typical legrande stuff (that means 99% housamo)
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Kengo Takabushi's husband
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nemo-legrande · 1 month ago
Kengo: Partner? What are ya doin' here?!
MC: (guilty chuckle) Well...
Kengo: (grabs MC by the collar) I told ya to stay put!
MC: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I know... I know, Kengo. But you know what I'm like, right?
Kengo: (sighs and mutters under his breath) Dammit! (looks back at MC, releasing him from his grip) Partner, ya know how dangerous this is.
MC: I know.
Kengo: Ya know I told ya to stay outta this so you're safe from harm.
MC: I know.
Kengo: Then why didn'tcha listen?!
MC: I rather die in your arms than be left alone.
Kengo: (startled by MC's sudden show of determination)
MC: (looks at Kengo with steely gaze)
Kengo: (grits his teeth before pulling MC in a tight embrace) Dammit, ya one stubborn bastard, aren'tcha. Ya really get so lonely the moment I'm not around, huh?
MC: (startled, then mellows as he hugs back) Uh-huh...
Kengo: Geez, what will ya be without me, partner... Ya just gotta cling to me, huh...
MC: (slightly needy tone) You know I'm scared to be lonely... I already felt lost without you even though it was only a day, so I decided to find and follow you...
Kengo: But what if you're hurt...
MC: I don't care as long as I'm with you... (slightly more cheerful) But hey, I can hold myself well, and you're here with me.
Kengo: I know... but what if somehow I fail to protect ya...
MC: Just... (sighs as his tone turns somber somewhat) I dunno what to say except I'm sorry for giving you the burden of watching me getting hurt, but I just... can't bear the thought of you heading towards danger without me.
Kengo: Partner...
MC: (genuinely looks at Kengo with the bedroom eyes Oniwaka once warned not to give to the rowdy boys)
Kengo: (sighs as he relents and kisses MC deeply) Will ya be a good boy for me and promise me ya won't let yourself get hurt?
MC: (nods like a good puppy) Yeah. I will.
Kengo: (gentle smile as he ruffles MC's hair) And I promise if ya do it and we survive this, I'll getcha a reward like a good boy you are, okay. (casts his eyes to the situation around them, his expression becoming stern) Now... I think we need to think how we best move forward.
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nemo-legrande · 4 months ago
It's interesting to see her principles, really.
Put it into other words, she basically asks, "What use are sentimentality and freedom if you die in the future anyway? Isn't surviving more important than those things?"
A very pragmatic way of thinking.
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This Gurl dissing Michael and Amaterasu for flopping
I hope u freaking choke and die
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nemo-legrande · 4 months ago
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Me :👇
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nemo-legrande · 4 months ago
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Bedtime Cuddles with Shuten
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nemo-legrande · 5 months ago
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nemo-legrande · 5 months ago
You knew this was coming...
Kengo Takabushi Summon Day Appreciation Post! 🎉
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nemo-legrande · 5 months ago
"leisurely celebration"
A birthday celebration did not have to be festive. For Kengo, he just needed Kazuki's company on a leisurely Saturday.
Accompanying art by Lunakaiser (@/LunakaiserArt on X or @/ on BlueSky).
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nemo-legrande · 5 months ago
It... suspiciously looks like @kairunatic 's type of men...
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nemo-legrande · 8 months ago
@shinjukuspiritcommittee are you into choking
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Perun desire is literally Marry/Fuck/Kill MC
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nemo-legrande · 8 months ago
Perun outside singing a song just for you~
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nemo-legrande · 8 months ago
It looks as if you can't release without being in Perun's arms, rbeing dependent on him so much you need an order for him to do anything...
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@shinjukuspiritcommittee That's U Being a SIMP to Perun
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nemo-legrande · 9 months ago
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Ok it's either he has a Severe stomach illness or is actually Pregnant and I'm not saying its not possible considering we have like what 4 characters who can do Mpreg
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nemo-legrande · 9 months ago
I would like to think that "not being able to do anything but devouring all pleasures given to them" is basically humans caring and only living in the present without regards to the future at all. Because, based on several characters' perspective, humans don't have a chance of surviving or thriving if they're pit against Transients who are more advanced or more "unlimited".
AIsaac and Curren's plans are almost the same, in which they seek to obtain access to the God's POV a.k.a. omniscience for humans to be able to advance and be on par with these Transients, thus having a future. In the case of Curren's plan, that is obtained by having a God reigning over humans directly. Because pushing humans to be omniscient like what AIsaac did presents a new problem: human body is limited, not enough to contain the omniscience.
I don't think we discover why it has to be MC who is installed as the one who rules above the gods.
So that's basically my take on the whole thing.
Ngl, I still dont understand with the whole turning everyone into gods stuff. I mean, does the future Overlord shows represent how humans are no longer have Roles because there is no human around anymore by the time that future came because a new, superior beings replacing them?
Then, what does "they can do nothing but devouring all the pleasures given to them"? Like, do they spend most of theyre time relaxing like greek Gods in their chamber eating grapes in the future?
And why does Mc has to be the one to rule the other 'gods' as a singular, supreme god?
Honestly, I feel like they don't even know exactly how that future came to be or maybe they are the one who'll cause it
As for MC being a God it's probably just Michael and Amaterasu personal issues with their respected exile
Like Michael views Shaytan as this all-powerful being who he admires meanwhile Amaterasu Wants Susanoo to rule instead of her cause she's too much of a coward to do it herself and would rather shunned herself
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nemo-legrande · 9 months ago
Warmongers - sad memories of past loops
Invaders - angry memories of past loops
Rule Makers - joyful memories of past loops
Is it a coincidence that we get exactly that kind of memories of Mononobe from each of the Three True Guilds? Does that mean we'll get joyful memories of Mononobe this time? What kind of joy? Hmm...
Chapter 15 Episode 4 Part 1
We start with Bael explaining the Rule Makers methods. The Rule Makers will carry out the same measures they have taken in previous loops against the transients who don’t obey them. After being captured, the transients have their identities washed away and their memories conveniently transplanted into the past loop. We cut to Avarga getting tortured as some drone mobs inject memories into him. Avarga thinks about everything that happen up until this point. The students, Mineaki (who he feels uncomfortable of his hands and eyes) , and his rival Arsalan. It was then that Avarga's life in Tokyo came to a major turning point. He was recruited by the Warmongers as a result of “recalling” the memories of fighting together with them in previous loops, so he sided with them. However, the time for Avarga to make a choice again comes - a turning point. Daisuke who was supposed to have been at school was captured by the Warmongers and information that his rival was captured in the east. While retraining his student, Avarga decides on his next move. Avarga told Balor that he would leave the front lines and take his student with him then entrusted his student to the Wanderers. He sneaked into the Future City until he was captured by Kokopelli. As Avarga is being tortured he thinks if his students are safe and if was a good teacher in the end.
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In the next room we see Arsalan who overhears Avarga’s screaming. Israfil says they prepared this room just for Arsalan (sadistic bastard). Israfil remembers the punch Jacob gave and how he was captured by the Rule Makers later simply because he acted alone. Arsalan tells Israfil not to call out his or Jacob’s name while wearing Zabaniyya’s face. Avarga starts laughing uncontrollably.
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Back to Bael, he says the Warmongers gives you sad memories of past loops, and the Invaders gives you angry memories of past loops. What the Rule Makers provides is a loop memory of joy. The joy of being guided by a `superior being, an intellect that understands what you cannot understand. Bael says this a type of fraud that deceived people. Like correctly predicting the future and acting like you could control and then do the same thing to some other unsuspecting person. Back to hell, Israfil ask Arsalan to laugh with him at the results. Arsalan says how can he laugh at this and what is the Rule Makers goal. Israfil this is for a purpose, just like getting rid of Solomon. Back to Bael, as part of the contract he will MC what the Rule Makers only if MC calls him their number 1. Bael looks at the Ring MC has. Since MC is Solomon’s successor, he wants to recognize as number 1 by them. It’s his pride. Back to hell, the power in the lab shuts off. It’s Mineaki, Tadatomo, and Sandayu. Sandayu says they cut the power. Tadatomo says after they escape they’re setting this whole place on fire. Mineaki says they’re here as the Agents hired by the Alliance. Mineaki sees what they did to Avarga and says he’s the only one who can play with Avarga as he please, and he won't let anyone have with that choice. So, it's time for Israfil’s punishment.
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nemo-legrande · 9 months ago
Kairu having the priorities straight, Evidence 182916392:
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Zamn you guys Gaia got that GYATT
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nemo-legrande · 9 months ago
Acting all high and mighty while essentially rehashing Bertro's work istg...
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Why is she such a BRAT?! Her brothers were actually really sweet all things considered but she’s just evil.
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nemo-legrande · 9 months ago
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Everytime I see posts like this I get filled with such profound sadness
Cause you know who has the same brainrot as you? The same unhinged feelings as you after you've read the fic? The person who always wants to scream about the fic with you?
I never used to leave comments but since I got into the habit of commenting on everything i enjoy it's been incredible. Especially when the author gets back to me about it and we get to have a discussion of what other ideas they had. One writer replied to my comment with a 5 paragraph essay detailing the Floorplan of the building the characters lived in and it was incredible
Anyways this is all to say that if you find a fic that just makes you want to scream from the rooftops, leave a comment saying that to the author and maybe they will join you and you can scream incoherently together
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