#hotel daydream
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moosha-mushroom · 1 month ago
favorite podcast blorbos!
Love me some podcast characters that roam in my brain rent-free.
Magnus Archives - Tim Stoker (literally can do no wrong)
Malevolent - Noel Finley (I adore him)
Welcome to Night Vale - Kevin (obsessed wit him)
Midnight Burger - Caspar Scott (SCREEE)
Kakos Industries - Corin Deeth III (I need to comfort him)
Penumbra Podcast - Peter Nureyev (SLAYYYY)
The Amelia Project - Piotr Kozlowski (he’s my fave <333)
Desert Skies - Tendy the Attendant (sweeeeeeeetie :3)
Wolf 359 - Doug Eiffel (AUGH)
Victoriocity - Archibald Fleet (I have a thing for protags)
Sherlock & Co. - Sherlock Holmes (His voice)
Red Valley - Clive Schill (ASSHOLE /A)
The Meat Blockade - Karl Berenger (Hope he’s okay)
Hotel Daydream - Lionel Autuary (love him)
Ghost Wax - Owen Voncid (AAAAAAAAAAH)
The Patient Files - Lucian Donahue (I hate him, but I love him)
The Technomancy Projects - Elijah Long (WARLOCK)
Station 112.211 - Haley (She’s my favorite)
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ghosteso · 1 month ago
Podcast Faves
My one mutual (shout out to @moosha-mushroom ) did this so I wanted to do it too! Here are my favorite podcast blorbos! Some have more than one! Because it’s impossible for me to choose between them.
Ghost Wax: Luca Eso, Pip James, Owen Voncid
The Technomancy Project: Jason Fenix, Allie Watts, Elijah Long (yes I have a thing for found family sue me)
Malevolent: Arthur Lester
Hotel Daydream: Lionel Autuary
The Patient Files: Charles Talbot
Red Valley (not caught up yet shhh I’m trying): Gordon Porlock and Warren Godby
Station 112.211: Joan and Tim
Hello From The Hallowoods: Nikignik, Polly, Yaretzi, and Mort
The Phosphene Catalog: Jude
Jar of Rebuke: Jared Hel
Middle of No Air: Acob
The Grotto: Matt (shhh)
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skyfullofpods · 4 months ago
Hey Friend!
A number for your podcast recs: 238!!
Have an awesome Sunday!! :D
Thank you, friend! An awesome Sunday to you too!
238 is the delightful @hoteldaydream!
Hotel Daydream is the resort where fictional characters, dieties from around the world, figures from myths and folklore, and many others, come to relax and unwind. Such a varied clientele brings its challenges, and it's up to Lionel Autuary, Head Concierge & Manager, to make sure that each guest's stay goes as smoothly as possible. Each episode features his reports to the hotel's owner, detailing the work he and his colleagues have carried out, all around this impossibly large hotel.
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boombox-fuckboy · 3 months ago
Happy new year! I would love a podcast!
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Hotel Daydream
Catering to the needs of mythical beings, monstrous clients, and mathematical abstractions is tough work. Tune in every other Sunday for hospitality updates from the hotel for the esoteric and the absurd.
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amongthestackspodcast · 2 years ago
This week while we're on break, we're recommending a show we think you'd like: Hotel Daydream from Steven Cousler
Hotel Daydream is a fictional anthology podcast that follows the weekly happenings of a magical hotel for the real, the imagined, and everyone in between. If you are a fan of mythology, history, or esoteric academia and enjoy wordplay, puns, and the absurd, a stay at the hotel might be just the thing for you. The show is written and voiced by Steven Cousler.
Here's their first episode, The Pilot
You can follow them on Twitter @/HotelDayRadio, and support them on their Patreon at
You can also listen to them everywhere you find podcasts
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heartfeltcherie · 1 year ago
i’m completely and utterly in love with the concept of reader developing feelings for alastor, but she knows he’s aroace so she doesn’t know how to communicate/doesn’t wanna cross any boundaries. so the next best thing? distance and close herself off from him.
when they’re in the same room she will not look at him or talk to him in case it slips that she’s head over heels.
she even goes as far as standing on the other side of the room because being too close to alastor sends her into a nervous frenzy.
but alastor, being the very observant demon that he is, notices how closed off she’s being when he’s used to her standing close to him. used to her soft and calming voice. used to having her presence around him all the time.
does he miss it? yes. will he ever admit that out loud? absolutely not.
so alastor confronts her about it. and maybe it takes a bit of poking and prodding to finally get reader to admit everything and she’s so terrified because “i don’t wanna lose you to my stupid and idiotic feelings”
but then… hehe. alastor just says;
“my darling, i love and cherish your company more than any of the others here. it’d be a downright shame to not have a beauty like you on my arm”
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hoteldaydream · 2 years ago
I sometimes worried people will get turned away from the show because of little inconsistencies. A fairly big one in the most recent episode was thr minimal use of music. EP 5 The Basileers starts getting more personal with Lionel and having the up-beat bassa nova stuff usually underscore scenes with didn't feel right.
I ultimately decided to forgo most of the usual music from the past four episodes in favor of trying to lean into the performance. We'll see how it works and if there's backlash, but minimizing the music feels like a maturation of the show. Leaving it out, however, did scare me. It's so different but I think in a good way.
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kibbles-bits · 4 months ago
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The good thing about living in Heaven for 50+ years is you learn to communicate after hurting someone's feelings.
The bad thing is when you get conditioned into having a praise kink.
Read the Heaven's Best AU HERE
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cringefailvox · 8 months ago
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they're the worst
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smthaboutuss · 9 months ago
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vox and charlie doodle for the soul 😮‍💨
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chronicbeans · 1 year ago
Romantic Lucifer x Maladaptive Daydreamer, Sinner Reader
Not me self-projecting or anything 👀. Plus I love the whole "dreamer and broken dreamer" dynamic I can make with this, even if it isn't the same type of dreams. This is based on my own experiences, but I'm trying to make it more generalized lol.
TW: Maladaptive daydreaming, mentions of depression and anxiety, escapism and dissociation, poor self-care from forgetting, fear of disappointment and disappointing others
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• You probably met him at the Hazbin Hotel, to be honest. Normally, he wouldn't even look at a sinner. You're also not outwardly that different, either. The only thing that he might notice is that your eyes always look a bit distant, but he'd probably not question it. Why have a conversation with someone who is not present and in the moment?
• Charlie would have to introduce you, too. As said before, he wouldn't see the reason to talk to someone who doesn't seem to be paying attention. If Charlie wants him to talk to you, though, he'd do so. He wants a closer relationship with his daughter, and if simply introducing himself to you makes her happy, he would! Though, he is shocked to hear you are, according to her, an interesting person to talk to.
• So, he follows her over to you, all while she's saying "(Y/N), this is my dad, Lucifer! Dad, this is (Y/N), a guest at the hotel! They're a bit spacey, but they're trying their best... They're pretty unique, too! I'm sure you both will get along!"
• Once he gets a closer look at you... yes... you're very unique, to say the least. You look a little disheveled, but at the same time, like you're trying to look presentable. The look in your eyes also seems to flicker between paying attention and drifting off into your own head as he talks. When you respond, though, it sounds like you're at least retaining the basic information of the conversation.
• It takes a long time for him to actually become interested in spending time with you. Sure, you're an odd sinner, but still a sinner, and sinners are the worst in his opinion. However, he does visit the hotel every now and again to check in on Charlie in person. He's realized that calling her is not helping them get closer, even if he's still a bit confused as to why, so he's been visiting in person. Over time, he begins to notice odd things you do...
• You usually sit in the lobby, with a few other sinners, but don't talk to them often. Instead, you just sit there, making odd facial expressions every now and then. At first, he just assumed it was you reacting to the conversations the others were having, until he realized many of your expressions don't fit the topics. They'd be talking about exterminations, while you look calm, or about a pleasant event, with you looking sad or angry. Then, they'd be talking about fashion, and you'd look mortified. This sort of behavior interests Lucifer... You aren't like any other sinner he's seen. He, honestly, probably just assumes you're hallucinating or something. He'd rather ask Charlie, though.
• Unfortunately, she doesn't give away much about you. Something along the lines of "not wanting to talk to much about someone's personal problems without their consent", or whatever. He understands, but come on! He's her dad! A little gossip would be better than what he sees as a long silence between them. She does assure him, though, that you are not hallucinating. That, and she pushes him to interact with you, saying that his perception on sinners might change if he talks to some of the ones at the hotel.
• It's something that frustrates him... however, he pushes himself to do so. Anything for Charlie. Though, to him, it feels less like he wants his views to change and more like she's trying to to avoid talking to him. She never calls, after all... He still tries talking to you, though, and every time you seem extremely distant. That same flickering attention and that same disheveled look. Though, you definitely look worse than when Charlie called him to visit the first time, probably because you were caught on a regular day.
• You do make a few interesting statements, though. Mentions of days flying by fast, barely remembering parts of your life, a journal Charlie recommended you begin writing... Now you're getting interesting! Like a little mystery. He wants to figure you out.
• He'll try prying to get you to speak about yourself. What was your life as a human like? What were your sins, or biggest sin? Why do you look so... distant, all the time? Give him an answer! He'll take what he can get, and won't get upset.
• Daydreaming. That's the answer you give for looking distant. You don't really explain your answer, as if it should speak for itself. Though, you do mention that you're aware it's a "big problem", at this point. Dreaming... ugh... He doesn't even like the word, at this point, even if your type of dreaming isn't the same as his.
• You don't seem to want to tell him what you daydream about, outside of saying it's the types of things you can write a book about, instead of a simple self-fulfilling fantasy. You've got him hooked, now. This mystery has shifted gears. No longer is he as interested in you in general. Instead, your dreams are what he must know about. Which, granted, they probably will tell him a lot about you if they're so personal that you won't tell him.
• Whenever he spots you writing, he tries to sneakily look over your shoulder to read it. Usually, though, you spot him walking over before he can even try and close your journal. You do the same when anybody else walks by... except for Charlie. It honestly doesn't surprise him, since most everybody in the hotel seems to trust her, to some extent. He's just so frustrated. He wants to know more, but you won't say a thing, and Charlie won't, either!
• So, he decides to bite the bullet, and ask Charlie for help. Not the answers to his brewing questions, but instead about things you like. Interests the two of you might share with one another. Surprisingly, he learns that you and him share a lot more in common than he'd have expected a sinner to...
•He decides to try to talk to you about music, instead. What types of music do you like? Can you play an instrument? Do you have a favorite song, perhaps? The entire conversation is fascinating. Do you want him to play you a song, sometime? He'll be sure to bring an instrument the next time he visits.
• Once you do, eventually, listen to his music, he's absolutely entrance by the way you react to it. He's never really bothered to take notice of how you react listening to music before, assuming it's just like anyone else. He should've known that wasn't the case. Instead of a smile, or an attentive gaze, you're completely zoned out. Your expression is dull, which he'd normally be offended by, but he's quick to put it all together, now. That distant look isn't necessarily boredom or a disliking of the music... It's a dreamy look. You're daydreaming to his music. It only becomes more obvious once he changes the tones and your expression changes a bit, as if your daydream is changing alongside it. He's seen people dance, he's seen people sing, he's seen many types of reactions to music. However, to sit there and daydream is one he hasn't seen... At least, not so obviously and intensely.
• He doesn't want to embarrass you, so once he finishes playing his song, he won't mention it to you. He'll simply ask if you liked the song or not, then ask why. He'll slightly giggle, though, if you call it something along the lines of "inspiring" or "thought-provoking". A tiny little hint that he's slowly figuring out what is happening.
• Alongside your reactions to music, he does notice other things. Such as how sometimes, when he walks by your room in the hotel, he can hear the sounds of constant footsteps from behind the closed door. Sometimes he even hears tiny whispers, too, which sounds like your voice. Again, he doesn't say a word. If you're so secretive about such things, he won't pry... Which he, himself, is finding a tiny bit odd. He usually doesn't hold a sinner's privacy to such high regard, under the idea that he's King and needs to know what is happening... That, and his own anxieties making him feel the need to know as much as possible... But, for you, he's becoming a bit more aware of how odd that behavior can be when brought to a certain degree.
• So, he waits for you to tell him about it, yourself. And once you do, mentioning your little prancing, pacing, and your slight habit to act out your daydreams, he's ecstatic! For one, he's earned your trust enough for you to tell him such a thing. The other reason is that he has an idea! Why don't you try dressing up as the characters? It'd be an interesting way to engage in it. He's a musical man, he's probably heard of musicals, if not been in one! He could try getting you an outfit. If you don't want to, though, he's fine with it. It might be strange, after all...
• It takes a while, but soon, you both become close friends. Close enough that he's probably talked to you about feeling a bit lost and depressed, feeling very anxious for Charlie's well-being... In which case, he's probably a bit shocked to hear you relay the fact that, similarly, you are lost. Be it you feel depressed and or anxious, as well, or perhaps it's because you can't stop daydreaming. Either way, you let him know you feel similar, and he's shocked. He's always kind of assumed you daydreaming would help you escape from those types of feelings, not contribute to or possibly cause them.
• He listens more to your concerns and worries... and he relates more than he'd like to admit, in certain situations. Dissociation? You both kind of do it, in your own ways. Your daydreaming, you mentioned, might be that. You've never gotten checked, though, because therapists in Hell aren't the best. He knows all too well that he dissociates, from time to time, because Lilith pointed it out to him shortly before she left to do... whatever she's doing. You both forget to take care of yourselves, in your own ways. You daydreaming for so long, causing time to fly, and eventually forgetting whatever you forget... And him working on his rubber ducks to cope, focusing too much, and forgetting to do whatever it is he needed to do.
• He does get worried for you, and you probably get worried for him, as well. However, while he's not so sure about you, he's taking his worries for you and his daughter to try to better himself... Though, with you and him sharing things in common, he sees you as being a big reason to specifically better his mental health while Charlie is his reason to try to be a better father. How can he provide any sort of help to you when he's suffering, himself? Any advice would either, in his opinion, be bad, or be good but seem bad from the hypocrisy of him not following his own advice. So, he's got to help himself, yeah? He can do it all on his own, too! Watch him! He's not going to burden anybody else!
• Yeah, no. He's failed. Now, he feels worse. Luckily, though, you're there for him to go to! He would go to Charlie... But, he doesn't want to burden her with it. Quite frankly, he doesn't want to talk to you, either, but you can at least relate to him a bit. That, and he knows that keeping it all in is a part of what's made him feel horrible. So, again, you have your talks about life together... You mention your problems and he mentions his. You give him advice. Pretty good advice, actually. He gives you small tips on a few things to make life easier. Then, as always, the conversation shifts to happier topics. What made you happy, recently? Did you have any nice food today? Stuff like that.
• Though, one day, you seem to be thinking about something. You look from him, to nothing, then back to him almost on a loop. He simply assumes it's one of your daydreams, and instead speaks about whatever comes to his mind, being patient with you. From how his relationship with his daughter and her girlfriend is going along, how his rubber duck creation is going, to what he thinks of a few of the other guests at the hotel. However, he is a bit shocked when you begin speaking, very suddenly.
• You start talking about a seemingly random daydream you had, recently. Beautiful music, nice outfits, fun dances... You describe a scene of you dancing with someone on a glorious night. However, you don't say who it is you're dancing with. You just describe a beautiful scenario, which is about you dancing with someone. When he asks who it is, after you finish talking, you kind of just stare at him awkwardly.
• It takes him a few moments, then once it hits him, he begins to laugh hysterically in disbelief. No. You couldn't possibly be implying it was him! Once you outright say it, and add that you love him as more than a friend, though, he's both ecstatic and terrified. He feels the same way, yes, but he knows he has his own set of problems he'd be adding into your life if he got with you... And then you start talking about how you are worried you'd make him feel bad, as you know that your daydreams can hype up future events, like dates and such, to an unachievable expectation... then everything is disappointing, despite it being perfectly fine.
• He, however, wants to change that... or, at least your outlook on it. He will happily hold out his hand and admit that he feels the same. He feels the same love for you, the same worries for the future, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying. Just because something wasn't to your expectations, doesn't make it bad, yeah? Once you realize that you still had fun, you'll learn to still enjoy your life, even if it'll never live up to your daydreams.
• That's how you two began dating. You're both used to helping each other through rough times, and comforting each other, so there wasn't really a big adjustment period of having to learn to do so. Instead, the first few months were spent on sweet dates, as well as helping you with your daydreams causing expectations that can't be met. As each date goes by, he asks if you had fun, even if it wasn't all you dreamed up to be. As you realize how often you say "yes", you begin to feel much more confident that everything will be fine and doesn't need to be perfect.
• He's gotten into a little habit of planning a secret date or surprise every once in a while. That way, you don't have the chance to build up such high expectations of what it'd be like. You'll come home to see that he's made the most delicious looking dinner buffet, and spread it out over his dining table. Or, you'll come home, and he'll say that he wants to take you out to go dancing somewhere. Small little surprises.
• He's going to make a rubber duckling based on you. Or two. Or three... Or twelve dozen. He can think of so many designs based on your lovely stories. He knows that he shouldn't feed into the habit, and he's actively doing his best not to, but he wants to show you that you can create beautiful artwork with your daydreams. Music, paintings, books, plays... If you find that you can't daydream less, you can try to at least transform them into a real, tangible thing that others can see or hear. His duckies are just an example of that.
• He sometimes wishes he could create something that catches your attention more than your daydreams, but he can also understand that you may not have complete control of it. So, instead, he'll try to gently get your attention if he needs you, just wants your attention, or wants to remind you of something you need to do. Be it a little tap on your shoulder, him calling your name, or walking into your field of view and doing something silly.
• He's sure to check in on you daily, asking if you've been making sure to take care of yourself. Did you eat today? Did you take a shower? Did you drink a glass of water? You gotta stay hydrated! In return, whenever you can, you do the same for him. You both take care of each other as best you can.
• If you're one of those daydreamers who has trouble falling asleep because your brain won't turn off, he'll do whatever he can to at least help you relax. He'll cuddle you, try humming a little soft tune, or get you something to drink to help you relax a little.
• Sometimes, although he'd never admit it, he's a little jealous of your daydreaming. Yes, he's aware the grass is always greener on the other side, and that's why he wouldn't say it. He knows you'll chew him out and reminding him of the issues it's caused you. He can see them, so you don't really have to remind him. He's just... missed the feeling of having such an imaginative mind. Sure, he still has had one. Ever since he was dropped into Hell, it's been a bit harder to do so... then, once Lilith left, it has gotten worse. He's been a bit too depressed to dream...
• Though, he knows that you can dream enough for the both of you, and that you'll happily share ones you think will cheer him up. He loves you for how much you've reminded him of the importance of dreaming... Just, in moderation. He'll be there to ground you, whenever you need it.
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moosha-mushroom · 9 months ago
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I haven’t posted art in forever, so… Various hosts of shows! Witherburn and Hotel Daydream are very underrated.
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ghosteso · 2 years ago
Catching up to Hotel Daydream and I forgot how much I loved this podcast. Lionel def needs a break. He is now one of my blorbos.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 1 year ago
Puppy Love / Kid Vaggie Crossover
Thank you, @intrinsicepiphany for the fun idea!
Hazbins: (scrambling around the hotel while carrying cushions and pillows)
Kid Vaggie: (flying around the ceiling, weaving through lights and chandeliers, and giggling) Weeeeee~
Charlie: Vaggie! Vaggie! You've been up there for an hour, sweetheart! Can you please come down before your wings give out?
Emily: (squeaks through the door of the hotel) Hi, Charlie! Sorry for dropping in last minute. Sera wanted to get those reports on-
Kid Vaggie: Yaaaawwwwwn~ (droopy eyes) Nigh-Night.... (slowly coasts down to the ground)
Charlie: I can't believe I'm saying this, but, Emily, catch her! It's Vaggie!
Emily: (looks up and sees a sleeping, curled up Kid Vaggie sucking her thumb and gliding in her direction) Hup! (jumps up with a flap of her wings and catches Vaggie, cradling her in her arms) I got her!
Charlie: Whew! Thank you so much!
Emily: (slowly fluttering back to the ground) Now, what did you say about Vaggie? And who is this adorable little cherub?
Charlie: Her. That's literally Vaggie. For some reason, she transformed into a toddler. First, it was me, and then-
Emily: (blushes brightly as she looks down at the sleeping toddler in her arms. Daydreams suddenly whirl through her mind in rapid succession)
Scene 1: Emily and Vaggie on a moonlit date in heaven.
Scene 2: Vaggie kneeling down on one knee with a ring box and Emily flapping her wings excitedly as she cries.
Scene 3: Wedding in Heaven with Charlie being Emily's Maid of Honor and Vaggie wearing a full suit.
Scene 4: Vaggie wearing slacks and a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and her hands on a prominent baby bump under Emily's dress.
Scene 5: Emily laying in bed with a newborn baby. Baby has dark skin, white freckles, silver hair and wings, and pink eyes. Vaggie is holding Emily's hand while kissing the new mother tenderly on the head.
Emily: (catatonic, blushing, sweating, and wobbly on her feet)
Charlie: Whoa! (takes Kid Vaggie before Emily can faint) Emily, are you okay?!
Emily: (shuffles over to the window, gets on her knees, and prays) Our Holy Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come-
Charlie: Uhhhhh.... (glances at sleeping Vaggie in her arms and gets similar daydream scenes buzzing through her mind but replaced herself with Emily as she heats up exponentially) Whoooooooooooa.... wobbly...... need to sit down.
Angel: Whoa! I gotcha! (catches Charlie and sits her down in the chair next to where Emily is still praying) I'll take Vags up to her room and put her to bed. (grabs Vaggie and gets similar daydreams but with Husker and having a perfect cat-spider baby) Yikes! Okay, that makes sense. Let's get this little pipsqueak to bed so I can stop daydreaming.
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fizzyrodeo · 26 days ago
while i'm on the topic of worldbuilding pet peeves relating to this show, i hate that hell is so... modern. i'm not talking about the technology, i'm talking about how all the rings are basically a variation of new york city or california. the pride ring at the very least should be an ugly amalgamation of factions, or at least a city with a ring of the aforementioned factions on the outside. you're telling me characters like zestial, sir pentious, and alastor (mot to mention the millions of other sinners who died prior to the 1800s-1900s) would be comfortable living in such a bustling, congested area and wouldn't immediately defunct to a unique precinct of their own? one that's more resemblant of the time period they lived in? i'm not saying the time periods can't mesh, just that there's not really any time periods TO mesh. why bother emphasizing the difference between the characters' time periods if (so far) it isn't reflected outside of comical scenes?
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amongthestackspodcast · 1 year ago
Got to listen to a preview of the new Distant Silence Radio Hour and it's fantastic. The scoring and editing help create a fantastically Eerie atmosphere that evokes all the best of Twin Peaks and Twilight Zone with a fresh new spin of eerie bells and unreality.
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Steven Cousler also proves to be an incredible successor to Rod Serling and the Cryptkeeper as the horror show host-cum-narrator
Youre truly in for a treat this Halloween when it goes live, folks.
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