#how do i tell my co-worker that is trying to convince me to stay that
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Hear me out please…
Imagine Bucky doing this as a way to get you stay home from work and says something like “Nope. You can’t leave. If you leave, I’m going with you.”
The Bed's Warm, Why Go?
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PAIRINGS: James "Bucky" Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: swearing, unprotected sex (darlings, please wrap your man's pig in a blanket), p in v, nipple sucking, mentions of cum, cumming inside. (If I have left anything out pls DM me and let me know 😊)
"Doll, don't leave me all alone," his arm snakes around your middle just as you're about to get up from bed. He pulls you towards him, and your back hits his warm, bare chest.
"Love, you know I don't wanna go," you turn in your place and smile at him while scratching his stubble. "Then don't," he pouts and rubs your hip, then cups the back of your knee and hooks your leg over his muscular thigh.
"I need to earn, Bucky. How else am I gonna spoil my favourite man, hmm?" Bucky smirks, and you can see his cheeks flush slightly red. He sits against the headboard and lifts you as though you weigh nothing, setting you on his thighs.
"Stay with me, princess. Call in sick," he wraps his arms around you, pulling you impossibly close as he stuffs his face between your breasts. You sigh and chuckle softly, running your hands through his fluffy bed hair.
"Convince me," you whisper. And that's it. That's all Bucky needed to hear.
He quickly flips the both of you, settling in between your legs. "Don't have to tell me twice, doll."
He tugs your underwear to the side, and slips his cock free from the restraints of his boxers.
You'll never really get over how big your boyfriend is. You start to whine, needing to feel something. "Bucky."
He smirks at your neediness, bending to catch your lips in a chaste kiss. "Oh, I know, doll, I know. Trust me, I'm going to fuck you so good that you forget about work. So good, that the way you walk into work tomorrow, your co-workers are going to think you were really sick."
A whimper leaves your lips, and he chuckles, tapping his cock on your clit. You gasp at the sensation. "Yes, please. Bucky, oh god," you whine, gripping onto his shoulders.
His brows pinched together as he slowly slips into your weeping hole. "Fuck. So, fucking tight, princess." You throw your head back against the pillows, biting your lip as you feel your walls trying their best to accommodate his girth.
He bottoms out in you, and you feel his pubic hair tickle your sensitive button. "Bucky, move please," you whine again. He leans back and grabs your hips, then he starts to pull out until it's just the tip of him inside.
Then he slams into you, and you wail his name. His thrusts start to become harsher, and your moans become more higher in pitch. "Such a good girl for me, yeah? Taking everything I give you."
You moan and start babbling when he hits that particular spot on your spongy wall. "Fuck, Bucky. Right there, right there!" Bucky bends, grabbing the headboard with one hand and tossing your leg over his shoulder with the other.
Reaching new depths into your canal, you scream in pleasure. "Oh yeah, just like that doll. Let the neighbours know how good I make you feel," he sucks a bruising kiss on your neck before sloppily marking up the rest of the column of your throat.
His thrusts are short and hard, and with each one of them, you move closer to the headboard. "Fuck, Bucky, you feel so good," you whine loudly.
You clench around him hard, feeling tears prick at the corner of your eyes. "Babe, I'm close." Bucky groans at your words, thrusting faster. "Shit, me too."
The band tightens until the tension breaks. You arch your back as you gush all over Bucky's cock. "OH FUCK."
Bucky grunts, feeling you milk him. "God, so pretty when you come like that, princess."
You feel his thrusts falter in pace, indicating he's close. You reach behind him and grab his ass, squeezing the muscle. "C'mon baby, come for me," you whisper. He groans, pressing himself against you. Your thigh is impossibly pressed against your chest, and you moan again.
"Shit," Bucky grunts as his body goes slack, and you feel his warm load paint the inside of your walls.
You both pant hard, trying to catch your breaths.
After a while, Bucky removes your leg from his shoulder, and then proceeds to lay himself on top of you. Resting his head on your boobs, he smiles tiredly. "So, you going to work?" he raises a brow.
All you can do is just laugh and playfully flick at his nose.
Thanks for the ask, babes!!!!
Absolutely, in love with that gif.
I srsly can't stop looking at it, LMAO.
Till' then
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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obsessive-valentine · 4 months
Omg we need more Yandere!Ex-Military man. He’s soooooooooooooo😩😩😩😩😩
Yandere!Ex-Military Man x GN!Reader
A creep at work seems to have a crush on you and isn’t letting you let him down gently, so your jealous bear of a man decides to personally give him a one final warning.
Just a short blurb for character building purposes. He definitely is a heart throb, for us at least, glad you like him ❤️
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It didn’t take much convincing to be dragged to his house again, you liked it here much more than your small lonely apartment. It also helped that you are deeply in-love with the man who owned it.
You lay back on his chest wearing one of his warm jumpers and watching to you had begged him to watch a musical with you. He made it clear it wasn’t his style but didn’t put up a fight about it, you both knew you had him wrapped around your fingers.
And if you said you didn’t take advantage of that you’d be lying and if he said he didn’t like it, he’d be lying too.
His hands subconsciously wandered as he held you and the rise and fall of his chest is calming, just what you needed after a long day of work. You are so relaxed that you didn’t even pay attention to the buzz of your phone, nor the second one that followed close after. But the comfortable pillow of a man behind you did.
By the 3rd message notification he mentions “someone’s trying to get ahold of you” you turn your head towards the side table and click onto the Home Screen, seeing who the messages are from. You don’t bother reading them and turn off your phone “just a co-worker, he’s a bit weird like that. I bet it has nothing to do with work” you reply a bit irritated.
The co-worker was a bit of an odd person, at first you assumed he was just trying to be friends but then it got a bit to much and borderline flirty. So you’ve been giving him the silent treatment and blunt replies so as to not lead him on, you’d even mentioned your long-term relationship a few times but he’s not gotten the message or just ignored it.
You went back to watching the tv but then another buzz made you sigh “He’s a bit eager don’t you think?” What you didn’t see was the growing irritation on your lovers face “yeah sorry, I’ll mute him” when you picked up the phone and went to your pursuers contact he watched from over your shoulder, taking note of his name.
“Tell me about his creep” it sounded like a light hearted joke but he was deadly serious, he hated that someone is making you uncomfortable at work. But he didn’t want to make you worry that you were the one causing him this growing irritation. You went on to explain -finishing by assuring him that you’ve not got a ounce of interest in him and would never come close to cheating on him.
You waited for a response watching the cogs turn in his head “I’ll stick my head in tomorrow, how’s that? Just show him you’re all mine” he pulled you back against him “That might make him lay off the creep behaviour” anger was bubbling up in him, he wanted nothing but to have a good smoke and think of all the ways he can fuck up that pesky co-worker of yours.
Instead he stayed by your side as you finished watching the movie, and tried to think rationally. That co-worker will have one chance to sort out his act, out of the kindness in his heart no matter how much he wanted to pound the guy into the ground and not in the fun way.
And he did come in during your lunch break.
“Where’s this guy at then?” He asked quietly after giving you a peck on the lips, you pointed across the room secretively. And before you knew it he was unapologetically pulling you across the room headed straight for the man. You tried to protest “shh just trust me love” he tried to ease your worries without taking his hungry gaze off the man.
When you both reached him your co-worker glanced up at him and then with confusion at you, before you could introduce them both your boyfriend stood in from of you and went in for a hand shake with a pleasant smile.
“Hey, it’s good to meet you. I’ve heard plenty about you” unbeknownst to you when he went in for the handshake he got a good grip on the creeps hand, not letting him pull back as he began to crush his hand uncomfortably. What you did see was the creeps face drop into an uncomfortable expression and even more so when you boyfriend leaned in and whispered something in his ear not even letting your co-worker get a word in.
“Well it was nice to meet you” he straightened up towering over the creep defensively and a faked smile. He loosened his grip and watched as he pulled his hand back rubbing away the soreness from the violent grip “yeah you too” he almost stuttered out before scurrying away.
“That seemed to do the trick he?” He turned to you with a smile -you let out a little amused laugh back “let’s have lunch together before I leave” his hand rested on your lower back guiding you out the building and to his car. “What did you say to him?” You asked curiously “Just poking fun about how much he texts you after-hours” he shrugged it off.
The creep didn’t seem flustered like it was a joke but rather scared and intimidated -but you believe your boyfriend and chalked it up to the creep being intimidated by his sheer size rather than anything he said.
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cutielando · 5 months
not so happy reunion ~ rafe cameron
my masterlist
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From the moment you and Rafe got engaged, you had left the Outer Banks.
Not because you were keen on doing so, but because Rafe wanted to escape from the hold his family, specifically his father, had on him.
You moved into a beautiful mansion on the mainland, both of you had stable and high-paying jobs, so you were living comfortably.
You had also gotten married after a year and a half of moving, only with a few close friends, Wheezie, Sarah and your family. Per Rafe's request, Sarah and Wheezie hadn't told their parents why they were visiting the mainland, using the excuse of a much needed girls' trip.
Even though you had advised Rafe to at least let his family know about the wedding, he vehemently insisted that you didn't tell them anything, claiming he didn't want them to ruin his perfect day with you like they did everything else.
However, Ward didn't want to accept the fact that Rafe didn't want to have anything to do with him or his family anymore, hence always sending you an invitation to the annual Midsummers party.
Every single time, Rafe would come up with an excuse as to why you couldn't make it. You were either busy with your jobs, you were feeling under the weather, you missed your flight, the excuse range was very wide.
However, now that you were also pregnant with your first child, you figured it would be time to pay the old OBX a visit, for old times' sake.
Rafe, even though he agreed on your behalf, was very much not excited to be back.
"Have we got everything?" you were finishing up packing your bags, making sure you had put everything you would need for your 2 day stay.
"Do we really have to go?" Rafe asked from where he was sitting on your shared bed, pouting like a small child.
You sighed and chuckled, amused because he was still trying to convince you not to go when you were literally minutes away from leaving for the island.
"Baby, we haven't been back there in almost 3 years. Don't you think it's time we do go and show people we're still alive and happily together?" you moved your hands so they were resting on his shoulder, his eyes at a level with your growing bump.
He sighed and leaned forward to kiss your bump and cradle it in his hands.
"I don't want her to be in that environment" he mumbled, speaking about your unborn daughter.
The moment you had found out you were having a girl, Rafe couldn't stop dotting on you. He was so excited to have another little princess running around, a mini-you. He was doing everything to make sure he got the hang of it all, from reading books to taking some daddy-and-me classes, watching videos and grilling his co-workers about advice.
He was the most prepared father-to-be ever.
"Baby, everything is going to be fine. She's safe in there, nobody is going to do anything to her, or me, or you. We're just gonna see some old friends, have a little fun and try not to get into arguments with your father. We're leaving as soon as we can, okay?" you were running your hands through his hair, twirling his dirty blonde locks around your fingers.
He nodded and kissed your bump one last time before getting up, taking your bags and hauling them to your car.
The ride to the OBX was quiet, Rafe's hand consistently resting on your bump as he drove and yours resting on top of his.
As you observed Rafe for the whole ride, you noticed how much he started tensing up the closer  you got to the island, full on freaking out by the time he had parked his car.
"Okay, let's get this over with" he muttered as he got out of the car and jogged to your side, opening your door and taking your hand in his, interlocking your fingers.
You slowly made your way to the reception, more and more of your old friends recognizing you and stopping to chit chat.
At first, Rafe's hand was tightly holding yours tensely, but his grip slowly became more tender and less tense as he finally managed to calm down and enjoy seeing his friends.
"Rafe?" Ward's voice boomed through the party, making everyone around you stop to observe the interaction.
Rafe cursed under his breath but turned around, coming face to face with his father.
"Dad" Rafe nodded and said, his grip on your hand tightening slightly.
You started caressing the side of his hand with your thumb, trying to keep him grounded and calm.
"Oh, it's so good to see you, my boy" the man pulled his son into a tight hug, squeezing him like never before.
Rafe coughed and just patted his father on the back, one of his hands still linked with yours. You could only imagine how uncomfortable the situation was for your husband.
"And I see you brought your girlfriend as well" Ward said once his eyes fell on you.
"Wife, actually" you proudly corrected the man, your other hand now resting on your clearly visible bump.
Ward's eyes followed your hand and once he saw the wedding band on your hand holding your baby bump, his jaw went slack and he was at a loss of words.
Rafe cleared his throat and let go of your hand, instead opting to wrap his arm around your waist and pull your body flush against his.
"I can't believe this. Congratulations. When did this happen?" his voice was now back to his usual icy tone, surely figuring out the fact that he hadn't been invited to his son's wedding.
"Almost 1 year and a half ago. Found out we were expecting a couple of months ago" Rafe's gaze on his father hadn't let up.
Ward nodded, biting the inside of his cheek visibly.
"And you didn't think to invite your family?" he bit back.
"Wheezie and Sarah were there. The only family I needed with me" 
The music had now stopped, everyone concentrating on the brewing tension between the two Cameron men.
"What are we and Rose then? We raised you!" 
"With all due respect, you didn't do shit. You left him to fend for himself his entire life and didn't give a shit about his well-being because you were too obsessed with Sarah. You don't get to do that anymore. We didn't want you there because you didn't deserve to be there, just like you are never going to be a part of our child's life" you burst, not wanting to let Rafe deal with this by himself.
Ward's eyes widened as they shifted from his son to you. He had remembered you as the calculated one from the couple, always trying to keep the waters calm and Rafe under control. He didn't expect you to talk back to him like that.
"We're clearly not welcome here, so we're going to leave" Rafe said.
On your way out, you bid goodbyes to some of your friends and gave Ward one last look before getting into your car and driving away.
"I'm sorry, I thought it would be a good idea" you said once you had made it home, now safe and sound in the sheets of your bed with your husband.
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. At least we managed to catch up with people before disaster struck" he teased, kissing your shoulder and hugging you from behind, his hands cradling your bump.
You laughed and settled in bed, drifting off to a peaceful sleep with the two most important people in your life: Rafe and your daughter.
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ruewrote · 6 months
𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑖𝑡.
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PAIRING: rafe cameron x gn!reader WARNINGS: rude customer, fighting & strong language GENRE: angst to fluff SONG INSPIRATION: wash by bon iver WORD COUNT: 756
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today was certainly not your day.
starting it off by being late for work was of course not ideal, silently hating your boss for making you come in so early after opening.
the catching up wasn't even the worst part of it since you were used to rush hour, but having a new hire fumbling every five minutes didn't really help your patience.
so on top of being late, doing the usual morning rush, having to practically retrain your co-worker everything. your boss decides to be a dick and rush you on your lunch break, not being able to eat half of your sandwich then you were back at it again.
right now you were on your last straw. trying to keep up with some stuck up kooks long ass coffee order.
the sigh of relief you let out after finishing it almost wiped you out, taking so much of your time and concentration. you turned around putting on your best fake smile.
"tiffany!" you announced, eyes scanning the room landing on the short blonde whose nails were aggressively tapping against her phone screen.
"oh that's me!" she giggled as she wobbled forward in her tall heels, grabbing the drink off of the counter and taking a sip of it.
"oh my god who made this is disgusting! this isn't what i asked for."
"excuse me ma'am that was me and i made it exactly how you ordered it." you spoke to her, clenching your teeth praying to the gods that she wouldn't test you.
"hm no it isn't, you wanna try?" she said whilst taking off the lid off the drink to then throw the contents inside in your face, going to leave after doing that.
leaving you stood there in the middle of the jammed shop, everyone silent and looking at you.
you just laughed, tongue pressed to your cheek, tilting your head back as you ripped your apron off, running out of the shop after her.
tiffany clearly didn't hear the hurried footsteps behind her, but she definitely felt you turning and pushing her to the ground. her phone breaking against the concrete.
you dropped to your knees, straddling her hips getting a few punches in. her crying grew louder when you stopped and got off of her.
"i don't give a fuck who you are. respect your retail workers!" you pointed down at her then ran off to your car trying to ignore the fact that everyone had been staring at you.
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tears welled up in your eyes as you banged on the door of your boyfriends house, hoping that he'd be in.
you heard the muffled talking getting closer and louder to the door before it opened. revealing an angry rafe on the phone, seeing you made it turn into worry, him ending the call grabbing your hands helping you into his home.
"sweetheart, what happened?" he questioned, but you just fell into his embrace, sobbing so hard against the material of his shirt.
even with you being a sticky mess, he wrapped his arms around you bringing you even closer to him not caring about his clothes, only you.
"shh it's alright, you're okay. i'm here."
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after a little while of him holding you rafe brought you to the bathroom, your crying now subsided. he convinced you to stay the night with him as he ran you a bath.
helping you strip yourself of your clothing, holding your hand helping you into the water. leaving you so it could soak off the majority of the dry splotches.
"you wanna tell me what went down, love?" his words soft as he sat himself beside you on the floor of the bathroom.
"i... i don't even know. it all happened so quickly..." you told him everything about your day from the beginning to now. he grabbed a soft sponge and soap, gently grasping one of your arms getting to work on making them clean as he listened.
"so...it sounds like she deserved it." you laughed at that, feeling an invisible weight be lifted off of your shoulders.
"i guess so."
he then moved onto washing your hair, his fingers massaging your scalp making you physically melt into him.
for the rest of your bath you laughed and joked, talking about everything you were gonna do after you were out of the bathroom. almost forgetting what happened.
you were so glad that you had someone as amazing as rafe, knowing that you never had to struggle as long as he was around.
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© ruewrote.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: after the traumatic night you were doing your best to keep things to yourself, but when a co-worker begins to bother you, you make a decision that brings consequences no one imagine and now it's Javier's turn to take your side, despite the bad situation involving the two of you
Warnings: angst, hurt, mentions of smut, kind of unrequited love, sexual harassment, violence, verbal abuse like a lot of verbal abuse, physical abuse, protective Javier, this one is heavy sorry
A/N: Idk I was so invested in this chapter because reader is me (us) and I love the drama
3.6k words
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The reflection that stared back at Javier in the mirror disgusted him to no end. 
He hated every single detail about it, its looks, its attitude, its job, its shitty choices. 
Javier Peña hated himself.
He was a low life, he knew that and never actually hid it, but to know you now, not only knew for a fact he was one, but told him to his face made it everything worse. 
He wasn't a hypocrite, he knew you were right, he was never going to try to convince you otherwise, there was no mistake, no misinterpretation in the world that could somehow lessen what he'd done to you. 
He'd ghosted you, ignored you, been cold, rude, he'd complained about how well you treated him, even if that was the only good thing he had in his life. The kindness he received from you without expecting anything in return was something he should've refused but he couldn't bring himself to do it. 
And he knew he should've kept to himself the moment you refused his flirting. That was what he did to the very few women who refused him, but he just couldn't resist. 
The way you laughed softly and bit your lips, an adorable pink spreading on your beautiful face as you leaned closer and watched him up and down. 
"If it weren't for the heartbreak I still got, I'd be under you right now" you chuckled "and then I'd be on top of you and if you really played your cards right, I'd be on my hands and knees" you burst out laughing, sipping the drink he'd paid you and looking down in embarrassment. 
That was your first ever interaction outside the office and after you were bluntly honest with him, he wasn't able to let you go. 
You were too good, too pretty, too funny and too damn sexy. 
After that, he promised himself he wouldn't let you get hurt, but he couldn't stay away. Each time your face lit up when he said something about your nails, or how you smiled when he called you a pet name and the next thing Javier leaving small gifts on your desk. 
It was stupid, he felt so dumb when you arrived at work and saw the small chocolates, or the flowers, but the moment you smiled at him and rushed to his desk to thank him, it made it all worth it. 
Then you began hanging out on the weekends too, at first it was a shy restaurant recommendation, that quickly turned into a ride to the restaurant and that evolved into lunch or dinner together. 
During the week, the smell of food coming from your apartment was tempting, and though Javi salivated just to picture how good it would be to have some homemade food again, he was too embarrassed to knock on your door and ask for a plate. 
As if you'd read his mind you knocked on his door, offering some and that became a habit. 
You were right when you rubbed on his face he enjoyed being treated like your boyfriend, he really did. That way he could be near you and daydream about how things could be if he were a different man. 
He never meant to hurt you, but he began hurting you by letting you in, by not pushing you away when he had the opportunity to do so. He knew you, he knew you were past the relationship feelings a long time ago, maybe you didn't tell yourself that, but he could tell you liked him in a way it was fair to you, because he liked you just as much, though it took him some time to bring himself to admit it himself he was in love. 
But nothing good ever came from that. 
Even the times Javier was actually in love, it faded as quick as it started. He was a guy that had passions, but they never lasted. So he couldn't do that to you. He couldn't let you think you two could be together knowing some day he would probably wake up and see his feelings for you had changed, while you were stuck in love with someone who didn't deserve you. 
He couldn't be like your ex, he hated that motherfucker with passion. Since the first time you mentioned your heartbreak, under all the amusement he felt at your words, he also felt a hint of anger. He didn't understand how a man could hurt a woman like you. 
You'd never told him exactly what had happened, and he never asked. It was pretty simple to him: if you wanted Javier to know, you'd tell him eventually. 
Of course he couldn't help wondering what he'd done to you. Several times Javi lay on his bed thinking of your past relationship. He assumed the guy had cheated, that was a real good reason for someone to become brokenhearted but he had a feeling that it could be more than that. Maybe he'd got someone else pregnant? It was one of the theories Javi came up with. 
When Steve had one drink after the other after work the day he actually got his shit back together after crying over Connie for weeks, he got tipsy and talkative, and he blabbered everything you'd confided in him. 
You'd been left at the altar by your fiance. 
You'd been left in front of everybody, family, friends, co-workers, while wearing a beautiful wedding dress that you picked so carefully, in order to make that day perfect in every way.
Your fiance had publicly humiliated you just like Javier did with fiancee a decade prior. 
Javier hated your ex with passion for what he did to you, and he hated himself even more to know that in a way, he was also that guy. 
He had to try and stop you from getting even more hurt by being around him, but just like everything in life, he screwed things up. 
When you woke up the morning after that horrible night, you wanted to disappear. You groaned as a pounding headache reminded you constantly of your very poor choices the night before and you closed your eyes wishing as hard as you could that what had happened would be just an awful nightmare and nothing more. 
But you needed to face reality. 
But reality could wait a little, so you spent the weekend locked in your apartment, literally playing dead, not wanting to see anyone as you thought about everything you were doing in life, you were so tired of that situation, tired of Javier, tired of your feelings for him. You were also tired of what was about to come, you just wished your heart would stop aching like it did. 
When Monday came, you ignored everyone and did your job. You went out for lunch on your own and returned for another shift of not making visual contact with anyone and praying that lump in your throat that suffocated you would go away. 
Javier and Murphy kept their voices low, so you didn't distinguish what they talked about, eventually you felt their gaze on you, which you also ignored. 
Steve looked around nervously at Javier who just looked away, avoiding you as much as you did him, but continued walking towards your desk, stopping right in front of it and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Um… Y/N?" Murphy smiled nervously "Javi and I left some reports with you last week because you were helping us with it and Messina wants them… where are they?" 
You bit your lips at the urgent need of bursting out laughing at his face. 
After everything they'd done, Steve had blabbered about your personal life and Javier… well, you didn't even like to remember it, they still wanted you to do their job? 
You thought of many ways you could snap in front of them, make a scandal and have the entire office's attention on them, but you quickly gave up, instead, you raised your head with a sweet smile
"Oh sorry Steve, I forgot them at home, but they'll be here first thing in the morning" you assured them. 
When both Javier and Murphy got to work the next day they found a huge pile of unfinished documents to fill. They looked at each other in confusion but what you'd done quickly sank in. For one second, they were both naive to the point of actually believing you would help them do their job after what happened. 
Three weeks had passed since the Javier incident and you'd never been more isolated from everyone. As Javi used to be your favorite person to hang out, you still talked to Steve and Connie, and some other people from the office, but you ended up distancing yourself and they didn't seem to be too eager to get your company, so it was not like they missed you.
Steve was still single, going to bars almost every night but also managing to be a functional drunk by day and work as a cop.
As for Javier you didn't know and you didn't care, sometimes you could smell coffee coming from his apartment, or cooking oil, which meant he was probably making himself some french fries. He loved them just like the man child he was. 
You also didn't hear any commotion from his place, which meant whoever he was fucking was being silent. 
You missed him on a daily basis, everything reminded you of Javi and sometimes it even took you some time to process you weren't friends anymore when you saw something nice or funny and wanted to show him. 
But at the same time, you also felt proud of yourself for working on your emotional detachment from him. The first few days you thought it was impossible to be away from him, but you were getting by. 
On the other hand, one consequence of Javi's distance from you was the fact that Carlos took it as an invitation to hit on you. 
He started small, discret, but consistent. At first he just left small chocolates around your desk because he was so pathetic he had to imitate Javier, not being able to come up with an idea on his own.
You always got rid of them by placing them on Steve's desk when he wasn't around which led him to think they were a gift from Colleen. You chuckled to yourself when you heard his theory. You knew the fire was about to spread in that department but you simply didn't care. You wanted them all to fuck off. 
Then Carlos left you post its with several messages. They started humble and innocent, calling you pet names and other stuff, but after a while they started to become spicy, until he left you full, explicit words of what he would like to do with you in that ugly, sloppy handwriting of his. 
You kept them all in your drawer, you knew when the time was right you'd be able to use them in your favor. 
The morning you decided to wear a pencil skirt to work was when everything began going to shit. First, Javier's jaw dropped; he couldn't even pretend he didn't acknowledge your existence anymore. Instead, he just followed you with his eyes all around the office, like an animal and he didn't even care.
His jeans got tighter and he would let Pablo Escobar produce all the cocaine in the world if he could only know if you were wearing panties along that skirt or not. 
The mere idea of you bare under that teasing outfit in your workplace was enough to send shivers down his spine. It was enough to take all his focus away and the only picture in Javier's mind was to have you sitting on his desk, legs spread wide while he had his face buried between your folds. At that moment, he wanted to be nothing but your fuck boy, to make it up to you by fucking you like no other. 
"We gotta go, perv" Murphy interrupted his wet daydreams and reminded him they'd have to go to the streets. 
Carlos took their departure as an invitation to come closer, and as you grabbed yourself a cup of water he slapped your ass. 
"Ay que culo sabroso princesa" he whispered into your ear, without warning and making you spill some of your water. He laughed softly "leaving a wet path for me already?" 
Your blood boiled, if you had access to a gun you knew you would probably shoot that pig in the face, you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs until someone actually put you out of your misery. 
You were so fed up, so tired, so angry with men taking everything from you. Your fiance, Javier, Murphy, Carlos… you felt you couldn't even live your life without having one of them ruining some aspect of it somehow. It stirred something in you and an idea popped into your head. You took a deep breath and controlled yourself again, you were going to make him pay, because if one of them got punished, the others would learn from the lesson. 
You turned to him and smirked. 
"You're all talk and no action. You've been dropping little dirty notes on my desk like a horny teen and made no moves… are you even interested in me?" You batted your eyes at him.
Carlos frowned softly and chuckled.
"I thought you hated me, you went pretty feral when I talked about Peña a while ago, didn't ya?" 
"I did, but Peña is no longer in the picture and I heard hate fucks can be even better than love ones… I haven't tried these yet, but maybe you could help me with that?" You smirked and took his hand writing down the address to a shady hostel known by the cops who investigated downtown. 
"Eight PM. Bring a bottle of wine and a bottle of lube, ya que te gusta mi culo" you whispered and saw the color drain from his ugly, pathetic face. "Nobody will suspect a cop and an assistant carrying out an investigation there, right?" You winked at him and walked away. 
Carlos believed you so easily for a second you though he was the one messing with you, but turns out he was just simply and straight up stupid. 
The next step was easy. 
You excused yourself to mail some documents and on your way back you also mailed the collection of obscene post-its to Carlos' house, where his wife received them. The last one had the time and the address she should go to. 
And the rest was history. 
When morning came, gossip spread through the office like wildfire, thanks to Colleen who heard it from a cop, who heard it from another and by 9AM everyone knew agent Carlos Galindo had been caught red-handed by his wife who immediately pulled out a huge scene dragging attention from the whole block.
There was crying, screaming, slapping, scratching and accusations, and according to Colleen, Mrs.Galindo had kicked him out of home and forbade him from seeing the kids. 
Apparently a mysterious woman had set the whole thing up, and no one knew her identity. 
Though Murphy had a pretty good idea, he shot you a smirk "don't you think it's a whole lotta coincidence Carlos got into this shit now that he'd been harrassing you?" 
ou shrugged and smiled big, it was the first time Javier had seen you smile for real in almost a month and he cursed himself to see his heart skipped a beat.
"Well, I know some men think they can get away with everything, but they gotta learn they can't just play with women as if we were nothing" you accidentally glanced at Javier and he caught your eyes. Shit.
You cleared your throat and hoped you weren't blushed "anyway, whoever did this knew he deserved it" you winked at Steve and went back to work.
You were finishing another report, going over the spelling again to make sure there were no mistakes when a commotion dragged your attention.
You could hear some muffled voices which became loud as someone approached the room. You looked at Javier and Murphy, the three of you confused at what the heck was going on. 
Colleen's voice wasn't much more than a nervous squeak, telling whoever the person that was coming wasn't a good idea. 
And then you saw him. 
Carlos was standing there, fuming, with red blood eyes, looking like he hadn't seen a shower in ages, still with his work uniform and staring at you with a death glare. 
Anyone could see he was clearly out of his mind, but everyone seemed to look at him in a mix of awe and curiosity. 
You thought it was so amusing to see him in that shitty state, but your smile immediately died when you saw him taking some steps towards you. He had a bottle of wine in hands and his lips twitched in an attempt of a smile which turned into a sinister face.
"Buenos días puta" he said "I waited for you last night, but you never showed up, whore. My wife did though and she wasn't happy about it, and I bet my heavy balls you were the cum dumpster slut who called her" he said getting near your desk at the same time Javier stood up, calling Carlos' name in order to draw attention to himself, but he was ignored. 
"I'm such a gentleman I even brought you your bottle of wine, I hope you enjoy it, puta" he said angrily before shattering the bottle against the edge of your desk and spilling wine all over the floor. Carlos' hand immediately yanked a handful of your hair and pulled you against his body, pointing the sharp glass towards your neck. 
Murphy and Javier began trying to talk to him, in order to distract the man and get you safely out of his hands. 
The grip on your hair was painful and though you didn't think Carlos would do it, you couldn't help but being scared. 
"You're nothing but a bitch, a cum dumpster for the guys in the office, you are worthless Y/N, you destroyed my marriage and now you'll pay, you'll s-" 
Carlos was interrupted mid sentence when Javier elbowed his ribs as hard as he could, ignoring completely his police training that was clear when it said the agents should keep calm in a dangerous situation, he just went to action. He didn't give a shit if Murphy wanted to follow the protocol, he wouldn't stand there and watch that motherfucker talk to you like that, let alone try to hurt you. 
Carlos dropped the sharp bottleneck and gasped for air, as you ran away from his grip and didn't know what to do. 
He immediately turned to Javier, all his anger focused on the man, as they began a real dog fight, Carlos threw a few punches at Javier, but he stepped over the spilled wine and fell onto the floor. Peña didn't think twice before kicking him, not caring if he was already down. Carlos managed to stand up even though he struggled and laughed softly as found you pressed against the wall, watching the scene with horror in your eyes. 
"You're scared now? Don't be, malparida. Save your scared look for when I'm fucking all of your tight pretty holes until you are crying and bleeding and whimpering for your manwhore prince charming to save you" he said darkly "I'll do you worse than any Escobar men would" 
Everybody went silent when you heard the click of a gun's safety. Carlos went dead quiet when he felt the cold metal against his neck. 
You could barely believe the scene of Javier standing there, pointing a gun at a fellow cop just to defend you. Murphy also tried to calm the both of them down, but at that moment you felt as if you'd gone deaf. All you could hear was Javier's words. 
"Turn around, Carlos. Turn around nice and slowly" he commanded in a surprisingly calm voice and the disgusting man who had just been making horrible threats looked like a scared stray dog, obeying Javier, he meet his angry eyes.
"Now you listen to me… you will never get near Y/N again, got it? Never!!! You will never step into the same room she's in, you will never call her those things, got it? She's not a puta, she's not a whore, she's not a cum dumpster… You deserved what happened to you and if you make Y/N slightly uncomfortable I'll shoot you in the face" Javi lowered his aim a little, now his gun pointed right between Carlos' eyes. 
"I'll do you worse than Escobar men would"
The man went completely silent as he remained at Javier's gunpoint. 
No matter how many times Murphy and other people that arrived just in time to watch the grotesque scene asked Peña to calm down. He would still hold his gun against Carlos, the waves of rage flowing through his body as he thought of every second of what that animal had done to you. 
His heart was racing with adrenaline and he felt an urge to pull the trigger. 
He just came back to his senses when he felt a soft, warm hand on his arm, looking at it and recognizing the pretty nails done just like he loved observing. 
"Javi… put the gun down please" 
Your voice calling his name after so long of being ignored. He wasn't Peña, he wasn't Javier. He was Javi. He was your Javi again, at least that was what he hoped for. 
He looked at you and saw your scared eyes, finally putting his gun down just like you'd asked for and nodded at you. 
"It's okay, it's over now, cariño, I'm here to protect you" 
A/N: did you guys go soft for Javi now?
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verbalabuseencouraged · 8 months
Trick me.
Charm me slowly. Make me convince myself you love me. Make me wonder what you see in me. Make me fall for you despite my reservations. Make me your girlfriend. Introduce yourself to my parents. Get along with my friends. Treat me like a goddess and make everyone we know jealous of us.
And then blackmail me.
Find evidence. Make it up. Make it look real. Threaten to show my friends. My family. Use everything you know about me to convince me they’ll be disgusted by what they see. That they’ll disown me. Hate me. Unless I do what you say.
Make me scared. Make me hate you.
Do disgusting things to me, things you know I’m not comfortable with. Get rough with me and leave marks where no one can see them.
Drag me aside at parties and force your cock down my throat. Tell me to do a good job or you’ll cover my face with cum and make me stay until it’s dried. Tell me you might just do it anyway. Laugh as I struggle not to gag. Slap me as you push deeper. Tell me to try harder. Make me cry and choke myself in a desperate attempt to please you.
Take me on sweet picnics in the park and invite complete strangers to kiss me, grope me, put their fingers in me. Make me lick their assholes while they jack off. Make me beg them to fuck my useless holes and make me terrified that you’ll let them.
Take pictures and make me keep a scrapbook. Make me write letters to my friends and family telling them about what a filthy cock hungry slut I am to accompany the images.
Visit me at work and bring me lunch. Make my co-workers swoon at how thoughtful you are. Tell me to take you somewhere quite and leave the door unlocked while you fuck me in the ass. Make it hurt. Make me cum from it. Cover my mouth and tell me to keep quite unless I want everyone at work to know what a whore I am. Film it. Make me lick you clean when you’re done. Make fiends with my male co-workers and show them the video on silent in front of everyone.
Trap me in this life with you. Tell me we’re getting married. Tell me how happy we’re going to be together.
Tell me I’m you’re good girl.
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msschemmenti · 1 year
To Be Near You
Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Prompt: Ava decided to do some staff bonding (and content gathering) and forces the teachers to have a sleepover in the school. Melissa and the reader are in a secret established relationship and get caught together.
a/n: this idea came to me before bed yesterday because I was thinking about what barbara howard would wear to sleep
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“Maybe I should go get my air mattress out of my storage unit. I don’t really wanna sleep on my rug.” Y/n mumbled as she dropped onto the plastic-covered couch next to Melissa. The TV was playing some game and it currently had all of the older woman’s attention. It was a Thursday and Y/n honestly couldn’t keep up with what sport Melissa watched on Thursdays but she was really only there for the company. 
Melissa shifted as the words Y/n uttered finally broke through her focus. “Barb and Gerald are letting me borrow their spare, you won’t need yours.”
Y/n eyed the woman curiously, trying to figure out if she’d missed something within the past 6 months that would make Melissa’s response a logical solution to her problem. “Mel darling, you do understand what a lock-in is right?”
Ava’s latest fixation has been on team bonding (apparently that’s where the money is this week). And she had the brilliant idea to have the teachers spend a night in Abbott. Obviously, no one wanted to do that, but after a few threats and incentives, the woman rallied enough teachers to participate. Everyone had discussed their sleeping plans earlier over lunch and had established that they’d all be sleeping in their own classrooms, much to Janine’s dismay. Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad for the woman as she tried to convince everyone to set up their sleeping bags in the gym for an actual sleepover. She’d been shot down faster than Y/n’d ever seen before. Between Barb and Melissa, there was no chance in hell either of the women would be participating more than necessary. 
“Of course, I know what a lock-in is. What’s the issue? You haven’t ever complained about sharing a bed before now.” Melissa grumbled turning to face Y/n as the game came to an end. 
“And I’m not complaining now. I just must have missed the part where you told our co-workers you were banging the new fifth grade teacher.” Y/n replied wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 
“I think I’m doing more than banging you,” Melissa wiggled her brows back causing Y/n to blush in the truth of the tease. 
“Even if that is true, how do you plan to explain me sleeping in your classroom to anyone without outing us?” 
Melissa shrugged, “I think you’re giving them all too much credit. It’ll be fine. Once everyone retires to their own classrooms, you can just come down to my room. By morning everyone will just be worried about getting out of there so the sneaking out won’t be an issue. Piece of cake.” 
“Says you, you’re not doing any of the sneaking.” Y/n rolled her eyes, she’d do anything for Melissa so her complaints were only for show. “But alright, that crosses at least one thing off of my list of things I need to pack tonight when I leave here.” 
“I’ll just take my stuff we can stay at your place.” Melissa said rising from the couch to go collect her things. “Give me like 20 mins and we can leave.” Y/n went to tell Melissa it wasn’t necessary but she was already gathering all of her things to tag along. As she watched the older woman buzz around the house readying for their own little sleepover she couldn’t help but to smile at how readily Melissa was to come home with her. 
“This might’ve been Ava’s best idea yet.” Janine grinned as everyone gathered in the teacher’s lounge to wait for Ava to bring dinner. “I already feel so much closer to you guys. You know I’d actually feel even closer if we all put our sleeping bags in the-” 
“Shut up Janine, dinner is served.” Ava said as she hip-checked Janine out of the doorway carrying a box of takeout orders. She brought the box to the table in front of the couch and quickly grabbed her things, “Back you filthy animals. Everyone’s orders should have their name on it.” 
Y/n rose from her seat at the table by the wall and waded through the throng of teachers to retrieve her meal. Sliding under someone’s arm she was able to get her box but saw both Barb’s and Melissa’s still sitting there. Without much thought, she grabbed them both and ducked back out of the crowd and headed for their table. She slid the boxes to each woman with a smile and turned to head back for her seat at the other table. Before she could get too far, Melissa’s hand reached for her wrist and pulled her back. “Thanks hon, why don’t you eat with us?” 
Y/n eyed Melissa hesitantly, they normally kept their in school interaction to a minimum and Y/n hardly ever sat near Melissa for to long. They’d learned that one of them had a hard time keeping her hands to herself. So the invitation was like playing with fire, especially if Y/n was meant to sneak into Melissa’s classroom to cuddle later that night. She gazed at Barb briefly before letting her eyes fall onto Melissa again and seeing the silent plea behind her eyes. 
“We won’t bite sweetheart.” Barb smiled as she hit Melissa’s shoulder in a sort of scold for still holding onto Y/n’s wrist. Y/n nodded and moved to have a seat and when Barbara returned her attention to her food she shot Melissa a warning glare, nonverbally telling her to behave. The redhead grinned mischieviously and nodded. “How was your day Y/n? I didn’t see you at lunch.” Barbara asked making polite conversation like the Godly woman she is.
“Oh it was okay, I left something at home so I ran back to get it before I had to pick the kids up. How about you?” Y/n replied gazing toward the woman kindly. That morning Melissa had been on her ass about bringing her sleeping bag and she’d planned to slide it in the car without her noticing but they’d practically been joined at the hip since they’d made it to the apartment the night before. After leaving it at home, she went back to grab it and tucked it in her classroom for the day. Of course she wouldn’t be using it, but it would be nice to have some sort of cover if anyone was to look in on her that night. Melissa didn’t see it that way, but it would come in handy this evening.
“Well I woke up this morning, so I can’t complain. But I know I’ll be complaining tomorrow after sleeping on an Air Mattress.” Barbara groaned.
“Oh I know what you mean, I’ll be lucky if I can move my back after sleeping in my sleeping bag. I’m not sure this was the best idea after all.”
“Exactly, forgive me but I do not want to see any of your faces after 3:30-” As Barbara talked Y/n startled at the feeling of a hand inching up her thigh underneath the table. She kept her gaze on Barbara but her nods in agreement became more aggressive as she tried to listen. She didn’t even have to turn to know that Melissa was sporting a proud smirk as she tease her girlfriend. Y/n knew it was around the time they were alone and free to be themselves, but the location was not ideal for this kind of teasing especially if Melissa wanted to keep their secret. “But I’ll be glad when morning comes. I just hope Gerald can make it through the night. He always says he sleeps better when I’m there. He’ll probably be wide awake tonight.” 
Y/n swatted Melissa’s hand away under the table as discreetly as possible before pouting at Barbara’s words, “That’s so romantic. I guess that makes sense though, especially since you’ve been married for so long. I hope someone feels that way about me someday.” 
“I’m sure they will hon.” Melissa said finally adding something to the conversation. Y/n let her eyes fall to the red-head and tried fight the hopeful look that she knew was on her face. Melissa winked quickly and then both women turned back to their dinner. 
Mel <3: Coast is clear. Everyone is asleep.
With a pillow under her arm, Y/n made her great escape through the halls of the school. She was only going down one set of stair, but she’d have to tip-toe her way passed Janine’s classroom and that would be the ultimate test of her spy skills. Once she made it down the stairs she could see Melissa peaking out of her door, looking down each side of the hallway. When their eyes met, she threw her head back in a ‘come on’ motion and reached toward Y/n making grabbing motions. 
Once in the safety of the classroom Melissa seemed to pounce on the younger woman. Their lips met languidly, dancing an all too familiar dance, before they finally broke apart when air became a necessity. “God, I’ve been waiting to do that all day. We’re never doing this again.” Melissa groaned before pulling Y/n toward the airmattress in the corner of the room. 
“Can’t argue with that. I’m gonna set an alarm to head back to my room at 7. I figure, no one will be up by then.” 
“Set it for 8. I don’t want to wake up before 8.” 
“Well baby, I’ll just be quiet. You don’t have to get up with me.” Y/n said nestling into the air mattress and Melissa’s side. 
“I know I don’t have to but if you get up, I will. It’s already hard enough falling asleep the first time. If you leave I’ll never get back to sleep, even if it is for just an hour.” Melissa confessed quietly as she pulled Y/n closer.
“Are you saying you have a hard time sleeping without me? Because that would explain a lot, but also be so romantic.” Y/n asked with a slight tease in her voice. 
“I just like being near you. I feel…I don’t know. At peace or something.” Melissa said bashfully.
“Well, I like being near you too. So I guess we both win, hm?”
“I guess you’re right.” 
“I’ll set my alarm for 8. Now let’s get some sort of sleep on this thing.” 
“Alright, goodnight hon.” Melissa said placing a kiss on Y/n’s hair.
“G’night Mel.” Y/n whispered, closing her eyes in bliss.
Morning came and Melissa had been right, everyone was really was just trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible. The couple had shifted position a little but were still tangled in each others arms. With Y/n’s alarm vibrating away on the floor of the classroom, the women continued to sleep in ignorant bliss. As the other teachers escaped the school for the weekend, Barbara stood outside of her best friend’s classroom hoping to catch her before she left. She figured she could get the air mattress back now to solve that problem and figured her friend would be awake by now. She opened the door and entered as she normally did, but came to a stop as she saw the two bodies tangled together on the bed. The shock didn’t last long before the smile took over at the sight of the two. Despite being on an air mattress in the middle of a classroom, both women seemed to be as comfortable as comfort could get. Y/n’s mouth wide open, a bit of drool hanging from her chin. Melissa’s arms wrapped tightly around the younger woman, as if to keep her from falling off of the bed. This was a couple that was comfortable with each other and that loved each other deeply and Barbara could see it all now. 
Making her way to the side of the bed, she picked up the vibrating phone and stopped the alarm. With great displeasure she reached down to shake her friend awake gently. As Melissa’s eyes creeked open, her gaze first fell to Y/n. She seemed to mentally and physically check to make sure she was alright before she let her eyes wander the room. They quickly landed on Barb and her cheeks flamed as bright as her hair. 
“Good morning.” Barbara smiled down at the woman. 
“Morning.” Melissa answered sheepishly. She waited for Barbara admonishment or warning, but it never came. The woman smiled softly before nodding down to the mattress. 
“I’m heading home, but you can just give the mattress to me Monday. I’ll tell everyone you’ve already left on my way out.” 
Melissa nodded gratefully before watching the older woman head for the door. Barbara paused before leaving turning back to Melissa, “I’m expecting a call sometime before then to hear about all of this.” 
“I’d expect nothing less. I’ll call you tonight.” Melissa promised, causing Barbara to nod with a grin before heading out of the school.
It wasn’t long before the snoozed alarm went off again and Y/n stirred away, as her eyes adjusted to the sun peaking through the windows she looked up at Melissa with a lazy smile. “What are you doing up? What time is it?” 
“After 8 and Barb knows.” Melissa shrugged snuggling further into the covers now that they had a bit of downtime before they had to get up.
“Well, better her than Janine.” Y/n said following Melissa back to comfort.
“Yes, anyone would be better than Janine.” Melissa agreed with a smile placing a goodmorning kiss to Y/n’s forehead. “Good morning.” 
“A good morning indeed.” Y/n smiled leaning up to plant a kiss of her own on Melissa’s waiting lips.
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PAIRING: Office! Ghost/Co-Worker! Ghost x F! Reader 
WARNINGS: smut || this is the fluffiest this blog is going to get and is not indicative of the vibe around these here parts (im on my period and need softness okay???) || 18+ only ||
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 of 4
You don’t play games with men.  
You swear you don’t — that’s not really you, you just want to fuck them—but there is something about Simon, no, Ghost, no, Simon that makes you want to.  
There’s something he’s done to the chemistry in your brain—him and his “mate” Ghost—that makes you feel like there’s fun to be had here, you just have to reach out and take it.  You don’t find his deception funny (far from it), but what would be funny is if you were to play along a bit.  Let him think he’s got you.  
But he had gotten you.  He’d gotten you good.  
After you’d left his office, his real office, you’d laid awake all night thinking about all the signs you’d missed.  The standoffish attitude, how none of your other coworkers engaged with him, how your boss barely engaged with him.  You weren’t sure if they knew he was Ghost, but everyone had enough self-preservation to stay away from the big, mean, tank of a man who didn’t care to participate in office small-talk.  Everyone but you, that is. Sure, you’d guessed he was some big-shot but fuck.
You’re still contemplating on how to get him back the next morning before work, when you see him walk towards you.  Shit .  With nowhere to run without him seeing, you quickly decide on your strategy—calm and collected.  You’re quite impressed by yourself, you even almost convince yourself that you can do it.
“Alright?” he murmurs, when he reaches you.  He’s tapping his pockets looking for a lighter when you open your mouth and “calm and collected” tumbles out of your mouth with all the grace of a lanky baby giraffe.
“Ghost couldn’t make me come.”  Like an aberrant whore, you almost shout the words at him.  Embarrassment unfurls inside you, deep in the pit of your stomach, and you have to bite your lip to prevent more words tumbling out and exposing you.
“Ghost couldn’t…make you come.” He repeats in a monotone.  When you look up into his eyes, they’re wider and darker than you’ve ever seen them, before he schools his expression back to normal.  "You tell him that?”
“Did I tell him?”  Shit.  “Well…no, of course I didn’t ‘ tell him,’ Simon, he’s…scary!”
“Scary.”  Simon repeats the word to you in a monotone again, and you’re left wondering if you’ve broken him. 
“Can you speak with your own words?” you ask with a nervous laugh, and his eyes snap to you and narrow slightly.  You know what’s happening, at that moment.  You both know what’s happening.
He knows you saw the file on his desk the previous night—he’d seen you gape at it and then (poorly) rearrange your face into neutrality before you’d practically sprinted out of the room.  He knows you’ve figured out that he’s “Ghost.”  
He knows that you know, he’s just trying to figure out if he should call your bluff.    
“Alright.  Alright, tell you what.”  Simon crosses his arms over his chest and you’ve never seen so animated about anything .   “Give it another go, yeah?  Let ‘im…let ‘im try again.”
“And you care because…?”  Your own eyes narrow as you try to figure out what he’s playing at.  If you’re being bested at your own game, again.      
“Well, if gets you to shu’up about him, I’m willin’ to play.”        
“You’re willing to play,” you whisper, and holy shit.  You watch as his eyes darken at your words.  There are no illusions between the two of you now.  What had started as you wanting to murder him was easily being turned around on you, and you weren’t sure who was punishing whom anymore.   “Fine,” you say, shrugging casually.  Though, with how decidedly not casual you feel, it probably looks like you’re having a muscle cramp.
“Fine.  Here.  Tonight.”
“Here?” you screech, then look around to make sure no one’s heard you.  “Simon, we can’t— Ghost can’t be here, if we got caught I could lose my job—”
“Shut up,” he murmurs.  “Go to work.  Be back here tonight.”
If you were more than a human puddle in that moment, you would have kicked him for his audacity.     
You used to find it comforting how little Simon spoke, one of the most non-verbal people you’d ever met, communicating with you mostly through eye contact with you from across the room.  If you had to wager, about eighty percent of his communication with you was eye rolls and grunting at you in irritation.  The rest of the twenty, you’re sure, spent laughing at and/or making fun of you.
But horny Simon is different.  Horny Simon is verbose as fuck .  “Mmpf, you taste so good , sweet girl.”  His voice is muffled, and a very satisfied smile makes its way to your face.  
“Mutton chops would kill you if he found out,” you breathe.  But you choke and almost squeal when his teeth graze you in warning.  
“Fuck ,” you whimper.  The sound echoes in the dark room and you curse again.  “I swear to God, we’re gonna get caught.”
“Keep that pretty mouth shut for me, then, love.  Don’t want to get in trouble, do ya?”
 He’s spread you out on your own desk.  It is absurd beyond belief, and if the two of you get caught, the punishment’s going to be much worse for you than for Simon, who would just suffer death at the hands of his CO.  But even you can’t help but admit that the fact that he’s spread you out the way he has has got you thinking (already!) on when you can get him to do it next.
Your hand makes its way into lush blond strands, and you tug at him, whining quietly, and he gets the message.  He pushes himself up, and brings his face level with yours, looking deeply into your eyes, the scar on his lip pulling slightly with his smirk.  “Hi.”
“Hi,” you whisper back.  “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
His smile is small—barely a twist of his lips—but you know that if you let it out into the world, it would move mountains.  “D’y’know why I was on desk duty, love?”
You would answer him with a degree of coherence if he wasn’t kissing your neck wetly, fingers continuing to move in and out of you in a way that was going to drive you insane.   “Mm, no, lieutenant,” you moan.  “Why… oh!   Why were you on desk duty?”
He gets back on his knees again, lips never leaving your skin, just slowly making the journey down, hovering around your inner thigh.  His eyes stay fixed on his fingers moving inside you.  “Davis.  Heard him speakin’ about ya. Prick needed a reminder of his manners.”
You gasp and push him away from you in shock.  “What?”
“Wanted to fuckin’ kill him for speaking about you like that, y’know that?”
 “You—Davis ?”
“Don’t want to hear you say ‘nother man’s name right now, love,” he warns. 
You’re still processing what you’ve heard, when his expression changes slightly—fuck why is he so wickedly handsome?—and he brings his wet fingers up to you, rubbing them on your lips.  Your mind blanks before you lie back and your head thuds slightly against the desk.  “All this time, you wanted...”  
“All this time,” he confirms, and it seems he’s reached the end of his patience with the chatting.  “Asked Price to send me ‘ere if he was gonna punish me, so I could have a chance to ‘ave ya.”  You see him undo his belt and his hands move over your body gently before they settle on your hips.  “Do I have ya then, pet?”  
You push up on your elbows, and extend a hand towards him, fingers outstretched.  He pauses—looking nothing short of the god of corruption with his jeans undone and his hair dishevelled and his eyes wild with lust.  He holds your hand, fingers intertwined with yours.  When he bends forward to kiss you, you find yourself smiling into the kiss.       
“Depends.  Will you let me come tonight?”
His answering smile against your lips feels like he’s lit something inside—light and warm and alive inside you, little sparks crackling with energy—and you’re briefly rendered breathless at the depth of your attraction to him.  “Let ya?  Thought you said I couldn’t make you?”
Oh .  Oh, he’s so fucking sweet, this gorgeous, weird, weird man with his balaclava and his forearms and his teasing and his fucking tattoos, you briefly (in a moment of insanity) want to hold him close to you.  Just for a second, get him to put his head on your chest.
“Wanted y’to know who you were coming for, love.  Wanted t’hear you say my name.  Couldn’t let y’come if you didn’t, could I?”
And  then he’s pulling his cock out of his jeans, stroking himself once, then twice, and your mouth waters at the sight.  You want to keep watching him do it, reckon you could get off just watching him like that, but then he speaks.
“Y’want this?”  The words take you back to last night, he even says it in that stern baritone he reserves for when he’s under the mask, and your mouth becomes unreasonably dry.
“Yeah…yeah, I want this,” you whisper.  Before you’re overthinking or swooning at the sight of his cock, he’s pushing into you, stretching you out for him, bullying his cock into you.  You feel every single inch of him and the deliciousness of it—how you can feel yourself stretch to accommodate him—makes you groan.  
“Don’t you close your eyes, don’t you fuckin’ dare!  You fuckin stay with me, you hear me?”  The words are a desperate growl and your eyes snap open.  He’s looking at you intensely, eyes searching yours for something, you’re not sure what, and you stare right back at him.  You try to convey through your gaze how much you want this, how much you’ve ached for it.
You’re convinced the message is received when he lets out a gorgeous sound, the most filthy moan to ever leave a man, and flips you over with ease.  It doesn’t leave you with a single thought in your mind, the overstimulation of your environment—the ego boost of finally getting what you want, the way he’s making you feel right now, the movement of his hips against yours—and you feel like you’ll go insane if you don’t do something with the excess energy.  
And oh , he makes it so much better, like he hears your thoughts, knows your body, because he puts two fingers in your mouth while he continues to pound into you from behind.  The same two fingers that were inside you, so you can taste yourself on your tongue.  
He pauses for a moment to adjust and it makes you whine at the fact that he’s stopped, even for that one second, so much so that you take charge, fuck back into him and keep that momentum going, allowing his cock to hit that spot inside you.  Simon freezes for a second, body tense and you think you’ve done something wrong or worse, hurt him, but his hands tighten on your hips and he pulls you up to your knees using just fingers in your mouth, making you gasp.      
“I fuckin’ love how you give it t’me.  Been gagging for it, aren’t ya, love.”       
Yeah, horny Simon is verbose.  
“Fuck, Simon, fuck, you feel so good,” you whine and your eyes are blurry, you realise.  Every plunge of his cock feels like it hits deeper and deeper into you.  You collapse like a house of cards, your cheek hitting the blessed cold of the desk, and allow a shaky hand to find your clit. 
But Simon has very particular plans for you.  He bats your hand away with a huff-laugh in your ear, taking over the task himself.  “Gonna say my name when I make you come?”  You moan as he rubs your clit in exactly the way you need and he laughs again.  “Yeah , you will.”
When you come, it’s sudden and it takes you by surprise, making every muscle in your body seize up and contract.  It’s almost painful, a cramp that starts in your lower abdomen and spreads upwards, leaving you clamping on him, panting and breathless and absolutely spent, his name on your lips like you're chanting it.  Through it all, he continues to speak to you in your ear.  “That’s it, love, that’s it.  Good fuckin’ girl, you’re such a good fuckin’ girl for me.”
But the way Simon groans when he comes?  You want it burned in your memory, the sound bouncing around your brain long after he’s gone.  You want to hear it in your mind every time you touch yourself.  Better yet, you want to hear it from his mouth when he comes for you, in you.  The thought elevates you to a type of rapturous giddiness, an indescribably light feeling in your chest when you think about doing this with him again.      
For the moment, though, you’re completely boneless, a fact he perceives clearly because he smacks your ass as he pulls out of you, and chuckles at your greedy whine.  
“Now what?” you whisper a few moments later, whilst he’s in the middle of cleaning you both up and he freezes for  millisecond.
“What do y’want to happen?”
“Erm.  I haven’t…it’s not something I’ve thought about.”  You laugh at the absurdity for a second.  “I didn’t expect any of this.”
He sits on your chair (the same chair you’re going to have to sit on the next day while you work, pretending that he hadn’t just fucked you here) and he pulls you on to him so you’re straddling him.  It takes a second, what with him manspreading, and you having to find some space to jam your legs between his thighs and the arms of the chair.  He watches in amusement as you wriggle and get comfortable, and then uses a single finger to tip your chin up so he can look at you.  “Hello, love,” he whispers.
“Stop thinkin’ ‘bout it.”
“Simon, I don’t—”
“Shut the fuck up.  Look at me.  Give us a kiss.”  You glare at him and he barks out a rare laugh, squeezing your cheeks together.  “Stop thinking so much.”
“We could get in trouble,” you try to say, but he still doesn’t move his hands away.
“Don’t care, pet.  I’ll tell the world myself.”
That shuts you up.  You touch his lips, elated and in awe at the intimacy of doing this with him, being with him like this.
“Wish you’d just told me,” you say quietly.  “We’d have had so much more time together.  You’ve only got a week of your punishment left.”  You roll your eyes.  “You’re a fool, Simon.”
“Maybe,” he concedes.  “Still got time though, love.  Night’s still young.”  
His eyes glow wickedly, gorgeously, when you ask if he wants to do it on Davis’ desk.  
(You do end up doing it on Davis’ desk.  As a bonus, you even end up blowing him while he leans against your boss’ desk.)
You wish you could say your life changes entirely and absolutely after that night, but it’s not quite like that.  You’re still a data analyst for the government.  You still work on a military base, surrounded by the fittest men and women you’ve ever seen.  You still see Ghost around the base with MacTavish, arms crossed around his chest, legs planted apart, looking like his only cares in the world are to a) stand behind the Scot like a beefy bodyguard and b) look deliciously sexy while he does it.  
There are some changes though.  Davis puts in for a transfer after lunch on his first day back.  You suspect that that cutie MacTavish has something to do with it (you made Simon promise not to interfere) but all parties deny involvement.  Simon still tries to meet you for your smoke breaks sometimes, and you update him on the office gossip.  He informs you that no one at your workplace drew the connection between Simon and Ghost, it was just his demeanour that kept them away.   You find this hilarious for about two seconds before you realise that you probably lack crucial self-preservation skills if his demeanour made you horny instead of scared. 
People in the office ask you about him sometimes, but you shrug it off good-naturedly, telling them that Simon’s a good friend, but it’s someone else you’re seeing.  And when they see you walking funny and also hand in hand with the masked freak on base?  Well.  They’re too scared to ask any more questions.  
A/N: Thank you so much for reading ♡ ♡
Taglist: @devcica || @kneelingshadowsalome || @tiredmetalenthusiast || @miyabilicious || @xintothewoodswegox || @almightywdm || @nrthple || @cassiecasluciluce || @glitterypirateduck || @ho3forghost || @ivymarquis
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Am I the Asshole for reporting my coworker a second time? (TW// Sexual Harassment, Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Self Harm)
(🍫💵 so I can find it later.)
I work a job where I (22 F/NB) am a cashier at a local supermarket. I have a few coworkers close to my age, but most are either in their late thirties/early fourties' or are kids who go to the local high schools in the area.
Around the beginning of this year, we'll call him Abe (17~ M) attempted to ask out my coworker who we'll call May (16~ F). They'd hang out semi-regularly along with the other kids still in high school, and while they never caused trouble, they did tend to goof off and joke around a lot.
May refused him, saying she wasn't interested. For WHATEVER reason, he did not accept this rejection and continued to ask. This was an issue, as not only is it sexual harassment, but Abe is a cart-pusher and May is a cashier. He was already a pretty lazy employee (management was always upset at him because he'd get caught playing on his phone instead of working), but now he'd purposefully go through her lane at the supermarket just to ask her out repeatedly and beg to be with her. Every time he found her alone, he'd go right up to her and keep pestering her about it. She felt so uncomfortable and unsafe about it that she told our team lead, who agreed to stay by her side. This was spread to our management, who make sure she isn't alone so that he can't corner her about going out with her.
I have witnessed him doing it many times, enough that I reported it to HR when May refused to do it herself. They told me to get her into contact with them and report it to them, and finally I convinced her to do it.
There was a sort of peace period after that, where they weren't scheduled at the same time. But recently he's taken it a step further and has decided to come in on ANY day she is scheduled (even if he isn't) to keep trying to ask her out. Most of the cashiers are aware of the situation and got upset with him. One of the few who is around my age (and recently pregnant) even cussed his ears off for harassing her so much because it didn't look like management was doing anything. Abe declared that the pregnant coworker broke his heart, and now his behavior had gotten WORSE.
Abe would look at those who he'd "hang out" with at work and either try to guilt them into helping him win over May's heart, complain about her not living him, and talk about how "white people suck"/"white people are so shitty" despite BEING white (to my knowledge, please don't go after me in the notes about this) himself. He'd also stalk her work bestie around and trash-talked the pregnant co-worker, all while NOT DOING HIS JOB, by the way.
One of the habits he has picked up however is miming actions to his fellow minors. The one I heard him use mostly was of him pretending to shoot himself in the head.
But one day I was working as the customer service rep for the night (no one else could do it), and I gave him a polite nod when he walked past. He smiled at me and then mimed cutting himself.
This was not something I had heard of him doing before, but when I talked to my coworkers they said "yeah he was doing this too".
In the moment I had given him a very firm No, because it was not work appropriate. Abe insisted, and pretended to cut his wrists again.
I'm on anon so none of you know me, but I used to severely struggle with suicide and self harm from a young age. However I have gotten better since becoming an adult and have made MASSIVELY impressive strides to a happier life. From this, I understand joking about suicide, because if you joke about it with someone you are not only in a safe place to bring it up BUT are coming around to the idea of telling people that you need help.
Joking about self harm, however? I've never heard of it. It's an entirely different ball park. You don't joke about those things.
In the moment, I was in disbelief, and I felt sick. I even started mentally shutting down, to the point where I couldn't even do my usual tasks properly without being specifically told to start them. Everyone noticed. I even cried once I was in my car while my sister was picking me up and safe, because I was trying so fucking hard not to think about that time in my life when I had moved myself so far past it.
Right at the beginning of shutting down, I did tell a manager. I told the manager who worked the next day as well, just so that I'd be SURE something happened about it. Abe visited that day on his day off because May was working again, and I panicked so much at seeing him that I hid behind customer service until one of my work friends told me he had left- instead of staying at May's side like I usually would. (I put my mental health first- it was a tough lesson that I managed to learn last year to the point that I do it in my day-to-day. She wasn't left alone with him though, don't worry.)
It genuinely sickened me that he has been miming cutting himself to other minors, when I know that if I had been May's age and had seen that amidst recovery, I would have spiraled and started all over again. Abe's lucky none of them are like that (at least openly) and that I was uniquely affected whereas the others were just "creeped out".
I ended up reporting his actions towards me about a week after I convinced May to personally report his harassment, and then I found out that the first manager I talked to (who has a soft spot for him, he does use this to his advantage to get out of trouble at work) asked him what was wrong and his response was "I'm having a bad day".
Considering that he does this every day he comes into work, whether he's actually working or not, on top of everything else (and how it effected me)- I am very hurt and genuinely hate him after all of this when I hadn't hated him before (despite the fact that I have only hated 2 people in my life before that point). However, I don't know if he was joking about how bad he feels about the fact that she does not want him at all or if he's genuinely hurting himself, and I feel sick at the thought of my actions if it's the second scenario.
Even if he's sexually harassing my coworker, no one should ever feel like they deserve to be hurt or that they don't deserve life. That's what I believe. And I'm worried that, should Abe find out I reported him twice over this, that he'll yell at me and say that I'm an asshole for doing that (and I know it would happen, because that was his response with my pregnant coworker). I know I'm doing the right thing by reporting the continuous harassment, but my heart is genuinely conflicted now. He needs to stop, but what if my actions are causing this response? I could never live with myself knowing that I was the reason someone hurt themselves. My anxiety won't let it rest.
And so, Tumblr, I must know...
Am I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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avatarrecom · 9 months
Hello! Previous anon from all the recent requests, (sickness, nightmares, getting hurt). I just wanted you to know I’m having a horrible day at work and rereading all your writing on my break is the only thing keeping me going! Thank you you so much!!
Beware of sarcasm
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Human!reader
Word count: 2022
A/N: Oh no, I'm sorry you're having a bad day! Not that my day is much better since I have the flu, but it allows me to stay home haha. I wrote this one-shot especially for you in the hope that it will cheer you up a bit! Please keep sending requests, the ideas are really good! And it makes me very happy that my stories cheer you up, that makes my day better!
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One thing that’s important to know is that no matter how bad the situation is, you’re gonna crack a lil jokey joke. Most of your wonderful partners find this hilarious. They find it funny that the smart, nerdy (and extremely sexy, if you say so yourself) scientist is in reality a small and arrogant trouble maker. Fike and Brown even call you a feral chiwawa behind your back, and don't worry, you'll get your revenge on them. Others find it mildly annoying and by "others" you mean Miles. Don't get it wrong, he loves you dearly, but sometimes you're a bit much to handle. Especially in the early morning, before he and the others have had their coffee.
“Due to personal reasons I'll be turning things up fuckin notch.” You announce as you stroll out of Lyle’s bedroom and into the living area. They sigh and some mumble that they haven't had their coffee yet. “What is it this time darlin?” Miles asks, as Mansk quickly makes a giant pot of coffee. "So I have a new co-worker, Mike, and he is the most stupid, annoying, arrogant man I have ever met, god, he’s so full of himself, thinking that everyone either wants to date him of be him, he’s even worse than Lyle!" you exclaim, ignoring his indignant “HEY!”
“And then it turns out he's Sarah's nephew,” you sigh and climb to sit on the kitchen counter. Walker stands between your legs and presses a long sweet kiss to your lips. “Who is Sarah again?” you hear Brown ask confused. You pull away from Walker and look at him with mild irritation. "My boss?" you say in a 'duh' tone. “And then he tells me 'don't start' and it just makes me want to start.” You drop your head against Walker's bicep and Mansk offers you a cup of coffee. “Coffee isn't enough, I need to be struck by lightning.” You sigh. “That's the only way I can get through today.”
You accept the cup of coffee anyway and pout as you look at the clock. "I have to go, I have the daily morning meeting which is completely useless." You jump off the kitchen counter and head to the science department. After you've given all your lovers a big kiss, of course.
The moment the sliding glass door opens in front of you, you're besieged by the latest wonderful addition to the science department. "Good morning, beautiful!" he says in a voice that you can only describe as trying to be 'sultry'. You scoff, ignoring him and walking to your usual spot at the table. "Hey, I was wondering are you seeing someone?" he asks as he plops down in the chair next to you and throws his feet up on the table right in front of you. “As in a hallucination, a therapist or a person, be specific.” you answer, pushing his nasty feet off the table with a pen.
“You look too good to be single.” he tries to seduce you. You grin, “Baby it's not the looks, I'm not right in the head.” You purr at him. “You better think twice before you reject me,” he warns. “I can easily convince my aunt to fire you.” he boasts. You laugh hysterically, causing your other colleagues to look at you with worried and confused eyes. “Buddy I don't even think once.” You giggle.
"Do you know who I am?!" he raises his voice slightly. "I don't think…” you trail off slightly before you gasp loudly. “WAIT A MINUTE! Michael! From high school! I haven't seen you since you pissed yourself on stage at graduation, how the hell have you been???" You say it just loud enough so that everyone in the meeting room can hear you and you see shocked and horrified looks in their eyes.
“What the fuck is wrong with you,” he growls. “Do you mean today or in general?” you wink at him and turn your attention to Sarah, who is trying to get everyone's attention so she can start the meeting. You feel more than you see that he is staring intensely at you. You meet his angry glare, blink innocently and take a loud, obnoxious sip of your coffee. And in your head you decide that Mansk really makes the best coffee.
After the meeting, walk out of the meeting room as quickly as possible to get to work. Your friend and colleague, Mary, quickly catches up with you. "What was that?" she asks, laughing. “Nothing that has a major impact on my life,” you reply. "Well, whatever it was, it was completely hilarious." she laughs.
"But seriously, you really need to tell me about your date night with your partner's last night." she grins, wiggling her eyebrows. You grin back and think back to last night. “Well first Mansk had cooked an extremely delicious dinner,” you start. “You really have to bring me leftovers from his cooking sometime,” Mary interrupts. “You always go on about how good it is, but how can I judge it if I've never tasted it!” She hooks her arm through yours and quickly pulls you into the lab and leads you to her work station. "Yeah, yeah, can I tell you more or don't you want to hear the steamy details?" you ask teasingly. Mary quickly shuts up and lets you continue.
"Anyway, after dinner we went to watch a movie, and before you ask, the title is 365 days." Mary interrupts you again. "Isn't that pretty much a porn movie?!" she exclaims. "Be quiet!" you hiss at her. "Do you want the entire department to be able to enjoy the stories about my sex life or something?" Mary shakes her head and gestures for you to continue. "And let me put it this way, we recreated a number of certain scenes from the film." You finish with a sly smile. "Oh come on! I need details!" Mary begs. You shake your head. "You clearly don't know how to speak softly and I don't want to get scolded for talking about sex while working."
Mary scoffs. "It's not like I have an interesting or even existent sex life," she sighs. "And then your partners are also ten gigantic sexy aliens." You shake your head, laughing. "Then you have to lower your standards, that'll get you laid." “Ew, no thank you.” Mary looks disgusted. "Hey, can't you lend me one of those partners?" she leans her chin on her hand and blinks innocently. You laugh, “You couldn't handle them.” "See! if I couldn't handle them it would mean wild sex!"
"Say ladies, is this a suitable conversation for the workplace?" You squeeze your eyes shut and sigh in annoyance. "What do you want, Mike." "You'll be glad I decided to give you another chance." he says with an annoying smile that you would like to slap off his face.
“I wonder if you'll look both ways before you get on my damn nerves,” you say between your clenched teeth, forcing a smile. Immediately his eyes narrow. "Didn't your father ever teach you to appreciate a man's interest? You're lucky I want you." You bare your teeth. “The one thing my dad taught me is that when the going gets tough, dip.” You get up. "And that's exactly what I'm going to do now. Mary, have a nice day. Mike, have a day." You give Mary a quick hug and mumble, "'I swear, he's the reason God created the middle finger." You pay no attention to her snort and walk to your own workstation.
Finally you can focus on your work. You are currently continuing research into the neurological connection on Pandora, the original work of Dr. Grace Augustine. As always, you don't know the time and you absentmindedly ask Mary what time it is several times. "Hey Mary, what's the time?" You ask absently. “I just told you two minutes ago.” she answers, used to your fixation on your work. "I don't control the remember." Mary doesn't answer, still typing on her computer. “But seriously, what time is it,” you ask again as you examine your monster of Pandora's nature. "It's five o'clock, I'll be finishing up work soon." You look up in surprise, "Five o'clock already?" You close your work and tidy up.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Mike approach you and before you can escape the lab, he speaks to you again. “This is getting really annoying,” he announces. "No really?!" you reply sarcastically. “You know,” you start, “I hope I frustrate you a lot and you think about me a lot, now have a good evening and please don't hesitate to contact me.” You pat him on the shoulder and quickly make your escape, shouting a goodbye to Mary.
You make your way back to your accommodation, to your partners, as quickly as possible. You burst through the door and quickly lock it behind you. "What is the matter with you?" Prager asks worriedly when he sees your irritated look. “Mike kept bugging me,” you sigh and Prager lovingly pulls you into his lap. “What did he do, should we deal with him for you?” Asks Yes. You groan and are tempted to say yes, but Mansk announces that dinner is ready. You immediately take the opportunity not to answer, because you would almost say yes and that would most likely get your partners into trouble, which of course you don't want. You miss the tense look that Ja and Prager share with your other partners. A look that promises violence. Before your partners can help themselves to their food, quickly grab a container to set aside some food for Mary so she can assess it. You quickly explain before you start eating.
You've almost finished eating when the intercom at the door announces that someone is at the door. “I'll go,” you say, jumping to the ground. You immediately regret it when you open the door. Even outside of work he can't leave you alone. "I'm transferring to another research facility, I doubt we'll meet again." he announces. You blink in disbelief. "Do you promise?" You ask hopefully. Mike gets a pained look in his eyes and nods. You almost feel sorry for him, almost. Because the next words that come out of his mouth are, "Unless you come with me, I can take care of you, then you will never have to worry about things that are way too difficult for you again." "You know Mike, someday you'll go far." You say sympathetically and pat him on the shoulder. “I hope you stay there,” you nod to yourself. You immediately see Mike getting angry again and you feel a presence behind you.
“Get out of here, you bastard.” Miles snaps, placing his hand on your hip. You've never seen any scientist run away so fast. You chuckle and look up at your partners. “My brain is tired,” you complain, eager to change the conversation so your partners don't feel like pursuing Mike is a good idea, you're really not in the mood to bail them out of the slammer.
Z-dog grabs your hand and leads you to the couch to rest for a while. She rests your head in her lap and runs a soothing hand through your hair. You relax and before you can fall asleep, you quickly say your prayer. "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; and if I die before I wake, good." You faintly hear laughter around you before you fall asleep.
A little later you are woken up by Z-dog. "Come on, let's go to bed." You sit up sleepily and stumble to the bathroom. “Babe, I put the bowl of food for your friend in the refrigerator,” Mansk says and your mind immediately flashes back to your conversation this morning. “You know…” you start and you have everyone's attention. "Tomorrow isn't promised… clap my cheeks tonight, why wait." You look at your partners one by one and see ten identical smug grins looking back.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 year
Matching | B.Floyd
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Summary: Bob and you have matching Tattoo's
Warning: Cursing, mention of sex's
A/N: Happy Valentines Day! Also trust me we all know Bob is a freak in the sheets.
On hot days when bob had off you two would usually just stay in and it would be just the two of you, but his Co workers/friends wanted to have a beach day so here you were in the car headed for the beach.
You never really talked to the guys only Phoenix so when you got the beach the guys went off to play some football as the guys girlfriends all tanned. "Y/N" Phoenix said as you walked up to the girls "Hey ya'll" you say laying out your towel and taking your robe off "How you--" Phoenix starts before spotting it "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N is that a tattoo" you look at your ass before smiling "Oh yeah I got it a while back and Bob has my name" "You got Bob's name Tattooed on your Ass?" You laugh "yeah why not besides you can barley tell" "wait back up when did you get this?" you think for a moment "uh i'd say a month ago a few days after our anniversary" "How'd you convince Bob, sweet innocent Bob to get a tattoo" you snort "You guys Bob's not that innocent. He's amazing in bed a bit kinky but I like Kinky keeps me on my toes" "ugh Y/n" Phoenix says "what? it's true" "so where'd bob get his" "just on his shoulder" "man now I gotta see this" you smirk "maybe later" and you lay on your stomach and close your eyes to tan your back.
Soon the guys were done and joined you guys on the beach. "hey honey" you say kissing Bob. "hey" "so Bob tell us about this tattoo" Phoenix said "Bob has a tattoo? yeah i'll believe when I see it" Hangman said. You flash Bob a smirk "let's show em" Bob looks reluctant before you gave him your puppy dog eyes and he takes off his shirt making everyone whistle and cheer. "Does that say Y/N?" Rooster asks "yep and we got matching ones" you say. "where's yours" you smirk "my ass" the guys were shocked "How'd you do it?" Fanboy asks "Do what?" you ask confused "convince Bob to get a tattoo" you scuff "man you guys really think that Bob here is a sweet innocent boy. It was his Idea" Everyone looks at Bob who's a bit pink in the face "It's true" "dang who knew Bob had some balls" You roll your eyes "Bob has bigger balls than you Hangman" "oh really?" Hangman said trying to push your buttons he always did this tease you and Bob.
You turn to Bob and smash your lips to his taking him by surprise, but was kissing back in an instant. Soon you and Bob were having a full on make out session. "get a room" you both pull apart "Oh I think we will, bye guys were leaving" you say grabbing Bob's arm and heading home.
"I can't believe you did that" Bob said when you two were in the car. "oh come on Bob sometimes you gotta show them that you're not innocent at all."
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cherryhak · 8 months
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彡By your side - Jacob Bae
Pairing. Jacob Bae x gn!reader
Genre. Fluff | Comfort | bf!Jacob | established relationship
Warnings. None ?, not really detailed
Note. Wrote this on my first day of high-school cuz it was horrible and i wish i had someone taking care of me like this :(
Wc. 809
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Today was one horrible day.
It was your first day at job and it felt as if from the moment you woke up to the moment you walked through the door of your apartment, everything went wrong.
Like, every little things as if the world was against you that day.
And you were frustrated, really frustrated.
But you didn't want to experience a second mental breakdown (because yes, you had one as soon as you left the building).
You knew Jacob would immediately notice your bloodshot eyes and rosy nose if you cried again. And the last thing you wanted was to worry him so you tried your best to keep it in, blinking your tears away as you put down your handbag and send a weak smile in his direction. It was not a genuine one and you knew your boyfriend knew it, but this will do for now.
Without a single word, you headed straight to the shower which was really odd coming from you. Usually, you would sit down and hug Jacob for a good 10 minutes while talking about your day but today was different and he definitely felt the frustration radiating off of you.
After almost an (much needed) hour, you came out and plopped down on the couch next to him. Not saying a word you just stared into space. Like said before, you didn't want to worry him knowing that he himself had a lot going on with the boys preparing for their comeback.
Jacob debated for a minute on whether to talk to you or not ; he didn't want to annoy you or force you to tell him what was wrong but he also didn't want to sit there seeing you all sad and tired and do nothing.
He decided to wait until you felt ready to rant to him.
Hower as the minutes passed and you still hadn't spoken a word, he grew more and more worried
"Is everything alright ?"
You suddenly snapped out of your thoughts, the sudden voice causing you to flinch a little.
You didn't know how long you were out of it honestly so you spat out a blatant lie,
"Hm ? Yeah everything's fine"
It sounded more like you were trying to convince yourself rather than him and it didn't escape his ears.
You felt his warm hand lay on top of yours and you looked up at him only to find him already looking at you
"You can always talk to me you know?" He said in such a honey-like voice, it had your heart melting
You let out a long frustrated sigh, throwing your head back on the couch. Your eyes shifted to his figure for a second then back to the ceiling.
"I'm just.." You started, trying to find the right words to explain the situation you were in.
"Take your time, love" he rubbed your arm encouragingly
"Today was just.. you know, awful. It felt as if everyone was judging me and all eyes were on me. My boss is horrible and treats me like im just a meaningless newbie, its so frustrating. It makes me feel like im not enough and it stresses me out. I can't even socialize ! I tried to befriend a few of my coworkers but they straight judged me because 'who would want to be friends with the newbie' " you scoffed as you recall your co-worker's words
"Everything was just so wrong like i couldn't do anything right !"
Jacob quietly listened to your rambling, it barely even made sense anymore but he kept quiet until you finished.
"I think you did amazing today sweetheart. You should feel proud of just going through this day at all, some people would have left in the middle of the day but you decided to stay until the end and its amazing. Im proud of you and those coworkers of yours it's their loss, they'll never know how incredible you are but they don't deserve you. Think of it, it was just the first day so it's totally normal to feel pressured in a new environment, just wait until you get used to your surroundings and the rythm of it."
He engulfed you in his comforting embrace, resting your head on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around your body, tracing shapes of hearts on the small of your back.
"I'm proud of you my love" he whispered against your ear
And that's what it took for the tears to, once again, escape your eyes.
"It's okay, let it all out" he mumbled as he gently rubbed the back of your head, lips pressed to your crown
Planting kisses to the crown of your head, his hand burried in your hair, he held you close for as long as you needed it, assuring you that he'll always be by your side.
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spooksyanderefactory · 7 months
Does any oc help Mc with a stressful situation? Like, their job is with a sleazy boss that body shames and "flirts" mc?
Rat just has a new target. :D
All honestly, Murder is always the correct option for Rat. It's his job anyway, what's one more body. To be honest, Rat isn't the best at consoling. He'd just want to take care of the problem. He isn't the best person to vent to, for the sole reason he'd ask every time
"Do you want me to kill that guy?"
So asking Rat isn't the best option if you don't want blood to be spilled.
Ram would use this as a way to convince you to just quit and live with him. He just wants your happiness and clearly, work isn't helping you be happy so just quit and live with him. Um, if you tell him that your boss "flirted" with you. You have to be aware that he'd ask for all the details so he knows how much pain he should inflict. Smashing a few fingers with his favorite hammer might now be enough. It's a hammer that you got him in one of those toolbox sets when you were teens.
"You could always just stay with me. Think about it, We could live together. Just quit, You'd be much happier, hanging out with your best friend. Me :D"
Probably understand you the best. He has had pretty shitty bosses. He'd probably be the best to vent to. Wouldn’t do much, unless you ask him. If you were dating, he'd probably show up during your shift as much as he could and make it clear that you are taken. Like kissing your cheek, hugging you, and maybe dropping off food, if he has spare funds. He wants nothing more than you to know that he's there for you.
"I'm here for you if you want to vent."
Although, if he witnesses your boss flirting with you in front of him, he might not hesitate to poison him....
Jackal was just stopping by your work, he didn't have a show until tomorrow so it's his free day. He was still in his circus attire since it was pretty comfy. And it's easier for him to figure out how he's perceived. The biggest factor is it is often the only clothes he has.
He walked in into your walk into your workplace. He could almost sense where you were at all times. Call it a gift or a blessing, but it's probably because he's stalked you since almost high school. He rounded a corner and-
"How about you come over to my house," it was your weird, creepy boss, Gerald speaking to you. Your back was literally shoved against the wall. You had tried to use your hands as a blocker. As he went for your wrist, leaned back only to be stopped by the wall.
"What are you doing with my pretty little audience member?"
Jackal had grabbed Gerald's shoulder and turned to face him. Now being faced with a man who looks like a clown is a terrifying thought. However, Jackal towered over him at a size of 6'10". You could see your boss shaking with nerves. Oh wait, it was Jackel's harsh grip on his shoulder.
"Who are you?!" Gerald's panicked voice only began to worsen as Jackal's grip tightened.
"I'm Jackal, Jackal the Jester," His voice was far more terrifying than you've ever heard before, "I'm their boyfriend."
"I was just, uh," Gerald was just stuttering over his words trying to explain his behavior away to the giant clown man, "I was just being friendly, Co-worker to co-worker. It was friendly!"
You wanted to become one with the floor. Your boyfriend was helping you out of this, but you'd have to deal with him later. Jackal pushed him aside and gently placed his hand on your shoulder. He gave you a warm smile, it almost made you forget if he ever even was upset.
"Are you okay?" Jackal enveloped you in a hug. It was warm. Gerald seemed to take that as an opportunity to flee the battle. "Let's go home."
Jackal hadn't given you a chance to respond, he merely grabbed your hand and dragged you along. You went home oblivious to Jackal's plans of murder.
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kamyru · 2 years
I saw that you're interested in writing for Daimon Togo!
Since I believe that Togo will eventually get a route, how do you think a marriage between him and MC will go?
The reasons I believe that he'll eventually get a route is because:
1) His sprite fits the main artstyle. He's more than just a side character and rival for Kuni's S2
2) He interferes a lot in Kuni and MC's relationship in Kuni's S2 (calling Kuni a phony husband and whatnot). I also read Kuni's S2 POV on the JP app. Kuni hints that Togo might feel some way towards MC (as more than just a subordinate and co-worker).
3) His rivalry with Kuni can be explored more in later seaons, but it could also work as a good plot thing in his potential route. It could be similar to the IM Addison Creative guys with Togo coming into S2. Have Kuni be his rival and try to expose Daimon and MC's fake marriage! Explore why Kuni and Daimon have such an intense rivalry (Togo started working there 2 years before Kuni, so he has more experience in the industry).
At 7 in the morning, I was writing my answer to your ask in my mind while on my way to my medical Summer practice. Now it's 10 PM, and I finally start to write it down. I hope I still remember my genial ideas from this morning =).
Okay, that's a subjective idea, but Togo is one of the most attractive side characters Voltage Inc has. With all my love for Takeru Momose, Togo takes the first place in my heart. If I ever make a top of the most good-looking Voltage Inc characters, Togo will be in the top three, if not the top of the top. I don't ever remember liking a sprite of a character so much.
About his personality: I see him as the love child of Kuranosuke Kiba, Jun Araki, and Toshiaki Kijima. Togo is as tough as the three of them. I know that Voltage probably wanted to make Kuranosuke the super kind character of the cast. Yet, for me, Toshiaki, Kasumi, and Taro Akuchi are the standard of kind characters. I'm not saying that Kuranosuke is evil. No, I love him with my entire heart. He's my favorite from OISY. However, when I think about Triple T (Taro, Toshiki, and Toshiaki), kindness is the first thing that comes to mind, while sarcasm is the first for Kuranosuke. And Togo is very close to the Triple T. He has Jun Araki's aura because they both look like yakuza yet are born leaders. He has Kuranosuke's toughness, though he's not as impulsive and abrasive. And he has Toshiaki's combination of calmness, kindness, and roughness. Daimon Togo is so like my favorite Voltage Inc characters that if Voltage doesn't give him a route, I'll write it myself.
I think in Togo's route, they'll play MC's crush on him. That can be a 'she fell first, but he fell harder' type. However, as you said, I believe that Togo also has a huge, no HUGE (like a dinosaur) crush on MC. So, that can also be the 'they love each other but are idiots' troupe. I am ready to write a detailed fluff scenario or list of headcanons of how Togo has a crush on MC and suffers away from her. If someone wants, tell me, and I'll do it.
If Togo ever gets a route, I think Kunihiro will play the same role Shunichiro Tachibana has in Irresistible Mistakes. I am sure that Shun is deeply in love with MC in every single route and cares for her. So, Kunihiro will be the third wheel in Togo-MC's relationship.
AND I want Togo and MC to marry while being sober. I don't know why, but I want them to do it due to other reasons besides alcohol.
While married, I think Togo will be more awkward than any other character. And that's because he has the most obvious crush on her. I like to think that Kunihiro and Kuranosuke also have feelings for MC, yet not as much as Togo. He won't act tough or anything. Togo will do what people in love do: try to show his best side, to convince MC to stay with him even after the reasons they get married aren't relevant anymore. I also hope to see an 'I have always loved you' scene. They'll try to spend as much time with each other as possible. There'll be a lot of "He/she is better than me" moments. And Togo gives the best hugs. So, MC will be welcome to find comfort there.
Now, thank you for reading my long post in which all I am doing is simp for Daimon Togo.
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united-under-skyfall · 7 months
i work 6am-2:30pm. i go home and go to sleep. i wake up at 6, eat dinner, try not to fall asleep. at 9, i go to sleep again. 13 hours later, i wake up, and spend the next 12 trying not to fall asleep. i am so tired i could cry. i want to. i'm thinking about it. i should not be, because i should not be tired. i have slept so much, i am sick of it. i want nothing more than to close my eyes and drift away forever and ever. i want nothing more than to never sleep again. there is a war inside me, but i am too tired to fight it. there is never going to be a victor. i work 10pm-6am. the whole time, i am so, so awake, and very aware that i could be doing anything at all with this time, with this energy and will and consciousness that has become utterly unfamiliar to me, but instead am falling into a monotonous routine in a half-dark, nearly empty building, racing the clock, tearing at my hair, reminding my co-worker who hasn't slept to drink her coffee. i go home, back by 6:40, and there is something like hope there, that i can do something, anything. i can make breakfast, i can greet my family and talk with them for what feels like the first time in ages as they slowly get ready for the day. but i am not hungry. they all have early appointments today, and are gone by 7. i am alone in a half-dark building (why does this feel familiar), and for the next hour i read, and for the next, i read and try not to fall asleep, and for the next i try to read and try harder not to fall asleep, and by 10 i'm there again. i wake up at 5, try not to fall back asleep, eat dinner, try not to fall back asleep. i stand in the kitchen and do nothing at all. "you work at 6 tomorrow," my dad reminds me. "i don't want to go to bed," i answer. "you need to," he tells me. "it feels like all i do these days is sleep." please hear, i am begging you. please hear, i don't know what's happening, what's been happening for years and years. please hear, i need your advice. please hear, i need a hug. please hear, i don't know what i'm doing. please hear, this is a cry for help. it is the only one i know how to give. "you have been sleeping a lot," he responds, and leaves saying nothing more. i do not scream, even though i want to. did he not hear? when is it that we stopped speaking the same language? i wait for 10 before i can give myself permission to let go and sleep again. i wake up at 3am because i work at 6 and i have chores to do first, snooze my alarm, fall back asleep. i wake up at 3:05, 3:10, 3:15, again and again and i want to weep. i wake up at 4:15 and actually manage to convince myself of it this time. it is not a happy conclusion. i only have time to do a few of the chores i was supposed to before i need to leave, struggling to stay awake all the while. i drive back to work and the road is empty. i think about just driving straight, beyond the road, beyond the horizon, about never stopping, about how maybe that would be almost as good as being back in bed. i arrive and it feels like i never even got the chance to leave in the first place. my hands are sluggish as they work, my legs protesting against my wishes for them to move faster. my thoughts are delayed, my words don't come out on time, and when they do, they don't come out right. my entire being is collapsing in on itself like a black hole. i cannot keep doing this. i don't know what "this" is. i want to sleep even though i know it will do nothing to ease this. i cannot remember the last time i was not exhausted at every level of my being. i think i miss it. i don't remember it well enough to know for sure.
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tombeane-blog · 9 months
Same Planet, Different Worlds
I know too much and most of it is wrong. My grandsons know too little and much of it is questionable.
But by sheer volume of mental stuff - I win.
My doctor and my physical therapist are maybe two generations younger than me.
I keep saying to both, "Hey doc, my back still hurts after all this modern medical technology and exercise. Don't you know someone in Tijuana that knows somebody that knows some other guy who could smuggle a couple of magic pills across the border that would fix all this?". "Wink wink nudge nudge - not those Fentanyl thngies"
And all l keep getting from them is the same spiel - "You're back pain is all muscle weakness Tom. You're just gonna have to work harder and work harder on all three major muscle groups - especially the core."  
"Doc, I'm way past all that. I only have two major muscle groups."
"What's that?"
"Those that hurt and those that don't hurt."
I had an argument recently with one of my grandsons who believes that just because he is 60 years younger, and, better looking than me, his brain still works and mine doesn't.
It got heated and loud - even involving a few creative variations of the F word.
Afterwards, thinking maybe it's a generational thing and maybe, just maybe, my brain is mis-rememberating, I logged onto the World Wide Google and asked Chatty Kathy / GPT to explain it to me.
Before the research, I was convinced that I was 100% right and he was just wrong.
I hate to admit it, but it turns out that the exact opposite is true and that, according to the GPT, He was wrong and I was right.
I recently saw an article on the Internet that pointed out that I have been washing my armpits wrong. 80 frigging years gone by and now they're telling me! Schmucks!
So first I'd like to apologize to all of my friends, family and co-workers who have had to put up with the odoriferous result of my lack of proper armpit hygeination.
Now I'm wondering if I should pass this wisdom along to my teen age grandsons so they don't spend the rest of their lives in an unhygienic cesspool wondering why nobody stands close to them.
But I hesitate to do so because for some reason, every time I try to tell them how to live their lives, they ignore me - or worse.
I can envision the short bitter conversation already. (I've paraphrased it for clarity.)
"Hey (names redacted), I saw on the WWW that you are washing your armpits wrong. How about I teach you how to do it properly?"
"How about you stay out of my life, you old fool."
"Besides, old-timer, don't you know you can't believe everything you read or see on the Internet?"
"So here Pops, I got some Spanish advice for you - largate estupido pendejo!"
"Anyway Pa, I'll believe it's true when I see it on the Instagram."
"That's MISTER pendejo to you! And, I got your German lesson right here - Teletubbyzurückwinker!"
I recently found out that one of my 15 year old grandsons is exactly the same weight as me.  
I can't help wondering, "So how come he looks like that and I look like this?"
For the past 30 years or so I've been invisible to anyone under the age of 30.
So now every time I go into a store staffed by youngsters, I take souvenirs?.
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