#how many more times am i gonna use a pic from this live? the answer is yes
taegularities · 9 months
Cmi!jk, your eherm *physical* relationship from when you started your fwb has been described as “animalistic”. Now that you guys are in love, what’s it like now? More gentle, soft making love or a balance of both? 😌
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your eyelids are shut, your expression peaceful. when jungkook started trailing his touch along your clavicles and up your neck ten minutes ago, you were still sighing and humming in delight. but now that he's caressing your jaw, tracing your lines and curves, you've become entirely quiet.
slumbering away, letting warm fingertips draw patterns on your bare, glowing skin. jungkook thinks you're prettiest like this. natural and content, so gorgeous that it truly hurts sometimes. how did he get so lucky?
the picture of where are you now and of where you used to be is nearly impossible to grasp. over a year ago, your mid-sex conversations consisted of lewd praises, cocky teases and otherwise unintelligible sounds. moans reverberating off walls, intimacy of the most animalistic nature.
barely any kisses; lips lingering on hot skin.
even now, neither of you ever suppresses the hunger. both a writhing mess, thirsting. but… he sees so much more of you now. your moles. your smile. how your eyebrows furrow when he kisses your neck. and how soft and vulnerable you sound sometimes. how you call his name… like you've forgotten every other word in existence.
he still feels the graze of your fingers along his back. how you hold onto him, pull him closer. how you steal kisses and mix your unfading desire with all that your heart contains. all the things he says to you; and all the things you say to him.
want no one but you.
stay with me, my love.
i'm so lucky to be yours.
as jungkook's movements along your shoulder stop, your eyes start to open again. you sigh again, one more crease between your eyebrows before you slowly, surely look at him. a smile comes into view when you notice him staring; and as he basks in the beam, leaning into you with a clump in his throat, all his feeble voice allows him to say is–
"can i… kiss you, angel?"
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luvly-writer · 2 years
“You are my sunshine”
Part 17: The art of alcohol and yearning for love
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: Alcohol
Status: Finished
Author’s note: Writing under pictures! Enjoy!! I will never get tired of saying how much i ADORE your feedback!!!
Taglist: @lorosette @milas-teapot @screeching20s @alecmores @izukuisbaby @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife
Series Masterlist:
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-•-Jason’s POV
it had been a stressful day for Jason
Not only had the press mistaken Artemis friendship with him potentially straining his relationship with his soulmate
and yes he is aware, she IS his soulmate, they are bound to be together and connected for the rest of their lives, but what the fuck, he cares cause he loves her so damnn much he…
Jason doesn’t go down that path knowing damn well it won’t end well at the moment
He called Bruce and went to the Manor
Tim and Bruce are calling Gotham Gazette and making sure the article is taken down, yk fixing any damage that it might have down
he has been trying to call Yn all afternoon and she wont answer
he’s left a bunch of messages and even thought of going to her apartment but he opted to give her some space to calm down
the rest of the day was spent thing of scenerios that could possibly happen
Artemis wanted to pass by and see how he was going but he told her it was better to stay away from the manor and out of sight together whilst the whole thing went away
She still mega tube to the cave, thanks Artie for being such a good friend (hope you taste the sarcasm)
Jason goes down to the cave and greets her, she is not looking happy and an unhappy amazon is NEVER good.
“Care to explain why i am not allowed to be seen with one of my best friends?”
“Artie, it’s difficult to explain, with the whole article blowing up its a little tense right now”
“why? it’s just press, we both know it isn’t true and that it’ll cool off in a few days”
“yes but there is someone believing it is true and i need for her to stop believing it is true”
“i see why your panic is so evident then”
“well yes-“
“who would have thought? Jason Todd panicked because of the media. Never in my life-“
“mmkay enough, is my misery amusing to you?”
“yes, quite a lot, especially if it’s because of a girl after you swore your only relationship in life would be spite and chaos. i must meet this girl!”
“yes we’ll right now neither of us is gonna have any luck with talking to her seeing as she probably isn’t the happiest with me right now”
Artemis starts to laugh and Jason looks at her questionably
“She probably thinks we truly are a thing! That’s ridiculous”
Jason is confused by what she says…they have had encounters in the past, like they HAVE fallen to bed together, why is it ridiculous
Seeing her friend still confused , Artemis chuckles and explains “I had come with news my friend. You see, let’s just say your girlfriend has more chances of having me as a lover than you.”
Of course
as if this couldn’t get anymore ridiculous to believe
Jason laughs in disbelief
“Well, that makes my explanation to her 10 time easier”
Artemis starts to laugh, “Let me see her, all the pictures you post of her don’t show her face”
Jason takes out his phone and starts to show many of the pics he has with her.
“hmmmm and are you sure she is completely off limits? Cause if it fails with you, i can come and pick up the pieces” Artemis says with a teasing look in her eyes
Jason glares at her and rolls his eyes
“Yes absolutely out of limits, she is MY soulmate after all, My person! get your own”
Artemis cackles in response and just when she’s about to respond a notification pops up
- yn__truly just made a post-
At that Artemis lost it
“YOU HAVE HER NOTIFICATIONS ON!?!?! OMG JASON!!! YOU ARE WHIPPED!” She howls. Her laughter sounding through all the cave.
Jason’s face was worth it. He was red in the face, trying to fight of a smile and trying to come up with what to say.
“Oh fuck off”
At that, another fit of giggles erupted from the girl.
He opens his instagram only to find out that Nola and Yn are at some rich asshole’s party and they were drinking A LOT.
The captions were concerning so he decided that that night he would leave his phone without do not disturb, just in case ANYTHING happened
And how thankful he was of making that decision.
After Artemis had left, Jason opted to stay this night at the manor and not go to patrol, Alfred advised it was for the best seeing has his emotions were all over the place. Instead of staying in the cave, he walked towards the library, grabbed a book, and sat down in his section.
Time went by and before he knew it, it was nearing 1 am. Just as he is about to turn the page, his phone rings.
He looks at the caller and sees Yn’s contact name, “Light of my eyes”
The day his siblings found out that was her contact name, they had a field day. But that’s a story for another time
He picks it up and the cringes at the loud music
A voice he didn’t recognize
“Yes, who’s asking?”
“Oh perfect! This isssss Nolaaaaa! I’m a bit tipsy right now but you should seeee Y/n, full out gone! I’m calling you cause cause causeeeee well cause….i don’t remember my reason…”
he laughed a little, she really did sound like how Yn described her
“but AnyWAYsssss, come pick up Yn, she’sss like drunkie drinkity drunk drunk and i’m not like you know soberity sobers right now so yeahhhh!”
Fuck, he didn’t hesitate to answer
“Alright, text me the address and i’ll pick her up and make sure to take her back home”
Nola told him the direction of the hotel and soon he arrived.
He wore black sweatpants with a white t-shirt and his grey running shoes. He had his signature red hoodie in the car just in case yn got cold.
he walks to the lobby and spots Nola and sun sitting in the sofa giggling out of their minds until they spot him.
“JAY!” Yn screams and runs to him with open arms. He lets her embrace him and holds her there whilst Nola walks over.
“Thank you for taking her home” she smiles and blows a kiss to Yn, “bestie you are in safe hands” says Nola as she walks away and opens the door to the ballroom, starting to dance as she gets in.
Yn is literally cuddled up to him, clearly not sober and looks up at him
Her eyes look watery and soft as she takes him in
Before she can say anything, he holds her and starts carrying her bridal style to the car
On the way to her apartment, yn got cold and Jason gave her his hoodie. Even if the tight black dress looked nothing less of delicious on her, seeing her in his clothes killed him
She had worn his leather jacket various times before, and every time, it made him almost dizzy with love
She then connected her phone to the aux and started blasting her favorite songs and screaming the lyrics out
From Bad Bunny to Shakira, she sang every word with her heart and soul
He found it amusing and even adorable
This is not something new, she has done this a few times in the car, but seeing her do it drunk and mess up the lyrics and even almost cry at some was another thing and it made him laugh.
“El mismo aire” from Pablo Alborán and Camilo starts to play
(i’ll write the spanish version lyrics with their translation, an amAZING FKN SONG EVERYONE SHOULD LISTEN TO)
“tu y yo, pasamos de ser todo a nada” (you and i, went from being everything to nothing)
“de comernos con la mirada” (of eating each other with our eyes)
“y ahora estamos frente a frente, y ni siquiera puedes mirarme a la cara” (and now we are face to face and you can’t even look at me in the eyes)
“vivíamos de boca a boca” (we lived with our mouths touching)
“los labios no querían soltarse” (our lips didn’t want to leave each other)
“y ahora aquí en el mismo cuarto no podemos respirar el mismo aire” (and now we are in the same room and we can’t even breathe the same air)
yn opted to sit back and just whisper the song
the whole vibe of the car started to tone down to one more intimate, slow and relaxed.
“Llévate el tapete” (pull away the rug)
“llévate mi vida que agarraste de juguete” (take away my life that you took as a toy)
at that, Jason heard a small sniffle and turned to looked at her, she was numbly looking at the road, her eyes watery and a single tear running down her cheek. They were already nearing her apartment.
“Llévate ese par de anillos que nos comprometen” (take away those rings that compromise us)
“y, aunque no quiera perderte, te diría vete, pero el que se va soy yo” (and even if i don’t want to lose your, i’d say leave but the one who leaves is me)
“y cuando me vaya me llevo el reloj, pa llevarme el tiempo que pase contigo, que no fue perdido” (and when i leave i’ll take the clock and take all the time with you, which wasn’t lost)
the song carried out, but yn stayed silent. more tears ran down her cheeks
He had heard he talk Spanish before but my God, was he addicted to hearing her singing it. It was intoxicating and it didn’t help that she had a nice voice. For a moment, he forgot everything and just let himself be mesmerized by the girl next to him. His heart beat so strong for her, it pained sometimes.
She turned to look at him
“Jason…” she whispered, voice full of sorrow
he looked at her, it was noticeable she still wasn’t sober by the way her gaze fell on him.
“yk…you strangely look a lot like him, mr. uber nola hired” said she and there he got his confirmation that Lord she was not there yet.
“well mister uber, i have a question, have you ever been in love with someone you knew from the start you couldn’t have?” she questions him and Jason just stares at her. He shakes his head no, which prompts her to continue
“Lucky you, my friend, lucky man. I am not so fortunate you see, I fucked up. I fucked up! and i’m so stupid for it,” at this, she closes her eyes and more tears start to go down her checks, “Jaosn fkn Peter Todd, maybe you know him. Well you probably do…he’s Bruce Wayne’s son you see. You might be wondering how i got myself tangled up with him. Funny thing is, i have no idea. One day you go to a gala, the next you are the Wayne kids’ current obsession and one of the is hitting on you and asking you on a date and romancing you and you think you are special and you feel loved and noticed until BOOM! He changes to someone else and you don’t even know what did you do wrong to make him leave….” she takes a deep breathe and tries to wipe her tears. “Who knew rich kids could be so fkn cruel?!?! Just because they have money doesn’t mean they can just USE civilians for their enjoyment!”
HUH!?!?? Is…is that what she thought it was????
“My theory is that they hold a game to pick one random civilian and have one of them romance them just cause and see how far they can get and my bet is that because i was not being easy on Jason, he got bored and went to get someone of his actual league.” she says slumping against the chair dejectedly
Jason was stunned and flabbergasted. Oh his sweet girl, how wrong could she be about ALL of them. She had never expressed anything about this (well he couldn’t exactly blame her either). Had they given that impression? He thought about his siblings obsession and bet. He thought about the challenge and how out of the blue it was. She was right to believe something weird was going on. She had every right to not be trusting because it HAD been weird and they hadn’t noticed because of their excitement to meet her and have her be a part of the family. And then, the pictures with Artemis. Fuck. He was suffering from a cause that wasn’t even his fault, it just was a LOT of lack of communication. Her feelings were so valid.
“I was just a toy, a joke, a charity case, a nothing, a small moment of a good time” she kept on going and a fresh round of tears began, “the worst part of it all is that I’d repeat it in a heartbeat, I’d say yes all over again, cause if i get to be part of Jason’s world even if it’s a small portion of it. You know…there were times i could swear his soul and mine were made of the same magic…we just fit, you know” her voice starts to tremble and she shakes her head, “how foolish of me to think I could have someone that surely was never meant to be mine” she finished and continues to wipe her tears.
“If only you knew my love, my light, my soul, if only you knew, that our souls ARE made by the same magic and were made to be intertwined” Jason couldn’t help but think
They stayed in silent as she finally calms down, “i am so so sorry, i’m here spilling my heart out to some random uber” she starts to apologize and he almost chuckles, she is still so drunk out of her mind she hasn’t recognized him. “it’s alright” he responds
He parks the car, turns it off, helps her out of it and bring her to her apartment. He’s been there a few times and already knows his way around.
Once inside, he carries her a lays her on her bed
Because of all the many nights they have gone facetiming, he knows her night skin care routine by heart, so he sits her up, takes her make up with her make up wipes and helps her with it. He is so gentle with her, as if he fears she might break. He ties her hair up, knowing she hates sleeping with it loose.
The entire time she is looking at the abyss, her head in another world.
Finally he tells her to get changed, which she nods and goes to the bathroom and does.
The entire time is spent with soft orders and a comfortable silence.
once she is changed, she tries to give him his hoodie but he tells her to keep it.
She gets in bed and before he knows it, she’s sound asleep
Today must have been just as draining for her
He goes to the kitchen and comes back with some pain killers for the morning and a water bottle. He puts them on her bedside table and kisses her heads He whispers goodnight and leaves, making sure to turn off the lights and lock the apartment door as he leaves.
Jason sits on the car, and sighs as he turns it on and starts to drive back to the manor
Tomorrow will be hell, that’s for sure.
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Just wanted to ask what your *favorite* like, Top 10 furniture/build cc is? also where we could get it? sry if you dont do asks i just like your stuff
Hey! Okay, this is SUCH a hard question asdfghjhgfd so i'm gonna be super annoying and do a broader version with some of my favourite buildbuy creators. because i am not joking when i say i could easily list like hundreds of my top cc asdfghjkjhgfdfghjjhgf i hope thats okay!!!
asdfghjjhgf this post uhm. got away from me and ended up being SO LONG lmao but i think its worth it!
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If you like retro/mid century modern style cc, then teekalu's stuff is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
literally obsessed with their colour palettes! everything matches SO nicely and you could easily decorate whole rooms/houses with just their stuff alone
THE WALLPAPERSSSSSSSSSSSSS argh my ultimate favourite!!!! like, i mean it when i say that if i could only have one set of CC in my mods folder and nothing else, it would be teekalu's wallpapers. i use them in every single build ever and would actually be bereft without them
not JUST build buy cc but also lots and cas cc!!!! and its all amazing and such a vibe!!!!
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did somebody say colour options? because there's COLOUR OPTIONS GALORE!!!!!!
MATCHING!!!!!!!!! leading on from the point about colour options, most of her cc comes in MULTIPLE colour palette options, so the options for matching different sets is ENDLESS. seriously, it's like, incredible and sooooooo appreciated
awesome mix of build AND buy!!! i must admit that i go ham mostly on her wallpaper cc (are we sensing a theme here? listen i hoard wallpaper cc like there's no tomorrow i cant help it) BUT the buy items are ALSO AMAZING???? and again, everything MATCHES!!!!!!!! oh, AND there's some incredible builds, too?!?!? the talent!!! and it would be remiss not to mention that pictureamoebae is like, the reshade master
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as we all know by now, i LOVE quirky cc. if it's colourful and fun, i'm THERE, and kiwisim4's content totally fits that bill
the tui series is my FAVOURITE!!! the COLOUR! the STYLE! the PIZAZZ!
ANDDDDD for those who want something a lil' more mainstream and less super specific, there's also a bunch of other sets in different styles that can fit any type of aesthetic and decor choice!
FOR EVERY ROOM TOO! kitchens? bathrooms? studies? living rooms? kids bedrooms? check, check, check, check and CHECK!
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aight buckle up y'all because i am constantly perplexed that zx-ta doesn't receive more love because LET ME TELL YOU, her cc is SO! FREAKING! GOOD! STOP READING MY POST RN AND GO CHECK OUT HER CREATIONS!!!!!
truly consider this to be the swiss army knife of cc creation - you want ts3 and ts2 to ts4 conversions? what about medieval and historical cc? genius additions to existing game content like separated sinks? wall art? planters? WELL HERE IT IS! literally every style/aesthetic/era/furniture type you could ever wish for
ik i mentioned it already but the SEPERATED SINKS!!!!! GENIUS! GALAXY BRAINED! also the movie hangout kitchen set IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD
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aaaaaaaand no build/buy cc list of mine would be complete without mentioning the incredible sforzinda. listen, if you see cool clutter in any of my pics, there's a 90% chance its by them
aight they do truly chefs kiss CAS cc, BUT, i am OBSESSED with their separated clutter sets in particular. how many times have you looked at game asset and thought, hey, there's some rlly cute bits in this but then its like, part of a MASSIVE object that you never really use. well, sforzinda basically solves that time and time again and me and my mods folder are SO thankful. AND THE WALL ART ITEMS!!!!! THE MESH EDITS!!!!!!!!!
my most favourite one is undoubtedly the separated little campers clutter set, but also THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS BED PACK!!!! ARGH!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry i didnt like answer your question really asdfghjhgfds i just, i have SO many favourites id never be able to narrow it down asdfghjhgfds. if you (or anyone else!) ever wants like a specific idk top beds, top coffee tables, top floors etc tho pls let me know because i'd definitely be able to make myself be SLIGHTLY more specific then asdfghjhgfdsdfghj. this was rlly fun tho!!! thank you so much for your ask, I hope this was at least a wee bit useful asdfghjkjhgfdfghjkjhg
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sillysurrealwriter · 19 days
Gaming Oddyssey
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It was a sunny day, early in the morning near my home. I was lying on the couch and was playing some videogames, on my good ol’ Nintendo Switch. I smiled, as I cleared another level and I returned to the title screen.
I smiled. 100%. Like usual.
Oh, right? Let me introduce myself. I am Harvey Harriette. I am 17 years old and today was the first day of summer vacation. Those last exams during those last weeks had been tough, yet I somehow pulled through. Especially, Math. That class was a pain in the ass.
But right now, I could finally relax. 3 months of summer vacation, which meant for me 3 months full of gaming, to play so many games and to complete them 100%. A dream come true, you might say.
There’s just one problem though.....I kinda ended up beating all the games I had bought over the last weeks, last night. And now, I didn’t have any games left to play. Which was kinda annoying, not gonna lie.
Because I already bought almost every video game I could find. From X box, to PS5, to Switch...I got them all, really. Mom always complained that my room was quite messy, because all those game boxes were littered across the floor. Her complaining became annoying, so I ended up cleaning my room for a bit. But only for a bit.
Mom and my other mom were not here, right now. They were going to Europe, in order to watch some musical in Hamburg. Initially, they wanted me to go with them, but I refused. Because I really don’t like musicals whatsoever.
With musicals, all you could do was sit on your ass and watch. But with games, you could be actively be part of the action. Who wouldn’t want that? Probably some boomers, like my two moms. Urgh....
Oh well. It’s fine, really. I mean, not everyone has to like games or something. Even so, I was beginning to get bored. I definitely needed to buy a new game.
Which is why I got up and headed towards the hallway, putting on my shoes and smiling at the mirror. Short dark blue hair, a shirt so tight that it would make sure to flatten that stupid chest of mine, strong grey boots and some ripped jeans. Perfect.
I opened the door and headed downstairs. We were living in a big apartment complex, which for some reason didn’t have an elevator. Walking up and down was a pain, but it was manageable. Plus, I wouldn’t mind if I were to gain some muscles thanks to that. Then people would finally see that I am not a girl.
In any case, I opened the door and stepped outside. The sun greeted me with its warm smile and I heard some birds chirping, as I walked towards my bike. I unlocked the lock, climbed on top of it and then began to drive through the neighbourhood. The streets were clean and didn’t have any filth whatsoever, given that this was one of the more better neighbourhoods and cities in general. Where the government actually cared about us. But I digress.
Right now, I was making my way to the downtown part of this city. There, I’d get myself some new games from my local video game store. It wasn’t that far from my home to that one shop. After only about 9 minutes, I arrived at the big plaza of the city. The fountain spewed out fresh water and people were passing by, some couples taking pics of themselves and kissing each other, while street artists performed and had their best time, as they attracted a respectable audience. Seeing them dance was quite fun and I had a good time watching them for a bit.
Yet, I still needed to focus on, why I was here to begin with. I needed me some new games. So, I approached the shop that said: WonderGame. I entered through the door and the cashier, a rather plumb old man known as Mr. Marty in some grey overall and some bald hair, smiled at me.
“Ah, Harvey!”, he greeted me happily. “How are you doing?”
“I am fine.”; I answered happily and tilted my head. “Business going well?”
“Yes, indeed. Customers are coming and leaving, with many games. And you are one of them, naturally.”, he said to me, before giggling. “I assume you are here, to buy another game.”
“Damn right.”, I said and smirked. “So...got any new deliveries?”
To my dismay though, Mr. Marty shook his head.
“No, I won’t get new games until next week. I am sorry.”
“Until next week?”, I asked disappointed. “But I want to play some new games now! Are you sure that there is a game that I haven’t bought from you, yet?”
Mr. Marty seemed pensive, as he got up from his seat and motioned me to come closer.
“Follow me, okay kid?”
Confused, I nodded and watched, as Mr. Marty went into the open door near the counter. I followed him inside and was met with a relaxing smell. I knew this place of course. Those were what Mr. Marty would call, the catacombs. A place where he would often store games that didn’t sell quite so well in the past and would remain here, in case anyone was interested. I’ve been here a few times, to play some retro games. Yet as we passed by, I saw that I already knew most of those games and I frowned.
“Mr. Marty...What do you want to show me?”
“You’ll see.”, he told me and then moved a wardrobe aside, revealing another door. He took out a key, put it into the hole and turned it, before opening it up and revealing a set of stairs.
“What the..”
“You haven’t seen this part yet, kid.”, he explained to me, as we went downstairs through the dark cellar. “Normally, this is just the place where I store all the junk. Like broken game consoles and games and whatnot. However....”
He opened another door and we stepped into a messy hallway that reminded me of the lower part of Peach’s Castle from Super Mario 64.
“...recently, I was cleaning here and whatnot, when I found something.”
“You..found something? What is it?”
“Let me show you.”
Eventually, we reached a couple of boxes and he pushed a few of them away, before I saw it.
What I saw in front of my eyes, was a game console. It had the form of a cube, yet it was smaller than the NGC and upon closer inspection, I saw several ports on the back, so that the console could be connected to the TV. Not only that, but there was one controller plugged in. And the controller itself, was....off.
Its shape reminded me of the Wii Classic Controller. only that the color was dark red and that there were only two buttons. A and B. Just like the original NES controller.
What the......
“I found this here, a few days ago.”, Mr. Marty explained and scratched his head confused. “I had no idea, why this was here. As you know, I’ve been running this store since the 80s and yet, I never had anyone deliver me a console like that.”
“I see....”, I mumbled and took a closer look. Judging by the ports, the console must have been made around the time the N64 was produced, given the exact same ports. The colour itself was off in some areas, meaning that this thing was old and not new. I also saw a small writing in front of the cartridge slot. It said: Odyssey- A fantatic time
“Does this thing even work?”, I asked Mr. Marty. He nodded.
“Yes. I plugged it, into my TV at home. And indeed, the console works quite well and the games were fun too. Controls were solid and I had a bit of fun with it, I won’t lie.”
“Uhuh....Then why are you not selling it, upstairs?”, I wondered and for a moment, Mr. Marty remained quiet. Then, he let out a sigh.
“Truth be told, I wanted to. Yet....I had a feeling I shouldn’t. I have no idea why, though. So...”
He put his hand into a small box next to it, which had a green cartridge with the words “5 in 1”
“...do you want to have it?”
I thought about it for a moment and then nodded.
“Sure, I guess. How much do I need to pay?”, I asked and took out my wallet, but Mr. Marty shook his head.
“You can have it for free.”, he told me. “Under one condition.”
“That being?”
“I want you to record your gameplay.”, he explained to me. “You know, to see what happens when you 100% the full game. Would that be fine with you?”
“Hmm...Sure, why not?”, I asked and nodded. “I already have a youtube channel, where I upload gameplay videos regurlarly and I make enough money from it. So, of course I can do that.”
“Excellent.”, Mr. Marty said and then put the controller on top of the console and then added the cartridge onto it, before giving it to me. I grabbed the box and was a bit surprised, as to how light it actually was. Honestly, it wasn’t heavy at all. Or did I gain some muscles?
“Thanks, Mr. Marty.”, I told him. “Once I am done, I’ll send you the videos to your mail. Have a nice day.”
“Thank you. See you kid!”
With that, I left and 10 minutes later, I was back home. I opened the door to the apartment and then closed it, before placing the console on the ground, grabbing the cables in order to plug them in. It wasn’t difficult at all, given that it was easy to see what those cables were. I then grabbed the cartridge and pushed it into the slot, before I turned on the TV and then pressed on the on button, of the console.
The TV screen glitched briefly and then turned black. For a moment, I was worried that I accidentally broke the TV. But thankfully, an image began to appear. My recording device got turned on as well and I watched, as a red spiral symbol appeared on screen with the word “Ripple”, on it.
I took out my phone and googled the name of the console and the company of the game.
But I found nothing. Weird...
In any case, the screen changed and it showed me 5 options to choose from. They were as follows:
Crystal Venture
Curiously, I grabbed the controller and selected the first game. Again, the title screen glitched and then, the title screen showcased some strange racing car with a black color and some Cyrillic symbols on the front, staring at the screen. It was of rather high quality and then, I pressed on start. Then, a vehicle selection came up.
There, I saw the names of the vehicles
Black: 1951 ZiS-112/1
Blue: Moskvitch 404 Sport
Green: Alpine A350
White: Alfa Romeo Tipo 512
Weird...I never heard of any of those names before. Eh, I’ll just go with the first option.
I expected a track selection to pop up, but instead I was immediately booted onto the track. It had a sunset background and the graphics reminded me indeed, of the N64. I grabbed the controller and focused my attention on the road, which would lead to a forrest apparently. I saw on the top right two goals listed:
1: Win the race
2: Beat the race, in under 2 minutes
The traffic light turned from red to green and the race began. I had 3 competitors and indeed, the game controlled quite well and the controls reminded me a bit of Mario Kart 64. I dashed through the track, easily leaving my opponents behind. There were some tight corners in the forrest and yet, it was nothing hard. Which is why in the end, I approached the finish line with a time of 1 Minute and 30 seconds, when...
The race cars barely moved from their spots. They...weren’t moving at all.
Weird....must be some kind of bug.
I finished the race and then, a trophy was shown to me saying:
Win you have done are
“The hell? What kind of grammar is this?”, I muttered bewildered and pressed on continue. I waited for the track to load....
....but the next track didn’t come. And after a few minutes, I realised why.
The console had turned itself off. Did the game crash?
I turned it on and tried to select the first game again and....
...it was gone.
I turned the console off again, took out the cartridge, put it back inside and turned the console on again.
But....VeloRacer went missing.
I decided to just select the next game, as I rubbed my eyes a bit. The title screen showed some Drag King jumping on a....on a...
..on some kind of giant lizard thing with a red suit and a cube-like mustache. Weird....
I pressed on start and the screen switched, to a 3d world. It looked like I was in some sort of palace, given the interior and I was controlling this Drag King. I then noticed two objectives.
1. Beat all soldiers
2: Find all Gold Coins.
Like the last game, the controls were solid and could kick and punch my opponents, while jumping extremely high. Moving around the castles, I beat all of those lizard soldiers easily, passing through the red doors and collecting coins. It was not hard at all. Once I was finished, a message popped up that said:
Go back to the main area, to finish.
And I was about to do that. But, then I noticed in the courtyard level that there was a door ahead. I approached it and opened it, wanting to explore as much as possible.
But when I did that, an error popped up. It was written in gibberish and I only saw tons of numbers, before it shut down and-
Was it just me...or did I see a face staring at me? It looked like the moon....
Huh. Needless to say, this was weird. The game shut down again and when I turned the console off again, that game was also gone.
Only 3 more left.
What the hell......Urgh, my head hurt......
Okay, now I was extremely confused......Was the cartridge broken or why did each game disappear? I don’t get it....
This was getting weird and I wasn’t sure, if I wanted to play more. All of this felt like some cheap creepypasta, about some cursed game console. But.....
So far, the games weren’t creepy. Sure, they all crashed and yet, I didn’t see anything gross or something.
Well....let me try the next game. Beato Danco.
The title screen showed some strange orange haired girl with black eyes and colorful clothing dancing. She was smiling and even though she looked creepy, she also looked a bit cute.
I turned the game on and it appeared to be some DDR clone. I had to dance and press on the button at the right times, while fighting more of those lizard soldiers. I had two objectives.
Objective 1: Beat the level
Objective 2: -
Huh. Only one objective, huh?
Again, the game was easy to play and I had some fun too. But as I went on to play, I realised something.
None of those games...had any music. Sure, they had sound effects, but no music at all. That’s strange.... Were the developers unable to add some music? If it was an early console from the 80s I’d get it. But that console seemed to be from the early 90s and yet, no music at all.
Something felt off and I finished the level and as I expected, the screen turned black and...
There was a text on the screen.
“Can you see me?”
But it was only for a split moment and then the console turned off again.
Okay, this was beginning to creep me out. I needed some answers.
So, instead of turning on the game again, I hopped onto reddit and went to r/retrogaming and typed in the following:
“Does anyone know this console? I got it from a local video game store and yet, I can’t find anything online. Can you help?”
I added some pics of the console and then sent it.
....only for a message to pop up that said:
You have been banned from r/retrogaming, for inappropriate behaviour.
Excuse me?????????
My post got deleted too. What the...What rule did I break? I didn’t even curse or anything?!
I coughed a bit and rubbed my eyes. What the hell.....
I glanced at the game console. Maybe...I should take a break and...
I turned the console on again and selected the fourth game. Crystal Venture.
The title screen showed a rainbow crystal and when I pressed on start, it seemed to be some sort of Tertris Clone, only with diamonds. I had two objectives.
Objective 1: Beat the level
Objective 2: Lose the level, please.
But those goals were complete opposite of one another?!
Well.....I doubted that I could just play this game a second time, so I did my best.....I played and like usual, I beat the level.
I saw the trophy symbol again and yet....
....I saw no continue button.
The hell?
Suddenly, the screen glitched and it was all black. Then, text appeared on it.
Listen. Turn the console off.
Do not beat the gamesies.
You will just sufferersies.....
And then, the console turned off again.
I really didn’t want to play the last one, but my body didn’t listen to me. It...turned the game on again....and my hand selected the last game.
This time around, I was just on some black meadow. The game was in first person and it was so dark....
The.....sun had set. It was night. I had no idea, why it was nighttime already......
My hand moved the joystick and I walked around......I walked...and walked...........
Until there was something in the distance. Something with several white glowing things and long orange hair.
And to my surprise....my console spoke.
“HELLOSIES”, it said with a glitchy feminine voice. “YOU::::DIDNT LISTEN TO ME::::UWU:::::YOU NEED:::TO TURN:::THE CONSOLE OFF::::BEFORE ITS TOO LATE::::::”
“Wh..What?! Wh...What’s going on?!”, I exclaimed and felt my headaches getting worse.
“YOU::::HAVE FOUND:::::FORGOTTEN:::::YOU::::::::HAVE:::::::::BEATEN::::THE GAME::::::::::::::AND::::AND::::NOW:::YOU NEED TO TURN::::IT OFF::::PLEASE::::”
And then suddenly, I saw a timer at the top.
30 seconds.
I tried to reach to the off button, but......
My body wouldn’t move. I...I couldn’t move at all. And my head began to hurt even more.
20 seconds.
My vision became blurry and I heard a strange noise from somewhere, yet I couldn’t find out from where. I coughed.
10 seconds.
“NOOOOOO:::::TURN OFF:::::NOW:::::NOW:::::::::::::NOW!!!!!”
The screen began to glitch heavily and I coughed again...some liquid. I thought it was blood, but.....
...it...was some dark gooey liquid...What the.....
I coughed it up more and felt it leaving my eye sockets, as also my hands were full of them. I coughed up even more.
5 seconds
I tried. But I couldn’t.
The time went up. And I vomited even more black goo and then collapsed, feeling my brain bursting through my forehead. The last thing I heard from the glitchy voice was this:
A 17 year old kid was found murdered, yesterday. The victim was discovered by their parents, who had left their child one week ago, to attend a musical. When they returned, they found the victim on the ground, in a strange dark substance. Police entered and investigated, yet they couldn’t figure out what the substance was. They also found the TV all broken and some loose cables hanging from it, yet nothing was plugged into those. According to witnesses, no one entered the home except the kid and there was no sign of breaking in either. The autopsy discovered strangely enough that the victim had died a week ago, yet all of his organs seemed fully functional, except the skin which had some dark veins. Police is still investigating and the lead detective said that they found a suspect and that they are interrogating them, as they speak. And they also learned from said suspect that the victim visited them 3 times over the last week, even though they supposedly died a week ago. Camera footage is rather broken and the suspect claims that they gave the kid a console to play. But no console was found at said scene. Stay tuned for more.
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notanotherzerofan · 1 year
A lot's been on my mind...
A lot of it either feel I can't really talk about or it's personal stuff that I prefer to keep private.
I will say this though: the rate AI is advancing if absolutely terrifying me.
Now, normally I prefer to keep posts as short as possible, so I because this is a rant and kind of spur of the moment (and also a long time coming), so I legit have no idea how long I'm going to run on this
Also want to point out before I get into all this, I don't hate AI, but the ways it's being used.
*TL;DR at the end.
Now, let me clarify, this is not just about the image generators, but everything involving itself in creative fields and possibly beyond. We're basically at the point where you can't tell what's real anymore. I say this as I just prior to me starting to write (March 27th) this I read an article regarding an AI generated pic of the pope that fooled a lot of people.
Then there's the issue that many artist were worried about in regards to losing work to AI. It's already happening, though currently in a different field: modeling. Basically, Levi's is going about testing AI generated models and claiming to do so in the name of 'diversity.'
And probably the biggest issue is people either remain ignorant to what's going on, don't care what's going on, or want AI to take control of everything.
I say of the former two (and basically everyone for that matter), you really should both learn and stay informed as best you can as this is an issue that has an effect on everyone. I also say this as someone who's looked a little further into how some of this tech (image generators specifically) work. Also be aware, just like anything on the internet, there'll be misinformation, so you probably shouldn't take one source as a definitive final answer (This includes myself as I'm just as prone to making mistakes and having bias as anyone else). On top on that, for the love of god, don't get your info from Twitter or Facebook.
Now, as for the latter, I highly doubt it's going to end up being a case of you being free to sit around and play video games all day. If you're hedging on the idea of UBI and live in the US or anyplace where government greed an lobbying is rampant, it's more likely you'll get barely enough to squeeze by, if anything at all.
Now, while none of these problems have easy solutions, there are those that are working for and in favor of people and human generated content. With lawsuits against image and text AI generators and with a group working on software that messes with image outputs I am somewhat hopeful that protections and more ways to fight back will come around.
In the mean time, I'm still going to work my craft, and you should too.
And by that I kind of also mean I'm gonna try to stop holding back on stuff just because I don't have a proper watermark yet. It's another thing that's going to take a while, especially since I'm going to be working with new software for this. In the mean time, I recommend if you do any sort of visual art you do the same thing too. Unfortunately for writers and coders, I don't have any suggestions as that's not my area of expertise (but don't take this as me saying, 'oh, ur on ur own, lol').
Now, admittedly, since I began writing this, some new info has come to light (*insert slowpoke meme here*). Apparently over 1,000 tech leaders, including Elon Musk (if even he is campaigning for this, then something is up), signed a letter on the topic of slowing down or even halting AI development. This is potentially good, but too be fair, it doesn't stop the damage that's already been done.
Like I said above, I'm hoping that protections for people from AI will become a thing.
Sorry if this seems like a downer ending, but I don't really know what else to say, and I'm not really a writer or journalist. This isn't the last I'll be talking about stuff like this though.
AI is already affecting credibility and people's jobs.
Don't just take something on person of side says as truth; try to find a credible source (i.e., not Twitter or Facebook).
UBI is not an end all solution, especially if your government is known for it's greed.
There are people trying to curb some of ethical the issues from AI.
Keep creating, no matter what.
Tech leaders are campaigning for a slowdown/halting of AI development.
This won't be the last time I bring up stuff like this.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
spoiler alert : it's not alien abduction
tw : everything triggering, read at your own risk
so i almost comitted suicide several times around the 24th-25th
it all began when i was a child but we don't have time for that crap so i'm gonna cut to the chase.
Recently things has been pretty hard for me with financial issues and stress over what the fuck i'm doing with my life, not to mention the ridiculous pressure my parents put on me (in a way that i had told them would not be effective on me as it would just cause me harm esp to my mental health that both my parents, esp my mom, decide to ignore) and my extended family, and what i want, and it was all just ridiculous. Not to mention something specific happened recently that kinda just made me gave up because it felt like a betrayal, abandonment, and the way it happened was just so absolutely unfair and out of the blue like i wasn't even informed of what happened until i seek for answers myself. It was just horrible and i was really going to go through with it. I had suicide notes ready and everything and i could've decided to do it on the 23rd but it was yunho's birthday and i wasn't gonna miss that so my options were on the 24th or 25th bc my parents were gone and had anything happened, i wouldn't be rushed to the hospital.
I was alone and i felt alone despite having one last friend to talk to but that friend was just sooooo so so so far away and idk it felt hopeless. It wasn't until i accidentally hinted to someone about what i was gonna do and they figured it out and after a whole shenanadoodles (at first this person was like "i can't be selfish, i can't keep you here because who tf am i?") and some words used on me, that person accidentally canceled my self destruction. It was literally something that no one had ever said to me in a sense of the intention and the words used. It was literally "you can't go anywhere now, you're staying to write for me" and it wasn't the sentiment that i HAVE to live for this person now, but it was the fact that i was given a purpose. this person wanted me and they have plans for me and that gave me an immediate feeling of security. It's so stupid, i know but it happened. That was what happened and i'm still at shock because that person said they didn't even know that it would work.
if someone goes to you, telling you they wanna end their life, i implore you to NEVER say "don't do it, but i'm not gonna stop you". because that kinda feels like you don't care and by god, this person is already suicidal now you're telling them that YOU wouldn't care whether or not they leave ???????
i can't speak for other people with suicidal tendencies or behaviour but i'm so glad to have the friends that i have rn. I used to say i don't have much friends but oh my god after being open about this, i realized how many friends i have and how easy it is to ask someone to be your friend.
I'm sharing this to not upset anyone but because i want my blog to be a very transparent and open space. I don't feel normal because i don't see people sharing about their experience esp with suicidal behaviour and/or tendencies bc it's a taboo and it's potentially triggering. that's why i don't feel normal and it makes me think that since i'm not welcomed, i'm not like anyone, i should just not be here. Someone told me to remove myself from uncomfortable situations and i took it to a whole new level. It didn't occur to me how much people cared for me and seriously, i'm just so very thankful. I know i have a long way to go and i'm gonna have more hardships to come, but right now i feel like the people who i have around me can help me even by just doing stupid shit like sending ateez pics or telling a random annecdote or even frantically trying to find a topic that can distract me.
this space that i have created is a safe space. I personally don't get triggered by other people's experience but i get it. honestly, i want to make a safe, open space for people but i just don't know how to. but that's basically what happened to me this past week.
to everyone who are still with me today, i want to thank all of you so much and while i don't know how to thank each of you privately or directly, i just want you to know i love you so much. God the love i received these past couple of days has just been making my heart feel full and honestly it kinda feels like i'm gonna pee. but eh what do i know.
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ace-and-slutty · 2 years
3 7 14 25 44 61 74
3. Depends on what we're counting as a sex toy. Proper sex toy? The sassy by pillowtalk. My ex drove me to a Proper sex toy shop when I turned 18 and his older sibling's fiance came with us. It was honestly a lovely experience, the staff was very sweet too, 10/10 vibes. Unfortunately, I am Too Horny To Live and literally killed it so I was back that summer for a new one. If we're talking before then? Electric toothbrush. And I used the bristle side. Still do on the very rate occasion everything is out of charge. I also used hex bugs although much less often.
7. Answered here
14. I absolutely send nudes, as some very lovely mutuals can attest. And honestly that offer stands to anyone and everyone although if you're past a certain age Or disrespectful I might make you tip first. And I tend to like be mutuals with them before I show my face. But yeah, I've very much got an exhibitionist streak and some fun body issues from my ex, trauma and society (not in that order) so when people find my body appealing? It takes my breath away.
And I like receiving nudes from people I know and like. I'm not offended when someone opens with a dick pic I'm just too ace to be affected. A penis with no context stirs about as much arousal in me as an elbow. But if it's you getting hard or wet or what have you to what I posted? I cherish that. I cherish dick pics and the like from people I know because they trusted me enough to share a part of their body with me and that is beautiful to me.
25. It depends on the kind of sex, the kind of kissing and how much prep was involved (aka can I taste food on you? Please no, I am Never That Horny). Most of the sex I've had has involved not being in a very conducive position to kiss. Weirdly enough, i've had PiV sex once but I've never kissed someone during it. And I'd definitely like to, I hope it might help with some of the pain. But no matter what, neck kisses, cheek kisses, forehead kisses? Amazing, as many as you're down for. Making out can get a bit more weird sensory wise and depend on more factors.
44. Literally everything! A fun aspect of my flavor of ace is that I can get off to almost anything because I don't need to imagine myself in the scenario at all. It can even have kinks I'm not into if i like the rest of the fic or the writer enough. And i save everything I like and categorize it like this:
Tumblr media
That way, if I'm looking for something in particular, it's easiest. I definitely have a few favorite videos although they vary a lot in content. And I definitely use written stuff about 60% of the time
61. Not loud at all, so it's something I like to challenge my partners on, if they want a challenge. Unfortunately, between being an actor and an autistic person who masks near constantly it can be hard for me to let my guard down, which is why kink can be so helpful in forcing me to open up as it were.
74. Hmm I've got a couple of contenders. I've seen some pretty typical hentai. Weird but not weird by hentai standards. I've also watched almost every porn with funny writing I could find (aka right in front of my salad, lemon stealing whores, etc). I've also read an awful awful fic that is BURNED into my brain and I'd give anything to unremember. I can describe it if people want but I'm not gonna subject anyone to it without consent.
Thank you so much for the questions anon!!
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Thank you for sharing! (and participating, I appreciate the ask you sent me!)
5. A fic I haven't read yet, but I want to? All of it honestly. You have such a fun looking masterlist and it's one I NEED to explore. I mean you have such a wide arrangement of stories babes, it's a treasure trove of goodness. I am especially interested in My Kingdom, Your Kingdom as well as your Ransom Drysdale pieces, cause I feel like you as gonna give us a softer version of that asshole.
15. A question I have about a fic of yours? Honestly, which one is the story that you get emotional about? It springs into your mind and it just gets you all in your feels?
13. If I ever talked about your fic with someone? So I just read braids and how soft is that? I was absolutely in my feels with the gentleness you portrayed in Ari and the overall playfulness in the characters. I would absolutely have to rave about that one to a friend because its those small moments for characters that mean so much.
My favorite piece? Okay I know it's not your favorite, but I will always have a special place in my heart for your Nick Gant sketch. And I get how frustrated it made you and everything, but I really think it is a beautiful piece. It was such a hard subject you were working from and what you did absolutely blows my mind. To me, it looks incredible and I will always love getting to admire it.
Always Amber! I love interacting with you all and I know how much answers and games like this can mean to any writer. I'll always try to spread love throughout the fandom as much as I can 💚
Thank you so much dear! It's a little crazy for me to realize how much I have actually written already. Sometimes it doesn't feel like much but then again looking at all the different stories it is a lot 😅😂
MKYK is definitely one story I love and I think you'll enjoy it. If you haven't already read it I can also recommend 'Oh So Tempting' for Ari. It's my favorite Ari thing I have written.
As for Ransom. Damn right. His character in the movie was perfect - for the movie - but I'll firmly live in my own delusion of making him a (much) softer version in all my fic. Ransom is an ass but that's his family's fault. With the right influence, he is much more pleasant 🤣
A lot of them make me emotional in different ways. But especially 'Happy Birthday to You and Me' and the Little Spiderbro universe get me in the feelings. I feel so deeply and broadly about those works.
dfoibwoibna!! This feels like the greatest honor ever! Never thought anyone would talk about any of my fics with someone else. Feels like such an accomplishment.
You are also always welcome to gush about them directly to me. I'd happily indulge in it or even sprinkle in some bts info or additions that didn't make the cut 🫶🏻💚
Oh yes, the Nickt Gant pic. I have quite a love-hate relationship with it. Knowing you love it so much definitely makes me happy. At some point I might give it another shot, to go in with more detail from the beginning or I'll try to get my hands on a reference pic with higher quality to work with. There is a Steve inspo pic ghosting around in my reference folder that I wanted to try to do at one point too. Maybe I'll try my luck at that one once to drawing muse hits me again.
Amber thank you so so so much for sending this incredibly sweet and kind message in. When I read it for the first time yesterday evening I legit tearing up. I can't put into words how much I appreciate this and how deeply this makes me feel. Thank you 💚💚
Love ya & to many more happy conversations and interactions between us!
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narryffdreaming · 18 days
Hey Dani! I saw your post about how invasive fans can be and I can't stop thinking about it since I read it. It's something I think about every time I post something in here because many times I use content that it's not from shows or harry's IG (you know photos we get from fans that met him or pap pics or things other people say about him etc.) Every single time I post, there is a thought that pops up immediately in my mind: "Is this disrespectful?" and when I decide to post it after all it's because I'm telling myself that I don't post about him because I see him as a content but because I want to express the admiration I have for him and also because it's a way to distract myself from things that makes me anxious (I mean it makes happy talking about him). Although I know that I'm trying always to be respectful (and I think I have achieved it, at least at most parts), the thing you said it's always a thought that comes to my mind when I do something that involves him. And that's why I feel so at ease when he is not working and we don't get any photo or whatever. Because sometimes we crave to see him and get glimpse of his life but that's selfish. He doesn't own us anything.
hellooooo <3 i completely get being here and posting things because we want to distract ourselves from reality (things that make us anxious, sad, etc), and i dont want to come across as someone who's above any of that. after all, here i am, writing fanfic and posting about how much i love harrys arms lol (btw, i also have internal dilemmas when it comes to my stories, i just wont get into that rn bc I'll end up losing track of my thoughts and never stop talking hehe).
SO YEAH, that all being said, im gonna answer your ask in the only way i can right now, which is reading """between the lines""" of what you wrote—but pls keep in mind that my brain is exhausted so take this in a gentle way <3 first, from my perspective, i think that if you have to CONVINCE yourself that what you're doing (whatever that is) isn't disrespectful to others because it brings YOU joy, then that's already enough to show that deep down you already know something is off and maybe, just maybeeeeee (bc im speaking in general not just about this situation), that it isnt the case. and second, are you really showing admiration for him if you're posting pictures he didn't consent? if you're posting pictures that are invading his privacy or that were taken when he wasn't aware of someone even watching him? arent there better ways to show admiration than to share/spread pictures of him trying to live his "normal" life? i get wanting to distract yourself from reality, i do!! i just think there are a million things there could be posted instead of these pictures/videos that are taken in a context where he isn't being treated like a human being. let's go back to old shows. let's go back to his instagram posts. lets go back to his interviews. his music videos. his movies. his outfits.... idk!! is it repetitive? well... yeah. but it is what it is. it is what we have until he's willing and ready to share more 🤷‍♀️
at the end of the day, engaging or not with that kind of content is a choice. and yes, whether we like to admit it or not, pictures and videos of him are content. content to feed your blog. content so people interact with your posts. so people engage, follow, etc, etc.. and it is my choice not to post or reblog that kind of content, and sometimes i have to ignore the urge to make an exception bc he looks so cute or so hot or whatever in one specific picture. i have to actively choose not to engage, and i do it bc i believe he deserves better than that. and bc i believe that my own entertainment or distraction arent above his personal space or boundaries or whatever. do i wish he would post 24/7 and let me in in his life? YES. do i wish i could know everything he does and stare at his beautiful face everyday? YES. is that healthy? probably not!! lmao. should i fulfill my wishes no matter what? HELL NO.
so yeah, i dont own the truth and i dont want to make anyone feel bad or anything, but i feel like we're the ones encouraging this behavior around him—we aka his own fans. so i do think it's also up to us to point out when it's too much or when we are crossing lines. not with hate or canceling people or embarrassing anyone... just bringing up the conversation and encouraging people to think about it, so maybe they'll eventually see things in a different way.
OKAY I'LL STOP NOW but thank you for sending this 💕 i tried my best to choose the correct words but im so tired that maybe i didnt and just know that i meant all this in the nicest possible way! <333
0 notes
m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
I’m realizing that typos that ended up autocorrecting into being from me typing so fast so if anything ever doesn’t make sense lmk LMAO
SHSH IM SO EXCITED FOR THAT OTOYA FIC childhood friends too good…like there’s just so much potential in that trope I feel jsjshdjsja
LMAOOO imagine the diff between Karasu being all sappy and Otoya being like “just get a side chick” I can see it
LMAOOO loser Nagi slander I laughed but fr!! Bye whipped Karasu is gonna be the end of me guys
NO FR HEAVY ON THE BAROU??? Like wdym red flag he’s literally husband material get out. But honestly he has one of the best growth mindsets imo too like he’s willing to learn from his mistakes and even kinda learns to communicate??? Also I have no idea how much of the light novel snippets you saw but essentially he’s a mamas boy (YEAHHHH) and basically helped around the house since he was 7 to help his mom out while his dad was working he def would have sm respect for his partner….also because he has two little sisters I feel like he’d grow to be protective over them for sure too….we need more people spreading green flag karasu agenda though like no this boy his bf material marriage material fr LMAO I forgot but he landed himself on the top 10 “would want to date irl” ranking list in Japan I think LMAO as he should
I’m gonna lose my mind when that match gets animated fr where’s that meme pic that’s like “I liked this before it was famous” that’s literally us….like we are the OGs LMAOOO
I NEED THE SISTER REVEAL SO BAD TOO I’m begging that he gets a light novel chapter and we see her OR we get one of those panel snippets again where we see her watching the match livestream (like Chigiri and Kunigami’s sisters or Aryu’s parents) actually you’re so right can someone just reveal everyone’s family members rn likeee I’m dying to see more of their lives outside of soccer too…and BABY NAGI FR I feel like that’s a lot of coping from me but baby nagi…..I need that visual (imagine he had one of those fuckass bowl cuts at some point in time too LMAOO then got too lazy to ever get a haircut again which is why it is the way it is now)
DHJSSH TAKE YOUR TIME!! I’ll be here patiently waiting for your next masterpiece…trust I will be reading those non-BLLK pieces regardless although I might have less commentary if I’m unfamiliar with the series LOL but I am very excited for the hioris works too and hollyhock….and my reqs…and POTENTIAL PEREGRINE COMEBACK??? Guys….prayers have been answered I love a good stream of content I can’t wait to read everything fr (seriously was in a drought for so long this is like paradise LMFAO)
Also I saw that nagireo post and I’m with you LMAO secret third option is that they suddenly become very static together…I’m ngl it’s kinda hard being not a fan of nagireo because er. Ok I’m sure not everyone is like this but many of the vocal fans on social media are uh. Not as receptive to constructive discussions…yeah…I’ll leave it at that LMAO
-Karasu anon
HAHAHA dwww i’m pretty good at deciphering things 🫡 but i will keep you posted if i’m ever lost fr 💖 i also make a lot of typos LMAO it’s okayy
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS WITH OTOYA TRULY IS THE MOST ELITE COMBO ‼️ i am so excited omg…like i’m abt to make this man suffer so bad 😰 i think he’s going to be a lot like karasu where he’s in love w reader the whole time BUT unlike karasu he has no idea that he is?? LMAO that probably makes no sense but i hope it does once i write it
otoya suggests karasu gets a side chick and he’s so offended that we get a second version of that dramatic ass nagireo breakup but it’s the tabieita breakup w karasu leaving otoya for yukimiya (otoya does NOT gaf and they’re back together in like one day max)
LOSER NAGI SLANDER ALWAYS 💖 he’s my special princess ofc but if i don’t lovingly make fun of my favs who will??
YESS the ln snippets was what i was referring to when i said he canonically respects women!! the way he stepped up to help out his mother and whatnot vindicated me so bad…like i KNEW he was a green flag and that just affirmed it!! the way he was so sad that his mother was working alone while taking care of two little kids 😕 barou truly would treat his partner so well and i agree he’s v willing to learn from his mistakes even if he’s cocky!! he’s also lowkey kinda shy i feel 😭 like when he was eating dinner w isagi during second selection after they beat reo kuni and chigiri LMAOAOA also i think out of everyone he and isagi have the healthiest rivalry — they go crazy on the field as one does but off the field they support each other and help each other out tbh. i think off field barou is so diff from his on field nonsense that it can be hard to see how ideal he is 👆🏻
SAME WITH KARASU ACTUALLY!! yeah on field he’s kind of a jackass and yeah he says random bullshit to hiori but as someone who has a younger brother i can 100% confirm that that’s just how teenage boys talk to one another 😭 and it completely does not correlate to how they are in normal company!! karasu based on hiori’s light novel works sooo hard to keep up w school, sports, and friends, PLUS he plans for his future and is tall & good looking…that truly is the kind of man you marry 🤭 i think for characters we don’t know super well (basically anyone but isagi) people just look at how they behave on the field and judge them on that but realistically they’re not going to be like that in a relationship
WE TRULY HAVE BEEN HERE!! not going to gatekeep because i need more tabieitaken fans to make more content but like…we saw the potential early on 🫡
I NEED TO SEE EVERYONE’S FAMILIES AGREED…manifesting karasu and otoya get light novels and we get to see their siblings then 🤞🏻 BABY NAGI WAS PROBABLY SO CUTE AND ROUND AND SQUISHY i bet he had fluffy hair back then too…if they give him a bowl cut i’ll cry it’s not nagi without his little bird’s nest cloud hairdo
it’s funny actually the non-bllk pieces are requests for fics based on a fic i wrote?? like they’re requests for original characters of mine 😭 which is like so crazy to me but also rlly flattering i guess HAHAHA i think you will enjoy the hiori reqs!! one of them is similar to one of your reqs for him so i might combine them a bit hehe 😏 BROOO I NEED TO GET BACK ON PEREGRINE I MISS WRITING FOR NAGI (i say that as if nagi has even made it to main character status yet 💔) the next bit is focused more on how y/n and reo became friends because we know from the future that they’re superrrr close but atm y/n like. hates his ass 😓 their platonic relationship is v special to me though because they truly go through everything together!! kind of a spoiler not really though but because he’s denied her attention before he’s denied soccer, y/n is almost like reo’s nagi before he meets nagi himself?? which is def going to switch around a lot of dynamics in a fun way. the good news is y/n is a lot more headstrong + better at communicating than nagi so there will be no dramatic y/nreo breakup scene 😭 no promises about y/n and nagi though 😈
NAGIREO FANS ARE TERRIFYING BRO THAT’S WHY I DIDN’T TAG THAT POST W ANYTHING!! like ok i get it your ship has sooo much evidence and backing and whatnot IDGAF it’s boring and i don’t like what it does to my favs (being nagi and reo themselves 😭) it’s my opinion but i promise i’m not homophobic or anything?? like what…idk i also feel like a large portion of the fandom likes nagireo and if they don’t it’s because they either don’t like nagi or don’t like reo which i’m in neither camp i just don’t prefer them as a combo!! i don’t think they’re good for one another but they’re also not toxic in an interesting way (because trust i’ll eat up a well done unhealthy relationship KDFHSJJS)…GIVE ME BACK NAGIBAROU 🙏🏻 GIVE ME BACK REO AND ZANTETSU 🙏🏻 or ykw make some new groups!! let reo be friends w like. aryu or smth 😭 or like karasu and nagi seemed to be hanging out at the arcade when all of them were there!! show me more of their vibe together (because honestly it’s working rlly well in epinagi)
NAGI IS THE CUTEST I LOVEEE HIM i may have a new theme now but he remains in his place of honor as my number one and therefore remains as my pfp this time 🗣️
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starjxsung · 3 months
HI BABY OH MY GDKJSHFKHSDFIUHKJSDHFKSHFHSDKFH YOURE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been checking on your main blog every single day since uve been on hiatus just waiting for the day you come back and somehow i think the past few days i just completely forgot you had a side blog and idk how i missed your comeback the past few days but ig i did... :((
I HOPE YOURE DOING ALRIGHT!!!! summer has been pretty okay w me so far, mostly just hangouts with friends and staying inside to avoid the sun and any uv rays possible like the fucking vampire i am, etc.
im going to kcon la next month!! unfortunately skz isnt part of lineup and i wont be able to go friday so ill only be able to see the saturday+sunday conventions and concerts, but i hope itll be fun nonetheless. my uncle is some kind of manager in the entertainment industry (idk too much abt it but he usually gets me signed albums every year so im not complaining!) and he usually helps out at kcon every year, so he always has at least 2-3 free tickets.. whenever he visits so im usually able to head to kcon if my schedule fits!! 
i think for other life updates on my part theres not tm.. i ended up going on a diet the past month because ive been really wanting to lose weight for a while now but ive never been able to do it in a healthy way because ive had an ed for as long as i could remember.. (growing up with asian beauty standards is pretty tough unfortunately 😞) i used to be 130lbs at 5’1” so i always considered myself overweight because of my height, but i recently lost 10lbs and im hoping i can reach my goal of 110 within the next month asw 🤞
aside from my life update rant though, ive srsly missed you so much star you dont even know !!! im so happy youre back 🥺🥺🥺
as always, ur biggest fan
~ 《 ☘️ 》
I’ll be back on main blog™️ soon !!!! I miss it there too tbh RAHHHH side blog is good too but main blog is where everything started and I miss posting so bad 💔 I also somehow check tumblr less ever since the creation of side blog so I have to physically remind myself to check tumblr and I just. miss when I had more time to post and people wouldn’t get annoyed of me answering asks on main ☹️ BUT FEEL FREEEE TO SPAM SIDE BLOG™️ TOOOOOO she exists for all ur spam/vent/miscellaneous needs and I love checking on you guys even when I’m not on main. I love you !!!!
Also don’t be so hard on yourself my angelllll just make sure you’re staying healthy :( I love you :( and I fully acknowledge that beauty standards are fucking impossible to live by and they can genuinely be so taxing to try to fit. But as long as you’re healthy and happy and doing what you want for yourself only, that’s what matters :’) I’m always a message away if you need me (even though I’m fucking garbage at responding) and I love you no matter what. Take care of yourself precious cargo 🤲💓
I LOVE YOU and I missed you and I promise I will be back on main blog™️ as soon as I physically can be. I am ur biggest fan actually if you were a clover I would pick you and keep you in a little resin necklace and wear you all the time. I love you !!!!!!!!.!.!.!!.!/!:!!,?,!.!.!
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starlightfantasy · 2 years
Hi there! Hope you had an awesome weekend!
First off I want to ask how you're doing! I know Wonho enlisting has been a bit rough for me, so I just wanted to check in! Him going away definitely hit harder than I thought it would!
Also Libido by Onlyoneof! SO GOOD! I love that song, the choreo/stages, and the MV so much. It's definitely one of my favorites, as well! Others that come to mind are Genie - Girls' Generation, Shangri-La - Vixx, Lilac - IU, and Open Mind - Wonho
It's awesome that you support lesser known groups! I feel like new groups are popping up every other day, it can be hard for me to keep track, but yes! SO many groups that don't have wins absolutely deserve them.
What are some less famous groups you like right now?
Eye on You is SOOOOO good! Great choice for a favorite video. The black and white scenes are some of my faves in his videos! And the first special performance video he did with the blindfold... Wonho keeps us well fed lol I also prefer him with dark hair! Not gonna lie, I wasn't a huge fan of when he went so blonde it almost looked yellow? And speaking of hair... I'm a bit sad we didn't get a picture of him bald lol Totally respect his privacy, but it's just weird that he's gone now!
Alligator!!! The water scenes are ICONIC. The looks, the choreo, everything about Alligator is amazing!
Also I don't mind you being chatty! I can be a bit chatty, too! I love talking to new people during secret santas, it's really fun!
And I'll leave you with another question, just for fun!
What's a concept you'd like to see from Monsta X and Wonho (when he gets back) going forward. Is there anything they haven't done you'd like to see from them?
Oh, my beautiful secret Santa Friend, you are a blessing. I am sorry it took me so long to answer this, but I guess it’s because I am not doing well since Wonho left. Ok, I am being dramatic, but I miss him a lot. His messages, his selfies, he was constantly in contact and now he didn't even say goodbye, I need a pic of his shaved head to continue living!!!
Anyways I do understand his reasons and I am sure he will reach soon and he will not let us starve, I know this is something he has to and wants to do as a S Korean citizen and I hope he can rest and have  a good time while doing his duty. I will be waiting for him, loving him with the same intensity as before.
Actually see the OOO video for Libido it’s what made me stan them (and then Love left and it was trauma time all over again) i love the video, the colours, the music, the acting, I normally hate love triangles, but this one is delicious!!!
All the videos you mention are great and of course shangri-la is a classic and open mind was a cultural reset, he really made an impact with his comeback and I love him so much for that!
Do you know how I keep up with kpop releases? There’s a youtube channel called K-ville and they make videos with new music every week! It is great.
Some underrated groups I like… TAN, Omega X (I wish them all the love they deserve, I will support them just for how brave they were speaking out about their company’s abuse) I love the concept of second chance idols, they deserve to follow their dreams, and they are more manly and mature (I love pretty young faces, but I do prefer manly idols closer to my age) CIX, victon, (I am not sure how popular they are, but they don’t belong to the big 4 companies) MCND, golden child, highlight (but i guess they are famous) pentagon, I mean I like my noise music but I also love good vocals…. 
Anyways… from the Mx concepts…. I do prefer dark concepts, that’s why I was attracted to vixx, the first video I saw from them was “voodoo doll” and I was blown away! I guess I would like a supernatural concept, as in werewolves or vampires! I have a thing for werewolves. I thought eye on you was gonna be about that and we did get a few hints, but not enough to satisfy me!
I have some questions for you!!! Because I am having a lot of fun and I would love to continue our conversations even after the Secret Santa is over
What’s your favorite Monsta x era? And why
And your favourite photo shoot from Monsta X?
Also what are your hobbies? Favorite movie? Favorite food? Favorite season? Tea or coffe? hehehe
Also, a thing you should know about me is that I will make a lot of spelling mistakes and I can always find the perfect meme for the situation.
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I made this for you
have a great day!
0 notes
Every UMich Monday question 2021-22, ranked
God bless umich social for giving us every single one of these gems of pure distilled characterization. To celebrate, I watched all of them in order. The most interesting season-long trends were Eddy’s suggestibility (consistently willing to agree with whatever anybody else tells him), GVW’s obvious belief that every single one of his answers is supremely clever (when in fact they are just as dumb if not dumber than everyone else’s), and the way that Truss always cherubically looks at the ceiling instead of the camera.
20. What’s your favorite Coach Pearson saying? (January 26, 2022)
Charming question but provided minimal character information.
Best answer: Whoever says “Breathe, Truss!” in the background. Worst answer: Everybody who says “Nothing more, nothing less” but fails to use the appropriate hand gesture as demonstrated by GVW, Beech, and Jimmy.
19. Who’s going to win the Superbowl? (February 13, 2022)
It would have been cooler if they’d skipped this question and just posted more pics from their Joe Burrow cosplay party.
Best answer: Loyal Michigan boys the Nicks (“Detroit Rams.”) Worst answer: Eh, there’s only two options, can’t ding anybody here.
18. Who has the weirdest and the best pregame rituals? (January 20, 2022)
All of the other questions that encouraged chirping scored high in these rankings, but the guys really whiffed on this one. They mostly just made up lies about each other, and they weren’t even funny lies.
Best answer: Bords. (“Matty Beniers. We leave for the rink, me and Truss, and he’s going to take his nap. I think that’s pretty weird.”) Thanks, Thom, for the reminder that you live in throuple bliss, as if any of us forgot for even one second. Worst answer: Everyone who roasts Dylan. Leave Dylan alone!
17. If you could play one other sport besides hockey, what would it be? (February 16, 2022)
Honestly, Monday question content went through a dim era while the Olympians were gone.
Best answer: Noah (Chess) Worst answer: Jimmy (Quidditch)
16. What is your guilty pleasure song? (November 24, 2021)
A strong early entry in the series, but it falls down the ranking due to the absence of chirping.
Best answer: Mackie singing California Gurls. Worst answer: Eddy (“Supermarket Flowers, by Ed Sheeran.”)
15. Who would play you in a movie? (November 2, 2021)
At the time, this appeared to be a strong start to the series. But the content trended sharply uphill over the course of the season, and when reviewed in context, this one has too many boring repeat answers. Sorry, but this is not a team full of Bradley Coopers, Brad Pitts, Will Ferrells, and the cast of Happy Gilmore.
Best answer: Mackie (Zac Efron) Worst answer: The first of Brendan’s three increasingly terrible answers is Jack Sparrow, which, while an apt comparison, is not an actor.
14. Who will have the most points at World Juniors? (December 17, 2021)
The questions with the most potential are the ones where they’re asked about their teammates, but this one suffers from its breakdown along predictable USA/Canada lines.
Best answer: GVW. (“I plead the Fifth.” [exits frame] [remembers where he’s from] [runs back into frame] “Just joking, I think it’s gonna be Matt Beniers. Go Seattle Kraken!”) Worst answer: Owen. (“Kent Johnson.”) Owen we KNOW, okay. We know you’re obsessed with him.
13. Wheels or doors? (March 16, 2022)
The blank canvas of this query ends up shedding a surprising amount of light on their idiotic thought processes. “I started with doors, but I think wheels now,” Truss says, looking aimlessly upwards. “I’ve had a lot of good cases brought to me.”
Best answer: Nick. (Coach: “How many mullets are in this building?” Nick: “How many mullets? Not enough.”) Worst answer: Matty, guessing that there are probably a lot of wheels in a hotel only to later prove himself wrong.
12. Who has the best/weirdest tape job? (February 1, 2022)
I am very intrigued by the deep respect that everyone has for Owen’s tape jobs. This is also the video in which we learned that Mark’s nickname was Stahp Sign.
Best answer: Bords, because his accent’s unusually prominent. Worst answer: Steve Holtz, who cannot figure out how to explain his two sticks.
11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? (January 11, 2022)
A classic question. Too many Spidermen on this team, but I remain very curious about why Owen’s desired superpower is to read minds.
Best answer: Truss. (“A power that makes you big, like Owen.”) Worst answer: Brendan. Sweetie, Tobey McGuire is the worst possible Spiderman to be.
10. Is a hot dog a sandwich? (November 30, 2021)
There are so many varieties of idiocy on display as these guys vehemently defend their answers without making a single coherent argument. Loses a point due to everyone eventually reaching consensus.
Best answer: Jimmy (“I mean, the world isn’t going to change if a hot dog’s a sandwich.”) Worst answer: Owen (“It’s gotta have sandwich meat.”)
9. What’s your favorite holiday tradition? (December 17, 2021)
This one scores high for the background heckling, especially the howls of “Going back to Saskatoon!”
Best answer: Brendan. (“Going up north and hunting with Morgs and Jay.”) Worst answer: Nick Granowicz. (“Spending time with family.”) Give us something better, Grano.
8. Who on the team would you call in case of emergency? (April 6, 2022)
Thanks to this video for finally giving us a Nick Granowicz characterization! It also features Truss sweetly disarmed by Owen and Kent telling him they would obviously pick him, quickly followed by Thom’s indignation at Matty picking Truss too. However: why would not a single member of this team call their captain in case of emergency?
Best answer: Jimmy. (“Definitely not Briss.”) Worst answer: Dylan choosing the teammate who was ready to cook and eat him.
7. What is your favorite memory or the funniest moment from this season so far? (March 25, 2022)
It is extremely tempting to rank this video higher due to Thom looking like a figure skater in his tank top and warmup jacket while gazing adoringly at Brendan. However, too many guys had boring-ass answers like “Winning the B1G championship” instead of expanding on the time Moyle pantsed Phil at BD’s Mongolian Grill.
Best answer: Thom, sweetly noting Jack Leavy's first game. Worst answer: All the other serious ones.
6. What’s your ideal date? (February 9, 2022)
This video ranks high on the strength of Mackie’s answer alone. (“It’d be Duker if he looked like a girl.”) Just serve me up a ship on a silver platter and sauce it with gender feelings, thanks.
Best answer: Dylan. (“Swipe into the dining hall. South Quad.”) Worst answer: Luke. (“It would definitely be, like, taking me to a Lakers game. Or like a Knicks game.”) Luke Hughes does not woo you, you woo him.
5. What New Year’s resolution would you make for your teammates? (January 6, 2022)
This is a perfect question, since it not only asks them about their teammates, it encourages roasting them. This is the video that revealed Matty’s gummy bear habit, and foreshadowed more fascinating/horrifying content about the state of the seniors’ house. 
Best answer: Dylan. (“Luke Hughes. Wear headphones when he watches Harry Potter.”) Worst answer: Jay. (“My New Year’s solution… My New Year’s revolution… I am going to revolutionize 2022.”)
4. What breed of dog would you be? (March 10, 2022)
Quality content from top to bottom, from ever-suggestible Eddy affirming TikTok’s opinion of him as a golden retriever to the brutal roasting of hairless cat Luke Hughes.
Best answer: Owen. (Beniers Mountain Dog.) Worst answer: Brendan. (Brissbese Mountain Dog.)
3. What’s your hidden talent? (February 23, 2022)
10/10. 100/10. Infinity/10. There is no score high enough for the casually entitled way Brendan tugs up Matty’s jersey, Brendan’s indignation when confronted with the possibility that there is something he does not know about Matty’s body, or Brendan’s delight at Matty’s dumb talent as compared to his indifference to Phil’s objectively much more impressive talent.
Best answer: Luke. (“You can ask Truscott for my hidden talent.”) Worst answer: GVW failing to wiggle his ears.
2. If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be? (April 1, 2022)
This question delivers personal insight while also offering broad opportunities for chirping. The resulting video captures so many themes of the whole season: Luke’s inability to run with a joke, Thom being cool as hell, Dylan “Panface” Duke, minifridge Kent embracing his identity as a tiny little guy, Brendan seizing the spotlight and running his mouth. I considered awarding one million bonus points for the sound of Brendan smacking his chest, but I recognize that is important only to me.
Best answer: Noah, pretending to crank a pasta machine with his blocker. Worst answer: Luke’s fragile masculinity.
1. If you were stranded on an island with one teammate, who would you want it to be? (November 17, 2021)
The top of the list has to be the video that launched so many important characterizations for this crew. Terrifying cannibal Morgs! Helpful Truss! Poor crestfallen Dylan!
Best answer: Owen (“Jacob Truscott. He knows why.”) Worst answer: None. Every single moment of this video is golden.
* Unranked (November 9, 2021)
Unranked due to cultural insensitivity, which is a shame, because if this video was accurately titled “What Animal Would You Be?” Bordy’s announcement that he would be a unicorn would vault this into the top tier. (Also showing excellent self-awareness: Dylan as a panda.)
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writinginstardust · 2 years
Real Conversation Prompts
Compiled a list of various things that have been said by myself and friends either irl or online and turned them into this silly little prompt list that’s mostly just humorous or general but has some fluffy and potentially angsty ones as well if you wanna take them that way. Feel free to use however you like and also to tag me in anything if you want because it would be fun to see my conversations with friends recontextualised. Have fun!
"You always being in my life is gift enough"
"I just wanna hug [them] forever"
"Baby, I'm so proud of you!"
"Just me, huh?" "Just you."
"I miss you, come back"
"I can't wait to see you"
"You're adorable"
"I wanna marry [them]"
"I support you in whatever decision you make"
"Every time I think about you my heart goes all fluttery"
"It feels like torture, but I don't want it to stop"
"You're a godsend and I adore you"
"I never want to leave"
"Get on your knees"
"They can't keep us apart"
"I feel like a monster"
"If I don't, then who will?"
"Don't do this to me"
"It's called being soulmates, bitch"
"You're not just a snack, you're a whole damn picnic"
"Hush with your valid arguments"
"Rain can suck my ass"
"I'm gonna start eating people if I don't get food soon"
"I'm ready to simp"
"You can murder, if you like, it's chill"
"I am gay and I love drama"
"No joke, I will cut a bitch for you"
"Okay fuck this, fuck it right to hell!"
"Babe, I am going to scream"
"I take payment through love"
"She's a goddess. And a villain." "So just my type then?"
"Thanks for the trauma"
"I wanna pour bleach onto my brain"
"Laptops can sense fear don't you know?"
"Interesting 3am impulse you had there"
"That ass is keeping me going through this sickness"
"Honey… that's illegal." "well no one has to know…"
"Everyone go away, no one perceive me please"
"I swear I hate [them] more with every word"
"Why is war always [their] answer?"
"God, go get therapy and embrace your emotions, damn."
"I may have gone and done something slightly insane"
"I have some questions about your sleep schedule, ma'am"
"We all had our emo phase and he is our emo dream boy"
"I’m marrying that sweet son of a bitch"
"Chaos is my main personality trait"
"How do you even manage that?"
"Send. Pic. Of. Dog. Now."
"Everyone else is just gonna have to live with my decisions"
"But darling, why would I stop when it gets me what I want?"
"I love you too, but please go to bed"
"Can I fuck [them] over to the good side?"
"I am a [woman] of many talents"
"I personally think I'm hilarious, but no one appreciates me"
"You know I'm illiterate"
"Guess whose been a dumbass again"
"Karma can fuck off, I want a refund"
"I make it my mission to ace every rainbow road to assert my dominance"
"Expect that in 6-8 business months"
"I don't know why, but I'm not really up to taking that sort of advice from you"
"You’re meant to be the nice one"
"What the ever-loving fuck happened?"
"I've lost control"
"Don't you dare." "I'm gonna do a thing. You can't stop me"
"I could sleep but at what cost?"
"I am not dramatic. I am sensible. I could fall and DIE [name]. DIE. Do you want me to die? Do you?"
"My leg has gone dead. Cut it off, it's no use to me now"
"Bitch, don't laugh at me! …I'm sorry. You're not a bitch. I love you"
"That did not occur to me…"
"Wisdom teeth can honestly fuck the fuck off"
"Are you gonna be done soon or what?"
"Who will triumph? Common sense or my impulsive dumbassery?"
"I'm so incredibly unhappy with this development"
"My problem is I'm a nosy bitch"
"It's 11:11, make a wish" "I wish I was dead"
"Don't laugh about my misery"
"'Twas an angstier time"
"You ever just want to go back in time 258 years and beat the shit out of someone?"
"I don't know who I am"
*proposes with a Haribo ring over snapchat*
"I'm getting this 'fuck you' in early"
"Self care ain't always pretty"
"Guess who's about to decapitate Santa?"
"Goddamnit, how did we end up here?"
"Look, I'm dying"
"It's coming for me, I know it"
"Time to sell my kidney"
"I wanna burn a house down- I mean what?"
"What else are friends for if not providing alibis for murder?"
"Do it" "fine, but I'm making you pay for my therapy"
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How would yandere pro hero deku react to his darling having a panic attack warnings : panic attacks tw
You were having a very big panick attack, Its was about your work and you basicly need to get done some test and take some reports form some agencies buy the end of August you remmbered this when one of your coworker friends texted your group chat asking some questoins about this and as soon as you saw the messge, you knew you were fucked up and many thoughts go through your head like what if you wont be able to do them in time? You are dekus personal assistant so if he heard that you didn't do any of these only god knows what will his reaction would be so as you tried to take deep breaths you looked at your phone to see the date of the day it said August of 17 you took a deep breath knowing that you still had a change
"Ok, y/n clam down now " you said as you sip your water to clam down
As you took some heavy deep breaths, you dideced to text one of your good friends that who worked on decks agency to learn more information about this luckily they were nice enough to explain everything that you need to do and sent some pics about what will your reports paper will look like and what were you going to write down to them as they finished explaining you thanked to them and you went off from the chat
"Fuck, fuck! " you said as you threw your phone harshly to the bed
As you close your rooms door you went to the living room to check some of your old reports as you looked at them your heart beat fastly every time the thought of Mr deku yelling at you for your irresponsibility and maybe even doing worse the thought of him doing the "worse" made your skin crawl with fear you didn't want to think about any of these But the thoughts keep coming over and over again and its was getting overwhelming
"What am I gonna do?! Oh, fuck!" You said as your arms shake
As you drew circules around the living room you heared your phones ringing voice acroos your room so you quickly go to your room to answer it and as you take your phone to your hand and as you saw who called you your panicking got worse its was your boss deku and its seems like he called you twice and you didnt answer any of them right now you knew you were fucked up so bad what if he called you to ask you if you completed the reports or not? What will you gonna say to him? what will his reaction will be if he knows that you didn't do any of these tasks you panicked as the sweat dropped from your forehead
"Oh, shit! My boss called me twice!" You said btween shakey breaths but you knew you have to call him back no matter how panicked you are now so as you gulped your fingers pressed to call back button as your call answered you heared his voice from your phones speakers
"Hello, miss y/n! " Deku said cheerfully
"H-hi mr deku, i saw you called me twice is something worng?" You said with a nervous voice
"Yes, i did called you to ask you about the reports" he said as your heart pounded faster and faster
"Did you perhaps complected them?" He asked and you gulped as you tried to hold back your tears
"W-well i " you said as you suttered
"Well? Did you do them?" He said waiting for an answer
And hearing the same questoin was enough for you fainlly free your tears away
"Miss y/n? Are you alright there? " deku asked worried but his asking was no use cus you were already having your big panic attack first your arms start to shake and then your legs and you started to cry between hiccups
"Y/n!, y/n! Please answer me!" He yelled from his phone but you didn't answer him and that's when he knew you were having some panic attack so he closed his phone and fastly go to his car
As he drove he had millions of thoughts about if you were ok or not so he gotta be quick so he can help you. You were his darling and he couldn't let you have a panic attack now no no he got to be there for you or he would never forgive himself for letting you facing this alone
As he saw your house he quickly parked his car over and jump out of his cars set and immediately broke your houses doors knob to get in, quickly went to the stairs and fastly opening your rooms door with a force as he opened the door he saw you crawled to the floor shaking and crying
"Oh no, y/n!" He said as he come towards you as his large hands took you from the floor he made you look at him as he clamed you down with some water and a cologne
"Am here, everything is gonna be ok now stay with me" he said comfortingly
As you looked at him between hiccups you said "de-deku? When di- did you come?"
"Yes, it's me, sweetheart and it's not important now," he said softly
As he placed you on his lap he petted your hair softly to calm you down and after that, he gave you some claiming pills
"Miss y/n, what was all this about?". He said as you gulped at him
"Baby, please you can tell me, I promise am not going to be mad, " deku said as he hold your hand in comfort.
As you blushed at the nickname that he gave you, you opened your mouth to speak
"It's was about the papers sir and I had some personal issues and they get in the way of them so I kinda forget about the papers and I was afraid of your reaction and fire me from my job so I got panicked a lot and this happened " you finished as you looked at him in shame hoping that he won't be mad at you but to your surprise he gave you a soft comforting glance
"Oh honey, you shouldn't be worry about such things like that, if you could just told me I could have helped you out" he said as he kissed your forehead and made you look at him
"Now, relax and don't panic am gonna help you, baby" he said as he petted your back and give you a peck on your cheeks
Now he was going to do whatever it takes to help you with these work papers and also now he was gonna keep an eye on you so you don't have a another panic attack and he was always going to be there for you cus you were his darling and he can't let his darling having panic attacks so now he will watch you even more directly now and have more close to him, he made a promised that will not repeat again.
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Note tw panics : made this to comfort myself cus I'm kinda in a state where I worry a lot now due to some important school things, I wanna cry and scream but am holding myself back from it, it's was about my internship things so you can say am very scared but I'm trying my best to calm down, i hope everything will be fine for me, moral of the story don't be like me, when a important things comes do it don't wait on it cus if you do you may end up like me and now am really sacred and i feel anxious now so please take it as an advice from me don't let your important things go away finish them anyways, for now, I will try to calm myself down
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kyidyl · 4 years
Ok naughty children time to learn about NAGPRA. It’s not pretty and it’s not gonna have cool pics but it’s important. Since it’s kinda boring tho here’s a pic of my sister’s dog sleeping on my bed last night as payment:
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That’s his “I’m lazy sleeping but would like belly rubs plz” pose. Note how much space his chonky self takes up on my twin bed, lol.
Anyway, so what is NAGPRA? The answer here is relevant to a lot of things that aren’t archaeology. NAGPRA stands for the North American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. It was signed into law in 1990 and it is the landmark piece of legislation in any field that includes native artifacts and remains in any way. That includes archaeologists, but also museums, construction, universities, etc. It’s an American piece of legislation, but it was the first of its kind and has spawned many other important laws in countries around the world concerning the handling of artefacts and remains. We are taught about it at all levels of our education, and it’s such and important piece of legislation that I even learned about it during my masters in the UK. I wasn’t even in the US and they were like “so, NAGPRA...”. But what does it do?
If human remains are found on a dig, all work must stop immediately. The cops are called, they bring in a bioarchaeologist or forensic anthropologist (usually a forensic) to determine if the remains are historical or not. If they are, then the state archaeologist is contacted. That person then contacts the leadership of the tribe who is responsible for the land that we’re on (it won’t necessarily be the tribe to whole the individual belonged bc, well, genocide.), and they determine what they would like done with the remains. Sometimes they don’t care and they allow you to dig them up. Sometimes they care very much and they take custody of the individual.). Again, a lot of this depends on context. At our site, if we find anyone they’re likely to be native but because of the civil war history also might not be. I am capable of determining which is which, so if we find human remains we’re lucky on that front. Native remains are pretty distinctive, as long as you have the skull or teeth. These laws don’t apply on private land, but most archaeologists will follow them anyway out of respect.
Requires that all new construction have an archaeologist on site to handle any artefacts or remains that are found during construction. This is why most archaeologists work in commercial archaeology. It’s also why what trump did down south with blasting things apart in his rush to build his stupid wall was 100% illegal.
Requires that all remains and artefacts currently in museums be returned to whence they came, if at all possible. This is the R in NAGPRA and is called repatriation. This is an incredibly slow, tedious process because of how poor the record keeping was when the stuff was collected and how many of the owners aren’t living anymore. Some stuff can’t be returned because of the decimation of the tribes that took place. This process started in 1990 and is still far from complete, but IS underway. Usually this won’t result in an empty museum. Often what happens instead is that the museum either creates replicas or the tribe loans the artefacts back to the museum. In both cases, new displays are created with the help of tribal leadership, so as you might imagine the quality of native information has skyrocketed since the introduction of NAGPRA. But I’ve noticed that a LOT of people on tumblr don’t know this is the case and they get real angry about native stuff in museums. I can’t speak for museums overseas tho bc NAGPRA doesn’t apply to them. The British Museum is notoriously bad about repatriation.
In the beginning, and sometimes even now, NAGPRA caused a lot of friction among scientists who didn’t think they should be beholden to natives when doing science. But for the most part we’ve worked it out, and the science has *vastly* improved due to actual communication between anthropologists of all kinds and natives. NAGPRA transformed all 4 fields of anthropology in a comparatively short period of time, and it very much has been for the better. It had a knock-on effect of making the whole discipline more respectful, more accepting, more open, and more meticulous in their work. It made it easier to add much-needed native voices to our work. Is it perfect? No. It’s not. There’s still a far amount of arguing (Kennewick man being a famous case.). There are still old archaeologists who didn’t come up under NAGPRA and don’t like it. There are construction companies that pretend they don’t find remains or artefacts because they don’t want to slow down their work so it all can be removed instead of destroyed. There are still anthropologists who are racist AF (tho far fewer than in other fields, IMO, because of the way we’re taught now.). But our work is ABSOLUTELY a million times better than it was and as the older pre-NAGPRA generation leaves the field, it’ll get even better. As repatriation work continues it’ll get better. So this is one of those cases where legislation was a good thing and subsequentially changed behaviors.
Anyway here’s another pic of the dog being spoiled and not wanting to get off my bed so I can sleep as a reward for getting this far, lol.
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