#house of el: the shadow threat
solarmorrigan · 2 years
Steve is always the first to fall asleep.
The first time Eddie had insisted Steve stay the night, he and Eddie had stayed up late watching a movie and Steve had looked like he was about to pass out. Eddie wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if Steve had fallen asleep at the wheel on his way home, so he’d told Steve to just stay. Then he’d gotten up to brush his teeth and had come back to find Steve already zonked out on the couch. From that very first time, Steve has always fallen asleep before Eddie.
When their movie nights run long, Steve starts nodding off against the back of the couch, and then later against Eddie’s shoulder. On nights when being alone just doesn’t feel like an option, when occupying the same bed just seems like the most practical solution, it’s always Steve whose eyes slip closed first, who starts up that whistling little snore that he vehemently denies when he’s awake. Later, Eddie finds out that Steve will fall asleep even faster with Eddie all wrapped up around him, arm tight around Steve’s waist.
Once, when they head out to the lake to smoke in the back of Eddie’s van, doors thrown open to let in the clear night, Steve falls asleep half on the mess of blankets Eddie had thrown down as cushioning, and half on top of Eddie. Eddie himself doesn’t really sleep that night; it isn’t safe for them to both fall asleep – not out here, not like this, but Steve looks so fucking exhausted that Eddie doesn’t really want to wake him. Steve drives them home in the morning, and Eddie catches a nap then.
The only exception, really, is on the nights when Eddie has nightmares, when Eddie is feeling jumpy, when Eddie can’t help but look at every fluttering shadow as a threat. Then, Steve will sit up against the pillows and pull Eddie back against him and promise to keep watch; and with Steve solid and steadfast at his back, Eddie can’t help but fall asleep.
At least, Eddie had assumed that was the only exception.
D&D runs long one night—the kids’ parents don’t seem to mind their staying out late as long as they know they’re all at Steve’s house, and Eddie will never let him live down his popularity with the suburban moms, considering how many parties he’d thrown during his high school years—and they agree that it would be easier to simply crash at Steve’s for the night than it would be to go dropping everyone off at home at goddamn midnight.
They pop a movie in and set up around the living room with blankets and pillows raided from closets and spare rooms. The boys are relegated to the floor while El and Max cohabitate in the easy chair. Erica stretches out on the couch, but since she’s short and the couch is enormous, it’s easy for Eddie and Steve to curl up together at the other end.
“You gonna make it to the end of the movie?” Eddie teases, even while draping Steve’s arm over his shoulder like it’s his favorite blanket.
From the floor, Dustin snorts. “Are you kidding? Steve never falls asleep first.”
“I think I’ve only seen him sleep once, but that might’ve been a trick of the light,” Will adds, and Lucas snickers.
Eddie turns to glance at Steve, because what the kids are saying is patently untrue, but Steve only raises his eyebrows at Eddie. “I think I’ll be fine,” he says, and turns back to the screen.
And, in fact, by the end of the movie, nearly everyone else has dropped off, but Steve is still perfectly alert. Even Eddie, who at some point ended up mostly horizontal, with his legs parallel to Erica’s and his torso in Steve’s lap, is starting to nod off. He wants to ask Steve if there’s anything wrong, ask why he hasn’t gone all sleepy and soft at Eddie’s side like he always does, but then Steve’s fingers work their way into Eddie’s hair and Eddie’s out like a light.
They’re woken in the morning by the sound of teenagers trying to be quiet in the kitchen, and it’s like nothing at all out of the ordinary has happened, but Eddie’s curiosity is piqued now, so he starts paying attention.
Any time the kids are with them for the night, any of the kids at any of their houses, Steve stays awake. He stays up while everyone else falls asleep around him, while even Eddie falls asleep, and Eddie realizes – he’s keeping watch. He’s looking out for threats while everyone else is vulnerable.
But he almost never seems to worry about staying awake when it’s just him and Eddie.
Eddie tries to puzzle it out. He spends half an hour or so potentially offended that Steve apparently cares what happens to the kids but not to Eddie, but he knows that isn’t it. Steve is always awake when Eddie needs him to be – and what’s more, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen Steve sleep more soundly than when he’s curled up against Eddie, circled by his arms.
It’s not that Steve doesn’t care at all, it’s that he trusts Eddie. He trusts Eddie more than anyone.
This is a mind-blowing revelation, somehow. Eddie has no idea what he’s done to earn it, but he knows immediately that he’s going to do his damndest to keep it.
The next time they end up in sleepover formation, it’s in the Wheeler’s basement. They’re all crunched up on chairs and the old sofa, though the braver party members (or at least those more inured to the stains on the carpet) have decided to take their chances with the floor.
It’s been a bad week; one of the few nights Steve had decided to simply head home to sleep after a late shift instead of coming over to Eddie’s had been a nasty, blustery night, and the power in Loch Nora had flickered, and flickered, and then gone out entirely.
Steve, the idiot, had stuck it out the whole night, but Eddie doubts he’d slept. And he hasn’t slept right since, twitching at every noise and shifting restlessly against whatever his dreams were assaulting him with. For once, Eddie had actually been the safer option as carpool driver; Steve has looked ready to drop all night.
Now, Eddie looks up at him from his spot on the floor, where he’s been leaning against Steve’s chair, half asleep against his legs and resting his head on Steve’s knee. He can see Steve’s eyes start to droop closed, his breathing going slower, deeper, and then, almost as if shocked, Steve sits up again, blinking and shaking his head, searching the room for danger that isn’t there. It makes Eddie’s chest hurt.
Quietly, he stands up off the floor, patting Steve on the hip.
“Up,” Eddie orders, and, sleep-deprived and half on autopilot, Steve obeys.
He watches in confusion as Eddie pulls over a milk crate full of old magazines and then sits down in the chair Steve has just vacated. He scoots back as far as he can and spreads his legs to make room for Steve in front of him.
“Lean back,” Eddie says softly, once he’s tugged Steve down into the chair, then gestures at the crate. “Put your feet up.”
“Eddie...” Steve protests, barely more than a mumble as he practically melts into Eddie, hands coming up to cover the ones that are clasped over his waist.
“Shh. I’ve got them. I’ll keep watch.” Eddie presses a kiss to Steve’s temple, murmuring into his ear, “Get some rest.”
And, miraculously, Steve does.
Eddie doesn’t sleep a wink that night, and the position he’s resigned himself to is deeply uncomfortable, but for the grateful look Steve sends him in the morning, for the renewed light in his eyes, Eddie figures it’s worth it.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 8 months
Secret and Revelations
Summary: All it take it's one slip up. One little mistake, one bad decision to let a secret be out in the wild. At least if the worst as to come, they had some good time before right? Or maybe all will be fine.
Warning: None
Word: 6.6K // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Just wanted everyone to have some fun times and totally not inspired by Alejandro mentioning he has a ranch and does have some bbq with his Vaqueros. It just for fun <3
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One month had passed since they had to stop Hassan and the missiles. While they could have already started to look around for Makarov, getting intel on this man proved to be hard and no other major threat was on the horizon. So when the invitation came through, the 141 was rather glad to accept. They earned some vacation, and if something came in the meantime, they could always leave and come back. Alejandro had proposed they come for a few days to his ranch. He did promise his Vaqueros a feast to celebrate the good work they did. It came a little late as they had to first rebuild their HQ, thanks to the Shadows company and Graves who had forced their hands on being slightly destructive to get rid of them. It took a few weeks, but eventually they were back in full operation. Of course, Alejandro and Rodolfo had to work hard to also make sure El Sin Hombre would remain in custody. Which so far, compared to her promise of being out in 24 hours, it seemed to be all going well. She said this almost a month ago. 
The trip to Las Almas went without a hitch, but did feel strange. The 141 was used to travel together, but for serious matters. No recreational and fun matters. Pulling some strings, the captain was able to get a carrier to get them in the country, instead of the regular commercial flight with civilians. This made it a little more comfortable for Ghost. Not being in uniform in the transport dragged some jokes from all of them. 
They just stepped out on the tarmac, Rudy was already there to greet them. He excused Alejandro for not being present but the colonel was busy back at the ranch. 
"Oh wait, Alejandro has a ranch?" Soap said much more excited than he wanted. 
"Si, he sometimes invites everyone and we make asada. A way to show he cares about his men."
"What's that?" Gaz asked. 
"You will see when we are there. Vamos." He gestured at the team to hop in the truck. 
Las Almas had changed slightly since their last visit. Traces of the cartel and, sadly, Shadow Company passage were always visible in some parts. But the guns on the street had almost vanished. It was only kids and balloons, according to Soap. The grief of the lost one was all along the houses. This gave a bitter taste to the three operatives who had to see the bloodbath. None of them commented on this. Eventually the city gave way to greenery and a long view of trees. The drive took another hour or maybe longer, Scotty wasn’t too sure as she started to doze off while her gaze lost in the scenery. She woke up just as Price took a picture. She frowned, half sleepy. The captain showed her the shot, with a smile. Apparently, the travel had been rough on all the sergeants. She has been napping on Gaz’s shoulder, who in return had used her head to rest. Soap had eventually slowly dozed off as well, using her shoulder for support. Scotty smiled silently. She could still feel the heaviness of both men and who she was to wake them up now. 
Rudy eventually announced they were almost there. The three sergeants emerged from their slumber, awkwardly stretching in the small space. The ranch was as they expected; big. In the distance they could already make out some party tents, smoke from barbecue and some figures here and there. Big and small ones. Very small ones. "Some of us want to keep their family safe, but sometimes they will bring them here." The second in command explained to the silent question that loomed over them. 
The 141 joined the party that had started a little while ago, everyone was going around with plates, serving drinks, and playing with the young ones. Music filling the background. It really felt like a nice well earned party. As they approached some Vaqueros raised their drinks to them or tried to catch their attention; they all remembered what they did for them. Alejandro was busy with the cooking, he barely saw Rudy coming with them. “You are finally here!” He rejoiced. He put down his cooking tools and gave everyone a good handshake. “Make yourself comfortable, no pressure. We are here to have fun!”  
"Thanks for the invitation." Price replied. He gladly took the drink that was offered to him. 
The party was entertaining. It was a relaxed ambiance, where everyone could either chat in peace, play games or eat. The 141 blended themselves in the crowd. Scotty found a man she had helped during the prisoner break. He thanked her again for saving his life because this meant his son still had a father. A little baby who was barely a year old. Scotty could barely keep it together when she saw the cute infant. With a laugh, the man said she could hold him. She scooped him gently from his father. It had been years since she had held a baby. "I have two nephews and oh boy does this bring back memories." She smiled. 
"How old are they?"
"Five. Enjoy the time they are so small and calm like this, after that kids become little tornados." They laughed at her remark and kept on chatting a little more. 
In the distance Ghost was watching, in silence. A few kids had approached him to ask questions about the mask, but didn't interact much more than that. Eventually he joined Scotty. He waved the Vaquero and leaned a little closer to Scotty. He looked at the sleeping baby who was not even moving an inch. 
"Not thinking of having kids of your own are you?" He whispered to her. 
"I can't." She replied this without ever looking away from the small face, softly stroking the cheek with her index. Ghost frowned a little behind the mask. She said that so casually, as if it didn't bother her at all. 
"You can't?"
"Yeah. Some medical reason that I don't need to bother anyone with. Before you ask, no it's not a problem for me, I don't feel sad about that fact. With work it's better than way and I have my nephews."
"I see." Ghost looked at the baby. It also brought some memories to him. Memories that he pushed away quickly. He mostly asked her this as a joke, although it suddenly sank into him. The idea of having kids? This felt so rushed; they were barely dating for a few months by now. However, now that he knew that secret of hers, it explained things. Scotty eventually handed back the baby to his parents. 
"What about we grab something to drink, lieutenant?" She smiled. He nodded and they walked to the coolers. Alejandro and Price were discussing near them. Seeing the two of them coming, Alejandro quickly grabbed drinks and handed them to Scotty and Ghost. 
"Price was telling me about what you all did with Hassan." He raised his bottle. "Cheer to that. I have to say I'm impressed to see that Soap and Scotty can work seriously."
She raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I have seen how you two act…"
"Like real idiots on the field?" Ghost chimed in. Scotty nudged him in the side. Alejandro snorted. 
“Go fuck yourself Lt.” This remark resulted in a stare from the captain and the colonel, but Ghost remained impassible. “You would know, Colonel, that Soap and I are very capable. It’s not because we crack a few jokes here and there that we can’t get the job done.” 
In the corner of her eyes, she noticed a group playing with football. It sparked an idea. 
“Colonel, what about we settle down with a little game? You and one extra person of your choice against Soap and I on the football field.”
“You are on.” Alejandro smirked with a laugh. If he was to play against two persons who said their communication skills were on top, he might go with Rodolfo. They had known each other for long enough that a simple look meant everything. It would be easy. Scotty jogged to find Soap and told him all about the challenge. The Scotsman was more than pleased to show off their capabilities and his goalkeep talent. The four of them walked to the makeshift playground. The current players gladly left their place to see how this would turnout. Price and a Vaquero were chosen as referees, to keep things even. 
“Rules are no dirty tricks, two against two, no permanent goalie so make your decision counts.” Price reminded each party. “Take your position.”
Soap and Scotty high fived for good luck and she took place at the center facing Alejandro. The colonel had to admit that she had a smile he had never seen before. Something more confident than ever. Price dropped the ball; the game was on. Scotty reacted as fast as Alejandro, but agility allowed her to get the ball first. The man expected her to move forwards, but instead she kicked the ball behind. It took him a little bit by surprise, till he saw Soap passing by. Rodolfo was quick to intercept him. He slipped the ball away from Soap and made a dash for the goal. Alejandro yelled to make a pass. Rudy executed it, flawlessly. However Scotty was quicker and took advantage. She picked the ball as it passed by. The two Vaqueros looked at each other, they wouldn't let her advance back to their side. They were able to force her to remain on her side, unable to go any further. Eventually, Alejandro was able to regain control of the ball and ran for the goal. With a well placed kick, the ball flew directly in the center. What the two men didn’t notice was that while they were focused on Scotty, Soap had the time to prepare himself. He stopped the ball midair. The Vaqueros on the side cheered at this. Alejandro smiled. They were very clever. 
Soap threw the ball as far as he could reach. It missed Scotty by a meter who had to dash to get it. Rudy did a bold move, sliding on the grass to kick the ball even further away. It wasn’t a dirty trick per say, but Scotty had to jump to avoid tripping over him. Alejandro catched up with the ball and made a sharp turn back. “Rudy, left!”
He avoided Soap who was coming towards him and actually kicked the ball in the opposite direction getting the 141 by surprise. Rudy was way ahead, he wouldn’t be able to stop him. “Scotty, all yours!” He yelled.
She made another dash to catch up. The second in command understood and didn’t give her the chance. He kicked the ball. Scotty did her best. She did catch the ball, but in the motion, she landed in the goal. Another roar of cheer rose around. Even though this counted as one point, it was still impressive. They kept playing for a few turns, the end score; 4-2 for Scotty and Soap. Alejandro was catching his breath, holding himself on his knees. Rudy was on the grass exhausted. Soap sat next to him. Scotty was still standing despite her heavy breathing.
“You win in more than one way.” The colonel admitted. The way they played on the fields, how it felt like they knew each other's next move, the anticipation. “You two are really something.”
“We know each other's strengths and weaknesses like it is ours.” Scotty breathed. “It’s like we are in each other's head.”
“Didn’t you say something similar but with Gaz once?” Price raised his eyebrows. 
“Yes, we also have a good connection.”
“Especially when it comes to taking a piss at the Cap.” Gaz chimed in. They chuckled.
“Someone is looking to get a kick in the arse.” Price placed his hands on his sides. He looked at the three sergeants unphased. Meanwhile, the three of them looked at each other. Another idea sparked in their mind.
“Up for another challenge?” Soap grinned. Price and Alejandro were at full attention. “Same thing, but this time, three against three. Sergeants against higher rank. That means you Ghost.”
The masked man who was barely paying attention glanced at him. “No.”
“Why not?” Scotty taunted. “Afraid to get your ass kicked by us? You chicken." 
The men around her chuckled or gasped at her audacity. Ghost planted himself a few inches from her face. She usually wouldn't back down, but this time she did move a step back. The energy that came from him, she might have gone a little too far. "You are on, Moreau. Don't come crying when you lose." 
Him using her last name made her realize that he meant business. And she was, personally, in trouble. Rudy would be the referee this time. Just like last time everyone took their place. However this game, a permanent goalie was allowed. With Soap as theirs, Gaz and Scotty felt pretty confident. Alejandro, who had been running around in the previous game, decided to take it a little easier and took the goal spot. Once the ball hit the ground, Gaz was already on it, making his way towards Alejandro. Price tried to stop him, but he passed the ball quicker to Scotty. She was about to receive, but Ghost caught the ball. Making a sharp u-turn, she ran after him. Curse is taller legs, Ghost could cross the distance faster. Gaz attempted to stop him: a fail as he slipped on the grass finishing his slide a two meters further. Ghost kicked the ball, a direct traject in the goal. Thankfully Soap's reaction was fast. He stopped it just in time. "No this time Lt!" He smirked. He threw the ball in Scotty's direction who caught it first with the head. It was time to play it dextrous. Gaz understood. While she was dancing around Price and Ghost, he advanced closer to Alejandro's goal. 
Her mind was on high alert. It was a miracle she hadn't tripped yet, but better kept it that way. Ghost came right in front. Scotty swiftly pivoted the ball back, then herself rolled around him. Her back brushed against his chest. She passed the ball to Gaz who in return kicked it to the goal. Alejandro had been focusing on the two sergeants at the same time, didn't not see it and so the first point of the game was marked. The two attackers high fived while Ghost and Price grumbled something under their breath. "If they win we will never hear the end of it." Price said a little louder to his teammate. 
"I know." He glanced at Scotty. When their gaze met, it didn't see the softness she would often give him in the distance. Or the respect of work. Not, it was burning with the desire of crushing him in that supposedly friendly game. She would rub it in his face for days, if not weeks. "I fucking know Price…" 
The captain and the lieutenant were able to mark a few points. This was, however, not enough. On that day, they discovered that the three sergeants were a menace when working together. In a way, their loss was worth it. Price caught himself feeling almost sorry for the enemies who would dare cross the path of these three together. Maybe one day, he should give them a mission together. For now, he has to endure, or appreciate, their over cheering on beating their superiors. 
Soap and Gaz were holding Scotty on their shoulders. Her stamina and running endurance always amazed them and it had been their best asset. They cheered her as she tried to catch her breath. She had been pushing her limits but it was for a good cause. "Eat that Lieutenant!" She teased Ghost. The man rested his hands on his waist, unimpressed. "We should totally have bet something!"
"Like what?" He raised an eyebrow. 
"We get to be captains for a day?" Soap laughed. 
"I could let Price investigate the next fish nursery we go to." Gaz smirked. 
"Fuck that would be amazing! Can you imagine bossing Ghost around?" Scotty had a huge smile on her lips. He frowned, his eyes silently telling her to be careful of her next choice of words. 
"You three would go mad with power, yes." Price chimed in, shaking his head.
The two sergeants dropped Scotty who was still defying Ghost. "Would be great to tell you to keep up. Or tell you to fuck off when you are annoying." 
"You just crossed a dangerous line, sergeant. I think someone needs to cool off." He knew she didn't mean the last part, she was trying to find a way to tick him off and it worked. He lifted her on his shoulder to everyone's surprise. Scotty yelped and told him to put her down. Which he did, once he reached the small pool that had been set for the party. He dropped her in like a rock. Not graceful at all. The water was cool, and it felt good, but the shock made her gasp once she resurfaced. Scotty grabbed on the edge and pushed herself back out. She was drenched. 
"Ghost! Are you fucking serious!" She laughed. 
With no one too close by he allowed himself to be a little more casual. "I warned you, love. Should have been careful with your words." 
"Maybe I didn't want to." 
"Oh I know exactly why you are acting like this, but you are not getting anything. Not while everyone is around. Watch your arse once we are alone though." 
She bit her lips. Yes, this had been her goal, ever since he took off his hoodie for the game. Since she was his muscles flexing from the running around. But he was right, now wasn't exactly the best place to flirt around. Eventually, they spend the rest of the afternoon chilling around, drying off for her, eating and drinking. All in all, they were all having a good time. 
The sun slowly started to set. Some Vaqueros bidded farewell to everyone as they headed back home. Some had setted tents in the fields and were slowly retiring for the night. A few people still up, lit small fire camps to keep warm. The sky let the stars pop one by one till they covered the dark color with millions. It was a beautiful sight. Price was the first one to call it night after some stargazing. Gaz and Soap followed not long after, both being half asleep by the time they walked to the room Alejandro gave them. Talking of which the man had been working and running all day, the calmness of the night finally caught onto him. He wished goodnight to everyone. Rudy left half an hour after. Scotty was left alone in the group. She looked over her shoulders where they had seen Ghost separating himself from everyone. He needed some time alone after so much interaction. He was laying down in a long chair, watching the sky. 
Scotty wrapped herself in a blanket and walked to him. "Mind if I join you?" 
Ghost turned his head slowly. "You will have to sit on the ground if you want." 
She scoped the surroundings. Either people were too far to make out who they were in the dark or sleeping. "I'm sure if you move a little bit, we can share the chair. " 
Ghost didn't have the time to say anything and she forced herself next to him. Even making sure the blanket would also wrap around him. He let out a groan. They squirmed a little bit before finding a comfortable position. The chair creaked under their weight, but held it together. They stayed in silence, stargazing a little longer. 
"It's so beautiful." Scotty breathed. "It's sad that we miss such a view when living in the city." 
"Yeah." Ghost replying. It felt like he had something else in mind, but preferred not to talk. His eyes glanced at Scotty who was absorbed by the stars. She looked at them with such softness and awe. Just like he was doing with her. He loved her when she would play rough and pretend to not be scared of him. But he loved her even more when she was like this, when she was herself. Someone who looks at the world with wonder and hope. With care. She turned her head and caught him staring at her. A soft smile drew on her face. She leaned closer to press a kiss on his covered nose. 
"Enjoy the sky, you can look at me another day." 
"I suppose I can let you order me this, captain." His arm that was around her, wrapped tighter as she giggled. They returned to stargazing in silence. 
After four months together, Ghost was still struggling inside. He still couldn't quite understand why him and not someone else. Would he ever be enough? Does he really know how to love? So many questions that always faded away when he felt her close by. He didn't get actual answers to these questions, but he figured that whatever small gesture she made proved many things. Like now as she wrapped an arm around him and replaced herself to be half climbing on him. 
"Don't fall asleep, love. That wouldn't be wise." 
"I know. I'm just resting my eyes for a few minutes." 
Ghost was watching the sky again till he heard it. Her soft breathing. The one she had when she was sleeping. He knew he should be waking her up, but he didn't have the heart to do so. Not when she looked so peaceful. His eyes were also heavy with tiredness. Maybe he could allow himself a five minutes as well. 
The five minutes turned into hours. They never woke up at the same time throughout the night. Not wanting to wake up the others. Ghost woke up to her sleeping so deep she was half drooling on him. Scotty woke up to her hand softly raising with his chest. It would be a shame to disturb his peace. The warmth under the blanket contrasted with the cold, none of them dared an arm out and so never had the courage to eventually get up. They spend the night sleeping in what looked like the most uncomfortable long chair. They were used to weird places to sleep anyway.
Sun slowly lit the sky in the distance. The dark sky lit up, but not a ray of sun yet. Scotty nuzzled in his hoodie a little more, her embrace tightening. Ghost shifted in his sleep, keeping her close. The world around them had disappeared long ago and so had the worry of something more important. 
Soap was the first one to emerge from his slumber with a pressing need for a bathroom stop. Through the window, he catched a glimpse of the quiet field. Sleep was still hanging on his eyes, he had to triple check that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. "You bastards." He whispered, a huge grin on his face and all his morning problems vanished. He was wide awake now. He turned on his heels, returned to the room to grab a sweater. Gaz heard the rustle and woke up. He watched him wondering what was going on. 
"Can't you be a little quieter? It's way too early." Gaz whispered with a groan. 
"Not when I'm fucking right!" He said back. Gaz frowned.
"Right about what?" Price's sleepy voice rose next to them. In his euphoria, Soap had forgotten to not wake up the captain. Him or Gaz figuring out that they were dating was one thing. The captain is another. 
"Uh, nothing sir. Go back to sleep." He awkwardly slipped the sweater above his head and exited the room. Gaz and Price could have let go but obviously whatever put him in such a state at the dawn of the day should be worth checking. They silently made their way down and through the same window, Price noticed what Soap had seen. 
Ghost was emerging from his sleep with sore muscles. His back was already hating him. With a groan, he turned his head to take his surroundings into account. Scotty was still sound asleep, always nuzzled in his chest. The sky was a little more boring now without the stars. Some birds started chipping. Price, Gaz and Soap were standing next to them… Wait! Ghost tensed up and jolted wide awake when he realized that. His jerked motion woke up Scotty who was facing back to the three men and was still unaware. "What's going on Simon?"
"Ain't it cute, she even calls him Simon." Soap grinned like a madman. 
Scotty turned her head so fast, she thought she snapped her own neck. She tensed up just as much as Ghost. The Brit didn't give her the time to react more. He pushed her off him like she was on fire and she didn't blame him for that. The cold morning was a shock, but went almost unnoticed compared to being caught. She got up dusting off the dirt of her clothes. "That's not what you think!" She blurred out. All the heat migrated to her cheeks. 
"The way you two were wrapped together, I think it's exactly what it is." 
"I would say it was cute." Gaz chimed in. 
"Shut the fuck up! It's nothing, you saw nothing!" The three sergeants got caught in a small playful fight over what just happened till Price cleared his throat. This brought them back to reality. Ghost had not spoken a word since. But his captain's eyes were on him. He couldn't quite make out what emotion he was feeling. He had known the man for long enough to guess that… he was probably disappointed he had not followed regulations. The atmosphere around the 141 felt heavy. 
After a silence that seemed to last for an eternity, Price let out a sigh. He also has known Ghost for long enough that he felt a soft spot for him finally allowing himself to love. ‘‘Soap has been saying that you two might be dating. Is that true?’’ The proof had been right in front of him, but honestly how to bring such a touchy subject.
They could deny it or come clean. Four months they have been keeping it secret, this despite all the operations, missions. If it was really only this one slip up, and Soap, that made Price aware of their current relation, then they proved that they could remain professional. Never putting the life of the other above anything else. Scotty and Ghost glanced at each other. A silent statement that was enough for Price to not push the subject any further. ‘‘For now, you are not in trouble. But once we back to base, we need to have a talk.’’ He patted their shoulders before leaving to return to the house.  
Scotty glared at Soap. A rare thing. It was obvious she was filled with rage at the moment. Even Gaz noticed and he wasn’t the target. ‘‘You really had to open that big mouth of yours!’’ She yelled, taking everyone by surprise. It echoed in the fields, hopefully not waking up anyone. 
‘‘It was an accident. I didn’t think they would follow when they woke up.’’ He raised his hands in front of him. 
‘‘Fuck you MacTavish! Like hell you couldn’t lie to them? Fuck!’’ She passed him, bumping into him without a care. Soap was about to go after her, but Ghost stopped him. 
‘‘Trust me Johnny, let her cool off for now.’’ He said. But his eyes had the same annoyance that she had. Soap gulped. Maybe he did fucked up a little here. 
The sun eventually rose completely. The rest of the Vaqueros woke up one by one. After the party, they were all taking it easy in the morning. Remaining in smaller groups, some leaving after packing their tents, but at least none had noticed the drama going on with the 141. Except for Alejandro and Rodolfo. They noticed her missing at the table for breakfast, along with the strange calmness of Soap with a touch of heaviness among everyone. They didn’t quite dare to ask what was wrong when Ghost dryly said that everything was fine. Scotty returned home a little before noon. She was polite to everyone around, however as soon as Soap approached, she snapped at him. 
She thought that after a long walk and some running, she would have been able to cool off but the truth was she had not. Her mind was racing too much about the consequences of Price knowing about her relationship. When they all started this, they knew they were against the rules, they knew that if they ever got caught, it would mean trouble. Scotty sort of prepared herself in case it happened, but she never expected to happen so fast and so out of her control. She also blamed herself. If she had listened to Ghost about not closing her eyes last night. If she had been less stupid and got up in the middle of the night, none of this would have happened. Scotty slammed the door behind and sat on the porch of the house. It was a turmoil of emotions inside her head. She kept it together all morning but now, she felt like letting go. And she did. Silently letting the tears of rage roll down her cheeks. The door creaked behind her and someone took a seat next to her. 
His eyes catched the reflection of the sun on the tears. She never once looked at him, either forwards or the opposite side. Soap took a deep breath. ‘‘I’m sorry Camille. I didn’t mean for this to happen. It’s just…’’
‘‘You have been teasing for months now and were too happy to shove it in my face that you were right.’’
‘‘Yes, but no. When I saw you with Ghost this morning, it did felt like a small victory yes.’’ Her head snapped to him with a deathly glare. ‘‘Easy. I got a little too excited and accidently woke the captain and Gaz up. I should have diverted their attention to something else, I know. I’m sorry for involving them both.’’
Her features relaxed as his apologies did sound genuine. Her shoulders slacked as the tension left. Rage was replaced by worry and sadness. ‘‘I tease you only because you are my best friend and I'm glad to see Ghost with someone. You both deserve it, especially him. It’s nice to see someone love him."
A weak smile appeared on her lips. ‘‘Soap… I’m just scared that everything will change now.’’ She finally admitted. ‘‘I could lose everything that I have, just because I was stupid to fall in love with my superior. Being caught wasn’t only because I could lose Ghost, but also lose 141. I love the team, I don’t want to leave.’’
‘‘Don’t worry lass, I’m sure Price will be understanding. Hey, you guys fooled us for… how long now?’’
‘‘Four months.’’
‘‘No fucking way? That long! So…wait… I was right then! Something did happen during that mission in Siberia!’’ Scotty punched him on the shoulder. ‘‘Ok ok, this aside, you proved that you two can still work as if nothing happened. It will be fine and I'll keep annoying you while we get the baddies." He opened his arm for a hug, which she accepted leaning against him. 
"Thanks Johnny. But don't think it's over." They laughed and stayed like this for a few minutes till she got up. Soap stayed outside, allowing her some time to process everything. Although not even a minute later the door opened, Ghost came out first, followed by her. The Scotsman didn't have the time to say a word. Ghost grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, forcing him back on his feet. Scotty quickly pulled him by the legs, making him fall head first on the porch. Ghost reacted faster, grabbing him under the shoulders. Soap didn't put up much of a fight. Whatever they had planned, he deserved it. At first he thought they would dunk him in the pool. Wouldn't be that bad. But they passed it, heading for something behind it. A mud puddle. 
"Oi! Wait no! I don't even have spare clothes!" He started to jerk to free himself. 
"Lie. You will be fine. Ghost, on three." They even took the time to swing him for more impact. He hit the mud, face first and flat. He groaned as he quickly wiped the mud away. 
"Happy?" He smiled. 
"It's a start." Ghost replied. 
They returned to base the next day. The trip didn't feel that awkward but there was a lingering feeling of it. Of course as soon as the plane landed, Price told them he would be waiting for them in his office. They could unpack, unwind from the trip, but they had to put things clear today. A million scenarios had gone through her mind since they found out about them. And most of them revolved around a bad outcome. How could they ever hope to have a good ending with this? 
They sat there in front of him waiting for the judgment. Price was pinching the bridge of his nose, face resting in his hands. How to bring the subject? How to process this situation in a way that would make everyone happy? Laswell had to be informed of this as the head of the task force. Or at least the main liaison. It would take a lot of convincing on his side for this part. For now he needed to know where things were going. "How long?" He finally asked after his mind made a choice. 
"Four months, sir." Scotty weakly admitted. Price looked at them quite surprised by this. He thought it was something recent, a few days or weeks old. That was some information he wasn’t aware of and he had to think about it. His mind took in consideration all that happened in the last months. The missions, the down time… He never suspected a thing! Well yes, he had seen that they had been acting differently than when she first joined, but he thought it was because they were getting along, like she did with Gaz and Soap. The captain shifted in his seat. 
"I'm impressed. Not that you kept it secret, but that it never reflected in your work."
"Captain..." She interrupted. Price raised his hand to tell her to not. 
"However, you know the rules. This is not acceptable. If Scotty had not been a permanent part of the 141, maybe I could have turned a blind eye."
She gulped, her eyes slowly lowering to her knees, too upset to even look at Price in the eyes. Was she really about to lose everything and go back to her old PMC? Probably. And how to keep a long distance relationship with jobs who barely give free time on top of dating someone who was slowly learning to date. No offense to Ghost. Her body screamed to stand up and accept this faith, yet she remained sitting patiently waiting for the rest in agony. “Should I also mention the conflict of interest about your ranks? This is my main concern.” 
The captain shifted back in his seat with a more relaxed position. He smacked his lips. "You know lads, I should really do more than that, but… I'll let you go with a warning. And make me a promise; never let these feelings get in the way of the job.”
Scotty and Ghost looked at each other, the same expression of astoundment. What was going on? “No consequences?" Ghost asked. 
"I might not look like it but I'm a big softie."
"That sounds like bullshit." Scotty smiled. Price frowned at her with the same playful smile. 
"Don't make smartass comments that will get you in trouble, lass. I still can get you for that. Scotty, you are dismissed. Ghost, I still want to talk.”
The sergeant nodded and made her way out silently. To say that all her worries were gone would be a lie. What Price had to talk with Ghost? She would also tell Soap and Gaz about the verdict. Speaking of them, she found them in the barracks, still taking it easy from the trip back. When they saw her in the door frame, they stopped what they were doing and waited for her to speak up. On her way there, she debated if she should lie to them to see their face or not, but felt that it would be too mean. Even if Soap deserved it. “Sadly…” She started but was cut short by the Scostman.
“No, Price kicked you out of the task force?” He sounded genuinely worried. Scotty chuckled, which confused him.
“Sadly, I’ll still be stuck with you till I do something worse than dating Lt I guess.”
Soap’s muscles relaxed instantly. “Why would you start your sentence like this, you idiot.” 
“So, it’s official you and Ghost uh?” Gaz crossed his arms on his chest. He had a grin on his face. “Never expected him to be soft.” 
Scotty simply shrugged this, she wasn’t the one to speak for Ghost. Soap wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. “Alright Scotty, time to be honest with me now. I’m your best friend right, so you can share everything.” Oh, she didn’t like how this was going. “Four months ago, back in Siberia… Did you and Ghost… you know had more than a kiss?”
“No but really, you son of bitch!” Scotty groaned in French. “You're never gonna let go of this! Even if something happened, I’m not telling shit. Keep going this way MacTavish and next time you need help for extraction, I’ll give my mags to the enemies.”
While Scotty was dealing with the other two, Ghost stayed in the office with Price. The captain gave a soft smile to his lieutenant. He had known Ghost for a while now, he knew the man probably as good as himself. He had changed a lot since Price formed the 141. Ghost was still a master in solo ops and of course given the choice would rather like to operate alone, but he had warmed up to the idea of teamwork. Even allowing some friendship to grow. However, to the point of letting someone in his life? To have loved one? Price never saw this coming. Not that he thought he wasn’t incapable of love, far from it. It simply didn’t seem like him. 
Ghost wasn’t the nervous type. He had been in control of himself since they got caught, beside his reaction of pushing Scotty away. So why was he feeling his palm sweating and his breath itching? Price hadn’t said a word yet. What does he want to talk about? Should he be the first one to speak up? Might as well if the captain wasn’t going to say a thing. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Do you really know why I let this go, Simon? Because everyone deserves a little bit of love and I’m glad you found it, lad. It would be mean of me to take it away from you.”
“Much appreciate it, Price.” 
The captain dismissed him finally. Ghost had the hand on the handle, when another question came out. “How did she do it? How did she get through your ‘cold heart’?” The last word is almost spoken in a joking manner.  
Ghost opened the door, looked over his shoulder and simply replied. “She just did.”
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honeyoru · 2 years
resonance (steve harrington x superpower! reader) chapter five
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You ran through the forest, teleporting to various spots you'd visited with El in an effort to catch up. 
She blocked your attempts to find her in the void. You had no idea how she was able to, and you weren’t too proud to admit you were a little jealous, albeit pissed that she was sending you into a frenzy.
You slowed to a stop once you realized an hour of searching had already passed with no sign of her. I’ll have to ask how she did it when I strangle her later. “Shit!”
Breathing heavily, you placed your hands over your head and looked around, realizing you were on a familiar path, one the two of you had run along before. You decided to continue walking along the railroad track, trying to figure out what the hell you were gonna do while you flicked a wisp of hair out of your face. 
I don’t even know where her mom lives, you thought, growing frustrated all over again. An exhale left your nose, pushing hair out of your face again with a huff. You hadn’t had time to braid it back before you stormed out earlier. 
The sound of a familiar chittering in the distance broke your musing and kicked your ass into high alert. You squinted and swore again. 
You'd forgotten to tell Hopper about the noise yesterday. 
Carefully, you trailed it as quickly as you could, cursing yourself for not bringing a hair tie with you. Fighting with your hair down was not optimal, no matter how cool movie stars looked while doing it. You at least had a more practical outfit on to chase a creepy headless monster in the shadows; a pair of jeans with a thick black turtleneck sweater, a black leather jacket, and your comfortably stretched-out boots. 
Trying to get the upper hand on it, you began teleporting further ahead in the woods, attempting to catch the creature before it got too far. What you’d do once you actually caught up to it, well, you weren’t quite sure. 
Nah, you thought with a small, vicious smile. That’s a damn lie.
From the stories you’d been told about the beasts Hopper and crew fought last year, you were fairly certain it had to be something from the Upside Down. El said the noise wasn’t the same as the one she fought last time, the demogorgon. So another critter must have found its way into this dimension one way or another.
There would be no time for hesitation. It’s not like a monster from an alternate dimension would. 
It probably wasn't very morally good of you to be so full of adrenaline, so excited, at the thought of fighting something, but you couldn't help it. Training while on house arrest only allowed you to spar at a fraction of your full potential. It was nothing compared to fighting against a real threat, much less an actual monster. 
A creepy, gross, monster.
Yeah, you snorted. You were excited. 
Continuing your journey, you teleported for miles, swearing you were closing in on it. Until you heard voices. 
Human voices. You halted. 
“All right, so let me get this straight,” a boy’s voice trailed from further down on the tracks. With a start, you frantically looked for somewhere to hide, throwing yourself behind a tree to observe the intruders who were most definitely not a monster. 
Peering around the large tree, you could barely make out what they were saying. “You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who you literally just met? Did I get that right?”
A second voice, a younger boy, you realized when they came into view, scoffed. “All right, that's grossly oversimplifying things.” Your lips quirked at the attitude the kid had. All too quickly, however, they dropped at the sight of what they were tossing on the ground.
Whatever was in the buckets was bright red and far too animal-like for a casual stroll in the woods. You could hear the little plops of meat echoing closer to you as they trudged along. 
“Well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, all right? It’s so easy for you to get girls.”
Interest piqued, you looked again, thinking one of them looked like the guy from the store you'd met earlier. 
“It's not about the hair, man,” he said, and you were certain it was McDreamy as they passed your hidden form. “The key with girls is just to, you know. Just act like you don't care.”
You scrunched your nose. 
“Even if you do?”
“Yeah, exactly,” you heard him say faintly as they crossed over the hill. “It drives them nuts.”
Shaking your head, you emerged from behind the tree. Your stomach rumbling decided your next move, and you quickly teleported back to the cabin, resolving to go back out after you had eaten lunch. You had better things to do than worry what a couple of boys were doing.
Daylight was beginning to fall when you went back outside. You thought the monster might be more active at nighttime and since Hopper still wasn’t home yet, you saw no reason to wait around for him. You'd catch up about his missing ward after you killed the thing. 
El wasn’t blocking you from her void anymore, and you caught a glimpse of her when you meditated as a last ditch effort to make sure she hadn’t been kidnapped. She seemed to be safe and with another woman, and waved you off in such a casual manner that for now, you were fairly sure she'd be alright. 
Besides, you thought as you grabbed Hopper’s hunting knife in case something needed a little stabbing. I’ve got a monster to kill. And she doesn’t need to be involved in it. I'll deal with it before she gets back. 
You tossed some other essentials in your backpack; a couple of granola bars, a bottle of water, and a flashlight. After braiding your hair back (finally), you tugged your boots on once more, ready to leave.
Making your way back to the tracks, you teleported to the area you had last tracked the monster, hoping those boys were far out of the woods by now. 
The fog brought your mood down considerably, all things considered. 
Before it came, the moon shone brightly, illuminating the woods as you walked along the tracks. 
It's romantic, you couldn’t help but muse, lifting your face to allow the moon to kiss your cheeks with its light. You let your mind wander, imagining a different version of you under the same stars, one who had someone with a hand to hold, someone to grip onto as you balanced on the tracks like a gymnast. In this chilly autumn weather, maybe they'd give you their jacket to wear, interlace their fingers with yours and press close to you for warmth. 
But then the fog came and shot that daydream down.
You continued along, a moment of longing for a life you'd never live gone just as quickly as it came. You pointedly ignored the fact that you'd imagined the guy from the store holding your hand, feeling your cheeks redden before you banished the idiotic thought away.
Flickering what-ifs like these happened often, especially back in the future. With the contract you had with the lab, and the whole superpower thing, you knew that a life like that, one with happiness and romance, simply wouldn't be in the cards for you. 
You were so deep in thought that it wasn’t until you’d been walking for a few minutes that you realized the meat the boys had thrown onto the ground was gone. Humming, you wondered just why they had been dropping it in the first place, glancing at the concealed trees around you. It was like they’d been leaving breadcrumbs.
Gross, fleshy, breadcrumbs.
But, you paused. Who for?
“There’s no way,” you scoffed but began teleporting further ahead with purpose. You weren’t the type to believe in coincidences. And a trail of meat with a monster on the loose? 
It had to be connected. 
Continuing until the tracks swerved in a direction you knew led to the edge of the forest, you had just paused to listen to what you swore was a movement in the trees before a guttural, feral, and loud roar echoed from the left of you, up on a hill. 
You teleported on top of the hill as silently as you could, unsure of what you’d find up there. 
It’s a junkyard, you realized as you squinted in the fog, the rolling mist concealing what just roared. You popped over between an old car and the chain fence, which allowed you to see the open clearing of the yard. Carefully unsheathing the knife, you held it at the ready in case something popped up unexpectedly. 
A shrill voice suddenly cracked through the silence, screaming from the boarded-up bus across from where you were. A figure peeked out of the roof. “It’s there! Ten o’clock! Ten o’clock!”
Found them, you tutted and shifted to see the creature you had only glimpsed before inching forward, sniffing the trail of meat that led to a large pile. What the hell were they thinking, luring something like this out here? It was horrifying to see in the light. 
Still, you stayed frozen, not wanting to fuck up whatever plan they had already set in motion. 
Maybe they have powers too?  You glanced at the bus again before locking eyes onto the creature. 
It was definitely different from what Hopper and El had described. The mental picture they had painted described a monster that stood on two legs, while this one walked on all fours like a dog. 
The head though, you grimaced, recalling how Hopper had depicted it, that seemed right on the money. 
“Bulbous,” the man had said, repeating the gross term over and over. “Its head is bulbous. Opens up like a flower and shit. Just nasty and… really bulbous.” 
And bulbous it was.
It was a far cry from your usual targets, but at least you didn’t have any qualms about killing monsters. 
The creature remained where it was, sniffing the pile of meat uninterestedly. You raised an eyebrow, pondering its anatomy. Did it even have a nose?
A clang echoed from the bus, and one of the metal sheets swung off the welded hinges wildly as someone exited it, armed with a baseball bat. 
Your jaw dropped. It was McDreamy.
What the hell is he doing?  Forcing yourself to stay still, you looked around again. The creature seemed to be watching him with interest.
“Come on buddy, got your fresh meat right here,” he called out, waving his hands at him. “I taste better than a cat, I promise!” He swung the bat casually, luring it closer.
You were so preoccupied with wondering what his deal with the monster was that you didn’t hear the other not-demogorgon behind you until a leaf crunched and hot breath was exhaled on your shoulder. 
Ew. You were so stupid. Of course there was more than one.  
“Steve, watch out!” another voice suddenly screamed from the bus. Jesus, how many kids did this guy have in there?
“Little busy here!” McDreamy, Steve, yelled back, not taking his eyes off of the thing. 
“Three o’clock!” the kid screamed. “Behind you!” Still frozen with it near you, the urge to laugh came swiftly at the sight of the fog clearing, revealing several more creatures surrounding Steve. 
“Guess that’s my cue,” you muttered and clenched your knife. Twisting your body around with a quick sigh, you hit the ground, placing yourself underneath probably the grossest fucking thing you had ever seen in your life. 
Don't throw up. Don't throw up. It was like a giant skinless dog. Grimacing, you decided to ask, just in case the universe could throw you a bone. “You wouldn’t happen to be a nice demon doggie, would you?" 
The (bulbous) head tilted at your words, opened and showcased its rows and rows of teeth to you.
Like a flower.
“Guess not,” you muttered and stabbed upwards into its stomach with the knife just as it growled and went to snap at you. 
Quickly teleporting to the top of the car, you heard the metal creak with your added weight. It wasn’t a surprise when the damn thing leapt through the air after you, some of its entrails falling carelessly out of its body. Your face scrunched in disgust. “Okay, ew!”
Thrusting your hand out, you flung it in the air with your mind before slamming it back into the ground repeatedly until it finally stopped moving.
The kids were yelling again, no doubt because of your sudden appearance, but the wave of adrenaline roaring in your ears was too loud to make out what exactly they were saying.
God, you missed fighting. You grinned.
“I’m assuming this wasn’t part of your plan?” you called out teasingly to Steve as the beast behind him bent down, getting in position to attack. 
“Good observation,” he managed to snark back, having quickly recovered from where he had been frozen watching you. 
Your eyes widened at the sudden flurry of activity behind him. “Move!” you commanded, grateful he was a good listener as you popped quickly in the air above him right as the not-demogorgon jumped. 
Ignoring the ongoing commentary you heard coming from the bus, you stabbed it in the head mid-air, choosing to yank the knife back out of the squishy mass and teleport to the ground where you bared your teeth and impaled it from below as it fell down towards you, spraying its insides everywhere. 
Pulling the knife out again, you looked at Steve. The guy was beating the shit out of another creature with his bat, which you realized was actually covered in nails. “I need one of those,” you said, flinging some gross monster goop off of your jacket with disgust. 
“I really don’t think you do,” he called back, laughing a little while he swung relentlessly to the chorus of cheers from the kids. 
Your eyebrows couldn’t help but raise at the sight, a sudden warmth flooding through you as you watched. 
You exhaled. Wow.
Pretty boy aside, you wiped your face and tried not to gag at the substance that stuck to your hand. 
“You know,” Steve panted with a tired smile, his dark eyes looking you up and down quickly. “I never thought anyone would be excited to fight these things.”
"Not much to entertain me around here." 
“HELP!” A cry interrupted you, the kids yelling in terror as a creature was clawing at the opening on the roof of the bus.
“I got it,” you told Steve. “You keep lookout."
Their screams became more desperate as the dog breached the hatch on top. With a determined look, you teleported to the roof while the other teen turned his attention back to the rest of the creatures. 
Slime covered the dog's body as it snarled down into the bus, fighting like hell against the makeshift weapons the kids were shoving in its face from below. 
You focused your stare on its body, narrowing your eyes a little as you raised your hand and flattened it, forcing the creature to slam against the roof. In a quick maneuver, you pulled it towards you and away from the hatch, twirled the knife again and stabbed it down repeatedly until the monster stopped moving. With a small, grossly fascinated kick at its squishy petals, you sighed when it finally flopped lifelessly and called out to the kids that it was dead.
“Who the hell are you?” one of them sputtered from inside. 
Choosing to ignore him, you spotted another dog stalking toward Steve, who was busy wacking a different one. You teleported down, standing back to back with the boy and raised your hands, lifting a piece of sheet metal in the air to squish it like a bug when one of the kids began to scream. “Not that one!” he yelled. “Don’t kill him!”
“I’m sorry,” you said to Steve incredulously over your shoulder. “Did he just tell me not to kill this thing?”
“It’s his pet,” he called back, sounding just as irritated. “He’s kinda attached.” 
“A pet,” you repeated in disbelief. “He keeps that thing as a pet?”
“He’s harmless!” the kid insisted from inside. “Well, not totally, but don’t kill him!”
“Harmless isn’t exactly the word I’d use to describe something that’s trying to eat us!” you barked back.
A growl echoed throughout the forest, and just as suddenly as they had stalked through the fog, the remaining creatures abruptly turned and ran away. You lowered your arms slowly and turned around. 
“Think we scared them off?” Steve asked, breathing heavily and leaning on his bat. 
“Nah, don't think so, hotshot,” you looked around. “They were called back by something.”
The clamoring of three pre-teens interrupted you. "That was so BADASS!” They leapt over one of the carcasses, all talking over each other. You and Steve shared a glance.
“We know two people with powers now, how insane is that!” 
“What the hell just happened?”
“See, I told you I was telling the truth!” 
Two people with powers. You chose to remain silent, opting to spin your knife and fling some of the gunk off of it. Steve put his hands on his hips and looked at you. “I remember you,” he said. “From the store on Halloween.” 
“You’re good at fighting monsters and catching girls you knock over,” you said, placing a hand on your hip too before setting your jaw determinedly. “Now why the hell did you lure those things here, you all got a death wish or something?” 
“Believe me, this wasn’t my idea, that little shit roped me into it,” he scoffed, gesturing to one of the younger boys, the one with curly hair. 
“Thanks, Steve,” the kid rolled his eyes. “A pretty girl with superpowers comes along and you throw me under the bus. But hey,” he nudged the older boy harshly and winked at you. “Still better than a night spent moping about Nancy, am I right?” 
Yikes. You pursed your lips, feeling a little for Steve, who had subtly flinched at the barb. Clearing your throat, you decided to help him out. “So what was your idea? Sacrifice slugger here to a monster?” 
“Well,” he blanched. “We didn’t know there were that many, we just wanted to lure Dart out here.” 
You blinked. “Dart.” 
“Short for D'Artagnan,” he supplied, rather unhelpfully. 
“So you did keep him!” one of the other kids exclaimed angrily, turning towards him. “You lied to us!” 
Your face screwed up in confusion. "You named a monster?"
“I didn’t know he was a Demogorgon!” he argued with the boy. “As soon as I realized it, he had already run away.” 
“Yeah, as soon as he ate your cat, you mean,” Steve muttered.
“He ATE Mews!?” the kid cried. 
“Yes Lucas, D'Artagnan ate my cat! Are you happy?” 
The other boy cried out. “Why would I be happy about that?” 
You locked eyes with the redheaded girl that stood on the outskirts of your little circle. “You following this?”
She shook her head, gaze still fluttering around to the corpses around you in shock. 
“Enough!” Steve rolled his eyes at the boys before turning his attention towards you. “Who are you, anyway?”
“Yeah,” the loud one said, eager to change the subject. “Are you from the lab? With those superpowers, you gotta be, right?” 
“Just like El, may she rest in peace,” the other kid, Lucas, added. “Except for the whole teleporting thing, which is so freaking cool!” 
You kept your face blank and avoided asking how they knew El, as it was now clear to you that they were part of the group of hooligans Hopper and Joyce had told you about. Will’s friends. “I’m not from the lab.” 
“Holy shit, so you were just naturally born like Nightcrawler? That’s incredible!”
Choosing to say nothing, you turned in the direction of where the creatures had run off to and began walking away.
“Where are you going?” 
Nosy. Your eye twitched. “Those fuckers are going somewhere,” you said, flicking your braid behind you as you marched out of the junkyard. “I'd like to know where.”
“How did you know El?” he continued his interrogation, snapping in celebration when you stopped walking and turned to face him. “I’m pretty good at reading people,” he shrugged cockily. “You froze when Lucas mentioned her.”
Really nosy. You let out a chuckle and started to leave again. “He mentioned someone else like me, Sherlock. That doesn’t happen every day. Sue me for being surprised.” 
“Henderson man, could you chill out?” You thought you heard a thump behind you followed by a hiss. It wasn't clear, seeing as you had gone utterly still. You were fairly sure you'd stopped breathing. “She just saved all our asses, stop giving her the third degree.” 
Unable to do the smart thing and teleport far, far away from them, you turned around again, glancing at the two.
The younger boy scowled, rubbing his increasingly familiar head of curls. “Whatever, Harrington.” 
Oh my god. You couldn't help but stare, looking rapidly between the two boys who were now giving you looks of concern. 
“Is she okay?” the girl asked loudly. “She looks like she’s gonna hurl.”
The younger one, Henderson, tilted his head. “Are you having a stroke?” 
“Sure hope so,” you mumbled, staring a beat too long at him. You looked at Steve again and wanted to smack yourself for your stupidity. How could you not have recognized his kind eyes? His kind, doe-like eyes that you could get lost in forever. You cleared your throat. “And you’re Steve…”
“Harrington,” he finished slowly before smiling gently at you. He must think I’m crazy. “Nice to meet you, officially.” 
You thought you actually might throw up, your mouth only barely refraining from dropping in horror.
You’d been ogling Chief Harrington this entire time.  
“And…”  you trailed off, looking at the kid again. “You are?” Not that it really matters, you thought as traitorous tears sprang up. I already know the answer. 
“Dustin…” he replied slowly like you were a rabid animal. “I’m Dustin Henderson.”
He looks about the right age, you thought, remembering the hushed story you had heard long, long ago before your mother stopped speaking kindly to you. 
“I’m Max,” the girl cut in harshly, staring at you with suspicious eyes. “If we’re sharing names.”
 “And I’m Lucas,” Lucas said. “Do you know each other or something?” he asked. “You look like you've seen a ghost.”
You could say that.  
"Ah." Clearing your throat, you blinked and wiped off the shock from your face, replacing it with an easygoing smile. “Just reminded of someone I used to know, that’s all.” 
“Sure, sure,” Dustin said, clearly unconvinced. The group began making its way out of the junkyard, the silence broken all too quickly by the boy, who scurried up next to you. “So who are you?”
You told them your name, first name, anyway, and continued to scan the trees around you in case the dogs came back. 
“You looked pretty comfortable fighting those things,” the kid continued, eager to prod further. “Have you done it before?”
“Fight monsters? Nope, I'm a first-timer,” you answered with an amused smile. “Just humans. But of course,” you paused, offering a speculative expression. “One could argue they were monsters too, but that’s up to interpretation.”
He had just furrowed his brows and opened his mouth, ready to launch into a flurry of questions when Steve interrupted to ask where exactly you were heading.
You gestured with the knife in the direction where another roar echoed, not too far away from where you were now. “I’m gonna go kill the rest of those things. But you,” you pointed the blade at the boy walking next to you, the moonlight making his eyes shine brighter. You tried not to watch the way he gulped at the action. “You’re gonna take the kiddos and get the hell out of here, 'kay?” 
“What?” he said, scrunching his eyebrows together. “No way!”
“That’s cute, how you think I was asking,” you said, liking the way he blushed. I’m a sick, sick girl. “Last time I checked, I’m not their babysitter, hotshot,” you grinned. “And I don’t need all of you distracting me.”
“But we can fight!” Lucas chimed in. “We’ve done it before.”
“Yeah!" Dustin added. "We had that demodog in the bus before you showed up."
Max scoffed, shoving her way between you and Steve. “We literally did not.” She was officially your favorite. 
“It doesn't matter anyways!” you said to the boys. “It doesn’t change the fact that I’m going…” you trailed off at the sight in front of you, your feet came to a halt. “Alone.”
You were now in a part of the forest you knew all too well, perhaps subconsciously. A flurry of leaves sat against the ground as if the trees they fell from had been disturbed by something. And though it was pitch black, there was no mistaking the big structure that sat on the other side of the wired fence. “Shit,” you breathed. The growling reverberated out of the building again.
Steve stopped next to you, his arm brushing yours as he squinted into the dark. “What is it?” 
“The Lab,” Dustin breathed, looking at Lucas, who pulled out his binoculars and peered grimly.
“They went home.”
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just0nemorepage · 3 months
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The Buried and the Bound || Rochelle Hassan || The Buried and the Bound #1 || 384 pages Top 3 Genres: Fantasy / Young Adult / LGBTQIA+
Synopsis: As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts―an uncommonly magical place―Aziza El-Amin has bargained with wood nymphs, rescued palm-sized fairies from house cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from the local park. But when a dark entity awakens in the forest outside of town, eroding the invisible boundary between the human world and fairyland, run-of-the-mill fae mischief turns into outright aggression, and the danger―to herself and others―becomes too great for her to handle alone.
Leo Merritt is no stranger to magical catastrophes. On his sixteenth birthday, a dormant curse kicked in and ripped away all his memories of his true love. A miserable year has passed since then. He's road-tripped up and down the East Coast looking for a way to get his memories back and hit one dead end after another. He doesn't even know his true love's name, but he feels the absence in his life, and it's haunting.
Desperate for answers, he makes a pact with he’ll provide much-needed backup on her nightly patrols, and in exchange, she’ll help him break the curse.
When the creature in the woods sets its sights on them, their survival depends on the aid of a mysterious young necromancer they’re not certain they can trust. But they’ll have to work together to eradicate the new threat and take back their hometown... even if it forces them to uncover deeply buried secrets and make devastating sacrifices.
Publication Date: January 2023. / Average Rating: 4.00. / Number of Ratings: ~1790.
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actuallyastingray · 1 year
So with Ed Boon confirming that Injustice 3 isn’t coming anytime soon, I decided to create my own dream roster for future Injustice games
As far as the franchise goes, I feel that it’s time for a reboot. The whole “Batman v Superman” trope has been done waaaay too many times and for way too long. Personally, I would rather see something like the storyline of Injustice 2, where a tertiary villain forces everyone to work together. Not to mention, exactly how many times are they gonna throw Injustice-verse Batman and Superman at each other before the story goes completely stale? Also, for those of you who don’t read comics, they ended the Injustice franchise with Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe by killing Darkseid, Skeletor, and Superman. So yeah, reboot time.
This plotline takes the theme of IJ1: Heroes against a corrupt, immoral society, with the twist of IJ2: the surprise villain Brainiac as the final boss. I based character design around the MKX variations system. Out of MKX, MK11, and IJ2, the MKX variation system was the only one that I liked (and no, I did not create this post to rationalize. It’s personal preference) I’m pretty happy with how this turned out overall. Remember this is completely fan made, but I would find it hilarious if some of these designs make it into Injustice 3.
(This is a long one. Better get comfy)
Earth has always faced threats from other worlds, and the Justice League was always present to face them. This time however, the outcome was very different. In a final showdown against the lord of Apokolips, Darkseid, abord the orbiting Watchtower, the world was stunned when the League headquarters suddenly exploded, taking the lives of all aboard. Though Earth was once again saved, the cost was immense. Darkseid’s army had left many cities devastated and the planet without its defenders. In the wake of this disaster and in the rebuilding of the world, the New Order Government, or NOG, came to power as an answer to the void of protection the JL had left behind. The new authoritarian government instigated a crackdown on vigilantes and criminals alike, reasoning that metahumans and costumed criminals were to blame for the world's injustices. Those who resisted were rounded up and imprisoned or executed. A few criminals chose to side with the NOG and became the new face of “peace”. Now years later, in a world devoid the Justice League, it's time for new heroes to step up and resurrect the legacy they left behind.
The Heroes
Superman (Conner Kent)
Cloned years ago by Lexcorp and Cadmus, Conner Kent grew up in Superman’s shadow as the teenaged Superboy. Despite public perception, Conner and Clark were not as close as they wished they could’ve been; too much tension regarding Conner’s conception kept them at arm's length. With the loss of his genetic father figure, Conner spent years agonizing over taking up the mantle of Superman, and whether or not he would be worthy. With the NOG crackdowns increasing everyday and no one else able to stand in as the symbol of peace, it’s time to make a stand and remind the world that Superman isn’t just a man, he’s an idea.
Yellow Son: “Standard” Superman, focuses more on heat vision based moves
Man of Steel: Focuses on super strength powered grabs and throws. Can use Invulnerability to negate chip damage and reduce knockback from attacks
House of El: Conner dons a sunstone suit from the Fortress of Solitude. Can use Kryptonian technology such as Phantom Zone projectors 
Batman (Dick Grayson)
First Robin, then Nightwing, Dick Grayson now finds himself as the inheritor of the identity of Batman. Unused to the new identity, he mourns for both his adopted father and the simpler times before the NOG. Regardless, he honors his father by continuing Batman’s patrols across an NOG controlled Gotham. His mission goes further than stamping out street crime; he knows the Watchtower did not blow by mistake, and that it’s no coincidence that the NOG rose so quickly in the aftermath. It doesn’t take the world's greatest detective to realize there is something else going on behind the scenes. Something much more sinister
Vigilante: “Standard” Batman, focuses on grapple lines and batarangs
Dark Knight: Brawler based playstyle with multiple counter options and knockdowns
Acrobat: Double jump/air combos. Dick uses his escrima sticks during melees.
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Jason never had it easy in life. Taken in by Bruce Wayne at the age of twelve, he had only a few years to enjoy life as the second Robin before being killed by the Joker. After his resurrection at the hands of Ra’s al Ghul and subsequent rampage against Gotham's underworld, he thought he could finally settle back into a life with his adopted father. Then the Apokoliptian invasion took that chance away. Jason still patrols Gotham as Red Hood, working in tandem with his adopted brother, but the loss of Bruce has left their relationship strained to breaking point. Not only that, but with the even increasing NOG threat in Gotham, Jason is well aware his vigilante days are numbered
Vengeance: “Standard” Red Hood. Combines martial arts with handguns and knives for quick combos
Lock n’ Load: Jason can manually load shotguns and grenade launchers for ranged attacks or to be used as combo finishers
Demolitions: Jason makes use of various hand grenades, such as flashbangs, smoke, and electric
Harley Quinn
The NOG made short work rounding up Gotham’s criminals and even shorter work trying and executing those they deemed too dangerous. Harley shed few tears over the Jokers execution, but his death and her life on the run from the NOG has given her new insight into his psych. When faced with an oppressive, power mad government, the world could use a little mayhem.
Enforcer: Harley gains combo extenders focused on her baseball bat. Harley can also use batarangs as a ranged weapon
Trickster: Harley can plant Jack-in-the-Box traps which trigger and launch opponents when they come near. Adds jack-in-the-boxes as part of her combos
Clown Princess: Harley uses a crowbar and several Joker themed gag attacks (Injustice 1 & 2 joker moves)
Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
Already on the road to redemption long before the Apokoliptian invasion, Selina Kyle has found she cannot outrun her past as a thief in the face of the NOG crackdowns. Forced to seek refuge with the Batclan, she puts her tricks and skills to use stealing intel on the NOG. Unknown to her new partners, her mission is much more personal than just avoiding jailtime. She and Bruce Wayne were due to announce their marriage shortly before his death, and with Dick Grayson’s suspicions that his death was not accidental, she’ll do whatever she can to find out who is to blame and make them pay
Safecracker: “Standard” Catwoman, gains whip attacks and combo extenders
Alley Cat: Selina loses whip and ranged attacks in exchange for empowered melee strikes and Sharpen Claws to boost damage
Saboteur: Selina gains new pounce attacks and Cat Scratch (from previous games). Pounce attacks can remove buffs from opponents.
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
Cassandra Cain was trained for one single purpose in life; to help her father kill the Batman. David Cain was unrelenting in his pursuit of vengeance against the Dark Knight, so much that he molded his daughter into an instrument of his revenge. Truly ironic that instead of facing Batman, he crossed the Joker’s lethal gags and fell prey to the clown's sinister traps. Cassandra was left without a father and without purpose in life. She had no further drive to continue his mission and considered approaching her would-be target for aid. After his death aboard the Watchtower, she slipped back into hiding in the Gotham underworld. The rising pressure that the NOG is putting on Gotham has forced Cassandra out of the shadows and forced her to seek refuge with the Batclan. This new Batman is not the man she once was sent to kill, and while he has accepted her as a sidekick, she cannot shake her fears that he will one day see through her facade
Elusive: Cassandra uses smoke bombs to teleport. Can also use smoke bombs offensively to stun opponents or turn invisible
Duelist: Cassandra can use Duelist Stance, pulling out a bo staff and gaining access to multiple parry options
Orphaned: A bat drone joins the fight alongside Cassandra. Can be commanded to launch attacks and can be grappled onto
Arsenal (Roy Harper)
Roy never had the best relationship with his mentor and guardian, Oliver Queen. Nevertheless, they remained close compatriots as Star Cities vigilantes. The loss of the Justice League cost Roy more than one guardian, losing his surrogate mother Dinah Lance as well as Ollie in the explosion. Following the rise of the NOG, Roy sought to distance himself from vigilantism, taking a job as a security guard and becoming a single father. As the NOG continues to remodel Star City, Roy watches as a new kind of crime and corruption takes hold and his suburban life threatened. For the sake of his daughter, and his mentor’s legacy, Roy steps back into the fold as Arsenal. 
Robin Hood: “Standard” Green Arrow/Arsenal, can equip trick arrows to be used as ranged attacks or during combos
Streetwise: Black Canary based build focused on martial arts. Roy’s bow is repurposed as a melee weapon
Outlaw: Roy uses guns instead of archery. Can now fire rockets from his prosthetic arm 
King Arthur dreamt of uniting the land and sea for peace. Despite his death aboard the Watchtower, his dream lives on through Mera, now queen of Atlantis. Despite the outcry from her people for revenge, Mera has continued Arthur’s work of brokering a peace between worlds. However, her sovereignty is constantly tested by the NOG, who pressure her to surrender to their laws. If she is not careful, Arthur’s dream of peace is likely to be washed away with the tide.
Hydromancer: Zoning playstyle revolving around water constructs/attacks
Queen of the Sea: Mera can summon sea life as part of new combo extenders/amplifiers
Memento: Mera loses hydromancy attacks. She now wields Arthurs trident as a melee weapon
Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)
Kaldur lost more than a king when the Watchtower blew, he lost his mentor. Sharing a heritage of both land and sea, Arthur was one of the few people who understood his struggles in adapting to a new world. Despite the loss, he is committed to helping Queen Mera continue his Kings dreams of brokering peace with the surface, even if it means defending her from its denizens. 
Royal Guard: Rushdown build focuses on melee combos using Kaldur’s water bearers
Bioelectric: Kaldur can extend grabs and throws using electricity
Tempest: Combines hydromancy and bioelectricity for powerful combo extenders
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Following Hal Jordan’s death aboard the Watchtower, his ring chose a new bearer in freelance artist Kyle Rayner. Having always idolized the Justice League as a kid, Kyle finds himself woefully unprepared to become a hero, especially in an era where having powers can get you killed on principal. Nevertheless, the ring chose him because he could overcome fear, and he’s not going to disappoint the Green Lantern Corps.
Rookie: Kyle loses most construct/construct combos in exchange for simpler ring blasts or beams for finishers or launchers
Willpowered: Stronger constructs and more construct combos
Freestyle: Amplified constructs are now autonomous, allowing Kyle to use new attacks while they finish. 
Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
The death of the Justice League had lasting impacts far into the future. Though Earth has been spared the horrors of Apokolips, by the 25th century the NOG would have wiped out all metahuman resistance and become a tyrannical power that rivaled Darkseid himself. Unable to fight back in his own era, Michael Carter was “volunteered" to be sent back to the origin point of the crisis facing his reality, hoping that the use of advanced futuristic technology could turn the tide against the NOG before it becomes the threat he grew up with. Hiding his insecurity behind cockiness and showboating, Booster ultimately failed to stop the Watchtower explosion, losing his time bubble in the process. Now stranded in a distant past, he is determined to carry out his mission and save the future once and for all.
Sidekick: Skeets can Scan opponents as a command or during throws. Booster gains bonus against Scanned opponents, such as block breaking attacks against fully scanned opponents
Buddy Cop: Skeets now assists Booster with his combos. Booster gains new combos/amplifies involving Skeets
Legionnaire: Booster wears a Flight Ring, allowing him to fly and gaining new air attacks
Captain Marvel (Freddy Freeman)
Prior to his final mission, Billy Batson trusted his secret identity and some of his powers to his closest friend, Freddy Freeman. Since Billy’s death, Freddy has assumed the mantle of Capitan Marvel, though a much more jaded and brooding version. The loss of his friend and the rise of the NOG has Freddy frustrated over his new identity. What good is being a superhero if the people you save don’t want to be saved? What Would Billy do in this circumstance? Just because he fanboy’s over superheroes doesn't mean he’s prepared to become one.
Power of Zeus: Playstyle utilizes lightning-based melee attacks. Certain combos charge Freddy with lightning for additional melee damage
Stamina of Atlas: Freddy can use Stamina of Atlas to absorb projectiles, converting into health. Can summon healing zones which restore health to Freddy or damage enemies
Courage of Achilles: Heavy melee focused with multiple gap closing/dash moves
Mary Marvel (Mary Batson)
Mary Batson always had an inkling that her little brother was up to something every time she caught him sneaking out at night. While she assumed it was just impromptu sleepovers with his friend, Freddy, she was completely unprepared for the realization that her brother was Fawcett’s own superhero. Her carefully organized world was further turned upside down when he shared his power with her and Freddy, making them the cities new protectors. Always one to rely on logic and planning, Mary tells herself that opposing the NOG as a costumed hero is crazy. But deep down, she knows that fighting back is the right thing to do, and that her little brother would never forgive her is she let Fawcett down
Speed of Mercury: Speedy/agile based playstyle, can use Speed of Mercury to slow down opponents (Nimble Reptile)
Wisdom of Solomon: Mary gains more ranged attacks, using magic and lightning attacks for zoning.
Strength of Hercules: Mary gains stronger melee attacks. Can deal additional damage to enemies with armor or whom are blocking
Captain Boomerang (Owen Mercer)
The Central City Rogues were well known for having a unique, almost friendly relationship with the Flash. Nevertheless, this relationship did not save them from the NOG’s crackdowns across the US as hundreds of criminals were rounded up for sham trials and execution. Having lost most of his family in the Rogues, as well as his secret idol in the Flash, Owen Mercer has finally decided that ‘enough is enough’. The Rogues are bound by their code of honor, and he’s determined to honor the Flash and all his fallen family members by taking the fight to the NOG
Trickshot: Owen can set up boomerang traps (Hat Trick Kung Lao) and can ricochet boomerangs mid-air for homing shots 
Speedster: Owen uses speed boosts to disorient opponents (Kabal). Can use dashes to quickly close or make distance
Rogue Justice: Owen uses gadgets from the Flash Rogues as part of his combos
Most of the Titans died while assisting the League aboard the Watchtower. Only Raven, who was chosen to stay behind and use her magic to teleport her teammates in and out, was spared. She now lives on as the last surviving legacy of the Teen Titans. Raven knows she is ill suited to rebuild the team, she lacks the charisma, positivity, and leadership her teammates had, but dreams of continuing their legacy in a new generation. For the time being, she has other problems to worry about. The rise of the NOG has been accompanied by a sinister darkness pervading world. A darkness she is all too familiar with.
Daughter of Sin: Raven can summon sin demons as part of her ranged combos or as throw extenders. Can activate Shadow Form for increased power.
Soul Self: Raven can use her soul self to absorb projectiles, to be fully consumed for damage buffs or to be later thrown back at opponents
Enchantress: Raven gains access to telekinetic attacks and ranged grabs 
The Villains 
Lex Luthor
If one were to ask Lex Luthor, the world under the NOG is perfect. Fewer constraints on business, more control on his employee, newer opportunities, and best of all; no Superman. The NOG is everything he worked for during the era of the Justice League, and he never had to lift a finger to make it happen. So what if that arrogant hag President Waller is taking all the credit? He knows how to deal with her. But first, he needs to deal with these new, so called “heroes” who would put an end to his good fortune. The Justice League is dead, and let them stay that way. 
CEO: Luthor uses a Lexcorp satellite in his attacks, dropping missile call downs and orbital lasers.
Genius: Luthor can activate a defensive shield on his power suit to negate attacks and prevent him from being staggered
Copyright: Luthor uses gadgets and tech taken from Apokolips as well as from deceased heroes
Major Force (Clifford Zmeck)
Introduced to the public as a new, improved Superman for the NOG, Major Force loves nothing better than lording over the general public. Few realize his history as a convicted serial killer and rapist, and indeed it was only a plea bargain with President Waller to serve as a test subject that spared his life. Powerful as he is, Major Force feels starved for a good fight since joining the NOG. He never had a chance to test himself against the Justice League in their prime, and Waller doesn’t approve of him “sparing” with new recruits. In fact, he sees these new upstart “Leaguers” as a welcome change. He finally has a chance to cut lose and savor certain thrills he has long kept buried.
Temporal: Major Force can use distortion fields to slow down enemies and projectiles, or speed himself up
Concussive: Major Force uses more explosive attacks and blasts. Can Self-Detonate to deal massive close range damage
Dominator: New grab combo that allows Major Force to steal life from an opponent, increasing his damage while lowering their own
One of many criminals rounded up during the initial NOG campaigns, Bane’s past as a member of the Suicide Squad meant he was lucky enough to be given a choice by President Waller: Serve the NOG or be executed along with his fellow Arkham inmates. Now years later, Bane is the tyrannical warden of Stryker’s Island. No longer a place the houses exclusively criminals, Stryker's has become a fate awaiting anyone who dissents against the NOG, including captured metahumans. Bane enjoys his position in breaking soldiers to serve the NOG, and forming his own Suicide Squad to round up anyone else who would dissent. And if need be, he is more than happy to demonstrate what it means to cross the man who broke the Bat
Luchador: Grappler based playstyle with multiple throw options at the end of combos. Venom boost becomes a one time use berserk 
Backbreaker: New combo setup for his Backbreaker move (Sun God Kotal Khan). Venom boost stacks for bonus damage
Warden: Multi-string basic attack moves designed for heavy pressure. Venom Boost is now passive that increases Bane’s damage the lower his health gets
Killer Croc
Waylon Jones was one of many metahumans brought to Stryker’s island for processing. As he suffered under the brutal treatment of the guards, his progressing mutation only made him a further target for abuse. The more he mutated, the more the guards and inmates pushed him, until the day he snapped back. Now little more than a glorified attack dog on the NOG’s leash, he vents his long-suffered hatred and rage against humanity on whomever they point him towards. While he hates the NOG and Bane in particular, his conditioning under the NOG means that he also blames the worlds would-be heroes for being unable to save him and is ready to lash out at the newly forming Justice League to get even
Cannibal: Croc gains access to more/longer grab/bite combos (Ravenous Millenna)
Predator: Croc can Submerge, allowing for teleportation or surprise low attacks/grabs
Uncaged: Croc wears a muzzle, preventing bites. Croc can now use his broken manacles to flail at opponents
The Amazons have had few reasons to trust man’s world. Against Hippolyta’s wishes, her daughter Diana sought to broker a unity between Amazons and humanity. Her death aboard the Watchtower has only confirmed what Hippolyta knew; man is not to be trusted, only destroyed. With the NOG preoccupied with the new Justice League, Hippolyta stands ready to bring the Amazons ashore and exact vengeance on humanity for her daughter's death
Hoplite: Hippolyta prioritizes using a sword and shield
Spearmaiden: Hippolyta uses a long polearm with high zoning
Demigod: Hippolyta uses Wonder Woman’s lasso and bracers
Ancient enemy of the Amazons and would-be tyrant of humanity, the goddess Circe has always plotted from the shadows as to how best to achieve domination. These days, she has no enemies. They fight and scheme against each other. The Justice League and her nemesis Diana are gone, the Amazons and mankind brace for battle, and the gods themselves have gone silent on the matter. For the first time in a thousand years, there has never been a moment more ripe for conquest than now. Circe has come to rule humanity, and the world is her oyster
Blasphemous: Circe uses an enchanted Amazonian great sword and shield as part of her combos (Injustice Ares)
Goddess: Circe uses several control based moves to disorient opponents and set them up for combos
Witchcraft: Circe gains a new counter and a new reversal that Hex enemies, preventing them from using certain moves
Ocean Master (Orm)
Always living in his brothers shadow, Orm never gave up resenting Arthur for stealing his throne. Had it not been for Arthur, Orm would be king and Atlantis would have long ago conquered the surface world. Instead, Orm was reduced to bargaining with surface worlders and rogue Atlanteans in order to gain a sliver of power that he deserved. Now, with his brothers death, the tide turns in his favor. Mera sits uneasily upon the throne and has few supporters backing her peace treaties with the surface. All it will take is one slip, and she will topple as Arthur did. Though at this rate convincing her to declare war on the surface world is going to be laughably simple. The surface worlder seem almost desperate for an excuse to make attempts on Atlantis, and Mera’s confidence in them wanes by the day. After decades of scheming, Orm can afford to be patient.
Monarch: Orm wields a trident and gains new counters and anti-air combos
Schemer: Orm uses Atlantean weapons, such as guns and rifles for set-ups and juggling
Abyssal: Orm can call in Trench to attack enemies or pin them down.
Wielder of the orange light of avarice, Larfleeze once faced off against Hal Jordan and came away with a healthy dose of fear and respect for the human. Hal’s recent demise has sparked Larfleeze’s curiosity surrounding Earth. What could possibly have killed the greatest Green Lantern of all? What he has found instead is a planet devoid of defenses and ripe for pillaging. Driven by his insatiable greed and utterly oblivious to the chaos his presence is causing, Larfleeze is committed to reap Earth of anything worth stealing
Covetous: Larfleeze can steal opponents special moves, summoning an Orange Lantern construct to repeat those attacks
Agent Orange: Larfleeze can charge his power battery to summon Orange Lantern constructs. These constructs can be spent to perform attacks (Stunt Double Johnny Cage)
Vain: Larfleeze can charge himself with orange light, increasing the power of his attacks and causing all his attacks to become armored for a short time. After this effect wears off, Larfleeze will become exhausted and take bonus damage
Granny Goodness
Granny Goodness worshiped Darkseid with a fanaticism matched by few. So confident in her masters capabilities, that his death alongside the Justice League shattered her. In the aftermath of his death, Granny was among the many who seized at power on Apokolips to fill the void. While she can never be the ruler Darkseid was, she believes that finishing his goal of locating the Anti-Life Equation is the best way to honor her fallen master. Earth will fall, be it the will of Darkseid or Granny Goodness
Warbringer: Granny uses Boom Tubes to attack her opponents, to teleport, or summon Parademons
Headmistress: Granny uses a Mega-Rod for a weapon. Can be used to release ranged blasts of energy or hold enemies in place for setups
Tough Love: Granny uses several Apokolitian torture devices and gadgets as traps for setups and combos
Leader of the infamous Female Furies of Apokolips, Lashina was first and foremost among her sister Furies, and is now the last of them. The other Furies were aboard the Watchtower when it detonated, leaving her their sole surviving legacy. Angered by the unjust death of her sisters and the loss of her master, Lashina dutifully follows Granny on her campaign back to Earth. This time it’s more than just conquest, this time it’s personal.
Pursuer: Lashina uses a mourning star flail and flexible metal whips for mid ranged attacks and ranged pulls
Bloodletter: Lashina uses Mad Harriet’s gauntlets instead of her whips. Can charge her gauntlets to become electrified at the cost of health
Blademaster: Lashina uses Guilotina’s twin longswords in her attacks. Ranged grabs are replaced with thrown blades
Talia al Ghul
The League of Assassins has always lurked beneath the veil of society, seeking to twist the world towards their founders goals of anarchy. However, in a stunning coincidence, the great Ra’s al Ghul perished not long after his nemesis, the Batman when the Lazarus pits failed to revive him. His daughter Talia resolved to continue his work after his death but found herself at odds with the NOG and it’s message of forced global order. One would not assume her intentions at first glance, seeing as she enjoys her position of chief advisor to President Waller. But like many things involving the al Ghul’s this is just a clever ruse. Talia knows the NOG had a hand in her beloved Batman’s demise. Once she finds out who is responsible, she stands read to burn this pathetic excuse for a government down around Waller’s head
Venomous: Talia uses twin daggers laced with poison. Her attacks apply an unblockable poison that stacks in intensity with each attack
Heiress: Talia can equip vials of Lazarus Water which can be drank to increase super meter, thrown to create damaging pools, or used as part of a new grab to debuff enemies
Agent of Order: NOG Talia uses a magnus sidearm, garrote wire, and tasers during her combos
Ra’s al Ghul
Immortal and unyielding, Ra’s al Ghul has seen the passing of thousands of years, gathered countless followers, and amassed an immense fortune of weapons and wealth alike, all in the name of global anarchy and chaos. So self-assured in his success and power, he never assumed his precious Lazarus pits would fail him. Their power waned and with it his immortality. Desperate for a means to retain his eternal life, he turned to any means to sustain himself, be it mystical or scientific. What he found instead was a force that existed far beyond Earth, that promised to grant him immense power and eternal life that his Lazarus pits could not. In his hour of desperation, Ra’s al Ghul has found deliverance.
Heretic: Ra’s can light his scimitar or even himself on fire to deal bonus damage. Gains new fire based attacks
Demonic: Ra’s can summon dark spirits during his combos (Possessed Kenshi)
Accursed One: Ra’s applies a Dark Seal to opponents during combos/grabs/throws. The seal can be consumed via command to deal damage based on how many stacks were applied
And, the final boss and antagonist for this AU is... (Spoilers ahead)
Trigon the Terrible, conqueror of ten thousand worlds, lord of the inferno, father of Sin. A demon who has laid waste not just in this universe, but in countless other dimensions that make up reality. An evil that surpasses all others, Trigon has tried multiple times already to invade Earth, only to be repulsed by the Justice League and Teen Titans. These are minuscule setbacks for Trigon, who has other ways of conquering his enemies. Whispering in the ears of those desperate for answers or deliverance from beyond, he engineered the placement of the device that destroyed the Watchtower and annihilated his long-time enemies. Now, under the guise of the NOG, Trigon’s servants work to eliminate or convert any who would or could stand against him. Once all resistance has crumbled and Earth is defenseless, there will be nothing to stop Trigon from adding this reality to the many he has already destroyed.
Defiler: Trigon can create zones of corruption that damage enemies standing in them. These zones can also be commanded to erupt and launch enemies standing in them
Father of Demons: Trigon can summon his sons to empower him with sin energy, granting him bonuses while they are active
Hellbringer: A giant astral projection of Trigon assists in his moves, crushing or grabbing opponents with giant limbs
Mortal Kombat/Crossover Characters
‘It’s a simple heist’ they said ‘Just grab the Sunstone crystals and you’re outta there’. Well that bloody went to s@#$ right off the bat. Not only did they muck it up dropping me way off course, but now I’m stuck in the middle of a bloody warzone. I’m not getting paid to fight “superheroes”, ‘specially not one who could toss Shao Khan around like a ragdoll. At least this wasn’t a total loss. Got some nice new gear from a couple of these drongos that’ll make even Tremor jealous. Not like they were using it no more. Still, soon as I get back to the keep, me and Kronika are due for a heart-to-heart.
Cutthroat: “Standard” Kano, uses knives for weapons and projectiles, as well as his eye laser
Upgraded: Kano uses Cyborg’s hand cannon. Can activate his implants for a movement and firing speed boost
Mercenary: Kano uses Deathstroke’s katana and Deadshot’s rifle. Deadshot’s optic scope prevents eye lasers but allows for homing bullets
Born to the nation of Edenia, Kitana’s homeworld was conquered by Shao Khan of Outworld not long after her birth. When her mother was forced to marry the tyrant, she became the Khan’s daughter and princess as well. After years of standing by her fathers side, serving as his personal assassin and watching as other realms suffered the same fate as Edenia, Kitana had a change of heart in the midst of Outworlds invasion of Earthrealm. Standing alongside her allies in Raiden, Lui Kang, and others, Kitana help to unseat Shao Khan and claim his title of Khan. Still, in a world defined by Kombat, there are few moments to rest. Finding herself lost in a realm on the brink of disaster and facing conquest by a demonic tyrant so similar to one she only just deposed, Kitana finds herself once again standing as a champion of Earthrealm
Empress: “Standard” Kitana, using her fans
Edenian Royal: Mournful Kitana, using a bo staff and glaves
Savage: Kitana uses Mileena’s sais and moveset, such as Tele-drop
Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Whelp, this is just classic Parker luck. One minute I’m stopping Vulture from robbing the art museum, next minute ‘bzzt’ I’m lost in some wacko, alternate universe. Yeah, that’s right, not ‘poof’, not ‘zap’, not ‘boom’, my life went crazy with a ‘bzzt’. This new universe is kinda the definition of “everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong” and that's impressive even for my standards. Oh well, I guess when I don’t show up for macaroni night the Avengers will come after me, wherever I am. Until then, the worst thing I have to worry about is the edgy guy in a motorcycle helmet who keeps chasing me around trying to get me to partner up with him. Or the world going to literal Hell, that too. Wish me luck folks!
Webslinger: Peter can use web shots, ranged web pulls, and combos that leave enemies tangled in web
Avenger: Peter uses higher tech versions of his existing gear, such as taser webs and spider probes
Iron Spider: Peter wears the Iron Spider suit. Prevents most web moves but allows for hovering and use of additional legs for attacks
He-Man (Adam of Eternia)
On a planet lightyears away from Earth, the world of Eternia owes its salvation and freedom to the Champion of Greyskull, He-Man. One of the strongest beings in the universe, He-Man is the identity of prince Adam, maintain while he battles the forces of darkness led by his nemesis Skeletor. But He-Man is champion to all worlds in the Universe, not just Eternia, and in times of need will be called upon to aid any world in peril. That is how Adam finds himself contacted by the wizard Shazam, guardian of the Rock of Eternity and keeper of magic. The wizard bears a message of a shattered world on the brink of domination by the demon Trigon, a creature as dangerous as Hordak himself. Should Trigon be released on Earth, it will spell doom for all worlds. 
Champion: He-Man can place Greyskull banners to increase his power in combat. Banners can be interacted with during attacks
Guardian: He-Man wields a great shield in addition to his power sword, allowing for shield bashes and shield charges
Legacy: He-Man can summon phantoms of previous Greyskull champions for additional range on his attacks
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walker33961 · 1 year
30 OCT 2022 1000
- Laswell provided some information about Hassan being protected under the cartel information.. The Mexican forces confirmed he's moving something sizeable towards the US. They suspect that they might be the missile.. Not known to their number of how many it can be. Shepherd ordered to capture Hassan for interrogation. Sending Ghost, Lavender and Soap to link up with the Mexican Specials in country along with all the manpower they need. Laswell said that a war might be dangerous. So, the General tasked Phillip Graves and his shadow company.. Their rules of engagement can help them to cut some red tape and get the mission done.
*Ghost, Lavender & Soap arrived Las Almas, coming down from the airplane*
Soap :
Alejandro :
Sergeant MacTavish.
Soap :
Call me Soap.
*looks towards masked Lavender*
Alejandro :
... Laswell said your "Lavender"
Lavender :
Yes, Colonel Vargas.
Alejandro :
Call me Alejandro, Hermana..
Honour to have most powerful sergeant after Soap with us.
Soap :
Well..Actually, I believe she prefers to be --
That'll do.
Lavender :
Save it for Later Soap...
Alejandro :
Since your name is Ghost..
Welcome to the "City of souls"
*Lavender almost choked with the joke , Alejandro giving his serious smile and walking near to the car soap trying best to hide his laugh..Ghost ded silent*
Soap :
I've never been to Mexico ...
Alejandro :
This isn't México .
.. This is Las Almas.
Ghost :
Shepherd's contractors are inbound to reinforce.
.. They're bringing harware.
They'll need room.
Alejandro :
My base is your base.
Ghost :
.. Now where's Hassan?
Alejandro :
Cartel safe-house, ten clicks from here.
.... Get in.
*Alejandro orders his soldiers to start their vehicle and follow his one*
*Everyone got in the car*
*Alejandro introducing Rodolfo, who's sitting in the drivers seat*
Alejandro :
This is my second in command, Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra.
Rodolfo :
I'm afraid of Ghosts...*Spanish*
*Lavender understood what Rodolfo meant but kept silent , She knows Spanish from her fellow sergeants and lieutenants*
Lavender :
Easy Brother *Spanish*
*Rodolfo looked back realising that the Brits sergeant girl knows Spanish*
Alejandro :
You know Spanish?
Lavender :
All goes to my Mexican fellow friends on the base .. Heh
*While going through the Las Almas streets*
*Soap noticing some armored threats, grabbing his sniper*
Soap :
White truck, four armed in the back...
Alejandro :
Hey - tranquilo
-- that's normal here.
.. Guns on the street is jurisiction of the police .
Ghost :
Where the police?
Alejandro :
Well, Las Almas has a very serious problem.
.. There are few to uphold the law.
And many of those who resist corruption...
Soap :
What about the military?
Alejandro :
Well, because we are well trained, soldiers are recruited by the Narcos..
Ghost :
Why not you?
We grew up here.
They call us Los Vaqueros.. *Spanish*
... Cowboys
We love this place...
And we'll due fighting for it.
*Lavender noticing Kids buying balloons but the cartel is surrounded*
Lavender :
Kids, guns and balloons...
That's a new one
Alejandro :
Narcos use generosity to win over the people.
Soap :
Even the children ?
Rodolfo :
Especially the children.
*Ghost, Soap and Lavender notices dead bodies wrapped with Cartel cloths*
Soap :
What's on those sheets?
Alejandro :
Rodolfo :
Cartel cloths..
Alejandro :
Messages from El Sin Nombre.
Warnings... Marking territory.
... Our streets are laced with death...
Ghost :
Who's El Sin Nombre?
Alejandro :
El Sin Nombre, The nameless.
The leader of , Las Almas cartel.
Soap :
Where can we find him?
You can't ...
No one knows who he is..
But he's everywhere..
And this is a challenge..
..and los Vaqueros like challenges.
Rodolfo :
With your mask.. You'll fit in well Ghost.
Lavender :
Be easy on my brother Sergeant Major, *Spanish*
Jokes don't work over him.. *Spanish*
But Ja.....
*Ghost got right away that she was about to say something over Jade..poked her lightly with his elbow, Lavender winked at his brother, Soap wishing to say something like that over her , bcz she also doesn't like mask jokes*
- Alejandro sees an army checkpoint, Tells Rodolfo to turn right.. To go round.. Soap asks why change of route, he explains that they are some troops in the pocket of El Sin Nombre. As El Sin Nombre is everywhere...
Alejandro tells that the cartels are hiding Hassan in the Village across the river.
Hoping that he's still there...
- After reaching to the spot, Alejandro ordering his army to be in position.. Everyone getting in to their spots and, Alejandro said Hassan is protected in a white 2 storey building, back of town. Cartels got alert after they opened the gate to come up over a place..with bunch of civilians house which are now used by the cartel.. Shots got fired in both groups... Cartels were moving fast... There was a house, ordered Lavender to take the door, she fired a cartel member in front.. Some shot came from the side room, soap threw a bomb and the threat was clear..
*moving in forward while checking*
Soap :
What happened to the families here?
Alejandro :
The cartel brings violence, so they leave.
Get ready to move
*soap, who was about to open the door from inside , Alejandro stopped him*
Alejandro :
Stand by...
.. Victor - 2 , this is 1-1 . Deploy smoke.
We're moving external..
Victor 2-1 :
Smoke out...
Soap :
Where's your family Alejandro?
Alejandro :
I keep that a secret mostly hermano... To protect them
But... My wife is on the lead.. Will introduce her to the team ,
She's one of the Los Vaqueros..
Lavender :
Would be a blessing to meet her.
*Alejandro smiles at her response.. Ghost talking to himself inside about his sis being so curious about family things..he understands the reason honestly... Soap blushing hard at her smile while asking Alejandro...but not visible due to the outer smoke coming inside a bit*
Ghost :
We have concealment.
Alejandro :
Let's move..
... On me soap..
This is where they're hiding Hassan.
Expect resistance..
.. All teams, Set containment. Prep for breach.. *Spanish*
Go..!... Go!..
- 4 of them secured a room.. Alejandro confirmed that Hassan was not there.Ghost sees Quds force flag and confirmed Alejandro's intel was solid. Rodolfo informed them that Armies were rolling in...
Alejandro :
Shit... *Spanish*
Lavender :
Who is it?
Alejandro :
The Army.
Lavender :
We got reinforcements..
Alejandro :
*Alejandro trying to cover his men.. For protection"
Ghost :
What're we doin'?
Alejandro :
Covering my men..
Once they're clear...
We fall back..
Lavender :
You want us to engage with the Mexican Army Colonel ?!?
Alejandro :
No Hermana...
These troops are paid by the cartel.
.. Helping the cartel to protect Hassan..
*Lavender who was about to fire over one*
Alejandro :
Hold your fire sergeant...
We'll dig in until my men are clear.
Lavender :
Multiple vehicles from the left...
Ghost :
From the right too...
Troop transports. Light armor..
- Suddenly shots were firing as it was raining bullets...out of nowhere someone threw a smokebomb.. Everyone started coughing ..except Ghost & Lavender ..since they're always the masked..
It was a toxic bomb... Not that harmful , minor. .
Soap was coughing badly...
*Lavender hands him a smoke relief inhaler*
Lavender :
Push and breath...
*Soap inhaled the air from it and became all good*
Soap :
Thanks Bonnie..
*Lavender.. Addressing the whole moment in her heart... He called her Bonnie a little hope of him having feelings for her..lights up.. She's All shy but not speechless*
Lavender :
Let's get going Soap...
Next time I'm brining extra masks for protection from smokes & all ..
Alejandro :
Brother who? *Spanish*
Lavender :
Y/n "Lavender" Riley...
So you know now who's my elder brother Colonel... *Spanish*
Alejandro :
I like your style hermana...
My Mrs. Would be so happy to meet you all brave soldiers..
Let's get going....
- Everyone going with the lead way.. Came across some path walk mountains... One was down a bit... Alejandro told Lavender to jump... She jumped and landed fearlessly , they were talking while passing..
Rodriguez :
The cliffs are dangerous
But you're doing well sergeant..
Lavender :
It's easy for me to do the jump-run shit on the cliffs..
Alejandro :
Keep that courage in Sergeant...
Ghost :
You know your way?
Alejandro :
We used to cut school and play here.
Soap :
Until the cartels moved in....
Alejandro :
The narcos changed everything..
- Armies started shooting in their way, Rodriguez fell off with shot..
Lavender :
Alejandro :
*shoots the threat*
Snipers down!...
Ghost :
Bloody good shot, mate!
Soap :
Armies still trailing us.
Alejandro :
We'll gain some ground-!
Ghost :
.. Move , sergeants !!
- Three came to a dead end..
Ghost :
You led us to a dead end, mate!
Alejandro :
We jump from here!
*Alejandro jumps*
Alejandro :
Don't lose your weapon !
Ghost :
Sis your next!
Lavender :
*Lavender jumps*
Ghost :
Soap, we stay here...
we're dead !
Now jump !
*Soap jumps*
*Ghost Jumps*
Alejandro :
You good hermanos ?
Ghost :
Alejandro :
Soap :
Alejandro :
Where's Lavender?
Ghost :
Lavender, do you copy?
Lavender :
Moving down river to the bridge...
Using a rock for cover till you guys come over.
Soap :
Scared the shit out of me *Scottish*
*Alejandro & Ghost understood what he said*
Lavender :
Victors and Bravos .. Be careful
Threats are nearby the sight and in good count..
Keep your weapons all ready to fire!
Alejandro :
Solid copy.
All stations, this is Victor 0-1 - How copy?
Graves ;
--dow - 1 , Do you --?
-ay again
--o you re -- ?
Soap :
Radio's picking up somethin'
Lavender :
Might be the shadows..
The accent..
Ghost :
Sounds American..
- Alejandro signals the armies arrival, Ghost contacted front, soap took the West and Lavender took near the brige, all using rocks for cover... Graves came along in the comms.
Graves :
This is Shadow - 1 !
Engaging the bridge North of your position.
Danger close!
Alejandro :
Who the hell is that?
Lavender :
Commander Graves,
Shadow Company..
They're with us.
Ghost :
Shadow - 1
Bravo 0-7 ! Good shots!
Fire for effect!
Graves :
All stations, no enemy movement detected.
You're clear.
.. It's good to see you all in 1 piece..
Ghost :
Likewise, mate!
Alejandro :
This way!
Ghost :
We've located a vehicle for exfil.
Graves :
Roger that.
Be advised, we got a possible hit on Hassan, two clicks North from your position.
Alejandro :
That's cartel land.
They have compound there.
Lavender :
Load in!
Soap :
Let's roll!
Lavender :
I'll drive.
Graves :
You guys good to roll up Hassan with some fire from the sky?
Soap :
Let's wrap this fucker up Graves!
Graves :
We are pushing to the target di-rectly,
Shadow - 1 , out.
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 4.5/5
Book Blurb: A contemporary fantasy YA debut from Rochelle Hassan about monsters, magic, and wicked fae, perfect for fans of The Darkest Part of the Forest and The Hazel Wood. As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts—an uncommonly magical place—Aziza El-Amin has bargained with wood nymphs, rescued palm-sized fairies from house cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from the local park. But when a dark entity awakens in the forest outside of town, eroding the invisible boundary between the human world and fairyland, run-of-the-mill fae mischief turns into outright aggression, and the danger—to herself and others—becomes too great for her to handle alone. Leo Merritt is no stranger to magical catastrophes. On his sixteenth birthday, a dormant curse kicked in and ripped away all his memories of his true love. A miserable year has passed since then. He's road-tripped up and down the East Coast looking for a way to get his memories back and hit one dead end after another. He doesn't even know his true love's name, but he feels the absence in his life, and it's haunting. Desperate for answers, he makes a pact with Aziza: he’ll provide much-needed backup on her nightly patrols, and in exchange, she’ll help him break the curse. When the creature in the woods sets its sights on them, their survival depends on the aid of a mysterious young necromancer they’re not certain they can trust. But they’ll have to work together to eradicate the new threat and take back their hometown... even if it forces them to uncover deeply buried secrets and make devastating sacrifices.
Witches, curses, monsters, and magic come together in this story about three people who’s lives are intertwined. Aziza El-Amin is the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts and she makes it her duty to protect the world from the magical creatures. She’s bargained with wood nymphs, rescued tiny fairies from cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from parks... but when a dark entity awakens in the forest slowly destroying the boundary between the the human world and the fairyland...things are about to get out of hand. Then she meets Leo Merritt, a boy who was cursed to forget his true love on his sixteenth birthday. Leo is determined to beat his family curse and get back his memories of his true love, but he’s hit one dead end after another. He feels a giant hole in his life and feels haunted by just the thought of his true love. He’s desperate for answers and thinks that only Aziza can help him. In exchange for her help he will provide backup for her nightly patrols. But during one of their patrols, a creature in the woods begins to set its sights on them, and their only way to survive is with the help of the mysterious young necromancer named Tristan, who is hiding his own dark secrets. Tristan has made a mistake, he’s entered into a servant bond with the hag of the woods in exchange for one wish he’ll owe her 9 years of his life as a servant... unfortunately she’s made him do unspeakable things and he just wants to get out of it by now.... and the reason he entered into the bond in the first place? To break the curse of his beloved. Tristan, Aziza, and Leo must stop the hag of the woods, but there is a price to be paid and secrets will be revealed... there will be consequences and they will have to see if they can trust each other enough to survive. This is the first book in a trilogy and it definitely was a good start. The story is perfect for fans of The Hazel Wood and The Darkest Part of the Forest, I am excited to what happens to the characters in the next books and definitely enjoyed this one!!
*Spoilers: Aziza kills the hag and in turn frees all the trapped spirits as well as entering into the new contract with Tris, Tris is actually Leo’s true love and entered into the contract to break it, but he only served one year and now he is bounded to Aziza for the next 9 years. They entered into a contract in which: she only has to make sure he doesnt get on a boat. Tris still has not told Leo that he is his true love. Leo found out his younger sister Hazel is actually a changeling and that his parents killed the fairy that took his real sister, and said fairy cursed their family before dying. Leo still doesn’t remember Tris but is warming up to him. Aziza and Tris don’t tell Leo that Tris is his true love as even mentioning the curse hurts Leo’s head. The story ends with Leo insisting that Tris comes to live with his family and him.(
*Thanks Netgalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, Roaring Brook Press for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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remembertheplunge · 1 year
6/8/1986. Placerville, El Dorado County, California. Jan's house.
Gorgeous spring day in June. It makes you feel like a part of the landscape. After an evening with Jan and Beth and Jack. Beth was Jan's 5 year old grand daughter.  Jack is maybe 35. He is black. He is divorced. Has a half white, half black child and has been married to a white woman. He built a house, put his all into it and then lost it in a divorce action with his wife. Jan believes least possibly because he is black he lost his house. I guess what she really meant was that he is black in all white El Dorado County. I felt a bit of resistance being there with him. I threatened their new relationship. And so, between that, Beth blaring Sesame Street and me doing a job skills exercise from the book “What Color is my Parachute?”which totally freaked me out, I had to get out of there. I don’t believe Jan completely understands why. I used the agitation to move because I have a million things to do today. 
I sit here in one of my favorite coffee places in Sacramento sipping coffee and eating a cheese blintz.
I was writing earlier at a bar restaurant in Old Sacramento called Fat City.  Just as I was writing there two pages back “The beat goes on”, I was interrupted by a guy who said “Wow, a guy with a book in here. I do that, too. This is my seat." And, with that, we launched into a beautiful conversation about life, the spirit (he is agnostic), work,  and the job hunt. He married a black woman (he is white). He divorced. He is now married to a blind woman. They have a little girl. He won $10,000 in the Lottery. (I’m seeing more and more now that lack of money is a big source of my frustration. Maybe living in a smaller place would be OK, or even taking in a quiet room mate. You know, that’s a possibility I haven’t fully considered. Hmmmmmm.  Oh, I like my space. Maybe I can find a little back house somewhere.)
At any rate, the guy, John, wants to invest his $10,000 in an agate lamp business. I encouraged him to do so.  I know that I would love to have one. He currently works in a prison as a teacher of graphic arts. Last week, he received a death threat in a note that included his address. He is scared and I believe well he should be. He wants to switch jobs. He is very liberal and always smiles. Maybe a new friendship will evolve!
Last evening with Jan was magical. We watched a candle burning machine with racing angels and spinning windmill cast shadows into heaven via their reflections in a window. We meditated on faint blue light from people circle candle. It simply would not die. . Hope burns on. Jack said “Doesn’t take much to entertain you two.”I did a psychic reading for Jan. I told them that ghost touched my hand as I lie waiting for sleep. She has spirits in her house that touch and feel now . Gene has many that visit him. We talked about our sexuality. A woman friend told Jan that her relationship with Jack , a younger black man, was just a step to a totally solo relationship with a woman. I said, hey, if you don’t want that, don’t do it. That’s as bad as faking a straight relationship when you are not straight. Jan said that some believe that it is the ultimate statement of liberation of women.
In her striving to be liberated though, she goes a bit overboard. She not only sent me to the store to buy the majority of fixings for dinner and breakfast. I had to help prepare the dinner, do the dishes, put them in the dish washer. When all the dishes would not fit in, she asked me to stick them in, anyway. I said “N0” nicely. Enough is enough.
For an occasional overnight guest such as I, forced labor and payment is uncool. But, she’s done this before.
I just needed my space today. I am very glad I got outta there. Now I sit here enjoying the symphony—the taste of coffee in my mouth, the hum and whirl of some machine in here, the day’s waiting prospects, etc. Must go out into the world again. Bye. LW
0 notes
reviewsthatburn · 1 year
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THE BURIED AND THE BOUND follows three teenagers trying to deal with curses and keep the boundary intact between the magical and the mundane in their town.
Aziza, Leo, and Tristan make a strong trio. Their various strengths, weaknesses, and histories lead to a good balance between narrative tension and general ability to work together to fight the hag. While many things end up working out in their favor, it’s never perfect. This creates an air of them fighting for everything that goes right, but not always winning. They're developed separately and together, with Aziza and Leo feeling more like a duo in the first half, then cohering with Tristan into an actual trio by the end.
Aziza is a hedgewitch, living with her grandfather and maintaining the magical boundary near the town. Leo has been cursed to forget his true love, unable to even process it if anyone tries to tell him details of the person he's forgotten. Tristan is working for a hag in exchange for getting a curse broken, finding himself more and more horrified by what the hag is asking him to do.
Full Review at link.
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samanthamosher · 1 year
My current read 📖 🤓
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As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts—an uncommonly magical place—Aziza El-Amin has bargained with wood nymphs, rescued palm-sized fairies from house cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from the local park. But when a dark entity awakens in the forest outside of town, eroding the invisible boundary between the human world and fairyland, run-of-the-mill fae mischief turns into outright aggression, and the danger—to herself and others—becomes too great for her to handle alone.
Leo Merritt is no stranger to magical catastrophes. On his sixteenth birthday, a dormant curse kicked in and ripped away all his memories of his true love. A miserable year has passed since then. He's road-tripped up and down the East Coast looking for a way to get his memories back and hit one dead end after another. He doesn't even know his true love's name, but he feels the absence in his life, and it's haunting.
Desperate for answers, he makes a pact with Aziza: he’ll provide much-needed backup on her nightly patrols, and in exchange, she’ll help him break the curse.
When the creature in the woods sets its sights on them, their survival depends on the aid of a mysterious young necromancer they’re not certain they can trust. But they’ll have to work together to eradicate the new threat and take back their hometown... even if it forces them to uncover deeply buried secrets and make devastating sacrifices.
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whimsicaldragonette · 2 years
Blog Tour and Arc Review: The Buried and the Bound by Rochelle Hassan
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Welcome to my stop on the Buried and the Bound book tour with Colored Pages Blog Tours. (This blog tour is also posted on my Wordpress book blog Whimsical Dragonette.)
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Tour Schedule
Book Info:
TITLE: The Buried and the Bound AUTHOR: Rochelle HassanPUBLISHER: Roaring Press Books RELEASE DATE: January 24, 2023 GENRES: YA Fantasy PAGES: 384 REPRESENTATION: BIPOC, Queer
Click "read more" for buy links, synopsis, author info, my review, and favorite quotes.
Book Depository
Barnes & Noble
As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts—an uncommonly magical place—Aziza El-Amin has bargained with wood nymphs, rescued palm-sized fairies from house cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from the local park. But when a dark entity awakens in the forest outside of town, eroding the invisible boundary between the human world and fairyland, run-of-the-mill fae mischief turns into outright aggression, and the danger—to herself and others—becomes too great for her to handle alone.
Leo Merritt is no stranger to magical catastrophes. On his sixteenth birthday, a dormant curse kicked in and ripped away all his memories of his true love. A miserable year has passed since then. He's road-tripped up and down the East Coast looking for a way to get his memories back and hit one dead end after another. He doesn't even know his true love's name, but he feels the absence in his life, and it's haunting.
Desperate for answers, he makes a pact with Aziza: he’ll provide much-needed backup on her nightly patrols, and in exchange, she’ll help him break the curse.
When the creature in the woods sets its sights on them, their survival depends on the aid of a mysterious young necromancer they’re not certain they can trust. But they’ll have to work together to eradicate the new threat and take back their hometown… even if it forces them to uncover deeply buried secrets and make devastating sacrifices.
Author Bio:
Rochelle Hassan grew up reading about dragons, quests, and unlikely heroes; now she writes about them, too. She is the author of the middle-grade novel The Prince of Nowhere and young adult fantasy novel, The Buried and the Bound. She lives in New York
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My Rating: ★★★★★
My Review:
This was phenomenal! It was just the right amount of dark for me - full of creeping dread and a constant level of darkness that you don't usually find in fantasy books. Like a Sabriel level of darkness. There were plot twists upon plot twists, and always revealed at the exact right time to make an impact and change the direction of the plot. And while the groundwork was carefully laid, several of them took me by surprise.
I never felt like the plot was forced into the 'standard' YA formula. I was dreading a typical love triangle and am so relieved that this is not that at all. In fact I love this, the bonds between each of the characters, the secrets and the trust. I have become used to checking the percentage on my kindle as a way to gauge what will happen next - but that didn't work here. The story shifted and changed and breathlessly barreled towards the end without ever letting up or falling into the standard back and forth I am used to. I loved it and I couldn't tear myself away.
I LOVED the characters. Aziza is practical and competent and I loved seeing her grow as a hedgewitch. Leo was warm and caring and it hurt to see the effects of the curse on him. Tristan was desperate and in a lot of pain and I really felt for him. I loved how their lives slowly twined together as the story progressed, and how three seeming strangers became inseperable and bound together. I can't wait to see where the next installment takes them.
I love how the story explored the boundaries and margins of things. The way Leo fought constantly against the edges of his curse. The practicalities and difficulties of Tristan being homeless. The way Aziza spent her time protecting the boundary between Blackthorn and Elfhame. The way the hag pushed up against both of those and was neither. The boundaries between love and friendship and trust and curses and lies.
The darkness was all-encompassing and weighed on everything, but there was just enough light to counter it that it never felt too oppressive or too much.
The writing was gorgeous. It was absolutely perfect for the story, and there were phrases that really stood out to me and stuck with me because of how beautiful they were. Darkly beautiful, but beautiful all the same.
I am SO glad it's going to have a sequel(s) because I don't want to leave this world or these characters and there is so much more to be discovered.
I would recommend this to people who enjoyed Garth Nix's Old Kingdom books (Sabriel), Libba Bray's Great and Terrible Beauty trilogy, Holly Black's Cruel Prince trilogy and Darkest Part of the Forest, Margaret Rogerson's Vespertine, Lynn Flewelling's Nightrunner series, and maybe also Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series. Stories of magic and darkness and terrifying, creeping evil and traditional fae and characters who are determined and hold just enough light to counter the darkness of their worlds.
*Thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan Children's and Colored Pages Blog Tours for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
Even on four legs, it was taller than either of them and broader than the two of them combined: a wolf blacker than black, as dark as the space between the end of a dream and the moment of waking.
Her roots weren’t there; they were here in Blackthorn, not only because she’d been born here, not only because her parents had chosen it, but because it had chosen her. And Aziza chose it back. That was how you made a place your home: You put work into it. You carved out a role for yourself. You made yourself belong even if you weren’t sure you did.
If they could’ve cut him up into pieces and kept only the parts they found acceptable, they would’ve done it in a heartbeat. No, they hadn’t loved him. They hadn’t even liked him.
Leo’s car was a bucket of rust held together with duct tape and hope. It whined, it groaned, it sputtered threateningly anytime Leo turned left — but as Leo put what must have been all his weight on the pedal and the car lurched into motion, it was a chariot of the fucking gods.
She sounded calm, and she felt it, too, the cool practicality that came of being in a situation that was so completely fucked that your mind tricked itself into not being afraid — like cold that was so cold it burned. Fear that ran so deep it became bravery.
Overhead, the forest canopy dropped off suddenly, and the night sky gaped down like an audience, silent and breathless.
He knew better than most people that Blackthorn was ugly and dangerous sometimes, and its magic was ugly and dangerous sometimes, but the ugly parts of Blackthorn had a right to exist too.
Dawn broke sluggishly, with a first sliver of sun like the horizon cracking open an orange eye.
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peculiarwem · 3 years
All the graphic novels I read while I was gone...
I forgot to put the intro to this post. Whoops. These are all the graphic novels I read between May and December I think. Including content warnings.
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Ngygen
This was a beautiful story. The art is fantastic, the way the colors emphasized the story. I read this a really long time ago and it still is just so beautiful and I definitely cried. The myths woven throughout the story is so nice. I'm crying right now and I don't remember that much about it. 50/5 stars
CW: Cannibalism (told in fairy tale), death, religious figure brought in to discourage LGBT youth, shame over sexual identity
Nubia: Real One by LL McKinney and Robyn Smith
PI do not like the DC Graphic Novel line. I think realistically they will be more detrimental than not, but Nubia was a really good introduction. After its release, DC did retcon Nubia's origin, but I loved this story all the same. I think it was cute and I couldn't ask for more. 5/5
CW: police brutality, racism, sexual harassment and gun violence
Poison Ivy: Thorns by Kody Keplinger and Sara Kiplin
This is the book that really started turning me against DC Graphic Novels. While the story isn't the worst, Pamela is treated weirdly by the story. Usually she becomes Poison Ivy in a lab, but here her father creates Poison Ivy. In the end there's no real resolution and also the romance only exists for this book. Pamela, to me, isn't represented in Poison Ivy: Thorns, which is a fault I find with most of DC's Graphic Novels. I wish they were true to the character. I gave it 4/5 originally but honestly I would give it a 3/5 now.
CW: bullying, sexual assault/harassment, abuse,
Fangs by Sarah Andersen
This was so cute. It's just a bunch of illustrations of a vampire and her werewolf boyfriend. It's so simple but so nice. 5/5
CW: blood, murder
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Louise Simonson and Leigh Bardugo
This is my least favorite of the DC graphic novels. It's based off of the book by the same name which I will probably never read because I did not like this graphic novel that much. The original story came out a year after Diana was stated to be canonically bi, but this story goes out of its way to avoid naming Diana as bi but names everyone else queer. The romance is dumb, it didn't have to be there, it would have been fine if the betrayal just came from a friend but also in general, the story is impossible in any of Diana's main continuities. If you think you're getting a good jumping on point from this story, you're wrong. Also the best character in this book, Alia, will probably never see a comic and that's sad. She's great. If you wanted to read this book, do it for her. I gave it a 3/5 stars.
CW: betrayal, bombing, death, plane crash, possession, shipwreck, shootings, and sickness.
House of El: The Shadow Threat by Claudia Gray and Eric Zawadski
I think the best DC Graphic Novels are about characters you don't know, but also you won't know. The Shadow Threat follows two krytonian citizens who are working against Krypton because Krypton sucks. You'll probably never see these characters in the comics and that's a saving grace. You meet Superman's parents but they aren't front and center enough to ruin the story. It was just a fun time with no rage. 5/5
No CWs
Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale by Lauren Myracle and Issac Goodhart
Again, when you know these characters, these graphic novels suck. This one was represented Selina and Bruce fairly well but the way the story was built around them wasn't good. Selina starts calling herself Catgirl, not as a secret identity, but as her name and it's very cringy, but in general the story feels unfinished. There are a lot of loose threads that just don't go anywhere or where they do go is another new beginning instead of an ending. It's just disappointing. 3/5
CW: child abuse, homelessness, animal abuse, cutting, homophobia, suicidal ideation, and violence. Also, there's a little vague cult stuff.
Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall and Lisa Sterle
I really liked Squad. It was a little too short for me. I definitely could've read more but just in regards to the main couple. I think overall the plot was really well paced. It was a fun read. I gave it 5/5.
CWs: murder, eating disorders, general gore, cannibalism, sexual assault, alcohol, racism, sexism, fatphobia, homophobia, toxic friendships, toxic relationships, vomit
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sunshinekarenstarr · 3 years
I am writing a OC who is connected with superman and the history of krypton, because I have read house of el graphic novel and my mind has been working ever since with this OC.
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2021ya · 4 years
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by Claudia Gray & Eric Zawadzki (Illustrator)
(DC Comics, 1/5/21)
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Zahn is one of Krypton's elites: wealthy, privileged, a future leader. Sera is one of Krypton's soldiers: strong, dedicated, fearless. Their rule - bound society has ordained that their paths should never cross. But groundquakes are shaking the planet's surface. Rebellious uprisings are shaking the populace. Krypton's top scientists — Jor-El and Lara — conduct a secret experiment that is meant to reform their planet from the cellular level up. Zahn and Sera must join forces to investigate the hidden dangers truly threatening Krypton. In the process, they form a bond that will endure past the end of the world.
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geekcavepodcast · 4 years
DC Comics Announces “House of El” YA Graphic Novel Trilogy
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DC Comics has announced a new young adult graphic novel trilogy titled House of El from writer Claudia Gray and illustrator Eric Zawadzki. Gray and Zawadzki are joined by colorist Dee Cunniffe and letterer Deron Bennett.
House of El follows two teenagers, Zahn and Sera, who, though very different, come together to investigate the dangers threatening their planet Krypton. Zahn is an elite Kryptonian with wealth, privilege, and in line to be a future leader while Sera is one of Krypton’s soldiers with the strength, dedication, and fearlessness that being a soldier of Krypton entails. The rules of Kryptonian society decree that the two teens should never meet. However, with groundquakes shaking the planet, rebellions among the people, and two top scientist, Jor-El and Lara, conducting secret experiments to reform the planet, Zahn and Sera join forces to investigate what is happening to their planet.
House of El Book One: Shadow Threat goes on sale on January 5, 2021.
(Image via DC Comics - Cover of House of El Book One: The Shadow Threat)
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thecomicon · 4 years
Review: 'House Of El: Book One' Presents A New & Welcome Take On The End Of Krypton
Review: ‘House Of El: Book One’ Presents A New & Welcome Take On The End Of Krypton
We all know the story of the last days of Krypton. A scientist, Jor-El, and his wife, Lara see how the planet is about to destroy itself and plead with the government to do something about it. No one listens so they send their infant son off into space as the planet explodes, destroying most of their race in moments. That’s not the full story though. House of El takes us back a bit, showing…
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