#how about NO
neoninky · 9 months
Meanwhile on the ENG TWST Ch 7 update…
Crowley: Everyone stop Draconia at once!! *chucks entire cast into battle without any consent whatsoever*
Inky’s team vs pre-Overblot Malleus:
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almaprincess66 · 7 months
Me: First drafts are there to only exist. Not to bee good, not to be perfect. They are there to be edited later on the line. You can't edit a blank page!
Friend: Good! So finish your first draft.
Me: How about no?
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grewvy · 4 days
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ragesingoddess · 1 year
book 4 of the odyssey and I love how everyone so far is always at telemachus like 'maybe you'll need to be brave like orestes who killed all those who wronged his father, gods love orestes" completely ignoring the fact that you know, orestes literally went mad after his silly little murders
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mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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sansacherie · 1 year
someone who was minding her own business in a small lhazeereen village when it was attacked by drogo's khalsaar. during this attack which was done to finance daenerys claiming the iron throne mirri along with countless other lhazeereen women are brutalised & raped. daenerys thinking she is helping decides to take mirri & others as slaves under her protection. the rest are rightfully wary of her but mirri does bless her.
drogo is also injured fighting. he needs medical help. being a respected healer and seeing an opportunity to earn daenerys' lasting gratitude because mirri is very aware how well a slave is treated depends on how high their masters hold them in their esteem, mirri offers to help.
she gives clear and simple instructions to drogo which he then ignores & consequentially his condition worsens. daenerys is desperate to save him and begs mirri for help. again mirri gives very clear instructions- starting with the fact that nobody else (including dany) goes into the tent while performing the ritual. dany goes into labour and jorah disregards mirri's instructions in his panic.
mirri is then among those who care for daenerys during and after her traumatic birth.
daenerys decides to blame her for rhaego's death. mirri for whatever reason decides to accept the blame even though the book doesn't back it up.
unlike mirri who was a slave, mysaria was in a position of influence as an unofficial master of whispers to daemon & rhaenyra. if it is true, then she is the one who sent hired knives to kill either a seven or two year old. she understood what would happen. the men mysaria/daemon chose psychologically tormented helaena by forcing her to choose which son to kill. they also threaten to rape jaehaera (a CHILD) if she doesn't hurry up and choose.
this fandom: omg if you sympathise with mirri then you should support mysaria's involvement in blood and cheese, otherwise you're a hypocrite!!!
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celestinovietti · 4 months
Ever read something and wish you hadn't?
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cinnbar-bun · 7 months
Not to be too ranty but I really hate how even at the hairdressers some of them are so judgy about wavy/curly hair. Like I’m a 3a on a good day and pretty much a 2b-2c otherwise without work, obviously my hair is different! And yet it’s always, always, complaints about how my hair is so ‘messy’ or ‘knotty’ or ‘frizzy’ after they use straight heat on it. Well, duh!
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short-wooloo · 2 months
"I want Jedi with red lightsabers!"
Edgelord detected
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39 is such an ugly number, what self respecting show has 39 episodes? Give us a Christmas special Jesse
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
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sunnysunsins · 7 months
RWBY kill count
Soooo we all know a lot of people have died over the span of the series. So i took it upon myself to count them up. All of them. Yes, the nameless grunts and dead bodies in the background. Yes, the ones that no way in hell would survive something like what happened to them. Every single death in this series.
This originally was a doc, but tumblr doesn't allow those, so i'll put all the research under the cut. And it's long, so buckle up.
Rules: 1. Dead person has to be shown on screen (off-screen deaths counted in rare circumstances - heard them, heard about them and details of their death enough to count). En-mass kills are counted up depending on previous scenes of this group and logic. I only count what i see and can logically assume from what's on screen and told by dialog.
2. Aura exists, so most fighters are assumed to survive unless the person doesn’t have active aura or there’s no way in hell someone survives that.
3. Salem «deaths» will be counted, but with an asterisk*, since immortal. Same for Ozes, we see an Oz - we count him, since we know all of them are dead by nature of reincarnation - an exception to «death off screen» rule. 4. Book information included as much as possible since i haven’t read them lol
5. Ascension is counted with an asterisk*, as it is death of self and rebirth into a new form (same as Oz, in a way). +intention of the characters ascending will be counted.
The count:
Volume 1:
Ep 16: 3 WF members (by Penny yoinking/slicing ships)
(total - 3)
Volume 2:
Ep 1: Tukson (shot by Mercury)
Ep 4: 32 car drivers (flipped into air by Roman, They’re civilians in cars, doubt they lived through that, not with 5 flips)
Ep 11: 12 WF members (thrown off train by RWBYO. Grimm and/or explosions got them if they didn’t die on impact)
(total - 45)
Volume 3:
Ep 7: Marcus Black (killed by Mercury)
Ep 9: Penny (acc. kill by Pyrrha), 12 atlesian pilots
Ep 10: Brawnz, Roy, May (killed by grimm), 1 man killed by Adam
Ep 11: Roman (swallowed by gryffon), Amber (shot by Cinder)
Ep 12: Ozpin (burned alive by Cinder), Pyrrha (shot by Cinder)
(total - 22)
Volume 4:
Ep 2: 3 villagers, 1 huntsman in Shion (killed by bandits, grimm)
Ep 10: An Ren (crushed by the house), Li Ren (killed by Nuckelavee)
(total - 6)
Volume 5:
Blake short: Ilia’s parents, 1 known dust mine worker (died in a dust explosion)
Ep 2: Percy the pilot, at least 3 more mistral pilots (woman said “everyone, abandon the ship” before it blew up from lancers), Pilot boi (died on impact), Sienna Khan (stabbed by Adam)
Ep 5: Ghira’s messenger (killed by Yuma)
Ep 8: 1 WF member, 2 guards
Ep 10: Fennec (crushed by balcony/blown up)
Ep 13: Vernal (bled out)
Ep 14: Lionheart (stabbed by a seer)
(total - 16)
Volume 6:
Adam short: 1 human man (by Adam)
Ep 1: 7 WF members (Adam’s hissy fit), Dee (mauled by grimm)
Ep 2: Mistrali woman (by Cinder)
Ep 3: 3 ancient warriors, Salem’s father, 1st gen humanity (163 shown), 4 daughters, *Salem: 5 *Oz: Ozma (x3), Ozma 2.0, old man, drunk, inventor, mustache, hermit-wizard, King of Vale (total 10)
Ep 5: 12 dead people (drained by Apathy; 2 corpses shown, 11 houses in the village, “it’s the same in every house”)
Ep 6: Dead huntsman (drained by Apathy) Ep 7: Tock (beheaded by Maria)
Ep 10: 1 Argus cct tower worker (killed by Adam)
Ep 12: Adam (stabbed by Blake & Yang, fell off a cliff)
(total - 208, 212*)
Volume 7:
Ep 2: Person Tyrian killed (seen blood, implication is clear)
Ep 3: Forest (killed by Tyrian)
Ep 6: 9 thirsty moms (killed by Tyrian)
Ep 12: Clover (stabbed by Tyrian)
Ep 13: Fria (passed away)
(total - 13)
Volume 8:
Ep 1: Councilman Sleet (shot by Ironwood)
Ep 6: Madam, step-sisters, Rhodes (killed by Cinder) Ep 7: ~ shown 303 atlesian soldiers (crushed by grimm army. There were a lot more, but those were shown stomped through)
Ep 8: 1 pilot (blown up by grimm), Hound faunus (finished-off)
Ep 9: 306 dead bodies, Hazel (blown up by Oscar) *3 Salem kills
Ep 13: 13 people (blown up by Cinder), 17 atlesian compound technicians (killed by Cinder, Neo and Watts), Jacques Schnee (blown up by Ironwood)
Ep 14: Vine (blown up by IW’s bomb and Harriet’s stupidity), Penny (mercy-killed by Jaune), Watts (burned alive), Ironwood (died on impact)
(total - 652, 655*)
Volume 9:
Ep 3: 2 toy soldiers* (beheaded)
Ep 4: Herbalist* (taken by the Tree)
Ep 5: Hawker (eaten by Jabberwalker) Ep 7: 15 paper pleasers*
Ep 8: Little* (stomped by Neo), Ruby* (suicide-ascended), Neo’s parents (killed by Neo and Roman, bodies shown in picture)
Ep 9: Alyx (killed by Cat)
Ep 10: Cat (eaten by Jabberwalkers), Neo* (ascended)
(total - 5, 26*)
Named characters/shown deaths/significant deaths: 71
Background | logic deaths: 907
*Salem: 8
*Oz: 12 (3 shown)
*Ascensions: 21
All people (no *): 970
Full total: 998
You may have noticed that i did not include Summer. Bc we still have no fucking clue what happened to her actually. We can speculate, but that's it. At that point last spring maiden has more reason to be added to the count than Summer. Once we find out what happened, she will be added. And if we add them both, the count will be a shiny 1k. I also didn't count the Jabberwalker bc it's unclear if Neo killed it or just made it serve her and the real one is among her copies. You can add 1 to the count if you wanna count it.
Deadly volume order: 1 -> (9) -> 4 -> 7 -> 5 -> 3 -> 9* -> 2 -> 6 -> 8
Murder board:
Cinder: 39
Neo: 19^ (personal 2)
Tyrian: 12
Adam: 11
Salem: 7
Penny: 3
Mercury, Ironwood: 2
Pyrrha, Maria, Blake, Yang, Oscar, Jaune: 1
Grimm: 29
And that's that. Fuuuun. Now let's hope for good future for RWBY and hope in future volumes we can get the count even higher. Though i doubt anything will pass v8 now, not with that battlefield bloodbath.
Thank you for reading till the end. Leave your favorite and least favorite death scene in the comments and nothing else, to confuse people. Not your fave dying, but the scene itself. Like, i don't care for Vine at all, but his death scene was beautiful. An then there's Ozma, who should've worn a mask and could've prevented the world from ending.
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unsettlingconclusions · 4 months
Jaime: we’re married, what is mine is yours, what is yours is mine
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mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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green-mountain-goose · 6 months
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sneezingfetishftw · 6 months
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Um, excuse me???
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