#National property tax appeal
O'Connor | Experienced Property Tax Consultant
O’Connor Consultants are licensed and trained professionals who specialize in commercial property tax reduction services. They leverage their industry knowledge and experience to deliver customized solutions that meet the specific requirements of each client. Working closely with property owners and CPAs, they carefully review all financial documents to identify opportunities for Property tax savings.
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oconnor2023 · 6 months
Risk-Free Property Tax Appeal | National Property Tax
Discover our Property Tax Appeal with No upfront costs! Pay only upon savings. Visit O'Connor without fear of penalties for filing an appeal. Get to know more from https://www.nationalpropertytax.com/process/
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Black Residents Of Gullah-Geechee Enclave In Georgia Angered After Zoning Changes Pose Threat To Their Community
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This small enclave is home to a majority of Black residents who are members of the Hogg Hummock community, which is also sometimes referred to as Hog Hammock. According to The Cultural Landscape Foundation, “Hog Hammock was one of fifteen African American Saltwater Geechee settlements on Sapelo Island, Georgia.
The Geechee are descendants of enslaved West Africans brought to work on Sea Island plantations along the Atlantic coast.” Sapelo island is located approximately 60 miles south of Savannah, Georgia and is only reachable by boat.
Almost three decades ago, the county adopted the zoning restrictions, “with the stated intent to help Hogg Hummock’s 30 to 50 residents hold on to their land,” the Associated Press reports.
But the McIntosh County’s elected commissioners recently voted 3-2 vote to change the restrictions. Now, Black residents fear that wealthy buyers will be prioritized over them, which could lead to increases in taxes.
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Residents also anticipate this could cause them to be pressured to sell their land, most of which has been in their family for generations.  Atlanta resident Yolanda Grovner originally had a plan where she would ultimately retire on her island native father’s land that he owns in Hogg Hummock, but now she worries this might not be able to happen. Yolanda’s father George Grovner attended the meeting wearing a sticker, which read “Keep Sapelo Geechee,” in defiance of these planned zoning changes.
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“It’s going to be very, very difficult,” said Yolanda, continuing, “I think this is their way of pushing residents off the island.”
In recent years, the population on Hogg Hummock has been shrinking because some families have sold their land to outsiders. David Stevens, Chairman of the Commission, said he’s been a visitor on Sapelo Island since the 1980s, and places the blame for these changes on those who are selling their land.
This could be partly true, as the vote followed new construction builds. The commissioners ruling “raised the maximum size of a home in Hogg Hummock to 3,000 square feet (278 square meters) of total enclosed space. The previous limit was 1,400 square feet (130 square meters) of heated and air-conditioned space,” per the Associated Press.
Stevens stated, “I don’t need anybody to lecture me on the culture of Sapelo Island.” “If you don’t want these outsiders, if you don’t want these new homes being built...don’t sell your land,” Stevens concluded.
But the remaining residents have vowed to keep fighting these ordinance changes, and it’s not a new phenomenon for them to fight with the local government either. In 2012, dozens of residents and landowners were able to successfully appeal property tax increases.
In addition, many have spent years “fighting the county in federal court for basic services such as firefighting equipment and trash collection before county officials settled last year,” writes the Associated Press.
Maurice Bailey is a native of Hogg Hummock whose mother Cornelia Bailey had deep roots to the island. Bailey was a Sapelo Island celebrity, keeping the community’s voice alive with her storytelling before she died in 2017. Maurice said, “We’re still fighting all the time,” adding, “They’re not going to stop. The people moving in don’t respect us as people. They love our food, they love our culture. But they don’t love us.”
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Some legal experts have hinted at due process violations as well as concerns about encroachment under the equal protection clause.
This issue becomes more complicated given the racial demographics of the county. Hogg Hummock is on the National Register of Historic Places, and in order for the Gullah-Geechee community to receive protections “to preserve the community, residents depend on the local government in McIntosh County, where 65% of the 11,100 residents are white,” says the Associated Press.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Rare public criticism of nationalizations from the captains of Russia’s economy
Russia’s top economic officials joined a panel at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum on Thursday a delivered rare public criticism of the federal government’s ongoing seizures of major enterprises. The heads of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, the Finance Ministry, Anton Siluanov, and the Economic Development Ministry, Maxim Reshetnikov, discussed the nationalization of pasta manufacturer “Makfa” and the “Solikamsk Magnesium Plant.” State Duma Budget and Taxes Committee Chairman Andrey Makarov moderated the panel and raised pointed questions about the two recent nationalizations, asking if it’s possible even to talk about respect for private property rights and an independent judiciary if both majority and minority shareholders can be so easily dispossessed. 
Siluanov first tried to defend the nationalizations, pointing out that the government plans to offload these assets, not manage the companies itself. Nabiullina fired back that the issue concerns investor confidence and the violation of shareholders’ rights, not what the state plans to do with their property. She added that the Central Bank has filed a lawsuit to protect “the minority shareholders” (presumably referring to the appeal against the seizure of minority shares in Solikamsk Magnesium Plant). Reshetnikov said this case would be a “litmus test” for Russian institutions that have come under new “demands and requirements” (since the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine). He warned that Russia would be forced to develop a series of nuanced new laws to protect property rights if the court rules against the Central Bank. Siluanov agreed that Russia’s investment climate relies on respect for property rights and said, “We hope the court will review the matter and reach a balanced decision.”
Journalists at Agentstvo Media report that Maxim Oreshkin, a deputy chief of staff in the Putin administration, was also a panelist but said nothing of substance during the conversation.
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Good morning Ms. ......! Attached please find the denial letter from EA concerning the temporary rental assistance that I so desperately need in order to get the very necessary medical treatment for my 2 injured shoulders and my injured back, legs and feet that I have not yet been able to recover from because of a similar denial that occurred 9 years ago on the job. I need to appeal as soon as possible, so as not to be sent into the street as homeless again for the 2nd time in less than 10 years.
According to the letter, what I am being told to do is to stay in my present address, my home that I have fought so hard to obtain, until the landlord pays the legal system approx $1000 to file for my eviction that he knows he will not get back, a tax right off. So he will lose $1000 if he files for eviction. He will not do that. Nobody in their sane right mind would.
Then once the owner of the property, the landlord, has paid his $1000 to the legal system, then it becomes an emergency. I then am required by this decision to remain in my home for an additional 2 plus months at $800 per month until social services finds me a room in a roomming house to live in. By making that decision they are telling me that I need to stay in a potentially dangerous situation with a man who has paid my rent out of his own pocket for the past 6 months since my injury and my unemployment benefits ran out. And I need to live with him and walk by him and see him every day as I live rent free on his expense, as the electricity goes off, tv gets shut down and he himself struggles financially until he gets action by my leaving his home, my home too presently. I already owe this man almost or over $5000 that basically he lost according to the letter, and he is required by law to lose another $1000-3000 until the action of removing me, his physically disabled roommate, from his home. I can see for sure how this situation could easily blow up to a violent confrontation. I hope you and the court can see this also.
So, the landlord and roommate, who I am already indebted to for $5000 will need to lose another $3000-5000 just to see justice performed in the United States of America. Thats great! Why? Because prior to this both the roommate and landlord leaned to the left politically and now see the crimes being committed against the citizens ARE in FACT true and happening right before our eyes. They also see that the crimes being committed are not only against the white citizen, which many do agree with and appreciate, but the crimes are also against the brown citizen, as the 2 are now required by law to pay and lose almost $10,000 just because a tenant/roommate has been injured and can no longer continue to work and support himself.
I am only 2 years before my official retirement age. I have worked all my life, beginning at 10 years old. I have supported myself, my son, my family, lent and or gave money to those in need, and helped many, many people who I know can never pay back what they received. And I have paid taxes to this nation all my life, with the exception of 3 years when I was first made homeless by the State of New Jersey because of the injuries I sustained 9 years ago. So I have actually paid for the benefits I am now being denied for the 2nd times in less than 10 years. What is happening to me right now is a crime. It is a crime against my civil rights as a citizen of the United States of America, it is a crime against my basic human rights as a human being being committed by a goverment  who claims to fight the very crimes against human rights that they are, and have, committed. It is also a crime of deception by deceiving the owner of this property I now live at to think he will get justice after filing the eviction paperwork with the courts, and it is a crime of deception to deceive my current roommate to think that the goverment will force him to continue to pay my share of the rent, that he will never get back, just so that justice can be served. It is a crime of deception to me, the now disabled citizen who can no longer work just shy of 2 years til retirement, to tell me that I need to go through social services, not temporary disability, when I become injured as the bridge to gap work to disability. Nine years ago I was made homeless for the same reason, so these crimes have already been committed against me once, but I continued so my roommate could see the truth for himself. Now he knows.
I am asking you to appeal this decision on my behalf and to right the wrong that has been committed, the crimes, against me now, the 2nd time, and against millions of other American citizens. To create a society of poverty where citizens have to fight for their lives literally, and force roommate situations and roomming houses, how can the same goverment then deny help to people who live with roommates or in roomming houses? Illegally is the only way, unless this is no longer the America we claim to be. We have sa serious identity problem if this is legal and ok.
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Biden reacts to the GOP's proposal to gut social security
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March 21, 2024
MAR 22, 2024
In the past few weeks, Josh Kovensky of Talking Points Memo has deepened our understanding of the right-wing attempt to impose Christian nationalism on the United States through support for Trump and the MAGA movement. On March 9, Kovensky explored the secret, men-only, right-wing society called the Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR), whose well-positioned, wealthy, white leaders call for instituting white male domination and their version of Christianity in the U.S. after a “regime” change. 
On March 19, Kovensky explained how that power was reaching into lawmaking when he reported on a September 2023 speech by Russ Vought, a key architect of the plans for Trump’s second term, including Project 2025. In the speech, which took place in the  Dirksen Senate Office Building, Vought explained the right wing’s extreme border policies by explicitly marrying Christian nationalism and an aversion to the pluralism that is a hallmark of American democracy. Vought argued that the U.S. should model immigration on the Bible’s Old Testament, welcoming migrants only “so long as they accepted Israel’s God, laws, and understanding of history.”
These religious appeals against the equality of women and minorities seem an odd juxtaposition to a statement by United Auto Workers (UAW) union president Shawn Fain in response to the claim of the Trump campaign that Trump’s “bloodbath” statement of last Saturday was about the auto industry. Fain is also a self-described Christian, but he rejects the right-wing movement.   
“Donald Trump can’t run from the facts,” Fain said in a statement to CBS News. “He can do all the name-calling he wants, but the truth is he is a con man who has been directly part of the problem we have seen over the past 40 years—where working class people have gone backward and billionaires like Donald Trump reap all the benefits…. 
“Trump has been a player in the class war against the working class for decades, whether screwing workers and small businesses in his dealings, exploiting workers at his Mar a Lago estate and properties, blaming workers for the Great Recession, or giving tax breaks to the rich. The bottom line is Trump only represents the billionaire class and he doesn’t give a damn about the plight of working class people, union or not.” 
In the 1850s the United States saw a similar juxtaposition, with elite southern enslavers heightening their insistence that enslavement was sanctioned by God and their warnings that the freedom of Black Americans posed an existential threat to the United States just as white workers were beginning to turn against the system that had concentrated great wealth among a very few men. While white southern leaders were upset by the extraordinary popularity of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the 1852 novel that urged middle-class women to stand up against slavery, it was Hinton Rowan Helper’s 1857 The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It that made them apoplectic. 
Hinton Helper was a white southerner himself and showed no abolitionist sympathies in his deeply racist book. What that book did was to show, using the statistics that had recently been made available from the 1850 census, that the American South was falling rapidly behind the North economically. Helper blamed the system of slavery for that economic backwardness, and he urged ordinary white men to overthrow the system of enslavement that served only a few wealthy white men. The cotton boom of the 1850s had created enormous fortunes for a few lucky planters, as well as a market for Helper’s book among poorer white men who had been forced off their land. 
White southern elites considered Helper’s book so incendiary that state legislatures made it illegal to possess a copy, people were imprisoned and three allegedly hanged for being found with the book, and a fight over it consumed Congress for two months from December 1859 through January 1860. The determination of southern elites to preserve their power made them redouble their efforts to appeal to voters through religion and racism. 
In today’s America, the right wing seems to be echoing its antebellum predecessors. It is attacking women’s rights; diversity, equity, and inclusion programs; immigration; LGBTQ+ rights and so on. At the same time, it continues to push an economic system that has moved as much as $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 10% since 1981 while exploding the annual budget deficit and the national debt.
Yesterday the far-right Republican Study Committee (RSC), which includes about two thirds of all House Republicans, released a 2025 budget plan to stand against Biden’s 2025 budget wish list. The RSC plan calls for dramatic cuts to business regulation, Social Security, Medicaid, and so on, and dismisses Biden’s plan for higher taxes on the wealthy, calling instead for more than $5 trillion in tax cuts. It calls the provision of the Inflation Reduction Act that permits the government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies over prices “socialist price controls.” 
Biden responded to the RSC budget, saying: “My budget represents a different future. One where the days of trickle-down economics are over and the wealthy and biggest corporations no longer get all the breaks. A future where we restore the right to choose and protect other freedoms, not take them away. A future where the middle class finally has a fair shot, and we protect Social Security so the working people who built this country can retire with dignity. I see a future for all Americans and I will never stop fighting for that future.”
Biden’s version of America has built a strong economy in the last two years, with extremely low unemployment, extraordinary growth, and real wage increases for all but the top 20%. Inequality has decreased. Today the White House announced the cancellation of nearly $6 billion in federal student loan debt for thousands of teachers, firefighters, and nurses. Simply by enforcing laws already on the books that allow debt forgiveness for borrowers who go into public service, the administration has erased nearly $144 billion of debt for about 4 million borrowers. 
At the same time, the administration has reined in corporations. Today the Department of Justice, along with 15 states and the District of Columbia, sued Apple, Inc., for violating the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act. They charge that the company, which in 2023 had net revenues of $383 billion and a net income of $97 billion, has illegally established a monopoly over the smartphone market to extract as much revenue as possible from consumers. The company’s behavior also hurts developers, the Department of Justice says, because they cannot compete under the rules that Apple has set. 
At the end of February, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued to block the merger of Kroger and Albertsons, a $24.6 billion takeover affecting 5,000 supermarkets and 700,000 workers across 48 states. The merger would raise grocery prices, narrow consumer choice, and hurt workers’ bargaining power, the FTC said. The attorneys general of Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Wyoming joined the FTC’s lawsuit.  
The benefits of the administration’s reworking of the government for ordinary Americans have not gotten traction in the past few years, as right-wing media have continued to insist that Biden’s policies will destroy the economy. But as Shawn Fain’s position suggests, ordinary white men, who fueled the Reagan Revolution in 1980 when they turned against the Democrats and who have made up a key part of the Republican base, might be paying attention. 
In June 2023 the AFL-CIO, a union with more than 12.5 million members, endorsed Biden for president in 2024 in its earliest endorsement ever. In January the UAW also endorsed Biden. Yesterday the United Steelworkers Union, which represents 850,000 workers in metals, mining, rubber, and other industries, added their endorsement.
Just as it was in the 1850s, the right-wing emphasis on religion and opposition to a modern multicultural America today is deeply entwined with preserving an economic power structure that has benefited a small minority. That emphasis is growing stronger in the face of the administration’s effort to restore a level economic playing field. In the 1850s, those who opposed the domination of elite enslavers could only promise voters a better future. But in 2024, the success of Biden’s policies may be changing the game.
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isaacsapphire · 2 years
There are many behaviors that some people engage in, that other people would like to make them stop, because their ideologies say these behaviors are immoral.
The actors may be doing these things because the behaviors bring them joy, may be a cultural or family tradition, are in some way optimal solutions for their personal, local, and socioeconomic challenges, or because they hold a competing ideology that says the behavior is obligatory and so they are generally resistant to change.
Generally, if a behavior is sufficiently unacceptable to members of a community, they will have an explicit rule against it, with enforcement measures. In the case of nations, these rules are laws and enforced by the state using violence or intimidation via state power. (That is, if traffic tickets are not paid, eventually the state will revoke the offender’s driver’s license, at which point they are committing the more serious offense of driving with a suspended license, and so on until the offender is eventually taken into police custody and imprisoned for traffic crimes or shot trying to resist arrest. Property taxes are similar: ignore them long enough and eventually the arm of the state authorized to do violence will show up to force compliance and shoot you if you resist.)
It is perhaps human nature to want to forbid others from doing things you find morally offensive. The problem is that, in a multicultural society and global order, the range of things that someone finds offensive and someone else considers an essential part of their own culture in some way, where both groups are in sufficient proximity to be aware of each other’s existence and opinions is very large.
In addition to the legacy cultures and ideologies (eg. French culture, Islam, Hinduism, multiple branches of Christianity), recently developed ideologies and cultures are of course well-suited to modern conditions (eg. Feminism, The LGBTQ Community, environmentalism, animal rights). Each culture/ideology has behavioral precepts that they consider worthy of enforcement on nonbelievers.
As a result, there are many behaviors that many people wish to use any power they are capable of accessing to forbid or otherwise prevent.
Since achieving these goals frequently requires convincing some unbelievers that the despised behavior is in some way in their interest to not practice and to forbid, unfortunately, it is necessary to look with a measure of suspicion upon the motives of anyone who is trying to make entreaties to unbelievers about how the despised behavior ought to be banned for global reasons such as public health, climate change/sustainability, or using more specialized arguments such as disgust or cuteness, or using beliefs the speaker does not share to appeal to the holders of those beliefs to join them in coalition in seeking to force others to cease the behavior, especially known members of cultures/ideologies that despise the particular behavior for their own reasons.
That is, eg. an evangelical Christian who proclaims that abortion causes cancer and a Hindu or animal rights activist who proclaims that eating beef causes cancer should all be considered as acting in a somewhat disingenuous way and their evidence examined closely, as the deeper motives for making these claims is not primarily a desire to keep people from getting cancer, but to dissuade nonbelievers from behaving in a way they consider immoral.
Please do note that the “deeper motive” may be lodged in the source a not particularly intelligent rank and file adherent got this information about the despised behavior causing cancer rather than directly in the speaker, as a spear-carrier is neither interested nor capable of evaluating the tale of cancer, but most likely thoughtlessly accepted it via their own just world fallacy and is proclaiming this out of some genuine concern for the health of the nonbelievers, which is not a hostile or disingenuous intent.
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ericgunther · 2 years
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Palm Beach County Real Estate Prices GROW in Beginning of 2023!
The results are in and Palm Beach County real estate values have GROWN in January 2023 versus January of 2022! Single family home prices are up 4.9%.  Townhouses and Condominiums are up 5.1%.  Data from Beaches board of Realtors shows this grow and is great news for homeowners, sellers, and buyers confirming stability and comfort in our local Florida real estate. 
Palm Beach County, Florida is currently experiencing a significant growth in real estate prices. According to recent data, the median home value in the county has increased, making it one of the fastest-growing real estate markets in the state.
There are many reasons for this growth, one of which is the state's overall attractiveness as a place to live and work. Florida has long been a popular destination for retirees and snowbirds looking for warm weather and sunny skies. However, the state has also become a hot spot for young professionals and families seeking a lower cost of living and better quality of life.  A strong school system with A ratings has also helped families make the choice to live the Florida lifestyle for entire families. 
One of the main reasons real estate prices in Palm Beach County are continuing to rise is due to its strong job market. Remote work has become a reality and unlike ever before people have the opportunity to work and live in Florida.  As technology applicable to business advances, the choice to live in Florida is likely to continue.  Local employment opportunities in the area have been increasing steadily, creating more demand for housing and pushing up home values. The county’s infrastructure and growing number of businesses also make it an attractive option for those looking to move or invest in a property.
The state's low taxes and lack of a state income tax are also attractive to buyers, particularly those coming from high-tax states like New York and California. With more and more businesses embracing remote work and the ability to work from anywhere, Florida's appeal as a tax-friendly and affordable place to live is only expected to increase.
Furthermore, Palm Beach County is one of the most desirable places for lifestyle due to its warm climate and easy access to beaches, boating, fishing, shopping, and entertainment. Florida in general has a lot of value to offer for the dollar.  Weekdays and evenings can often feel like weekends as social hubs like Palm Beach Island and Delray Beach are busy with shopping and dining every day and night of the week.  It makes sense that warm weather, luxury living, and work life balance are reflected in our property values.  
However, the growth in real estate prices has not been without its challenges. The rise in home values has made it more difficult for first-time buyers and lower-income families to enter the market, creating concerns about affordability.
Florida home prices are showing to be solid in comparison than the national average because of the county’s desirable location and many attractions.  Analysts predict Palm Beach County and Florida in general to hold value and are likely inch forward year over year due to our unique value proposition a top place in the world to live!
Contact Greenfield Waters Florida Realty and learn more about your property value and to discuss where Floridians are moving to find value!
It’s our pleasure to help,
Eric Gunther
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The Impact of Thailand’s New Visa Policies on Foreign Property Buyers
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Thailand has long been an attractive destination for foreign investors, offering a combination of tropical lifestyle, booming tourism, and affordable real estate. However, with recent changes in Thailand’s visa regulations—especially new long-term residency programs for high-net-worth individuals—the landscape for property buyers is evolving. These visa changes are now acting as a significant catalyst for investment in the Thai real estate market, particularly in sought-after locations like Bangkok, Phuket, and Hua Hin.
New Visa Policies in Thailand: A Game Changer for Foreign Buyers
The most significant shift in Thailand’s visa policies has been the introduction of the Long-Term Resident (LTR) visa in 2022. This visa program is specifically designed to attract wealthy foreigners, retirees, high-skilled professionals, and digital nomads who are interested in residing in Thailand for extended periods. The LTR visa provides a renewable 10-year residency permit with several attractive benefits, including easier property ownership options, tax reductions, and the ability to work in the country. These incentives have positioned Thailand as one of the more accessible real estate markets for international investors in Southeast Asia.
Key Features of the LTR Visa
The LTR visa is divided into four categories, each catering to different types of individuals:
Wealthy Global Citizens: High-net-worth individuals with at least $1 million in assets.
Wealthy Pensioners: Retirees aged 50+ with a pension income of at least $80,000 annually.
Work-from-Thailand Professionals: Remote workers or digital nomads earning a minimum of $80,000 per year.
Highly Skilled Professionals: Those working in targeted industries such as tech, healthcare, or renewable energy.
These categories have specific investment requirements, and for the first two categories, investment in Thai real estate is one way to qualify. For instance, retirees and wealthy individuals are required to invest at least $500,000 in government bonds, mutual funds, or Thai property to be eligible for the visa.
Boosting the Real Estate Market
The introduction of these visa categories is having a profound effect on the Thai property market. Locations like Hua Hin, known for its resort lifestyle and proximity to Bangkok, are witnessing a surge in interest from foreign buyers looking for both long-term residency and profitable real estate investment opportunities. Hua Hin, in particular, is appealing for retirees and high-net-worth individuals due to its tranquility, lower living costs, and high-quality healthcare services.
Foreign investors, particularly from China, Russia, and Europe, are capitalizing on this new visa scheme by purchasing luxury villas, beachfront condos, and vacation homes in places like Hua Hin. The visa’s requirement for significant real estate investment further fuels the property market, as high-net-worth individuals are seeking properties that not only meet lifestyle aspirations but also help them secure long-term residency in Thailand.
Advantages of the LTR Visa for Property Buyers
The LTR visa brings multiple advantages for foreigners who wish to buy property in Thailand:
Tax Incentives: Holders of the LTR visa benefit from reduced personal income tax rates (as low as 17%) and are exempt from the necessity of having a work permit to engage in most professional activities.
Ease of Ownership: Although foreign nationals are still prohibited from owning land, they can purchase condominiums outright. In addition, the LTR visa allows greater flexibility and long-term security for buyers who want to lease land for up to 30 years or enter into joint ventures with Thai nationals.
High Return on Investment (ROI): With Thailand’s booming tourism industry, properties in prime locations like Hua Hin offer excellent rental yields. LTR visa holders can also benefit from tax reductions on rental income, making property investment more attractive.
Simplified Bureaucracy: One of the primary benefits of the LTR visa is the reduction in bureaucratic hurdles. Visa holders no longer need to renew their visa annually or perform regular 90-day reporting, a requirement for other visa types. This ease of residence makes long-term property ownership less complicated and more appealing.
Potential Challenges and Pitfalls
Despite the favorable conditions created by the LTR visa, there are still some legal intricacies foreign investors should be aware of. For instance, while foreigners can own condominium units, purchasing land in Thailand remains restricted. Buyers may opt for long-term leases or corporate ownership structures, but these methods can be complex and may require legal expertise.
Additionally, property buyers must ensure they comply with the Foreign Business Act, which governs the extent of foreign involvement in Thai businesses, including real estate. Navigating these legal issues is essential to avoid potential pitfalls.
Looking Ahead: Real Estate in Thailand’s Future
As Thailand continues to emerge as a hub for global investors, the LTR visa is likely to further enhance the appeal of its real estate market. The program has already sparked interest from international buyers, particularly those looking for luxury homes, retirement properties, or investment opportunities with strong ROI potential.
Hua Hin Property Search, a leading real estate agency in the region, has been at the forefront of helping foreign buyers navigate these new visa regulations and secure property investments in Thailand. Whether you are looking to buy a vacation home or invest in rental properties, their expertise can help you make informed decisions in this rapidly evolving market.
Thailand’s new visa policies, especially the LTR visa, are making it easier for high-net-worth individuals and retirees to invest in the country’s real estate market. With attractive tax incentives, streamlined bureaucracy, and the promise of long-term residency, foreign buyers now have more reasons than ever to consider purchasing property in Thailand. As the market continues to grow, areas like Hua Hin are set to benefit from this influx of international investment, solidifying their reputation as prime real estate destinations.
For those looking to explore real estate options in Hua Hin, Hua Hin Property Search offers expert guidance on navigating the visa requirements and finding the perfect investment property tailored to your needs.
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memoriae-lectoris · 3 days
Whatever Arévalo couldn’t, or didn’t, accomplish was left to his successor, Jacobo Arbenz. The former junior officer would go on to become the biggest enemy in United Fruit’s history. What bothered Arbenz most wasn’t even that the banana companies owned so much land in the country—4 million acres, or 70 percent of the nation’s arable territory—but that they weren’t using it. More than three-fourths of it was fallow.
In his inaugural speech, Arbenz, according to Kinzer and Schlesinger, said he wanted to convert Guatemala from a “dependent nation with a semi-colonial economy to an economically independent country.” The new president had been warned to temper his remarks, so he chose not to mention specific targets by name when he called for land reform, saying only that his goal was only to rid the nation of its latifundios. The term means “private farms.” Nobody could mistake who the thirty-eight-year-old president was talking about. [...] Over two years, the media advisor managed to get dozens of articles published—in Time, Newsweek, the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Miami Herald, and in local papers across the United States—that portrayed the rulers of the Central American country as a dangerous threat. One wire service report stated that the goal of the new Guatemalan regime was to “engender hatred” of American business. As told by Schlesinger and Kinzer, Bernays planted stories that implied that Russia was training Latin American revolutionaries somewhere behind the Iron Curtain.
Arbenz was undeterred. In 1952 he issued Decree 900. The law would redistribute land to local peasants; it allowed the government to confiscate any farm over 223 acres, with a key condition: The land had to be unused. Many of United Fruit’s plantations had been abandoned because of Panama disease. That made them seemingly useless to the fruit giant, but it remained hostile to the idea of giving up the property, since it was still believed that flooding or some as-yet-undiscovered technique could restore the soil.
The result of the Arbenz decree was a spectacular change in Guatemala’s balance of power: Nearly a quarter million acres were divided among 100,000 families. The new rule mandated that the former landholders receive compensation based on the declared worth of the confiscated territory. According to the formula, United Fruit was to receive $600,000. When the company protested that the sum was just a fraction of the true value of its holdings, which was true, Arbenz countered that the amount was based on tax returns submitted by the banana company itself. The company had been cheating on its taxes, and Guatemalan authorities simply chose to take United Fruit at its word.
In 1954 a demand for the actual value of the land, about $16 million, was made. The appeal was not delivered by United Fruit, even though the company’s executives had maintained contact with the Guatemalan government. Instead, it arrived via the U.S. State Department. It was an ominous sign: Guatemala wasn’t just fighting a fruit company. It was fighting America.
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nationalpropertytax · 15 days
O'Connor - Commercial property tax reduction services
With O'Connor, the Commercial Property Tax Reduction Experts, you pay nothing unless we save you money on your property taxes! Property Tax Assessors use a mass appraisal methodology with a computerized model to set a preliminary value. The multiple rounds of the appeal process are designed to allow you to correct any errors before the value is certified. There’s no penalty for filing an appeal, so you have nothing to lose and no risk involved. Visit https://www.nationalpropertytax.com/commercial-and-multifamily/
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Residential Properties in India: A Global Perspective
India's real estate market continues to thrive, but for those considering expanding their portfolio beyond national borders, Dubai stands out as a lucrative option. With its blend of luxury, stability, and growing market demand, Buying Property in Dubai offers numerous advantages for investors looking for long-term gains. As India's economic growth fuels a rising interest in global investments, Dubai becomes a top choice for those seeking not just a home, but a wise financial decision.
Why Consider Dubai for Property Investment?
When it comes to Dubai Property Investment, it's essential to recognize the city's evolving infrastructure and global appeal. As a hub for both business and leisure, Dubai offers a range of residential properties that cater to high-net-worth individuals as well as middle-income earners. One of the most sought-after areas for real estate investment is through reputable developers like Emaar Dubai, known for their premium developments.
Comparison with Indian Residential Properties
While India offers a variety of attractive residential properties, Dubai adds a touch of opulence that's hard to match. Whether you are looking to invest in India or expand into the Middle Eastern market, Buying Property in Dubai could provide higher returns on investment, owing to the tax-free benefits, robust economy, and world-class infrastructure. Additionally, Dubai's real estate laws favor foreign investors, making it easier to acquire premium properties.
How to Make the Best Investment in Dubai
For first-time buyers and experienced investors alike, working with renowned developers like Emaar Dubai ensures that you're getting high-quality properties in prime locations. At Dubai Luxury Residence , we help streamline the process, ensuring you make informed decisions whether you're investing in Dubai Property Investment or looking for a luxury home.
Both India and Dubai offer excellent opportunities for real estate investment. However, for those seeking long-term gains and an elevated lifestyle, Buying Property in Dubai could be the more rewarding option. Visit Dubai Luxury Residence at Dubai Luxury Residence to explore premier properties and get professional guidance on Dubai Property Investment opportunities.
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warningsine · 17 days
Low tax bills paid by the tech giant were an unlawful subsidy, EU judges ruled, in a move which EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager hailed as a 'big win' for tax justice.
Apple has lost a €13 billion case in the EU's highest court regarding the low tax bills it paid for years in Ireland, a surprise victory for Brussels in a campaign against sweetheart deals struck with multinationals.
The judgment, released today (10 September) by the EU Court of Justice, backs the European Commission, which said the corporate tax rates as low as 0.005% paid by the tech giant represented an unlawful subsidy, striking down a previous ruling from the lower-tier General Court.
"Ireland granted Apple unlawful aid which Ireland is required to recover", the Court of Justice said in a statement, giving a "final judgment" in the matter.
It's one of a pair of victories today in Brussels' battle against big tech, as Google lost a separate appeal against a €2.4bn EU fine for favouring its own services — bookending the career of Margrethe Vestager, whose double term as EU antitrust chief ends in a couple of months.
The Commission's victory means Apple must pay as much as €13bn — or potentially more, with interest and costs — to the Irish Treasury.
The Commission's initial finding, now confirmed, came after the LuxLeaks revelations of tax rulings which implicated Jean-Claude Juncker, the former Luxembourg leader who was at the time president of the EU executive. 
Vestager's action against big — and largely American — multinationals such as Starbucks, Fiat Chrysler and Amazon saw her badged by then-President Donald Trump as the EU's "tax lady" who "really hates the USA". 
The case represented an unusual, and controversial, foray by Brussels into tax policy — which is normally set by national capitals, with the EU only intervening if tax breaks distort the bloc's internal market. 
The legal case hinged on how the iPhone maker treated intellectual property income in its books — and whether the Commission was right to say those corporate profits should have been allocated to its European base in Ireland.
The EU's General Court found against the Commission in 2020, but, in an opinion prepared for the Court of Justice last November, Advocate General Giovanni Pitruzzella questioned the legal reasoning of the lower-tier tribunal.
In financial terms, it represents the largest case of the EU's tax campaign, which otherwise hasn't found a huge success in the courts.
The Commission lost legal challenges involving McDonald's, Starbucks and Engie, though in a recent interview with Euronews' Radio Schumann podcast, Vestager argued her crusade had nonetheless led to a series of national and international tax reforms.
Despite the billions it stood to gain, the Irish government opposed the Commission's case; the country has become the European hub for a number of US tech companies.
Michael McGrath previously defended the company as Ireland's finance minister — and is now himself due to move to Brussels to be European Commissioner, with his portfolio set to be announced by President Ursula von der Leyen shortly. 
In remarks to reporters, Vestager said the ruling was a "big win" for EU citizens, the bloc's single market, and tax justice — and that her campaign also had an indirect impact.
"Our investigations have decisively contributed to a mind shift, a change of attitudes among Member States" in which practices like Apple's could no longer occur, she said, citing regulatory and legislative reforms at national, European and global level.
"We now have now learned from the court" about the limits of EU tax action, following the mixed bag of legal cases, Vestager said — with caselaw clarifying that Brussels can check national capitals follow their own rules. 
For MEP Pasquale Tridico (Italy, Left), who chairs the European Parliament's tax Committee, the judgment is "historic". 
"We now expect the future European Commission to propose legislation that bans all forms of tax avoidance and competitive advantages for tech giants and large corporations within the European Union," Tridico said in a statement, adding: "Our fight for tax justice will go on, stronger than ever”.
In a statement, the Irish finance ministry said it "will of course respect the findings of the Court regarding the tax due in this case ... Ireland does not give preferential tax treatment to any companies or taxpayers." 
The disputed tax rulings are no longer in force, and Ireland has in any case since reformed how it allocates profits for non-resident companies, the statement said.
Billions in unpaid taxes that Apple had placed in trust, pending resolution of the case, will now begin to be transferred to the Irish state, the statement added. 
In a separate statement, Apple said it was "disappointed" with the judges' decision.
"We always pay all the taxes we owe wherever we operate and there has never been a special deal," a company spokesperson, adding that it is one of the largest taxpayers in the world.
"The European Commission is trying to retroactively change the rules and ignore that, as required by international tax law, our income was already subject to taxes in the US," added the company, which argues it has already paid $20 bn (€18bn) in US taxes on the same profits.
But the ruling has already been hailed by tax activists who have long called for the closing of what they see as corporate tax loopholes.
“This ruling exposes EU tax havens’ love affair with multinationals," said Chiara Putaturo, EU tax expert for the charity Oxfam, said in a statement. "It delivers long-overdue justice after over a decade of Ireland standing by and allowing Apple to dodge taxes."
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irajgumberg · 18 days
Green Building Certifications: An Overview
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Green building certifications are a critical focal point of the burgeoning sustainable real estate movement, driving a shift towards environmentally responsible practices. From Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) to WELL, these certifications provide measurable standards for sustainability, health, and energy efficiency in the built environment. They serve as benchmarks for reducing environmental impacts and enhancing the well-being of occupants, influencing not just construction practices but also property valuations and investment strategies in the real estate sector.
Impacts on the market
Certifications like LEED and BREEAM offer structured frameworks that prioritize energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction, and sustainable materials, transforming how developers approach the lifecycle of a building. A LEED-certified building, for instance, undergoes rigorous assessments that ensure reduced carbon footprints and improved operational efficiency, setting it apart in markets increasingly driven by environmental considerations. The inclusion of smart technologies such as energy management systems, renewable energy integration, and efficient HVAC systems often becomes a prerequisite, enhancing the building’s overall performance. These enhancements typically result in lower operational costs, attracting tenants and buyers who prioritize sustainable living or working environments.
The marketability of green-certified buildings transcends their environmental benefits; these properties often command higher rental rates and sales prices. Tenants and investors alike view these certifications as a mark of quality and forward-thinking, aligning with broader corporate sustainability goals or personal values. In commercial real estate, for example, buildings with certifications such as WELL, which focuses on human health and comfort, appeal to companies looking to provide healthier workspaces for employees, boosting productivity and reducing absenteeism. The ability to offer a space that meets recognized sustainability and wellness standards serves as a powerful differentiator in competitive markets, directly influencing occupancy rates and tenant retention.
From an investment perspective, green certifications contribute to asset resilience and long-term value retention. Real estate investors increasingly view certified buildings as lower-risk investments due to their enhanced regulatory compliance, reduced exposure to energy price volatility, and potential for tax incentives or grants. Moreover, the inherent focus on sustainability shields these assets from regulatory changes that could render conventional buildings obsolete or costly to retrofit. Investors recognize that, in many cases, the upfront costs of achieving certification pay off through higher net operating incomes and lower vacancy rates, creating a compelling value proposition in portfolios focused on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria.
Implications for the future
The influence of green building certifications extends into regulatory landscapes, setting standards that often preempt local or national regulations. As governments tighten environmental regulations, buildings with certifications already align with many of these requirements, reducing the need for costly adjustments and positioning them favorably for compliance. Certifications act as a proactive measure, ensuring that properties meet evolving codes related to energy use, emissions, and building materials, thus mitigating the financial risks associated with future regulatory changes.
Furthermore, these certifications have catalyzed a broader shift in the real estate industry toward sustainable development practices, influencing trends such as net-zero energy buildings, biophilic design, and adaptive reuse. Investors, developers, and architects increasingly prioritize certifications for their direct financial and operational benefits and as a strategic response to rising calls for sustainable urban living. This shift signifies a deeper integration of environmental considerations into real estate development, where property value extends beyond location and aesthetics to include its environmental impact and contribution to broader sustainability goals.
Such changes hold significant implications for real estate investing. Certified properties align with the values of an increasingly conscientious investor base, offering a pathway to sustainable returns and positive social impact. As institutional investors incorporate ESG metrics into their investment criteria, the emphasis on certified green buildings becomes even more pronounced, driving capital flows toward assets contributing to environmental resilience. 
This growing alignment between market forces and sustainability underscores a transformative period in real estate, where green building certifications act not just as quality markers but as essential components of future-proofing investment strategies. For investors, developers, and occupants, green certifications represent more than just a label; they embody a commitment to a sustainable future that balances profitability with environmental and social responsibility.
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creativeera · 24 days
Property Tax Services Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Growing Complexity in Tax Regulations
Property tax services play a vital role in collecting taxes from businesses and individuals for governments at local, state, and federal levels. Property tax services help in assessing the value of a property, filing tax returns, resolving tax issues, and appealing tax assessments. Property tax consultancies offer solutions like tax calculation, exemption & relief consultation, assessment calculations, tax reporting, and property tax representation. With governments worldwide introducing reforms in property tax laws to increase tax collection and simplify tax compliance, the need for property tax services has increased tremendously. The Global Property Tax Services Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 3.52 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.3% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Property Tax Services market are Avalara, Blucora, Canopy Tax, Drake Enterprises, H&R Block, Intuit, Sailotech, SAP SE, Thomson Reuters, Taxback International, TaxJar, TaxSlayer, Vertex, Wolters Kluwer NV, and Xero. These players are focusing on partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions to expand their service offerings and geographic reach. The key opportunities in the market include compliance management solutions for complex tax regulations across countries and cities, property tax advisory and consultation services for commercial and residential properties, and cloud-based software solutions for tax filing, payment, and refunds. With increasing globalization of businesses, the Property Tax Services Market Demand for cross-border property tax services is growing. Major players are targeting high growth markets like Asia Pacific and Latin America by establishing offices in these regions to cater to the needs of multinational clients. Market drivers The growing complexity in global, national, and local property tax regulations is one of the key drivers for the property tax services market. Frequent changes in tax laws related to categories of properties, exemptions, criteria for tax relief, and filing procedures require continuous updates from tax experts. Property Tax Services Market Size and Trends is increasing the demand for property tax advisory and consultancy services.
PEST Analysis Political: Property tax services are highly regulated at local, state, and national levels due to political and economic interests in property taxes. Regulations vary significantly in different jurisdictions. Economic: Property tax services are dependent on real estate market conditions and property values. When property values rise, expenditures on these services tend to increase as there are higher tax obligations and more disputes. Social: Property owners are increasingly seeking online assistance and software tools to evaluate tax obligations and ensure accurate and fair treatment. The industry is benefiting from greater social acceptance of online services and automation. Technological: Advanced software tools are leveraging technologies like AI, machine learning, and big data to provide more personalized guidance and support to property owners. Some platforms utilize public records, satellite imagery, and 3D scans to more accurately assess property characteristics and tax impact. They also support electronic filings and payments. The North America region accounted for the highest share of the global property tax services market in terms of value in 2021, driven by the large number of residential and commercial properties. The Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest growing regional market for property tax services through 2031, spurred by rising property ownership, increasing urbanization, and developing digital services adoption across major countries like China and India.
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About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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