#how am i that stupid ahahahahaha
seeminglyseph · 10 months
Watching HBomberguy’s Plagiarism video
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1moreff-creator · 14 days
DRDT is back!!! Here’s my live reaction to everything that happened this week! Obviously take everything I say with massive piles of salt, these are in the moment reactions and aren’t supposed to be fully coherent thoughts.
DRDT CH2 EP12 SPOILERS (Oh that feels good to write)
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We’re back!!! Teruko we fucked up!!!
The theory that Charles was going to bring up the possibility of a wrong time of death was true! There weren’t really any other theories about what he was going to say from what I saw, but it’s still cool we got that right. You have no idea how giddy I am to finally hear him talk about it, after waiting so long for him to finish the sentence lol.
Also Teruko’s face lmao.
Oh, poor Teruko, she looks so sad. She’s gonna bring up the marks on the wrist, right?
Or, yeah, the swinging.
(Does this screw up any theories? No, her body was still likely strung up at 7:30 AM, which is what most people thought I’m pretty sure)
Ah, Whit. I missed how shady he always is even when he has, like, an airtight alibi for the time the fish were taken (which is still around 7:30 PM to nightime btw, don’t forget Nico’s account).
They’re not gonna bring up the time the fish were taken, are they? That furthers my belief that the person who took the fish and the murderer are different. Nothing concrete obviously, just kinda narratively works better that way.
“Or did you do it on purpose?” Veronika how I’ve missed you :D
David’s face lmao xD
“I’ll fix that mistake” (Paraphrased) Hell yeah! Go Teruko! :D
I missed you too, Literature Boy Insane. That “pathetic” voice line was cool. Also, thank you Hu.
J: “The body would have been cold if it was drenched at some point.” (Paraphrased). Interesting point about the water, I wonder if it’s important or not. We know she wasn’t drowned because the relax room wasn’t open at 7:30 AM, right? So I don’t know how she could have gotten drenched.
Ace no genuinely how do you not know how water works what.
“The range of human stupidity is larger than I thought.” Charles, you’re great.
[Levi and Nico complain about Arturo’s medicine skills] Okay, but like, Arturo has repeatedly told you he’s not that kind of doctor. Like you can blame the guy for a lot of shit but this one ain’t it chief.
(Also don’t think I don’t see how Levi throws suspicion on Arturo. Small point towards Levi!Culprit and Levi!Accomplice)
“You shut your whore mouth!” Okay maybe I don’t need to defend Arturo actually, he seems like he has it handled. You good my guy?
Oh shit we actually brought up that Arturo is ridiculously young for someone in the medical field. I did not have that in my (hypothetical) bingo card.
Twelve?! Dude my guy wanted out of that house yesterday damn.
Dude he’s kinda going off! I was not expecting Arturo fans of all people to eat this good this episode, but this is interesting!
Oh right the crazy lady- “Adorable”? Verturo shippers eating!
“Feel free to add to the number of dents in the computer lab” (Paraphrased) PFFFT Charles!
Wait wasn’t there actually a dent there? Wasn’t that a thing I saw on people’s theories? Holy shit is that actually going to get addressed?
[Whit explains] AHAHAHAHAHA HOLY-!
“I let it slide because it was funny” I missed MonoTV too actually.
And no fish! Nico’s account of the fish still being there last time they checked goes unmentioned, meaning it’s likely going to be used for a twist later!
New alibis? Could be possible.
Whit: “I don’t have an alibi. Neither does Charles” (Paraphrased) Which you know because…?
Oh so that’s not addressed. I repeat the statement of Whit being unnecessarily shady all the time.
????? DAVID AND J ALIBI???? This could be kinda huge actually.
David: “Oh. Shit.” This is the reaction of a man being cleared of murder. That’s so funny.
Didn’t David usually wake up late? Inconsistent sleep schedule ig.
J: “Oh yeah, and Veronika.” Girl you gotta say this shit earlier.
Yeah, look, J, you went and made Veronika sad! >:( /j
David: “Whoops” Holy shit every line this man says is gold actually what?
David? Lying? Noooo, how could you say that? I forgot how funny post magical girl transformation this man was.
David I am going to need you to give an actual answer. I spent hours looking at That Video and I still don’t know what your deal is please-
“And she’s Teruko” J’s also really funny actually. Hold a knife to someone’s throat once and they hate you forever, smh.
“Oh and don’t say something like “I wanna kill myself” that’s boring” (paraphrased). Holy shit I missed Veronika- that’s my second fave right there! (Min you will always be N1 don’t worry).
David-Veronika duo is great actually.
By the way David said “the truth is…” I am not expecting a serious answer.
You know, for a moment I actually did think he genuinely thought he was the blackened. But my first instinct was right.
“I would have actually tried looking at the crime scene” Bro what the fuck is he actually cooking.
“A good person” drop!!!! If you know, you know!
Also, I wanted to point this out here, I might have accidentally misinformed a part of the fandom a bit? One point that I brought up was that several important people to this chapter have been called “a good person”, and one of the examples I gave was Hu calling David a good person. Which… I don’t think happened? I evidently misremembered a line where Hu called David a “good friend”, which is a different phrase with different connotations in DRDT, and I genuinely apologize for that. Especially because I have seen people repeating that David had been called a good person in the past.
But now David has called himself “a good person”, if in a roundabout way, so the point actually stands lol.
Oh shit the Xander name drop.
… He was trying to kill Teruko wasn’t he. Because Xander tried it, and because David has Teruko’s “the killing game is all your fault” motive. Oh shit.
Speaking of the “good person” point, that argument might actually be dead lmao. Given that Xander got called that and he’s, well. Not particularly important to chapter 2, let’s say.
[Hindsight Post-Video: Actually, the argument could now be “anyone referred to as a good person is deeply important up to chapter 2”. Or, alternatively, argue that Xander is somewhat important to the Chapter 2 trial because he inadvertently caused David to magical girl transform. The “good person” list in case you don’t recall is Teruko, Levi, Eden, Arei, and as of this episode, David and Xander. We’ll see what we make of it once the chapter ends ig]
Oh Teruko is pissed I am loving this.
Holy shit the voice acting is amazing holy shit Teruko is going off she said Xander didn’t treat David like a human (“No Longer Human” reference??? I might just be insane though) oh this is incredible!!!
Oh he knows something deep. This motherfucker knows what was written in Xander’s “kill Teruko” note I bet.
Motherfucker you are going to tell us what Xander did before Hope’s Peak and why you know his work or I swear to God-!
Okay actually, David, I am going to need you to give… a straight answer at some point? Like I get you’re canonically bisexual (and it’s showing) but a single straight answer isn’t going to kill you.
Also, the music?! Is peak?!
David: “If the answer is no…” Neat sprite! Just thought it looked nice, and the line’s cool too :>
The return of the Teruko Baffled Sprite, long awaited.
Secret reveal? The killing game’s her fault?
Okay not the angle I was expecting in the slightest. Obviously gonna have to analyze how truthful he’s being at the moment, but he’s basically pulling a DRV3 ending logic thing. Cool!
So… Xander is absolutely Opening Guy, right? Like, I know that was the most common theory, but c’mon.
Voice acting going crazy too!
I adored Hu’s screaming section. How long till it’s revealed she has the “hopeless child” secret?
Hu’s a queen, hell yeah.
Pffft J’s high horse voice line-
Thank you Charles for being the only competent one (affectionate). Btw what does Veronika think of David’s reasoning? I was kinda hoping we’d see that.
[Red herring joke] Whit. Whit /disappointed/silly
Oh shit I was not expecting that line to actually cause a reaction damn.
You know, I’ll be honest and admit Eden’s really not acting that much like a culprit. I still think she is, I’m just surprised I’m not able to confirmation bias my way into suspecting her through her voice lines :v
Aaaand we’re back to Ace v Nico! Woo!
Okay wow the new alibis are like, laser focused on going against the most popular theories, huh? I’m not going to say anything’s deconfirmed yet obviously, but Hu!Culprit, J!Culprit, even Veronika!Culprit and theories surrounding David being involved have some questions to answer damn.
[To the question of if anyone else had alibis] “Nope” Whit how do you know this.
Levi!Accomplice also takes a hit because Eden and Levi aren’t trying to alibi for each other, but it can be explained. If they never prepared to give each other alibis, it’s safer to just… not, since they can’t actually say what they were doing during that time. And yes, possible explanations like this is why I’m not calling anything outright deconfirmed yet.
I wrote that before Levi three dotted directly after Eden, looking like he was thinking of trying to give her an alibi. Now that’s confirmation bias that can’t be safely used for theories!
Oh right J still hates Arturo xD
[The whole thing about excluding suspects who had an alibi at night and not in the morning] Oh God, Levi really wants me to think he’s the culprit huh? The method’s still too crazy for me to really believe that, but still.
This is also bad for Levi!Accomplice. Not a dealbreaker, but still weird that he’d say something that could point in Eden’s direction. I am not even going to try to defend that yet.
Cool. Can we finally talk murder method?
Levi: “That’s my secret.”
Oh okay, we’re not talking method yet.
Wait, WHAT?!?!?!!?!!!?!
THAT’S-! That’s not-! What the hell?!
Okay, so. Cool, Levi’s the remorseless murderer, we got that one right. But, the reveal is so insanely out of left field holy shit…
I am not lying when I tell you I had to get up and start PACING like I was not ready for this. I am vibrating. He just- He just said that shit! What the hell?!
I have genuinely no idea how the hell this is gonna play out. Holy shit I cannot wait for the next episode. It’s just… so peak!!! We are so back!!!
General Closing Thoughts: This episode was awesome! I was lowkey a little worried that the first episode back wasn’t going to be as insane as it ended up being, but wow it blew me away. And it was only twenty minutes? When the episodes go up to possibly an hour??? It’s just… holy shit.
It was awesome to finally start getting some insight into why David Did That, and I’m genuinely super excited to see where this goes. I’m still trying to figure out the exact angle on things like hiding Teruko’s secret, if he even is doing that because I now believe there is a non-zero chance he isn’t actually lying. Like, it’s low, but not zero. I do find it strange Veronika didn’t react to it, though, but at least we got that one line before David started talking.
But that’s only the cusp of the iceberg. I genuinely adore the details we got on Arturo’s backstory, and Hu’s blowup, and Teruko’s remorse- it’s all so awesome.
(The fucking dent in the wall of the goddamn computer room got an explanation I still cannot believe that. Wow)
Props to the voice acting and the music btw, absolutely incredible all throughout.
Btw, correct me if I’m wrong, but there weren’t any “minigames” this episode, right? Nothing wrong with that, just found it interesting.
Theory-Related Initial Thoughts: This episode is… possibly one of the biggest theory slaughters I’ve ever seen?
Like, obviously, again, it’s still too early in the trial to fully rule out anything, so I’m going to leave it to the other DRDT scholars to revise their own theories to fit the new evidence, but wow those new alibis are something. Between Hu, J and David having alibis for 7:30 AM, that’s three of the top suspects who weren’t there at that exact time to either kill Arei or mess with the body. Again, maybe there’s explanations for it, I’m not calling anything unconfirmed yet, just that many theories were inconvenienced.
As for my theory, Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice… ups and downs. The more Eden speaks, the less I’m convinced she’s the actual culprit, even if I’m a decent 80% sure she took the tape; the more Levi speaks, the less I’m convinced he’s an accomplice. I’m not going to deny that their dialogue isn’t 100% what I would expect. I don’t think it’s disqualifying, I still believe it to be the theory with the best evidence, it’s just that some things strike me as odd.
That was what I thought… until the end. Because I have no idea what’s about to happen with Levi revealing the secret like this, but… there is a very possible Levi!Accomplice turn here? Like, it’s the “Levi’s holding the glove” idea; the moment Eden loses her alibi, Levi does something that immediately puts a target on his back, potentially trying to get himself voted off before people catch on to Eden as a possible culprit. First he tries to argue that he shouldn’t be a suspect because of the alibi thing, which could make him more suspicious in some people’s eyes (maybe that’s too much 4D chess but it could work), then revealing the secret. I don’t know how likely this is, but it’s a genuine possibility.
Otherwise, I’m… not entirely sure what the angle is? I need to rewatch the trial to figure out why Levi’s talking about “detailing the trial” then immediately revealing his secret. I didn’t rewatch any DRDT before the episode, hence the confusion. But… at this moment, I don’t know what Levi’s cooking, other than possibly accomplice behavior. And even that feels more confirmation bias-y than anything.
There’s also the really weird line where Whit just… knows, Charles had no alibi at 7:30 AM? Unless they discussed it or I’m forgetting something, I don’t actually remember how he’d know that? Was he stalking Charles? Was he just wandering the halls? What kinda-?
(I don’t think that’s likely, but I don’t have a really good read on what’s happening there)
Other than that, here’s a crackpot one to lighten the mood. Mastermind business. I’ve never brought this up before, but I’ve always believed that were Veronika to be the mastermind, she would get revealed early. As in, possibly at the end of this trial, given Teruko had some idea to end the killing game after her chat with Veronika in the movie room.
I’m bringing this up only because Veronika didn’t react to David’s explanation of what he was trying to do by claiming to be the blackened. She was set up for a reaction with the whole “please tell me it’s not boring” thing, and then she… didn’t. It’s possible, in a conspiratorial sense, that she didn’t react because David hit the nail in the head, and Veronika was genuinely upset at the idea. If that’s the case, her reaction could be postponed to the end of the trial, maybe the end of Trial 3, for the early mm reveal there. It’s a very half-baked idea I’m failing to communicate properly ‘cuz I’m eepy, but it’s there.
I rank it in the same level of mastermind evidence as “Nico is unafraid of grabbing MonoTV by the tail.” Immensely silly and should not be considered solid evidence by any means, and yet it’s still probably gonna get mentioned if I ever make a mm probability ranking lol.
Anyways, absolutely incredible episode all throughout. Holy shit were so back, this was amazing. See you next week for more peeks into peak!
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Ahahahahaha JJK chapter 212 spoilers under the read more. Only open if you have seen the leaks!!
But aaaahh the part with Megumi!! I read that and was like, wait, but this is like several Doujinshi I read!! One of my faves ever is where Megumi willingly makes a deal with Sukuna to be his new vessel so he can safe Yuuji.
It seems so unreal that this really happened and my Sukuita heart kind of hates the fact that Yuuji and Sukuna aren't one anymore :( I am stupid, sorry!! My ships are always in the back of my mind. I love how insane Sukuna is tbh and how brilliantly he planned this. Seems like he got what he wanted. It was always about Megumi's power for him. I wonder what he plans to do with it?
I always said that Megumi and Sukuna working together would be unstoppable, so if Megumi regains some control I feel like this could be the solution to keep everyone I care about alive. IF Megumi is able to control Sukuna. But this whole thing will hurt Yuuji more than being Sukuna's vessel himself. He will hate to see Megumi getting pulled into this. And it will destroy Megumi if Sukuna uses his body to hurt and kill Yuuji.
Aaaaah Megumi please be powerful enough to control Sukuna!!
So yeah, this is kind of super bad, but I also love it because it's so interesting, and finally something happens again which involves my faves!! And I rather want Yuuji to get killed by Sukuna than by Hana/Angel or some nameless executioner.
Also, I am crying at the fact that Yuuji left that loophole for Kuna by only thinking about protecting other people again. He didn't even think about adding a rule that Sukuna cannot hurt Yuuji during the vow :( that's SO typical for Yuuji. I love him so much
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
As brilliant as 2-5 is, there's just one thing that really irks me about it. Like, in a vacuum, it's not a problem. But when I look at it in context with the rest of the game?
Like. Nagito's suicide roulette wheel is cool as fuck. This is right up there with Kokichi's plan to derail the Killing Game by forcing Monokuma to misidentify the victim. It's so good.
The one drawback here is Chiaki's total lack of involvement in the murder that she becomes the Blackened for. She's the unlucky winner of the suicide roulette. She was selected because she was the Traitor but ultimately Chiaki dies not for anything she does, but simply for what she is. She's a passive recipient of a murder she commits.
By itself, this would be a minor foible. But in light of the larger trend of how the game has handled its male and female deaths? Like. Okay.
Women in DR2 die like this:
Peko: I killed Mahiru because I am nothing but a tool for my master--OH WAIT THE RULES DON'T WORK THAT WAY guess Mahiru and I will just die for no reason.
Mahiru: On top of that, I was bludgeoned to death in retaliation for a crime I was barely even involved with. I'm not even the guilty party or anything. I was just nearby. I died for being crime-adjacent.
Mikan: Afflicted at random by the Murderer Disease.
Ibuki: Afflicted at random by the Victim Disease.
Hiyoko: Wrong place at the wrong time by pure coincidence.
Chiaki: I won the suicide roulette because I am the droid you're looking for.
Meanwhile, men in DR2 die like this:
Teruteru: I just wanted to get out, man.
Imposter: When I saw the murder about to happen I threw myself in front of it, heroically giving my life for the sake of others!
Gundham: Nekomaru and I fought a duel to the death to liberate our friends from the Funhouse, heroically giving our lives for the sake of others!
Nekomaru: Gundham and I fought a duel to the death to liberate our friends from the Funhouse, heroically giving our lives for the sake of others!
Nagito: I carried out the suicide roulette, a complex and intricate master plan to exterminate the Remnants of Despair and bring Hope to this island! AHAHAHAHAHA I am the most complex and interesting character in this game!
In the end, I really like 2-5. The suicide roulette and the reveals surrounding Chiaki are incredible.
But it's also hard to shake the feeling like she's just another name to add to the list of female characters killed off for underwhelming reasons, having very little to do with her own death.
The one female character who had anything approaching agency in her death is Peko - A character who literally self-identifies as an unpersoned tool existing only for her master's benefit, and whose plan is unraveled by simply being too stupid to pull it off correctly.
(Seriously. She spends an HOUR of gameplay framing herself for the crime she committed. I still can't get over that.)
The male killers and victims of Danganronpa 2 are active participants in the events that end their lives, while with the exception of Peko, the women of Danganronpa 2 are consistently passive recipients of said events - even when they're the ones carrying them out.
Chiaki's execution comes as a parallel to Alter Ego's in a variety of ways - particularly setting them up to make an eleventh hour return because Junko doesn't actually know how to kill an AI. But Alter Ego was executed because Monokuma found him sniffing around sensitive files on Junko's server. Chiaki was executed because she grabbed the Jackpot fire grenade.
I just.
Danganronpa 2 has fun, interesting, and engaging female characters.
But I don't think Danganronpa 2 is actually interested in any of its female characters. It treats them like set dressing around the important, active characters.
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danganronpa-cyberspace · 11 months
-Tomoki-Decebel Freetime Event-
[Tomoki is strutting down the hallways, as he often does, looking for someone to torture.]
Tomoki: [Hmm, who shall be the object of my superior attentionnnn?]
Tomoki: [I’ve already bothered Benio an unhealthy amount, Haruki locked me out of his lab, and I’m sure Miliani wants me dead.]
Tomoki: [So who else shall be unlucky enough to come across me?]
[As Tomoki rounds the corner, he comes across Decebel, reading a book of poetry, a glass of wine in his hand.]
Tomoki: [Oh, this poor, poor Romanian boy! Ahahaha!]
Tomoki: Ohhhh, Decebel! It’s Tomokiiiiii!
Decebel: Oh dear…
Decebel: Hello, Ebihara.
Tomoki: How have you been? You seem so down all the time!
Decebel: I am not down, just shy.
Tomoki: Is it because of that hangnail?
Decebel: What hangnail?
Tomoki: That hangnail.
[Tomoki chuckled as he points at Decebel’s pinky finger. On cue, Decebel’s pink finger throbs with pain.]
Decebel: Owww…yes, that hangnail.
Tomoki: I wonder who could’ve done that, hmhmhmmmmmm?
Decebel: You, yes?
Tomoki: Yes! Yes! What a clever man you are! Shake my hand and grace my fingers with your intelligent touch.
[Tomoki holds out his hand, his face full of mock praise. Decebel doesn’t move.]
Decebel: I may be socially foolish, but I am not falling for that.
Tomoki: Stupid bastard, you’re smarter than you seem.
[Tomoki pulled his hand away and dusted it off on his jacket. Decebel could not be less interested in his grand display, and went back to reading. Or, tried to.]
Tomoki: Whatcha reading, Belle?
Decebel: Belle?
Tomoki: You know! Decebel! Bel! Belle!
Decebel: I understand that, but…
Decebel: …that is the best you can come up with?
[Tomoki cracked his riding crop in the air, causing Decebel to flinch. Before Decebel could get lost in his book once more, Tomoki snatched it.]
Tomoki: Ohhhh, poetry! How fancy!
Decebel: Please, give it back-!
Tomoki: Give me a taste of that wine, then we’ll talk!
Decebel: No, just give it back!
Decebel: Or are you too sadistic to understand my reason?
Tomoki: Those are bold words!
Decebel: I mean, I-
Decebel: sorry.
Tomoki: Oh, I forgive youuuu!
Tomoki: I forgive you in three, two-
[Tomoki tosses the book in the air, and, at the exact same times, Hinato walks by, with his kukai stick on fire. The book catches a bit of the flame, and falls to the ground, on fire. Hinato just keeps walking, earbuds in, unaware of the agony Decebel is in and the agony Tomoki caused.]
Decebel: You…are…
Decebel: EVIL.
Tomoki: Evil? I thought you’d use the word-
[Tomoki walks over to him, and boops him on the nose.]
Tomoki: Sadistic? Ahahahaha!
Decebel: I will get you back! I know I will!
Decebel: You shall rue the day you crossed me!
[Tomoki waved mockingly, and continued to strut down the hallway. Decebel meekly picked up his flaming book, and attempted to blow the flame out. Eventually, he settled on stomping it out. But, by that time, the book had a nasty burn. Decebel sighed, and sat against the wall.]
Decebel: Evil, evil man…
Decebel: …but I believe I am just a bit more so.
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akinosenoragami · 1 year
Team W plays elden ring
A Blackstar theater starless fanfiction written by me. Tldr I got inspired by a discord convo between me and my friend.
This was written during W's Diety's game event but I had to put I off because of assignments. Apologies for having to finish this so late.
Taiga invites Team W to play Elden ring. That's it. Enjoy.
"Is the camera on?" Taiga asks as he checks the Webcam, "It's working." Takami replies.
"Good. Hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of gaming with Taiga~. With your host Taiga." 
"What kind of an intro was that?!" Akira questions
"Anyway, today I'm here with my team. Team W~, now please introduce yourselves. "
"Team W's top, Kokuyou." 
"...that's it? Nothing else?"
"Yeah so?" 
" Aw~ C'mon man you're no fun!" 
"Akira you're next."
"Hey y'all what's up! Team W's singer Akira! Nice to meet you pretty ladies on the internet." 
"And that's how you do it Kokuyou." 
"Shut up. Who's next."
" I believe that would be me. Hello everyone my name is Takami and I'm Team W's no.2" 
"HA! Takami did it better." 
"Now now you two don't start a fight here. Sin its your turn now." 
"There is a good level of maturity in your words which attracts a lot. I'm Sin."
"I'm sorry what? Takami translate."
"What Sin is saying is that it's nice to meet you."
"Ok whatever I guess…so anyway today we are going to be playing some Elden ring." 
"Whoo! I don't know how to play this game but let's fucking go!" Akria shouted in excitement. 
"Why did I agree to this…." 
"Kokuyou it's for our team PR, to promote our upcoming show." 
"Oh yeah, Diety's game is gonna be showing soon! And you should all be there!" 
"Alrighty…..should we play the game now?" 
"Yeah. We should."
"OK for the record 3 of us aren't really gamers per say. So we're gonna start off in easy mode just so they could get the gist of it." 
"Is everyone in?" Taiga asks
"Yea I think so." Akira responded 
"Shit. How do you control this? How do you go forward?" Kokuyou said as his character starts spinning all over the place. 
"Ahahahahaha kokuyou you suck at this!" 
"Shut the hell up Akira." 
"In the sense of things, Sin and I have both entered the game."
"Alright, so whose the easiest boss to fight…how about the soldier of Godrick?" 
"Yeah sure, why not?" 
"Aight. Let's go."
They get to the location of the soldier
"Time to take this thing down…what are you guys doing?" Taiga questions
"How do you run straight in this?!" Kokuyou starts spinning. 
Takami starts looking up the players manual, "So is this how you punch?" 
"Take that!" Akira shouts as he's faring quite well.
Meanwhile Sin. Does nothing. 
After 30 minutes or so they finally beat the soldier. 
"H-how the fuck are you guys so bad at this?!"
"This is stupid. If we have time to play this, shouldn't we be rehearsing?" Kokuyou says 
"Bitch! This is free marketing for our show alright." 
"Now now, calm down Taiga." 
"Right…*inhales exhales* say Akira since you're doing quite well, you wanna try beating a harder boss?"
"Yeah, bring it on!"
"Alright…let's see here…who is..How about Malenia, Blade of Miquella?" 
"Sure thing."
Taiga and Akira make their way to the Haligtree while the other 3 take a little break.
When all of a sudden disaster struck.
"Ah shit…my controller's out of battery!" Taiga said as he shakes his controller
"What?! How? I thought you had it charged yesterday?" 
"I did but this one is somewhat faulty."
"Well shit man…what am I supposed to do?"
"I don't know, Solo Her!"
"Aight then, imma solo her! Wait her?!" 
The boss fight begins.  [...Heed my words. I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat. ]
" ZOO WEE MAMA! She's HOT!" Akira just screams. 
"Akria what the fuck-?" Kokuyou said, startled when he turned around. 
"Well I must admit, her character is quite attractive. " Takami said in a calm tone. 
"...." Sin just stays quiet.
[Waterfowl dance occurs]
[Akira Dies]
"Ah…damn it." 
" A loss is a loss, but those who rise above the initial failures are to be crowned the victors." 
"Sin please, that is not helping the fact I lost to a HOT babe." 
"And that's it for today's gaming with Taiga, tune in next time to see us prank the other teams."
"What?! Oh no We ain't doing that!" Kokuyou said as his face looked like he was about to beat up someone.
"Kokuyou...Stay." Takami tried calling him down.
"L-Like, Comment and S-Subscribe if you wanna see me live and don't forget to come to our show…fuck RUN!"
| to be continued >
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AHAHAHAHAHA 😐 a live of a SeaWorld show just showed up on my fyp and sometimes I am not strong enough to resist a little bit of rage bait and now I'm enraged. The dude on the live was like "lol all you losers have to say is watch blackfish but you don't even know the facts" AHAHAHA. 😐. Bitch fight me i dare you. And people in the comments were saying it's sad how their dorsal fins are flopped over and it's a sign of depression (not exactly right but not exactly wrong) and someone else said it's just cartilage & cartilage doesn't have emotions. AHAHAHAH 😐 are you literally so stupid (yes). Next time you get nauseous from anxiety i will tell you that your stomach doesn't have emotions. And someone else said DiD tHe OrCaS tElL yOu ThAt ThEyRe DePrEsSeD well actually yes they did. I don't understand the science around the blood tests enough to bring that up so I won't but they do exist when the orcas are literally committing suicide and extreme self harm YEAH they did tell me they're depressed. I'm just not too DUMB and SELFISH to listen to them oops who said that
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I Just Need To Feel Full. I Need No Therapy. They Don't Make You More Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist. Pills Don't Fill You.
What I Find Hilarious... Is That Absolutely All Those Abuser Bigot Got On The Way Of This Always And Gave Us Toxic Purpose Only To Gasslight That To Be Our Fault. That Is Them That Bit Too Much...
Also Growing Up Doesn't Exist I Was Never A Child. Used As A Tool To Punch And Beat. We're Still Treated This Way Even Now. Their Bigoted Ideologies Know No Bound. Yet We're Always Gasslight... This Is Simple. They Aren't Ignorant They Just Don't Wanna And Hate Us. They Want To Kill Us.
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jade-eclipse-lithium · 11 months
Don’t you just hate it when centuries of playing the perfect spy is ruined by your boss.
I don’t care enough.
And aggressively refuse to remove your smooth presence from the room. That’s why you’re losing the war.
You said you killed him.
I did.
Well, you did not kill him hard enough.
Do you think I look stupid?!
Don’t expect anyone to say no.
Why are you on fire?
This is how my day is going.
How are you feeling?
I think something in me is broken.
You don’t look too bad to me.
Pull it together.
This is me pulling it together.
Pull harder!
So i said, “Baby, you and me could really-
You never even met a girl.
What am i supposed to do?
Fucking kill yourself, mostly.
Is chocolate an aphrodisiac?
Scientifically. There’s no proof chocolate links to your ability to perform the horizontal bedroom wrestling.
There’s kids here!
Nobody is allowed to decide which one of us is the chosen one.
They could still choose.
That’s bullshit and you know it.
This is reality and i face it.
You’re wearing a coat.
It’s come out here.
With sandals.
I was in a rush.
Stop holding my hand, i can walk on my own!
Don’t be sassy, young man.
You calculated…wrong?
Maybe I got a glitch mice in my data base again.
Uh…whatchu got there?
✨ A smoothie ✨
You’re a tiny guy, you can’t jump over the counter.
I’ll be over this damn counter before you can look up.
A dative covalent bond is a covalent bond formed between two atoms where both electrons in the shared pair are contributed by the same atom.
‘Tis but a scratch.
A SCRATCH. It’s just flesh wound.
We’re gonna break some laws.
Cool, what laws? Physics, morality, or Earth?
Yes. That’s the order we’re gonna break them in.
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unhingedx · 1 year
Ahahahahaha okay cool I guess I’m nothing I guess I’m worthless I guess I really should just rip myself open to show you what you did. Would it be enough? Would you care then? Would I matter then? When you see my insides will you listen? I’m never going to be a second fucking choice again I’m never going to commit to someone just to watch them lose interest in me over time just like I know they will in the first place. Every. Single. Time.
It’s the same fucking thing every time. Lies to my face over and over about how I’m the only special thing about how I’m cherished about how perfect I am and every single time it blows up in my face because I’m stupid enough to believe I mean something to someone
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someone-kick-me-thx · 4 years
sO. When I was 13 I played ice hockey on an all girls team and like ya know I presented very STRAIGHT bc all girl’s and whatnot. AnYwAYS. a girl on my team asked to borrow my iPod touch and I was like sURE bc why not. And I was stupid. And she opened up YOUTUBE and it was on a video of GIRLS KISSING BC IM DUMB AND I DIDNT ERASE MY HISTORY??
And she went “EW what IS THIS??”
And I said, “What?? Oh my god I have no idea?? My sister borrowed my iPod she must have looked that up!! Gross!!” Then I played another three years with her hahahahaha.
Anyways that’s on internalized homophobia and compensating.
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obeythedemons · 3 years
Dad Joke Headcanons [Obey Me! Everyone]
"Which bear is the most condescending? A pan-duh!"
Was at first indifferent to them
Thought they were a tad stupid
Tried telling Satan a dad joke to bond with him, but Satan recoiled in horror
Oh wait, that reaction was great
Enjoys torturing his brothers with dad jokes
Has to have a new joke ready for Diavolo at all times
"My boss told me to have a good day, so I went home"
No, stop it
Hates dad jokes and thinks they're lame
He'll only pretend to like them if you pay him
Groans loudly whenever one is told near him
"Want to know why nurses like red crayons? Sometimes they have to draw blood."
lol, such a normie thing
Pretends to not like them, but does
Won't laugh out loud, but will sometimes give a sarcastic "lol"
Will try telling them to MC, but messes up the punchline nearly every time
"I started to read a book in braille. Something bad is about to happen, I can feel it."
Used to really like dad jokes
Then Lucifer said one and now they're the worse thing ever
Will leave a room whenever one is told
Still likes puns
"How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it."
Depends on the joke
Some he likes, some he wishes he never heard
If they're flirty, he's more likely to like them
"Have you ever seen a holy cow? That's where swiss cheese comes from."
Doesn't always get them
Will still give a laugh even if he doesn't think it's funny
But his laughs sound more like he's mocking you since he's not the most expressive person
Will ask to hear jokes about food
"Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? He's okay, he woke up."
Seriously? You interrupted his nap for this?
Groans and puts his pillow over his head
He tried to annoy Lucifer with them once, but it didn't work
Hates them even more now that he knows Diavolo loves them
Will still them dad jokes to annoy others, though
Lord Diavolo
"One what side does a tiger have the most stripes? On the outside!"
Yes! Tell him more!
He loves. Every. Single. Dad. Joke.
Thinks they're unironically hilarious
Will always want to hear a new joke and is constantly asking Lucifer and Barbatos for a new one
"I was going to tell you a joke about time travel, but you didn't like it."
Gets some amusement from the pain of others
Has a wider variety of dad jokes at the ready
Doesn't mind either way if he hears one
"The rotation of the Earth really makes my day."
Enjoys dad jokes, but won't always laugh
It has to be a really good one for him to enjoy it
Has ready plenty of them before when he was writing
But always tells the worse ones
"What do you call a toothless bear? A gummy bear!"
Complains about how lame the jokes are
Only enjoys the jokes told by Simeon or Barbatos
Won't ever tell one of those jokes, he must appear professional!
Doesn't actually know any jokes like that
"Am I a fan of courtroom puns? Guilty."
Finds some amusement in dad jokes
But has heard most of them
Can't remember any jokes but one if he's telling them
so he tells that one joke a lot
Obey Me! Masterlist
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oliviaischillin1204 · 3 years
“You’ve never been tickled gently before, have you?”
“We both know this soft shit is not my style, Specs. I like it hard and fast, you know that!”
“Hm. Your body is much more familiar with jarring, abrasive sensations, which could have served to make you less susceptible to any sort of physical touch. However... I don’t think that is true.”
“... Seriously? That’s your play? One little feather?”
“Uh, you’re barely even touching me, genius.”
“I am aware.”
“... How long is this gonna take? I’ve got-- work to do.”
“Earlier you were insistent that you would be happy to partake in this experiment no matter how long it took. Have you changed your mind?”
“Kinda, yeah. This is really b-- boring.”
“Is our conversation not interesting enough for you? I could change the topic, if that would keep you from feeling restless.”
“Sure, yeah, whatever.”
“Do you know what exactly I am testing today, Remus?”
“If you can make me laugh with a stupid feather?”
“Not quite. I’m merely attempting to locate the exact areas on the human body where knismesis is the most effective. I specifically asked you to help me because you insisted you were not sentive to such light tickles. I believe we both may have been wrong about that assumption.”
“It’s not-- not that bad.”
“Good to know. It will get worse, however. Already you’re slipping-- we can both see it. Aside from the data I’m getting from monitoring your vitals, your external reactions are all too telling. Your face is getting red, most likely from repressing your laughter. You have consistently moved away from the feather no matter where it touches you. And for this entire experiment, a grin has been growing on your face that I don’t believe you could suppress if you tried.”
“The stomach is an ideal spot for knismesis, because the human body has evolved to protect the vital organs underneath for outward threats, such as insects. That is what the mind translates the feeling of the feather into, but without the panic of any real threat. It’s a rather effective technique to heighten the body’s natural sensitivity.”
“... Mhmm.”
“Shh, it’s alright. Please don’t strain yourself. I don’t want you to get hurt attempting to subdue your body’s natural reactions. Just relax, and breathe, and focus on the tickles.”
“I see. Mentioning the word ‘tickle’ has weakened you, hasn’t it? Interesting-- I’ve never noticed you being particularly susceptible to this type of teasing before.”
“I’m not--”
“Perhaps I will use the information to assist in the experiment. Allow me.”
“Tickle, tickle, tickle, Remus. Feel the feather tickling up and down your tummy, so slowly and so gently. Does it tickle very badly? I think it does, based on how much you’re wiggling and squirming back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...”
“There we go. What a good ticklish test subject. Just let it all out, Remus. Feel how tenderly the tips of the feathers tickle your tummy. I belive I’ve found a tickle trail right around the middle of your stomach... do you have a ticklish belly button? I think you do, Remus. Tickle, tickle, tickle...”
“Somewhere else! Somewhere else!”
“Interesting. The fact that you’re begging for relief from the lightest stimulation against your belly indicates that this is rather ticklish for you. Normally it takes much more to make you desperate enough to beg. How enlightening.”
“I suppose I will leave this spot, for now. Besides, we still have much more data to be collected. For example, let us say that you have two feathers traveling up your sides...”
“Ahahahahaha! Nohohoho!”
“Oh, is that a particularly ticklish spot for you? To be tickled right here on your sides-- fascinating. Your body’s movements back and forth seem completely involuntary, considering that you keep moving despite knowing that any movement would result in more tickles on the opposite side. I’d ask you to stay still, but I think we both know you’re far too ticklish for that.”
“Stop teasing! No more teheheheasing!”
“Yes, I suppose you’re right. We have been taking this rather slowly. Tell me, Remus... what do you think it will feel like when these feathers reach your bare armpits?”
“I dohohohon’t-- nahaha! I don’t knohohow!”
“Oh, let’s imagine it together, shall we? Your arms are tied so high over your head, and you can’t move your torso more than an inch to either side. Imagine what it will feel like when these soft, fluffy feathers travel up, up, up... until they finally come to rest in your armpits. And when they reach your armpits, do you think they will tickle?”
“Yehehe-- yehehehes!”
“So do I. The reason your armpits are ticklish, interestingly enough, is because that is where the axillary veins are located. Your body will wiggle and squirm and do everything in its power to cover up such a sensitive spot. Imagine how terribly ticklish it will feel when you have no choice in the matter.”
“Shh, it’s quite alright, Remus. No one else will ever know how ticklish you are to such light, feathery touches. It can stay our little secret. But I do need you to do just one thing for me.”
“I need you to laugh.”
“Na-ahahahaha! Logan, Logahahahan, nohoho!”
“Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle... does it tickle terribly, Remus? Hm? Does it? On a scale from one to ten, how ticklish do the feathers feel in your armpits?”
“T-- tehehe-- ten!”
“A solid ten? How interesting. It seems your underarm sensitivity may actually rival that of your brother’s, provided your armpits are being tickled by incredibly tickly feathers. Perhaps one day we can introduce makeup brushes to the experiment and record the differences in your reactions...”
“Nohoho, p--plehehease, please!”
“And now, with the data we’ve already acquired from the experiment, we can build upon to introduce new variables. For example, what will happen when the feathers dance all over your ticklish armpit and your ticklish tummy at the exact same time?”
“Puh-- plehehe-- Logahahahahaha!”
“Remus, I must honestly say that I’m impressed. You may be the most feather ticklish person I have ever seen.”
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thegreymoon · 2 years
Love Between Fairy and Devil
The visuals on this show are incredible!
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Also, the FL may be annoying, but I love the ML! 
Ahahahaha, now put her in your pocket, like a hamster!
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Dying at this 🤣🤣
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He looks like he’s going to eat her 🤣🤣
Noooooo, he destroyed the fairy-boiling cauldron!
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My thirteen-year-old brain would have died 🤣🤣
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I guess this is the closest we’re getting to seeing any version of Taxian-jun thanks to Chinese censorship, but I’ll take all the crumbs I can get 😭😭 I kneel at your feet, o, Vernerable One!
I understand the urge, Your Majesty!
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She’s like a malfunctioning squeaky toy that an especially obnoxious two-year-old keeps stepping on. 
LMFAO, he would skin you alive if he could 🤣🤣
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He, heee! The fairy-boiling pot has been repaired! 
She is a literal toddler, OMG 😑
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No, but really, it is literal toddler behaviour! She has the mental capacity of one, she pouts, throws tantrums and her movements and behavioural ticks imitate a three-year-old child. Not attractive on a grown woman.  
OMG, every time she makes that stupid pouty face, I too want to smack her so bad!
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You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you 🤣🤣
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LMAO, he’s so done 🤣🤣
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I’m really trying my best to like her, but then she goes and does this. 
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The pouting is obnoxious. 
Ah, those pesky feelings, how dare they 🤣🤣
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Ahahahahaha, he’s forced to obey her commands?
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Suffer 😆😆 I am so here for the comedy! 
Cackling 🤣🤣
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Good luck with that! 
LOL, your life is so hard 😂😂
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I am dead and buried 🤣🤣
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Idiots 🤣🤣
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He’s going to have an aneurysm 🤣🤣
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I can think of another bodily fluid she might like 😆😆
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Rambling (Saiki K)
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Summary: There's only one way to stop a rambling Kaidou once he gets going about something he loves. Luckily, Aren knows exactly what way that is.
Inspired by this art by @ticklishfanart
A/N: Behold, the only Saiki K request I received while my fic requests were open! I love Kaidou so much; thank you for indulging me, anon! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 902
SPOILER WARNING: Contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Z Season 8 and beyond, including Dragon Ball Super.
“…and then there’s this Majin Buu character that comes in during like, season eight, maybe? I can’t remember now. Anyway, he’s just this big pink baby that can cause stupid amounts of destruction—”
“The most annoying thing about him is that he actually sticks around after DBZ is over, because he ends up being one of those villain-turned-hero characters—”
“He even shows up in Dragon Ball Super! Just when you think you’re rid of him, he comes back and causes all sorts of problems for when the next villain shows up, and this guy—”
But Kaidou continued on, rambling about the beginning parts of Dragon Ball Super to Aren, completely oblivious to his friend’s trying to get his attention. Aren sighed, but he couldn’t help but smile. When Kaidou got hooked onto rambling about something, he simply never let up, no matter how many times someone tried to interrupt him.
Aren wasn’t necessarily trying to bring an end to his rambling about something he was obviously passionate about. The trouble was their positioning. Kaidou was lying across Aren’s lap with his back resting against Aren’s leg, and said leg had long since fallen asleep. It was driving the purple-haired teen insane, and he couldn’t subtly shift himself without his friend falling over.
He listened for a few more moments as Kaidou rambled on even more about this Lord Beerus character, but when he moved from him to the return of Frieza, Aren decided he had to get him to stop somehow.
He shoved his hand under Kaidou’s shirt and scribbled across his bare tummy.
“And – ahahahahaha?! Ahahahahaharen!” Kaidou squealed, arching his back and rolling over, thus freeing Aren’s leg. “Hehehehehehehey!”
“Sorry, it was the only way I could get you to listen to me for a second.” Aren tried to stretch out his leg, but it was difficult when he couldn’t feel it. It was even worse when the blood finally started rushing back into it, waking it up painfully. He covered up his distress by pulling Kaidou back towards him and digging into his belly and sides even harder, turning the giggles into laughter. “You’re so cuuuuute.”
“Am nohohohohohohot!” Kaidou screeched, trying to roll away but unable to move very far for the persistent tickling along his sides, now moving up to his ribs. Panicked snickers left his lips without permission. “Plehehehehehease, stahahahahahap!”
Ow, ow, ow. The pain in Aren’s leg was a good sign, he knew, but it was still unpleasant. He awkwardly wrestled with Kaidou as he pushed himself up on his other leg, trying to give himself leverage over his friend. Finally he was able to snatch up one wrist, force it above his head, and scribble into the now unprotected underarm.
Kaidou screamed with laughter. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NONONO!! AHAHAHAHAREN NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!!” He kicked and writhed, but finally Aren’s leg was fully awake, and he made quick work of Jet Black Wings, straddling his waist and digging into both underarms at once. “NOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOO!! AHAHAHAHAHAREN, PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Ahh, much better. Sorry about that, Kaidou – what were you saying?” Aren teased, pretending to pick up their conversation as though he weren’t tickling his friend into absolute hysterics. “Something about Lord Beevus?”
“IT’S BEHEHEHEHEHEERUS!!” Kaidou managed, grabbing Aren’s hands and trying to push him away. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Right, right, Beerus. Got it. So Frieza comes back, huh? How does that happen?”
“Teasing you? I’m not teasing you. I’m having a conversation. Or at least, I’m trying to.” Aren smirked, finally showing a bit of mercy by traveling back down to Kaidou’s ribs, pinching them gently, keeping him giggling. “It’s hard to focus when you’re laughing so much.”
“Thahahahahat’s your fahahahahahault!” Kaidou protested. He squeaked when Aren traveled up to his neck, scribbling experimentally. Kaidou’s face turned hot pink as he sputtered and snickered helplessly. “Stohohohohohop! Leheheheheave me alohohohohone!”
“Ticklish here, too?” Aren smiled, tracing one finger around the shell of Kaidou’s ear, beyond satisfied when the blue-haired teen giggled so hard he practically wheezed. “You really are cute when you’re tickled, you know.”
“Plehehehehehease stop teheheheheasing me!”
“I’m not teasing. I’m being sincere.”
Kaidou whined, desperately trying to pull Aren’s hand away from his sensitive neck. When it became clear to Aren that his friend had had enough, he finally let up, climbing off of him. “All right, I’m done. I promise.”
“You’re so mehehean…”
“You’re so ticklish.”
Kaidou’s face blossomed from pink to red. “Shut up!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought we were stating things that were obvious.” Aren smirked. “You good?”
“You suck.”
“I could tickle you again, if that’s what you’re trying to bait me into.”
“No! Just…ugh, forget it.”
Aren chuckled, pulling him in close and kissing him on the cheek. “You’re too cute not to tickle, Shun. Sorry, but it’s true.” He kissed his neck, making Kaidou giggle, then stretched both legs out in front of him in satisfaction and sighed. “So, you were saying Frieza comes back? How?”
Kaidou blinked, then grinned, launching right back into his explanation of the entire plot of the Dragon Ball series. “Right, so Frieza is revived by his army and starts actually training to try and beat Goku, but he stops once he reaches his golden form, thinking that’ll be enough to defeat him. But he doesn’t know about Super Saiyan Blue because he wasn’t there for all of that, so…”
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Hey hi hello! I'm finally back at It with another t word fic! I had so much trouble getting into the groove of this one, but regardless I had fun writing it! I think this will be the last installment In this mini series, I feel like I'm at a good stopping point. That being said, Obviously I will eventually write more for these three beans.
Part One: That's what Friends are for
Part Two: Intimidating
Characters: Lee!Kazuichi, Lee!Gundham, Ler!Sonia, Ler!Hajime, Ler!Chiaki, Fuyuhiko
Pairing: Platonic!Sonsoudam (Though you could construe It as romantic, Whichever you prefer--)
Word count: 3430
The Ultimate Princess scoured the island In search of The Pink haired mechanic after leaving the dining hall, Normally he was easy to find since he was always so eager to talk to her but today was different.
Walking with her was Hajime, Who had volunteered to help her find Kazuichi. “Are you sure It was a good Idea to leave Gundham sleeping In the dining hall? I feel as though we should have woken him up.” Sonia asked.
“It’s better for him to get some sleep.” Hajime responded. “Besides, It’s not like we left him alone, We left him with Chiaki.”
“I suppose you’re right but… I feel bad for not waking him up and sending him to his room.” She frowned.
Hajime smiled a bit, A knowing look on his face. “You really do worry about him a lot…”
“Of course I do, He Is my friend.” Sonia responded. “I worry about all of my friends.”
Hajime was about to open his mouth to respond but he changed gears upon catching sight of the pink haired Mechanic. “There he Is. What’s he doing?”
“It appears as though he is working on something.” Sonia said quietly, the pair silently approached Kazuichi where he sat on the ground tinkering with something.
He was humming quietly while he worked, he seemed as though he was In good spirits so that couldn’t be the reason why he was ignoring Gundham.
“Just put this here and…”
“YO!” Hajime said suddenly, stepping In front of Sonia. “KAZUICHI!”
Kazuichi screamed, launching his screwdriver into the air in surprise. He spun around In his spot on the ground and let out a breath of relief. “Oh. It’s just you. Jeez man, Don’t scare me like that! What the hell Is wrong with you!?”
Sonia stepped out from behind Hajime, her arms folded. “Kazuichi--”
Kazuichi’s face turned pink as he quickly got to his feet, throwing a tarp back over his project. “M-Miss Sonia!”
“Kazuichi,” she started, frowning. “I wish to know why you are avoiding Gundham.”
“W-What? I’m not--”
“Yeah, You are.” Hajime interrupted. “He tried to talk to you the other day and you made up an excuse and practically ran away.”
“What Is going on? You two were getting along so well at the party.” Sonia stepped closer to the mechanic. “Please, Tell me the truth.”
The pinkette frowned, looking away from his crush awkwardly. His eyes fell upon his tarp covered project as he thought about It in silence.
Kazuichi had blown Gundham off because he didn’t want to accidentally blab about the surprise he was working on for him, Soda was creating a brand new play area for The Four Devas as a peace offering, to prove to him that he wasn’t just trying to get along with him for Sonia’s sake.
He always had trouble admitting how he felt with words, usually stumbling over them or saying something stupid. He preferred gestures over words.
The truth was this... He had a lot of fun at the party, as much as he initially hated spending time with Gundham, he actually started to have fun. Kazuichi didn’t have many friends either, he’d always been picked on as a kid and didn’t have much free time due to helping his dad out with the bike shop.
That day, even If for just a little while, It felt like he had friends. And he wanted to make sure Gundham knew he was genuinely thankful for that.
But he knew he was a horrible liar and Gundham would eventually figure out what he was doing, so he was avoiding the Breeder so as not to spoil the surprise.
“I… I can’t.” Kazuichi said, realizing he hadn’t answered yet. “I-I mean, not yet anyway!”
Sonia sighed softly. “I did not want It to come to this, but I promised Gundham I would get to the bottom of this.”
Kazuichi gave a confused look in response. “What are you talking abohohout-- H-Hey!” He yelped, chuckling a bit as he jumped backwards at the sudden pokes to his midsection.
“If you will not tell me what Is going on, I will tickle you until you do.” She smiled, sending chills down the mechanic’s spine.
“Y-You wouldn’t dare...” He smiled nervously, backing away from the blonde princess.
“I would dare.” She insisted.
Kazuichi felt his fight or flight instincts kick In, and he chose the latter. He went to run away from her but he ran into Hajime, who he just now realized had been eerily silent.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked, smirking as he grabbed a hold of his arms. “I didn’t just tag along to help her find you, Y’know.”
“I thought you might try to run away, So I asked Hajime If he would help me just in case.”
“L-Let go! This Isn’t fair!” Soda whined, struggling in Hajime’s surprisingly strong grasp.
“Life’s not fair.” The tsundere sighed in reply, spinning him around to face Sonia and holding his arms up over his head.
“Kazuichi, Last chance. Tell me why you are avoiding Gundham or else…” She threatened, a determined glimmer in her pale blue eyes.
The pinkette shook his head, already resisting the urge to giggle anxiously. “N-No. I can’t.”
Sonia nodded, unzipping part of his yellow jumper and shoving her hands under the white shirt underneath. Her nails began gliding across his sides. “Very well then.”
Soda tried not to laugh or show any reaction, but he ended up laughing after a few seconds of holding back. “Wahahahait! M-Mihihihiss Soniahaha! Dohohohn’t!” He whined between laughs.
“I am sorry, Kazuichi. But I must get to the bottom of this.” Sonia smiled at the sound of his laughter. “Gundham Is upset and I do not wish to see my friends upset.”
Really? Gundham’s upset by Kazuichi not talking to him…? Does that mean he considers him a friend too? “I cahahahan’t tehehehell you!”
“I am sorry, but I must know.” Sonia reiterated, digging her fingers into his stomach.
He yelped and crumbled back against Hajime, laughing harder as he tugged at his arms. “Nohohohoho! Ahahahahaha!”
“Does this tickle~? I am willing to wager that It does~” She cooed, his fingers wiggling into the muscle beneath his skin.
“Sohohohonia stahahahap! Hahahahaha!” he blushed at the teasing words, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting of a Princess but It sure as hell wasn’t this.
“No~” she sang. “I’m not going to stop until I get what I want. Even If I have to tickle you for hours.”
To emphasize her point her fingers sped up as they traversed upwards, brushing teasingly against his sides and wiggling like wild spiders against his ribs.
Kazuichi screamed and threw his head back, knocking Hajime In the face as he did. “SHIHIHIHIT! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!” He shrieked helplessly.
Hajime yelped In pain and readjusted his grip on the Mechanic, now holding both of his wrists in place with one hand. He used the other to tenderly rub his chin. “Jeez, Kazuichi. Watch where you’re throwing that thing.”
“YOUHUHUHU DEHEHEHESERVED IT!” Kazuichi laughed heartily, still attempting to pull his wrists free. Though thanks to Sonia’s merciless tickling he was much weaker.
Hajime huffed. “Oh yeah? Well, I think you deserve this.” He wormed his free hand into Kazi’s jumpsuit and began scribbling his nails against the back of his ribs over his white tee.
When I tell you the boy screamed.
“AAAAH! NONONONONO!” He screamed, His body jerking violently to the side, trying to shield the sensitive spot.
“Ooh, Hajime, It looks like you found a really ticklish spot~” She grinned, her fingers darting around to the back of his ribcage to join the Tsundere In torturing their friend. “What do you think Kazi? Is this a bad spot?”
“Yeah Kazi,” Hajime grinned. “Does this tiiiiiickle~?”
Kazuichi couldn’t even form sentences, he was laughing way too hard to focus on anything else. His laughter was borderline going silent from the intensity, as evidenced by his constant wheezing.
“Just tell us~” Sonia hummed, her fingers tickling the sensitive spots between the ribs now.
“You gonna tell us?” Hajime asked.
Kazuichi nodded frantically, tears streaking down his pink cheeks from laughing too hard.
Sonia and Hajime relented, though Hajime kept a grip on his wrists, evidently not trusting the pink haired boy. “Why have you been avoiding Gundham?” She asked again.
Kazuichi coughed as he gulped down air, clearly not used to being tickled. “I… Didn’t want to spoil the surprise… for him…” He panted.
“The…” she trailed off.
“Surprise?” Hajime and Sonia exchanged confused looks. “What are you talking about?”
Kazuichi nodded his head towards the tarp covered project. “Check… For yourselves…”
Curiously, Hajime released the Mechanic and went over to the tarp. He pulled It off to reveal what Soda had been working on, A play area made out of pvc pipes, A fish tank, and a wide assortment of metal and plastic items.
“Huh?” He was confused, but Sonia recognized what It was intended to be instantly.
Her face lit up at the sight of It. “Oh my! You’re building a pen for the Four Dark Devas of Destruction!” She twirled around to face Kazuichi, who had just finished zipping his jumpsuit back up.
He chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head, blushing as he glanced away from the bright girl. “Y-Yeah. I wanted to show Gundham I really consider him a friend, So I was doing It the best way I knew how…”
“By building something for him.” Hajime finished, smiling at the dork. “That’s really thoughtful of you. I’m impressed.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?? I’m always thoughtful!” He shot back, flustered.
Sonia giggled and hugged the pink haired boy suddenly. “You’re so sweet. Gundham and I are lucky to have a friend like you.” she praised.
Just when he thought his face couldn’t get any redder… It was close to matching Mahiru’s shade of hair now. “F-Friend?” He stuttered, asking for confirmation If what he heard was what she just said.
“Of course! We’re friends.” She beamed up at the embarrassed tinkerer.
He smiled warmly back at her and hugged her back. “Thank you.” he whispered almost silently, not even sure If she had heard him or not.
But she did.
After another minute or so they both pulled back. “I should get back to work on this. I don’t wanna make Gundham upset by not talking to him.” Soda announced nonchalantly, sitting down in front of the project again.
“Would you like some help? I am not very mechanically inclined, but I can be taught.” Sonia volunteered, sitting down next to him.
“Sure! I would love some help!” He smiled at the blonde.
“Is there anything I can do?” Hajime asked.
“Can you go check on Gundham? I am worried about him.”
“Sonia, We’ve been over this. We left him with Chiaki at the hotel, I’m sure he’s doing fine.”
“You left him with Chiaki?” Kazuichi repeated, looking at Hajime for confirmation.
“Yeah… What, Why are you looking at me like that--”
“In the hotel, Where there’s video games?”
Hajime stared blankly at him for a minute before cursing and running off towards the hotel.
Apparently reaching the same conclusion Kazuichi had, That Chiaki would most likely be sidetracked by the video games and not check on the Breeder.
He burst through the doors but didn’t see Chiaki anywhere near the video games units. He did, however, hear Gundham scream from upstairs. “Gundham??” He called out, confused.
Hajime bolted up the stairs into the dining room, and froze at the sight before him. Gundham was on the floor, trying to curl up Into a ball, and Chiaki was on top of him, tickling the life out of the Dark Prince.
“Uhhh, Chiaki? What are you doing?” Hajime asked, leaning against the doorway.
Chiaki looked up at him and offered a smile. “Oh, Hey Hajime. I’m tickling Gundham.” She responded bluntly.
“I can see that.” Hajime laughed, Ignoring Gundham’s plea. “The question Is, Why?”
“I promised I would keep an eye on him, But that got too boring. So I’m entertaining myself.” She answered, skittering her fingers across his neck.
There was something about the thought of being on the receiving end of Chiaki’s tickles that scared Hajime, It could be how merciless she was being, Or maybe how nonchalant she was, Or both.
Gundham squealed uncharacteristically and covered his face. “STAHAHAHAHAP! I AHAHAHAM AWAHAHAHAHAKE NOW! I DOHOHOHN’T NEEHEHEED WAHAHATCHED!”
Hajime smirked, approaching the two. He sat down next to Chiaki. “I dunno, I think you still need supervision.” he said playfully.
“I agree.” Chiaki smiled mischievously.
“I think another hour should do it, Don’t you, Chiaki?” Hajime asked, winking at the pink haired girl.
She giggled. “I think so too. That way we can make sure he’s going to stay awake.”
“AHAHAHAN HOUR?!? SUHUHUHURELY YOU JEST!” Gundham whimpered at the thought, considering adding Chiaki Nanami to the small list of people he finds intimidating.
“No, I’m quite serious.” She replied with a determined glimmer in her eyes. Her fingertips lightly dancing across his neck and collarbone.
“I think she means It, Gundham.” Hajime chuckled, unable to resist the urge to help her any longer. He began teasingly poking at random exposed spots on his midsection. “And who am I to stop her? I think I should help her If anything.”
“I WIHIHIHILL DEHEHEHEHESTROY YOU BOHOHOHOTH!” Gundham threw out an empty threat.
“It doesn’t scare me when Fuyu threatens me, And It doesn’t scare me when you threaten me.” Hajime snickered.
“Oh, I don’t scare you huh?” Hiko’s voice was suddenly right at Hajime’s ear. “You sure about that?”
Hajime yelped in surprise, whipping around to look at his friend. “F-Fuyu! Jeez! Don’t scare me like that.” Hajime sighed, holding his chest to steady his rapid heartbeat.
Fuyuhiko grinned triumphantly. “What are you two dipshits doing, Anyway?”
“Tickling Gundham.” Chiaki answered.
“O...kay. Well you think maybe you should… I dunno… Let him breathe?” Fuyu asked, having noticed how much the Breeder was gasping.
Chiaki paused what she was doing, allowing the dark prince to breathe. “Oh… Right. Air, He needs that.”
“Hey Fuyu.” Hajime motioned for the Yakuza to come closer, he hesitantly did so. He whispered something to the small blond so Gundham couldn’t hear.
Hiko rolled his eyes, making a show of huffing as he threw his hands up. “I GUESS.” Although he had a smile on his face as he did so, negating the annoyed response he was going for. He sauntered off, leaving Gundham at the mercy of Hajime and Chiaki once more.
Fuyuhiko made It to the area where Sonia and Kazuichi were, curiously peering over their heads at the project they were working on. “Uh, What are you two doing?”
Kazuichi yelped in surprise, nearly throwing his screwdriver for a second time.
Sonia giggled and turned to look at the Yakuza. “Hello, Fuyuhiko! Kazuichi Is building a play pen for the Devas and I am helping.”
Ahh, now It makes sense why Hajime and Chiaki were wrecking poor Gundham… They were trying to keep him from finding out what was going on. “Ah, Gotcha. Uh, Hajime sent me to tell you both that Gundham Is awake but uh… He’s being distracted by him and Chiaki.”
Sonia and Kazi exchanged confused looks. “What are those two doing to him?”
“I walked In on them…” Hiko paused, blushing. Fuck, of all times to be unable to say that word why did it have to be right now?! “U-Um. They were sort of destroying him.”
“D-Destroying!?” Sonia asked, alarmed.
“N-Not literally!” Hiko quickly corrected. “They’re uh…”
“Ohhh… I get It.” Kazuichi laughed. “I think what Fuyuhiko Is trying to say Is that they’re tickling him. Right?”
“Yeah, That.” he nodded, still blushing.
“Oh. Why didn’t you just say that? You scared me for a minute there. Not that I believe they would hurt him, But still…”
“Uh… Well… I…”
“Some people have trouble saying the word ‘tickle’.” Kazuichi explained casually, tightening a bolt on the play area. “Usually people who are super ticklish themselves.”
The pinkette grinned as he winked at Fuyu, who seemed to turn pinker at that. Though he would vehemently deny such a thing.
“H-Hey! I am NOT! I just… Think the word Is stupid and childish!” Fuyuhiko pouted, crossing his arms childishly.
“It Is okay, Fuyuhiko. I understand.” She smiled sympathetically. “Though I am not nearly as ticklish as Kazuichi or Gundham, I see how It would be difficult for one to say.”
“Hey! Whose side are you on??” Kazuichi blushed, nudging her side.
She giggled and recoiled.
“So…” Fuyuhiko cleared his throat, trying desperately to change the subject. “How much longer until you two are done? I’m not sure how much longer Gundham will last.”
“Actually,” Kazuichi tightened another screw, then set his screwdriver down. He looked It over one last time then smiled. “It’s done.”
“It looks wonderful, Kazuichi! You did great!” She beamed, standing up and dusting her dress off.
“Thanks…” He chuckled sheepishly, standing up too. “Hey Hiko, Can you help me carry this?”
Fuyuhiko looked at it, skeptical. “I’ll try, but If you drop It on me, I will kill you.” he threatened.
The two lifted it up and began carrying It towards the hotel. It wasn’t as heavy as Kazi expected It to be, much to the relief of the petite Yakuza.
They brought It up Into the diner and quickly covered It with a tarp, luckily Gundham hadn’t noticed them thanks to Hajime and Chiaki both smothering him with tickles.
Hajime looked up and saw the three students, smiling he withdrew his hands and motioned for Chiaki to do the same.
Though she relented much more halfheartedly, pouting as she pulled back.
Sonia and Kazuichi both approached the recovering Supreme overlord of Ice and sat down on either side of him. “Gundham, I found Kazuichi and made him explain to me why he was avoiding you.” Sonia explained, helping him sit up.
He tiredly looked at Sonia, then over at Kazuichi who was trying not to laugh at how disheveled he looked. “I-Is that so? Then why…?”
“Uh, Listen man…” Kazuichi started, reaching over and fixing Gundham’s hair. “I wasn’t avoiding you because I didn’t want to talk to you. I just didn’t want to spoil my surprise for you.”
Gundham tilted his head in confusion. “Surprise…?”
“Yeah. I wanted to show you that I really consider you a friend, And that I’m thankful to consider you a friend so I… was doing It the only way I know how.” Soda blushed, looking over at Hiko and Hajime as if to cue them.
They pulled the tarp off, revealing the playpen for the hamsters. Chiaki, wanting to be included, motioned to It like she was on a gameshow showing off a prize. This drew a laugh from Hajime and Fuyu.
Gundham’s expression softened, his face turning red. “Y-You… built that? F-For… Me?”
“Yeah. I’m not so great with words, But I am great with building things.” Kazuichi smiled. “Do you like It??”
Gundham bit his lip, he went to pull his scarf over his face to hide his blush but quickly realized his scarf was still chilling on the table from earlier. “Y-Yes…” Gundham turned to Kazuichi, smiling a little at the way his eyes sparkled with happiness. “Thank you, Friend.”
Kazuichi squealed happily and pulled him Into a hug without giving it a second thought.
Gundham flinched, but eventually returned the hug. Sonia smiled at her two dorks, happy they were getting along. She got up and retrieved the Devas from the table, putting Gundham’s scarf on again.
“Fiends! We must seek not the approval of the Dark Prince, But the Four Dark Devas of Destruction and Tickles!” Sonia mimicked Gundham again.
“The… what?” Kazuichi asked, totally confused as he pulled back.
“She renamed them.” Gundham explained. “But she Is right. Their opinion is what truly matters.”
Sonia set them down In the fish tank, And they began happily scurrying around through the different pipes and segments. They seemed to enjoy It.
Gundham smiled as he watched his pets having fun. “They like It.” He confirmed to his friends.
Though their friendship may not be typical, and It may be confusing at times. I have a feeling that this friendship will be one that’ll last. And Who knows? Maybe down the road, It’ll turn Into something more…?
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