#hotel consulting firms
hsdigitalmedia · 8 months
Elevating Excellence: Luxury Hospitality Consulting
In the world of hospitality, excellence is not just an option; it's the standard. Whether you're running a high-end hotel, a gourmet restaurant, or an exclusive resort, the experience you provide must be nothing short of exceptional. That's where luxury hospitality consulting comes into play.
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Unleashing the Potential of Luxury Hospitality
Imagine having a team of seasoned experts by your side, guiding you on a journey to redefine the hospitality experience. That's precisely what luxury hospitality consulting offers. Let's explore how this specialized service can elevate your establishment to new heights of opulence and guest satisfaction.
1. Tailored Strategies for Success
Luxury hospitality consultants understand that one-size-fits-all solutions won't cut it in the world of exclusivity. They'll work closely with you to craft strategies that align with your brand's unique identity and aspirations. From exquisite menu design to personalized guest experiences, every detail is meticulously planned to create an unforgettable atmosphere.
2. Attention to Detail
The devil is in the details, they say, and luxury hospitality is no exception. From impeccable room design to the smallest nuances in service, consultants leave no stone unturned. You'll learn the art of anticipation, ensuring every guest's needs are met, often before they're even voiced.
3. Service Excellence
At the core of luxury hospitality is service excellence. Consultants will train your staff to provide a level of service that goes beyond the ordinary. It's about creating moments that linger in your guests' memories, fostering loyalty and return visits.
4. Innovation and Technology
Staying at the forefront of hospitality trends and technology is essential. Luxury hospitality consultants are well-versed in the latest innovations, ensuring your establishment is not just up to par but ahead of the curve.
5. Brand Building
Your brand is your promise to your guests. Consultants will help you build and reinforce this promise, ensuring it shines through every aspect of your establishment. From your online presence to your in-person interactions, consistency is key.
6. Sustainable Luxury
Sustainability and luxury can go hand in hand. Consultants can guide you in implementing eco-friendly practices that resonate with modern, conscientious travelers while maintaining the essence of luxury.
Luxury hospitality consulting is the secret ingredient to making your establishment a destination of distinction. It's a journey toward perfection, where each guest feels like royalty, every detail is exquisite, and your brand stands as a beacon of excellence.
Are you ready to embark on this journey to elevate your hospitality experience to new levels of luxury? Contact Hotel Solutions today, and let's craft an experience that guests will treasure forever.
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fazalkhan2914 · 1 month
Aracome | Industrial Building Consultants Abu Dhabi Aracome is basically known as the best Engineering Consulting Company Dubai. We have completed projects like multi-story residential towers and villas, commercial buildings, hospitality projects, and industrial developments. Contact us for construction needs. https://www.aracome.com/services/industrial-building-consultant
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beaconskyhospitality1 · 3 months
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Are you ready to elevate your hospitality business to new heights? Look no further than Beaconskyhospitality.com, your trusted partner for all your advisory needs in Thailand. Our team of industry experts is equipped with unparalleled knowledge and experience to help you navigate the complex world of hospitality. Whether you need assistance with strategic planning, revenue management, or enhancing guest experiences, we've got you covered. With BeaconSkyHospitality.com by your side, success is just a click away. Don't wait, unlock the full potential of your business today!
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siarahotels · 6 months
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ajaychoprachef · 1 year
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Thinking of becoming a restaurant consultant? Unlock the advice of four leading industry professionals and learn how to become a top restaurant consultant!
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chefajaychopra · 2 years
Best restaurant consulting firms | Restaurant consultant
Do you dream of owning a successful restaurant? If you do, you’re not alone. Opening a restaurant is one of the most rewarding and important business decisions you can make. It’s also a complex endeavor full of potential pitfalls. That’s why it’s important to get help from a professional when planning a restaurant.
Restaurant Consultant, Master Chef Ajay Chopra with Zion Hospitality is one of the best restaurant consulting firms in India. They specialize in helping budding entrepreneurs plan, launch, and operate successful restaurants. With their combined expertise, you can rest assured that your restaurant will be a success.
What can you expect from a restaurant consultant?
A qualified restaurant consultant will provide you with advice and guidance on every aspect of opening a restaurant. From concept to design, staffing to operations, they’ll help you make sure that all the pieces of the puzzle fit together the right way. They’ll also help you develop a business plan that sets the stage for your restaurant’s success.
In addition to providing advice, a restaurant consultant can also assist with the actual implementation of your plans. From finding the right vendors to selecting the right menu items, they’ll be there to provide assistance every step of the way.
How do you find the right restaurant consultant in India?
The key to finding the right restaurant consultant is to do your research. Start by asking for referrals from colleagues and friends who have worked with a consultant before. You can also search online for restaurant consultants in your area. Make sure to read reviews and check out their portfolio to make sure that they have the experience and credentials to help you succeed.
Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to meet with the consultant in person. A face-to-face meeting is the best way to get a feel for the consultant’s style and to discuss the details of your project.
With Master Chef Ajay Chopra and Zion Hospitality, you can be sure that you’re getting the highest quality service in the industry. Both firms have the resources and expertise to help you open a successful restaurant. They’ll work with you every step of the way to make sure that your restaurant succeeds. So if you’re ready to take your restaurant dreams to the next level, contact Master Chef Ajay Chopra or Zion Hospitality today and get started!
Zion hospitality by celebrity Master chef Ajay Chopra is a progressive food and beverage consulting company that provides food and beverage owners with management expertise and effective operational solutions. The flexibility in our approach, treating each property as a unique asset with its own USPs enables the restaurant to project its own personality and character and unleash its true potential. Our restaurant projects have witnessed sustained growth through our team of subject matter experts and deep management capabilities ranging from pre-opening to full-scale operations.
Zion hospitality offers Services support through the entire value chain of the premium restaurant concepts From entry strategy to operational talent, the plethora of activities that a restaurant concept may need along its journey, have been skilfully designed to deliver operational benefits par excellence.
With the excitement of the upturn in the restaurant business in 2016, we threw ourselves completely into bespoke concepts across India, to deliver an avant-garde food and beverage experience with all the guarantees of exclusivity, luxury and upscale hospitality.
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raffe156 · 2 years
Between a rock and a hard place
Just gonna go for it an post what I’ve written haha!
I’ve done my best with spelling an if you lot like it let me know I have a plot for this I promise 🤣
Feedback welcome 💖
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Stake out
Pairing - Price X Reader X Ghost
Summary - MI6 agent handler/ field agent is on a stake out recon mission with the one and only Captain John Price, who she has had dealings with back when she was in training - they are holed up in dingy hotel in Mexico - Tensions rise and it gets heated between the two in more ways than one - Bravo 6 didn’t go dark - Ghost enjoys the show.
Warnings - Smut (18+) consensual non con, Voyeurism, Language, Age gap Price (47) reader (28) Dom!Price, Brat!Reader, comms not closed, Sir kink, praise kink, Degradation kink, Spitting, fingering, double penetration implied, Hair pulling, Oral (M + F receiving), Smoking, spanking, mentions of younger reader (Nothing too bad)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters 
Mexico City 01:00am
You lay on the poor excuse of a bed looking up at the damp ceiling of the dingy hotel your were camped out in counting the spots of mould and wondering how on earth you had ended up on a recon mission with the 141 in Mexico. Not only that but you were holed up with Captain John Price of all people.
Ghost and Soap where set up in the apartments facing your room only a few feet keeping your balconies from joining, but due to your ranking you had to be supervised and your boss didn’t trust any of the other men alone with you that an she knew you could be hot headed and you liked to talk back.
You and Price had met before years back when you were in the academy at just 17 you thought you had it all brains, wit, charm, but your bad attitude held you back. The training base was occupied briefly by the 141 - Price was often asked to consult on some of the training scenarios as always you thought you had it all figured out which always resulted with Price in your face gun fingers to your temple “Bang your dead - your inside man is dead, Mission failed (Y/L/N)” he seen how cocky you where and he hated it, you felt he wanted to tear you down from the start. But despite all the nay sayers you graduated and was now one of the top Agent handlers and SIS agents in your age group albeit revered as a back talker.
So when you got the summons for this mission you where filled with dread when His name was read out in the brief. “Ma’am surely I can do the recon on my own, I’ve proven myself before..I don’t need a babysitter” you forgot yourself and was bluntly corrected by your Chief.
So here you were day 2 and you already wanted the mission to be over, you were broken out of your dismal day dream to the crackle of the comms in your ear - it was Soap - “Captain, question?”
“What is it Soap?“- Price said taking a drag of his ever present cigar.
“What’s the going rate for babysitting these days?“- Soap asked.
You rolled your eyes and looked over at Price, who was already glaring at you from the busted couch.
“Think your funny McTavish? Well ill tell you what it ain’t nearly enough” - He said exhaling thick smoke that clouded his face.
“I’m more than happy to take over Captain, think I could teach her a thing or two send her over here”- Ghost chimed in.
Price stood up laughing an walked over to the open balcony - he was in civilian clothes, still cargo pants and t-shirt but not his usual cargo pants, bullet vest and Boonie hat. He placed his hand above to lean on the frame and looked down on to the busy street below.
“I’m sure you could Ghost, but if you remember correctly this one could do with a muzzle and a firm hand, serious discipline issue I’m telling you”- he said as he dipped his head under his arm to look over at you, you noticed he was smirking you could just make it out under his thick facial hair.
Your blood was boiling and he knew it he could see it on your face. He was enjoying this.
“I can work with that, I like a challenge you know me guv I reckon I could get her in line” - Ghost taunted you.
“I know you do Mate, I know you do”- Price shook his head and laughed.
They were mocking you , talking about you as if you weren’t even there how dare they. Your heckles where up now and you needed to say something or else they would keep talking about you like a silly little girl.
“You wouldn’t know where to start Riley” - You spat as you sat up adjusting the stupid sundress you had to wear to blend in an look like a tourist, you looked out into the pitch black room a facing yours hoping he was in there.
Price looked at you stunned by your clear disobedience by calling Ghost by his surname.You’d done it now.
“Ohh I can assure you I would, in fact I could name a few places I would start with…” - Ghost was cut off by Price.
“Easy Ghost……Honestly (Y/L/N) your lucky you were barely legal at that academy or else I would have put you over my knee and shown your arse my palm an I’m sure Ghost wouldn’t of minded given me a helping hand with that would you mate?” -He said this while relighting his cigar.
“I would of been more than happy to help teach her a lesson Captain” - Ghost growled down the comms line in your ear making it feel like he was right behind you.
“Listen darling, your not cut out for this world, your mouth gets you into far too much trouble” - Price was stood in the middle of the room.
You were furious you skin was alight, but something was stirring in your core the thought of their hands on you Teaching you a lesson it pulled on something deep with you and that scared you, but they had pushed you too far now.
“You know what Price…Fuck you, I’m tired of taking your shit, talking to me like I’m playing special agent…I Am a fucking special agent the best in her fucking field and don’t you forget that you old fuck! And as for you Riley…” - you turned to look out over at the adjacent apartment where you knew Ghost was posted you could just make out the White of his signature skull mask in the shadow of the darkened room.
“Get a grip and take the fucking mask off did no one tell you its only halloween once a year you muppet” - You where on a roll now, on fire, unaware Price had made his way over to you in two strides.
The next thing you knew you were slammed up by your throat and pushed onto the bedside table back pushed right up to the wall. Price blew smoke out of his nose which was inches away from your own. You tried to focus and take in what had just happened but his face was too close. You then realise his grip was getting tighter around your neck, but that wasn’t what concerned you it was his right hand that had a good grip of the top of your thigh, he slid his thumb under the thin fabric of your underwear finding you soaked. He looked down and chuckled.
“That shut you up didn’t it love?” - He pulled his thumb back out and released his grip of your throat. Stepping back he sucked your wetness of his thumb.
“You where right Ghost……tastes just like Honey” - Price smirked dropping his arms either side of him.
“Told yah…” - Ghost sighed.
You were in utter shock at not only what had just took place but also how wet you were. The loud street below snapped you out of your daze and you became embarrassingly aware that Soap may of seen what happened but you knew Ghost definitely witnessed it. For a split second you thought when had they discussed how you might taste?
Price was staring at you his eyes fixed on your every move, you were going nowhere unless he said so. He turned around an placed his cigar in an ash tray on the side board.
“Now be a good girl and come ere” - He motioned you with his hand.
But when you didn’t move he bounded over and grabbed you by the back of your neck marching you over to the couch.
“On your knees……NOW!” - He shouted shoving you down in front of the couch he placed himself in front of you, unbuckling his belt and shimming his pants down just past his hips, you could see how hard he was behind his tight boxers.
“Now are you going to be a good girl?” - He asked caressing you cheek. You looked up at him and turned to look over to where Soap and Ghost were, you caught a glimpse of movement in the dark Ghost was shifting about. You knew he was watching you, Fuck it you thought lets give him a show. You looked up at Price and nodded.
“Yes sir” - you whispered look up from under you lashes.
This took Price by surprise he thought he was going to have to work a lot harder to get you to submit, but he was taking your sudden obedience with a pinch of salt he knew you had more fight in you, but he was going to put you in your place either way.
“Sir?……I like that, Good girl, now open your mouth” - he said waiting for you to do as you were instructed. Once your mouth was open enough he gripped your jaw and placed his thumb on your tongue holding it down. With his other hand he pulled his cock out, it was thick and panic flashed across your face, Price noticed the fear in your eyes and it made his cock twitch with excitement.
“Head back now” - He tilted you head back thumb still on your tongue with was writhing around causing something in him to stir wildly. He leaned down slightly and spat in your mouth making it even wetter, you felt your underwear become slick and you pushed you thighs tight together. He slowly guided his cock into your mouth, you felt it hit the back of your throat and tried not to gag, but the tears that welled up gave you away. Price sighed deeply and grabbed a fist full of your hair and slammed in and out of your mouth.
“Bit too much princess?”- He said slowing his movement down. He pulled out leaving a string of saliva and pre cum from his tip to your tongue.
“Let’s give the lads a better look at you eh?” - Price moved you by your hair still on your knees he faced you towards the open balcony doors. He pulled the front of your dress down exposing your breasts your nipples going hard in the night air.Price whistled.
“Knickers but no bra? You are a naughty girl aren't you (Y/L/N)? It’s like you wanted this eh? What do you think lads? Wanna see more?” - Price gestures into the darkness.
“I canny see shit Captain!” - Soap tutted, meaning he wasn’t in the same room as Ghost. He must be in the apartment above.
“Tough shit Sargent” Ghost said mocking his team mate.
“I’m coming down to your spot LT” - Soap barked.
“No your fucking not! Stay fucking put McTavish…If you step foot in this room i'll put a bullet right between your eyes”-Ghost warned the lower ranked man.
“Fine but if I can’t have a visual I want audio” - Soap hissed down the comms, you heard the sound of a zipper and Velcro being pull apart.
Price yanked your head back,
“See how much you’ve work your Lieutenant up? he’s willing to kill his own men for his own private show” -Price whispered in your ear.
Price let the fist full of your hair go and stepped back to admire you.
“Stay there” - he said walking round the back of you. Price settle himself in the arm chair that faced the Balcony doors.
“Stand up (Y/L/N)” He said grabbing his cock in his hand. You did as you were told, you felt the familiar slickness of your thighs. You tried to cover yourself up the night air was biting at your breasts painfully.
“Don’t you dare…” - Ghost warned over the comms. You could almost see him you had to strain your eyes ,but you saw him he was sat in a chair a few feet away from the open balcony he had his pants down slightly and was slowly tugging at his own girth.
“Take yah knickers off and toss em over here…And don’t you dare try to cover yourself up” - Ghost gave you your task.
You looked behind you at Price who nodded you on. You got up from your knees, you hitched your dress up and made a show of pulling your knickers down bending over to give Price the best view. You knew he was enjoying it as you heard him let out a quiet “fuck” as he jerked himself that little bit faster. You stepped out of them slowly. Bunching them up in your hand, you walked out onto the balcony. The rising heat from the busy street below warmed you a little, but you were still 10 stories up so the wind was brisk and sharp on your exposed wet area. You leaned right over the balcony and threw your knickers over arm into Ghosts apartment. Up this close you could see more of him he had lifted his ski mask up over his nose and mouth. He caught your underwear with his free hand wrapping the thin fabric round his member tightly and resumed pumping away.
“Nice one, but word of advice?…always watch your 6 kid” - Ghost smiled the first real smile you had ever seen from him.
Watch my 6? You thought then it made sense as Price yanked you head back with his right hand and gripped your hips back into him with his left. You could feel him leaving scratchy kissed down your neck. You core was on fire. He moved his left hand round to your wet slit and slid his middle two fingers in and curled them up inside you. You let out a moan, the gushing sound was obscene. Price worked his fingers deeper into you making you cry out louder. He bent you over and you gripped the rail for support he was still working his fingers inside you.
“Ok I can defiantly see now Captain” - Soap was looking down from his vantage point. Price knelt down and buried his face into you, you felt his beard roughly grazing you inner thigh as his tongue went to work. You held onto the rail for dear life you legs shaking.
“I think she’s enjoying that Price, looks like she’s gonna cum…” - Ghost said. He was right you was on the edge of exploding, But then Price stop and got up an walked back into the room. You caught your breath and looked up at Ghost who simply nodded towards the room, you turned and found Price sat back in the armchair stroking his cock.
“Did you really think I was just gonna let you cum like that? Nooo……your gonna have to work for it darlin” - Price laughed.
“For fuck sake Captain…cant you just fuck her out here where I can fucking see!” - Soap was fuming he was back to only audio over the comms.
You started to walk back into the room when Price whistled.
“On your hands and knees like a good little bitch…give Soap something to visualise” - Price took a drag from his cigar.
You got down on your hands and knees you could feel the heat from day in the tiles on the floor, you began to crawl in towards Price. The carpet in the room was scratchy on your palms and knees you looked up at Price a cloud of cigar smoke billowed around him, he patted his his shin like you would to beckon over a pet, You sat in front of him on your knees. He leaned forward and pulled you closer so your face was in his lap his cock nearly hitting you in the face. You felt your core stir you gripped it with both hands and ran your tongue up his shaft and over the tip. He ran his hand through your hair as your head bobbed up an down taking him as deep as you could pausing just before it hit the back of your throat.
“You’ve done this before haven’t you girl…Bet this is how the boys down at the academy got you to shut up” - Price smirked as he bucked his hips up causing his tip to hit the back of your throat, you gagged but it only seemed to spur him on more as he was now moving you head for you faster than before on the last stroke he held your head down on him so that your mouth was at the base of his cock. You slapped his thigh fearing you would black out from lack of oxygen. He grinned then released your head from his grip. You came off gasping for breath like you had been held under water. He took a last drag of his cigar an set it down in an ashtray beside him and patted his thigh.
“Up you get sweetheart…back to me” - He said as he pulled his pants further down. You got up from the floor your dress that was bunch up around your waist now fell back down and covered your modesty somewhat.
“For fuck sake…rip that fucking dress of her Price!” -Ghost was barking down you ear on the comms. Price leaned forward and ripped the dress right down the middle. You really had nothing now. He tossed it to one side and patted his thighs once again. You took a seat, your back flush to his chest you could feel his cock lined up along your arse cheeks. He put his hands under your knees an lifted you up so his cock was under you now, bracing your self on the arms of the chair.
“Look at me Princess…” -Ghost said breathing hard. You looked over to meet Ghost just as Price lined himself up with your entrance, he slid in and you shut your eyes tight he filled you right up and he wasn’t even half way.
“Eyes on me (Y/F/N)” - Ghost was warning you. You tried to look over but Price pushed in further making it past his widest point.
“Fuckin hellll mate, she’s tight as” Price was amazed at your handling of his dick. You were a tight glove indeed, but he would make you fit him perfectly. Your breath hitched up and you couldn’t help let out a moan as you tried to keep eye contact with Ghost who was now shamelessly wanking himself off to his Captain fucking you with your knickers constricted around his cock.
“I think you like being watched? Love being the centre of attention all eyes on you eh?” - Price bit your shoulder as he picked up the paced. He was right, you did so you decided to let go and give them a show. The moans that escaped you were loud and wild. Price was thrusting up into you making your tits bounce, You were going to lose it your head fell back onto his shoulder.
“Ahh…Did I say you could look away from me?…” - Ghost was on the edge you could here it. You opened your eyes to glance over at his, you could make him out furiously tugging away at his member. Price lowered your legs and gripped your breast with his rough hands planting wet kissed down your neck, you placed you hands on to his arms for support and started rolling your hips down on to his chasing your orgasm, Price knew what you were doing so he removed one hand from your chest and started to rub your clit hard.
“That’s it (Y/L/N) cum…cum on your Captains cock…while your Lieutenant watches…cum now!” - Price said through gritted teeth.
This made you snap and come undone.
“OHHH FUCK!! AHHHHHHH” you came hard.
“Oh fuck…Ah ah ah” - you where still being fucked, price turned your head and kissed you deeply, you moaned in his mouth.
“I want you to cum inside me Captain” - You moaned as his tongue left your mouth. He looked you dead in the eye.
“Ask me…nicely and beg me to cum in you…” - the look in his eyes was wild and like nothing you’d see before.
“Please Sir…I want your cum in me…please cum in me…while my Lieutenant watches…please Sir” - You moaned your second orgasm building up. Price grinned and looped his arm around your waist standing up, his cock still buried inside you. He knelt down on his knees bending you over in front of him, his pelvis never leaving you opening.
“Face down…arse up in the air” -Price breathed heavy, he slid his rough hand down your back and push down between your shoulder blades making you obey. You placed your arms either side of you bent as you shoulders hit the floor, face to the side you could still see Ghost he had moved closer to the open balcony.
“Fucking ruin her Captain…” - Soap was out of breath chasing his own release. Price gripped you arse and and landed a heavy hand on your cheeks, you felt the heat on your skin instantly. He watched at his cock slid in and out now with little to no resistance. He spread your arse and rested his thumb on your arsehole. You were drooling, eyes in the back of your head. What would your Boss think if she seen you like this? Lucky girl? Price was splitting you in half, the slapping sound as his hips connected with your arse was electric. Price slipped his thumb in your arse.
“FUCK ME! Shame your over there Ghost looks like she could of took us both…fucking naughty girl aren’t you?” - Price slapped your arse again.
“Look at me (Y/L/N)…would you have liked that? This cock in your arse filling you up while Price fucks your pussy?” - Ghost was at his limit.
“……ah……Ye…yesssss…” - You couldn’t even speak the though of both of them at once was enough to tip you over the edge.
“Yes what?…” - Price pulled you up by your elbow, your back flat to his chest again, him still rutting up into you relentlessly but sloppy he was close, one arm wrapped up around you with his hand on your throat, the other wrap around you waist so you couldn’t squirm away.
“Ye…yessss…SIR!” - You moaned your pussy pulsating around him as you came. You heard Ghost let out a gritted fuck through his teeth on the comms. You could feel Prices cock swell inside as he grunted in your ear, his cum hot in you his thrusts slowing. You heard Ghost pant. Soap was silent. Price let you go but still keeping and arm round you so you didn’t fall flat on your face. You could feel his cum leaking out of you onto the floor. Price leant back bringing you with him , you didn’t resit. He wrapped is big arm around you and brushed your hair out of your face with the other as you settle under his chin, kissing the top of your head he smiled.
“Now?…are you going to behave and be a good girl for me?” - He whispered into your hair. You thought about it for a while before your turned to look up at him.
“Yes sir…ill be a good girl for you” - you said as you looked over at were Ghost was…but he wasn’t there.
🚬 💀
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Destiny & Deliverance: Chapter 7
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC Smut and Angst Warning - Minors DNI New as of 7/24/2023
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: “I just keep myself busy. Otherwise, I wallow in depression."
It was close to six when I arrived back at the hotel. I was starting to feel anxious. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would he feel differently now that he’s had the day to think about last night and this morning? I was starting to get lost in my head as I walked through the main entrance. I had planned to wait in the restaurant, as usual, since he mentioned dinner. However, there were no tables open, and the bar was a little too crowded for my liking. I decided to head back to the suite and finish up my preliminary report. When I got in, I kicked my shoes off and crawled into the middle of the bed, propping myself up on the headboard. I got my laptop situated and turned the tv on for some background noise. 
Around six forty-five I heard a quiet knock on the door beside me as Dieter stuck his head in. He smiled when he saw me.
“There you are. I figured you would be downstairs. I got a little worried you were standing me up.”
He laughed nervously. I gave him a mock look of horror.
“No way! It was just too crowded when I came in. There wasn’t a table open. Was it still bad?” 
“Yeah, kind of.” 
“Let’s just grab some room service and hang out here. Maybe we can watch a movie or something?” 
“I’m actually down for that. What would you like to eat? I’ll order.” 
“Surprise me.” 
“You sure?” 
He walked into the other room to scan the QR code with his phone for online ordering, then walked back in and flopped down on the bed with his legs hanging off the side. He leaned back and laid his head on my legs and absentmindedly reached up feeling along the hem of my skirt with his free hand. His finger was rubbing over the stitching. I watched him as he scrolled, occasionally reaching with his free hand to tap the screen, then putting it back down to feel along the hem. His familiarity and comfort helped me relax after having my earlier thoughts of doubt. 
After a few minutes, he realized I was watching him with a smirk on my face. 
“I’m sorry, am I distracting you from your work? I can…”
“No. You’re good. Carry on.” 
He raised his eyebrow from behind his glasses. I laughed and went back to typing. After a few minutes, he started playing a game on his phone. Clearly getting annoyed when he made a mistake. It was adorable to watch his face scrunch up in frustration. Sometime later, we heard a faint knock on the outer door to his suite. He paused his game and hopped up. 
“That must be the food.” 
“I’ll be in shortly, I’m almost finished.”
He nodded and walked through the adjoining door. 
I finished the final paragraph on the report and gave it a quick read through. I made sure I hit save, multiple times, then sent a quick email to Megan asking her to make copies for the meeting. It felt good to have this one done. Now I could relax and have zero things to worry about this evening. Not that any of it had crossed my mind last night. 
I got up and put my laptop away. Then I walked through Dieter’s room, looking around as I went. His belongings were everywhere. It didn’t surprise me. With the chaotic energy he tended to put out, he didn’t strike me as someone who was neat and organized. I laughed to myself at the thought. 
I opened his bedroom door to find him sitting at the small table in the kitchenette area. He was playing a game on his phone again. I walked over to the table, and he jumped up, wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me. He leaned back and reached up to touch one of the wavy pieces of hair hanging down on my face. 
“I thought you said your hair didn’t look good curly. I like it like this.” 
I smiled and leaned into his hand. His words stirred some sort of emotion in me that I couldn’t decipher. I inhaled sharply and turned away before it showed on my face. 
“So, what are we eating?”
“I got a few different things. Feel free to sample.” 
“Geez this is a lot of food.” I laughed. He shrugged.
“I guess I’ll have leftovers for tomorrow.” 
Our eyes met, realizing what that meant. He will be alone tomorrow. Neither of us wanted to bring that up further at the moment. I hadn’t given much thought beyond this week. I couldn’t. Not yet anyway. 
We sat down to eat, each of us taking a sampling of the different meals he ordered. We both opted for water with our meal. The thought of not having liquid courage this evening made me anxious, but I needed to lay off the alcohol some. 
He told me about his day. All the meetings he had to plan for the movie role he was offered. He said it would take up to five months to film and several overseas locations were planned. He was really excited about it. 
I felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of him being in another country for such a long time. No wonder he wasn’t dating anyone. 
“Do you ever get lonely or homesick while you’re gone for that long?” 
“Yeah, sometimes. It can be rough, but I have a team I travel with that I’m pretty close to. I fly back for quick visits with my family when I get a chance and we talk a lot. Sometimes they visit me depending on where I am. I make it work. It can be hard on your mental health though. Not gonna lie.” 
“I don’t know how you do it. I’m not sure I would survive that type of living.” 
“I just keep myself busy. Otherwise, I wallow in depression.” 
He knitted his brows together as his eyes stared off in the distance at nothing. His thoughts appeared to take him to a dark place for a moment. It was brief, but I noticed it. Then he shrugged and moved to change the subject.  
“How about you, how was your day?” 
“Really good actually. I’ve definitely got the guy. Well, it’s mostly circumstantial at this point, but I have a plan. Carrington is totally on board with it.” 
I smiled, pleased with myself.
“So, he has managed to sail through because of their current setup. The fact that I caught it is just crazy because it’s really a perfect situation for him to rip the company off. Anyway, I’ve set up a camera on the entrance to the room that houses their mainframe. I think he is accessing it directly, but there are no security cameras on that door.”
Dieter mouthed “what the fuck” and threw his hands up at the ridiculousness of it. 
“I know…” I said, shaking my head in agreement.
“Anyway, so he’s going in to alter and remove records so there are no signs of the changes anywhere. He is also changing it on the backups. I think he was even smart enough to somehow get a copy of a key made so it isn’t registering on the ID card scans that he entered the room. He was accessing it during scheduled job times so as not to raise any red flags. He messed up though. On two instances he logged on 33 and 63 seconds too early. I talked to Carrington today and he’s agreed to let me install, what is basically spyware, on the station that accesses the mainframe. Anytime anyone gets onto it, it’ll do a screen recording and track key entries, then send that information directly to me.”
He had a look of shock on his face. 
“That’s like some spy shit. Maybe they need to make a movie about you.” 
He laughed at me as I rolled my eyes. 
“I think I’ll pass…. Anyway, my thinking is that it should catch him in the act. We’ll have proof he’s the one in the room during times the changes are made, and we’ll be able to see exactly what he’s doing.” 
“I’m not gonna lie. I’m impressed. You literally blow my mind every time you tell me about your work.” 
I smiled at his compliment. 
“The fun part is, I have a meeting with all of them tomorrow to go over my preliminary report.” 
He froze. Shock on his face. 
“So, what are you gonna say?”
“Well, I’m going to tell them about all the upgrades they need in IT and changes they need to make for payment processing and suggest some staffing reorganization to help things run better. I’m also going to tell them I found no evidence of security breaches or data loss issues.” 
“And you can do that with a straight face? Not give anything away?” 
He seemed skeptical. 
“I one hundred percent will. So good in fact, Jay will feel pretty damn pleased with himself at not getting caught while also panicking about the impending changes that are going to rock his world.” 
I said that with a pretty fierce look on my face to drive my point as I took a drink of water.
Dieter’s eyes got kind of big as he saw the change in my demeanor. 
“Point taken. Pretty fucking scary indeed. Now I get it.” 
He shook his head as he leaned back in his seat, laughing. I started laughing too. 
I loved that he seemed genuinely interested in my day and my work. Giving me praise rather than scrutinizing every shared detail and chastising me for the way I handled things. That was after all what I was used to getting instead. 
After we finished eating, we decided to change into our pajamas and crawl into bed to watch a movie. 
I changed into a racerback tank sleep shirt. It came down a little past mid-thigh, but I felt like I was showing a lot of skin. I decided I didn’t care. I kept the panties but lost the bra. It got Dieter’s attention when I walked into the kitchenette area while he was making popcorn. He was trying to not be obvious, but he was definitely checking me out. He had changed into his shorts and t-shirt combo. 
I grabbed a couple bottles of water, and we made our way into my bedroom. He set the popcorn on the nightstand, pulled the covers back, and jumped up to the middle of the bed. Propping himself up with pillows against the headboard. I set the waters down and he spread out his legs, motioning for me to come sit between them. I climbed up, settling in with my back to his chest as he covered us up. 
We decided to watch an old school zombie movie I had seen several times before. I think he was hoping I would get scared, but that wasn’t the case. It led to an ongoing discussion throughout the movie about the use of practical effects versus CGI. We sounded like a bunch of cinema nerds, but we were having fun with it. 
Toward the middle of the movie, he scooted his left foot back, bringing his knee toward his chest. I had laid my arm across his thigh and kept rubbing circles on the backside of it. Sometimes dipping lower and towards the inner side. He was trying to act like he was ignoring it, but he kept shifting under me. I knew it was driving him crazy. 
He wasn’t much better. He kept rubbing my arms. Occasionally giving my shoulder a squeeze before lightly rubbing along my neck and collarbone. We basically spent the entirety of the movie teasing each other while pretending we weren’t. However, I’m sure he could feel my pulse quicken as he grazed his fingers across my neck. 
At some point within the last 10 minutes of the movie, he finally caved. He leaned down and started kissing my neck, snaking his arms under mine. Pulling me closer. I turned my head to kiss him as I grabbed his right hand and guided it down under the blanket and between my thighs. He wasted no time getting to work as I writhed on top of him. It didn’t take long before I was rocked with an orgasm. I laid there for a moment catching my breath, while rubbing and massaging at his thighs. He continued to massage my shoulders while kissing and nipping at my neck. 
After a few minutes, I lifted my hips to slide my panties the rest way down my legs. Then I got up on my knees, turned, and straddled him. He looked a little surprised at my boldness but didn’t hesitate. While I stood on my knees, he too lifted his hips to slide his shorts down. I reached behind me to help him, and he eventually kicked them off. We both laughed at his minor struggle. 
He sat up straighter, wrapping his arms around me and kissing down my neck. I reached down and tugged his shirt over his head. A few quick kisses, then my nightshirt came off and landed near his on the floor. He grabbed my hips as I lifted myself to line his length up at my entrance. I slowly lowered onto him. 
This time felt different. It was soft and sensual. It was a physical and emotional connection that I had never experienced. There were a lot of light touches, caresses, and kissing. Our eyes locked together throughout when our tongues were not dancing with one another. I increased the pace of my movements as I felt my release building. I sensed Dieter was close too. The intense pleasure hit me as I arched my back, throwing my head backwards. He rubbed his nose up my neck, nipping at my chin before he buried his face, following behind me as he came immediately after. 
We both sat trembling in each other's embrace with shallow breaths. Placing light kisses as we pressed our foreheads together. I lightly rubbed the nape of his neck with my fingertips as his hands roamed up and down my back. We sat there for several minutes, unmoving. 
I eventually leaned back some, looking him in the eye as I pushed his sweaty hair back off his face. My hand came to rest on his cheek. He reached up to touch my hand, slowly entwining his fingers with mine, kissing them before pulling both of our hands to rest on his chest. I could faintly feel his racing heartbeat against the back of my fingers.
“Your mind is quiet,” I said in a low voice. It was a statement, not a question. 
He smiled as he smoothed my hair back. 
“For once, yes, it is. It’s nice to be here in the moment.” 
He searched my eyes in return. 
“Yours is quiet too.”
I smiled, shaking my head in agreement. We studied each other’s faces and an understanding seemed to pass between us. This wasn’t normal for either of us. The intensity of it actually scared me. I felt my brows draw down together. I pulled him into a tight hug before my face could betray my emotions. He buried his face into my neck as I continued to run my fingers through his hair. 
I wasn’t sure how long we sat like that, but it was a while. He eventually raised his head up, giving me an intense look with glassy eyes. He started tangling my hair between his fingers against my back, his eyes roaming my face intently. Like he was trying to decipher his emotions. He looked almost pained. My chest tightened as a lump formed in my throat. I took a deep controlled breath because I could feel the sting forming in my eyes. We both had anxiety rolling off us in waves. We were two incredibly broken people letting our vulnerability show. 
He put his hand on my face and pulled me to him, kissing me deeply. As I moved on him, with my arms wrapped around his shoulders, I could feel his hardness returning. It didn’t take long before he was inside me again and we were moving together. This time with an all-consuming frantic need with tight embraces and fingers digging deep into each other's flesh. It was like we couldn’t get close enough. 
We eventually fell into a heap on the bed after a rather intense finish for both of us. Both breathing rapidly and covered in sweat. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. Once we recovered, we untangled ourselves, laying on our sides facing each other. Taking in the moment and memorizing every detail. 
“What time are you leaving tomorrow?” 
“I have my final meeting at eight, then I’ll go to the airport immediately after.” 
No more words were spoken. He reached over and pulled me closer. I nuzzled my face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and sunk his face into my hair. I laid there wondering how this was going to go in the morning. I didn’t know how I wanted it to go, and I felt so confused. I’m not sure how long it took either of us to fall asleep, but we eventually did. 
The 5AM alarm came early. He turned it off on his watch, then we both laid there, unmoving, not speaking for at least ten minutes. He eventually pulled his head back to look down at me while pulling my hair off my face.
“Are you awake?” 
I lolled my head back to look up at him. His hair was all over the place. I chucked quietly as I eyed it. 
“You look like you stuck your finger in a light socket.” 
“I have a feeling you’re not fairing much better. I think we both need a shower.” 
He smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. Then he got up and walked toward the bathroom. 
“Can you bring me my brush off the sink? I need to get these knots out before it gets wet or else, I may have regrets.” 
“We definitely can’t have that,” he said with a chuckle. 
I admired his back side as he continued toward the bathroom, shortly returning with my brush. I stretched and groaned loudly. 
“You ok?” 
“My legs are protesting. Apparently, I worked muscles I haven’t used in a while.” 
I smiled at him as I sat up and started to brush my hair. It was a struggle. Between the sweat, his hands, and sleeping on it, it had turned it into a huge knot. He came over and took the brush from me while he continued to laugh at my struggles. He sat behind me with one leg up on the bed and began to brush through small sections methodically. It was a sweet gesture and it felt amazing. It seemed oddly intimate too. 
He announced he was finished, and I laid back against his chest and closed my eyes while he wrapped his arms around me. I loved the way his arms felt. I felt safe with him, I realized. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then reminded me about the shower. 
We showered together again. Attentively washing and rinsing in between the caresses and kissing. Nothing more than that though. The air felt heavy around us as that impending doom feeling began to bubble to the surface. 
Dieter had to leave pretty early for a meeting. Once we dried each other off, he had to rush off to his room to get dressed. 
He came back to tell me bye as I was putting on my makeup. He hugged me for a minute before giving me a long, needy kiss. 
“Can I see you again when I get back to LA?”
He searched my face. It was unreadable, I was going into my autopilot dissociative state to keep my emotions in check. It was the only way to get through this. I nodded and gave him a half smile. He looked… hopeful? He dropped his hands to his pockets. 
“Shit, I don’t know where my phone is. Where’s yours?”
I walked into my bedroom and picked it up off the dresser. Unlocking it and handing it to him. He quickly typed in his contact info and handed it back to me. 
“Text me when you get home, ok? I may not be able to answer right away, but I will as soon as I can.” 
He pulled me to him for another kiss. He was starting to get keyed up, I could tell. I heard his watch vibrate and he pulled away to look at it. 
“Fuck, my car is here. I’m running late.” 
He kissed me again quickly.
“I mean it, text me. We can talk later tonight,” he said as he ran over to his room. 
I could hear his phone pinging from his watch off in the distance somewhere. He must have found it because I heard the main door shut a few minutes later. 
Once I was sure he was gone, I sat down on the bed and nearly lost it. I was on the verge of a panic attack. There was no way I could do this. I wasn’t ready for whatever that was. It was too intense and too much. It took several minutes, but I finally pulled myself together. I couldn’t fall apart right now. I had a job to do. 
I hurried to finish getting ready and to pack up all my things. I rushed down to meet Joe, ten minutes late. Luckily, we had extra time built in for our commute. I got there with a few minutes to spare before our final meeting. I stopped in the bathroom to take a minute and pull myself together. I felt nauseous and hot. I could feel my heart racing and my head spinning. Between this meeting and leaving Dieter, I was a wreck.
I rushed into the conference room, everyone there, except for Mr. Carrington. I greeted everyone as I pulled out my laptop to open my preliminary report and key talking points. Willing myself to appear calm and collected. Megan came in to distribute paper copies of the report while we waited. 
Jay tried to appear casual as he flipped through the report. I knew what he was looking for. Indications that he had been caught. Seeing none, he relaxed back into his chair. 
Several minutes later Mr. Carrington entered. His face gave nothing away. There was no indication from either of us that anything was going on outside of what we were about to discuss. 
I took a few deep breaths, forcing myself to push Dieter out of my mind and focus. Outwardly, I was stoic and completely void of emotion. On the inside, I really just wanted to curl up in a dark room and cry. I could feel the panic rising. I reached down under the table and gave my thigh a squeeze to try and revert my focus and ground myself. Then I started to feel the cool leather along the seat of the chair. Trying everything I could to not panic. 
Mr. Carrington started the meeting by greeting everyone and thanking them for coming. Then he turned it over to me. 
I took another controlled breath before I started. I went through the report covering the needed changes for the mainframe. Heavily enforcing that tiered access would be needed and no one staff member should have access to all backups. Again, enforcing the need to beef up physical and digital security. 
Jay chimed in, “With all these mentions of security problems, is that indication of a breach?”
“It’s the opposite in fact. I couldn’t find any sources of a breach and all data and backups seem to be intact. Honestly, you guys got pretty lucky on that.” 
A sly smile spread across his face as he nodded and leaned back in his seat. Then I moved into financial processing. The moment I recommended switching to a third-party vendor for payment processing, Jay had to jump in. 
“Can you explain why that is recommended over handling all of that in house? It doesn’t make sense.” 
“Well, there are several reasons for that. It helps cut back the liability for whoever handles the money if there’s a problem. It can be tracked properly and provides tiered access to multiple users without sharing the account details. So, for instance, your assistant could be more involved with the payment processing because she will have controlled access. You don’t have to worry about security clearance because she will only see what she has been given permission to see. I’m sure that will free up a lot of your time. I know it would probably be nice to not have all the late work nights for once.” 
I smiled at him. He didn’t know how to take that. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the hint of a smirk on Carrington’s face. 
I proceeded to go over a 12-month transition plan for their IT upgrades and also laid out a few changes to maximize the use of their staff. 
Jay seemed uneasy for the rest of the meeting. He knew things were about to change for him, what he didn’t realize is how. 
Once the meeting concluded. Everyone thanked me. Carrington walked down the hall with me as I was leaving, Jay following behind. Carrington shook my hand as we were waiting for the elevator. 
“I’m sure we’ll chat soon once you have your final report completed.” 
He gave me a pointed look with a smirk. 
“Of course, I’ll set something up as soon as I have everything ready.” 
The elevator door dinged, indicating it was going down. I said a final goodbye then got on to head downstairs. Joe met me out front and asked if I needed anything before heading to the airport. I didn’t. I just wanted to hurry and get there. I wanted the flight over with. I had managed to keep it together thus far and wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold on. 
When it was time, I boarded the plane and immediately asked for alcohol. I felt sick and my head was still spinning. I needed to calm down. After finishing off the first round, I pulled my phone out. I went to the contacts and pulled up Dieter’s information. After staring at it for what was probably a good five minutes, I hit delete.  
Next Chapter
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thebigoblin · 1 year
drive highways and byways to be there with you
A Post-Movie, Fix-It Fic, even though I haven't watched the movie and gleaned spoilers like a pride-hungry Achilles.
will post this on ao3 later, when i'm not in the classroom (it's a free period). for now:
Tags: Post-Movie Fix-It, Alpha Derek Hale, Established Relationship, Mild Sexual Content, Married Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Eli Calls Stiles 'Tata', Spark Stiles Stilinski
also, yes, the title comes from Niall's "This Town." Current fave.
"Do you think they'll believe this?"
"They will. They have to."
Stiles doesn't look sure, so Derek takes his hands in his — wincing at the movement because of the bullet wound that still hasn't healed; the Nogitsune's magic is gone from the wound and Derek himself, as it is from Allison, but some effects remain, because they're a part of them. Of their hurts and scars.
Nobody knows this better than Stiles, who still wakes up during the night to fight off a shadow that isn't there, and nobody knows it better than Derek himself, who calms Stiles down after, through calls and gentle voice most days and with firm hands when they're lucky enough to be together.
So, of course, Stiles notices the movement and his eyes shutters.
"No. Don't do that again. This wasn't your fault, okay?"
They're sitting face to face on the bed at a hotel in a random ass town, far away from Beacon Hills, far away from everything that could ruin them. And yet Stiles is broken at the meagre survival of what Derek has brought from that town.
Somedays, Derek wonders how he could have stayed there all these years. And then he remembers the way Stiles lights up when he talks to his dad, alive and doing well, all thanks to Derek keeping a close eye on him.
There's more than one reason he took up that consulting job at the Sheriff's Station.
"Stiles. It wasn't your fault. It was Scott's idea to give the jar to Liam and his new pack member, even after you told him no. You did what you could, and you know I did too. Do you blame me for it?"
Stiles cups his face, and Derek lets him. "No, never!"
Derek takes Stiles' hands in his again, kisses the tightly-gripped knuckles. "I love you," he tells his husband sincerely, "But sometimes you're an idiot. None of this was your fault, alright?"
Stiles smiles a little at that. Derek counts it as a win.
Stiles' voice, when he speaks, is soft and desperate. "They'll believe it?"
Derek isn't the biggest believer in the world, in anything, but he has trust in one person: Stiles Stilinski-Hale.
"It was your idea to fake my death. I don't know how exactly you did it, or roped Parrish into it, or even how much magic you used to make everyone see what you wanted to — but you did it. So, yes, my love, I know that they'll believe it."
Stiles laughs, watery and lovely, and Derek pulls him in his arms, kisses him and keeps kissing him until Stiles is pulling away, giggling and breathing out a, "Keep your hands away, Hale! It tickles!"
Derek just grins and leaps to tickle him more, and Stiles stays, because he knows the pain Derek is in and Stiles has never abandoned him anyways.
He won't start now.
Convincing Eli of the plan was the hardest part, given the fact that he had to see his dad burning even though that actually didn't happen, but now that Derek sees his pup and his husband cuddle up on the couch together like this, Eli's head on Stiles' lap and Stiles' eyes gazing down lovingly at their sleeping child, Derek decides this was worth it.
Lying to John, the pack, and staying away from Stiles was worth it, just for this moment, and the countless others they'll have moving forward.
A thought occurs to him, and he snorts. Stiles looks up at him, eyebrow raised, and he can't help but whisper:
"They really thought I'd let Scott and Allison raise my pup?" Having Eli wear Scott's jersey was more than enough. Eli hated it, he wanted to wear his Tata's jersey, but he's always been smart and he knew from young that his fathers have a secret that needs to be kept.
Eli really is Stiles' kid.
"They're idiots. They believed that I was too busy to come to my dad's rescue, so. And not to mention that they think I just abandoned Roscoe! Like, seriously, guys? And then they claim to be my best friends."
Stiles' increasing volume has Eli waking up, so Derek takes the place next to Stiles, Eli's legs on his own lap even as their pup's eyes flutter shut again to Stiles' polish lullaby.
"Hell, Lydia knew Eli knows Polish. I thought she'd figure us out soon, and nearly two decades later, she still hasn't."
"Yeah." Stiles gnaws on his lip, turns to look at him. "Let's not talk about them, okay? This is just us. Just us like it was always supposed to be, my heart."
Stiles leans in to kiss him, and he does too.
Eli wakes up in the middle of it, his fathers touching their foreheads and kissing each other in turns, and promptly decides to head out after flailing to be let out of their embrace.
"I'm taking the jeep!"
"You better be careful, then!" Stiles shouts, and Eli responds with a salute and disgusted face.
Derek laughs and laughs, and feels the most alive he's felt in a long, long time. Ironic, considering he's had to fake his death to achieve this.
Stiles pokes him in the stomach then, goads him with his eyes.
"Since we are alone now... and considering the last time I saw you was on that fake Mechanic Convention you made up exactly seven months ago..."
Derek's eyes are red and he's picked up Stiles before the sentence can be completed.
"Get out of the hearing distance, kiddo," Derek whispers, and then there are no more words spoken. It's only him and Stiles, and one very recognizable screech from the jeep.
Eli better not be home soon.
Especially because...
"Oh, fuck, fuck. I love your alpha eyes, my Alpha. Can't believe they even missed this, the aura of power you give off — well, except Peter because he's —"
"Can we not talk about my uncle while I'm trying to fit my cock in you?"
"Right, right, right. I just- they're idiots. The real alpha was among them, and they still- whatever. I'm glad. You're mine, alright, only mine."
...he gets to watch Stiles come undone before him, like this, mouth open, eyes shut, face slack in pure bliss. He gets to hear Stiles call him his, he gets to claim Stiles as his own, watch his body as he loves and bites and worships Stiles' body, Stiles' existence.
He gets to be with Stiles.
The past fifteen years were rough and unbelieving, but he knows in the heart of his hearts that it was the last sacrifice he had to make.
In return, he gets this: Stiles in his arms, Eli's I'm watching a movie, be back as soon as it's clear, and John's you better be with Stiles right now, and Eli best be with you, Hale.
Well. Perhaps John wasn't fooled — he knew. But that's to be expected.
Stilinski’s are smart.
And he gets to have and love three generations of them.
He's lucky. He's extremely lucky.
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fazalkhan2914 · 3 months
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beaconskyhospitality1 · 3 months
Restructuring Hospitality: A New Reality
6 steps to adapt to the new reality in Hospitality.
As we now are seeing the light at the end of the Covid 19 tunnel it’s time to refocus. Even if you or your family are fortunate enough not to have been affected, we certainly must adjust our thinking regularly. This applies at a personnel level and as importantly at a business level.
This article has the purpose to list the necessary steps that each owner of a hospitality asset, be it hotels or resorts should consider to undertake.
It serves as a hands-on checklist and helpful tool for owners to use. The way we have been managing our assets prior to the crisis, is for most properties and owners no longer a viable way moving forward.
NEED FOR CHANGE……. The world is forever changing; however, this pandemic has hastened the need to accept change and adapt much quicker particularly in the business of hospitality. We are to accept that we need to modify how we operate our businesses, and take a fresh look at what exactly do we need to do in order to remain profitable.
Almost all hotel and resorts will be simply forced due to lower revenue streams and slow recovery, to change the business model and the way we have been doing business.
So here is a guideline of where to start and which actions to consider…………
In our view with the current crisis the main areas of the business where we see a need for change are: A. Human resources B. Operations C. Finance D. Marketing
So, lets briefly tackle them and break them down in steps for action:
One of the highest costs in hospitality is clearly payroll and we can and should approach to manage this expense differently and in a new fashion.
In the new reality a solution in payroll is to “outsource” some main management functions and overhead departments to third parties and outside experts.
This with the clear objective to overall reduce the cost of managing and execute these responsibilities in a professional manner. Here are some real outsource solutions for you to consider directly: - Interim Management - outsource your main executive management with Interim Management. Instead of having a permanent full time Manager(s), hire an Interim Manager and have at the same the operation supervised by an outside asset management company. This will give you the benefit of getting more expertise, more out of the box thinking in management, introducing new practices and clearly saving a lot of executive payroll.
- Sales – focus on direct sales Instead of having a full team of sales managers, you should consider to outsource these functions of direct sales to a sales company that has good contacts in contracting and distribution channels. Allow specialists and experienced sales persons to execute direct sales on your behalf. We have seen this successfully being done at a much lower staff cost and with more efficiency and a higher sales productivity.
- Marketing, including marketing communications & Social Media management.
This important responsibility can and should be outsourced to a specialized marketing company and for them to manage the content and communications methodology. Clearly this can be done on part time basis instead with a full-time team in house. The advantage is that a more focused and more experienced team is fulfilling these responsibilities at a lower monthly cost.
- Accounting & Finance It has for long been very interesting phenomena that the accounting and finance teams in Asia are so much larger than in EU or USA. On an average they can easily be double in Asia. Regardless outsourcing the main accounting responsibilities to an outside accounting firm can make a lot of sense and be quite efficient and economical. Areas to outsource would include accts payable, accts receivables, payroll admin, P&L reporting. Areas like General cashiering, purchasing may be kept inhouse. It is important to note that this does not imply loss of control as long as objectives and reporting methods are clear and disciplined. We are to change how we use of our resources and shift to make use of outsourcing and use specialists who are compensated by their achievements, measured by the deliverables.
This is to be combined with pro-active senior management whereby all heads of departments are to hold an extra key responsibility other than their more general role. They are to take on sales approach, drive revenue and all be out “knocking on client’s doors” – thus becoming an active hands manager. We are to look at our teams and review the deliverables and set more clear objectives of what we expect from your management team and indeed also evaluate our team in this regard.
Operations clearly have to change and of course the first and foremost required area of change is in HYGIENE & SAFETY “Clean Management” is to be a new discipline in our operations ! Hygiene practices are already being modified and more emphasis on training and understanding of the importance of hygiene is required, from the moment a guest arrives at check-in till they depart, while visiting and using, guest rooms, public areas, outlets, recreational facilities.
Clean Management is and will be a new standard in hospitality and this means executing an extensive checklist including: screening of guests, disinfecting public areas and guest rooms, personal protective gear for staff members, reduction of guest & staff contacts both personal and through tools, equipment & amenities. Options are using Ultra violet air & light sterilizers and anti-microbial coating on public surfaces.
This extensive checklist is available.
The focus on Food & Beverage has changed, as guests now expect more healthy menu options. It once was an option, but now it has become a mandatory inclusion. The manner in which F & B is served and the now infamous breakfast buffet is a format of the past and replaced with controlled “pods” being preferred and expected. In-room food & beverage is also to change. Minibars should have been made extinct a long time ago and replaced with a grab and go counter in the lobby. Room service will be more important and will grow but with a limited and more compact menu to be offered while reducing staff interventions with guests.
In operations we now can and we are to utilize more technology. Today we are in a much more sophisticated business environment and the technology is working in our favour. This we should embrace and we are to keep abreast of these changes in the most affordable way possible, by seeking regular technical upgrade guidance. Clear examples forcing faster change are key-less registration, self-check-in and check-out kiosks, plus screening and disinfectant tunnels, UV air and light sterilizer cleaning methods.
Guest expectations in the tourism world are changing as we speak. The deeper and longer the crisis will last, the more the consumer will be changing their expectations. Tourism is most certainly not going to be the same as before and we will be faced with a transformation in tourism in general. The consumer is already adapting and they are acknowledging that we no longer have to travel all around the world. Guests will opt for more domestic or short haul travel opposed to have to travel to other side of the world to an idyllic island. Consumer will opt to take a holiday in a RV and explore the nature in or around his own country or neighboring country without having to fly. Guests will want to spend “to do good” and request to engage in more responsible tourism.
The expectations will change, as the COVID crisis has a combined impact on topics like climate change, circle economy and sustainability. All this implies that the guest now more and more will request more sustainable solutions in hotels & resorts, more organic food, more vegetarian options, experience more waste reduction, witness more plastic free operations. The consumer will want to explore more local experiences and enjoy local sourced produce and supplies.
As mentioned, expectations will also include the post Covid hygiene and distances practices while maintaining a people interaction element but with a more practical approach. We can preserve the environment whereby human contact is evident but introduce reduced direct contact.
Resorts where space allows can offer a greater feel good factor, touching nature through exploratory walks, creating flora and fauna interaction, have herbal gardens, select locavore styled suppliers with local primary producers delivering a farm to table product with less chemical interference. The cultural experiences are to include not only the culinary aspects but also the medical and the spiritual will be sought. We are to differentiate with sub regional cultures and cuisines, specialise and create holistic experiences.
Another important aspect of the changing guest expectations is answering to the request for Wellness facilities and services. The term Wellness is all encompassing versus the feel-good Spa concept. We are to add in the Health component and then see where these two terms can be introduced as part of the daily operations. It will soon be expected by all guests, explore it and then introduce it throughout your business to include both staff and guests.
In the first phase of a new marketing the emphasis is clearly going to be: “Going Domestic”.
In all countries and regions domestic tourism is going to the key to most instant recovery. Most attention is to given to individual travel and stimulating and selling individual tourism.
Group travel and meeting business is still long and far away and should be targeted merely in a second phase.
Secondly it will be important after opening up again, that revenue management is given highest priority. Correct pricing is going to crucial, while closely monitoring supply and demand patterns. Those with a revised and strong strategy will be able to pick up business the fastest.
Thirdly the importance of distribution channels is ever so increasing and one needs to engage heavily with the main players. At the same time there is an opportunity to engage more local distribution channels, with offering local and domestic packages, pre-sale offers and communicate such through local media. Social media will only have increased power, as the traditional wholesalers will in first phase not be your feeder markets You are to create more local packages both for local leisure and for local small business get-together.
Finally a new given is that one will have to strengthen to communicate to all potential customers in a different way and giving the consumers the comfort and trust that the destination and facilities are truly safe and trustworthy.
Communicating and instilling confidence will be a new thing and of great importance. This delivery of confidence and safety will distinct the winners for the losers.
One of the most important factors going forward is that owning company will have to take a much closer look at their asset management: how to they manage their investment and cash flows. In order to continue a healthy business model, you as owning companies will have to closely monitor the cash flow in mid and long term. Measures you can take and are to consider include restructure the finances, with newly negotiated loan agreements with new interest and principal schedules. Negotiate with the banks and lenders revised grace periods and deferred payment schedules.
Secondly is to review and negotiate management terms, (in the case that you have an operator) including deferred payment schedules, softening of cluster fees or change of such.
Thirdly is to review the reserves for capital expenditures and if these clauses can be deferred or altered.
Fourth is to review local tax relief measures, including reduced withholding tax, deferred or lowered corporate taxes imposed by government and revised land/ estate taxes.
In summary the Covid 19 crisis can be seen as a positive game changer and we should take advantage of such opportunity. It has given us time to reflect on ourselves our families and more importantly on others. Now it the time to embrace the opportunity for change and to become leaner and more efficient. Hands on change in management is the answer. You are to seek and challenge change, consolidate your particular concepts and specialise by using the best resources available. You are not to be intimidated by change: review, restructure and restore your business.
Bangkok, July 1, 2020 By Mark van Ogtrop Beacon Sky Hospitality
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siarahotels · 9 months
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ajaychoprachef · 1 year
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Need professional help growing your restaurant? Check out this guide where we’ll introduce you to the best restaurant consulting firms to give your business a helping hand.
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chefajaychopra · 2 years
Restaurant Consultant, Master Chef Ajay Chopra with Zion Hospitality is one of the best restaurant consulting firms in India. They specialize in helping budding entrepreneurs plan, launch, and operate successful restaurants. With their combined expertise, you can rest assured that your restaurant will be a success.
What can you expect from a restaurant consultant?
How do you find the right restaurant consultant in India?
The key to finding the right restaurant consultant is to do your research. Start by asking for referrals from colleagues  and friends who have worked with a consultant before. You can also search online for restaurant consultants  in your area.  Make sure to read reviews and check out their portfolio to make sure that they have the experience and credentials to help you succeed.
Once you’ve  narrowed  down your   options, it’s time to meet with the consultant  in person. A face-to-face  meeting  is the best way to get a feel for the consultant’s style and to discuss the details of your project.
Zion hospitality by celebrity Master chef Ajay Chopra is a progressive food and beverage consulting company that provides food and beverage owners with management expertise and effective operational solutions. The flexibility in our approach, treating each property as a unique asset with its own USPs enables the restaurant to project its own personality and character and unleash its true potential. Our restaurant projects have witnessed sustained growth through our team of subject matter experts and deep management capabilities ranging from pre-opening to full-scale operations.
Zion hospitality offers Services support through the entire value chain of the premium restaurant concepts From entry strategy to operational talent, the plethora of activities that a restaurant concept may need along its journey, have been skilfully designed to deliver operational benefits par excellence.
With the excitement of the upturn in the restaurant business in 2016, we threw ourselves completely into bespoke concepts across India, to deliver an avant-garde food and beverage experience with all the guarantees of exclusivity, luxury and upscale hospitality.
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moodymelanist · 1 year
there are two ways we can do this (i know which would be more fun)
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Happy day 4 of @sjmromanceweek, everyone! Venturing a little outside my comfort zone with this one and I hope you enjoy<3
shoutout to @c-e-d-dreamer for the title and @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompt!
Summary: Eris and Azriel are traveling for work, but the hotel they’re staying in has a mixup with their rooms, and they’re forced to share a bed.
Read on AO3 here!
♡♡♡♡♡ Eris
“There’s no way that’s possible,” Eris said. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Azriel said at the same time. 
Eris and Azriel worked for the same consulting firm — Night Industries — and had been forced to travel together for the project they’d been working on for half a year. It had been bad enough dealing with Azriel’s snark mostly through a computer screen, but dealing with the other man had been a true test of Eris’ patience. He was huge, he was even ruder in person, and who the fuck needed that many muscles in the first place?
Whatever. Eris had very much been looking forward to decompressing in their very much separate hotel rooms, but through some kind of mistake, it appeared the hotel had placed them in the same room. 
“I’m very sorry, sirs,” the man working the front desk replied. His name tag read Kallon, and he did not sound very sorry. “There’s been a mix-up with the booking, and there’s nothing I can do.”
“I will give you a hundred dollars to make this go away,” Eris offered, ignoring the dirty look Azriel threw his way. 
“I can’t accept that,” Kallon responded, bored. “But even if I could, there aren’t any other rooms available. There’s a convention going on—”
“Five hundred,” Eris interrupted, more than ready to be done with this conversation. He wasn’t above flaunting his wealth to get what he wanted, and what he really wanted was to be away from Azriel’s brooding presence. 
Kallon’s hands continued moving across the keyboard as if he hadn’t said anything at all. “Like I was saying, you’ll be staying in room 902. Breakfast starts at 8, and you have full access to all our amenities. Here are your keys.”
“Thank you, Kallon,” Azriel told him. “Have a good night.”
“You too,” Kallon chirped back with a self-satisfied smirk. 
Eris scowled at Azriel, but took the other hotel key anyway. If he couldn’t get a night’s peace, at least he could take a nice shower and relax in the hotel bed while pretending Azriel wasn’t there. 
“You know, it costs nothing to be kind,” Azriel said once they were in the elevator. Eris saw the way Azriel was smirking and braced himself for the incoming dig. “But I’m glad you think I’m worth at least five hundred dollars.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Velasquez.” Eris leaned against the elevator walls and resolutely ignored the way Azriel filled out his dark blue suit. “The only reason I offered that much is because money isn’t a concern.”
Azriel snorted. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Vanserra.”
They didn’t speak again until they reached the hotel room, and Eris sped up so he could be the one to open the door. Azriel snorted from behind him, but Eris didn’t care what that smug bastard thought about his admittedly-petty antics. As long as Eris came out on top, anything Azriel had to say about it didn’t matter. 
The room was gorgeous as usual, and Eris was pleased to see they’d been placed in one of the suites. The second he stepped into the bedroom, though, any goodwill he’d managed to build up in the last thirty seconds disappeared as he realized there was only one bed. 
Granted, it was a king sized bed, but it was only one bed. For two grown men to share. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Eris exclaimed at the sight. He let go of his rolling suitcase and turned on his heel, fully intending on marching back down to the front desk to complain even though he knew it wouldn’t accomplish anything, but Azriel’s body stopped him from leaving the room. “Are you seeing this?”
“I see it,” Azriel replied coolly. He looked down the few inches that separated them and raised a dark eyebrow. “Are you really going to go complain about it?”
“Yes,” Eris hissed, ignoring the incredulous look on Azriel’s face. “This is absurd—”
“Yeah, but it’s damn near midnight,” Azriel cut him off without missing a beat. Eris scowled at the interruption but allowed him to keep talking anyway. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been ready to get out of this suit for hours. We can get it fixed in the morning.” 
“But—” Eris spluttered, still riled up.
“Eris,” Azriel said seriously. Azriel so rarely said Eris’ actual name that it made it more difficult than Eris cared to admit to stay focused. “Just take a shower and get in the fucking bed. We’re grown men. We can handle sharing for one night.”
“I’m going down to complain first thing tomorrow morning,” Eris grumbled. He turned and reached for his suitcase, bringing it over to the right side of the bed. “And I’m complaining to Rhysand about this.”
“Don’t tell me you’re that mad about having someone in your bed,” Azriel responded, his tone turning slightly mocking. “I know it’s rare for you, but surely it’s happened before.”
Eris contemplated throwing one of his very expensive shoes at Azriel’s head, but he didn’t think it was worth scuffing the leather. “Of course it’s happened before. Don’t be ridiculous.”
Granted, it had been a while since Eris had let someone warm his bed, but Azriel didn’t need to know that. He decided to retreat to the bathroom before Azriel could come up with another way to insult him, detaching his briefcase from his carry on and rolling the tiny suitcase into the bathroom with him rather than waste time digging through it for his toiletries.
Once he was safely behind a locked door, Eris took his time in the bathroom just to be a dick. The shower was huge and the hot water was endless, and by the time he finally emerged in a cloud of steam, a muscle in Azriel’s jaw was working overtime. 
“Took you long enough,” Azriel muttered. He’d loosened his tie and taken off his jacket altogether, and Eris had to force himself to look away from the borderline obscene way he was leaning back in his chair. God, didn’t he realize how he looked, sitting there with his legs spread wide enough for someone to crawl in between them?
“It’s been a long day,” Eris said cheerfully, forcing himself to pay attention to the conversation instead of letting his mind wander further. “I earned it.”
Azriel’s expression suggested he exactly what he’d thought Eris earned, but he just rolled his eyes before disappearing into the bathroom. He took just as long as Eris had, if not longer, and Eris used the opportunity of the empty room to get himself situated. He hung up his clothes for tomorrow, organized his nightstand just the way he wanted it, and even went to fill up the ice bucket so his water would be cold.
When Azriel came out of the bathroom, Eris was doing his best to appear nonchalant while he relaxed against the headboard. He definitely didn’t notice the way Azriel’s thin undershirt clung to all that golden-brown skin, and he certainly didn’t take another look at the way the other man’s thighs flexed underneath his loose shorts.
“Let’s just go to bed,” Eris said shortly before Azriel could. Azriel thankfully just nodded, and after a few minutes of Azriel shifting around his side of the room, he motioned for Eris to turn off the lamp.
Eris shifted under the covers while Azriel did the same, the two of them laying in complete silence for a few minutes. Eris felt like his mind was traveling at a million miles per hour between all the things he had to get done tomorrow and the way he was sharing a bed with someone he honestly didn’t know very well outside of their limited, albeit snarky, interactions. 
“Stop moving,” Azriel growled from his side of the bed. 
Eris stopped his fidgeting, stunned into compliance for a few moments before he regained his composure. “Fuck you, I have a lot on my mind.”
“I’m trying to sleep,” Azriel snapped. “I don’t care what’s on your mind. Stop fucking moving around so much before I make you.”
“What are you going to do?” Eris snapped right back. Even though he could feel those hazel eyes on him, it was much easier to be bold with the lights off. “Cuddle me into submission?”
To Eris’ complete shock, that’s exactly what Azriel did. Eris cursed under his breath the entire time, but that didn’t stop those ridiculously muscled arms from reaching out and physically dragging him to the other side of the bed. Eris let out a completely undignified noise at being manhandled so easily, but Azriel either didn’t hear it or didn’t care.
“Was that so hard?” Azriel practically purred into Eris’ ear.
Eris could think of something that was going to be hard if Azriel kept this routine up, but he thankfully had the presence of mind not to embarrass himself further. “No.”
“That’s what I thought.” Azriel tightened his grip across Eris’ waist, his hips grinding into Eris’ ass as he tried to make himself more comfortable. At least, that was the only reasonable explanation for what Azriel was doing. “Stop thinking so loud.”
“I’m trying,” Eris ground out, “but it’s a little hard with your dick on my ass like that.”
Azriel just chuckled lowly, the sound doing way more for Eris than he cared to admit. “Sounds like you’d rather it be somewhere else.”
“I never said that—” Eris stammered out, his face burning. Azriel was ridiculous, that was absolutely not what Eris was intending, and he was just trying to rile Eris up as per usual. “What are you even—”
“You think I don’t notice the way you look at me?” Azriel interrupted Eris’ protests. “You can’t decide whether you want to hit me or fuck me. It’s adorable.”
“That’s idiotic,” Eris snapped, ignoring the low chuckle Azriel issued in response. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“I don’t?” Azriel asked. He sounded like he was enjoying this way too much. “Tell me to stop, then.”
Eris choked on his next breath as the hand Azriel had wrapped around his waist began a slow descent toward the waistband of Eris’ pajama pants. “Azriel.”
“Eris,” Azriel replied, teasing. His hand slowed as he played with the waistband of Eris’ pants, fingers dipping shallowly underneath. “If you don’t want this, tell me to stop.”
Eris did no such thing, and if anyone noticed Azriel walking funny the next morning, they were at least too polite to say anything about it. 
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @houseofcalores | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard
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jordanianroyals · 5 months
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Lena bint Wail Abbas, fiancée of Aoun Juma, is an entrepreneur. Born on 18 May 1996, she was raised in Canada and lives in Qatar. With a degree in economics, she serves as director at Vision Consultancy in Qatar, a firm owned by her family. Moreover, Lena does gigs for Hotel Beaulac in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, which is also owned by the family. She is said to be a watch enthusiast.
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