#how he just starts sobbing right afterwards
arrowpunk · 10 months
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luveline · 5 months
I would dieeee for some more of Spencer and bombshell after her getting injured😭 him taking such good care of her, the BEST doctors, researching every single option😭 reassuring her rhats shes just as pretty😭
—Spencer looks after you while you recover from a brutal injury. fem!reader, 1.1k
Spencer thinks it’s one of the team's more gruesome injuries. Hotch has been stabbed to mince meat and Emily half-killed, Elle got shot, and he’s had his fair share of violence, too, but he can’t imagine the horror of being hit in the face with a hammer. The pain so close to your eyes, your teeth, your brain, the fear and the sudden crack. He feels sick whenever he remembers the sound, and he was sick the first time he dreamt about the way you cried as it happened. Your strange yelp, the immediate drop to the floor. 
Spencer never hit somebody as hard as he did that UnSub. His gun whipped out possessed across the UnSub’s face, and then drove forward into their nose with a stomach turning crunch. 
They’re in custody, and you’re in bed recovering with some of the best doctors in the world. Spencer thinks you both won this round, even if it doesn’t feel like a win right now. 
“Shh,” he whispers, “shh, shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, don’t cry.” 
You cling to his chest as though worried he’s going to move out of reach, sobbing. You’re careful not to touch your face or his chest, the soreness too much, but the rest of you is clinging to him. You don’t have to worry, he’s not going anywhere. 
“Please, it’s okay,” he says, the tip of his nose to your forehead. “You can have another dose in twenty minutes. Just twenty minutes.” 
He supposes the pain reminds you of the full extent of the injury, your jaw fractured in two places, your gum traumatised, your face more bruise than anything else. You hate your appearance being out of your control, it’s making you panic —he can feel you shaking.
He’d sat down with your drink to find you already crying, he couldn’t have been gone for ten minutes, but it was long enough for you to fall deep into the throes of hysteria. You’d grappled for him as he sat down to hug you, your face hidden ever since, and now the shakes have started. He’s hopeless. 
But Spencer’s willing to do anything to make it better. “Can you tell me what’s upsetting you? Please?” he asks.
“It’s–” Harder sobbing, your tears dripping down from your chin to wet the thigh of his pants.
He has to calm you down.
Since you met Spencer, you’ve been the comforter. He can’t count how many times something has hurt him and you’ve rushed to save him. You’ve hugged and held and kissed him into smiling, you’ve never let him down, you’ve forgiven him after a hundred stupid mistakes, so Spencer doesn’t care that you’ve been inconsolable for days. He really doesn’t mind that he’s had to look after you this attentively. It’s his pleasure, and he’s getting better at it. 
He presses a few soft shushes somewhere in your hairline, his hand rubbing a circuit into your back with a firm pressure that never tips into roughness. He does it until his palm is numb. He could paint the slant of your back from muscle memory, fingers tripping down the creased fabric of your pyjamas, pulling back up to your neck. He’s never felt such tender sympathy. He hates that you’re in pain, but he doesn’t hate getting to rub your back. This is surely boyfriend territory. 
“You want something to drink now?” he asks quietly. 
You open your mouth to answer, sighing in pain momentarily. “Uh, yeah.” 
“Did you want the straw?” 
“Okay.” He can’t force himself away. “You okay for me to move you?” 
You can’t be blamed for short answers. 
There are surgeries to hold your jaw together when it breaks, and while you were unconscious (shock, rather than head injury), Hotch consented as your next of kin for the doctors to make sure things wouldn’t get worse, but it was Spencer who had to advocate for you afterwards. They’d wanted a metal connector to prevent dislocation. Spencer knew this could mean another scar, so he said no, because you might’ve said no had you been awake, and they should’ve asked you anyways. 
When you did wake up, you were vehemently against it. Which is fine, you can heal without it, but it’s scarier to do it unaided. Your jaw could dislocate if you do something wrong, which is not only horrifically painful, but a painfully horrific injury to have. You talk quietly. You take small mouthfuls of soft foods. 
Spencer looks at you now, tearstained, back arched like a kicked dog, and doesn’t know what to do. He wishes he were the one who got injured instead. 
He takes the hospital bed controls into his hand and presses the button to make the top of your mattress elevate. Tomorrow, they’ll send you home, and Spencer will have to construct a nest of pillows for you to sit in while you recover, but it’ll be worth it. Things won’t feel as intimidating when you’re in your own bed. 
“Lean back, beautiful,” he says. 
Your smile is a straight line with eyes lit up. “What for?” you ask. 
“Comfier. Less stress on your head.” You lean back. “Oh,” he adds, “and so I can get a better view of you.” 
Your eyes get impossibly brighter. “What do you think?” you murmur. Your voice sounds scratched to death from crying, tight from holding your mouth a certain way, but pleased anyways. It’s just as pretty as it always is to him. 
“You’re the prettiest girl in the world,” he says, reaching out to cradle your waist, his hand moving up and down the side of you tenderly. 
You have a bruise from under your left eye and bleeding down your neck, and you haven’t slept right for a few days, but you’re undeniably beautiful in Spencer’s eyes. 
You’ve been the most beautiful girl in the world literally from the day you met onward, with as much to do with your heart as your lovely face. He should tell you that, but he doesn’t. 
“Can I have water now?” you ask, covering his hand with yours. 
His confidence wobbles. “Oh, yeah, sorry. Sorry.” He grabs your drink, water spilling down the side to wet his hand. 
“Please don’t make me laugh.” 
“I’m not trying to,” he says pathetically. 
He holds the cup of water to your face and you guide the straw between your lips. Spencer’s sure he’s been in love with you forever, and it’s all but cemented now. 
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hi Mae!! I keep rereading the overprotective poly marauders fic I love it sm 🫶 can I please request another one it can tie into casual dominance marauders if you want I don’t mind I just can’t get them off my mind. Thanks babe!!
Hi lovely!! So this went a bit off the rails, I had different intentions for it at first but then somehow it became very serious and the boys not so much overprotective as reasonably upset....all in all, I'm not super happy with it but I didn't want to throw it out, I'd be happy to write another overprotective one for you if you'd like!
cw: sexual assault
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You walk out of your office feeling odd and off-kilter. Your mind seems addled, unable to complete one thought before jumping to the next, and something prickles just underneath your skin that feels like anger and shame and also like panic. 
Your boyfriends are waiting for you, idling at the curb. You’re supposed to go straight from here to the cinema, and you tell yourself you’ll feel better afterwards. Even if not, you have until Monday before you have to deal with this, if you deal with it at all. You may not. You’re not sure. You can’t think straight. 
“Hey, angel,” James says as you get in, and it’s immediately obvious your upset has already been noticed. Probably as soon as you walked outside, your boyfriends observing you through the car windows. Remus, in the driver’s seat, and Sirius, sitting beside you in the back, are both charily silent. “How was work?” 
“It was fine,” you reply. Your voice sounds off even to your own ears, but no one comments as Remus puts the car in drive. 
“Ready for the weekend?” James imbues his voice with a light sort of commiseration. You try to smile for him. 
No one is more surprised than you when a sob chokes you instead. You hide your face in your hands, tears already leaking out from between your lashes. 
“God, sorry.” 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sirius asks, unbuckling his seatbelt and reaching for you.
Remus pulls into a parking spot just by the exit and shuts off the engine, turning around in his seat.
“Baby.” Sirius wraps his arm around your shaking shoulders, squeezing tight. He sounds anxious. “Did something happen?” 
The worst of your crying passes like a summer storm, over as quickly as it started. Your emotions gone haywire. You lean into Sirius, and he clicks the buckle on your seatbelt for you, pulling you the rest of the way. 
“You’re scaring me,” he murmurs, pressing a quick kiss to your hairline. “Tell us why you’re upset, angel, please.” 
“I think,” you mumble, face and eyes burning, “my boss grabbed my butt.” 
You say it quieter than a whisper, but you know they’ve all heard. The silence that follows is so complete you could hear a pin drop. 
“What?” James asks. His throat sounds dry. 
You hear Remus sigh. “Oh, sweetheart.” The vinyl of his seat squeaks as he shifts. “When did this happen?” 
“Just now,” you answer. 
“Right.” Sirius’ arms had gone tense around you, but now they fall away completely. He moves for his door. “I’ll be back.” 
“Don’t,” you plead. You worry he will anyway, but Remus locks the doors from the front seat. 
Sirius cuts a glare his way, truly scary with the way wrath seems to gleam in his gray irises. He unlocks his door manually, and Remus locks it again. 
“We can’t be rash,” he says, his own tone sharper than you think is intended for anyone in the car. “We have to think this through.” 
“What’s there to think about?” Sirius snaps. James reaches behind his seat, taking your hand and rubbing comfortingly. “He’s just inside!” 
“You think I don’t want to go in there too?” Remus gives him a look that’s a short fall from incredulous. “But if we have to call the police, it won’t help if you’ve already had a go at him.” 
Your head spins. You hadn’t even thought of calling the police. You hadn’t really gotten past going to the cinema. 
“What do you mean, you think he grabbed you, sweetheart?” James' voice is pointedly kinder than the others. Remus takes a deep breath, calming himself. 
“I don’t know. I just—I feel like I can’t be sure—” 
“That’s alright.” Remus' voice is slower now. Soothing. “Why don’t you tell us how it happened?” 
“I, um.” You swallow. James strokes the back of your hand with his thumb. “I was looking at something on his computer, because he said he wasn’t getting my emails and I thought they might be going to his spam. He was sitting behind me in his chair, and we were talking and his hand, like, squeezed—” you shudder, your brain trying to shake off the memory “—and then he just kept talking like nothing happened. It was so fast I’m not sure it even did—” 
You don’t realize you’re tripping over your words until Sirius’ voice cuts through them. You look at him, and his eyes are already on yours, fierce but solid. 
“Did you feel him touch you?” he asks. 
You rub your lips together. “Yeah,” you murmur. 
Your boyfriend’s expression pinches, but his gaze is steady. “Then he did. Trust yourself. You know what happened.” 
This provokes another wave of tears, less tempestuous than the first but somehow more painful. You wouldn't have expected any one of your boyfriends to blame you, not if you’d thought about it, but you haven’t had time to think yet and the relief that they’re so wholly on your side makes your heart feel cracked open. 
“Dove, I’m so sorry,” Remus says. He’s frowning, a well-worn line etched between his brows. You hate to put it there. “What do you want to do? Do you know if you can contact HR?” 
“I don’t know,” you admit, pliable to Sirius’ ministrations as he tucks you securely under one arm and uses the other to thumb at your salty cheeks. “I feel a bit silly. It was a small thing, I don’t think it’s worth a bunch of fuss.” 
“It’s not a small thing,” says James, uncharacteristically severe. “It’s a big thing—a really fucked up thing, that he did—and it’s worth a lot of fuss. A lot.” He leans around his seatback, pressing a firm kiss to your hand. “It’s just a matter of how much fuss you’re willing to go through with, sweetheart. It’s up to you. We can go through HR, we can go to the police. There’s still the option of just going in there and roughing him up to be sure it doesn’t happen again.” He smiles wryly. It looks like it takes effort. “I’m very game for that option. We know Sirius is ready.” 
Sirius makes an affirming humph sound against the side of your head. You try to smile back at James. 
“I think maybe…HR?” Your voice is tentative. “I have a friend, Marcella, who I think would be nice about it.” You realize as it comes out of your mouth what a low bar that is, but that’s the reality of your situation. 
“Do you know if she’s still here?” Remus asks. 
You feel your brow wrinkle. “I think so…” 
Remus unlocks the doors, and James gets out. You barely manage to squeak out a “Wait” before the door shuts behind him. 
You turn to Remus. “Where’s he going?” 
“To find Marcella,” he says. “It’s better that they know when it’s just happened, dovey, but you don’t have to deal with it right now. That’s why James is going instead.” 
You nod. It makes sense, even if the reality of it all makes tears press at your throat again. 
“My sweet girl.” Sirius holds you tight, mashing a kiss into the side of your head. “I’m so sorry this happened, baby. I’m sorry we weren’t there to protect you.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” you murmur, turning in his arms to hug him properly. He seems pleased with this development, and squeezes you ferociously. “You can’t always be with me. And it’s not your responsibility.” 
“Careful what you say.” Sirius seems to muster up some humor, a teasing edge to his tone. “I’ll get us one of those big shirts so the four of us can fit in it together, and then you’ll never be rid of us.” 
“It’s our job to look after you,” says Remus, firm but kind. “It’s true we can’t be with you all of the time, but I’m glad you felt comfortable telling us this. Thank you, sweetheart.” 
You’re about to dismiss his thanks when James gets back in the car, this time in the back seat instead of the front. 
“Did you see him?” Sirius asks immediately, scooching the both of you over to make room. 
“No, he must’ve left right after her.” James looks unhappy, but his touch is gentle as always as he takes your waist in both hands, easing you off of Sirius’ lap and into the seat between them. Sirius sighs but doesn’t complain, likely knowing he’s had more than his fair share of your comfort. 
“Marcella was nice, though,” James says. “She arranged for you to have the morning off on Monday, and she’ll call you then to hear from you what happened. We can be with you, if you like.” 
“Monday.” You blow out a slow breath, though it doesn’t do much to keep your throat from contracting in panic. “Okay, that sounds good. Thank you.” 
“No worries, angel.” James rubs your thigh, watching you carefully. “You doing okay?” 
“Yeah, sorry.” Your voice squeaks, and you cover your eyes with a hand. Sirius whines and kisses your shoulder. You try to laugh, but it comes out wet. “I think this might just keep happening for a while.” 
“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” Remus coos, reaching out a hand to set on the top of your head. He scratches at your scalp with his fingernails the way he knows you like. “It makes sense to be upset. We’ll get you through this, alright? Let us look after you for a bit.” 
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anastasiabowe · 9 months
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“𝗧𝗢𝗢 𝗕𝗜𝗚!” — KNBmen and how they comfort you and work you down on their big cocks.
note: Enjoy!
Content warnings: Praise, piv, pain kink, dacryphilia, big dick, head, choking, cum swallowing, anything else!
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Kagami is VERY gentile. He cannot and WILL NOT hurt you. He just can’t do it! Sometimes his personal needs get the best of him, but he makes sure you beat him up afterwards.
Kagami prefers if you take the lead only so you can take your time and use your dick as much as you want. He likes when you can just be comfortable and happy!
Although he hates you being in pain, he can’t help but get a little turned on knowing his cock is like a spear that is plotting you open- hey, it might be a weird kink, but he’s happy he is more than enough for you!
“Good girl.” Kagami groaned as you slowly lowered down on him. Your legs shook and strained as the pain between your legs and the burning in your thighs became nearly unbearable.
“I-it’s too big!” You whimpered. “And my legs hurt!” Tears welled in your eyes, and your throat burned.
Kagami grabbed your hips to help relieve the burn in your thighs after he heard your cry. You grateful, slowly slid inch by inch down his cock until you were now comfortably (leg wise) sitting on him.
Kagami leaned up and softly kissed your lips. “Doing so good f’me, take your time.” He praised as you nodded and kissed him back, tears in your eyes.
“Take your time.” He repeated.
Kuroko is surprisingly mean! Not mean like Aomine (which you will soon see) but he’s mean! If you’re not riding, he’s bullying his way into his pussy. He did his best to stretch you before hand, so it shouldn’t hurt, right?
Wrong! It hurts like hell, every. Fucking. Time! Kuroko just tunes you out and continues to slowly but faster than comfort slide in to your tight cunt.
Kuroko usually stops when he’s fully sheathed inside, he may be mean, but he isn’t cruel. He’ll also kiss you and rub your sides as you sniffle from crying earlier.
“*hip* y-your *hip* so mean!” You cry as he finally bottomed out. He groaned trying not to cum right then and there, and all you could do is try to catch your breath from all the hysterical crying you were doing.
“I’m sorry baby, you just feel so good.” His soft voice comforted as his dick twitched at every whimper and hic from you recovering.
He kissed your wet lips, and you kissed him back. He grabbed your face, and used his thumbs to rub your cheeks soothingly.
“Just take some deep breaths, I won’t move, promise.” His blue eyes locked on your glossy ones, and you nodded and controlled your breathing. When the pain soon decreased, and a burn of desire took over, all signs of being upset and sad disappeared.
“Ready?” He asked, and you nodded eagerly.
“Words please.”
“I’m r-ready.”
“Ok, I’m going to move now, squeeze my hand if it’s too much.” He grabbed your hand and you smiled.
“Ok!” He smiled back and pulled his hips back and pushed them in.
★ — KISE
Kise starts off really mean but then when he hears you cry he is an instant golden teddy bear, I swear on my life! He wants to act tough and like he enjoys being in control, which is partly true, but the second you cry out in pain, that persona went out the window.
Kise will usually have you in mating press, he loves to see your face in pain or pleasure, but if it’s just outright unbearable pain in your face, he will switch up.
He would stop all of his movements and focus on your soft spots and your sensitive ones to get you comfortable!
“K-Kise!” You gasp in pain, and he ignores you. You cling to his back and he continued to push in.
“Stop! Please it hurts!” Again he ignores you and continues pushing in. At some point you started sobbing, and that must have knocked him out of whatever he was in. You didn’t want to use your safe word, you didn’t want him to completely stop, you just wanted him to slow down!
He blinked and looked at your face. His eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed. He stopped moving iing, and grabbed your face.
“S-shit, I’m sorry!” He looked frantic, yet you could still sense a bit of lust coming off of him. “I-I must of zoned out, I’m so sorry baby!” His blonde locks tickled your face, and you felt upset at him. Very upset.
“I asked you to *hip* stop!” You continued to cry and he slowly pulled out, making you wrap your legs around him to stop.
“Don’t pull out!” He looked at you confused and you whined your eyes. “Just slow down! Y-you big fat bitch!” You insulted him, making him laugh knowing who you were really talking about.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’ll slow down. Just can’t help getting excited when I have all this to myself!” He pecked your lips, and whiled the rest of the tears in your face.
The biggest, the meanest, the most utterly cruel man you know! Well, you chose this man, so you’re not REALLY complaining, but still!
Aomine is a sadist, a very mild one, and your kind of a masochist so you both go hand in hand, but just because you enjoy a little bit of pain doesn’t mean you can’t say he isn’t mean!
Aomine has a tendency to just slam himself into you, and slowly fuck you to be nice. He loves to hear you cry for him, he loves to see your eyes widen in pain, he just loves loves LOVES it!
Aomine slammed into you, making you scream and dig your fresh nails into the pillows. “Mine!” You cry out, he growled and fucked you harder than usual.
“You know you like it, you slut.” He pounded into you, and you continued to cry and cry. He had you in doggy, and you could feel the pillows getting wetter and wetter from your tears, making you feel agitated.
“Please slow down!” You begged, not wanting him to, but the idea of it didn’t sound to bad either.
“Nah, like hearing you cry on my cock.” He chuckled, as he continued to pound into you. You sniffled and cried and he just continued to claim what was his. Aomine wrapped his arm around your torso and pulled you up to him. He continued to fuck you while also kissing your neck.
“Such a good fucking slut. Taking my dick better than normal, bet you like when I use you like this.” You whimper when you felt your high coming in.
“A-aomin-“ he sucked in your neck and you moaned.
“What?” He mocked when you fell silent. The pleasure was becoming so much.
“Already fucked my baby dumb. What do you know!” He chuckled.
Murasakibara doesn’t even know he’s big. I mean he knows it, but whenever he tried to put it in, it just doesn’t… fit? Like, I mean, his tip doesn’t slide in, he has to physically push the tip in, like more than how normal guy who have big dicks have too.
You usually have a hard time when it comes to his dick because he can’t even put it all inside of you, it reaches your cervix at halfway. So he can’t fuck you luke he wants too.
So whenever it doesn’t usually work out he just uses your mouth instead.
“Fuck baby, using your mouth like a fucking pro.” He praised as your mouth opened to the hilt. He was reaching deep in your throat, and you couldn’t breath very well. You pulled off and coughed. His stomach fluttered with butterfly’s when he saw that his dick was too much for you to handle.
“What’s wrong baby?” He pushed the hair out of your face, and a visible pour formed on your lips.
“I can’t take it all! You’re too big!” You wanted to impress him, even though he was already very impressed by you. You always impress him.
“It’s ok baby, you’re doing so well!” He praised and you didn’t believe him.
You liwerwd back on him and tried to take him again, this time much harder than last time since your throat was in defense mode.
Murasakibara brought his heavy hand to the back of your head and pushed you down. You gagged but tried your best. Tears spilled out your eyes from the pressure, and he only encouraged you to continue, and you did.
You bobbed your head despite it only being halfway there. He groaned and you felt a warm and slightly salty liquid fill your mouth.
He held you down despite you tapping his thigh to breath. He grabbed your hair and pulled you up. He chuckled and squished your cheeks with his other hand. You were coughing, and he was treating you like a baby.
“Breathe baby, breath.” You wiped your mouth, and he let go of your cheeks.
“How about we try my cock in your pussy next?”
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break up with your boyfriend
Yandere trans!fem cheerleader x fem reader
It was so shittily made but I need to pump out more fics or else my blog will die. Thank you all for 1k followers though! I'll rewrite this in the future maybe
Tw: mentions of blackmailing, nsfw, slight breeding kink, batshit crazy girlfriend,not proofread, another oc mentioned!?🌺
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💄Eva saccharine has been your girlfriend since she first started transitioning. You helped her style her hair, do her nails, pick her clothes, find good makeup, anything she needed to feel like the real her. So when freshman year rolled in, it came as no surprise to you she fit right in with the clique.
💐Ofcourse you had your fears she'd choose them over you but that wasn't the case, because she'd make you eat lunch with them and sit on her lap, not so subtly humping your ass while talking all about cheer practice
🛍️boys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her. She just wanted you, to just be the two baddest bitches on the block. It didn't matter if you were just like her or the complete opposite, she gushed over you. Praising you for being her good girl, her sweet little princess, her obedient pocket pussy-
💄but at this current moment? She was busy bullying your insides, forcing her fat cock into your slippery hole as she held you steady by your waist. Biting and groaning everytime she'd feel you squeeze that certain spot on her dick
"fu-uuckkk.. baby cakes, 'yer squeezin' me so goood.. ah.. hah.. you wouldn't mind if I pumped a few babes into your tight cunny right? Wanna be my baby mama?"
💐that made you squeeze tighter, holding onto the bedsheets for dear life. She had you face down, ass up and damn near breaking your back with how hard she was going. Hearing the normally composed and playful eva turn into a drooling pussy-drunk mess had you feeling butterflies, just going plap play plap-
🛍️let's just say, by the end of it, you couldn't walk for days afterwards. But no amount of hickies and perfume would be able to scare away a rather persistent guy. He was on the football team, star quarterback, rich asshole. sam white. Eva hated his guts, he thinks he can just waltz in and steal her bitch? Not on her watch.
💄this little feud had been going on for a while, and more times than you could count you've been caught in the crossfire. Though it was kinda funny, seeing them screeching insults at eachother and bickering. Eva would sassily flick her blonde hair and grab you by the collar of your neck, Dragging you away while Sam hooted and hollered at your retreating form
💐you never questioned her morbid fascination with anything horror or paranormal related. She was just obsessed with regular girl things. wanting you to help her summon a demon once, but you aren't that stupid, making blood pacts with them could result in very unsavory ending's and you quite cherished your soul and body
🛍️Eva has more than one account on different social medias, pretending to be multiple different people and Stalking your posts. She'd slide into your dms and flirt, seeing if you'd really cheat on her. She's so happy when you instantly block the account, guess you'll survive not being sent to her basement for another week
💄she has the audacity to grab a frilly pink pen and make you wear clothes that purposely shows off what she wrote. In bright bold lettering, Eva's little cum dump ♡ . Maybe she'll let you bring a jacket, only if you beg her really hard with those big doe eyes she loves. She put a collar and leash on you too
💐don't try breaking up with her, she takes 'they go low, I go lower" to another level. Threatening to post pictures of you in rather compromising positions. When did she record all of this? Who knows. She won't refrain from spreading nasty rumors of you that just force you to come sobbing into her arms, if you try and get comfort from somebody else she won't hesitate to eliminate them. Don't you see? She's the final girl, and you're her love Interest
"I told you not to run pretty baby.. now look what you've done. I gotta fix your mess up~.."
moral of the story: be a loyal loving girlfriend and she'll spoil you rotten with her daddy's black card ♥️
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kakujis · 1 year
he's so mean!
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warnings: afab!reader, overstimulation, dacryphilia, degradation, marking (baji), spanking (kaku), choking (chifuyu), jealousy (chifuyu), pet names (baby, kitten), reader wears makeup. i think that's it LOL if i missed any lmk!!!
ft: baji, kakucho, chifuyu, each drabble is around 500-600ish words.
member of: @enchantedforest-network 💕
a/n: this is just pure indulgent filth <3. after seeing the tokrev trailer for s3 i got excited n picked this back up LOL. special thanks to nie for proofreading ilysm
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“aww, is it too much baby?” he coos, your legs thrown up over his shoulders as he presses your knees down as far as they’ll go. 
you whimper and nod, your streaky tears running gray with mascara. hiccuping, you slur, “s’too much, n-no more,” but suddenly you’re crying out as baji slams back into you. 
“i don’t really care,” he gleams, fangs flashing at you as he starts up again. he revels in the sound of your choked sobs and the way you thrash underneath him. besides, baji knows when it’s really too much you’ll use your safe word. 
you squeal when he angles himself to fuck you even deeper, mushroom tip kissing your sweet spot with each thrust. “f-fuck,” you sob, “fuck!” of course you’re close, baji knows exactly what you want and how to give it to you. 
the obscenities continue to fall off your tongue as you babble, drool, and cry but baji loves it, dipping down to lick your tears up. it’s when he sinks his teeth into your neck that you mewl, “kei, ‘m cumming!” writhing underneath him as he relentlessly fucks you through it, head thrown back as your mind goes hazy. 
“i know, baby, i know,” he coos, feeling the way your pussy twitches on him, making sure to tilt your chin down so he can see your pretty eyes roll back. “feels fucking good, huh?” 
you don’t answer, instead whimpering and nodding as your overstimulated pussy continues to twitch. you’re sure if he keeps this up, you’ll pass out. but you know when he slows his hips, you’re nowhere near done. 
“kitten,” he sings, tapping your face as your lids flutter, “don’t pass out on me yet. i’m not done with you.” 
he’s borderline obsessed with how fucked out you look when he pushes you through orgasms. he especially loves how you look afterwards, with spit slicked lips and littered in marks. he knows you can keep going, no he’ll make you keep going, consumed by the way you squeal as you cream around his cock.
you sob, “no more, it’s too much.” you try to push back on him, but baji’s stronger than you, his grip on the back of your knees never faltering as you try to squirm and kick. 
he barks out another laugh, “i already told you, i don’t fuckin’ care. you can give me another one.” 
“i can’t!” you wail, but he presses on, starting to move again. “kei, fuck!” 
“yes you can,” he growls, nipping at your ear, “and you will.” 
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“this is what you wanted right?” kakucho growls, but you can’t even answer, cheek squished into your tear and spit ridden pillow as he hammers into you from behind. it is what you wanted, its what you asked for, begged for. for kakucho to finally stop treating you like some fragile doll and fuck you properly. 
meekly you try to nod, sniffling as you peek one puffy eye up at him, your hands held behind your back. sweat glistens on his forehead, brows knit in annoyance. 
“then take it.” he hisses, using one hand to smack your ass, and you yelp at the sting, squirming underneath him. “didn’t realize i was dating such a fucking slut.” 
you moan at the insult and he laughs, case in point. soon, his hand is coming down again, making you squeal, red angry prints on your tender flesh. he thinks you’ll ask him to stop, but instead you’re mewling out “more, please, more,” teary eyes trained on his hand. 
his interest is piqued, evident by the way he brings his hand down again to hear another pretty moan. he barks out a laugh, when you demand it again. 
“i don’t think so,” he grunts, before pushing your face down further into your pillow. “did you forget that toys don’t get a say?” he brings your hips up farther and all you can think about is just how deep he is. 
your thighs tremble as he starts pounding into you again, treating you like his own fleshlight. he’s brought you so far up, your feet are starting to dangle off the bed. 
there’s a wet patch underneath you as you drip down onto the sheets below. but god, he’s so fucking mean and feels so good that you just can’t care. your mind’s so hazy you forget that you’re not supposed to beg, what you’re begging for you don’t even know. 
“alright,” he snaps, dropping you before looming over and caging you in with his body. he shoves his fingers into your mouth, using the other hand to force you to look up at him. “let me help you out since you’re too stupid to listen.” 
your eyes start to leak again and he can’t lie, you look so fucking cute crying and drooling on his fingers. you grip the sheets as he starts to fuck you again, the pace brutal and unrelenting. he doesn’t let you look away either, staring down at you, no, consuming you with each thrust. 
he knows you’re close when your breaths get more scattered and your eyes start rolling back. just a few more thrusts and you’re coming undone, thrashing as much as you can underneath him. frantically, you push against him, whimpering when you start to get overstimulated, but he doesn’t let up, instead pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. 
“you’re still not there yet,” he sighs, thinking he could really get used to you crying on his cock. “don’t worry, baby, you’ve got all night to get it right.” 
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“f-fuyu?” you question with bleary eyes, but he doesn’t respond, jaw tensed as he continues to fuck you into another orgasm. “i can’t! no more, please,” you slur, but he ignores you, nails digging into your hips. 
you didn’t mean to push him so hard, but when takemichi told you he once saw chifuyu hold a broken shard of glass up to kisaki, snarling and ready to strike, you were a little curious. chifuyu had only been nice to you, sweet and gentle, especially when the two of you made love. but you’ve always been a little curious, what if he was just a tad bit meaner, a little more rough? 
so you thought making him a little jealous would do the trick, and it did. you’d never done it before, but the way he bristled up seeing you giggle and paw at kazutora was enough for him, even if they were best friends. 
it must’ve been hours since chifuyu got you home, pinning you against the counter as he grinded into you from behind before bending you over and ripping your underwear off. you didn’t realize just how jealous of a person he was until now, legs dripping down cum and arousal. 
“you think kazutora can fuck you like this?” he growls and you quickly shake your head, mumbling out quick apologies. but it’s so hard to focus when chifuyu’s fucking you so well, pretty little moans coming out of your mouth. 
“don’t fucking lie to me,” he hisses, pulling back on your hair. you arch up into him, desperately holding onto the edges of the counter you’re pressed up against. the hand that was gripping onto your hair finds it’s way around your neck, as chifuyu continues to rut into you. 
you look up at him with puffy, teary eyes, “‘m sorry, f-fuck, ‘m sorry,” you pant, but he merely cocks his head to the side. “fuyu, ‘m sorry.” 
“not gonna fuckin’ cut it this time,” he punctuates his sentence with a particularly harsh thrust which makes you gasp as your eyes roll back. “i’m gonna ruin you, got it? you belong to me.” 
you try to respond, but the hand on your neck squeezes and your words die on your tongue. little black dots invade your vision, but before you fully pass out, he lets go. opting to wrap his arm around your neck. 
“can’t talk now?” he murmurs, forcing you to look at him as he continues to slide in and out of your dripping hole. “and you were so fucking sorry  earlier, huh? lying to me again?” 
“‘m sorry! ‘m sorry!” starts to tumble off your tongue again, as you vigorously shake your head. but chifuyu can’t hear you, drowning in his own jealousy and the feel of your warm, clenching pussy. 
he growls in your ear one more time, "if you're really sorry, let me see you squirt on this dick."
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cu7ie · 1 year
ა˚₊﹕take your time. ⊹
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cw: virgin reader, gn!reader, don't even ask me what dimension this miguel is from. miguel being a good partner, unintentional teasing, reader is just shy! an: first miguel fic! woo!!! totally dedicated to @buttress atp
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You still can't look at him.
You've been dating Miguel for months at this point. You're not moved in together (yet), but see each other as often as possible, spending nights in his apartment, folded under his arm and leg tucked between his.
He's very familiar with you, perhaps more so than you are him. Knows what you look like when you're positively elated, seen those so hard smiles that afterward you're complaining your cheeks hurt. 
He's seen utter devastation, too. You'd mourned the loss of your dear departed cat in his arms, sobbing and snotty and cloyingly tender. Must've cried all the water out of your body that day, soaked the whole front of his shirt (the one time he chose to wear white) before dying off into the most pitiful whine. You'd grown too small to support yourself.
So he helped.  Reassured you gently with the strokes of his hand along your back, getting you water, making sure you ate, spending the night at your house …
And you two have been dating for a while now. You've seen his highs and lows too.
Hardly this kind of low though. 
He's seen you naked before. Not enough for this lifetime, but definitely on more than one occasion. 
You're still so bashful.
When he joins you in the shower you can barely meet his eye, washing the front of his chest tentatively while he gently massages shampoo into your hair.
You get flustered when he catches you changing, covering your chest with your shorts and risking a friction burn with how fast you force your jeans past your thighs. 
Your affections usually stop at kissing. It's clear to him you're interested, but you always seem unsure to start. You're a little self conscious, nervous about the space between you two - and right when it starts feeling better than just good, you pull away. 
It's kind of like edging, bordering on torture, but Miguel knows how to be patient. 
Eventually, you come back to him.
Before he found himself two fingers deep in you, you had ask him to fuck you once before. 
Almost verbatim.
"Fuck me."
and, regardless of the fact that his cock jumps a little as you whisper it so close to his lips, 
It sounds so strange falling from your lips like that. Abrupt and sudden like a clap of thunder in the dead of night, and his eyebrows shoot up - as quick as residual lightning.
Maybe the look on his face was what faltered you. The way his pupils constrict then dilate like he's really looking at you, into your depth, and probing for your intention with a breathy, "You sure?" 
And you nod, a little slow.
"Y-yeah. Certain."  Miguel arches his brow skeptically, lips quirking into a half-smirk as he turns his body to face you, his head leaning to the side as he looks you up and down slow enough to make you second guess. "Of course, Cariño - as you wish." And admittedly he's a little cruel, enjoys the way you curl in on yourself, imagines the heat burrowing into the apples of your cheeks, watching your breath catch in your chest as you stare him down. The moment lingers.
"Show me then."  He props his arm onto the couch as his posture relaxes, his expression no greater than his polite smile, which still feels goading, in a way. "Show me how badly you want me to fuck you." 
He knows right away you got a little too facey. You're a shih tzu glaring down a rottweiler and you've forgotten how to bark. It always gets caught up in you, desire tangled up in a net of worry, doubt. Can see it in your eyes, the way your lip dips down before you tuck it beneath a tooth, the aura of your gaze becoming more shadowed, more sensual.
"I'll… I'll show you."
"Mhm. 'Course you will." 
Your finger hops up a little. You don't know where to put your hands so his thighs serve as a placeholder as you push yourself into his lap, the supple flesh of your lips meeting his, and,
 ooh, his chapstick is lemon flavored.
Your kiss is so dear to him. It's dainty, lightens his heart because you're too shy for tongue kisses at first. 
Or maybe you just don't know how. Still,
You slowly build yourself up to it that night.
Cautiously, your mouth parts a little more, ushered into a new sensation as your tongue maps out the roof of his mouth, the ridges of his teeth, slowly feeling him rise to the occasion, raising your chin and humming pleasantly into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut, your arms coming up to wrap around the back of a pleasantly surprised Miguel's neck, and he moves to settle you in his lap.
Miguel's skin feels smooth to the touch.
He’s moved you to the bedroom, urged you to wrap your legs around his hips as he took the liberty of digging his fingers into your soft ass, irritatingly thin shorts keeping him from getting to feel you for real. You're convincing him well enough so far, your skin rippling hot wrought iron left in the sun, and the burn on his skin is delicious - so when he's ready to eat,
When he's spreading you out on the bed and has your shorts around your thighs,
He notices you're not looking. Your breaths are shaky and fast, eyes welded shut, cheek turned and smushing into your pillow. You're still apart from the light tremble in your thighs, your legs dangling over the side of the bed as he adjusts his position on his knees, face partially curtained by your thighs as his arms curl up under them to tug your sex closer to his waiting lips.
"Ay." He gives your leg a healthy shake, jolting you out of your stupor. "Still want me to fuck you?" There's amusement bleeding into him again, but his eye is measured, patient. You blink an eye open, look down at him, his head between your legs,
The predatory, slow lick of his lips makes your hair stand on end, and you buck up, propping yourself up on shaky elbows. “Miguel…” 
“Hm?” He breathes so close to you that blood doesn’t know where to rush, to your head or between your legs. The dull throb of arousal that lances through you excites and terrifies, a nervous whine wheedling its way from between your lips, makes MIguel stop again. He feels your knees shake a little, still only one eye open. 
On the inside, budding frustration. There are two wolves - the desire to be cool, calm, and reassuring clashes with its twin, the overwhelming desire to have what he wants and do as he pleases. He sighs, and represses the second urge.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want.” 
“Yes, really.” You breathe in good for once, a relieved sigh as he pulls your underwear back up and pats your thigh, maintaining a pleasant expression while on the inside the mourns what should have been, imagines the feeling of you stretched around his cock - the tightness of your warmth, fucking in and out of you and hearing you squeal as he rolls his hips, adjusts his pace.
Tucks his fantasy away till it's only remnant is the hard-on he's trying to will away as you beckon him to join you under the sheets.
But he’s patient above all. Joins you on the bed and holds you close, burrowing his head into your shoulder as your wrap your arms around his back, 
And he leaves it alone.
'Could blue balls kill a man?'
He's not proud of his Google search history -
But it's been a couple weeks since he managed to get that far with you, and his hand hasn't been cutting it for a while now. And Miguel can sure as hell pretend he's not feeling as carnal as he is - that the chip on his shoulder is his increasing responsibility at Alchemax, the diminishing of his free time, lack of sleep …
But he feels no rage more potent than after he's came into his hand for the 5th time in two days, holding a shirt or a pair of your underwear up to his nose and huffing like it's paint. He's never been a junkie, but sometimes he's shaking he's so mad, that there's not more of you, enough of you, none of the soft, real parts of you.
And it's not your fault. You'll be ready when you're ready, and he just has to accept he might not make it to see that day.
But fast forward to right before bed that night. Yellow lampshade that turns the warm light dim, moonlight pressing through murky clouds and filtering into the window above the bed you two share. 
You still take showers together, but now you linger behind to wash properly while he settles into his normal routine, playing with his balls and turning his head into your pillow. 
He sighs to the sound of the creaking door, dripping water falling softly to the floor as you, towel wrapped around your naked body, step closer toward the bed.
You move from the front of the room, to the foot of the bed, til you're hovering over his side of the bed, this look in your eye like you've made up your mind about something. "What?" He flicks his head up, drowsy but not yet asleep.
"I think m'ready." Miguel blinks the tired out of his eyes and looks up, confused.
"What? Whaddaya mean you're ready?" 
"I mean," the towel falls, and he sees your bare body - your skin still dewy from your shower, glistening in the light. "I'm ready to fuck you. For real this time."
"Oh? So you're fucking me now?" He sizes you up a second, before you're crawling over him, straddling his hips as your bare intimates are flush against his groin, your butt pressing softly into his cock as he gets a half chub, not wanting to fully commit yet, but you're not letting up …
And that's how he got here. Two crooked fingers deep, up to the second knuckle, scissoring your hole open and hearing all these new noises - ones he's never had the chance to hear until now. You're accepting of his touch, but seem unwilling to fully express how bad he's got you - your wrist folded over your mouth, every moan sludging itself in your throat because you won't let it be free. You won't let him hear it.
Your back’s on the bed and he’s laying on his side next to you, over top of you, and he has the perfect view of your cute face and ditzy expression, your eyes pinched shut as you mutter something behind your hand, cut short as he curves his finger inside. “Miguel!”
“What is it querido? I’m a little busy here…”  Two fingers deep and you’re not as resistant as he’s expecting, so he feeds you a third promptly and it does not go unmissed how you clamp down on him tighter, your shuddering groan so lewd it almost beats the rational thought of preparing you out of his head. 
The only thing keeping him from mounting you then and there is your inexperience. Laid bare for him in this moment, he rubs his erection against your side brazenly, distinctly unashamed with letting you know how badly he wants you.
“Have you been touching yourself, carino? You’ve been preparing yourself for me?” You inhale shakily, and Miguel slows his pace so you don't have an excuse, any reason to not answer. You're so adorable when you're embarrassed. A little wetness in your eye, and usually you get all pouty like you might cry,
But he's doing something alien to you, pressing up into your sensitive walls, eliciting a brand new reaction he's sure he quite likes. 
You sniffle and answer slow. "A little… I was j-just practicing!" Your voice pitches up again, and instead of making his way further in, or adding a fourth finger, he stops. 
So abruptly you whine, arch your back in irritation and only then do you look at him, see the shadows that have settled over his face,
and isn't he feeling a might slick, having reduced you to jerking limbs and whimpering and moaning in what felt like a few minutes, though he doesn't have it in him to feel smug. 
Just hungry. 
"...Miguel." Barely a whisper. Only because it's you does he hear it. "Be gentle with me, please."
"Yeah." The single syllable is drawn out, curving into a growl, husky and deep unlike any noise a man ought to make.  "Right. Gentle."
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daycourtofficial · 7 months
Your Little Hand’s Wrapped Around My Finger
Summary: Based on this ask - you and Azriel present your new babe to the rest of the inner circle, with a surprise for Cassian.
Author’s note: Cassian is a male who is very aware of his emotions and lets them out
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The inner circle was buzzing with excitement as they sat in your living room.
Your labor had no hold-ups, however it had been long and exhausting, and afterwards Azriel insisted on making you rest before seeing the rest of your family.
They all had been so concerned, but their worries eased when Azriel had sent Rhys a mental message saying:
Everything’s fine. They’re both doing well. Just tired. We’ll let you know when you can come visit.
The two of you had kept the sex of the babe a well-kept secret between you two, wanting to enjoy everyone’s surprise and amazement.
Rhysand had been going out of his mind with worry for his sister, but he knew Azriel would never lie to him about how you were.
Feyre and Rhysand helped you out of bed, her surprisingly strong arms holding you upright as they helped you to the couch. Rhys propped some pillows behind you, sitting on the arm of the couch next to you, and you leaned into his side, having missed him in the past few days. Everyone else began asking their own questions -
How are you?
How’s the babe?
How’s Az?
You try to answer their questions the best you can. “We’re all okay, rattled with nerves and we’re very tired, but we’re all happy. We have a very happy and healthy babe.”
Right on cue your mate comes into the room, your tiny babe bundled in a black blanket littered with stars.
Mor begins cooing and everyone else moves to crowd around, but Cassian sidesteps the crowd and comes over to sit next to you, putting his arm around you. He nuzzles his head on top of your own as he squeezes lightly.
“Proud of you, kid.”
You smile, “Cassian, don’t you want to see the babe?”
He looks at you, his eyes a little glossy with tears. “After Feyre’s uh, after Nyx, and you’re only half-Illyrian, and I was… I was worried I’d lose you.”
You start crying, hormones making it unbearable to see anyone else cry, sobs racking your body as you wrap your arms around Cassian and cry into his shoulder.
Everyone turns to the two of you, and Rhys says, “Cassian couldn’t make it five minutes without making her cry.”
You feel Cassian crying into your shoulder, causing you to sob out, “everything went well - I’m sorry I scared you!”
Cassian pulls away, looking towards the ceiling to dry his eyes. You realize that during yours and Cassian’s sob show everyone got to hold your babe, so you turn to Cassian, urging Az over.
“Cassian, do you want to hold our babe?”
He nods, a smile taking over his face.
Azriel gently places the babe in his brother’s arms, and Cassian can’t stop the tear that leaks out onto the babe’s face.
A head full of onyx hair, tiny eyes that are closed, and a nose that looks just like yours. He moves the blanket a little and peers at the tiny little wings adorning the babe’s back.
“It’s a girl,” you tell him, and Feyre and Mor melt into each other as they both coo, “a girl!”
“What’s her name?” Rhys asks, taking his place on your other side again.
“We wanted to give her a great name. A name to give her strength and to let her know how loved she is.”
You look at Cassian, his eyes fixated on the babe in his arms, “her name’s Cassie.”
Cassian looks over to you, then inhales sharply, “are you sure?” You nod, and Cassian looks back up to the ceiling to keep the tears from falling. He squeezes his namesake, holding her to his chest.
“Cassie,” he says, looking at her. “She looks just like her dad.” His fingers brush her little cheeks, and she reaches up, wrapping a tiny hand around his finger.
He closes his eyes, a few tears falling onto her blanket.
It was no secret how much Cassian loved you and Azriel - he cried several times in the lead up to your mating ceremony, sobbed through the ceremony itself, but somehow pulled himself together enough to give a speech that left everyone else crying.
No one laughs or makes a joke about Cassian’s emotional display. They all knew what this moment meant for him, the male who was practically bouncing off the walls waiting for you two to let him come meet his niece.
Rhysand looks at you, pride in his eyes as he says, “I can’t believe you named her after him - your brother is right here!”
“Well,” you say, looking at Azriel. He nods, letting you tell them, “we have named you and Feyre as her godparents, and I didn’t like the way Rhysanda sounded.”
Everyone laughs, and Rhysand leans over to give you a kiss on your temple, but Cassian doesn’t even pay attention, his eyes on the tiny babe in his arms. She was comically small, nestled into his massive chest.
His thoughts linger on his brother, about the atrocities he faced at such a young age, how Azriel deserved this happiness.
And how, despite all odds, he was able to find it.
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mythicmanuscripts · 2 months
I bet Aemond wants you to just sit on his face for hours after a long day 😈
Oh you’re so right anon, so right. I’m gonna talk a little bit about how I think this would first come about, but this is so good and I’d love to hear more thoughts or expand on it more :))
NSFW sub!aemond x reader content below the cut!
So firstly, as we all know: Aemond LOVES to give you head. He loves it. He loves it more than receiving head actually.
The first time he tries this, it’s a few days before you’re actually supposed to marry him. He tries to remain all respectful and honourable but you’ve been calling him pretty for the last week and telling him stories about your family and giving him more positive attention than he’s had in the last 20 years of his life combined so he’s kinda losing his mind.
I think you’d give him a handjob first? You don’t go to his chambers intending on doing that, but you end up kissing on his lap and he’s whining into your mouth and trying so so hard to restrain himself and not do something he’ll regret.
And well, you’re over it. Your soon to be husband is a whining mess underneath you and you want to make him feel good.
So, after a very intense and honestly really quick handjob that ends with Aemond sobbing out your name and burying his face in your shoulder, leaning against you and trying to recover cause he’d never come so hard in his life.
Once able to form full sentences, he starts to realise he hasn’t reciprocated at all. But he also doesn’t really know what to do? Cause yeah sure he lost his virginity to that brothel worker (which, by the way, I have many many thoughts on this because I am convinced this completely fucked him up for years afterwards), but that is no help whatsoever and that only makes him feel bad.
He’s blushing so hard and his hands are shaking and he kinda just looks up at you cause he doesn’t know what to do and but he knows he wants to do something.
You ask if he’s ever eaten a woman out before, and he shakes his head, blushing and admitting that he has no idea how to do that.
You remove your bottoms and tell him to lay flat on his stomach between your legs and slowly instruct him on what to do. He’s very nervous and VERY light in his touches at first because he’s so scared to hurt you but from the moment he got the first moan out of you, he was obsessed. It’s his new favourite past time. He eats you out every single day before the wedding, he can’t get enough of it.
The first time the face sitting happens is actually a few weeks later, once you’ve been married for a while and the tradition of Aemond eating you out after a stressful day has been long established.
This time though, he seems unsettled? Maybe something his mother or brother said really got under his skin and as much as he’s loving what he’s doing to you, it’s like it’s not enough? He’s moving a lot more than usual, gripping your thighs and hips harder too.
Eventually you tug at the hair on the bottom of his head to make him look up, and he’s immediately trying to duck down again. You try to ask him what’s wrong and he kinda just says “closer” and you have to figure out what the fuck that means.
You know that Aemond often really enjoys being held down. He doesn’t like bondage because that makes him feel too vulnerable but he’s a big fan of when you hold him down and he LOVES when you lay directly on top of him, the deep pressure is so nice for him.
You realise he’s acting similarly to how he does when he wants that, and so you offer it to him but he shakes his head because he doesn’t want to stop what he’s doing.
So you think fuck it, and tell him to lay on his back and let you sit on his face. You honestly aren’t even sure if he’d like that idea but immediately he’s sitting up and moving.
You try to hover above him, not wanting to suffocate him but nope. You must SIT. He will pull you down with zero care for his own need for oxygen.
And he loved it, it was every single thing he needed. He could still eat you out but he was being made to feel so protected and held down and he loves it.
So in conclusion, new favourite position unlocked.
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kenjakusbraincum · 11 months
Sukuna x Reader
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Synopsis: Master Sukuna establishes a safe word with his favorite pet, to prevent hurting them again!
Word count: 0.8k
Tags/warnings: gn! reader, fluff, mentions of violence, hurt/comfort, mentions and implied nsfw
Author’s note: Another in a compilation of drabbles with pet reader and Master Sukuna <3 This is basically a bunch of scenes I want to eventually incorporate into my bigger fic/series Reverence!
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There was a time when soft moments with Sukuna scared you as much as they excited you. You were so used to rough handling and bruises that as little as gentle touch would come as a surprise. It was a completely new territory with no clearly set rules. So many times you'd hold your breath or avoid moving in fear of angering him. But Sukuna warmed up to you. Little by little he would silently expand the things he'd allow you to do without consequences. It started with you being forbidden from touching him at all. Then he'd let you feel him up during your nightly encounters, snuggle up to him afterwards, sleep in his bed... All the while mumbling vague threats and giving you scary looks. "Careful with your hands.", he'd say when you'd run them from his chest to his stomach, feeling his muscles and stumbling upon his belly mouth. You pulled your hand back and opened your mouth to apologize. But he just gave you a look you couldn't read and put your hand back to his belly.
With time you've come to understand that there were some things Sukuna would never say out loud. "Keep caressing me", was one of them. "Sorry", was another. And a big one.
Sukuna was violent, it was simply in his nature. He's pushed your bounds before, he enjoyed it, but he wanted to see how far he can take things too. Naturally, slip ups happened. Hell, the first time you remember him ever being nice to you was one night when he roughed you up particularly bad. He would always leave to get dressed or refreshed, and expect you to be gone by the time he's back. But this time, you were still there, with your head in the pillow, muffling sobs.
Your heart nearly stopped when you felt the mattress dip with his weight by your side, thinking finally you have met your end. You didn't expect him to gently brush sweaty strands of hair out of your face, and look at you with brows furrowed in confusion.
"Why are you crying?", he asked, and you thought that he was mocking you. He's never shown you kindness, beyond providing you with bare necessities in life. So why would he be concerned with you now?
"H-hurts...", you say quietly, and try your best to stop sobbing. You spend so much time keeping Sukuna company at his throne. You know how quickly (and brutally) he deals with people who annoy him. You were so sure you were going to share their fate. Any second now, you thought as you squeezed your eyes shut.
"Where?", he asked. When you opened your eyes, he looked as docile as you'd ever seen him. And then his hand was in your face, and the back of his finger brushed your tears away. You blinked at him a couple times just to make sure you were processing the situation right. Then you shuffled around to touch the places that ached on your body.
And on his side, Sukuna was quite shocked to see how untrusting you were of him. For once he thought that he striked too much fear into you. Or maybe he was just under the impression, because his most obedient pet was crying. Either way, his hand followed yours, light against your sensitive skin. Careful not to cause any more pain for the night. You were stiff under his fingertips at first, still anticipating violence, but slowly relaxed as you felt the pain subside.
"There.", he says, instead of "Sorry". But he felt sorry.
The next time he brings you to his chambers, he stops you in front of the bed. "Pick a word. Any word.". You stop and think, not knowing where he's going with this.
"Feathers.", you say. Angels. His hands on your waist urge you to turn around, facing your back to him. He brushes your hair over your shoulder and kisses you, from the back of your ear trailing down. Your hand meets his and you think you'll melt into him. You've never experienced such tenderness, and to know it's coming from him...
"Only use it when you can't take it anymore. I'll stop.", he whispers against your skin. And just as you thought of how suspiciously nice he was starting to sound..."I wouldn't want to break my favorite toy".
Then he nudges you onto the bed and joins you. You don't have enough time to process the words, before he's on top of you and your focus is shifted back to him. And you don't think you've ever been so relaxed laying in bed with a monster. Later that night, when you were alone in your room, you felt butterflies at the thought of being his favorite. Even if you were nothing but a toy. Even if tomorrow when you stumble upon him in the hallway, or when he calls for you to make him company in his throne room, he'll be as distant and cold as the moon.
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hysteria-things · 8 months
can you do a story where y/n is really sick (a cold)
and chris is loving and takes cares of her
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: chris x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you’ve been fighting this terrible cold for about a week, and your boyfriend loves to take care of you.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: FLUFF, swearing, crying
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 570
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: fun fact this is based off when i was sick and dying in like october LMAO it was the worst i’ve ever felt.
hope you like it anon!
i’m feeling jolly today so i might post a smut later ;)
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here’s to day a million of being sick. realistically, it’s only been a week, but you still felt like shit.
the TV was playing your favorite show since you’ve had enough free time to binge. it feels like you’ve been glued to the couch forever.
tissues were scattered on the snack table next to you along with two empty bowls — one with soup from breakfast and one with ice cream. those are the only two things you can eat since your throat is killing you.
your parents have to work, so chris has been coming over to take care of you when they’re not available.
the front door opens; you don’t have the energy to look at who it is (even though you know)
“i got you your soup from wawa and some more water.” chris smiles sympathetically at you, placing the things on the table.
“thank you.” you hoarse out.
“how are you feeling?”
he pouts. “i’m going to go to your room for just a second. let me know if you need anything.”
you nod as he walks away, making his way up the staircase. however, he pauses midway when he hears your sniffles.
it’s not just congested sniffles. they’re cry sniffles.
he snaps his head to you. you have the soup in your hands, but you’re not eating it. instead, you’re using the spoon to mix it.
he quickly goes back down the stairs to come rushing to you. “oh, no. none of that.” he takes his thumbs and wipes your tears, leaving his hands cupping your cheeks afterward.
“i don’t want to be sick anymore.” you sob. his heart is breaking seeing you like this. he hates it when you’re upset. “my h-head hurts so bad. a-and i feel so weak.”
“i know, i’m sorry.” he places your head into his stomach since he’s standing in front of you, and your tears start to wet his shirt. “just keep taking the medicine the doctor gave you and you’ll get better in no time.”
“i don’t want the soup.” you cry. you tend to say nonsense when you’re this upset about something.
“that’s okay.” he grabs it from your hands and places it with the other bowls. “we can save it for later, alright?”
a chill runs up your spine. chris starts to take the blanket off of your body and before you can protest, he speaks. “let’s bring you to bed. it’s much more comfortable.”
he takes your hands in his and helps you off the couch, walking at your pace until you’re upstairs and into your room. you immediately head under the covers, plus two more blankets for your chills.
chris starts tucking you in with a goofy grin on his face, as if he’s a father tucking in his child. “feel snug?”
you smile warmly. “as a bug.”
“i’m going to go get your medicine and water so you have them. i’ll be right back.”
you yawn but nod as he leaves the room.
moments later chris returns, but you already passed out. he quietly makes his way into the room when he notices this, placing the items on your nightstand.
he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before kneeling to kiss you on the forehead. “i love you.” he whispers, backing out of the room and closing the door, leaving you to sleep for the rest of the afternoon.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
Taking their virginity
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Pairings: Takemichi, Mikey, Hakkai, Yuzuha, and Kisaki x male reader (separately)
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom for all characters, praise, dacryphilia (Takemichi, Kisaki)
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Imagine virgin Takemichi who blushes at the simplest of gestures. Looking away when you hold his hand in public to hide his red cheeks, squeaking in surprise when you give him a peck on the cheek, and lord help him if you hug him from behind, he'll be stifling soft moans just from being in that position
Virgin Takemichi who wants to have sex with you, but every time he thinks about it he just gets so flustered 🥺 Any time you've tried to initiate sexy times he has to stop you, saying that he's “Just not ready yet”, though the bulge in his pants is quite obvious...
Virgin Takemichi's gasps fill the room when you finally push him down onto the couch and start fingering him, kissing his neck and telling him how good he's doing so far
Virgin Takemichi who leaves scratch marks all over your back as you pound into his pretty ass, whispering in his ear about how much he turns you on. “Fuuuck baby you're so tight, feels sooo good~ ”
Virgin Takemichi who's a sobbing mess by the time you've both reached an orgasm. You sit up and pull him against your chest, cooing praises and petting his head while he relaxes
Imagine virgin Mikey who doesn't mind PDA, even initiating it himself sometimes. Who'd gladly hold your hand or kiss you in public, but sex? Sex with you? The intimacy of such a thing is kinda scary...
Virgin Mikey who finds it hard to look you in the eye when you bring it up, he's just never thought about doing this before, but he trusts you, so he agrees to try it soon
Virgin Mikey who's currently laying on top of your sheets naked, he looks so small like this with his legs closed shyly and his arms resting near his head. He moans softly when you start touching him, hands exploring every inch of his body, complimenting him between kisses all over his skin
Virgin Mikey who clings to you desperately while your dick slides in and out of him, his hole squeezing your dick and sucking you in, his arms wrapped tightly around your neck and face buried in the crook of your neck, moaning about how damn good this feels. “Y-yes—!! Harder! F-feels amazing, y/n ”
Virgin Mikey who's out of breath afterwards, panting against your shoulder, looking down where some of your cum is leaking out of his hole. You rub his back soothingly while he comes down from his high, telling him how good it felt to be inside of him
Imagine virgin Hakkai who freezes up whenever you bring up having sex with him. It's not that he doesn't want it, he's just nervous as all hell... What if he messes up? What if he says something stupid in the middle of it? What if you realize you don't like having sex with him? What if– His thoughts are cut off by you kissing him, almost as if you knew his self-doubts were running rampant again
Virgin Hakkai who whimpers when you push him against the wall and reach into his pants to stroke his dick. He has to cover his mouth to muffle his moans when you speed up, his precum covering your hand and smearing all over his boxers
Virgin Hakkai who's currently folded in half, taking your dick so deep inside of him, grunting as you rail him with fervor. “Fuck—!! Fuck me harder...y-yeah– Aaahh—!! ”
Virgin Hakkai whose chest is heaving by the time you're done with him, cumming all over him and telling him how amazing that was, kissing him as you both start to calm down
Imagine virgin Yuzuha who invites you over to watch movies with her all day, with intentions to simply have a nice date night with you, not realizing that it would evolve into something intimate. You've both brought up sex before, but it was never quite the right time, and you didn't want to pressure her to do it before she was ready
Virgin Yuzuha who squirms under the blankets as the night goes on, even if you're not watching anything raunchy she still got worked up and needs relief. She tried to discreetly touch herself, slipping a hand under her panties, spreading her wetness around and fingering herself, glancing over at you to make sure you didn't notice
Virgin Yuzuha who squeals when she starts touching her clit, finally grabbing your attention when you look at her and ask if she's ok. The deep blush on her face and the movement under the blankets tells you exactly why she made that noise
Virgin Yuzuha who quickly gets pulled into your lap, you lift up her skirt and see her soaked panties, chuckling at how desperate she must be. She whines when she hears you laughing at her and you turn her head towards you to kiss her as an apology. You slide your hand into her panties and lube your fingers up with her wetness then start circling her clit, making her roll her hips to get more friction
Virgin Yuzuha who cries out as you bounce her on your dick, cursing and moaning while you fuck into her like you can't live without the feeling of her pussy clenching around you. “Aah~ Fuck that feels good... Mmph please...fuck me, y/n ”
Virgin Yuzuha who's collapsing onto your chest as soon as she cums all over you, your own cum dripping down her thighs. She sighs when she feels you hug her and tell her that she was such a good girl for you
Imagine virgin Kisaki who “doesn't have time for sex”, claiming that he doesn't need it or has no interest. Yet he always gets so flustered when you make the tiniest gestures or just brush against him accidentally, his breath hitching because you touched his arm or grabbed him by the hips to kiss him
Virgin Kisaki who finally breaks down and admits that he does want to get fucked by you. You pushed him down onto the couch and started kissing his neck, surprising him and causing his cheeks to become warm again. You tugged at the waistband of his pants and teased him, saying how you wanted to make him feel so good because you love him, and he finally relented, “F-fine...but you better not disappoint me”
Virgin Kisaki whose face is pushed against the mattress as your cock stretches him open, muffled moans leaving his lips with every sharp thrust into his hole. You grab his hips and pull him closer to you, now balls deep inside of him and humping into him while he whines
Virgin Kisaki who cries when you flip him over and lean down so that your chest is flush against his, burying your face in his neck and sucking marks onto his skin. You tell him how he feels amazing and that you love him and the tears fall down harder, overwhelmed by you pounding his ass and the genuine affection you're expressing
Virgin Kisaki who arches his back when you cum inside of him, whimpering as you fill him up and soothe your hands over his body, praising him for how well he can take you
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withleeknow · 8 months
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, kinda fluffy, kinda angsty idek, hurt/comfort; unedited and self-indulgent as hell !! word count: 0.4k listen to 🎧: hold my girl - george ezra
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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sometimes, it's crazy just how in tune minho is with you, how he can sense that something's wrong before you even have to say it.
he knows all of your signs - smiles that don't quite reach your eyes; soft, barely audible sighs instead of frustrated ones like when you're angry; talking about insignificant things throughout dinner with a distinct lack of energy just for the sake of holding a conversation and not letting your home fall into a state of depressing silence. an overall aloofness that can't simply be blamed on exhaustion.
when you're upset, you shut down.
minho doesn't need you to justify your defense mechanism, doesn't try to coax you out of your shell because he's the same way. when something is eating away at him, he detaches himself from the world too.
in those instances, the last thing he wants is for someone else to offer unhelpful advice when no one but him knows what's going through his mind.
there are some things that you just have to process on your own, some motions you have go through by yourself.
minho can only be by your side while you deal with your inner turmoil. hold your hand and give you a shoulder to lean on, whatever you need until you're ready to come back to him again.
that's what he does this time too. he doesn't ask you any questions; he just puts on the kettle and lights your favorite vanilla and magnolia scented candle. makes you a steaming mug of tea and peels some oranges, arranging the slices neatly on a plate afterward. then he sits on the couch next to you, a random movie playing on the tv that no one's really watching.
at some point, you move closer to tuck yourself under his arm. minho instantly pulls you to rest against his body, a hand on your shoulder giving you comforting squeezes over your sweatshirt.
just the two of you, the willingness to be there for the other especially when it's hard, and the occasional meows reverberating from somewhere nearby.
when he thinks you might've fallen asleep just like that, you start sniffling. the ache that minho feels in his chest is almost immediate.
even then, all he says is, "i'm here."
you meekly nod in acknowledgment as you continue to cry, painful sobs making you fist the material of his shirt in your hands.
he knows that you'll talk when you want to, when you're ready. he gets that in this moment, you just don't have the capacity to articulate your thoughts and explain your feelings in a way that other people could understand.
so he simply presses a kiss to your forehead and hugs you a little closer. he sits with you until it passes. he loves you enough to wait for you, to hold you through all of the lowest lows.
"i'm here. i love you. i'm right here."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz1skz @jazziwritesthings (italicized = can't tag)
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 28.01.2024]
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i doubt that Arata's going to make any major appearances now, but i think it would be so funny if VBS starts travelling and he is made to supervise them, because Ken is busy and tells the kids, "sorry, i am not trusting you guys by yourselves abroad in a million years." so he calls up Arata, since he's travelled before (to America)
Arata is like "yeah, sure. how hard could it be?"
about everything that could go wrong goes wrong.
in the middle of the night, they were all meant to meet at WEG, from where Ken would drive them to the airport. all of them except Toya forgot at least one thing at home and had to go all the way back to retrieve it.
Arata ordered a cup of strong coffee while they all waited for An to come back after running up to her room for the sixteenth time.
at security, An, Akito and Arata seem to accidentally create a "whose jewellery can set off the metal detector more" competition. Toya is highly disappointed in Akito. and just before the trip, Emu had given Kohane a tiny little robot that has recorded messages from all of W x S, to remember them by while she's away!! so cute!!
it gets Kohane pulled away to be searched.
not even anything dodgy in it, it's just as if the machines could detect the Made In Rui Kamishiro's Room essence. Kohane was terrified. it took Arata, Akito and Toya to hold An back from fighting security and getting them all arrested. Rui woke up at home a few hours later to fifty missed calls from Akito, An and the airline.
Arata bought another coffee at duty free afterwards.
oh, and since i'm silly about my headcanon of Iori and Arata being twins, STANDOUT happens to be doing a world tour at the same time. Arata prayed he would not see his sister at the airport. he is not God's favourite. she sees him struggling with the kids and immediately takes the piss. he retorts that he hopes her plane crashes. nearly gets jumped by the other band members (minus Mio)
he needed two coffees to recover from that.
Kohane is super excited about taking as many photos as she can while in the airport, wanting to capture everything. Arata sees her struggling with holding the camera while dragging her suitcase and decides to be nice, offering to hold it. she accidentally calls him nii-san and he feels joy for the first time, thinking that maybe it's all worth it. which is very quickly dissolved when An takes him holding Kohane's bag as an invitation to drop her bag on him ("cheers, Arata!!"), followed by Akito. Toya tries to scold them and help carry all the things, though sheepishly finds that he does not have the strength to.
"why the fuck do i bother." ~ Arata Tono, 2024, on his fifth coffee.
Arata gets a call from Souma checking up on him and is so relieved that he's positively beaming (and maybe even tearing up) while he walks away to answer.
"ehhh, he hasn't smiled at us like that all night, even though we've been so good!!" ~ An. she and Akito tease the hell out of his relationship with Souma when he returns.
while waiting to board the plane, he has to deal with standing next to a bickering An and Akito, the sleepiness starting to really get to the both of them, making them more snappy. Toya is starting to really realise that flights involve... heights. and is staring into space while having a silent panic attack. Kohane unintentionally wanders off to go take more photos, nearly giving Arata a heart attack when he thinks he's lost her. or that might've just been the caffeine.
he is unable to buy another cup of coffee at this time.
the second Arata gets into his plane seat, he goes "do not talk to me" to all of them and immediately falls asleep. some poor flight attendant has to shake him awake to ask him to put his belt on because he'd forgotten. he starts sobbing right then and there.
he gets to order his now hourly coffee from that same flight attendant a bit later.
he tries to drift off once more, though is awoken again, this time by poor Toya in the middle seat digging his fingernails into both his and Akito's arms from fear, like a cat, while the plane takes off.
Arata downs some more coffee and reflects every one of his life's decisions while his arm is taken hostage.
An, who is much too peppy at this sort of hour, in Arata's opinion, reaches across the aisle every ten minutes to shake his free arm and ask "are we there yet??" so he makes Toya keep an eye on how many exact miles away they are and regularly report it to her, to both distract him from the height and satisfy An's curiosity.
when they arrive at their destination, VBS is ecstatic. Arata promptly goes to his room in the hotel and passes out for about twelve hours.
he gets offered coffee during breakfast and feels sick at the thought... before remembering that he's with this lot for a good few days and quickly accepts.
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rfxiii · 10 months
could I request hcs for franklin, trevor, and michael on how they would go about apologizing or making it up to you after they did something wrong (I feel like I'm not making sense lol 😆 but basically I'm asking how would they get back on your good side after messing up big time) if requests are close, I apologize!!
(This totally makes sense, no worries! And my requests are always open, so feel free to send an ask whenever you’d like- I’m just a little slow atm. Also, I’m sorry about the long wait, and I hope you like it ☺️)
Franklin, Trevor, and Michael making up with you after an argument:
Franklin Clinton:
Arguments with Franklin are fairly rare. He’s a pretty level headed, loyal partner. But, like every relationship, arguments do happen.
Despite being kind, loyal, and loving, Franklin is also stubborn. It can be the cause of several of your arguments. And can also lead to him refusing to admit he’s wrong right away.
But once he does realize he’s been wrong, and understands that he’s upset you, he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make it up to you.
He’ll come to you like a sad puppy- curling up beside and gently taking your hands in his. He’s had time to think about what went wrong, and what was done to start the argument to begin with. He wants to talk it over, wants to get to the root of the problem to make sure it never happens again. He’ll stay up all night talking with you, and apologizing, until he’s sure everything is resolved and that you’ve forgiven him.
He may buy you something small and sweet the day after the fight. A teddy bear or a bouquet of roses aren’t uncommon after the two of you have had a disagreement. And for a few days afterwards, he treats you especially gently. He hates hurting your feelings or making you mad. So, he wants to prove just how much he does love you. Even if you two do argue.
Trevor Philips:
Arguments with Trevor are fairly commonplace. He’s set in his insane ways, and always self assured that he’s right. He’s more apt to listen to reason when it comes to you. But his erratic, wild behavior, and bad, dangerous habits are normally the root of arguments between you two.
There are several ways things can go after you two argue. But more often than not, it’s a couple days of passive aggressive comments and the silent treatment, until he’s convinced that this is the fight that’s going to split you guys apart. And then comes the waterworks.
He comes, literally, crawling back to you on his hands and knees, sobbing and snot nosed as he begs you not to leave him. He’s usually fairly high when he breaks down like this, so talking to him is slightly difficult. But he babbles at you non stop- telling you how much he loves you, how sorry he is, how he’s “such a worthless shit”.
The true talking it out usually comes the next morning, or afternoon, depending on how fucked up he got. But after his tears dry up and he’s caught his breath from all the sobbing, his usual method of making up with you is desperate, clingy sex. He doesn’t have a very good grasp on such big emotions, so he shows them physically instead of verbally. And you can feel his love and remorse through every press of his lips and every touch of his rough, scarred hands.
Michael De Santa:
He has issues with loyalty and honesty. You knew that before you got with him. But it doesn’t make the arguments that ensure because of it any easier.
He’s stubborn, self assured, and hot headed. Getting Michael to admit he’s wrong is like pulling teeth. And getting him to apologize is harder than winning a one man war. Once you two start to fight, it can last for days. And because of his petty, passive aggressive attitude, he sometimes tends to make things twice as bad.
It’s almost never that you hear him actually say “I’m sorry”. But eventually, after a few days of fighting, he realizes he’s being a child and understands that he was wrong. Even if he won’t admit it. So, he shows it the best way he knows how. Through gifts.
You’ll come home to find expensive jewelry on your pillow, or a new outfit hung up for you in the closet. He’ll have your favorite dinner made, and he’ll buy the wine he knows you like the best. He won’t apologize to you. But over dinner, he’ll take your hand, tell you how beautiful you look, and say something like “Let’s not fight anymore, angel. You know I hate seeing you upset.”
You know he’s too prideful to apologize. So, usually it’s just easier to cut your losses and accept that, while he’ll never verbally apologize, this is his version of saying “I’m sorry”. You know he truly is apologetic, and you love him, so you both agree to let this go and move on. He’s a good man, he’s just a little emotionally immature at times.
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allywthsr · 1 year
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summary: Lando finishes in P2 in silverstone and you guys celebrate
wordcount: 2.1k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: hinted smut but nothing graphic
notes: like and comment your thoughts!!
A loud cheer erupts in the garage as Lando crossed the finish line in P2. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
You felt a squeeze on your hand and looked to your right, being faced with Lando‘s grandmother. She loved you ever since she met you 5 years ago.
You both had the biggest smile on your lips as you stood up and hugged everyone that came your way.
Being with Lando since he started racing in F1, you knew his team pretty well, just as they knew you.
When Zak pulled you to the podium and placed you in the front row, next to Adam, you couldn’t wait to hug your Lando, to squeeze him tight, and to congratulate him.
As he parked his car behind the sign with the big 2 on it, you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, as they slowly made their way down to your cheeks. Pulling out your phone just to capture a quick little picture, to set it as your lockscreen later. When you put your phone back into your bag, the big TV camera panned in your direction.
The camera focused on you and the rest of the crew, as you spilled the tears and by now you were full-on sobbing. You couldn’t wait for the edits and memes Lando‘s fans were creating, already picturing how you are gonna show them to Lando once you’re both settled in bed later.
When Lando finally jumped out of his car and made a beeline to you, you opened your arms and closed them around his neck. His arms snaked behind your back as your hands cupped his helmet and you distanced your faces a little.
You looked into his slightly wet eyes and pouted.
”I am so proud of you Lando. P2 in fucking Silverstone, are you mad?“
Before he could answer you, the guys started to smack his helmet and his smile got even wider. Lando releases one of his arms from you while keeping the other one tight around your waist, as he started to hug the others.
The FIA guy pulling him away from you towards the scale to do the typical after-race things, like weighing, you proudly looked at him while he removed the helmet of his head and took a big gulp of water out of his water bottle that has been placed on his little stand afterward. You didn’t even want to imagine how thirsty he must be after almost winning the British grand prix, but well, with Max always in P1, it’s kind of like a win, right?
While the post-race Interviews started with Lewis and Max, he came to you once again.
Now finally being able to kiss you, he pressed his lips onto yours and the tears started to flow again. When he loosened the kiss and saw the tears, he put his hands on both sides of your face and used his thumb to wipe them away.
A slight chuckle left both of your lips at the same time, making you both laugh even more.
He put his forehead to yours and whispered a quiet ” Thank you angel“. You looked at him again and kissed the top of his nose and then his forehead.
He gave Zak a quick hug and kissed Adam‘s cheek, as he had to go and do his post-race interview.
As he talked to the interviewer about the strategies and feelings he had during the race, you admired him, the way his helmet left imprints on his face, and don’t get me started on his helmet hair, you just wanted to run your fingers through his strands.
”Lando, the last question, we just saw your girlfriend, Y/N, cry, what does that do to you?“
The smile on his face got even bigger, as always when someone asked about you. Him always saying that you were the best thing that happened to him and he wanted to show you off, being proud of himself for getting someone that beautiful and smart at the same time.
”Well you know, she‘s my biggest supporter and she told me she is proud of me, so I guess that’s why she started crying, but yeah, I love her so much and I’m happy that she is here to share this experience with me, being at my home race and having her as a supporter is just phenomenal, she does so many things to come to as many races as possible and I’m so happy and grateful that I have her by my side.“
Now all the attention was on you, multiple cameras were shoved in your face and you could feel the whole world watching you, well, it’s not wrong, the whole world WAS watching you.
”You two seem like a lovely couple, do we hear any wedding bells soon?“
You wanted to roll your eyes, but decided not to, people shouldn’t think you were an evil bitch, but hearing this question or reading this comment over and over again, it’s just tiring.
You both took your time, having the same opinion on people marrying after knowing the partner for two weeks. You guys have been together for five years, but you just took your time and didn’t want to rush anything. But if he did pop the question, you wouldn’t even need time to think about the answer.
Lando let out a high-pitched giggle and started to fidget with his fingers.
”You know, we don’t wanna rush into anything, we’re still young and enjoying life right now, you never know what the future holds but we’re really happy right now.“, hoping that he would be satisfied with the answer, Lando‘s thoughts went back to a little something he hid in his luggage wherever he went. Just waiting for the right time, was a diamond ring, that you would love, he was sure of that.
After the podium celebration, where Lando almost poured the whole bottle into your direction after his famous bottle on ground hitting thing, you were smelling like champagne but you couldn’t care less. Happily smelling like the success of your boyfriend.
You both went into his private room in the hospitality. Lando couldn’t wait for a shower but you just had to hug him, so you stood in the middle of the small room for at least two minutes just hugging and being close to the other. You had so many feelings you couldn’t comprehend. You both reeked of champagne and Lando was fully drenched in the fuzzy liquid, as Lewis and Max poured their bottles all over him, you shared small kisses and you played with his wet hair.
”Babe, let me have a shower and then we can cuddle at the club.“
You pouted, didn’t want to let him go, or not being close to him. But he did need a shower desperately. And a change of clothes as his suit and fireproofs clung to him like a second skin.
”But hurry love, I need to shower in the hotel as well and get ready for the after-party, I can’t go like this!“, you pointed at yourself, being dressed in a fancy outfit but not fancy enough for a club. And you needed a shower as well, and a touch-up of your makeup. You were thankful that you applied waterproof everything so nothing had smudged, but you just needed to freshen it up a little and make it more party-like.
”You look just as gorgeous as ever, my love, but I will hurry, I want to lay down in a bed soon, I‘m really tired.“
You leaned to his ear, whispering: ” You won’t get much sleeping done tonight babyboy.“, he let out a gasp and you left the room with a mischievous smile. You loved it when you made him flustered.
After leaving his room you sat with his family in the hospitality and chatted until he was ready to go. You both said your goodbyes and started to walk to his car.
You both made it to Lando’s car after he got stopped every meter for an autograph, but you two didn’t mind, today Lando was really happy about the positive feedback everyone gave him. But when you did make it safely tucked into the comfortable seats of his McLaren, his hand was glued to your thigh, seeing that Lando also needed that physical contact, made you happy. You knew he was always a bit extra clingy after a good result, but never that much. He also kept one hand on your lower back or one arm wrapped around your waist as you guys walked through the paddock, not even removing it, as he took pictures or signed stuff. You were sure all of these people had the ugliest Lando Norris autograph of all time, as he didn’t hold the paper or whatever with his other hand, but he seemed satisfied with it. Just needing you close to him today.
You arrived at the hotel and the clingy Lando continued. He hugged you from behind and threw you guys on the Queen-sized bed, needing a cuddle. With his breathing getting calmer with every breath and his eyes slowly closing you knew where this was going, but not today, you needed to get going. A shuttle was organized to pick you up in an hour, and you didn’t want to be late again. So you turned around in his embrace and poked his left cheek with your index finger.
”Lando I really need to freshen up, I smell bad and I feel gross!“
”You could never be gross, you’re not a fish Y/N, fish are gross, but not you baby.“, he mumbled. He really was on the brink of falling asleep, all of this success must have tired him out.
”Baby no,“ you let out a chuckle, ”just a quick shower, you can sleep a little but then we have to leave for your party!“
His lips formed into a pout, that you couldn’t resist kissing. He opened one eye, started to smirk, and pulled you even closer to him.
”No Lando! Don’t even start, we really don’t have time for this now. No no no no no no.“, you loosened from his grip and stood up as fast as you could.
”But baby, I need to shower again, I don’t think I cleaned my back well enough earlier“, he cheekily said.
You just looked at him with your stern look and arched your eyebrow towards your hairline.
He started to pout again. ”You’re no fun.“
You chuckled and finally went into the bathroom to get the shower you desperately needed. After a more party-like Make-up and an outfit change, you were ready to go as Lando still laid on the bed. You told him multiple times to get up while you got ready but he didn’t listen. Being the stubborn boy he was.
”Well, if you don’t want to go, then I‘ll leave without you.“
You heard a grumble from the bed.
You sometimes felt like your boyfriend turned into a little child with you being his mother. It just made you laugh at how childish he can be behind closed doors.
He did eventually got ready and you both made it to the shuttle that picked you and some other crew members up.
He kept an intense grip on your leg, as he talked to the other guys, which made your legs twitch, but now is not the time to think about that. You just couldn’t wait for the night to end already.
You all made it to the club and after a few speeches of important crew members and Lando, the party got started. You danced, had drinks, and just fun celebrating Lando and the team for the good result.
And let’s say, you guys didn’t really sleep much, but not in the way you promised Lando earlier, in fact, he didn’t even think about that anymore, instead you sat next to him on the bathroom floor while he emptied his stomach into the toilet and rubbed his back with your hand slowly to show your support. He promised you not to drink that much because of how the last party ended. But he didn’t listen to you, nor did he learn from his mistakes. But the scolding could wait until tomorrow, now he just wanted to feel better. You stopped counting the drunken ‘I love you‘s‘ he whispered when he didn’t hang with his head down in the toilet. But you couldn’t be mad at him, as you looked at your lockscreen, the chrome car behind the P2, excused his behavior. And you never showed him the memes of your crying, but that could wait until tomorrow too.
”You really are my biggest supporter, even when I hang with my head down the toilet.“
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yourusername I love you my boy, Pfucking2, you amaze me everyday. Thank you for being you and killing it on track everytime. Here‘s to more Podiums and hopefully less patting your back while you empty your stomach in the toilet after the afterparties. Love you smelly🧡
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username1 You were so cute on TV!!!!
username2 They’re meant to be, proof me wrong🥹
username3 Parents.
landonorris Love you too ig, thanks for exposing me🧡
maxfewtrell hahahaha what a muppet
username4 When are they getting married?????
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