it is essentially an opt-in type deal, where people can choose to be added or removed from being notified about updates, excerpts, and the like.
don't abuse your taglist. don't tag them for every little thing you post about your wips - try to keep it to major posts like excerpts or new art, etc.
**** A HANDY HINT: writeblr etiquette states that you should never just add people to your taglist. only add them if they specifically ask.
tumblr tagging system; the tumblr tagging system is going to be your best friend as a writer. tags allow you to manage your posts + can act as a navigation system for your blog.
when tagging, make sure to not replace characters if it's for a trigger warning. 'assault', for example, should never be replaced with '@ssault'.
if posting an excerpt from your wip, i would suggest the following tags as the bare minimum: 'WIP NAME', 'WIP NAME EXCERPT'. if you're posting it as part of an event, you may also wish to include 'EVENT NAME'. you can also have a specific tag for things your friends write, for resources you may find helpful, etc. the possibilities are endless. a hint: the first five tags are the only tracked tags. the most important tags you want to add should be your FIRST FIVE TAGS on a post. furthermore, only the first twenty will show up in the search function.
tags are a good way for you to interact with other writers! when you reblog a post, OP will be able to read your tags where you can add how much you loved their work, etc.
do; - add trigger warnings to your posts if they contain sensitive topics. - add a plot, characters, etc. other writeblrs want context for your wip beyond just a number of dot points about tropes. - put your post under a 'read more' if it is a long post. - tag any nsfw content. - add a transcript of any photos/images under a 'read more'.
don't; - use any sort of fonts beyond the regular when writing a general post. using the 'chat' font, for example, reduces accessibility to your posts and makes it difficult for people to read. - just post dot points of your wip. - plagiarise. - use other people's posts as a place to self promote.
this is one of the biggest differences between tumblr and other social media sites: pinterest is. not. an. art. source. the truth is that people aren't going to care if you post a moodboard with nothing beyond a few random photos of a castle and a knife, etc. sure, they may look pretty, but don't do it for a number of reasons.
first, you should always post art directly from a credited source (e.g. unsplash or picrew).
second, it doesn't show enough about your wip! people want context! not just random photos!
thirdly, most photos or art on pinterest do not CREDIT their sources. this is theft and this is bad. which leads me onto the next topic.
CREDIT ALL ARTISTS. if you use any sort of artwork, i swear to all things holy, give credit to the ORIGINAL sources. pinterest, as mentioned, is not an art source. most artwork on that site is stolen or posted without credit, which, funnily enough, is a form of theft. if you're going to post any form of photo or art, please give credit. it doesn't matter what form it takes; link to the original artist or photographer in a way that is not hidden.
one sad truth about being on tumblr, as with a lot of social media sites, is that your posts will gain a lot more interaction if you use some form of graphic or photo along with your writing. graphic making may seem daunting but it doesn't have to be! they don't have to be complicated or anything more than a few photos - as long as they have relevance to your wip. moodboards are not necessarily a bad form to take when making graphics for your posts. however, if it just features a random collection of photos that tell your audience nothing about your work, they're not going to care. writeblr is all about actually imparting information about your wips, rather than just vibes. ****as mentioned, any form of artwork or photography needs to be credited to the original source. however, etiquette is also to not repost art without express permission from the artist. if you don't have permission to use someone's art, DO NOT put it in your moodboard or graphic.
tumblr is a really great site for expressing yourself through your blog, especially if you use custom themes! if (like me) you're terrible at javascript and any form of http coding, there are a number of blogs you can search for to find custom made themes that are easily adaptable for your needs.
but why use a theme beyond expression?
one of the best aspects of using themes is the navigation aspect. most writeblrs have some form of navigation page (beyond just simply using the tumblr tagging system) to allow their audience to find information about their wips, writing resources, and the like! it makes going through your blog easier for both you and others.
also: make sure to include information about yourself on the blog (but of course, not to the point of doxxing yourself). most tumblr users, especially those on writeblr, will think you're most likely a bot if you dont include at least some things about yourself. the most common things to add are name, age and pronouns! also a dni can be used.
titling your wips by @crtalley
plot structure by @nouveauweird
how to blurb by @yvesdot
notion templates for writers by @atelierwriting
the tropes guide by yours truly
so you're missing a plot by @seasteading
novel length by @serpentarii
thank you to everyone who helped me in writing this post! love you all <3
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saenora · 1 year
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note: if we flip tables and what if youre the mangaka character and your fav simps on you… these are some adequate subpar headcanons… 🫠 (i dont write so lmao bear w me 🤭) thankies to Ai <3 @gojoest-main for indulging always mum ily and SOBS GOJO IS BASED ON WHAT AI SAID🤭)
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the husband
YN IS HIS LOML. he is huge on selfship community! HIM AND EVERYONE CALLS HIM YOUR TRUE HUBBY! he has a whole lot of selfship arts with you. he might go broke with all the merch but he cant help it every time he sees your fanarts or a new chapter drops, he goes feral. PINTEREST MOODBOARDS, PLAYLISTS YOU NAME IT. HE HAS IT. he is defending you on every website, writing little self indulging drabbles about you. he knows you well, his little head canons are cannoned by all of your fans. your his f/o and nobody can change it. he either talks about you infront of his friends and he has gained a reputation because of it or leads teh secret life… there is no inbetween. has the sweetest selfship headcanons but occasionally tweets regular horny one liners about how bad he wants to be fucked by you, or about how much he wants to cum inside you and get you pregnant.
gojo?, reo, kise chuuya, isagi, yuuji, taiga, ran + anyone who fits the criteria
the loyal hoe
he has too many blorbos, he knows it. BUT YOURE HIS MAIN BLORBO, HIS BIGGEST SELFSHIP/ THE ONE HE KEEPS CRAWLING BACK TO. it can be put as you made him standout. IS 25/8 YN BRAINROT AND TWEETS HORNIEST STUFF. HE ONLY SURVIVES ON SMUT AND BREATHES TO THE THOUGHTS OF YOUR AROUSAL. writes the best sex stuff. he keeps hopping from one to another but everyone knows he is your biggest whore. UNHINGED. crazy lot of nsfw fanarts of you, has patreon subscription to see all those fanarts. it doenst matter where he is, work/home/cafe. HE IS THIRSTING ABOUT YOU. writes about the shapes of your labia/cock and can write poetry on your body.
SHIDOU, karasu, dazai, GOJO, sukuna, toji, BACHIRA, aomine(ik.. but if he could write), ranpo, EREN, kaiser, jean + anyone who fits the criteria
the sweetheart
he isnt extremely active. somewhere in between the worlds. he calls himself your cheerleader, your number one supporter. he has tons of art saved of you might/might not be on budget. has one commissioned selfship with you. he loves you and probably has the most pure of the selfship with horniness served as dessert. (NO ONE CAN ESCAPE IT) occasionally indulges in you. is mostly very sfw!! but his head is full of all the sexi stuff. loves to talk about you… if anyone strikes a conversation about you he can write verbal books. CERTIFIED SIMP. his selfship is uwu. doesnt go big on it but is a soft fan.
kenyu, hiori, isagi, yuuta, megumi?, chifuyu, rindou, kakucho, connie, atsushi + anyone who fits the criteria
the silent one
he has been your fan since the start, the first time he laid his eyes of your 2d character design, your story, your everything captured him. he loves you from afar.. isnt really active but has a small pinterest board or a playlist of you that he silently indulges in. has no idea what selfships are but you’re a coping mechanism for him (sometimes). if you were real, he’d treat you so much better than the shitty charcter you’re stuck with. doesn’t pick fights online but wouldn’t hesitate if someone crossed a line. he doesnt realize but thinks of you more than a fictional character. probably is the healthiest out of the five. none of his irls know about his fixation of you and it would never see the light of the day. IF LOYALTY WAS A PERSON IT WOULD BE HIM. period.
nanami, rin, ness, levi, erwin, akutagawa + anyone who fits the criteria
the idgaf
he simps only for you. he has posters of you and is not ashamed. people know about you being his favourite character but he is scary so nobody can ask it about. has minimal/no online presence. but keeps signed copies of the mangakas. JERKS OFF TO YOUR POSTERS UNABASHED. he follows one fan account and prolly goes anon sometimes. heavily reads your smut or hasn’t scratched the surface you cant tell. YOURE NOT A CHARACTER, YOURE HIS FAVOURITE. ANOTHER ONE WHO DOENST KNOW WHAT SEFSHIPS ARE, BUT HEAVILY CREAMS THINKING OF YOU and has wild fantasies about you.
sae, aomine, shoichi, oliver, izana, kaiser(idk), baji, naoya, mikey, wc kunigami, ranpo + anyone who fits the criteria
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zen speaks: i’ll do a yn as diff as character tropes drabbles too 🤭 so wtevrhr <3
dividers: @/cafekitsune
210 notes · View notes
legacygirlingreen · 4 months
Part 4, Chapter 7: Repository III (the final) // Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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AN: I apologize for this unedited mess. I am also so sorry I’ve been swamped and haven’t uploaded. I have a lot going on right now in my real life and writing has taken a backseat to it. I plan to finish this series soon. Thank you all for holding out with me. This is mostly just filler. Again, sorry.
Pic belongs to @99luka9 on Pinterest! (Not sure if they have a blog here as well but I found in on there)
Warnings: mention of blood, death, violence
Word count: 3,800
Link to Masterlist
The more Sebastian dug into the stone the more blood began to pool in his palms. Sweat dripped down his brow and down the sides of his neck, as well as down his nape, before trailing into his shirt collar. As he went to push yet another piece of piled up rumble to the cave floor, the slick of his palm caused him to lose traction, resulting in him slamming his fingers into the harsh surface as he let out an expletive.
Frustratedly he wiped his hands on the surface of his pants in an attempt to once again gain traction before resuming his efforts to push the stones. The more rubble he cleared, allowing him to gain more information as to what was happening on the other side. More loud taunting, more loud crashing, and thankfully more spell casting. He couldn’t quite make out what she was shouting from wherever this opening would lead, but he could hear the distinct sound of a spell hurling through the air followed by the occasional roar or groan of Ranrok. Everything about this reminded him of how broken she had felt when he rushed into the house with Solomon hot on his heels while he gripped her bleeding body to his chest.
Solomon. That was the strangest part of the ordeal. The more he continued to dig, the more he could hear her sole voice calling back against the goblin. He knew that Solomon had been trapped inside the cavern with her, and a part of him hoped that at the very least the man was alive to help keep her safe, but given the lack of hearing the man’s gruff voice or simultaneous casting there only left a few options for his uncle’s fate: the man was knocked out, the man ran, or he was already dead.
And as callous as it seemed, Sebastian didn’t really care which of three it wound up being.
In fact, Sebastian knew that if he got inside with only the ability to save one of them, he would save her with no hesitation. Solomon may be blood, but that didn’t make him family. Especially after finding out what he had done to Anne, and leaving his love to die at the hands of Rookwood, he had no love left in his heart for Solomon Sallow. That - and years of abuse at the man’s hands didn’t exactly bode well. In some small ways it might be better if Solomon was already dead, he thought. That way he wouldn’t have to kill Solomon himself.
Eventually he pushed aside just the right stone to cause the majority of them to fall away, opening up a small hole which he could see lead into a tunnel. Seeing it as the only way forward he crouched the best he could, pushing through until the tunnel allowed him to once again stand to full height. Inside it appeared similar to San Bakaar’s fourth trial and the location in which he witnessed the memory of the keepers confronting Isadora.
Sebastian felt a chill run up the entire length of his spine before it settled against his nape as he shuddered remembering what he had seen. In some ways he respected San Bakaar more than the others - as the man seemed to understand his policy of using whatever means necessary when your life's on the line. Even during the keeper’s time at Hogwarts the killing curse was forbidden. Knowing all four of them agreed to use it on Isadora in order to protect the wizarding world from her demented actions of corrupting the purity of ancient magic with human pain, made him more inclined to trust their judgment. It also made him glad that he taught the girl how to use it in extreme circumstances.
“Sebastian I am not so sure about this…” she spoke as they rounded that all too familiar staircase of the restricted section. The weight of the books he was returning pressed into his forearms. This was not to do with Anne that he had come back here. In fact he’d given up searching months ago after she finally convinced him they would find a way with ancient magic. But for some reason, after a night where she’d stumbled back even later than his shift with Sirona, covered in blood from poachers, he decided maybe raiding some of the healing spells would benefit her.
“We are just returning what I borrowed. Not taking anything else, I promise” he told her with a sigh.
“What did you take?” She asked cautiously, worried he’d have slipped back into old habits.
“Healing spells they just don’t teach at the school. I wanted to be able to teach them to you. I’m sick of seeing you stumble back broken and bloodied.” He explained, finally coming back to the spot in which he’d removed a few tomes on advanced healing.
“Oh. I thought - nevermind” she said, coming forward to help place the books back on the shelf near him.
“You thought, what? That I was messing with dark magic again?” He asked playfully, not concerned about her response because he genuinely hadn’t. Sebastian had no reason to be embarrassed or start a fuss over something he wasn’t engaging with any longer. And if he was honest with himself… he felt better. His head felt clearer. His back, less weighted.
“Well… why else would one sneak into the restricted section…?” She asked as she peaked open one of the books seeing it did in fact have very complex healing spells before putting it back on the shelf.
“Pornographic material” he said with a shrug.
“What?!” She shrieked and he laughed at her response as he pointed back to a dimly lit alcove all the boys at school had heard about. It was true that several boys always found a way to sneak in and raid it. On occasion he’d grabbed a few on his way out to make the trip more worth it…
“Yeah some of them even moan and make noises and such-“ he started and she smacked his arm as he chuckled.
“Stop being a brute and just put back the healing books you stole. Merlin, why am I courting such a delinquent?” She asked.
“Because you love me?” He teased stretching his hand out, which she graciously took.
“I do. And I’m also glad you stopped looking into dark magic. I know there’s been circumstances your knowledge has come in handy but… overall I prefer not using it as a first resort”
“I agree. I admit, I might’ve started getting a tad loose with some spells I shouldn’t have. I do still think it’s important to have knowledge of dark magic. And there are times I think the ends justify the means…”
“What are you talking about?” She asked, feet stalling as she looked at him.
“Well, if you do face Ranrok, and he has you pinned down without a moment of your life or his, I would prefer to know that you at least knew the killing curse. At that moment I believe it would be a justifiable means to kill him. And I don’t think the ministry would care either given goblins and human rights aren’t the same. But either way, I would like to know you would do anything to keep yourself safe if it came to that. Not as a first choice but a last resort” he explained, somewhat timidly. He knew she didn’t love the use of dark magic, but she never discouraged him trying to gain understanding of it. She saw past the black and white nature of it all, and it was something he deeply loved and admired her for.
“Oh… I hadn’t really thought about it.” She said nervously.
“You don’t have to-“ he tried to explain he wasn’t demanding she learn one of the three unforgivable spells on his account purely, but she cut him off.
“No. You’re right. This is too important. This magic is too dangerous to leave in Ranrok’s hands. I should at least know what to do if it came to that. Not necessarily for my sake but everyone else’s” she explained leaving him stunned.
“I’m really surprised you are so quick to want to learn an unforgivable curse” Sebastian told her honestly.
“Like you said, this mission is important and killing him may be the only way to protect it. Come on down here. I’ll show you the athenaeum. It’s where I went that day you took the fall for me. You can teach me in there how to use it” she said, dragging him along further into the restricted section.
Sebastian had been surprised at her willingness to see the greater good and now he just hoped that she had both paid attention and was alive to make the call if it came down to it.
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Finally having a plan seemed to help. The more she continued to use the attack strategy suggested by Sebastian, the more Ranrok began to absorb the pain as the magic separated from the toxicity contaminating it. This strategy seemed to be the solution, however the more desperate Ranrok became, the more she continued to be knocked down with his futile attempts at preventing her from removing his power.
Each fall felt worse on her already aching body. But at the end of the day, she knew that she would need to stop the goblin, even if it was the last thing she did. This was too important to give up now.
The swirls and conflicting magic surrounded them both as he drew smaller. And then with the most deafening scream of pain did the blast of red and black magic surround them as Ranrok once again returned to his original state.
“You are… but a child…” he grunted out in pain as he stared up at her.
“You shouldn’t understand anyone on account of being young” she spat as he quickly moved to his feet once again, only to be shoved down by her usage of the ancient magic around them.
Watching in horror as the last of the pain entered the goblin, he rose from the ground, screaming in agony as the pain she removed became too much. In horror she watched as she slowly began to glow, breaking apart into thin ash like parts before suddenly he was gone.
A gasp left her lips as she fell to her knees, shocked that it was over. It was finally all over.
Loud banging filled the space before the cavern lurked, loud sounds of falling rocks once again filling the space as she looked above. The chamber she was in began to collapse, as she struggled to rise. Energy depleted from the fight with Ranrok, she wasn’t sure she would be able to stand long enough to search for a way out.
And in her heart she found comfort in knowing at least everyone would be safe. The world at large had been saved. The likelihood of her walking away was low. And yet, she simply wanted to be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to him. To the handsome Slytherin boy, who had taught her so much. Who had shown her great care. Who had loved her beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Laying down, she simply closed her eyes, accepting her fate. Perhaps her mind's eye could recall his big brown eyes one more time. Or imagine all his adorning freckles. If she really concentrated she almost felt as if she could hear his voice shouting her name. What she wouldn’t give to feel him hold her one last time.
But then she felt it. A dirty trick of the mind to shift to the afterlife is what she assumed, but when she opened her eyes and saw the cavern collapsing just behind his head she gasped.
“Bash” came the hushed whisper before she was desperately pulled into his arms as he stood.
“Hold on, we are getting out of here. Just hold onto me” he spoke before whistling loudly, the sound of loud flapping filling the space as her eyes drifted closed. Flashes of feathers, falling debris and his worried face filled her mind before it all faded to black.
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“Mr. Sallow set her down on the cot so the nurse can look over her injuries!” Professor Weasley shouted as the rag tag team of staff and students bust into the hospital ward.
The girl, having lost consciousness somewhere on the journey out of the repository, was still perched in Sebastian’s arms. The boy damn near growling earlier when someone tried to remove her. Lurching forward he set her down, unaware of the wards existing students.
Their friends and educators all coming around to stare down at the battered girl who had saved them. Well, all of them except one.
“Sebastian…” whispered behind him and when he finally tore his eyes from the girl he saw Anne.
“Annie…” he said in shock, having forgotten until now that poppy spoke about his witch find a cure.
“What happened? Where’s, where’s Solomon?” She asked, looking around.
His mind flashed back to the cavern, seeing his uncle crushed on the floor no longer breathing just as he had fled. She had whispered something akin to Solomon before she had fainted but he already knew the man was gone.
“He didn’t make it Anne” he spoke softly as his sister begun to wail loudly. Ominis coming forward to remove his sister from the already chaotic scene, he turned back to his love who still had yet to wake as the nurse began to try and heal some of her injuries.
“Is she going to be alright?” he asked softly as the nurse turned to him.
“I’d say so. Diagnostic spells show most of the damage is external, not internal.” The nurse spoke mending gashes and wiping away blood. As she did so, he took note of the already pink forming scar along the girl's face, now running through the middle of it. It wasn’t the kind of mark that happened by accident, the way it looked was deliberate. Poppy’s cries in the room of requirement were all he needed to know that it had been the result of Rookwood.
“Merlin…” he whispered as Professor Fig tugged him aside.
“It’s best to let them clean her up first. I need to speak with you” the man spoke and all he could do was nod. Deep down Sebastian knew the man was likely playing the events in December over in his mind, recalling how awful the boy had reacted to seeing her injured. Sitting at the edge of a separate bed he sighed.
Soon he found himself in front of the professors. Sebastian hadn’t noticed that Professor Weasley had escorted out all the other students, leaving only Leander who sustained a slightly sizable gash on his leg. But when the adults stared down at him as they refrained from talking he grew confused.
“Mr. Sallow you need to remove your shirt” Professor Sharp said sternly as he looked up confused.
“What?” Sebastian asked as the man harshly pointed at the wound on his shoulder. “Oh. I forgot about that…” he said gritting his teeth as he tried to unbutton the shirt with his non dominate hand.
“Adrenaline can make the body forget the trauma it’s experienced. It doesn’t look as bad now but still shouldn’t take too many chances with it.” The man said as he finished using spells he knew from his time at the ministry to examine the wound. Knowing the nurse would likely be too busy, helping the young Sallow man fell to him in responsibility.
“Is everyone decent?” Came a voice behind Professor Sharp who simply nodded as Matilda Weasley came forward.
“Mr. Sallow. I am going to need much more information this instance.” She demanded.
“Alright.” He spoke grumpily.
“Do you have any kind of idea the danger you put yourself, and your classmates, in?” She asked.
“Did you? Because from what I have come to realize, is that only Professor Fig and I were aware the danger everyone was in this whole time. I was likely more prepared than most of you to handle this”
“That doesn’t excuse your actions-“
“I will not apologize for wanting to make sure she walked out of there alive. Give me detention for the rest of the year. Expel me. Lock me in Azkaban. I don’t care. She is alive and going to be okay. That is all that matters to me” he spoke with exasperation.
“Matilda, perhaps given none of the students were in danger we should consider thanking Mr. Sallow for his assistance. Has they not arrived I am not sure even we all would have walked away” Professor Sharp spoke up.
“The distraction provided by Mr. Sallow and the other students allowed us to gain the upper hand during the battle.” Hecat pointed out.
“Yes but, they could have been hurt. How would I have explained it to their parents or the headmaster?” She questioned.
“Considering Sallow and I are the only two who got hurt, new fifth year excluded, I’d say it’s not something we need to be concerned with Professor Weasley. Chalk it up to some Slytherin resourcefulness and Gryffindor bravery.” Leander grunted as a house elf finished wrapping his leg.
The woman sighed before looking around. Eyes landing on the floor network as two figures emerged.
“Everett found me but when we made it back to the cavern everyone had left” Andrew Larson spoke walking forward with Officer Singer.
“What in Merlin’s name happened here? What is this I hear of a goblin attack?” She asked looking around at the battle worn professors and few injured students.
“Yes. And it appears several of our students mounted a counter offensive” she said with a frustrated sigh.
“Students?! The minister-“
“Will be delighted to know that Hogwarts has such brave, resourceful, loyal and intelligent students that they would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Going so far to go against the measure we took to ensure their safety” Professor Weasley spoke.
“I will need to contact the minister and start a full investigation into the matters-“ Officer Singer began before Matilda once again cut her off.
“Tomorrow. These students, and us for that matter, have been through a great deal. Let them rest. Recover from their injuries before we go bringing up such events again.” She said sternly, nodding to Sebastian that his witch was alert.
No longer caring about the logistics he ran forward, sliding onto his knees as he took to her bed side.
“Sebastian?” She asked gently as he grabbed her hands in his own, kissing the skin along the back of her hand firmly over and over again.
“You are alive. Merlin be praised, you are alive!” He said excitedly as he no longer cared about the hospital ward full of people as he reached his hand out along the back of her neck and brought her into a kiss. It conveyed all the fear, anger, love and pain he was dealing with at all that had happened.
Breaking away to catch her breath the sighed in pain before looking back up at him sadly. “Sebastian… Solomon he…”
“I know” he told her, not really finding it in his heart to care about it at the moment.
“No. He saved me. I was falling. I - I would’ve died had he not saved me. And then he fell to his own death. Sebastian, it was horrible…” she said as tears began to well up in her eyes. He reached forward, hoping to provide comfort as she sobbed. Inside, the boy knew it was rather callous to not feel bad about his last remaining adult relative being gone, but after what he did to Anne, what Solomon did to him and most importantly what he had let Rookwood do to her, he didn’t care.
“We don’t have to discuss it now… you are alive and that’s all that matters” he told her gently as he wipped the tears from her face and she nodded. Reaching towards the table beside her bed, she produced Solomon’s wand and handed it to Sebastian.
“I managed to grab this before everything happened. I thought Anne might want it. But Sebastian-“ she started to speak as the girl in question ran forward.
“Why do you have our uncle’s wand?!” She shrieked.
“We got separated and he was with me when Ranrok-“
“So it’s your fault.” Anne spoke harshly as a gasp fell over them.
“Anne, I’m not sure we have all the information to make claims like that-“ Ominis spoke but the girl interrupted.
“No. She walked out. Solomon didn’t. That’s all I need to know” Anne responded.
“Anne. You have no idea the vile things Solomon did to even you. He-“ Sebastian started only to be interrupted by the witch at his side.
“You are right Anne. Solomon sacrificed himself to save me. And there’s nothing I can do to bring him back or make it okay. I’m sorry.” She said sadly.
“Maybe if you weren’t so careless he’d be alive. It is all your fault.” She spat before standing up.
“Anne! She saved you-” Ominis said standing up and rushing after the girl who was fleeing the hospital ward, leaving Sebastian and her to sit in silence over what had happened.
“Poppy told me what happened. Don't worry. Anne doesn’t know what Solomon did to her. We will talk to her-“ he spoke after a moment and she stopped him.
“No. Let Anne grieve him. She deserves that. I won’t take that away from her” she told him.
“She deserves to know she was dying because Solomon is a coward.”
“Sebastian, I will not be the reason your sister loses the image of her protective and loving uncle.”
“He was anything but that. I won’t have her speak to you that way. You saved her. For heaven's sake, you saved us all '' Sebastian told her sternly.
“And right now she is a girl who is sad over her Uncle’s death. She should be allowed to do that.” She replied.
“Not at the sake of your good name” he told her.
“We will tell her eventually. Right now I really just want to rest.” She said sadly.
“I have talked to Officer Singer. Tomorrow you will all report to discuss the events of today first thing in the morning. Classes have been canceled. For now you are released to go rest.” Professor Weasley spoke before turning on her heels to discuss with the other professors.
“Let’s get you back to the dorm-“ he spoke and she shook her head.
“Room of requirement. I can’t… I don’t want to face anyone right now” she spoke and he nodded, helping her rise to her feet and start down the stairs to their private sanctuary.
To be continued…
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astropookie · 1 year
a little comment about each stellium 👯‍♀️❤️‍🔥
but im only posting 3 and in reverse order.
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Picture from Pinterest
10H: they’re life is their work or it’s around it but it’s the same. They could have had some facilities when it comes to gain a job or opportunities OR -I haven’t seen one but it’s my theory- they have had fight it through all their life to have that reputation and work/ career. Sometimes too much is too much. They can have fixations on politics, they see EVERYTHING with politics. They want power and bc of that they do their research, bc? they want to have control, to manage more fields and more minds, bodies? the thing is that their need is to control. They’re VERY restricted by the image they want to give to others and bc of that they learn a lot about how to treat others in a way it benefits them -to gain more people, more followers-. But they can get lost in what they want and not the real focus, that’s the meaning, why did you started?
11H: They suffer, they just suffer if they don’t feel welcomed, if they don’t feel part of, in a really deep manner. They have a lot of experience when it comes to social groups, community or to be more specific there’s a really hard situation that they haven’t healed in their lives -it made a mark in their lives- and it’ll take them a really long time to even perceive it and to heal it…make your own conclusions 🧍. They NEED to belong, to feel useful, to make society better and what they do when it comes to the last one is to trying to be part of a daily social stuff. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THEY CARE OF WHAT OTHERS THINK, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA. I can tell, at least one time or multiple they have had changed for others, they have had lied to not be left out, they have had done stuff to not be different. They feel alone, they love to be in company but also to have their own time. An excess of energy does the exact opposite of the purpose of the energy. There’s people with 11H stellium, my bestie and mom are one of those, what the last one always told me and that I always ended/end up in opposition is that she care too much about what others think. Too much. Finally, I changed her mindset, a lot comparing of how she acted before. They can be scared to be controversial or they prefer to stay out of it. My bestie also struggles to feel part of the environment she conforms.
12H: I just have to tell you: I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE. I do but bc I analyze my environment naturally. They don’t fucking show anything, not even about how they’re feeling. If you’ve read my post “astro observations that I founded in my notes” YES. I’m talking about the same person -the one with pisces rising and taurus moon-. It turned out she also have 12H stellium in whole sign system. I thought I was not that important for her and then she texted me and told me that she missed me -I thought it was just a jk, that she wasn’t serious, she have told me that she missed me before- and then she send me another meme that said practically that “what matter was the friend I made in the course I took and not the course”. In what case I was gonna know about this, if the relationship we had was me talking and joking around and she just listening and acting mad in jk. She told me a lot of stuff that I thought she didn’t tell easily others. I felt I had to do all the effort, that It wasn’t balanced and then boom, she told me that 💥
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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aerynsstuff · 5 months
“Fake dating? Nah, this aint fake no ‘moe”
A series!
actor!satoru gojo x actor!fem!reader
As a new actress in the industry, you are struggling to make it to the top. But, lucky for you.. You get a message from your manager.. Apparently.. You will be fake dating the notorious Satoru gojo, an A-list actor who can easily be called a womanizer. How will this go? It's your turn to find out!
(i got inspired by @kodaiki on tumblr for her gojo x fem!reader (actor au) which is unfinished and i have some ideas on how i think it’ll end (or how i think it should end) but! I wanted to make my own story based on this! (the story she made was already perfect in every way) i just wanna make something similar so i wanna give her credits for the whole plot and stuff!)
The link to her story: https://www.tumblr.com/kodaiki/738909578337697792/%F0%9D%90%92%F0%9D%90%82%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%88%F0%9D%90%8F%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%83-%F0%9D%90%87%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%92-as-a-rising-star-in?source=share
Disclaimer!! The photos used in this story are NOT mine and are all from pinterest!
I have no idea how long this will actually be so bare with me!!
(i dont wanna use any correct punctuation since that'll take so DANG long!! 😭😭)
Chapter 1!
You, F/n L/n… a new actor.. Lies on her bed with a sigh.. Messy h/c hair up in a bun.. Beautiful e/c hide behind round black prescription glasses.. You’re about to take off your glasses to sleep BUTTTT… Your phone starts buzzing. You sit up to look at your notifications and you notice you got a text from your manager! You sigh.. and begin reading the message…
“Hello there, Y/n! Sorry to text at such a late time.. BUT! I have good news! You don’t have to reply immediately since you’re probably asleep but.. here is the news! So, I was able to get a contract for you to fake date the infamous Satoru Gojo. It should only be for a few months. Not TOO long. Anyways, the point of this is to gain followers, fans, you’ll most likely get more parts in movies, get discovered and finally known for your natural talent, etc. let me know if this seems like something you’d be interested in! Also, here is Gojos number (###) ###-####”
Your face lights up and you jump up from your bed and start jumping and dancing.. you were excited that you’ll finally have the chance to make it to the top!! You didn’t realize you were disturbing your roommates, Nobara and Yuji. But, you couldn’t care less right now. You were so excited that you’d finally make it to the top, so excited you didn’t even realize the complications to fake dating an actor who, did I mention, is a MODEL?! You didn’t even think about the amount of people who’d dislike you or be jealous.. but.. your little dance of happiness was soon interrupted by your phone buzzing again.. it was.. Gojo…
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