#how can two people be so exactly the same. a piece of her soul left early. how is that fair.
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yumashi · 9 months ago
January 23rd
0 notes
unabashednightmarepizza · 8 months ago
𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑, 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑒𝑛
A/N(1): Considering Gaming is pretty much like me in every aspect and a weird sagau-like thing happened to me where, whenever I make a 10 pull, I always get Gaming and now baby boy is C5 already( THREE of them were on the same pull btw), and that we need to spread more love for him... Here I am with this impulsive piece of work that suddenly came to my mind where us, the reader who is the Creator of Teyvat and all the universes, descends only for him and IS the one who grants Vision to people. (Visions are not some shitty way of controlling people here)
A/N(2): I know Lantern Rite is over but damn, did I loose inspiration to finish this so soon so, I divided this into two parts.
Warnings: Spoilers for Lantern Rite and Gaming's backstory, Reader giving good parenting advice and literally being a grandma who would slap someone with a slipper and commit homicide for children, communication problems between parents and children.
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"I think the Creator isn't too fond of me y'know?"
Lumine and Paimon sweated at the mention of your name, the former one rubbing his defeated shoulders for comfort as she looked at her companion.
Paimon worriedly looked up where her mother was as she floated above Gaming, the now peaceful and serene Celestia floating above them with the rightful owner in it. After gathering all your essences back and helping you come back once again - and learning that her emergency food was actually the Creator's daughter-, Lumine had the chance of meeting you quite a lot actually.
The reason for it was pretty simple: Lumine and Paimon had become inseparable.
They had been travelling together for years, all alone with only having each other to rely on. Sure, they made great friendships over the years and they were always happy to reunite with them whenever possible... But none of them could come with them on their journey.
Especially since it was unknown when exactly it would stop.
But although they thought to be alone as they discovered the truth about both Lumine and her brother's story and Paimon's origins... Lumine knew they weren't really all by themselves in such a vast and seemingly endless world.
She could feel it in her soul... With the warmth that never left her ever since she woke up near that shore, the one that had never left her even if she was starting to loose hope, always pushing her to fight for one more day.
There was no way you wouldn't love one of your own child.
"Ahhh... Why do you think so, Gaming? Have you done something to offend Her?" Paimon asks cautiously, with a hint of softness Lumine rarely heard since she was often sarcastic just as you were, as she patted his head warmly with worried eyes. This was one of the rare times that Lumine really saw You in her, that Paimon had more than one thing common with You.
Except Your love for food, that is.
She, better than anyone, knew how You were, after all, as a daughter... She felt your unconditional love even when she had no recollection of, well... Everything that happened.
Even when she didn't know what or who she was, she knew one thing clear: The Creator loved Her creations so dearly... The one on the throne could never be Her.
"Uhhh, Paimon really doesn't think so! Her Highness is known to be so loving and kind and also supportive of Her creations-" she nervously stuttered, looking up to where you were supposed to be as she gave as much comfort as she can. She didn't need to be an expert to know that most of the people in Teyvat adored their Creator, and all of them respected You for... every single thing You did for them.
Including setting new Heavenly Principles to ensure peace all across Teyvat, after millenias of destruction caused by the Usurper which tainted the soil, the very core of Teyvat and the souls of people and gods alike.
Gaming, of course not surprisingly, was one of those who admired you the most. Chenyu Vale, after all, was known for their tea and tea ceremonies, especially those of Adepti and the Creator. The stories of your both heroism and creation was one thing told throughout the land... And then there was the parental ones they had heard and read about thanks to their Archon, Gods and Adepti wanted to preserve for Your and their sake...
To remember those peaceful times they all used to sit with You and eat, drink to their heart's content as they shared stories and what they had been doing with their humans... Before either Barbatos or Menogias and Bosacius "ruining it" with their banter and over all "idiocy" with one of them begging to drink wine with You while the other two argued about the fact that Bosacius shouldn't enter where you are, alongside the ladies, practically half-naked as a mean of respect.
Menogias was not the one describing such events with much disdain, it was Rex Lapis' rather "dislike" towards a certain God of Freedom as those who read your stories sweated awkwardly at his descriptions of " that drunkard who wouldn't stop hogging the Creator all to himself and had no brains too actually give a thing for rules"... All the while You cackled with the "ladies" at the back with a comedic look on your face, betting on how many tries it would take for them to finally agree.
It was good old days... that seemed far, far away from reach as the years passed and now Teyvat was becoming another version of itself, one that You would be proud of no matter what.
Safe to say, most people praised your name and prayed to You through those ceremonies. Liyue and Chenyu Vale were the one who was perhaps the earnest with their belief, and the tea leaves they were proud to grow with Your blessing...
And with the dim-sum they had as a breakfast, to reminisce and pay respect to You and all the Gods who dined with You above the sky once.
But back to the modern days, where three youngsters were having a meltdown for different reasons...
Gaming, because he just told them- two once strangers and now his friends- his biggest secret and insecurity after his problems with father.
Paimon who almost bawled her eyes out from sadness because of the drop of his head like a kicked puppy at the slight sign of his insecurity of failing her mother.
Lumine, because these two were being total dummies and she was wondering how the hell Paimon could be related to You, who was always the logical one and always choose the rational side of things.
"I-I know that, and trust me, I am very grateful to be acknowledged by Her but... Well, I mean, I am surely in no position to complain but life wasn't the easiest for me. Especially since I chose to indulge in Wushou Dancing. You guys already know my story and... And I'm afraid that I didn't satisfy Her with how I failed at making Wushou Dancing popular-"
Gaming ranted in one breath, his face contorting in pain, both from the possibility of such thing being true and from being breathless, as he looked like a kicked puppy with his huge brown eyes from where he stood in front of the petite blond, who stared at him with a confused and troubled look.
" Woah, woah! Easy there, calm down, Gaming... So you think she is upset because of... This?"
Lumine couldn't help but frown while pointing at him and back to his vision, confusion and slight worry clouding her golden eyes as Gaming gulped and looked at her through his lashes, head turning away and eyes trailing over to stare over the tea fields. She only hoped he didn't think it was because she was belittling his worry, but rather, she didn't understand why he worried.
You were always so proud of your creations, did they really not know this?
"Uhm, y-yeah? Why wouldn't She be? She saw potential in me to make it so popular and well-liked by people yet, hehe... Here I am, as a complete failure. Just like my dad predicted..." He rubbed the back of his neck embrassed, sweating from the nervousness at the intense glare the duo was giving to him.
Logically thinking, he knew there was absolutely no way of knowing anything about the Creator, especially something as trivial as this. Both because of a) you must be too busy to care for such a small and childish thing and b) you were the Creator, how were you not supposed to love what you made?
But poor boy's insecure mind was too consumed by the self-hatred he had kept inside for so long that it started to consume hım whole... Enough to question everything he had been taught all of his life, questioning himself for the first time ever since that day if all these struggles were worth it.
Paimon, seeing and having a guess at his state, quickly budged in to divert his attention elsewhere.
"B-But I am sure that mot- I mean, Her Highness didn't bless you with a Vision and showed her favor while expecting something in return!" Paimon suddenly shot up to the air, her short legs kicking at the air angrily as her face was contorted in pure anger for the way he was thinking. And Lumine, for the first time ever since meeting her, cold sweated because of how scary she looked at the moment.
"But..." Gaming sighed dejectedly, coming down from the shock of her sudden burst, head hung low and feeling the familiar sting of his eyes of many nights he spent alone on his bed and looking back to his decisions, trying to determine if he regretted them or not, thinking about his beloved mother and Creator...
And what you both must be thinking of him.
Had he... Failed both of you?
You, who created the whole world with so much love, "The Mother of All" and his own mother, who never shied away from showing her support to him even when his father was angry at her for "spoiling" him...
"But..." he couldn't help but get frustrated at himself, and the tears gathered at the corner of his eyes. How long was he going to act like a kid? How much more would he trouble others because of his problems, much like he was doing now to even his new friends that he just met? He knew he kind of failed at his biggest dream, although his stubborn father didn't know about it just yet and he intended for it to stay that way...
Actually saying it out loud made him realize how... futile, his hardwork had been.
He really didn't make any progress at all, huh?
Before he could get any other self-deprecating thoughts, he contiued with gritted teeth as shame slowly filled him and he moved to get up. "...I was given a Vision because of my ambition to make Wushou Dancing popular in Liyue Harbor, at least that's how I see it although I know not everyone's jumping at watching it... And if I can't make it come true then..."
Another dejected sigh as his hand subconsciously went to his Vision, feeling its comforting warmth as he clutched the glass orb tightly. He always believed that the Visions' warmth, apart from containing the aspirations of the holder, had always had a part of you as well... That the comforting warmth that accompanied him much like other holders, was because of your love and hopes for them. To see what path they would carve for themselves while watching over them...
And there was no way he made anyone proud with what he had become. His relatives? They didn't particularly care about him, they couldn't, right? And his father was another story with the restless and hurtful quarrels they used to have every day, especially after his mother's death. He wouldn't even talk to him, yet alone look at his face, why would he care to come looking for his son?
How would a young boy like him ever know that the reason his father couldn't look at him in the eyes was because he was also reminded of his mistakes and hurtful words he uttered towards his own father when he was his age? How would he know that his own father, though he didn't show himself like that, lacked the way to express his guilt to his own son that he hadn't seen in a long time?
How would he know that his own father was drowning in his own guilt, but too afraid to say anything to his son when he too, was drowning himself in guilt and self-hatred?
His, and unknown to him... his dad's, mind was clouded with their own sadness, all the while never leaving their eyes from the clear sky while Paimon's and Lumine's worried eyes were on Gaming's melancholic ones, as the duo shared a stare only they could understand... with a question after years of being on Teyvat suddenly popped inside their mind.
That they had to reach to you as soon as possible...
And learn how the Vision-giving process actually worked.
"Then, what am I?"
Meanwhile, up in Celestia, you were merrily decorating your place in Liyue themes, since the Lantern Rite night was coming closer, and watering the many plants you had as a gift from your children was taking too long, you opted to keep yourself busy with humming a soft tune.
Completely and blissfully unaware of the chaos in Liyue.
But you know what they say: A mother intuition always works and is always right.
"Hmm... My mom senses are tingling yet once again. Could it be my daughter?" You curiously asked to yourself, a slight worry deep in your heart as you walked back to your throne room to check on her and her companion, the music still blasting inside your head.
Those "earphones" your Fontanian kids called, was really something else as they blasted of your son Barbatos' one of the many ballads, only requiring a magical jade to store that tune. Perhaps you could visit your son and see how they are all doing after that whole Usurper ordeal?
"My children truly exceeded my expectations... If only they didn't nearly destroy Khaenri'ah all those years ago, give them a very unnecessary curse and give me one week of detailed work before the new year..." You couldn't help but sigh out "tiredly" and crack your back, rubbing your neck as you opened the huge white gates of the throne room.
Khaenri'ah, your dear children, were unfortunately caught between the crossfire of Celestia and the misled Archons, getting either killed or cursed with monstrosity and immortality. With yet another scheme of the corrupted Heavenly Grounds combined with them being too blind from their greed, the evil surged to the surface near Khaenri'ah and thus... since the only God they believed in was you, the biggest enemy of the Second... They were nearly destroyed completely.
But now, after a very brutal battle on the very same grounds you now peacefully walked on, Teyvat and your children were finally free with no blood of them dripping to the ground. You gave a new hope, a new world where people would thrive and live in harmony.
Children no longer in pain and crying, not being without parents...
Mothers never having to cry for their fallen children and fathers going mad...
However, just like you always thought of your children... They didn't hesitate to surprise you, and on some occasions scare you, with their quirks... It was only natural to be scared for your children, most importantly your baby, right?
Listening to the conversations of your daughter and Lumine with their other companions had always been a joyful experience for you, even when you were yet to take a form and were shackled. Often they joked with each other, or threw sarcastic quips at each other much to your amusement as you saw yourself in your daughter as clear as the day.
With how easygoing and cheerful their conversations would often be, you didn't think there was anything alarming happening as you looked into our orb.
There were times even you, the Mother-of-All, were left speechless...
As soon as the foggy and disturbed watery surface of your orb cleared out with a wave of your hand, and you were able to see the worried eyes of your dear vessel and daughter looking at a young boy with red and brown hair, their conversation made your mom senses 100 times worse.
"Gaming... Are you okay? Did you sleep well? You look like you are about to fall asleep any time!"
"Not really. Just yesterday, I stayed up all night playing cards..."
"Huh? Stayed up all...night? Isn't that- Isn't that a bit concerning for humans?" You worriedly asked your royal guard as he shook his head just as worriedly from behind you, although disguised it better than You did as you repeatedly looked between him and the orb, picked on your lips and pulled on it in worry as if it could somehow make you understand what you just heard.
He wasn't the Mother of All, after all. It wasn't in his nature to worry about the young ones.
"This boy... He surely doesn't give a single care about his health! I didn't create sleep for humans for nothings! One thing they need for completely resting and-and look at this! Unacceptable!" You groaned with a deep, threatening tone, angry and not understanding why humans tried to go against their nature like that, hands on either sides of your hips as you stared at Gaming's reflection and see... Just how really tired his soul was.
Going between a great dilemma for his future, a hard time for him, one that hangs heavily upon his shoulders and the soul you crafted quite carefully and gently.
What was it that made a boy so young such as him so deeply upset that it affected him deep to his core?
Yet... Made him still so sweet and... pinchable?
"Hmm... They seem to be getting along well nonetheless." you affectionately expressed with a hand under your chin, trying to be still positive, lovingly looking at the content smiles of all three children as your daughter feasted upon food after food and was being spoiled to no end by none other than Gaming himself.
The young boy's willingness to pay for everything and not "disturb" other's, even if he earned that Mora in the hard way, impressed you and his kindness and easygoing side was something you had never seen in a human before.
And considering you were the Creator, that said a lot by itself.
But still... His way was one that could be considered as... "Self-destructive", one that rang the alarms of a troubled childhood even from miles away, and also one which needed to be stopped at one point.
Even if it required the two most essential weapons of a mother: "The Mom Voice" and "The Slipper".
Your thoughts were cut short when you saw your daughter's shy yet puffed out cheeks as Gaming cooed at her, you couldn't help but chuckle as well, leaning down over the orb with both hands on your cheeks and heart combusting and running up the walls from the sudden surge of love you felt for the three young children as the other two coddled your daughter, in their own ways of course.
Aww, a fed Paimon is a happy Paimon, huh?
"And just like that, Gaming is her new favourite friend." You giggled at Paimon's flushed cheeks from the orb you watched, Lumine's smug yet peaceful smile after all the traumatic events she went through brightening your face. Gaming's bright smile wasn't so behind on the race of "radiance", his eyes twinkling in happiness at Paimon's happy and wide smile, feeling proud with himself that he was the reason she was a full and happy child at that moment.
That was exactly what you wanted for your children and people to have: Get along well with each other, learn from each other as everyone experienced the world you served beneath their feet... Not fight for their lives in greed and selfishness.
You sighed in relief when you realized that they were fine and happy, a bit tired perhaps from the hard work earlier but still... They were finally being what they were supposed to be from the beginning as they joked together already.
Two teens and a child, though the latter was questionable since Paimon has been there ever since "the Beginning".
"Gaming is one unique boy, just like many of Your creations, Your Highness... Easily well-loved, and befriended even by 'two outsiders'."
You absentmindedly nodded, you attention straying away from the scene before your eyes as you looked at one of the pillars of Celestia in deep thought.
It was no shocker that humans were... weird, in the eyes of other gods.
You created them with compensation and empathy, with the need to socialise and friend others in their journey. The way they would do it, however, entirely depended on their choices and often times, even when shackled, you watched them in amazement with the different routes they had taken with their life.
Some gods didn't want to question your authority, but couldn't help the questions linger in their minds: Why would you built paths for them when you knew the end? When you knew how they would act?
Well, that was the question forbanother day...
But even with knowing it all, Gaming's behaviour shocked even You, who was the one to set the order.
The sixteen-year-old just... gave and gave and gave at an alarming speed, without ever stopping... Without even asking for anything in return.
That wasn't good at all... A person who gives and gives, who is very self-sacrificing with absolutely zero care about their own emotions, trying to gain people's gratitude so that they would continue the relationship/ friendship, definetly experienced a situation where they felt... Invalidated for their feelings.
And You saw it... Even your daughter, who loved food and tea more than anything, hesitated to accept his request for more food and treats to eat after all the things he bought for her.
But in the end, she was just a child. A child who loved treats, especially if it came from someone else.
"You really liked it, huh?... You know what? I'll buy you a whole bunch and pile them so high, you could swim in 'em!"
"You... You noticed what Paimon likes?" you could hear the slight wavering of your little baby's voice as a gentle smile overtake your whole face, your insides filling up with an unexplainable need to crush her to your chest with many kisses all over her chubby cheeks... Although what he said he would do was a bit impossible.
You always knew your daughter had a very soft heart behind her "ugly nickname giving ceremonies" or her sarcastic answers, even when she unintentionally ( or not, at least when she saw someone she didn't like) spoke too much and too loud.
Lucky of her that she had people who loved her anyways.
It seemed Gaming and Lumine also thought the scene to be wholesome as they both smiled with closed eyes at her obviously touched state, Lumine snickering under her breath as Paimon sniffled and blushed while glancing away from Gaming, who also supported a brotherly smile at her.
"Wait... Seriously? Paimon was just joking, you don't have to do... that!... But if you are going to get us something anyways, we would much rather have Winter Melon Cake instead! And you said you hadn't eaten it for so long, so Paimon calls it a win-win."
"Ah, don't mention it! Just think of this as a thank you for all your help." He waved his hand dismissively as he prepared to leave, doubts and anxiety still swirling in his eyes and soul. Yet, he hid all those behind a warm smile and saddened, downcasted eyes.
But there were things he couldn't hide from one entity...
"Besides, the thing between me and my family... It's a long story. It might take some time to tell. You get all hungry in the meantime as I prepare everything, goodbye!"
With that, Gaming sprintered away from the two travellers who looked from behind him with perplexed eyes. Poor Lumine couldn't understand what had just happened, with both Gaming's "story" and the way he abruptly ran away.
Paimon was busy with getting agitated, having had enough, though.
Fortunately, they weren't the only ones who felt that way... Although Paimon's reasons were different than You and Lumine.
"Is he underestimating Paimon? Hah! The audacity! She is just gonna have to show him how much-"
"Paimon could eat, perhaps?"
Paimon's angry rambling and flapping of her cape ceased, her happily exclaiming as her eyes lightened up with stars when she zoomed in to where you were waiting for her with a closed eyes smile, leaving a trail of constellations in her excitement, head slightly tilted and arms wide open for her to come crashing into and nuzzle to your warm chest.
It had been such a long time after all, the last time you were peacefully together being Sumeru where you had been hiding to gather all your powers back and lead Lumine to where you were.
After a very emotional reunion, answering a lot of questions about the creation in general and the Abyss and Celestia, saving the Sumeru (as in entirety) and their Archon who was apparently your freakin' granddaughter who was very eager to finally meet her grandmother whose voice was the only thing she was able to hear in her dream...
All of you decided to wait for a bit more until everything settled and this silent war was over, to "descend" onto a very much so eagerly waiting Teyvat and declare Paimon as your youngest daughter.
Oh the amount of war flashbacks some people would have because holy shit, they treated and even insulted her- the Creator's child- so badly, they were sure they would get a very torturing punishment...
"Hello, Your High-" A hard, yet teasing, stare of your starry eyes was all it took for Lumine to sweat anxiously and correct herself with a shy smile, cheeks flushing at your serious yet still soft eyes. It wasn't in your nature to chide and get mad easily, although your eldest children would beg to differ about the previous one. However, for your dear ones, they didn't have to use such honorifics when you were all tightly knitted through the fate you let happen.
Besides, Lumine was just so cute with her bashful forgetfullness of adressing you casually, even when you often reminded her.
"Y/N... I hope you have been fine lately?" You hummed pleasantly as you nodded, patting your daughter's back as she nuzzled to your neck for warmth with a toothy smile.
"Hmm... I really was, thank you Lumine. I hope your journey on Chenyu Vale wasn't so harsh?" You inquired with a turn of your body, the floral designs on your dress and the edge of your long sleeves flowing as if they were slowly moving and your mighty crown standing on your head, shining blindingly and setting fear on enemies.
But it only amazed her further, making her stare at you for the power you held in amazement and how easily you could destroy everything and yet, chose not to.
"It was not as harsh as it was then Inazuma's, it was quite pleasing." She answered after a few seconds of pondering, making you laugh out awkwardly and sweat as she smiled kindly at you, knowing how you still held yourself to blame for what Ei had done to both of them and her own people.
I couldn't show her the right path when she needed her mother the most... Of course, I'm one of the people to blame...
That was what you said when you witnessed the pain Ei's grief and twisted thinking of "Eternity" caused to her people. Grief... Grief often blinded logic and the truth right in front of people, which resulted in unwanted situations and the hurt innocent people would have to face.
The sight of lightining scars across Lumine's petite body, a crestfallen look painted with grief raking through her body as your soft hands slowly touched her scars that you offered to heal... You never felt more disgusting and a failure than you did at the moment.
To which she always replied with " They do not hurt anymore, Your Grace..." with a tight and secure squeeze of her hands over yours as she hugged you, the Creator who felt immense guilt for something that happened out of Their control, because of the wrong doing of something else.
A Creator that felt sadness and compassion for one of Their creations so openly...
"Ah, apologies once again... I wish it was just as pleasant as it was with Liyue and Mondstadt but you know-" you shut yourself up with a forced cough, not wanting to remind her of her bad experiences as you stared at her golden eyes, to which she averted eyes and looked at the horizon bashfully under Paimon's judging eyes.
She really better had a little talk with her about Lumine's treatment towards her mother... Before something else came to her mind.
"Mom... There is something Paimon wants to ask your help with!" She excitedly chirped as she got out of your hold and made a flip, kicking her legs as you laughed out at her energy. It wasn't every day that she would ask something from you, especially that happily as if her request was a bright idea.
"Of course, darling of mine. What is it?"
"It's about Ga-Ming and his family!"
Lumine's smile froze on her face as she nervously looked at Paimon, fiddling with her fingers while hinting at her to stop, to which Paimon ignored. "I don't think it is our place to do something about his family, Paimon."
It wasn't that she didn't want to help him, she did. She already loved Ga-Ming and his energetic bursts, how he was always ready to lend a helping hand. She already considered him to be a friend and as his friend, of course she wanted him to be happy.
She knew the value of family more than anyone else, especially after loosing it, but... She was also aware that some things were supposed to stay between family and solved by them, not by some outsiders.
However, it seemed that Paimon had other ideas. As she started to reject Lumine's idea, saying how much he helped them and gave them and that they had to repay back some way, you raised a brow in question at their banter.
You already had a brief idea of what was going on with his family, courtesy of having 15 children directly related to you with different personalities, and what the problem between the father and son was, but it wouldn't hurt to hear it from them.
"Do you mean his father, sweetheart?"
She nods enthusiastically when Lumine budges in to cut her talk. "Yes, Y/N... But I do think that his problem runs a little bit deeper than we can help him with..."
You nodded at her understandingly, knowing the miscommunication going on has been prolonged far longer than it was necessary. Children often didn't notice much, didn't accept or wanted to accept their parents' expectations of them. They wanted to fly with their own wings, even if it could hurt them at first.
The parents didn't make it easy for them either and most of the times... They didn't want to accept their children wanting to go away and be themselves.
And as a result, both sides would drift apart until the other saw from their point of view, not caring that one wanted freedom and the other wanted safety and security for the other, even if it ended with their child angry at them. As long as they were safe and sound to do so... It was all that would matter, even if it seemed like a disrespect in the eyes of the child.
The stubborness of each side would only result in a distance that would severe the bond more and more with each passing day.
Perhaps... All they needed was a little nudge for them to see what both sides were loosing while they were drowning in their own stubborness?
"You are right, Lumine... However, there is nothing that could not be changed with a little help and a nudge towards the right." You hum with a hand over your chin, forefinger tapping your cheek in thought as you cross your arms over your chest. You soon broke out in a smile, having made your mind as you happily made a little jump.
"I shall help you two achieve your goal! The New Year is coming up and I do not wish any of my children to enter a new year full of new chances while being sad and alone."
You would make sure of that.
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skriblee-ksk · 3 months ago
KIYUU: General Info Doc
A girl who wishes to return to the past for many reasons. She’s someone who wants to know all about the current world, but can’t abandon her unknown self and family for the same reason. She’s awkward in actions but straightforward enough to learn all that she wants to.
TRAITS: For this Specific Soul-Piece of Kitomi
She’s optimistic to the point of naivety at first, but she’s extremely clever, memorizing concepts in class and being able to correctly mimic actions with a couple of cautious tries (as long as it’s not cooking).
With a heavy desire to recall her past, all the motives for herself stem from the desire to go home. At first, it’s just because she doesn’t know anything, and going home is the easiest way to find out who she was, but she soon realizes that she’s started depending on the concept of ‘home’ for every single thing.
This soul-piece of Kitomi does not have any memories of her past, nor does she have any memories of her time as a ghost. This soul did not spend any time as a ghost and immediately possessed a body.
She is still cleithrophobic, an obsessive organizer, and is the worst at lying. However, she’s gotten a talent for twisting the truth and derailing people from her true thoughts because she’s realized she shouldn’t have her entire heart on her sleeve constantly.
Being put in constant danger helps her mature from her ignorant-hopeful persona.
Because she is constantly put in danger (or also like. Minor annoyances.) her learning style is almost completely efficient, learning the basics for everything and only delving deeper into it when she has the time to. She doesn’t actively practice self-defense, but she has learned to punch properly in case she gets in danger while others aren’t around. In the later books, she befriends Silver and learns basic sword-fighting from him (it was a rigorous two-day regime. Kiyuu nearly died (again), but she had fun because it was informational. She never really has any time to apply her knowledge though).
HOME: Her Anchor
Kiyuu’s anchor is home. Home is where her identity lies. Home is where the knowledge of her past lies. Home is the place where all her questions can be answered: Who is she? What was she like before she lost her memories? Is she still herself? Will she still be able to be herself if she finds out?
What was her family like? Did she have friends? Pets? What kind of basic knowledge has she forgotten? What happened to her to make her forget? Did the people she might have once loved forget her? Will the people who she loves now forget her?
And which is more important to her?
It’s not like this world is less important than her past. Even she knows that the experiences she’s gathered in this world are much more valuable, and it’s completely irrational to abandon this place for a past she doesn’t even know exists.
Nonetheless, she can’t let go of home. No matter if she’s been having dreams that her home might not be what she wanted. No matter how much her brain tries to convince her to stay in increasing frequency. She refuses to let go. She can’t let go.
She’s never been ambitious. Any and all goals she’s had is something she could give up on if she deemed it unachievable. The exception is her home. She’s gotten far too attached to it that she wouldn’t be able to let go even if she tried.
She wants to. She wants to let go. She wants to be ambitious. She wants to feel happiness and sadness the way others do. She wants to feel pain and she wants to feel love as much as possible. She wants to be able to miss something so badly that she might die. Maybe that’s why she wants to go home. Because if she goes home and becomes whole, she’ll grieve with all her heart. She’ll be able to remember her life when she was home and grieve that she left it, exactly as others do.
It’s not just that. It never was just one reason and it never will be. What matters is it’s her anchor. Home will always be what she’s searching for, no matter what it means to her.
RYOKO: Her Home
Ryoko is Kiyuu’s home, and she is partly aware of this, even since the beginning. Ryoko is the person she’ll depend on for anything. The person she’ll assist if needed. The person Kiyuu loves. As soon as they arrived in Ramshackle, in Kiyuu’s mind, they were already bonded. Ryoko was immediately labeled as her home, albeit a completely temporary one. More than a home, Ryoko was a shelter. A place of refuge before she’d continue on her journey towards her true home.
Ryoko was kind and knowledgeable. She didn’t mind Kiyuu’s desperation or excitement-fueled rants, nor did she ever chastise Kiyuu for her mistakes due to inexperience. She loved learning about this world, much more so because Ryoko supported her.
Even if her environment was dangerous or stressful, the little chats in between classes with Ryoko always brightened her day. And arriving at a Ramshackle which they had both cleaned up was always refreshing. Kiyuu depended on Ryoko, Grim, and the ghosts the most.
It’s not hard to accept that Ryoko is her home. That aspect of it was never hard to accept. The hardest part was that her definition of home had changed, and she always wanted to remain constant and predictable. She liked organization and memos and notes because she liked the familiarity. And more than that, she didn’t want to leave anything behind, ever.
Her past still matters. Maybe in the far future, it’ll still continue to matter. But what she wanted the most was a home, not her past. She wanted a place to belong, with her identity and acceptance. All the things she was never allowed to have before her death. She has it here. And she can find another goal anyway. Set her anchor down on something else. That’s what living means.
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a/n: general stuff i wrote in a shared google doc w @kathxrat-01 but never posted here. bc. idk. i have this bad thing where my body refuses to share important information if it’s not in chronological order. but whatever i want ppl to know more abt kiyuu beyond what i show in art. which is mostly jackiyuu and has no relevance to her journey of self-discovery. yeah.
anyways. i’ll post a timeline later too. bc i did also create that.
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raainberry · 1 year ago
Crowd Pleaser
« One (performer or product) that is notably or reliably popular or appealing »
Sana x gn!reader
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synopsis - players play, but there can only be one winner
wordcount - 980?
T/W - definitely suggestive
A/N - short angst bc its been a while, although im on the fence about this one, enjoy!
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Opposites attract. Or was it birds of a feather?
In your three years as a philanderer, you found neither of those rules to be truer than the other. It was easier to call it what it always is : chemistry. Or chemicals went awry?
The latter seemed more fitting ever since Sana started playing around you. Your appointed rival, for gossiping’s sake. You wondered why she’d suddenly taken interest in you, and got your answer pretty quickly.
She’s crazy.
Loves the eyes on her, the attention. You couldn’t blame her. You understood her—at least to certain extent.
You liked it better when the attention was given behind closed doors. Privately, in hushed whispers, wordless stares as you walked by.
Sana…. She liked to make a show out of it.
Her sweet idea of fire worth playing with was the campus’ must try. At least for the worthy enough in her eyes. For the others it was a must see. As cruel as she could be, her behavior was art. Something about her eyes, her smile; it was a performance.
The way she messed with people them left them clueless, barely aware of themselves, their mind in pieces scattered around their dignity; the only thing she was kind enough to leave them with.
You watched every time a poor soul foolishly lead the way to its despair, hand holding onto its downfall.
You could say they were unkowing, unaware of the damage they laid themselves open to, but it would only be a lie. They were simply human enough to risk it all for a taste of what was popular.
It was captivating.
The way her eyes left her toy, looking back to the crowd she was leaving behind. A gesture as innocent as she could display herself to be, but only for the less aware. The most informed knew, she was looking for you.
Her gaze never wasted time, to the point she knew exactly where to catch yours. No matter the place, all she had to do was look past everyone else’s spellbound faces.
There you were, looking right back at her. The only one conscious enough to appreciate the end of her show.
Her winks stuck on your mind long after she disappeared into the whatever car her date got their hands on in hopes to impress her.
BMWs, rented Mercedes, a sweet Chevy, daddy’s Aston Martin… You chuckled at every single attempt. Not that you had any better, or even the means to get anything close to those.
In all humility, you didn’t mock their efforts either. It was only hard not to laugh at the thought of how easily you could turn all that blood and sweat into tears.
All you had to do was reach for her hand.
Though that ease worked your mind down, weakening it until you couldn’t hide anything in there anymore.
“Why do you make it so easy?” You asked her one night.
You’d helped her leave the mess she’d made of someone hours ago. Habit had her following you into your apartment, borrowing your bathroom before joining her roommate back in the dorms.
Her makeup was halfway off, revealing nothing but an even prettier sight. Her eyes seemed to be softer on you than they were moments ago. “What do you mean?”
“Why do you make it easy for me to steal you away?” You repeated, looking away from her to grab a cushion to hold against your chest.
Your studio apartment was a very small space, one allowing you to reach the bathroom in two steps from the couch you also used as a bed.
Sana loved to leave the door open, inviting you into her late night routine. Whatever had to do with her skin, you somehow knew about it. From the products she used, down to the weak spots; their complicated names and the sounds that rolled off her tongue whenever you let curiosity get the best of you.
“I could ask you the same thing.” She smiled at her own reflection. “But I doubt the answer will please you.”
“Since when do you care to please me?” You scoffed, kicking a stuffed animal at your feet.
Sana’s hands stuttered on her skin before letting silence claim the room. It certainly was better than anything she could answer to that. Better than the truth you definitely didn’t need to hear aloud.
So she left you in it, gathering her stuff and placing them neatly inside of a pouch she probably cared about more than you before walking out. The sound of your front door closing behind her only made it all painfully obvious.
You blinked your tears away, and held back on your sobs. Pride was too much of a strong word to make it a motive. You probably never had any, or it stopped existing when you started to play a part in her performance.
Shame was just as bad of a choice. Nothing shameful about succumbing to desire. Maybe a little in blurring the lines between the scene and reality.
It took a while to break the silence she left behind. About the same amount of time it took for your tears to reach your lips.
You winced at the feeling, the taste… It was all too familiar, you ended up choking at the memory.
The kisses you shared were always stained by her own tears. Not from sadness, nor happiness. Anger. Emotions you were both supposed to leave out of the equation.
You sniffled, still holding the sobs within your chest. The pressure built up enough to force a chuckle, a laugh out of fear of letting her win.
That’s what it could be, the word. Ironically funny.
You barely even knew what you didn’t want to lose anymore, if at all.
It was neither a matter of pride or shame—nothing.
Nothing mattered.
In the world, in your eyes, in her mind.
Nothing except her.
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ask-postcrash-curly · 6 days ago
(You feel the dragon shift, as a mental image appears in your head)
My apologies, here, I forgot you can't see us
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That's better
You do not have to cry if you don't want to curly, we only want you to understand that you can, you will not bother anybody, you will not get hurt
To answer your question, holding your emotions, or stress in general can lead to many, many painful things, higher chance of inflamation for instance, I don't think you will DIE quicker if you end up not crying, but it may result in more undeserved pain
Also, and i wish I could get it through your thick skull, you ARE a hero, I may not know exactly how the ship works, but I'm quite sure that a head on collision would have been much worse, if you didn't, you and Jimmy would have surely died, since he was just outside the cockpit, and with damage that extensive in the cockpit, I don't think the foam would have done much, causing the ship to decompress
You are welcome to correct me if I got anything wrong as to what I just said, but you aren't allowed to correct me that you prevented worse damage, while sacrificing yourself, that is bravery
Also, dude, my guy, you think she would feel obligated to help you, when, in your words, didn't do anything to protect her after Jimmy SA'd her? Specially when your resources are this low, if she holds any amount of resentment on what you did/didn't do, she would have left you, that is it.
One last thing before I leave for another who knows how many hours, our voice take, um , several hours to reach you, hence why almost everybody keep repeating the same thing over and over again
You have two dragons, me and another one, several animals, and many MANY souls talking to you right now, we WILL raise hell if you die [With love, mod] so, don't you dare
Wow. You, uh, have an intense stare. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I’ve heard I’m the same, hah.
Okay well I don’t know about not bothering anybody. We’re all sort of sitting in quiet right now. …Well, the rest of them are sitting. I’m lying down. Anya brought a Snakes and Ladders game in. I didn’t know we even had that. Really can’t escape those ladders, can I? They even set up a marker for me. Daisuke’s moving my piece. No one’s making noise though. Just quietly playing the game. It’s peaceful. Been a while since things were that peaceful. I don’t want to disrupt it. I’m fine, anyways.
I’ve got bigger problems than that.
Did I…? I don’t… I remember getting my hands on the controls, but I’m not sure it was in time to make a difference. Not sure if I even moved them before impact. …And are you really calling me a hero for keeping Jimmy alive? Really?
…She’s not… That doesn’t mean anything. She’s much too caring a person to let resentments get in the way of helping people.
Yeah no I know.
Got very little say in that. But thank you all for caring.
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thatone-brightstar · 2 years ago
Some The Bear & The Fox behind the scenes!
(cause I had to make some executive decision but many of these deserve to see the light of day)
Amy’s notes: This is mostly pure fluff but MDNI just in case lol. Also let me know if you want to see more cuz i got a shit ton of these :)
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*This is the alternative ending to chapter 3 if Fox would have said yes from the start, but i love to make us all suffer so i took it out:
You could have been there for an eternity, both afraid to break the bubble you had so cautiously created around you, but knowing you had to. You had been gone far longer than to be justified by getting drinks and your phone hadn’t vibrated because it had been left inside your purse… along with the money you would need if you were going to get drinks.
“You’re gonna have to pay for drinks.” You whisper to Carmy, your lips brushing over his with every word.
“I’ll pay everyone’s tab, I don’t fuckin’ care right now.” He whispered back, catching your lips into another sweet long kiss.
“No, seriously. We gotta go.” You managed to say in between kisses and laughs. He planted his lips by your ear and inhaled your perfume, and you had to stop a gasp threatening to escape. “The faster we go,” You turned to whisper near his ear. ”The sooner you can get me out these clothes.”
His body tensed around you before a ‘fuck’ shaped breath left his lips, and when he raised his head, you could see his pupils had only left a thin ring of blue around them. You pretended not to notice how your words had affected both of you as you pecked him quickly on the nose then swiped your thumb over it to erase the trace of your lipstick.
“C’mon.” You smiled, then intertwined your fingers with his and reopened the door to go back inside as two completely different people than the ones who had walked out.
Chapter 5 instead of Carmy’s panic attack:
You had been the one to finally decide to go visit the beef family after days of absence and Carmy gladly agreed to pick you up around noon when he was running some errands, ‘Anything to get them off my back’ he had said, but he was secretly happy to see you again. Besides, he had already tried to explain on the first day that due to… personal priorities, you had decided to take some time from the restaurant.
Marcus had thrown a piece of sourdough he was kneading at Richie’s head, asking if he had scared you away.
“You know what, that’s a great question Marcus,” Carmy played along, crossing his arms and turning to his cousin. “Richie, did you? Scare her away?”
“Fuck you, I didn’t do shit to her.” He defended, taking the dough from his head and throwing it back at Marcus. “Plus, fuckin’ Carmy had already called dibs so it wouldn’t be fair”
“Richie, you asshole, you can’t call dibs on a person-” Syd yelled at him from across the counter, at the same time Carmy had called “No I fuckin’ didn’t, what am I, twelve?!”
They had begun arguing it the middle of the kitchen about what Richie had or hadn’t done to scare you off, then Tina broke it off when she asked loudly if anyone had taken the Paprika off her spice rack because it wasn’t there; only to be found under the table by the remnants of other spices scattered underneath. Carmy excused himself into his office as his ears flared up, similar to the way your cheeks did when he told you the story over the phone that same night.
Also chapter 5 but at the beginning:
He celebrated the big achievement by stopping for dinner and driving to your house after closing on Thursday. You had snuck him in while your grandfather was asleep in the living room, under the glow of the TV and through soft pulls and giggle-filled kisses, he was shoved into your room. It was strange, how the boyish actions felt foreign to his strained soul, but didn’t stop the whispered laugh of excitement.
He had never been inside a girl’s room before, not counting his sister’s, and it was exactly how he assumed it would be. Cream colored walls were barely visible under the many framed artworks, pictures and various sized mirrors. Potted plants invaded a small corner near one of the windows while your bed took up most of the other. A pile of clothes laid discarded by your closet door and a nice lamp on your nightstand bathed the space in a soft blue glow. It felt intimate and beautifully lived in, like he was seeing a small part of your soul.
You had dinner on the fire escape by the window, enjoying the gentle breeze and the hum of music playing from inside your bedroom. He was worried things would be weird, not really knowing where you stood or what this even was. Then you joked about how Richie wanted to bribe you to go back because ‘fuckin’ Carmy can’t stop mopin’ around’ and that was confirmation enough that you two were fine.
‘Wait ‘till they find out you’re the one who fired me.’ You had said between sips of your drink and when he answered ‘Let’s just hope they don’t find out we fucked on Tina’s station’, your eyes doubled in size and a dark tint appeared on your face still visible in the low lighting.
He left around two in the morning, when the conversation had died down into a comfortable silence and your head rested in the valley of his neck, with one of his arms wrapped around you to protect you from the cold. As much as he enjoyed the soft sound of your breathing and the heat radiating from your joined bodies, he knew he shouldn’t stay. It would be too soon and the last thing he wanted was to scare you away for real this time. So before you fell asleep completely, he kissed the crown of your head and removed his arm from around you, softly whispering his parting.
You guided him quietly to the entrance of the apartment, still lazily rubbing your eyes, and thanked him for dinner and for the visit.
‘Maybe next time I can-uh cook you somethin’... instead of buyin’ it’ He whispered in the silent hallway as he scratched his head nervously, laced into his words was a tender promise that made the skin on your face heat up.
You nodded enthusiastically and raised on your sock covered feet to leave a sugary kiss upon his lips, sticky sweet honey trickled down his throat and kept him warm as he arrived home and settled on his couch to rest his eyes.
Thanks for reading, key byeee 🩷
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southelroydrive · 2 years ago
there's more room in a broken heart.
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pairing: robin buckley x f!reader summary: it's hard to let go of your first love. word count: 3.1k title: coming around again by maya hawke warnings: angst, angst, angst
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it’s strange, really, how much of an impact a single person can have on your life, long after they have been missing from it. if anything, their ghost pains you more than they ever did. the bittersweet memories that linger behind, the thoughts of what if or what could have been if the circumstances were different. it all haunts you in their absence, meaning they never truly leave.
the ghost of robin buckley torments your very existence. she lurked over your shoulder, the image of her staining the back of your eyelids when you slept. she followed you wherever you went, keeping you trapped within her embrace since the day she left.
she was in every new person you met, but there was never enough. blue eyes that were never quite the same shade, voices that were too high-pitched or lacked the soft husk you craved to hear just one more time. hands that left your body cold underneath their touch, rather than the hot sparks of electricity that would ignite your skin. in every new person who entered your life, you searched for that familiarity. you searched for her. but they were never her.
that day, that one fateful day. a mere 24 hours that altered the course of your life for eternity. the day she shut you out, taking a piece of your heart with her. when she uttered those words, shutting the door to the home you had built in your face, everything crumbled.
you couldn’t even be certain what exactly led to the downfall of your love. it had been brewing for some time, fuel being shovelled into the flame until it finally erupted. you knew that just love alone could only get you so far, and maybe it was always meant to be this way. maybe there was never any hope to begin with. you were two fucked-up kids, who had the safety of the world thrust upon your shoulders at an age where your biggest concern should of been who you were going to go to prom with. maybe your love was well and truly doomed.
and as the rain pours down on your head, seeping into your clothes and making your bones shudder, you feel like a spirit wandering the earth in search for the missing piece of your soul. the piece that was put in the hands of your first love and never left.
dim street lights illuminate your path as you walk through the misty haze of the rainy night. the wind howls around you, you feel it brushing your cheeks and nipping at the rosy skin. you can almost hear it begging for you to come to your senses, to stop your feet in their tracks and turn around. to push away all thoughts of her and leave the past where it is meant to be. but you do not heed this warning, your impulses are too strong to control.
you reminisce on times when you walked down this same path. the immense joy and peace you found, being able to walk down these streets hand in hand. free from the scrutiny of an entire town, reduced to a select few, in a city where people like you were everywhere. they were there, they were vocal and they were themselves. or days where you’d stumble home after a long day, the sun setting on the horizon and feet dragging across the pavement, only to be reunited in her arms. a sense of comfort that was left unmatched. 
you remember other days, just like this one. rain pouring down from the heavens, soaking your clothes and leaving you shivering. a sorrow-filled heart and a box of milk duds, with a sincere apology on the tip of your tongue as you stood on the porch of her home. your home. and the moments following where she would embrace you once more, problems left on that same porch that you stand on now.
the sight of the door seems almost daunting as you look at it now, an eggshell blue that had become more faded since you last saw it two years ago. your stomach churns at the feeling of bile building up in your throat as you raise a shaky fist to knock on the door. your mind races with thoughts, yet they all are reduced to a quiet hum as you wait for an answer. for anything.
and you wait. one minute. two minutes.
every second feels like a lifetime, you think. waiting on that doorstep, the ache in your heart growing stronger and stronger with each passing moment. your hope diminishing with every beat of silence that goes by.
you desperately hang onto it, clinging to whatever is left as you beg for a sign. the flickering of a light in the windows, the creak of the stairs under a person’s weight. but you receive nothing. your throat tightens and you swear you can feel the physical shattering of your heart as another minute passes. and your last bit of hope that goes with it.
with the remnants of your heart clutched tightly to your chest, you turn your back to the door. leaving memories of naïve love and bittersweet affections. you feel the burn in the back of your eyes that you know too well, stray tears dripping down your face and joining the rain. you rub at your eyes with a frustrated huff, chastising yourself for letting her have such a tight grasp on your emotions still. every step down the porch feels like a beast mutilating your heart, ripping the remains to shreds. 
and yet with a single word, your affection comes flooding back. painting your world in the rose-coloured haze that only robin buckley could do.
your head turns, your stomach erupting with a familiar buzz when you see her. she’s leaning against the doorframe, lanky frame draped in an oversized shirt she stole from her dad before moving out, and a pair of shorts displaying freckled knees. her hair is pushed behind her ears, bangs askew and pieces ruffled, likely from sleep. it’s shorter than you recall, maybe by an inch or so. it looks nice. 
and then you meet her gaze. the same ocean blue that you had been desperately searching for, the same ocean blue you had spent your teenage years wanting to drown yourself in and standing here now you still think it would be the greatest honour. her eyelids droop with exhaustion, yet the glimmer in her eyes is unmistakable. and within seconds, they widen in recognition. 
your lips curl into a weak smile at the sound of your name leaving her lips. it's dripping with fatigue and resembles late nights when you’d come home to her cuddled up in bed, disturbing her sleep with your entrance. the deja vu makes a sudden rush of anxiety swirl in your stomach.
“hi, robs.”
“what’re you doing here?” her eyes narrow, brows lacing together in confusion. you imagine that you must truly be a sight to behold, a past lover turning up on her doorstep uninvited after so long.
“i-” the words die in your throat, parted lips shutting with a deep inhale of breath. your gaze reverts from her own, and your head bows to look at your feet. how do you explain the inner turmoil that burdens your mind at every moment, the lack of stability, of belonging in your life that has led you to the place you once called home? to the person you once called home? you thought moving back to hawkins would fix this, but after months of misery you knew that there was only one place where you would truly ever belong.
from the corner of your eye, you see her shuffle on her feet. she takes a step back inside her home and you wince, anticipating the door to slam in your face. the same way it did two years ago. the end to any future you had hoped for on the journey here. 
“you’re gonna make yourself sick.”
“what?” your head snaps up, eyes widening in surprise to see her still standing there in the doorframe. no anger visible on her face, no indication of shutting the door, of shutting you out. 
instead, she rolls her eyes. she takes another step backwards, opening the door wider. “you’re gonna get sick if you stay out here, so…” she trails off, smiling weakly. you try to decipher what it means, but her eyes are distant. 
“a-are you sure?” you look her in the eyes, brows furrowed as the shock of her invitation settles onto your expression. she offers you a curt nod, turning her back to you to walk inside. you swallow a lump in your throat, head hanging low as you follow behind her. 
“you can sit down in the living room. i’ll go get you a towel.” 
you nod, lips parting to voice your gratitude but she walks away before the words can ever form.
you sigh, feeling the full weight of your choices finally settle in your chest. why do you do this to yourself? you question, gaze lingering across the halls as you follow the familiar path to the living room. the frayed red carpet your grandparents gifted you still covering the wooden floor, muffling the thud of your steps as you drift down the hall. the mahogany accent table still stands where it used to, with the same photo frames decorating the surface. your hand grazes the top, feeling the smooth wood underneath your fingertips until you stop at a certain picture. that ache in your chest growing tenfold. it was a picture of you both, taken right after graduation. you both spent your night celebrating at lover’s lake, gowns and caps left on the grass and drunk off your asses on your parent’s cheap liquor. without a single care in the world. the camera’s in your hand, robin’s hand grasping your jaw as she captures you in a kiss that’s more teeth than anything from how large your grins are. that same day, lying in the grass and staring up at the stars, you promised yourselves to each other, to spend the rest of your lives as one. if only you knew then how that would end.
you quickly wipe away the stray tear from your cheek, hands dragging over your face with a soft groan as you forcibly rip your gaze away from the photo. you tell yourself to get it together, taking another deep breath before making your way into the living room.
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you feel almost suffocated by nostalgia as you move to sit on the couch. it's almost too easy to sink into the cushions of the seat you always used to occupy, like the impression of your existence was never forgotten by even the furniture. at this moment, you question if your ghost haunted this home as much as she haunted you. 
“i hope you still take your tea the same.”
her voice breaks you from your thoughts, head lifting to watch as she enters the room. a towel draped over her shoulder and two cups of tea in her hand, in china cups that she found at the flea market one spring. she walks over to you, the nostalgic air becoming more and more suffocating as the gap between you shrinks.
“you remembered?” your eyes stay trained on hers, a frown tugging at your lips as she seems to refuse to look in your direction. she nods, a tight-lipped smile laced with insincerity gracing her face as she sets the cups down on the table. she hands you the towel, seemingly ignoring your muttered thanks whilst you try to calm your pounding heart with the drying of your hair, the brush of her fingers against yours making your body ignite with the remembrance of her touch.
silence stretches between you two as she takes a seat on the other end of the couch, filled with the tension of unspoken words and broken promises. you feel a tug at your heart from the distance she sets between you, a physical manifestation of how much you have grown apart. how the person who sits across from you is no longer the same person you knew all those years ago, but now a complete stranger. you think of all the memories you shared in this house, the years spent making it into your home. your eyes drift to the red mark that stained the cushion beside your leg, the aftermath of a night of drunken kisses and spilled wine. you think of the photo in the hallway, still displayed proudly in the entrance of her home. how the others surrounding it seemed to be collecting dust, yet it still remained pristine. like she had been reluctant to give up on what you shared too. 
“you staying in chicago long?” she nurses her cup in her hands, eyes trained on the wisps of steam that protrude from the top. never meeting your eyes, almost as if she’s scared of letting you truly see her again.
you shake your head, words failing you until she lifts her gaze. when her eyes meet yours, she still feels distant. “no…” you say finally. “well i- uh i live here now.”
you see her eyes widen for a moment at your admission, a flash of something unknown passing through her eyes for just a second before she's sitting forward to put down her cup. “oh…when’d you move back?”
“couple weeks ago, found a cheap apartment to rent out.”
she hums in acknowledgement, bringing the cup to her lips as her gaze drops to her lap. silence overtakes the both of you once again and you find yourself admiring every inch of your surroundings. and for the first time in two years, you feel like you’re home. 
“why are you here, y/n?” 
you flinch at the tone of her voice, eyes snapping to look at her. she never raises her gaze, you’re stuck staring at the side of her face and unable to decipher her real emotions. she sounds cold and unforgiving, you can faintly make out the creases forming on her forehead from the side. you feel the tears well up in your eyes, the strain in your chest becoming too much to bear.
“i missed you,” you whisper, voice cracking with the overwhelming hurt and suffering you had endured over the past two years. your hands grip the fabric of your shirt to stop them from trembling, inhaling shakily to try and grasp your emotions as they threaten to overflow.
“don’t say that. you can’t-” she scoffs, standing up from the couch abruptly. she paces around the room, rubbing her forehead to soothe the ache of her racing thoughts. you hear her breathing become more laboured as each second passes, her hands quivering as she points an accusatory finger towards you, looking at you for the first time since your confession. “that’s not fair.”
“robin-” your voice comes out in a pathetic whimper as you stand up as well, eyes wide and apologetic. tears drip down your cheeks, a sharp sob threatening to escape your lips. 
“don’t.” she puts her hand out, stopping you from stepping any closer to her. her head shakes vigorously, and you can hear her small sniffles as she tries to fight back the tears that ultimately betray her, cascading down her face in steady streams. 
“please just let me talk!” you sob, and she falters. her hand drops, and you hesitantly take a step forward. shaky hands reach up to cup her face, thumbs wiping away the tears that fall from her eyes. hers wrap around your wrists and, by the way she’s looking at you, eyes wide and uncertain, you can tell she’s debating pushing you away or pulling you closer. 
when she says nothing, you step even closer. your forehead presses against her own, closing your eyes as you let her presence consume your senses. you feel her hair tickle your cheeks, the smell of jasmine tea and her spearmint toothpaste surrounding you in everything that is robin. your robin. 
“i need you, robs a-and i-” a choked sob leaves your lips, struggling to speak from the intensity of emotion that swarms your entire being. “i can’t keep doing this without you. please, i love you… so fucking much.” 
she doesn't respond. your eyes snap open when you feel her hands leave your wrists, before she grabs your own face and pulls you in for a kiss. it’s messy and uncoordinated, lips and teeth mashing together in a desperate show of affection. your hands snake back into her hair, pulling her even closer, years of love and hurt pouring into one kiss. her grip is almost bruising as her fingers press into your cheeks, almost as if she doesn’t believe that it’s real. that as soon as she lets go you’ll disappear and she’ll wake up in her bed. alone. 
when she reluctantly pulls away, you’re both gasping for breath. her thumbs drag across your cheeks, and you feel yourself crumbling with every swipe. her gaze is filled with unmistakable adoration, yet the smile on her lips is void of true undisturbed joy. “i love you.”
“please…” you whisper, and you briefly question how pathetic you must truly look as you plead with her, begging for her forgiveness. your hands run through her hair almost desperately, savouring the feeling of being with her like this. “give me another chance, please.”
“you know i can’t do that,” her words drip with guilt and regret and she looks at you with pity. such pity you couldn’t stand at any other point but now, where your dignity has dissolved into nothing but hopeless pleading.
“we can try it, please i-i need you..”
"you know we’ll only hurt each other more.” she tilts her head to press a final, tender kiss to your forehead. it lingers, neither of you really wanting it to end before she takes a step back. her hands fall away from your face to wipe away her own tears. she clears her throat, taking a deep breath to pull herself together before meeting your eyes once more. one last look, the kind that says a million words yet not enough, as she utters her next words. the same way she told you to leave that fateful day two years ago.
“go home.”
the love you shared was poison and you, an addict. her final words a mockery of your existence, as without her you had no home to return to. a lost soul, cursed to walk the earth for the rest of eternity - unable to find the missing piece.
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sonicasura · 2 years ago
My emotional sadism against traumatized protagonists has begun to flair up again. I'm torturing Jim cause his break is up and Lego Monkie Kid's MK already got his ass thrown in the ringer by everyone.
Troll Jim but his form's base is Draal.
This can go two ways but both are fucked up and will make ya hate Merlin more.
Body of the Deadly
You read that right. Draal's body gets desecrated for the hybrid potion. The chasm he fell into is practically a mystery in layout that people have various headcanons about it. Some went with Draal's body had landed in a underground water source and sunk to the bottom intact.
We know Creeper's Sun poison can now be undone but I'm also going with a personal headcanon that there's a time limit to how long a victim can hang on before their soul departs. It varies between individuals although willpower is a huge factor.
Merlin isn't the type who would go such lengths for one troll.*looks at Wizards* He merely breaks off a piece of Draal's horn and leaves. Now cue Jim coming back home transformed. You think everyone was mad in canon? They are absolutely livid here.
EVERYONE can recognize the troll traits on Jim that belongs to Kanijar's son but also the Trollhunter's protector. Someone who sacrificed himself for the boy and the status of his body unknown. Yet Merlin knew where to find the fallen Draal.
Instead of bringing him back, the wizard took a piece and LEFT the troll behind. Jim doesn't take the news well either. He practically goes berserk before breaking down. There was so many red flags and his loved ones try to reach him. Yet Jim didn't listen. Now he's wearing a twisted macabre of his protector, HIS BROTHER'S skin.
Once the battle is done, they retrieve the petrified Draal. Jim needs him more than ever and boy is he gonna be so pissed. Draal helps Jim mentally recover from change alongside getting used to his new form.
Kinda ironic how one's cruel manipulation would bring two brother figures closer and help them heal.
Soul of the Protector
You think I wasn't gonna touch on the fact Draal's spirit is with the past Trollhunters? This transition from human to half troll is gonna be much more angsty. Why? There are two reasons for it.
Merlin beckoned Draal's spirit to help the Trollhunter one last time. Considering the wizard made the amulet and entrust it to his people, Kanijar's son went along with it. Two? Draal's soul has become entangled to Jim's own.
Two spirits now inhabit the same body and it is CHAOTIC. Memories from their own lives will sometimes thrust itself on the other. Draal gets to watch Jim's father while Jim witnesses Kanijar becoming distant to his son. They unconsciously tend to switch control of their shared body.
One second Jim is conversing with Claire and the next Draal is immediately scooting away from her. Both are uncomfortable as it feels like they no longer have control or an actual life of their own. Are they Jim? Or are they Draal? Or neither person at all?
In short, the half troll doesn't exactly know who he is anymore. A fusion gone completely wrong as neither been aware about what they actually signed up for. Everyone has to help the two find some semblance of an identity.
I'm an emotional sadist and I don't half ass my character torture. Especially when it comes to found family.
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goth-automaton · 2 months ago
For the large ask game for your Yakuza OC Riran ✨
#8: Does your character have a physical trait that they're known for?
#18: Does your character have a favorite outfit?
#15: Would your character prefer something bought or made personally?
food & drink:
#10: What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
weather & nature:
#11: What part of nature would your character most resonate with?
#19: What animal would your character say best represents them?
community & relationships:
#7: Who is your character most honest with?
#15: Is there a person your character would turn to for backup in a fight?
mind, body, & soul:
#13: How does your character relax?
#20: Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
hobbies & activities:
#2: Does your character have a secret hobby?
#13: Has your character ever made something for themselves or someone else?
Hi! 💜
You really like her, don't you? ^^ No wonder, I love her too. 💜
#8: Does your character have a physical trait that they're known for?
Actually, two! Her double colour hair and massive bust.
#18: Does your character have a favorite outfit?
As a whole, I don't think so – she always wears goth fashion and adores all her clothes (she puts a lot of effort into her appearance!). She does have favourite pieces of clothing and accessories, though: corsets and the silver chain she connects to her left snakebite and silver ring hung through the tunnel in her left ear.
#15: Would your character prefer something bought or made personally?
As a gift, I assume? Actually, it's both! It's about, who's the gifter and what the intention is, that's important to her. ^^
#10: What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
She doesn't have any – her parents were emotionally neglectful, since she hit 6 or 7 years old, so she never actually developed any meaningful connection to anything from her childhood.
#11: What part of nature would your character most resonate with?
That's a good question... From the creator's perspective: fire. Fire can be beneficial, give warmth and safety – just, like Riran's clairvoyance can be used to help and protect people – but also is destructive, both to the surroundings and itself – after the fire burns everything, it dwindles, and both Riran's volatile nature and the brutality of her gift are pretty harmful, mainly to her.
But from character's perspective... Probably snowflakes. The same way there are no identical snowflakes, nothing can happen twice the same way. She once explained that to Tatsuya, when they were walking through Kamurocho one snowy evening: even if the next day at the same time they walked the same street, with the same speed, wearing the same clothes, talking about exactly the same thing and passing the same people, it still would be different, as their hearts would beat in different rhythm, their breaths would have different depth and snowflakes, that fall on them, would be different.
#19: What animal would your character say best represents them?
A chihuahua! They're hot-blooded, loud and seem more bark, than bite, but when they bite... Hoooo boiiiii, it hurts. (Trust me, happened to me once).
#7: Who is your character most honest with?
Majima and, later, Tatsuya. They're the only people Riran fully trusts – actually, maybe Majima even more, as they have always been close and Riran tends to put her family above everything. However, that doesn't mean, she doesn't keep any secrets – she would never, ever tell anyone about her visions of her own death. Even them. Especially them.
#15: Is there a person your character would turn to for backup in a fight?
Again, Majima and Tatsuya. XD Although Majima stops being her backup after his health deteriorates. However, Tatsuya enters her life shortly after that and fills that role. They're true battle couple. ^^
#13: How does your character relax?
By singing karaoke and spending time fixing old gaming consoles. ^^ Or just lounging around with either Majima or Tatsuya.
#20: Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
Hmmm, I don't think so? The only true fear she has is fear of losing someone she loves and this isn't something she is capable of ever overcoming... Plus is it possible to overcome at all? Probably not. And as for other fears... Her sole existence as a clairvoyant forced her to get rid of all fears she might have.
#2: Does your character have a secret hobby?
Secret, no. She's pretty open about everything she likes.
#13: Has your character ever made something for themselves or someone else?
Hmmm, does gaming consoles count? After all, sometimes fixing them involves disassembling them completely and use the parts to build a new one almost from scratch...
Thank you! 💜 Answering these was so much fun!!! 💜💜💜 And can't wait to hear your thoughts on this all. ^^
Super Long Character Ask Game.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 1 year ago
I am DYING to talk about Alastor. He’s absolutely my favorite, I love sassy little shits, especially when they’re otherwise the picture of manners.
I do think he made a deal with Lilith. They were gone for the same amount of time, he clearly isn’t at full power (wings clipped! Mouth sewn!!) and he at first didn’t seem to like Charlie at all. Sure, she’s powerful, but nobody knew that, especially not her. She annoyed him, but grew on him for sure and how he wants to protect her but can’t since he’s not able to summon his full power yet. Charlie may be able to get him out of his deal, or maybe he thinks she can use her relationship with her mom to convince her to let him go. Hence the favor!
My theory is Lilith asked him to watch over the hotel and possibly to kill Lucifer. She had to get into heaven somehow, and what better way than to betray the man she left Adam for? She sewed his mouth shut so that he couldn’t tell anyone and sent him to help build her daughter’s dream. Possibly also to sabotage it? Although we don’t see him doing this beyond the first episode. Husk clearly knows something, because when he comes back Al specifically turns to Husk in warning before turning to Charlie’s hug.
ANYWAY would love to hear your thoughts!!
I LOVE ALASTOR genuinely its really fun to see an ace character who isn't a robot, or emotionless, or comically innocent. super fun time for me specifically. also quick sidebar, how they went about showing his depth by him literally loosing it was so satisfying and works so well for his character. hazbin baby im so sorry i doubted your writing so onto the theories! i do 100% think lilith and alastor are connected, and i dont think it would be stretch to say she's the one who owns his soul. the reinforced detail of 7 years obviously is a big piece of evidence, along with his hate of lucifer, but her being in heaven reinforces it more for me honestly because of Zestial's line in episode 3 "Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to... holy arms?". imo its either lilith or a character we havent meant yet. (ive seen people throw eve's name around 🤔) now weather or not she wants him to protect charlie and/or the hotel is another matter. its gonna be pretty hard to predict what exactly the terms are and what she wants from him (if anything!) until we get more content. i dont think its really much of a stretch to come to that conclusion and im not not saying i believe it, but im not really sold on it. if it turns out canon i woudnt be surprised tho lol
him hanging around charlie could be her mom wants him to protect her, hence the annoyance he holds towards her at first, or it could be she has status! sure they dont know how strong she is but shes the princess of hell, and everyone respects that to some degree. her side is the winning side! (another side bar alastor actually truly believing in her makes me so so emotionally ill 😭 like he didnt doubt shed be able to rally people. and he lowkey encouraged her with his little shit talk pep talk. mi amor... babito....)
the stitches across his mouth, the way he dances around his 7 year absence, the way he completely switches up with husk when his deal is mentioned could all be unrelated but hazbin doesn't exactly do coincidences. the details are all very purposeful, ever since the pilot, so i do think he cant talk about it.
i also am inclined to believe that he didnt make the deal for his power and the deal is actively restricting it. for one, its more interesting imo. two, the line "once i figure out how to unclip my wings, then i'll be pulling all the strings" he clearly thinks he'll be stronger out of the deal, which sure, could be his arrogance. or the reason why hes so arrogant is because he used to be able to back up his talk 100%. i mean the kind of sheer confidence he has is absurd, he wasnt scared of adam, he wasnt scared of lucifer. he acts like someone who is just not used to being weaker than anyone. part of the reason hed be so desperate for freedom is because the deal is literally a threat on his life. he almost died for them!
tbh not sure if husk knows the specifics of the deal or not, because that scene in the finale could just be alastor being alastor. "haha bitch u thought" type beat. either way!! im pretty pumped for s2 and seeing alastors inevitable downward spiral. beat him up again. also maybe he makes some more friends pretty please
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rumyarabella · 6 months ago
The sound of heels echoed through the empty room as the woman paced back and forth. Her world was meticulously organized, as controlled as her cold, calculating mind demanded. The coat, the keys, the phone, the folders—everything in its place, exactly where it should be. Routine was her refuge, her only certainty in a chaotic world.
The television was on, but muted, a silent presence in the corner of the room. The news flashed across the screen, but Courtney, as usual, paid it no mind. She hated noise, hated interruptions, and the damn device was only there as a substitute for an alarm clock that had broken weeks ago and hadn’t been replaced. Nothing new disturbed her, nothing unexpected.
She glanced at her watch, her movements precise like a machine. Six o’clock sharp. Not a minute more, not a minute less. She left the house without noticing the headline announcing the disappearance of several hikers.
A few minutes later, Courtney was in her usual café, opening one of her folders and reading diligently. The scent of coffee hung in the air as she read. Outside, the rain tapped against the windows, but she had come prepared. Another benefit of her meticulous planning: she always brought an umbrella when the TV forecasted bad weather.
As she waited for her drink, she overheard two young people at the next table chatting at a noticeably loud volume.
"Have you seen the newspaper?" one of them asked, waving a sensationalist front page. "There’s a story about a group of hikers who disappeared in the mountains."
"Yeah, I saw it. It’s tragic. I don’t know how so many people can get lost on a single hike—the media’s been flooded with it for days."
Courtney thought it was just another piece of news that would pass by in her life. After all, who had time to follow every sad story in the press? If it didn’t involve a case, it wasn’t worth her attention.
"Then you don’t know yet! They just confirmed that on that hike were—MS. REYES?"
The young people jumped slightly in surprise, apparently too absorbed in their conversation. She simply gathered her things and went to pick up her drink.
Miles away, in a small neighborhood store, around 2 p.m. that same day, the sky remained gray and the air damp as Duncan, wearing his worn leather jacket, stepped inside. The overhead lights flickered with an irritating hum as he made his way to the refrigerator to grab a beer. The murmur of shoppers filled the air, blending with the strong smell of fish.
As Duncan picked out a brand of beer, he overheard fragments of a conversation between two older women standing in line at the checkout.
"Have you heard about the hike?" one asked, her tone filled with concern.
"Yeah, they say they’ve found bodies, but they’re not sure who they are."
Duncan barely paid attention. He had heard similar stories before—people lost in some remote corner, victims of fate or their own stupidity. There was no room in his life to worry about those poor souls. He didn’t know their names, nor did he intend to learn them.
Later that same day, as night fell, DJ was at the gym, sweat dripping from his brow as he pushed his limits during his workout. Over the gym’s loudspeakers, the radio broadcasted a news bulletin about the same tragedy.
"Recent reports indicate that the search for the missing hikers continues without success. Authorities have identified several of the missing, but are still working to confirm if any of them match the bodies found this morning," the announcer said, his voice grave and professional.
DJ paused his arm reps to reach into his pocket and quickly pull out his phone. He needed to change the song and get back to work. He briefly removed an earbud to let the coach know he’d be taking a bit longer in that section.
And this is the first part of chapter 1
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teosartcorner · 28 days ago
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Dougie Graham
...The Bridge Man 🌝
Full name: Doug “Dougie” Graham
Age: 65 (*the art piece depicts his younger version, back in the early '80s)
Birthday: 27 May 1959 (Sign: Gemini)
Height: 178 cm (5'10”)
Heritage: Scottish
Place of birth: Inverness, Scotland
Residing in: Inverness, Scotland
Job: tattoo artist & body piercer, occasional writer
Relationship status: [still in the process of figuring out a few things...]
Immediate Family:
▫️ (†) Matthew Anderson (father)
▫️ (†) Christina Anja Graham (former Anderson, mother)
▫️ [to be added... 👀]
A few things to get to know Dougie!
▫️ He was actually born Doug Anderson—his dad’s surname—but he later decided that his mum's maiden name (Graham) would be a far better fit. His dad can rot in hell, in his very humble opinion.
▫️ A kind soul with a bit of a troubled upbringing, someone whose life started off by giving him a tiny bit more than he could take, but who managed to find his way through it all, step by step—that’s Dougie for you. A smart lad with a big heart and an even bigger sense of sass, always longing for meaningful connections with people, but somewhat afraid to pursue them to their full potential, at least in his younger years. A good person, but prone to getting into occasional questionable stuff (he used to dabble in drug dealing on the side of his more… adequate activities, and was a user himself).
▫️ Like I said, Dougie had a somewhat rough upbringing. His dad was not a very pleasant man—not at all, in fact. The type who saw his wife and kid as faithful minions rather than actual human beings, and who didn’t shy away from being an abusive douchebag, that’s who Matthew Anderson generally was. He also ended up being one of those fathers who went to buy a pack of cigarettes one day, and never came back. Dougie was pretty young at the time, somewhere around 9-years-old, and truth be told… the boy felt nothing but relief when his dad left. His mum, Christina, felt the same way. She stayed a single mother after that, raising her son on her own. She started working again (had to give up on that when she got pregnant with Dougie, and her husband wasn’t a fan of her having a job, either), and life got a little better with time. Not without its fair share of difficulties, but they managed.
▫️ His grandmother from his mum’s side was Swedish. The opportunity to learn the language from this side of his family kind of avoided Dougie, however; he wasn’t exactly great at it, he only caught a few bits and pieces.
▫️ He once messed with the wrong crowd, and ended up with a “good” beating and with his face shoved into a pile of glass shards (from a broken bottle). That's how he got the scar in the corner of his mouth, as well as the tiny, less visible ones on his right cheek. Dougie was 17 when that incident happened.
▫️ He occasionally struggles with insomnia. Waking up multiple times throughout the night, waking up painfully early in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep, occasional restless and sleepless nights, that sort of thing. Usually, he would just lay in bed, trying to ease himself back into sleep, but there were some moments when he'd be like "nah, fuck this", and he'd just light up a cigarette, or he'd find something to do until exhaustion would eventually knock him out. His sleeping patterns improved over the years, and nowadays he's doing much better in this regard, but still. Those episodes were never fun for a somewhat anxious mind.
▫️ Dougie used to sell Malcolm weed on occasion, back in the days, and that’s actually how they met and befriended each other. 😂 Malcolm was never a heavy user, but he did try a thing or two every now and then, and Dougie happened to have his hands full of “a thing or two” at the time. Selling drugs is something Doug used to do every so often back then, as a way to earn some extra money.
▫️ Dougie has been a friend of the Macaulays ever since. The twins like him a lot! They also like to joke about how their dad is, essentially, still friends with his dealer. 🤣 Sure, that happened 40+ years ago and Dougie has stopped selling that stuff a long time ago, but who can stop Donnie and Blair We-Share-One-Dying-Braincell Macaulay from making a big deal out of it? 🤣
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stars-in-a-jam-jar · 1 year ago
Okay so Princess Nautilus is adorable and precious and has been a piece of my soul since middle school, but I was the one who submitted Princess Iron Fan, so I must take responsibility and make my case for the former celestial maiden now wife of the Demon Bull King.
Princess Iron Fan would be a phenomenal celebrity manager because appearances and persona are Her Entire MO, and this dress exemplifies that in a lot of ways. Take a look at her stood next to Nezha:
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There's a unified design philosophy going on here because as members of the celestial court, they Must appear unified. Not only that, the both of them look weightless, as if they are meant to live in the clouds. Iron Fan's draping sleeves and fluttering skirt and fancy sash all craft a magical image of soft pink heavenly princessiness.
But she also wears quite a lot of red.
Contrast this to how the two of them appear in the present:
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Nezha is exactly the same, eternally. We have never once seen him not wearing this outfit, in fact he literally wears it until it is torn to shreds multiple times over. After being married to the Demon Bull King, however, Princess Iron Fan has curated her entire image around her alleigance to her family (a tendency she 1000% passes down to her son). Pink is a soft, cloudlike color which tempered the reds in her original dress. None to be seen. No dreamy fluttering ruffles, just rich heavy fabrics that drape over her like velvet and a black collar with the symbol of her family emboridered in gold. Even her hair and signature fan are made to identify her as the Demon Bull King's wife, but this is about the dresses.
Princess Iron Fan's celestial maiden dress is chronologically the first dress she ever did wear, but we don't see her dressed this way anytime except in flashback. While a lot of other characters would attempt to keep some continuity with their styles of dress when their alleigances change because surely the way you dress is about expressing some fundamental piece of You and dressing any other way would be giving up the right to share and express traits which you can only share and express through clothing, Iron Fan says, 'No. I married a demon king and I will present myself accordingly.' The way Princess Iron Fan dresses is not some expression of her personality, but a living testament to her loyalty. She wears both dresses as a uniform to make a statement to the world. You could say then that her clothes do say a lot about her, but not at all in the same language that most people assume clothes say things about the person wearing them.
Nautilus loves her kingdom and her people with all her heart, but she does not think about her image as the princess of the Wave Kingdom when she dresses in Wave Kingdom clothes. She dresses the way she dresses because she likes to look cute and she goes to the beach often. She looks adorable and childish because she is an adorable child. Her dress has pearls and shell scallops and blue wave swirls because gosh dang it, it's cute and it's good clear character design!
Princess Iron Fan left this pink fluttering heavenly image of herself behind because she decided the Jade Emperor didn’t deserve her alleigance as much as the Demon Bull King, who left an entire demon brotherhood just to pursue her because he fell in love with with her at first fight.
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The dress is truly beautiful and is in unified design philosophy with the rest of heaven, which is exactly why she eschews it for something more intimidating and unapproachable. Frankly, the existence of this dress at all Says So Many Things and that's why I LOVE IT So Much!!!!!
So anyway, that is my case for Princess Iron Fan's pretty heavenly celestial maiden dress, in other news: I Cannot Believe Princess Iron Fan Is Losing To A Littol Baby Bunny Girl.
Round One: D
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noteguk · 4 years ago
bad behavior | jjk | m
This is in the same universe as “bad influence.” It can, however, be read as a stand-alone. 
— summary; in which staying late to volunteer at a self-help meeting was the best decision you made in a while. 
— contents and warnings; smut, the endless adventures of badboy!jk x goodgirl!reader, public sex (in a church…), dirty talk, fingering, degradation (name calling) but also praise, unprotected sex, clothed sex, creampie, cum play, there is a window and also reflections, rough sex, cockwarming, jk being a lil shit because that’s his main personality trait, jk smokes (only mentioned), enemies to fuckbuddies: dawn of the first day 
— words; 8.2k
— author’s note; for the anon that asked how their first time was like ;) join me as we explore the lore of this godforsaken couple 
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It was your mother’s idea for you to find a new place to volunteer. According to her, it had been a long time since you experienced “the invigorating energy of community work” — last time was when you were trying to level up your college application — and it could really “soothe your anxious soul” during the trying times of college finals. Apparently one tutoring program and two research projects weren’t enough to distract you, but you could see where she was coming from. 
In the end, you accepted. The old places you used to volunteer in had either shut off their programs or were just too far away from college for you to consider. At first, you decided to follow your mother’s suggestion and tried to work with children — “small miracles”, as she called them — in a local daycare. Which ended up being a terrible idea. 
You liked giving back to the community, you really did, but it wasn’t long until you realized that working with infants hasn’t been your wisest decision, and that children weren’t miracles at all. You got tired of going home covered in paint and with pieces of playdough entangled in your hair, and that was when you weren’t unlucky enough to get hit with other, less clean fluids. 
So you eventually gave up — both on the daycare and on the faint idea of one day going into pediatrics — and searched for a new place. After having to yell your way through retirement homes, and getting fed up with washing people’s sidewalks, you finally settled in a program that was flexible and light enough for your intense college hours: preparing (and then later cleaning up) a room that was reserved in a local church for weekly meetings. 
The entire ordeal took about two to three hours off your day, and more than half of it was spent as free time: waiting for the meeting to end, cramming piles of information in a small room next door. You didn’t really know what the meetings were about since they changed practically every month — they were, at first, a support group for teenage mothers, then it became an AA meeting, then a group for drug users trying to quit. Lately, you were starting to think that the church just gave away the room for whoever had the money to rent it, so it wasn’t a surprise when it was reserved for a motivational speaker to give confidence lessons. 
You had researched the guy, some old dude with an unpronounceable name and a sketchy background, and found exactly the type of person you had expected. Yes, you were in the house of Christ, but you were still being heavily judgmental of the fact that he was giving those talks when he had no qualifications whatsoever, and was probably making bank off all the self-help books he regurgitated at least twice a year to prey on vulnerable people. You did share your worries with the administrative office of the church, but they ultimately fell on deaf ears, and you gave up on the idea of kicking his ass out of the holy grounds anytime soon. 
It was after one of those pseudo-motivational talks that you walked into the empty room, ready to clean everything up before rushing back to your place, where your roommate had promised to greet you with some wonderful takeout. The chairs were still placed in a circle on the center of the room, where they had been since forever, and you made sure to align them perfectly before you moved on to the litter that had been thrown around the place. 
One good thing about those self-help meetings was that they were a lot cleaner than a lot of other attendees, so the “picking up the trash until your back started to hurt” part passed by surprisingly fast. You had just moved on to the snack table, analyzing what you could still save, when your soul almost left your body. 
“Hey, you,” you heard a known voice behind you. “What are you doing in here?”
You swiftly turned around, heart thumping violently against your ribcage. You didn’t know how you hadn’t let out the biggest, most blood-curdling scream ever, but that was just the first of many miracles of the night. “Jesus Christ,” you wheezed out, taking one hand to your chest. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like this.” You swallowed dry, some part of your brain recalling that he had asked you a question. “And I’m volunteering here.” 
“I didn’t sneak up on you, you’re just jumpy.” Jungkook scoffed, leaning against the doorframe with that stupid playful smirk curling up on his lips. You didn’t know they allowed demons inside the church. “And of course you are.” He rolled his eyes. 
Maybe a few months back, his mocking tone would’ve stung a bit more. However, you had been tutoring Jungkook for about three months then, suffering through endless sessions of his whining and complaining, and you’ve grown used to his passive-aggressive antics already. You learned that Jungkook was a shark seeking for blood, waiting for any crack that would allow him to jump into a perverse little joke — about how you behaved, your priorities, or even the color of your highlighter. You, of course, always stood your ground and threw his comments right back at him — which was his initial plan, as you’ve come to realize. Jungkook enjoyed playfully arguing with you, and you thought that it was another level of strangeness and masochism you simply didn’t have time to dissect. 
Still, Jungkook (shockingly) wasn’t the terrible person you once thought he was. Every once in a while — when he was trying to talk you out of teaching him — the conversations you two would have were actually mostly pleasant, and he wasn’t awful to hang around when he dropped the whole badass persona to act like a real human being. You would even dare to say that Jungkook could be actually funny at times, and not in the bitter, sarcastic way he usually was. Sometimes, you dared to think, he could actually be reasonably nice. And also kind of cute. Even hot. 
But you would never actually admit any of that out loud. Or even to yourself, really. 
“And you?” You asked, turning back around to face the table full of half-eaten food. That looked like a battlefield, and you could already tell that there were only a few survivors left standing. “What are you doing here? Repenting?” 
Jungkook chuckled dryly. “You wish. My parents want me to quit smoking,” he said. You could not see him, but you could hear him walking closer to you as you fumbled with the large Tupperware. “We settled on this crap instead of a forced intervention.” 
You scoffed. Most of the food before you was unsalvageable — some of the cupcakes had been bitten once and then placed back, and you wondered how someone like that could function in society. “You don’t seem very motivated to quit,” you mumbled. 
Jungkook clicked his tongue. “I don’t really care.” 
His voice was much closer to you, and you felt the air leaving your lungs for a pitiful instant. You convinced yourself you had only gotten scared again. “You should care about the growing possibility of lung cancer.” 
He shrugged. “Maybe. But it’s not really on the top of my list of priorities at the moment.” 
“And what is?” You asked. 
“Amongst other things…” he trailed off and, suddenly, he was standing besides you, pointing at the chaotic pile of sweets. “I actually came back to grab another one of those cupcakes. The chocolate ones are great.” 
You didn’t know why, but his comment broke the odd tension that you didn’t even know that was there, clicking you back into your previous mentality — the one that you just wanted to finish cleaning up so you could leave soon. “All yours,” you told him, “grab as many as you want.” 
Jungkook hummed in satisfaction, reaching out to grab one special brown cupcake — an untouched one, thankfully. “I love when you talk dirty.” He almost moaned before shoving the cupcake inside his mouth, taking a huge bite off it. Dramatically, Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed in delight. “These are fucking great.” 
You chuckled, glancing at his direction. Jungkook was dressed in all black, like he usually was, and you were starting to recognize a newfound admiration towards his constant use of leather jackets. What? He looked good. “I’m glad the self-help sessions are paying off,” you commented, swiftly placing the cupcakes inside the transparent container. 
Jungkook was paying attention to your actions now, like he noticed you were there working for the first time. “What are you doing with the rest?”
“The church will probably donate it, give it to the homeless or something.” You shrugged. “Or they’ll eat it, I don’t know. I just clean up the place and leave.” 
Jungkook laughed at that, taking another monstrous bite from his cupcake and throwing himself on one of the nearby chairs. Your eye twitched a little at the thought that he had ruined your perfect circle, but you’d have to fix that on your way out. “Sounds absurdly boring,” he sang. “And they’re not even paying you.” 
You sighed. “After all the places I’ve volunteered in, boring is a blessing,” you told him. You had just placed five hot dogs in the container, and you were starting to wonder if it would be a good idea to feed people in need with those suspicious sausages. “But, yeah, you probably don’t care about any of that.” 
“You don’t know what I care about,” Jungkook said matter-of-factly. You didn’t know if he was trying to tease you, but his voice came out so soft and monotone that you couldn’t really be mad about it. It was true, after all: you didn’t actually know what he cared about. Sometimes you thought that he could read you better than you could read him. “Want me to stay here with you? This place is probably empty already.”
You could not hold back your laugh at that, turning around so you could look at him. “Are you offering to be my bodyguard? In a church?” 
Jungkook pouted. There was a thin line of chocolate on the side of his lips, which he quickly licked clean. “I’m trying to be nice.”
You giggled, turning back towards the disgusting food. The rest was mostly trash, but you were happy enough with the amount you had managed to find in a good state. “That’s new.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked. “I’m always nice.”
“Always is a strong word.” You smiled, closing the lid of the Tupperware. You had managed to fill three small containers with the leftovers and, honestly, that was a big victory. “But you can stay or you can leave, I don’t mind. I’m almost done anyways.” 
He frowned. “Is that your answer?” 
You turned around. “What? You want me to beg for your company?” You smiled. “You’re mistaken if you think I’d ever do that.”
“I’m staying.” Jungkook crumpled up the piece of cupcake wrapping and threw it in the trash can besides your body. He watched you for a moment as you started to throw the leftovers away, your back turned to him and a distracted look on your face. When he broke the silence again, you were throwing the last piece of bread in the bin. “Why are you volunteering?” 
“Because I like giving back to the community.” 
Jungkook sneered at your words. “Seriously now. Don’t lie, we’re in a church.” 
“I do, actually,” you stood your ground. There was a vague sound of crickets coming from the half-open window and the low buzzing of the fluorescent lights above you, but, other than that, the city was covered in absolute silence. Perhaps that was why you felt so at peace. “But my mom told me it would be a good thing to keep myself relaxed. You know, take my mind off college stuff.” 
He hummed, and you heard him getting up from the chair. “You always do what your mom tells you?” 
You met his gaze. “Didn’t your parents make you come here?”
He smiled. “Not the point.” 
Before you could hold yourself back, your lips were curling up. Again: Jungkook wasn’t absolutely awful to be around when he actually acted like a human being. “When she says something I agree with, yes,” you told him. “My ego isn’t bruised when it comes to following someone’s idea.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “You’re saying that mine is?”
“I didn’t say that.” You smirked and turned back to the table. You started piling up the used plastic cups, already eyeing all the used plates, forks and knives that you’d have to throw away. The daycare had better eating manners than that. “Thought we were talking about me.” 
“We were,” Jungkook agreed. One of his inked hands moved to the table, and you were about to tell him that he could eat more of the cupcakes when you realized that he had started to reach for the discardable plates, throwing them away. You really didn’t think he’d help you. “Finals are coming up, though, and you care about that shit. Shouldn’t you be using this time to study or something?”
“I study while you’re out here listening to becoming your real self or, I don’t know... waking up the giant within,” you said. “I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” 
He hummed, his nose cringing up at the disgusting remains of food that stuck to the plastic forks. Jungkook seriously didn’t know how you could do that for fun. “You know there are better ways to relax than cleaning up a dusty room, right?” 
“Probably,” you agreed. The cups were already in the trash, alongside with the plates, and there were only a few crumpled up napkins to get rid of before you tasted the sweet nectar of freedom. “But here I am. That’s what I chose for myself.” 
“Literally any other option would’ve been better,” Jungkook pressed on. “Isn’t that obnoxious friend of yours in cheer or something?” 
“Who? Jisoo?” You smiled at him. No one had ever called her obnoxious, but you couldn’t say that the title didn’t fit. Jisoo could be really… intense when it came to standing up for what she believed in. “She is. She invited me to join her already, if that’s what you’re gonna ask, but it’s not really my thing.” 
“It’s a shame,” he mumbled, leaning against the table. It was a beautiful miracle how clean that room had become just by getting rid of the piles of gross food, and you had proudly thrown the last piece of paper inside the trash bin when Jungkook spoke up again. “You’d look really hot in that outfit.” 
You stopped in your tracks, taking a second to digest the claim he had so mindlessly thrown your way. Just like all-things-Jungkook, a pleasant conversation could not last long, so you weren’t even surprised that he managed to ruin that talk with such a fuckboy-esque comment. 
Also like all-things-Jungkook, he managed to awaken a reaction out of you that you didn’t even know could be there. With a faint heat in your cheeks and a frown blossoming amongst your features, you actually felt a little bit of... satisfaction with the fact that he thought that you’d look hot in that skimpy outfit. At the same time, you wanted to slap yourself for falling into his charms so easily. 
In that conflicting turmoil of emotions, all you could say was a monotone, “You cannot be serious right now.”
Even if you kind of wanted him to be serious. 
“I’m being dead serious,” Jungkook didn’t back down, much to the elation of your ego. You felt like a schoolgirl being recognized by her crush, and the idea alone made your stomach curl onto itself. What the hell were you even thinking about? Yeah, Jungkook was pretty hot, but he was also kind of a douche and you didn’t want to get involved with that mess of a person. Or at least that was what you were trying to convince yourself of. “I mean…” he continued, “you’re even rocking this knee-level dress right now, can’t even imagine how you’d look if—“ 
“You can shut up now, Jungkook, thanks,” you interrupted him. Because you didn’t know how to act when he was so blatantly flirting with you, you switched back to the same passive-aggressive behavior that you had given him for the past three months. Call it self-preservation, call it panic, but your mind simply didn’t know where to go from there. “And I’m also done here, so you can skidaddle back to whatever swamp you came out of.” 
“Awn, don’t be mean, princess.” He pouted. Jungkook was a master at getting you worked up, and you had just given that to him on a silver platter. Maybe if you had mock-flirted back, he would’ve baked away. You would never know. “I was just fucking with you, you’re too easy to tease.” 
You pressed your lips together, hip touching the corner of the now empty table. “You were pretty much harassing me,” you said playfully. 
“I was not.” Jungkook smirked, shoving his hands inside the pockets of his pants. When had the two of you gotten so close? There was barely any space between your chests. “But it’s okay, I’m not gonna compliment you anymore, don’t worry. You don’t have to be so defensive.” 
“I’m not being defensive,” you said, defensive. 
“What, is it the church setting?” He raised his eyebrows, taking a look around. “Is it making you uncomfortable?” 
“No,” you answered, crossing your arms before your chest. Jungkook followed the movement and his gaze got stuck on the shape of your breasts for a second too long, making a newfound wave of heat rise up to your cheeks. “Not as much as you’re trying to make me uncomfortable right now.” 
He chuckled. “You do look cute when you’re shy,” Jungkook teased, taking a step towards you, and you took another one back, pretending you were just going to lean against the table. You sat on it in a weird diagonal position, with one leg still on the ground and the other dangling over the edge. Jungkook was so close that, when he spoke again, voice just above a whisper, you could feel his breath on your skin. “If you don’t want me here, just ask me to go and I’ll go.” 
You opened your mouth to respond, but no words came out. The atmosphere was filled with electricity, your body drowning in the warmth of his presence, the sharp seriousness in his dark eyes, and you could not bring yourself to say anything. Did you want him to leave? 
No, you realized in a rush of adrenaline, you didn’t want him to leave at all. 
Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows. “Hm? Nothing?” He smirked, placing himself between your legs. Every nerve of your body was screaming for you to touch him, to just wrap his mouth with yours, and you simply could not respond to any of its commands. “You’re full of surprises.” 
You found your voice at that comment, heart hammering against your chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You’re a smart girl, you can figure it out.” Jungkook placed one strand of your hair behind your ear, his gaze flickering down to your chest. From where he stood, he could see the beautiful mounds of your breasts peeking under the fabric, licking his lips at the sight. “Can I at least say that I like your dress?” 
Jungkook’s palm slithered up your knee before you could even react, moving towards your inner thigh and raising your dress along with it. His touch was electrifying, and you found yourself craving more of it, a sigh caught on your throat at the tenderness of his hot skin. 
“Something tells me that your compliment isn’t so innocent,” you told him, leaning your head back slightly so you could hold his gaze. “Aren’t you gonna complete that and say that I would look better without it?”
Jungkook chuckled. “The idea is compelling, I’ll admit it,” he said, rubbing soft circles on your skin. His other hand slithered around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “But don’t need to take it off to fuck you.” 
Your eyes grew wide at that, brain short-circuiting. You frankly couldn’t believe that was happening — the fact that Jungkook was so shamelessly trying (and honestly succeeding) to initiate sex with you. In a fucking church too, of all places. “What- what did you say?”
“You heard what I said.” His stare didn’t falter. Jungkook was looking at you like he could eat you whole, and you seriously wouldn’t mind if he tried to. You'd deal with the social and psychological implications of that another time. “Just tell me to stop and I’ll do it, princess. No hard feelings, promise.” 
This time, you spoke out and the firmness and certainty in your voice surprised even yourself. “I don’t want you to stop.” 
“No?” His voice sounded like honey, so deep and melodic even through the thick layers of his sarcasm. You had never heard him get so serious, so focused, and the thought that it was all for you was igniting a fire inside your guts. “You wanna get fucked in a church?” 
You bit your lip, blinking up at him. The point was: you wanted Jungkook, of all people, to fuck you. The fact that it was in a church was just the cherry on top, and you didn’t care about it as much as you should — your mom would be weeping blood if she knew what was going on, but you weren’t planning on telling anything to anybody. “And what if I do?” You asked back teasingly. 
Jungkook smiled, knocking the breath right out of you. You could only hope that you didn’t look as horny as you felt, because your pride was still on the line. “Told you that you were full of surprises.” He pushed one of your legs open, making you lose your support on the floor. Now, both of your feet were dangling off the edge, body trapped between his strong arms and thighs on either side of him. “Are you a virgin, baby?”
You shook your head, and your voice reached you a bit later. “No.”
“Naughty,” Jungkook said, leaning in. He stared at you like a lion stalking its prey, his gaze lingering on your parted lips before, at last, he tilted his head to the side, deciding to move towards your neck instead. “But if you have the taste I think you do, you probably had some lame missionary sex with some goodie-two shoes.” 
When he started kissing your neck, you almost forgot to give him a response. You had to bite your lip to suppress a moan, instead producing a low, shaky sigh. “And if I did? What’s the problem with some lame missionary sex?” 
“No need to get mad, I’m on your side here,” Jungkook said, one of his hands navigating up your waist, between the valley of your breasts, before grabbing your boob. That time, you couldn’t hold back the whimper that escaped you. “Did he make you cum?” 
“Sometimes,” you said, slightly flustered. You didn’t think you’d be discussing your sexual history with Jungkook, but, well, there you were. “He was alright.” 
“Only sometimes?” Jungkook chuckled, the vibrations of his deep timbre vibrating through the sensitive skin of your neck, his thumb grazing your nipple. The heat between your legs only grew, your entire body practically begging to feel more of him. “That’s a shame, I could do better.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t start getting cocky.”
“I never stopped being cocky,” he responded without hesitation. Well, he was right. “And I do have a good track record.” 
“Doubt it,” you said, the ghost of a smile lingering on your lips. You knew that you were playing a dangerous game, pressing right at the weak spots of his inflated ego to see how he would react. Perhaps you’d be luckier trying to poke a bear with a short stick. “You wouldn’t know the difference between a real and fake orgasm even if it hit you in the face.” 
Jungkook leaned back and looked at you for an instant. You knew he had caught onto your challenge straight away. He liked it as much as you did, there was no doubt about that. “Let’s see, shall we?” he asked. There was no denying the devilish aura that was all around him now, suffocating you with its tempting heat. “How long do we have?”
“I’m locking up the room tonight,” you said, watching as his eyes sparked with an emotion you could not decipher. “But I wanna get home before ten. Have homework.” 
You could see him fighting against the natural urge to ridicule you for saying something like that at such an odd time, but, at the end, he managed to avoid it. “More than enough time.” Jungkook placed one hand on the back of your neck, gaze darting hungrily toward your lips. “Come here.”
And then his mouth was on yours, and everything else was white noise. Jungkook kissed you much slower than you had anticipated, taking his sweet time caressing your mouth with his; hands exploring the curves of your body and teasing their way underneath your dress. He sighed heavily against your mouth when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, his soft tongue poking out and entering your mouth perfectly. Jungkook was a good kisser, you had to admit it, and he got your knees weak sooner than you’d like. 
His body was hot and firm against yours and you could feel the outline of his abs underneath your fingers as you trailed your hands down his torso; his quick heartbeat drumming on your palms. Jungkook’s breathing got heavier as you hooked your fingers on the hem of his pants and tugged him toward you. Instantly you noticed the outline of his hard cock against your inner thigh. 
Then, something switched. Just as you had reached out to touch his hardness, squeezing it lightly underneath your fingers, Jungkook groaned against your mouth and bit down on your lip. You had barely any time to react before he was pulling away from the kiss, gaze darkening. 
“Such a tease,” he mumbled hoarsely, his breath hitting your mouth in soft waves. His hand was hovering over your heat, his middle finger pressing down on your sensitive nub, making you whimper. “You don’t know what you do to me.” 
Jungkook was much quicker than your thoughts and, within a second, the motion of your panties being pushed aside made you fumble closer to him; your hands holding tightly onto his shoulders when he finally decided to touch you. 
“Fuck,” he groaned next to your ear, making your mind go blank for a split second. The teasing motions of his digits brushing your entrance were enough to make you whimper, hips thrusting forward in a failed attempt to make him move further. “Look at this, you’re soaking my fingers. Wanna get fucked that bad?”
But he didn’t let you respond. The sudden intrusion of two fingers inside your pussy made your back arch, nails digging in the leather of his jacket as Jungkook opened you up. “I—” you tried to speak, but it was hard to think when he started pumping his fingers in and out of you. The sounds of your wetness were a filthy symphony filling the quiet atmosphere. “Jungkook, what—” 
“God, that’s so tight,” he groaned, speaking through clenched teeth. His voice was enough to shut you up at the spot, a frail moan dripping from your lips. “Relax, baby, you’re too tense. Let me take care of you, alright?” 
You nodded, eyes drifting shut as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you. You hated to admit it, but Jungkook was already winning against your ex by a long shot: the way his digits brushed inside you, gradually moving apart to stretch you, got you searching — begging — for more. You were sure you could cum around his fingers and, when he curled them up and they dragged against your sweet spot, the idea became a lot more palpable. 
“Jungkook, you’re taking too long, I’m gonna cum like this,” you complained, chest rising and falling under the waves of your upcoming orgasm. You could feel it building up in your stomach, ready to snap, and you didn’t want it to happen around his fingers. “I wanna feel you.” 
Jungkook breathed out at your needy request, placing a kiss against your jaw. “I’m just getting you ready for my cock, baby,” he said. A loud moan dripped from you when he unceremoniously added a third finger, your legs trembling on either side of his body. “I don’t know if you can take it.”
You scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself,” you said, only half aware of the fact that your voice sounded more like a whimper than a serious comment. “I can.” 
He smirked wickedly. You really were pushing his buttons. “We’ll see about that,” Jungkook responded. 
Within a second, right as your orgasm was about to wash over you, he removed his fingers from your pussy. The frustrated moan you let out was quickly swollen by him, his mouth rogue against yours and the sweetness of his tongue intoxicating you — probably those stupid cupcakes, you thought. 
“Turn around for me,” he asked. 
You quickly did as he requested, putting your feet on the ground before turning your back to him, hands leaning on the table. Jungkook placed one hand on the curve of your spine, pushing you down until you had your chest against the surface, ass perked up and pussy in full display for him. There was a gush of cold air against your flesh when he pulled up the fabric of your dress and tossed it over your waist, exposing your lower body for him.
The boy hummed at the sight, one of his legs kicking your feet apart so he could position himself in the middle of your thighs. “You’re pretty all around,” Jungkook commented, one of his palms grazing your asscheek before grabbing it. His motion was harsh, needy; earning a whimper from you. “Knew you would be.” 
Through the dense clouds of your desire, there was still some part of you that managed to make fun of that situation. “You spend your free time thinking about my ass?”
“Won’t answer until I have a lawyer present,” he joked. 
You felt his fingers hooking around the fabric of your panties, pushing it further to the side so you had your cunt fully exposed for him to see. The drumming of your heartbeat almost drowned out the low groan he produced at the sight of your flushed heat. 
“Princess, your pussy is dripping so much…” Jungkook trailed off, one of his fingers tracing a line between your lips. He felt the urge to eat you out, to lick you completely clean and make you cum on his tongue, but he decided that would have to wait for a different time. “Is this all for me?” 
“Yeah, all for you,” you said, weak. There was a thundering exasperation building up inside you, motivated from your denied orgasm and from the way that Jungkook was taking his sweet time. 
“Good girl,” he mumbled and your chest was filled with pride. “Can’t wait to fuck it.” 
“Then don’t wait,” you practically begged. “Just rush.”
He removed his finger from your heat. “Shh… be patient,” Jungkook told you and you swore you could practically hear the smile in his voice. You could hear him shuffling behind you, the sound of his zipper opening echoing around that still room. “I’m gonna give you whatever you want.” 
You whined at the abrupt feeling of his warm cock rubbing between your folds, its tip hitting your clit after every languid thrust. “Fuck,” you cried out, shaky. Jungkook wasn’t lying when he said that he was big, his length was so thick that you were starting to get second thoughts whether you could take it or not. Not that you would ever admit it out loud. “Just put it in, Jungkook.” 
But Jungkook was having way more fun just teasing you. “Pussy’s so wet for me.” He breathed out, his hands tightening around your hips. You felt him throb between your folds, and the sensation got you searching for air. “You’re soaking my cock, baby. You want it that much?”
Jungkook hummed, leaning in so he could place a kiss on your shoulder. “I’m gonna fuck you like you deserve to be fucked, princess,” he promised, his length still rubbing between your folds. He was so hard and heavy that your mind was spinning, your lungs drowning in expectation. “Gonna fuck you so well that you’re never going to forget it. Do you want that?”
“Yes,” your voice was a pathetic moan, and you hated your body for betraying you so easily. “Yes, please.” 
After another pec on your shoulder, Jungkook leaned back. “Be loud for me, alright?” He asked. “Can you do that for me?”
You swallowed hard — what were the chances that someone would hear you? You had no idea. “Yeah, whatever you want, just fuck me.”
“Whatever I want? That’s a dangerous thing to say.” He moved around behind you, making you flinch when you felt his cock align with your dripping entrance. The anticipation was driving you insane. “Might have to see if you’re up for it another time.” 
There was an answer somewhere in your mind — you could swear there was — but it was quickly forgotten the second that Jungkook pushed himself inside you. The drag of his cock was a delicious torture, streching you out and filling you up to the brim until you were shaking under his touch, both of you moaning at the sensation. 
“Oh my god.” You breathed out, hands turning into fists on the table. Your cheek was pressed against the polished wood, hot breath creating small white clouds on the surface. 
Jungkook released a shaky sigh when he felt you clenching around him, your body desperately trying to move closer to him. “Fuck, baby,” he hissed, his hands holding onto your hips for dear life. Gradually, he moved himself away from your pussy just so he could slam back inside, marveling on the way you trembled at the feeling, crying out his name in the prettiest of whimpers. “Your pussy is so fucking tight. Squeezing my cock so well.” 
Took you only an instant to realize that you were absolutely addicted to the feeling of his cock inside you, the heavenly push of his hardness in and out of you as he slowly started to set a pace. “Oh my god, I’m—” a pitiful hiccup interrupted you, turning your voice into a sharp cry. “That’s so good, Jungkook.”
Jungkook chuckled behind you, his thrusts starting to pick up speed. Your eyes closed in endless bliss, every part of your brain focused on the sensation of his fat length stretching you up. “Told you I’d be, not my fault you didn’t believe me,” he said, but you could tell that his confidence had started to wear itself thin — he, too, seemed to be much more focused on the way that your bodies met. “Do you touch yourself, princess?”
You almost didn’t know how to answer him, a deep heat rushing up to your cheeks. “W-What?”
“When you’re alone, baby,” he practically hissed. You were bouncing on the table then, your body jerking up and down as he fully pistoned his cock inside your heat. “Do you play with your little pussy?”
“Y-yes,” you stammered, embarrassed. “S-Sometimes.” 
“Show me how you do it,” he requested in-between huffs, lust dripping from every syllable. Jungkook spoke to you like a siren, effortlessly inducting you to comply with everything he wanted. “Come on. Don’t be shy, I wanna see you play with yourself for me.” 
You didn’t even know if what you were feeling was shyness, but there was a veil of hesitation that covered your actions. As your hands moved downwards, one of them clenching around the fabric of your dress and pulling it up while the other trailed over your mound, you felt strangely vulnerable, exposed. At the same time, you wanted to do what he asked you to, wanted him to wash you over with compliments until your mind was going blank. 
So you closed your eyes and focused on the sensation of two of your fingers coating themselves in your wetness, then their pressure on your clit. You whined at the feeling, pleasure exploding in your veins as you started to rub yourself, tracing small circles on your sensitive spot. There was no way you could ever reach that sensation again, the sweet motions of your fingers combining perfectly with the thrusts of his hard, fat cock inside you. You were doomed. 
“That’s it… just like that, baby,” Jungkook whispered, obsessed with the sensation of your walls fluttering around him. You had gotten so tight that he thought he would see heaven at any second now. “Feels good?” 
“Y-Yeah, so good...” you struggled to get out, “feels amazing, Jungkook.” 
“So perfect for me,” his praise shot straight up to your core, making you mewl under him. God, the way that you were tightening around him was going to drive him insane. “You feel so fucking good, I can’t stop fucking you.” 
Jungkook took one of his hands to your neck, using it to guide your body upwards until you had your back pressed against his chest; his hot lips assaulting your neck. The new position made it so much easier for his cock to drill inside you, reaching even deeper and hitting sweet spots you didn’t even know you had. It wasn’t long before you were moaning out, eyes fluttering shut as the pleasure overtook you. 
“Just take a look at that, baby,” his voice broke you out of your hypnotized state.  “Look at you. Such a good slut, just taking everything I’m giving you, touching yourself for my cock… fuck. Could watch you like this forever.” 
You had to take a moment to understand what he was talking about, and then you saw it: the window. It stood silently across the room from you, half open, and the glass combined with the darkness of the night gave a perfect reflection of the two of you. You could see yourself, the mess you had become, as Jungkook pounded in and out of you and your fingers worked on your clit; the darkness of his hungry gaze as he followed the motions of your body against his. 
Even if you cried out at the sight, your body freezed up a little at the thought of someone walking by and seeing that private spectacle. The possibility itself was minimal — the window gave way to the side of the land, where a big, thick fence separated it from the nearby houses; most of the ground covered by large trees and bushes — but it wasn’t zero. You couldn’t even begin to imagine the humiliation that would come from being seen like that. 
He, of course, noticed your change of demeanor right away, and you could see in the faint reflection that he had smirked at that realization. “What is it? Are you worried someone is going to walk by?” Jungkook almost groaned against your ear. His cock continued to pump ferociously in and out of you, and you couldn’t even understand your own thoughts for a moment. “That someone is gonna see you get fucked like a good slut?” 
“It’s not—” a moan cut your sentence short. Not like you knew where you were heading, anyways. 
“No one is gonna see you like this, know why?” Jungkook was grunting, his fingers tightening around your throat. You cried out at the feeling, your cunt clenching around him in a way that got him fucking you even harder. “Cause this is all for me. Just for me.” 
Then he was pushing you back on the table, your chest crashing against the wooden surface and his hands yanking you by the waist. Jungkook was fucking you so hard that your worries left you as soon as they arrived, your mind a turmoil of desires and broken exclamations that didn’t give space to anything else but him. 
“You look fucking gorgeous like this, stuffed with cock,” he marveled at the sight. There was a known wave of pleasure hovering over you, ready to crash at any given moment, and you stopped rubbing yourself just so you could prolong its arrival. “Wanna see you cum for me, make a mess for me, baby.” 
The words left you in a confusing, broken order, “Jungkook, I can’t… too much… can’t...” 
“Shhh, you can,” he was slowly easing you into your orgasm, his cock drilling in and out of your pussy. Jungkook fucked like a machine, fast and precise, and you didn’t think you’d be able to forget that anytime soon. “You told me you could take it, so now you’re gonna take it. Don’t you wanna be good for me?” 
“I- I want to… I’m so close,” you cried out, pressing your forehead against the table. You didn’t know how it hadn’t broken yet, with the way that Jungkook was fucking you so mercilessly hard. “I’m so, so close.”
“Cream my cock, baby, come on,” he urged you on, his member throbbing inside you at the thought. Your legs were so weak that you knew you’d fall facedown on the floor if he wasn’t supporting your weight with his strong arms. “Be a good girl and cream my cock for me.” 
And that was it. That was all that you needed to push yourself over the edge, submerging you in ecstasy and making you squeeze him so deliciously. “J-Jungkook!” You moaned out his name again and again, unsure of how loud you were being, but also not caring as much as you should. Jungkook realized he loved hearing you call his name more than anything else. “Fuck! Oh my god!”
“That’s it, baby,” he moaned back, his thrusts a sloppy, uncoordinated mess. He was hypnotized by the view of your cunt hugging him, your wetness dripping down your thighs as you rode out the last seconds of your orgasm. “Pussy’s so fucking tight, so fucking perfect— gonna cum too.” 
You gasped out at the sensitivity that was starting to spread, every movement shaky as you tried to push yourself against him. “Yes, please.” You looked over your shoulder, meeting his hooded gaze. Jungkook looked like a god, his dark hair sweaty and messy and his lip trapped between his teeth. That image would plague you forever. “Cum inside me, please.” 
He groaned loudly, eyes closing for a second. “Fuck, that’s so fucking hot,” he hissed, chest heaving with anticipation. You knew he was close, everything pointed to that, and all that you wanted was to see him reach his high, using your body like it was just a doll for him to fuck. “Didn’t know you’d want to be filled up with cum, princess.” 
“I’m full of surprises.” You smiled — a pretty, fucked-out smile that got Jungkook grunting like a madman. “I want your cum inside me, Jungkook, please.” 
“Gonna fuck you full of my cum, don’t worry— Shit.” The sounds he was making were heavily: those breathy, high-pitched moans that echoed all around you; broken by deep grunts that had your thighs shaking. Jungkook fucked himself in you like he was meant for it, throwing his head back and closing his eyes as he finally found his orgasm. “Fuck! That’s it, fuck—”
Jungkook called out your name and mixed it with praises and curses when he came, spilling himself inside your pussy. You sighed at the feeling, taking in the blissful sensation of having his hot cum spilling out of you, dripping down your legs as he continued to thrust inside you, milking out his orgasm. 
At last, he started to wince from sensitivity. His body collided against your back, his heavy breathing fanning your neck as he tried to collect himself. “Fuck, baby,” he mumbled, “you’re amazing.” 
“You’re not so terrible yourself.” You could not help the smile that appeared on your lips, nor the way that you melted against the surface of the table, drowning in his heat. 
Still, you couldn’t stay there for much longer: it was already a miracle that no one heard the chaos going on in that room, and you weren’t trying to push your luck for the night. Especially since you had a pile of homework (and possibly — now cold — takeout) waiting for you at home. 
You raised your body, leaning against your elbows. “I have to leave,” you told him, taking one of your hands to lay on top of his tattooed one, trying to ease his grip from your waist. “Now if you could just…” 
“Shhh, shhh,” Jungkook hushed, unrelenting. He was much stronger than you, and your muscles were too weak for you to try and do much, so you eventually gave up. “Stop moving. Let me feel you around me for just a bit more.” 
You frowned. “Why?”
“I like it,” he said simply. His breath was a faint caress against the skin of your neck, and you didn’t have much fight left in you. “We all have our tastes.” 
You rolled your eyes. “You’re so weird.”
“Don’t kinkshame.” Jungkook pouted, then pressed a kiss against your shoulder. “You just begged me to fuck you in a church, remember?” 
“Yeah, I guess I don’t have much place to judge.” You laughed dryly, then looked over your shoulder. “Why is your cock still hard? How long is this gonna take?” 
Jungkook groaned, clearly annoyed. “Shut up and enjoy the moment.” 
The so-called moment lasted about two more minutes (which was kind of impressive, you thought) before Jungkook softened and slipped out of you. You hated to admit but you kind of liked the feeling of having him still inside you, completing you as his lips danced around your neck; fingers tenderly playing with your hair. You never thought Jungkook would be so gentle after fucking you like that, but you guessed that you weren’t the only one that was full of surprises. 
Jungkook, apparently, also liked to admire his work. After he had slipped out of you, he made you sit back on the table just so he could stare at his own cum dripping out of you, a glimmer of satisfaction in his dark gaze. He had pushed his white release back inside you and smirked up at you, asking, ever so kindly, for you to go home like that, filled with his cum. 
You, of course, promptly accepted it. 
“By the way,” he called when you two had already stepped out of the church, enveloped by the coldness of the night. There was only one solitary light pole illuminating his features, making him look like one of the saints in the chapel — nothing but fake advertisement, in your opinion. “Wanna know how much I got in that immunology test?”
“How much?” You asked. 
“Eighty two.” Jungkook smiled brightly then, and you found yourself joining him. “Never saw a grade so high in my life. And that counts all the times I’ve cheated too.” 
“Seems like the tutoring sessions are paying off.” You crossed your arms before your chest, the hem of your dress swirling around your knees. The night was weirdly peaceful after everything that had taken place. 
“They are.” He nodded. “I’m looking forward to the next one. Helps that my tutor is kind of a hottie too.”
You scoffed. “So I’ve heard.”  
“And, by the way?” 
“You would look better without it.” He pointed at your dress, a sly smile already sprouting on his lips. “Hope to see it next time.”
“Good night, Jungkook.” You rolled your eyes, already turning around — yeah, like there would ever be a next time. 
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quindolyn · 4 years ago
General Relationship Headcanons || James Potter
Request: “Please can you do a general relationship for james potter? xx” -anon
Word Count: 5,835
Notes: This is kinda slow burn, I’m a little sorry. The ones I did for Remus and Sirius were not canon so this won’t be either which is a little easier because no Jily. These keep on getting longer and longer, but part of that is because Jamie is definitely my favorite marauder.
Warnings: Smut, angst, lots of fluff, dom and sub James, momma’s boy Jamie
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You were something special
James had known that since he was 4 years old
It just took him a long time to realize exactly how special you really were
James Potter was an idiot
That would become increasingly apparent to him as he grew up
Your family and the Potters were great friends for as long as any of you could remember, meaning that you and James were practically attached at the hip
And who could blame you? He has such nice hips 
The both of you are heart broken when he leaves for Hogwarts leaving you behind because you wouldn’t start until the following year.
All throughout his first year you guys write back and forth sharing every single detail of your respective days, down to the color of the plate you ate your lunch on
You can’t help but feel envious
There’s your best friend in the entire world, in fucking Scotland
Making new best friends
When the next year rolls around and you get to finally join James on the Hogwarts Express you want to hate Sirius and Remus
You really do
But how can you? They’re Remus and Sirius 
You guys spend the entirety of the train ride laughing and talking and the other two boys tell you embarrassing stories from the year prior about James
When they hear your nicknames for him (Jamsie, Jamie, J), they make fun of him relentlessly
He calls you an assortment of cheesy nicknames too but his favorites, before you guys get together, are “Sweetheart”, “Sunshine”, and “love”
If you get sorted into Gryffindor James screams his head off for you, making room for you to sit next to him at the table in the Great Hall, opposite Sirius and Remus.
If you’re in a different house then James gets sad, really sad, like that night he cries into his pillow and Sirius has to climb into bed with him to give him hugs and tell him that its okay even if the two of you are in different houses. That doesn’t have to affect your friendship if you don’t let it.
The next day James would find you before you got to the Great Hall and engulf you in a hug in the middle of the corridor, not caring that there were people streaming past the two of you in either direction. 
“We’re gonna be friends forever right (Y/N/N)?”
“I hope so Jamie.”
Even though you’re in different classes and potentially different houses you guys are around each other all of the time
You sit with him and the other boys at their place at the Gryffindor table
They sit with you in the library
And by the end of your first year you’re having sleepovers in their dorm
You sleep in James’ bed of course and Remus and Sirius do. Not. hesitate. To mock you relentlessly
“You and your girlfriend getting comfy over there Jamie?”
“Go to hell Siri, let me cuddle James in peace!” 
These jokes continue through your years at Hogwarts and you and James take them in jest
As you guys get older the physical affection you share never dwindles
After someone made a crude comment in the hallway about the two of you he talked to you making sure that you were okay with the arms he would throw over your shoulders, the arms wrapped around you waist, the kisses to your forehead before he left the Great Hall for class, holding you in his arms in the Gryffindor common room as the two of you drifted to sleep.
You assure him that its okay, that its not weird because you guys have been best friends since forever and that you love how affectionate you are with each other
You don’t start to realize you feelings for James until he starts pining after Lily, you don’t know what you have until its gone, right?
Watching him stare at her in the Great Hall
Writing her little notes that even though he’ll go up and ask her out in front of everyone, which you’re not too fond of either, he’s too shy to actually give her
Listening to him go on and on about her, her hair, the cadence of her voice, the beautiful color of her eyes, how intelligent she is, and on and on
Sirius picks up on this instantly
And he does not hesitate to make fun of you for it all the time, obviously not enough for James to pick up on it because he’s a prick not a complete asshole, but still enough to make you blush uncontrollably
You can’t say anything to him though because he’s your James and there’s absolutely no way that he returns your feelings, you’re like a little sister to him
So, much to Sirius’ chagrin, you swallow your feelings and sit there by James, trying to listen to Remus as he tries to explain to you your Charms homework while James watches Lily on the other side of the Common Room laughing with Dorcas and Marlene
And a little piece of your soul dies
The summer between your third and fourth year, his fourth and fifth, you were excited to finally have your Jamsie back to yourself again.
It went without saying that the two of you would alternate between each other’s houses over the summer
There would be no Lily Evans to distract him
No exams to stress over 
Just you and James at the Potter estate, exploring the woods that, in all honesty, didn’t change all that much from summer to summer, and swimming in the bioluminescent pond on the edge of the Potter property, simply floating next to each other on your backs, one of his hands grasping your forearm, making sure you didn’t float too far away from him
But apparently this year it didn’t go without saying.
Instead, a mere month before the end of the term, James regretfully tells you that he and his family are going to Spain for the summer to be with his aunt who lives there and he really wants to take you but its the entire summer and his parents nixed it
“I’m so sorry sunshine, I really want to take you but-”
“It’s okay Jamie, I get it if you could you’d take me, but you can’t so its fine. I’m not going to hold it against you.”
And you can tell that he’s genuinely upset about it but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt any less when you hug him goodbye at King’s Cross knowing that unlike years prior you weren’t going to see him in a few days.
You spend a good chunk of the summer wallowing, not necessarily because your crush isn’t there with you but because your best friend isn’t
James writes you every day just like he did during his first year at Hogwarts but its not the same because you can’t see him
You can’t hold onto his arm when you’re tired and set your head on his shoulder
So when September 1st rolls around and you finally get to see him again you’re down right giddy
But on Platform 9 ¾ you’re looking for a wiry, lanky boy, with a nose a little too big for his face, and a squeaky little voice
Not the 6 foot man who approaches you, with broad shoulders and budding facial hair along his jawline.
Oh holy shit
His voice
He no longer sounds like a dog toy, a very cute dog toy but still
You must admit that you’re a fan of the change, as the word leaves his lips you imagine resting your head on his chest and feeling the vibrations as he spoke with whomever
Its not a single day that you’re back at Hogwarts before James is fawning all over Lily again and you’ve had enough of it
You’re not going to let yourself to keep on pining after a boy who doesn’t love you
Not even doesn’t love you
But loves someone else
Sirius finds you a couple weeks into the school year, sitting with your back against a wall in an empty corridor trying to hold in your tears.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“I-I can’t believe I let myself fall for him. I’m an idiot Si!”
Sirius holds you in that hallway, rocking you back and forth while he murmurs to you that James is the idiot, not you, and that you deserve so much more than him
He helps you concoct a plan to get over James, he pitches to you going out on a date with someone else
Doesn’t have to be anything all that serious, just something to get your mind off James and remind you how hot you are, and how many people are lining up for you to give them so much as a moment of your time.
It doesn’t take too much on Sirius’ part to get you to agree to let him set you up
His name was Sullivan, he was in your year, a year younger than Sirius, with sandy blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes 
Sully, as he insisted you call him, took you for a butter beer at the Three Broomsticks
You had a good time, Sully was smart, and attractive, and you and he shared similar interests 
And all though he was lovely, and he insisted you were too, the both of you agreed that you would be better off as friends
You spent more time with him in the following weeks and less with James, Sirius, and Remus
The latter two were very happy that you were trying to move on because watching you stare at James was a little sad
James is confused, and hurt, and jealous
Though he adamantly refuses to admit that last one
Instead he just watches you. All. Of. The. Time.
To the point where if it wasn’t James it would be disturbing
And even though it is him it gets touch concerning
Sometimes before you go and sit with the Marauders at their spot in the Great Hall you’ll stop by where Sullivan sits with his friends and give him a smile, talk for a few minutes before hugging each other and walking away
It made James’ blood boil
Who did this kid think he was, you were his best friend he didn’t get to just waltz in and take you, or Godric forbid date you
One day you’re sitting outside with the boys when you see Sullivan on the other side of the court yard, excusing yourself you walk up to him and chat for a couple minutes before Sullivan’s face goes pale and there’s a shadow looming over you.
James throws an arm around your shoulders, tugging you into his side while extending his hand to Sully
“Hi, I’m James, (Y/N/N)’s best friend.”
James is standing there with you guys maybe 2 minutes, being the most passive aggressive petty person he could possibly be, dropping not so subtle hints about his distaste for Sully before he’s tugging you back to the tree where Siri and Remmy still are, their hands resting dangerously close to each other’s 
“What the fuck James!”
He plays dumb because if there’s one thing James Potter is good at its being an idiot, but eventually he relents
“I just don’t like the way he looks at you, it's like he’s trying to get into your pants!”
You start cackling
Borderline manically
“You’ve got to be kidding me James we’re just friends!”
Sirius being the eternally helpful human being he was added in his two cents, “Maybe you’re projecting Potter!”
And the laughing stops
James goes beet red, you feel all the blood drain from your face before collecting yourself and murmuring a quick apology before racing off for the castle 
You and James don’t talk for 2 days
It's the longest either of you have gone without some form of communication
You’re both so embarrased and you don’t want to hear James tell you that he doesn’t actually like you and that it was just Sirius being an asshole
Of course he would say this to make you comfortable but that’s not what it would do
It would crush you
You don’t have classes together so it's easy to ignore him there, and if you’re in separate houses it's even easier
Now that’s a different story
You can’t just eat somewhere else and the prospect of facing James after what Sirius said has you running for the nearest toilet
So you scrounge up what you can in the kitchen after meals
It kills James that he’s only seen you on the other side of the courtyard or disappearing behind corridors 
You’re supposed to be his Sunshine, he can’t stand that you’re hiding from him, he misses you so much
And at first he’s a little angry when you don’t sit with them at meals, but after scanning the Great Hall, he realizes you’re not there
His stomach drops, have you not been eating?
So dinner the second night he collects a plate for you with all of your favorite things and determinedly sets off for your dorm, balancing a plate in one hand and a glass of pumpkin juice in the other
He has to knock on your door with his foot
“Jamie, what’re you doing here.”
He gently pushes past you letting himself into your room to set the plate and glass on your desk
“You haven’t been eating.”
And despite yourself your heart flutters, because he’s right you haven’t been eating as much as you should’ve not wanting to get caught in the kitchens you only swiped what you could easily get your hands on
But then you have to remember, it's because you’re basically his little sister, not because he reciprocates your feelings
“I’ve missed you Sunshine.”
And you lose it
“Stop! Stop it Jamie I can’t take it anymore, you can’t keep calling me Sunshine and Sweetheart and Love and cuddle with me on the couch and then turn around and declare your undying love for Lily fucking Evans. I can’t do it anymore! I like you, differently than you like me and I can’t do this anymore!”
Poor Jamsie has never felt like more of an absolute asshole
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t revel just a little bit in the look on his face, didn’t feel a little triumph that maybe he felt even a fraction as bad as you did.
He’s an idiot and he realizes it
You’re both very quiet for a minute before he walks up to you so that you’re a mere inch from him before he gulps and leans down to press his lips to yours
“I’m an idiot.”
“Yes you are.”
“But I’m your idiot, right?”
“Always Jamsie.”
It's not as though much changes between the two of you on the surface once you’re together
You’re a bit more touchy feely with each other, kisses usually pressed to foreheads or temples often find themselves brushing at the other’s lips
He holds your hand a lot more freely now and more often than not it will end up clasping your thigh under the table in the Great Hall, or after having pushed your chairs together in the library so they touched
When you curl up together in the Gryffindor common room his hands find their way under your shirt, lightly tracing the skin of your stomach, pressing kisses to the junction where your neck meets your shoulder
His arsenal of nicknames expands impressively
Angel, darling, beautiful, gorgeous, poppet, pretty girl, mine
And he’ll add the occasional my before the word “love”
You already slept over in their dorm room every other night before you and James got together but now it's more of a nightly occurrence
Especially the day before a Quidditch match, James insists that he sleeps with his lucky charm, says you keep him calm
You cheer the hardest for James at his matches, bar maybe Sirius
Even if you’re in a different house you sit with Siri and Remus in the Gryffindor stands and get all decked out in red and gold
Now that you’re his he has no problem with Sullivan, he trusts you and by extension he trusts the people you trust
You’re touched one day, early on into your relationship, when Lily comes up to you in the Great Hall and tells you that you didn’t have to tell James to tell her that he was sorry for being a prick and not taking no for an answer.
You don’t tell her this but you didn’t ask him to do anything
James is just a good person
He also has an abundance of money and little impulse control
He’ll buy you literally anything he sees that reminds him of you, or if he remembers you bringing up that you wanted or needed it
He likes buying you jewelry because you can wear it more often than you could say the same dress or blouse
That’s not to say that he doesn’t buy you clothes too, he has all of your sizes memorized and knows whether you wear normal/petite/tall
James Potter will buy you pads/tampons/whatever product you use
He’s a man not a little boy and he doesn’t give a flying fuck if someone makes fun of him for it
One day Lucius calls him out for it and Jamie is just not having it 
“You have no clue where the clit is or what to do with it do you Malfoy?”
He’s always helped you through your periods so now that you’re together he’s just more liberal with his touch because he knows how much you love it
He knows how to do basic hairstyles and such because he watched his mom when he was a little boy and watch your mom do your hair too
If your hair requires special treatments and hairstyles he will write to your mom, asking for her to teach you because he loves your hair and wants to be able to help you, like imagine sitting in his bed while he puts braids in your hair following the instructions your mom sent him
Speaking of families when he tells Euphemia you two are together (which he does as soon as he leaves your dorm that night) she literally screams
Fleamont was worried that she was being attacked
But the next day at breakfast you get a letter from Euphemia stained with dried tear drops as she poured her heart out to you, telling you how much she loved you and that if her son ever broke your heart you were to go to her immediately and she would deal with him for you 
The year you finally become boyfriend and girlfriend is the year you all become animaguses 
James tries to argue with you, insisting that you shouldn’t do it because it's dangerous and he doesn’t want you getting hurt
Your rebuttal is that isn’t it just as dangerous for him? And if you’re not doing it neither is he and that leaves Sirius which just wouldn’t end well 
He’s so proud of you when you transform for the first time, he gets so distracted watching you that he forgets where he is for a moment
That summer, unlike the one previous, you and James spend all of your time together 
You spend the entirety of the holiday at the Potter estate doing all the things that you and Jamie used to do when you were younger, only this time its better
Instead of being childhood friends you’re each other’s 
You can kiss him, and hold his hand, and he can lift up your hair to kiss the back of your neck
Euphemia lets you guys sleep in the same bed but before that she sits the two of you down and gives you the talk
“Now (Y/N), I don’t know if your parents have ever discussed this with you but if you two are going to be sharing a bed I think it's important we go over it.”
There’s so much blushing and whining from James
One night you guys are lying on the floor of his bedroom wearing the absolute bare minimum because it was so hot and humid out when you pitched the idea of going skinny dipping
James is hesitant at first because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
But you insist that you’re fine and point out to him that it was you idea not his
Being the gentleman he is when you strip by the lake he looks away making you laugh
When you turn him to look at you his jaw drops
You’re even more gorgeous than he could’ve ever imagined
It's dark out but the light from the lake allows you to drink in your figure
He blushes so much you’d think that he was the one naked
 When he does strip too he grabs you and jumps into the water, you guys are all over each other, running your hands up and down his chest, his hands are supporting your bum while your legs wrap around his waist
You have sex that night, for the first time, he was very gentle with you and holds your hand when he breaks you hymen and if you cry he kisses away your tears
“Do you wanna stop baby? Does it hurt too much? We can stop.”
James is one of two things depending on your preference
We have soft dom!James and sub!James
I personally appreciate a healthy mix of both 
Starting with soft dom!James, he would be so gentle with you 
Also very firm though, if you broke any of his rules he would not hesitate to punish you
He’s a thigh man through and through
Doesn’t matter if we’re talking dom or sub, the man lives for your thighs
Which makes his favorite form of punishment laying you across his lap to spank you, but most of the time his blows land on more of your thighs than they do your bum
He makes you count as he spanks you too and after every blow you have to thank him
“One! Thank you Daddy!”
And if you ever call him James instead of Daddy during sex he’ll stick his fingers in your mouth and make you choke on them, kissing away the tears that fall from your eyes, “S’okay baby, you’re okay. Can you do this for me? Can you take my fingers like the good girl I know you are?”
He loves taking you up against a wall, especially in the locker rooms after a Quidditch match
Shower sex is one of his favorites, thinks you look absolutely gorgeous, soaking wet and moaning for him, not to mention he get’s to fuck you up against the wall
This is the point in the headcanon where I urge you all to go read the blurbs by @randomoutsiders​ where Remus and Sirius teach James how to brat tame you, she captures his essence perfectly
He loves to blindfold you, he likes the little jump he gets out of you when he touches you
He gives you the most condescending mocking smiles
What comes to mind is the first time he makes you squirt, he’s so proud of both himself and you
“Good girl, look at that, look at how much of a mess you made for me angel. So pretty, good job.”
He then proceeds to lick the mess you just made off of you 
He loves buying you lingerie
He likes it in a deep red and black
Loves ripping it off of you, absolutely adores it 
After care with him would be so soft and sweet, he loves taking baths with you so he can clean you up and kiss all the places he left bruises while he murmurs to you about what a good girl you were and how proud he is of you
One night he tells you that if Godric forbid the two of you ever split up and you’re with someone else that after care is necessary and that you’re precious and deserved to be treated as such 
He treats you like a goddess 
Sub!James is just as precious
He’s also my current obsession so stick with me here
He’s just so eager to please, always wanting to make you feel good and not even caring all that much if he gets off himself
Just so centered around making you feel good
He calls you “Mommy” and I will not be accepting criticism
I feel like “Mistress” is too impersonal if that makes much sense
The former is just so intimate and James wears his heart out on his sleeve 
James is rarely if ever a brat, usually when he’s disappointed in himself and he takes it out on you and you have to remind him how to be a good boy
And the rest of the time when he breaks a rule it's completely on accident and he’ll come to you and tell you about it to apologize
He feels so guilty, like he’s failed you
Especially if he touches himself without your permission, it's almost enough to keep him from doing it but he’s still a horny teenaged boy and can’t help himself sometimes
Most of the time though you’ll end up with a horny James knocking on your dorm door begging you to help him 
He prefers giving you head than you giving him head
That’s not to say that the visual of you on your knees with his cock in your mouth isn’t appealing, it most certainly is 
He just loves that he can make you feel that good with just his tongue
James also loves how you taste, tells you it’s better than candy
Which makes you smile like an idiot
Will finger you under the table in the library if you ask him to, it's not like he was paying that much attention to his homework in the first place, and even if he had been you are without a doubt more important
Loves it when you ride him
Absolutely adores it, he loves the way your tits bounce which is why he prefers cowgirl to reverse cowgirl because he can keep his hands on your tits and on your thighs
He asks you for a cock ring, loves that you get to decide when he gets to cum 
Extra points if its a vibrating one
With his consent of course, you tie him up and make him watch while Sirius and Remus fuck the living day lights out of you, barely paying him any mind while you scream for the cocks of his two best friends 
He likes being tied up in general allowed to look and only look
The first time you peg him he almost cries it feels so good
And you take his sniffling as a sign he doesn’t like it and that he’s hurt, he has to explain to you that that is not it and “You make me feel so good Mommy.”
His whimpers and moans are the most precious things and he’s very vocal
Screaming your name and begging you to cum
He is not shy to beg you 
To cum
To make you cum
To get to so much as look at you
Baby boy has absolutely no shame 
I especially like sub!James because he’s such a cocky asshole 90% of the time but he’s also the kindest, most considerate soul and he spends so much of his life helping others that sometimes he just wants you to be in control
Regardless of sub or dom James you were making out on his couch that summer, your hands in his hair, his fumbling with the clasp on your bra when there was a pounding at his front door
He makes you stay where you are because he doesn’t want you to get hurt but its just Sirius
Well not just Sirius
He was bloodied and broken and looked like he’d been to hell and back
When he told the two of you what happened, how he’d been disowned and had nowhere else to go, while Euphemia tended to his wounds James engulfed him into the biggest hug and they just sit there, Sirius crying into James’ chest while James ran his hands up and down Sirius’ back whispering to him about how it was going to be alright that he was safe, that no one was ever going to hurt him again.
About 2 or so hours after you’d all retired for the night, you and James snuggled together in his bed you awoke when the door to his room creaked open
There was Sirius, with tears streaming down his face, his bottom lip wobbling
After untangling yourself from James you walked over to him, taking his hand in yours and leading him over to the bed
“James, scooch over.”
When he opens his eyes and sees his Sirius standing there, bashfully ducking his head he quickly moves over and you and Sirius settle into the bed with him in the middle
You and James pet his hair hold his hands while you tell him how much the both of you love him and how you’re never going to let anything bad happen to him again
You fall asleep that night with James spooning Sirius from the back and you with your body curled into Sirius’s front, his head resting on your chest
When you go back to Hogwarts you often end up in this position in their dorm room only add Remus into the mix
You’re a year behind all of them at school meaning that when they graduate you’re still stuck their for a whole nother year without any of them
And it nearly kills all of you
You and James most, though you write to each other every day it's still not the same as him actually being there with you
When you get particularly desperate to see him he apparates to Hogsmeade where he becomes Prongs and meets you in the Forbidden Forest where you basically just spend the entire time holding each other and telling the other how much you love them
He cries at your graduation, full on blubbers 
“That’s my girl!”
Insists that you look better in your graduation cap than anyone else
Doesn’t relent when you tell him how ridiculous that is
You guys move in together as soon as you graduate, it’s barely even a discussion because you guys can always tell what the other is thinking
“Hey babe, do you wanna-”
“Yeah Jamie, when you wanna go look at apartments?”
He loves going shopping for your apartment, he has so much fun looking at color swatches and different fabrics
He insists that you guys decorate at least part of the apartment in Gryffindor colors
Wolfstar lives down the street from you guys and you have biweekly coffee dates together at a little coffee shop in between your two houses.
After a year or so you realise that you and James still aren’t married, and you get very self conscious
Does he not want to spend the rest of his life with you?
Does he not love you as much as you love him?
It completely eats you up
And James can tell that something’s up
When he asks you you confess your worries to him and his heart breaks
He never wanted to make you feel like he didn’t love you
Because of course he loved you
You were his everything, you were his Sunshine
After telling you all of this he goes rummaging through his drawers looking for something
That’s how you find him when you wake up to him accidentally dropping something results in a loud bang
“Jamie? Are you okay?”
When you find him he’s standing bashfully, blushing with his head down, his hands holding something behind his back
And that’s when he gets down on one knee and pulls the small velvet box from behind his back
“This isn’t how I wanted to do it darling, but I spend every single day  thinking about you, you’re the first thing I think of in the morning and I fall asleep with you in my arms thinking about how much I love you and how I don’t know if I could live my life without you. I’m so sorry if I’ve ever made you feel differently, I can’t believe I was enough of an idiot to ever hurt you, in any way. Even though I most certainly don’t deserve you, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marrying me?”
Euphemia plans your wedding with the help of Sirius
They go all out
There may or may not be a life size ice sculpture of you and James per Sirius' request
Married life is absolute bliss for the two of you
You wake up every morning with that ring on your bedside table (do people sleep in their engagement rings and wedding bands? I’m a child of divorce whose parents are both children of divorce, true love is a foreign concept) to remind you of the beautiful man beside you
Both sub and dom James go absolutely wild on your wedding night, he can’t believe your Mrs. Potter, that your his
Its that night that you pregnant
Though you don’t know it for almost 2 months 
James is the best husband 
He carries you everywhere, even when you’re not showing 
And he can because fuck that man is strong
He’ll carry you upstairs at night and down them in the morning and to the sofa 
You can only move by yourself when he’s not looking 
James is really good at puzzles and putting things together so it takes him less than 2 hours to put all the furniture together for the nursery 
Which he insists you paint yellow, the color of sunshine
One of the first things he buys is a little Gryffindor onesie for your baby
When he comes James has him in it all of the time
When you go into labor he’s very calm and collected
Euphemia is there to help the both of you because that’s the person he first called when you had your first contraction 
He holds your hand the entire time, kissing you, and coaching you along, telling you how good you’re doing, how proud he is of you
He cries when he first sees his son, he’s so beautiful 
Even though he’s basically the spitting image of James, Jamie swears that he looks so much like you
Once the doctors and nurses leave the room he climbs into bed beside you, throwing and arm over your shoulder as you cradle your little boy in your arms
“He’s beautiful Jamie.”
“Just like his mother.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts​ @kittykylax
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totebagchiqbarista · 4 years ago
Heyy can i request a luka x fem!reader fic? Like you know how how luka is always calm and cool? What if he turns into a living mess after he meets reader? Like no stuttering or something but hes ranting about her to juleka all the time and cant concentrate when shes around??
what are you doing to me? // luka x fem!reader
request: anonymous
warnings: fluff, swearing?, Luka being a mess
pairing: Luka Couffaine x Fem!Reader
a/n: I really wanted to write some Luka stuff and this kind of stretched out to a good amount of words so I hope you like it! :)
"Dear God, Luka, stop talking!" Juleka shouted at her brother who entered her room uninvited for the 4th time today. She had understood he didn't have anybody really to talk to, but Lord was he getting annoying at this point.
"But I have to tell you something"
Pushing him out of her cabin one last time, Juleka stood at the door frame and stared at the blue boy. "Go out and find a life!" Of course, she didn't mean it like that, but before she could manage what she is doing, she slammed the door shut in front of him.
Luka was taken aback by the change in Juleka's attitude. He didn't flinch though. He was always that one collected and calm person in every group. Anger never fulfilled him in the ways it sometimes filled his mother, for example.
Anarka had never been the type to prohibit them of their freedom, but she tends to let her emotions take over her. When somebody mentions their dad, she turns red, wrathful at the memories that flow across her head. And it's never long until she completely lets rage form her.
But Luka was different. He was always the serene boy you would find in the back of the class writing songs, practicing riffs. When somebody took it out on him, Luka sucked it in, forgetting about the scene in a few days. He had never lost his temper, beat someone up, melted at someone's touch...
He didn't mind it, after all, there was nothing to whine about. He had all his emotions under control, and even though he would never admit it- it made him feel superior to others.
So Luka decided to go to the park. Whenever he had nothing to do, a simple solution always came to his mind- a warm walk through the park.
"Hi, Nino" he exclaimed seeing the familiar couple by the water fountain. "Hi, Alya."
Alya offered him a soft smile, taking a piece of Andre's ice cream. Nino lent him his famous handshake. "I'm excited for tonight!" said Alya, referring to the private hangout at Couffaine's that was yet to come.
Luka had completely forgotten about it. How could he do such a thing? Still, he kept his cool exterior, nodding his head in agreement. "Me too"
"Oh shoot! I forgot I was supposed to meet Y/n tonight" Alya looked back on her schedule.
"Who's that?" Luka questioned, having never heard of that name before
"An old friend of mine. She just recently moved here"
"She can come, too."
"Really?" Alya's face lit up in joy "You would do that?"
The blue-haired boy laughed "If there's one place in Paris everybody is welcomed, it for sure is the Couffaine's ship!"
"Great, we'll see you there soon!" Alya added before collecting her phone and her boyfriend, running to meet up with her long-term friend.
Luka was left alone by the fountain, staring faintly at the water drops in the pool. Hot summer day took a toll on him and his eyes closed slightly under the pressure of the beaming sunshine.
A wooden bench called out to him and so he sat underneath the cooling shade of the trees. Moments passed and Luka grew to be more impatient. Guests were to come tonight, maybe he should return and help Juleka set up for the evening hang out...
Just on a mark, a girl ran to the park, out of her breath. She seemed worn out as she breathed heavily from the excessive physical activity. She looked at the phone in her hands, it responding with a typical GPS lady voice.
"Shit" she mumbled as she frantically tried to get the directions from the small machine.
"Hey" Luka called out to her from his sitting position in the corner "Are you lost?"
The girl looked around, making sure the blue boy was talking to her. "Yeah, I guess I could say so." Just as she returned him the look, Luka was struck by her beauty. It seemed like such a cliché, really. And Luka hated clichés. Yet, he was mesmerized by the girl who stood before him.
"Right... Where do you need to go?" He asked, collecting himself by her feet.
"Uh," she let out an unknowing hum "Here"
The picture she showed was blurry but Luka figured the place. It was a place he liked to visit sometimes, too. He showed her the directions, making sure she knows all the tracks.
"Thank you so much" The girl beamed with happiness in her eyes "Thank you for helping me"
Luka nodded, and the girl turned around to leave in the direction he just showed her. Luka contemplated for a second before asking a question just as she was about to leave "Can I know your name, at least?"
Hope in his eyes, he stared at her for a full moment until she broke the silence. "We only just met. Besides, where's the fun in that?" Sending him one last wink goodbye, she disappeared into the streets of Paris.
Juleka wasn't a person one could easily talk to. Except for Luka. Luka knew his sister was quite an introvert and a rather shy soul. He respected it and grew to watch over her, protecting her privacy with others. But with him, she was sometimes an extremely cheerful and bubbly person. Hell, there were moments he wished she could stop talking!
So when the two of them collaborated in decorating the harbor for their friends, they finished rather quickly. In under 2 hours, the duo managed to make the best party ship anyone has ever seen.
"Alya is bringing a friend," Luka said as he and Juleka tried to put the last fairy lights around.
"Really? Who?"
"An old friend who just moved here. Y/n as I recall."
Juleka nodded, trying to remember the name "Oh yes, Y/n. Alya told us about her. I'm glad to finally meet her."
Soon enough, the guests started to gather and their home was erupting from chit chats and music. Luka talked to everybody, getting lost in the crowd. His mind always found its way back to the silhouette of the lost girl from the park. There was something he couldn't get enough of in her...
"Luka, could you play us something?" asked Marinette to what Luka only nodded, heading to his room for the guitar.
"Alya is here!" Rose exclaimed when she noticed her friend at the entrance. Next to her stood a girl, a girl Alya has told them almost everything about.
"Hi, guys! This is Y/n" everybody welcomed them, all eyes prying on the newbie.
Marinette came closer and hugged her "I'm Marinette" she addressed as she offered her a soft smile "I've heard so much about you!"
"I could say the same" Y/n returned the sweet gesture.
"What took you so long?" Nino asked looking at his watch and then back at them.
"My bad. I got kind of lost."
The moment Luka stepped on the ship, the last thing he expects to see was the girl he couldn't stop thinking about. The girl that has been playing in his head all day, since the moment they met. Well, not exactly met.
"You" he blurted without thinking as he set his guitar down.
The pair of orbs he remembered from this morning, looked up at him, as surprised as him. "You" she joked back, not breaking the eye contact.
"You two know each other?" Marinette asked looking back and forth between the two of them.
"Not really. He helped me find the way this morning" Y/n explained
"And she didn't even tell me her name"
"It's more fun this way, don't you think?"
Luka chuckled offering her a handshake. "I'm Luka"
The night moved slowly and Luka found himself growing more and more nervous whenever Y/n was around. This can't be! He's always the calm one, the collected one, the untouchable one. No, no. It's just a mire admiration. Nothing much, really. He's as steady as ever...
"Spin the bottle!" Alya shouted out of nowhere
Numbers of confused faces turned to her in a moment. She proceeded, explaining her outburst. "Let's play spin the bottle"
The teens looked around, meeting with other's sights, nodding in agreement. Soon enough, the group was sat on the floor. Upon choosing a seat, Luka looked around. There were 2 left: beside Y/n and opposite of her. He wanted to sit beside her, really. Oh, just how he wanted to sit beside her, their knees touching... But he was so nervous. His palms sweat just for the thought and his heart raced with a speed unknown to man.
So he sat opposite of her.
"Right, so, we are playing spin the bottle combined with truth and dare. A person spins the bottle and they ask "truth or dare?" the one who the bottle has sat on." Alya explained.
Marinette went first, the bottle landing on Y/n. The bluenette smiled softly and asking the question. "Truth or dare?"
"Are you happy to be in Paris?"
"Very!" The two exchanged graceful smiles earning a groan from Nino.
"Where are the fun questions! C'mon dudettes!" he cried obviously disappointed in his friends.
Marinette looked at him in confusion "What do you want me to ask?"
"I don' know, something interesting. Like, describe your perfect type, or something"
Y/n laughed for a second. "Well I don't really have a type but guitarists hold a special place in my heart"
Luka looked at her in surprise but wasn't met with her gaze. That was it. He'll lose his mind because of this girl and there's no turning back. He'll be defeated, if only he wasn't already.
Y/n grew to be a great addition to the class and the friend group. And she grew closer to Luka's heart, more close than he liked to admit. When she was around, his mind was rollercoasters, when she was away her melody played in the back of his head. It was exhausting, really. Luka had never acted this way, especially not for a girl. It was all new to him.
It had been almost two months since Y/n's first day in the city of love. Never had she imagined that she would fall so in love with the people, the culture, the capital of France in general. She was standing on her balcony, looking at the most beautiful sightseeing- the Eiffel tower.
"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving, see you later!" she shouted as she closed the front door behind her. Juelka had invited her to help her out with band stuff. She was a bit surprised to say at least for Y/n wasn't much of an intellectual in that field.
The traffic was light and soon enough she stepped foot on the magnificent ship. The boy she already knew very well was strumming his guitar in the corner.
"Nice tune" she whispered, coming behind him
Luka jumped a little, taken aback by her unexpected figure. "Y/n? Why-"
"I invited her, I need some help," said Juleka from the door. "I'll be back in a second" and with that, she disappeared.
Y/n sat on a chair beside him, feeling the tension rise. Luka's melody became more insecure, more unsteady. It felt as if he was trying too hard.
"What happened?"
"I don't know" Luka answered, regretting holding the guitar now. It was true, when she was around, it was not much he could do. His mind always wandered elsewhere.
An uncomfortable silence took over them. Juleka was nowhere in sight. After some minutes of complete dull, Y/n stood up eager to leave. "Tell Juleka I'm sorry, but I just remembered I have to go."
Luka wanted to say something, but he couldn't. He was afraid of blurting out something way more stupid. So he nodded, regretting his decisions. What has she done to him? He can't even think straight, what to do, what not to do. He's a mess and it's all because of her.
"What are you doing you, idiot, go after her!" Juleka stormed out of the ship, scolding her older brother.
"Go after her! Tell her how you feel! God!"
"What are you talking about?" Luka played it off dumb
Juleka's anger only grew "Oh please, mister untouchable, you're not so secretive about it. You can never concentrate when she's around, when I mention her, you grow all impatient. You talk about her ALL THE DAMN TIME. I can't listen to you anymore!"
Luka shifted in his spot "I don't talk about her that much"
"You literally stormed in my room last night talking about her humor and how cool she is. Go tell her how you feel, Luka"
He contemplated for a minute making Juleka impatient "Now! Go!"
The blue boy nodded, setting his guitar aside, and running as fast as he could. He ran the way he remembered Y/n to go. His legs could sprint only so fast but somehow he managed to run it all the way through.
Just by the bridge, she saw her walk by herself. It was already getting late, the sun was just around the corner, held by its fingertips to not yet say goodbye. She was looking to the river, calm and alone. "Y/n!" he shouted, putting all the energy he had to pull it through.
"Y/n!" he screamed once more to what the girl turned around. Just as she was about to ask what was happening, Luka panted taking her hand in his the moment he got the chance.
"No, no, I talk." He said taking a deep breath and looking right into her eyes. "Y/n from the moment we met in the park, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You took a tool on me, god, I'm wrapped around your finger! I can't focus when I see you, I lose all my senses when you smile"
Y/n smiled at the ongoing love declaration. "And no matter how hard I tried to cover up my feelings, to forget you, there just is no escape. I am lost, I'm losing my mind. God, what are you doing to me? I rant about you to Juleka, dear Lord. You made a mess out of me, Y/n, and I love, I love, I love you."
And before thinking, Y/n pressed her lips against his. She kissed him long and lovingly, making him melt under her touch.
"That makes the two of us"
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