#hotel asset management
siarahotels · 2 months
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greatone126 · 2 years
Should You Invest in Hotel Rooms?
Real Estate Investment - For many years, purchasing a real estate property has been one of the best types of investments that can be both effective and profitable.
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Not only that, but it is also one of the oldest and most popular kinds of investments. Most people are already aware of these aspects, but they may be unaware of how many different types of real estate investments exist.
Each type of real estate investment has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so we'll go over some of them before we get into our topic for today, which is Hotel Room Investment.
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greatx1 · 2 years
Hotel Asset Management More Important Than Ever Before
The practice of Hotel Asset Management for hotels entering the third decade of the 21st century has evolved into an intricate process of analyzing layers of data and operating results, and then acting based upon the conclusions. The process requires great focus. Asset management is the practice of managing the value of the owner’s investment. And now that process becomes more urgent, but also more important than ever before.
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When we began writing this article, it seemed that a relevant analogy would be to create a theme based on the year 2020 with perfect vision on increasing asset value. What a convenient theme that would have been. However, the Black Swan interrupted (and changed) everything. We don’t even know what the changes are, but we know they are coming at us at the speed of light.
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great-one-us · 2 years
Tokenized Real Estate Crypto
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beaconskyhospitality1 · 3 months
The Thai hotel industry is looking for greener pastures. With the escalation of green consumer trends and heightened competition, sustainability is a key factor in successful brand management of hotels. Increased accreditations in planet-friendly practices are driving the hospitality industry to prove their environmental merit.
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Sustainability in Thai hospitality is not just a passing trend. It is quickly becoming a priority and a moral must-do for hotel businesses who are fast adopting sustainable practises in operations as well as sales.
Mark Van Ogtrop, Executive Director Beacon Sky Hospitality met with Marisa Sukosol Nunbhaksi, Executive Vice President of Sukosol Hotels and Vice President of the Thai Hotels Association to discuss sustainability within the Thai hotel industry.
MVO: Please share with us an update on Sukosol Hotels
MSN: We’ve been in the hotel business for nearly 50 years, which started with the Siam Bayshore in Pattaya. Today, we have five hotels; 3 in Pattaya and two in Bangkok and in a couple of years we will be opening The Siam in Chiang Mai.
MVO: What are the Thai Hotels Association (THA) objectives?
MSN: THA has close to 1,000 member hotels, large and small operating all over the country. When there is an issue that impacts the Thai hospitality industry, such as sustainability, the association represents our hotel members when communicating with government and the private sector and provides thought leadership and recommendations to our members.
Another of our duties is to ensure that Thai hotels remain competitive in the worldwide marketplace. This involves a lot of training and education for our members.
Sustainability is an important trend in hospitality that effects everyone’s lives. The THA is increasingly promoting sustainable practices in hotel operations.
MVO: What trends have you seen evolve recently?
MSN: Sustainability, with the reduction of single-use plastics, which is a component of a hotel’s waste management operation, is the trend right now. Consumer demand of wanting less disposable plastics in their travel journey is growing and initiating a plastics reduction within the Thai hotels industry.
Demand for green meetings is also driving the business events sector. At Sukhosol Hotels we offer a green meetings package to event planners. We aim to reduce the resources that are consumed at meetings, minimalizing our carbon footprint with less energy consumption, plastics-free service of drinking water, use of local products and reducing food waste.
MVO: What challenges do Thai hotels face in becoming more sustainable? 
MSN: Sustainability makes business. Implementing green initiatives can save costs and positively impact hotel profitability.
Green certification is important. Certification provides third party verification of what hotels are doing in terms of environmental conservation. A big problem in Thailand that effects everyone is waste management. The infrastructure cannot properly handle the amount of waste being generated. Recycling plants cannot handle the volume or types of waste. Hotels need to be more mindful in reducing their waste. Proper waste management is the main challenge facing Thai hotels.
MVO: What is the responsibility of Government and the Private Sector to drive sustainability?
MSN. It takes two to Tango. Sustainability is a Public-Private partnership and we are blessed that initiatives driven by THA have been supported by the Thai government. While international chain hotels operate in the main cities and tourist destinations, most of the hotels and guesthouses in Thailand are SMEs. These small businesses do not always have the economic means to adopt new ways of doing business. This is where the government has been very supportive of smaller hospitality operators. Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau has also been leading the way with education, accreditation and their Green Meetings Guide.
Our role at THA is to build awareness and educate hotels in sustainability and how important this is for our future. If our hotel members wish to compete internationally, this is what our members should do. Consumer demand is driving change towards more sustainable operations.
MVO: What advice do you have for hotel owners and what action you would like to see?
MSN: Sustainability makes business sense. Sustainability is also ‘Cool’ and it is something that you should do. When building a hotel business, we need protect the resources that the business is dependent upon – the natural environment, local community and staff. Going green saves costs.
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davidmarkweb125 · 9 months
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A web-based portal allows managers to ensure employee productivity through advanced systems. The access control system comes with an integrated Saudi Arabia parking management system that allows managers to monitor employee parking and shift scheduling. The systems are designed to be secure and reliable. https://www.prologicfirstss.com/blog-why-access-control-system-is-necessary-for-hotels.html
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zenatixsolutions · 11 months
Zenatix Solutions: Leading IoT Company in India
Zenatix Solutions is a prominent IoT (Internet of Things) company in India. Specializing in energy management and automation solutions, Zenatix leverages cutting-edge technology to help businesses monitor and optimize their energy consumption, enhance operational efficiency, and make data-driven decisions. With a focus on sustainability and cost savings, Zenatix's innovative IoT solutions have made them a leading player in India's rapidly growing IoT landscape.
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nidhi001 · 1 year
ProMiller: Third-Party Hotel Management Company
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ProMiller, a Third Party Hotel Management Company, helps hotel owners with the management aspect of the hotel by taking charge of the 360-degree operations. We ensure the deployment of human resources at different operational levels and an able General Manager to ensure flawless management. One of the advantages of third-party hotel management is that it can lead to improved efficiency and profitability. A hotel property management company offering third-party management has access to specialized expertise and resources that may not be available to individual hotel owners.
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alayashaikh · 1 year
ProMiller- Top Hotel Management Companies in India
Hotel Asset Management is a fast-growing global concept but remains somewhat misunderstood in India. We have set out to be a Hotel Management Company which comes with varied operational, financial and strategic expertise of decades. Hotel Asset Management being our flagship service compliments the exhaustive knowledge gained by other services like Hotel Revenue Management, Strategic Advisory and more. As a result of working with multifarious hotels and being one of the Top hotel management companies in India, our team has accumulated expertise to design customized solutions.
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hotelivate · 2 years
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5 Hospitality Consulting Services Offers by Hotelivate
Hotelivate is the leading consultant for the hotel industry in India, offering specific, targeted, and curated hotel consulting solutions to the hotel business. Its hospitality consulting services offer a one-stop-shop firm that delivers tailored solutions to all hospitality projects.
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
I want South - Lewis Hamilton (NSFW)
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pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: unprotected sexual activities, (p in v), oral sex
Also, wrap it before you tap it
wordcount: +2K
a/n: That top, those arms, THAT CHEST. Blame Lewis and his ability to get me horny.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The rhythmic clatter of her keyboard barely registered as Y/N navigated the labyrinthine spreadsheet on her laptop. Hours had melted away since Lewis had disappeared into the steamy confines of the bathroom, a hasty "Good luck with the media" thrown over her shoulder. Between the complex financial reports and the incessant ping of emails, she hadn't even noticed him leave.
Reaching a dead end, she leaned back in her chair, stretching out her neck. A quick scroll through Instagram was supposed to be a five-minute break, a mental breather before diving back into the work abyss. But instead, her breath caught in her throat as her feed exploded with photos. Lewis. In a tank top, but not just any tank top, mind you, but a ridiculously glittery low cut one that seemed determined to defy all laws of physics and hold onto what little fabric remained.
The offending garment offered more real estate to his sculpted arms and chest than it did to any semblance of modesty.
Oh, the audacity of that man. Knowing full well the chaos he could unleash with a single outfit choice, he'd strolled into the paddock like a bronzed Adonis on display. A playful desire to ruffle his feathers bubbled up, even if he was likely neck-deep in an engineer's meeting. Picking up her phone, she crafted the first text.
Y/N: "I want to go south."
A beat. Then another. Finally, a reply popped up on the screen.
Lewis: "What are you even talking about?"
She smirked. Clearly, her cryptic opener didn't land, so time to up the ante.
Y/N: "Your compass, baby. I want south."
There. A hint. A playful nudge in the direction of his, shall we say, exposed assets. Silence again. Maybe the meeting was more intense than she thought. Or maybe – just maybe – Lewis was finally catching on.
Lewis: "Are you stalking me on social media?"
A triumphant grin stretched across her face. He finally saw it. The news articles, the fan reactions, the absolute frenzy his outfit had caused.
Y/N: "Tits out Thursday?" she sent, her fingers dancing across the keyboard. "Or is it guns out all week?"
Another, longer pause this time. The anticipation was delicious, she was having way too much fun with that. Finally, his response arrived.
Lewis: "Wth with people not behaving on main?!"
Y/N: "At least Derik put something on you that covers the nipples. This time."
Suddenly, her phone buzzed violently. Not a text, but a video call. She answered with a raised eyebrow, ready for the fire Lewis was sure to unleash. But instead, the screen showed a face flushed, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.
"You're in serious trouble" he said, his voice low and almost husky.
"Oh, am I?" she countered, meeting his gaze with a smirk.
He chuckled, a rich, rumbling sound that sent shivers down her spine. "When I get back to the hotel, prepare for a south-bound exploration"
The line went dead, leaving her hot under her shirt and a flurry of butterflies in her stomach.
Y/N eventually managed to refocus on her work, the playful banter with Lewis now a pleasant distraction lingering in her mind. But as the clock ticked on, the anticipation of his return began to build.
It was a couple of hours later when the door to their hotel suite swung open, and Lewis stepped in, now wearing a Mercedes shirt and the infamous top in hand. He leaned against the wall, clearing his throat until she looked at him, his gaze intense.
"Hello, miss explorer” he let out with a low voice, holding out the top that had cause do much distraction.
Y/N made a show of looking down at one of his t-shirts she had been wearing since the morning, no bras or shorts under, taking if off and leaving her in only lace panties. With a playful smirk and her bottom lip caught between her teeth, she threw the shirt on the bed and sauntered confidently towards him to retrieve the tank. “Thank you, Eric, I’d say” her voice full with amusement
As she took the top from his hand, she noticed how uncomfortable he seemed in his pants, a smirk playing on her lips. She enjoyed the teasing, reveling in the power she held over him in this moment. Putting on the tank, the piece of clothing hung dangerously low on her frame, the strings that were meant to be all the way to her shoulders acting as covers to her nipples. She could feel his gaze burning into her, and she savored every moment of it.
He swallowed hard at the sight, his eyes darkening with desire as she stood before him, clad only in the top and lace panties. The tension between them crackled in the air, a silent challenge passing between them as they locked eyes.
As Lewis closed the distance between them, Y/N could feel the tension in the air thickening. With each step he took closer to her the more he seemed to tower over her frame, even if they were almost the same size.
His eyes gleamed with amusement at her feistiness, but there was something more, something primal and undeniable simmering beneath the surface. She met his gaze through her lashes, a coy smile playing on her lips as she watched him approach.
His hand reached out, fingers grazing her cheek gently, sending shivers down her spine. Y/N's breath hitched as she leaned into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed at the sensation.
Lewis tilted her chin up with a feather-light touch, his eyes searching hers with an intensity that made her heart race. There was a silent question hanging between them, a wordless invitation that neither of them could ignore.
Unable to resist any longer, he closed the remaining distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a searing kiss. It was like fire and ice colliding, a whirlwind of passion and desire consuming them both.
Y/N melted into him, her hands finding their way to his neck as she deepened the kiss, losing herself in the intoxicating taste of him. There was no room for restraint now, no need for words as Lewis lifted her effortlessly, her body responding instinctively to his touch.
As he laid her down on the bed, a last lingering kiss was exchanged before he stepped back, his gaze dark with desire as he pushed his shirt off, revealing the toned muscles of his chest.
Her fingers went straight to undo his belt and push his pants and underwear down, eager to feel his skin against hers. But he seemed in a hurry for no reason, his movements frantic and impatient.
"Hey," Y/N murmured softly, her voice a gentle reminder of the moment they shared. "Let me savor this."
He paused, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of longing and anticipation, he breathed, his voice husky with desire. "I can't get enough of you."
A tender smile graced her lips as she reached out to trace the compass tattoo on his chest, a silent reminder of her first text that afternoon. "I still want South, you know…" she whispered, her touch feather-light against his skin.
His breath hitched at her touch, a shiver running down his spine. "How could I forget?" he murmured; his voice laced with desire. Her fingers continued to trace the intricate lines of the compass tattoo on his chest, each featherlike touch sending a shiver of anticipation through his body.
Lewis sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling her gently into his lap, their bodies fitting together. She was straddling him and had full access to his tattooed chest. He leaned back slightly, allowing her to explore every inch of the inked design with her fingers, his eyes never leaving hers.
"South, huh?" he replied, his voice husky with desire. " I'm more than willing to be your guide."
In her inner thigh she could feel his already semi hard dick, slightly jerking each time she moaned mid kiss into Lewis’ mouth. His fingers sent butterflies into her stomach each time he grabbed at her skin, almost as if he was searched for something to ground him to earth.
Unable to resist the pull of their desires any longer, her hands slid down his chest, reaching for his cock, but she stopped short when she heard him moan. "Okay there, champ?" she teased, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.
His hands immediately went to her covered pussy, covering her whole pelvis as his gaze held hers, desire burning in his eyes. "More than okay," he replied, his voice husky and low.
She chuckled softly, her fingers trailing lightly along his jawline as she leaned in to place a tender kiss on his lips. "I don’t think I could wait much longer" she murmured against his mouth, her breath mingling with his in the intimate space between them.
Y/n didn’t have to repeat for Lewis to pull her lace lingerie to the side and pull her up on his laps, brushing his tips a few times in her sleek, mixing hers to his own “No need for lube” his smile beaming with pride as he reveled in the fact, he could always get her there, even with almost no foreplay.
“Gloating then, are we?!” one of her hands came to wrap around his in his dick, signaling that she was more than ready and willing to take control. He let her, wrapping his fingers in her hips and paying his full attention on her face, waiting to see it contort with pleasure as she sunk into his hard member.
Her walls enveloped him tightly, her moans sending his own body into overdrive. She stopped and steadied herself halfway through, her controlled breathing a stark contrast to her beating heart. He caressed the skin between her hips and ass to sooth her, his touch gentle and reassuring.
Her head fell to the side as she resumed the descend until their thighs touched and her clit hit his pelvic bone “Gosh, you always make me so full”, she gasped, her voice a mixture of pleasure and desire.
He matched her rhythm with slow, deliberate thrusts upwards, his movements syncing perfectly with hers as they moved together in a dance of passion and desire. With each thrust, he felt her walls clench around him, her moans growing louder everything his dick brushed past that sweet spot.
Just as he felt her walls start to flutter around him, he reached for her clit, his touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. With one angled thrust, she shattered, her body convulsing with pleasure as she reached her climax, her moans filling the room as he pulled himself up and held her convulsing legs, savoring the feeling of her release still buried inside her.
As Y/N came back from her high, her body still thrumming with the aftershocks, she felt a sense of contentment wash over her. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on her back on the plush covers and pillows, Lewis's face inches from hers, his member still buried deep inside her.
"Hi," he murmured, his voice husky with a sweetly sick smile playing on his lips. With a swift movement, he pulled his top down from her body, exposing her breasts from the straps on both sides, and gave each of them a tender kiss.
Just as she thought he would linger in this moment of tenderness; his eyes grew dark again. Without warning, he started to hammer into her, his movements urgent and frenzied. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, her heels digging into his back as she surrendered to him.
His hands held her legs up, allowing him to penetrate her even deeper, his thrusts driving her wild with ecstasy, her nails finding in his chest the place to sink and ground her.
As Lewis picked up the pace, the rhythm of their bodies melded into one, each thrust driving them closer to the edge. A thin layer of sweat coated their skin, aiding the glide of his body on hers as they moved together.
As he approached his release, his movements became more urgent, more desperate, his need for release evident in every grunt. When she felt him start to falter, his thrusts losing their rhythm, his hands reached for her ass, pulling them apart to allow impossibly deeper access to her.
With each thrust, his tip hit her cervix, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She felt herself teetering on the edge of oblivion, her hands inadvertently reaching for his ass to try and make him thrust deeper, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of their movements.
And just as she thought she couldn't take any more, she came undone, her body convulsing with pleasure as waves of ecstasy washed over her again. Lewis wasn't far behind, his own release tearing through him with a force that left him breathless.
But as he spilled himself into her, filling her with his semen, they both heard a knock at the door, pulling them both out of their frenzies.
Y/N couldn't help but giggle as Lewis huffed with annoyance, his face flushed with exertion as he glanced towards the door, a mixture of frustration and desire evident in his eyes as he shouted, still deep inside her, that they needed another hour to get ready.
The knocking persisted, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment, until finally, Lewis reluctantly pulled himself away from her, his body still tingling with the aftershocks of pleasure. With a muttered curse, he made his way to the door, his movements slightly unsteady as he attempted to compose himself and hide his lower part with a towel he grabbed going for the door
Y/N watched him, now propped up on her elbow on the bed, a playful smirk playing on her lips as she reveled in the sight of him, disheveled and breathless, his desire for her still evident in every line of his body.
As Lewis opened the door to reveal Daniel standing on the other side, a sheepish grin on his face, she couldn't help but laugh as Daniel’s brain processed the state of the room and Y/n wearing the glittery top on the bed, a gasp coming from his throat before he muttered "Right, another hour then?! Make it two.” Already on his way to his own room, hands on his eyes and Lewis closing the door.
“I think we could have some fun with that extra hour” his eyes darkening again as he approached her on the bed, his fingers finding his seed now seeping out of her pussy.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora
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siarahotels · 2 months
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greatone126 · 2 years
Find The Best Hotel Asset Management Company
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GreatOne is the world's leading hotel asset management company. Our expert team of Senior Hotel Asset Managers has worked for the owners of the major hotel chains all over the world, is constantly updating their knowledge with the latest asset management techniques, and has a real, objective view of the tourism market's current challenges. With over 100 years of combined hotel financial management experience, we represent hotel owners' interests by providing optimal Hotel Asset Management services.
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greatx1 · 2 years
Find The Best Hotel Asset Management Company
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The goal of the hotel industry specialists at GreatX Asset Management is to maximise the profits from running hotels. By helping the unit operations team to challenge the established quo, we bring forth the full potential of a hotel asset management. We provide a viewpoint on reconciling hotel operations with the financial goals of the owner/investors by combining market intelligence, logical analysis, and industry best practises.
Visit Here - https://greatx.com/proofofprotection/
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greatxtoken · 2 years
Global Return Earning Asset Tokens and Global Real Estate Asset Tokens are both referred to by the name GreatestX. In today's modern financial and commercial estate sectors, they represent post-modern economic growth hotel tokens which take a comprehensive approach to traditional products. They are intelligent securities that, through decentralisation, democratise wealth.
For more information about Hotel Real Estate Investments and Asset Management, visit - https://greatx.io/greatx-tokens/
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beaconskyhospitality1 · 3 months
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