#how to eat chicken
how-to-eat-chicken · 2 months
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black-and-yellow · 5 months
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donelywell · 9 months
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November 18 2023 It's about dang time I posted Surge and Kit content here!
I haven't read the IDW Comics yet, so I dunno their dynamic (or their personalities, really), but I beg for them to have a Brother Sister dynamic. Please, I beg of you, more sibling characters.
As far as I know, Kit wants what's best for Surge, even if it hurts him. So that's why in the drawing, Kit isn't under the Umbrella.
I beg that Surge gets mad whenever Kit does something self destructive just to 'appease' her and tries to get him to stop or encourages him to be a kid whenever they get the chance to.
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walmart-miku · 2 months
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This panel progression is killing me but I think that it'd actually kill me if yoo joonghyuk and lee seolhwa don't get in here (pls I need a full kimcom panel)
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tomwambsgans · 5 months
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greg said actually i wanna take YOU out and I'M gonna pay for it
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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One Piece 1.03 || Zoro + drinks & Luffy + food
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3-aem · 8 months
my toxic trait is picking up random hobbies on a whim like today i went shopping for a cardigan but found No cardigan i liked and so i naturally decided that i can just knit one even tho the only thing i have ever knit was a 8” by 3” rectangle in 5th grade that just looked so pathetic-
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frogwiththephatahh · 2 months
So I've been watching a lot of tiktoks about sheep care and what happens on sheep farms...and that makes me picture Polyphemus and the other cyclops doing these things to keep their sheep healthy and happy. Polyphemus carefully plucking a stuck lamb out of its mother. Polyphemus carrying around a lost lamb, trying to find its mom (he definitely raised his favorite sheep from a baby. that thing was orphaned and it was his child Odyesseus how dare you) Polyphemus having to roll sheep that get stuck on their backs onto their feet again. Polyphemus in a sun hat throwing grains and foods onto the ground from a large basket in his arm. And all the sheep love him. Yes, they know he might eat some of them. But he cares for them. he shears their wool when it gets too long. He keeps them safe from predators and he feeds them regularly. He's like a god to them. Every so often, he takes a few of their friends, maybe their children, to eat. But in return they are safe, they are cared for, and they are loved.
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valeechtine · 5 months
I am going to be so fr I hate that certain sects of tumblr act as if like. Basic dietary facts are ableist. Like I understand sensory issues and samefoods bc I also have them but at the same time its an objective fact that like. You need your vitamins and nutrients. You need a vegetable or at least a multivitamin or something now and then and it isn't a personal attack for someone to tell you this. Like gout and scurvy and anemia are all very real
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how-to-eat-chicken · 1 month
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This is chicken, I think?
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akkivee · 5 months
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A Sweet Yellow Curry You Just Can't Stop Eating!: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Ramuda: Okay! ☆ It’s great to see everyone has been serious in making some curry!
Gentaro: Well, though this event feels capricious by nature, it’s still a battle I do not wish to lose.
Dice: Can we hurry up and eat already? I’m so hungry I could pass out!
*beeping noise*
Ramuda: Ah, rice is done! Plating time~!
Gentaro: Oh, and you’ve prepared our curry to go with it. Then shall we try Ramuda’s curry first?
Ramuda: Okaaaay! Eat up everyone! ☆
Gentaro: Let’s see. *throws it up*
Dice: *loud eating noises but also spits it back up*
Gentaro: What in the world…??
Ramuda: I call it, “Sweet Like Honey Curry!!!!!!☆”
Gentaro: Y-You say sweet like honey, but I think I’ve been assaulted by the amount of sugar…
Ramuda: That’s because I used honey instead of water!
Dice: M-My throat is on fire…W-Water… I need water…!!
Ramuda: So I was thinking of how to stand out from the other divisions and decided to try something completely original! What do you think??
Dice: What do I think?? Is food just a game to you??
Ramuda: That’s so mean!! I thought long and hard about this!
Gentaro: There are still other curries to get through. So, let’s eat mine next.
Ramuda: Uh, it looks like yellow soup… Is this really okay to eat?
Gentaro: Since we, as a team, have a pop image, I thought it would be remiss to not incorporate that in the curry.
Dice: …But I don’t see any actual food in it.
Gentaro: Because of anticipated mass reproduction in the pursuit of commercialization, I have decided a liquid only curry would be most suitable. And to compensate for the lack of ingredients, I used butter for richness in taste.
Ramuda: That’s such a lonely sounding curry…
Gentaro: What ever is the matter? Please, eat up.
Dice: *loud eating noises* …??
Ramuda: …Mmm, it’s gross… I really don’t wanna say it, but I don’t like this…
Gentaro: Is that so? Do tell me why; however, if I find your reasoning lacking, I simply will continue to serve you this roux.
Ramuda: Nooooo!! I don’t want anymore of the yellow stuff!!!
Dice: How dare you treat food like it’s a joke!! …Geez, obviously neither of y’all know what you’re doing. Curry is meant to be paired with rice!! None of your flavours helps elevate the taste of white rice!! Now this is real curry! Eat your heart out and understand that this is what it means to be one with the flavour of rice!!
Ramuda: *eats*
Gentaro: *eats* …Hm.
Dice: How is it?? Doesn’t it make you want to eat more??
Ramuda: I mean I could but… it’s just a normal curry? Like how is this any different from a regular chicken curry?
Dice: Are you blind?? If you looked in the pot right now, you could clearly see a huge amount of locally raised chicken went into this!!
 Gentaro: Well, I can certainly see how many chicken bones are in the curry.
Dice: Hahaha! haaa… Weeeell, I guess I did get hungry and ate some while making it!
Ramuda: *eats* …hm?? Wait, you gotta try this!!
Gentaro: ? You mixed mine and Dice’s curries together…? *eats* …Oh my!
Dice: It’s so good!! Who would have thought my curry and that yellow junk actually combined really well??
 Gentaro: Then perhaps… Let’s try adding some of that absurdly sugary curry to this!
Ramuda: Sweet Like Honey Curry coming right up~!
Dice: Hey, this actually looks really good!
Posse: *eats* !!
Ramuda: Woooooow!! I’ve never had curry like this before!!
Gentaro: I can’t believe we’ve stumbled upon creating such a masterpiece…!
Dice: *excessively loud eating noises* This spoon’s not stoppin’!!
Ramuda: Aaalright, then that settles it! ☆ Let’s combine all of our curries!!
Dice: Looks great!! There’s no way we’re losing with this curry!
Gentaro: Precisely! On that note, what shall we name it? “Posse Curry” possesses little impact…
Ramuda: Hmmmm… How about, “The Sweet Yellow Liquid You Can’t Stop Eating!”
Dice: Sounds good to me!
Gentaro: However, I made a curry, not a mere liquid.
Ramuda: Oh yeah? Sowwies☆ Then we’ll call it, “The Sweet Yellow Curry You Can’t Stop Eating!”
Gentaro: It certainly has a nice ring to it.
Dice: Heh heh, it sure does!
Ramuda: And with this curry, our victory is guaranteed!! ☆
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
Spent so much time making sushi for dinner and was so excited to have a funky little sushi roll and eat it like a burrito but then my nori ripped apart mid roll and I had to eat it as a salad and apparently my brain doesn’t like the texture of imitation crab + seaweed and rice rn :(
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aro-culture-is · 9 months
aro culture is getting so fucking tired of people using the fact that there's a queer romance in something as a reason you should watch it. like haven't allos had enough of romance? queer or otherwise? I'm not saying queer representation is bad, of course, I'm just fed up with asking what a book is about and in response all I get is "oh it has queer people in it" cool! what is it about? having queer representation is not the be all end all of media can we please have ONE thing without romance in it. please.
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kathegoose · 11 months
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scary fact: i really like the cupcake and everyone who disses his kill should explode (it is genuinely a cool scene and adds to the retro horror movie shtick, think gremlins or something idk i forgot what happened in those movies)
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demigod-of-the-agni · 23 days
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#ooo he'd definitely get fluffenchops
broski you are so right for this. holding you up like simba rn
also coloured in the first drawing from earlier (guess it's a ref sheet) and now, i reveal to you all that the bird kinnara!pavi is based on is the indian paradise flycatcher. they're so sexy like what the fuck man
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yes he has ten limbs (three pairs of wings + 2 arms + 2 legs) because i thought it would all add up to eight and make a funny comparison to 8-arm-spidey but i'm not a math student so i fucked it up anyway
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kenjirose · 4 months
Gahh!!! I cannot wait miss rose for your face reveal soon you are so close to 1000 followers !!!❤️🥺 I’m sure you’re so pretty and hot I’ve heard such great things from your friends about you,, ahhhh I’m so so so excited eheh I’m blushing right now I just want to let you know I always check your blog because you’re so funny and I can’t wait because you’re so attractive I tell my friends about you and I can’t wait to show them pictures too ⭐️✨😊 I can’t wait to see how hot you are I already have such a crush on you this is so embarrassing ahdhdh I hope you’re even more gorgeous than I’m imagining I’m making a blog right now and I can’t wait to properly interact with you!! I know it’s important to be friends first before anything else WHICH I ONLY MENTION BECAUSE I really really like you but anyway sorry 🥺❤️ what’s your followers at ??? /lh
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… im at.. 952
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