#housamo fanfic
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marreddream · 30 days ago
Housamo Short Fic - Character Goods
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-- “Man, it’s already dark out. Wintertime’s rough.”
It was time for Cafe Asterism to close for the day. Hermes was helping Shinya clean up the store.
 Shinya. Your pins.”
Hermes pointed at the two can badges Shinya always kept fastened to his work apron. Shinya angled his apron upwards for inspection. The pins looked the same as they always did.
“Yes? What about them?”
“They’re of
Taromaiti and Kalki, right?”
“Mmhm. There was this pop up shop in Akihabara that would draw whatever you asked for and make them into custom buttons, right then and there. So that’s where I got them from. I just thought that if I had them, since Kalki and Taromaiti work at the cafe here with me, people would more easily be able to recognize them. Cuz’ you know, we don’t have a uniform code or anything.”
“What were you doing in Akihabara?”
“There was this collab cafe doing an event with this show my friend Sitri really liked. He invited me since I’d never been to one before, and the stall happened to be nearby. It was a fun day. Have you been to a collab cafe before, Hermes?”
“Nope. Not really into any shows or anything like that.”
the stall isn’t there anymore, so I can’t get a button of you by the same maker. But I could try making it myself for me to wear for when you’re working here, if you wanted?”
“Nope. No thanks, I’m good. Just curious about the pins was all.” --
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-- "Hey, Catoblepas."
The youth with an azure pentagram on the back of their hand pointed at the assorted can badges, pins, and keychains festooning Catoblepas' backpack.
"What show are these characters from?"
"I actually don't know. I got them around the time I was summoned to Tokyo. This weird kid and his twin had laid a blanket out at the park and was selling them on the cheap.
The awake one - oh, the other one was asleep - said they were all handmade by him, which is super hard to believe, right? The quality of the stuff's through the roof. But considering the level of skill other hobbyists are operating at nowadays, maybe he was just some sort of prodigy crafter then?
I did ask where the characters were from, and then he laughed a bunch and said a bunch of stuff I didn't really get. I didn't feel like asking any further would get me anywhere so I just bought some pieces that I liked, thinking I'd look up where they came from when I got home. But nothing ever came up no matter how hard I looked. So maybe they're OCs."
"Whoah, what a story. You know, I swear I've seen some of these designs around, from somewhere once before
" --
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-- "Toji, look! Doesn’t that mask look like Tezcatlipoca?”
Ryota pointed at a row of plastic children's masks lining the wall of a festival stall. 
“Huh. You’re correct. It really does.”
“Wow, a lot of these look like people we know. That one looks like Licho, and that one looks like Cait Sith, and
 that one sorta looks like Furufumi. Wow, what are the odds?”
“... you’re not going to point out the ones that look like you?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Those ones. They look just like you.”
“Huh?! Not even! That’s just some
 random fat cartoon guy!”
“Do you need to get your eyes checked out? It’s the spitting image. I’m not making fun of you.”
“Geez, you’re just trying to get back at me for last year when I said that one mask looked exactly like you! Because it did! Hogen said so too!"
"Just because there were shared traits in common does not mean it 'looked exactly like me'. Short hair is not an uncommon hairstyle anywhere, in the land of the living and land of the... 2D plane, and I'm not the only one in the world with horns like these either."
“So you do agree that it looked like you.”
“It did n- sigh
 whatever you say, Yakushimaru. Why don’t you ask for another person’s opinion on whether the mask resembles you or not? I’m sure you’ll find that they’ll agree with me that it does- well, what good timing. Licho, help us settle a debate.”
“Huh? What’s up, Sakimori?”
“Licho, does that mask look like me?”
“Wow, it looks exactly like you, Ryota.”
“You see?”
“No way! Nuh-uh!”
“Geez, what a bunch of kids. Hey, that one looks like Cait Sith, and that one looks like Tezcatlipoca.”
“And that one looks like Furufumi, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, it really does.”
“... and what do you think about that mask?”
“That one looks like you, Licho!”
“Huh?! Not even! That’s just some
 random cartoon lion guy!” --
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andre8398 · 1 year ago
Like Lightning
-Yoyogi Academy
"Hey Ryugo, the coach wanted to let you know that Mineaki gave the all clear for you to help with the Wrestling and the American Football clubs again?"
"What about the Boxing Club?"
Ryugo and his classmate continue their conversation as they walk down the hallway. From afar Buffalo Transient stares at the two and begins to approach at full speed.
The buffalo is named Wakan Tanka, a Transient from the Land of the Great Spirits. He is a warm and joyful person who shows love to all equally and is very popular amongst his peers. Yet
"HELLO MY RYUGO!" Wakan greets as he rams Ryugo with a hug. Ryugo reels from the pain of the impact as the classmate looks in disbelief.

. He has no sense of personal space or common sense in general. This tends to cause some issues for the American Football Team Captain, especially with the cold and stone faced Ryugo.
"Wakan." Ryugo says even more coldly than normal.
"Y-yes My Ryugo, you look quite handsome today. D-did you always have horns or scales, they look g-great, you kinda look like an oni." Wakan says with a nervous smile.
"What have I told you?"
“Faltering will get me nowhere”
“Oh good so you do remember.” Ryugo's right arm glows lightly as he emits a dark yet strong aura causing Wakan to start sweating nervously.
A couple minutes pass as Ryugo and his classmate have returned to talk.
"I see. Thank you for informing me." Ryugo says and bows. "And apologizes for what you just saw."
"It's ok, oh one last thing from all the coaches “Stop risking yourself, you reckless idiot”. Ryugo looks a bit sad but not enougn to change his expression.
“Anyways see you at practice and you too Captain." The classmate waves goodbye and sprints to his next class.
Ryugo then turns to a kneeling Wakan nursing a large bump on his head.
"So what did you need Captain Tanka?" Ryugo asks while cracking his knuckles.
"Yea! Coach wanted you to help check who needs to improve their tackles. So we need you at our next practice, My Ryugo."
"So, what my classmate just finished telling me just now. (Who the hell does this coach think I am God?!)"
Ryugo's glasses crack at Wakan's response as he begins to give a gentle smile causing chills to run down Wakan's back.
"Alright I'll be there. (WHY DID I SAY YES?!) Thank you for trying to inform me." Ryugo clenches his fists as he starts to walk away as Wakan gets up.
Wakan tries to say something, but Ryugo cuts him off as he only slightly turns his head so that Wakan hears what he says.
"You should start heading to your next class, it's your favorite, isn't it? You wouldn't want to be late." Wakan was taken by surprise by Ryugo's comment.
(How did My Ryugo know that was my favorite class?) Wakan thinks shocked as the two 3rd year students share an awkward silence as Ryugo starts to walk away.
Wakan tries to find the words to respond to Ryugo and tries to call for Ryugo once more, to see if he wants to join him after class but before he could utter a word Ryugo was gone.
Sadly, this has become a cycle for both of these students. Wakan tries to understand Ryugo. Ryugo, finding out how Wakan acts, actively ignores Wakan when he gives his love.
This bothers Wakan as he doesn't understand why his love can't reach his fellow 3rd year and why said 3rd year acts so coldly towards him. It bothers him yet he can't help the sense of familiarity, Deja vu he once heard a classmate say, like this has happened before.
Later That Day-
Wakan ran out of the school in full force as he sprinted to catch up to his friends. As he reaches the front doors of the academy, he sees Kyuma and Daisuke chatting while they wait for their Buffalo companion.
"Hello My Daisuke, My Kyuma hope you haven't been waiting long." Wakan says as he reaches the two.
"No, we just got here a couple minutes ago, Senpai." Kyuma responds.
"Good, then let us be off." Wakan exclaims.
"Aren't you forgetting someone Wakan? Someone who's name starts with an R." Daisuke says as Wakan stops in his tracks.
"H-he." Wakan tries to come up with an excuse, but Daisuke sighs and cuts him off, then hands some money over to Kyuma.
“Man, I can't believe I lost. I was sure that out of us 3rd year students Wakan would be able to get that guy to open up.” Daisuke says defeated.
“Yea it's a bit odd that Wakan-senpai wasn't able to befriend Ryugo-Senpai yet. They seem a bit similar, well similar enough to get along; they're both beloved by the 2nd and 1st year students after all. Though he has a stone-cold expression on his face he tends to show nothing but kindness and understanding to everyone, even going as far as to risk his own wellbeing to make sure his underclassmen are safe.” Kyuma says as Wakan starts to look a bit gloomy.
(Why couldn't I get close to That guy? I gave him all my love and affection but it–) Wakan's gloomy thoughts were interrupted as Wakan felt an arm on his shoulder. He turns to see Daisuke smiling at him.
“Stop looking so down, some people just aren't that easy to befriend, I'm sure youll be friends eventually. NOW LET'S HEAD OUT!” Daisuke exclaims as he tries to cheer up his friend.
“YEA!” Both Kyuma and Wakan agree as the three start to head to Kabukicho.

.” Someone sees the 3 students head out as they begin to follow the group.
Kabukicho sometime later-
Daisuke's group reached Kabukicho without much issue having reached a shady looking Cafe.
“Daisuke-senpai is this the right spot? It looks a bit shady.” Kyuma says as he looks at the flier then at the building.
“Yea Tatsuya told me about it. He said a guy called Tetsuya took him here and that it looked shady but the food was amazing.”
“Come now My Kyuma. Have more trust in My Tatsuya and My Daisuke. Now let's go in-”
“OI DIDN'T YOU PUNKS READ THE SIGN OUTSIDE! NO ONE FROM OUTSIDE KABUKICHO IS ALLOWED TO DINE!” A strong looking man from the otherside of the counter yells.
“Oh Sorry Sir. It's just a buddy of ours called Tatsuya who told us about this place and said he'd vouch for us.” Daisuke says quickly trying to defuse the situation.
“Hmhp that twerp I told him to spread the word around town when he hangs out with Tetsuya not to tell his buddies. Regardless unless he is with or you have someone with you to vouch you cant-”
“GOD DAMIT OLD MAN! Yawn Why are you being so loud? Do you finally have customers?” A familiar large Transient wearing a tattered school uniform and his face covered by a bandana and a pair of sunglasses only exposing his tiny horns at the top of his forehead, emerges from the kitchen interrupting the man.
“Ah good Dracos you're awake, help me kick these punks out. There are outsiders to Kabukicho and don't have someone to vouch for them.” The man points at Daisuke’s group.
“Hey Senpai maybe we should go-” Kyuma tries to say but before he could finish Dracos was in front of him.
“No, you 3 are alright.”Dracos says as he ruffles Kyuma's hair like a parent to a child.
“It's alright I'll vouch for these 3. Hell I'll even serve them myself so stop making such a fuss.” Dracos tells the man who is now both infuriated and confused.
“FINE! But don't overdo it. I got money riding on tonight's match.”
“Well do. Now you 3 go sit down. I'll get your orders in a minute.
The 3 students do as there told, while Dracos heads back to the kitchen to warm the stoves.
“Hey My Daisuke, is it me or does My Dracos look like My Ryugo and My Summoner.” Wakan says as the trio look through the menu.
“Yea they do look similar but it's kinda rude to compare. Plus we don't know much about either one's past.” Daisuke says, wondering why he doesn't know much about Ryugo. “All we have are rumors about our classmat-”
“Actually My Daisuke, I've learned quite a bit about him.”
“I learned quite a bit about him from Tatsuya and Dr. Mineaki too Senpai.”
“W-what? I'm the only one in the dark?!” Daisuke yells as he feels defeated.
“WOW you 3 are loud.” Dracos says, scaring the trio. “Sorry for scaring ya, are you ready to order.
After a brief moment to regain their composure the 3 order.
“Alright I'll get those out as fast as I can.”
“Thank you.” Daisuke says.
“Hey Mr. Dracos, can I ask you something?” Kyuma asks as Dracos starts to walk away.
“Sure, I don't mind.”
“Why did you vouch for us?”
“Well, it's cus-”
Before Dracos could answer, the door to the Cafe opens and 2 policeman men walk in. As Dracos looks at them, he visibly tenses up.
“YO OLD MAN! YOU GOT CUSTOMERS.” The strong man emerges from the back of the Cafe with a tray of tea and welcomes the officers while serving them tea.
“Master Hogen Officer Tajikarao, please take a seat. I'll be with you in a bit. Yo twerp finish up with those punks and take the nice officer's orders will ya.” The old man says as Tajikarao and Dracos lock eyes. Dracos expression darkens as he begins to respond in a deeper and colder voice.
“Ya, no. You're fully capable of handling 2 officers. You won't get any help from me.” The man grew furious but knew he couldn't do much to convince Dracos to do as he was told.
. huffs FINE BUT YOU'RE STILL DOING THE COOKING!” The man says before beginning to take the officers orders. As Dracos sighs and looks back to the table where the Yoyogi trio sit and looks at Kyuma with a friendly expression.
“Sorry for him anyways, to answer your question a buddy asked that if I saw anyone from Yoyogi I'd help them out, so it's just a favor.” Dracos then walk back to the kitchen.
After an awkward silence the 3 students resume their previous conversation.
“So Kyuma, Wakan, what do you 2 know about Ryugo.” Daisuke asks his schoolmates, this question piques the officers interest as well.
“Well I'm not sure I should be talking about this without Ryugo-Senpai's permission, but from what he told me he has some sort of memory loss due to his summoning, but from what he can remember he came from a Tokyo like ours but different.” This causes the policeman and students to pay close attention as Dracos continues to prepare the orders.
“In his world there were no transients, no gates and the day that a gate did open his Tokyo was destroyed and that the last thing he remembers before waking up in a place where giants live or so he called it was that his younger sibling jumped into the gate to escape and that he heard there voice right before being summoned in the Yoyogi Academy sports field.” Kyuma looks down.
“I wonder if it hurts him connecting to others.” Dracos stops and was about to answer Kyuma's curiosity, yet before he could, Daisuke intersects.
“I see so that's why he seems so distant, he has been through a lot. Hmm
 What do you know, Wakan?”
“Hmmm from what I've seen from following Ryugo from the shadows-” Dracos flinches and tries not puck realizing that the stalker he was trying to off was Wakan while Hogan chokes on his tea as they hear this as the other students look at Wakan in shock.
“Wakan-senpai, that's called stalking. You should be doing that!”
“Yea Kyuma is right but please continue.” Kyuma is conflicted by Daisuke's statement but stays silent yet looks a bit disgusted on the inside.
“Well My Ryugo always stays in top physical condition by training in the mountains with the largest and heaviest objects as weights. My Ryugo also can use the summons app despite being a Transient, and can still see app battles happening.”
“Wakan just called Ryugo “he” please for our sake.”
“Ok My Daisuke! He doesn't need to be at the academy at all since he has already finished the work for all his classes. All the teachers were amazed that he finished it all in 3 days. He has been hanging around Kabukicho trying to earn money and to get his watch fixed by the Crafters of Kamata. He avoids the police out of what appears to be fear constantly as well as My Summoner.” The officers frown at the mention of his avoidance of them almost feeling a bit ashamed.
“Yet he helps anyone in need even if it gets him in trouble or hurt. He smiles when others cry. He becomes serious when others are happy, he cries- 

” Wakan starts to look gloomy as tries to muster the words to say almost as what he wants to say brings him pain.
“He reminds me of someone I knew long ago but unlike that person My Ryugo does it for different reasons. He smiles his defiant smile to restore the hope of those who have lost theirs. He keeps focus and keeps recognizing the true gravity of a situation where others might not. He would give himself away bit by bit in order to save those he can

 kinda like me.” Wakan smiles slightly as he starts to feel something warm in his chest as he describes Ryugo.
Meanwhile Hogan tries to hold back the tears of pride caused by Wakan's description of Ryugo, Dracos is quivering trying to hold back tears as he brings everyone their food and Tajikarao's curiosity about the dragonborn transient only grows.
“OH RIGHT FOODS READY!” Dracos says as he serves the students and officers the meals.
“Hope you all enjoy the food.” Dracos says as everyone's mouths began to water. In unison everyone exclaimed.
The rest of the day was uneventful for the students as they continue the chat over there meal.
Later That Day Ryugo smiles genuinely for the first time since arriving in this Tokyo as he remembers the words said by his friends as crowds cheer in the background.
Then a DING as Ryugo looks at his phone
Tetsuya: You owe me for keeping those 3 safe
Ryugo: yea yea what do you want a kiss on the cheek 🙄
Tetsuya: I want a quickie
Ryugo: You couldn't afford a fcking quickie from me even if i did agree, try something else
Tetsuya: Fine assholeđŸ˜€ I need you to tutor the king of night for a an exam he has coming up
Tetsuya: Come to the arc tomorrow I'll wait for you around 18:00
Ryugo: 👍
He smirks as puts on a bandana over his face as he begins to head to the ring. As he gets into the arena the announcer calls out.
A couple days later, After School-
Ryugo is on his knees with a black eye on his face and many bruises.
The American football coach yells and rants at him for not being careful again, while Wakan is forced to watch from the side, a bit worried.
“My Coach, I think he has had enough plus we still need to do our practice match drills and get ready for our game tomorrow.” The coach wants to protest but he knows that the captain of his team is right.
“Fine, Everyone Get in Your Positions!”
Whistle sounds
Every member of the team did as they were told as they began their schermege. Both sides ran different placements and plays constantly as the sky started to get cloudy. The Buffalo and Dragon tackled each other ruthlessly, yet they both smirked as they gave it their all, not holding back an inch.
Suddenly as the schermage was coming to an end.
Lightning strikes the ground close to the field causing the ground to rumble.
Announcing the arrival of a thunderstorm at the field ending club practice. This storm felt off but there was no time to question it as both Ryugo and Wakan tried to get his clubmates to safety.
A lightning bolt strikes in front of a club mate causing him to pass out.
Ryugo runs into the field, trying to redirect the strikes.
The lightning strikes down on Ryugo.
The team that is still on the field try to help him but he roars out.
The team nods at Ryugos declaration and rushes those that they can to safety.
The team watches in shock as Ryugo tanks every bolt that strikes him, marks appearing on his arm glowing brighter with every strike. Some of the other 3rd year students try running back to help Ryugo, yet with a thundering voice Ryugo declares.
"STAY BACK! GET OFF THE FIELD NOW AND STAY OFF!" With this shout the team stops their advance back onto the field. Finally after what felt like an eternity to the team, everyone is off the field and out of harm's way. Wakan is frozen as Ryugo is struck time after time by lightning. Each strike causes him to recoil slightly as it reminds him of how he struck down the exile of his world
Wakan started to break down at the sight. A voice booms.
.. CAN YOU TAKE ME TO THE INFIRMARY AFTER?” Ryugo shouts, snapping Wakan out of his downward spiral.
“Hear my plea and lend me your strength
. If you accept my cry then shine!” As Ryugo finishes talking a belt made of yellow light surrounds his waist and the lightning starts to become focus in Ryugo’s fist. As a final lightning bolt begins to descend, Ryugo cries out as he throws his fist in an uppercut motion.
In a flash the lightning is shot to the ground, the back upwards colliding with the other bolt creating a gigantic shockwave in the sky dissipating the clouds that concealed the sunsetting sky.
Turning back to the remaining members of the team that decided to watch the entire affair giving them a thumbs up as an all clear followed by Ryugo begins to puff out steam from his mouth as he collapses.
(Huh, was someone calling me? It's almost like back then.)
In the darkness of his unconscious mind suddenly appears a flash as a memory plays.
A familiar muscular young man comes up to Ryugo, Ryugo can't remember his face, only the smile of joy and pride that he had.
“Onii-San! I did it! I got the spot of Captain of the football team. Coach even said that if I keep working hard I could even go pro in the NFL in America.” Ryugo ruffles his younger brothers hair with a genuine smile.
“Great Work Bro! Maybe one day I'll see you on the TV at home! So tell then you keep up the great work as Captain and I'll make sure to keep the streets clean as a police Captain. You got that!”
“Yea! Just like Onii-san said!” The 4 other high school students catch both captains off guard and proceed to hug them both. The captains look at there 4 siblings and then to each other and smile.
The memory begins to fade as Ryugo starts to open his eyes.
Later in the infirmary-
Ryugo wakes up looking around with his eyes, and suddenly he feels .
Ryugo looks down to see Wakan by his side. Ryugo brings the sleeping Wakan closer into a hug.
“Thanks Wakan.”Ryugo says as he starts to feel the sharp side of a scalpel against his throat.
“My My looks like our little hero has gotten in trouble again. Maybe since you have so little regard for your own life I should just end you myself?” Ryugo looks up in terror as he sees Mineaki giving him a murderous smile.
“However on the other hand your quick thinking did help most of the students get to safety with no major injuries. Those that did get struck are in no danger thanks to them being able to be given attention fast enough. So Thank You for that.” Mineaki takes the scalpel away from Ryugo's neck.
“You got lucky Ryugo, you were only severely dehydrated, it could have been much worse. You should be fine by tomorrow, you're gonna be really sore though. Here eat some of this too.” Mineaki gives a cup of watermelon pieces to Ryugo. “Eat that and get some rest.”
Mineaki walks away as Ryugo eats. After a while Ryugo returns to sleep now holding Wakan close in a cuddle

Tatsuya (mentioned) belongs to my friend @shinjukuspiritcommittee go check out his work ^_^
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shinjukuspiritcommittee · 2 years ago
Hildisvini Special Quest
I really wanted to write out something of one of my OCs with the Summosnap, and I figured why not the one with no context? The context for the set up is entirely up to your own imagination! A Valentine's date? A birthday? Just a spur of the moment decision? Entirely up for you to decide!
As usual the artist that did the sprite work is 55mango on Twitter!
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littlest-salomon · 2 months ago
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you won't believe it! local asexual creates pon farr
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But seriously, now we know interspecies reproduction is possible in at least one way. He says "mixed breeds," I hear "robot-dragon hybrids."
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horologiummythosarchive · 10 months ago
The Night Devouring His Love
Your skin as black as coal
Your eyes green as emerald
Your well-endowed bosom that gives me solace
Tanngrisnir, Do you think of me?
Would you bleed for me?
Would you sacrifice yourself for me and me alone?
Are you going to leave me because i have nothing to give.
If you leave I would have already lost my reason to live.
So let yourself go in my embrace, so i don't have to see the on your face.
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varikvamp · 2 years ago
Who in the TaS Fandom would be interested in a kind of fanfic with my OC (basically just a Chubby Fem version of the MC lmao) going through the main plotline of the story but also filling in the time gaps with the events and some original scenes?? Just wondering
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vhb3artstuffs · 1 year ago
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I put my Marchosias AU fanfic on AO3
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werehoggin · 3 months ago
I have a question/critique about a Housamo crossover fanfic I’m working on

Basically, it involves Curren (who in this universe is a pretty nice person, having been plucked to an alternate dimension before everything truly went haywire) revealing that Mononobe was a GM in front of the main protagonist and her teammates (who was also taken before everything went haywire, too) due to the fact that she’s sick of eating Mononobe’s favorite cake for his birthday.
When Mononobe miraculously appears, he’s confronted about it, and after (attempting to) lie (and failing miserably) everyone leaves him alone in disgust (due to the protagonist becoming a lot more assertive thanks to his friends.)
When a therapist comes to hear his side of the story, Mononobe lashes out at her, causing her to awaken powers she never knew she had (which just so happen to be Azathoth’s) which end up turning him into a monster.
The therapist, feeling remorseful, decides to try and fix things. She works tirelessly for months (due to being a spirit) to see if she can reverse the curse. However, one of Mononobe’s friends (Dagon, who had a crush on him,) finds his cursed friend, and ends up cursed himself, leading everyone to find out the secret.
Does this need to be worked on?
The only answer I have is instead of it being Azathoth’s power it should be Cthulhu’s. Since Cthulhu a deity nobody within MC nobody knew about until recently. And since Dagon has a connection with them specifically it might help develop your fanfic
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tokyoafterschoolsimps · 2 years ago
Life Update <3
It's quite long under here, so please be prepared ;)
Some updates of my life, for those who are interested :)
I was sent to the ER a few days ago due to unusual nose bleeds 0.o
I Got accepted into Chico! :)))
For game development!!! :DDDDD
Regarding the fan games I've developed/developing...
As of 3/30/23, this is the status of the following games.
Tokyo After School Special - [PAUSED]
I'm very sorry to say that this project is still in development. I have yet to improve my drawing skills that I believe would fit this game. Since I am going to school for game development, this will help me craft this project into something I can proudly present to all of you! Thank you for your patience!
This game was honestly rushed, and I can do better. While I have utilized some of my skills to create some of the assets, this game is still rough around the edges (not to mention the frame rate, yikes...)
Since it was a small project, improving it will be on the lower list of priority.
Shiro and the Missing Pages - [IN DEVELOPMENT]
The title is a wip.
I got another idea for a fan game :')
I won't reveal much about it until I am ready to release it as a demo
so who knows how long that will take :/
All I will reveal is that it stars our beloved self-cock-blocking nerd, Shiro Motoori looking for his missing pages while chatting it up with the other eldritch classmates.
In case you followed my twitter, this game was in development before any of the other fangames. Bullet Hells are pretty hard to develop, and I honestly didn't have any idea for the story at the time. While stirring my creative juices, I have eventually came up with a few ideas that will help me get this game flowing. As stated before, I will refrain from revealing anything from this game until I am able to release a demo first. All I will say is that it takes place during "Ueno's Fluffy Dream Kingdom".
I use fanfic submissions to help me with my creative writting. I feel I get better with every fanfic posted, but I would love to hear feedback! Currently, I accept any type of fanfic requests, i.e. Character x reader, character x character, scenarios, etc.
Due to my inexperience with writing fanfics, I've decided to implement a type of "Story Length" upon requests. Basically, when asking for a fanfic of anything, I will ask a Length:
SCENARIO - Bullet points describing the event. Great if you let your imagination do the work!
🩬Wakan likes the smell of flowers during spring
🩬He'll take you on dates on the cafe
🩬He'll order the strawberry parfait and let you try some.
DRABBLE - 100 words or less. Great for on the go reading!
FLASH FIC - 500 words or less. Good for a tiny story!
FICLET - 1000 words or less. Great If you got time to read!
FANFIC - About 5000ish. Wonderful if you want to kill some time!
I will try to strive for the agreed story length. Additionally, if you request to be anonymous, I will respect your wishes and not mention you.
Here are the status of the current fics:
MC2 [FEMC] X Tsathoggua - [IN PROGRESS]
Requested by @veryturtlecol. A continuation of Tsathoggua's date quest. NSFW
Requested by @veryturtlecol. A tender moment with our favorite tanuki. NSFW
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marreddream · 8 months ago
Housamo Fic - Two Dog Warriors Walk Into A Cafe
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Ding-a ling~
Shinya Tennoji is picking up empty cups and plates from the tables when he sees a small pink and a large brown Therian enter his cafe. Hazelnut strawberry and matcha dark chocolate. They make a rather charming pair, he thinks.
“Oh my, Tanetomo and Yasuyori! It’s so nice to see the two of you again!”
Yasuyori beams. Tanetomo scoffs. 
“We’re just here to use the coupons you gave us. We happened to be close by, so we figured we’d scope your place out.” 
Shinya’s glad to see them, and glad they hadn’t shown up until a good amount of time after the Valentine’s Snowball Fight Shinya had met the two at had passed. Days after an absence of his at the cafe were always busier than normal, to speak nothing of a missed Valentine’s Day shift. 
“Aw, I’m happy to hear that! Yes, see what on the menu you’d like, and order at the front when you’re ready.”
“Shinya Tennoji. I hope for your sake that what you just said was a simple case of you automatically rattling off whatever generic customer greeting phrases first popped into your brain when you saw us, and not you assuming me to be so moronic I never learned how to order from a cafe.”
“Ahaha, it was most definitely a case of the former, Tanetomo.”
“Well, perhaps Yasuyori might have needed the assistance, so good on you for being such a diligent and attentive employee.”
“Counselor! You have seen me function perfectly well at the plenty of other establishments we have been to together before!”
There are some minimally subdued rumblings from the regulars about the fresh faces who have entered the cafe. 
“At least...not fawning
Shinya, but
” “Treat
 more respect
” “...think they’re 
type?” “
 are pretty cute
Tanetomo’s ears twitch at the last comment. He does a hair flip and a whimsical 360 degree twirl for the crowd as naturally as he draws breath, which is to say: effortlessly yet with intention, before returning to scanning the menu. 
Taromaiti is at the cash register. She observes this action without judgment or reaction. Hermes isn’t here today, but it’s what you could call a slow day, so Shinya doesn’t particularly mind. Kalki is busy preparing food and cleaning dishes in the back, so he does not get to witness this 10s-across-the-board maneuver.
Cafe Asterism’s patrons tend to get upset when Shinya isn’t the server or cashier, but he wishes he could be on cooking duty during cafe hours more often sometimes. Oh well. He wishes for a lot of things that can’t come true. He returns to what he was doing before hand, and Tanetomo and Yasuyori make their order.
“Iced coffee. Grande. And a bread pudding.”
“Could I have
 a venti sized matcha frappuccino? Five Monte Cristos, and two shortbreads, please.”
Yasuyori pays for them both, and they take a seat. 
“Oh, 1 hour seating?” “Well, we won’t be staying long. Anybody who could find something in here even remotely interesting enough to justify spending over an hour in this place (aside from the presence of yours truly, of course) would have to be quite the simple minded kook.”
It’s a subtle dig at Shinya, and the corners of his lips curl up a little. But, for somebody whose goal was to win over Shinya’s “adoring throng of fans to show them who was truly worthy of their love”, as Tanetomo had put it, Shinya wasn’t quite sure if
ah, what was it called? If, “negging”, was the right direction to take.
The people seated nearby Tanetomo and Yasuyori smile upside down. There are definitely some unsavory feelings to be felt in the air, but romantic rival nor direct threat to Shinya’s life/ego (it’s the same thing to them really) Tanetomo does not yet appear to be, so they keep to themselves.
Shinya drops off crockery in the sink, and Kalki has already completed the preceding order for Shinya to serve. Kalki’s insane multi-tasking skills are one thing, but that combined with his four, rugged, heat-resistant arms puts him on a whole nother level when it comes to cafe work. Shinya could sing his praises about Kalki all day long, but not out loud. Kalki would explode the world from embarrassment before any of Shinya’s fans could do it for him in a fit of an envious rage. So Shinya settles for a simple ‘thank you Kalki’ and serves Moe-chan her order, who smiles and says thanks.
When Tanetomo and Yasuyori’s orders are completed, Shinya brings their food over.
“Wow! It looks so good! Thank you, Tenn-”
“Taste test for poison.” Tanetomo spoons a scoop of pudding into Yasuyori’s mouth, and then a strawful of iced coffee. 
“Gulp. Delicious! No poisons identified, Counselor.” 
Shinya wonders if this is Tanetomo’s roundabout way of sharing his food with Yasuyori, some sort of twisted display of dominance, or if poisoning attempts really are frequent enough to be something they actually needed to watch out for. Regardless, it’s a somewhat endearing scene, in a darkly comedic sort of way. 
They are in dangerous territory too after all, Shinya acknowledges. He smiles at the two and leaves them to go attend to the other customers.
Yasuyori takes a small sip of his frappe before setting it down on a coaster. The drink is now already half empty. 
“Give me some of your drink.”
Tanetomo has already snatched it before his sentence is even finished and tries some. He drinks a quarter of it, and Yasuyori nibbles on one of his cookies before giving it to Tanetomo.
The two of them efficiently dine and chat. As Tanetomo consumes the bread pudding and his drink at a surprisingly fast yet visually refined pace, Yasuyori piles three Monte Cristos on top of one another to impressively bite down on all at once, and then hands the remaining two to Tanetomo who proceeds to do the same.  
Wow. Shinya can already feel his jaw locking from just looking at them, but it also kind of makes him want to try it out as well.
Yasuyori finishes his sandwiches and cookie first, and then stares at the one he had given to Tanetomo. Tanetomo purses his lips and tells him to go buy some more for the both of them to-go. Yasuyori complies.
To Shinya’s surprise, Tanetomo calls out to him.
“Don’t think I haven't been seeing you side-eye us the entire time, Shinya Tennoji.” 
Oopsies. Looks like Shinya Tennoji got caught. He wasn’t bombastically ‘side-eyeing’, as Tanetomo had verbally interpreted it as, but he really thought he was doing good about not being that obvious observing them. He hopes the other customers haven’t been as perceptive and paranoid today as Tanetomo is in general, but he’s been pretty good about personably interacting with everybody so he thinks it’ll be okay. 
“So was the entertainment of our dining in your establishment to your satisfaction?”
“Aha, sorry, sorry. It’s not like I wasn’t looking, but the two of you seemed like you were having a lot of fun. I always want to see my customers having a good time at Cafe Asterism.”
“Hmph. Is that so.”
Well, yes. That is so, Shinya thinks. He most certainly does not like to see people having a bad time at Cafe Asterism, when the reasoning for most everybody gathering here tending to be because of him.
 could it be that... that wasn’t the case for you two today?” 
His hands come up to his chin. It’s an endearing pose that he finds tends to quell agitated customers, but it only serves to scrunch up Tanetomo’s expression even more. Shinya holds back a smile.
“The atmosphere here is not to my standards. The interior design doesn’t help either.” 
Shinya’s proud of his quaint little cafe, but he knows it’s just that. A quaint little cafe. That also attracted a lot of
 rather strong-willed habituĂ© . So he can acquiesce to that opinion. And besides, Tanetomo was not saying Shinya’s decorating was making the atmosphere worse! He can take that part as a compliment.
Anyways, the only opinion on his cafe that truly mattered was Retail Food Health and Safety Code’s opinion, and Cafe Asterism was up to snuff.
. Tanetomo, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’d love for you and Yasuyori to come again sometime
 but if you’ve lost all interest in returning to Cafe Asterism, then I completely understand.”
He doesn’t want them to never return again. But it’s not a bad thing to let people run while they still can either.
“I’d be significantly more incentivized to return if I had some more coupons to use at a next visit. The food is up to par, I can at least say.”
“Hehee. At least that can be arranged.” He pulls some from out of his apron pocket. “Here you go, Tanetomo.” 
He smoothly plucks them from Shinya’s fingers and looks them over. 
“You just give these out to whoever asks?” “When I feel like
I have extra, I guess.”
Shinya feels a presence behind him and turns around. Oh, it’s Moko.
 sorry, cuz’ I overheard
but could
. I have a coupon, too
Moko gets the words out just audibly enough for only Shinya to hear, but Shinya knows it’s only a matter of time before people will begin to gather round, and Tanetomo seems to sense this looming phenomenon as well.
“My, one’s heart can't help but be tugged at by such pitiful displays of desperation
Yasuyori returns with a paper bag of confections in hand, and Tanetomo gets up to leave.
“I’m off.” He spins, his hair elegantly following in a curve, and heads to the exit.
“Farewell Shinya!” Yasuyori gives a friendly wave goodbye, and Shinya turns around to reciprocate.  
When he turns back to respond to Moko, and Sumael, Amon, and Rue who have also begun to crowd around Shinya, he hears the bell of the exit door ring as it is opened and Tanetomo calls out from behind.
“Customer service wasn’t bad either. Give my regards to Miss Taromaiti and the chefs.”
The door closes shut. 
“I was still right here to give regards to, you know,” Taromaiti remarks amusedly from the front register. 
Shinya proceeds in the distribution of coupons to his patrons who have circled around him.
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nemo-legrande · 1 year ago
[NEW FANFIC] chasing cars
Commemoration of Kengo Takabushi's birthday.
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shinjukuspiritcommittee · 10 months ago
Happy Pride Month 2024!
Hey everyone, happy Pride! This is a very important time of the year for a lot of us, so I figured I'd start off the celebration by writing a short story around Zabaniyya! Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56342491
Zabaniyya awaits for his partner at a nondescript corner in Tokyo, with pride festivities already underway. He stands around anxiously scanning the crowd for a familiar face. The angel isn’t used to participating in the festivities on his own volition, but with the eager approval of his companions he feels compelled to step out of his comfort zone and properly express himself. That’s easier said than done, however. He couldn’t work up the courage to go alone, so he made an ultimatum for himself. If he couldn’t convince you to go with him, then he wouldn’t go at all
 It was a simple matter in the end. All the Transient needed to do was utter the phrase “Pride Parade” and you were all over it. From then his fate was sealed.
He fidgets nervously as he waits, looking across the crowd for any signs of you as the time ticks by. Despite the skies being clear, he also double and triple checks that no turbulent weather is on its way to ruin his day. Still worried, he checks his cellphone to make sure he hasn’t missed a message from you. Still, nothing. Despite the joyful rallying and faces of the crowds, he can’t easily subside his worries. Is it really okay to express his desires? Does he even have that right?
For a long time, Zabaniyya has wondered what he should do with himself. Typically, he’s accustomed to taking orders and assuming tasks when prompted. With that rigid style of work, he’s rarely had a moment of free time to himself.. Admittedly, he becomes listless without someone else providing him a sense of direction- a sense of purpose. Things start to become complicated when he has to start choosing things for himself. Looking at everyone around him he starts wondering even if he belongs here. This isn’t exactly an environment he thrives in.
Despite Zabaniyya wearing a totally different outfit for the occasion, you can easily pick him out in the crowd and hug him from behind. He panics for a bit, seemingly about to go on the counterstrike, but you quickly quell those concerns once you finally speak up. You apologize for being late and explain to the anxious Transient that you would’ve been here sooner if it wasn’t for a sticky situation that happened during the actual marching of the Parade. “It’s alright,” he sighs as he turns to your embrace and hugs you back, “I was just worried.”
You comfort him and compliment his entire outfit- the rainbow tank top and sporty shorts really did wonders to show off his well-trained physique. “Thank you. Gabriel picked out these clothes for me from Arachne’s collection once I told her I would be coming,” Zabaniyya explains and smiles. “So
 where should we go first?” 
You tell him a flat no, which shocks him with how kurt it is. You then proceed to gingerly interlock your hand with his and explain that you’re here for him, so he should decide on what you do today. You plant a kiss on his cheek and grin earnestly, and ask where he’d like to go first. The angel hesitates, “A-Are you sure? I’d hate to uh, impose.” You encourage Zabaniyya to look around, and to look at how everyone is boldly showing off who they really are. So regardless, you think anyone and everyone here has a right no matter how outlandish they may be. That includes the Transient too, of course.
Zabaniyya scoffs a little as he starts chuckling. All this worrying and the answer was staring him in the face the entire time. Clasping his hand tighter around yours, he urges you along with him. “How about there?” He suggests with a newfound enthusiasm.
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frozentears01 · 2 years ago
a talk with the exiled: fleeting deva
shiva meets Kamadeva and talks to them again, hoping to learn what he wants, through the help of Kane's (MCs) body.
edit: i probably should mention that its been a while since i caught up with housamo lore so sorry for misconceptions
"i didn't think we would meet again, shiva" 
though it came from Kane's mouth it couldn't be them. everything about it was so... different their demeanor their aura and most importantly, their eyes they glowed a soft pink but I know this color is one of danger.
shiva didn’t think it was possible.
It was kama.
“You! What do you intend to do with him?!” I steeled myself ready to subdue him at a moment's notice, despite this he didn't even flinch just keeping that eerily calm demeanor.
“Relax shiva! I'm not planning anything.” his tone is lax yet taunting. He approaches me a little closer tilting my head up 
I clench my fist, reminding myself that this is not him. “You see I reached an agreement with the summoner, in exchange for my help I get to make an appearance once more.” he smirks, “and my quite the appearance it was” 
“What do you want, fiend.” my patience grows thin seeing him take over the summoners body like this
 its utterly mocking of their dignity. 
“Why so angry shiva? and I thought you would miss me~. “
 “...” I grow frustrated and he seems to notice this.
“You don’t have to worry, if I do anything bad he can take his body back from me.”
  he yawns the sound of it almost hits a nerve within me, almost. “Well if that's it then I’ll be on my way-” 
“Wait” I respond “if it's not urgent then
 may I ask you  a question?”
“Hmm?” he hums, I take this as a yes 
 why did you shoot that arrow.” 
“oh, so you want to know about that hm?” 
” he stops to think for o moment “It’s simple, shiva. It’s because I love you.” his tone is different saying this, it seemed more
 genuine. And yet
Hearing this causes me to flinch for a moment, love me? Is this some kind of joke?
“I’ll be honest, I had
 strong emotions about you.” he breathes in for a moment and exhales.  “It was a mix of admiration, hate, jealousy, infatuation and so many other emotions both good and bad. In short love” 
“But I know you would never understand these emotions, all you had cared and ever cared about was training. Not even Parvati could get through that thick skull of yours, but I wanted you to feel all the things I felt so badly. and so I had taken matters into my own hands.”
He approaches me once more this time cupping my cheeks with his own hands his smirk only angering me more, “the moment I fired that arrow I had put all of my emotions into that single shot, at that point my love had become something that could only end in destruction. And so it did.” 
I look into his eyes and for a moment i see all of his emotions swirl deep within his rose irises, emotions im all to familiar with myself. all this love trying to reach out to me, trying to drag me in. trying to choking me.
I stumble back gasping. despite this he faces me casually “that's the long short of it, well I’ll be going know, see you soon shiva!” 
“So much
” i gasp under heavy breathes. Even after all this agony i’ve experienced from years of struggling with this curse, it seemed only a fraction of what he had felt.
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horologiummythosarchive · 10 months ago
Like the phases moon
My mood changes because of you
Look my way , my shining pearl
My star, my love, my looming dove
I wish your eyes were only meant for me
I wish i was the only person, you'd ever see
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andre8398 · 3 years ago
The Story so far....
P.) Odd Summoning and New Beginnings
1. What Has Been Rendered
2. What Has Been Lost
3. Of Battle Filled Reunion
4. Rainbow's Break
5. Summons' End
6. Defender's Stand
7. New Beginnings
CH.1) Scattered Memories
First Day Blues
2. A Hit and a Miss
3. Like Lightning
4. The Hero and The Dragon
5. Escape the Sight of Death Part 1.
6. Songs of Memory and Light Part 2.
CH.2) Mysterious Watch and Dragon Mountain
More to come Later
Summons Files
Update 1
Adventures in Tutoring
0.) The Chase
1. A.) King Temptation: Nightlife Favor 1, 2, 3
1 B.) King Temptation: ???
5.) Cop Calander 1 , 2
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varikvamp · 1 year ago
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Me coming back after becoming BFFs with my demons. I Don't know if yall are ready for all the shit I'm about to be up to on here. I got so many short stories I gotta get out of me, and I'm going to start a kind of Fanfic for TaS aswell. So~ let's have fun shall we ♡~♡ >;}
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