#destiny & deliverance series
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Hello my lovelies,
Welcome to my small part of the internet. I currently write for the Pedro Pascal fandom. Dieter Bravo is my favorite Pedro boy and is who I primarily write for. However, I do plan to write for others in the future. Don't let my love of the chaotic trash panda fool you, I enjoy reading and screaming about all the Pedro boys. I’ve been known to give a fic rec or two when I really enjoy something (no seriously, I have lists).
✨Each fic has individual warnings listed. If you have questions about content, please do not hesitate to reach out via DM. I don't mind to chat with you about it before you get started.
✨Before you follow me, please be sure you have an age listed on your blog. If you do not, I will block you.
🚨All of my works are 18+. Minors, please do not interact.
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>> Destiny & Deliverance (Complete)
>> Written in the Stars (Complete)
>> Light in the Darkness (Coming Soon)
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>> Closed Position (Updated 01/27/2025)
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>> The Lovers (Complete)
>> Sky Dancers (Coming Soon)
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>> I Gave You My Heart (Complete)
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>> Rough Waters (Complete)
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>> Buried Secrets (Updated 02/20/2025)
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>> Spot the Difference
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>> Fic Recommendations
>> To Be Read List
>> TBR: Reading in Progress List
>> Awesome Fan Art
>> Fic Inspiration
>> Mental Health Crisis Hotline
Credits: Moon Divider: @saradika
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pasc4lfuzz · 6 months ago
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Last day of August and i wanna share the best fics i've read in this month 🧡 So welcome to my 2024 August Fic Rec!
As some of you may know im more of a series person, because i like the desenvolvement of the romance and all the things that led the characters to fall in love + the plot, so you'll may find more series than one shots in here.
I just noticed as i was making the rec list that this month the writers i read the most was @punkshort and @mysterious-moonstruck-musings💕
+18 MDNI Some of them might be ongoing so check the authors blog. dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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Defying Algorithms - joel miller x f!reader by @yxtkiwiyxt
'swept away' and 'roommates' - Joel Miller x f!reader by @punkshort
Dark Shades of Innocence Lost - club owner/pleasure dom! Joel x fem! reader by @mermaidgirl30
Hot Neighbor Joel Miller - Joel Miller x f!reader by @notjustjavierpena
Batter Up - Baseball Player Joel Miller x Female Reader AU by @whocaresstillthelouvre
Fear of God - Joel Miller x OFC by @netherfeildren
Halcyon - Joel Miller x f!reader by @justagalwhowrites
Destiny & Deliverance - Dieter Bravo X OFC (Natalia) - and Closed Position - Dieter Bravo x OFC by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Scathed - Javier Peña X OFC by @dancingtotuyo
Happy Ending - Francisco Morales x F!Reader by @noxturnalpascal
Adrift With You - Frankie Morales x OFC by @morallyinept
the melting point - Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! Reader) by @penvisions
Notes On Tutoring - Dave York x f!reader by @honestly-shite
Sassenach and the Spaniard - Pero Tovar x female reader by @wardenparker
Beskar Doll - Din Djarin x Female Reader by @justagalwhowrites
'in another life' - Marcus Acacius x f!reader (time travel au) by @punkshort
Rotten - cowboy!joel x f!reader by @alltheirdamn
Man’s Love - no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader by @sanarsi
Wedding Crashers - dilf!joel miller x f!reader by @yxtkiwiyxt
dancing with a ghost - joel miller x f!reader by @huntingingoodwill
Something Unexpected - Joel Miller x f!reader by @punkshort
every breath you take - (no outbreak) Joel Miller x f!Reader by @freelancearsonist
dried blood and swear words - joel miller x reader by @iamasaddie
Joel's Eyes - Joel Miller x f!reader by @auteurdelabre
rack 'em - bbf!frankie morales x f!reader by @macfrog
Date with a Rockstar - rockstar!Frankie Morales x f!Reader by @sanarsi
Hole in One - Frankie Morales x f! beverage cart girl reader by @pilotispunk
Rough Waters - Frankie Morales x OFC (Elena) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Dispose Of Me - Javier Peña x Female Reader by @whocaresstillthelouvre
a litany of lethe - javier peña x f!reader by @kiwisbell
Online Love - Javier Peña x F!Reader by @absurdthirst
mark of the beast - din djarin x reader by @studioghibelli
In Another Lifetime - General Marcus Acacius x OFC! Cecilia by @inept-the-magnificent
Dulces Sueños - Pero Tovar x f!reader by @oonajaeadira
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See you all with the next fic rec in october!
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elysianfieldsarchive · 8 months ago
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Who doesn't love a good post-series fic? Angel, that's who.
So what happened after NFA? These authors have the deets.
Home Is Where They Have to Take You In. by slaymesoftly NC-17 ✓
Bring It On Home by MaggieLaFey NC-17 ✓
56 Hours by Soulburnt NC-17 ✓
Deliverance From Destiny [Series Part 1] by Ragini NC-17 ✓
Family - Lost and Found by Joan963z R
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thethirdromana · 2 years ago
Kerr Avon's costumes, rated
The sequel to Romana II's costumes, rated, here by popular* request! (*maybe not very popular.)
Screengrabs from here (copied rather than linked per their FAQs). Invaluable record of what Avon actually wears in which episode from here. I haven't included overcoats, spacesuits, or anything Avon doesn't actively choose to wear, like prison clothes. Which means that rating this monstrosity
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is left as an exercise for the reader.
I've also not done every single variation on black jackets with studded panels, even when they are technically different black jackets with studded panels, because otherwise we'd be here all night.
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As seen in Space Fall and Cygnus Alpha.
Ugh. It's fine. The heights of bonkersness that Blake's 7 costume design would reach are not even really hinted at here. It's a perfectly reasonable outfit - grey shirt, grey trousers, grey tabard-thing. Add a name badge and Avon could be stocking shelves in a fancy supermarket. I'll allow that it does look comfortable, which will not be a theme of much else on this list. 5/10.
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As seen in Time Squad.
I don't hate the brown patchwork thing (though brown is rightly Blake's colour), but what's going on with the larger square over his stomach? I feel like he's about to do some welding or something and it's there to protect his clothes, but it is his clothes. Avon only wore this outfit once, and who can blame him? 2/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Mission to Destiny, Duel, Project Avalon, Breakdown, and Deliverance.
I think this one may have suffered from the passage of time. Because I look at it and think, why has Avon chosen to dress like an old-fashioned stereo system? But from the vantage point of 1978, I guess Avon had chosen to dress like a decidedly modern stereo system. Look at those rounded corners, he could be a first-gen iPod. And the matching grey of collar and cuffs is a nice touch. None of this answers the question of why he has buttons across his tits, but there are some things that are not for us to know. 8/10.
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As seen in Bounty and Orac.
Oooh, green. Green is a nice change. And if you're watching Blake's 7 and you're enjoying those green sleeves, you'd better make the most of them, because other than one very notable exception, this is the last time that Avon wears an outfit that isn't brown, white, black or shades of grey for the entire rest of the series. The rest of it looks a bit like someone's Star Trek Discovery uniform cosplay got out of hand. 6/10, because green.
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As seen in Redemption and Killer.
Obviously, this is a classic. And full marks to Paul Darrow for wearing a costume that was literally bought from a sex shop and making it look like something that anyone might wear to their normal day of fighting oppression and engaging in homoerotic tension. 10/10.
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As seen in Shadow, Horizon, Gambit, and Children of Auron.
OK fine I threw away the term "classic" too soon, this is the true classic, the time Avon decided to dress as a thermal blanket and then pair that with thigh-high boots. ICONIC. What I love about this is aside from being batshit, it's actually kind of a nice outfit? I imagine that shiny fabric was absolute hell to work with but the gathering at the shoulders means it hangs surprisingly well.
It also gains at least 5 bonus points for featuring in this, one of my all-time favourite Blake's 7 moments:
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I wish I could find it as a gif, but you'll just have to join me in pretending these images are moving instead. And in heaving a nostalgic sigh for the era when men were allowed to have normal bodies on TV. 15/10.
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As seen in Shadow.
I've tried to go for just one main outfit per episode, because this is already very long and we're only about halfway through. But I had to make an exception for matching! outfits! And all the better for being an outfit that looks great on all three of them. I only wish that Avon could have had some silver boots like Jenna is wearing, I think it would really have completed the look. 9/10.
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As seen in Weapon, Pressure Point, Countdown, and Dawn of the Gods.
In some ways, this costume is quite practical. Avon is wearing something not a million miles from bikers' leathers here, and the quilted part of the chest and back would presumably offer him a bit of protection if he got into a fight. But also, it's the colour and style of a brothel sofa, and there's no way in hell he could wear this and retain the ability to lift his arms above his head.
God, I love this show. 10/10.
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As seen in Trial, Hostage, Voice From the Past, The Keeper, Star One, Aftermath, and Powerplay.
I have less to say about this because - and I mean this in full tribute to the Blake's 7 costume designers - it's just a nice jacket! It stays in keeping with the design trends we see throughout the series, with panels of different fabrics, and spacewear shiny silver bits, but ultimately you could wear this on the street today and no one would give you a second look. I quite like that about it. 8/10.
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As seen Aftermath. (And the loose black shirt in Voice From the Past is similar too).
Maybe this is just my mid-00s goth-adjacent phase showing through, but I am, and always will be, a sucker for a man in this kind of shirt. 8/10, please don't make me justify this further.
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As seen in Volcano and Rumours of Death.
The first of many similar black outfits, where I'm going to be selective or this will get tedious very quickly. I think this is the best of them; after this, the 80s started up in earnest, and Avon's shoulders were never allowed to be their natural width again. 9/10.
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As seen in The Harvest of Kairos.
My parents haven't been camping in years, but somewhere in the attic they still have an old tent, which lives in a bag that looks a lot like this outfit. As if I needed any more reasons to dislike The Harvest of Kairos. 1/10.
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As seen in Ultraworld.
Avon what are you doing. Brown is not your colour. I think I might headcanon that this is Blake's jacket, because aside from the brownness it also seems to be a fair bit too big for Avon. After a couple of seasons of squeezing him into the lobster outfit and other tight leather things, the costume designers seem to have swerved hard into boxy shapes from this point onwards. I disapprove. Honestly, I was going to skip this one except that I love what Dayna is wearing. Wish Avon could have some of that energy. 2/10.
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As seen in Death-Watch.
Let's pause for a second, look to the left, and appreciate that Dayna is wearing another fabulous outfit. Now let's take a deep breath, and look at the utter monstrosity that Avon is wearing. Like a matador crossed with a bumper car. 0/10.
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As seen in Rescue, Power, Traitor, Stardrive, Animals, Headhunter, Orbit, Warlord, and Blake.
Avon wears some kind of black jacket with studs for nearly all of season D, but I've picked this as the definitive one. I don't know if there's some kind of clever character development thing going on here with how big this costume is, like Avon is expanding into his leadership role, but weighed down by the responsibility too. It could be deliberate, it could just be what fashion was like in the early 80s.
What I do know is that however meaningful this costuming might be, it's not flattering. 5/10, and Avon finishes the series, sadly, no better dressed than he began it.
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months ago
Presenting: All about the D baby!
Here for the D. All about the D with occasional trash panda antics.
Entry 5 of Le Writers Masterlist
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If there's one writer I know who is all about the D, she stays on D time and will always have more to say about the D, it's Mysty! aka @mysterious-moonstruck-musings We bonded over Pedro and shared shenanigans, then I explored her writing and found all the D one could want. And by D, I mean Dieter Bravo you naughty peeps!
Not that I blame you, it's me we're talking about. We both seem to be in our Trash Panda Eras with Dieter Brain Rot. She doesn't have that many series, but where there's not many series, they are extra thicc, like Dieter's fluffy hair or his robe.
Mysty explores many different topics (could be triggering so make sure to double check those warnings) in Destiny & Deliverance. Dieter Bravo and Natalia Cohen meet after a few major live events for the latter and all the things happen. If you enjoy long fics to sink your teeth into, it's thirty chapters plus an epilouge. You'll not be short on content.
She also wrote another series called The Knight & His Queen that features Dieter and the owner of a small mystic shop Amina. Christman and tarot card readings, am I right? This one is four parts, but don't be fooled, the parts remain as statcked as a deck of, well tarot cards. (This is why I don't get paid to write comedy.)
The third, and most unique would be her Spot the difference series where there are various pictures of Dieter and racoons or trash pandas. That's it. Simple and hilarious.
Her masterlist is here and I suggest you check it out. It's an angsty time, but there's giggles in between the existential life issues. Yes, that's plural.
Her Moodboard because it’s a staple now:
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four-loose-screws · 6 months ago
FE2 Novelization Translation - Book 2 Cover and Intro Pages
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
If you are interested in donating to support my work, please check out my Ko-fi here. Thank you!
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Fire Emblem Gaiden
Land of Sorrow
Book 2
A large-scale war is currently ravaging the continent of Valentia. After the loss of countless Units, the story of a new encounter is told. General Alm, leading the imperial army of Zofia to restore the country’s sovereignty, under the name “the Deliverance.” Young Priestess Celica, attempting to make her deepest wish of restoring goddess Mila to her rightful place a reality. However, fate is still leading these two in opposite directions.
The dark plot of the cold-hearted and ruthless Emperor Rudolf of Rigel is once again in motion. …The plot to thoroughly destroy the Kingdom of Zofia. For what reason has he fallen to such insanity? Alm, who has not even an idea of the fate of his bloodline, raises his sword against Rudolf.
Will he and Celica finally be able to act upon their love for each other? Will peace return to Valentia? Find out here, in the conclusion to this story!
Written by Katsuyuki Ozaki
Cover Illustration by Ichiro ?*
Cover Design by Kazuo Hiroi (WIDE)**
*T/N: I cannot find the Kanji character in this person’s last name anywhere to confirm its reading.
**T/N: First name could also be ‘Ichio’ or ‘Itsuo.’ I cannot find any record of this person online, so I cannot confirm the correct reading of their name. Their nickname is ‘WIDE’ because their last name, ‘hiroi,’ is the Japanese word for wide.
Published by Futabasha
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Author’s Profile
Katsuyuki Ozaki
An up-and-coming author also working as a copywriter. His major works include “Valkyrie no Densetsu,” “F-Zero,” “Zelda II: The Adventure of Link,” and many more, all published by Futabasha. He has also written for other strategy guide series. His hobbies include golf, cars, and computer games. He is of course also passionate about Fire Emblem, and has completed all of the games so far. He poured all of his love for the series into writing these two books without rest!
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The stage continues to unfold upon the continent of Valentia at war!
This fantastical tale of our young fighters finally comes to its end!
What will become of Alm and Celica’s love for each other? Where will their fate to fight lead them?
And in what direction will these Unit’s adventures take them…?
Ad for Book 1.
Ad for a Shin Megami Tensei novelization.
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Color Art
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This fantastic story is about the great battle on Land Valencia.
According to the destinies, many young heroes and heroines will fight to save their lovers.
Which will God promise to them, victory or defeat?
For whom will He smile?
Whom will He crush by a hummer at last?
Nothing but the bravy spirit of youth can bring peace to such a confused world.
The new act of this drama has just started now!!
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Title Page
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Table of Contents
(T/N: Exact translation of the chapter and chapter part titles are subject to change, once I read and translate them in full detail, based on exact context.)
Chapter 1: The Second War
Mila, Lost Forever
The Empty Throne
Divine Blade Falchion
The Army of Witches at the Border
Chapter 2: The Battle at the Border
The Tragic Mage Luthier
The Golden General, Zeke
Surprise Attack
Sonya’s Secret
Crux of Fate
Chapter 3: God Duma
Triangle Attack
Great Sage Halcyon
My Father, Jedah
Chapter 4: Reunion
To Rigel Castle
Mad Emperor Rudolf
The Heir
Chapter 5: The Altar and the Final Act of the War
The Mystery of Gradivus
Inside the Continent
My Father, Rudolf
The Gods’ Slumber
The Reborn Kingdom of Valentia
Illustrations: Ichiro ?* & Kazuo Hiroi (WIDE)**
*T/N: I cannot find the Kanji character in this person’s last name anywhere to confirm its reading.
**T/N: First name could also be ‘Ichio’ or ‘Itsuo.’ I cannot find any record of this person online, so I cannot confirm the correct reading of their name. Their nickname is ‘WIDE’ because their last name, ‘hiroi,’ is the Japanese word for wide.
Book design: Yusuke Matsuoka (NEXT)
Editing & printing: Rekkasha
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Character Introductions
Celica’s Army
Genny: A Cleric from Novis Island’s Priory who supports Celica’s ideals.
Atlas: A Villager who joins Celica and her army to defeat the pirate Grieth. A hot-blooded young man with exceptional sword fighting talent.
Leon: A young Archer who is saved by Celica’s army at the pirate’s fortress, and stays with them afterwards.
Saber: A Mercenary searching for an employer to work for at Novis Greatport. Later transcends to Myrmidon.
Valbar: An Armor who was one of three people fighting to kill the pirate Barth at his fortress.
Est: A Pegasus Knight and one of the three sisters from Archanea. She is captured alone and brought to Grieth’s fortress.
Palla: One of the three sisters from Archanea. A Pegasus Knight with superior strength and mobility.
Nomah: A Sage whose spiritual powers have only strengthened in his old age, and possesses the skill to cast Sagittae.
Catria: A Pegasus Knight and one of the three sisters from Archanea. When they combine their powers, they can pull off the strongest attack of all…
Boey: A young Mage who serves at Novis Island’s Priory with Celica. 
Jesse: A Mercenary who joins forces with Celica to defeat Grieth. Though he acts like a ruffian, his swordsmanship skills are above average.
Sonya: A female Mage who can cast Excalibur. Her red lipstick and makeup proves that she is not associated with either the Mila nor Duma faithful.
Mae: Like Boey, she is a Mage from Novis Island’s Priory.
Celica: A deeply devout Priestess who leaves Novis Island’s Priory to travel to Mila’s Shrine. She is the second protagonist of this story, in addition to Alm.
Kamui: A Mercenary who goes to the pirate fortress with Leon and Valbar.
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katofvalentia · 1 year ago
Another Echoes ramble: Berkut edition, go!
I will open this up by saying that I enjoy this character, a lot. I think this mainly stems from the fact that Fire Emblem is a series where a lot of its major antagonists fall either into the role of problem dragon or evil cult, not that there is anything wrong with that mind you, I just appreciate some variety. Echoes was my 3rd FE, after Awakening and Fates, so I think that sorta explains my attachment to this character.
Now onto the actual opinion post!
The rest will be under the cut
From what I have seen, the general consensus around Echoes original characters is split, you either care about them or don't. I think they have been discussed at length already so for the sake of not getting off-topic, I will leave it at that.
I would like to talk about Berkut's role in overall narrative first.
Before Echoes, Alm's character didn't have its narrative foil. Celica does compliment what he lacks but is still not a foil in his story. The big enemies Alm faces aka. Rudolf, Jedah and ultimately Duma are not the true contrast to Alm. As he is part of Rudolf's plans, he inherits his wish (while Rudolf is also a martyr). Alm, like most Rigelians in the story, represents Duma's philosophy of strength and fortitude but not its extreme. Duma and Mila's extremes come from both dragon degeneration and their position as godlike figures of Valentia. And lastly Jedah, while being Alm's opposition, was not his foil, but rather he was Celica's. So naturally, the next step was to give him a proper foil for the remake. That is where Berkut comes in.
I had expressed this many times, but a big part of Alm's character (in Echoes at least) is how much he is attached to his own identity as Mycen's grandson. He goes with Lucas and ultimately accepts leading the Deliverance as Mycen's representative (according to what Clive had envisioned). He does what he does to carry on his legacy when Mycen refuses to do so himself, to honor his name and his blood, as he was led to believe all his life. His world shatters as the truth reveals itself.
Berkut, as Rudolf's nephew, was raised to be the next ruler of Rigel. He takes great pride in that, even during his first meeting with Rinea he uses his identity to present his own value. This is interesting when you consider Rudolf's lines in Fire Emblem Heroes, which directly state that Berkut was a shy boy in the past. Also worthy of note would be Rudolf's lv 40 convo in FEH where he admits that he could not bear to face Berkut due to his guilt over sending Alm away (and his overall grand scheme). Growing up in Rigel, the country that it is now, practically run by the extreme teachings of Duma's faith, around the hardened emperor Rudolf who strives towards his own goal for a better Valentia in self-isolation and many of the soldiers and generals following them, it is natural that Berkut would become arrogant and prideful. However what makes him different arround the other high ranking officials in Rigel is that his dependance on being the heir to the Empire is a sign of a deeply neglected inferiority complex. Every time his identity is threatened in the story due to his failures, he seeks attention from Rudolf but to no avail. And at every turn, a Duma faithfull is present to pull him down further, to mock him and use his insecurities for their own agenda of serving Duma. Just like with Alm, his world shatters once the truth reveals itself, the truth neither character can no longer try to deny.
Alm is not Mycen's grandson.
Berkut is not the heir to Rigel.
Alm is not allowed to crack, there is no peace for him, only a responsibility he is now forced to bear. He who was raised by Mycen, a former Zofian general with Rigelian origins, is basically told to deal with it, bcuz destiny or whatever. Alm had his friends to fall back on, the friends who followed him bcuz he was Alm of Ram Village, the people who followed him bcuz he proved to be a capable leader of the Deliverence and what he learned growing up with both strength and kindness. So while it was definitely hard to accept his new identity, not being alone (in a sense) and having a clear goal (to reach Celica), made it a bit easier.
But where does Berkut trully crack? Not immediately upon finding out that Alm is Rudolf's son, but when Rinea in his eyes "rejects his identity". Rinea, the kind girl that she is, loved Berkut. But to Berkut, the heir of Rigel's throne, her declaration that she would support him when he is just Berkut, seemed like a betrayal to him. At that moment, he grouped her with everyone else who pitied him. But how can the future Emperor of Rigel be pitied, that is surely not the way things are supposed to be??? And for that, the maddened Duma gave his blessings and strength that Berkut thinks is rightfully his, with the woman he loves by his side. Everyone else is wrong, what he was raised to be however, is correct.
Alm's journey was about a boy who did not think about the big picture at first, forced to expand his horizons as duty is thrust upon him multiple times. He had to grow out of thinking from just his perspective, as a Deliverence member, as a villager from Ram, as Mycen's grandson. Berkut however has chosen to remain narrow-minded, bcuz he had nothing else to fall back on aside from his own identity. And this narrow-mindedness proves to be his downfall, as well as Fernand's (his case is more complex tho) and Jedah's at that matter. Even at death's door, he doesn't suddenly change in that regard. I personally believe that Berkut hallucinates Rinea at the end (well I think that was the intention of the scene since nobody else reacts to Rinea herself), bcuz that reinforces everything that has been established about his character. Yeah he lost, but he is meant for even greater things, at least he thinks that himself.
While Jedah was meant to be the extreme of what Celica could have become if she surrendered herself to Mila's faith, Berkut was meant to be the human equivalent of Duma's extremes, as those extremes had shaped him into what he was. Rudolf ultimately made the right choice to send Alm away, bcuz he easily could have ended up like that, or even worse due to his destiny, when not even Rudolf could have been able to interfere.
"He is carried by his voice actor." I hear many tend to say about him. Well yes in fact, he is, mister Ian Sinclair did a phenomenal job portraying Berkut's charater, and I personally would say his performance is stronger than the one provided by his JP counterpart. Many characters in media are defined by their voices, be it the way they speak or through actual voice acting. So I don't think that saying "he is only good bcuz of his VA" is a real jab at his character imho.
Another thing I noticed is, I believe that in order to get attached to Berkut, you need to be invested either in Alm's character or story to a certain degree at the very least. Which is a testament to how much Berkut is a foil to Alm and how his addition to Echoes' story was a meaningful change.
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firsttarotreader · 8 months ago
For the fic anon -
@avastrasposts has an addicting Frankie fic, The Pilot and his Girl. Also, the Bakers Dozen series and Big Sky Country are top notch too.
For the Dieter lovers you can’t go wrong with @mysterious-moonstruck-musings. Closed Position is my current addiction. Destiny and Deliverance and The Knight and his Queen are soo good too!
@auteurdelabre has several amazing fics and also the coolest masterlist I’ve ever seen.
@guess-my-next-obsession is currently working on a professor Pena series that I’m hooked on.
@daddy-dins-girl has some of the smuttiest smut. Loving Playdate.
Fic recs anon number 7!
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sunnydaleherald · 9 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, June 5
WILLOW: I mean, he said he was gonna wait until I was ready, but I'm ready. Honest. I'm good to go here. BUFFY: Well, I think it's nice that he's not just being an animal. WILLOW: It is nice. He's great. We have a lot of fun. But I want smoochies! BUFFY: Have you dropped any hints? WILLOW: I've dropped anvils. BUFFY: Ah, he'll come around. What guy could resist your wily Willow charms? WILLOW: At last count, all of them. Maybe more. BUFFY: Well, none of them know a thing. They all get an 'F' in Willow. WILLOW: But I want Oz to get an 'A', and, oh, one of those gold stars.
~~BtVS 2x15 “Phases”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Everything's New (Buffy, PG) by badly_knitted
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Poison Blossom (Cordelia/Lilah, M) by MadeInGold
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You’re an Angel (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms
What could have been What is (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms
Feed me or feel me (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Desicat
[Chaptered Fiction]
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[Ukrainian language] Forward to Time Past//Вперед у час минулий, Chapter 45/67 (Buffy/Spike, E) translation by Uraniya
Hero, Chapter 2/3 (Buffy/Willow, M) by Xyex
Infinitely, Chapter 55/? (Willow/Tara, M) by Laragh
In the Company of Witches and Slayers:, Chapter 57/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
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[French language] Recommencer, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Faith, M) by Friday Queen
Reunion, Chapter 3 (Willow/Tara, Buffy/Spike, T) by riah alice drake
[French language] Do as Romans do, Chapter 31 (Dawn/Spike, T) by OldGirl-NoraArlani
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Spike Has A Girlfriend, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Spikelover4ever
Morning Stretches, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Early One Morning, Chapter 54 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Deliverance From Destiny, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Ragini
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Stomping on butterflies, Chapters 2-3 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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Early One Morning, Chapter 54 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Well, who do we have here? (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by lialivingart
Artwork: leanin’ in (Spike, worksafe) by yarboyandy
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Crafts: my handmade kiss the librarian mug! (worksafe) by melaniemoth13
[Reviews & Recaps]
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ReWatch: Angel - S3, E7 - 8 by kimannebb
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PODCAST: HELLMOUTH HOMOS: The Yoko Factor/Primeval by Fear Queers
PODCAST: Episode 59: Fear, Itself (W/ Samantha Marr) by Gym Was Cancelled
PODCAST: Is That My TA or a Bush? (S4E8) by It Stakes Two
[Fandom Discussions]
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[About AtS writers making Angel decide to turn back the day he was human] by nicnacsnonsense
Gunn’s whole trajectory with always piss me off by initiumseries
as excited as I am to see Wesley, it is weird that this show got rid of Doyle by nicnacsnonsense
I feel like the scooby gang never took accountability for how Faith turned out by there-are-many-ways-to-smile
It’s really interesting to me that Buffy tells Faith the girls are all potential slayers “just like we were” because she and Faith never knew they were potentials by reality-schmality
It’s actually a little f* up, that they just assume Faith with take over for Buffy so she can live a normal life by there-are-many-ways-to-smile
I never noticed before but it’s weird that Willow thinks she’s being the bigger person by letting Cordelia be upset with her and Xander like she wasn’t apart of the affair by there-are-many-ways-to-smile
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What If: Jonathan died in Earshot by nightshade, multiple posters
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Okay, what is everyone’s absolute least favorite episode? by queenrosybee
Did Harmony ever have a soul? by Kilomech
Theory: The First manipulated Willow into resurrecting Buffy by LiviaDruzilla
What's your favorite metaphor or symbolism from Restless and why? by jonaskoelker
I think there are only 6 times in the whole series where we see Buffy not wearing earrings, only 4 of which are SMG and all in the first season by diehardnick
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Top 18 best Vampire TV shows of all time ranked by fans [BtVS #1 - AtS #6] by Coveredgeekly
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bishopclimate · 9 days ago
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How To Untie Your Stars & Bind Your Enemies Can you bind the chains of [the cluster of stars called] Pleiades, or loose the cords of [the constellation] Orion? (Job 38:31) Are you experiencing breakthrough in some areas of your life, but other areas are full of devastation? Were you once doing well but suddenly everything began to spiral downwards, one by one by one? In his newest prayer book in the Deliverance Series, Prophet Climate unveils how the powers of darkness have been using the secret coded revelations of the Bible in order to keep your destiny trapped and locked. Yes through demonic manipulation of your stars, satan can wreak havoc on every area of your life, shooting you down into a life of failure and defeat. But now you can discover how to shine again by binding your enemies and untying your stars. No matter what you might be facing right now, with these prayers, your life is about to become beautiful again. Take control of your life and destiny today! Click Here For More Information
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nerdieforpedro · 11 months ago
I love this idea! 🥰
I have few fic series that I've either been following, trying to finish or meaning to start or that I just really liked: (unless otherwise specified all series listed have a Pedro character in them)
Symphony (Joel Miller) by @maggiemayhemnj
Headshots (Marcus Pike) by @secretelephanttattoo
To the Flame (dark Javier Peña series - read the warnings) by @pedroshotwifey
IRL (Javier Gutierrez) and A Galaxy Far Far Away (Din Djarin) by @grogusmum
Barking up the Wrong Tree (Frankie Morales) by @connectioneverywhere
Safest with You (Din Djarin) by @604to647
Torment (dark Din Djarin series - read the warnings) by @djarinmuse
Delta Landscaping (Multiple characters and cross overs) and Working Title (Dieter Bravo) by @rhoorl
Paranoid Hearts (Javier Peña) by @goodwithcheese
Destiny & Deliverance (Dieter Bravo) and Closed Partition (Dieter Bravo) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
A Baker's Dozen (Multiple Pedro boys) and The Pilot and his girl (Frankie Morales) by @avastrasposts
Linger On (Joel Miller) by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps (Jake Lockley) by @soft-girl-musings
Be My Little Darling (Loki) by @megamindsecretlair
bright lights (Dieter Bravo) by @ezrasbirdie
Adrift With You (Frankie Morales) by @morallyinept
If Wishes Came True (Dieter Bravo) by @schnarfer
The Nebbie Files (Tim Rockford) by @inept-the-magnificent
It's Never Too Late (Javier Peña) by @javierpena-inatacvest
Scattered Promises (Din Djarin) by @soft-persephone
My list ran long.... 😎 Not sorry though. I'm gonna pour all of these into my brain eventually, either for the first time or again. 🔥
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Hi everyone! I think that we all have noticed a large amount of negativity floating around on here lately.
Just a reminder to anyone who may need it: You have a place here, you are so loved and appreciated, regardless of what a few nasty people may tell you otherwise.
I've decided to do add a few things here to encourage some more positivity ❤️
everyone is welcome to:
Send a kind message through the inbox, whether that be on anon or not. (send as many as you'd like!)
Talk about a fic that they've been enjoying lately, and rec it for others to read.
Promote one (or several) of their own fics.
Anything else that you'd like to share, as long as it's positive and not hateful to anyone on here.
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shihalyfie · 3 years ago
Kizuna itself vs. the two versions of the novel
Written on request from a friend who wanted to remain anonymous. This is more of an editorial than a meta, and while I usually have a policy of “this is an analysis blog, not a review blog” it goes into more of my personal impressions and opinions than usual, but it’s something I write hoping to be helpful.
There are basically three “official” full versions of Kizuna: one being, of course, the movie itself, one being the Dash X Bunko version of the novel, and one being the Shueisha Mirai Bunko version of it. While it’s certainly not to say that any of the three is an “incomplete” version of the narrative, if you really want as full of a picture of the story as possible, somehow, each of all three versions of the story happens to have really important information that the other two do not. If I had to pick only one of these three versions to recommend to people, I would of course pick the movie itself; it’s obviously the base story everything else is based off of and was the one the production centered around as a priority, but the novelizations have a surprising amount of info that provide a lot of insight into the movie’s story and themes.
I get the impression that the creation of Kizuna involved making a lot more story and background details than could fit in a 95-minute movie, so these novelizations, which were based directly off the original movie script, ended up being an outlet for a lot of these details (and as much as I could be harsh on the movie itself for being a bit “reliant” on extra material, I have to admit that Adventure and 02 were both like this too -- a lot of our current understanding of the series comes from the Adventure novels and drama CDs -- so frankly I’m thankful we at least got this with a 95-minute movie instead of a yearlong series). On the flip side, while I'm not going to say that the novels are completely and utterly inaccurate representations of the movie, in a perhaps too-close approximation of Adventure and 02's writing style, this is a movie where even the nuances in a single line or split-second moment carry heavy implications, which become much blurrier or harder to identify when they’re presented differently (or not even presented at all) in the novel’s context, especially when they emphasize very different things from what the movie itself was emphasizing.
The short version of this is that I believe the Dash X version contains the greater amount of “plot and story” information but significantly misses out on the emotional themes and presentation, whereas the Shueisha Mirai version abridges and cuts chunks of content but is much better at conveying the intended message. More on this below the cut. (Note that the following post spoils Kizuna’s plot events.)
The movie itself
Since the following parts are more “in comparison to the movie”, I’m not going to go too much into this in this section, but one thing I will say is that the official English subtitle translation for the movie is really not great. Even if you take out nitpickiness about the fact it misses several significant nuances (the difference between “unchangeable fate” and “changeable destiny”, or the fact that Gennai refers to partnership dissolution as a “case” and not like it’s something that happens overall) at really plot-important moments, some lines (thankfully, usually not plot-important ones) are just straight-up incorrect. And worse, there’s evidence the official English dub was based on that translation! (I’m not faulting the people in charge of the dub for this, but whoever handed them that translation to work with.)
The dialogue in the Dash X Bunko version is transcribed effectively word-for-word from the dialogue in the movie (or perhaps vice versa, given that the novel is based on the original script), so I highly recommend checking that version as a reference for dialogue or if you want to do any intimate analysis on it. I don't want to go as far as to suggest not supporting the official version of the movie because of this, but at least please be aware that the translation used there is not entirely reliable.
Dash X Bunko
If you talk about “the Kizuna novel”, this is the one that people usually tend to be referring to, for two reasons. Firstly, it was translated shortly after the movie’s release, and due to the unfortunate circumstances of Kizuna being delayed in accessibility outside Japan for several months, this basically served as the only comprehensive source of info about the movie outside Japan for a very long time. Secondly, in Japan, this one was marketed as “the one for adults” in contrast to the Shueisha Mirai one being “for kids”, which meant that a lot of people assumed that the latter one was just an incredibly stripped down version that was otherwise disposable or replaceable. (This is very, very much not the case, and is extremely ironic when it comes to a movie that partially centers around the dangers of looking down too much on things associated with childhood.)
When it comes to “plot and story info”, this is the one that probably serves as the best reference (especially for fanfic writers or those who need a refresher on certain plot events or to look up something quickly), and probably has the most “comprehensive” listing of plot events surrounding the movie. The dialogue in it is a word-for-word recreation of the movie’s script, and actually includes more scenes than the movie itself does, including two that I suspect to be deleted scenes (a detailing of the specifics behind the initial plan to pursue Eosmon, and a conversation between Koushirou and Tentomon) and adaptations of the first and second memorial shorts within their context in the movie. It also contains some interesting background details and extra context for some things in the movie that you might think would normally be animation flair or something, but take a very interesting implication of story importance if they’re going out of their way to write this in the script. (There’s a scene where Agumon and Gabumon appear in front of their partners when they’d been behind them a minute before, and it’s easy to think this might be an animation error, but not only does the surrounding context make this unlikely, the novel itself actually directly states that their positions had changed.) Given that, I think it was very fortunate that this novel was available to us for those outside Japan waiting for the actual movie to come out, because this level of detail was very important to have on hand rather than fragmented spoilers on social media.
However, the part where I think the novel is significantly deficient in compared to the actual movie (and also to the other version of the novel) is that it describes the plot events in too blunt of a manner and doesn’t bring out its themes very well. (It’s kind of like having a long and very detailed Wikipedia article plot summary; it definitely got all the hard facts down, but the emotion is gone, which is still a pretty significant issue when media’s all about the feelings and message in the end.) While “considering the movie to be more cynical than it’s probably meant to be” happens regardless of which version someone’s working from, I’ve talked to perhaps an unnervingly high number of people who started with the novel and were absolutely convinced that the movie’s message was about adulthood sucking and needing to just accept it, until they saw how the actual movie pulled it off and the surrounding atmosphere and realized it definitely was not. (I think one really big factor here is that a lot of the visual imagery makes it extremely, extremely hard to miss that Menoa’s mentality is completely screwed up and her way of seeing things was dubious to begin with; prose descriptions really just don’t capture the way they slam this in your face with visual and musical cues during the climax of the movie.)
You can figure this out from the novel itself, but you have to really be looking closely at the way they word things, and on top of that it’s hard to figure out which parts you should be focusing on and which parts aren’t actually that important -- in other words, the “choice of priorities” gets a bit lost in there. Even the little things lose a lot of value; it’s theoretically possible to use the novel to put together that Daisuke is wearing his sunglasses indoors during his first scene, but you have to put together the context clues from completely different paragraphs to figure this out, none of which compares to the actual hilarity of visually seeing him wearing the thing in a very obviously dimly lit restaurant because he’s our beloved idiot. (For more details, please see my post with more elaboration on this and more examples of this kind of thing.)
I wouldn’t say that the movie itself isn’t guilty of (perhaps accidentally) having some degree of mixed messaging, but I would say this problem is rather exacerbated by the novel’s way of presenting it due to its dedication to dropping every single plot detail and event without much in the way of choosing what to contextualize and what to put emphasis on (as it turns out, treating practically everything in the movie as if it has equal weight might not be a great idea). So, again, for that reason I think the novel serves as a good reference in terms of remembering what happened in it and knowing the movie’s contents, but I also feel that it’s really not the greatest deliverer of the movie’s message or themes at all.
Shueisha Mirai Bunko
The second version of the novel was not translated until several months after the movie first released, and shortly before the Blu-ray and streaming versions of the movie itself came out anyway, so my impression is that on this end a lot of people don’t even know it was a thing. On top of that, even those who know about it often dismiss it as the “kid version” -- and to be fair, it did baffle quite a few people as to why this version even exists (Kizuna is technically not unacceptable for kid viewing and its plot is still understandable regardless of age, but since the movie is so heavily about the millennial existential crisis, it’s not something kids would really relate to). So a lot of people tended to just skip over it...which is really a shame, because it contains some interesting things that actually aren’t in the other two versions at all. For instance, did you know that, as of this writing, this is the only thing that plainly states the specific explanation for why Yamato decided to become an astronaut, for the first time in 20 real-life years?
While there are still some things that weren’t in the movie proper (mainly the Eosmon initial plan and the adaptation of the second memorial short), for the most part, the actual events are somewhat abridged compared to the movie and the Dash X version, and other than a few stray lines, there’s not a lot of extra information that would be as helpful for referencing the events of the plot. The version of the novel here is rather broadly interpretive of the scenes in the movie, so several things are condensed or taken out (and, amusingly, because it’s assuming that the kids reading this don’t actually know the original Adventure or 02, it has to describe what each character is like in a quick one-liner).
However, interestingly enough, it’s because it’s so heavily interpretive that it illuminates a lot of things that weren’t really easy to glean out of the Dash X version. For instance:
Some scenes are described with “other perspectives” that give you info on someone else’s point of view. (For instance, we see more of Yamato’s perspective and thoughts when he has his first phone call with Daisuke, or a bit more detail in the process of how Eosmon kidnappings work.)
We get a lot more information on what’s going through everyone’s heads during each scene, and what emotions they’re feeling at a given time. (This is something that you could at least get to some degree in the movie itself from facial expressions and framing, but would often be a lot blurrier in the Dash X version; here, it’s spelled out in words.)
When things are abridged, you get a clearer idea of what the intended point and theme of the scene was because it’s stripped down to include only that part. In one really interesting case, the scene with Agumon finding Taichi’s AVs has a “censored” equivalent where Taichi’s pushed to a corner because he can’t find anything non-alcoholic in his fridge -- so when you look at the two versions of the scene and what they have in common, you can figure out that the point isn’t that it was a lewd joke for the sake of it, but rather that Taichi’s forcing himself into boxes of “adulthood” that are actually meaningless and impractical.
Some of the descriptions of the characters, scenes, and background information make it a lot more obvious as to their purpose in the narrative (it outright confirms that Miyako being in Spain means that her personality is getting overly enabled there).
The scene where the circumstances behind Morphomon’s disappearance are revealed makes it significantly less subtle what the point is. In the actual movie, a lot of this involved visual framing with Menoa seeming to become more and more distant, but in this version of the novel they basically whack you over the head with the final confirmation that Menoa is guilty of neglecting her own partner, which contradicts her own assertions that “they were always together” (maybe not emotionally, it seems!) and helps clarify the commonality between her, Taichi, Yamato, and Sora in what exactly led to their partners disappearing.
Bonus: this version of the novel really wants you to know that the ending of the movie is about Taichi and Yamato fully having the determination to turn things around and lead up to the 02 epilogue. (The movie’s version of this involves the extended version of Taichi’s thesis and the credits photo with Yamato obviously next to a rocket, while this novel’s version involves more detailed fleshing out of how Taichi and Yamato decided to use their experiences to move onto their eventual career paths and what kind of hope they still have at the end. The Dash X version...didn’t really have a very strong equivalent here.)
In other words, while this version of the novel isn’t the greatest reference for plot or worldbuilding, it does a much more effective job being straightforward about the intended themes and message of the movie, and even if the scenes in it are much more loosely adapted, it’s much better at adapting the emotional nuances of the things that would normally be conveyed via visuals, expressions, and voice acting. (Although I would still say that the movie itself is the best reference for that kind of thing, of course.) If you just want lore or plot ideas, I don’t think it’ll help you very much, but since this series is so much about characters that had their ways of thinking fleshed out in such incredible detail, and about strong theme messaging, this is all still very valuable information in its own way.
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thethirdromana · 1 year ago
Blake's costumes, rated
Every time I do one of these, someone asks me for another one. So... I guess I'm doing the set?
Here are my thoughts on Blake's costumes in Blake's 7. Get ready for a whole lot of brown. Screengrabs from here (they prefer their images copied, not linked) and record of what Blake wears when from here. Here's the same for Avon, Servalan and Jenna.
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As seen in The Way Back, Space Fall, Cygnus Alpha, and Time Squad.
This is Blake in his normal, pre-Liberator clothes, and wow are they boring. This is clearly a man who was waiting for any opportunity to cut loose. Look how small his sleeves are! This isn't the clothing of a freedom fighter; it looks like the uniform of a handyman at an eco-friendly adventure park. It's not really Blake at all. 3/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Mission to Destiny, Duel, Project Avalon, Breakdown, Deliverance, and Orac.
I was going to say that this is a long time to be wearing the same outfit, but at a closer look, Blake does change his shirt. Thank goodness, because the question of who does the laundry on the Liberator has bothered me before, and I didn't like to think of Blake being stinky for most of series A.
Also, this is a great outfit. I feel like the way it has four different elements and textures should be too much, but it's working for me, particularly the chainmail-esque sleeve detail. 8/10.
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As seen in The Web, Seek-Locate-Destroy, Duel, Project Avalon, Bounty, and Orac.
Jenna made the pink version of this look cool; Blake looks like a dad in a National Trust car park. There might be poo bags for the family Labrador in one of his many pockets. Honestly, kudos to the Blake's 7 costume designers for this one: obviously functional and yet perfectly of a piece with the more ridiculous outfits in the series. I don't love to look at it but I have to admire it. 6/10.
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As seen in Redemption, Shadow, Horizon, and Killer.
In which Blake appears to be wearing an entire cow. Honestly, I love this outfit, from the sleeves to the boots. It's Romantic hero meets Robin Hood, it's ridiculous, it's wonderful. Gareth Thomas must have been so warm. 15/10.
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As seen in Shadow, and Voice From the Past.
I got a telling-off in the notes on my Jenna post for not including her in the karate ghi. So let the record stand that I approve of the karate ghi universally for Blake's 7 characters. I particularly appreciate that Avon and Jenna have theirs fastened up, while Blake's is open halfway to his midriff. Quarry chic, you can't beat it. 8/10.
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As seen in Weapon, Pressure Point, Trial, Countdown, and Voice From the Past.
This feels to me like the classic Blake outfit. It's like Avon's bajillion studded black leather jackets: green leather and bishop's sleeves are simply what Blakes in their natural environment should wear. But it's not quite as batshit as some of his other outfits and so I can't love it quite as much. 7/10.
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As seen in Horizon.
I accept that I'm straining the definition of "outfit" here but come on, I couldn't not include this moment. I love the artfully placed grime; I love the way, it being the 70s, that Blake's trousers come up to his navel; I love the fact that this is, to the best of my recollection, the one and only scene of someone taking their top off in the whole of Blake's 7. 10/10.
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As seen in Horizon.
The Romantic hero look is BACK. Here Blake is starring as a rebel version of Colin Firth's Mr Darcy. Get this man a lake to jump in. It is my firm belief that no man has yet existed who doesn't look good in this kind of shirt, and Gareth Thomas is no exception. 9/10.
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As seen in Hostage.
This is one of those "who wore it best?" moments and I have to be honest and say: Avon did. The rule that Avon should wear tight things, preferably leather, and Blake should wear loose things, preferably with massive sleeves, is not being disproven here. 4/10.
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As seen in Hostage, Gambit, The Keeper, and Star One.
There's just too much stuff going on here. The chainmail effect outfit was also quite busy but in a way that made Blake look bigger and bolder. This is the opposite; he looks almost smothered by it. There's a lot of fabric around his neck. It's brown and there's leather, but Blake doesn't look at home. 4/10.
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As seen in Blake.
Normally I rate these costumes based partly on how good they look, and partly on how well I feel they suit the character, and normally those two things are in alignment and it's all good. But here, I'm so torn.
Blake looks like shit. He's wearing some kind of horrific quilted knee-length gilet like a cross between a knight and someone who spends too much money in Jack Wills. It's too big for him and the little grab-handles on the front are... well, they're not very functional without Avon around to be grabbing him, are they? But on the other hand, it would be really weird if he looked good at this point in his story. The costume designers have judged this perfectly, and I hate it. 5/10.
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histoireettralala · 2 years ago
In Memoriam
First there were the sparkle of a new century; the splendour of the Universal Expositions; the race to progress; the series of calm, serene Sundays; the swaying gait of the Apaches and of the hips of dactylos on a spree in the guinguettes of the banks of the Seine or the Marne. Trips to the mountains or to spa towns, for a sunny Sunday. The trend of sea baths; again and forever, a time of long dresses, hat pins, hat veils and sunshades to protect oneself from the sun; the first fevers of the metropolitan; the magic of tramways. A smell of rail and electricity.
There were the shapes of the Art Nouveau, the fashion of stem-like women with vegetal curves, who were starting to escape and free themselves from their corsets. Parisian ladies had large hats and tiny feet. Men were smoking their first Gauloises. There were of course, riots and strikes: electricians, civil servants, site workers, postmen, bar waiters, taxi drivers. Men wanted to build and shape their destiny. They wanted a better share of the riches of the world.
There was the Montmartre of the painters and the Bateau-Lavoir; the first aerial meetings; the Paris flooding; the comet of Halley passing by; the appearance of the first tangos; the first music halls; the inauguration of the Vél'd'Hiv and the Gaumont Palace; the theft of the Mona Lisa; the end of the Bande à Bonnot; the publication of La Guerre des Boutons; the meeting between Yvonne de Quiévrecourt and Alain-Fournier under the trees of the Cours La Reine, which so narrowly missed the Goncourt prize; the first phone cabins; the electrification of the railway; the first Michelin maps; the fashion of caps et boaters; the invention of esperanto.
It was peace. The promise of a new dawn, the carefree spirit of summer, the peace of fields spattered with cornflowers and poppies which were waiting the sickle of the harvester or the knife of the thrasher.
They were seventeen, twenty-five, or thirty. Many wore their hair short, and moustaches. Many had the rough neck and hands of the worker, a laborer's worn fingers, a turner's or mechanic's broken nails. There were grooms, land surveyors, bakers, butlers, office boys, clerk notaries, butchers, schoolteachers, peddlers, copywriters, cow keepers, porters, shepherds, priests, grinders, cooks, toolmakers, clerks, chauffeurs, footmen, tinsmiths, deliverers, boilermakers, newsboys, barbers, railway workers, waiters, postmen, intellectuals, factory workers, bourgeois, aristocrats and saddlers.
Suddenly there were civilians, career soldiers, conscripts, reservists, artillery men, navy men, infantry men, zouaves, aviators, pioneers, stretcher-bearers, liaison officers, telegraphers, non-commissioned officers, submariners, cooks, adjudtants, generals, lieutenants, chaplains, canteen-workers, cavalry men, bleus, rappelés, permissionnaires, etc… Suddenly, were the Poilus.
Their handwriting was round or sharp; it had the delicacy of the quill or the thick stroke of the ink pen. Their names were Gaston, Jean, Auguste, Marcel, Louis, Alexandre, Edmond, Martin, Antoine, Etienne, Maurice, Albert, Henri, Roger, René… Their wives or their mothers were named Félicie, Léontine, Hortense, Louise, Honorine, Clémence, Marguerite, Berthe, Germaine, Yvonne, Marthe…
All of them travellers without baggage who had to leave their families, their fiancees, their wives, their children. Leave there their office, their lathe, their kneader, their workshop or their stable. Don the poorly cut uniform, the garance trousers, the bumpy képi. Take on the too heavy barda and put on the cleated shoes.
They knew very soon that this war was senseless. From false hopes to false hopes, from last battles to last battles, they ended up unable to project the end of the war whose actors they were, and whose usefulness wasn't so obvious anymore to them.
Out of eight million mobilised between 1914 and 1918, over two million young men never saw again the belltower of their village. Their names are carved in the cold stone of the monuments of our cities and towns. And when the church goes quiet, when the school is closed, when the train station is shut down, when silence reigns over these places that became hamlets, remain these lists of words, these lists of names and surnames keeping the memory of a France whose countryside was so populated.
Over four million men survived only after they suffered grievous wounds, their body broken, amputated, marked, bitten, their flesh torn, when they weren't seriously mutilated. Others got out apparently intact: they still lived with the memory of the horror they had lived for over fifty months, the memory of blood, of the stench of rotting corpses, of the bursting of shells, of stinking mud, of vermin, the memory of the obscene smirk of Death. They had for them the systematic and reoccuring lash of nightmares for the rest of their days and with it the anguished, unanswered cry, the cry for their mothers. They lived with the words reminding them of sights whose horror they would never forget: Galipoli, Verdun, the Chemin des Dames, Arlon-Vitron, the mill of Laffaux, the Somme, Ypres, Péronne, Montmirail, Douaumont, the Fort of Vaux…
Over eight thousand people answered the call of Radio France: eight thousand letters, meaning that many families searching, into a coffer in the attic, between the yellowed pages of family photo albums, for the memory of their fathers', grandfathers', ancestors' lives.
These words written in the mud aren't eighty, or eighty-five years old; they are one day old. They have the whole strength of a life all the more intense since it was so close to the abyss, since it was looking at death every second.
We do not claim to do a historian's work by gathering in a few weeks so many powerful and intense documents: our purpose is before all humanist and literary. We simply meant to let these cries of the soul, entrusted to quill and crayon, be heard, like so many bottles thrown to the sea, which should stimulate for future generations the duty of memory, the duty of vigilance, the duty of humanity.
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Jean-Pierre Guéno- Paroles de Poilus- Lettres et carnets du front 1914-1918
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lizzie-cakes · 10 months ago
It’s in my top 5 Dieter fics💜 I love their connection- I’m sure I will reread this many times. A few chapters were really emotional-a lot of it paralleled the last 30 years of me and my husband. A+
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Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist
Completed Series ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC (Natalia)
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Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with the resulting mental health struggles. Just when she has settled into her new normal, she meets a handsome stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor with a heart-breaking past named Dieter Bravo. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives.
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, drug use, alcohol abuse, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Epilogue
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✨ Coming May 2024: Written in the Stars, a Destiny & Deliverance Universe one shot.
✨Want more Dieter & Talia? Check out the companion series, The Light in the Darkness to get it all from Dieter's POV. New chapters coming soon.
If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know in the comments or shoot me a DM.
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Credits: Star Divider by @saradika Reblog/MDNI: @cafekitsune
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saved-by-sanfrancisco · 4 years ago
Mandalorian Fic Recs (Part 3)
Alright I think this should round out the fics I currently have saved, I will update as more is added :) This post is specifically Dinluke focused
(** indicates my personal favorites)
**Separate Ways series by PepperPrints (@mudhorns) ; 3 works, Dinluke, Rating: E
With Moff Gideon defeated and the Darksaber reclaimed, the rumours of newly named Mand'alor Din Djarin spread through the galaxy... along with the stories of the Child he carries with him. Determined to meet him, Luke Skywalker arrives on Mandalore -- but before he can get any closer, he has to prove himself worthy of Mandalorian standards.
no path runs smooth series by ShowMeAHero; 4 works, Dinluke and Hanleia, Rating: G and T in later works
"I don't know what game you're playing, here, but you know you have to go with the Jedi. This is your destiny."
"Luke." Din looks up to the Jedi, scanning him through his visor. As if he can see his face — and Din hopes even the most powerful Jedis can't see through beskar — the Jedi smiles at him again. He clarifies, "The Jedi? Has a name. I'm Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin."
Fates of the Force by starkjoy; 4/20, Dinluke, Rating: E
Six months after Grogu's rescue, an unexpected encounter launches Din on a quest throughout the galaxy—one that may alter his fate forever.
**The Storm by shirozora (@shirozora-draws); 5/5, Dinluke, Rating: T
Din Djarin needs a new ship.
Greef Karga makes him a deal - do some work for the guild and he'll get a brand new gunship. One such job takes him to a planet with a volatile storm system to track down a double-crossing bounty hunter. What he doesn't know is that the bounty hunter is there to loot an ancient Jedi temple. What neither of them know is that someone else is also on the planet searching for the temple.
And then the storm rolls in.
deliverance by deniigiq (@deniigi); 4/4, Dinluke, Rating: T
This was the Mand’alor.
And Luke was here, stooping over with one functional hand and clothes caked with sawdust and mud.
(Luke takes Grogu as his first student and tries to teach him as he builds a Jedi temple on Yavin. Those plans keep being interrupted by a certain Mandalorian who is trying to escape his own feeling of drowning.)
World’s Apart by Pepper Prints (@mudhorns); 6/10, Dinluke, Rating: T
Having safely delivered the Child, Mand'alor Din Djarin inherits the Darksaber, a ruined planet, and the burden of Moff Gideon's fate. That burden brings Din to the New Republic on Coruscant, where he's thrown into a shimmering world of galactic politics even less familiar to him than the planet meant to be his home.
Din isn't the only one on Coruscant with his hands full of a once forgotten order - the Jedi is here too, and as their paths cross, Din will be forced to navigate both what's expected of him, and what he wants.
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