#horned worms
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bugswithcasey · 1 year ago
💚🐛Tobacco horned worms 🐛 💚
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I’ve had these guys for five days now!! There starting to get big!!
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formulas-fatal-to-your-mom · 9 months ago
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therantingsage · 8 months ago
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Very very intrigued by @protectorcraft's fic, a bell chimes somewhere. I never turn down an opportunity to draw a creature-beast, so I tried to figure out monster Siffrin! Probably got a lot of details wrong, but as of right now Siffrin's exact bodyplan is decently ambiguous. I leaned into the dragon part cuz that's my area of expertise.
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starcatcher-psywurm · 4 months ago
We're never getting weird designs, because y'all piss your pants over caterpillars existing, huh?
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cconfusedkat · 2 months ago
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Shithead doestjnt fit on the canvas with his siblings so i have to put him behind them 🙄🙄🙄 i could give him the spotlight but NO that is LESHY were talking he doesn't deserve it[jkjk] [im gonna have to anywayThat or extend the width and hope ibis doesn't crash-]
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carpetbug · 19 days ago
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tried my hand at bead art for my mixed media class and while I don’t entirely hate the end result, I definitely don’t want to tackle another bead project for a while
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artfaithfully · 2 years ago
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I hope you find Joy today💖✨🐛🐓
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spoopyandtired · 2 months ago
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Been a while since I posted art. Have a Baldur's Gate 3 oc <3
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vimbry-moved · 4 months ago
hey beast of horns album on youtube ?? !!!
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bugswithcasey · 1 year ago
Hello bug lovers of tumbler! Today I’m going to show you step by step how to set up a enclosure for raising tobacco horned worms! (Also knows as tomato horned worms)
First things first get yourself some kind of container , this can be a tank large Tupperware container, rubber made totes and other things like that.
For me I’m going to be using this 15 ish gallon tank;
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Now I'm going to add a line or damp paper towels
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Add your soil! a lot of the times when people raise horned worms as food they will just stop at the towels, however tobacco horned worms like to burrow in the dirt especially when cocooning!
The dirt can be from outside or purchased, just make sure if you are getting your dirt from outside there are no other bugs in the soil, I also tried to get as many of the roots and such out when getting outside soil.
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They love to climb! So I like to add in some sticks so that they can climb to there little hearts content! I also tape this plastic mesh thing to the side of the tank as another thing for them to climb, you can find these in basically any crafting isle.
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Now of cores, food!! Tomato's, potatoes, broccoli, plant stems, lettuce, these guys eat almost any kind of plant!!
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This is mostly optional but I like to put a light above mine, warmth and it makes them easy see!!
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Add your worms!! This is my favorite part!!
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Then boom! you have yourself a nice enclosure to raise some Hawk Moths in! Good luck on bug raising you're Horned worms everyone!!
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Remember to do you're own research before jumping into moth raising!!!!
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quibble-auk · 4 days ago
Horns and razors AU thoughts.
And some minor world building that I will probably add to a document to put into the official world building thing separately.
Basically your little blurb you wrote got the worms talking and then what you said in the repost got me thinking even more.
Okay, yeah, they would whip people. Just gonna start off with that. They totally would. They are sending children to die for things that were out of their control, they don’t know what morals are. Never heard of them. They would do that. I could see them starving disobedient gladiators or subjugated them to legitimate torture in order to get them to submit.
The gladiators are prideful and arrogant and they need to know their place.
That’s where some of my thoughts are with the them knowing their own personal code to access the BCP. It’s something they are forced to memorize just like their serial number, it’s a reminder that they aren’t actually in control. The arenas don’t care about them, they are just numbers.
It’s also used as a warning tactic. If a guard or handler asks a gladiator that they already know the personal codes of it’s a very clear threat that they need to get back in line. Most guards have a universal code—I’m still working out that part tbh. But it’s a very not so subtle reminder of who has power over who.
It’s also used as humiliation. The codes are something personal to gladiators, it’s a weakness and they don’t want to talk about it. But a gladiator may be forced to share their codes to guards or others in order to humiliate them. They are prideful, what better way to humble them than making them share something that gives everyone the upper hand? Something that they can’t fight back against.
So sharing the code is a big deal. Which only further proves the next thought I have…
Thoughts on Cometeater from the chapter thing. He figures out that there is something going on between Dropmix and Theremin, he’s just not sure what. Imma explain my thought process for this and you can tell me if I’m wrong.
He’s been raised in the Pits for the most part so Comet only really knows how the Gladiators interact with eachother and sees that as the social norm (even if he knows there is more out there, this is all he’s been able to observe) and gladiators getting attached is rare. It’s even more rare for them to get smth like a romantic attraction.
Comet has never seen this dynamic before. Gladiators can be friends, siblings (twins), rivals, sparring buddies, arena partners, even mentor and apprentice. He’s never seen that Cybertronians can have romantic relationships. That’s why he’s just not able to figure out what they are.
Dropmix and theremin share a room, are they family? But they share a bed, that’s weird. Not even the twins share a bed so they are not siblings. But Theremin know’s Dropmix’s codes so they are close, but he doesn’t own Dropmix. Comet knows they are more than friends but he has no idea what that means for them. What do you mean they are married? What does married mean?
Cometeater will eventually get a crash course on relationships.
I am in full support of forcing them to be friends. They will like each other at some point I swear. Thankfully, we have a character that can force them to be friends for us. Theremin is already tired of the standoffish “gotta intimidate this guy” behavior Dropmix is giving Comet. And the shade that Cometeater is throwing back. He’s done. He’s so done.
Man is surrounded by mechs who are constantly five seconds away from throwing each other into a wall why can’t these two get along for like three minutes. He’s going to make them hang out for his own peace of mind. He’s can’t be having Dropmix wake up during any other late night visits and going into “territorial predator mode” when he sees Cometeater there.
I’ve already pictured him making Dropmix apologize later for this. In my mind it goes smth like this:
Someone knocks on the door and the twins answer to find that huge quiet guy standing there awkwardly asking if Cometeater was there. And the twins have no idea what to do because is he trying to be friendly or trying to kill Comet? Why is he holding a box? Who was this guy again? They swear he looks familiar.
Comet shows up before they can interrogate and is like “uh yeah? What do you want” with enough sass to rival teenager Cometeater because Dropmix should not be here. And Dropmix looks like he’s somewhere between embarrassed and ready to kill someone as he explains that Theremin won’t let him sleep on the bed until he apologizes.
Dropmix gives the most half hearted muttered apology like a three year old, shoves the box of in Comets face, asks if he can tell Theremin he apologized and just walks away like nothing happened. The twins are still trying to figure out how who this guy is and how he knows Comet in the first place. Cometeater looks in the box and it’s like a toy ball for Sunrazor to play with.
AND YESSSS! Theremin would try to heal Comet, he’d probably do it in his private room too in order to keep prying eyes away. He’ll make Dropmix go get any supplies he might not have from the first aid area. (Jokes on them he’s been stockpiling because Dropmix doesn’t like to go there either and Theremin has been waiting for smth like this to happen)
So, Theremin would totally help Cometeater out. Even if he got to him and was like “what the heck are you???” He would at least try. He’s attached, this is his child and Sunrazor is his grandchild now. He doesn’t care. He’s been bending the rules in order to try and help him anyway. Theremin will try his best to heal Cometeater, even if he has no clue what he’s really doing. They can talk about the whole alien thing when he’s not actively dying.
“You are my adopted adult child I can’t let you die. Yes, even if you do have weird anatomy and eat people. I married Dropmix and he kills at least three people on the daily. Welcome to the family bud. Dropmix he is our son now, no, you can’t fight him.”
Please do not let anything I yap about here change any plans you may have with the other thing. I am simply thinking out loud.
But you know how I talked about Dropmix randomly remembering medical stuff he really shouldn’t know?
*slams fist on table* HEAR ME OUT. JUST GIMME A MINUTE. LET ME COOK.
What if the medics aren’t allowed to be there while he’s getting whipped—their programming could result in them trying to stop the punishment and they can’t have that happen. So Dropmix is the one to find him after the whipping (and the festering, poor boy) and pick him up and do some emergency first aid—better than he should, and he for some reason knows the basics of this kids messed up anatomy—and then he takes him to Theremin.
The only reason Dropmix does this because he maybe only kinda likes this guy so he supposes it wouldn’t hurt to help him out… just this once. It’s not like he actually cares about this guy after months of forced friendship… Besides, Theremin would probably kick him out if he didn’t. And someone here lets himself get bossed around by a mech he could probably crush on accident if he rolled over in his sleep.
And Dropmix does this before the twins are able to get to Comet. So the twins think he’s been kidnapped or smth by the weird guy with the box. And reasonably, they just start panicking because their brother is going to bleed to death and what if Dropmix took him to the medics and now they know he’s an alien???? And they were still in the middle of being jerks to him. He can’t die before they have a chance to stop being jerks.
So they just start rampaging around trying to find where this guy is while Theremin is panicking because “I knew you were special but why the heck are you bleeding yellow my dude????” And Sunrazor is crying in the corner or something so Dropmix takes her out and is standing in the hallway with her like the good obedient wife he is and the twins see the big guy with the box holding their idiotic brother’s child???
Yeah you get the picture imma stop now before I write a whole crappy chapter on this in what’s supposed to be my thoughts.
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nonsensicalvulpes · 13 days ago
i havent even gotten to my entomology unit and im already convinced that parasitic wasps are one of the universes most fucked up inventions
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wormbloggign · 1 year ago
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punkgardener · 2 years ago
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THEY ARE MY PRISONERS AND I SHALL RAISE THEM TO BE MY OWN (says having set them up a dome with everything they could need)
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This is their prison dome, I have a mister to spray them with water droplets, I'm going to feed them cuttings from my tomato plant. I want to see if I can grow them into the five spotted hawkmoths they apparently become, but I have no strong clue on how to care for them, if anyone has any info let me know :) thanks.
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sovonight · 1 year ago
If I'm reading the wiki about the Hireling in question right, 'Xan's dead son' is a reach. Yeah, you could read it that way; but you can also ignore it and any implications as coincidental. It's not outright stated, they're not 'canonising' anything, it's just some hidden, vague thing they probably just did for fun without much thought or intention for it to be taken seriously. Idk if that makes it any better for you, but it's not something they state as a Thing or anything.
thank you so much. no one correct this anon my peace of mind hinges on it
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redhotarsenic · 2 years ago
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I still don’t know whether to name it ascaris or helminth but here it issss
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