#how dare you like or retweet tweets!!!!
pseudophan · 4 months
do you think philslion was Dan?
ok so i've always gone very back and forth on this, like any time i've read through the account i've been convinced it's dan but then as time passes i'm like ehh. probably not. and then i read the tweets again and am like hm.. no it is though...
@dnpbeats' masterdoc is a great read, if anyone's missed that somehow i recommend it, but i think for me there's only really one piece of evidence that usually has me leaning towards yes it was dan
without this one tweet, there's still a lot of interesting tidbits that suggest it could be, and all grouped together you get a picture that's like... well it would make sense! but it's kinda 50/50 cause i can pretty easily explain away most of it. some of it would be pretty big coincidences but not at all unheard of.
but obviously the kicker is
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like, literally just disregard everything else actually. this is the one i can never get past because i just can't wrap my head around any explanation that would make sense because? lol? i month you? on nov 19th? come on.
also one thing i actually never realised until i read emma's doc is that phil retweeted that as well. which.... yeah.....
so i guess ultimately i do think it was dan. but i also think he's more likely to show full hole on the internet than he is to admit to this because that is so embarrassing LMAO. he can have his jokes about how he's a phil stan account but i just can't see him actually admit he ran a genuine honest to god amazingphil lion roleplay twitter, before they even talked to each other once. like he will take that to the grave. this is a challenge howell i dare you to admit it you loser
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necronatural · 1 year
Context on Project Moon discourse
I did some digging and watched some internet slapfights between Korean users, and collected as much context as humanly possible, trying to avoid hearsay where I can:
Misogynistic dudes start complaining about how sexless and non-waifu-female-heavy the game is, feeling the skimpy Sinclair outfit with the thotty little collar VS the fully covered Ishmael outfit is pointed feminist jeering (a law Hawkeye Initiative). Korean anti-feminists are really sensitive to pointed feminist jeering. More on that in a bit
Upon learning the identity artist is male, they trawl the rest of the staff to prove their stupid-ass theory.
They latch onto the lead CG artist, who has tweeted about feminism before.
Project Moon receives countless threats and people marching on their office IRL demanding to speak to the CEO.
The resulting hate campaign leads to Project Moon firing the lead artist for violation of contract; it was specifically requested by the company that all users delete political statements and controversial topics before joining, and the tweets the incels are using seem to prove that the worst case scenario for not adhering to the request has come to pass.
The thing is, she did delete the tweets.
This user has screencapped incels scrambling to justify their belief the game is for man-haters, including a statement that he had dug up deleted tweets. These are old records.
These are the retweets, all made before joining the company (but again, the policy was that the tweets like this should be scrubbed). Most of them are just being catty. The most extreme statements are a scathing satire even a child could understand, and some general feminist sentiments which are not incendiary in any way. It seems they were screencapped to cement a pattern of passionate feelings on feminism.
In Korea, feminism is considered a wedge issue, which means basic activism becomes extremely politically charged. Think of it like how trans issues are being treated in America at the moment, or how "Critical Race Theory" was a wedge issue like 2 years ago. Nevertheless, the most hateful statements in these tweets are not "feminist", but rather annoyance at misogyny, and pretty obviously jokes.
The tweet that the incels are latching onto here states "if being a feminist makes me Megalia, I am Megalia. If being against patriarchy makes me anti-social, I am anti-social". Megalia was a scumbag leftist radfem group originating from Korea's 4chan (anonymous messageboards). It was bad enough that banning gay slurs created a splinter group. Megalia was well-known for mirroring misogynistic behaviours back onto men. They were reviled. An actress lost her job for wearing a T-shirt this group sold, even though the funds were going to supporting women seeking legal actions. Association with Megalia was reputation poison.
Notice I refer to them in the past tense, because Megalia shut down in 2017. The tweet was in 2018. You could not get any more obvious that the statement being made was "you can insult me by calling me Megalia, but I still believe in feminism". There is no association with this incendiary group.
Incels "supported" their argument with an image of Yi Sang holding a vial in basically one of the only 2 ways you can hold a vial, calling it a reference to 🤏, an emoji used as the Megalia logo interpreted to mean "men have small penises". This insane interpretation is being used to cement the whole company as misandrist.
Therefore: Project Moon fired their lead artist even though she didn't violate her contract because insane incels did a "how dare you say we piss on the poor" bad faith misinterpretation of deleted tweets in order to justify their belief that Project Moon is a man-hating company, and as a man-hating company deserves to be annihilated, leading to threats to staff.
The artist for Leviathan later stated that Project Moon pushed the comic forward with no buffer, and when the schedule became unbearable, they just cancelled it. They were told there was an issue with production (supported by the fact the company dropped the translation in favour of focusing on the game), but this news has made the artist pessimistic about the company's treatment of their art team. (Update: deleted, with a statement they feel they felt attached to their debut work, and struggle with feeling like they ran away.)
Here's the artist Vellmori's twitter if you would like to support them through this period.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Based on this post and the other posts on my blog about #bigdickdynamight.
Warnings: 18+, suggestive convos, Bakugou has a canonically big dick, calling him daddy as a joke.
Word Count: 0.6k.
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“Babe, you’ve got to stop tweetin’ that shit. My PR team are literally up my fuckin’ ass about it again.” He groaned as he heard you laugh on the other side of the phone.
The tweet still sat across his laptop screen as he watched the retweets and likes continue to increase, glad he had his notifications muted.
The tweet was in relation to an official photograph his PR team had handpicked from their latest Dynamight merchandise drop. Bakugou stood topless— wearing a pair of sweats slung low on his hips, the hem of his boxers peeking out from beneath the black fabric as his hero name was printed down the left leg.
I want you in my guts. Dick so big I can feel it in my throat.
Thousands of tweets sat beneath it, a huge amount including the #bigdickdynamight hashtag you’d come up with a few months prior. His PR team had been furious about the tweet, but every single item from that merchandise drop had sold out in the last six hours. It was the quickest launch to completely sell out sand the sweatpants he was wearing in that particular tweet were the first item to go.
“Well, what do you expect me to do?” You grinned, “Stop being so hot and I won’t have to comment on it.”
“Piss off,” Bakugou replied, but he couldn’t hide the smirk that was pinching at the corner of his lips, “Got this lady panicking in the office right now, trying to do damage control.”
“Damage control?” You replied curiously, “Does she realise the internets in agreement with me? They all want you to dick them down too, I’m just lucky that you stick it in me every—”
“Yeah, yeah. Alright, sweetheart.” Bakugou cut you off, watching the head of PR out of the corner of his eye as he felt a heat rise to his cheeks, “They asked me to tell you to cool it.”
“So they were fine when everyone thought you were beating me last month.”
Bakugou felt regret form in the pit of his stomach at the memory, a night of messy drunken sex had resulted in you sporting a black eye and although your friends and family were understanding, it had been hell trying to explain to the public that he hadn’t hit you.
“Remember your same stupid team wanted you to do a whole public apology like you were guilty of something.” You almost snarled, “What a great idea that was.”
“It was supposed to be an interview for the both of us.” Bakugou smiled, “Although I think they would’ve wanted you to sit and look pretty.”
Instead of waiting for him to give some sort of public apology, you’d found a random fan account that had tweeted to ask about the situation and replied to them.
Oh, he’s never hit me. But he beats something up😽
And #bigdickdynamight had trended for the next fortnight.
“They just don’t want me to speak my truth.” You sighed.
“Nah, I think it’s cause you’ve got such a way with words, sweetheart.”
“Hey, at least I’m consistent,” You grinned, “I’ll have to tell them about that thing you do with your tongue that makes me—”
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare.” Bakugou’s cock twitched at the thought as he cut you off.
“I’m joking, baby. I’m joking.” You laughed.
“Yeah, yeah. Ya better fuckin’ not, or you’ll be tweetin’ about how hard I spanked the brat out of ya tonight.”
“Oh, yeah?” You almost purred on the other side of the phone at the suggestion, “Is that a threat or a promise.”
“You know exactly what it is, princess.”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Hah, fuck off.” Bakugou’s cheeks were flushed red now as he heard you cackle on the other side of the phone, trying to hide the semi he was now sporting at work as he was about to enter “damage control” with his head of PR.
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raveneira · 1 month
Random but i miss 2020/21/22 when the KawaSara fandom was so active, now i barely see people talking about them or making content. Someone needs to bring back the KawaSara fandom somehow😭.
Ikr? its not much but I am trying to bring the fandom back to life as best I can but Im pretty much a one woman army lol plus a lot of personal life stuff has had me busy which hindered my efforts a bit that Im trying to make up for now, starting with hosting this years KawaSara week since the original organizers didn't do it last year and didn't appear to be going to this year either, so I took over because I knew we had support, fans were telling me how sad they were that it didn't happen last year and was begging for someone to organize it this year, so I took that upon myself to do because I didn't wanna see the week not happen this year either because nobody else stepped up to make it happen.
It sucks how so many got run off by bsa constantly harassing them and making them fearful of even making content for the ship because they knew they would get harassed and didn't wanna deal with it.
Alot of ppl also lost faith in the ship, which is understandable, but stupid IMO because there are ships that have gone through worse than KawaSara and became canon but for some reason ppl treated this like 'oh no, conflict, no way this is happening' and Im just like...danm yall really don't know how shipping works huh? but I mean to each their own but like Vegebul is right there if you wanna see a ship thats been through some REAL shit and look at em now.
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It's like todays new age shipping everything has to be smooth sailing, super healthy, super pure, minimal to no conflict, for ppl to ship it and believe it'll be canon when that just isn't how it goes.
Like I even saw a shade tweet one time talkin about 'I actually like my ships vanilla, whats wrong with actually wanting a healthy ship built on mutual respect and positive development without any conflict or drama etc' and Im just like...OK? who tf said you couldn't? but these newbies actually treat shipping like some purity contest and have a weird superiority complex for liking the 'healthier' ships and anyone who doesn't like the 'healthy' ship are weird and horrible and don't care about xyz characters etc
Its so dumb, and childish, if all storytellers followed their logic then we wouldn't have some of the best ships in fiction because only the 'healthy' ones would be canon.
Nobody is saying they cant like healthy ships, but doing so does not make them superior to anyone else nor does it give them the right to dictate what other ppl should ship simply because they disagree and think only healthy ships should be supported, thats what ppl have a problem with. You can argue the opposite side has done the same but there is a big difference in severity between the two, 'healthy' shippers act way more superior and aggressive than 'toxic' shippers [as they call them] are.
But on the bright side KawaSara week has been announced to be happening this year and a surprising amount of ppl liked and retweeted it, so it just goes to show KawaSara fans DO still exist and enjoy the ship, they just went quiet or into hiding because of the harrassment.
And guess what? even tho the event page was specifically tagged KAWASARA don't you know antis 'somehow' found it? not even a day passed since it was posted before multiple antis flocked to the announcement to talk shit, that is a prime example right there why KawaSara fans got so quiet and discouraged from making content and talking about the ship, because THIS is what happens when you dare not fall in line with the BoruSara hivemind cult.
If you dont treat Sarada like Borutos exclusive property whos whole world and character revolves around him, then you don't care about Sarada or her feelings
Their logic not mine, so if you dare pair Sarada with someone other than Boruto who they believe owns her, then you don't care about her. If you don't support the narrative THEY set for her regardless if its been confirmed or stated as a canon fact or not, then you don't care about her because fanon interpretations > canon.
This is why I say this behavior screams insecure, I dunno how you could be the most popular ship with the biggest fandom and the most support, a hug in both the anime and manga, being 'fed good' more than any other ship, yet still be THIS triggered by KawaSara just EXISTING
keep in mind this is the ship they claim is dead, a crackship with zero chance of happening, yet they get so riled up everytime KawaSara is mentioned or so much as have a crumb together they all flock to try and discredit and undermine it, if KawaSara fans just have even a tiny bit of fun and happiness with the ship they come flocking to discourage you and make you feel bad.
That level of obsession with a ship you claim has NO CHANCE and is a non threat because your ship is already canon and set in stone, admit it or not, but their behavior screams that their threatened and arent really confident in their ship themselves which is why they feel the need to try and keep KawaSara down to lift themselves up because its the only way they feel secure, by making US go away, and when we don't, they get mad, because for some odd reason they just cant stand to see another shp besides BoruSara getting attention, love, and support, it drives them MAD.
Which is why you cant convince me their not insecure about their ship, that their not threatened by KawaSara, because to put it into perspective think about it like this, do you see SNS being bothered by SasuHinas existence? no right? know why? cuz their secure in their ship and don't feel threatened by SH, so SH is free to exist openly without SNS harassing them because they don't care, SH is irrelevant and has zero impact on them.
Thats how you would think BoruSara would be given how they boast about themselves, how much they have going for em, their popularity, their support, many moments, you'd think they'd be on cloud 9 not even paying little ol KawaSara and BoruSumi any mind but they do, and for some reason its KawaSara especially that gets under their skin more than anything which is strange tbh since thats the ship thats not even semi canon yet.
Lemme put that into perspective, they are more insecure about a ship thats not even semi canon yet, than BoruMitsu, BoruSumi, KawaAda and BoruAda that are semi canon [since many bsa also ship ksu] let that sink in.
I dunno why they have such a specific hatred towards KawaSara, maybe its because a lot of them hate Kawaki, and because Boruto is the top male prize and Sarada is the top female prize in their eyes, therefore nobody else is good enough for them but each other. And by top prizes, Im talking primarily about eugenics and status.
Read between the lines, what was Sakura? the pretty girl all the guys wanted, what was Sasuke? the cool handsome guy from a prestigious clan all the girls wanted, now what is Sarada? the cool pretty Uchiha princess, what is Boruto? the cool young lord all the girls fall for, their not subtle about it at all.
They discredit Sumire's feelings as insincere so she don't feel like a threat, they diminish and downplay Kawakis bond with team 7 and insist he's not even a part of it, they weirdly were fixated on Kawaki's body being inorganic and therefor concluding he was infertile and therefore couldn't have kids and therefore that'd be the end of the Uchiha clan if she was with him [which is telling of how they perceive her that her primary goal in the relationship would be popping babies, not love] they deny Kawaki as a part of the Uzumaki fam, saying he's unworthy, Naruto should disown him, etc etc, to keep him as the worthless orphan that deserves to die they want him to be.
Again, read between the lines, they dont give a danm about Boruto and Sarada together fr fr, this ship is about eugenics, this ship is about being able to brag about the young lord baggin the Uchiha heiress/Hokage, its about bragging rights, its about having the ship with the 2 biggest prizes, its about OP babies finally fulfilling their long weirdly held desire to see what those clan bloodlines mixed together would create, its about saying you don't want SS 2.0 except when its the ship you want then suddenly its A-ok
Foh man
Sorry I went on a bit of a rant but It really is annoying that KawaSara fans cant just exist in peace and always gotta hear them telling us why we shouldn't ship it, why it has no chance, why BoruSara is so superior and set in stone and we should just accept it yatta yatta yatta instead of just minding their danm business.
Yes I know all fandoms are guilty of this, but none like BoruSara, why? cuz its a far bigger fanbase with more support and they use it to their advantage, doesn't help that a lot of boruto stans support the ship as well as many Sarada fans [mostly Boruto stans tho] they even have SS and NH support too, so you cannot compare it. Their a much larger fandom with way more support that makes it extremely easy for them to bully every other fandom because their much smaller and they know it, everyone knows it, but they get away with it cuz whos gonna stop em? their the biggest and the loudest and therefore are right by default because the smaller fandoms are just 'haters' and 'jealous' 😒 lemme stop here
Bottom line I agree, it was nice back then before Ikemoto changed so much when he took over the writing after Kodachi left, ever since then he has completely butchered Sarada's character beyond recognition, not because she understandably cares and worries about her friend, but because thats ALL she cares and worries about, I don't think anyone has even noticed that Sarada hasn't mentioned Naruto or her mother once since the timeskip started besides that one speech that wasn't about either of them, but just about her defending Boruto, not about any grief over her idol being killed, not remorse for sending her dad away and leaving her mom without her husband, no the one and only time she mentions them is to defend Boruto which is abusmal, she didn't even mention her own dad until Boruto MADE her ask about him.
If thats the ship you want me to support then Im good, I don't want a ship where her only personality trait, motivations, goals, and character as a whole revolves entirely around a man and nothing else, just how to make HIS life better and being there for HIS pain and growth and only lifting HIM up while staying in the background doing nothing and having nothing going on for herself.
I know this may sound like 'but wait that makes it sound like KawaSara wont be canon' no Im not saying that, KawaSara is not off the table even with all that bs Ikemoto has done so far, like I said with Vegebul and just shipping in general, just because things look bad doesn't mean you lost, you haven't lost until somethings made official.
Are BoruSara together? no, are they semi canon? no, have either of them been shown or confirmed to have romantic feelings for each other? no, so nothing is lost yet, even if they were semi canon that still wouldn't be a loss because the other half has to reciprocate, like just cuz Sakura, Ino, and Karin liked Sasuke didn't mean he had to reciprocate any of them, just like even if Sarada liked Boruto doesn't mean he has to reciprocate those feelings or vice versa.
The only time a ship has truely 'lost' is when its actually dead, like one half of it dies for example, or its rival ship gets together, or their relationship is ruined beyond repair, like to the point of no possibility of redemption, only then has a ship truely 'lost' and 'died'
So no, none of this is me saying KawaSara cant still happen, it definitely can, especially with Ikemoto and Kishimoto saying Kawaki would be getting more development soon so there's that, if we get more Kawaki focus there might be some Sarada focus in there too in between. I don't wanna speculate tho but thats just a possibility Im throwing out there.
Regardless, sorry for the rant, but I'm really frustrated by this too because its 2024 now and ppl still cant leave KawaSara tf alone? thats what I meant when I said they take advantage of their size, they know they can silence us, but nobody can silence them, and that pisses me off but what can you do.
But hopefully the announcement of KawaSara week this year will get the fandom active and making content again for fans to enjoy, I will try to contribute something myself, I can understand why a lot of ppl might not wanna bother because of the hate they know they'll receive but I hope they don't let that stop them, it was bad enough KawaSara week wasn't hosted last year and everyone was really bummed about it, I don't want them to be happy seeing it happen this year only to not participate because antis wont let them have fun and enjoy the event in peace 🙏 I really hope the fam stays strong and don't let antis stop them from enjoying THEIR event.
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mixedstyles · 2 years
As Long as You Are: Blurb #3(ish)
Harry slowly realizing his feelings for y/n (and being jealous)
Author's Note: holy shit, I'm back for a moment! I realized I had this in my drafts and never posted it. I'm surprised I even still have followers after how long I've been gone.
Warnings: these aren't really warnings but... incredibly short, use of google translated Korean, slight ateex x reader (completely platonic) to fulfill my own personal agenda, poor photoshop job (on the third photo), and bad formatting
NOTE: Harry is in italics, reader is in bold
Dividers made by: @firefly-graphics!!
ALaYA Masterlist | Main Masterlist | ask box!
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@ynupdates Y/N recently posted a new YouTube video of her reacting to, and breaking down, the @ATEEZofficial song ‘Guerrilla’ watch here! ⬇︎
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@.ateezofficial [#홍중] @.areyoulistening 리액션 영상 감사합니다. 당신의 더 많은 것을 기대합니다! #ATEEZ (Thank you for the reaction video. I look forward to seeing more of you!)
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19.5K Retweets 2,550 Quote Tweets 89.5K Likes
@.ateezofficial [#윤호] @.areyoulistening 정말 재미있는 비디오! 고마워요~~ #ATEEZ (What a fun video! Thank youuuuu)
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17.6K Retweets 3,471 Quote Tweets 98.5K Likes
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jobros15 i want photos of yn and ateez in the same room. asap.
ateeeez pleaseeeee why does this feel more iconic than the whole harry situation🫣
user007 YN is literally making friends with every possible singer out there. We love that for her 🤍
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@.areyoulistening 윤호야!!??!!?? i love you guys so much. i may or may not be crying. yunho… ur my bias 🧍🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ 4.6K Retweets 2,510 Quote Tweets 78.2K Likes
atinytinyfan girl same
atinynation not YN being ATINY
↳ areyoulistening HES JUST SUCH A BIG PUPPY AND I LOVE HIM SM 😵‍💫😵‍💫
↳ atinynation and you’re valid for that 😌 @.areyoulistening
auden_png can confirm she’s crying
↳ areyoulistening please don’t expose me like this
↳ auden_png you literally said you’re crying in your tweet
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@.harrystyles Isn’t he a little old for you?? 3K Retweets 3,571 Quote Tweets 84.6K Likes
↳ areyoulistening he’s 2 years younger than me but okay
↳ harrystyles I don’t get jealous. I’m too busy for that.
↳ areyoulistening hey, are you a tabloid because all i’m reading are lies
adoreuclub not “he’s 2 years younger than me but okay” and “are you a tabloid because all I’m reading are lies” 💀💀💀 how is yn so quick with the comebacks??? what an absolute icon
“Is it weird I miss y/n?” “You literally saw her yesterday.” “I didn’t get to see her for long though.” “My goodness you are whipped for that girl.” “Hey! Who wouldn’t though? Let’s be honest, she’s pretty damn great.”
“I really wish y/n was here to see this. She said that when she finally got out of grad school she wanted to come here to travel.” “And they were ~best friends~” "Shut up, that's really all we are." "You just keep telling yourself that"
“I’m so exhausted and overworked I might cry. I’m going to take a nap on the couch. Goodnight for now.” “y/n.” “…” “y/n.” “What? I just said I’m taking a nap.” “Let’s get you some food and then head home instead. It’s incredibly late and you’ve only gotten 6 hours of sleep within the past two days. Please, let’s head home.” “Hmph. My feet won’t carry me.” “Okay, okay, okay. How about this, you tell me what you want to eat and then I’ll go and grab food while you take a nap. We’ll eat and then take you home for some actual rest that’s not in the studio.” “Mmmm… kay. You can just go to Tony’s and get what we got last time.” “Okay… sounds good” *he’ll probably reach over to where she’s laying with her eyes still closed, and move her hair out of her face before he heads out of the room… I’m giggling* “I’ll be right back.”
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Because my beloved @unbeknownstunknown was complaining about the lack of Tristercy 💙
It all started with the Hephaestus and the Athena cabins working together to invent the demigod proof technology to be able to connect with each other and their mortal acquaintances. Or maybe it started with Percy getting better friends with Piper, both of them being fed up with other people's expectations about their lives, about not being able to explore their own sexuality because others wanted them to be in a relationship with the "obvious choice".
Wait, no. It started with little Percy having a little thing for a certain Hollywood heartthrob he saw in a trashy soap opera when the neighbor lady was babysitting him.
Anyways, it started somehow, with the mixture of little things that built up into this moment.
This moment being Percy, drunk and petty, lounging with Piper around the McLean's pool, bitching about compulsive heteronormativity.
Dangerous combination, especially with Percy's tendency to listen to his impulsive thoughts, and Piper's inherited curiosity towards unusual pairings. (And by curiosity, Percy obviously meant obsession. As much as Piper liked to deny it, she was their mother's child through and through. Maybe not from the outside, but her personality definitely reflected on some aspects of Aphrodite.)
"You wouldn't dare to do it," Piper declared, taking a generous sip of her purple cocktail, leaning back onto the sunbed. The look Percy gave them was one that other people would have found disturbing, but Piper just smiled prettily, dipping his big toe into the cooling pool water. As much as the native American demigod liked to deny, they were disturbingly similar to Drew Tanaka. Only one of them was better at hiding their cruel side, and one of them was proud of it.
"Famous last words," Percy muttered, but then smirked. "So, what's the bet?"
Piper snorted, "There's no bet. You will do it, and I will enjoy the fallout."
"Valid," Percy nodded, unlocking his phone. He was feeling mischievous, petty, and yes, horny.
He hated that everybody thought that just because Piper and him were friends, and heterosexuals thought there was no such thing as a boy-girl friendship, the media had been speculating about their possible marriage ever since he first visited them.
He was not in love with Piper, thank you very much. No.
His sight was on another McLean.
Piper knew about this, and found it hilarious. Especially because of the conspiracy theories that were spreading through the tweets and TikTok videos that he, as a wrongly accused teenage terrorist, why would want to marry into a movie star's family. Most of them thought it was his way to clear up his reputation before trying to become an internationally famous actor himself.
He was actually quite ashamed of the internet. He heard that people were horny on the internet, with dirty, dirty minds, but nobody tweeted about him being Tristan's boytoy. Shame.
He would have to rectify it.
🌊 @ iblamethegods
replying to @ queenofthedamned
He obviously wants to fuck the dad
It was quite funny how quickly his tweet was retweeted. Some called him disgusting. Some agreed. Nature was healing.
Missy💀 @ queenofthedead
replying to @ iblamethegods
You disgusting freak! That's basically a child!
Prudence R. @ prupru
replying to @ iblamethegods
You might be onto something! #tristercy
Kathy Kat😻 @ tristanisadaddy
replying to @ iblamethegods @ prupru
OMG! That's so hot! #tristercy
Rach @ idareyou
replying to @ iblamethegods @ queenofthedamned
I agree… that idiot is certainly a child 🙄
Rach @ idareyou
replying to @ iblamethegods
The boy definitely wants to fuck the dad
Outside of the slight feeling of humiliation and humor of being called out by Rachel, he didn't think much of what would happen after he posted it - already was on his way to close it, not wanting to bother by the fall out -, when he saw something that made him glad he wasn't currently drinking.
TM @ lovernotfighter
replying to @ iblamethegods
What if the dad wants to fuck him too?
The icon was a picture of a familiar painting. A painting he had been staring at for the last two weeks, during each meal. TM was a follower of Piper (Feathers @stopstereotypes). Percy could admit that sometimes he missed the obvious, but-
"Subtle, dad, subtle," Piper laughed, more than a little tipsy.
-but he wasn't that oblivious.
It wasn't a joke, was it? He did caught Tristan looking at certain parts of him for longer than polite. And he hinted that he was quite lonely nowadays. And that he was bisexual. And that there was a reason why he had a daughter from the literal Goddess of Love.
What if the boy wanted to go inside?
He sent the DM, part of him still not expecting an answer, but it arrived almost immediately as if Tristan was waiting for his reaction.
The dad would be waiting
Percy swallowed. Peeking from behind his phone, his eyes met with Piper's mirthful eyes.
"What?" He demanded defensively.
"Nothing," Piper smirked. It was a terrifying look on them. She looked exactly like Drew. "Can I be your maid of honor, stepmom?" She cackled finally.
Percy pouted, secretly happy that she wasn't jealous or resentful because of his crush on their father, but they shouldn't make fun of him. Placing his body weight on his arms, he pushed himself up.
"Well, my darling stepdaughter, I'm going to bed now-"
She look confused.
He smirked. "Have to make sure you get half siblings from your dad's side too!"
Piper's eyes widened, and before he could prepare to avoid being used as a bullseye, a stray flip-flop hit in his chest. "Fuck off, Jackson!" They yelled, wheezing.
Percy couldn't stop himself. "That's Jackson-McLean for you, Ms!" Then ran. He had other things to do that night than annoying the hell out of his future stepdaughter. He would have a lot of time to do that after the wedding.
"Oh? Jackson-McLean, you say?" A deep voice purred as he walked into the mansion. He wasn't startled when the gorgeous man stepped out of the shadows that were leading towards his bedroom, but his heart definitely speed up more than he ever experienced before outside of a dangerous situation.
Well… it was a dangerous situation in some way; he felt like a prey animal as the older man prowled towards him.
He couldn't wait to be eaten alive.
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goldenpinof · 10 months
I’m Jewish, anti Zionist and pro-Palestine. To disagree with UTA’s decision to drop Susan Sarandon is one thing, but to dismiss what she said “as not that bad” is hurtful. Synagogues have been shot up here, Nazi’s are marching everywhere and she’s like finally Jews know what it feels like to be Muslim? The majority of us love Muslims and hate what is happening! How dare she group us all together and dismiss the history of antisemitism in the US at the same time. Plus she follows & retweets antisemitic accounts. Her stereotyping us like that is harmful, can’t you see that?
it looks like UTA dropped her because of what she said at the rally, not tweets (if also tweets then okay, Deadline should show them, or at least drop a link). and that specific phrase, "There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country." isn't it true though? people are afraid, with the rise of violence and antisemitism, it's like we're heading to WW2 times. it's scary as fuck. she didn't say that it's a good thing, or that she was happy that Jewish people are finally feeling how bad it is for Muslims. she didn't say "finally". sometimes wording is important. the fact that a huge group of people is being targeted because of the israel fascist authorities is awful and disgusting. the rise of antisemitism is an extremely bad thing. the whole anger should be aimed at israeli government and not millions of Jewish people living all around the globe (unless some of them are asking for it by being pro-israel, you know). i understand that, as a person from a country with one of the worst politics that only a minority supports. i'm a co-aggressor by default. and i'm gonna eat dirt for another couple of decades like the rest of us only because i was born in Belarus. and my views don't matter and are not gonna change people's opinions or laws.
what i'm trying to say is that stereotypes are harmful and hurtful, i know that. antisemitism is even more harmful. and if she is actually being antisemitic then she should be held accountable. and UTA should not be a coward and state for what exactly she was dropped (a, b, c). the fucking Deadline calls it "war in Israel", as if it's not Gaza that is being bombed to the ground. god forbid they call it "war in Palestine", huh. telling.
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iosun · 1 year
i found the most fascinating study of humanity ive ever seen on twitter… this person named SamsungShion who tweets a terrifying amount and basically all of it are about hating something. no positivity at all, just hate. all retweets are of his own posts or of childishly insulting someone else for daring to have genuine enjoyment of something. i dont know how you can live like this
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PLUS the extra frequent doses of ableism, transphobia, racism, and misogyny. it’s like a ghost of christmas divine message of “if you do not find genuine joy in things, this is the person you could become”
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Psssst, if you want the codex on who 2po is desperately trying to mollycoddle and pacify with his excuses and attacks on anyone daring to tell the truth in public spaces at this point--me, Laur, Vera, whoever (EVERYONE IS A LIAR BUT HIM, AND HE INSISTS YOU DON'T READ ANYONE ELSE'S INFO TO CHECK)--look at the language his nonnies use.
"Goob" was a spin created by Vinnie, Kelios, and that gang. They inexplicably thought it would bother me somehow, rather than drive me back to reclaiming the original username they were so obsessed with to begin with, because yeah. This is the ghost that made the mark, you guys were just sleeping the whole time.
But that said, notice how many of his current anons are saying Goob this, Goob that. That's it. That's his true audience. That's his true friends. That's why his sources got busted threatening to cut hellers up. That's why he desperately patrols PB to send DestielOTP in DM at anyone daring to be positive. With the same warped spins Jensen just retweeted what I'd been SAYING, proxy the con stage.
RIP to the hellers dumb enough to fall for his shit this long, because if the last, IDK, 5 pages of my blog being reposts of Jensen and Jojo basically tweeting my blog content out and reaffirming the language of my leaks for the last two years-- if that doesn't say what's really going on here, while the weecest readers like 2po are crying into their milk trying to spread their misery--you ain't got a hope.
I repeat: Your dislike of me does not, will not, and has never changed the reliability of what I have told you. Your agendas and anti biases didn't save you with market testing, with berens intent, with the confession, the roadhouse, the omissions, the pilot, the episode morals or anything else. It's not going to suddenly save you now, either. That's like. Schizophrenia or something. That's a world inside your head. It's not going to influence the real one.
By the way, no. Neither Vera nor Laur are in my server or rings. Stop trying to find an escape hatch. There isn't one, you fucking losers. You lost, it's over, go home.
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annoyingfobbie · 1 year
idk about now but back when I was on bandom twitter (2019-mid 2021 i think) i feel like a huge problem in that culture was that everyone took everything SOOOOO personally. like, you blocked me? i'm taking a screenshot and posting it bc how dare you block me when i haven't done anything offensive. private quote retweets? ooooohhoho you are EVIL if you private quote retweet my tweet!!!! you disagree with me on something? okay so this means war now. You dislike something that i like? i'm killing you
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gothicprep · 2 years
i still stand by my position that internet harassment is bad, and people really need to knock that shit off. but I think there’s also a lot of, like, misrepresentation that goes on when people are discussing it.
here are two examples of this I saw this morning:
A twitter stan account tweets pitchfork’s rating for “midnights” with two other screenshots – one pitchfork contributor tweeting “jack antonoff dulls the edges of every pop star he produces and must be stopped”, a different pitchfork contributor tweeting “please, artists, I’m begging you to hire anyone but jack antonoff to produce your album”. stan account captions this series of images with “so pitchfork only gave midnights a 70/100 rating cause they don’t like jack as a producer??? the unprofessionalism is insane”. this is then quote retweeted by a third pitchfork contributor with “and here we have a stan account with 23,000 followers inciting harassment against two of my colleagues because they dared to civilly express their opinions about a pop producer”
a public figure tweets an image of an Instagram dm that says “kill yourself 💯”. he captions it with “Death threats to me from an actual clown. I do not take this lightly. The world needs to see the insanity.”
thank god it’s twitter and i can copy/paste direct quotes. but i don’t think these are fair interpretations of either situation. example 1 is criticizing pitchfork contributors for, in their opinion, letting personal bias interfere with reviewing a taylor swift album as objectively as possible. while I think this is somewhat misguided – antonoff has been working with taylor swift for around 8 years at this point, folklore and evermore both got very positive reviews from them, and 7.0 isn’t bad by pitchfork standards. you should have seen what they did to the fucking mars volta – they aren’t stating this in a combative way. it’s not a well grounded speculation, but nothing about it says “tweet the meanest shit you possibly can at these writers”. so I don’t follow the claim.
the second example is… look, “kill yourself 💯” is childish and dumb, but it’s not a credible death threat. it’s not a threat at all. it’s about on par with an instagram crank call. I’d hesitate to even call it suicide baiting, because typically that looks like “here’s an essay that meticulously and cruelly details the drain on the world I think you are. here’s a graphic description of how I want you to kill yourself”. I genuinely would have thought it was trolling if it weren’t for the person tweeting it, someone who doesn’t engage in social media conduct like that.
i bring it all up to ask – what is this? it’s patently dishonest framework, and I don’t think it’s doing anything to help mend the problem of shitty online conduct. like, are they lying on purpose? or did they seriously read this meaning into it? i seriously don’t know what to make of this
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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and even then, if you do tell them every detail, traumatoze yourself, harm yourself - they STILL gon tell you aint nothing happened and to straighten up your face. fuck em. For real!
You give them every detail and until they find any little piece of information to discredit they'll keep saying they "need more information."
And then they still don’t believe you even if you share your trauma and then when it’s revealed that they are right this whole time they wanna say I’m sorry I believe you know like unalive yourself fuck yall go to hell for heaven sake how fucking dare you doubt her! If you don’t terminate yourself before I terminate you aka k word yourself before I k word you.
I want to be very clear: #CarleeRussell & her family do not owe anyone anything.
Y’all seem to think you own her because you shared a tweet about her being missing. She’s home. She’s safe. Mind your business
You want to know everything about someone who is recovering from a horrible and traumatic experience when they don’t owe you shit but if there’s trauma porn of police brutality you wanna avoid it like the plague cause you’re having visions of your sons getting choked, shot or beaten to death screaming their last words “mother!” Do you want trauma porn or your outraged by it? Are you angry at it or your horny? What’s being aroused, your rage or your privates?
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Also you lack all compassion and empathy if you think, for one second, that a family trying to get the word out to find her, means you’re entitled to their business.
Kindness and compassion are not transactional. No one owes you; especially not for a retweet.
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siminiecricketart · 2 years
I can’t get over people who judge others for using social media for what it was intended for - like get off your high horse it’s so infuriating.
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the-breloominati · 4 years
yknow what I finally figured out how to describe what feels really fucky about corpse's tweets (and how a bunch of other creators will reply to his tweets)
it feels exactly like corporate twitter
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acleanexecution · 5 years
I never realised how much hate was spread on Twitter since I don't have an account, but now that I have to handle our lab's page, even in academia, there is SO MUCH hate speech and violence. I'm not surprised but I'm honestly disgusted.
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
Twitter is fucking weird. IT’S FAN ART.
Haven’t posted my personal thoughts on tumblr in a LONG time and after seeing what I saw on my TL, I just wanted to get everything off my chest. I’ve been posting more settphel fan art on here, but as I’ve stated before, I’m not really a fan of the ship; however, I can appreciate the artists work who draw the ship. Something people on twitter can’t do. 
Apparently someone drew SB Sett & Aphelios with their own OC and it made Settphel-GayLeaguetwt explode? Of course, Bitches- I mean, Witches, is at the forefront (are we even surprised?). Here’s the art in question: 
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Sett and Aphelios with Ace’s friend’s OC in the middle. Their oc is absolutely adorable, just vibin’ in the middle of Sett and Aphelios. 
Tweet that started it all:
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a mutual of witches said they thought the artist’s oc was cute. This was their response:
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Peak intelligence. Destroyed them with facts and knowledge. I don’t know if they’ll ever be able to recover. Even more quote retweets:
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“Can we have anything?” How does this take away anything from you? A single piece of fan art in the PLETHORA of Settphel fan art. As someone else mentioned; GravesTF was confirmed this year, Ezko in pulsefire, Lee Sin & Udyr, Aphelios in Sett’s Firecracker splash and now Settpehl in SB? I guess all of these dont count anymore because someone drew fan art of Sett & Aphelios with someone in between them.
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People calling the pic “homophobic” even though Sett was hinted to be Bisexual by his narrative writer for the skin line. While people HEADCANON that Aphelios is mlm or ace, he hasn’t been confirmed by Riot as either. So, no, not homophobic. This commenter biphobic? most likely. 
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“I hate women making mlm relationships be about them”  “How dare someone draw these characters, that I don’t own, the way they want! They’re so selfish!” 
This was the comment that pushed me to making a post:
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“Seems disrespectful” to who? Random people on twitter.com, who ship two fictional characters? How is this fan art ‘disrespectful’? Better, why do you feel disrespected by it? The fan art wasn’t made for YOU, so if you feel disrespected, that sounds like a you problem. Also implied (where?) =/= canon. No where in lore or voice lines, (as of right now) has stated that Aphelios is mlm. I would say that it’s headcanoned by a majority of the Settphel community, but remember, your head canon =/= canon.
They have since deleted their original thread but they’re still quote retweeting:
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Again, how does this one piece of fan art erase your representation? This artist’s fan art isn’t canon. Riot themselves didn’t make official promo art of Sett with Soraka or changed his voice lines so he doesn’t call Aphelios mooncake. Settphel is still “canon” whether artists draw them with other characters or not. (also the “I was bi for half my life,” good for you? Dont know what that has to do with fictional characters and a piece of fan art = erasure. It’s giving “I have a black friend” energy.) Also, “people with too much free time,” yet you made a whole ass thread about how “disrespected” you felt about a piece of fan art and continued to talk about it in quote retweets AND in dms after you deleted said thread so...  
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Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not, stop trying to police what artists can and cannot draw. Fan art DOESN’T HAVE TO BE CANON, IT CAN BE WHATEVER THE FUCK PEOPLE WANT IT TO BE BECAUSE IT’S *THEIR* FAN ART. I cant believe that has to be said. There are HUNDREDS of other artists on twitter actually drawing Sett and Aphelios together. I’ve only seen a couple of people draw Settraka and other art like this because psychos dogpile and harass these artists into either deleting the artwork or privating/deleting their account. Yummy, bullying people over fucking fan art. Someone pointed out, “people bully settphel artists too because they don’t like settphel” to which I say, don’t ever bully ANYONE. PERIOD. You don’t like what the artist drew? Block & mute, baby. Leave them alone, let them and mutuals enjoy their art/ship in peace. No one gives a fuck and needs to hear you announce that you don’t like it.  I’ll personally say on my own tumblr blog, “I’m not really a fan of [insert ship here]” but if I ever do make that comment, it’s usually followed by, “but I definitely can appreciate the artist’s work and I like the artist’s style.” Again, I’d never comment that under the artist’s post; I’ll say it in my own personal space. I’ll just give them a like, maybe a retweet and keep on scrolling. They don’t need to know that I’m not into that ship. They probably also dont care and have enough people already telling them that anyways. They didn’t draw it for me, they drew it because they liked it.  “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I’ve been being a lot better about typing up something to someone else and just thinking to myself, “its not worth it” and deleting the whole thing. I’m not gonna change their mind and they aren’t going to change mine so why bother, you know? Here is my own personal ranting space so it’s a bit different.
And yes, before you point out how this isn’t the only fandom that’s toxic and how toxic other fandoms are, like the genshin fandom, almost everyone pictured here is also part of the genshin fandom. Coincidence? No. Toxic individuals of a feather are gonna flock together lol. 
A cherry on top: 
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“I’m going to need to take a break from the community because someone drew fan art of two characters, that I don’t own, with their own oc, and it made that me upset.” Bruh.💀 Fucking toddlers, man. Alright everyone, lesson of the day is: you’re not allowed to draw anyone with anyone else except their canon significant other or the most popular head canon. Yes, I’m going to police what you draw and if you draw what I dont like, it’s erasure and it hurts my feelings. :’c Y’all can only draw what I like, okay? Okay.  But seriously like... bruh. Over ONE. SINGLE. PIECE. of fan art. In the OCEAN of Settphel fan art that’s all over twitter, some settphel fans felt so attacked and butthurt that this person drew one picture of Sett and Aphelios with their OC.
The artist didn’t give a shit about their feelings and drew this in response. All I gotta say is power to ‘em.  
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It’s giving:
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You’ll always hear me say, as long as it’s not illegal, gore, incest, etc, ship what you want to ship. I’m also going to add to that, let other people ship what they want to ship. Someone drawing the two characters you like not together and with someone isn’t erasure or a personal attack. Sett and Aphelios aren’t your OCs, and artists can draw them doing whatever they want. 
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