#hose yuuichi
aineluv · 1 year
[AI Cover] Honey Flavor - 守沢千秋(Morisawa Chiaki)[SoVits 4.0]
music source: SPiCYSOL CHANNEL- Honey Flavor
voice source: Morisawa Chiaki CV: Hose Yuuichi
IIlustration: https://twitter.com/ainelovia
Sovits4.0 trained by me: https://github.com/svc-develop-team/so-vits-svc
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sssakyoizu · 3 years
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cobiecobiee · 4 years
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Hm...Chiaki's so cuteee he's a bae💖💖💖
And Leo is a cute baby too uwuwuww💞💞💞
In A3! they're Sakyo Furuichi and Itaru Chigasaki💖💖💞💞💕💕
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musicplaylist · 4 years
Zero Limit - Akigumi (Chiharu Sawashiro, Shunsuke Takeuchi, Kento Hama, Kentarou Kumagai, Yuuichi Hose)
Anime: A3! Season Autumn & Winter
Type: ED 1
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patriciaselina · 7 years
oneXone theme song of the Reborn Autumn Troupe Settsu Banri, Hyodo Jyuza, Fushimi Omi, Furuichi Sakyo, Nanao Taichi (CV. Sawashiro Chiharu, Takeuchi Shunsuke, Kumagai Kentaro, Hose Yuuichi, Hama Kento)
...you can’t break through the walls, here we go--!
I can’t help but be disgusted with these good-for-nothing days, As the pressure keeps demanding for nothing but the best.
Come on! You haven’t seen anything yet; this crazy game,
Do it! Leave it to me, there’s nothing you have to be afraid of, is there?
Shut up! Stop whining, who the hell do you think you are?
Oh God! If you just keep stalling, you’ll regret it...
No way.
You can’t go back to how it was before, yanno?
“Are you ready?”
Don’t ever let me down at any time, As our might strengthens each other (Yeah!) Did you ever get the feeling? That I’ve recognized your passion
my translation index
At some point I decided to give up on trying to understand what the dubstep lines in the intro were. I’m pretty sure (70%) that the very first line was “You were right, Jyuza” (???), but line 2 and line 3..? The line that’s up there is actually the fourth and last line of said intro!
Please do not redistribute these translations anywhere without permission and credit!
Thanks for reading!
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] SolidS Drama Vol.5 “One faithful day, I saw you laughing under the starry sky” Track 1
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Ryota passed me this CD and the following one, and since these 4 are therapeutic for me (translation-wise), I couldn’t refuse. Personally I wish I could start with drama 6, but I have to do things in order... Also many thanks to Ryota for proofing this for me.
Please don’t repost/retranslate/reuse my translations. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
CD Cast:
Takamura Shiki (CV. Eguchi Takuya)
Okui Tsubasa (CV. Saito Souma)
Sera Rikka (CV. Hanae Natsuki)
Murase Dai (CV. Umehara Yuuichirou)
Haiduki Fumihiko (CV. Kowahara Yoshihisa)
Horimiya Eichi (CV. Nishiyama Koutarou)
Staff A (CV. Uenishi Teppei)
Staff B (CV. Hose Yuuichi)
Track 1: A different view from usual
-typing and click sounds are heard-
Shiki: Sigh. I think things will turn out well if I continue on with this.
-phone rings-
Shiki: Hm? -picks up- Haiduki. What is it? Yeah. Yeah. Ah, this one? As soon as I’m done with it, I’ll hand it to you. Wait a bit more. You know the most what exactly keeps me busy right now.
Shiki: Hmm…… You can’t make me give this up. No matter how much you ask, my answer will be the same. Let me stick with this project.
Shiki: I’m aware my other jobs are pressing me, I’ll do something about that.
Shiki: I won’t say something stupid like “Trust me” at this point, but we’re still in the same boat. Just this once, follow along with me, manager.
Shiki: Fine, if everything ends up well, I’ll send you all the alcohol you want, Fumi-chan. I’ll leave the rest to you.
-call ends-
Shiki: Alright. -goes back to work-
Staff A: Alright, this is okay for now. Let’s take a break.
-Rikka goes back to his seat and drinks some water-
Staff B: Sera-san, excuse me, I’ll be fixing your make-up. Hmm, aah, your skin’s in perfect condition as always. Do you have any secrets to share?
Rikka: Hmm, nothing in particular. If anything, I only try to sleep properly and have balanced meals. Though I can’t deny I have issues following these rules sometimes because of my jobs.
Staff B: Ooh, that really does sound difficult. Everyone seems so busy.
Rikka: This is nothing. Though it might seem easier to me right now because of my years of experience as a model. Our manager is also very attentive with us.
Staff B: If I’m not wrong, SolidS’ manager is… Haiduki-san, right? If I think about it, he’d look cool even as a talent.
Rikka: I’m sure he’d be happy to hear that. 
Staff B: That person is very considerate with the staff members on the set too. I also heard that he does his work fast and properly. When it comes to Solids, the schedule is extremely packed, but when you realize it’s him who will manage it, you get some sort of sense of relief.
Rikka: I’m glad to hear that. I’ll make sure to let him know.
Staff B: Please tell him we’re under his care from now on too. Oh, isn’t that person over there Murase-san?
Rikka: Eh? Dai? 
Staff B: Next to him is QUELL’s…
Rikka: Oh… It’s Eichi. Please excuse me for a bit.
Rikka: Dai! Eichi!
-both come over to Rikka-
Dai: Hello.
Eichi: Good job~! Ahh, Rikka-san! You look so pretty!
Rikka: Thank you for the compliment! But Eichi, didn’t you forget something important?
Eichi: Ah…
Rikka: I told you to drop the ‘-san’, only ‘Rikka’ is fine. I asked you that the other day. No formal speech.
Eichi: A..h…
Dai: You’re still on about that? You’ve been so concerned about that for a long time now...
Rikka: Indeed. Just like how Dai won’t drop the honorifics with Shiki, Eichi also doesn’t really seem to be able to relax around me. I don’t mind it, but I’d be happier if he was more frank with me.
Dai: The fact that I speak formally with Shiki is more of a habit. I used to be into swimming once, so something like casual talk with the seniors from the sports club was unlikely to happen. It’s not in my intention to keep a distance or to be more reserved with any of you, especially Shiki. 
Rikka: I can understand that.
Dai: Right.
Rikka: But although I’m about the same age as Shiki, you started to talk to me informally right from the beginning.
Dai: That’s... because you were glued to us almost instantly.
Rikka: So that’s what won you over, huh.
Eichi: In the meanwhile, my circumstances are similar to Dai-kun… err, I’m about the same. I used to be in a sports club once, then after I became an assistant director, it was all about that hierarchy in both industry and occupation-wise. It was a given that we had to be polite to those who were older and more experienced in the industry.
Rikka: Eichi, just follow Dai’s example. Make me an exception and drop the honorifics. Once you turn 20 years old, an age difference of 2-3 years is pretty much equal to nothing. You don’t need to treat me like a senior either. I’m usually ill at ease when people address me like that, it’s not my kind of thing. Okay?
Dai: You’re going to use the same tactic on Eichi, I see.
Rikka: Fufufu. Exactly.
Eichi: Err, uhh… alright… okay, then... Once again, you’re really pretty, Rikka.
Rikka: -laughs- Thank you once again.
Rikka: So, what’s up with you two here? You surprised me.
Eichi: I told Dai-kun the other day that Isse and Icchi would be having a photoshoot here, so he invited me to come and have a look.
Dai: I simply dragged him with me under the pretext of having a look in advance. I said it could make him feel less nervous.
Rikka: Now that I think about it, Eichi’s also some sort of manager for Issei and Ichiru. 
Eichi: Yes! Ah- I mean, yeah. I’m more of a substitute. They suddenly made their debut in the entertainment world through QUELL, and they know nothing about manners or rules when it comes to agreeing to things. So, in order for them not to be too nervous on set, I go and check on them to help keep their minds at peace or something like that, In my case, I may have been with them since our debut, but before that I was working as an assistant director, so I know how things work on the set.
Rikka: I see. They can count on you then.
Dai: It’s the same case as Shiki then. He has practically years of experience of working as a staff member.
Eichi: -laughs- If Icchi and Issei could think that way about me, I’d be happy. Though lately I’ve observed they started to get the gist of it. Both of them seem to have gotten used to the set and feel more in their element. I’m about 90% happy and proud of them, but also 10% a liiitle lonely.
Rikka: -laughs- You must feel like a parent whose children became independent. But indeed, both of them started to look a bit more relaxed. The other day Shu came to SolidS’ common room with a bunch of magazines only to boast about them.
Eichi: Shu was showing off his doting parent side and I didn’t know about it!
Dai: I think it took them about as much as it took me to get used to the set. I suppose it’s thanks to Eichi’s support and their own power, huh.
Eichi: If you could tell them that directly, I’m sure they’d be very happy.
Dai: If I were to tell them that, I’d end up talking about myself and that would be awkward.
Rikka: That sounds like a good idea! You can tell them about how you used to be bad with photoshoots, your dark history, your experiences, and a lot more, senpai.
Dai: Are you teasing me?
Rikka: You’re wrong, you’re wrong! I was only thinking that it would cheer both of them up.
Dai: Then when the time comes to discuss about myself with them, I’ll also add 2 or 3 things about you.
Rikka: Eh? What do you mean?
Dai: Things like how you hate to lose and how they should run out of your way if they ever catch you being angry.
Rikka: Eeeh? -laughs- How mean! You’ll scare them.
Dai: It’s only the truth.
Eichi: -laughs- Dai and Rikka are getting along really well.
Rikka: Right?
Dai: I've learned to stop holding back. And I'm only saying what I want to say. 
Rikka: Eh? You were being modest before?
Dai: It’s all in the past. You know about it, too, don’t you? We’re in the same boat.
Rikka: I guess so. I remember having a tough time trying to get closer to you.
Rikka: Ah, I apologize. You were also fixing my makeup, I should have been a little more quiet.
Staff B: -laughs- You don’t need to worry about that. I told you before, Sera-san. The make-up is almost untouched.
Eichi: Ah, right. During photoshoots the light is strong and it gets rather hot, so many people need to have it fixed.
Staff B: Exactly. That’s why I was asking if he had any secrets.
Eichi: I wanna know about them, too!
Dai: Even if he said something, it probably won’t work on anyone aside from him.
Rikka: -laughs awkwardly-
Staff A: The shooting will resume in 5 minutes! Everyone, get back to your positions!
Staff B: Ah, lastly, allow me to apply some lamé powder. -taps- And… this is it.
Rikka: Thank you very much.
Dai: Then I’ll head back. What about you, Eichi?
Eichi: Err, if it’s okay with you, may I watch the photoshoot?
Rikka: I suppose it should be okay.
Staff B: I think the members on the set would be alright with it. The studio is large enough, one or two more people wouldn’t make much of a difference.
Rikka: Let’s go ask the director. It’s a rare occasion, so I’ll introduce you to him.
Eichi: Thank you.
Dai: Good for you, Eichi. Sorry to disturb you during work.
Staff B: No, not at all. 
Dai: Then see you later. Rikka, good luck with the rest of your photoshoot.
Rikka: ‘Kay. See you later.
Staff B: Good job.
-Dai steps away-
Eichi: Thank you, Dai-kun!
Rikka: That’s right, Eichi! Do you have any plans for today? If you don’t, can we head back together after you watch the shooting? There’s something I want to talk to you about.
Eichi: Eh? With me?
Rikka: If you’re busy, you can just say so! I think the photoshoot will be over in about an hour or so, too.
Eichi: Ah, no! I don’t really have any plans for today, so it should be fine. I was actually wondering whether I should show up at the office or just head back.
Rikka: I’m glad to hear that. Thank you.
If you like my work and you want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee by clicking right [here]. I also started taking commissions, more details are right [here]. Thank you~
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trashexplorer · 5 years
BLCD 2019: October Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
Tumblr can try stopping me, but I ain’t gonna back down so easy.
1. Megumi to Tsugumi ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/10
Cast: Ono Yuuki x Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Synopsis: Megumi, an Alpha, son of the great Kokonoe Academy Chairman, goes to avenge his friends who were beaten by a yankee wielding a metal pipe. But that yankee is Tsugumi, an Omega who doesn’t use suppressants and deals with his heats through sheer willpower. Tsugumi loathes all alphas because they consider omegas just tools for reproduction and has sworn to kill them all. Megumi, whose behavior is different from other alphas, confuses Tsugumi and leaves him torn between rage and desire…
2. Sex Suit Love Battle ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/11
Cast: Takeuchi Ryouta x Shingaki Tarusuke *ooohh Yashiro’s back
Synopsis: Taga Masashi happens to catch his boss, Ibuki Keisuke walking out of a hotel with one of his sex friends. To keep his mouth shut, Keisuke proposes that he’ll be Masashi’s sex friend!
3. Therapy Game Mini Drama CD Dear + November 2019 💡
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Release Date: 2019/10/12
Cast: Shingaki Tarusuke *screams x Ono Yuuki
Synopsis: Just a little preview for what’s hopefully going to be one of the best BLCDs of this year.
4. Trash Sequel Lost Virgin ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/16
Cast: Ono Yuuki x Yamashita Seiichirou
Synopsis: The sequel for Kirishima’s Onee-Oniisan x Rapist Enomoto or Emoto idk fuck this bitch.
Comment: First of all, why? Second of all, what a waste of trees, talent, brain cells, art, and investment. Nobody asked - or should have asked for this. If this doesn’t end with Emoto (and Kirishima ototo) getting jail time after raping Kurama, imma flip shit.
5. Trash Extra Renai Fuyuki Todoki Kanzenban ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/16
Cast: Furukawa Makoto x Satou Takuya *I hate how this is the only work they’re paired up together in
Synopsis: Trash.
6. Remnant 3 - Juujin Omegaverse - 🙏🙏🙏
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Release Date: 2019/10/22
Cast: Kawahara Yoshihisa x Satou Takuya AAAAAAAHHHHH
Synopsis: The third and final installment of the adapted series.
Comment: Satou Takuya’s redemption has come! 😌🙇‍♀️ I’m so fucking excited for this!!! Finally!!! 😭😭😭
7. 30-sai Made Doutei da to Mahou Tsukai ni Nareru Rashii ✘ *it’s shounen-ai, so
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Release Date: 2019/10/23
Cast: Satou Takuya *slow down, my man + Abe Atsushi *ooohhh welcome back
Synopsis: Adachi, a thirty-year-old virgin, has developed the power to read people’s minds by touching them. After a brush with his very handsome colleague, Adachi realizes the guy has a raging crush on none other than Adachi himself! (Square Enix Manga)
Comment: Sounds like Kotonoha no Hana but comedic.
8. Bokura no Koi Seishun Subete case: 04 Hokenshitsu no Bokura ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/25
Cast: Itou Kento x Kijima Ryuuichi
Synopsis: Fourth installment of the series.
9. Chijin no Ai BL-ban ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/25
Yamanaka Masahiro x Yashiro Taku
Hose Yuuichi x Fukamachi Toshinari *this’ll be their debut as lead characters
Synopsis: System Engineer Kawai Jouji falls in love with cafe part-timer Naomi. Jouji was initially content with watching Naomi from afar, but after getting to know him, Jouji decides to take him in and send him to college (Naomi actually adopts ‘Kawai’ as his last name). The two begin to live together as Naomi starts college, and Jouji gradually becomes attracted to his ward sexually with the two of them eventually forming a relationship. Over time, Jouji develops a foot fetish and discovers that he was actually a masochist. On the other hand, Naomi’s insecurities (one of them being him desperate for love and attention) come into light making him casually “test” Jouji’s feelings for him as a result. Naomi starts affairs with his friends from his university; Kumagai Masahi and Hamada Ryou. Both originally hold romantic feelings towards Naomi, but develop a physical relationship with each other later.
10. Koisuru Asahaka ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/25
Cast: Eguchi Takuya x Shirai Yuusuke
Synopsis: Meiko, an ordinary high school student, gets raped by a handsome man on the way home who turns out to be an incubus who only preys on blonde boys!
I can’t believe I managed to fit all of that bullshit into one sentence. 👏👏👏
11. Kuro ka Shiro ka 2  🙏
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Release Date: 2019/10/25
Hirakawa Daisuke x Itou Kento
Toriumi Kousuke
Okitsu Kazuyuki
Tamaru Atsushi
Tadokoro Hinata
Synopsis: Adaptation of the second volume of the series with the same name.
Comment: Yo, I saw volume 1 in Animate Shibuya, but I didn’t have the time to buy it. I was like: “Yeah, I’m going to Shinjuku tomorrow anyway. Might as well buy it along with the others.” and I kid you not, I NEVER saw another copy in Shinjuku (granted I was only able to go to that one with the non-existent-in-my-mind Given anime elevator doors)! 😩 Toranoana didn’t have a copy either, which is why I only came home with Alternative. Sad. If someone has a copy, please share it with me. 😭😭😭 🙏🙏🙏
12. Yarichin Bitch-bu 4 🙏🙏🙏
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Release Date: 2019/10/25
Hamano Daiki + Kobayashi Yuusuke + Murase Ayumu *Yacchan needs to be here too! Fight me!
Satou Takuya x Kumagai Kentarou
Yonoga Tsubasa x Yamanaka Masahiro
Okitsu Kazuyuki
Nakazawa Masatomo
Synopsis: Fourth installment of the adapted series.
13. Akiyama-kun Second ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/30
Cast: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu x Okitsu Kazuyuki *sorry babe
Synopsis: Second installment of the adapted series.
14. LOVE HOLE 202 Goushitsu ~ Ukkari ☆ Night Fever ~ 💡
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Release Date: 2019/10/30
Cast: Itou Kento x Yamanaka Masahiro
Synopsis: Konno Yukiya, who has a virgin complex, finally decides to graduate from his situation by employing a prostitute’s services. After arriving at the designated hotel room, he meets Amagasa Shou, a senpai from high school whom he hasn’t gotten in contact with since the latter went off to college, inside. Yuuya asks his senpai why he was there and the latter goes on to explain that he had actually called for a male and gay prostitute!
Comment: Dammit. One of the reasons why I went to Japan is to find the first installment. It was sold out at every Mandarake I went to. 😑
15. Sankyoudai, Oniichan no Koi ✘
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Release Date: 2019/10/30
Kamio Shinichirou x Komada Wataru
Nogami Shou x Nakajima Yoshiki
Yamashita Seiichirou x Kasama Jun
Synopsis: The three beautiful brothers, Ren, Miki, and Suu, might have different fathers, but they are all close and they all love each other a bit too much. Ren, who has an inferiority complex towards Miki, is secretly in love with his younger brother’s best friend, Ai. Ren also is aware of his brother’s feelings for Ai, so it will forever remain a secret. However, a work client somehow exposes his feelings to Ai, and the brothers’ relationship with each other begins to change after the revelation.
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] 朗読劇「寄席から始まる恋噺」(roudokugeki yose kara hajimaru koibanashi)
the show will be running from October 31st, 2019 to Movember 3rd, 2019 (Tokyo) @ 三越劇場 (Mitsukoshi Theater)
October 31st, 2019 Suzuki Hiroki Kento Ozawa Yuuta Suzuki Yuuto
November 1st, 2019 Takasaki Shouta Kitamura Ryou Komatsu Junya Oosuka Jun
November 2nd, 2019 Washio Shuuto Uno Yuuya Hose Yuuichi Kamio Shinichiro
November 3rd, 2019 Mizoguchi Takuya Naya Takeru Igarashi Masashi Nagatsuka Takuma
homepage natalie
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icechain · 9 years
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Also they wear clothes with their respective color and if that’s not precious I don’t know what is asdfds
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leenaevilin · 6 years
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[Announcement] 映画『いつまでも忘れないよ』(eiga itsumade mo wasurenai yo)
the movie is set fot 2019
Ino Hiroki as Adonis (アドニス) Sakiyama Tsubasa as David (ダビド) Hashimoto Shouhei as Eugene (ユージン) Kitazono Ryou as Harry (ハリ) Kominami Kouji as Eleni (エレニ) Yokota Ryuugi as Marco (マルコ) Goto Dai Oohara Kaiki Ogasawara Ken Ueda Yuusuke Naraha Momona Murakami Honoka Nakazawa Azusa Miyazaki Miyako Kageyama Toru Koushiroo Nakano Kumiko Wada Mariko Yoshida Miori Dekkachan Matsumoto Club Morita Aki
Akazawa Tomoru Zaiki Takuma Hose Yuuichi (narrator)
homepage twitter sumabo
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