#how much does katsuki have to atone for you guys
flying-cat · 7 days
people who undermine the importance of izuku and katsuki's relationship throughout bnha because of "annoying shippers" or because they just don't like katsuki are insane because their relationship is literally so? important??? to the entire story???? katsuki is the deuteragonist of bnha. he was one of the first characters to show up. he was the first other person to know about OFA. so much of the manga is spent showing his development. if you deny his character development and relationship development ("relationship" does not always mean romantic relationship) with izuku, you are quite literally denying a massive part of the series. the manga starts with them and ends with them. you're allowed to dislike him but if you dislike him so much that you, in turn, start hating how izuku is a "punching bag" or a "doormat" for the entire series because he doesn't stay angry and vengeful at people even though a massive part of his character is that he's compassionate and kind even to people who aren't to him or used to not be, and you seriously think that that makes him weak, and you just start to dislike the main two characters of the series, i think you should. idk. stop reading, probably. read the revenge fantasy shit that you obviously want to read. there are like seven million manhwa available to you where the character gets the revenge you so desperately want to see.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 9 months
The first thing that basically confirmed to me that Hori can’t be assed to write a decent redemption/atonement arc (or really any arc that involves growth) is after Bakugou was kidnapped. He’s basically told point blank that he was kidnapped due to his attitude and behavior, a bit on the nose, but it’s a shonen series. When he rejected the LoV I was like “Finally this guy is getting some development, he’ll probably reflect on his actions in the next arc right?” NOPE! The provisional licensing arc happens and he’s doing the same exact shit that made the LoV want to kidnap him! Then at the end of it he has a pity party where he drags Izuku out to fight him and lament how he ended All Might. The arc following his kidnapping should have been the moment where he realized he has been fucking up massively for years. It should have been the turning point for him. But it just wasn’t. His kidnapping seems to have no effect besides making All Might quirkless again and giving him the excuse to throw a pity party for himself. That’s the exact moment the manga started to lose me. I tried to stick it out because I wanted to see where Iida’s character went (my poor boy got supremely shafted, he should of went with Todoroki and Izuku interning with Endeavor he is such an interesting foil to Todoroki) but LOL. I couldn’t deal with the slow decline in writing. I’m biased with the Stain arc being my favorite but it just feels much better written than many other parts of the manga, like it had stakes and character development on multiple different characters and had an impact on the world as a whole.
I’m with you in that the Stain Arc is at least Top 3 in terms of MHA story arcs. It’s some of the arcs I refer to when talking about how MHA has such missed potential because it genuinely does a lot of things right.
I also 100% agree about what you’ve said regarding Katsuki’s development. It’s just such a nothing-burger.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
No I don’t mind at all!! I’ve never been asked this question before and it’s really interesting so of course I’ll answer! <3
Btw this is anime only bc I only watch anime/read manga :)
1: Feitan
I love Feitan honestly bc he’s cool, hot, strong and just generally awesome. I love his personality and how fearless he is. He’s number one even though they’re were many before him because I’m crazy about him and he’s just generally my all time fav. He isn’t a “phase” I love him all the time think about him all the time..FOR YEARS.
2: Aizawa
I found out about him way before Feitan and was the original number one..BUT I don’t love him any less. He’s honestly just so cool and I thought he was as soon as I saw him. He has such a calm yet self assured and strong demeanor to him. I admire him in a sense, he has morals and sticks to them. He’s also once again, strong. He cares for his loved ones and manages to be cool and a green flag- not something all anime guys can do.
3: Izuku
Izuku is under Aizawa bc I literally started loving him directly after lol. I love him with all my heart. He’s just so determined and realistic/relatable in a sense. He strives for his goals and doesn’t give up. It’s admirable. He has such a kind heart and is a green flag. Tsu should honestly be up here bc she’s the first ever anime character I found out a about but I love izuku more- osusndkjnsjd-
4: Luffy
If I knew him for longer he would be higher. I got into one piece just recently but I still love him very much. He’s such a cool and silly guy he does no harm and is selfishly selfless. What an odd balance of getting what you want and bringing happiness. Essentially what he wants is for people (specifically his loved ones) to be happy and will stop at nothing to bring that to them. Truly only has good intent. Also who doesn’t like freedom and liberation?? This guy literally stands for that!! He stand for those who don’t have a voice and that’s so cool to me! I’m so proud of him in that sense. I also love his silly goofy vibe despite the worlds cruel ways. It’s refreshing and makes one piece a less depressing place since in a sense we’re pretty much seeing one piece from his prospective. If we saw things how zoro or law sees it, it may be a lot more realistic, a bit more drab and plain in sight. That’s my take on it anyway.
5: Katsuki
katsuki’s character development is top tier. (Spoiler) I’m not talking about him dying. I’m talking about how he went from telling Izuku to ky$ and mistreating him and others to viewing people as equals/something more than competition, apologizing and atoning for his mistakes. He did something even most grown men/women can’t do these days..smh. He even did it better than endeavor. 😂 I also like how strong he is and how much he believes in himself. It’s only a problem because of the way he expresses that but if he was simply confident I feel he’d have less haters.
6: Fyodor
honestly he just freakin cool dude! Like he’s a genius, he’s attractive and he’s got a cool/mysterious power. I like when anime characters are a different race in Japan, it just makes things more fun. I love him for his imperfections too. I saw someone talk about how (spoiler) Fyodor wouldn’t have died if he just trusted his friends/allies more. I like that about him too. It makes space for character development and realization if he lives.
7: Atsushi
I first started watch bsd a long time ago. I remember loving the first ep so much. I really like how atsushi met dazai- lol. It was all really unique and there was no overused troupes. New, fresh, stuff you wouldn’t expect. I mean unless it’s mc hating on themselves..but I didn’t dislike atsushi for it or anything. Idk why I just didn’t, I’ve loved him since he first appeared on screen. I’ve always thought he deserved better. He’s such a kind hearted character and his mental and physical strength developed well. He doesn’t have any love interests either! It makes me happy when it’s straight plot and no canon romance in anime. Honestly I just love how sincere and genuine Atsushi is.
8: Nikolai
At first I both liked and disliked him at the same time. But then again I kinda simped for him so I did research (fandom, and when he got animated) and now i love em. I really love silly characters with inner problems that they project onto different things (emotions; for Niko). It gives they’re character deeper meaning than just being a silly guy. Yeah that’s fun but it gives you more to think about this way. I think his design is very cute and fun! At first I did expect to have a higher pitched voice but as time went on I realized two things. One: his voice actually fit him and I only didn’t like it at first because it didn’t meet my imaginary standard. Two: he’s a grown man, and while it’s possible, especially with anime logic, it’s more realistic this way and I’m glad his voice isn’t high pitched now.
9: Portgas D Ace
now I absolutely love Ace and while I he’s my number 2 in one piece, over all anime’s he ranks a little lower but he’s def still up there. Again I’m still in the impel down arc so his backstory n stuff is coming up for me, so when I say he needs more screen time I mean besides that. He’s an attractive man who worked on himself from a young age to be polite and respectful, he’s very friendly as well. I love and respect all that about him. He’s another silly guy but in a different way. Idk I honestly just like him, idk how to explain it this time. He’s just cool!!
10: Saiki k
I didn’t know whether to put brook or tokito here. I would’ve gone with tokito because I’ve been watching kny longer but I feel I like him more? Saiki k is a really interesting anime. It’s a comedy anime in a regular and relatable setting but with a spin; superpowers. This gives the anime more chances for funny moments and comedy. With saiki’s attitude of wanting to be normal as well? Perfect! Saiki is honestly still relatable even with powers and is not a simp. Which I really like about him, He probably wouldn’t be on this list if he got with someone. In fact he avoids what could be love interests and that makes it even more funny. I’m glad he doesn’t give in and give us the traditional wife, babies and sunset ending. 🤦‍♀️
brook isn’t on the list but top 10 is NOT easy to choose..I also wanted to add tokito but again top ten is so limiting </3😔
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zukuist · 3 years
not sure if ur requests are open (ignore if not) but lately I’ve been struggling with intrusive thoughts but ones where a voice says things like “someone’s watching u“ at random moments or creepy faces come in my head and it keeps me up at night (obvi ik nothings gonna happen but it makes me feel uneasy) so I was wondering how bakugou would be with someone who struggles with that?
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FANDOM/S: 僕のヘロアカデミア // boku no hero academia [bnha]
INCLUDES: k. bakugō, s. todoroki, f. tokoyami (new !)
your name is shortened to y/n, GENDER NEUTRAL TERMS!
SIDE NOTE: hi, sorry for the delay anon :( but in a way, i know how you feel about the intrusive thoughts situation. it’s quite different, but i know how it feels to be uneasy by them. however, everyone has intrusive thoughts! one way or another. (i added shōto and fumi because i thought it fitted them too)
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the concept is a little foreign to him. like.. he knows when he’s actually seeing stuff, or if he’s just imagining things.
it’s a little rocky for him at first, because he can’t figure out how and why your mind wrecks havoc on you, by creating these things.
i say it’s a little rocky, because he accidentally said something ignorant, when you were expressing your worries to him
(which he pulls you into a hug, repeating apologies when the words sink in.)
with that being said, he immediately knows when you’re going through it again.
is it the way you’re constantly checking your back? maybe. is it the way you look a little on edge? possibly.
regardless, he’s quick to bring a solution to your distress.
calling out your name in his signature katsuki way, making sure you know it’s him, and not something you think was created by your intrusive thoughts.
“it’s just me, idiot. snap out of it.” words are obviously rough
but he’s pushing you infront of him, providing you non-verbal reassurance. the only one that’s going to stand behind you is him
and even then, he won’t be that far off. he’ll be right there with you, he’ll make sure of it.
when you’re struggling with sleep, katsuki stays up past his respective bedtime, willingly.
he doesn’t care if you’ve took a bath already, because he’ll draw you a nice, comforting bath. the temperature distracting you, as you relax into the water.
didn’t know how to solve the faces issue at first, but eventually created a solution of his own (even if he wasn’t so sure if it’d work)
katsuki will protectively wrap his arms around you, his hands resting against each side of your cheek.
the only time his faces REALLY relaxes. makes you mimic his facial expressions, just so you could burn out the ones that keep you awake, and tired.
“wish you didn’t have to go through shit like that, twerp. but i’ll let you know this. you’ll always be safe around me, always!”
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compared to bakugō, shōto’s a bit more familiar to the subject.
i can’t say his intrusive thoughts are like yours though. on top of that, he also doesn’t get them as much as you do.
but, his intrusive thoughts are mostly about his father 💀 doesn’t matter if he’s in the process of atonement, it’ll always be that way for him 😔
so help him understand it a little more. if you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine for him (since he can just google it, even if it’s generalized)
but it’d definitely help a ton, if you told them when this happens, why you think it happens, and how you deal with it, so he can help you more.
omg he’s so sweet
so, when he does recognize the signs (possibly shaky hands, spacing out randomly for long periods of time, and constantly checking behind you)
he’s quick to jump to your aid.
when he’s not in arm’s reach, shōto will first step in front of you slowly, greeting you with a gentle, small smile.
“hey love, could you name 5 things you can touch right now?”
asks that, so your attention could focused on something else. something else that’s not the horrible intrusive thoughts.
when the intrusive thoughts kick in while you guys are together (like on a date or something similar) he’ll bring you back by cooling his right hand, the cold snapping your attention back to him.
also does the same thing, if you prefer heat. what matters is that he gets your undivided attention.
“pay attention to me for a second, angel. it’s just me.”
when your intrusive thoughts prevent you from sleeping, he feels really bad, because his own thoughts kept him awake at sometime.
shōto doesn’t mind staying up, absorbed in his thoughts. however, when it’s you, it feels like his heart cracks a little.
shōto isn’t much of a talker, but when it’s you, he’ll talk as much as he possibly can, as long as you forget your intrusive thoughts.
truth to be told, it was smart of him to do that. his voice is so soothing <3
holds your hand while you sleep, and keeps you close to him, which isn’t very common, since he knows how much people need space when they sleep.
“sleep well and comfortably, love. i’ll always be here to melt and ice away any intrusions.”
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used to have them a lot, and they were all different in categories.
it’s impossible to like everyone, but he’d never wish this experience on anyone. it was just that bad for him :(
this all went on, until dark shadow got sick of it, and bothered them all away. simply just by annoying him to death 💀
(it worked, so fumikage can’t really complain about it much)
so, when he hears that you’re dealing with your own set of intrusive thoughts, he can’t help but feel bad.
“aw, is fumi soft for y/n?” “cease these unnecessary comments, dark shadow.” “whaaaat? i didn’t say it was a bad, c’mon!”
since dark shadow made his own intrusive thoughts come to an end, he’ll make dark shadow shoo yours away.
“you did it before, so do it again.” “heh, never thought you’ve asked, fumikage. leave it to me!”
it didn’t work 💀 doesn’t know why he thought that was a smart idea, but at least dark shadow distracted you from the terrible intrusions
if fumikage sees you struggling with them when he’s a bit farther away from you, he’ll panic, because wtf he can’t help you at this distance
so, he’ll send dark shadow over to distract you, to at least make you giggle.
“geez, who the hell invented these things! if i could, i’d fight them.” “. . .these are my thoughts.” “oh well. . . then never mind! i said nothing. fumikage’s worried about you.”
when he is with you, he’ll grab a hold of your hand. fumikage’s on your left, and dark shadow’s on your right. “hey, songbird. can you do some breathing exercises with me?”
tokoyami’s a recovering 3am night owl, so when he sees you wide awake because of your thoughts, he’ll get up to get you a glass of water.
but a good majority of the time, he’ll rub the sleepiness out of his eyes, just to have a small, yet meaningful chat with you.
“my thoughts are really something, huh?” “definitely. i believe we’ll get through this, though. it’s not utterly impossible.” “i’ll take your word for it, fumi.”
wraps a nice, comfortable blanket around the two of you. the fabric’s in a signature dark color, blocking out any lingering light
then, he wraps his arms around you (doesn’t matter if you’re taller.) and whispers sugary, sweet nothings as you fall asleep.
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© zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal, or plagiarize ❕
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bkdkology · 3 years
Food for thought
Howdy, I’m currently fighting 20mg of melatonin in my system to pose a question, and a half assed answer. Spoiler: it’s bkdk and mostly fanon. (Yes, this is an expansion of my previous post that’s right under this one.)
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Katsuki Bakugou is an enigma to both the side of the fandom that adores him, and the side that despises him.
But why is he such a polarized character?
He certainly wins the hearts of most of the fandom, as he’s been consistently taking first place in the popularity polls. But there’s the presence of a very strong backlash against him because of his past as a bully, and what separates Katsuki from the rest as a character is: those who are against him, have refused to let go of the past. While nobody really excuses or romanticizes his behavior, most are able to understand that it’s a part of him that is absolutely essential to his character.
Personally, he’s my favorite character. There’s something about the way Horikoshi tells his story that makes me want to cheer for him.
So, what the fuck does that have to do with bkdk?
I realized that this stupid comment I made:
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Is true. And not just true, it took me deeper than I intended.
I strongly believe that Katsuki isn’t particularly physically attractive. He’s strong, has amazing arms because of his quirk, and is well built as an obvious consequence of being an active student in the hero course.
Go to this post for screenshots and whatnot.
As I was reading the second light novel, I came across a few excerpts when the girls of 1-A and 1-B were talking about boys at a slumber party. And a few things stood out: (Keep in mind light novels are considered canon, written by Anri Yoshi who works with Horikoshi to sketch some scenes out.)
1. The girls think that while Kaminari is a womanizer, he’d make a loyal boyfriend
2. The girls also seem to unanimously believe that Monoma and Todoroki are the hot guys of the hero course.
3. They think Izuku is maybe too much of a fanboy
4. They whole heartedly believe Iida wouldn’t hold hands before marriage
5. Bakugou’s outstanding characteristic is his intelligence, not his looks.
Why am I making this a point? If you haven’t noticed, Katsuki has one of the biggest ‘simpnations’ in the fandom, in which a shit ton of people find him attractive. While it is just the way Horikoshi draws him that garners so much attention, it’s pretty much canon that most in story characters don’t find his looks as jaw dropping as some people have made them seem (me, I’m calling myself out here, since I feel like the only one who thinks this boy could walk on water).
What is extremely ironic about this is that a lot of fans completely overlook the fact that Katsuki is ridiculously smart, especially the fans that hate him. It’s a characteristic about him that is constantly reiterated time and time again but forgotten at the same rate. (i.e Katsuki placing 1st in the entrance exam, ranking 3rd in the class, sports festival analysis in which even Kiri has overlooked his smarts.)
The point I’m trying to make here is: since the story is told in Izuku’s perspective, what if it’s not just Katsuki’s looks that Izuku tells us about in a biased way, but Katsuki himself?
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If you’re caught up, you have most likely seen the beautiful way that Katsuki’s character has developed. And if you’re like me, you probably guessed that Katsuki’s story was heading this way long before this chapter. But how? If to some, he’s just a kid who told a vulnerable Izuku to take a swan dive off the roof.
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In 284-285, in the middle of war Katsuki is having heavy flashbacks from his past with Izuku as far back as middle school, even before the sludge incident that took place in chapter 1. He’s harboring overwhelming feelings of guilt.
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Katsuki has never really dealt well with feelings, especially expressing those feelings. So what does he do? He uses his power to help Izuku control his, despite them being rivals.
Here’s the kicker, this chapter confirms that Izuku has never held anything against Katsuki. He doesn’t see the training as atonement the way Katsuki intended, because Izuku feels like there’s absolutely nothing to apologize for. But even before this chapter, Izuku simply gave off these same exact vibes by painting Katsuki in a good light.
I was in love with Katsuki from the moment I met him, how could a character so vile in his mannerisms and reckless in his treatment of others make me so happy and so sad when I looked at him?
For me, the answer lies within the protagonist, who’s wanted us to see him that way from the beginning. The people who hate Katsuki and refuse to acknowledge his growth have also failed to let go of the past the way Izuku did . That despite his ugly traits and his funny looking face, he is somebody complex and amazing inside.
He is beautiful.
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makeste · 4 years
“...and I bullied him.”
hello, hello, good afternoon or evening or whatever time it is. so by now we’ve all had some time to bask in those “Kacchan admitted he cares about Deku” feels (well, technically they were “All Might pointed out that Kacchan was worried about Deku and Kacchan didn’t deny it” feels, BUT THOSE MIGHT AS WELL BE THE SAME FEELS, YOU KNOW). and it’s been lovely. I’ve been having a time. it’s been nice.
but now I would like to talk a bit more about a part of this chapter which I think was even more important.
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for me, this was the line of the chapter. this one panel may honestly be the biggest piece of Kacchan character development since all the way back in chapter 120. “I ended up bullying him.” okay but guys?? can we just talk?? about how absolutely extraordinary this one sentence is.
it’s self-aware.
introspection? from a kid who’s had to be dragged kicking and screaming to every character development milestone he’s ever experienced in his life? and on an emotional level that actually goes deeper, and doesn’t just stop at the surface-level anger that’s so often his instinctive reaction to everything? who are you and what have you done with Bakugou Katsuki lol.
but seriously, the level of self-analysis here almost stunned me, guys. not only does he demonstrate a very impressive level of insight into Deku (something I especially love because it mirrors the many analyses Deku has made of him, and shows that the understanding between them is actually mutual), but he also shows an unprecedented degree of insight into himself. like, historically speaking, Bakugou and Feelings have not always exactly been on the same page, you know? so for him to suddenly get so thoughtful now, and sincerely try to analyze these feelings which up until now he’s always ignored and avoided dealing with... that is such a huge step. also, bonus points: he recognizes it as a problem within himself, and doesn’t try to pin the blame on Deku in any way. he recognizes that he’s the one who reacted badly to Deku’s behavior. to be able to examine your own feelings like that and arrive at a conclusion that acknowledges that you’re not the good guy in this, that you’re the one who made the mistake -- that takes a level of accountability that not everyone possesses.
it’s self-prompted.
okay this one is a big deal honestly. no one put a gun to Katsuki’s head here and forced him to confess this. all All Might said was “you’re worried about him too” and that somehow prompted a level of emotional honesty that Katsuki has never before shown. now, based on the fact that the successors’ notebook is still fresh in Katsuki’s mind, and that All Might mentioned earlier that Aizawa couldn’t help because he was “busy at the moment”, this conversation likely took place shortly after the kids returned from their New Year’s break. meaning that this was basically right after the Endeavor internship arc, when thoughts about seeking atonement were still fresh on Katsuki’s mind. so this isn’t entirely out of the blue; it shows that Katsuki did, in fact, learn exactly what All Might was hoping he would learn from Endeavor.
but it’s one thing for this to be on his mind, and another thing entirely for him to actually confess it out loud. and I absolutely will give him full credit for that. he admits, without anyone forcing him to, that he bullied Deku. there’s no incentive for him to do this whatsoever. Deku isn’t there to hear it. he’s not admitting it for the purposes of seeking forgiveness. he’s simply just being honest, and owning up to what he did because he realizes it was wrong. and that takes a lot of inner strength, to do that. to not shy away from it and keep pretending like it never happened. this is a huge first step for him.
it’s a confession that leaves him emotionally vulnerable.
this is another big one. it’s not always evident because he makes a big effort to downplay it, but Katsuki looks up to All Might every bit as much as Deku does. he seeks his approval, he wants All Might to be proud of him, even though he very often puts on a big show of not caring about it at all. it means a lot to him. a lot.
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and Katsuki knows how much All Might cares about Deku. and sure, All Might is already perfectly aware that Katsuki and Deku aren’t exactly on the best of terms, and he’s always been understanding about it; always gently compassionate and attempting to smooth things out between them without being judgmental.
but All Might also doesn’t know everything about the two of them. and even with Kacchan and Deku’s relationship never exactly being on the most rock solid of terms at U.A., there’s still a vast difference between the way they interact there, and the way that they interacted back in middle school. when Katsuki was not only hostile, but occasionally downright cruel. and when Deku was still quirkless, and very much not on equal footing with Kacchan in terms of power, and yet Kacchan bullied him anyway.
what Katsuki is confessing here puts him at risk of rejection from one of the people whose opinion of him matters the most. he’s opening himself up to the possibility that All Might might not, for once, react with his trademark understanding. he’s admitting to All Might, I did something unherolike, and I hurt someone you care about, and I didn’t have a good reason for doing it. All Might, in the moment immediately following this statement, has an incredible amount of power over Katsuki. he has the ability to withdraw his support, to condemn him, to pull away and decide that Katsuki is not someone worthy of becoming a hero after all. he has all the power in the world over Katsuki in this one moment; a rejection from him would be a blow he’d never recover from.
and Katsuki, knowing this, tells him anyway. willingly opens himself up to that possibility of being hurt, of being rejected and shunned by the person who inspired his dream. because the alternative is being dishonest with him. this is, in short, a decision made because he believes All Might deserves to know this, and deserves to hear the truth from him. he wants his approval so badly, but he can’t live with the knowledge that he’s “tricked” him into giving it. so he tells him the truth, ready to face whatever consequences might arise from that. and I think that might be one of the bravest things he’s ever done.
it’s not attempting to shirk responsibility.
this, right here, is why Katsuki is my favorite character. because even though he’s flawed, even though he’s made a lot of mistakes, when he realizes that and is confronted by it, he never tries to hide from them. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: to me, the essence of Katsuki is that he is someone who is always trying to be better. he wants to be a good hero; he wants to be a good person. when people point out to him that he’s done something wrong, he listens. it doesn’t always sink in right away, sure, and sometimes he gets stubborn and it can be hard to hammer that truth in. but once he gets it, he always makes the change. he never tries to make excuses. he owns up to his shit and does his best to course correct.
with this acknowledgement here, that he bullied Deku, there’s no attempt on his part to say that it was Deku’s fault, that Deku shouldn’t have done this or that. he doesn’t blame his parents or his teachers or try to act like he didn’t know any better. he makes no attempt whatsoever to justify it. it’s just simple, honest truth. back then, I ignored my own weakness, so I ended up bullying him. it’s a plea of guilt. no attempt to mitigate it or downplay it. the verb he uses, “ijimeta”, doesn’t water it down.
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“to ill-treat; to torment; to be cruel to.” there’s no attempt here to paint this in a flattering light at all. which is good. because in order for him to really atone for it, to really go the distance in his redemption arc which we’re all rooting for him to do, the most important step is for him to take responsibility. he can’t learn from it if he’s trying to hide from it or make excuses for what he did wrong. he has to fully acknowledge his mistakes. and that’s exactly what this is.
it shows remorse.
that’s right y’all. they sent my boy out to do an internship with Endeavor over the holidays, and he came back having learned the true meaning of Christmas. his heart really did grow three sizes. honey badger does care.
there is genuine, sincere remorse for his actions here. he’s sorry for what he did. he regrets what he did. there’s real contrition there. it’s not forced or insincere. again, nobody made him say this! nobody pressured him, nobody led him on. these are his own feelings. I bullied Deku. I shouldn’t have done that to him. I want to atone for it.
I know some people in fandom don’t think this is enough. the same thing happened with Endeavor as well. people aren’t always satisfied with restorative justice; they want retribution. they want punishment for his actions. and that’s a natural feeling; it stems back to that instinct of wanting everything to be fair, which I mentioned in another meta not too long ago.
but the thing is, retributive, punitive justice doesn’t actually help anyone. it doesn’t restore what was lost. Katsuki being punished doesn’t do anything to undo what was done to Deku. it doesn’t do anything to heal the harm that was dealt. it doesn’t do anything to make things better for either of them moving forward.
but do you know what does? restorative justice. making amends. which is exactly what this is building up to now.
it shows an understanding that remorse is not enough, and that in order to move forward he has to take action to be a better person.
Katsuki understands that simply being sorry for what he did is not enough. I suspect that’s one reason why he hasn’t attempted to apologize to Deku yet; because he recognizes that after years of tormenting him for stupid and self-centered reasons, a simple apology might seem meaningless at best and self-serving at worst. it puts pressure on Deku to make a decision to either accept or not accept it. Katsuki saw the Todoroki siblings struggling with a similar conflict not too long ago. and he knows better than anyone else how selfless Deku can be. “deep down, he doesn’t take himself into account, y’know?” and so if Katsuki simply apologizes, Deku might end up offering forgiveness that he doesn’t actually deserve, just because Deku is that kind of person who puts others above himself.
and so rather, what Katsuki has opted to do for now is to put all his efforts into helping Deku. he knows Deku is in a considerable amount of danger. he knows how much Deku has on his plate with the SIXQUIRKS and trying to handle all of that. and he knows there are other potential dangers looming which they don’t even know about yet. he’s been alert and anxious about this -- you saw how quickly his mind leaped to worst-case scenarios about the past OFA users; how he was sure that All Might was hiding something from them, and how agitated and apprehensive he got thinking about what that might be.
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“I’m worried for him. you are, too,” All Might said. and Katsuki didn’t deny it. didn’t even try. he is worried about Deku. he’s worried about what he has to face. he’s worried about him getting in over his head and something happening to him. and so the way that he has chosen to try and atone is to help him. with his training, with his quirks; whatever he can do. if he needs to push him he’ll push him. whatever he can do to help make him stronger. and if he needs to protect him, he’ll do that too.
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atonement is not the same thing as forgiveness. atonement is about trying to make up for what you did, to try and correct your mistakes however you can. it doesn’t mean you’re pardoned from them. all it means is that you’ve acknowledged them, and are doing your best -- doing whatever you can -- to repair the harm done, and to be a better person going forward. and sometimes there is no way to ever completely make up for it. sometimes you can’t undo the harm, because you can’t go back and change the past. the only thing you can change is the now, and the future.
and so Katsuki is trying to atone. he’s trying to be the friend Deku deserves now, since he wasn’t before. he’s trying his best to make things right, and it all starts with this one sentence. that acknowledgement of what he did, of what can’t be changed. acknowledgement of the mistake, so that he can learn from it, so that it never happens again.
so yeah. BnHA Redemption Arcs strike again. Horikoshi you smooth son of a bitch.
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floof-ghostie · 4 years
Bakustans be bending over backwards to justify why Bakugo treats people badly, and it’s really insulting to those who have faced worse than him. There are so many characters who have genuine reasons to be angry. You want examples? 
Izuku Midoriya has been bullied, suicide baited, discriminated against for his whole life, and is currently being targeted by every villain on the planet, yet somehow manages to be one of the kindest people in the bnha world, and never hesitates to save somebody, no matter the risk to himself. 
Mezo Shouji has also been discriminated against due to his quirk, and has been regarded as scary, but he’s still kind, and one of the best friends ever. He didn’t care that one of his freaking limbs were cut off, as long as his friend was safe. 
Shouto Todoroki was abused by his father, basically bred for fighting, his mom is in psychiatric care, his brother, who was assumed to be dead is now actually one of the most dangerous villains. He is working past his trauma, and is actively trying to be a good person, and a better hero that his mother can be proud of.
Mirio Togata lost his quirk for a time, and his future as a hero was compromised. He still was humble, optimistic, was still nice to people, and didn’t regret rescuing Eri in the slightest. 
Mashirao Ojiro has been looked down upon for his “boring” quirk and still has to struggle with constantly being called plain. He’s still a good person, and doesn’t hold any ill will toward his more popular classmates.
Eijirou Kirishima was bullied during middle school, and had a lot of insecurities about his quirk, but is really encouraging to others even those in different classes, and is very secure in his masculinity.
Hitoshi Shinsou was discriminated against for having a “villain’s” quirk. He’s blunt, snarky at times, but it’s understandable given his history. It’s not excused, but he’s still not a bad person. He’s a hard worker, and arguably is working even harder than Bakugo in order to be a hero, because unlike Bakugo who has a quirk perfectly suited for combat, Shinsou has to start all the way from the bottom up to even get a shot at making it into the hero course.
Neito Monoma was looked down upon for his quirk. Does he constantly lash out, and treat his classmates badly? Here’s the thing though: He’s constantly building his classmates up, and supporting them, putting them before himself, and is jealous that the students of class 1-A with flashier quirks get all the spotlight because he knows that his class is full of hard workers who deserve it just as much. Overall, he’s a good person, kind of annoying at times, but is a great classmate hyping his classmates up, and instigating a harmless rivalry with the other class.
Yuga Aoyama has to learn to master a quirk that hurts him. He sturggles with insecurity over his quirk and abilities as a hero. He comes off as conceited and self-centered but is actually friendly, just shy, and nervous about what others may think. He sacrificed his chances of passing the exam so his classmates could pass instead. 
Shouta Aizawa? This guy’s been through hell and back. He was treated badly because of his quirk. Two of his three closest friends since adolescence are dead, near the start of the series he lost stability over his quirk, his leg is gone now, and basically fights quirkless with a capture weapon, because his quirk alone isn’t enough. He’s cold, tired most of the time and seems apathetic and uncaring most of the time. But the thing is, he doesn’t show it, but he cares so much for his students! He didn’t hesitate to throw himself into battle to protect them at the USJ incident, despite the horrible injuries that ensued, still came to class while injured, trained a student that wasn’t even his, took in a little girl to help properly train her quirk and treats her like his own daughter, provides comfort and encouragement to others, and fought to stay alive for the sake of his students!! He has every reason to be bitter and cruel to others, but he’s not. He’s arguably one of the kindest people in the entire franchise.
Katsuki Bakugo on the other hand? He comes from an arguably wealthy family, is privileged, and had pretty much everything handed to him on a silver platter since birth. Even if you argue that his mother smacking him upside the head is abusive despite obviously being played for laughs, that doesn’t excuse him bullying somebody who was supposed to be his best friend due to a genetic mutation (or lack of), telling them to kill themselves, actually TRIED to kill that person, and only treating a select few with basic human decency. He’s only now deciding he wants to “atone” for his actions, despite never apologising or actively treating Midoriya better, only because Midoriya doesn’t have a quirk and is therefore “not weak”, as if it was Izuku’s fault he was bullied in the first place.
What’s his excuse? Midoriya tried to help him out of a stream when they were little, so now Bakugo hates him? Midoriya constantly complimented him as a child so apparently he’s looking down on him? I dunno how to say this, but when a person genuinely compliments and praises you, it isn’t out of pity or malice. Not gonna deny that Bakugo can develop and actually grow as a character, but this should be through actually facing the consequences of his actions, rather than it constantly being shoved in out faces with no evidence.
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
https://www.tumblr.com/dekusleftsock/695136739605512192/httpswwwtumblrcomdekusleftsock69513240543830?source=share Definitely agree about there being no right or wrong way to handle trauma/abuse. A problem I see on social media and in real life a lot is people being condescending or acting like victims don't have their own agency and the ability to decide for themselves. To clarify, I mean the people who say it was Endeavor's choice to abuse his family but Fuyumi's choice to forgive his actions was simply a mistake or misunderstanding on her part. That attitude bothers me specifically because it doesn't acknowledge that the victim is just as capable of deciding how they will respond to a situation. I'm not saying everyone does this, just that when I do see it that attitude bugs me pretty badly. If a victim chooses to forgive, that is still their choice. If a victim chooses to remain with an abuser even though they know they'll get hurt, that's still their choice. Same way an alcoholic returns to alcohol even though they know they'll get hurt. Sure, you should make it known that those people can get help and they might need to in order to improve, but if they choose not to then that is their choice. I see this tendency sometimes to project onto victims (not just mha, but in general) and make decisions for them, judging them if they make a decision that person wouldn't have made. Do you know what I mean? I mean comments like: "that person is delusional if they return to such a violent guy., I don't care if he's claimed to have changed." or "These two need to be separated asap, they're just plain toxic." These are paraphrased, but those are more or less the comments I've seen regarding abuse-victim situations. They frustrate me because in the first one it's not your place to decide whether or not that person made the right choice, and the second one annoys me because again, it's not your place to decide for people how they'll behave around one another. That is their decision. You can certainly advise against it, but these types of comments are just so judgmental, they drive me nuts. Sorry for that rant, it's been sitting in me for a while now.
No because I completely agree. I’ve also had this thought in my mind for a while. The idea that you know a situation better than the victim themself does and therefore you can judge them for not making the “right” decision. People want to generalize abuse into one set category of “wrongness”, completely ignoring worse actions of another character (like shigarakis murderous rage) because the abused/abuser is easier to relate to. Not many people are going to be fond of an abuser, regardless of how much a story humanizes that character.
A great example, rose quartz from Steven universe! Do I also project onto her? Sure! But I can separate where the projection starts and where the literary analysis ends. And THATS what people get wrong about literary analysis. They can’t separate it from their experiences, and therefore completely erase the entire purpose of the character.
All might, endeavor, and Katsuki are all characters that often get this same treatment. All might is often times framed as an abuser when he’s just supposed to be a caring person who learns to be a better person and mentor as the series progresses (his ideas of what makes someone a hero and why quirkless people can’t be heroes being confronted by stain, realizing he isn’t useless because he is still a symbol and hero) and he’s ultimately a father figure for Izuku!
But people take a few scenes from characters in ANY SHOW, and see that as a way to define them. The worst thing Katsuki has ever done (telling deku to kill himself) is now the only thing he’s ever done. He’s not better and he’ll never GET better.
As for endeavor I feel it’s more so an idea that an abusive parent can not atone for their actions, when they really can. It’s not up to YOU as the viewer to decide how any of his children or his wife should act, it’s up to them as individuals.
Also btw that wasn’t me correcting you in the last thing lol. I got what you meant but yeah I always have more to say bc I’m an autistic bastard who gets to talk about his special interest didbisndodjd
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
bakugou katsuki alphabet hc’s
a/n: just a little something something for me being swamped with final preparations and my wip being nowhere near completed!!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with an s/o?)
Bakugou is not that affectionate, hate to tell you guys that. He’s a cat through and through. He’s someone who touches you when he wants to, not when you want it. Sometimes it varies, but most of the time it’s him giving you a look, after all, he will never outright tell you to touch him. But you can see it, the slight eyebrow lift, the curl of his lip because you’re not being affectionate with him. It happens both in private and public, but there are moments in private where he just is clingy, not in an overly clingy way, but a: let’s hold hands while being on our phones sorta way.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
There is not much in this world that will take Bakugou’s breath away. He’s just that sort of guy that even when he’s caught off guard, you will never ever know it explicitly. That being said, there is one thing that does take his breath away. Arguing with him
Now, I'm not talking about crazy psycho bitch arguing where the both of you are going through some world war with each other. I’m talking about an argument where he comes in knowing he’s in the wrong but him not knowing what to do. Argue your side, explain why he’s doing things wrong, how it’s wrong, and how to improve. Taking his insecurities and his inability to do things correctly isn’t something he enjoys being attacked about, but when you take it in, absorb it, and help him it just steals his breath away because holy hell, you respect him, you love him, and he feels the exact same way.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Bakugou does cuddle, but oh boy does it take a long time for him to be able to allow this to happen. 
Bakugou is a little spoon. now shut up and listen to why. When your relationship first begins, he is not open to showing his affections, and would turn onto his side before ever asking to hold you. So you have to take it up to yourself to snuggle into his back side, nose buried into his spine. With time, and with Bakugou finally opening up and expressing his feelings, and his ability to be as vulnerable as he can get, most nights it's with him laying his head on your chest, his body draped over yours. He likes this position because he feels like he’s protecting you. if anything happens at night, he’ll be the first to be hit, and that’s all that matters.
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
World domination, easy.
Bakugou isn’t someone who allows for intimate relationships like picking a penny from the penny jar. He is a tiny bit arrogant and thinks he deserves the best, so when he finally chooses you to date there’s a 99% chance it’s ending in marriage. He wants the both of you to succeed. 
Whatever it is in life that you want to do, what you dream to do, it automatically becomes his dream too. He’s going to support you and help you get there or his name isn’t Bakugou Katsuki.
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
All things considered, especially what people would most likely think, he puts in a lot of effort.
Again, you aren’t some casual relationship, if he’s dating you that means you’re endgame in his eyes, congrats!
He may be an angry tsundere the entire time, but he remembers everything. Every important date in your life you better remember, because this asshole will then ask you seven years into the relationship about how you remember the outfit you wore on your first kiss and if you say no he’s gonna both yell at you and hold it above your head for all eternity.
He puts in effort!!!!
Sure, sometimes you might not be priority number one, but you never fall off the top ten list and he always makes sure to make it up in some sort of way if you feel negligent because of this.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Bakugou is someone who talks you through it.
Why are you scared?
Is there something you can do about it?
How can I make it better?
He’s all about prevention, improving, helping. He wants you to feel better and he’s always been better with his words over his actions when it comes to aiding. It’s not to say that he won’t comfort you, because he will definitely touch your head and bring it to rest against his shoulder only after he’s done helping you out. He feels like he can help you through your fears and merely hugging and saying it’ll be better isn’t the way to help.
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Bakugou remembers everything about ya, he’s going to get you the gifts you really need.
Yes, need, not want.
Oh you want a whole new makeup collection? Uh no, what you need is a whole new ass vanity and make up organizer because he’s seen those same damn colors you want in your collection but you don’t have shit organized so you don’t know!
Oh you want a new video game? Uh no,,, okay fair, he wants it too, so you both need it for date nights.
Bakugou absolutely hates getting gifts in return, for some reason he thinks its atone to charity work or like guilty gifts. If you want to give him a present, he might allow it, but do not and I mean DO NOT give him a gift for what he gives you (outside of appropriate holidays of course).
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
Bakugou hugs you, that’s a given. But how he hugs is pretty dependent on mood and where the two of you are.
When it’s in public he’s a major fan of the one armed hug, the typical “we besties but not like that” hug. Never ever think it’s because he’s embarrassed of you, he’s just… emotionally constipated and he can’t fathom hugging you while everyone watches because he gets nervous. But there are times, in public, where something happens. Something that causes him to worry for you, and he’ll be on you in an instant, his arms slamming you in. One on the small of your back, the other between your shoulder blades. He loves you and only when he’s not in control does he forget his boundaries.
In private though, it’s another story. He’s the person who has their arms wrapped loosely around your waist, his hands holding onto your hips ever so softly. He buries his face into your neck and just breathes. Sometimes he likes to sway with you in his arms, other times he likes to carry you too.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He’s definitely an… acquired taste of romance. Nothing he does is outside the spectrum of what is considered to be romantic! If he had done it with a sugary sweet ‘im so in love with you smile’ no one would say anything, but he does these things in a Bakugou way where people are like: “ARE YOU SURE YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH THAT MAN?!” and then look over at you who’s crying because you think he’s the most romantic person in the world. 
Oh he has hella problems, just because you’re it for him doesn’t mean he knows how to behave correctly. He goes through self reflection because of this! He needs to figure out what intimacy means for him, and how to express it to you while also keeping your ideas of intimacy in hand. It always works out though, he will always put together how to make it work.
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Surprise, surprise, Bakugou Katsuki is a jealous man :)
The worst part of Bakugou’s jealousy is that he knows that he has no reason to be jealous. There are only a handful of people Bakugou feel inferior to, like truly and honestly inferior to. He knows he’s not always the best, no matter how hard he tries, but he knows where he lies in the world. So when he sees other people flirting with you he knows right away that there’s no reason to be jealous. But that doesn’t do anything to the instinctive monster in his mind that tells him to murder the random extra for even considering you to be on a level similiar to theirs.
He storms over, fury and murder in his eyes, parking himself right behind you, eyes glaring at the person who is flirting with you because on god he’s not going to say shit until he has to. If the person doesn’t understand that their presence isn’t welcomed, then Bakugou has no issue twirling you where you stand and shoving his tongue in your mouth. In fact most of your public kisses have stemmed from situations like these.
But the dangerous jealousy is the one where you invoke it. The eyes on him the entire time you’re flirting with him, fueling the fires of his jealousy and irateness. There’s nothing stopping him from going over there, but in this? This is a competition for him. Who’s breaking first? He’ll grab someone nearby, eyes on you while he flirts himself. Although it’s not really flirting he can’t understand anything the person he grabbed is saying, he just enjoys the anger in your own eyes until one of you -- most of the time him -- snaps and storms over.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Hohohoho, Bakugou Katsuki is initially the worst kisser in the entire WORLD.
His kiss is like slimey, too much saliva, sweat pouring from his face because he’s nervous. He won’t touch you because if he did he’d leave handprints on your clothes. He clumsily clashes his teeth against yours, and oh god is this the appropriate amount of tongue to use?
Just teach him
Bakugou is a lowkey sucker for kisses, he enjoys nights where you poke him in the face obviously wanting a kiss from him, but he can’t help but make it difficult for you. He’ll face poke after poke until he gets up, face trying to stay angry until you pull him into a kiss. He’s much better at this point, he likes holding your cheek with his right hand, his left hand either grasping your wrist or holding your hand. He’s into the slow and languid kisses, the ones that keep you shut up for moments to come because he enjoys blue balling you. 
Bakugou will kiss you every day until the day he dies, even if he’s mad at you or something, no day is passed without a kiss in the morning and at night.
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Bakugou Katsuki is a hard one for this. 
On one hand, I can see him not being the first one to say it. Bakugou being the first to admit to something as deep, as soul revealing as being in love with you? It can happen at anytime during the relationship, but he will first murmur it when he swears you’re asleep, and then again when you ask him.
But on the other hand, I can see him saying it first. Bakugou isn’t an idiot, he knows you won’t say it in case he doesn’t return your feelings, but the thing is Bakugou has been in love for quite some time so he’ll say it out of the blue. Not in the middle of silence but during a conversation that you don’t register until he’s glaring at you for ignoring his statement.
After all, Bakugou doesn’t lose. ;p
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
Bakugou isn’t dating you just so he can say he’s dating someone. Hell nah, if he’s dating you like hell he isn’t gonna have you take his last name so he can show you off to the world like some toy he had won. It’s not done in a bad way, just a smug ‘I married the best person in the world’ sorta way.
Bakugou is a small and intimate most likely modern sort of party. There is no free bar, like hell he’s going to let people get wasted through his money on his day. But it definitely becomes his favorite day in the entire year watching you come down the aisle and getting to dance with you.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Bakugou enjoys date nights at home.
He likes coming together with you to prepare dinner, chucking food at each other when someone messes up. Then the food is taken to the living room where he threatens not to mess anything up or feel his wrath. After the threat, you sit between his legs and the two of you go ham on video games or watch a movie.
Other than that he likes amusement parks, museums, hiking, and camping trips!!
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
He will not lie to you to make you feel better. Don’t go to Bakugou expecting a cheerful pick up when you’re in the wrong because he will not allow you to believe that you’re in the moral high ground when you’re wrong. This also means you can’t give him half explained stories, don’t start something with him expecting him to support you when it’s questionable if you’re in the right.
P = Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Oh he definitely is.
Every day comes a new sort of competition, some sort of race where the both of you need to express how the other one is better. Sometimes it seems like a fight match between the two of you, but you both know that it's all fun and games. He respects you and thinks of you highly so will always give it his all. And if he learns how to manipulate your body to get where he wants to be, so be it.
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Bakugou 100% asks for your opinion on things. If he’s sharing his thoughts that means he fully expects your opinion on it and ten reasons as to why you believe it. Your opinion is valued to him and he’s not arrogant enough to forget that your voice matters as well. 
And Bakugou will always share his opinion, even sometimes when you don’t ask for it. He’s open and honest and always willing to give you the feedback you need. He respects and loves you too much to let you get away with a lie from him.
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
Bakugou isn’t a spontaneous person, but life is just so out of control for him that most things while originally planned, end up being on the spot.
Like oh, our date night at this restaurant we planned was ruined because I had a last second call into the office that I couldn’t say no to, there's this little hole in the wall three blocks away if you want to go there instead?
He likes having an agenda, okay?
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
On his own, Bakugou is a sprawler in his sleep. He turns left and right, flipping under the covers and kicking them off. He warns you of this well before sleeping in the same bed together, but when you finally get the chance to do it, he calms completely. He lays on his stomach, his head pressed into your stomach, an arm securely wrapped around your waist while he remains still at night. He’s a bit of a holder, even if he won’t admit it.
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
Bakugou would not even admit to liking you should he not trust you.
Trust is the most important thing to Bakugou, if he can’t trust you then there’s no reason for him to be dating you. 
He would willingly let you choose the fate of his life if that was an option.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
He’s a complete novice to everything when you date him. You have to teach him a lot of things because he never really grew up with it and well, his parents have a very unique style of love so he thought that you would be dominating in every aspect and he had major qualms about that.
He is also somehow willing to try out everything with you without needing to be asked. So those sexy ballroom tango classes you saw one day? He’ll bitch the entire time before the class but will be the first out of the door to go to these events. 
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
It takes awhile. While Bakugou trusts you completely, being vulnerable just isn’t him. He doesn’t like being vulnerable, so it takes a lot for him to just… break down and split open showing everything about him to you.
In this state he’s emotional and somehow emotionless. Tears soak his cheeks, his lips red and raw, hoarse voice, thick words. He looks like a mess and you don’t know how to fix it, but you guide him through it. He might not acknowledge how he was in this state later on, but he will thank you quietly one night.
Remind him that it’s okay to be vulnerable, he needs to be reminded.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
He enjoys it when you do any of the boyfriend challenges from tiktok. Oh yes, this boy is well updated with the trending challenges thanks to Kaminari and he just waits around daily to see when or if you’ll do it to him. If not he’ll ask you why you aren’t doing it to him yet, and you just kinda ‘:O you want me to do that?!’
He also is super into spa nights. He will paint your toe nails, massage your body (as long as its reciprocated), and lounging with you with big fluffy towels, eating cucumbers with lemon and chile, and face masks on!
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
Bakugou is a scary nurse. He just screams at you the entire time as to how stupid you are for getting injured, but will take care of you perfectly. And don’t you dare smile at him while he fluffs your pillow and make sure you feel 100% okay because he is MAD at you and you can’t be happy because he was scared shitless earlier! Oh yeah and you’re an idiot, and he made the soup slightly warmer than needed because he was so angry so let it cool down before you eat it, unless you want to burn yourself, which wouldn’t surprise him!
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
When you don’t speak up. He doesn’t like it when you hold your opinions to yourself, he finds it aggravating and annoying. Speak up if things bother you, don’t be spineless especially around him.
He hates uncleanliness and lack of personal hygiene. Brush your teeth every day, shower when you need to! CLEAN YOUR DAMN ROOM!
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
Bakugou Katsuki is in fact a passionate boyfriend, he just has his unique ways of showing it. He never wants you to feel like he doesn’t love you, or doesn’t feel so deeply about this relationship because he would damn the entire world for you. And yeah, he likes and wants the passion, but give him some time to be comfortable and adjust to your ideals of it!
NSFW under cut:
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Bakugou cums for the final time and he’s a panting shaking mess for a few minutes afterwards. He lays there in the cum, sweat, and other fluids while looking you in the eyes, his eyes heavy with exhaustion and love. He’ll press a kiss to whatever’s nearest before pushing off the bed to grab towels. He cleans himself off, and depending on how you’re doing will either clean you off or make you clean yourself off. Sometimes he takes you to bathe and other times he says goodnight, wraps you in your typical sleeping position and knocks out.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Bakugou's favorite body part of his (outside his cock) is definitely his arms and his shoulders. He’s got powerful arms and shoulders, they’re wide, sturdy, and thick. They look good, they’ve always looked good. But they look so much better with your desperate hands clinging onto his shoulders like some lifeline, his skin permanently scarred from your raking fingers when you cry his name… oh yeah, its definitely that.
Bakugou is a cultured man who loves tits, ass, and thighs equally. He loves seeing your breasts squeezing around his cock as he’s strapped to the bed, your mouth in a sly smirk because you won’t suck him off. Your ass? He really fucking loves slapping your ass as you lay against his lap, counting the number of spanks he’s given you. He loves how soft and how much it bounces with every smack. And your thighs? He loves when you’re riding his face or the way they tighten so powerfully around his waist.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Bakugou’s cum is as good as cum gets, if you ignore the weird spicy aftertaste to them on the occasions he eats spicy food. He loves having it splattered against your face, the thick milky liquid just dripping from your face while you look up at him with shining eyes. He also admits to enjoying kissing you after oral sex, the taste of intermixing cum and spit overwhelming him.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bakugou is a panty thief, well really, anything he can get his hands on (even when you’re dating). He enjoys seeing you wandering around the room without your matching panty or bra, desperately trying to find the other set. It’s most definitely in his pocket at the time you can’t seem to find it, the fabric running between his fingers while telling you to just wear a mismatched one because he’s the only one gonna be seeing it anyways. Who you trying to impress???
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He does not know what he’s doing, but he’s a fast adapter. He’ll be a complete booty for the first round and you can laugh for ages about it, but afterwards he’ll know what works and what doesn’t -- though sometimes…. Lol nvm
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Anything that shows off his strength. 
Against the wall, wheelbarrow, anything, anything, anything that can show he’s sooo much stronger.
He also likes missionary too, he’s just the type okay??? Plus perfect access to his shoulders.
Reverse cowgirl.
Doggy style.
Anything where you’re pressed chest to chest, it just brings up the level of intimacy for Bakugou.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
This is serious.
Bakugou isn’t a joking person to begin with, and he doesn’t magically evolve a humor boner while he’s slamming into you. 
I mean sure, the two of you can breathlessly laugh at things, but it’s not because you’re exchanging jokes -- you tried once and he just sorta… glared at you. If he wanted to laugh during sex he would rather die, this is serious to him, so be serious too. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
His pubes are darker than his hair, but they’re in the same blond family.
They are also very well-groomed. He thought it was appropriate to make sure he wasn’t a wild untame bush before fucking you because he wasn’t sure how you liked it. He also likes it well groomed because less chaffing in his costume.  
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Bakugou is someone who thinks highly of sex, so he is 100% focused in on it while fucking you. There’s nothing on his mind except getting you to cum a big scream of his name. At times he can be romantic, he’s done the flowers on the bed before and thought it was completely fucking stupid. You know he loves you so, and if he loves you dearly why does he have to change the way he behaves during sex?
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Bakugou is an angry masturbator.
It was a great way to find release before you, long days at work crumbling over the second he was in the shower. But when the two of you finally do start dating and having sex he believes that it’s best to masturbate when the two of you aren’t in contact.
He unashamedly will call you and tell you talk, jacking off to the sound of you telling him about your day, unaware of what he was doing.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Switch - Bakugou will sub or dub
Brat - when Bakugou is a sub, be ready to tame him at all costs. He’s not an easy sub to handle before being tamed, but once you have him, he’s easy.
Degradation - he enjoys it both ways, he likes hearing his natural language bleed into the bedroom and seeing how it finally gets to you in a way that benefits him. But he also enjoys hearing the curse words used against him, done in the same manner and tenor only someone who knew everything about him could do.
Spanking/hitting - Its a time he can use his quirk, he enjoys seeing your bruised skin burning in ways that have you panting for more.
Sensory deprivation - forcing you to succumb to him entire, trusting that he does whats best is a head rush to him.
Sounding - ...he’s a bit of a masochist.
Biting/marking - he likes making sure everyone knows you belong to someone
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Dining room table.
Hallways before the room.
The bed.
Midoriya’s bed.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Good god, just stroke this man's ego and his boner will be flying sky high. 
Gently run your fingers against his shoulder, whisper into his left ear while talking about trivial things, whatever you do, don’t let it on that you’re horny. Scrape your fingers against the nape of his neck, lips brushing against his raising skin. 
This man is head over heels for you, and when you are so comfortable you are your true self around him (including wearing any sort of lingerie in the colors black, orange, or geen ((bonus points if its inspired from his hero costume))) he’ll be ready to bounce.
Calling him your hero.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Do not whine.
Now I don’t mean in a ‘you whined for his cock while he pulled away from your shuddering hole, you wanted him more’ but more like a ‘Katsuki please fuck me!!! You haven’t fucked me in so long and I need you cockkkkk!’ sorta way.
Its pathetic, he fucks you enough, stop that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Short kings like Bakugou have to be good at eating out, it’s the law, congratulations.
He grows to be good at it, and loves to have you writhing in his arms, or better yet, have your fingers yanking at his scalp while you ride his face.
He kinda gets overwhelmed when you suck him off, years of screaming suck my cock just sort of desensitized him to the power behind the words, especially when its your mouth around his aching leaking cock. He loves having you meet his eyes, the threat of what’s to come if you look away bubbling in his veins while he presses his fingers to your throat, to feel his cock stretching that out
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
You guessed it, he’s a middle kinda man. 
He spans on both ends, most of the time leaning towards the fast and rough sex because that’s his personality, but there are more than enough times where its slow and sensual that you remember.
He enjoys having you crying out a lot, sure, but there's more than enough instances where he enjoys having you pressing gently into the bed, fingers grasping your waist, cock pushing into you just enough to create the friction that you crave. Your fluttering eyes, soundless gasps, and sweaty foreheads pressed against each other.
Yup, yup, he likes that so much better but won’t admit it.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t enjoy quickies, he feels like they’re half-assed versions of sex, sure, its exhilarating to see how fast you can possibly make each other cum, but it’s not as fun. Not enough moaning, contact, or pleasure that presents itself in quickies as a proper sex session gives.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Bakugou doesn’t mind experimenting, he’s super big on the ‘try it once to see if you like it, go on from there’ sort of mentality so he’s tried it all. Something are a bit of a long term discussion, anything ass play took some time for him to consider, and then allow you to try out in bed. But he does try anything you’re up for as long as you give the same energy back about the things he wants to try.
Risks… depends on what you consider to be a risk.
Fucking in public? Hell no, Bakugou aint gonna fuck you in public, risking his reputation and yours, just so you can milk him of his seed.  
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Stamina for fucking days son.
One round is a warm up for him. He’s used to sweating, used to fighting with every ounce of energy in his body for up to thirty minutes and walking away without so much as a sore shoulder. Fucking you is like a typical patrol without villains for him. He can go plenty upon plenty of rounds. Although, he is pretty easy to make cum.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Toys were sort of a weird subject to bring in, only because Bakugou insisted that he could do everything that a toy could do and better. After a month of arguing that no, he could not do what a toy could do, you finally caved and went to a sex shop.
He was mistaken, he can’t do everythiing a toy can do, and good god do you guys own literally everything on the planet.
Toys are meant to be shared, even Bakugou isn’t that stingy to implement that!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bakugou hates hates hates being on the receiving end of teasing. Okay, ‘not like don’t ever do it’ hate it but in a ‘i hate what it does to me’ hate it. He hates feeling inferior, on his knees begging for you to do something more than just teasing while his cock throbs on his stomach.
But oh does he love teasing. His thumb pressing down on your bottom lip, watching while your eyes are hazy in need, babbling words pouring from your mouth while he teases the shit out of you until finally giving you what you need, what you want.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Bakugou is not quiet outside of the bed, and he is definitely not quiet in bed.
He’s definitely someone who makes the rougher noises in bed, the throaty growls, puffing breathes. He’ll moan in your ear, growl by your throat, hiss against your skin. He makes every noise in the world he isn’t afraid of shit. He feels good and the entire fucking world will know if he has to.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Bakugou is a bit of a masochist, like a slight, slight masochist. 
He enjoys when you're sadistic with him, pulling his hair, and sounding. Tear at his skin, make him bleed, make him beg. He’s a hero because he can stand back up even after being hit, he must like it just the tiniest bit.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Six inches soft, seven inches hard. Thickiest fucking dick you’ve seen though, that shit be like |||| thiccc ya feel? Curves upwards, and lots of veins on dat bitch.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Definitely not as high as everyone wants it to be.
His sex drive is actually pretty average, not too high, not too low. He does get horny pretty quickly because you know how to work him, but he doesn’t walk around being half hard all the time.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Bakugou is most definitely asleep five minutes after climaxing. Most fuck sessions happen after dark so it works out just fine. In the rare times it happens in public, or in the morning he won’t fall asleep but he’s a bit spacey for about thirty minutes.
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sarahjtv · 4 years
BNHA Chapter 300 Spoiler Thoughts: Crumbling Hero Society and Keeping Up with The Todoroki (Again)
OK, I got a good majority of my thoughts together for this chapter, so it’s time to start writing about it again:
Starting off, I haven’t seen anything about a special cover page for the big 300 yet and I doubt we’re getting a color page this time around.  Most likely we’ll see it when it officially drops.  I do hope it’s something light-hearted to lift our spirits up, but given where we’re at in the plot, it might be filled with some heavy symbolism which I’m also down for.
Edit: The full leaks are out and I saw nothing special about a cover/color page.  It’s just the usual chapter structure with the only exception being the title’s at the end like Katsuki Bakugo: Rising was.  I’m hoping for a sketch on Horikoshi’s Twitter at least since 300 chapters is worth celebrating, but there’s nothing super special with the chapter itself 😢
Villains are out and about after the Prison Breaks...  Of course they’re causing chaos wherever they go.  The citizens are actually fighting back using their own support items probably from Denarat since I believe the usual support items we’ve seen, like on heroes, have to be official via signed papers and such; they can’t just be bought off the market.
But, because of their lack of training, the citizens are causing more collateral damage than usual.  They’d rather depend on themselves than Pro Heroes anymore.  In a way, I get it (the authorities can’t always be relied on, unfortunately), but if you don’t have the proper training to deal with a situation, it can cause more harm than good.
I’m glad Wash is showing his worth as a hero!  He’s still protecting the citizens and helping them capture the villains.  It just sucks that he and a lot of other legit heroes are getting scolded for doing their job now.  This follows up with that one panel of the crowd of civilians from the last chapter where you saw some people happy to see Best Jeanist and others just angry or disappointed.  Hero society is crumbling at the seams and those cracks are only getting bigger.
Of course the number of Pro Heroes have decreased.  We all saw this coming.  What I didn’t see coming was the #9 Hero: Yoroimusha (the old samurai Hero) announcing his retirement.  Not because of his age, but because he only wanted to be appreciated.  It’s ok to want to be appreciated, but to use that as your drive to be a Pro Hero is less than heroic.  And we know that he’s not the only Pro Hero who chose to be a hero for these reasons (Stain was created to drive this very point home).  
I’ll get back to Stain in the next bullet point, but there’s one panel that shows that All Might statue at Kamino completely vandalized with a board sign around it saying “I AM NOT HERE”.  That... oof...  Look, All Might has his flaws as everyone else does, but the man has done so damn much for the people that he does not deserve this.  It’s not his fault he had to retire, he did everything he could during his run.  It would be a tough battle even if he was involved in the war.  There’s a reason why All Might was so well-loved even after he retired, so to see him being slandered like this just hurts... 
And Stain is back.  He escaped Tartarus like everyone else.  I’m curious to see where Horikoshi will take this guy.  My guess is that he’ll probably go back to killing non-heroic “heroes”, but maybe he’ll do something else after being stuck in prison for several months.  His vision of Hero Society is even more spread out than before at least.  
And now the Torodokis.  Hoo boy.  Endeavor’s awake and alive.  I’m personally glad because more character growth from him (I know some think otherwise and I respect that).  Some people still support him, but most everyone else has turned their back on him.  Endeavor reflects on Toya when he was a child pulling out his white hair to get his attention.  In the end, Endeavor focused on Shoto more.  I like that Horikoshi doesn’t let us forget that Endeavor was a piece of shit who abused his family.  Endeavor can atone and try for redemption all he wants, but that history of abuse will never go away.  It will always come back to bite him.  You reap what you sow, Endeavor.    
And, although Enji is alive, Endeavor has “died”.  He can’t fight Toya.  I’m guessing that means Endeavor is out as a Hero.  This was probably going to happen regardless.  Endeavor had too much against him to let him continue.  Now all Enji can do is try to fix what he can, though I doubt it will be much.  
Real quick, but there’s a funny page where Shoto walks in to see Enji crying (with a funny bloated face; Horikoshi why 😭), opens the door, and then immediately slams it shut!  Enji yells out the classic “SHOTOOOOO!!!!!” 🤣  Idk if it’s pettiness or awkwardness on Shoto’s part, but it’s good to see some humor still being put into this depressing Hospital Arc.  
Now, all the Todoroki are here together.  Fuyumi feels sympathy for her father (bless her ❤️), but everyone else is straight up done.  Natsuo is frustrated, Shoto’s probably conflicted given that he hardly looks his father in the eyes, and Rei is also done with Enji’s shit.  She’s basically telling him that a lot of people have it worse than him (probably because a lot of people died, of course), and that Enji needs to get his shit together right now.
Also, REI TODOROKI IS HERE!!! 💙 OUR QUEEN 👑  With the flower Enji gave her while in the mental ward no less (gotta love that symbolism).  Everyone, including myself, thought that seeing Dabi would through Rei off and send her back to a declining mental state.  I’m glad that it pretty much had the reverse effect.  It actually made her stronger than ever!  She’s finally ready to confront Enji and talk about her family, specifically about Toya.  My only disappointment is that we didn’t get to see Shoto’s reaction to seeing his mom out of the mental hospital for the first time in over a decade.  I want to see it, Horikoshi!  Give me some bittersweet feels 😭💙  
And that’s it for this chapter!  Heavy stuff in this episode’s “Keeping Up with The Todoroki” (love how that’s become a running gag in the fandom now).  I’m really happy to see Rei’s back, but Dabi’s damage on Hero Society definitely left it’s mark.  No Deku, Bakugo, Tamaki, or Kamanari this chapter so we don’t know what’s going on with them.  I doubt we’re going to see them next chapter either if Horkioshi chooses to stick with the Todoroki drama again for a while, which I’m cool with.  I would like to see Bakugo try talking to Deku though.  I need some more good 🥦💥 in my life.
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maariarogers · 4 years
i’m still a little bit yours
Summary: Katsuki took the bullet for Deku and awaits Deku to wake up in Chapter 298. In the meantime, he dreams of a familiar scene from their childhood. Inspired by: This cover. You know the one. Spoiler for: Chapter 298 of the manga!
It takes him a while to know where he is.
It takes him a while, and an instant. The water is cold, he thinks. Or maybe it’s just lukewarm. Maybe it’s nothing at all, except this wetness, pulling down on his gears and uniform. He is half-submerged in the water, sitting there like he’s - supposed to do something, but he’s forgotten what it is.
All he knows is that there is a sting. He knows it’s supposed to be his head, or his leg. That’s how he’d fallen, after all. A slip during the walk. Except this sting envelops his stomach, runs up to his chest.
Katsuki feels like he can’t breathe.
Which is - fucking ridiculous, if someone asks him. It doesn’t make a lick of sense, because it’s too damn shallow, this small river — not even a whole-ass river, really, just a creek, or a stream; a tiny body of water flowing from one end to another — and he could get up, he’s not drowning, but everything about him how he breathes, how he moves hurts.
“Are you okay?” A small voice cuts through his panic.
Katsuki turns, like he’s startled immediately into a fight and he’s ready to blast anything in his perimeter off, but he stops. Because — Deku. Deku is standing there, waddling into the stream, trying to reach to him. He’s concerned, Katsuki could tell; he could recognise that stupid fucking look anywhere. He used to hate it; used to want to spit at it, want it gone and never appear in front of him again.
He doesn’t need Deku looking at him like that, after all.
Deku’s fucking quirkless. He doesn’t have any fucking business pretending he’s any better than any of them.
But there’s also something about that look that kills any reactions he may have reserved only seconds ago.
Maybe it’s because Deku is — small. He’s, what, five years old? Four? Katsuki isn’t sure, except that Deku really is small, coming up to him right now, with that stitched-together eyebrows he does whenever he’s seriously worried. But as much as Katsuki’s startled by this appearance, he doesn’t voice it out. It almost as if, the moment he could recognise that it’s out place, whatever holds of the reality smoothens out and assured him that it’s okay.
This is normal.
Deku, too, seems unperturbed. Never mind that they were childhood friends, which meant that they grew up together. If Deku’s small, Katsuki should — by all logical explanation — be just as small, or look relatively the same age and height. Yet, even sitting down, saddled in the muddy floor of the stream, but still towering over Deku all the same, the little twerp barely blinks an eye at this change.
Apart of Katsuki feels like he’s swallowing around a rock, like he isn’t sure why he ought to be surprised that Deku doesn’t even care. To the stupid head, it probably doesn’t even matter whatever version Katsuki comes by: young, teenage, an adult. Deku would still extend that goddamn hand. Deku would still come, wanting only to help.
“Can you stand?” Deku asks him, snatching him from his deep thoughts.
Right, Katsuki thinks dumbly. It’s summer. They’ve been out playing - playing God knows what, but they’ve been out almost the whole day. Deku hadn’t shown any signs of having a quirk any time soon, his last visit to the doctor confirmed that, and he’d told Katsuki this, sniffling while Katsuki’s trying to show his latest All Might merchandise
It’s so annoying, Katsuki remembers thinking that night when Deku just kept crying — but, Katsuki also remembers that he’d let Deku cry all the same.
Even begged his Dad to make that chocolate milkshake he knew stupid Deku likes just to shut him up.
They’re friends still - sort of, during this time. Or were forced to, together, because the old hag kept nagging at him about it. But that won’t stay true for too long. Deku never really came to his house after that. Dad never made Deku another chocolate milkshake again.
Katsuki doesn’t know why recalling this suddenly hurts so much.
Katsuki snaps his attention to the boy again and - it’s surreal, he thinks. Deku is looking at him with that big dumb eyes, and Katsuki wants nothing more than to let Deku continue to look at him like that. Like they’re friends, like Deku knows the only person who would stick by him were Katsuki even when the world failed him. Deku looks at him like he trusts Katsuki, and it’s fucking painful, because Katsuki knows how much he’d torched that trust again and again.
His stomach, he recalls in this faraway after-thought, hurts.
“Kacchan, are you okay?” The little toddler Deku shows sign of panic. He’s coming forward still, as if they’re an ocean away, painfully wanting to help Katsuki, again and again, unfailing, and, for a moment, Katsuki catches himself just staring at the little guy.
There isn’t much else to say. Sorry, maybe. He could try with that. But as usual, his pride is too big for him to spit the apology around. His stubbornness, even stronger. Katsuki remains silent.
Deku, this small Deku whom he hasn’t hurt quite yet, makes frustrated tiny noises.
“No,” Katsuki finally says, his voice rough to his own ears. Like he hasn’t used them in a long time. Like it isn’t his at all. “Stay there.”
I don’t want you hurt, are more things he could never say. I don’t want you coming over and slip on some stupid rock and hit your head, instead. I don’t - want to hurt you more than I did. Not on my fucking watch. Not anymore.
“I can’t let Kacchan stay here on his own!” Deku insists, and his palm is open. There, for Katsuki to grasp. Katsuki finds himself staring at it, this palm, and it’s - heartbreaking, for some reason, to not see scars there. Heartbreaking only, because Katsuki has a feeling that the only reason propelling Deku forward into essentially destroying his body had been his stupid need, to be—what, how had he put it, this image of victory that Katsuki has?
To chase after Katsuki’s shadow. Or - rather, to be rid of it.
After all, being called ‘Useless’ so much, who wouldn’t push themselves to the death proving otherwise?
That’s another thing again, Katsuki considers with this hollowed-out feeling, for him to atone for, he supposes. Just another sin he wants to be cleansed off of, but knows, deep inside, that he will never.
“Take my hand, Kacchan!” Deku reaches for him. Small. He’s so small. Why would anyone want to hurt him? Why would anyone want to— “I’ll help you.”
Idiot, he thinks, feeling his chest tightened somehow. Feeling like he’ll drown where he is, even if the water isn’t nowhere near his mouth of nose. That’s what got you here in the first place.
“I’m fucking fine,” Katsuki finds himself responding, slow. Quieter than his usual tone.
The summer heat burns.
“It’s okay!” Deku tries, cheerful. Smiling. “I’ll help Kacchan anyways!”
“Why would you?” Katsuki asks suddenly, and his voice breaks near the end. His lips are quivering, despite the fact that everything inside of Katsuki wishes he’d shut the fuck up and get it together.
Little Deku is startled. He pauses in his steps. Blinks. “What does Kacchan mean?”
“I mean,” He chokes, and Katsuki can feeling something inside of him crawling up and up and up, and it’s bursting at the seams, and it’s so easy, so easy to fucking yell, because this is familiar. This is what he’s always done. This is where he always finds himself at, “Why would you fucking help me!? Every-fucking-time, Deku. Every time! I hurt you, don’t you fucking get it?! I’ve been hurting you. I pushed you down, I kicked you, I terrorised you. I made your school life a living hell!”
He’s breathing hard, and Deku is still staring at him. He is still small, but he’s not - the look that he had is gone now. He’s just - he's quiet. Confused and, maybe, Katsuki notices with this heaviness in him, even a bit scared.
“Every time,” Katsuki bites out, his voice is a balloon of anguish, and it’s seeping out from that tiny hole that he’d poked. It’s leaking out, and nothing Katsuki could do would contain it right back. “I come back, and it’s you, and I do my best to — to — to fucking destroy you, to demand you out of my life, and every time, you... you’re right there again. You’ll help me out...”
Just like that, whatever burst of a fight he has ebbs away. Katsuki kneels there, heaving. Distraught. His stomach hurts.
“Why?” He asks brokenly, looking at the water that’s passing them by near his knees. He can’t recognise the reflection he’s seeing there. It’s distorted from how much he’s moved. Katsuki thinks that image fits somehow: this jagged version of him.
This incomplete masterpiece that’s only been proven to be faulty and full of holes no matter the kind of temper he uses as a means to cover it up.
It’s all there. His shortcomings, his failure.
“Because Kacchan’s my friend, of course.” Toddler Deku sounds honest.
Katsuki looks up, and he realises his face is wet. Ah shit, he realises pathetically, but does nothing about it. He’s crying.
“I can’t be your fucking friend, stupid Deku,” He manages somehow. “Don’t you get it? I just hurt you.”
“I forgave Kacchan,” Deku says with no trace of malice at all, no trace of contempt. He’s sincere, and Katsuki knows so horribly, so hideously, that that’s true. “I forgave Kacchan a long time ago.”
Katsuki finally wipes an eye. “You shouldn’t, idiot.”
“Well, I did!” the little twerp has the audacity to look mad and that - that makes Katsuki smile somehow. Just a small one. Deku doesn’t look impressed, standing there with his babyfat-dumpling cheeks and impossibly size-of-plates eyes. “Now, let’s get Kacchan out of the water.”
Katsuki, to his surprise, finally — finally — takes Deku’s hand.
“Come on!” Little Deku is impatient. He pulls Katsuki forward. “Let’s get Kacchan out.”
“Stupid Deku.” Katsuki murmurs and then—
Then, the scene changes. They’re out of the water, and the forest is familiar. It’s still summer, Katsuki knows this somehow. And he’s tired all of a sudden. Like he’s been running all morning and night, and his body has finally had enough. It’s time to rest.
Deku is next to him, and Deku is still small. He is holding a box full of cicadas they just caught. The guy seems happy, blatantly making pleasant noises while the creatures inside the white-transparent container hops and moves.
“You’re too fucking easy to be impressed, Deku.” Katsuki says it with a grin, the one that’s a little mad. A little feral, as one of the media had called it.
Deku doesn’t seem to mind it. He hums happily, his feet scraping by the forest floor, tracking mud by the soles. “We just caught so many, Kacchan!”
Katsuki thinks he can stay here forever, just preserving this moment of quietness between them. No arguments, no heads butting. No quirks. Just a summer day with cicadas in a box, and their feet and hands dirty from climbing up trees and pushing past bushes. Deku had looked pink from the sun, and Katsuki hadn’t mind the sweat down his back, no matter if it means the old hag will nag him again for being way too high-strung and ruining his clothes.
Suddenly, there’s a grunt.
Deku turns, his eyebrows stitched together again in that stupid concerned way he has. Katsuki wants to wipe that away. This quiet moment is too short.
Deku puts a hand out and Katsuki realises he’s been clutching at his stomach with a gloved hand. The same gloved hand that’s torn and worn away around the edges. There’s even that familiar smell of burnt caramel that he knows come with each use of his power. Deku presses his open, scar-free palm above the glove. He puts a pressure.
The box of cicadas on his laps are gone.
Katsuki thinks he’s tasting blood at the roof of his mouth.
“Why’d you have to do it, Kacchan?” Deku asks him, his voice is small. Scared.
Katsuki feels like crying again. He doesn’t know why. “Because I want to, dumbass.” He says instead, gritting his teeth together, and convincing himself that there is all to it. He won’t be accepting anymore argument on the subject.
Deku, classic idiot, seems like he doesn’t care. “You’re hurt.”
“Yeah, that’s what taking the bullet usually does to the person who, you know, took the fucking bullet.” He spits, wanting to push Deku’s hand away.
Deku doesn’t answer him.
He looks so serious, so quiet, for a four year old.
Katsuki wants to cry. He wants to have that moment again. He wants to sit with Deku a little longer, and just talk about cicadas and what they’ll be doing tomorrow. Play, more like. Deku trailing behind him. Katsuki leading. But never without the other, even if one is always slightly ahead. Never without the other.
“Shut it,” Katsuki growls. “I wasn’t gonna let him kill you. You’re not gonna fucking die on me, you hear?! Like I’m gonna let your stupid ass gets handed to you just because you were fucking reckless. Said you were gonna surpass me, my ass. Was that all a fucking joke?!”
“But you could’ve—”
“Doesn’t matter.” Katsuki pants. Shit. It hurts more than it should. The adrenaline must’ve worn off. “It’s done.”
“Kacchan,” Deku calls.
“You know I’d do it again, right?” Deku is holding his hand now. Scarred hand, this time. Right in his burnt gloves. Deku squeezes. “Every time.”
And Katsuki knows.
“Deku, don’t you fucking dare—”
Suddenly, Deku is small again. A four year old. And Katsuki, he realises he’s young too. They’re the same height, and he’s not in his uniform. Just some printed shirt and short pants. This is okay, somehow. Nothing is misplaced. Except it’s still too early, and Deku, he - he’s gonna leave.
“I have to go, Kacchan.”
“No, you don’t.” His own voice is small. Stubborn. Angry. “You don’t! Come back here, Deku!”
“Kacchan,” Deku smiles, stepping away. “It’s been really nice playing with you! I’ll treasure it forever, but I really need to go.”
“No!” Katsuki can’t let him leave. They aren’t done yet. It’s not time yet. All the cicadas they haven’t caught, all the heroes game they haven’t played. Katsuki swears he’ll be nice this time. He won’t even care that Deku’s a— “No! Deku, come back here!”
“I can’t, Kacchan.” Deku tells him. “I can’t stay.”
The path where Deku is going, it’s too bright. Katsuki doesn’t know - he isn’t sure if he can keep Deku safe if Deku steps into it. He isn’t sure if he can follow. “No! You don’t know what that place is! Your mom will be mad at you, stupid! Auntie Inko... What will you tell your mom, huh?! You’re gonna make Auntie cry?!”
“Kacchan, it’s okay,” Deku’s hand is so firm. So gentle. He pries Katsuki’s fingers off. Katsuki’s vision is glassier now. The tears are harder to control. “I won’t be long. I’ll come back, okay?”
“You won’t!” Katsuki yells, his voice is breaking in between. Why isn’t anyone else seeing this? Deku is leaving! And no one is stopping him! “If you go, you won’t! You won’t come back!”
“Stupid! Stupid Deku!” Katsuki sobs. “I saved you! So you have to stay! You have to stay here, where I can see you! Where I can keep you safe!”
“It’s okay, Kacchan.” Deku is reassuring him. He’s crying too. Katsuki’s hands on Deku’s wrist is slipping. Deku keeps getting away. “It’s okay. Let me go.”
Katsuki wakes up with a gasp.
Deku’s body is still on his hospital bed, and he is still not moving. Still looks like he’s barely breathing. Katsuki acknowledges that it might’ve been a bad idea after all to camp here in Deku’s ward in ICU when his own body is half-healed. Although he’d already threatened the doctors into negotiating this small deal, so - there really isn’t much he could do except pushes it through.
Still, Katsuki finds himself reaching over, buzzing for a nurse.
When an anxious one walks in, he immediately leans back in his chair and he’s - tired, he thinks. Exhausted. Katsuki wonders what time it is, but it must be late. The sky outside is dark, and the hallways are only half-lit.
The nurse looks at Deku disappointedly, perhaps wondering why she’s called when the patient hadn’t shown signs of waking up nor was the monitor displaying abnormal reading. Katsuki decides to end her suffering.
“I think my stitches are open,” he tells her.
He’s right, of course. 
An hour later, he finds himself splayed back on a bed they brought in while a doctor sews him back up. Katsuki is staring numbly at the ceiling. The night-shift doctor is clicking his tongue. “We’re not going to convince you to go to your own ward tonight, huh?”
Katsuki doesn’t even bother glaring. “I’m not leaving him,” is all he says.
“He’ll be in safe hands, Bakugou-san.” Another nurse pipes in.
“No, he won’t,” Katsuki bares his teeth then, sniping. “You don’t fucking know him, and you don’t fucking know us. I’m not leaving him, and that’s it.”
When the doctor and nurses finally leave, reluctantly leaving the bed there for him, Katsuki turns. Faces Deku. He pretends his eyes aren’t shedding a single line of tear that soaks down to the mattress. “You hear that, nerd? I’m not going fucking nowhere. So come back soon, you got it, you piece of shit? I’m right here.”
He whispers, “I’m waiting.”
The medical staff says nothing about the fact that not once has Bakugou Katsuki lets go of Midoriya Izuku’s hand the entire time.
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spice-chan · 4 years
Runaway Omega - Chapter five.
You and Sho had a simple chicken noodle soup for lunch, one which he cooked in an attempt to impress you. You found that endearing, and sat on you coach reading while you waited for dinner. You’d never felt so pampered.
Now here you guys are, on your nest while you laid down to take a nap after the surprisingly good meal you had. You taught him well, before, he wasn’t able to chop potatoes.
He played with your hair and helped you drift to dreamland, even if only for a bit.
You woke up and found yourself alone, surprisingly. You yawned, standing up and seeing the sun starting to set. You pulled the duvet off you and stood up.
Sho wasn’t in the house.
You started to panic, despite the rational part of you saying there’s no need. A heavy weight settled on your shoulders. You tried to ignore the anxiety, the fear of abandonment by eating cookies to distract yourself, but it lingered at the back of your mind, like an unwanted thought thats constantly taunting you.
What are you doing ?
He’s a free man, he can leave for some fresh air if he wants or the market, he would have told you had you not being sleeping.
You settled on your nest to try and relax.
Eventually, you were pulled out of your stupor by the sound of your door opening, making you leap out of your nest and rush to the door.
“Sho, where were you?!” You asked, failing to conceal the worry in your tone. You cursed, just how desperate had you sounded ?
“Did something happen ?” Sho replied with his own inquiry, unable to grasp what had you looking so worried.
“Uh um... I’m just not used to you leaving so suddenly, sorry” you said, Shoto couldn’t help but notice the black cloud that blanketed your face.
Shoto was suddenly overcome with guilt, you were pregnant too, he shouldn’t worry you. At the end of the day, though, Shoto was still nothing but a novice at love.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have left without at least letting you know.” Shoto said, patting your head. His heart fluttered when he saw your face brighten with a smile, relief washing over him.
A novice he may be, but for your happiness, he will keep trying.
You rubbed your neck sheepishly. You somewhat expected him to react in a more defensive way, although now that you thought about it, it was stupid to think that way of Shoto.
You were suddenly aware of the space between you, and weren’t too pleased about it. You got closer to him, and hugged him, as close as your bump would allow. He tensed up at first, but melted into it in no time. It wasn’t your first time hugging, but it felt like it, it was still excited, and just as comforting. His scent does wonders.
Shoto was surprised by the abrupt act of affection, but decided to test his luck further. He bent down, his breath caressing your ear as he whispered.
“I love your hugs but, does your Alpha not get a welcome back kiss ?”
Your face erupted red, not expecting this in the slightest. Clearing the uncertainty between you and Sho helped clear the doubt that surrounded you guys, but now you are reaping the benefits of that. Your Alpha can certainly be seductive when he wants to be.
You heeded his command, pulling him down by the neck and kissing him with ferocity that he returned. But it wasn’t time to make this more heated.
You pulled away, trying to ignore his dissatisfied pout.
“So where were you anyway ?” You questioned inquisitively, your eyes looking up at his in curiosity. Shoto returned your stare with a poker face, but you can see the softness in his eyes.
“Your in your eighth month right ?” Sho asked, making you tilt your head in confusion at the sudden diversion.
“Yes ?”
“And don’t you need a midwife ?”
A sudden pause, followed by the widening of both your eyes and mouth.
“OHHH!” You exclaimed. Your own disbelief at your folly and forgetfulness.
Shoto had somewhat of a unique expression himself, looking as if he was trying to stop his lips from quirking up, but his eye brows were raised in mock disbelief, as if he was unsure whether to be amused or unsure of how you could forget such a thing.
You suddenly wanted to hide and spare yourself.
“Come on, don’t look at me like that, I didn’t give birth before, it’s the inexperience” You tried to justify, but your flimsy explanation did your crime no justice.
Shoto broke out into full blown laughter, his shoulders shaking from the force of it. To see such a stoic Alpha laughing so heartily made your heart fill with warmth, your cheeks flushing as you looked at him with glassy eyes.
He caressed your cheek lovingly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Well, I was asking if there’s any midwives near us so we can go visit one tomorrow to ensure everything goes smoothly in the upcoming days.” He explained.
“Thanks Sho.” You said full of gratitude at his thoughtfulness. Sho somehow never made you feel as if this pup wasn’t his own too, somehow, you had a feeling he was going to be a great dad.
“What’d you do without me huh?” He retorted.
“Probably get a new Alpha.”
A lingering silence hung in the air. Before it was cut by a vicious growl.
Shoto moved to cut what little space accumulated between you, you moving back, mostly confused at the sudden change of character.
After recalling what you said, you realized just how stupid it had been. You were a pregnant Omega, and Sho hadn’t marked you yet. That probably made him a lot more protective and possessive, seeing as your relationship was still newly established.
His eyes had turned to a shade of black, his voice a lot more guttural as he spoke out.
“What did you say Omega ?”
At the sound of your title, you titled your head, exposing it in an act of submission.
Shoto still wasn’t pleased though.
“Sorry, Alpha, I didn’t mean it !” You cried out.
Shoto growled near your neck. He leaned down, rubbing his scent against it.
“Who’s your Alpha ?” He asked, voice noticeably less guttural but still on edge.
“You, Sho”
You purred, a cute sound that causes Shoto to relax and return it with one of his own.
“Sorry about that” Sho apologized, surprised at his own act of possessiveness. Perhaps a sensed something coming, a storm in the form of fire that was heading their way.
A sharp knock sounded, the innocent door being pounded as if it was receiving a beating to atone for a crime. The pair brome apart from each other, not expecting guests.
“I’ll open it Sho, you should go change.” You offered, but Sho firmly shook his head.
The door continues to be banged, and both of you had enough of offering to open the door for the other, deciding to go open it together.
Sho twisted the doorknob, and was met with a fiery glare from vermilion irises.
Sho, having sensed his hostility, returned the glare with a chilling one if his own.
Your heart leapt to your throat, a feeling of dread and something else gnawing at you.
Bakugou sniffed, and his eyes widened to saucers, while you were rooted in your spot near the door.
Bakugou could smell your scent all over that prick.
A violent growl tore through him, his glare turning deadly with a promise of bloodshed.
He looked inside, and spotted your figure, looking panicked with your stomach full.
His eyes drank you, widened and glassy, drinking you as if he hadn’t had moisture in weeks. You were still as beautiful as the day you left, but Bakugou’s eyes lingered on your full belly as he processed what he was seeing.
...you were pregnant ?
How?! And when ?!
Those thoughts plagued Bakugou’s mind, his eyes turning black as a growl that put any of the others to shame tore through him. The Alpha in front of him being a threat that needs to be eliminated, and why was your sweet scent mixing with his stench ?
Shoto let out a territorial growl of his own. Your Omega was overwhelmed with all this, making you let out a distressed chirp, making both Alphas snap their heads towards you.
“(Y/n), sweetheart, go inside, I’ll deal with the nuisance.” Shoto’s calm voice rang out, calm, but you can spot the tenseness and threat lying beneath the calm facade.
“Sweetheart ? (Y/n) Who’s this binary fuck !?” Bakugou directed his intensity at you.
“Move out of my way NOW” Bakugou growled at Shoto. He couldn’t believe this. Not only were you pregnant, but you were living with Alpha jerk !?
“STOP” you shouted. The situation was going to escalate quickly. You were distressed, and so was the pup, and that combined with your nerves was making you quickly want to lash.
“Bakugou, come inside.” You relented, you guessed he deserved an explanation seeing as you were pregnant, and although it hurt you, you didn’t want to leave this on this unresolved note.
“Bakugou huh ?” Shoto said, his eyes holding unmistakable hatred.
“Don’t forget the name of the guy who’s going to kill you-“ Bakugou growled out, his nostrils flaring “- and (y/n) , it’s Katsuki” he said to your aggravation. He pushed Shoto aside, who was unwilling to let him in, but decided to be mature about your wishes.
“(Y/n), explain, what’s this ?” Bakugou asked, his eyes holding sorrow as he looked at you, gulping as he caught the smell of the Alpha on you. He was feeling possessive enough to kill.
“Who’s he ?” Bakugou questioned again, directing his glare at the other Alpha.
You were about to drop the bomb.
“He’s my Alpha.”
You watched in horror as Bakugou’s face started to show scale, his eyes turning so much that his pupils were invisible.
“No, he’s not.” His voice was so deep and guttural.
“It’s my pup, isn’t it ? I can feel them, feel the dragon in them. SO WHO’S THIS BINARY FUCK ?!” He shouted so loud the house visibly shook. Sho pushed him away from you, pulling you behind him protectively, which visibly made Bakugou angrier as he went to reach for him.
“I said STOP” you said, then started coughing due to the volume you just used, not being sued to shouting at all. Both Alphas looked at you alarmingly.
“...just call down, will you ?” You asked visibly exhausted, making both Alphas feel guilty, both wanting to purr to calm you and ease your nerves.
“Since you want answers so badly, I’ll give them to you. Yes, Sho is my Alpha, you obviously didn’t want me, so I don’t know what’s the fuss about. And I only discovered I was pregnant after I left, I didn’t feel obligated to tell you since you were going to be coronated and obviously didn’t want distractions. Not that I’d want to burden my pup with that lifestyle.” You spoke, each word stabbing Bakugou like a knife in the gut. Regret and rejection mixing into a deadly potion.
“(Y/n) no , Omega, I didn’t mean any of that, I..I-I love you, God, I’m sorry, just please, let’s go back home” Bakugou cried out, unable to accept that you weren’t going to be a part of his life anymore. No, he wouldn’t stand for it. Jealousy stirred inside him again as he saw that wretched bastard, imagining her showering him with the affection that was reserved for Katsuki.
His Omega, who he loved, no, loves and has for the better part of his life, leading a life without him? Let alone with another Alpha ? What about their pup ?
Katsuki always imagined what you’d look like swollen with his pups, he always thought you’d look even more gorgeous. But he never voiced any of his more affectionate thoughts and now he’s paying the price. Now he’s seeing the neck thats going to bear his mark reeking with another Alpha’s scent.
But nobody can live you as much as Bakugou, he cant imagine anyone having that immeasurable affection and love for another human being, it’s way he was overwhelmed to the point he lashed out. If he could go back in time, Bakugou might consider cutting his tongue off then feeling this cutting pain. But alas, emotions worked in mysterious ways, especially when it came to Bakugo.
He remembers that bittersweet ache he’d feel every morning when he saw your angelic face, so serene and adorable. He’d fall in love with you all over again, and he feared others knowing the intensity of his love. He should have worn it like his cape, tall and proud, should have declared it with a mark on your neck for all the world to see.
Now here you were, hearing a confession he’d scarcely say, without saying it back.
No more I should haves.
He’s going to bring you back with him, and raise your pup together, he’ll make you his queen and treat you like one.
Another Alpha ? What a joke, he’ll make you forget about him in no time, make sure that you have eyes for no one but him like before.
He’ll have to punish you a bit for making him him so jealous and threatened, but nothing his gentle Omega can’t handle.
Katsuki put his hand on top of your head, seeing the surprise on your face, he started to gently pat it, a word not usually associated with the rugged Alpha.
He started purring.
Even after all this time, your heart started having somersaults. You fought with yourself to remain nonchalant.
“I’ll get you back Omega, I’m never leaving without you nor I’m I letting you leave. That’s out of the question.” He said with a gentle smile as he kept his hand on top of your head but started stroking your hair. You never saw him willingly express such softness. Having reunited with you made him incredibly happy despite the... unsavory turn of events.
He had genuinely been worried out of his mind, a small, beautiful Omega like you, all alone...
You were suddenly ripped from his arms.
Shoto held you against him protectively, glaring at Bakugo with killing intensity. The room seemed so much colder.
“She’s my Omega, you’d better stay far away Bakugou Katsuki.” Said Shoto, practically declaring war.
“Repeat that, you bastard , I dare you !” Bellowed Bakugo, already moving to rip you out of Shoto’s arms. You can feel all of Sho’s muscles against your back, and his warm, albeit shaky, breath caused your cheeks to warm as well.
His muscles weren’t the only thing you were feeling though.
You suddenly griped your stomach as you bit your lip in pain, clutching it as a searing pain tore through your guts.
Both Alphas looked at you in panic.
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a-crimson-lion · 4 years
That new analysis is great, and I haven't even read that chapter! Personally, while I still dislike Bakugo, the things I'm hearing about 284 actually sound good to me--I feel like not only are his stans being annoying about it though, but those who dislike him *might* be being a little hard on him? Not YOU, of course Crimson, you did a great job keeping your analysis balanced, but I've been seeing people still hoping he dies and that doesn't feel right to me (1/2)
(2/2) Like it's not perfect, but he's getting there, y'know? If it's true, and he really is starting to see that he was an ass, I'm willing to finally give him a chance. I agree though that he also has to finally acknowledge the impact this had on Deku.
The State of the Fandom: Katsuki Bakugo
‘Kay, gotta keep this short so I don’t write another 4K essay out of nowhere. (Foreshadowing)
So first off, if you have no idea what @cjcroen1393 is talking about, check out the analysis here.
Second off, if you still haven’t read Chapter 284, check out the official VIZ translation here. New chapters are only free for the first three weeks after their debut, so make like an Ochako and get them savings!
Alright, now back to the subject at hand...
First off, while I appreciate the flattery, if I’m being completely honest, I’m still sort of skeptical because we just got Chapter 284, y’know? I wanna hold my breath, but I’ve already been through Bakugo’s Start Line, the Final Exams, and the Remedial Course Arc, three concrete moments that should have showcased Katsuki’s development and either came with conflicting results or were later debunked (Katsuki sticking to his original bull-headed strategy, Katsuki only working with Izuku as a last resort after stating he’d rather lose earlier, Katsuki saying not to look down on others and then looking down on the rest of UA due to a problem he inadvertently contributed to). But yeah, I’ll stick around and see what happens.
Honestly, I feel like 284 has a lot of opinions focused around Katsuki when you’re looking at him specifically. And no, I’m not talking about a direct AntiBaku vs BakuStan thing, that’s not what this is about. I can’t speak for all AntiBakus, obviously, but from the discourse I’ve seen, we’re all currently split into one of three categories:
Cautiously optimistic, willing to see how things play out.
Perpetually exhausted, nothing Katsuki says or does will make him worthy of atonement or redemption.
Kill him with fire, burn him at the steak, he’s worn out his usefulness.
I’m stuck between the first two categories, and the only reason I’m not in the third category (aside from Katsuki’s basic human right to live) is this:
A dead person can’t change. A dead person can’t suffer. Take that as you will.
And that’s not even discussing how the entire fandom is looking at things. Again, from what I’ve seen, the opinions split into three or four categories:
Look how far he’s come! (←The majority of fandom.)
Look how far he has to go… (←I am here. And maybe some AntiBakus.)
He AlWaYs CaReD!1! (←Cease your existence.)
I want to believe, but the narrative has taught me otherwise. (←The majority of AntiBakus.)
[‘Kay, this is where I’m cutting it off. Click “Read More” if you’re still awake.]
I’ve already said my piece on why the “HAC” take fills me with righteous fury, but let me see if I can explain it better with an analogy:
Let’s pretend for the moment that you’re a gold miner. Obviously, you’re looking for gold.
Your boss has you sent down into the mines to head into one of the more… frustrating caverns. Figuring you have nothing better to do, you get to work.
As you get into picking away at the rock in the search for gold, it takes you hours. And eventually, you stop striking bits and pieces and find a solid chunk of gold ore.
Now, your response can vary based on which of the categories you’re in.
If you’re in the “He’s come so far” camp, you are very excited to find this piece of gold.
If you’re with me in the “He’s still got a ways to go” camp, you remember that this chunk of gold ore doesn’t meet the quota. You still gotta dig.
And if you’re in the “HAC” camp, it’s essentially the same as walking back to the cavern entrance, digging down, and finding the quota of all the gold you need.
Sure, it seems like a good deal for most people, but you just wasted a long time getting to one good chunk when you could have dug down from the start. So what was the point of digging your own tunnel to begin with? That’s several hours, or even days of your life, you’re never getting back, because the cavern decided to be cheeky.
(Also, if you were in the "I don't wanna get my hopes up" camp, you've been digging through a pyrite vein and are skeptical.)
I hope that makes sense.
If it doesn’t, essentially the “HAC” line of thought feels cheap because it makes it seem like Katsuki was being needlessly extra from the start. If he always cared, why does he have to suicide bait? (Yeah I know y’all hear that too much but that doesn’t change the fact that it happened.) If he always cared, why does he have to even risk almost killing Izuku in the Battle Trial? If he always cared, why does he almost consider losing in the Final Exams? It just opens up a lot of holes.
I’m not gonna tell you to not be a fan of Katsuki or to not like him, because that isn’t realistic. Hell, if I shouldn’t have to justify why I don’t like him, you guys certainly don’t have to justify the opposite. But there has to be a sort of awareness that comes with either territory.
Because whether you like it or not, Katsuki HATED Izuku from Ch. 1 to getting kidnapped.
He saw Izuku as an OBSTACLE from Deku vs Kacchan 2 all the way to the OFA meeting in Ch. 257.
...and right now, Katsuki is finally, FINALLY recognizing Izuku as a person. A person who is in real f***ing danger and can’t bear the weight of the world on his shoulders. The extent remains to be seen, but what Hori has set up so far is really promising.
But that’s the thing: we’re still in the setup phase. I talked about this before in my last post, but right now we’re only in the third phase of Katsuki’s attitude. The “What The F*** Is Your Existence” phase lasted 116 chapters. The “I Can’t Let You Get Ahead Of Me” phase lasted 141 chapters. And the current phase, the “Why Don’t You Care About Yourself” phase, has only been going on for 27 or so chapters. And Katsuki only recently acknowledged that he bullied Izuku in a flashback somewhere in that time frame.
And the thing is, this doesn’t absolve Katsuki of anything. I still firmly believe Katsuki was being legitimate when he was talking about hunting down Tomura and using Izuku as bait, because that competitive side of him is DYING, not DEAD. And Katsuki still has yet to address the issue in his relationship with Izuku beyond internal and external monologues to people who are decidedly not Izuku, though there’s a high chance of that changing in Chapter 285. And the thing is, all Katsuki recognized is that Izuku’s inherent selflessness made him uneasy, and that was the main reason he bullied him. He still has yet to realize that he is a direct contributor to Izuku’s selflessness being warped into hardcore martyrdom. In his acts of beating Izuku, he lessened his self-worth and thus, made him believe his life was worth giving up. We still got stepping stones to cross, and while Katsuki’s making progress, he’s not across the creek yet.
...and while I’ve personally given up all hope of viewing Katsuki’s redemption in a satisfying light, I am hoping that Hori gets it right for the rest of you.
Thanks for reading.
-Crimson Lion (22 September 2020)
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deiitaelric · 4 years
Amnesia / bakudeku fic part 4
Part 3
From that day on, they began to talk on a daily basis. Katsuki was committed to atoning through responding to every question Izuku had, telling him about his past together, about the things he knew about him. Katsuki was gratified every time he made him laugh, smile, or even that face of nostalgia like he could actually recall the moment. Katsuki knew he was being partly selfish because he was using that as an excuse to spend more time with him, but Izuku seemed content too. When Katsuki had finally made peace with himself for being the way he was, he understood his rage toward Izuku, but that was something he wasn't prepared to tell him. And came on, like he would have a chance. 
But he kept helping in what he could, trying to remember details that could ring bells on Izuku. And in fact, every day, Izuku’s questions were more and more precise, so much that Katsuki had to ask.
“That was very specific… Are you starting to remember?” Katsuki took a sip of his drink, acting casually. They were in a café nearby their neighborhood.
“Well, yeah, I’m starting to remember some things, but most of them are more like feelings or certain smells or stuff like that”
“How are you asking so precise, then?”
Izuku looked away and talked with a tiny mouth. “I’m using my notebooks”
“Why are you flustered about it? Weirdo” Katsuki asked, eyeing him. Even on his eighteen, Izuku was a cutie, with his round and big eyes, his baby face, his cute, pink, freckled cheeks. “Let me look at them and I’ll tell you about what I can recognize”
“No! I’m-Hm.… They’re very personal, there's not only drawings on them, you know?” Izuku scratched the back of his neck, face turning pink.
“I see. Nevermind, you never let me look at them, though, so…”
“It’s not like I don’t want you to see them, it’s just…” He was even more flustered now.
“What?” Katsuki turned to look at him piercingly.
“I… don’t want to creep you out”
“I don’t want to freak you out!”
“I heard you, asshole! I mean what do you mean with that?”
“I can’t tell”
“What the fuck?! Now I have to look at them!”
“Please, no! I don’t want to ruin this, okay?” Izuku made a movement with a hand pointing at the space between them. “Just trust me”
“You trust me. There’s nothing that could creep me out about you. Or ruin this ” Katsuki mimiqued Izuku, pointing at both of them.
“Huh?” Izuku’s face turned weird and red. He looked away, then, lowering his view. After a brief silence, he barely whispered. “But that’s not true”
“Hah? You’re definitely not trusting me at all!”
“Maybe if you weren’t straight…”
“The fuck? Who said I’m that?”
“Yourself? By making fun of others who you think they weren't?” Izuku blurted.
“That’s…” Whispered Katsuki, looking down.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. But I mean… You are” Izuku added, carefully.
“I’m not”
“You’re lying to make me feel better”
“What the fuck? How’s that? I’m not lying, okay? If I made fun of you about that it was because I wasn’t straight and I was pissed off with the world for that! How about that? Are you mad at me now?”
“So…  you are not gonna push me away if I’m not…?”
“Of course not! I… I grew up, okay? I made peace with myself” They shared a silence, each one of them looking in different directions now. “I’m sorry for making you worry about being yourself with me. You can be, get it? I’m not gonna judge you or hurt you anymore”
“Thanks. I… I won’t do it either to you, so-”
“I know”
“So… why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“Because… Fuck, you know? I paid you with my own frustration for being... It’s… ironic. It doesn’t make sense that I had making fun of you, calling you gay, when I was the one being fucking gay. Who does that?”
“...Are you dating someone?” Izuku blurted, changing the subject. Katsuki looked at him with widening eyes.
“That’s what you’re asking?”
“I… guess?” Izuku looked away laughing awkwardly. Katsuki sighed.
“I was. For almost eight months. But it didn’t work in the end”
“I’m sorry. That sucks”
“Yeah” Katsuki glanced at him. “And what about you? We barely talk about your present”
“Well, I was dating a girl when I had the accident and luckily I remembered her after a week or so, but… months later we broke up. And it wasn’t her fault, she was great, she is great, but I was feeling off and my heart wasn’t with her, like it was somewhere else, I don’t know… But we didn’t end up in bad terms, we’re still friends”
“That sound nice”
“Yeah, it made everything easier. She’s dating another guy now and she even introduced me to some… people. I had a thing with one of them a few months ago, but neither of us was committed so we just ended up no seeing each other anymore. Sometimes I miss him, though, but…” Izuku remained silent, playing with his fingers on his lap.
“…That’s what you thought was to freak me out? That you swing both ways?”
“Whaa- Ah! Well, yes! Partly!”
“Anyway! We should go home!” Izuku got up, grabbing his tote bag and already heading to the exit. Katsuki followed him, sighing annoyed.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Limited Edition
Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
Sero lovin’ hours, babes! Behold the fluff!
EDIT: Photo was made by the amazing @deliathedork who showers me in love and beautimous doodles~
Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Characters: Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
“Denki.” Hanta called as he rounded the stair landing to the boys’ side of the third floor. He grimaced in the entryway of the hall, staring pointedly at the door to the room that belonged to one blonde-haired electric generator. When he got no answer, Hanta began walking down the hallway calling his name in increasing volume, “Denki. Deeeeennnkiiiiiiiii!” By the time he reached the door, he was practically screaming. “DENKI KAMINARI!” he shouted in such an unholy screech that Tenya opened his door to glare disapprovingly at him. Finally, Denki threw the door open to give him a wheedling whine, his gaming headset slung around his neck and muted.
“Dude, what?”
“Where’s my shirt?” Hanta asked with an innocent smile. Tenya rolled his eyes and shut the door with just the amount of volume to serve as a warning for Hanta to keep quiet. He continued to smile stupidly at Denki, only thinly veiling the mounting threat of violence building up in him as his friend began to perspire and laugh nervously.
“What shirt?” As if feigning innocence would work on Hanta. Denki gulped loudly as the taller boy leaned into the doorway, towering over him with glittering black eyes and a menacing grin.
“You know, the shirt I let you borrow two weeks ago? My limited-edition ONE OK ROCK concert tee that is my sole most valued possession?” Hanta pressed, continuing to edge into the doorway until Denki was bending at a forty-five-degree angle. Denki laughed in an anxious high pitch, his eyes shifting around and refusing to settle on Hanta’s gradually reddening face.
“Oh! That one! Hehe! Well… Thing is… I kinda… don’t know where it is,” Denki admitted in a tiny voice. A few terrifying seconds passed as Hanta processed the confession. Denki finally looked up into his eyes, which were probably soulless as Hanta contemplated just how he would like to murder the oblivious boy. “Bro? You good?”
“Good? Good? Yeah, I’m good,” Hanta shrugged as she suddenly backed off, leaving Denki reeling in confusion. His instincts must’ve tipped him off, because he screamed and ducked under Hanta’s arms as he suddenly lunged at him with a feral yowl. “Yeah, I’m good, because I’m about to kill you!” Sobbing apologies, Denki managed to wriggle past him and take off down the hallway towards the stairs. Hanta whirled on his heel, shooting his tape down the hall and only just barely missing Denki’s elbow as he practically dove down the stairs. “Get back here! Atone for your sins!” Hanta yowled as he chased him, thundering down the stairs on all fours. He could hear Denki’s manic blubbering floating up from within the stairwell. Sero had to admit the little shit was fast, because he couldn’t catch up to him.
“Baku-bro! Baku-bro, save me!” Denki screeched as he vaulted himself a good five feet across the room and clambered over the back of the couch into a very startled Katsuki’s lap.
“What the- get off me!” Katsuki huffed and shoved poor Denki to the floor. Denki looked at Hanta over the top of the couch fearfully as he stalked him, eyes blown wide with desire for homicide.
“He’s gonna kill me!”
“You probably deserve it.”
“Whoa, whoa, guys!” Izuku laughed good-naturedly and stood up, waving his hands placatingly at Hanta. “What’s the problem?”
“He lost my fucking tee-shirt!” Hanta fumed and lunged over the back of the couch to try and rip out a few of Denki’s hairs. The boy managed to crawl under the coffee table and slink over to Fumikage, who was watching with his arms crossed. “My favorite shirt! Limited edition ONE OK ROCK! Limited edition!” Hanta screamed like a deranged man as he crawled over the couch and shot his tape at Denki, who was pleading for Fumikage to save him.
“I side with him on this one. Any last words before you meet God?” Fumikage smirked. Denki wailed as Hanta shot tape at him, this time finding his mark. Denki screamed in dismay as Hanta jumped up on the table and slowly dragged him closer, eyes flashing with pure anger.
“Please! I’m sorry! Spare me!” Denki sobbed as he was lugged over the rug by the unhinged Hanta. Just as the boy had captured his prey and was preparing to strike, a sweet voice piped up from the back of the other couch.
“Um, do you mean this shirt?” Hanta and Denki both looked up to see Mina staring owlishly at them, dressed in a pair of pajama shorts and the shirt that Hanta was ready to kill Denki over. Hanta’s face instantly flushed a pretty shade of crimson and steam blew out of his ears in nostrils at the sight of the pretty girl wearing his tee shirt. It was pretty much a not-so-secret in their friend group that Hanta had a stupid crush on Mina.
“Um… Yeah, yeah, that’s the one,” Hanta quipped with an equally wide-eyed stare. He unwound his tape from Denki, who slunk away to get cradled in Eijirou’s manly bosom as he patted his head and whispered reassuring words. He hopped down from the table as Mina walked around the couch, sashaying shyly.
“Um, I found it in my laundry last week. I mistook it for one of the girls’, but they said it wasn’t theirs, and when I asked a couple of the boys, they said they had no idea whose it was or where it came from, so it kinda became my new PJ shirt,” she laughed bashfully, rubbing the back of her head. Sero’s dark eyebrows knitted together as he had the sudden suspicion a plot was afoot. She scratched at her cheek thoughtfully. “You can have it back if it’s that special to you though!”
“Um…” Hanta knew there was a specific answer to the question, but she didn’t give him the time to do so. She grabbed him by the wrist and hauled him upstairs to her room, bringing him straight inside and swinging open the closet door. As he saw the shirt fly onto the bed, discarded, Sero’s cheeks burned with the acute awareness that Mina was shirtless behind that flimsy closet door. Focus, Hanta… he told himself as he patiently waited for her to switch shirts. She walked out to pluck it up and carry it over, holding it out to him with a big smile.
“Here you go! Sorry about the misunderstanding.”
“Uh, no big deal…” he said dully as he accepted the shirt. She scampered right past him into the hallway to rejoin the group in the common area, and Hanta’s eyes followed her as he left, captivated simply by her being. He absentmindedly brought the shirt up to his face and nearly fainted when he realized it carried her scent like bubble gum and cherries. Nirvana… he thought dimly as he collapsed into the hallway wall.
Hanta was mounting the stairs to head to his room later that night after a pretty rowdy session of videogames with Denki (who, after being cornered by Hanta with Eijirou’s help) had all but admitted he had purposely slipped the shirt into Mina’s laundry basket in an attempt to spark something between them. Hanta had been a little irritated with his pitiful effort to wingman for him, but, Hanta had to guess that he was a little grateful. Denki was doing it just because he wanted Hanta to be happy, after all. Hanta had agreed to let bygones be bygones (especially since his shirt was safe and sound) and settled in to play with Denki for a while. Now, he was mounting the final step with the shirt slung over his shoulder. He paused mid-step as he heard Mina’s voice floating down the hall from the direction of Momo’s room. Curious, he inched closer.
“Thanks for the tea, Momo.”
“No problem. A cup of good tea will do wonders for a saddened heart,” Momo responded. Hanta’s eyebrows shot up to his forehead. Why was Mina sad?
“I know it’s silly to be sad about it. I just really liked that shirt, you know? It was super comfy.” Hanta didn’t know why that made him happy, but it did. “Besides, it reminded me of Hanta. I knew it was his when I took it…” Hanta felt a shiver propagate from his head to his toes. He didn’t know what to do with that information. She knew? Why would she take it…? He could almost imagine her hugging herself as she sighed, “It just made me feel so warm and safe…” With flushed cheeks, Hanta looked at the tee shirt draped over his shoulder. Quietly, he pulled it off and hung it on the doorknob, being extremely careful not to alert the girls to his presence. Then, he turned on his heel and marched right off to his room.
Sure, his shirt was limited edition and precious to him- but Mina’s smile was one of a kind, and much, much dearer to his heart. He tried not to smile when he heard her delighted exclaim of surprise from within his room, nor when she texted him a picture of herself back in the tee shirt, beaming with a peace sign over her eyes and the simple tag Thanks, Hanta! <3 He stared at the picture for a while, thumb hovering over the screen as he tried to find a good way to respond.
Anything for my best girl! he decided, watching as the bubble appeared on the screen with an audible swoosh! She sent a series of hearts back in response, and he dropped his phone down onto his chest as he put his hands on his face, kicking his feet a little with an excited squeal. He jumped when he heart Tenya pound his fist into the wall next to him.
“Be quiet, or I swear to God, I’m spilling everything to Mina.”
“Does everyone know?!” he cried as he bolt upright in bed, half-amused and half-terrified.
“Of course everyone knows! You smile like an idiot anytime she’s within your line of sight. Now go to bed! Shoto and I are studying in here.” Hanta laughed as he heard the dull thump of Tenya smacking the hot-and-cold boy's pillow into the wall. Hanta flopped back down against his bed, looking at the adorable picture of Mina in his tee shirt again.
Yup. Limited edition, one of a kind.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork
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katsudonyuuri · 7 years
Hit and Run Ch 4
Welppp, here’s chapter 4 of Hit and Run after a couple months of hiatus due to being busy with life and a few family issues. I swear I’ll finish this fic even if it does take me a few years.
Also, here’s a disclaimer since I read a post a while ago concerning how fanfic writers can get sued and stuff. I am not affiliated with the official creators of Yuri!!!onICE in any way and am not making any profit off of my fanfic(s). I am only playing around with the characters. This disclaimer applies to all of my fics.
Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off of you guys @gays-on-ice (aka @peanut-jars ), @ppastelderpp, and @peachyviktor
Also, yeah. I finally posted it @ace-skate-mom
For those of you who haven’t read the other parts, here are the links:
Tumblr: 1 / 2 / 3
Chapter 4 : Hospital Stay (3)
Dr. Wataru entered the room Yuuri stayed in with another man, whom Yuuri believed to be his brother judging by how they looked so similar to each other.
Both men had short chestnut brown hair and eyes and were equal in height. Perhaps around the 6 foot mark? Dr. Wataru had his bangs swept to the right while the other man had his hair slicked back.
"Hello Mr. Katsuki, I am Akira Suzuki, and I was the head surgeon of the team that operated on your leg. I apologize for what my idiot brother may have said to you. Hopefully I can give you a better understanding of your injuries."
Yuuri nodded in reponse. "Thank you doctor. Dr. Wataru already told me about how I’m in no condition to continue my career as a figure skater."
And that fact hurt. A lot.
It wasn't fair.
"That... is correct. At least for now."
"For now?"
"We'll have to see how well your legs heal before deciding on how severe this injury will affect your quality of life. My brother tells me that you still feel pain in your toes, so you will probably be able to walk again provided you undergo intensive physical therapy. As for continuing with your career... that remains to be seen, considering that the incident with the truck has practically shattered the bones in your legs. Right now, stainless steel is being used to hold your legs together so that your own body's natural healing processes will be maximized. Unfortunately, a lot bone shards had to be removed, so it might take a while to heal. To play it safe, I recommend keeping you on bed rest for at least 12 weeks."
"That's... 3 months, isn't it," Yuuri sighed in disappointment, "I'm definitely not skating this season then..."
This... was supposed to my last season wasn't it? My last chance to redeem myself... gone.
Both of the doctors nodded in confirmation.
Dr. Akira then spoke up again, "Mr. Katsuki, I don't recommend trying any jumps anytime soon, even after you're done with going to physical therapy. It's... risky. Especially after looking at the X-Rays, I would have to recommend that you stay away from even regular skating for at least a year. But even then, judging by the amount of bone I had to remove, all jumps will have to be forbidden from your repertoire for the forseeable future."
"I... see," Yuuri responded glumly.
It was a better prognosis than the one Dr. Wataru had given him, but it still hurt.
This was... grounds for a career ending injury, considering the fact that he was approaching the older end of the spectrum in regards to competitive figure skating. And, ever since the disaster that was the last Grand Prix Final, he had been thinking of announcing his retirement.
“So, this is the end of the road for me, isn’t it?” Yuuri whispered, voice wavering.
Dr. Akira hummed in response, saying, “I don’t know much about figure skating, other than the fact it’s a sport. I wouldn’t know about the specifics, but you’re definitely out for the rest of the year. It remains to be seen whether or not you can make a full recovery. After all, things can go wrong at any time.”
“I’m getting old, you know?”
“O-old!?” Dr. Wataru exclaimed, “But, y-you’re so young! Only… only 23?”
“Old in terms of figure skating,” Yuuri softly spoke, “Most competitive male figure skaters retire when they’re about my age. I mean, there’s only a handful of figure skaters at my level that are around my age or older. I think… I’ve already reached my peak. My performance at the Grand Prix Final last year… well, there was a lot left to be desired.”
“I… I see.”
“It’s fine. I just need to reevaluate what I’m going to do in the future, especially since no one would want me as their coach. I need to consider all possible paths I can take, especially since I did graduate college with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. I could take part in the upkeep of my family’s onsen, but my sister is already set to inherit it.”
Dr. Akira nodded, “I see… well, you do have a couple of months to decide on what your next action will be. Take your time and think about it carefully. After all, there’s no rush to make a decision.”
“In any case,” Dr. Wataru added, “you should spend some time with your loved ones. From what other patients have told me, open communication lines have helped them with dealing with their own debilitating injuries. The worst thing you can do is isolating yourself from those who care about you; being alone with your thoughts can be detrimental to your recovery.”
Yuuri nods to let the doctors know that he heard them, but knew from his own track record that open lines of communication were as likely as a snowball’s chance in hell.
Well… he’d… try at the very least.
Yuuri still feels the unease swirling in the pit of his stomach, and it reminds him of all of the precursors he’s felt before any major meltdown he’s had due to his crippling anxiety.
He knows he’s slipping into depression even though he knows he shouldn’t. But he has a pretty damn good excuse. He’s a cripple.
A cripple. A disabled, washed up athlete with little to his name.
At least he’ll be able to help his family out with the onsen once he regains his mobility.
Yuuri logically knows that there’s nothing that can be done about his current situation and that he should announce his withdrawal from this current figure skating season, as well as his forced retirement.
But… he doesn't want to give up.
He’s worked so hard for this opportunity to skate on the international stage.
And… all of his blood, sweat, and tears had been wasted in a matter of seconds.
The… ex-figure skater couldn’t bring himself to regret the decision that he made, however, since, surely, Victor’s life held precedence over his career… right?
Victor exhaled as he sat down on a bench in the hospital’s designated waiting room.
He’d just returned to the hospital after stopping by Yutopia in order to better inform the Katsukis about what had happened to their son.
Since only three people at a time could visit at a time, Victor had chosen to stay in the waiting room while Yuuri’s parents and sister had gone to see Yuuri in the room he was staying in while he recovered.
Victor had already made the arrangements to pay for Yuuri’s hospital fees at the hospital’s administrative office.
It was the least he could do, especially since the incident was his fault. After all, it was Victor who had coaxed his student into going outside that night. It was he who was supposed to be the original victim of the truck. Yuuri had pushed him out of the way, but at what cost?
Yuuri’s legs were crushed by the truck and it was all Victor’s fault.
Now, Victor knew there was no chance for Yuuri to continue the season. The next season, maybe? There was always that possibility and he wanted to be positive. Because the alternative meant that Yuuri was retiring. And that it was his fault for being inattentive.
It was Victor’s fault.
Victor knew it was his fault.
It was then that Victor decided to take it upon himself to atone for his inattention by taking care of his student. Yuuri needed him, and Victor didn’t care that others would say that it was a waste of time and effort. That his decision to coach Yuuri was a fruitless venture.
He just needed to be there for his student.
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