#hoteles con bar
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bigbeanbear · 4 months ago
Stephanie Beatriz talking about being very conscious about choosing queer roles to play because she doesn’t want to have bad portrayals of her community out there.
Also, she feels very lucky now people reach her to play queer roles, like Vivienne came to her with the Vaggie role.
@ TwinCitiesCon
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everyonesonthespectrum · 3 months ago
Pavel Chekov from Star Trek: The Original Series please?
Queued for March 6th!
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saintrosalyn · 2 months ago
Part One
Description: Simon’s determined to retrieve his jailbird.
Word count: 4.5k
TW: Parolee! Reader (guys we’ve graduated to parole), stalking, reader is kept as vague as possible, sexual favors in exchange for money, groping, Ghost is a creep (graduated from perv lmao), p in v, oral (m! receiving), p in v, mention of breeding kink, creampie, possessiveness, dub-con, somewhat edited.
Notes: It’s finally done! This took longer than I anticipated since I deviated from the OG plan and was a bit of a stinker to write but it's done. I hope everyone enjoys it! I’ve absolutely loved reading all the comments, asks, and reblogs. Such positive feedback is what led me to posting part two honestly. I'm currently working on the last part of JB so expect that soon💖. Feedback is always appreciated but never expected. Let me know if I missed any tags. Enjoy :)
Also I've never done a tag list before so apologies if it didn't work or I missed anyone😭. Please let me know if the link to part one doesn't work either, this is the first time I'm using Tumblr on my laptop I usually use my phone.
You got used to the slight tremor in your hands, the parting kiss alcoholism left with you, but the violent shaking as you attempted to click the lock of the hotel door closed was difficult for even you to handle. You longed to feel that familiar burn of self-destruction but the only place that would have you end up is back in prison. Parole violation. It was too soon to resort to such dramatic measures, instead you quietly paced your small room, double checking that you clicked the deadbolt shut, closing the curtains as tight as they could go, anything to try and soothe your rising anxiety.
Talking yourself away from the edge again and again until you could finally sit down on the stiff mattress. Every time you managed to calm your heart you blinked and saw that room again. You saw those pictures again.
You swallowed, forcing yourself to take deep, slow, breaths. 
After sleeping together, after discovering the skeleton in his closet, you swallowed the bile in your throat and kissed his jaw. He made dinner which you smiled over and forced into your mouth, every bite downed with a sip of water. The two of you went to bed, your eyes darting to that door, now left open enough you could see a glimpse of his homemade wallpaper. He kept an arm draped over you and fell asleep. 
Then you left.
Barefoot, not knowing where your shoes had been placed in your need to-
Jesus Christ you had slept with the man.
You barely made it to the bathroom, puking mostly water and yellowed acid up. It made your eyes water and nose run, blowing it in a piece of toilet paper, flushing it down. There was little comfort to be found in the distance you put between you and him. 
Going on foot wasn’t the brightest idea, but risking stealing Simon’s car and having him call the cops on you was foolish even for you. That and you didn’t want the man any angrier at you than you expected he was going to be. You only got so far before you found yourself on the wrong side of town. You had never been in the area before, but you knew the type. Women posted on every corner, bars on the windows, broken glass and sticky residue staining the sidewalks. It didn’t take you long to find the kind of man you needed. Trading a handjob for a bus fare, a blowjob for a new pair of shoes, and a pitiful two minutes of dry thrusting for a hotel room. 
Back to your ways. Different city, different time, same person. A bird incapable of changing its tune.
You needed a real job. A record stood in your way of that, but surely there had to be something, anything, that would pay enough for you to keep a roof over your head without having to sell more of yourself. 
You needed a job, but you needed space more. As much as you could get. Immigration was out, no one wanted to host a felon, and you were limited to a certain area before your parole officer got testy with you. Fuck. A big cage, that’s what you were trapped in. One you could never get free from.
Your family. Your past. Your cell. Your city. Your whole fucking life, one cage after another. Freedom a concept rather than a reality. Simon could use it against you. He knew of your limits, hell, you fucking told him yourself over a phone call before you got released. Outlined every fucking sentence of where you could and couldn’t go. He knew all of it.
Taking another deep breath you forced your body to lie on the bed, you needed to calm down. You needed to think clearly and come up with a plan. Simon was still asleep in bed, he didn’t know where you were, you were fine. 
You were fine.
A good night’s sleep. That’s what you needed. Not likely with how wound tight you were. But you had to try. Anything to escape the panic squeezing your lungs.
It took four hours of staring blankly at a dark ceiling, on the edge of a panic attack the entire time, before your body gave in and let you sleep. It was light, but it was enough of a break in your consciousness. The sun was what woke you, shining on your eyes and causing you to squint. Your anxiety a gentle heart palpitation rather than the full blown panic it was last night, exhaustion dulling its edge. 
The first thing you did was go business to business looking for a place that was hiring. Most required a resume, those you didn’t even give a second glance (as they no doubt did background checks). It took all of the day before you found a shitty pub that only asked if you were old enough to drink. With a nod of your head an apron was shoved into your hands, and you were bussing for your first shift. 
The owner, a balding man who smelled like cigarettes and wore a sweat-stained wife beater, paid you cash. Enough that you were able to buy another night to cover your hotel room and not much else. You walked back to your temporary home, eyes darting to every tall man who crossed the street. For once, you were grateful Simon was such a large man. It would make him easier to spot in a crowd, the orange of a tiger’s fur stark against a green jungle.
When you returned back to your room, it was easy to explain the movement of your things. Hotels had housekeepers. You wouldn’t have even noticed it if it weren’t for your paranoid state. It wasn’t until you went to the bathroom, eager to wash away the grease and grime of the pub, that you noticed a small picture sitting face-down on the bathroom counter. Flipping it over revealed you. You, asleep in your shitty hotel bed, close-up, taken from inside. 
You were barely able to flip the toilet lid up before you lost your stomach contents. Vile burning the back of your throat was nothing in comparison to the panic that burned through your veins.
He was inside your hotel room. He was inside your hotel room last night with you. 
You barely managed to stand, legs shaking, leaving the bathroom you noticed other signs of his arrival. Dirty tracks that were much too large. The blinds wide-open even though you were sure you closed them before you went to sleep. A single dog tag resting underneath your pillow. It’s owner’s name mocking you.
He left you more presents. Vestiges of him ever present in your life. It didn’t matter where you went, how many hotels you hopped, how many jobs you changed, he always found you. Truthfully, the both of you knew this song and dance could only go on for so long. You were low on cash and stuck orbiting around the same small area. Days bled into weeks bled into months. Fear gave way to anger. Anger that he wouldn’t leave you alone. Anger that he wouldn’t let you delude yourself into thinking you had found a safe space that he could not intrude on.
On your nth hotel, you decided you were staying. Simon be damned. He obviously had no intentions of killing you just yet, content in tormentation. That and there were only so many jobs willing to pay under-the-table. You needed to save up enough cash to prove that you had a steady place to live, a recommendation from your parole officer. This flightiness made the law suspicious at best and nervous at worst. 
You found your way back to the pub, who upgraded you to server. On the wrong side of town its patrons weren’t the best. But they tipped decent enough and if they got too handsy the owner always stepped in. A few pinches on the ass were worth a steady income. You’ve given a lot more of yourself for less.
Perhaps, that was your mistake, you got too comfortable with a wild animal. So sure that your exotic pet would not bite.
The first time you saw him, you thought it was a mistake. Despite his size Simon was able to go about your life as he pleased without you catching even a glimpse of him. Hell, you knew he could stalk you without you being aware of him at all (your prison stint was proof enough of that), he just chose not to. You shouldn’t have been surprised that his behavior would escalate. 
You were standing, dead on your feet after your shift working on three hours of sleep, waiting for the bus. And there he was. Across the street, large frame leaning against a wall, arms crossed. When you did a double glance, you were able to make out the tell-tale scars across his face. Then the bus came. It was a coin toss, boarding the bus. A part of you wanted to flee, figuring he could easily cross the street and board the same bus as you, but the alternative was worse. Let it pass and walk home alone. In the dark. With a predator at your heels. 
Better to have people around you. Safety in numbers and all that.
The next day, he did it again. And again. And again. Each time coming closer and closer. Until one day you saw his large frame coming up the steps of the bus. You practically vibrated from anxiety in your seat, unshed tears blurring your vision as you stared straight ahead. The black blur of his jacket, the soft squeak of his boots as he moved closer and closer, until he took the seat right behind you.
You didn’t move. Frozen. Fight or flight. Fight or flight. Fight or flight. Or,
Until the bus moved and the decision was made for you. Only you couldn’t convince your muscles to move, stuck staring dead ahead. Willing the bus driving to glance in the mirror back at you. Willing the other passengers to notice how close the man behind you was sitting (close enough to feel his breath against your ear, close enough to smell the tobacco on his breath). But this was the last bus and everyone was too tired to notice. A herd of diurnal prey vs a nocturnal predator. It was clear who had the advantage.
You missed your stop. And the one after that. It wasn’t until you felt a violent shake on your shoulder that you jolted out of your trance, eyes darting up… to the bus driver. 
“Las’ stop miss. Gotta’ get off.” His voice firm. How long had he been calling out to you?
Giving a jerky nod you looked behind you, but Simon was gone.
It didn't stop there. Not that you expected it would, but fucking forgive you for having a little hope in life. Simon took to following a few steps behind you wherever you went. Sitting behind you on the bus. Sitting in the back of the pub, nursing beer after beer. Sometimes he had another man with him. But mostly he was alone. His eyes never left you. For weeks it went on. For weeks you felt his constant presence. 
The presents never stopped either. Photos of you, gifts for you (lingerie and cigarettes, the same shade of nail polish he gave you while you were in prison), things of his. He never relented. You never shook that feeling of being watched. You never could get rid of that pit of anxiety in your stomach. Exhaustion was starting to settle heavy in your bones. Give up. Give in. Give yourself to him. 
The temptation was intense. You just wanted to be done with it all. Let him do what he wanted with you. At this point, even death would be better than another day of constant anxiety. (Pursuit predator exhausting his prey, closing in). 
And then he was gone.
His absence was glaringly obvious on the first day, enough so that you thought for sure that you were going to die soon. Simon had reached some kind of breaking point. But you didn’t. And you didn’t see Simon.
There were no presents left for you. No signs of his stalking. No evidence that he was ever in your life at all. It was such a sudden and stark change that if it weren’t for his dog tag you would have thought you dreamed the whole thing. But he was gone. 
A day passed.
Then another.
And another.
The knot in your stomach slowly unworked itself. The tension ever present in your shoulders finally loosened. Weeks passed by. Then months. A part of you still worried. In prison there were times where Simon would go silent for months, but he always came back. And he always made sure to make up for lost times. More gifts, more phone calls, longer visits. It seemed that your anxiety was slowly chipped away, yet it was also slowly building itself back up again. 
But Simon stayed gone. More importantly, a date had been set for you to become a truly free woman. No parole. No restrictions. A chance to leave the country. A chance to truly be free.
A chance to slip away from Simon.
When a police officer knocked on your door, you had to fight back the panic.
You haven’t done anything wrong. 
It wasn’t until you were sitting across from your lawyer did you truly began to realize the situation you were in. His words sounded so far away, so garbled. As if you were trapped underwater, in a fishbowl, letting the world happen around you as you tapped at the glass.
“...Do you understand the situation you’re in?...Enough drugs to get an intent to distribute…a passport…tickets to another country…”
How did you get here?
“Are you listening to me?”
You snapped back to reality, the familiar cold cuffs biting into your wrists.
“Do they have to keep these on me?”
Your lawyer let out a sigh. “Don’t worry about the damn cuffs right now.”
Easy for him to say, he wasn’t the one wearing the damn cuffs.
“They’re distracting.” 
He ignored you. “They have you on video buying a plane ticket out of the country.”
You nodded. He didn’t mention the fact that your parole would’ve been up by then. Nothing wrong. You didn’t do anything wrong.
“They found enough cocaine in your hotel room to get intent to sell. With the plane ticket, and your erratic behavior after you got out of prison, things don’t look good for you.”
“It’s not mine I-” Your voice cracked and you cleared your throat, talking so quietly, trying to hold back tears. “I swear.”
Your lawyer didn’t look convinced. “That defense won’t hold up in court.”
He ran his hands through his hair. “Look, I was able to cut a deal for you. It’s better than prison. They’ll tag you-”
Dog tags flickered in your mind. “Huh?”
“House arrest.”
“You won’t be able to use a hotel, you’ll have to go back to the original residence you reported when you got out of prison.”
"What?” Alarm bells rang through your sluggish thoughts.
Your lawyer sick of you interrupting him, bulldozed on. “Listen to me. I don’t know why they’re offering this to you, but you won’t get a second chance at this. Confess your crime. They’ll confine you to your house for three years and serve parole in tandem. You’ll only serve a year of parole once you’re out.”
Three years. Three years stuck at Simon’s house. Three years with Simon.
“What happens if I don’t take it.”
“You’ll go back to prison. Given you’ve already been, they'll try for maximum. You could be looking at twenty years, ten if you’re lucky. Life on parole.”
Walk into the tiger’s den or let him continue the chase.
How did you get here?
They put the ankle monitor on at Simon’s house, now your house you suppose. A part of you had wanted to tell them to take you back to prison instead. But you knew the reality of your situation. Simon would just do the same thing he did before. Get videos of you, pictures of you, he could still watch you in your cell. He would still visit you. And that’s just what he would do while you were in prison, what would happen when you were released again? You were never going to be able to escape him. At least this way you would be more comfortable.
A gilded cage.
Simon talked to the officers, but he seemed to make even them nervous, as they all but ran out of the house. You watched as they shut the door behind them, alone in a room with Simon for the first time in a long time.
How did you get here?
Simon put his hand on the back of your neck, before gliding it upwards jerking your head back. Your eyes met his, and he was smiling.
“Hello, bird.”
He shuddered when you called his name.
“Missed you.”
“Don’t know how, you never left me.”
He grinned, boyish and proud of himself, “Never.”
Simon kissed you then, feeling far more familiar than he should’ve for a man you’ve only had sex with once. You turned, hoping to relieve some of the pressure in your neck, Simon’s hand stayed instead wrapping around your throat. He gave an experimental squeeze, making you whimper, before he released you.
“Gonna’ be good’ fer me?” He rasped.
You thought about it for a moment, and he let you, time frozen mid-air. But you had been running for so long. And you were so tired. Fight or flight. Fight or flight. Fight or flight. Or,
You had to stand on the tips of your toes to press your lips against his, white flag given. That’s all it took for the dam to break. Simon let out a growl and slammed you into the nearest wall, cradling your head so it didn’t bang against the wall with the force. His body caged you in as he deepened the kiss. You had forgotten just how intense it was to be so close to Simon.
He filled your senses. You breathed him in, you tasted him, you heard his soft grunts against your lips, felt the rough edge of his jeans as he ground himself against you, watched as his blonde eyelashes fluttered open until he was staring at you. Always watching. Even in these moments. 
Simon’s hand gripped your ass, grinding you harder against him, moaning from the friction.
“You owe’ me somethin’ birdie. Made your fiance wait so long. Such a fuckin’ tease.” He growled in your ear before fisting your shirt in two hands, ripping it with ease. Hands squeezing your bare tits so tight you expected to find bruises tomorrow.
Confusion knitted your brows together before he shoved you to your knees and you came face to face with his crotch.
How did you get here?
Your hands shook as you undid the button on his jeans, the zipper loud in between Simon and your panting. He helped you pull his jeans down his thighs, his cock dropping out, hard and angry.
You had forgotten just how big the man was down below. Time distorting the memory enough you had convinced yourself that he was average and you were just desperate that night. You were wrong of course. The man was hung as a fucking horse.
It had been awhile since you gave a blowjob. The steady pay the pub provided, the tips you made, pawning a few of Simon’s gifts and you had earned enough to not necessitate them. Not that it would help in this situation. Simon was big enough that all your previous tricks were rather useless. You weren’t even sure if you could open your mouth wide enough to take him, let alone take him down your throat. Your poor poor throat.
Tentatively, you leaned forward and gave the head a gentle kiss, glancing up and meeting Simon’s eyes. Your gaze left his, feeling suddenly shy despite the situation you were in. Pre dribbled and you used the chance to rub it along his sensitive head with your thumb. You gathered as much spit on your tongue licking the underside of his cock, pushing it all the way up until it pressed against his stomach. He groaned, hand resting on the back of your head. 
With his dick out of the way, you used your other hand to caress his balls before pressing soft kisses to them. You replaced your hand with your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue, using your hands to work his cock while you gave your attention elsewhere. His balls were much easier to fit in your mouth, but you could only delay the inevitable so long.
You pulled away fully, his cock falling under the weight of itself. The easy part done, now it was time for the hard part. Your gag reflex was not going to be happy. Bracing your hands against his thick thighs, feeling his muscles flex underneath your fingertips, you pressed your lips against the tip of his cock again, parting the seam of your mouth and letting him slowly slip in. Your tongue lying flat as he invaded your mouth.
Inch by overwhelming inch.
Before you had thought he was overwhelming, it was nowhere near as overwhelming as having his dick in your mouth. Gone were the lingering scents of tobacco and liquor. The outside world stripped away until just the man was left. Until only Simon’s musk filled your nose, wrinkling it as you took him a little deeper. Your jaw already ached from how wide you were stretching it.
Tired of your pace, Simon began to use your head as leverage as he pushed you further down, nails pressing crescents into his skin as you forced your body to relax. You quickly moved your hands back to the base of his length, stopping him from pushing you any further. Twisting your wrists to placate him enough to let you keep them there. Sucking to increase the pressure.
Simon moaned, hands going from gripping your head, to resting. Letting you work.
You took a deep breath through your nose as you began to work him in earnest. Swirling your tongue over the head of his cocked you began to bob faster and faster, unable to stop the lewd gurgling noises as the back of him hit your throat. His hands were at your head again, pushing himself further down your throat and back again. Setting his pace.
This wasn’t a blowjob he was fucking your throat. Using you. His dick twitched in his mouth before he pulled out, as you took in huge gulps of breath. Body hunching in on itself. You felt vulnerable like this. Kneeling in front of him, the top half of you completely nude.
You didn’t get much time to collect yourself before you were pulled to your feet, turned so that your back was pressed against his front, hands bracing against the wall. 
Simon kissed your neck, hooking his hands on your pants and jerking them down. They caught on your ankle monitor but he just tore them off, seams ripping. Your underwear was torn with a satisfying rip, before you felt the tip of his bare cock pressing against your hole. He thrusted against your slit, gathering your own slick before he reached a hand down, dragging his dick back before it caught on your hole.
You couldn’t help but whine at the stretch of him, un-prepped. He didn’t stop until his hips met yours, large hands bruising. He paused, leaning his weight onto you, sighing. As if being buried to the hilt in your cunt was the reprieve he had been looking for all his life.
“Missed her’ too. Did she mis’ me?” His voice was hoarse against your ear.
He removed one hand from your hip bringing it to your clit, brushing one large knuckle against it, causing your knees to buckle. Simon chuckled, easily holding your weight against him.
“Don’ worry, won’ ever leave you for this long again Birdie.”
Simon licked your cheek causing you to try and jerk away from him, before the rough pad of his finger began to circle your clit, your pussy clenching around him almost painfully, grinding his hips into yours as if trying to fuck you deeper somehow. He pulled out before snapping into you. Again and again, hand never leaving your clit.
“Simon! Simon please! Don’t stop!” You couldn’t help but cry, bucking back against him as you felt an orgasm build quickly, faster than one had ever built before.
He growled into your ear. “Ain’t ever gonna run again Bird.”
You nodded your head, trying to do everything in your power to appease him to keep doing what he was doing. To keep thrusting. To keep his hand on your clit. To lick you again. Anything. Everything. You wanted him to consume you wholly.
“Ain’t gonna run no’ more. Ain’t gonna leave the house till everyon’ knows you’re mine.”
His hand left your clit, causing you to whine in protest, cradling your stomach. 
“Say it. Tell the whole fuckin’ world who you belong too.”
“You Simon! YoU! Simon! Simon please…plea-” You were babbling, until finally his hand went back to your clit.
“Don’t forget it.”
You came, cunt desperately clutching his cock, squealing as Simon didn’t even slow his thrusts. He pushed you through one orgasm onto the edge of overstimulation as he finally came with a grunt inside of you. He didn’t pull out, keeping his seed nuzzled safely near your womb.
You slumped against his arms, panting softly as the reality of your situation began to wash over you, naked except for the ankle monitor.
How did you get here?
It didn’t matter, because all roads led to Simon.
Tag list: @Sweetlike-sugarplum, @thatpersonamedrook, @aphinthestars, @misscaller06, @shushyoudontknowme, @youknowits-derea, @succubusvalentine, @sundaescreamcheese
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grapejuicefilledpools · 2 years ago
I know ppl are dropping out of AWA cus if the Waverly policies(mainly the no outside alcoholic beverages one) but now that I think abt it… this year may be good cus there won’t be hella people there so…
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gbcuentas · 2 years ago
Hoteles en Playa del Carmen Quinta Avenida
Hoteles en Playa del Carmen Quinta Avenida: Puedes disfrutar de la tranquilidad, actividades nocturnas, familiares en un solo lugar. En este apartado te hablaremos de algunos lugares que te encantaran. 5 hoteles ubicados en la Quinta Avenida de Playa del Carmen Características más destacadas: Hotel La Tortuga: Este encantador hotel boutique se encuentra en el corazón de la Quinta Avenida y a…
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bunny-jpeg · 5 months ago
ugly guys
max verstappen
cw: smut/pwp, teammates au, driver!reader, doggy style, (non-con) filming/recording, jealousy, (semi)dark fic, mad!max, long fic,
a/n: happy, happy, happy birthday to yooooou!!
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max could usually keep his expressions to himself. he knew how to play a good poker face for the media, but when he saw your ugly boyfriend on the track, he could barely keep it to himself.
you were the first female formula one driver in decades and you picked the ugliest guy to date. not that max was the image of a greek god, but you could do better. it didn't help that when he went to shake max's hand, his palms were painfully sweaty and the guy looked like he was going to have a panic attack when he saw max.
"to each their own." max tried to say to himself. as if he hadn't been harbouring feelings for you for what felt like a lifetime.
so imagine max's complete shock when he found out this ugly guy fumbled you so badly that you ended up in max's hotel room the next night with tears in your eyes.
max handed you another tissue as he sat on the other end of the couch. he then rested against the arm of the couch and asked, "so what exactly happened? all i heard was that you two weren't together anymore and you didn't want to be alone."
you sniffed, "i didn't know who else to call. all my friends are back home or in monaco." you wiped your eyes, earlier you took all your make-up off by evidence of the wipes all over the bathroom counter.
max shrugged, "well, glad i could help." in all fairness, he was glad that your boyfriend (not ex-boyfriend) was out of the picture. hated the guy and not because he looked like the personification of a dumpster. he was getting in max's way.
you leaned against the couch and pouted at him, your arms crossed. you ordered pizza for the both of you, not caring about the diet you were both on. you wanted something greasy and filling and a salad wasn't going to cut that. you explained a little calmer, "he... he called me annoying, he said that when we talked i changed the subject too many times. he said the 'vibes' were off." you gave air quotations, "i tried to forgive him last month when my friend found him on tinder." you sighed, "but... i guess i wasn't good enough. feels like i'm never good enough."
max replied, "i think it's because you give these guys a false sense of confidence. you give these greasy losers an ego boost because they gets to be with you and they go off and think that they're all that. what did this guy do for a living anyway."
"he worked at the gift shop at the circuits of america..." you looked away.
he knew you refused to go on apps like raya, even if it would be easier for you. max thought you liked scrapping the bottom of the barrel and expecting gold.
he pinched the bridge of his nose, "you were flying out and fucking a guy who worked at a gift shop!" he sighed, "i know you want a real, nice guy. but, you're inflating their egos!"
you looked down, "he seemed nice at first."
max couldn't be mad at you. he really couldn't. it wasn't your fault. these guys always put on a show for you, and then when you got too close, the trap came down and you always limped back to max with tears in your eyes. he reached over and sighed as he wiped your tears with his thumbs, "you need standards."
you slumped your shoulders, "i have standards."
"what are they?"
you made a face, "nice. considerate."
"you know you can train a dog to be nice. it's not a very high bar. you are the third ranked driver in the world and all you want is nice. considerate." without thinking he added, "maybe i should date you and show you how to be properly treated."
you stilled for a moment, your eyes wide at max. you said, "don't say things you don't mean." from your expression he could tell you were getting heated in the face.
oh... oh.
he let go of you to move the pizza box out of the way, he was soon crowded in your space with your back against the arm of the couch. "does someone like me?" he watched you swallowed. you had been max's teammate for two years now, after perez retired.
"i never said that." you looked away, but max took you by the face to look at him. something in his blue eyes should've alarmed you, but instead you melted a little into his touch.
"you didn't need to say anything. i could see it in your face." he smiled, "did you date all those greasy-haired, directionless losers to make me jealous?" if he were a worse man, that would've been an ego boost.
"i did like them."
"but you liked me more."
there was a beat of silence between you two before you sighed. you admitted, "yes... i tried to date guys who weren't you, so i'd forget about my... feelings for you." you swallowed.
max found it endearing. if he had known sooner, he would've easily swept you off your feet and made sure no other man got in his way. so without much of a second thought, he kissed you. it was passionate and the result of over two years of wanting you. needing you. the kisses continued until the pizza was long forgotten and you were on max's hotel bed.
you bounced a little when he pushed you onto it. some of your belongings were in his room as you were going to stay the night. his hands under your shirt.
"i've thought about this often." he said, "i wonder if any of those guys ever made you feel good. or were you wishing it was me." he whispered in your ear, "did you think about me when they failed to make you cum?"
you swallowed, "the last guy..." you admitted, "his cock was really small and he didn't know where the clit was." and blushed more when max looked at you in shock.
he laughed, "and he's going on tinder and acting like a prick! cheating on you and calling you annoying! he broke things off with you and you were suffering with piss-poor sex. c'mon. you need standards." he pushed your shirt off of you, "you need me."
call max verstappen a possessive man. he'd chalk it up to his childhood and the constant feeling of inadequacy. being knocked around a few times in the head probably scarred him. but, he was happy that he could finally lay claim on you.
he got you undressed and did the same to himself. you both had seen each other naked a few times. it was the price of being in close proximity for most of the year. walking into driver's rooms without knocking, that time you asked him if this bra looked alright, the other time you had to hold his hand while he got that small tattoo on his hip (that not even the other drivers knew about). you two knew each other more intimately than most, if not everyone.
so it only made sense that max felt you up while you laid under him. with promises on his tongue as he kissed your collarbones, "i'm gonna make you feel good. i promise." he his cock was sticky and heavy. he needed you asap.
you got on your hands and knees with your hips arched to the perfect angle for him. in the bright lights of the bedroom, he could see your wetness cling to your pussy lips. this was what your ex-boyfriend left? this! max assumed the man needed his head checked, but now he was certain he needed to be locked up somewhere.
only an idiot would mess up their chances with you.
he rubbed his hard cock against your click cunt. he said, "might be a bit of a stretch. i'm guessing i'm about double the size of him."
"he was three inches." you replied, "i measured after he lied to me and said he was five." you felt embarrassed, "i can't believe i gave this guy a chance! more than one chance!"
max tried not to laugh, he didn't want you thinking he was insulting you. but max was close to seven inches, well beyond double what your ex-boyfriend was packing. and maybe it was rude of him to think so, but it made his confidence a little higher.
when he sank his cock into you, you buried your face into the pillows and arched your back. your nails dug into the fabric. the whole floor didn't need to know you two were fucking.
not that max cared, let them hear. let them know.
the idea only came to him when he started to thrust up against you. he watched your ass shake with every hard thrust of his hips. he soon had you bouncing on his length. his size buried in your just right, at least he knew where your clit was. and the thought of it against his tongue later left him more excited.
there was so much for him to try on you. missionary would be rarely on the table. max wanted to devour you like a fine meal. but you'd always get your fair share of orgasms. can't have his girl go without.
however the thought crossed his mind and as he thrusted into you. he grabbed his phone and started to record. he changed his pace a little, harder thrusts that were a little slower. really get his cock comfortable inside of you.
he pressed against areas that had you moaning louder. all picked up on the camera. he asked, "do you like that, baby? do you like how it all feels?"
you whimpered. you weren't aware he was filming, instead just doing dirty talk to make you pant and whine. you replied, "it feels good, max. ah!"
max smiled, as the camera caught the sight of his cock going in and out of you. his cock sticky with your wetness. even a ring of milky white around the base from how good he made you feel. he wanted to speak directly to your asshole of an ex-boyfriend. he wanted to know that he'd always be less than. less than max verstappen.
"better than with anyone else." he couldn't give away that he was filming you. even with the camera directed at your pussy taking all of him so nicely.
you nodded.
"use your words, i want to hear you." he said with a bit of cockiness in his tone, "i want to know how to make you feel." c'mon, tell your dickhead of an ex how good your own teammate made you feel. tell max everything.
"shit, max. please. no one has ever fucked me like this before." you held onto the pillow a little tighter. the rush was to your head, you couldn't believe it. it was even a little better than when you pleasured yourself.
"a girl like you deserves a good fuck. how big was he again?" now max was just taunting the man. maybe it was a step beyond, but the greasy-haired prick should've known better than to get in max's way.
"yeah, yeah. didn't know how to use it either. but that's alright, schat. i'll make sure to give you all the orgasms he failed to give you. right?"
you nodded, "right, max, right." you arched your back a little more. the pleasure was flooding your brain. almost overwhelming as he fucked you with such force that it moved the bed up against the wall. the expensive headboard knocked against the wall a little harder.
no more worrying about idiot men for you, not while max was still upright and breathing. you were his. even if max had to raise your standards himself in any capacity. he would make you see that the two of you were a better fit. and to not give these low-lifes any chances. you were above them.
far too beautiful, far too funny, far too charming. if they couldn't handle a woman who liked to ramble then they were weak. max had already been listening to your rambling and ranting for years. the only difference was now he could keep you quiet with about seven inches in your mouth.
"who's going to make you cum?"
"you are!" you said a little louder. your voice a little tighter.
"you are!" you yelped as your back arched further and eventually you came around max's cock. the noises you made were angel choirs in max's perverted mind. there, that should get the message across to this other dickhead.
he ended the video and tossed the phone on the bed before he gripped you by the middle and pressed his chest against your back. he fucked you with a heavy pace. it made you see stars and feel the throb of need in your core.
already overstimulated, your body craved for more. now you certainty weren't going to find another man. with a few ore heavy thrusts, you came once more and almost punched the pillow from the intensity. it was soon followed by max who pushed himself all the way inside of you and finished.
"shit." he croaked.
you laid under him as he slowed to a stop and dropped your hips when he pulled out. you laid there, finding comfort in the pillow under your head as you felt on cloud nine.
while max would've loved to eat you out right after. he could tell that you had already had enough for tonight. he laid down next to you and you rolled to your side to face him. your expression was blissed out and sleepy.
so, like any good boyfriend. he held you. and soon you drifted off to sleep. the rush of chemicals to your brain made you sleepy. and soon you were curled up under the covers with max.
"good girl." he said softly as you laid on his chest in a post-orgasm bliss. it wasn't until you were fully asleep that max got to work.
as you laid asleep beside him, he had your phone in his hand. he knew your pass code because it was the same as his. his number (33) and your number. it was a cute thing you wanted to do as teammates. so it wasn't easy to send the video and photos of him fucking you to your ex-boyfriend.
you shifted a little in your sleep from the feeling of the bright light of a phone nearby. you made a noise and almost woke up.
"shh, shh." he said as he kissed the top of your head, "just checking emails, go back to sleep." he was quick to send the video from his phone to your phone then to your ex-boyfriend. you simply snuggled closer and relaxed more. unaware.
max attached a message to the video, the one of him completely taking your pussy, "thought you were dumb, now i think you're completely stupid. don't text or call this number. congratulations of fumbling someone way out of your league. but don't worry, she's better off with me now.- mv." then blocked the number before he put the phone down.
it was his loss honestly, not that max cared. the guy could live forever or die tomorrow. forever irrelevant because now max had you. and as you snuggled up closer to him, a sleepy smile across your face.
you could've gone through a hundred guys, but that didn't matter. because you'd always find your way back to max. <3
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redfoxwritesstuff · 4 months ago
Teaching Him A Lesson (Lucifer x Reader) (Cucked Alastor x reader)
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CW: Drunk sex, Dub con due to drinking, cream pie, breakup rebound sex, noncon cucking, fem receiving oral, bondage for Alastor Rated: Adult Summary: After being dumped by Alastor, you soothe your heart at the hotel bar. Lucifer is more than willing to listen to your sorrows and even indulge you when you take Angel Dust's advice of fucking your way over Alastor. Unfortunately, when Alastor sees you slip into your room with someone else, he regrets his choice and Lucifer decides to teach him a lesson.
AN: We finished it! It's a week and a half late but we fuckin finished it!! Thank you everyone who's cheered me on as I've explored characters, pairings, kinks and situations I would otherwise never have written and stay tuned for what @redvexillum and I have planned for December!
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Lucifer prided himself on being the bigger man, even when he wasn’t. He was weak to temptation, in reality, though he wasn’t fond of admitting it. That’s how he became the king of Hell, banished from his heavenly home for daring to think he knew better than his divine father. 
It was that same weakness to temptation that had him following you through the halls, hand tucked into his after spending a few hours and too many drinks listening to your sorrows at the hotel bar. Your hair moved with your eager pace, tear-stained face smiling back at him as you pulled him along. 
This wasn’t right. Lucifer knew that, but he had always had a soft spot for you and oh, you were so eager. 
Your heart lay shattered in your chest. What did you expect, falling for the Radio Demon? The two of you had given it a good run, all things considered. That was more than most people could ever dare to hope to get with him. For a short year, you had stood by his side and, oh, how you had loved it. 
You thought he loved you. 
That’s why it had come as such a surprise when he had sat you down and told you he was done, that it was over this morning. You were a distraction. The benefits you brought to his life weren’t worth the weakness you created. He didn’t want you anymore. 
Cast aside. 
It hurt and you begged. It did no good, though. 
Angel Dust was sure what you needed to move on was a good fuck. Maybe he was right? Probably not, it had only been a few hours, but the more drinks you had, the better of an idea it sounded. 
Who better than the King of Hell to fuck away the memory of Alastor’s touch? Lucifer had been so kind too, listening to you ramble and cry. He didn’t get on well with your ex, but that didn’t seem to impact his kindness at all. 
“This is my old room,” you said, stopping in front of a door you hadn’t opened in six months. 
“Are you going to open it?” Lucifer asked, hand still held in yours. “If you’ve changed your mind, that’s-” 
“Are you going to kiss me?” You asked, reaching behind you and turning the knob, letting the door click open. 
Red eyes shrouded in shadows watched from the end of the hall as Lucifer enveloped you in his arms. Anger rolled through the static that surrounded him as he watched your body melt in the King’s, lips moving against his. 
Until this morning, you had allowed Alastor to hold you like that. Until this morning, you allowed Alastor to slip his tongue between your parted lips, drinking up the sweet sounds of your pleasure.
Alastor had been at peace with his decision when you ran from your shared bedroom this morning. He had been at peace with it as he watched you drink your sorrows away. There was hardly more than a twinge of jealousy as you sat with Lucifer at the bar. 
But now, as Lucifer walked you into what had been your bedroom. 
Warm lips moved against yours, soft and longing as Lucifer’s kiss stole your breath away. Your mind swam, wrapped up in the idea of him and floating on a sea of apple-flavored drinks. 
His arms wrapped around you as he walked you into the room you had thought you would never be in again. His body was hard against yours as he struggled between wanting to hold you and let his coat fall down to the ground, urged off his shoulders by your hands. 
Nimble fingers worked at the buttons of his vest, working it open one button at a time as he kissed your neck. Soft sweet words were whispered, unclear and unable to be made out as they mixed into one soft sound spoken against your neck. 
Lucifer pulled your shirt up and over your head, tossing it to the side as you worked through the buttons of his shirt. His hands replaced yours, yanking at the fabric. Buttons went flying, ripped from the stitching. 
Hot skin was against skin in a matter of moments. Lucifer’s warm chest pressed into you. The warm skin of his chest pressed your breasts flat. There was an eagerness to feel you that you hadn’t realized you missed. 
When had Alastor last held you like this? Kissed you like this? It wasn’t that intimacy was lacking with him; it was just that he was sparing with it. There was a passion and need to Lucifer’s hands, unclasping your bra and sending it flying off into the room that you had missed. 
It felt good to feel wanted. It made you feel powerful to have a man wanting you, eager for you. There was no taking your time. He wasn’t taking his time with you. The way Lucifer’s hands moved over your curves, it felt like he would die if he couldn’t take in the feeling of your skin enough. 
“I want you,” Lucifer said, lips working over the swell of your breast as the backs of your knees hit the bed you hadn’t slept in in months. 
“I need you,” you moaned as Lucifer worked the fly of your pants open, sinking to his knees as he worked the pants down your legs. 
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It was fine, Alastor told himself as the door clicked closed. This was what he had wanted, you to no longer be a distraction. Yet as he paced the hall, Alastor had found himself to be even more distracted. 
You were not supposed to move on so quick. He devastated you this morning. You shouldn’t have been taking another man to your bed the same night. There was something wrong. 
Lucifer had to be influencing you. 
Alastor needed to stop this. You belonged to him. 
“Troublesome woman,” Alastor said, walking to the door. The shadow moving along the wall next to him wore a bitter frown, anger clear in the spikes of his hair and clothes over the situation you had put them in. 
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Lucifer knelt in front of your knees as you lounged back on the bed, hands supporting your weight as you lifted your hips for him. He peeled your soaked panties from your core as the door to your room opened. 
“Get away from her!” Alastor stormed into the room as if it was his. 
“Alastor!” You sat up, arms crossing to cover yourself. “Get out of here.” 
“You belong to me,” His voice rose as Alastor stepped closer, “Stop this nonsense and we’ll talk.” 
“She doesn’t,” Lucifer said, still kneeling with his cock straining against the front of his pants. “You left her.” 
“Leave, Alastor.” Your voice was thick with emotion, anger and sadness fighting for dominance. 
“You do not need a half sized king to satisfy you,” Alastor continued telling you what to do, what you needed. 
“Please,” you whimpered. 
“Angel, look at me?” Your eyes flickered down to Lucifer, thumbs rubbing soothing circlers of comfort on your thighs. “Do you want this still?” 
“I do,” you sounded less sure than he would have liked but that’s alright, Lucifer would work with it. 
“Then ignore him, pay attention to me.” Lucifer ignored Alastor, who was putting off waves of radio static behind him. 
“Get your hands off her,” Alastor snarled as your panties went lower and lower down your legs. He couldn’t see the core that rightfully belonged to him. Lucifer’s body was blocking his view. “I will rip you limb from fucking limb.” 
“I’d like to see you try,” Lucifer said, licking his lips as he leaned in, kissing your thighs as he spread your legs wider. “Shall we help Alastor learn his place?” 
“What do you mean?” You trembled, struggling to hold your arms over your chest and not fall back as Lucifer’s tongue made a quick pass up your spread folds. 
“I mean, let me show him how powerless he is.” Lucifer placed a soft kiss on your clit. “Let me show him how well I can satisfy you.” 
“Oh,” your eyes flicked to Alastor, standing frozen in place with his smile straining. 
“Look at me.” Lucifer’s lips moved against your clit as he spoke. “Pay attention to me. Don’t worry about him.” 
Between the drinks still humming through your bloodstream and the allure of Lucifer, you failed to see the shimmering of golden chains wrapping around Alastor and rooting him in place. The way Lucifer wrapped his lips around your clit distracting you from Alastor’s struggles against the chains, or the way his voice seemed to be muffled by the air. 
“Oh, my.” Your back arched, arms falling from your breasts as the wet muscle of Lucifer’s tongue worked into you. 
He wasted no time in playing your body like an instrument. Fingers pressed inside your weeping core, sinking deeper and deeper as he pulled waves of pleasure from you. Lucifer was skilled with both his tongue and his hands, driving you closer to the edge with little effort at all. 
Your breasts were shamelessly on display as you gasped for air. Alastor pulled against the chains, bitter threats failing to travel far in the thick air of the room. He watched as your breasts rose and fell with each gasping breath. 
He watched as your body grew tighter and tighter. He knew your body like the back of his hand. You were close. 
Alastor had no choice but to watch as your first orgasm washed over you. Each moan was music to his ears, but he should have been the musician. 
Lucifer drank you your slick, eagerly taking in everything you had to offer as your body wracked through the waves of pleasure. Only once you stilled did he rise, tongue running over his lips as he freed his cock. 
You were spread out, shameless now as Lucifer looked over his shoulder. He made bold eye contact with the man restrained in the back of the room. The positioning wasn’t the best, he decided. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Alastor snapped as chains pulled him around the room, letting him see the couple from the side. 
“Making sure you have the best seat in the house,” Lucifer said, stroking his cock as your eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice. If he waited much longer, the drinks and soft afterglow of your orgasm would have you asleep before he had really taught Alastor a lesson. 
“Stop me if you can,” he said, chuckling as he turned his attention back to you. “Ready baby?” 
“Please,” you spread your thighs for him, showing him your needy core and begging him to fill it. 
“Let’s show him how it’s done.” Lucifer pulled you to the edge of the bed by your thighs. Your ass hung slightly over now, supported by his clawed hands. The soft head of his cock lined up with your opening.
Alastor couldn’t look away as the King of Hell sank his cock slowly into the woman he realized he loved. You were so hurt that you’d let Lucifer use you for his petty game just to hurt him back. 
Chains dug into his body as he thrashed and fought, struggling for even a centimeter of progress toward the man he wanted to rip apart. He would bath himself and you in the man’s golden blood, then remind you who you really belonged to. 
“I just need to,” each word was a struggle to grind out against the tightening hold of the chains, “Get free.” 
He couldn’t. There was nothing Alastor could do against the power of Lucifer himself. All he could do was watch as another man’s cock slowly pushed inside the body that belonged to him. 
Alastor stilled, watching as your mouth fell open as the king filled you. Your fingers bunched into the bedding, dust floating up from where the fabric pulled. 
Lucifer pushed into you until his body nestled tightly against you. Each aftershock of your orgasm caressed his straining cock, urging him to hurry. For a moment, he simply bathed in the feeling of being inside a beautiful partner once again, after so many years without his wife. 
Ex wife. 
“Pay attention now,” Lucifer said, pulling out from you only to slide back into place. “And I’ll show you how it’s done.” 
Your body rocked with each thrust into you. Your breasts bounced and moved, nipples putting on a dance for just the three of you as he worked into you. The pace was slow and steady, giving and taking pleasure with each lazy thrust. 
“More,” you begged, reaching out for Lucifer. Fingers wrapped around his wrists as you struggled to meet his thrusts in the position. “Harder,” 
“Already?” Lucifer asked, chucking at the needy whine. “You’re so responsive and he sent you away?” 
“Please,” you begged, “Please, just fuck me.” 
“He really is missing out,” Lucifer said, pulling from your body. The cold air rushed around his wet cock as he motioned for you to roll over. “Hands and knees.” 
Alastor protested, voice a muffled buzz in your ears as the man you had loved for the last year was pulled in front of you. Your eyes ran up his red clad body, taking in the way his cock strained against his pants. 
The bed shifted as Lucifer climbed up on it, positioning himself behind you. You looked into Alastor’s eyes as Lucifer’s cock sank into you. 
The pace was as you had begged for, harder and faster. He gave you more and more, high moans falling from your lips serving to encourage him.
“Good girl,” Lucifer said, pulling your torso up to rest against his chest. The long, whip-like tail that extended out behind the devil wrapped around your thighs. The spade tip caressed your clit as he continued to thrust up into you. 
Alastor’s hand fell to his crotch, palm absently caressing the bulge even as he spewed words of anger. 
Lucifer palmed your breast as his horns extended up. Red and yellow eyes inverted, burning over your shoulder as he gave you the harsh fucking you had been begging for. 
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as he pushed you closer and closer to your finish. The coil within you was quickly winding, tightening as the breath was knocked from your lungs with every brutal thrust in a moan that made him want to hear it again and again. 
You screamed as you came, the spade of your lover’s tail slapping your clit softly as you shook in his arms. The men in the room with you would never agree on if the name you screamed was the correct one, but that didn’t matter to you now. All that mattered was the way Lucifer’s cock felt pushing through your quivering walls.
As your body grew weak, he let you fall to the bed. Folding himself over you, Lucifer pounded into you as he chased his own release. It didn’t take long at all for him to shoot hot ropes of semen into you, painting your twitching walls with everything he had. The throbbing feeling of his release had you moaning again, slitted eyes on Alastor while you rode the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
You hated him. 
You loved him. 
Tears ran from your cheeks as the King of Hell’s cock twitched inside you, shooting the last spurts of his seed against your cervix. You struggled to breathe as a sea of emotions crashed over the shores of your heart. 
Your spent body sank into the mattress as Lucifer carefully lowered your hips down. The alcohol and post orgasmic bliss called to you, telling you stories of how you could deal with the aftermath of your actions in the morning. 
It would all be easier in the morning. It would all make sense in the morning. 
In the morning. 
You slipped off to sleep, Lucifer’s hand still on your hip as darkness claimed your relaxed mind. 
Lucifer walked, cock still in the process of softening and standing in front of him, to get a warm towel to run over sore skin. He had to compromise the quality of his clean up in favor of not waking you. 
Alastor screamed, voice unable to reach your ears as Lucifer scooped you up in his arms and nestled you into the bed. It was the wrong bed. You shouldn’t be sleeping in this bed. 
With a snap, the King was dressed again.
“Come along,” Lucifer said, pulling Alastor out of the room and down the hall by chains. 
“I will make you pay for this,” Alastor roared, voice hardly carrying down the dark hall. The surrounding chains slacked, but still prevented him from moving freely. 
“I won’t,” Lucifer said easily, eyes making a point of running down Alastor’s body, taking in the dark patch blooming at the end of the bulge in his lap. “But I do hope you’ve learned your lesson.” 
“Who are you to teach me-” Lucifer cut him off.
“Do not throw away people who love you,” Lucifer spoke simply, voice thick with emotion as he caught sight of the wedding ring he still wore on his finger. “And don’t put the people you love last. You never know when they’ll walk away and not come back.” 
“You know this from experience, your highness?” Alastor’s tone was mocking, a shallow attempt to make up for his lack of ability to generate volume at the moment. 
“I do,” Lucifer said simply. “Maybe you can fix things with her in the morning, if you want to. If you don’t, let her go.” 
Alastor stood, frozen in place even as the chains around him disappeared, watching Lucifer walk down the hall. His shadow split from him as he turned toward his door. As he entered his room, the part of him that expressed emotion far easier entered your room. 
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Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord where we talk Vox, Hazbin, writing, reading, art and who knows what else. You may even catch some exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming fics from some of your favorite writers including the first page of the next chapter of MisD a day early!!
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mymoodwriting · 2 months ago
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5.7k, yandere themes, creep behavior, minor stalking, abuse, manipulation, alcohol consumption, drugs, non-con, dub-con, smut, somnophilia, fingering, penetration, cream pie, overstimulation, implied hostage, implied kidnapping, implied forced impregnation (@starillusion13)
“Oh, I didn’t order this.”
“It’s from the gentleman over there.”
You glanced over your shoulder to see a gentleman dressed in a white suit and red hair reading a book in a corner booth. You had seen him here earlier in the day, and on previous nights. You weren’t entirely sure you wanted to accept a drink from him.
“Uh… he’s kinda been creeping and-”
“He’s the owner.”
“That’s Jung Jaehyun, owner of the hotel.” The bartender explained. “He likes to spend his free time in the bar area or do some simple work here. He enjoys seeing the type of people who stay at his hotel and on occasion buys drinks for them too. Technically this is on the house.”
“I can make you something else if you’d like.”
“No, that’s alright. It doesn’t hurt to try something new.”
“Of course. Then may I ask, what brings you to the area? Work or vacation?”
“Unfortunately work.” You took a sip of the drink, liking the taste. “My company sent me here for a business conference. Just a few more days then I can go home.”
“You’re not one for travel?”
“Not really. I like sleeping in my own bed.”
“Fair. I can’t argue with that. Although I do hope you’ve been enjoying your stay.”
“Yeah, this place is nice. I like the style.” You yawned, checking the time. “Gosh, I feel so tired, perhaps I should head to bed.”
“Would you like a wake up call? You can give me your room number and a time to call. It’s a hotel service to help you not sleep in.”
“Oh, that would be nice. I’m in 2146, and 6 am would be a good time to call.”
“I’ll make a note for the front desk. Have a good night, miss…?”
“Y/n, the name’s y/n.”
“Good night, y/n.”
The bartender bowed and you finished up your drinking heading upstairs to wash up and rest. It wasn’t that late, but you certainly felt tired, the day had been more draining than you realized. Still, you had work in the morning, so better to get a good night’s sleep.
Jaehyun kept his attention on the book in hand, even as a drink was placed on his table by the bartender. One he hadn’t ordered.
“Y/n, room 2146, here on behalf of her company for a conference, and requested a 6 am wake up call that I shall handle. She’s only staying a few more days. The room is a one bedroom, and she checked in alone. In approximately ten minutes she’ll be out cold.”
“Thank you, Mr. Suh.”
“Of course, sir.” 
Jaehyun reached for the glass as the bartender walked away, taking a sip before checking the time. He made a note and returned to his book. A few minutes later he set it down and made his way up to the room number he had been given. He checked the time once more as he got off the elevator. He stood before the door number 2146, knocking. There was no response so he knocked again. He subtly glanced at the cameras and examined the hall, he was alone. Once he confirmed that he pressed his ear to the door, listening. It was silent. He glanced around once more before pulling out his master key card and unlocking the door, stepping in gracefully.
He moved quietly, slowly shutting the door and then walking further into the room. He stopped as he registered the sounds of running water. He glanced at his watch, moving cautiously until he saw a half dressed woman lying on the bed. As he got closer he could see they appeared to be sleeping. He snapped his fingers by their ear, getting no reaction at all, then checked for a pulse. It was steady and calm. His prey wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon. Jaehyun took in the woman before him, reaching down to finish what she had started, stripping her bare and laying her down properly on the bed. His hands gently caressed bits of exposed skin, so far, he liked what he had. 
“Y/n… very beautiful.”
After a moment he went to the bathroom, switching the shower head off and opting to fill the tub. He waited until the water was warm before going to retrieve you. He easily carried you bridal style towards the bathroom, setting you down in the tub. He rolled up his sleeves, getting some items from under the bathroom sink so he could properly wash you up. He was gentle and took his time, admiring your beauty from up close. Although as he scrubbed down your chest he slowed down. His fingers gliding over your belly and then going lower, dipping between your legs. He felt around gently, watching your reaction as he slowly teased you. The little helpless noises you made, reacting to the stimulus but unable to properly wake up.
Jaehyun kept at it, his thumb rubbing your clit. He wanted to do a bit more, ultimately deciding to pull you out of the tub and into his arms. He didn’t care if he got wet, keeping an arm around you and sitting you between his legs, his fingers dipping back down to tease you before pushing to digits inside. You let out a low moan, your hips starting to gently shake. He worked you over slowly, finding that sweet spot and rubbing against it. You whimpered, squirming around in his embrace as your breathing became uneven. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, breathing you in but refraining from leaving marks. He brought you to climax on his fingers alone, reveling in the afterglow of your body.
Although he knew he couldn’t stay like this for too long. Eventually he got you back in the tub and finished your bath. He drained the tub and dried you off, changing you into your pajamas and then tucking you into bed. He held himself back from placing a kiss on your head, deciding to stay a moment longer to gaze at your sleeping form. He cleaned himself up and made sure to leave no trace of his presence before quietly exiting the room. It was still late in the night, so the halls were empty and he simply returned back down to the bar. He got to the table he had left, grabbing the drink and taking a seat once more. A moment later Mr. Suh came over.
“How did it go?”
“She’s the one.”
“Ah, congratulations, I’ll keep that in mind. Can I get you anything else tonight?”
“No, thank you.”
“Of course.”
You jumped awake at the sound of the phone ringing on your nightstand. You were still half awake as you reached over to answer the phone.
“… hello…?”
“Good morning, I’m calling as you requested a 6am wake up call.”
“… wake up call… 6am… yes, yes, I did, thank you.”
“Have a good day, ma’am.”
“You too.”
You hung up and grabbed your head, vague memories of last night finally surfacing. You had been down at the bar and asked the bartender about a wake up call, just to be safe. You remembered coming up to wash up and head to bed, but you couldn’t remember much of that part. It was weird, but it didn’t matter. You could tell you had cleaned up, and clearly had gotten to bed. Once that was out of your mind you got up, getting ready for another day at work.
On days Jaehyun wasn’t in the hotel he was out with investors and taking care of other hotel business. He didn’t do much with his time outside of his work, but he intended to change that eventually. After a day of being out he finally returned to his hotel, although later than he wanted to. He made his way to the bar, looking around for a familiar face. The last few days you had come to the bar to unwind after a long day, so it was odd to not see you. He went up to the bar to inquire.
“Johnny, have you-”
“She was drinking with a new friend. The two went up together a few minutes ago.”
“From what I gathered they went up to her room. Although,” Johnny checked his watch. “They should both be out in about five minutes.”
Jaehyun didn’t need to hear anything else, making his way up to your room. He was trying to contain his own annoyance, but it was difficult. He shrugged off his jacket and other items as he walked down the hall. When he got to your door he knocked aggressively, not stopping until the door opened. A random male opened the door and Jaehyun immediately threw a punch, knocking them to the ground. They didn’t move afterwards and Jaehyun stepped over them, shutting the door behind him. 
He didn’t care to be subtle this time, but didn’t find you in the room. He noticed the bathroom door closed, and found it to be locked. He knocked, but got no response, opting to break out down. Once it was open he found you sitting on the floor, passed out. He quickly checked to make sure you hadn’t injured yourself, and thankfully you hadn’t. He picked you up, carrying you over to your bed and laying you down. Just like before he knew you’d be out till morning, but first he had to deal with the other. He reached for the phone on the nightstand, dialing the bar.
“I need clean up in room 2146.”
“Right away, sir.”
You still needed to clean up, and Jaehyun would take care of that once the other problem was dealt with. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Jaehyun answered. Johnny offered a smile and pushed in a cart, he didn’t ask questions and just dealt with the unconscious body in the room while Jaehyun took care of you. He ran another bath for you, just washing you up this time and getting you into bed. Afterwards he made sure to clean up and leave no traces. Tomorrow morning may be confusing, but at least he’d know that no one touched you.
The next morning your phone rang once again at 6am, and you groggily answered. It was annoying, but also necessary. Just like last time you sat with your head in your hands for a few minutes, trying to get your mind in order. You could have sworn you had been chatting with someone last night and were intending to have some fun, but you didn’t remember much after heading up to your room. You only had one drink, and you watched the bartender make it in front of you too. Although, you didn’t feel sore or any lingering sensations. Maybe you had just been hopeful and delusional after a long day.
Now it was time to get up and do it all again. You groaned and got out of bed, preparing for the day. At least this trip was almost over. You made your way to the convention center, greeting your coworkers and helping set up. There were a few panels you’d be attending, and lots more mingling to do. Even though the day went by rather fast, exhaustion didn’t hit til you were back at the hotel. A simple drink after a long day was nice, so you always found yourself going to the hotel bar. The bartender greeted you, asking what you would like this time. You asked for something new, and to be surprised. He was pretty good at his job.
“Here you are. Will you be drinking alone again?”
“Was I drinking with someone last night?”
“I don’t recall.”
“Why? Did you have someone with you?”
“Not sure… but it doesn’t matter.”
“Perhaps you could use some company.”
“You’ve been great company, Mr. Suh.”
“You can just call me, Johnny. Although I am flattered, listening and storytelling is part of a bartender’s duties, but I wasn’t speaking about myself.”
“Oh, then what were you referring to?”
“I think you know.”
Johnny gestured behind you, and you cautiously looked back, eyes landing on a particular table. There was the hotel owner, Jaehyun, engrossed in a book and sitting all by himself.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to bother him.”
“I doubt he’d mind. Besides, I do think he likes you.”
“Ah… well… it would be weird…”
“Not entirely.” Johnny placed a drink on the table. “Could you give this to him for me, it’s his favorite.”
You gave Johnny a goofy smile and grabbed the drink, taking your own as well. With every step you took you realized it was too late to back out. Jaehyun didn’t look up from his book as you placed down his drink. You could probably leave and he’d be none the wiser, but you were already here.
“… what are you reading?”
There was a moment of silence that led you to believe he was ignoring you, but then he looked up. When he caught a look at your face he smiled, setting his book down.
“A satirical horror novel. There is a movie adaptation, but many things get lost in translation so I rather look into the source material.”
“How sophisticated of you.”
“I suppose. Would you like to join me for a drink?”
“If I’m not bothering you.”
“Of course not, sit, please.”
“Thank you.” 
You slid into the booth, sitting across from Jaehyun. You set your drink down, starting to feel a bit nervous and shy. From the beginning you knew he was handsome, even if you thought him to be a creep at first, but now that you had his attention you couldn’t help feeling flushed.
“So… I was told you’re the hotel owner.”
“That is correct.”
“What’s that like, running a hotel?”
“Busy, or at least I like to be involved with as much of the inner workings as possible.”
“A very hands-on approach.”
“Indeed. I want my staff to feel like they can rely on me. Whenever something happens I want to know, even if it can be resolved without my interference. I want to assure all our guests enjoy their stay.”
“Well, I certainly have so far. I love the design, and the service is nice. I’d say you’ve done well here. Do you intend to expand into a franchise?”
“I’m not honestly interested in that. This land was given to me by my father, and I was given the freedom to do what I wanted with it.”
“Wow, so why a hotel? Why not something with more potential for high income, like a shopping mall?”
“I did consider it, but I wanted to focus more on the people. One can go shopping in many places, but having a safe place to rest after a long day seems more important. This area gets a lot of people passing through, so there’s a lot of competition in regards to consumer goods. A hotel was more appropriate in my eyes.”
“Hm, when you put it like that, I see what you mean. A hotel was a simpler idea, and your values are up front. Very impressive.”
“I do my best. What about you? If you don’t mind me asking, what has brought you here?”
“Work. I’ve been representing my company at this convention in town. They wanted someone from another branch to participate, so they sent me.”
“Has it been any fun?”
“Uh, well I guess it has its moments, but work is work.”
“True, I’m sure you’ve been doing well.”
“I hope my boss sees it that way too.”
“Let me know if not, I’ll have a word with them.”
“I don’t think that would work, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
“Then, might I be so bold as to ask you out for dinner? I know a wonderful place nearby.”
“You’ve been in the area for work purposes, I fear you haven’t enjoyed yourself much.”
“You’d be right there.”
“So, what do you say?”
“I suppose dinner couldn’t hurt. It’d be better than dining alone.”
“Wonderful. Come with me.”
Jaehyun stood and offered you his hand. You took it with a smile, letting him hook your arms together and leading you out. It was summertime in the area, so the night was comfortably warm. You didn’t really need to change as you were already dressed in business attire, but you felt that maybe you should have given where Jaehyun took you. The restaurant seemed to be rather high class, and you felt like you were severely undressed. Still, Jaehyun made no comment and walked in, going up to the host and giving his name. They welcomed him and you were escorted to a table, getting looks from those in the waiting area.
“Did you… make a reservation?”
“No. I always have a table here. Usually I dine alone, but I’m grateful for the company tonight.”
“I see… thanks for inviting me.”
You were shown to a nice table, Jaehyun pulling out your chair for you. He was such a gentleman, making you realize how wrong your initial impression of him was. The waiter returned with a menu, and you didn’t see any prices. You figured you’d just enjoy yourself for the moment and worry about the bill later. Jaehyun suggested wine, but you still had work tomorrow, and your one drink was enough. He respected that and didn’t get any alcohol either. While you ate you talked a bit more about yourself, and asked about his life. You two were from very different worlds, and tonight you were getting a small glimpse.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that Jaehyun covered the bill, you never even saw how much the total was. He wasn’t going to tell you, nor accept any amount of money from you. For him, your company was well worth a meal. You both walked with your arms hooked together back to the hotel, Jaehyun escorting you to your room as you continued your conversation. 
“So, you’ve always lived around here. You don’t travel?”
“I haven’t had a reason to.”
“You haven’t gotten bored of the same places?”
“This is my home, I could never grow bored with it. I quite like it here, what about you?”
“Hm. I haven’t seen too much, but it does seem like a nice place to settle down in.”
“I’m glad you agree.”
“Ah, I see. You’ve planted roots here, and don’t intend to leave.”
“Not really.”
“I admire that. Many talk about seeing the world and experiencing all kinds of things, but I see the happiness and peace about staying in a place you know. It has a certain type of stability and comfort one could grow accustomed to.”
“It does.”
“Okay, well, this is me. Thanks for tonight, I had a lovely time.”
“If you’d like, I would enjoy taking you out for dinner again tomorrow night.”
“Hm. I’ll think about it.”
“Please do, have a good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Jaehyun.”
The days felt the same, but the night always seemed to be different. Although you found yourself with some unfortunate luck this time. A certain guest from the conference wanted your attention. They asked questions about your employer and normal stuff, but as the day came to an end he started asking about your evening plans. He wanted to take you out, show you around, but you kept declining. Still, it seemed he wasn’t gonna take no for an answer.
“Look, I appreciate the sentiment, but I already have dinner plans.”
“Do you, now? With who?”
“That’s not your concern.”
“Well, maybe I think you’re lying to get out of me treating you to a nice meal.”
“I’ve politely refused you one too many times now, please leave.”
“Come on, don’t be like that. I just want to make sure your supposed plans are with a good person.”
“They are.”
“And who might they be?”
“A hotel owner.”
“Oh really? That’s far-fetched, don’t you think?”
“It’s the truth!”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t need to prove anything to you!”
“Keep it down, wouldn’t want to cause a scene. Come on, show me this date of yours, and I’ll leave you alone. Deal?”
You honestly didn’t want to blur things out, but you brought up Jaehyun before you could stop yourself. You probably did sound like a liar, but this guy wasn’t really gonna believe anything. He was the real creep. You didn’t agree to anything and just got your things and left. Of course he followed behind you as you returned to your hotel. You just had to ignore him and find Jaehyun. Although you were nervous. When you got to the hotel you went over to the bar. Johnny had told you that Jaehyun usually hung around here, but there was always a chance that today he wouldn’t be present.
“So, where is your date?”
“Uh… he… Jaehyun!”
To your immediate relief you saw Jaehyun at one of the booths, chatting with Johnny. When you called his name he looked your way, offering you a smile. You rushed over to him, grabbing his arm and getting him to his feet. He seemed confused, but before he could ask he noticed the other guy that had walked over.
“So, this is your date?”
“Yes. This is Jaehyun, we have dinner plans tonight. So you can be on your way.”
“Just like that?”
“You got your proof so-”
“What’s going on, y/n?” Jaehyun interrupted. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, this guy just… wanted to escort me to you, to make sure I was safe.”
“Ah, I see, well, thank you, I can take it from here.”
“I suppose so, and uh, what is your profession again?”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.”
“Amuse me.”
Jaehyun scoffed. “You’re standing in my hotel, and now I’d like you to leave. If you’d prefer, I can have you escorted out.”
“No need, have a good night.”
You kept your composure, glad to see the smirk get wiped off the guy’s face when Jaehyun confirmed he was the hotel owner. Although once he was gone your legs gave out, Jaehyun quickly grabbed you and sat you down.
“I’m guessing he wasn’t a nice escort.”
“Yeah… sorry to put you on the spot like that…”
“Well, you weren’t lying. We did have dinner plans, unconfirmed, but existent.”
“True, thank you.”
“Of course. Although I’m not so sure dinner is a good idea.”
“Probably… rain check?”
“Or, we can have something brought to my room. I promise the room service isn’t bad.”
“I believe you… that’s probably better, I do owe you for the favor.”
“Don’t think of it that way. We’re just two friends enjoying a meal. Come on, I’ll help you up.”
You could walk on your own, but the nerves were still winding down, so you were kinda slow. Jaehyun didn’t have a problem with it, walking at your pace, and making sure you were alright with dinner. If you rather return to your room he’d take you. It was nice, but you didn’t really want to be alone that night. Of course you went up to the penthouse suite, seeing how much bigger Jaehyun’s room was. One could easily live in comfort here.
“Your place is nice.”
“Thank you.”
Jaehyun got you a menu and let you pick something out, placing the call as well. His room had a nice skyline view that you sat down to enjoy, watching the city grow dark and then light up. Jaehyun did ask again if you were alright given your earlier encounter, and you assured him you were fine, at least now you were. When the food arrived he went to answer the door, bringing in the cart and setting out the plates. He wasn’t wrong, the food in the hotel was good, and he of course ordered some wine, something to help you with the nerves. After eating the two of you were just staring out into the night, mindlessly talking.
“So, let me guess, you have some top chef in your kitchen?”
“Not some big name, but the people in my kitchen are passionate about what they do.”
“You’re a lot kinder than I would have imagined.”
“Is that so?”
“Sorry, I don’t mean that to sound weird or anything. A lot of people in your position wouldn’t be as hands on or caring as you are. It’s nice to see someone with a good heart.”
“You flatter me.”
“It’s true. I honestly thought you were a bit of a creep, hanging around the bar all alone, but now that I know you better, I see why you do it.”
“Sorry for giving you the wrong impression.”
“That’s on me for making assumptions. I’m glad I was wrong.”
“Me too.”
The wine had certainly mellowed you out a bit, and with the way you were talking, it only felt natural to lean in for a kiss. Of course everything could have fallen apart in that moment, but instead Jaehyun seemed to share in your emotions, leaning in to kiss you back. It started soft and gentle, both of you hesitant, but since neither of you backed away, things only got deeper. Jaehyun leaned in closer, taking the glass from your hand and setting it down. He was pushing you down on the couch, slowly moving on top of you. After a moment you placed your hands on his chest, and he immediately stopped.
“What’s wrong?”
“Uh… are… are you sure this is okay?”
Jaehyun chuckled. “You kissed me first, but I would like to continue.”
“Okay… sorry… just checking…”
“Nothing wrong with that. How about we move to the bedroom?”
You didn’t really answer, just shyly nodding your head. Jaehyun pressed a chaste kiss against your cheek and got off you, picking you up in his arms and carrying you to the bedroom. Just as expected, the room was luxurious, and the sheets beneath you were so soft. Jaehyun took his shirt off before leaning back in for a kiss. His hands trailed down your body, moving slowly and softly as he began to undress you. One piece after the other came off, exposing you to his touch. Soon enough Jaehyun began pressing his lips against any piece of flesh he could, leaving a trail as he moved around. He eventually moved you further up on the bed to lay down, properly undressing himself and climbing on top of you. His lips trailed along your neck, hands along your chest, reaching to massage your breasts and tease your nipples. You started moaning in his ear, encouraging him to keep going and to do more.
“We need a safe word.”
“Safe word?” You grabbed Jaehyun’s face, meeting his gaze. “What are you gonna do?”
“Worship you… but I need to know when you’d truly want me to stop… unless you don’t even want to start…”
“No, no, I do… uh… how about dandelion?”
“I like that.”
With your permission Jaehyun continued, leaving you curious as to what he had in mind that needed a safe word. It excited you, making you all the more eager. As Jaehyun’s hands trailed down he got to your thigh, messaging them and spreading them apart. His fingers ran along your core, teasing you gently.
“You’re wet, that’s good.”
He was only a tease for a bit before pushing a finger inside, sending pleasurable shivers down your spine. He moved slowly and with patience you couldn’t stand, but he didn’t want to hurt. He told you to be patient and enjoy yourself as he’d take care of everything. You did as he asked, gently rocking your hips to get more, glad when he added a second digit, going in deeper and finding that sweet spot. He happily rubbed against it and watched your face contour in pleasure. Every sound that slipped out passed your lips were a delight. When he had added a third finger, really stretching you out, a whine escaped you. It wasn’t enough, but you still had to wait, your pleas being silenced by his lips.
“If you ever want me to stop, use your safe word.”
You were at Jaehyun’s mercy, your body being teased until he declared you ready. He pushed your legs apart as much as he could without hurting you, positing himself. You felt something big and slimy rubbing against your entrance. Before you could even beg you felt Jaehyun pushing himself into you. Just as slow as his fingers, he moved inside you inch by inch, letting you feel every piece of him. You thought maybe he’d break you, but when he got to the base he let you adjust, making sure you were alright. This was certainly a new experience for you as you’ve never been with someone this big before. He clearly knew this too as he was still such a gentleman.
“You good?”
Jaehyun loved the look on your face as you took all of him in. Once you were settled he started moving, going agonizingly slow. He’d pull out nearly all the way before going back in, building up his speed, making sure to rub against your sweet spot everytime. He was professionally breaking you down, sending wave after wave of pleasure, overwhelming your senses to only perceive the joy he brought you. Nonsense spilled from your lips as he got more aggressive, pinning both hands above your head with one arm, the other holding him steady as he rammed into you. The two of you were working up a sweat, but he was clearly still composed. Even without words, your body spoke for you, getting tense and labored breathing letting Jaehyun know you were at the edge. He was more than happy to steal a kiss from you as you reached climax, getting you to moan into his mouth.
Your walls squeezed him tightly, wanting him to reach his own high, yet he held out for longer than you thought. He kept his rhythm steady, his hot breath against your ear making you shiver. The first orgasm already tired you out and made you sensitive, but he wasn’t stopping. Before you knew it he worked you over to another one, making you cry out in pleasure and hold him tight. Only then did he finally spill his seed inside you. In the moment you both were just riding out your high, hips shaking as you tried to milk him for everything he had, and he was more than eager to give it to you. Although as the fog of climax settled down you realized what you had done.
“Fuck… Jaehyun, I’m not on the pill…”
“It’s okay.” Jaehyun breathed. “You can take something in the morning. It’s better this way.”
“If you say so… fuck, two and one… you’ve got stamina and self control.”
“I’m far from done with you.”
Jaehyun had stayed on top of you, inside you, as you both caught your breath. You were tired out, expecting more of a break, but Jaehyun started moving again. That initial thrust made your eyes roll to the back of your head, not entirely sure you could take another orgasm. Still, you didn’t use the safe word, trusting Jaehyun. He was tired too, but this gave him new energy, and his rather desperate thrusts wrung another climax out of you, making you hold him tightly, your hands digging into his back. You felt so hot and messy, growing limp in Jaehyun’s arms. He held you as you came back down to reality. You thought maybe it was over, just Jaehyun was still rocking into you, just enough to keep you dangling on the edge. He kept at it until he achieved his own orgasm, stealing a kiss from you once more.
“You’re so good for me, baby.”
“You too…”
You hadn’t gone this long before, but you didn’t mind. He was really the best you had ever had, and then he was at it again. You could feel him growing hard inside of you, gently moving his hips to move around all his seed. You didn’t know how he still had the energy, but he was likely very excited to have you if he was getting hard again so quickly. All you could do was surrender yourself to him, letting him drag another orgasm out of you, and then another until they blurred together. It got to a point that even if you wanted to stop, to use the safe word, you were too fucked out to form any words. Perhaps he knew that all along. You tried to grab onto Jaehyun, to speak, but your head was swimming with pleasure. Your vision was starting to fade a bit, eyelashes fluttering as you tried to stay awake.
“It’s alright, darling.” Jaehyun cooed. “I’ll take care of everything.”
Jaehyun watched you shut your eyes, body releasing any last bit of tension. He had tired you out, but he wasn’t done yet. With you unconscious beneath him Jaehyun took a moment to simply admire your body, hands trailing along your form, lingering around your belly. A satisfied smile appeared on his lips and he leaned down to kiss the area.
Jaehyun managed a few more rounds with you, even if you weren’t fully awake. He had to be sure you were filled to the brim, that way the possibility of impregnating you was higher. Only once he felt he had done enough did he leave you to rest, not entirely worried about the overflow or you getting up. You wouldn’t be able to leave him anytime soon. He went off to clean up, leaving you to rest in the bedroom and soak up all his love he had left you with. He picked up the remains of dinner, setting the cart outside and then making a call.
“I’m going to need you to check out the guest in 2146 tomorrow morning.”
“I presume they’ll be in your care now?”
“Just take care of the details.”
“Of course, can I get you anything else?”
“I am going to need some sugar pills.”
“I’ll get some for you right away.”
“Thank you.”
Jaehyun finished up his glass of wine, staring out into the night before returning to the bedroom. You were still asleep, too tired to be getting up anytime soon. He cleaned you up a bit, making sure you were comfortable. Afterwards he laid by your side, keeping a hand on your belly, rubbing it gently.
“All mine… I’ll make you a wonderful mother.”
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thanyatargaryen · 3 months ago
Surprise My Love
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Ok I'm trying to do this for the first time because I'm not used to creative writing and if you see this and you have any ideas please let me know.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
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You have been in LA more often creating content for your Youtube channel and you started hearing rumors in social media that you were dating an older man. At the same time the heartthrob Pedro Pascal was seen more often in LA spending time with a secret someone. The situation spiked the paparazzi lenses taking pictures of him talking with someone in a coffee shop often or having secret encounters with a person in secluded restaurants.
Funny enough, you were indeed dating an older man... Pedro Pascal whom you met a few months ago at the announcement of The Fantastic Four: First Steps at San Diego Comic Con. You were recording and interview for your channel since you had an agreement with Marvel for promotion. The situation was funny since you both were able to jock around and the vibe was so carefree even after the age difference. The vibe was in high levels between you to that even Vanessa Kirby noticed and invited you to the after dinner event and that how it all started.
Throughout the night you were talking about everything and nothing with Pedro. The conversation was so light hearted talking about your childhood in your home country and his childhood and how he used to go to the movies with his dad, living with his siblings mostly Javiera. His jobs and the first time you saw some of his work, the books both like to read and the movies you watch to disconnect from the world. Even after dinner you kept talking outside the restaurant and he asked your number to keep in touch. You could feel the cold breeze of the sea near the restaurant and your cheeks getting hotter by the second as you took your phone and exchanged numbers. You saved your number on his phone with your name and he being cheeky saved his as Z. Pascal which you knew what it meant and made you giggle. Pedro offered to take you home or order a cab for you but you declined since you had parked your car at a nearby hotel.
After that, you exchanged numbers with Vanessa with whom you had a great connection throughout the interview and dinner. She was asking question about your work as content creator and how it all started with your youtube channel. You explained how you had always wanted to do content creation and how much it took you to actually take a leap of faith on yourself and actually do it. She was amazed on your trajectory from being a student and all the work you did with your family and as a university teacher while taking classes making life a bit harder. She was amazed and asked what was to do in San Diego you gave her a list and she was interested in many places to visit.
Time ran out and you all ended your night around 2 am as the valet got your car you were playing with your phone and a text came through "Are you free tomorrow night?" P. It made you smile and right at the moment you were going to answer your car arrived. You got in after giving a tip to the valet and fixing your seat. The car felt warm but it wasn't the car it was you feeling happy after the text. As you start driving you make the call answering "I'm free after 5 pm tomorrow" :) and that was how you got your first "date".
It was a quick dinner at the hotel restaurant where he as staying, a sushi bar and you got to talk even more about what you do and what you like to do. The date was full little touches on each other, knee, hand, shoulder, arm you name it. the night ended around 10 pm. "I appreciate you taking the time to have dinner with me, even though I'm not often on the west coast I would like to keep talking if you feel like it." You were completely surprised and over the moon you took a big gulp and looked at him "I appreciate the invitation, i had a great time and I hope we keep talking too. If you ever want to come to San Diego i can be you and your family's personal tour guide." He closes on you and kisses your hand like a gentleman "I will take that offer for sure and i hope to see you after we come back from filming."
"Are you going straight to filming after the con?"
"Yes we are going to Spain as i finish a few things for Gladiator "
"Wow well i hope to her from you soon and take care it was an amazing and beautiful dinner."
"I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the night because i did too." Right at that moment your car got to the valet, Pedro opened your door and waved goodbye.
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Months passed and at this point you were biting your nails at the airport on your way to Malta to visit Pedro. It was your first time doing something so crazy as this. You could see a few people walking around and a few groups of teenagers and college age people looking at you. Out off nowhere you feel a hand on your shoulder and they as "Hello, I'm sorry to bother you but i was was talking with my friends and we think you look like this Youtuber that does interviews to people from Hollywood and things like that..."
"OH! Yes it's me." that answer brought a group of 15y/o asking for a group pic when you hear your flight getting called for second time which was a bad thing. The group was going nuts that if they wanted individual pics or group. "Why don't we ask someone to take a picture with your phone and then i reposted on my stories... it will be nice to have it before i get into the plane." That is when they all agreed and someone took the picture, at least 20 teens were scattered on the floor and smiling which made you happy since it was your job that brought so many people together and this is proof of it.
After the picture gets taken the last call comes through and to take the people and run to the plane almost not making it. I that's weird to think that since you had been at the airport 3 hours prior to your flight. You were nervous about how impetuous this decision was for you. After talking with John (Quinn) and getting the surprise for Pedro this was the only way the surprise could happen. You apologized to the flight attendants for the delay and go to your seat, the crew makes all the safety checks and talk to the passengers. Straight after that you get your earbuds on and try to forget not to be anxious for 16 hours. You started watching a show on netflix for a few hours, then a 1 hour nap and then read your book for the last 4 hours of your flight arriving to Malta around 1:30 pm.
It took about 30 minutes to get through customs and pick up your luggage since you had done customs online at the kiosk after you got off the plane. By 2 pm John had a car waiting for you and when you get picked up the jitters start on your belly. While arriving to the hotel you get a note from the people at checking it is from John "We are having lunch and the car that picked you up will take you there" Johnny Boy. Giggling you get taken to your room where you change your clothes to a nice flowy dress and flats. You run to the elevator and down to the car where the driver took you to that little restaurant near the beach. John had sent a text with his location for you to find them easier when you arrived. The driver gets to the main entrance of the restaurant and the hostess takes you to the main path towards the isolated tend where Paul, John, Pedro and Fred were eating.
You were so happy to see Pedro even from afar, you saw John taking a selfie and what bette moment to surprise him than with a hug. You sneaked up on the small group and stood behind Pedro. He was weird out because he could smell your perfume and that's when you lean into him and whisper "Hello General." Pedro is speechless and all the guys are taking pictures, he stands up and hugs you tight while you wrap your hands around his neck and kiss him. "This is indeed a good surprise my lady."
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I hope you like it and please let me know what else i could do to improve my writing.
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selenezq · 9 months ago
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I'm back with a fic I've written that was inspired by the wonderful @home-for-wayward-fawns
Edited by the lovely @the-demon-of-a-thousand-eyes
Alastor x Reader
Reader is AFAB
CW: Stuck trope, dub con, semi public sex, penetration, oral, porn no plot
Help Me Mr. Radio Demon, I'm Stuck
It had been a long day. There had been lots of things to do: Charlie's bonding exercises, helping Husk restock the bar supplies, and taking an inventory of everything that was running low around the hotel—some general day-to-day tasks to keep it running. The only thing left on your list to do was your least favorite: laundry.
It had already been started, the melodic chime of the washer alerting you that it was time to move things along. With a sigh, you head to the laundry room and open the lid to the washer. Pulling your wet clothing out carefully, you ascertain what pieces need to be hung up to dry first. Humming softly as you work, you pull all the special care items out and hang them one by one.
Finally, all that needed extra care are hung to dry. Now you can focus on putting the rest in the dryer. You reach into the washer, grabbing a handful of wet clothes and chucking them into the final machine when you hear a loud clunk. Wondering if you had left another lipstick in your pocket, you bend down to investigate.
Getting down on your hands and knees before the dryer, you reach around, trying to find whatever had landed in there, but without success. You quickly decide to stick your head in the metal contraption to see if you could find whatever had dropped inside. Popping your head into the dryer’s opening, you immediately see exactly what you thought you would find: a forgotten container of lip color.
Grasping it firmly in your hand, you move to pull yourself out, only to find that you can't. You jerk yourself backwards, using more force this time, only to hear the faint ripping of the fabric of your blouse. Unwilling to ruin your shirt even more, you realize you are stuck—inside the dryer of all things. You groan in frustration, and it echoes in the small metal chamber. Briefly, you consider yelling for help, before deciding against the embarrassment that it would bring. "Fuck." You utter in frustration.
Alastor walks at a leisurely pace through the halls, lamenting the lack of occupants in the hotel today; they are off on some ridiculous adventure, providing for a less than entertaining afternoon. Mulling over his thoughts as he passes the laundry room, he wonders what everyone was up to, what amusements they were entertaining themselves with. Lost in thought, he almost misses the faint sound of your groan, quickly followed by an unladylike curse. Alastor halts, pivoting around in immediate curiosity. He steps through the door, only to be met with a sight that causes his trousers to feel too tight as his cock hardens within them.
You are currently bent in half and low to the floor, your plump ass barely covered by the short skirt you wear. Your top is bunched up, exposing the luminous skin of your lower back as you appear to be caught on something inside the dryer—trapped and waiting for him just like prey. How would your skin feel under his hands? His name would sound so sweet falling from your pretty lips. The thoughts came unbidden into his mind as an image of him rutting into you follows immediately afterwards.
Alastor had never dealt with these kinds of urges before—at least, until you. Your quick wit and kind smile had him yearning to spend time with you. The fact that you were the most breathtaking creature he had ever seen was only a bonus. He reaches his hand out, as if to touch your perfect posterior, before he seems to think better of it, letting his arm fall back down to hang at his side. He’s plagued with the desire to take you right then and there. Driven by his need, he takes a step closer so he is close enough to reach out and grab you. His cock twitches eagerly in his suit pants.
The Radio Demon's lips quirk into a sinister grin as his eyes rake over you hungrily. Feeling his licentious gaze, you call out helplessly, "Is somebody there?" Your voice echoes in the metal drum you find yourself captive within.
"It seems you've found yourself in a bit of trouble, my dear." Alastor remarks in his radio-filtered voice.
"Oh, I'm so glad you’re still here, Alastor. I seem to be stuck on something and I don't want to rip my shirt too badly; could you help me?" You ask, trying not to let the rising panic you feel at being trapped seep into your voice.
"I would be delighted to help a beautiful damsel such as yourself, pet." Alastor purrs, his radio voice filling the silence of the room. Using a shadowy tendril, he pushes the door shut, the echo of it closing loudly before sliding the lock into place with a snap. His feet bring him even closer to you, the heels of his boots clicking loudly. Close enough to touch, he stops, his large frame towering powerfully over you. He can feel the heat radiating off your body. "You silly girl; how did you even get stuck in there?" He chuckles deprecatingly.
"I wanted to remove the lipstick that fell in here so my clothes wouldn't get ruined." You answer, your voice muffled from the machine surrounding your upper body. You can feel him standing close to you and your heart races, pulse quickening. You've always found Alastor extremely charming, with his protective nature, dangerous aura, and hilarious jokes. Hips moving as you wiggle, jittery under the weight of his gaze, you try to free yourself once more.
Alastor watches as your shapely rear gyrates back and forth in your futile attempt to free yourself. He represses a groan, pondering what it might feel like against his throbbing cock. Bending at the waist, he leans down to place a clawed hand on your exposed lower back. "Calm down my dear; I'm sure I'll have you out in no time. I'm here to assist." He says, the static in his voice crackling dangerously, a direct contrast to the words the demon is saying. "Although, I don't see why I shouldn't have a little fun while I'm here." Alastor says, his usual smile taking on a predatory edge.
He kicks your right leg to the side, giving himself a clear view of the tiny strip of fabric barely covering you. You should feel the sting of embarrassment, but instead you can feel your pussy clench with need. "Alastor, I don't see how this could possibly help." You argue feebly, not really meaning for him to stop.
Not listening to the words he knows you don't mean, Alastor grabs your waist. His hands are on either side of your hips, claws digging lightly into your skin as he pulls on you, hoping to get you free. The material of your undergarments clings to your pussy, slick with want. As he tugs on you, your ass grazes against his barely constrained hardness and you bite your lip, aware of how big he feels against you.
"I plan to help myself first. Then I'll help you." The tall demon growls, his voice thick with his radio filter. You can hear static crackling and popping as he grinds into you. Using his power, he wills a cold tendril to pull your panties swiftly to the side. You don't protest, feeling a pleasurable jolt every time he humps and rubs his covered manhood against your backside. You find yourself desperate to feel him bare against your needy quim. As he pulls away momentarily, you find yourself holding back a whimper of disappointment.
Before you have too long to feel discontented, you feel his hot breath fanning against your bare cunt. Alastor's tongue darts out of his mouth, eagerly lapping at your clit and you can't help the gasp that wrenches its way from your mouth. He moves slowly, as if he's savoring a meal, each stroke sending pleasurable tingles through your body.
Alastor loves the taste of your juices, unable to think of a sweeter treat he's had in his life. Sliding his tongue down your slit, he plunges it deep within your cavern without warning. You let out an obscene moan as you feel his lengthy, demonic tongue reach just the right spot inside of you. Curling and slurping it, Alastor attacks your pussy with an intense vigor. He brings a hand up to your sensitive bud, massaging it with his digits in steady, circular, motions.
As he continues his ministrations for quite some time; you can feel pleasing tingles travel increasingly through your body and you know you won't last long. "Alastor, please don't stop!" You cry out, not caring about your volume as long as he doesn't cease his movements. Increasing his pace, his finger and tongue move in unison to bring you closer and closer to that edge you feel quickly approaching. With a loud scream of ecstasy, you feel your orgasm crashing, waves of pleasure flowing over you.
Holding onto you as your legs quiver, he continues to lick as you quake through it, his fingers still moving against your over-sensitive nub. You feel the creeping of shame as your post-bliss fades away. You can't believe you enjoyed this while trapped in this infernal machine.
With one final swipe, the overlord collects one last taste of your saccharine nectar. Pulling himself off of your sensitive flesh, he licks his lips with an indecent smacking sound. "You taste simply divine, darling." He coos delightedly at you. "You simply must let me sample that again sometime."
"I would love to do this again, but I still need help out of this dryer." You murmur, embarrassed. "Please Alastor." You tack on at the end pleadingly.
"Ah, I still intend to free you my dear, but I'm not quite finished. What kind of hunter would I be if I turned away such a gift, my prey already trapped and laid out deliciously for me?" He says with a tsk, tsk, tsk. Bringing his hands to his belt, he undoes it with a hurried, urgent pace. Sliding it through the loops on his trousers he pulls it out, discarding it recklessly, and you hear it clatter against the linoleum.
You hear a metallic zipping sound before his colossal cock is springing free, hitting your ass with a hard thwack. Alastor slides his considerable length along your already soaked hole, teasing you playfully. "I'd like to hear you beg again, pet." He decides, and you can hear in his tone that this isn't a request.
"Please, please, please, Al; I need this. I need you inside of me." You beg prettily, desperately. Without even waiting for you to finish, he's shoving himself inside you, his thick hardness stretching you almost painfully. Your slick walls grip his hardened member perfectly and he lets out a throaty groan.
"You are just as warm and tight as I always imagined, my doe." He praises, thrusting into you, driven by his overwhelming desire to feel you come apart around his aching cock. His hips move at a brutal pace, slamming into you over and over again, his tip hitting your cervix every time. The dryer shakes with the force of each thrust as he chases his own release.
"Before I reward you with my seed, I want you to cum for me one more time. No holding back those beautiful noises you make." He says authoritatively, not stopping his movements.
"I don't,” you pant out, “know if I can." Pleasure overwhelms you as he drills into you over and over again.
"You can, and you will. I'm not asking, darling." He commands, snapping his hips into you, hitting just the right spot as he does. You can sense another orgasm creeping upon you, despite saying you couldn't. You focus on that feeling as his cock moves in and out of you, producing a wet squelching sound. With a loud shout, you're pushed over the edge a second time. You shake as the force of your climax causes your knees to go weak, unable to hold yourself up any longer.
Alastor supports you as your body goes limp, your last bit of energy spent. His thrusts become erratic and sloppy as he follows his own high, the tightness of your soft cavern milking him. With a loud, guttural cry, he releases ropes of cum inside you, his cock twitching with every spurt. He calls out your name, his member deflating as the cooling mess of his seed slides out of you.
With a frustratingly easy snap of his fingers, you are freed from the dryer. In an instant you are on your feet in front of him, your blouse repaired, and your clothing all back in its rightful place, his suit fresh and pristine like nothing ever happened. "You could have just done that this whole time?"
"Ah, but where would have been the fun in that? We both enjoyed our time here tonight, after all." Alastor responds, patronizingly smug. A blush blossoms on your face as you think about the sex you've just had with the man you’ve been distracted by for quite some time. With a smug grin, he slides the lock on the door back open with a click. Grasping the knob, he holds it open for you, ever the charming gentleman. "Ladies first." He says holding his other hand out to help you. Together, you both leave the laundry room behind.
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moody-alcoholic · 2 months ago
The pick up
I wanted to write something Ghoap related. Why not continue this weird hurt/ angst kick I've been on.
CW: attempted date rape, non-con drugging, alcohol, violence, blood.
A guy in a bar attempts to 'pick you up' the best boys Johnny & Simon come to the rescue.
Merry Christmas/ happy holidays. <3
You’re mad, she said she wouldn’t do this again, leave you alone at a bar while she went home with some stranger. But here you are yet again alone finishing on your 4th? 5th? drink. Who cares, you signal the bartender over for another. 
The fresh gin and tonic went down like a treat numbing your anger and making you relax. You pull your phone out getting ready to send her a long 'fuck you' message. You’ve only just started typing when someone comes up on the stool next to you. 
“Hey, can I buy you a drink?” You frown looking up at him. He’s cute black hair, nice casual suit, kind of gives you a sleazy salesman vibe. 
“I’m good, thanks.” You say going back to the text. 
“C’mon, what is it, vodka tonic?” He asks, you look back over at him almost rolling your eyes. He’s not that bad looking. You sigh, not responding for a second. You don’t want to have to owe this guy. ‘It’s just a drink’ your drunken brain tells you ‘don’t turn down a free drink.’ 
“Gin and tonic.” You correct him. He smiles, waving the bartender over. You finish your short angry text to your friend and put your phone back in your bag. 
“I saw your friend leave earlier.” He says paying for the drinks. You pick yours up and he signals for you to cheers with him. You clink your glasses together before taking a sip. 
“Yeah, she went off with some guy.” You say a little more bitter than you wanted to.
“Shit, think she’ll be coming back?” He asks, sipping his drink, coke and something.
“No fucking clue. Probably not.” You sigh. 
“Shame, at least the drinks are cheap.” he jokes. You smile at him, getting a better look at him. He’s skinny, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 
“So you from round here or not?” 
“No, only here to see my friend. It's her birthday tomorrow.” You say. 
“Wow so she ditches you the day before her birthday for some twink?” He chuckles. 
“Yeah.” You scoff, he was a twink. There’s the sound of a crash behind you, a woman screaming. It pulls your attention as you look at the commotion playing out behind you. Two men are squaring up to each other with smashed glasses on the floor. It’s not long before security are running over them, pulling them apart.
The incident has your blood pumping and adrenaline rushing through you. You look back picking up your drink and finishing it off to quell your nerves. 
That’s it you’ve had your last drink you should go home. 
“Thanks for the drink.” you say to him as you jump off the stool. 
“Leaving already?” He asks. You nod. He reaches out and grabs your arm. It makes you uncomfortable and you freeze.
"Yeah. I have to get back to my hotel.” Shit, you shouldn’t have told him that. 
“Oh, I can walk you if you want?” He asks. 
“No, thank you but I'm okay.” You pull your arm out his grip walking away. The adrenaline from the drunken fight is still pulsing through your body. 
“Well take it easy.” He says as you walk away, you turn back, smile and nod at him as you leave. 
There is still a line outside to get back into the club as you leave it must not be that late. You pull your phone out to check where you need to go. You’re not used to the busy London streets. You must have drank the last 2 drinks a little too fast as your head feels particularly foggy. 
You’re turning down streets using your phone’s maps app to guide you. Your mouth goes suddenly dry, your head swimming more than normal. You sway all of a sudden feeling unsteady on your feet. You stop looking at your phone looking ahead of you trying to regain your balance. 
It doesn’t help and you lean up against a sign at the corner of the street. Maybe you’re going to be sick, you drank the drinks too quickly and now you’re going to pay for it. 
You retch but nothing comes out, your throat feels dry, your head swims as your legs give way. You fall to your knees. Panic comes over you, this is not a good place to be doing this. 
You curse under your breath, you’ve clearly had way too much to drink. 
Hands land on your shoulders, the grip is strong then the hands slip under your armpits. The person pulls you to your feet, you try to talk but it just comes off as a slur as your body is pulled into a private parking area behind some bins. 
You’re not sure what’s going on, your vision is fuzzy, your breathing picks up. You can feel someone trying to pull your jacket off you, maybe you’re being robbed.  You try to talk again but nothing comes out. You try to grip your jacket to pull it back on you but whoever it is, is stronger than you. 
You feel someone grip the waistband of your jeans. Panic overwhelms you, you get enough energy to push the person off you. It doesn’t last long before there is a sharp pain on your face. You yelp as your face stings.
“Stay. Still.” A voice says through gritted teeth. You whine trying to build up srength again but nothing happens. 
Silent tears run down your face. You hate this, you hate what’s happening. Your head is swimming, you close your eyes still fighting with the hands on your waist. Suddenly the person is gone, your body falls to the floor slumping against the industrial bin. 
New hands land on you pulling your jacket back around you. You try to push them off but they grab your wrists.
“Hey lass, it’s okay, you’re okay.” You don’t know what accent that is but it’s not English, maybe he’s Irish?
“Take it easy, what's your name?”  He asks, you stop fighting, looking up at him. He’s tall even though he’s crouched down in front of you. He has a mohawk, and even in the dark you can see his deep blue eyes. You’re not going to tell him your name. You stay silent.
“Okay, you don’t have to tell me. We’re going to get you somewhere safe okay?” 
You look past him, you can see another hulking figure holding someone up by their collar. You see fist meet skin, it makes you gasp. The man-Johnny-pulls your attention back to him. 
“How you feeling? You look a little worse for wear, think you can walk?” He asks. You nod and he helps you to your feet. You sway against him but he supports you holding you up as you walk out the parking alcove. 
There’s another man, and one on the floor groaning. You see blood, you can smell it in the air. More hands are on you now. You look up at the tall man standing next to you. You feel sick, your head throbbing, your vision blurring. Your legs give way again as your arms start to tingle. 
“C’mon lass, can you hear us?” The dark haired man says as you collapse fully to the ground. 
“Yes,” You try to say but it just comes out as a slur, it’s barely English. You don’t care, you suck in one last breath of air before everything goes black.
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lizardsfromspace · 7 months ago
Do you ever get kind of interested in a subject where nothing weird has happened yet but you know something weird is going to happen?
Anyway, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. It was originally a upscale resort community, and also still is: it's where rich people from Chicago kept their lake houses, and maybe still do. Its heyday was in the early to mid 20th century, where its status as a vacation destination was so set that Hugh Hefner even put the first ever "Playboy Resort" there. I haven't been there myself, so I may be wrong, but it doesn't give me, like, Pigeon Forge or Niagara Falls energy. The list of attractions online seems to be spas and parks and a few theaters.
But Lake Geneva is more famous now for its most famous son, Gary Gygax. Over the course frigid Wisconsin winters, he and several wargaming friends who didn't become famous developed tactical wargaming into the game Dungeons & Dragons in the early 1970s. He also began hosting a small gaming meetup in Lake Geneva, later called Gen Con, which outgrew the town by the late 1970s.
As I understand it, Lake Geneva didn't really embrace its status as the Birthplace of Dungeons and Dragons. When Gygax died, there were fan-funded tributes here and there, and fans created a new convention in his honor called Gary Con where they played games from his time at TSR, but D&D was still a niche hobby and not the thing you define a rich people resort town around.
Then, whoops, shows like Critical Role turned D&D into one of the most popular entertainment properties in the world! Now there's D&D-themed events popping up all over the place. Some of this is normal, like efforts to fund a more prominent memorial for Gary Gygax, and a Dragon Days Fantasy Festival. But some are going further. Because there are now at least two proposals to create immersive, D&D-themed LARP experiences in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, population 8,227
One is a large themed restaurant/bar/wedding venue (?) called the Griffin and Gargoyle, which is supposedly opening in 2024, though all the art is concept art and they're still looking for investors.
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The other one is Giantlands, the proposed theme park where the tickets will be NFTs, based on a game no one's heard of developed by the son of Gary Gygax by a company that legally can't call itself TSR anymore, but tried anyway before rebranding as Wonderfilled, and who also tried to make old Gygax games even more racist? I can't even begin to explain this. I think they got dunked on years ago but they were still hyping up its Lake Geneva theme park that's definitely going to exist this week (this is from August 11th)
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What's incredible to me here is that they're boasting that their LARP theme park will be from the makers of Evermore Park. Nothing says quality in immersive fantasy roleplaying parks like someone whose main claim to fame is making that other one that failed. Wonder how many real tombstones and haunted dolls they'll buy this time. And this one appears to have fighting arena
I seriously doubt these are the only two pitches. Everyone with too much money and a love for theme parks feels the little voice in their head saying they can do the Star Wars Hotel right. I think what gets me here is, nobody would put anything like this in Lake Geneva otherwise. It's small, it's located in Wisconsin so it'd have to be seasonal, and it's less than two hours away from Wisconsin Dells - an entire town of kitschy roadside attractions - and even closer to Chicago, which is Chicago. Its tourism niche is beaches and homes around a scenic lake. The only reason to place anything there would be to honor Gary Gygax, and uh, I don't think the younger people who got into D&D with 5E really care about him, or even necessarily know who he is. Gary Con and most Gygax-themed events are for old-school gamers, not the Critical Role crowd. And they especially don't care about whatever Giantlands is. Giantlands as a game is so old-school there isn't even a PDF of the book, it's physical only. They want to build a full theme park around a game you can't even buy on DrivethruRPG. Anyway I hope all this open bc it would be funny
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scealaiscoite · 3 months ago
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐 food prompts 𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
¹⁾ tart, fresh cherries
²⁾ milky tea
³⁾ a can of redbull
⁴⁾ cold pepperoni pizza
⁵⁾ orange segments
⁶⁾ chamomile tea
⁷⁾ burnt toast
⁸⁾ steaming masala chai
⁹⁾ bitter dark chocolate
¹⁰⁾ water-heavy pears
¹¹⁾ salty cinema popcorn
¹²⁾ smooth whiskey
¹³⁾ fluffy cinnamon rolls
¹⁴⁾ rich cuban coffee
¹⁵⁾ streetside pani puri
¹⁶⁾ fresh-baked cookies
¹⁷⁾ pomegranate seeds
¹⁸⁾ sour jellies
¹⁹⁾ homemade soup dumplings
²⁰⁾ hotel room service french fries
²¹⁾ sugared donuts
²²⁾ mexican coca-cola
²³⁾ strawberry milkshake
²⁴⁾ fudgey brownies
²⁵⁾ spearmint gum
²⁶⁾ happy hour cocktails
²⁷⁾ fairground candyfloss
²⁸⁾ salmon sashimi
²⁹⁾ airplane peanuts
³⁰⁾ takeout fried rice
³¹⁾ pistachio gelato
³²⁾ a packed lunch
³³⁾ bruised bananas
³⁴⁾ cheap instant ramen
³⁶⁾ agua de jamaica
³⁷⁾ petrol station chocolate bars
³⁸⁾ soft mangos
³⁹⁾ chicken noodle soup
⁴⁰⁾ convenience store onigiri
⁴¹⁾ lemonade from a neighbourhood kids’ stand
⁴²⁾ chilaquiles
⁴³⁾ a steaming bowl of breakfast congee
⁴⁴⁾ too-sweet instant coffee
⁴⁵⁾ a sunday roast with all the trimmings
⁴⁶⁾ high-end restaurant steak frites
⁴⁷⁾ mango sticky rice
⁴⁸⁾ salsa verde and tortilla chips
⁴⁹⁾ stale bottled water
⁵⁰⁾ rotten strawberries
⁵¹⁾ old-fashioned caramels
⁵²⁾ honey and lemon lozenges
⁵³⁾ garlic bread
⁵⁴⁾ mango loco monster
⁵⁵⁾ clumsily-made spaghetti
⁵⁶⁾ rotisserie chicken
⁵⁷⁾ madras curry
⁵⁸⁾ abuela’s caldo de res
⁵⁹⁾ dirty martini
⁶⁰⁾ tinned sardines
⁶¹⁾ arayes
⁶²⁾ the last slice of birthday cake
⁶³⁾ ripe nectarines
⁶⁴⁾ caviar bump
⁶⁵⁾ iced latte
⁶⁶⁾ sugar cookies
⁶⁷⁾ mulled wine
⁶⁸⁾ baklava
⁶⁹⁾ chocolate poptarts
⁷⁰⁾ warm champangne
⁷¹⁾ sticky toffee pudding
⁷²⁾ blueberry pancakes
⁷³⁾ birria tacos
⁷⁴⁾ hospital pudding cups
⁷⁵⁾ lobster rolls
⁷⁶⁾ fresh honeycomb
⁷⁷⁾ campfire coffee
⁷⁸⁾ sweet tea
⁷⁹⁾ hot honey
⁸⁰⁾ vanilla protein powder
⁸¹⁾ bulgogi beef
⁸²⁾ warm focaccia
⁸³⁾ chilli con carne
⁸⁴⁾ peach cobbler
⁸⁵⁾ cold watermelon slices
⁸⁶⁾ sweet stewed apple
⁸⁷⁾ coloured marshmallows
⁸⁸⁾ vendor stand hotdogs
⁸⁹⁾ dragonfruit redbull
⁹⁰⁾ blood oranges
⁹¹⁾ vanilla coke
⁹²⁾ blue raspberry slushie
⁹³⁾ nicotine gum
⁹⁴⁾ raspberry jam
⁹⁵⁾ pear cider
⁹⁶⁾ pineapple rings
⁹⁷⁾ chicken wings
⁹⁸⁾ salted butter
⁹⁹⁾ coconut meat
¹⁰⁰⁾ wild blackberries
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swagyalastorwife · 1 month ago
Marriage proposal!Hazbin hotel x reader part 1
Part 2 here !
Warning : mentions of valentino that's it
Author notes : hello everyone here is the headcanons following the vote you were so up for voting it made me really happy I hope you like the fanfiction and if you have another idea don't hesitate to tell me I will make all the requests and I will make a new vote tomorrow kisssss (^.^)❤️❤️❤️ i will do a part 2 whit other characters so tell me who you want ⚠️ the part 2 is post⚠️
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☆ Charlie the very day she laid eyes on you she knew you were the one she loves you so much you are everyone so yes from the start of the relationship she saw herself marrying you and spending her whole life by your side so the day she proposed to you was a beautiful day, the most beautiful day hell can offer she took you for a nice walk in the most beautiful places that hell has then she gets down on her knees takes out a small box and tells you" y/n do you want to make me the happiest woman in hell and marry me" depending on your answer she will be happy or destroyed please don't be mean to her
Vaggie ❌️
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♧ omg she really really loves you more than anything she would be ready to DIE for you so yes she wants to make you hers then she will organize the most romantic romantic dinner possible and tell you "Y/n my love I have something to tell you "she will be a little hesitant at first but she will decide to ask you the question "will you marry me?"
Angel duuuust my babyyyy 🕸
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♡ it took him a long time to admit that he loved you and even more time to be sure that he wants to spend the rest of his life by your side i mean with all the shit valentino puts him through it was hard to believe in love again so the evening he proposed to you was a surprisingly romantic evening he invited you to the restaurant made sure to be far from val then showed you some nice place he knew then as soon as he found the right one moment he said "hey baby you know I love you more than anything in the world you have always been there for me in the worst and in the good times and I want that to last for life so will you marry me"
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♤ husk was shocked himself when he discovered that he loved you i mean since when can he love someone the only thing that matters is these bottles of alcohol anyway when he saw you he didn't fall in love at first sight like in the films, not at all it was while getting to know you after your many evenings spent at the bar chatting so one of those evenings he said to you "hey my darling I was wondering finally I mean do you want to marry me??"
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¤ the radio demon in love seriously I mean it's impossible well that's what everyone said until the day alastor met you you piqued his curiosity from the first day you walked through the doors of the hotel since that day he never stopped courting you until you give in to these advances and agree to maintain a relationship with him so one evening he invited you for a romantic evening and he showed you so many beautiful things and you had the privilege of visiting for the first time the bagou which is in this room, it was at this moment that he asked you the question. question I want the drill, a dish of jambalaya the conditions are PERFECT then he tells you "Y/n you are everything to me the most beautiful thing I have ever seen since the beginning of my existence so will you give me the pleasure of becoming the person with whom the rest of my life would be spent"
Sir pentious🐍
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○ our little baby snake fell in love with you from the first second he saw you you were the one he needed and these eggs were convinced so after multiple lame plans and embarrassing declarations you finally agreed to be with him however our little snake wanted more he wanted you to be the mother of these eggs so one evening with the help of these eggs he made you a magnificent declaration written on a banner: will you marry me you barely had time to understand that he arrived near you and opened the box containing the ring
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■she fucking loves you I mean des is the only person who plays with her and who agrees to watch these shows yesssss she loves you so one evening she asked you like that "do you want to marry me" you were shocked I can tell you
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♡hoooo if you knew how he loves you he loves you more than you in the world you are the person who saved him from this depression who knew how to find the words to comfort him and help him move forward so yes he wants to marry you but not right away beginning I mean with the trauma of Lilith he is a little scared but with time these fears will disappear and he took his courage and organized a prestigious dinner I mean he and the kings of hell and the sin of hell pride then..... this statement was so magnificent and at the same time so intimate it tells you
"my dear y/n you were my lifeline in the most difficult moment of my life you were there for me when no one of the summer you were the person who gave me back my love and I intend to share my love with you so will you marry me"
Hope you like it and I hope to be invited to the wedding 🤨❤️❤️❤️❤️
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fettuccin-e · 1 year ago
Flying to New Heights
Summary: A flight delay means you're spending your night at the hotel bar, praying for sleep to come to you. Instead, a certain Captain Francisco Morales shows up, tall and broad and far too tempting. With undeniable attraction burning between you, you can't help the way you fall right into his arms.
A/N: Alright! I know it's been a while, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Life has gotten a tad crazy, but the Frankie thirst never stops okay? And this AU has been buzzing in my head for a little while now, so I just needed to get it out there. I hope y'all enjoy the porn. (dividers are by the lovely @saradika-graphics!)
Tags: Frankie Morales x Reader, Commercial Pilot!Frankie, Flight attendant!reader, afab!fem!reader, alcohol consumption but barely, this is essentially an excuse for porn so, oral and fingering(r!recieving), unprotected piv (pls wrap it up I'm begging you), Francisco Morales and his dirty mouth have struck again (w/c: 4.2K)
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You love your job, you really do. Deciding to actually train to be a flight attendant was one of the best decisions of your life. Gone were the days of short-lived stints in retail, and you’ve never been happier for it.
You’ve lived the attendant life for a few years now, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You’ve met some of your best friends through this job, seen some of the most beautiful places in the world, met celebrities on their way to new production locations and concert venues. 
It’s the dream, you tell your family, during the rare moments you actually get to visit them. And it is. The perks far outweigh the cons in your profession, and you’re happy to be where you are.
That’s not to say there aren’t any cons though.
There are always rude flyers, unruly children, issues with luggage. The turbulence is never much fun, nor are the months spent without being able to go home at all.
There are always nights like tonight, where the rain made the flight arrive later than expected, and you’ve got another flight scheduled for the morning. Between jetlag and the copious amounts of airline coffee you’ve imbibed to remain bright and chipper over an eight hour flight overseas, there’s no way you’ll get more than five hours of sleep before you have to clock in again.
A nightcap in the hotel bar seemed just the thing to cool off. You haven’t even taken your uniform off, the thick fabric stretching across your skin, your legs exposed to the cool air as you sip on your drink. The alcohol burns a bit in the back of your throat, but you take comfort in it, trying to lean into the calming warmth it creates in your stomach.
“Can’t sleep?”
The unexpected voice rips you from your reverie, and fuck, what a wake up call. The voice is deep, a pretty rasp edging into the ends of his words, the warmth of his tone making you far warmer than the alcohol in your glass ever could.
Captain Francisco Morales. Even his name has heat swimming in your stomach, and you wish you had just gone to bed like a normal person instead of drinking at the hotel bar at midnight. 
You can’t decide if the pilot is a perk or a con of the job, only knowing that he seems to pilot most of your flights, and is a fucking distraction during every single one of them. With his big broad shoulders and patchy beard, the crinkles around his eyes when he smiles and his insistence that you call him Frankie, not Captain Morales. 
The whole “flight attendants fucking pilots” trope never really applied to you until you met Frankie. You’ve made it a point not to hit on him, no matter how much you desperately want to. It would be far too stereotypical, and with how fucking nice Frankie is, you’d feel like you’d be taking advantage of him. So you’ve kept your distance, talking to him kindly, trying to cross your legs discreetly when he flexes his damn hands on the plane controls, and doing your job like a normal person.
But as he crosses into your line of vision, sitting in the barstool directly next to you, you’re struck with the realization that you’re in unknown territory. There’s no distracting yourself here with other passengers, or your fellow flight attendants. You can’t excuse yourself to an airplane bathroom to splash cold water on your face and yell at yourself to get it together. No, Frankie is right in front of you, ordering a whiskey neat from the bored-looking bartender, and smiling at you so fucking prettily with those big brown eyes and big hands and oh god you’re not going to survive-
“Nah, the jet-lag is really getting to me this time,” you say casually, your voice working on its own accord. At least you aren’t staring at him dopily like some kind of imbecile.
He chuckles. “Same here. Flight go okay?”
“You got us here, didn’t you, Captain? I’d say that’s a success.”
“Then let’s hope I’m always successful,” he winks, and it takes effort to breathe normally. You giggle, and he smiles at you again, his eyes crinkling up.
“You have a flight tomorrow?” he asks, sipping at his drink. 
“Yeah, unfortunately," you sigh. "10:00AM, which is making the whole ‘no sleeping thing’ even worse. Y’know, it’s really the airline’s fault if I collapse on a passenger." You grin at him, and he laughs.
“Oh, they should be so lucky,” he chuckles, and you could swear that you see just a flicker of heat in his eyes. A heat that turns into a raging inferno inside of you, spreading from your cheeks to the tips of your toes. 
“How about you, Captain? Flying again tomorrow?” You need to keep your mind out of the fucking gutter, not that he makes it very easy.
“Yup. They’ve got me in the air at 8:00AM.”
“Oh man, and you’re listening to me complain about my 10:00AM?”
“Work is work, sweetheart,” he smiles at you, and you want to collapse into him at that very moment. Sweetheart. Coming from anyone else, it would sound smarmy, like a pick up line, but from Frankie, it just sounds warm and comforting. You want to be his sweetheart. “We’re all allowed to complain. We aren’t in any kind of competition.”
He sips his whiskey, his eyes feeling like they’re boring into your fucking soul. “And either way, we’re both in the same bar, at midnight, sleep nowhere in sight. We’re pretty much in the same boat.”
“If you say so, Captain,” you say, your body positively burning under his gaze. You hope that you can blame it on the alcohol.
He raises an eyebrow, “I thought I told you to call me Frankie, sweetheart.”
“Frankie, sorry.”
“No need to be sorry,” he says, taking another sip. You try to not watch his throat work as he swallows. You fail. “Think you just need more practice,” he mumbles into his drink, so soft you almost miss it.
“Practice?” you blurt, mind too distracted to think of an intelligent response.
“Practice saying my name.”
A laugh startles out of your mouth. “I have no idea how I’d practice that, Frankie.”
He hums, pretending to think. “I have a few ideas,” he murmurs, and fuck, you definitely aren’t imagining the heat in his eyes now. It’s blazing into you, and you have to press your thighs together to alleviate the ache between them, hoping that Frankie doesn’t notice. Or maybe you hope he does, as you watch those thick fingers wrap around his glass.
Fuck it. He’s hot, you’re horny, and God, you can’t take much more of this. “I’d love to hear all about them, Frankie,” you say, adding a little rasp to your voice that you hope sounds sexy.
Frankie chuckles, but it doesn’t sound like he’s making fun of you. No, he sounds surprised, like he can’t believe you’re flirting back at him. Confidence swims in your chest as red colors his cheeks. You gaze up into those warm, brown eyes of his, and fuck, he’s so pretty up close like this.
“You sure about that, hermosa?”
You don’t break eye contact with him, and his deep gaze burns into yours. “Positive,” you breathe, and Frankie’s smirk is absolutely devastating.
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Captain Francisco Morales doesn’t do this often. No, he doesn’t do this ever. Fucking between flights is supposed to be a perk of being a pilot, but it’s a “perk” he rarely utilizes. One night stands have never really suited him; he gets attached far too easily, and with his job, he can never stick around for long.
But god you’re pretty. And you’re licking hotly into his mouth, and whining in the back of your throat like you’re fucking desperate for it.
He couldn’t help himself when he saw you, still in your little uniform skirt, nursing a drink at the hotel bar. He couldn’t help himself when he struck up a conversation with you, wanting to see your pretty smile and soft laugh that he only ever hears mid-flight. And damn it, he sure as hell can’t help himself from pressing you up against the wall of the hotel elevator, pressing one of his thighs between yours while your fingers curl into his hair and his arms wrap around your waist.
You wiggle down onto his thick thigh, and it creates the most perfect pressure on your clit. You whimper against Frankie’s mouth, and he groans with you, pulling you flush against him.
“Fuck,” he breathes, and his voice is deep and gravelly, breathless from your fevered kisses. “I, uh, I don’t usually do this kind of thing.” His cheeks burn, but he doesn’t back away, just leans his forehead against yours and tries to catch his breath.
It isn’t a surprise, his confession. You’ve heard stories about every other pilot, about their conquests with flight attendants, or how someone saw one of them take their wedding band off when they got to their hotel. There are stories upon stories about every pilot you’ve flown with, except Frankie. And it’s intoxicating, knowing that he wants you enough to have you like this. 
“Good. Me neither,” you whisper, and Frankie grins again. That boyish, devastating grin, and fuck, your clit is throbbing so hard that you could cum like this. You could cum, right in this elevator, Frankie’s thigh between yours and his tongue in your mouth, fuck-
The elevator dings, signaling your arrival to your floor, and Frankie jumps away from you as the doors slide open. You don’t take it personally, not when you’re instinctually tugging your rumpled skirt down. You glance up, and Frankie is already staring down at you, gaze blazing as he braces a hand against the elevator door, holding it open for you. 
“Where’s your room?” he asks, and the question is casual, but his voice certainly isn’t. There’s promise in it, and you have to make sure your knees don’t buckle. 
“Why don’t I show you?” you say, stepping toward him to press your bodies together. Frankie doesn’t answer, he only cups a hand under your jaw, dragging your face up for a sticky kiss. It’s so much better than a yes.
He breaks the kiss far too soon, but one of his hands makes its way down to your ass, squeezing the fat of it through your skirt. “Lead the way, princesa,” he grumbles, and how could you ever think to refuse him?
Maybe you’re a little too eager in your walk to your room, but Frankie doesn’t seem to fare much better. No, he’s just as desperate as you are, with the way he presses you against the door of your room the moment you close it. With the way he swiftly kisses down your neck, sucking your skin between his teeth as he unbuttons your blazer, shoving the fabric down your arms. The buttons of your white undershirt follow, and you keen as he sucks maddeningly at your pulse point, his mustache scratching at the sensitive skin of your neck.
As soon as you’re divested of your shirt, Frankie’s moving again, kissing his way down your chest. He drags his teeth against the soft skin of your breasts, and you dig your hands into his hair. 
“Fuck, baby, you’ve got the prettiest tits,” he murmurs against your skin. It doesn’t sound like a line, no, it sounds like a prayer. 
“Frankie, please,” you breathe.
He looks up at you from his position at your chest. “What, gorgeous?” he asks, coy, as if he doesn’t know what you want. What you desperately need. 
“Please, just,” you use your grip in his hair to drag him back up to your mouth, and he goes willingly, groaning softly as his tongue meets yours again. “Please fuck me, Frankie,” you whisper, and Frankie groans like he’s dying.
“Take- take your clothes off, baby,” he mutters, and it sounds more like he’s begging than he’s commanding. “Take your clothes off, and get on the bed.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice.
You have to make sure you don’t trip on your way to the bed as you kick off your heels. You tug your skirt and nylons down your thighs, making sure to wiggle your ass a bit more than normal as you bend over to tug them the rest of the way down your legs. You smirk at Frankie’s soft groan behind you.
The air of the hotel room is slightly cold, but as soon as you kneel on the bed, arching your back in a shameless display of your desperation, Frankie is burning hot above you, and you can’t feel the cold at all. Frankie’s thick, calloused hands palm your ass, and you moan as he spreads you apart, staring unabashedly at your aching cunt.
“Can I eat your pussy, baby?” he grumbles from behind you, and the fact that he’s asking permission to eat you out is making you so much hotter, making you clench around nothing. 
“Yes, yes, Frankie, oh please-” you whine, and Frankie barely lets you finish your sentence before he’s dragging his tongue in a long stripe up your dripping pussy. “Fuck, Frankie,” you groan, and he moans into you, sounding like he’s enjoying eating you out just as much as you are. 
His nose drags maddeningly through your folds as he brings his lips down to your clit, sucking it into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it in circles that send pure pleasure sparking endlessly up your spine. You arch your back into it, pressing yourself into his mouth, and Frankie groans again. The vibrations of it against your clit make you jerk wildly, whining high as you clutch desperate fingers into the pristine white sheets of the bed.
Frankie tries to keep you still with one of his big hands pressing into the small of your back. His other hand makes its way to your pussy, and you don’t even realize, not when he’s licking into you so feverishly, until there’s a thick finger pressing into your achy entrance.
“Frankie, oh my god-” you gasp wetly, his finger so much thicker than one of your own. It’s been so long, too long, since you’ve had the touch of anything other than yourself. Your tiny, traveling bullet vibrator doesn’t feel like this. You can’t stretch yourself like this, you can’t drive yourself wild like he can.
He moves his finger around inside you, searching, searching, while he licks softly at your clit. “Where is it, baby?” he mutters against you, and you have to force your brain to work at least a little bit to decipher whatever the fuck he means.
His finger is still searching, stroking against your slick inner walls, and you can barely gasp out a, “up, up,” before he’s finally touching that sweet spot deep inside you. You can’t hide it when he does, gasping out a high pitched moan as pleasure rockets up your body.
“There it is, sweetheart,” he says, “good girl.”
And fuck, how do you hold yourself together when he says things like that. He licks again at your clit, but plays with that spongy spot inside you, abusing it. You’re so slick and hot, it doesn’t take long before he’s pressing a second finger into you, then a third. And his fingers are so fucking thick, breaking you apart and pressing into that wonderful spot inside you. Your vision is blurring at the edges as he plays with you like a practiced instrument. How is he so good at this? Your body barely feels like it’s your own, just Frankie’s; his to play with, his to fuck. God, he’s ruining you. It’s never been this good.
“Frankie, Frankie-” you whimper his name like a prayer, and his fingers move fast into you, jackhammering you into the mattress. You whine as he breaks his mouth from your clit, but he keeps his fingers pressed deep inside of you as he leans over your trembling body. 
“C’mon baby, c’mon baby,” he mutters, moving his fingers inside you so roughly that you could swear he’s trying to break you in two. “What do you need, sweetheart? What do you need to cum all over my fingers, huh?”
“Just keep-” you gasp between shuddering moans. “Just keep talking to me, fuck, please-”
“Talk about what, gorgeous? Talk about how hard I am for you right now? How hard you always make me?” You whine at his words, and you can feel his smirk against the skin of your shoulder. His fingers move into you even harder, if that’s even possible. “Fuck, princesa, you have to know how fucking sexy you are. Make me so fucking hard whenever we fly together. Fuck, watched you bend over to pick up your bag once, right in front of me. Had to fuckin’ jerk my cock as soon as we got back to the hotel. Can’t help it around you baby.”
You feel like you’re underwater. Frankie’s voice is deep and dark in your ear, and your pussy is so fucking sensitive. You can feel your orgasm burning relentlessly in your stomach. Just a little more, just a little-
“Thought about taking you to the back of the plane, mid flight. Thought about fucking you hard, stuffing this pretty pussy, making you go back out to work with my cum dripping down your thighs. You want that, sweet girl? Fuck you’re so pretty, so pretty baby, you’ve gotta cum. Please, please let me fuck this pussy. Be my good girl, cum all over my hand.”
You don’t think he means it like a command, but you follow it anyway. You moan, throaty and wet, into the sheets as your cunt clenches around Frankie’s fingers, hips twitching as he presses reassuring kisses to your shoulder. You turn your head blindly, and he leans forward to meet your lips in a bruising kiss, his fingers buried deep inside as you gush all over his hand.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” you whisper against his lips, repeating it like a mantra, and Frankie whimpers, needy and so hot that it makes you want to cry.
“Okay, baby, okay, I’ve got you,” he says, and you know he does. 
When Frankie presses the blunt tip of his cock against the opening of your sensitive pussy, you both groan. You push your hips back just as he pushes his hips forward, and the tip of his cock is just as big as the rest of him. Which, of course, means fucking massive. You have to breathe through the stretch of him inside you as he sinks deep, deeper, deeper. 
“Doing so fucking good, sweetheart. Jesus fuck- ah- so fucking tight baby- fucking beautiful- oh fuck-” Frankie mutters, sounding just as overwhelmed as you feel. It feels like forever until he bottoms out, his hips pressed against your ass as he hunches over you, hot and big and all man. It’s a dream that you’ve had before, but the reality is so much better than anything you could have ever imagined.
“So- you’re so big, Frankie,” you whimper, and Frankie groans behind you. “Need you to fuck me, wanna feel it tomorrow, please, please-” and he does. He pulls his hips back, just to shove himself back in, and the drag of his fat cock against that spot he found earlier has tears springing unbidden to your eyes. 
“Yes! Oh my god, like that, just like that-” you’ve never talked this much before during sex. But his unyielding thrusts, deep, deep inside, have you babbling wildly.
“Christ, you can’t talk like that, princesa, gonna make me blow my fucking load-”
“Want it, fuck Frankie, want you dripping down my fucking thighs, wanna gape open after you fuck me, oh god-”
Frankie fucks in harder, and it’s like every thought you’ve ever had flies out of you. His chest and stomach press into your back as he holds you still, thrusting desperately into you, harder and harder.
The bed is creaking, a rhythmic squeak that mixes in with the endless sounds of your keening whines and Frankie’s moans, and the obscene squelching of your pussy around Frankie’s cock. Your wetness drips down your thighs as Frankie bullies his way inside. He’s hitting that beautiful spot inside you, so perfectly, so overwhelmingly perfect, and fuck, tears are dripping down your face as you clutch onto a pillow, only able to squeak out pitiful whines of “Frankie, Frankie,” as he destroys you.
“So fucking gorgeous for me, god, bebita, fuckin’- fucking tight, fucking strangling me. Been too long, honey? Too long since you got fucked like you deserve?” Frankie growls into your ear, fucking you like a god damn animal.
Frankie’s lost control above you, which he just doesn’t do. He’s always in control, always, he has to be in this profession. But it’s like you’ve stripped him bare, literally and figuratively, to the most primal parts of himself. You’re so fucking hot and wet and tight around him, whining and throwing yourself back on his cock like it’s the best you’ve ever had, and he’s losing it. Losing it far too quickly, and he’s going to cum far too quickly.
“C’mon, baby, give me another one,” he groans, “squeeze my cock with this perfect fuckin’ pussy, wanna, wanna feel it.”
“Touch my clit- oh please, please, Frankie, ah- ah” and he does, the moment the words leave your lips. He reaches underneath the both of you, not breaking the rhythm of his hips driving into yours, and rubs two of those thick, calloused fingers against your throbbing clit.
“Fuck- yes, just like that, just like that, oh my god.” You’re slurring your words, so stupidly drunk on the feeling of his cock filling you over and over, of his body radiating heat above you.
“Gonna take care of you hermosa, make you cum like you deserve, so fuckin’ beautiful crying on my cock,” Frankie says, rubbing your clit hard and methodical. “Never gonna get enough of you baby. Gonna fuck you in every hotel we ever get, fuck you at the terminal, fuck this pussy in the god damn cockpit, oh shit-”
And you’re screaming, outright screaming into the sheets as the thread in your stomach snaps, your pussy clenching and gushing all over Frankie’s giant cock. He’s still mumbling into the cook of your neck, mindless mumbles about how pretty you are, how perfect, as you tremble through the most powerful orgasm of your fucking life. It’s devastating, it breaks you apart and puts you back together all at once, and you just have to trust Frankie to hold you together in his strong arms.
“Where do you want it, huh baby? Please, please, you’ve gotta tell me, oh shit-” Frankie whimpers, and it’s a damned good thing you still have enough brain cells to understand what he means.
“Inside, inside, 'm on the pill, please, please fill me up.” It’s fucking risky that you both didn’t even think about a condom, but with a man like Frankie, it’s hard to think about anything.
His hips still, his cock pressed inside so deep that it feels like he could be in your lungs, as he fills your pussy with his cum. He bites harshly into your shoulder, but it doesn’t fully muffle his whimpers as he crashes through his orgasm. Your eyes flutter shut. You wish you could bottle those sounds and listen to them forever.
Your knees slide out from under you, leaving you laying flat on your stomach, and Frankie follows, holding himself against you as you wait for your breathing to slow. 
“That was…” you whisper into the quiet.
“Fucking amazing.”
You can’t suppress your giggle. “Took the words right out of my mouth, Frankie.”
He tucks his face into the crook of your shoulder, and you can feel his pretty smile, before he’s lifting himself off of you, and you realize how cold you are without his heat.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” he says, and you can’t bring yourself to do anything more than nod. Frankie rushes quickly into the en suite bathroom, and you can hear the sink running for a moment, before he comes back. A warm, wet rag makes its way down your back, over the curve of your ass, and between your legs. He’s ridiculously gentle as he wipes you down, and it’s wonderful. 
Once Frankie deems you clean again, he climbs into bed next to you. He wraps his arms around your placid body, tugging you close. “Didn’t take you for a cuddler, Frankie,” you murmur, but you only snuggle closer, relishing in his deep chuckle.
“I’m usually not.”
“You don’t do this often, though?” you say, dragging a finger down his chest, your eyes already fluttering shut.
You feel Frankie’s lips press to your forehead as he murmurs, “I think I’m willing to let this,” he hugs you against him softly, “become a new habit.”
You smile, and you lean up to kiss him gently. “I wouldn’t mind that at all.”
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romana-after-dark · 5 months ago
But what IF Logan and Scott got reader drunk and brought her back to Logan’s room and Scott watched as Logan fucked her? (And Scott, being a loyal husband, does indeed simply watch and does not touch her) (ok maybe he shoots one off on her face)
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I love this. I have so many dark ask and i love every single one of them so please be patient. Ill never just delete the ask, if I decide its not for me or I cant get inspo, ill answer it so yall know!
(forgive me I've never written scott and barely watched him but I love him)
Wanted It
Logan Howlett x reader x Scott Summers
Summary: Logan and Scott find a pretty girl at a hotel bar and decide to have some fun.
Warnings: dub con due to alcohol turned non con pillow princess reader, bi Logan bi Scott, ass eating, rough BJ, throat bulge <3, somno, dick suffication (everyone is fiiiiine)
760 words
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You had wanted it. You didn't have to say it, Logan could tell by the look in your eyes as he watched you at the hotel bar.
You wanted him and Scott to fuck you. You were just too shy to say it.
That's okay. Logan kept sending you over drinks while him and Scott talked all the possibilities, all the things they could do with you as you loaded up on hard liquor.
"Could Eiffel tower, a classic."
"That requires a high five, I'm not a 21 year old frat boy."
"Fine, you fuck her, we hang her head off the bed and I fuck her throat."
But Logan had another idea. Scott was going to watch. You were his, Scott was his. Logan didn't share. That was fine by Scott, he was more a watcher than anything, loving being able to touch himself to a pretty sight.
When you were good and drunk, the bar tender did not seem at all suspicious of the two men who oh-so gentlemanly offered to help the young lady walk to her room. Arms over shoulders, they took you right to Logan and Scott's bed.
First thing first was your throat.
"mmmm, you're handsome..." You murmur with a sleepy voice as Logan maneuvers your body with ease.
Logan smiled. "yeah baby? You wanna suck my fat cock?"
You were too tired to answer, but as your head hung back off the bed you kept your mouth open, just not your eyes.
Wet and warm, Logan groaned as he slid into your mouth, sloppy fucking your throat like it was a pussy. Behind him, Scott tongue fucked his ass, face buried between his hairy cheeks. Between Scott and you, Logan was getting about ready to blow his load right down your throat but he kept himself from exploding yet. Sloppy, wet noises filled the room as you drooled and gagged on his cock.
When he looked down at you, he nearly came right there at the sight. "Shit, Scott." He tried to tell him, but Scott was too busy buried in his own heaven. "Oh for fucks sake..." Logan grumbles, reaching behind himself and grabbing a tuft of Scott's hair to pull him up. "Fucking look at this."
Resuming his actions, Scott watched in aw as the tip of Logan's cock bulged out your throat. You cough and gag when he gets too rough, but Logan holds you down. You're perfect, such a sweet little toy.
"Logan..." Scott whines, palming his large erection in his pants. "Logan please, I wanna touch her..."
"Not a fucking chance." Logan decides he's gonna fill your mouth now. Him and Scott got all night to play with you, and with his regenerative powers, he could get it up again in minutes.
You begin to resist him more, squirming underneath as he gets closer to his release but never eases up. Drool slides down your face and into your hair. Next to him, Scott is furious masturbating, jerking his cock to the scene before him. You gag hard, a pool of saliva and liquor splashing out of your mouth and feeling warm around his balls for crashing to the floor.
"Logan, Logan I- I'm gonna, oh fuck, oooh fuuucckkk" Scott groans as he cums all over your face and Logan's cock. You're struggling fully now, kicking and trying to push Logan away as your sounds of distress reverberate on his dick and he decides you have to breath at some point.
Logan flood your mouth, spilling inside as he continues to roughly fuck your face. His white hot cum spills out of your mouth and mixed with Scotts, looking so, so beautiful when he pulls up. Logan watches with a smile as you gasp for air, heavy breathing and dry heaving as you try to get normal again. Slowly, as Logan gets hard again, you settle back down the bed. Head up this time.
"Clean 'er up." Logan orders Scott as he touches himself hard again. He's so, so sensitive from his orgasm but it felt so, so good. Scott obeys, kneeling at the bed and happily kissing away at your face, licking away the cum and spit and make up inbetween kisses.
You hum, saying something about being tired.
"Oh ho ho," Logan chuckles, watching Scott with you. "We're just getting started, bub."
Thanks for reading! Lots more Logan blurbs and fics here, including my dark series be quiet for some reason keeps not showing up in tags, but I think it's good stuff so Ima keep promoting it. Remember to reblog or leave a comment if you enjoyed it so i know what the people like!
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Sloppy bj fan? CHeck out Take It All with Miguel O hara or Against the Wall with Joel Miller
@del-ightfulling @my-secret-shame
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