#oc ryugo
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andre8398 · 1 year ago
Like Lightning
-Yoyogi Academy
"Hey Ryugo, the coach wanted to let you know that Mineaki gave the all clear for you to help with the Wrestling and the American Football clubs again?"
"What about the Boxing Club?"
Ryugo and his classmate continue their conversation as they walk down the hallway. From afar Buffalo Transient stares at the two and begins to approach at full speed.
The buffalo is named Wakan Tanka, a Transient from the Land of the Great Spirits. He is a warm and joyful person who shows love to all equally and is very popular amongst his peers. Yet….
"HELLO MY RYUGO!" Wakan greets as he rams Ryugo with a hug. Ryugo reels from the pain of the impact as the classmate looks in disbelief.
……. He has no sense of personal space or common sense in general. This tends to cause some issues for the American Football Team Captain, especially with the cold and stone faced Ryugo.
"Wakan." Ryugo says even more coldly than normal.
"Y-yes My Ryugo, you look quite handsome today. D-did you always have horns or scales, they look g-great, you kinda look like an oni." Wakan says with a nervous smile.
"What have I told you?"
“Faltering will get me nowhere”
“Oh good so you do remember.” Ryugo's right arm glows lightly as he emits a dark yet strong aura causing Wakan to start sweating nervously.
A couple minutes pass as Ryugo and his classmate have returned to talk.
"I see. Thank you for informing me." Ryugo says and bows. "And apologizes for what you just saw."
"It's ok, oh one last thing from all the coaches “Stop risking yourself, you reckless idiot”. Ryugo looks a bit sad but not enougn to change his expression.
“Anyways see you at practice and you too Captain." The classmate waves goodbye and sprints to his next class.
Ryugo then turns to a kneeling Wakan nursing a large bump on his head.
"So what did you need Captain Tanka?" Ryugo asks while cracking his knuckles.
"Yea! Coach wanted you to help check who needs to improve their tackles. So we need you at our next practice, My Ryugo."
"So, what my classmate just finished telling me just now. (Who the hell does this coach think I am God?!)"
Ryugo's glasses crack at Wakan's response as he begins to give a gentle smile causing chills to run down Wakan's back.
"Alright I'll be there. (WHY DID I SAY YES?!) Thank you for trying to inform me." Ryugo clenches his fists as he starts to walk away as Wakan gets up.
Wakan tries to say something, but Ryugo cuts him off as he only slightly turns his head so that Wakan hears what he says.
"You should start heading to your next class, it's your favorite, isn't it? You wouldn't want to be late." Wakan was taken by surprise by Ryugo's comment.
(How did My Ryugo know that was my favorite class?) Wakan thinks shocked as the two 3rd year students share an awkward silence as Ryugo starts to walk away.
Wakan tries to find the words to respond to Ryugo and tries to call for Ryugo once more, to see if he wants to join him after class but before he could utter a word Ryugo was gone.
Sadly, this has become a cycle for both of these students. Wakan tries to understand Ryugo. Ryugo, finding out how Wakan acts, actively ignores Wakan when he gives his love.
This bothers Wakan as he doesn't understand why his love can't reach his fellow 3rd year and why said 3rd year acts so coldly towards him. It bothers him yet he can't help the sense of familiarity, Deja vu he once heard a classmate say, like this has happened before.
Later That Day-
Wakan ran out of the school in full force as he sprinted to catch up to his friends. As he reaches the front doors of the academy, he sees Kyuma and Daisuke chatting while they wait for their Buffalo companion.
"Hello My Daisuke, My Kyuma hope you haven't been waiting long." Wakan says as he reaches the two.
"No, we just got here a couple minutes ago, Senpai." Kyuma responds.
"Good, then let us be off." Wakan exclaims.
"Aren't you forgetting someone Wakan? Someone who's name starts with an R." Daisuke says as Wakan stops in his tracks.
"H-he." Wakan tries to come up with an excuse, but Daisuke sighs and cuts him off, then hands some money over to Kyuma.
“Man, I can't believe I lost. I was sure that out of us 3rd year students Wakan would be able to get that guy to open up.” Daisuke says defeated.
“Yea it's a bit odd that Wakan-senpai wasn't able to befriend Ryugo-Senpai yet. They seem a bit similar, well similar enough to get along; they're both beloved by the 2nd and 1st year students after all. Though he has a stone-cold expression on his face he tends to show nothing but kindness and understanding to everyone, even going as far as to risk his own wellbeing to make sure his underclassmen are safe.” Kyuma says as Wakan starts to look a bit gloomy.
(Why couldn't I get close to That guy? I gave him all my love and affection but it–) Wakan's gloomy thoughts were interrupted as Wakan felt an arm on his shoulder. He turns to see Daisuke smiling at him.
“Stop looking so down, some people just aren't that easy to befriend, I'm sure youll be friends eventually. NOW LET'S HEAD OUT!” Daisuke exclaims as he tries to cheer up his friend.
“YEA!” Both Kyuma and Wakan agree as the three start to head to Kabukicho.
“... …….” Someone sees the 3 students head out as they begin to follow the group.
Kabukicho sometime later-
Daisuke's group reached Kabukicho without much issue having reached a shady looking Cafe.
“Daisuke-senpai is this the right spot? It looks a bit shady.” Kyuma says as he looks at the flier then at the building.
“Yea Tatsuya told me about it. He said a guy called Tetsuya took him here and that it looked shady but the food was amazing.”
“Come now My Kyuma. Have more trust in My Tatsuya and My Daisuke. Now let's go in-”
“OI DIDN'T YOU PUNKS READ THE SIGN OUTSIDE! NO ONE FROM OUTSIDE KABUKICHO IS ALLOWED TO DINE!” A strong looking man from the otherside of the counter yells.
“Oh Sorry Sir. It's just a buddy of ours called Tatsuya who told us about this place and said he'd vouch for us.” Daisuke says quickly trying to defuse the situation.
“Hmhp that twerp I told him to spread the word around town when he hangs out with Tetsuya not to tell his buddies. Regardless unless he is with or you have someone with you to vouch you cant-”
“GOD DAMIT OLD MAN! Yawn Why are you being so loud? Do you finally have customers?” A familiar large Transient wearing a tattered school uniform and his face covered by a bandana and a pair of sunglasses only exposing his tiny horns at the top of his forehead, emerges from the kitchen interrupting the man.
“Ah good Dracos you're awake, help me kick these punks out. There are outsiders to Kabukicho and don't have someone to vouch for them.” The man points at Daisuke’s group.
“Hey Senpai maybe we should go-” Kyuma tries to say but before he could finish Dracos was in front of him.
“No, you 3 are alright.”Dracos says as he ruffles Kyuma's hair like a parent to a child.
“It's alright I'll vouch for these 3. Hell I'll even serve them myself so stop making such a fuss.” Dracos tells the man who is now both infuriated and confused.
“FINE! But don't overdo it. I got money riding on tonight's match.”
“Well do. Now you 3 go sit down. I'll get your orders in a minute.
The 3 students do as there told, while Dracos heads back to the kitchen to warm the stoves.
“Hey My Daisuke, is it me or does My Dracos look like My Ryugo and My Summoner.” Wakan says as the trio look through the menu.
“Yea they do look similar but it's kinda rude to compare. Plus we don't know much about either one's past.” Daisuke says, wondering why he doesn't know much about Ryugo. “All we have are rumors about our classmat-”
“Actually My Daisuke, I've learned quite a bit about him.”
“I learned quite a bit about him from Tatsuya and Dr. Mineaki too Senpai.”
“W-what? I'm the only one in the dark?!” Daisuke yells as he feels defeated.
“WOW you 3 are loud.” Dracos says, scaring the trio. “Sorry for scaring ya, are you ready to order.
After a brief moment to regain their composure the 3 order.
“Alright I'll get those out as fast as I can.”
“Thank you.” Daisuke says.
“Hey Mr. Dracos, can I ask you something?” Kyuma asks as Dracos starts to walk away.
“Sure, I don't mind.”
“Why did you vouch for us?”
“Well, it's cus-”
Before Dracos could answer, the door to the Cafe opens and 2 policeman men walk in. As Dracos looks at them, he visibly tenses up.
“YO OLD MAN! YOU GOT CUSTOMERS.” The strong man emerges from the back of the Cafe with a tray of tea and welcomes the officers while serving them tea.
“Master Hogen Officer Tajikarao, please take a seat. I'll be with you in a bit. Yo twerp finish up with those punks and take the nice officer's orders will ya.” The old man says as Tajikarao and Dracos lock eyes. Dracos expression darkens as he begins to respond in a deeper and colder voice.
“Ya, no. You're fully capable of handling 2 officers. You won't get any help from me.” The man grew furious but knew he couldn't do much to convince Dracos to do as he was told.
“Grrrrr…. huffs FINE BUT YOU'RE STILL DOING THE COOKING!” The man says before beginning to take the officers orders. As Dracos sighs and looks back to the table where the Yoyogi trio sit and looks at Kyuma with a friendly expression.
“Sorry for him anyways, to answer your question a buddy asked that if I saw anyone from Yoyogi I'd help them out, so it's just a favor.” Dracos then walk back to the kitchen.
After an awkward silence the 3 students resume their previous conversation.
“So Kyuma, Wakan, what do you 2 know about Ryugo.” Daisuke asks his schoolmates, this question piques the officers interest as well.
“Well I'm not sure I should be talking about this without Ryugo-Senpai's permission, but from what he told me he has some sort of memory loss due to his summoning, but from what he can remember he came from a Tokyo like ours but different.” This causes the policeman and students to pay close attention as Dracos continues to prepare the orders.
“In his world there were no transients, no gates and the day that a gate did open his Tokyo was destroyed and that the last thing he remembers before waking up in a place where giants live or so he called it was that his younger sibling jumped into the gate to escape and that he heard there voice right before being summoned in the Yoyogi Academy sports field.” Kyuma looks down.
“I wonder if it hurts him connecting to others.” Dracos stops and was about to answer Kyuma's curiosity, yet before he could, Daisuke intersects.
“I see so that's why he seems so distant, he has been through a lot. Hmm… What do you know, Wakan?”
“Hmmm from what I've seen from following Ryugo from the shadows-” Dracos flinches and tries not puck realizing that the stalker he was trying to off was Wakan while Hogan chokes on his tea as they hear this as the other students look at Wakan in shock.
“Wakan-senpai, that's called stalking. You should be doing that!”
“Yea Kyuma is right but please continue.” Kyuma is conflicted by Daisuke's statement but stays silent yet looks a bit disgusted on the inside.
“Well My Ryugo always stays in top physical condition by training in the mountains with the largest and heaviest objects as weights. My Ryugo also can use the summons app despite being a Transient, and can still see app battles happening.”
“Wakan just called Ryugo “he” please for our sake.”
“Ok My Daisuke! He doesn't need to be at the academy at all since he has already finished the work for all his classes. All the teachers were amazed that he finished it all in 3 days. He has been hanging around Kabukicho trying to earn money and to get his watch fixed by the Crafters of Kamata. He avoids the police out of what appears to be fear constantly as well as My Summoner.” The officers frown at the mention of his avoidance of them almost feeling a bit ashamed.
“Yet he helps anyone in need even if it gets him in trouble or hurt. He smiles when others cry. He becomes serious when others are happy, he cries- ………” Wakan starts to look gloomy as tries to muster the words to say almost as what he wants to say brings him pain.
“He reminds me of someone I knew long ago but unlike that person My Ryugo does it for different reasons. He smiles his defiant smile to restore the hope of those who have lost theirs. He keeps focus and keeps recognizing the true gravity of a situation where others might not. He would give himself away bit by bit in order to save those he can…… kinda like me.” Wakan smiles slightly as he starts to feel something warm in his chest as he describes Ryugo.
Meanwhile Hogan tries to hold back the tears of pride caused by Wakan's description of Ryugo, Dracos is quivering trying to hold back tears as he brings everyone their food and Tajikarao's curiosity about the dragonborn transient only grows.
“OH RIGHT FOODS READY!” Dracos says as he serves the students and officers the meals.
“Hope you all enjoy the food.” Dracos says as everyone's mouths began to water. In unison everyone exclaimed.
The rest of the day was uneventful for the students as they continue the chat over there meal.
Later That Day Ryugo smiles genuinely for the first time since arriving in this Tokyo as he remembers the words said by his friends as crowds cheer in the background.
Then a DING as Ryugo looks at his phone
Tetsuya: You owe me for keeping those 3 safe
Ryugo: yea yea what do you want a kiss on the cheek 🙄
Tetsuya: I want a quickie
Ryugo: You couldn't afford a fcking quickie from me even if i did agree, try something else
Tetsuya: Fine asshole😤 I need you to tutor the king of night for a an exam he has coming up
Tetsuya: Come to the arc tomorrow I'll wait for you around 18:00
Ryugo: 👍
He smirks as puts on a bandana over his face as he begins to head to the ring. As he gets into the arena the announcer calls out.
A couple days later, After School-
Ryugo is on his knees with a black eye on his face and many bruises.
The American football coach yells and rants at him for not being careful again, while Wakan is forced to watch from the side, a bit worried.
“My Coach, I think he has had enough plus we still need to do our practice match drills and get ready for our game tomorrow.” The coach wants to protest but he knows that the captain of his team is right.
“Fine, Everyone Get in Your Positions!”
Whistle sounds
Every member of the team did as they were told as they began their schermege. Both sides ran different placements and plays constantly as the sky started to get cloudy. The Buffalo and Dragon tackled each other ruthlessly, yet they both smirked as they gave it their all, not holding back an inch.
Suddenly as the schermage was coming to an end.
Lightning strikes the ground close to the field causing the ground to rumble.
Announcing the arrival of a thunderstorm at the field ending club practice. This storm felt off but there was no time to question it as both Ryugo and Wakan tried to get his clubmates to safety.
A lightning bolt strikes in front of a club mate causing him to pass out.
Ryugo runs into the field, trying to redirect the strikes.
The lightning strikes down on Ryugo.
The team that is still on the field try to help him but he roars out.
The team nods at Ryugos declaration and rushes those that they can to safety.
The team watches in shock as Ryugo tanks every bolt that strikes him, marks appearing on his arm glowing brighter with every strike. Some of the other 3rd year students try running back to help Ryugo, yet with a thundering voice Ryugo declares.
"STAY BACK! GET OFF THE FIELD NOW AND STAY OFF!" With this shout the team stops their advance back onto the field. Finally after what felt like an eternity to the team, everyone is off the field and out of harm's way. Wakan is frozen as Ryugo is struck time after time by lightning. Each strike causes him to recoil slightly as it reminds him of how he struck down the exile of his world
Wakan started to break down at the sight. A voice booms.
“OI TANKA, AFTER I’M DONE I'LL PASS OUT….. CAN YOU TAKE ME TO THE INFIRMARY AFTER?” Ryugo shouts, snapping Wakan out of his downward spiral.
“Hear my plea and lend me your strength…. If you accept my cry then shine!” As Ryugo finishes talking a belt made of yellow light surrounds his waist and the lightning starts to become focus in Ryugo’s fist. As a final lightning bolt begins to descend, Ryugo cries out as he throws his fist in an uppercut motion.
In a flash the lightning is shot to the ground, the back upwards colliding with the other bolt creating a gigantic shockwave in the sky dissipating the clouds that concealed the sunsetting sky.
Turning back to the remaining members of the team that decided to watch the entire affair giving them a thumbs up as an all clear followed by Ryugo begins to puff out steam from his mouth as he collapses.
(Huh, was someone calling me? It's almost like back then.)
In the darkness of his unconscious mind suddenly appears a flash as a memory plays.
A familiar muscular young man comes up to Ryugo, Ryugo can't remember his face, only the smile of joy and pride that he had.
“Onii-San! I did it! I got the spot of Captain of the football team. Coach even said that if I keep working hard I could even go pro in the NFL in America.” Ryugo ruffles his younger brothers hair with a genuine smile.
“Great Work Bro! Maybe one day I'll see you on the TV at home! So tell then you keep up the great work as Captain and I'll make sure to keep the streets clean as a police Captain. You got that!”
“Yea! Just like Onii-san said!” The 4 other high school students catch both captains off guard and proceed to hug them both. The captains look at there 4 siblings and then to each other and smile.
The memory begins to fade as Ryugo starts to open his eyes.
Later in the infirmary-
Ryugo wakes up looking around with his eyes, and suddenly he feels .
Ryugo looks down to see Wakan by his side. Ryugo brings the sleeping Wakan closer into a hug.
“Thanks Wakan.”Ryugo says as he starts to feel the sharp side of a scalpel against his throat.
“My My looks like our little hero has gotten in trouble again. Maybe since you have so little regard for your own life I should just end you myself?” Ryugo looks up in terror as he sees Mineaki giving him a murderous smile.
“However on the other hand your quick thinking did help most of the students get to safety with no major injuries. Those that did get struck are in no danger thanks to them being able to be given attention fast enough. So Thank You for that.” Mineaki takes the scalpel away from Ryugo's neck.
“You got lucky Ryugo, you were only severely dehydrated, it could have been much worse. You should be fine by tomorrow, you're gonna be really sore though. Here eat some of this too.” Mineaki gives a cup of watermelon pieces to Ryugo. “Eat that and get some rest.”
Mineaki walks away as Ryugo eats. After a while Ryugo returns to sleep now holding Wakan close in a cuddle…………….
Tatsuya (mentioned) belongs to my friend @shinjukuspiritcommittee go check out his work ^_^
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art-story-by-deroko · 10 months ago
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"Awoken memories"
-If you have a problem with me...
...then spit it out, man.
It relates to this post. My “Afterthoughts” AU has two endings. This is from the “bad one”.
Since Bon is Buddhist monk he probably believes in reincarnation.
Imagine if maybe... A century after he passed away Rin meets a young exwire one day who looks, acts and sounds like his Bon.
I tried to show something like rebranded True Cross Academy uniform. The arrows on "reincarnated Ryuji's" shoulder is a special version for "exorcist cadets". The blue arrow represents that, the orange represents main Aria course and his class. In this timeline exorcist are wildly known and even considered a prestige position in life. Even after a couple centuries demons are rampant and fighting for Assiah freedom is a nonstop job. At this point Rin is the Paladin of True Cross Order for at least the last 60 years. They even gave him even more special title:
Rin also leads Myodha's sect since the day of Ryuji's passing.
It's not like he is responsible for everything there but the sect is under his explicit protection as a part of his family. Because they are. He is a highest Elder amongst their people. He is responsible for big decisions and changes in organisation. Also the sect grown big enough to be considered a daughter branch of True Cross Order. Pretty much even gaining autonomy and independence while being Order's Allies.
So Ryuji's reincarnation is actually from that branch since it's a large Buddhist organisation with connections amongst families.
Rin doesn't know them all personally sometimes so he was not aware of his existence.
Some cadets are invited to True Cross Academy from that branch too. His name is Ryugo (龍吾: dragon; me, I. As if screaming about his past life). And he is from a distant village down south of Japan.
Also Rin was not aware of Ryugo's existence but the young man actually was. Rin is his hero and he admires their "Highest Elder" to the moon and back for everything he has done for the sect and the world. He also wants to be his apprentice. And he WILL succeed in his pursuit. But Rin will accept him on his secon year after many attempts to keep distance from someone who was his Ryuji but not him at the same time. Exorcist training is now 3 year course as any other faculties.
Also, Ryugo did fall for Rin the first day he arrived at Academy.
Mephisto lost a lot of his powers during war. So every 10 years Rin would perform a flashy ritual on the first day before the sudents to renew a powerful barrier around True Cross town. (Many exorcists wannabes enroll in Academy a couple weeks earlier to train and preform in that “show” and help to solidify a stable barrier. Ryugo was one of these wannabes)
He fell hard. It was a mix of his admiration and unexplainable feelings he held since the day he saw him in person. (Perhaps these are remains of Ryuji's will and a wish to find Rin in his next life to be with him again. Too bad he didn't have time to say it out loud on his deathbed while he looked in Rin's teary eyes with his last breath)
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dragonsenki702 · 1 year ago
characters & their Beyblades:
Randy Cunningham and his beyblade, Ninja Tengu C145WB
Howard Weinerman and his beyblade, Gladiator Bull H145WD
Theresa Fowler and her beyblade, Thief mermaid S230TB
Debbie kang and Her beyblade, Sycthe Orso SA165GF
Bucky hensletter and his Beyblade, Pirate Gryph E230WD
Bash Johnson and his Beyblade, Beserker Golem W145SF
Heidi Weinerman and her beyblade, Guardian Siren 160MF
Morgan and her beyblade, Geisha Pisces W145MS
Abigail (Flute girl) and her beyblade, Paladin Gasher
Stevens and his Beyblade, Beserker Scorpio
Julian and his beyblade, Dark knight Luciferia
Accordion Dave and his Beyblade, Bandit chucabara DF145MF
My RC9GN oc
Jin Asashi Minato and his beyblade, Samurai Dragoon ED145RSF
Kai Ryugo Minato, and his Beyblade, Samurai Dragoon TR145SD
Date Narukami and his Beyblade, Kanabo Genbu H145WB
Daigo Fudo and his Beyblade, Shinobi Gryph
Miko Kunsanagi and her Beyblade, Geisha Siren
Chizu Nakadai, and her Beyblade, Bolt Oni
Megumi Gouji and her Beyblade, Duelist Cygnus
China Akiyama and her Beyblade, Cris Anubis
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akuramagikarp · 2 years ago
OC- Aiden Ryugo
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Did I spent two years doing random research about what all my favorite characters have in common between personality, appearence, style and story but only now actually decided to make a drawing of him rather than using Pinterest? Yes.
Anyone who knows japanese will know the name makes no sense written like that, but I did try do some research on the kanji, I just however mashed together stuff I liked without really considering much else, I'm sorry.
If anyone wants to know more on how he came to be, or whatever I'll do with this project... I may try to share the creation process and the research behind it.
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askthefnafcharecters · 7 years ago
Who is this Pumpkin??? And ooo who do they likeeew
Pumpkin is from the Halloween installation of Fnaf 4! The cupcake got turned into a Pumpkin and I found it cool so I made it a character! In my canon they have no crush, but i have shipped them with @yukitheartisticwolf (my lovely boyfriend)’s oc Ryugo! Who btw is a huge cinnamon roll and I love the guy so much.
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andre8398 · 7 months ago
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andre8398 · 9 months ago
Adventures in Tutoring: King's Temptations: Nightlife Favor (3/3) To be continued after Ring Out Finish.
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andre8398 · 9 months ago
Adventures in Tutoring: King's Temptations: Nightlife Favor (2/3)
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andre8398 · 2 years ago
A Hit and a Miss
-Yoyogi Academy (Baseball Field)
"BALL!" Kyuma drops the bat as he runs to first base as he hits his fourth ball.
He seems unconstrained as the timer counts down. He can't keep his mind off of what happened at the hospital the afternoon prior.
THump THUmp
He was terrified, he thought he was gonna be reprimanded and yelled at, then why? "Why did he smile?"
-At the Hospital a few days prior
Thump Thump Thump
Ryugo's footsteps make the ground shake. Even with Mineaki's help it seemed like it was difficult to walk. Kyuma felt guilty for not being able to calm down his senior and for letting her use his baseball at all. Regardless he can't change the past, so he was prepared to accept the consequences.
Kyuma is trembling as the Giant student looms above him. A sense of dread fills the room as Ryugo reaches for Kyuma.
Everyone in the room felt uneasy as the intentions of the student were unknown, yet Durga and David were about to try to make a move. An expressionless Ryugo had his hand on Kyuma's head.
Rustle Rustle
"Hey, it's ok. Nothing to worry about kiddo."
Ryugo said with a weak smile as he rustled Kyuma's hair.
"W-what.. but we caused-"
"Don't beat yourself up about it. Things happen, the important thing is no one got hurt" Mineaki gives Ryugo a look of worry as he says those words. "and you both are taking responsibility for your actions. So don't worry." Ryugo's weak smile becomes more genuine and warm, leaving Kyuma and Durga baffled.
"Huh? What's tha…………
For a second the world grows silent.
-Yoyogi Academy (Baseball Field)
Kyuma snaps out of his thoughts at this silence as realizes that the game is over, his team had won and he is on his way to line up with the rest of his team.
"It's over already?" Kyuma questions himself as he tries to figure out what had just happened. Kyuma then goes to ask a teammate what happened after the game.
"Yea, It was crazy. You start to play like you were a pro, it was almost like you were possessed." Kyuma's teammates says with a twinkle in his eye.
Kyuma realizes what has happened and thanked his teammates as he finished changing. "Did you help me out, David?" A small child shepherd clings to his shoulder and nods. "I see, Thank you. Let's go meet up with Durga and Ryugo."
-A while later in a Clearing
"This is the right spot, right Dav- Aauh!" Kyuma questions as he sees no one around. However before Kyuma could finish his question he is lifted and taken away by a Red Dragon.
The Dragon gleefully Skrees as he looks at Kyuma.
"WOW! YOU GOT BIG QUICK, PYRE!" Kyuma exclaims as Prye takes Kyuma into the mountains. As a clearing comes into view the dragon slows down. As Kyuma and Prye get closer to the clearing they see Ryugo and Durga sparring. Ryugo dodges and parries every one of Durga's attacks. "So they're at it again?" Kyuma sighs as the red dragon lands and gently puts Kyuma on the ground.
"WHY .. CAN'T….. UGH LAND…. A.. SHOO- WOAHHHH!" Durga gets thrown into a bush after a failed attempt to attack Ryugo from behind. "Augh… you're hurt, how are you still able to dodge and block my attacks?"
"It doesn't take much energy to dodge an attack, plus your attacks aren't that strong without that black energy stuff you used before. So I can block your attacks." Ryugo explains coldly as Durga springs into action again.
Durga jumps and launches a spin kick. In the blink of an eye Ryugo plants his feet in the ground and places his arm in a defensive position.
Ryugo is unmoved like a pillar standing firm. Suddenly using the momentum of the spin Durga launches a second kick. Even with the larger amount of force Ryugo still holds his ground. Time starts to slow until it feels like it stops completely.
Ryugo's eyes widen as something flashes through his mind. A young girl stands before him in a fighting stance.
"This time I'll take you down, Big Bro." she says as she begins
"What was that?" Ryugo thought to himself and panicked.
"Who was that girl? She looked familiar."
"Was that a memory?"
Ryugo opens his eyes and sees Kyuma over him.
"Kyu- ma?" Ryugo says as he slowly gets up, with Kyuma helping him. "What happened?"
"You looked like you were in a daze, and seeing her Durga struck you in the neck and knocked you out. She then said she "needed to go meet with the track coach about the next track meet." Kyuma tells Ryugo, with a worried expression.
"Hmmm I see. Well at least that's over. That tigress is relentless." Ryugo says with a bit of relief in his voice. "So, Kyuma, how was your game? Oh, and I hope Prye didn't scare ya."
Kyuma looks shocked at Ryugo, his senior was knocked out cold yet he acts like it was nothing. "That's what you're worried about Senpai?"
"Yea, I wasn't hurt and got a nice nap out of it. So I don't think it matters."
Kyuma looks at Ryugo baffled and just sighs at his seniors' cold and almost emotionless reply.
"I was surprised she got so big so quickly." Prye screeches in joy as Kyuma pets her head causing her to purr a bit. "Oh and the game was alright, I got a bit distracted but it worked out in the end."
"Well good. And sorry for making you come all the way out here into the mountains. I didn't know another place with enough space for Durga and me to spar."
"I-it's alright Senpai, it's nice to be in an open area with lots of room to move around, to bad that it looks like it's starting to get dark."
"Hmm alright then. How about you call Dr. Mineaki and ask him if it's ok to stay a bit after curfew? That way we can get a bite to eat." Ryugo gives a small smile, as David tugs on Kyuma's shirt with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Alright, hopefully he says yes" Kyuma says a he walks away looking for some signal. Pyre tags along to help.
After a while Kyuma is out of sight. Ryugo slowly gets up and goes over to a giant boulder, he slowly picks the boulder up. After adjusting its position he starts to do some squats. Some time passes and Ryugo finishes his squats and starts to other exercises while a shadowy figure stares from behind a tree hidden.
"48……. 49……. 50……. Guagh!" Ryugo finishes his final set as he chucks the boulder in the direction of the figure. Though just as he was about to walk over to where the boulder was.
"SKREEEE!" Ryugo heard Pyre call as Kyuma's group flies back
"Ah good your back, what he say?" Ryugo asks as he approaches the three. As the shadowy figure clings on to the tree terrified relived the boulder didn't hit him.
"He was surprisingly alright with it, he said just get back to the dorms safe and don't push yourself too hard with the physical reconditioning. Whatever that means?" Kyuma says, wondering, Ryugo chuckles slightly.
"Don't worry about it, let's go eat! Oh and Pyre I left you some extra meat at your nest, thanks for your help oh and tell the others i said hi!" Ryugo says as he and Kyuma wave goodbye to Pyre as the wyvern flies away.
"Now, my turn." Ryugo steps back from Kyuma and takes a deep breath.
Ryugo's body starts to shine as energy envelops his body. Ryugo grows slightly in size as horns, wings and a tail made from pure energy grow from Ryugo. A shocked Kyuma stares in disbelief.
"SO COOL! I didn't know you could do that senpai?!" Kyuma exclaims. "You kinda look like Wakan senpai when your like that." The shadow figure sneezes as he wonders what Kyuma just said Ryugo noticing but ignores it.
"It's not something I can do a whole lot since I'm still recovering but I should be fine for now. I think I'll call it my dragonborn form." Ryugo says as he hugs Kyuma tightly to make sure nothing happens to him.
"Alright let's goooo……" Ryugo says as he takes off into the city…………
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andre8398 · 1 year ago
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Ryugo before he enters the cage match
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andre8398 · 7 months ago
Finally I drew Ryugo myself in a way I'm satisfied with 💖😭💖😭
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Now to transfer to a drawing app and put clothes on him
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andre8398 · 9 months ago
Adventures in Tutoring: King's Temptations: Nightlife Favor (1/3)
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andre8398 · 1 year ago
Summons Files Updated
Art by @/NegaPol on twitter (X) original here
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Name: Ryugo
Gender: Male
Weight: 280lb
Height: 6' 5" (200cm)
Gate: All {Error}
Summon date: [REDACTED]
Research files
Affiliation: TBD
Faceless Hero
Description: Known as the Gentle Giant of Yoyogi. He is a big and bulky young man who is known to be quite fond of sports and is incredibly smart for his age. He has been asked to tutor at many schools in Tokyo and even offered work as a substitute teacher at a university. Some even say he is all knowing though that’s just a rumor. There are rumors that he is followed by the shadow of a dragon and has a dragon tattoo on his arm though there is no concrete proof to support these claims. He dislikes mindless violence and tries to resolve matter as peacefully as possible. No dares awaken the wrath of the Dragon King.
Vessel of Limitless Possibilities
He welded the Rule of [REDACTED] with the ability to both sever bonds that way people down unable to move forward and restore that which has been lost or severed. Using this power, he can restore anything as well as break ties. He is widely sought after for this ability, hunted down even. After the summoning [ERROR] 1000101111000111001010110001100101000001001 vows to one day find a way to restore the memories that he cherished, even if he has to suffer time and time again to do so.
Due to the corruption of some files and other files
He is the only blood relative of ;÷&$._$_ L111111 t11l3 51bl1ng wn3r3 Ar3 yu!^(*(U*!@()
;!&!,.€$ is said to be their older brother;÷_×.$_€$(_$ he is considered a third year student at [REDACTED] academy …..÷*$8*;!__!*-*&&!&( tutors students at [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED],[REDACTED] aNd [REDACTED]. H€ was KN0wn t0 B€ fond of a guildmaster who tinkered with machin£§ as will as his guild, a $w€€t cop who N£€d§ better §ocial &kill$, a bμffalo w\!“!,_$(($, a parallel ^er§¡on of his heroic friend, ;!&$__$_( boxer and a [REDACTED] climber. He is ¤ $aid to wander in §earch for their $/b!§s who he help to run away from their dying world ;÷;÷;!;!&!&_ exil\÷&#,em and himself from the now wasteland where \!,÷($£))$($(((÷._!((!().
Relationship: [REDACTED]
From Others
Like: Taurus Mask, Kurogane, Yoritomo, Jacob, Tajikarao, Wakan Tanka, Ahura Mazda, Zao
Dislike: Curren, Micheal
To Others
Like: Taurus Mask, Kurogane, Yoritomo, Jacob, Tajikarao, Protag, Wakan, Ahura Mazda,Zao
Dislike: Curren, Micheal, Perun, Temujin, Fuxi
Sacred Artifact: Using elemental energy, he can request that aid, this aid allows him to use a phantom version of the sacred artifact of the one who has answered his call /[REDACTED]
Role: Vessel /[REDACTED]
Things in this file maybe subject to change as observations continue.
Summons Files
Name: Ryugo ( most people call him Ryu)
Gender: Male
Weight: 230lb
Height: 5’ 11"
Gate: Unkown
Summon date: [REDACTED]
Research files
Affiliation: [REDACTED]
Description: Known as the Gentle Giant of [REDACTED]. He is a big and bulky young man who is know to be quite fond of sports and is incredibly smart for his age . He has been asked to tutor at many schools in Tokyo and even offered work as a substitute teacher at a university. Some even say he is all knowing though that’s just a rumor. There are rumors that he is followed by the shadow of a dragon and has a dragon tattoo on his arm though there is no concrete proof to support these claims. He dislikes violence and tries to resolve matter as peacefully as possible. No dares awaken the wrath of the gentle giant.
He welded the Rule of Recollection with the ability to both sever bonds that way people down unable to move forward and restore that which has been lost or severed. Using this power he can restore anything as well as break ties. He is widely sought after for this ability, hunted down even. After the first couple of loops he vanished, leaving those who can remember those loops to think that he was banished for releasing the full power of his rule. While others think he was killed during a failed attempt to save ;÷&!_$__ [ERROR] from there dark future. Those who remember him personally say he sacrificed himself so that fate of someone else may change for the better, leaving behind the chance for a brighter future and a vow to one day find a way to return to those he loves no matter how many loops it would take.
He is the only blood relative of ;÷&$._$_
;!&!,.€$ is said to be their older brother;÷_×.$_€$(_$ he is considered a third year student at [REDACTED] academy …..÷*$8*;!__!*-*&&!&( tutors students at [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED],[REDACTED] aNd [REDACTED]. H€ was KN0wn t0 B€ fond of a guildmaster who tinkered with machin£§ as will as his guild, a $w€€t cop who N£€d§ better §ocial &kill$, a bμffalo w\!“!,_$(($, a parallel ^er§¡on of his heroic friend, ;!&$__$_( boxer and a [REDACTED] climber. He is ¤ $aid to wander in §earch for their $/b!§s who he help to run away from their dying world ;÷;÷;!;!&!&_ exil\÷&#,em and himself from the now wasteland where \!,÷($£))$($(((÷._!((!().
Relationship: [REDACTED]
From Others
To Others
Dislike: World Reps.
Sacred Artifact: A pen(broken)/weapons made of elemental energy(primarily a sword and claws)/[REDACTED]
Role: Wanderer/[REDACTED]/[REDACTED]
Rule: Recollection
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andre8398 · 2 years ago
First Day Blues
Ryugo runs down a hall in a daze. Nothing looks familiar yet his instinct tells him he has been in that building before. Suddenly he hears the sound of metal clanging coming close behind him. Ryugo picks up the pace as he turns a corner hearing metal chains hit a wall not long after. As he runs down what feels like an endless hall, he sees someone.
Tears start running down his eyes as he begins to sprint even faster. As he's about to reach the person at the end, chains ensnare him, keeping him bound and unable to move. The mysterious figure keeps walking, never turning around. Ryugo tries to call out, yet makes no sound.
"I'm Sorry." A wise king says as he appears before Ryugo. The king hugs Ryugo as if he was his own grandchild and when Ryugo gives into the hug he feels a sharp pain piercing his chest.
"Now rest. Your burden is lifted." The chains disappear as Ryugo falls into the king's arms.
"AH!" Ryugo jolts awake in a cold sweat as he clutches his chest over the scar of an old wound. Ryugo looked around as he tried to remember where he was. "Right. Right, I'm in my dorm."
Just then Ryugo's dorm door is flung across the room as Wakan rushed in. He looked worried, and a bit relieved to see Ryugo unharmed.
The voice of a young man shouting can be heard as Daisuke comes running after Wakan.
"You know you should've as- " Daisuke stops as he stares at Ryugo semi naked and begins to blush "Ahhh! S-sorry for b-breaking into your room and f-for not letting you get dressed before we came in." Ryugo looks coldly at the two and points them to leave.
The two leave Ryugo in thought as they wait for him outside. (Was I too harsh, they did try to apologize, but then again the Buffalo transient did break down my door, though.)
Ryugo thinks to himself as he gets dressed in his school uniform. (Jeez it's my first day at school and I already have a headache, hopefully the rest of the day isn't this eventful)
Ryugo continues to think as he puts his messenger bag's strap over his shoulder and begins to walk out the dorms.
"Alright, can I ask why you are here? And why did this one break my door down?" Ryugo says coldly. (Fck, I did it again)
"Nurse Mineaki sent us to come pick you up. He said that you might need some guides around the school. Since we're all 3rd year and taking the same classes it would make it easier to show you around." Daisuke explains as they walk to Yoyogi Academy.
" I heard you scream, My Ryugo. So I rushed to check if you were ok." Ryugo gives Wakan a look of suspicion as Wakan talks.
"First off don't say, "My" like we know each we're an item."
"But My-"
"Second, how do you know my name? This is the first time we've met outside you fleeing away, so I don't recall telling you my name yet."
"You yelled it loudly, when you fought the three." Daisuke chimed in as they reached the Academy entrance.
"How did you?" Ryugo is baffled as he was in his dragon form and should have been unrecognizable. "Grrr.... Fair, though I still expect you to fix my door big guy. Got it." Ryugo says as he tries to make sure he doesn't sound overbearing. "So, what class do we go to fir- AH!"
Ryugo gets flung as a crowd of students quickly surrounds Daisuke and Wakan. Grabbing his face trying to understand what just happened, Ryugo opens his eyes only to be frozen by a wave of bittersweet emotions. Before him stood an old man he once met, The king with the golden spear. Ryugo scooted back a bit as the man extended his hand.
“H- -r- y-u -k?” The voice was muffled yet it sounded younger than he remembered. Ryugo blinks as the man becomes a boy. As he continues to blink the figure switches between the two, the man fading with every blink. After finally calms down, Ryugo rubs the bridge between his eyes as he looks up once more the man is gone.
“Hey are you ok? Gunzo says as he kneels down and grabs Ryugo’s shoulder. Ryugo looks at him not knowing what to do.
“Sorry, I’m i- just hmm...” Ryugo tries to find the words to say but he can't, defaulting back to his cold demeanor and takes a deep breath and stands up.
“Yes, i'm alright” He gives his hand to Gunzo. As Gunzo takes it he gets pulled up to his feet. Then looks at the round boy in front of them.
"Oh Right. This is Ryota, he's a student from Shinjuku Academy. He came over to taste test our Home Ec classes dishes." Gunzo introduces Ryota.
"Nice to meet ya. I'm Ryota.” Ryota gives Ryugo a hug.
"Hiya" Ryugo awkwardly hugs Ryota back.(Gunzo! Help!)
"Ryugo is my Senpai, he just got out of the hospital not long ago. Today is his first day." Gunzo states joyfully. Ryota stops the hug and steps back taking a closer look at the new student.
"You kinda look like my Best friend, are you too related."
"O-oh look at the time, I should head to class. The first one is supposed to be Home Ec." Ryugo says nervous.(I don't know what he's talking about but i feel like i need to get out of here.) As he starts to look around for Daisuke and Wakan to no avail as they seem to have been dragged away by the crowd of underclassmen. (Well Fck!)
"Oh, that's not good." Ryugo picks up his stomped schedule off the floor. "Looks like my guides are gone." Visibly worried, Ryugo wondered what to do.
"Hey, why don't we go together? Since, we'll be heading to the same place." Ryota suggested.
"Hmm, sure. I appreciate it." With that said, as the three head to class. (At least the kid is nice. Maybe I'll cook him something nice.)
Ryugo tried to stay cool and collected throughout the day. He surprised most students as he easily answered the questions given by his teachers and even cooked Ryota a five-star dish. Though he still became elusive, leaving both classmates and junior alike wondering who this new student was and why barely anyone knew him.
Later That Day
"That BULL!” Durga growls as her face is beat red as she uses a baseball as a stress ball.
"S-senpai, please calm down, plus I'm pretty sure he's a Buffalo." Kyuma tries to reason with Durga.
"H-hello." Kyuma answers the phone, visibly worried and sweating as he sees the name.
"My Kyuma- "
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Durga snaps as the ball in her hands bursts into black flames, she immediately throws the ball with the full force of her fury.
Meanwhile in the hall.
Mineaki and Ryugo walk down the hall talking about the day's events.
"I'm glad to see you're getting along with most students well, Ryugo. I hear you're still avoiding most people though."
"I'm trying but it's not so easy to get used to. Especially since everyone is so open and talkative, it's just hard to find the words sometimes."
"I understand that, i'm just saying you should try to be a bit more proact-" Suddenly Ryugo stops Mineaki and sprints towards Gunzo who was talking to some of his Rugby friends. As Gunzo notices Ryugo he looks at you a bit worried.
"S-senpai?" Ryugo tackles Gunzo down to the ground as a piercing yell is heard.
Ryugo tries to stop the ball, though as a result he is engulfed in dark flames.
As the flames grew to the shape of a dragon in chains. The flaming dragon grew and grew as the flames became darker and dark until they were pitch black. Feeling something inside him about to burst, Ryugo did the only thing he could to stop it and allowed the ball at its full strength to hit him.
The next thing anyone knew, Ryugo was sent flying from the window of the highest floor of Yoyogi academy. The flaming ball propelled Ryugo into the nearby wood.
Mineaki opens the door of the classroom as Durga stands there steaming.
"You two are in serious trouble, but for now you're coming with me." Mineaki says angrily with a hint of disappointment.
The A Few Days Later
In the Hospital
"OW!" Ryugo wakes up in a hospital room with a jolt. Mineaki rushes over as the young man yells.
"Hey Hey Slowly, your body was pretty battered, it's a miracle that you survived that fall let alone the impact of the ball that stuck you in the chest." Mineaki holds Ryugo up as he tries to adjust himself.
"Is Gunzo and the other Rugby players ok?" Mineaki looks at Ryugo, shocked that the first thing he thinks of is others.
"Yeah, though they're a bit shocked. Gunzo especially, he was worried sick, if it wasn't for me sending him back to the Academy he would've stayed here the whole time."
"That one has a legion of ghosts keeping him safe, but I knew even they couldn't have stopped that ball. I'm happy he is safe. Hehe it's funny he reminds me of a younger sibling I once had." Mineaki smiles a bit at Ryugo's relieved expression.
"That's nice to hear, it's also good to tell you that you'll be released from the hospital tomorrow morning, but all is not good and dandy. Due to your current state you'll need help moving around."
"Do I really have to?" Ryugo tries to protest.
"Yes, since it will take a while for your body to fully recover even with the advanced healing that your dragonborn genetics give you." Mineaki explains the restless Ryugo.
“What about my club activities? I still have to help out with wrestling practice and boxing club, then there is also rugby and American football.” Ryugo rambles as the curtain opens.
“Why do you have a lot on your plate? You just started. If you want, can I help?” A familiar young man stands there as he finishes getting dressed.
“No, you have your own responsibilities already, Tatsuya. Plus you shouldn't be getting into other people's business like that. As for your questions Ryugo, till you get the all clear you will only be in charge of your Manager duties for the wrestling club, I already warned Coach Avarga about this. Accounting for your size you’ll be getting help from 2 students to get around easier."
“Wo wo wo, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I don't feel that hurt should be fine getting around myself. I’ll show you that I don't need help.” Ryugo says as Tatsuya and Mineaki give each other a glance of concern.
"Very well, try to stand up." Mineaki says as he helps Ryugo get up from the bed, he stands without support as Mineaki lets go and tries to take a step.
Ryugo falls, slamming the ground hard.
"Ngh… Grrrgh…….NGRRGH!" Ryugo tries to get up again but to no avail. "................... sigh."
"Hey cheer up, you went through serious surgery, so you'll be a bit ...........weak for now but at least Gunzo and the others are safe. I also have the ones that will help you out in the hall."
"Who?" Ryugo asks begrudgingly as Mineaki and Tatsuya bring him back into bed. "Come in you two." At his call a tigress and young man step into the room. "They are Durga and Kyuma, the two students responsible for the incident." Mineaki introduces the two.
"Sorry for what happened." Durga looks a bit ashamed as she sheepishly apologies. Kyuma sweats nervously looking at Ryugo.
"S-SORRY SENPAI!" Kyuma bows and apologizes.
"Hmm. Dr. Mineaki-" Ryugo whispers something to Mineaki.
"Are you sure you did just fall down?" Mineaki asks as Ryugo nods in approval. "Alright but slowly." Ryugo with Mineaki's assistance walked slowly towards the pair of students, with each step heavy enough to cause the floor to rumble…….
Authors notes-
Like before Tatsuya belong to my Bro @shinjukuspiritcommittee
I'm sorry for not updating in a while life has been a mess, i also got carried away with life.
i have not givin up on this seris or making content. I'm just slow sorry.
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andre8398 · 2 years ago
I ended up, coloring this drawing my friend @/NegaPol on twitter made of my Oc Ryugo + sleepwear vers.
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andre8398 · 2 years ago
Adventures in Tutoring: Cop calander
Art by the very talented @mykerva on twitter
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