#how much of that is about how much Ardyn hates what he’s become
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grandwitchbird · 2 months ago
There’s always been a lot of discussion around the way Ardyn’s tragedy is reflected in the chocobros.
But what always sticks out to me is that we only start to understand him after he’s killed his biggest reflection: Luna. We actually see the moment his mask cracks in the scene at the altar, because Luna is very much the most direct parallel to Ardyn. She’s a healer running on blind faith in a doomed world. She’s self-sacrificing and brave and devoted like Ardyn was. She’s truly blind to the plans of the gods she serves, like Ardyn was. And, most cruelly, she wears the face of the woman he loved, the woman whose betrayal* has been used to turn him into the monster we meet in the main story.
This gets underscored in the novellas when we finally get Luna’s perspective. The blindfold of her faith is removed. She’s cursed exactly like Ardyn. But she’s not safely removed from every source of help the way Ardyn was. The gods made a critical mistake. So she immediately sets out to use everything she can to fight the gods. She’s not broken like Ardyn because she’s not alone in this world. She even asks Ardyn himself for help. And, critically, he helps this cursed and less faithful but still-devoted and brave Luna.
This is why we get that uncharacteristic sincere brutality in the scene with Luna. Killing her is meaningless on its own: she’s a dead woman walking. That was for Noctis. But when she reaches out to him as his past self, so full of faith and devotion and grace, he has to reject her. He’s a monster and the world is damned, and she’s quoting the dogma that damned him personally. She hit home with everything he wants and grieves: his humanity, his faith, his sense of the world before his devotion was rewarded with betrayal. So he hits back. And it’s perhaps the most human thing he does in the game. Because there’s a part of him that wanted to take her hand.
* she was his betrayer and proof of his brother’s betrayal and was betrayed herself for her trust: Aera like Luna is an incredible narrative hinge. She’s the absolute encapsulation of the gods’ twisted justice.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year ago
Top 15 Final Fantasy Villains
(In My Opinion)
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Number 1. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) - Sephiroth is one of the hardest bosses in gaming and a genuine horror villain. He is a tragic monster born from science, and a loyal “son” fo his alien mother, Jenova, but he’s still scary as hell thanks to his god complex, unlimited strength, ethereal vibes, years of experience, his ability to live off of pure spite just so he can make the lives of his enemies (and Cloud) complete hell. His appearance in of itself is creepy due to how beautiful, yet unsettling it is, thanks to his silver hair, green snake-like eyes, and perfect physique which is complimented by a black coat. However the most dangerous things about him are that he’s completely delusional, his strength is unmatched, and just how far he’s willing to go to distort other peoples sense reality, specifically Cloud’s sense of reality. Sephiroth a tragic character and a phenomenal villain.
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Number 2. Kefka (Final Fantasy VI) - Were it not for Sephiroth’s existence, and the fact that this clown’s debut game being at the end of an era, Kefka would definitely be number 1 on here, and get more respect. Aside from that, Kefka is basically what Majora is to the Zelda series. A completely insane, and legitimately funny villain with a desire to destroy everything, however the difference is that Kefka is a mere jester with magic powers that became god! Plus he actually did send the world into ruin, but because of a little group of heros with hope, he was utterly defeated. So while Sephiroth is indeed ethereal, delusional as hell, and a horrifying nemesis, Kefka is the better manifestation of the pure unadulterated evil a person can bring, with the right tools.
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Number 3. Ardyn (Final Fantasy XV) - Ardyn Lucis “Izunia” Caelum is the near perfect mixture between Sephiroth and Kefka in a way. He’s got the same “funny man wants to watch the world burn” vibes like Kefka, but he’s also a creepy, vengeful, tragic, and very personal villain, much like Sephiroth. Ardyn was once a messiah, a healer who was going to become a king, before he was betrayed by his brother, Somnus, and the gods, and cursed to be made immortal via daemons. So after centuries of imprisonment, he decides to take revenge upon his own kin, AND the gods. A simple motive, but in all honesty the amount of trolling he does in order to achieve  it, is truly gut wrenching sometimes, and it gives you the motivation to plunge your blade into his chest, but at the same time… you kinda feel slightly bad while doing it too for some reason. He's a villain that you love, hate, and pity in the end.
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Number 4. Kuja (Final Fantasy IX) - Kuja is one of the more unique Final Fantasy villains because of his personality. He’s a narcissist that wants to destory, which isn’t new for most JRPG villains, but he’s also flamboyant as hell, and talks as if he’s in some kind of play where the world is his stage. He isn’t funny like Kefka, nor is he as intimidating as Sephiroth, but you can feel that wasn’t the route the writers were taking with his character. If anything he’s a pitiable, destructive, and flamboyant narcissist, but the Dissida series expands upon his character a lot in a way that kinda gets you hooked. So yeah, Kuja is unique alright.
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Number 5. Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII) - This time manipulating witch is all style over substance, but god damn her style is really terrifying. She also has quite the presence, much like Sephiroth before her, so its not like she's sitting on her ass all day.
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Number 6. Professor Hojo (Final Fantasy VII) - Wow, another FFVII villain, and it's Sephiroth's piece of shit mad scientist dad, Professor Hojo. This walking mass of complexes is a perfect example of the "Greater-Scope Villain." Never taking away from the Big Bad's spotlight, yet is responsible for almost half of the shit in the narrative. Though responsible for many things, his most noticeable crimes against nature were his experiments with Jenova, and the creation of Sephiroth, whom he also experimented on throughout his whole life. Pretty easy to see why Sephiroth was doomed from the start.
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Number 7. Vayne Solidor (Final Fantasy XII) - A politician who wants to give the freedom of choice back to man, and preserve his family’s status and power. Those were Vayne’s end goals, and his personality is that of the ideal of a politician. He’s charismatic, ruthless, and levelheaded, so he’s surprisingly one of the more sane Final Fantasy villains too, but that doesn’t mean he’s the least evil.
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Number 8. Garland/Chaos (Final Fantasy) - The first man to go by the title of Chaos. Jack Garland was seemingly a generic princess kidnapping video game villain, and he was the first boss in the first game. Granted he did have a small bit of backstory that explains that he was a former knight of Corneria who went mad, and wanted world dominations, but it wasn't enough at the moment. A couple of hours of gameplay later, along with some buildup of the entity known as "Chaos," we find out that Garland IS Chaos, and has practically made himself immortal thanks to a time loop he created with the Four Fiends, whom he sent into the future. Granted he's still a very simple antagonist if we're talking about goals, but in terms of how he went about it, he set up a standard for other villains in the series to surpass.
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Number 9. Exdeath (Final Fantasy V) - Raw menace, ham and cheese, presence, permanently killing one of the main characters, and THE VOID. Exdeath was just a delightfully evil bastard, and it's all explained by him literally just being all of the evil in the universe that was sealed inside of a tree of all things. Bro really was "born evil."
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Number 10. Rufus Shinra (Final Fantasy VII) - This man is the literal definition of a "Magnificent Bastard." Calm in almost every given situation, legitimately intelligent and level headed, smug as shit, and has the occasional "pet the dog" moments. Rufus Shinra pretty much has it all.
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Number 11. Emet-Selch (Final Fantasy XIV) - He has gone by several names, led two empires, and lived thousands of lives, one of the most prominent antagonists in the entire game, but this man will forever be known as Emet-Selch, a.k.a Hades and Solus Soz Galvus. While he never appeared onscreen at first, we did know him as the founder of the Garlean Empire, and the emperor in the first 2 parts of the game, until we saw him in the flesh in Stormblood and Shadowbringers, and good lord he's surprisingly good. He does share some of Ardyn’s vibes, but compared to that glorious troll, Emet acts like a worn out and bitter old man, which is very fitting when you remember that he constantly reflects upon his great his old life was, and lived in a replica of his former home with the souls of his fallen comrades. Jesus Christ, no wonder his real name is Hades, the man is constantly surrounded by the dead in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Compared to the top picks he isn’t that great, but considering how well done he actually is, in-spite of how much people kinda oversell him, this is a decent placement.
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Number 12. Sin (Final Fantasy X) - Ever wanted to see Jaws in a Final Fantasy game? Well that's what Sin was. Granted, it’s goddamn terrifying, unforgettable, and moves the plot, but it doesn’t really have much to it outside of being this eldirch whale monster that was created to destroy. Still it makes the goddamn most out of what it is.
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Number 13. Ultima (Final Fantasy XVI) - Oh god where do I begin? There's a great amount of stuff that the writers of this great game got right when deciding to make their main villain a literal eldritch god, and he's honestly fascinating in some areas. His buildup is similar to Sephiroth's, his terror level is 100% its own thing that's worthy of him, and good god the way he operates is honestly something to behold. Yet he falls off the mark in a lot of ways. He isn't a bad villain, and honestly is overhated sometimes, but good god a fair amount of potential was missed.
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Number 14. Golbez (Final Fantasy IV) - The first Darth Vader expy of the series, and goddamn he’s surprisingly good. Keyword good, not great.
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Number 15. Caius Ballad (Final Fantasy XIII-2) - Another tragic immortal, however this one is a former time traveling protector. My thoughts on this guy are mixed. On one hand, as the main antagonist of FF XIII-2, he's great on a lot of angles. On the other hand he, much like half of the FF XIII trilogy's cast, suffer heavily from its writing. Still, his stripes aren't unearned.
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paracosmicparadox · 2 years ago
So, I'm falling back into the FFXV kick, and I have decided that I disapprove of how little complex character development Square Enix has given the guys?? Like where is the emotional depth beyond surface-level cutscene angst?? So I took matters into my own hands and have compiled a handy little list of headcanons / expanded canons that I think make sense.
Noctis: Has clinical insomnia and frequent lucid dreams (sorta a given, but bear w me bear w me)
Feels the weight of having to take so much on from such a young age much, much more than he lets on
Loves to argue
Would've been happier if he and Luna stayed as childhood best-buds rather than betrothed fiancés (controversial, ik, but it just didn't seem like he cared that much for her romantically to me?? Like he obviously cared about her, but it seemed like a really strong penpal vibe rather than a "We're-gonna-get-married-and-be-the-next-hotshot-couple" vibe. If you disagree, coolio, I'm not gonna debate w you on this one)
Has a natural sadness to his eyes regardless of what he's feeling
Went through an anime phase (possibly still in his anime phase, idk)
Social anxiety for the win
Severe RBF
Prefers tea over coffee (black tea is best---particularly lavender earl grey)
Can play the cello (practicing tho?? Don't know her)
Writes the most beautiful poetry when The Motivation™ strikes him (usually when he's home sick and half-delirious)
Prompto: Has ADHD and clinical anxiety, but is undiagnosed and doesn't take any meds for either of them.
Is legit like SO SMART, but can never focus, so not many people take any notice
Wears contact lenses (he had glasses as a child and I refuse to believe he had some high-tech corrective surgery to eliminate the need for them when lenses are cheaper and less risky)
Doesn't drink caffeine because it makes him jittery
Doesn't drive the Regalia when the guys are around because having other people in the car distracts him from the road. Also he tends to drive like a speed demon, which worries Ignis to no end.
Sunburns insanely easily
Could legit become a hitman if he wanted to with the amount of gun-knowledge he has. It doesn't matter what firearm you put in this boy's hand---pistol, SMG, sniper, rocket launcher, you name it. He can and will hit the target every single time.
Addicted to adrenaline
Has a lot of self-loathing (we see a bit of this in Ep. Prompto) and talks with an online therapist about it via text whenever his lows hit him. He's making great progress in learning how to heal and how to accept himself for who he is beyond the mask he wears for others
Ignis: More than a little bit of a control freak, and works very hard not to be too overbearing or critical about his friends' misgivings
Wants to protect everyone all the time and mentally kicks himself when he doesn't get there fast enough
Is SO PROUD of Noctis's journey and felt a stronger hatred towards Ardyn than anyone else in the group for what he forced Noct to go through (he stayed up at night sick to his stomach with hollow rage and baked nonstop to take his mind off of it)
Can verbally obliterate a man, but only rarely chooses to do so bc he's classy like that
After losing his eyes, he notices so much more beauty in the world than he used to (the sound of rain on the Regalia's roof, the specific gait of each of his friends, the smell of salt on the wind in Galdin Quay, the flawless feel of one specific silk tie he has in his repertoire, etc)
His internal compass is never wrong
Regularly takes antacids for his stomach
Has the straightest teeth you've ever seen
Gladio: Hates being wrong: it's his way or the highway
Actually so much smarter than the musclehead jock front he puts up
A little vain and easily jealous (this man has a Jealous Face like no other)
Thunderstorms are his favorite; his ideal place to be is at a campsite, during a storm, with a well-worn book and a mug of Irish coffee in hand
Would throw himself in front of a bus for any one of his friends
Would beat up kids for the folks he cared about in middle school and spent the time he wasn't training to be a Crownsguard sitting in detention with the most unrepentant, smug, and-I'd-do-it-again look scrawled across his face
Can make a better smoothie than anyone (except maybe Iggy)
Spotify junkie
Had a dinosaur phase as a kid and can still name random facts about them whenever the opportunity presents itself
Avid technology-hater and only has a phone to make calls and join the others in playing King's Knight since they begged him so profoundly (he's sure the thing's going to be his downfall)
Gets most of Prompto's pop culture references
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sparklecryptid · 5 months ago
I am blanking on the name but it was your Aeon fic! And then I read the Royal bastard AU and got invested in the chaos that is Ardyn.
I have been dragging myself away from XIV. I know it will be a Thing like world of Warcraft has become a Thing with various members of my family. My grandma currently has 100+ hours in WoW and counting. There cannot be two of us
I HAVE played genshin impact! It is beautiful! It sometimes makes me cry and I hate the game! (I say this and I keep coming back to it)
(Do you have time to hear about Destiny 2 and how the game is built on the idea of hope and faith. And how someone can find redemption even after learning their darkest history-)
AEON MY BELOVED love him. Need to write him. He’s so neat. Just *picks him up like long cat*he’s a fierce predator. He’s a teenager. He can and has killed people. He needs cuddles. He contains multitudes.
ARDYN IS SO FUN. Just. Little chaos man. With his little chaos family. What’s the destruction of an entire world between family it’s fine.
Genshin got so much better with Fontaine im like. Obsessed with Furina. Like. FURINA I LOVE YOU. I need to make her a girlfriend.
FFXIV is just. Listen. The post before this has GMVs from the game. You need to go and watch them. I’m not going to drag you into the game. But they good.
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savage-rhi · 2 years ago
Reverse Uno: now you do Karl and Ardyn >:3
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Karl Heisenberg
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First impression: I thought he was going to play a significant role in RE8, perhaps even fall into the trope where he's truly the Big Bad (TM) versus Mother Miranda. I think I got that impression because Karl always came across as smarter than he lets on. Either way, I knew I was gonna fucking love this dude. Does he look like trash? Yep. Does he hold a grudge? Yep. Sign me up! 
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That's seriously my biggest gripe when it comes to Karl, he's a great character that didn't get used to his full potential. I mean, sure that gives fanfic writers such as myself a lot to play with and makeup, but he deserved better. Karl's character was fucking fun. I could tell his motion capture and VO artist had a great time playing hobo metal man (Neil Newbon you sold it, mother fucker).
Seriously, Karl is hot trash but he's my hot trash. I'll defend him all the way.
Favorite Moment: In every scene Karl is in, he just steals the damn show. I always enjoy the scene where he confronts Ethan with partnering up (Ethan, you should've taken the hobo's hand) and goes on a verbal rampage about the other lords and how much he despises Miranda. You can feel his passion and hate for what's become of his life, and even sense how desperate he is to get out of it by any means necessary.
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Idea for a story: I've been working on a story with Karl called The Sacrifice that takes place years before the events of RE8. Karl falls in love with a gal named Sonja Ainsley, and this pushes him to wanting to break free from the village and Miranda's clutches.
The story is on hiatus, but I intend to finish it when I get the motivation again. I love him and Sonja very much.
Unpopular Opinion: For all his bravado, Karl is sensitive and cautious deep down. I’ve read many stories where is unyielding and very sexual (ngl I indulge in that cause I’m nasty like everyone else on here lol) but given the abuses he has endured, I think he would be quite reluctant to indulge himself with someone until several layers were peeled back and his partner gained his trust. 
Favorite Relationship: I ship Karl with happiness. I don’t care if it’s an OC, Reader, Canon, etc. etc. etc. I just want this fucking hob goblin to feel like he’s on top of the world and has support. I love reading material where he gets to just fucking live and be happy. 
Favorite headcanon: Karl is quite good at making jewelry pieces. 
Karl is artistically inclined and enjoys sketching, and doodling. He keeps most of his pieces to himself since he considers having a hobby like that could lead him to being taken advantage of (he’s kind of a victim of toxic masculinity there in that regard, where “men can’t like things like the arts without being seen as less than”). 
Karl struggled with reading well into his early 20s, but he taught himself and is quite fond of novels (Sonja helps him there in The Sacrifice, and he likes Pride and Predjudice). 
Moreau and he watch TV together, and they get invested and I do mean invested to the point where they both yell and scream at the characters on TV for fucking up. 
Ardyn Izunia/Lucis Caelum
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First Impression: I want to preface by saying that my late grandmother bestowed upon me the knowledge to protect myself from peculiar people. She told me to never trust a man who has shaved off his eyebrows and never trust a man that wears a tunic. All her wisdom couldn’t prepare me for what the fuck to do about a man who wears over 5 layers of clothing, and looks like a homeless guy who walked into a thrift shop and picked out every item that screamed, “Hi there, I’m Johnny Depp.” I’m frightened, but I gotta follow my principles: does he look like trash? Check. Does he hold a grudge? Check. Okay everyone…let’s pray….
Impression now: Your honor, I love him. I love his quirkiness. I love his humor. I love his mannerisms. I love his darkness. I love his imperfections. I love his humanity and lack thereof. I love his daemon form. I love his charisma. I love how he carries himself. I love his ambition. I love how unsettling he can be. I love his wild hair. I love his piercing eyes. I love how he used to love and care for others. I love how he tried to hold onto himself despite failing. I love how he’s unapologetic. I love his faults. I love his flaws. I love that I see bits of myself in him. I love his bloodlust. I love his taunts. I love his sarcasm. I love how tragic his story is. I love how unyielding he can be. I love him. Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.
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Favorite Moment: Pretty much everything he is in. However I adore his entire appearance in the Lestallum chapter. You can tell he’s clearly up to shit, but can’t necessarily prove it. Hell, I even felt bad for judging him after he goes through the trouble of saving everyone’s ass in a later part of that section. I even had a moment of second guessing. 
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Idea for a story: I already wrote an Ardyn x OC (Caelan) story called Immortal Shield. I wanted to give Ardyn a happier ending, and explore his character if he were resurrected years after the final battle with Noctis (went with the Dawn of the Future ending). I think it turned out okay.
Cause I am not over him by any means, I’m working on a Ardyn x Reader story. It takes place two years before the events of the game. I’m 10 chapters in thus far. 
Unpopular Opinion: Ardyn is one of the best FF villains in the franchise. I’ve seen people complain about him being lackluster as a character (from his quirks/backstory, to the final battle cause he didn’t have a ‘final form’). Then there’s the camp that sees the adoration fans have for him and go, “tragic guy does tragic and terrible things and people make excuses for him”. I mean…yeah, to a degree? But what makes me still stand by my statement is the fact that unlike most FF villains: the guy actually fucking wins. We are talking about a man who spent YEARS and I mean fucking YEARS plotting, wearing various masks, and lining up pieces to ensure he would FINALLY get to rest in peace after all the shit he had been forced to endure. That is dedication and shows how he’s so damn dangerous and intelligent. A man that can bide his time for thousands of years isn’t someone to fuck around with. 
Favorite Relationship: Ardyn x Aera. Those two deserved happiness and peace. I also ship him with OCs, other canon characters, and readers/inserts. I love stories where no matter who it’s with, he is appreciated and cherished. 
Favorite headcanon: Ardyn’s love language is gift-giving. If he sees something that reminds him of someone, he’ll get it for them or even try his hand at making the thing himself if he wants to go the extra mile. Getting a gift from him says A LOT, and the people around him know it’s kind of a big fucking deal. 
Being a former healer, he’s very much in tune with people’s emotions that it’s almost like a 6th sense. Even being corrupted by the star scourge, he can never truly tune that part of himself out. He uses this natural gift to manipulate others to get ahead. 
Since sweets like chocolate and other delicacies were rare and quite expensive 2,000 years ago, Ardyn takes full advantage of modern decadence. The man’s got candy everywhere. 
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aesadraws · 8 months ago
Springing for the Latin with the ask game! Arma Deorum Sunt let's gooooooo
WIP File Game
*cracks knuckles* You better strap in because I have been wanting to talk about this fucking behemoth of a WIP for literal god damn months but have been too worried to annoy people about it.
Arma Deorum Sunt is very very loosely translatable to either "the gods are weapons" or "they are the weapons of the gods" according to whatever translator site I used when I was brainstorming a fic title. And it's incredibly on the nose given what this story is about.
The basic pitch is thus: modern day crossover of FFXV and FFXVI (although it's really just taking Valisthea and shoving it east of Lucis lmao) where magic is still prevalent in the world via crystals and Bearers but Dominants haven't been seen in at least a thousand years, fading into myth. That is until within a very short amount of time 4 different children - Lunafreya, Noctis, Dion, and Joshua - are chosen by their respective gods (Eikons, Astrals, however they would be called within their culture) to become Dominants. Which ultimately uncorks the bottle and over time more and more awaken. As the initial quartet are basically children, and either royal or noble children at that, they get to enjoy a few years just being kids who happen to have special powers, but if you know anything about either game's story those happy times aren't going to last long.
The major inciting incident that'll kick everything off is honestly the most serendipitous blend of the tragedies of Fenestala Manor from XV and Phoenix Gate from XVI, as the Niflheim Empire at that time has no Dominant of its own and tries to capture them while the four are all together. How exactly that infamous night goes down I'll leave for whenever I actually have the time to dedicate to writing the fic.
I will however give a few highlights from the outline that I love most.
Luna and Jill grow up together, which I loved the idea of as a mirror to Luna being watched over by Gentiana/Shiva in XV. Jill awakens as a Dominant much later than Luna did so when she finally does come into her icy powers she has a keen understanding of what's going to happen to her from having watched what Luna has to go through as Niflheim's pawn. She knows immediately that she's just become another tool for Niflheim to use.
Joshua survives the tragedy and when the Undying swoop in to rescue him they're granted safe passage to Lucis to help him recover. And there Joshua remains for a long time in secret, growing close to Noctis and the other chocobros while keeping an eye on Valisthea from afar. I admit this is mostly because I wanted to let Joshua and Prompto becomes buds.
Speaking of Prompto, he's among the folks who get to become a Dominant in the fic but I'm being mean to him. Given the circumstances surrounding his unique background he would not have been rescued from Niflheim as a baby like in XV canon, and he gets to spend the most one on one time with Ardyn. Sorry Prom :(
Clive, I feel, gets the shortest straw physically possible. Taken prisoner in Sanbreque and forced into their military, no longer just branded as a dispensable soldier but known rather infamously for what went down that night at Fenestala and made use of as the Dominant of Ifrit. Thankfully Dion and Terence will take a much more active role in staying by Clive's side and doing what they can to help him.
I'm also quite eager to write Ardyn in this fic. I had to reconstruct his backstory to better fit the vibe I'm going for but he's still the same slimy bastard we all know and love (to hate). He and Barnabas both have antagonistic roles to play in the fic but I do feel Ardyn shines just a bit more lol.
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a-world-in-grey · 2 years ago
Sola&Nox verse: please tell me about their combined Retinues and how weird it is and what where people's reactions to when they finally noticed this fact
*grins* the combined Retinue!
So it starts out with Nox and Sola worrying about each other. Nox worries about Sola because Sola is very much like Cor in leaping at problems sword-first and doesn't always stop to consider that she might be biting off more than she can chew. And it's not like Sola's going to stop. If anything Sola only gets worse as she gets older, as she accrues more and more skill and experience and gains more freedom to encounter Bigger Problems. If Sola had strong magic, Nox might worry less (Axis: liar) because in this au Sola and Nox aren't in the Glaive and as such don't usually leave Insomnia and there's less dangerous things for Sola to Throw Hands with in the Crown City. But Sola doesn't have strong magic, for all that she's been training with her magic ever since meeting Nox in Dissidia, will never have the reserves of her male relatives. And Nox worries that Sola will burn through her magic reserves and won't have enough magic left to keep herself from dying if she gets seriously injured.
Meanwhile, Sola worries about Nox not taking care of himself. But she's a Sword, she doesn't do well trying to solve problems she can't literally or verbally stab. Axis and Cindy do their best, and Sola will be the first to admit that Axis and Cindy do a lot for her twin. But none of them are Hands, and with the way Nox still mourns his first Retinue she doubts Nox will ever bond with another Hand. That Nox bonded with a second Shield and Heart is nothing short of a miracle. Sola can't do much to mother-hen Nox into taking care of himself beyond setting Abyssus on Nox, because Abyssus will absolutely remind Nox to eat - loudly - if it means he can beg food off the kitchens as well. Axis finds it hilarious that a cat is better at getting Nox and Ardyn to eat regular meals than two Shields and all the alarms on their phones. At least, when Axis isn't despairing over that same fact. But Sola can help Nox manage his pain, when she can out-stubborn him into letting her, that is.
@secret-engima has already covered how Nox bonded with Axis, and later Cindy, and that won't change. Sola bonds with Copia Egestas after Sola starts learning from Ardyn the art of politics so she can verbally shred certain Councilors and nobles and convince them to better their behavior or else. (The court thought Sola's smile was terrifying. Then Uncle Ardyn showed up and now Sola's smile is so much worse.) Sola and Copia met when Sola started networking with the Council Heirs. Copia decided to leverage that connection in hopes of being named the next Lord of Finance after her father. Sola knew this, but she was fine with that because Copia is really quite brilliant with both numbers and politics and knows the Lucian court in a way that Ardyn doesn't yet. And Copia is more than willing to assist and advise Sola in navigating the sormr pit. During late-night planning sessions they quickly discover that they share similar senses of humor, and they become friends, and some point before Nox and Sola's Coming of Age Copia decides she'd rather be Sola's Hand than the next Lord of Finance.
Ravus and Sola bond... both very quickly and not really? Like, I'd have to go back through the stuff written about how Ardyn gets the royal family out of Tenebrae and to Lucis, but Ravus doesn't have years of Niflheim conditioning him to hate the Lucis Caelums. He's also fiercely devoted to his little sister, which is something Sola immediately vibes with. And at this point, Ravus is angry and itching to fight for his family and home, and Sola's more than willing to enable him on that. So she drags Ravus to a sparring room, runs him through his paces, then promptly takes him on as an apprentice like Cor did her because sure, Ravus probably isn't completely inexperienced with a blade but he didn't spend the last five years apprenticed to Cor the Immortal. Sola's reasoning for training Ravus personally before she helps him enlist in the Kingsglaive is that Ravus wants to protect his little sister like how Sola wants to protect her little brothers, which of course means that Ravus wants to be the best he can possibly be in order to accomplish that. And the glaives are good, don't get Sola wrong, but it's a very different fighting style, and Ravus does need some serious training before he'd survive boot camp. Which means Sola gets to train Ravus into the ground first. Ravus might have found it insulting, being apprenticed to someone a year his junior, but Sola really is that good, and she never makes him feel inferior. Oh, she's as harsh a taskmaster as Cor, but she's also training Gladio at the same time as Ravus and she pushes Ravus just as hard as she does Gladio. Harder, in some cases - Ravus is sixteen going on seventeen, but Gladio is only eleven going on twelve, even if Gladio is in better physical shape, so Ravus is held to different standards. Sola also teaches Ravus how to wield magic - with her borrowed magic - because Ravus is aiming for the Kingsglaive and Sola doesn't do anything half-cocked. Once Sola deems Ravus good enough, she presents Ravus with his own weapon - as Cor did with her - as a 'graduation gift' of sorts, then kicks him over to the Kingsglaive. That cements the underlying trust and friendship necessary for when they bond later.
They don't bond until years later. Ravus is busy in the glaive, Sola is busy forcing the Lucian court into looking beyond their own personal concerns - like properly supporting the glaives as their main military branch, supporting the refugees and other non-upper class citizenry, etc - and being the main trainer for Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and later Prompto. She also makes a convincing case to train Luna and Sylva in combat, because them being able to defend themselves shouldn't be an afterthought. But Sola and Ravus still hang out when Ravus is in Insomnia, still spar and vent their frustrations to each other because both of them are Swords and prefer to tackle problems in similar ways.
It's Ravus, who informs Sola of the prophesized fate of the Chosen King and his Oracle. Sola is about as happy about that as Ravus is, and their mutual desire to prevent the deaths of their younger siblings is what spurs them to finally bond.
Nox and Sola get on well enough with the other's Retinue. Sola will never accept a Shield, not after years of the Council insisting on it, but she trusts Axis to guard her back, trusts him to keep her grounded like he does for Nox. Axis will never be her Shield, but Axis doesn't mind acting in that capacity for the Princess on those rare occasions. She's easier to ground than Nox, in some ways - usually Axis can direct one of his own damn kids to go sit on Auntie Sola and Sola's successfully tethered to one spot for as long as his kids demand her attention. Or he can order Abyssus to sit on Sola. Axis and Sola trust each other as fellow members of Nox's Retinue.
Cindy and Sola, when they meet, become fast friends as Cindy introduces Sola to the wonders of mechanics. Cid laughs when Cor and Regis call him to complain about Cindy and Sola building Sola a motorcycle. Cindy's also got a refreshing no-nonsense attitude and is the one to exasperatedly tell Sola to finally do something about her crush on Libertus.
Nox will never accept another Hand after Ignis. But he trusts Copia to advise and guide Sola, and trusts Copia enough to accept the blonde woman's advice on occasion. Copia will never be Nox's Hand, he has no interest in the court, not even as a battlefield to conquer like Sola. But Copia will never let one of her fellow Retinue to their Queen enter a battlefield unprepared, and so she will ensure Nox is prepared for court when he is required to make an appearance. (And if she makes Nox godsfather to her little Mira? Well, a godsfather needs to set a good example, and there's nothing like handing Nox his sleeping godsdaughter to get him to sit down for an hour or two and rest.)
Nox is... understandably hesitant to get to know Ravus, when he has such stark memories of his Ravus. It's really only once Sola and Ravus bond, that Ravus and Sola join Nox in his crusade to ensure his younger counterpart gets the future he never got to have, that he and Ravus develop anything approaching a friendship. It's a quiet friendship - Ravus and Nox love Sola dearly, but she is not quiet.
Nox and Sola bond sometime before their Coming of Age. It starts as Nox wanting Sola to have access to a second, deeper reserve of magic so she never is unable to heal herself, and as Sola wanting Nox to have her healing capability to cut down on most of his chronic pain. Oh, it won't stop the pain completely, but the healing factor will cut down on the irritation and inflammation that builds up. Two Lucis Caelums have never bonded to each other before, but honestly neither expect anything unusual to come of it, even as their bond grows tighter and closer over the years, until it's sometimes difficult to tell where gold magic ends and blue begins, the two are so enmeshed.
It's Cindy, ironically, who notices the change to her magic first. She's working on a project when her tool slips. Now, Cindy's no strangers to bruises and the occasional cut or burn, and every once in a while there'll be an injury that requires more than what the first aid kit can handle. And sure, the little injuries here and there haven't been as noticeable, but Cindy's pretty darn sure the gash on her hand should require stitches and yet the bleeding has already stopped by the time she's put the towel used to stem the blood down and washed off the blood and grime for a better look. Ain't that interestin'.
Turns out, Cindy's not the only one whose magic got an upgrade. Axis also has access to Sola's healing factor now, and Copia's magic has abruptly deepened and gained blue accents to the normally pure gold. Best theory is that because Nox and Sola have entwined their souls so tightly, their magic has essentially 'bled over' into their own bonds. Nox and Sola haven't bonded to the others, the magic still comes solely from their respective monarchs.
As there doesn't seem to be any negative side effects to this new and unexpected development, Sola and Nox basically shrug and roll with it.
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boldstarks · 2 years ago
When Jasper Met Rhaenyra (Part 2): Jasper Dayne Blurb #3
112 AC 
At the age of seven and ten, Jasper Dayne became the Sword of the Morning. Dawn had sat in its place of honor until House Dayne decided that Jasper was worthy of the sword and its accompanying title. And now that he had achieved his goal, Jasper had a new one: to reunite with his beloved Princess Rhaenyra. 
With the tournament to celebrate the birth of King Viserys and Queen Aemma’s first son coming up soon, Jasper had the perfect excuse to return to Kingslanding. And now the newly made Sword of the Morning was preparing to leave for the Red Keep. 
The maid who was packing Jasper’s clothes walked into the study that Jasper had begun using in the year since returning to Starfall. “Your father is requesting your presence in his study, Lord Jasper.” 
"Thank you, Becca," Jasper replied, rising from his desk and putting down the novel he was reading.
Jasper makes his way to his father’s apartments, where he has spent most of his time these days since falling ill a few months prior. He quickly reaches Samwell’s door and comes face to face with his father’s sworn shield, Ser Desmond the Silver. He was a former hedge knight who was known for his odd silver hair and who had protected Samwell since before Jasper and Ardyn were born. 
“Is your father cross with you again?” Desmond asked, his usual good-natured smirk gracing his face. 
Jasper shrugs. “Who knows?”
Desmond opens the door, and Jasper steps inside. Samwell is sitting on a couch, hunched and pale. In the past few months, Jasper had noticed his father had lost a sustainable amount of weight. Whenever anyone mentioned it to Samwell, he would raise hell about how he was fine, but everyone knew differently. He had taken to walking with a cane on Rhea’s instruction after falling about a month ago. Samwell Dayne was on his last leg; it was only a matter of time until Ardyn would become Lord of Starfall. 
“Father, what did you need to see me for?” Jasper asks, sitting on the couch next to his father. 
"Even though I know your mind's made up, I'm asking you to postpone your trip to Kingslanding once more," Samwell said, letting out a short wheeze. “I would hate to see you hurt.” 
“I know winning the princess’s hand is a long shot, but I at least have to try,” Jasper said. “I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t try.” 
Images of the princess’s lovely face swam in his head. He wondered how much she had changed in their year apart; Jasper sure had. He had grown into his awkwardly long limbs, and his shoulders had become broad, and his skin had browned from his many hours in the sun. He had a full beard now that his mother hated, and his curly brown hair was nearly long enough to touch his shoulders. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the white streak in the back of his hair and his distinctive purple eyes.
The older Dayne chuckles and pats his son on the shoulder. “I know, my son. I hope you win the girl’s heart.”
With his father's reassurance, Jasper set off for the Red Keep. Little did he know that by the time he reached the city, Queen Aemma would already be gone.
“Rhaenyra,” Jasper said softly after searching for the Red Keep for the princess. 
She's sitting in the godswood, wearing a black gown and her long silver hair loose down her back, with an open book in her lap. The princess doesn’t respond to Jasper’s call; she just continues to look at the sky. He calls her again. She still doesn’t talk, but she looks at him this time. 
“They’re ready for you,” Jasper said quietly. 
Since King Viserys no longer had a dragon, it was up to Rhaenyra to give Queen Aemma a proper Targaryen funeral. Rhaenyra rises from her place at the foot of the tree, letting her book fall to the ground, and walks to Jasper. She halts in front of him. With her so close now, Jasper can see her nose and eyes are red from crying. 
“I don’t know if I can,” she whispers to him. 
To Jasper’s surprise, Rhaenyra wraps her arms around him and presses her cheek against his chest. Despite his shock, he returns her hug in a bid to comfort the princess.
“I don’t know what to say to make you feel better, but your mother deserves a proper funeral for someone of her standing,” Jasper tells her. “And you’re the only one who can give it to her.” 
“I know,” Rhaenyra said in reply. 
She loosens her grip on the knight and looks up at him. Her Arryn blue eyes are filled with tears once again, and they begin slipping down her cheeks. Jasper uses the sleeve of his black doublet to wipe them away gently. Rhaenyra lets Jasper lead her through the castle and to the waiting parade of carriages in the courtyard. Rhaenyra climbs into her carriage that usually takes her to the dragon pit, and Jasper goes in after her. Jasper frowns when he sees Lady Alicent already inside of it. The young man did not have any personal quarrel with Alicent, but Jasper would be wary around anyone with a father like Otto Hightower.
“How are you feeling, Rhaenyra?” Alicent asked. 
Rhaenyra doesn’t answer; she only plops down on the carriage bench across from her friend. Her blue eyes focus on the floor. While watching Alicent, Jasper relaxes on the bench next to his princess. She doesn’t acknowledge his presence; maybe her concern for Rhaenyra is too great, but Alicent had never been thrilled with the presence of Dornish people in the Red Keep. 
When Alicent finally seems to notice Jasper. She looks up and down, unimpressed. “Hello, Lord Dayne. You must forgive my impudent conduct; this has been such a strange day.” 
“The Queen is dead. I would say this day is more than strange,” Jasper replies with a raised eyebrow. “I guess some may see this as an opportunity.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Alicent said, her anger rising. 
“I think you know,” Jasper said, tilting his head.
“Enough, both of you,” Rhaenyra groaned with a deep sigh.
The carriage lurched and began to roll out of the courtyard.
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koritea · 1 month ago
#14, 15 and 17 for the oc ask, specifically for your ffxv ocs Feidi, Calor and Chrysalis, whoever fits each question best 😉
14. How important is friendship to your OC? Do they prefer to have one or two close friends or a large group of casual friends? Or do they prefer their own company over that of others?
Fidei is terribly family oriented. The people that he considers family aren't related by blood, but instead a big group of orphans/adopted kids living under one roof. He, along with his brother Salus and their siblings/friends take care of roughly ten younger kids, each of with Fidei would give his life to protect.
Friends fall under a similar category, but it's a little more complicated. It is very difficult to become friends with Fidei as he's very closed off and avoids too much social interaction. The first person he'd consider a friend after years of self isolation would be Prompto, after he pestered them persistently for a month straight.
This of course led to him being brought into the chocobros group (and eventually the polyship roadtrip).
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
Chrysalis holds a particular fondness for an old, withered tree out in the middle of a forest. She used to meet Ardyn there to exchange knowledge about the scourge and assist him with healing the sick. She misses those long conversations, and mourns the beast her friend has turned into.
17. Does your OC have an enemy? What happened between them? Is it mutual or one-sided? Is it petty or serious? Is one party seeking revenge? Does one person want the other dead or are they content to hate them from afar? 
Calor doesn't really do enemies. They're very good at regulating their own emotions and even just irritating them is difficult. You can certainly get on her bad side, but the only people Calor would consider true enemies are combatants in battle, and even then it's not really personal.
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styrmwb · 1 year ago
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXV)
4 bros go on a bachelor roadtrip, tragedy ensues.
I didn't appreciate XV's soundtrack enough when I first heard it, much like XII. It was too "generic" for my dumb, stupid, uncultured brain; and while it is definitely a lot more orchestral than your usual FF soundtrack, it has a lot of little bits that feel unique, that give the game that originality that FF is known for. it also helps that this is probably my favorite complete party in the game, and the emotional connection the story and characters create enhances my love for this soundtrack; I love the chocobros, I love the road trip with the boys, and I hate with every inch of my soul that final campfire scene (I love the final campfire scene). This time, the game was mainly composed by Yoko Shimomura, who I feel a lot of people know in the realm of largest video game composers (I don't have much else to say here but I've been sharing main composers in the previous lists so let's keep it on!)
I also need to preface by saying I love how this game can let me say "Stand By Me by Ben E King/Florence and the Machine is my favorite Final Fantasy song"; that being said I will not be putting it in this list because it is A Real Song but know EVERY time I hear it I Will cry
5. Invidia The rhythm and piano in this one. That perfect combination of the drum set with the classic orchestra. This song is addicting to listen to, and I always find myself banging my head along to it, even with that (especially with that) choir and piano. My favorite part is right after that sort of chorus solo, when the piano hits that mix of highs and lows that sounds like DIN doo.... DIN doo DIN! it's really fun, and I wish it played more in the game.
4. Bros on the Road This fucking song. This song is so silly. But it's also Perfect. Bros on the Road is what the soul of this game is, the boys together. It plays during the early morning, post camping bonding minigames where Noctis and one of the guys does something, like training, or cooking. It's what I love about this game and this cast together in one song. The cheesy guitar and that almost country vibe that is perfect for this fantasy Kansas this world is in is amazing. Also;
Something dawned on me when I was on my own. Any food you make tastes better when you use good ingredients, right? Then, if you take something already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? The ultimate flavor experience! So I ask you Noct: what's your favorite ingredient?
3. Veiled in Black XV has several "normal" battle themes, and this one is definitely my favorite. This is the imperial battle theme, and it hits for a lot of the same reasons that Invidia does, but the constant beat, stress, the heavier focus on string instruments like the violin and guitar, combined with the melody, just put it above for me. The peak of the song is that violin focus where you can tell they are just putting their heart and soul into those high notes (I love high notes man).
2. Magna Insomnia Final boss battle!!!!!!! This is a long one, with several phases, and I love how it perfectly evolves with the fight. The first phase is slow and creepy, involving Ardyn's theme, a circular sounding string chorus, and that piano that sounds like it's collapsing and dropping like an ancient staircase. It's amazing for that simple fight on the ground between Noctis and Ardyn, almost sounding like he's playing with you and not Really trying with his sword swings. As usual, the higher notes in this song make my brain happy, that somber violin sounding grand yet dilapidated. Phase 2 turns up the intensity. The battle becomes some real Dragon Ball shit in the sky flying around, dual Armigers against each other. The intro and the song as a whole feel like a constant ascent, with only a couple interludes of (relative) calm. I love the rhythm in the back, and I especially love when that flute comes in occasionally with its sort of war cry. Phase 3 tunes it down. The fight has moved back to the ground, and the entire bit is a sad, solemn vocalist solo. It's perfect for the fight, cause ultimately, this Isn't a grand victory. This is a generations long fight against a very sad, angry man that doesn't have a purely happy ending for either participant. XV hurts, man.
1. OMNIS LACRIMA First of all, WHOOPS, I ended up making this list like, all of the more orchestral stuff. That's what you get when you write stream of consciousness style. Something about these just hit different, but please give the honorable mentions a look for more variety, cause this game's overall use of acoustic and down to earth instruments is really what makes it so charming and i definitely failed to express that in my personal favorites.
Now onto the song itself; Holy shit. That opening. I feel like I've just opened the gates of heaven themselves and this is what it sounds like. The song goes into that tense string rhythm which I think XV excels at for its battle themes, with the rising choir keeping up that grandiosity the song starts with. it's so funny that this is mainly just a sideboss theme, because it FEELS like the main boss theme for this game. It feels like the end of the world, the fight for the fate of the galaxy, but ultimately you're just trying to get an egg for your Cup Noodles! When that piano plays back into the intro again? Dude. This song absolutely caught me off guard when I first heard it, and it is the first thing that comes to mind whenever I think about XV and its soundtrack, this lives rent free in my head. Shoutouts to the Dissidia NT version which add a little guitar for some shredding, as a treat.
Honorable mentions go to: Somnus, Hammerhead, Stand Your Ground, Hunt or Be Hunted (hrnngg.... metal gear,,,,), A Quick Pit Stop (lmao), Galdin Quay, Valse di Fantastica, Crystalline Chill, Reel Rumble, The Fight Is On!, Lestallum, APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS, Rodeo de Chocobo, Cape Caem, APOCALYPSIS AQUARIUS, Main Theme from FINAL FANTASY (this game is heavy on the all caps I swear), and then from the DLC: Shield of the King, The Spirits Converge, The Trials of the Shield, and Battle on the Big Bridge (sorry chat I only played Gladio's)
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thithesandofferings · 4 years ago
Yandere FFXV Crew
FFXV being Yandere- Gladiolus/Noctis/Prompto/Ignis/Ardyn/Regis
*Covers eyes* I am not here. But you are. You might as well read. 
TW:  MINORS DNI  Dark Content. Yandere themes. Stalking. Dubious Dubious Consent. Slight Daddy kink. Masochism. Sadism. Slight exhibitionism. Fear play. 
Gladiolus - Geeezzz he's so in love with you. Has been for so long. Just watching you through the castle. He just knows you'd look good in his bed. With a ring on your finger (and neck) crying out his name. He sees the other knights in the castle chatting you up, but he may or may not be standing behind you giving them the death glare. Its only accidental that a couple of knights disappear. Only happenstance that these were the same men that gave you a hard time. When you look at him with needy eyes asking him for help, he has to have you. Wont let you out of his room. Look hes trying to make you feel safe and secure. You may think he's not the kindest when he buckles you in your collar connected to a brick wall and gives you the deepest of kisses. Grips your chin to open your mouth so he has more access- every day before he goes to work. He knows you hate when he leaves and hes gonna make it up to you. He even promised you a baby if youre good. Your eyes are misting, but theres no reason for it. you know he's gonna fuck you into that very same wall when he gets home. Give you all the attention that you've been whining for. "Awww sorry princess, Daddy didnt mean it. Im not letting you go unitl you forgive me".
Noctis- Two words. Cage Beds. Always. He loves you, but he cant trust you as far as he can throw. He was even nice enough to pick the bed with you in the room.  Keeps one leg shackeled at all times when he doesnt have sights on you. Why would you want to get out anyways? Your sole purpose is to serve him. He would never feel bad for taking your life. Its his anyways. He might use the guards to spy on you, and so what? You like to run. And not that he doesnt like to chase you, no, it becomes a hassle when he has duties to fulfill for the kingdom. Playtime is not 24/7 pet and you know this. He has to roll his eyes because it seems that no one understands that not a single soul is allowed to talk to you in any capacity. At this point he's going to have to pay his public executioner more, he's been working overtime. Probably gonna have to fuck your little mouth shut again just to give everyone a break.  He would hope you'll get used to being his possession. Its hardly sexual at this point, especially when he can use you like a malleable toy. You're cute,  but he's really been thinking about...experimentation during his down time. Wonders what you'd do if he held a syringe of anything next to that cute face.  
Prompto - He doesnt mean to be angry. He doesnt. But you just make him so hot, its hard to cipher his feelings out of something so strong. You were so nice and thats why he took you in the first place; but now youre so hurtful. How is he supposed to deal with that- especially when youre saying mean things to him. How could you say something about his humanity! He has it! He definitely doesnt mean to bruise you, gripping your waist so tight that bruises form, its an honest mistake. But he has to prove it to you somehow that he is deserving of you. He adores it when he fucks you so good that you pass out. Pleas and gasp making an abrupt choked noise when your head hits the pillow. Doesnt mean he's gonna stop his hips from moving. He needs to prove to you that you are it. So he'll fuck you awake so he can remind you. No matter how much it takes.
Ignis- Wants to get inside your head first. To be the only thing you think about. Walks by you and sometimes bumps into you. Says he's sorry and touches you. makes sure that your mind drifts to him. He knows exactly where you're going to be at the exact time. Of course he's input cameras into every point in your house and office. He cant keep an eye off you for a second. What if that "partner" from the other cubicle comes by and hassles you again? He sees the way that man looks at you. Distractingly similar to how Ignis himself looks at you. But that guy doesnt care about you. Doesnt know what you like to eat or what flowers you like first thing in the morning. Or that you even prefer to be bent over the desk rather than pressed against the window. Probably doesnt know that your hole squeezes just a little tighter when someone walks pass. Has to press his hand against your mouth when you get a little too loud. Frown deepens when he thrust into you as hard as he can when your "partner" knocks on the door.
Ardyn- He's so giddy when you wake up and his lips are already on yours before your eyes open. He picked up the change of breathing and wanted to be ready for you. He can mark what belongs to him right? Gods he cant wait until he puts bruises on that pretty skin. He wants to hear you whine for him. You may be a resistant now, but you'll come around. They always do. He's seen the way your eyes flutter just slightly when he grasps your throat when youre being just a little too bratty. The way you beg gets him so hard- he wants to fuck you where you stand, but he's trying to be patient. Knows that one day you'll come to him crawling on your hands and knees with that cute little collar, leash in mouth, begging for him to fuck you. He can wait. He's waited this long hasnt he?
Regis- In the name of the throne, it has to be done. You have to be his. Does not matter your standing whether high status or low born. You were supposed to be his. The Gods told him so. Its a shame you were taken from your home by his very guards, but he knew you would have a better life with him. He would treat you right. Give you all the little toys your heart desired. He's wanted you for so long. How dare you ignore him? A king? He'd make sure you never step foot out of the castle again. For your own good. You deserved the best. And you would get the best too wouldnt you? His fingers, his mouth, even his time. He wants those beautiful face writhing in pleasure not pain, but if you dont behave, he'll take either.
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ermora · 2 years ago
Hey all, so this will be a bit of a different of Ardyn x reader post as it has the reader with something called PCOS (short for polycystic ovarian syndrome) so some parts of this may be very dark because any woman who as this handles it differently. As someone who has this, I’m quite comfortable with how I am writing the readers perspective, also I have put some unfortunate happenings I’ve encountered into this one. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and again Ardyn might be OOC.
You let out a deep sigh as you walked through the park trying to pick up your mood a little bit as you were having a rougher day today and felt like nothing had gone right today. You had woken up to take your medicine as per your normal routine, only to find that you were out of the one that you needed, it was no big deal though as you were going to see your specialist the morning and you could always get another pen from her to do your injection later on. You had gone to your appointment and upon getting weighed, you heard two of the nurses whispering behind your back. You tried to shake the feeling that it was about you but your fears only grew as the one nurse took you to the one room with an office desk in it without a smile. She had you take a seat and you sat down feeling your fear becoming worse and worse until the specialist came in and sat down across the desk. She proceeded to tell you that she was changing up your medication because you had gone up in weight recently instead of losing weight like she wanted you to. You internally flinched as she pointed out how you were overweight according to the BMI scale not bothering to take into consideration any muscle you have gained through your training recently. She then proceeded to give you a prescription for a new shot to take while taking the pills you were on and you were at a loss for words as she said that she noticed how you were beginning to get rounder again. You left the facility with a strong face but ended up breaking down when going towards the pharmacy, it wasn’t your fault that you had PCOS and struggled with your weight and insulin levels. Whats worse is that if this new medicine doesn’t work, you’ll be put onto a plain salad diet to control your weight, which would work in the short term but would cause horrible side effects. You shuddered at the thought as you only lost so much weight so fast because you literally ae only an apple a day for a few months and your friends were horrified when they discovered what you had done after they saw you pass out at work. It had taken them a few more months to get you to eat even a decent portion again and have kept a close eye on you ever since. You of course gained some weight back and your friends noted that you didn’t look so pale and close to death, this has displeased your specialist though who would love to see you at the BMI scales idea of your ideal weight.
“Hello there my little bird, fancy meeting you here” a voice suddenly greeted from in front of you, interrupting your thoughts, you looked up and saw Ardyn there.
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” you asked in a quiet and colder tone than you intended, Ardyn looked a little surprised as you don’t normlly act so cold towards people, let alone him.
“Why yes but I thought I’d ke a quick break to check up on you as one of your friends mentioned that you went to see your specialist today and I believe it was er fault you ended up in quite a mess a couple of months ago” Ardyn replied. You sighed heavily and didn’t like how he knew so much about your medical history, yes, it was good that he knew about your PCOS since you two were dating but you hated how he knew what you had done to yourself in order to lose weight.
“Thanks but I’d rather be left alone right now as… it didn’t go well” you admitted, Ardyn took a deep breath.
“You know I won’t leave you be until I know whats going on (Y/N) so just tell me what it was that was said to you before I march into the specialists office and use my position to demand information from your specialist. Which I would like to avoid doing being I dislike your so called ‘specialist’ as I feel like she’s an idiot” Ardyn stated. You felt tears beginning to well up in your eyes and silently cursed how PCOS can make you way more emotional than you ever want to be.
“Just drop it okay? I really can’t deal with this right now” you mumbled, Ardyn didn’t bother to back away though and he closed the gap quickly before pulling you into his strong, warm, comforting embrace.
“You know I won’t do that, not when you need someone now more than ever it seems” Ardyn mumbled into your ear, you wanted to protest and put him away, you didn’t deserve to have Ardyn as your boyfriend. You began to mentally shut down now due to all the emotions beginning to bubble to the surface, you hated how you were always on the bigger side and your PCOS only makes it worse along with the depression and anxiety.
“Please Ardyn… I don’t want to be here” you quietly said, feeling like you were making a scene in front of an audience when you knew that no one was really paying attention. Ardyn said nothing as he released you and picked you up bridal sytle with what seemed like ease and you silently began to wonder if Ardyn was hurt trying to lift you up. He began to carry you away though and you buried your face into his dark coat, his smell was a smokey smell that reminded you of a campfire when you go out camping. The smell began to calm you down and you soon heard a door open, you unburied your face and realized that you were in someone’s living room.
“This is my place away from the palace as I don’t really care to stay within a castles walls any longer than I have to, now take a moment to yourself as I go grab you some water before you tell me what happened” Ardyn noted as he put you down onto a very comfortable, red couch. You sat there in a bit of shock and were trying to figure out how fast Ardyn had walked or how he had opened the door while carrying you as it didn’t feel like it had been very long. Ardyn came over a few moments later with what looked like a silver goblet fit for nobility, he handed it to you and you gently took it from him and sipped out of it.
“Thanks Ardyn” you thanked, Ardyn sat down beside you and studied you closely.
“You are most welcome my little bird… now, what did your specialist say?” Ardyn asked in a more serious tone, you sighed.
“She’s changing up my medicine for my PCOS because I’ve gained weight again and according to the BMI scale I’m now considered overweight again. Hell, she even said that she’s noticed me getting rounder too” you replied, anger flared up in Ardyn’s eyes and he frowned.
“How can she say such a thing when she saw you lose weight so fast after eating only an apple a day for a few months? Is she truly that stupid as to think that everyone has the same body type?!” Ardyn snapped in a very low, dangerous and angry tone.
“I don’t know… maybe she’s right though… I have been getting a little bit rounder lately” you mumbled, hating how no matter what, you hated looking into a mirror since your body isn’t like some of the others.
“Enough, I will not have you say such false things as a persons outwards appearance is only temporary, you deserve to be happy in your body and I hate seeing you like this” Ardyn stated in a sharp tone that you’ve never heard him use before.
“Ardyn…” you start but decide to fall silent as his amber eyes were full of silent rage.
“Listen my precious starlight, I think you’re perfect the way you are so don’t you dare think about starting up another diet or listen to that woman as the BMI scale is absolute garbage and believe me when I say that I’ll be having that woman’s job for this” Ardyn spat.
“Ardyn, she has to be able to make a living somehow” you protested, knowing that while he was right, you didn’t want to imagine someone like your specialist having a family and being unable to provide for them.
“I appreciate your gentle heart but this cannot be left alone (Y/N) so I’ll be banning her from working as a specialist in the city but no where else” Ardyn said. You relaxed a little bit knowing that even though she’ll lose her rights to be a specialist that she’ll at least have a way of still being able to get a job to provide for her family.
“That makes me feel a little bit better” you admitted, Ardyn took a deep breath to calm himself down before he pulled you into his embrace on the couch.
“Good because no matter what, I want to be able to help you in any way I can since you’re my ray of sunshine in this messed up world” Ardyn noted, you fell silent and quietly sat there with Ardyn. Taking in the comfort of his warmth and love for you, you leaned into Ardyn and he tightened is hold on you. You knew that he’d everntually have to go back to work, but for now, you were happy and content to just be here with Ardyn without a care about the world outside.
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cwarscars · 2 years ago
Mun questions: 4, 7, 9!
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4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
honestly, it’s a weak-shit answer but it HAS to be heidegger. like, i’ve written some muses before that have really stood out for me and will forever hold special places in my heart (nate, ardyn, peter, hoyt) but i feel the main love i had for these muses were the friends that encouraged me while writing them. 
like, i liked the characters a lot and then i had that back-up of friends supporting me but with heidegger, shit hits different-
i don’t know why but when remake first came out; i started writing biggs. i had a lot of fun with him and loved the fandom but i kept joking i’d one day write heidegger because i loved the way he looked in remake and i liked how they portrayed him in game...and then i started writing him. and like, at first - it was all a bit of a joke. i’d put all of his dialogue in caps (in header font). i’d meme a lot. but then i actually started looking at the character and before i know it, i’ve written him a timeline and all of these dumb little headcanons about his life.
like, i felt the same way about peter, another muse of mine. where i just wanna tell their story so much that it becomes like an itch! 
i stopped writing heidegger because of several factors - a lot of people left the fandom (who were great fun to write with!), i was generally swamped with work and uni & i had a few bad experiences with people expecting me to write certain things or immediately godmodding because they, themselves, hated heid. it was just a compilation of stuff that made me walk away - i remade a couple times but just couldn’t get back into the swing of writing him. 
then, recently, i was thinking about him randomly and figured, fuck it, why not - revamped his graphics and it’s like everything just came flooding back. i missed writing him so much. 
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
aw man; i can’t lie, i’m pretty open for anything when it comes to shipping! i like exploring all different kinds but i think my favourite tropes when it comes to shipping are - 
* man pining for someone aka unrequited love. i love, love, LOVE this trope! especially when it gets all obsessive and dark. it’s super creepy and fun to write! 
* happy relationship, full blown romantic love. i like the sweet stuff; not too fluffy but realistic. any thread with heid and mel is a good example of this! 
* heidDADgger - let this man be a dad, so god help me. i LOVE family type ships & ships focusing on father / son or father / daughter. i love writing heidegger as being this super bastard and then having a softspot for one kid he looks after or whatever. 
* heid / scars relationship is one i find super intriguing and love a lot. especially what i have written with shadow; it’s that whole idea of them always loving each other but settling on having a friendship full of banter and insults. 
* darker ships. i’m a slut for things that are a little fucked-up and questionable. i have a tonne of verses with a friend on here that explore messy things between heid and their muse. it’s all very full of temptation, terribleness & messed up stuff. i love heidegger having love/hate ships because it honestly suits him. 
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
i’ve answered this one on another post - but generally, i just look for coherence, rules and the quality of the rps. sometimes i click on someone’s blog and it’s really confusing to navigate or full of like, rambles or one-liner smut rps and that generally turns me off sdlnglksd
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cute-angi · 3 years ago
Tagged by @esperata​
Rule: list your favorite (male) characters from ten different fandoms
That's very difficult
SSDD - Same Shit Different Day
Stephen King's Dreamcatcher - Douglas Cavell
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Duddits! There's no explanation there. It's Duddits! Love him!
The Riddler: Edward Nashton (Nigma)
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I don't think it needs a big announcement that this was coming. As soon as I lost myself in Arkham and heard his transmissions, I was blown away. That's when I fell in love with him.
Final Fantasy XV - Verstael Besithia
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I know what everyone is thinking right now. Why doesn't it say Ardyn? He's the cool villain after all. Or where are the chocobros? Nope... I already liked grumpy Verstael and then episode Ardyn just made me see pink-red as soon as I saw the trailer. (My interpretation of him, of course, has only become so "cold-hearted" over the years. You know how it is with fangirls...)
''The artist has a duty to seduce the ear and delight the spirit.... Say hello to an evening with Sander Cohen!''
Bioshock - Sander Cohen
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I thought about it for a long time. And first I wanted to mention the Lutece twins. Those two are always my favorites. Then I thought of Augustus Sinclair. A man of honor! I love Sinclair. And Bioshock contains so many more brilliant characters. There are no bad ones. But then I just had to go with Cohen, because Fort Frolic won't let me go. Especially after reading Rapture and having more insight into his character. This man just so often reflects what most of us are like at our core. We are artists of the world and so vulnerable because of it. We walk the narrow path between madness and genius.
Because we're talking about artists...
The Evil Within - Stefano Valentini
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I am, after all, someone who likes Tchaikovsky. And yes, of course the first game, was often better than the second. The second one didn't cost me much effort. I hardly managed the first one on easy at first. And Ruvik is one of the most interesting characters ever. But Stefano, like Cohen, has something ... strangely great about him.
Strange... I'm about to be hated by everyone.
Avatar The Last Airbender - Long Feng
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Okay... okay... listen to me, please. Of course Iroh is the best character in the series and has helped me through so many stages of life.But I have a thing for really bad guys and as I get older, tastes change. Well, Long Feng is just sneaky? But he runs the Dai Li and through it he owns Ba Sing Se!  Hello? Of course I watch AsianDramas and yes please make me your queen. So I finally live behind safe walls.
"There is no war in Ba Sing Se" Okay... can the Dai li please adopt me as a lost princess?
Now that we have the embarrassing behind us, here comes something all too understandable:
Resident Evil (Village) - Karl Heisenberg
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Instead of Male Characters, the rules should say, "Favorite Daddy Characters."
Okay...I have to do it...break the rules....
Mommy? Can I please stay up late and play with Bela, Cassandra and Daniela? I love this woman. Mommy!
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Okay...don't forget the love for Donna!!!! Donna Beneviento~!!!!
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Let's get serious again.
1, 2, 3, 4... Did you miss me, Monte d'Or?
Professor Layton - Descole
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I triggered you guys with that quote, didn't I? Randal is really wonderful.I have just replayed Miracle Mask. But I've been in love with that damn guy since part 4. Descole is My childhood love that comes back every year.
Kingdom Hearts - Xehanort (And Eraqus)
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Here again my love for evil. I never dared to admit that I love "Ansem" so much in the first game. Well..... now I'm allowed to and it's just the character around Xehanort that enchants me. But Xehanort doesn't exist on its own either. Only with the best of the best: Eraqus!
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And now we come to the anime track:
Attack on Titan - Willy Tybur
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I really like Levi a lot. But I'm also someone who tries to jump off the hype train. I like Levi. And I love Zeke Yeager. But with the first appearance of Willy Tybur in the manga... phew my heart. I was hoping at the time that he would still be the Warhammer. There' s a lot of content lost on his family.
Because we are talking about manga:
Naruto - Tobirama Senju (and Izuna Uchiha)
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It's been a long time since I watched or read Naruto. But it helped me through my "most difficult time". I have the sign of the Senju clan tattooed on my back. And it always gives me strength to get through everything. And with Tobirama you also have to like Izuna. With him you love Madara and with this Hashirama. Oh these four... my heart.
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secret-engima · 4 years ago
this delights me entirely but also the talk about Acastus being Hated by his history teacher while also being a favorite babysitter
makes me think that, as an actual career, he might wind up as an actual teacher
history because that's obvious but honestly, Acastus as a DRAMA teacher would also be fantastic
(or maybe he just full on becomes an actor or something)
Me: Acastus’s rivalry with his history teacher becomes a thing of Legend in the school. XD
I don’t know if Ardyn would have the patience to be an Actual Teacher, that’s a lot of kids to manage and try to engage (not that he couldn’t do it, but I’m not sure he’d like it). But you know what I CAN see him becoming?
A killer writer of history novels that are engaging and dramatic and scarily accurate on the details to the point other historians are pulling out their hair going “HOW DID HE FIGURE THAT OUT BEFORE US IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE????”. Like- Acastus the author, Acastus the SCREENPLAY WRITER, who sets his plays in the time of the Mystic or other such ancient eras and makes them so vivid, so wonderful, that there are jokes he has a time-travel machine and spends a few weeks pre-writing just living in his story’s given era (Acastus cackles when an interviewer brings it up).
Just- as hilarious as Actual Teacher Acastus would be great, but eccentric, lovable author Acastus who comes to give the occasional (amazing) presentation of whatever history setting he’s “researching” is even better.
Not that this would stop him from taking an acting gig on the side I’m sure, because actor Acastus is ALSO amusing. The only reason I feel he wouldn’t take it full time is that honestly it might ... not sit well with him as a full-time job? Because putting on the character mask might feel a little too much like the mask he wore as Chancellor and all the lies-lies-lies-. I feel like he wouldn’t mind taking on the occasional role (at first just minor, then one or two major) just for fun, but only in specific cases. But he nails his roles so hard that people REMEMBER him and always brag like crazy if they talk him into coming joining their cast.
He would love doing voice acting way more than live action tho. He’s absolutely got the voice for it.
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sparklecryptid · 4 years ago
season of rot
(you know thats a really poetic title for throne fucking a+ title choices me)
Ardyn lies. It’s in his nature. He is the god of the dead and the dying, those erased from history and those whose blood history is written in. Ardyn lies. He is of the dark, night where there once was light, deceit where there once was truth.
Ardyn lies.
Yet it’s hard for the twisted words to escape his mouth when he has Cor next to him. It’s hard for Ardyn to lie, to whisper false promises and empty dreams into the ears of the one that has stood beside him for so long. For though Cor is light he is also decay, Cor is the birth of spring and the rot of autumn and Ardyn loves him as much as he can with his wretched heart.
Ardyn had been a god of light once, brilliant and beaming and tossed from his throne so that others may take his place. Ardyn had been light and beautiful and beloved and yet he had still fallen, had still been betrayed by the greed of his brother. And yet despite this, or because of it, Cor stays with him for six months every year, stays with Ardyn for as much time as his regent will allow and Ardyn cannot help but love the god of war and rot, of death and spring that sits on his lap and begs not with words but actions.
Cor tugs Ardyn closer to him and fits their mouths together as Ardyn drops Cor on his cock once again, the warmth of Cor, how the other god burns both inside and out has Ardyn growling into the kiss; turning it cruel and hungry as though he seeks to devour Cor so that the other can never leave.
Ardyn would be lying if he hadn’t thought about it, if he hadn’t thought of chaining Cor to his throne. Cor would be so pretty in gold and rubies, helpless to do anything but take what Ardyn would give to him. But Ardyn couldn’t, Cor would hate that, would begin to hate him and the thought of losing Cor leaves something in Ardyn’s chest feeling hollow and raw.
“More,” Cor gasps, pulling away for breath and Ardyn opens his eyes to watch Cor’s pretty lips, red stained and swollen from bites and kisses beg for breath, “Fuck me like you mean it you bastard-”
Ardyn growls, grasping Cor’s hips and pulling Cor further down onto his cock until there is no where else to go and grinding until Cor is clinging to him and hissing threats into his ears.
“I thought this was what you wanted,” Ardyn rumbles even as Cor curses and whines in his arms. “Thought you wanted me to fuck you on my throne, make you beg to come like the slut that you are-”
“-Watch it,” Cor hisses, lunging forward and biting Ardyn’s neck hard enough to bloody it and Ardyn laughs, leaning forward to lick the red ichor from Cor’s mouth. Letting go of Cor’s hips in favor of the other gods cock that has been left twitching and neglected since the start of this.
“Come for me, My King of Decay,” Ardyn murmurs against Cor’s lips as he begins to stroke Cor’s cock, “I want to hear you scream, I want to hear it echo through my palace so that everyone will know how well I fuck you. So that everyone will know you’re mine.”
Cor comes with a snarl, before becoming soft and pliant in Ardyn’s arms as Ardyn continues to thrust into that softening body before coming himself.
“Mine,” Cor says lazily biting again into Ardyn’s shoulder.
“If you wish,” Ardyn says running his hands through Cor’s short locks. “If you wish.”
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