#how are they going to learn anything if theyre afraid to ask questions in a school setting!
sam-the-pancake · 1 month
New school year is starting so I'm being reminded of this again. Last year when I got my wheelchair I asked my boss if I could send an email to staff before the start of the school year telling them that I'm a part time wheelchair user and to please be normal about it (not literally that but that's why I wanted to). She had to talk to HR and eventually I was told no because "it wouldn't be appropriate to tell everyone you were pregnant" and I'd have to handle it individually. She said they knew my disability/wheelchair wasn't the same as being pregnant but it was the closest example anyone could think of and had experience with. (Also as a trans masc person comparing my wheelchair to a pregnancy feels extra weird)
But it's SO NOT anything like a pregnancy. When you're pregnant people are generally happy for you. When you start showing and people aren't sure if you're actually pregnant it's considered common courtesy to not ask because the pregnant person could be offended if they aren't.
When you're pregnant people don't run up to you and say "Oh my god! Are you gonna be ok? I hope your pregnancy isn't dangerous! Get better soon!" Even though you're excited to be pregnant. Imagine if for 6-7 months, daily, your coworkers told you "I'm sorry you're sick, get well soon" but you have a happy healthy pregnancy. No ones accusing people of faking their pregnancy for??? Attention? The benefits??? Being lazy?? This is the analogy my boss and HR made me come up with because apparently my disability and getting a wheelchair is the same as being pregnant.
Disclaimer that I know not all pregnancies are low risk or something the person is happy about, but that's not what this is about. I was excited and happy that I finally have a wheelchair and was trying to avoid invasive and depressing comments from my coworkers, and was told I can't give people a heads-up that I'm fine just disabled because it would be like announcing a pregnancy.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Tanjiro x male reader<3
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Tanjiro x male reader won second place in the poll!! :) enjoy tanjiro stans<3
Starting back at the final selection let’s say that’s when you met
just to clear things up
and you two started dating some time after that
of course eventually making it official
tanjiro was quite flustered when he realized his sexuality might be different from tradition
but he wasn’t afraid to be bi/gay/pan or anything
he just thought- ..! Actually he never really thought of that type of thing..
I mean he was kinda too young
but now that your together!
he has time to figure it all out :)
tanjiro is such a sweet lover!
and helpful!
and caring!
(Really he’s a ball of love)
if you feel tired he carries you
(Even if your both beat up after a mission)
if you need water he’ll spare you some of his or go fetch some
And he’s always down to spar at any type of day!
I will say he’s not thinking about you in that way when you take your shirt off
but when you do he definitely admires you!
you might have abs seeing as though the demon slayer corps has………...harsh (brutal) training 😅
if you do then he sees it as a result of your hard work!
same with scars!
especially with scars<3
he can 100% relate and you two share stories about each one
if you have any—you probably trauma bond
you guys just end up talking all night long about your past, everything that happened, your pain, whether you want revenge or not and so on!
It strengthens your trust and relationship with each other
btw if anyone asks why your together as two males or how you know you actually like men..
tanjiro will humbly and politely educate (lecture) them on how important you are to each other, how you met, why/when you started dating and even if they don’t like it, it’s simple to walk away instead of disrespecting your relationship!
I hope y’all don’t run into uzui..
(y’all do)
that man has THREE wives why wouldn’t he question when he sees you two?? 😬🧍‍♀️
tanjiro had to hit em with the quick fix cuz when I tell you he did not let that slide 😂
especially with how slick uzui mouth be gettin..😒
Tanjiro also has learned to adjust to scavenging for food (he grew crops with his mom)
as well as inosuke (he grew up in the wild) and zenitsu (he used to have crops with his sensei)
so if you can too, great!
if not the 3 of them work together to make the 4 of you meals
and after they learn how to stop burning them
theyre pretty tasty too!!
don’t expect inosuke to share.
do expect inosuke to take
-note to self, m/n.
zenitsu doesn’t see the attraction to males instead of females
he won’t judge but will ask you two if your sure your into males
and after tanjiro gives him that lecture about being respectful-
he doesn’t question it again
inosuke straight up don’t care
he doesn’t really view relationships in a romantic way
its more so between “they’re beneath me” , “they’re above me, I must beat them”
so no worries about him judging either 😋
if nezuko doesn’t like you
it’s not to say tanjiro won’t date you because of it
but I’ll honestly say it plays a factor
If sweet nezuko doesn’t like you it prob means something..🤨
she has good instincts so tanjiro might start to assume you have ill intent or smth 😬
he’ll try to get her to like you and if she warms up to you he assumes it might’ve been personal 😂🤷‍♀️
but if she doesn’t..
he finds you like 30% less attractive🧍‍♀️
if she does like you from jump, she starts to protect you as well
and loves to spend time with you when she’s outside her box
tanjiro adores this and you three cuddle or play in each other’s hair whenever you have the time
It also makes him happy if you accept nezuko as a demon quickly
after missions tanjiro finds you, nezuko, zenitsu and inosuke
then cries
like your all just a crying mess tbh
i mean unless your like emotionally unavailable..
Tanjiro will help you achieve your goals as you likely help him achieve his
even more so after that night you had where you opened up to each other about your past
(again, only if you have truama)
tanjiro is really grateful for you
before all he had was nezuko
and aside from zenitsu and inosuke
now he has you!! 💗
tanjiro’s love languages are acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation and (shy) physical touch
actually maybe some gift giving when he can too!!
so all?!
such a green flag 💖
for acts of service as I said he’ll genuinely do any sane thing you ask of him
he cares about you that much
he won’t bother to complain about being tired either
he automatically assumes your either doing worse or he’s fine
as for quality time he gets really relieved when he gets sent on missions with you
at least he can be there to see and protect you
(or maybe vice versa 😂)
he’d beat himself up about not being able to protect you more if you get serious injures
tends to your wounds everyday then trains vigorously
to get stronger and protect you as you fight along side him when he fights muzan
if your gonna fight along side him in that battle? He’s gonna need to be strong enough to protect you.
he doesn’t want to loose you.
especially not to that man.
he lost everything to him.
he won’t let it happen again.
for quality time outside of missions ✌︎('ω')✌︎
tanjiro likes to train, cuddle, go on walks, go shopping, chit chat :)
All that good stuff <3
with words of affirmation he really just praises you all the time
”you did your best today in training! I could tell! :D”
“You look great today m/n!! I’m glad your wearing the (favorite men’s jewelry piece) I got you!”
”I can definitely tell your getting stronger, m/n!!!”
it can also be
“get a good nights sleep, m/n! I love you!”
”be careful on your mission okay? I love you, m/n!”
“thank goodness we surviveeeeed!!! I love you m/n!! I love you so much!!”
now lastly for (shy) physical touch
he is nervous to touch you
he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable, yes that’s the last thing he wants
he doesn’t know how to execute it so he ends up either asking or making it very obvious of what he’s trying to do
that way you can shut him down early on just in case
and you won’t feel pressured to let him if you dislike affection
which mind you he does asks if your okay with it first
so that’s likely not the case
if you did mention your distaste for physical affection, however, it’s duly noted in his mind and will keep it to a minimum
your gonna have to discuss boundaries or else he’s gonna act like you have the plague trying not to upset you 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Tanjiro doesn’t dislike pda or anything
he’s just a bit embarrassed about it
maybe if it’s more subtle like resting your head on his shoulder, then yeah that’s okay!
hugging too!!
but direct kissing or hand holding?
his face is a cherry and he’s apologizing to the passerbyers for disturbing them
even if they don’t mind
he’s self aware when it comes to not disturbing others
tanjiro can be a little flustered/shy about things but he’s certainly isn’t embarrassed about your relationship!
he’s quite proud, actually!
will happily tell/correct anyone that asks or misjudges♡♡♡
It’ll make me happy if you enjoyed this, so hopes to you did!
(apologies for the procrastination, and thank you for your patience lovelies!)
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hetalia-club · 1 month
Giving you this bc ur like, the only hetalia blog i still follow that still posts. But like.
Okay back in 2018-2019(?) i had a pretty big hetalia phase, i watched hetafacts videos n every episode that was on YouTube, i listened to the music on repeat. It was a major hyperfixation before i knew that i was autistic.
For the longest time after i stopped, engaging with hetalia for some reason i would. Cringe really hard whenever i saw anything hetalia related. Like. On ao3 when you go to search things it tells you how to search things and one i got (and keep getting) is like "hetalia tag:f/f" or something idk how proper ao3 searches work. Id like screenshot it and go to my friends n say "it haunts me" or some shit.
But like recently ive been. Embracing that part of my past? I guess? Like. Almost like coming to terms with it? Idk i started having a less bad reaction n like, realized it probably one of the more normal fandoms i was in. I was, cringe, as all kids are, but i was. Happy.
And then like. At a sleepover a few weeks ago, one thing leads to another and im telling my friend abt the songs and how ich leibe is. Just a recipe, and how i used to listen to almost all of the songs. I show them the clip of France trying to get England to sign a marriage contract, America ordering fucking condoms from Russia.
It has been at least 2 weeks since, and i can feel the hyperfixation coming back, half the music ive been listening too again is hetalia character songs (theyre so fucking good???) and ive been getting. Urges to watch the show and. I dont know how to feel or what to do?? Like. I'm afraid almost to get back into hetalia? Like i watched black butler a while ago, and i realized how. Theres some weird fucking tension between ceil n sebastian n i think im afraid im going to have that same reaction to hetalia?
Cause like there is shit i just completely forgot about. Like. The Bad Touch Trio. And im scared man.
Im sorry to fuckin, give you all of this, but i just. I dont know what to do ig. None of my friends like or used to like hetalia, the one i do info dump hetalia stuff too does not like hetalia and is learning shit about it against their will.
Idk, should i watch the show again? Is it, good? I genuinely can't remember anymore.
Sorry for using ur ask box like a confessional
I mean I’m right there with you man. The sole reason I am still in the Hetalia fandom is because hetalia got me through some real dark chapters and events in my life. I discovered Hetalia years ago in Highschool while with a very abusive ex who had to know everything I was doing at any given time. He wouldn’t let me go anywhere without him there. I tried to break up with him but he actually wouldn’t let me. He would threaten to off himself if I did so I felt bad because his mom was an alcoholic and his houses burned down. I stopped really going anywhere at all because if I did he would come with me and he ruined my relationships with most of my friends just by being ‘the worst’. I stopped cheerleading, I got depression really bad, I started to do terrible in all my classes but I discovered Hetalia while on deviant art and was instantly intrigued. It was like “idk what this is but I will now make it my personality”
Years later while with my most recent abusive Ex that I just broke up with last November I got back into Hetalia when our relationship started to get really bad and hard to cope wit on my own. I needed an escape and something to help me avoid him and no care so much about his insults something that I could think about instead of being sad all the time. Hetalia is something that just brings me joy. Instead of venting to people, getting therapy or increasing my meds Hetalia was just always there to go back to and escape. No idea what it is about it. Won’t go into details about the relationship, it’s irrelevant right now but I’m sure you can guess.
To answer your question, no Hetalia isn’t ‘good’ it makes zero sense and is confusing as hell. But for me it’s fun to use as a spring board for basically any kind of AU I could think up. The characters can fit into any type of situation you want to shove them in.
I would say give it a rewatch, as much as you want anyway. What is the worst that could happen? You continue an interest that brought you joy? Worst case. You are a bit cringe? Who cares if you are cringe if you are happy? Also not encouraging you to live a double life but if you are embarrassed to like Hetalia you don’t actually have to tell anyone how obsessed with it you are. No one but my ex knows how much I like Hetalia and he really has no idea just how deep I am in this shit. But if people knowing about one of your interests humiliates you then just don’t share it. At the end of the day it’s your comfort and it makes you happy it’s no one’s business.
There are a lot of old fandom tropes that have disappears the BTT being one of them. They put them as a group still but I guess they call it ‘bad friends ti’ now. There are still some things that make me side eye. But that’s every fandom I feel. You can choose who you wish to associate with and who you want to block or avoid. It’s your blog you don’t own an explanation to anyone.
Personally I don’t interact much with the people of the fandom itself I got a few people it talk to every now and again but really i just do my own thing. I write my own fics for myself. I got my little tumblr, discord and TikTok, I post about my little AUs and dumb thoughts and continue on. If people want to follow me that’s great, welcome. If they don’t that’s cool to!
Thanks for sticking around with me even after your Interest in Hetalia fizzled out tho haha! That had to be difficult I am very annoying at times I’m sure 😭.
Again worst thing that could happen than if you are a bit cringe. But not being cringe is boring as hell. Irl I’m one of the most normal bitches you could find. Carbon copy white girl. Absolutely no one would guess I were a Hetalia obsessed loser irl. In a line up you could not pick me out and guess my interests. So in February I got my hair done right? I got like. 500 dollar biolage it fades from brown to strawberry blonde. Want to know the reason I got this hair style? Because of Italy that’s why. I wanted red hair like him. Did I tell anyone that? No. When people said they liked my hair and asked me why I went red I would just go “idk just felt like it” but I would be thinking about him knowing the real answer.
Good luck anon, if you stick around welcome back the water is fine. If you don’t can you toss me that life vest up there if you don’t mind? Thank you!
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brdnbrgcncrt · 11 months
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I dont have the patience for anyone on twitter I think I might just stop using it forever and ever and ever. My headmates can have fun there but if I have to deal with one more petty self absorbed bitch or another ignorant asshole I think I might start eatjng my own legs
I think I’m only upset about this because I feel that I’m rejected every time I try to reach out to someone
I’m not even reaching out for any of my own reasons either. I’m doing it because I’m told thats the “mentally healthy” thing to do and I’m just fucking obsessed with achieving perfection lately. So many people try to lecture me about how I’m not doing enough to make friends or bond with people when all I’ve ever done my entire life is pour my heart and soul into people only to get the bare minimum in return. I am so so so fucking tired of having to make the first move because everyone else is too insecure or scared to do it on their own. If people really want me then they know where to find me. They just refuse to. I dont mean anything to anyone
I’m also just being crushed by the weight of having to be my system’s new host because the host before me had such a rich social life and now I have to manage it. I do have people who “chase” after me, but they bore me to death because theyre all the old host’s friends. They didnt do anything wrong, honestly theyre all so sweet and I’m grateful to have at least someone but. Theyre just so boring.
I hate having to watch people interact with us less when I’m fronting. I hate seeing people be intimidated by me or afraid of me. I havent done anything wrong and I choose my words so so carefully even when I’m literally enraged. Even when reacting with rage and anger is completely justified, I am still kind and patient to everyone around me. But it means nothing because I talk weird I act weird I look weird. I might as well lash out on anyone and everyone because nobody will ever grow to like me. Why do I hold back every day when I gain nothing from it?
What set off this rant is mostly me being overstimulated and tired but I think I reached my breaking point because of this one person on twitter asking the most idiotic, UNRELATED question under a post I made about substance abuse and my relationship with my ex. Sometimes I’m convinced he acts like this just to piss me off. But if I told him to go learn some manners, or if I took it even further and told him to go fuck himself, I’d be the bad guy! I fucking always am
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what i wish someone told me about the internet in general regarding making friends passed 2010:
- Dont force things on people selfishly. Dont expect everyone to like or accept all of you. Hold dearly to the people who stick up for you and stay with you despite everything (even being "opposites"). The true gems are the ones who are ride or die but also on your level regarding similar beliefs, values, etc. Dont let others convince you to go down a dark path and make you question who you are.
- Dont get close to people who trash on your religion, beliefs, values. Or trash things you enjoy. Dont befriend people who are negative all the time and their self deprication is so concerning you'd have to ask if they need a therapist, God, or both. Not everyone that gravitates to you is for you. and if your beliefs change overtime dont be afraid to part ways with people from that past.
- Be accepting to burn bridges when your boundaries are being disrespected and they have little to no respect to how you feel. Dont perpetuate cycles that set you up for disappointments and depression. We all had that one dad who went to the store to get milk and never came back. And some of us have attachment issues that went unchecked for years because of that. Just block that inconsistent person you call friend and move on.
- When you block or part ways with someone do it with a forgiving heart. Even if everything hasnt been explained and youre hurting, make sure you never part ways with someone on a bad note. It'll follow you to the next person you might need to burn bridges with and can develop into an untreated attachment issue.
Just make yourself forgive them even if they wronged you because when youre not able to forgive it has a lasting effect on you and youre carrying unnecessary baggage from that encounter. its true for online and irl. next time youre in an internet argument with some prick or having issues with a so-called "friend" dont take it personal. yes its the internet. but they are also people behind that screen too. but also learn do what you gotta do for yourself.
-Make sure you dont take what the other person says or does personally during this time . Maybe yall meet again on good terms and become buddies again or better than before. But also accept if theyre gone, they will probably be gone for good. You cant mend all bridges. And you cant accept that all will come back to you. But know that its apart of life and its neither good nor bad when you have to let people go. It just is and mostly for your benefit and happiness in the end. especially if something like hacking, doxxing, or stalking happens. if you are christian, let God handle it. if you believe in karma trust that theyre bad deeds go unpunished. Dont make those things get to you and make you feel worse.
- take any and every information you get with a grain of salt. dont be quick to cancel and drop things because some random person on the internet says so. especially when the benefits outweigh the odds, or the think piece is based on personal bias rather than actual concerns of society. dont be fooled by fancy words (i wasnt) not every person that speaks for the cause is for the cause.
grifters exist. and nowadays its all a popularity contest. and not every leftist and feminist is your friend or ally or speaks for equality, equity, and human rights. and maybe there are somethings you dont agree with. stay away from the hive mind. think for yourself. if your values and beliefs change you are not a "traitor". Be discerning of anything and everything you see and hear and come to your own conclusion of how you feel about it.
- there are alot of scary things on the internet just like it is in life. i been knew this and for years i never let things like cybersecurity risks and doxxing get to me. because it can and will happen somehow some way. like your nudes being leaked. something you said at a younger age being taken completely out of context. and nobody cares if youre mentally ill or disabled with no guidance. if its meme-able or lolcw worthy the internet will make sure you remember that moment for the rest ot your life.
but something someone told me that made this specific thing less daunting to me. people will talk about you for the rest of your life. and these things i also mentioned are a harsh reality we have to accept. doesnt mean we cant set up precautions to prevent it. But it also doesnt mean we shouldnt use the internet. thats the same logic as saying we cant go outside because a million things could happen if we do. be aware but dont be scared
- if youre young, mentally disabled, suffer from mental illness, or havent been on the internet long enough to know things. please tell your parents, guardians, caregivers, etc who you are talking to. You can choose to not say anything. but if someone is asking you for money, asking for nudes and sexual favors, or is trying to get you to come meet them somewhere way too soon and you have no idea who they are irl, please tell them!
Also try to use discernment and know when someone is out to harm you or just dont do meetups at all if you dont know them like that. if youre in danger, reach out if possible! Make sure you get help locally before branching out to random people from another state. Be careful, be weary, and if you can talk to your parents about the people you speak to online.
-be patient and dont worry about likes, comments, and interactions. dont try to monetize or get popular with something that brings you joy and happiness. because depending on popularity and interactions will only kill your love and passion for that thing. itll probably take decades or a few years for things to go the way you want. just keep posting like youre talking to a wall and someone will eventually see it.
i think that's all i got. Also MINORS (Includes 17 and under). DO NOT POST NSFW OR NUDES ONLINE! its illegal! Anybody who has that content you put out there w/o knowing your age can get in trouble! So please dont be dumb.
i hope all i said was beneficial. ill add at least three tags and edit this later. stay blessed and drink plenty water. ily ✌️❤️🙏
also if someone says you should make adult content or do onlyfans: DONT!!
they only want free stuff from you and dont care about you all that much. from experience. ✌️
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lilchicknugg · 1 year
things that make me happy:
- reading romance books…oh how i love love love my books! theyre the best part of my day.
- listening to nice songs as i lay in bed or go about my day. there are just some songs that i love more than myself.
- halloween themes
- jumping around
- dancing in the shower with cold water blasting on me
- spending time with my family…sometimes
- the idea that one day i’ll fulfill my super fucking awesome bucket list!
- being alone/ not talking to anyone
- talking to myself
- cold temperatures + cozy clothes and blankets
- when my bed feels like a hotel bed. sometimes i just really need those vibes
- fresh air
- smelling good/feeling soft after showers. i dont know but it just makes me so happy.
- nice hair days. need i say more.
- lighters. something about holding it and igniting the flame is so comforting to me
- building legos! i love legos so much. my biggest set as of now is the hogwarts castle from harry potter with exactly 6,020 pieces. i have yet to build it but when my family’s new house gets finished building i’ll finally have the space to build the hundreds of lego sets my dad bought.
- learning spanish (when im not tired)
- sending/receiving emails. there’s something so special about it that makes me love it so much but no one uses email for personal matters anymore which i find so sad.
- organizing. in a way it makes me feel like i have control over some aspects of my life.
- taking walks around my ginormous school…but only when im alone
- drinking tea in my living room as the sun’s out and it’s windy. it makes me feel as though im actually living and enjoying life.
- physical touch (only from people i like). even though im deathly afraid of it, to me, physical touch in any way in so intimate and loving that it makes me feel all warm inside when it does happen.
- people who i can talk to without constantly having to filter myself or give great thought into what im about to say
- chocolate cake. i am obsessed with chocolate cake i’ll eat it any form or shape. they make me so indescribably happy.
- receiving (unexpected) compliments. as u can tell, im extremely attention deprived so any compliment really just makes my day.
- chicky! my emotional support stuffed duck who i hug every night as i go to sleep
- my website!! a while back i made a simple html coded website that acts as a journal of all the books i have ever read along with my rating for it and nothing beats the feeling of adding another book into the roster. as of now, my review/thoughts about my books are up on a twitter account i made specifically to talk about my books but one day (when im not lazy) i’ll create a page layout where i can insert my reviews about books.
- grilled cheese sandwiches. wowowowow how i loove grilled cheeses. theyre an all time favorite food!
- living rooms! no matter what house im staying in, i always always hang out in the living room and theyre especially great in afternoon bc i love the atmosphere where the sun is shining and its slightly warm out
- pool/beach days :) i love everything about them—the sun, the water, swimming. if i could live in the water, i would!
- the feeling of sun shining on me
- sushi. i am actually obsessed with sushi and will eat it for every single meal if left unchecked.
- anything fuzzy really. fuzzy blankets, socks, shoes, headbands. despite what everyone says about it being too hot, its my favorite material!
- fandoms. i love seeing other people geek around and be equally excited about certain tv shows and movies as me. its such a nice feeling and makes me feel bonded to them especially when its about a rather niche fandom.
- freshly baked cookies
- when people ask the right questions about me
- random acts of kindness. not just to me, but experiencing it around me as well is such a beautiful thing
- tumblr and reddit :) i love anonymous apps and how everyone is so real about themselves. there aren’t any facades and pretentiousness.
July 2, 2023 (Sunday)
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gin-no-g · 1 year
Is it just me or are you able to hear the high-pitched ringing that comes from outlets until you turn them off?
Sorry, I was going to ask you a Haikyuu question about "who would you put on your dream nationals-winning team" but I got distracted and now I need to know if this is just a me thing or something else?
my first ever (random/not a specific prompt) ask on this account!!!! <33 I love you anonymous stranger 💖💖💖
(edited because I did in fact get a bingo ask that I loved and appreciated but my mind blanked lol)
i Am able to hear electricity noises!! there are some quieter outlets and electrical devices but some are.. quite loudㅠㅠ (ive heard that its a common neurodivergent thing?? but im not diagnosed with anything nor did I do research so take that as you will) (also dont be sorry it was a fun question!)
also dream nationals winning team.... Below the cut because its long
ohfhcb I cant chooseㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(we are going to ignore how making/not making it to nationals has impacted the characters and just go with vibes only)
-oikawa.. because he! deserves it..
-kageyama (would be SO chaotic with oikawa as hinata mentions during the all stars match, but I do feel like they both want the same thing--to play volleyball/stay on the court--so I feel like they could do it....??)
Middle Blockers
-hinata! I would LOVE to see more oikawa and hinata interactions (sorry kageyama..) I think theyre great!
-aone! my baby
-matsukawa I just want him and hinata to play on the same side of the net
-kita!!! Main wrangler of the team tbh, i think hes level header, good at defense, kinda the all rounder thats needed, also super chill with watching and helping the others improve
-yaku! I LOVE his vibes and he isnt afraid to punch people which I value (he would get along with sugawara so much imo)
Pinch Hitter
-semi, my freedom man my guy who found a way to fit in the team he didnt really fit into my musician and muse (I dont show appreciation enough for him but hes awesome)
people I genuinely wanted to add but didnt:
-goshiki and shirabu.. as a pair.. (look I just cant keep adding setters to this team but they!! would learn so much!! and also Teach so much too!!!)
-bokuto and konoha.. they are my babies.. but not really the vibe I was going for I guess?
-nishinoya and motoya, i feel like one libero on a team is average and I already put yaku... SO SORRY BABES liberos are so sooo cool ㅠㅠ
-yamaguchi (he is me)
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southislandwren · 4 years
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dreams-of-klag · 4 years
THOughTs on the Green brothers. (spoiler alert, these thoughts are highly positive)
been seeing posts recently about the time john green was bullied off of tumblr like its something to laugh about-- i even reblogged one of them that was talking about how tr*mp should try to join tumblr and see how it goes (which was, admittedly, funny)-- but i just want to throw it out there that john green gets a bunch of shit that he doesnt deserve and i am tired of hearing it.
So heres my incomplete list of great things John and Hank Green have done that dont mean that theyre perfect people but just mean that for FUCKS SAKE people need to lay off and actually recognize that they are good people and actually making the world a better place. 
1. in their podcast, where listeners write in with questions, they always refer to people asking the questions with gender neutral pronouns unless the person specifically expresses a gender in the text of the email. They dont talk about it, its just a thing that quietly happens.
2. Their books are fucking good
John uses his books to subvert common harmful tropes that affect the way people view women and people dealing with chronic illness. “Looking For Alaska” and “Paper Towns” are absolute refusals of the MPDG trope and absolutely condemn the main (male) characters for seeing Alaska and Margot as less than full human beings. “The Fault In Our Stars” is all about how illness in general but cancer specifically doesnt mean anything, its just a horrific thing that happens to people, and how nothing you learn from having cancer is valuable enough to be worth it, and how romanticizing illness hurts people who are dealing with it. “Turtles All The Way Down” is about OCD, about feeling like a burden on people around you, and sometimes actually being hard to be around and actually hard to deal with, but how that doesnt make you less of a person, and doesnt make you any less loved, and how “getting better” or being “cured” is not the end goal of mental illness narratives, sometimes you just need to be able to get through the day and that is OK. 
Hanks books are a trip and a half. “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” and “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor” are simultaneously the books that have made me the most afraid of the future, and the most hopeful for the future. I dont know how else to say it. Also. well. written. queer. women. HOLY FUCK. WELL WRITTEN QUEER WOMEN. WRITTEN BY A STRAIGHT WHITE GUY. How?? you ask??? because he fucking talked to queer women, hired sensitivity readers, and actually values the input of marginalized people and wants to represent them well. Read these books. 
3. This isnt even touching on all of the charity work that they do in which they NEVER CENTER THEMSELVES so im going to do it for them because they deserve some recognition for this. They are so generous with their time, attention, platform, and money in a way that i hope becomes more common, but damn, they are making concrete change in the world in a way that most people only talk about. and theyre DOING IT. 
4. THEIR FREE EDUCATIONAL CHANNELS. FREE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES. FREE. EDUCATIONAL. RESOURCES. and thats not even close to all of them. They also make really great explainer videos on their main channel  about really difficult topics and they break them down into something you can understand. 
They are just earnest, silly, and interesting people who are committed to experiencing the world with curiosity and i could go on and on with the just-- fucking GOOD things both of them have done and people choose to ignore those in favor of laughing about the john green c*ck monologue and making up twitter style canceling manifestos based on not having read any of their books or having engaged with any of their content in any way and straight up garbage. I just think they deserve better than that. 
tldr: stop talking shit about the green brothers. ready for a keanu reeves style green brothers renaissance on this hellsite. 
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sad-brunnettee · 2 years
!!could i request a fic where rockstar eddie is dating hispanic popstar reader (like selena vibes) and theyre just a power couple despite how different they are style/music wise
A/n: OH MY GOD YES! When I read this I automatically thought of Selena and Chris!!!
The Rockstar & the Popstar
Eddie Munson x hispanic! Popstar! reader
Your personality was what really got Eddie’s attention. You weren’t afraid to speak your mind and dressed how you felt most comfortable. It got you some weird looks from people but it never bothered you. Not just that but there were many who judged your music. You had some listeners who complained about you singing in Spanish, while others complained for your songs in English. You’ve learned that you could never do anything to please others, so you have decided to do things for your own entertainment.
Eddie, your boyfriend was the same, which is why the two of you clicked. Although, that didn’t mean the two of you shared any differences. For example, you wore bright colors and clothing that some may classify as ‘inappropriate’. Eddie, wore dark clothes that made him look scary. Most of your music was about love while others were made to get people to dance to at parties. While Eddie’s music, was loud. It caused heads to bop while increasing the volume, making the bass vibrate everything around them. Regardless, parents thought the same thing, you two were terrible role models for their kids.
Wherever the two of you went, heads will turn. Many weren’t sure how the two of you clicked. You just wished that people would see how great he treats you. Luckily, neither one of you seem to mind the stares or the critics.
Even though there are many people against the two of you, there are others who love you both. You’re not sure how many letters you’ve received from little kids, teenagers and even adults who told you the way your music helped them. Same thing has happened to Eddie, he has been told that he helped them gain confidence.
You just wish the two of you had more time to see each other. Performing concerts has gotten in the way but you two have made it work. You’ve sent one another gifts before their performance, called one another and when either of you could, you’ll go to each others concerts.
You were sitting on the chair in your reading room, you looked through a clothing magazine while a young lady styled your hair. You were invited to be interviewed and there were five minutes left before you had to go on set.
“What do you think of this dress?” You lifted up the magazine allowing, Lisa to see it. She only shook her head with a smile.
“I think…you could style it better y/n.” She responded truthfully, your outfits were always perfect.
“You think so?” You asked surprised.
She was taken aback by your genuine surprise, she would’ve never expected for you to be this down to earth. Yet it warmed her heart knowing that you didn’t let fame get to your head.
“I know so, now let’s go ahead and go to the set. It’s almost time.” She set down her stuff and walked over to open the door for you.
You got up from the chair and shook your hands, “I’m so nervous.” You said while walking towards the door. No matter how many times you’ve done interviews, you could never get used to it. The sound of applause set your brain on autopilot, without thinking you walked into set and waved at the audience with a big smile.
The interview was like any other, they’d mix Spanish with English. You think it’s their way to publicly humiliate you if you weren’t able to understand some words. Yet you were able to answer all questions thrown at you.
“So y/n, before our interview is over. Is there anything you’d like to tell the audience?” He asked as he pointed you to the right camera.
“Yes, my new single, Beso, will be out this Friday I hope you enjoy it… and speaking of besos. I’d like to send one to my boyfriend, Eddie. I miss you!” Even if you did sound corny, you wanted to show Eddie some appreciation. Your way of letting him know that nothing will get between you two.
Eddie taglist 🏷️: @hellomyweirdos @lubsana @satsuri3su @n39ro-chann @kenzi-woycehoski @yookayur @wittleespur
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senacal · 4 years
Hello! Could you do a jealous! Erik Lensherr x Reader. Theyre both professors and all btw. Thanks!
Request: Requested by a lovely Anon 💕
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Hello! Could you do a jealous!Erik Lensherr x Reader. They’re both professors and all btw. Thanks!
Warnings: Misunderstandings, jealousy 
Abbreviations: (Y/F/N)- your full name, (Y/N)- your name
Author’s Note: 😬 Sorry this took so long to get out, I had a little bit of writer’s block and of course my dear friend, no motivation. The reader is gender-neutral cause I wasn’t sure what was wanted.
As always, Requests Are Open!
(Not my Gif)
Tumblr media
(Y/F/N) loved their job. They couldn’t explain what had convinced them to teach at Charles Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters; perhaps it was Charles Xavier himself, or more likely, the student’s enthusiasm to learn from them. (Y/N) never expected to be a teacher, considering their high school and college experiences weren’t the most exciting or thrilling. They were almost convinced Teachers hated them, which is why it was ironic that they had become a teacher. 
It was a year after (Y/N) had begun teaching that they had met Erik Lehnsherr. He was… different. Not in a bad way, but he was closed off. And he only ever talked to Charles, Raven, and occasionally Hank. For a month, (Y/N) thought he didn’t speak. There was nothing wrong with that either; a few of their students preferred to remain mute, and some students preferred to use Sign Language over speaking to communicate with (Y/N). So, if Erik was mute, it wasn’t an issue. (Y/N) wanted to get to know him better. Which was why they had attempted to be Erik’s friend.
Whenever Erik would enter a room, (Y/N) would casually make their way to him and make small talk. Most of the time they were met with silence. (Y/N) could have sworn Erik smiled the last time they talked to him, so they knew they were getting somewhere. Soon enough, Erik would start responding to them, small-short answers at first, but it was still something. (Y/N) even asked him if they were bugging him when the short answers continued. (He said no, but (Y/N) wasn’t so sure). Sometimes they wished they were an empath so they could get a read on Erik’s feelings, but alas, they were only able to heal an object’s physical wounds. But it was okay because they were a valued member of the team and Charles, Raven, and Hank loved them for them. 
(Y/N) was almost worried Erik would never open up to them, but as soon as he joined the staff of Charles Xavier’s school, (Y/N) noticed Erik lingering near their classroom. It was almost as if he was seeking them out. (Y/N)’s heart fluttered in giddiness at the mere thought. Whenever they saw Erik in the halls, Erik would greet them with a hello and a kind smile. It was the best part of their day. 
It got to the point where (Y/N) would expect to see Erik before they both went to their respective classes, (Y/N) to anatomy, and Erik to physics. This was why they found it disappointing that Erik was nowhere to be found. They wouldn’t have been too worried because even mutants got the flu and needed a vacation, but it was now the fourth day that (Y/N) hadn’t seen Erik and it was very concerning. Did something happen? Did Erik get hurt? Was he seriously ill? Did he leave again? Did he just not want to see (Y/N)? (Y/N) couldn’t stop their mind from jumping to conclusions. It even distracted them from their teaching, so they would often dismiss their class early. Why waste their’s and their student’s time if they couldn’t concentrate? In fact, with the constant short classes, (Y/N) shouldn’t have been surprised to see Charles stroll into their classroom. 
“(Y/N), may I speak with you?” Charles asked once it was apparent that (Y/N) was too wrapped up in their thoughts to notice Charles.
“Hmm? Oh, sorry Charles, I’m just a bit distracted, what’s up?” They asked. (Y/N) sat at their desk hoping the steady position will get them to focus on Charles.
“It’s come to my attention that you’ve been letting the students out of class early the past few days, is anything the matter?” Charles asked. 
“Oh, uh, no, I just, I’ve been distracted lately is all,” (Y/N)’s cheeks flushed in shame. They couldn’t let this issue affect their job any more than it already has.
“Distracted… by anything in particular?” He moved his wheelchair closer to (Y/N).
(Y/N) shifted so they could face Charles, “Is Erik okay?”
Charles raised his brows, “Why wouldn’t he be?” 
“No reason, I just haven’t seen him is all, I was concerned,” (Y/N) shrugged. Maybe Erik really was avoiding them.
“He’s fine. I mean he was acting odd around me as well, but he said he was distracted. Seems to be a lot of that going on around here these days,” Charles nudged (Y/N)’s hand with a teasing smile.
(Y/N) huffed a small laugh, “I suppose I’m not the only one,” they drummed their fingers on their lap, “Don’t laugh, but I think Erik might be avoiding me and I’m kind of afraid that it might actually be true.”
“I won’t laugh at that, but Erik is a complex person. Sometimes he feels the need to isolate himself when he’s troubled, that could be why he’s been staying away,” Charles shrugged.
Charles had a point, Erik didn’t seem the type to confide in someone if something was troubling him. 
Charles grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, “I hope everything works itself out, can’t have my best teacher struggling.”
(Y/N) smiled gratefully at Charles’s blatant concern. He was their best friend and they knew he was merely concerned for them. Before they could respond with reassurance, however, Erik stepped into the classroom.
“Oh, sorry, I- sorry,” Erik ran his hand through his hair, “Can I ask,” He pointed from Charles to (Y/N) “are you… do you two- Anything happening here?” 
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed at the question, “anything like what?”
Charles snorted with laughter next to them. He waved his hand as if to apologize but the laughter bubbling from his lips made it hard to believe. “What?” (Y/N) frowned.
Charles dropped (Y/N)’s hand and huffed softly, “Nothing, darling. Erik, a word if  you please?” Charles maneuvered his wheelchair outside of (Y/N)’s classroom. 
(Y/N) watched as Erik walked out after Charles with a look of confusion. Was there something they weren’t getting?
Erik has had a rough couple of days. Before, Erik would usually brush off any inconvenience and continue with his day. But ever since he met (Y/N) it’s been a little more difficult to ignore the problem at hand. And that problem came in the form of one Charles Xavier. Erik knew someone as wonderful as (Y/N) had to be taken, but taken by Charles? Not that Charles wasn’t a good person, he was the best person Erik knew, he just really hated that of all people, (Y/N) was dating Charles; his best friend.  
When Erik first met (Y/N) he knew there was something special about them, and not just because of their power. No, (Y/N) was the most caring, funny, and charming person he has ever had the pleasure of meeting. They always made sure to include Erik when he first arrived, and they made sure that he wasn’t feeling neglected. These small acts of kindness were enough to make Erik fall for them. But again, (Y/N) was with Charles. 
At first, Erik thought he could ignore his feelings and simply brush them aside. But that was easier said than done. (Y/N) was always on his mind. Whenever he was in class, in the danger room, driving. There was no escaping (Y/N). So, Erik accepted his fate and became their friend; Only now he’d see Charles around more often, and he’d feel guilty for even fantasizing about (Y/N). Erik was living in hell.
The other day, Erik had the intention of telling Charles how he felt about (Y/N). When he walked into the living room, both (Y/N) and Charles were sat by the fireplace, talking and laughing. He realized he couldn’t get in the way of their relationship. He couldn’t leave again though, it didn’t sit well with him. Instead, Erik chose to avoid both Charles and (Y/N). Whenever he would see (Y/N), he’d turn the other way and pretend like they weren’t there. He altered his route so he wouldn’t run the risk of running into them. When he saw Charles, Erik would find a way out of the conversation and avoid him as well. 
This had been going on for a week now. But even avoiding (Y/N) was like torture; he missed them. He wanted to see them smile when he said hello; he wanted to see them laugh when he told a joke. He missed them. So he went to find them. But when he did, they were with Charles. He didn’t know why he felt so disappointed. He had foolishly hoped to get some alone time with (Y/N). 
It got to the point where Erik had finally asked if (Y/N) and Charles were in fact in a relationship; It sure seemed like it. He shifted nervously in place, avoiding Charles’s eyes. He wished he was using his helmet right now. 
“Erik, tell me, do you like (Y/N)?” Charles asked casually.
“What would make you think that?” He mumbled.
“Oh, I don’t know, perhaps it’s the disappearing act you seem to pull whenever we’re together or the fact that you haven’t spoken to me or them in days?” Charles raised his brows accusingly. He obviously wasn’t as in the dark as Erik had hoped.
“Maybe I just don’t like talking to you?” Erik shrugged.
Charles rolled his eyes, “Please if that were true I’d have known long ago.”
Erik ran his hand through his hair, “What if I did? There’s no chance for me, I know that. And I would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship.”
Charles smiled, “Well, I’m glad to hear that, but there is something you should know. (Y/N) and I aren’t together.”
Erik frowned, “Did you two break up?”
Charles chuckled, “No, you git, we were never together. We’re just friends. I promise. And if it helps, I’m pretty sure they like you too.”
“Really?” Erik grinned. It seemed he could only string together unintelligent answers now that he knew (Y/N) was single.
“Would I lie to you?” At Erik’s look, Charles rolled his eyes, “When it counts?”
“No, I suppose not,” Erik cleared his throat and finally met Charles’s eyes, “Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I should talk to,” He pointed to (Y/N)’s classroom door behind him with his thumb.
“Definitely. I’d wish you luck, but I am positive this will go well for you both,” Charles winked and left Erik to talk to (Y/N).
Erik took a deep breath and re-entered the classroom.
(Y/N) looked up from fiddling with their fingers when he walked in. They smiled when they saw it was him. It was a pleasant surprise. They had expected Charles to come in. “Erik, it’s been a minute.”
Erik shrugged, “Yeah, I wanted to apologize for that. I uh, may I sit?” He motioned to the seat near their desk.
(Y/N) nodded seeming eager.
Erik pulled the chair closer to (Y/N) and took a seat. “First off, I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn’t have been avoiding you.”
“So you were avoiding me?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Yes, but not because I don’t like you,” Erik rushed when he noticed the disappointed look on their face, “I like you a lot actually. That’s why I’ve been avoiding you.”
“That makes absolutely no sense.” (Y/N) crossed their arms over their chest, “You don’t avoid people you claim to like.”
“That’s a good point, but in my defense, I thought you were dating my best friend.” He drummed his fingers on his thighs, “I know it seems stupid now. I feel stupid, but it only seemed logical at the time.”
(Y/N) smiled and shifted closer to Erik so their knees were touching, “You were jealous of Charles?” 
“I know, I know. I’m an idiot, but you had to see how close you two are,” Erik defended.
(Y/N) laughed but nodded in agreement, “Okay, I forgive you.” They took Erik’s fidgeting hands into their own, “And if it helps, I like you too.”
Erik beamed, “It does.”
“Good,” (Y/N) let go of one hand and laced their fingers together with the hand they still held, “Now, ask me on a date so we can stop being idiots.”
Erik laughed happily, “very well. (Y/N), would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Erik, this is so sudden,” (Y/N) teased.
Erik rolled his eyes fondly, “Yeah, only took me a couple of months to get the courage to ask you out.”
(Y/N) bit their lip, “I’d love to go out Erik.” They leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Erik’s cheek. 
“It’s about damn time,” Charles’s voice echoed in both mutant’s minds. 
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seravph · 3 years
Hi, I didn't really know who to reach out for this question, but do you have any tips on how to find your own unique fashion style? I'm not really looking to hop on popular clothing trends on social media e.g. eboy/girl or cottagecore, so I'm not exactly sure where to start! I come to consult you because I've seen some of your posts and you look very well versed in fashion and you seem to know your own personal style. My wardrobe is very outdated and I would like to update it to reflect the truest expression of myself. Thank you 😊 You don't have to answer this if you don't feel like doing so btw 😅
EEEE more fashion asks i love these thank you!!!! warning this got a lil (very) long so its under the cut :^)
so first and foremost the most important part about curating your own style is to learn more about your body and what flatters/doesnt flatter it. it's learning some basic fashion 'rules' pertaining to proportions, cuts, etc. there are plenty of resources on this if you dont know where to start (kibbe body test, video, video) but keep in mind this step has nothing to do with your weight!!!! i could talk wayyy more about this but at the end of the day, some clothing is just more flattering for specific body shapes - that doesnt mean you cant wear something that isnt perfectly flattering, but knowing your body and knowing what flatters it will make you understand your own style and help guide the pieces you buy. fashion 'rules' arent necessarily meant to be followed, but just understood so that 'breaking' them is a conscious choice. (it also really helped with my insecurities???? like this step is basically recognizing that its not your body thats unflattering, its the clothing, if that makes sense???)
also remember that every 'style' works for every body type. i.e if you want to be a 60s vibe but youre too curvy for shift dresses, there are plenty of clothes in a similar style that would look great on you <3 basically, if you dont like the way a piece looks on you, you can still achieve the same vibe with a different article of clothing thats more flattering. but also umm.... you can just wear the unflattering thing if you want LOL if it makes you happy... then it becomes your own controlled decision <3 live love laugh follow your heart
okay. now that you have that out of the way. there are a million ways to develop a sense of style, and no particular order in which i recommend them. what i love doing is creating pinterest boards for the spring/summer or fall/winter seasons and just filling them with pieces i would wear in a perfect world. i dont mean like cottagecore aesthetic boards, just boards full of runway looks and clothing pngs that i like. i also love making little outfits for characters which can influence my own style. everyone thinks of their style differently; i think of my own outfits as little vignettes with narratives behind them, but other people are more concerned with just wearing things they think are pretty, other people view it as an expression of art or their identity, and other people just want to feel comfortable!!! its all up to you and what youre drawn to!!
one thing that tan france mentioned once was to go online window shopping by going onto the website for a brand you like (regardless of whether its affordable or realistic!) and just adding things to your cart that youre interested in. dont worry about how expensive they are or anything, and when youre done, remove all the items you like the least. and then keep reviewing and removing until you have just a handful of really nice items you really like, and keep doing this with other brands until you can identify common threads between the pieces you like. you dont have to buy them!! in fact maybe its better if you dont!!! and the websites dont have to be like zara or h&m ... go on balmain or chanel if you want, play pretend and have fun!!
re: the last bullet point, i think a big turn off for people in terms of fashion is the idea that you need to wear something palatable and 'appropriate.' its like looking at a runway and thinking "its nice, but i would never wear that in real life." but honestly????? in a perfect world i would be wearing full gowns to the supermarket!!!! if your ideal style is imaginative but unattainable, your style in practice will be a microcosm of it. basically... dream big... dont be afraid to 'overdress' if its what you like!! one of the best pieces of advice i ever got was from my aunt, who offered to by me a plastic tiara. i asked her when i was ever going to wear it irl, and she just looked at me and said "??? you can wear it whenever you want to!!" so true!!! wear a tutu to mcdonalds. wear a bedazzled tux to prom. who cares
accessories, nail polish, hair, jewelry, perfume and makeup goes a long way in developing style. i dont wear a ton of makeup, but just putting some color on my cheeks achieves a kind of sunkissed lovestruck vibe that i strive for. i paint my nails red because i think its chic or bright colors so they contrast with a toned down outfit. even wearing no accessories is an accessory in itself. accessorizing (or specifically not accessorizing) is like adding texture to an outfit imo
anything that advises you about 'absolutely necessary essentials everyone needs' is entirely wrong. there is no one size fits all; i.e everyone says you need one good pair of denim jeans, but i havent worn jeans in two years!!! an essential for ME is a pair of neutral wool shorts, but an essential for another person could be a thick knit sweater or for another person, a flannel. the idea that everyone needs a 'little black dress' or a 'basic white t shirt' is preposterous. YOUR essentials depend entirely on YOUR style. a pair of denim jeans is useless if you hate wearing jeans!!!!
as for my personal style, im mostly influenced by movies, books, songs, characters, feelings, colors, high fashion, and costumes. ultimately, you should worry less about what you want to be and worry more about what you already like. every piece i have kind of plays into some narrative ive constructed, or otherwise theyre all special to me :) if you want to update your wardrobe, dont feel the need to over consume fast fashion (or any fashion for that matter) to do so. if you take it slow and buy pieces you really love, every item will have a story and you'll begin to develop a more stable internal style and they'll last longer :)
let me know if you have questions or want me to talk more about any of this because i really love answering these kinds of questions!!!!!! especially the body type thing because thats such an important but long winded thing i couldnt really fit it all LOL
some more videos + resources about style and fashion i think are interesting:
deep dive into kibbe body types
pinterest aesthetics, fatphobia, and white washing
lies about clothes to unlearn in your twenties
studio ghibli: how clothing shapes identity
breakfast at tiffanys style analysis: the reinvention of onself with fashion
will the millennial aesthetic ever end?
go viral, post #spon, get canceled: how social media transformed fashion in the 2010s
analyzing the "is it a cute outfit or is she just skinny?" meme
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mallowstep · 3 years
(insurance claim)
Mistyfoot paces in their bedroom, waiting for someone to pick up her call. The first hints of dawn show below their curtains, and Mistyfoot finds herself peeking through them as she waits.
The phone finally picks up.
* * *
"I'll be fine," Feathertail says. "Shadepelt will watch the kids and I feel fine enough."
Mistyfoot sighs. "Are you sure? I can--"
"I'm sure. Stonefur is here most of today, and if things get worse, I'll call you, I promise."
Mistyfoot searches Feathertail's face. She's being sincere, but Mistyfoot walked her to the bathroom and she sat down to brush her teeth. Mistyfoot wants to stay home with her, because she wants to, because Feathertail doesn't tell the others when she needs something, because Mistyfoot is always afraid of comining home and finding Feathertail worse, but she doesn't have enough days off to stay home every time Feathertail has a bad day, and she can read between the lines. Tomorrow might be worse.
"You'll tell them if you need something?"
Feathertail nods. "Promise."
Mistyfoot sighs, kissing her forehead. "Okay. I'll try to come home early."
* * *
One more month, and then it's been a year, and she can request more time.
* * *
Stonefur is hiding something from her.
Mistyfoot waits until it's just the two of them, Feathertail and Stormheart playing outside with the triplets, and then she confronts him about it.
"I'm not hiding anything."
"You are." She raises her eyebrows. "I've known you your whole life, Stonefur, I know you."
Stonefur sighs. "Misty -- I'm not hiding anything. I just...it's complicated."
"You're literally refusing to talk about something."
He looks away from her, then rolls his shoulders. "Leopardstar called me a few weeks ago. I've -- I went...I don't know." He sighs. "We got coffee. That's all."
Mistyfoot nods. "How was it?"
"I don't know. It's a lot, Mistyfoot, and I don't...I'm not ready to talk about this, okay?" He puts his hand to his chest, and Mistyfoot knows he's looking for a ring that isn't there. She hasn't asked him why.
"You know you can talk to me, right?"
"I...it's not about that." He sighs. "Look, I don't -- I don't know, and I can't..." Stonefur looks back at her. "I need to figure this out for myself first, okay?"
* * *
"Okay," Stormheart says, "so normally, this joystick does walking, and this one is the cursor. But we can switch them."
"Well, you're going to do the cursor, right?"
"Yeah, unless you want to. And then we'd switch them."
Feathertail shrugs. "Keep explaining."
"Okay, this button is the one that does an action -- you'll see, when we get going. And that one is the menu, and..."
Mistyfoot smiles. She has no idea what game they're playing, but Greystripe bought them it, and Stormheart spent this morning learning how to play.
"This is your character -- we can change it later, though."
"I want it to look like me."
"Yeah, you can do that. Do you want me to put in your name and stuff first?"
Feathertail nods.
Stormheart fiddles with his controller, asking Feathertail a few more questions, and Mistyfoot takes a quick photo, sending it to Greystripe.
i think theyre having fun
His typing bubble pops up almost immediately.
I'm glad. Thanks for letting me know.
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icecreamkink · 3 years
watched all of the untamed / cql in two weeks after my friend 1 told me abt mdzs a hundred years ago and my friends 2 and 3 tried to get me into cql for like two whole years and there are.
very first scene is a very dramatic death in the middle of nightmare battle on sith planet land . i will forget abt it in the next tenish episodes and then will be very surprised when it becomes Extremely Painful
anyway magic flying gays and possession and human sacrifice! we are off to a great start
in retrospect, chaos goblin wei wuxian must have had a blast pretending to be so cRaZy and be as disruptive as he could as mo xuanyu lbr
listen. why is fire always evil coded. cant a magic clan wear red, black and orange and have flame motif while being wholesome?
For Legal Reasons These Are Not Zombies
i wish the politics of the sect were a bit clearer, especially at the beggining when the wen clan had sm power, was wen ruohan the chief cultivator? is that why they were so slow in responding to the attacks? im v confused by the pre yiling patriarch politics
fighting in the roof by the moonlight as way of flirtiiiiiiing. as i understand this is a wuxia/xianxia trope and honestly...... thank u for ur service
slight bullying and being a nuisance in general, as a way of flirting we love to see it
wwx: if i drink on the rooftop, thats not inside the cloud recesses! hmmm check and mate :D lwj: i will fuck u up so help me god   wwx: :0
i lov them
through hell or high water (quite literally) wei wuxian rem ains a trashfire gremlin till the end and i love him with my whole heart
in the pt subs wei wuxian calls jiang cheng a stubborn duck and i dearly wish that had come back
my opinions on almost every character goes from love to hate u - Hmm Me Like U - BABY. ILY. and i am Very Pleased w that. its been a while since i loved such a complete cast so much i think
no really. i WONT go into a detailed rant abt what i love about each of these characters and each of their relationships to each other. but i COULD. 
lan xichen, immediately: i must Love him 
being into problematic ppl is in the Lan genetics, we come to realize
wen qing deserves so many awards for so many things but not snapping and just stabbing wen chao is at the top 
that scene at lan qirens class where wwx talks about using resentful energy to fight a violent spirit. exquisite.
 It establishes Good Student lan wangji, wei wuxian as curious and questioning and not afraid of taboo,  lwj sees that wwx is not, in fact, a dumb ass hes just a Dumbass,  shows us the audience (esp. a western audience) how shocking the idea of disrupting the dead/dying and controlling resentful energy actually is,  the theoretical foreshadow arguing, everyone else like ‘shUT UP’,  “and how could you ensure that the resentful energy would obey you and not hurt other?” “well i havent thought that far” and of course, lan qiren just straight up lobbing a hard object at wwx head,. chefs kiss
fellas is it gay to bother the hot rule obessessed nerd from ur school and make drawings of him with flowers in his hair and then hide gay porn in his book to antagonize him and ask him to hold ur hand and be ur friend and talk to him all the time and get him drunk and give him bunnies bc you know he likes them and give him a lantern and always want his attention and dedicate yourself to getting him to smile-
and after all of that wwx rly said oh i Admire him, aksd like yeah we all were there in high school buddy
i have Learned. caves = gay.
 accidental marriage +beint physically tied together with the sacred married ribbon+ gay panic+foreshadowing+bunnies! in the cave (1)
the story abt lan yi and baoshan sanren tho. i would like to see it
early days wen bros pull my heart strings like a guqin 
EVERYTHING about the lantern scene; disaster hets jiang yanli and jin zixuan; how wwx made lwj a bunny lantern. how soft and touched lwj was. wwx gleefully pointing out he was smiling and lwj IMMEDIATELY PULLING HIW SWORD ON HIM LMAO. tragically foreshadowy promises to do right by pepople, living without regrets. lwjs 'oh no do i love him??' face. just. all of it. 
i have it on good acc that in the novel lwj is explicitly Repressed Gay Panicked Big Horny which is delightful and rly Adds to the performance
 baby lwj is really just conceal dont feel dont let them know u have EMOTIONS (derogatory)
jiang cheng rly went "why dont.u go play with HIM if u like him so much"
jc and wwx have big BIG annoying sibling energy dont think too hard abt it or youll cry
lotus pier is soo pretty :((((((((((((((((
up until episode 13 you could think this could be a magical ancient chinese gays pride n prejudice w swords and shenanigans ................youre just not prepared for the game of thrones of it all
seriously ha ha ha i cried so much w this show my eyes genuinely swelled up . like. physically. fun timez fun timez
that being said, its hilarious that wen xu goes to cloud recesses like 'come out or ill kill all these hostages' and then DOESNT WAIT FOR AN ASWER AND KILLS THEM ALL IMMEDIATELY. do u know how blackmail works sir
 would like to make it recorded that from day one i was like 'CALL A GODDAMN CULTIVATION G20 THIS ASSHOLE SECT IS LITERALLY MASSACRING YALL!!' and it took them like 3 or 4 massacres to do anything and they STILL sent their heirs into their territory  LIKE
when wwx cites the gusu lan rules to wen chao tho. that rebel/attention whore/cutie pie 'look lan zhan i DID memorize the rules after all' ‘also a big fuck you to the wen sect :D :D’ sweet spot that scene achieves . delicious
all the cultivator young masters being petty af even though they are practically prisoners at the cave is hilarious and i love them
hurt and comfort + gay mistunderstandings + watsonian gay declaration music + accidental evil acquisition! at the cave (2)
its like where do i start? the fact theyre both trapped and kind of heavily injured inside an isolated cave with a murder turtle? wwx gay panicking lwj into coughing up bad blood? lwj being jealous as wwx babbles abt mianmian? telling him he shouldnt play with people and wwx saying he never played him? wwx going Oh. I See what is happening. YOU like mianmian, and lwj absolute done face ??? (iconic) wwx touching the sacred married ribbon Again? the telepathic communication? the sword? WEI WUXIAN ASKING LAN WANGJI TO SING TO HIM AS HE IS PASSING OUT AND LWJ SINGING HIM. THE SONG. HE WROTE. FOR WWX. AND THAT HE CALLED. THEIR SHIP NAME????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
they are SO insufferable pleeeeease
in the words of my friend 1 : “CQL is so gay we were all amazed how it got past the censors Ofc unfortunately it can't be novel level gay But they did their best And we love them for it”
in the theme of songs THIS OST. WUJI HAS BEEN LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE SINCE I FIRST HEARD IT the whole ost is so so sO beautiful.
 the costuming in this is also soooo exquisite. the embroidery? the fabrics? the details? how every sect and clan has a distinct style and architecture? (also ik they based each off of dif periods in chinese history which is REALLY fucking cool) just chefs kiss
the direction too!. i enjoy the unusual camera movements and i think they give it that Vibe, also their composition is PARTICULARLY good when it comes to telling the subtext through position of camera/position of character (like nhs off to the side in scenes he at first glance doesnt need to be/ how lwj is often centered when hes Jealous Yearning at wwx being affectionate w other ppl, wwx return from burial mounds etc)
ik madam yu is like Badass Milf Check and shes not getting any mom of the year awards but im delighted at how messy she is. IMAGINE that woman on tiktok
you better have enjoyed gay cave (2) bc its Just Pain from here on out! 
jiang fengmian and madame yu win the Most Dramatic Way to show they do care about each other, actually ..... ever :)
i thought jiang yanli jiang cheng and wei wuxian forcing themselves to escape yunmeng barely holding on after their parents are killed was going to be the height of pain in this show. ha. 
the family dynamics in general on this showwwww, both blood/ adopted/ found families, brotherly bonds and lifelong friendships just. rly. truly. fucked me up. theyre all so important and complicated and well rounded and beautiful and tragic
and beyond being a Win For the Gays im so glad the relationships w wwx and jiang yanli/ wen qing were NOT changed from platonic bc they are so much better like that imo. like maybe if we didnt Live In A Society it wouldnt be so, but the fact wwx and others can love and value them so much and theres nothing romantic or sexual abt it is like. so refreshing. especially @ jyl, with the way he and jc are overprotective of her and shes such a nurturing/care taker figure for them, it would just not vibe as well if they made it romantic
i love that this is a story abt Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch aka Actual Satan/Boogey Man/Village With/Public Enemy Number One , my dude is literally a necromancer who only dresses in black and has evil smokey black tendrils wafting out of him, but the really edgy one is still jiang cheng, pastel purple fashion icon
and speaking of best/worst siblings wei wuxian and jiang cheng *immediately starts crying* 
The Golden Core Transfer i just. no thots only tears 
wen qing and wen ning putting themselves in so much danger just.... to help them. wn saving jc from wen chao. wq finding a way to get wwx to transfer his core. like thinking about the monumental work these two did to help wwx and jyl and jc... jyl trying so fucking hard to be strong and keep on moving and giver her little brothers comfort after losing everything... jiang cheng. losing his parents and his home and his ability to do anything abt it and his complete desperation and lack of self worth and turning on them with agression  when he didnt realize all that they did for him ... hhhhhhhhhhhhh
me, pointing at the whole cast “i just LOVE them mom!!!”
its sad tho, that BARELY ANY of the women have like.... actual important conversations let alone relationships with each other at all in the story. and like wq and jyl have stayed at the same place for extended periods of time, where wq actively took care of her TWICE,  and still! not one measly convo, nothing! ................ .𝓌ₕᵧ
everyone in this show need a good sip of Self Worth and Stop Sacrificing Yourself juice 
ngl the sword flying looks very dumb 
“a-cheng, please bring a-xian back.” “i will, i promise.” ;-;
the whole calling each other by the More Intimate Version of the name, first as teasing and later as true intimacy. mmmhmmm yes
untamed where everythings the same but wwx evil flute song is eoeo
related that scene when wwx comes back from the burial mounds for the first time w demonic cultivation and he acts all formal and calls lwj hanguang-jun and keeps being evasive and distant and mean and soooooo................. facetious 
and how hes kind of desperately trying to keep intense lwj at bay (A FIRST) and avoiding actually talking to either of them and its all tension ughhh and then he MOCKS his and lwjs relationship, he jokes w him in this like... mean echo of their usual ~banter~ oof 
 and like!!! uncertain but so relieved jc who just HUGS him w no reservations for once and its not like he isnt just as worried as lwj abt wwx and what hes doing, but he chooses in that moment to enjoy getting him back first and mmhmMMMmMm yes (maybe my favorite scene in the whole show? MAYBE SO. ) 
highkey hurt me but also. i might be into mean wwx. i will take no criticism.
lan zhans sad eyes tho :((((((((( 
on one hand i wish we could have seen what happened at the burial mounds but on the other the timeskip adds so much flair to his return so im hnnn
also i love that hes been missing for 3 months reappears kinda melancholic and bloodthirsty and knowing malign tricks and jc is like 'so. are u sad bc of lan wangji'
when ur bae survived the war but he thinks ur evil/ might be evil so you cant kiss :///
hmmm talking at the rooftop under the moonlight not mentioning everything that stands between usssss
they are the two jades of lan and we’ll be the two heroes of yunmeng is the type of line u dont even need to know whats gonna happen to know thats gonna be sad
when they fight wen ruoshan at the nightless city i thought that was the battle we see at the first ep and its not and its so easy and theyre all like ‘yayy we won go wwx!’ i was just. SCREAMS WHAT is gonna HAPPEN
so like. post burial mounds/sunshot campaign pre yiling patriarch wwx is like. ultra arrogant, ultra mocking, peak lil shit and it gave me e v e r y t h i n g i wanted
even tho having the wen prisoners at the targets at phoenix mountain and still having wwx and jzx shooting the arrows was???? so.... tone deaf 
wwx: fucking w demonic energy   jyl: he has never done anything wrong in his life, ever <3 <3 (mood)
the parallels between meng yao/wei wuxian (and even xue yang a bit?) are Seen and they are Valid
wwx post burial mounds: can yall SHUT UP abt the goddamn sword (suibian left the chat)
LIKE truly, we talk abt the angst and yearning with wangxian. but what abt wwx and suibian. xianbian / xianqing angst and comfort 100k
take a shot everytime someone coughs up blood
zidian is simply the coolest spiritual weapon rip to suibian and chenqing and bichen and sendou and baixa........ but tis the truth 
cons: everyones families died in a nightmare war! everyones homes burned to the ground! everyone is traumatized! pros: everyone gets cooler clothes and weapons!!
wen ning and a-yuan and yanli bestest babes squad dont touch me rn
everyone: brooding and fighting                                                                wq and jyl: why dont you try some acupunture/drinking some soup and calm down huh? how abt that bitch?? 
showing the battle/massacre at the nightless city first was genius actually bc then everytime we have a cute scene w yunmeng bros and theyre like 'we'll be together forever! uwu' youre like oh. oh no. oh no no no. 
justice vs lawfulness vs means and ends 👁
jc: stay in the right path and practice the art of the sword                        wx: yeah thats not gonna happen chief
my reaction to wwx renouncing to the sect politics to help the wens was just that elmo burning gif in succession
the dramatic rain. wen qing desperately calling out to wen ning. the ghosts/puppets killing the guards. how terrifying wn actually was while wwx was controlling him :( lwj goeing after him to try and stop him and then he just; he Sees him and understands him even if he cant actually do anything about it other than let them go. 
“there must be somewhere in this earth we can go to :(((((((((”
"IF I HAVE TO FIGHT THEM, I'D RATHER IT BE YOU. DYING BY YOUR HANDS WOULD AT LEAST BE WORTH IT." oh my god oh my god oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddd
also lwjs umbrella is white w black smoke.. .  . nice
yiling patriarch / demonic farming burial mounds settlement is like one of my favorite concepts. they an "EVIL" FARMING COMMUNITY LED BY THE VILLAGE WITCH COME ON
they planted TURNIPS and LOTUS FLOWERS and ONE (1) baby and made lanterns and a common hall :(((((((
wen qing and wei wuxian, baddest bitches and genius science best friends i absolutely LOVED to see it. they rly went ‘is anyone gonna sibling/project partner that’ and didnt wait for an answer
both wwx and jyl getting lotus ponds at the burial mounds and in lanling bc they miss lotus pier ;;;;;;;w
;;;;; wish jyl had actually gone into the burial mounds. we were robbed of jyl and wq meeting again and jyl meeting a-yuan and seeing the settlement and the homes and all ;w; at least jc did go, stab wounds and broken arms and all
wwx like... having thrown his whole life away to help the wens (yeah the sect leaders and jin guangshan in particular wanting his stygian tiger amulet was an Element but still) and not.... necessarily regretting it, but grappling with all of the consequences of it... becoming moody and drepressed at times, missing his family and lotus pier and his friends and probably simply missing being around people and causing trouble, extrovert that he is, lashing out at the wens and at a-yuan, just in general the whole messiness of that experience
the way the resentful energy does affect his temperament is rly nice bc its not too in your face,(i mean outside of the Shaky Hands of Rage) but like he clearly has a much lesser control on his anger and impulsivity (tall order) than both before bm and after hes ressurected
lan zhan being like oh hey there wei ying fancy meeting u and our son here. just passing by u know how it is hmmmmMm and then PLOT TWIST having defied orders to go see him and being punished for it. oof;;
 they habent seen each other in like? a year? and now theyre tgt 10 seconds and are already parenting a child together
also lwj rly kneels down in the snow way too much to be healthy
wwx: calm down guyssss i wont lose control of demonic cultivation omgggg  .   spoiler alert: he loses control of demonic cultivation
did u enjoy cute children? good bc now the Real Pain Begins
jiang yanli and jin zixuan rly out there APROPRIATING both disaster gays AND bury ur gays huh ;w;
i KNEW jin lings birthday was gonna fuck something up but the GASP that left my body when wwx lost control of wn and killed jin zixuan .. . . 
im sorry and thank you aaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAaAAAAA 
when wen ning and wen qing were telling wwx their plan i was saying NO NO NO NO NO NO out loud in despair 
also can we talk abt how wq is definetely talking about only the both of them surrending themselves but then? everyone else just surrenders w them? IT MAKES NO SENSE LIKE WHY WOULD THEY what would be the Point
 sometimes there are some pretty gaping jumps in logic and continuity that are just like                     ?          ?
wwx: oh so when you try to murder me its justified but when i survive through dark magic and murder all of you its a "war crime"
unsurprisingly, his most feral, most spiraling moment talking to the sect leaders on the roof and attacking them and even fighting lan zhan is among my favorite scenes... its like, so painful to watch but also   so       thrilling   (and maybe my wen bbs dying arose some resentful energy in me what can i say) 
and its JUST, all they ever wanted was to do good but then... war. and trauma. and hubris. 
jiang cheng on the ground clearly thorn between what to do and feel is a Mood, lets just say
i was already crying when jyl showed up, but if i wasnt-
 i suffered SO MUCH through this series trying to figure out WHY jc would kill wwx. and when i understood. its somehow not as bad as i thought and also MUCH MUCH WORSE
a look into my group chat during the last flashback episodes:
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SO ANYWAY. after the BLOOD BATH and RIPPING YOUR HEART OUT and FEEDING IT TO YOU  the untamed goes ‘ayy back to the present!! tu du dud ud du’ 
literally it ends a quarter into an episode and then KEEPS GOING i had to pause and stare blankly at the ceiling for an hour
babie cultivators and detective soulmates . i do need some cute after All of That 
(not that the pain is over LOL)
lwj is significantly less emotionally repressed in the present and its delightful. hes just ALL IN with wwx. and not just in the ‘i would and have killed various men and risked my reputation for you’ but also ‘ur tired here have a drink i brought it up cause i know u like it and it want you to be happy, always’
“when everyone praised me and wanted my power, you were the only one that challenged me. now that everyone hates me and wants me dead, youre the only one that stands by my side.” hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 
and just filling in the blanks how lan zhan searched for him. for all of those 16 years he searched for him and was punished for it and raised a-yuan, the only survivor of the burial mounds settlement, as his own in gusu......
and jiang cheng.  being the tough love uncle . having raised the yunmeng jiang clan from the rubble all alone, his whole family dead, some of it on the blame of his own brother, his siblings, his closest friends gone.......and only jin ling there needing his guidance. 
great now i made myself sad
and like . the fact! that lwj and jc dislike each other!!. jc projects blame onto him for wwx both “leaving” him and indirectly causing their families deaths and when hes so consumed by it he makes wwx an enemy, lwj is there now? trying to protect him?? and lwj, who can never understand the pain that wwx , indirectly or not put jc through, but who was right there when jc tried to kill him and will never allow him to hurt wwx again. and how they like. in a way project blame of their tragedies onto each other while dealing with some type of survivor guilt and in their own way still loving wwx through it all???  amd in way its kind of fundamentally selfish but also tragically understandable? and like when u put it against the fact that after he disappears during the sunshot campaign they were looking for him together and fought together??
and like i think thats what makes it so good? its such a sad and painful and violent story, edgy even, but its compelling bc at the center of it there are all of these relationships and different types of love and hope and. :( i love it
enough crying lets talk abt wwx sleeping at the jingshi with lwj and wearing his under garment for a minute 🙏
 jin ling just has that Was Raised by JC energy tho lmao i love him
babie cultivator squad is the perfect ammount of cute and comedic relief while still bearing the weight? of the narrative in a way, both from sizhui and jin lings existences, and also. like. how do i put this. they feel hopeful? they were born after a war, they came of age at a time of relative peace, they dont hold on so closely to the resentments of their parents/father figures, they are specifically shown as more accepting and open minded. and its like.... Hope for the future  
one of the ?? things  i love the most is the fact that the main cast are often in situations where theyre hunted/running but they like. never wear disguises... just going around in their gorgeous expensive clan clothes and hair ornaments and distinctive spiritual weapons.... maybe w a straw hat on, just for kicks
wwx teacher 🥺🥺🥺
so this is why its called Yi City Misery huh
a-qing is such. an icon. im so sad. my girl even knew to leave xys dumb self rotting by the road but no one listens to her thats why theyre all dead or sad 
her and xue yang measuring each other up was so entertaining lmao
 its the funniest thing when hes like. HERES MY SAD STORY. FOR WHY IM A SADISTIC MURDERER. I BROKE MY HAND ONCE. 
like ok someone broke his hand in a horrible way, and like Poverty, i get it but also like.......... that lost the brunt of a proper sob story like, 50 sadistic murders ago bby
and i love that xingchen does not entertain that for a second hes like ‘not ?????? good enough???’ and the best thing is he wasnt even like 'u hadto be the bigger person' or sth but ' well then break that dudes hand back, rip his arm off for i care, what do the rest of us have to do w anything???” 
anjo sensato :(
xue yang is like..... the sexy sadistic evil version of a himbo..... a meanbo...
the fucked upness of xy’s feelings for xxc/ xxc and sl feelings for each other... like my dude literally gave his bf HIS EYES. and xy getting so attached to xxc .... the fucked up fake domesticity.... having him hurt sl..... then desperately trying to bring him back ...................... oof
song lan........... literally had his eyes AND tongue removed, his bfs eyes put in place, was almost killed, turned into a puppet by his bf unknowingly, manipulated by xy, sees his bf killing himself in despair.... and STILL finds the strenght to get up from there, and keep on traveling and helping people and attempting to fix xxcs soul.......... like, my man. damn. 
wangxian looking at songxiao and seeing an Actually more painful parallel for themselves. ft. that Color Coding. 
THE A-YUAN/SIZHUI REVEAL PUNCHED ME IN THE HEART but in a good way for a change
should have know that he would be the Best Boy the cute one w all the braincells
the butterfly AND the bunny lantern. i see how it is
u know is very convenient that no one can see the stark black veins on wen nings neck, ever 
wns face when lwj comes into wwx room like ‘:0 omg did u two finally get your shit together? good for you master wei good for u’ 
(they didnt) (yet)
i have absolutely no idea WHY they gave lwj the same punishment for fighting his own sect/allies to protect the burial mounds as when they got drunk on cloud recess class days.... like? its such a ... emotional continuity error again
also is lwj gonna get an actual friend besides wwx , ever
mianmian marrying and having a family and a cute life after saying FUCK U AND UR SYSTEM TOO in a much less unhinged and dramatic way than wwx......... fills me w joy
also lol the idea that like. her husband not knowing that shes friends w satan/the boogey man/the village witch is hilarious
i love nie mingjue bc hes the resident Though Guy but also the most dramatic bitch in this show and thats Saying Something
jin ling cant have one uneventful relative can he
the fact that everyone present already knew “mo xuanyu” was wwx at the stairs is so funny, their faces are like ‘oh............ wow. that. sure is a development. shock” 
in the tradition of extremely loud whispers wwx tells lwj with twelve guards standing like one meter away from them: HEY PSH LAN ZHAN PRETEND IM FORCING YOU TO STAY W ME DO IT
oh my god oh my god
the absolute Yearning on his face when he leaves wwx and a-yuan at the burial mounds and refuses to stay for dinner was already Enough but the fact?? they brought it back?? to this declaration of love?? their expressions??????? strike me dead right now just go ahead
lFor Legal Reasons We Cant Kiss but we will have a very sappy declaration of love and trust and look at each other in way that is the actualization of 💞💘💗💖💓💘💞💗💖💘💗💖💕💞
also icb all the sect leaders and guards are standing there watching them say they like like each other with a dozen swords pointing at their neck
i enjoyed the depiction of the fickle public perception and how easily it can be used to scapegoat people. when the sect leaders turn on jgy and wwx knows thats its more for convenience than anything else...
poor lxc is literally like 'oh so when YOUR problematic boyfriend gets called evil its a misunderstanding but when its MY problematic bf-'
ok like i cant get over nmj let jgy play a song that messed with his temperament at all, like maN u KNEW he might be shady wth
wwx: “hey dont say anything bad abt lan zhan hes not an arrogant dick, thats just his face. 
the cultivators as wwx is poking holes in their narrative is literally *nazaré meme*
"wei wuxian-!" "what did i break your leg, too?" not to be problematic but i laughed so hard
not as hard as "you dont have the rank to talk to me " tho
i Enjoy that, over the course of story, wwx sees that... theres nothing truly to Do, but move on. he saw how his arrogance and his mistakes hurt others, and hes trying to fix what he can, but he already did die for his mistakes and there are things he cant fix and that's. just how it is. even towards jgy, the narrative doesn't go gleefully and completely with "lets make THEM pay bc theyre the big bad" bc its not that simple, and it wouldn't lead anywhere but more pain...
re him and jiang cheng and the wens and kinda. isnt that what nhs did? scheming to displace jgy out of revenge more than any justice and doing so in the most painful way?
idk if that actually makes sense im truly just babbling
i thought the scene at the lotus pond would be CUTE but the context was PAIN again
jiang cheng finding out about his golden core and his conflict with wwx at the guanyin temple .... destroyed me but in a nice way kinda.... same way it destroys him look at his face oh god
and. the fact??? he sacrificed himself for wwx?? first?? and he'll probably never tell anyone much less wwx???? keeps me up at night
i havent decided if the neckbreak transition between jgy does sth super Evil or does he he does OR Does He yes he does O R does heeeee is sth i dislike or not
jin guangyao and wei wuxians most interesting parallel is that... theyve both seen 'hmm hey this system is fucked up' and wwx went 'so fuck it all i will renounce it and challenge it' and jgy went 'so fuck it i will use all of it to my advantage and manipulate it to my goals and whims'
the fact jgys mom was actually great and he loved her and his whole issue w it was more than simply being ashamed of being a bastard kinda got me ngl
never trust a dude with a fan.
nhs and jgy: the first rule to a convoluted and decades spanning violent revenge plot is to have fun and be yourself! 
when a-yuan finally FINALLY remembers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wen ning has someone in his family back and a-yuan has someone to talk abt his wen family and wwx has him back bc he survived and lwj raised him anD HES THEIR SON. THEYRE MARRIED AND HAVE A SON. UGH.
and theyre allowed to heal. everyone is allowed to try and recover and be happy
netflix put all of the 3 endings on top of each other and it looks kinda weird actually BUT I DONT EVEN MIND :’’’’’’’’’)
the gasp that left me when lwj says ‘wei ying’ and wwx turns.........
there was also a screen with ‘thank you mxtx for creating these characters, we hope their wishes come true’ and i might. have cried then too. maybe. 
that was . a ride. as is proven by this behemot of a ramble clearly i just really needed and Outlet. i am currently trying to convince dumb monkey brain to not consume the other medias of mdzs immediately bc i REALLY need to like. live. a life. and take care of real responsibilities.  *longest oh boi ever*
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99adelheid99 · 4 years
cool so since I’m procrastinating anyways on my school work im just going to write a character study on beast! dazai
because I re read it and im sad and asagiri just loves to make everyone suffer
so spoilers for the beast au
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asagiri has already decided to make dazai a tragic character and break our hearts once, but he decided to also rip them out and spit on it.
in the canon world, we see dazai struggle through depression. ever since he was young he found there was no value in living as he says to mori in the fifteen arc. he tries throughout his life desperately to understand just why humans strive to live, why they fight so hard for their lives and work hard to live life to the fullest.
it’s no different in the many other worlds The Book had created, and that lonely hole in his chest is probably much bigger.
as explained by dazai in the light novel, the power of The Book does not effect him because of his ability, since The Book itself is an ability, dazai naturally cancels it out. because of this, dazai can practically “read his own memories” from the canon world. so he knows everything that happens in the original universe, that goes for every single dazai in every single au. every single one.
this in itself is probably one of the saddest things. if people not understanding dazai didn’t hurt enough in the canon world, imagine how horrible it is that the beast! dazai had suffer with this knowledge alone, because as mentioned, it’s not wise for a lot of people to know about The Book since the world they reside in will become unstable, and have a chance of disappearing.
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at the end of the light novel we also learn of dazai’s plan. why he captured gin, and why he wanted to bring akutagawa and atsushi together.
it was for odasaku.
because dazai has the memories from his “original” self, he remember odasaku. he remembers how he died, he remembers that they were best friends, he remembers how odasaku was the only person who understood dazai to his core, he remember how much odasaku means to him.
but odasaku of this world doesn’t remember it at all. because to him it never happened. there is only the beast world and the beast world alone.
this is where the angst hits (harder lol)
dazai figures out (at some time idk when) that this is the only universe that odasaku survives (im not sure how exactly, im assuming he can read the memories of the other dazais? Idk)
he remembers odasakus passionate of becoming a writer, he remembers odasakus determination not to kill just so he could write his own novel.
and because I really do believe dazai has a heart shrouded in all that darkness, dazai wants the best for odasaku, dazai wants to make it so odasaku can continue to survive and write his novel.
so dazai being dazai makes this extremely elaborate extra ass plan to make sure it happens.
dazai knows that this world has a chance of disappearing since every time something is written down in The Book in any other au (I think? I believe it can be any one of them not just the canon one) The Book doesn’t create it out of nothing exactly, but borrows from other worlds to create what is written in the book to reality.
dazai’s afraid that this world might cease to exist, and if it does odasaku won’t get to write his novel in this only universe he survives in, odasaku won’t he happy and dazai doesnt want that.
now extra ass osamu here uses a lot of cruel tactics to get to his end goal, and it isn’t right at all, but I still have to sympathize because its just so painful lmao
during akutagawa and atsushi’s final battle, dazai goes to the lupin bar where he meets odasaku for the first time in this world. I feel like dazai fought with himself a lot not to visit odasaku during this time, probably wanting to do nothing else but to run to his old friend that he missed so damn much. and I think he couldnt resist in the end, I think he desperately wanted to see him one last time because from the very beginning he knew his own fate.
one of the many (lol) things that hurts me during this meeting is how dazai immediately jumps happily into conversation with odasaku when he sees him, how he invites him quickly to sit down with him (in which odasaku does but doesn’t sit right next to him, which seemingly hurts dazai, ouch my heart) and how he picks up conversation that dazai would normally have with odasaku in the real world, asking him if anything interesting happened to him that day or telling him about new suicide methods he tried, which leaves odasaku heavily confused as he kind of awkwardly replies to each question.
now because the pov during this scene is in oda’s, we don’t get know exactly what dazai is thinking, but oda describes his posture and reactions well for us to take a guess of how hard it is for dazai to not have probably the most important person in his life not know or care about him.
dazai tightening his grip around his glass, or dazai looking like a happy child in one second to trying to compose his emotion with a small smile in the next, these reactions happen when odasaku keeps bringing up how he doesn’t know dazai and how confused he is. and dazai trying to hold onto something, someone, who made him so happy. trying to ignore the pain he feels and grasp on to the good memories he has but odasaku doesn’t.
and then there’s the part in the bar that asagiri decided to write because he’s a writer and like all authors, lowkey likes to see his audience suffer.
when dazai calls oda by his nickname odasaku once again trying to get him to understand him, the man replies:
“Don’t call me Odasaku. There is no reason of an enemy to call me that.”
yeah I cried
I cried a lot
dazai’s reaction didn’t help either.
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The young man suddenly seemed to have trouble breathing…He fought against something invisible.
in this world, dazai probably mastered concealing his emotions (he does in like every world, but he’s much more grim in this one so) he put up this wall and put on a mask for everyone but odasaku, he let his wall down and odasaku didn’t acknowledge it, didn’t bring him some sort of comfort like he did in the canon universe. not intentionally of course, not because odasaku was cruel, but odasaku didn’t know dazai as anything else but his enemy. for all he knows, dazai could be trying to manipulate him.
theyre enemies. they could never be friends in this world. but dazai seems to still try, even a little.
in the end, they part ways. dazai putting on that mask once again, and acting like this whole meeting didn’t just destroy him. because it would be worth it in the end, odasaku would live, be happy, write his novel.
dazai would suffer, but that’s okay. odasaku hates dazai, but that’s okay.
because odasaku is alive. odasaku is happy. and to dazai that’s enough.
we get to the ending that no one wants to read because we’re already in pain and we know asagiri is waiting there with a shotgun to deliver the final blow.
dazai arrives after akutagawa and atsushi’s fight to reveal his reasoning behind his plan. how atsushi and aku have to work together protect The Book to make sure this world doesn’t disappear just for oda, and he mentions how no more then two people can know about the existence of The Book also for the protection and stability of their world.
atsushi decides to so some quick maths then, and realizes in horror that dazai has slowly made his way to the edge of the building.
he pleads with dazai to not do it, but theres obviously no stopping him.
and in that moment I believe for the first time in a long time dazai is truly content.
the hatred towards him is heavy, but it doesn’t matter to dazai because odasaku is safe. he completed his mission.
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dazai planned all of this from the very beginning up to his death. now, arguably, despite dazai’s heartwarming end goal he was still an awful person. he was abusive and manipulate. he hurt and killed others to get what he wanted. he was not a good person
but he suffered so much for the sake of one person, he knew his ending wasn’t going to happy, but the end goal was enough. the end goal made it worth it.
osamu could never tell anyone about his pain, not even his best friend. he had to instead put on the mask of the cruel boss of the port mafia. people either had to hate him or fear him. no one could ever love him, no one could ever care for him. and osamu knew that. from the very beginning. asagiri truly wrote a tragic but beautiful character.
now if you’ll excuse me im going to go cry :)))
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mycptsdrecovery · 3 years
TW for abuse, mental health crisis, unreality, mental hospital mention
hi im a 19 year old and still living with my parents. ive been trying to move out since august and i planned to move out by december. in late december i was not having much luck with housing and i started having memories of not so great things my parents did to me throughout the years play in my head. i rly have no idea how to explain this confusing clusterfuck of a situation in just a tumblr ask but basically i want to know if the things my parents did count as sexual abuse.
from a young age my parents didnt respect my boundaries. my parents often touched my butt (it sounds so stupid calling it that idk what else to put) in seemingly nonsexual or accidental ways, but they didnt stop as i grew older. i remember the first time that i realised i was being sexually abused (thats how i thought about it at the time, idk). i dont remember what my dad did specifically but i was 8 years old-ish, i started puberty around then because my body hates me. it was probably to do with my butt/waist/ things and my dad touching them. we were about to go in a shuttle to the airport, it was like 2am. i remember i stayed silent through whatever happened but at some point during or after i remember bursting into tears and like... thinking to myself that my dad is sexually abusing me (i dont remember where i learnt what that is) and my dad asking me what was wrong but i refused to talk because i was scared. moments like these where my dad touched me in a way that didnt feel normal and i burst into tears happened multiple times. ive felt very uncomfortable around my dad for most of my life at this point. hes the kind of dad who doesnt talk about anything hes thinking or feeling, doesnt talk much at all or have many friends. we have rarely had conversations past surface level talk thats appropriate for strangers or acquaintances so i have never known whats in his head and whenever ive tried to get him to talk with me about something serious he shuts down and leaves. hes very neglectful emotionally, though he used to sometimes fulfil his emotional duties as a parent when i was a very young child according to my mum but he stopped at some point. for a really long time ive been afraid that my dad was sexualising me in his head or sexually attracted to me. ive grown up having nightmares about my parents raping me.
here are some of the things i remember my parents doing. some memories are not easily accessable and some have not been processed as an adult.
-both my parent regularly touched my butt in a variety of contexts. i never confronted my dad about it because i knew he wouldnt answer me. i have learned to only hug my parents in a specific way so that my arm is always under their arms so i can stop them from putting their hands too low.
-my dad used to put his hand on my waist and hips/lower back. he was basically doing the kind of casual touch that you would do with someone ur in a sexual relationship with. he doesnt anymore because i have stopped allowing him to spend much time with me.
-my parents, mostly my mum have touched my breasts very lightly and casually. it could be seen as accidental but my mum has never responded to my frequent requests to stop touching me like this.
-my mum showed me her vagina once as... sex ed? i have no idea if this is normal which is kinda how i feel about most of the ?sexually? themed things my parents have done.
-my mum has always commented on my body in ways that made me very uncomfortable, such as often commenting on how i would be sexually harassed because of the outfit im wearing, even the necklace im wearing.
-my mum gave me several moderately detailed accounts of sexual assaults that hve happened to her, like for instance when i was around 6-9? she used a story of a sexual assault that happened to her while in a pool to say that i be afraid in public pools. the amount of detail was very unnecessary.
-one time my mum was telling me about how boys pinch girls buttcheeks to tell them they think theyre 'sexy'. then she pinched my buttcheeks a bunch of times even though i didnt want her to. im sure she did this many times and i was literally like 5 years old or something.
-my mum talked to my sister while i was in earshot about... how she would be ok with it if i married my 1st cousin? and she named him specifically. it made me feel rly weird around him.
-again my dad has always just given me huge predator vibes and ive always been super afraid of him.
this list is definitely incomplete but i dont remember anything penetrative or to do with anyone touching my genitals.
i tried to tell someone about the "sexual abuse" twice when i was 13, both during mental ward stays about 9 or 10 months apart. the first time is completely blacked out from my memory and the second one... they told the police. my dad was questioned and nothing happened because i never wanted anyone except the nurse who i told to know and refused to tell anyone any details. i just wanted to get a weight off my shoulders. instead i got a 3 or so year long period of my mum emotionally abusing me to a degree she never had. i was almost completely convinced that i had never been sexually abused. i still dont know if its true or not. the specific term my mum used was that i "mis-interpreted" my parents actions as sexual abuse. i didnt push back, i was too terrified of her and i just dissociated to cope with those years. i was very very isolated from anyone except my mum. i wanted desperately to be a young child again and felt like one most of the time. before 6 years old was the only period where i felt like my parents actually liked me.
when i was around 15 i started sexually getting involved with older men online. i wasnt attracted to them, i didntdesire them, i just was so traumatised from... whatevrr u want to call the way my parents treated me but i didnt feel that i had the right to be. i felt like i needed to get some "real" trauma and i dont want to say what i did but im lucky that none of these men ended up meeting up with me irl at least. the fucked up thing is that though it did traumatise me, i kind of felt better because i wanted something i could feel justified in being upset about.
now im 19 and my brain is hitting me with all these memories. i havent felt safe with my parents for most of my life. theyre neglectful and emotionally abusive towards me. they abused all my other siblings physically quite a lot and two of them have moved to different countries so that they can not live in the same place they grew up in. 2 out of 3 of my siblings have completely cut ties with my parents for years now. when i was 11 i recoeved an email from my brother telling me about our parents not being safe people.
ive started to consider the possibility of the constant violation of my boundaries counting as sexual abuse. i have a lot of sexual trauma symptoms and i have for a very long time. i grew up afraid that my dad was going to rape me. i think i was abused by my mum into associating holding my parents accountable with the punishment she put me through after she found out i reported them. i just want to know if im allowed to be upset about this. im terrified that this is normal, because if its normal that means i was a gross freak as a kid who just "mis-interpreted" these actions to be sexual abuse. i need to make sense of my reality somehow. im so confused.
you absolutely have the right to be upset by this. what they did to you was not okay. an adult touching a child intentionally in inappropriate areas is molestation, even if they played it off as not a big deal. many of the things you mentioned also sound like grooming which is often a part of childhood sexual abuse. i’m so sorry these things happened to you. i hope you are safe and can find a way to not be around your parents.
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