#hopefully the tags stay this time lol
eclipsionart · 5 months
So my stupid ass somehow managed to post this without tags yesterday so I decided I'd just post this again. Idk how it happened I coulda sworn I wrote tags but oh well.
Alex / Partypooper Dissection drawing I spent wayyy too much time on.
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I wanted to draw what I headcanon these dudes look like under their clothes. I never understood why ppl interpret these entities as just normal humans under there (no offense if you do, tho. You're cool.)
My headcanons for these entities is basically they are these weird creatures that resemble humans (at least in shape) but they don't behave quite like humans, and tend to unsettle people unintentionally despite generally being friendly.
Some of their clothing, like their hoodies and masks, are actually somewhat attached to their bodies. The mask is fused to their face, and they have "veins" lining the inside of their hoodie. Not their other clothes tho.
Also their blood is extremely bitter, as a deterrent to most hostile entities trying to eat them.
I also imagine them as being distantly related to partygoers and having some of their traits, like weak venom or smth.
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tovalhallaandback · 6 days
A Game of Love and Loyalty
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Pairing: Stiorra Uhtredsdottir/Sigtryggr Ivarson
Summary: The career academy may have taught them how to win the Hunger Games, but nothing of how to win the game of love. A forbidden love becomes more complicated as they quickly learn, the Hunger Games were not the only thing they signed up for when they decided to volunteer.
AKA - It's a Hunger Games AU! Mentor/Mentee vibes. Career vibes. - But not in the way you might imagine! TONS of angst but a promised happy-ish ending.
Trigger Warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!! HG Canon typical violence and atrocites. TLK Canon typical violence and atrocities. Better tags on AO3, with each chapter having a content warning drop down for those who do not wish to be spoiled.
Read the first three chapters on AO3, or try the first chapter in full below the cut:
Falling in love with Sigtryggr Ivarson might just be the biggest she has ever made, but there’s no space to think about that right now - not when she’s leaning into the crook of his shoulder, not on a night like tonight. 
All around her, the voices of her classmates from the Career Academy rhythmically shouting “Speech!” echo off the surrounding boulders as they gather in celebration of District Two’s next champions. She and her boyfriend stand closest to the high rock wall where a few wooden pallets form a makeshift stage. A wall of red stone wraps around them like an amphitheater, opening up into a landscape of sand, cacti, and boulders of assorted sizes. With his arm already wrapped around her waist, he pulls her closer to his body, their gazes never breaking as chocolate brown eyes meet ice blue. Her smile widens, dimples deepening as he leans down, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before turning to the crowd.
“You want a speech?” His gaze scans over the crowd, a glint of mischief awakening in his eyes as the surrounding rocks amplify his voice. The laughter of the gathered crowd bounces off the walls, a unified “Yes” quickly following. As they begin to shove him towards the pallets, his grip tightens on her, pulling her along with him onto the stage as the whole quarry vibrates around them from the music and cheers. 
Since the first graduates of the Career Academy came of age to volunteer, it has become tradition to send off the next tributes with one last party. While District Two often produces a victor, there could only ever be one who returns. But even as their champions celebrate their last nights, sorrow never tinges the atmosphere (at least, no one lets their sorrow be known). They are proud, honored even, to be offering this sacrifice to the Capitol (at least, that’s what they tell themselves). And so, they feast and drink to their hearts’ desires, giving the next tributes one last night of memories. And tonight, the party is for her boyfriend - District Two’s next male tribute. 
Sigtryggr clears his throat, silence suddenly falling around them. A coy smile plays on his lips as she brushes her hand over his chest, her doe eyes peering up at him. “Tomorrow, Skade and I will volunteer with a promise to bring District Two back to its glory.” Two hasn’t had a Victor since his older brother, Ivar, won seven years earlier, while One, a fellow Career District and their rival, has had three more since his brother's victory. “No longer will we allow our power to be doubted. When we fight, we fight for all of you and show no mercy. But tonight…” His eyes meet hers once more as he offers her a small wink, “Tonight, we drink.” She suppresses the urge to giggle at his antics - he has always had a way with words. Then with a raise of a beer to the crowd, he finishes his speech, “May the odds be ever in our favor!” 
As the crowd erupts into cheers once more, he leans down capturing her lips with his own earning a few whistles amongst the applause and jubilation. A smile etches itself across her lips as he deepens the kiss, dipping her backwards until her long deep brown hair grazes the ground, briefly catching him throw a vulgar gesture towards the whistlers - Wolland, his brothers, and a few other snickering classmates of his. But, she hardly hears their jokes or even the rumbles of the crowd. Because for a brief moment, she finds herself forgetting their location and the reasons for this party. 
But as quickly as the moment has started, it disappears, suddenly tugged back up and released, the chants of his name intensifying. She gnaws on her lower lip, fiddling with the label on her beer as she watches him burst into his infamous battle cry. Reaching into the crowd, he yanks Skade up onto the pallets with them, then the two tributes raise their clasped hands victoriously into the air as the cheers become the primary resounding noise in the abandoned quarry once more.
As District Two’s newly crowned champions bask in their glory, Stiorra slips off the stage wandering towards one of the quieter corners of the humming party. Taking a moment to sip her drink, a smile finds itself on her lips again as she gazes at him from a far - blue eyes aflame with hunger and excitement. 
A year an half ago almost to the day, she complained to her brother about the stagnation in her melee skills. Daggers, throwing knives, and bows continued to be pushed upon her by the trainers, but in the small chance that none of those weapons became available in the arena, she decided that she needed to master all potential weaponry if she wanted to win. Upon hearing her doubts, her brother suggested she ask Sigtryggr for help.
Sure, she had always had a crush on her brother’s classmate, practically since her brother’s first day at the Academy. And, Sigtryggr had seemed nice enough - always polite in their brief exchanges, intervening when Skade went after her older brother…He had also always been a great fighter, ranking number one in his class since his first year. But, she didn’t need a tutor; she just needed extra practice. Of course, her brother, trying to be the helpful kind older brother that he is, did not see it that way, nor did he seem to get her message (she very clearly growled at him for even suggesting she ask Sigtryggr for help), so next thing she knew, Sigtryggr was asking her to train with him. 
For weeks, she fought the feelings that built inside of her. She denied that her temperament changed when he was around - denied that it killed her when the trainers forced them into individual studies. Told herself that the butterflies in her stomach were just from a questionable meal. But that all changed the day he pinned her to the ground after she refused to yield, even after losing her sword. 
His ash-brown hair, almost chestnut brown under the winter sun, created a curtain around them, providing an illusion of privacy. For a moment, it was just the two of them as his ice blue eyes blinked back at hers. Before she could even try to wiggle free from his control, his lips were on hers sending shockwaves throughout her entire body. “I win,” he had whispered by her ear before releasing her from his weight and helping her to stand. 
They both were punished for the incident, sent to their dorm rooms without food for the next twenty-four hours. Though, the kiss he gave her the next day when he yanked her into one of the darker corridors outside of the main training gym confirmed everything she had been trying so hard to deny. And after that day, she could not go a single day without seeing him. Too bad, she is about to lose him. 
Despite the dark shadow that looms over his number one class ranking, she remains the proud girlfriend. Or at least, she tries to for him. For every time she showed even a drop of sadness for his future fate, he would dial back his intensity at the Academy, taking blows during matches that he typically would have seen coming, allowing for the opportunity for someone to displace him. But his blue eyes always remained stormy, instead of like the sky on a clear day, even with his insistence that he didn’t care whether or not he ranked first in his class and gender. She couldn’t blame him though - it is in his blood. His grandfather, uncles, and two elder brothers had not only volunteered, but had won. Plus, it didn’t help that it would likely be his best friend, Wolland, taking his spot. So, she does what any good girlfriend would do - puts on a brave face and pretends to be excited for him. But with reaping day less than twenty-four hours away, the act grows harder to maintain with each tick of the clock. 
Eighteen months. Only eighteen months of stolen glances across the training gymnasium, lingering kisses in janitorial closets, scaling across ledges to dormitory windows…
They didnt have to hide it, not technically - more of a precautionary choice if anything. But, Academy leadership did find ways to discourage it - mostly by identifying it as a weakness to be culled. In the eyes of leadership, loving someone meant caring about his or her survival more than one’s own, an Achille’s heel in the Games. And to District Two, death will always mean dishonor. Dishonor to the district, but worst of all, dishonor to the families of the tributes who promised their people glory and wealth. Plus, there is the issue of her father who might just have a heart attack then and there if he finds out his little girl might not be a little girl anymore, especially once he finds out she’s dating a boy two years her senior.
But, love is a fickle thing that is not easily ignored. So in the end, their primal need to love and to be loved won, even with all the programming from the Academy. And instead of trying to shove it behind a locked door, they made the decision to be together, even if it meant keeping it a secret. 
Only eighteen months, and so very close to making it. And now, eighteen months quickly slips through her fingers, faster than sand in an hourglass, every effort made suddenly feeling meaningless. Leadership is right - she should have never let herself fall in love. Not with him, at least. Not with the Academy all star.. 
But, she told herself she wouldn’t dwell on that notion tonight. Taking a large inhale of the warm dry air, Stiorra stares up to the sky where the stars are starting to reach their brightest, imprinting the memory of him - joyful and spirited and wild - into her brain one last time. 
Life at the Academy is hard, and would only continue to become harder without his presence there to distract her. Constantly pit against each other, their rankings become their entire personality, dominating everything from their social status to their dorm room. If they are anything but a perfect machine, then they might as well end their life then and there. As a result, graduating classes never top more than twenty graduates despite the hundreds of children the District has to offer as tribute to the Games. And so, they all find themselves relishing in these moments when they could just be teenagers rather than robotic killing machines. Teenagers who deep down are just as afraid of dying as the other Districts. And yet, relishing in the moment is the exact opposite of what she wants to be doing tonight. 
“And here I thought you’d be front and center this evening.” 
She gazes over towards the source of the sound, her older brother’s voice rousing her from her peace. While her lips still brim with a smile, her eyes speak differently as they cast downwards towards the ground. By the elation clear across his features, she figures he has simply come to jest with her about the party, a habit they formed when they were young children attending Capitol parties with their parents. But, tonight of all nights - she cannot bring herself to join him in his delight. 
Her voice is barely a whisper as she makes her confession to one of the few people that can see through her mask and to the only person who might understand her trepidation, “What if he doesn’t come back?”
Young Uhtred places a gentle hand on his sister’s shoulder as he speaks, “I have known Sigtryggr since we were eight years old. And since the first day we entered the Academy, he has ranked first in our class. If his superior melee skills do not win, it will be his brain. He’s outsmarted previous victors and trainers countless times.” 
The small squeeze of his hand on her shoulder paired with his words is sweet, but it doesn’t help much. With a drop of his arm, he joins her against the boulder, taking a swig of his beer. Filling her lungs with the dry air again, she straightens her posture, trying to initiate a shift in her demeanor as the feelings of dread and worry continue to fester inside of her, haunting every thought. The darkness once overtaking her eyes fades into a small twinkle as she attempts to pester her older brother hoping a change in subject helps, “Father still giving you the silent treatment after your little display in front of Edward at graduation?”
At graduation, each graduate announces their post-graduation plans - volunteering, joining the Peacekeeper Academy, joining the Weapon Manufacturing Division, or joining the Quarry. Seeing as only two can volunteer, the rest typically make the decision to join the Peacekeeper Academy while one or two decide to join the Weapon Manufacturing Division. But, no one ever chooses to work in the Quarry. Not until her brother.
Young Uhtred rolls his eyes, a small chuckle escaping his lips. “I think we would see an end to these Games before Father ever speaks to me again." She swallows as she watches the agony transfer from her eyes to his, achieving exactly the opposite of what she intended. 
With their father serving as President Edward’s Minister of Defense, everyone expected her older brother to proudly declare his intent to enroll in the Peacekeeper Academy. As children of a Capitol representative, it is their duty to model loyalty to Edward and the Capitol, but Young Uhtred might as well have spit in the young President’s face by joining the Quarry instead of his Majesty’s precious army. At least, that’s how their father seemed to see the action. 
But, Young Uhtred had not made the choice to be defiant or radical. Not only does her older brother always avert his eyes whenever the next tribute death proves imminent, he also ranked dead last in his class - two facts their father has seemed to overlook entirely. He’s just not meant for the life of a Peacekeeper or to manufacture weapons of mass destruction. In fact, it remains a miracle that the Academy even let him graduate with the remainder of his class earlier in the week. It’s just not who he is, nor who he ever will be. 
Seeking the return of his light, she nudges at his shoulder with her own. “You’ll be the best Quarry worker that District Two has ever seen!” She matches his expression as the smile that had been briefly lost begins to return to her brother’s face. “Besides, I already told Father that if he doesn’t start speaking to you by the beginning of the Games, that I’ll drop out of the academy and join you.” 
Young Uhtred nearly chokes on his mouthful of beer, snorting at her declaration,“At least he will still have Osbert. That kid terrifies me.”
“I think Osbert will be the first to win the Games in a day,” she says with shutter. Having only been enrolled in the Career Academy for two years, Osbert has already made a name for himself due to his tendency to leave training dummies unrecognizable when practicing his melee skills. And, it definitely doesn’t help that he names them after his classmates. So once he inevitably volunteers in eight years, she’s certain her position as favorite child will be challenged. 
“Nope, not even a day. One hour,” Young Uhtred quips, causing the image of her ten-year-old brother, coated in the blood of twenty-three bodies to overtake her imagination. Luckily the sigh her brother takes as he steps away from the boulder frees her, “I’m empty. Do you want anything else?” Stiorra shakes her head. He lingers for another moment, cocking an eyebrow at her, “Do you need anything else?” She shakes her head again.
Her gaze travels past her brother into the distance where she spots Sigtryggr in the middle of an unassisted keg stand. Eyes rake over his half-naked body trying to commit the look of his flexed muscles to memory. Still lingering, Young Uhtred turns, following her gaze to the blue-eyed young man falling into the arms of his brothers. “That is going to be one killer hangover,” he says. 
When he looks back at her, she rolls her eyes with a giggle then nods her head in the direction of one of the bar tables sending him on his way. Finishing her beer with one final chug, she keeps her focus locked on his mess of dirty blonde hair as her older brother moves further and further into the crowd until disappearing completely. 
Alone again, she fidgets with the label on her bottle, prodding at it with nimble fingers until it comes off cleanly. As she smiles at the perfection of her work, she feels the tears begin to come. A frustrated sigh escapes her lips causing her to viciously tear the small label into pieces in hopes of quelling the emotion. When that does nothing, her hand grips the bottle until her knuckles turn white. She then turns herself towards the scattered sets of rocks and desert behind her. Wielding her arm back as far as her flexibility will allow, she hurls it forward sending the bottle into the night sky where it disappears. The accompanying crackle of glass in the distance acts as her only indication that it has landed. When even that action does not free her, she digs her nails into her palms and inhales deeply trying to regulate her racing heartbeat as her blood pumps loudly in her ears and her chest heaves over and over again. Her teeth dig deep into her lip as she suppresses both the scream and tears that beg release. 
Eighteen months. They only had eighteen months together. She wants more. She needs more. Every year. Every day. Every second. Even if he’s the most skilled tribute that District Two has ever laid eyes upon, there are always ringers from other Districts. Hell, even District Twelve got its first victor eight years ago. Besides, it has never been the other tributes that arouse fear inside of her. She has seen the best of tributes be taken down by the Capitol’s muttations, and even worse - starvation and illness. At the end of the day, it is a game of a chance not skill. 
Her hands begin to shake as a sob tries to break free, her true emotions slamming at the walls of their prison like a dam ready to burst. Just as she prepares herself for the breech, she hears small rocks tumble behind her. She welcomes the distraction, using it to quell the wild fire raging inside of her. 
“Sorry I’ll be pushing a dagger through his heart in a week’s time,” the sound of the small blonde’s voice dripping with acid has Stiorra retracting her earlier sentiment - she would much rather face her pent up emotions than deal with her intruder. Skade has always had a way of leeching herself beneath the girl from Two’s skin. With a roll of her eyes, Stiorra turns to face Skade, finding her perched on top of a large boulder picking at her nail beds, looking up only to offer the raven-haired girl a wicked smile, teeth gleaming in the moon light.
This year’s female volunteer’s smug grin sends waves of heat through Stiorra, igniting the embers beneath her skin. As flames consume her, Stiorra digs her nails into the heels of her palm, teeth clenching together viciously as she inhales slowly, holding the breath for three counts, then releasing it.
More level-headed now, Stiorra manages to snicker back, “I bet he kills you before you even reach the cornucopia.”
Once upon a time, she had considered Skade a close friend, seeing as they basically grew up together with Skade’s father a Sergeant Major in the Peacekeepers. But by the time they were twelve and fourteen, close friends became enemies - first because of the rigorous nature of the Academy and second because of boys. In fact, the small blonde had been the first to insult the brunette when news spread that she was dating Sigtryggr. 
Skade’s nostrils flare, eyes like the ocean freezing over. Hopping off the boulder, the snake closes the distance between the two of them in three quick strides. Breath hot on Stiorra’s ear, she whispers viciously, “Maybe I’ll do it in his sleep while his arms are wrapped around me. Those nights sure do get cold and lonely.” 
The villainous smile plastered on Skade’s face quickly turns into a scowl as Stiorra erupts into laughter, used to the snake’s attempts to invalidate her relationship. She began dating Sigtryggr when she was fourteen and half, the half having been quite important to her at the time. When rumors spread about the two of them, so did the vitriol with Skade leading from helm of the I-Hate-Stiorra ship. Almost everyone thought the Minister of Defenses’s daughter was too immature for the sixteen-year-old Sigtryggr, so she claimed the half year as if it made a significant difference. 
'He’ll leave you once the games begin’ is their favorite. ‘He’s only with you for your father’s status' is hers. But even before she had started dating Sigtryggr, her classmates have tried to use her father’s status to discredit her - a feat also lead by Skade. Little did they know, Edward would sacrifice her entire family without hesitation if it meant maintaining his power.
Eventually, she learned how to wield more than just a few months added to her age against them. A small smile creeps over her lips at the memory of threatening some of their classmates when she had enough of their vitriol. Liv and Dagny had gone pale as a sheet when she taunted them with the threat of poisoning - so easy to slip a couple of drops from the deadliest berry in the country into their morning juice. Both girls avoided all beverages - juice, coffee, tea, even water - for the next few weeks. Then, there was Skade and her posse - much harder to terrorize, but still eventually received the message…once Stiorra threatened to tell everyone about how Skade wet the bed till she was seven, of course.
Skade inevitably changed her tactic - deciding to openly pursue Sigtryggr. One time last year, Sigtryggr received a chest wound during a sparring match. As it was minor, the trainers decided to take the opportunity to turn it into a lesson, showcasing how allies could be of use. Skade waltzed up in front of the entire upperclassmen, volunteering before even asked. Reaching for the gauze, eyes glinting with amusement, she stared Stiorra down as her hands roamed over Sigtryggr’s chest, drawling, “My, my someone hasn’t been missing upper body day.” Then taking one finger, the small blonde dragged it underneath the narrow five inch slash across his upper peck, wiping away the blood that had begun to trickle out, completely ignoring how Siggtryggr’s muscles stiffened and eyes fell shut underneath her touch. 
When his eyes reopened moments later, a deep onyx eclipsed the sunny blue as he turned towards the trainers, “Isn’t it better if I do this myself? This won’t be the injury that kills me nor does it require assistance to bandage.” Giggling in triumph as the trainers insisted she continue, Skade took her blood-coated finger into her mouth then licked it clean before finishing the task.
He didn’t let Skade get away with it though -  tutting every time she reached for the wrong item, ridiculing her technique, dissecting every choice till the snake was a bright-red fumbling mess. Their classmates chagrin became uncontrollable, laughter bouncing endlessly off the walls, only growing louder as the trainers tried to help the small blonde. But the icing on the cake? Immediately following the demonstration, her boyfriend threw his ruined training shirt at Stiorra with a wink while all the other girls fawned over him. Making his point clear, he would always choose the Minister of Defense’s daughter. 
“How many times has he chosen me over you? What was the tally again?” Stiorra snipes back. 
Skades spits her next words like venom, “I’ll be sure to bring you back a lock of his hair when he lets his love for you blind him. Maybe I’ll get lucky and your daddy will ask Adhelm to send a particularly vicious muttation designed just for him.” 
Flames explode into an inferno as the brunette shoves the blonde with all her strength. Laughter escapes Skade’s throat when she staggers back a few steps, “Is that all you got? I can’t wait to see you die within the first ten minutes in two years.” 
The small blonde stalks back towards Stiorra, the malevolence in her gaze taunting. Curling her hand into a fist, the raven-haired girl launches her attack, but a stronger hand catches her wrist stopping it midair. 
“Fuck off, Skade. Don’t you have some blood ritual to preform to ensure your victory?” Wolland barks. With a snicker, Skade makes her retreat as Wolland slowly releases Stiorra’s wrist from his grip. He sighs as his voices lowers, replacing the malice with tenderness, “Why do you let her get to you?” 
But instead of answering, Stiorra shoves past him, the table littered with bottles containing an assortment of different colored liquids her target. As she reaches her destination, she grabs the closest open bottle of clear liquid. Her nose wrinkles as the fumes sting her orifices. Squeezing her eyes closed, she brings the opening of the bottle to her mouth, leans back and then chugs.  Slamming it back onto the table, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand disregarding the burning sensation that radiates from her throat as Wolland marches towards her.
Practically tasting the displeasure and sarcasm on his tongue, he says, “Ah yes, the perfect solution. Shall I offer you some nightlock instead next time?” 
Stiorra’s gaze incinerates the back of the small blonde’s head, watching closely as she pushes her way back to the front, wishing she could slip some of the juice from the small dark deadly berry in reference into the snake’s morning tea. Hands curling into fists at her side, she says “She’s going to find a way to cheat, Wolland. I know it.” 
“You know the Gamemakers are too smart to allow that to happen,” he says gently, arms crossing over his chest accentuating the muscles of his biceps. If it isn’t Sigtryggr trying to reason with her, it’s his best friend. But, the sorrow in Wolland’s eyes speaks the truth - it’s not the Aldhelm and his fellow Gamemakers who are in control.
“They want a show, Wolland. Besides, all Skade has to do is tell her father that Sigtryggr’s family are conspiring rebels. Next thing we know, his own personal muttation is in the arena.” 
Licking his lips, the silence grows heavy between them until he quietly mutters, “I’ll take care of it.” 
Stiorra’s gaze softens - she hadn’t meant to drag him into this, not after all the punishments he’d endured with Sigtryggr to help keep their relationship secret. He’d done so much for them over the past year and half already, that it felt unfair for him to rescue them yet again. 
“Oh, don’t give me that look. You think I want to see him die either? For all I care, the bitch can rot in hell. You two aren’t her only victims,” he says with a roll of his eyes. 
“Thanks Wolland,” she whispers. Sure, she hadn’t intended for him to get involved, but he is right - this is bigger than her relationship with this year’s male volunteer. As the flames begin to retreat back into embers, she leans into the table, changing the subject, “When do you enter the Peacekeeper Academy?” 
“The day after tomorrow,” he says with a frown.
“Does Hella know?” Stiorra’s voice is soft as she gently probes at the subject. As Stiorra’s best friend, Hella has also gotten looped into preserving the secrecy of her relationship. As a result, Wolland and Hella grew equally close to one another, even sparking their own dating rumors up until recently, when Wolland suddenly found every reason to avoid the girl.
Casting his gaze downwards, Wolland begins to shift his feet, “No.”
“Wolland, you have too. You can’t just leave her.”, she pleads. 
Smoke clouds of sand erupt at their feet as he kicks at rocks, “I don’t know how, Stiorra.”
Joining the Peacekeeper Academy hadn’t been the first on Wolland’s list, not after he met Hella at least. He had told her and Sigtryggr that he planned to surprise the blonde after graduation with the news that he would be joining the Weapons Division. But three weeks before graduation around when Wolland started avoiding Hella, Stiorra’s father suddenly asked her about her boyfriend’s best friend, intrigued by his Academy stats. Confronting the tall burly young man, she learned the heartbreaking truth - the Weapons Division was no longer an option for him. Sworn to secrecy, it absolutely gutted the brunette to have to watch her friends suffer. But maybe if she couldn’t have her happy ending with Sigtryggr, maybe her best friend could.
“Tell her tonight. Have one last night with her. All you have to do is tell her the truth. She thinks you don’t feel the same way anymore. And, maybe I can persuade my father to let you be stationed here.” He raises his eyebrows, staring her down. “Okay, maybe I can’t do that but she’ll understand, especially if you tell her about needing the money for your mom’s treatments.” 
Wolland sighs as he brushes a hand over his face, “Fine. I’ll do it.” But then, he looks back up at her, eyes blazing as a finger digs into her chest, “But, you need to tell him that you love him.” 
Stiorra fights the urge to roll her eyes - of course Wolland knows that she and Sigtryggr still hadn’t exchanged those words, despite how evident their feelings for each other seemed to be. But that was the point - they didn’t need to say the words.  Even with all the attempts to discredit their relationships over the years, she has never doubted Sigtryggr’s love for her. Time and time again, he proves it. He is the one who wants to tell her father about their relationship. He, who saw no harm in them being open about it tonight - he’s a graduate now, after all. Better yet he continues to talk of their future even though he plans to volunteer for the 68th Hunger Games tomorrow. 
And, she loves him too - more than anything else on this planet, so much so that even just the thought of losing him is enough to make her palms clammy, head dizzy. But saying the actual words… Measly words wouldn’t suddenly change their pre-existing feelings nor would it change their fate. 
So she opens her mouth to protest her boyfriend’s best friend’s request, while he holds up his flattened palm signaling her silence, “He needs to hear the words before he leaves.”
But, there’s no point in arguing with that this time, because he’s right - this might be her last chance and when he inevitably dies - at least he knows with certainty that she loves him. So with a groan, she grasps his hand solidifying their deal.
Just as their hands release, Stiorra feels two new ones suddenly slip around her waist, pulling her close. A tender kiss presses into her temple, then a chin rests on her shoulder, carrying the scent of honey swirled with mint, instantly making her smile. “I heard you tried to punch Skade,” he says. 
“And, I heard you tried to beat Ivar’s record,” she teases, referencing her boyfriend’s elder brother’s infamous forty-second keg stand record from the night before his reaping almost ten years ago. 
A soft laugh tingles her ear, “First, I beat said record by an entire thirty seconds. Second,” - he tickles at her waist coaxing laughter out from deep in her belly as she turns in his arms,  releasing her from his torture once they are eye to eye - “I beat it last year. My little charade with the keg tonight was to get out of talking to Skade and her friends.” 
Wolland leaves with a roll of his eyes, muttering something under his breath, probably a mocking insult. On most days, she’d throw one right back at him with a teasing glint in her eyes, but the scent of alcohol crashes over her, dulling the honey-mint as it pulls her attention back to her boyfriend. Eyebrows knitting together, she tries to recall if she’s ever seen her boyfriend this inebriated. Before she can find her answer, Sigtryggr leans forward, putting most of his weight onto her causing them to stumble a few steps back as teeth crash together, then catch her lower lip. Clumsy kisses becoming sloppier with each attempt as he pulls her closer, laughter rumbling low in his chest. 
“Someone’s a little drunk,” she murmurs as he finally settles for gentle kisses on her nose, cheeks, and forehead. Her hands explore the smooth muscles of his chest, rising slowly until they entwine themselves behind his neck as she makes a mental note to thank whoever rid him of his shirt. Tilting her chin upwards a notch, molten chocolate eyes meet eyes like dancing blue flames. 
With a flick of his tongue over his smug grin, his mouth drifts towards her ear, warm breath tickling her and dripping with a velvety coyness as he says lowly, “I may be responsible for this party suddenly becoming dry.” Stiorra lightly swats at the top of his left shoulder - or at least tries, the edge of her hand catching the edge of his shoulder. A small giggle flutters from her lips, as a warm buzz begins to overtake her senses - the aftermath of chugging white liquor finally catching up with her. “Happy Hunger Games, my love.” 
Her hand misses his face entirely as she goes to brush the hair out of his face, still giggling as she asks, “Was getting this drunk Rognvaldr’s idea?” 
“I could ask you the same question, my love.” She pouts at his non-answer, causing him to run his thumb over her lips.  “It was actually Guthfrith’s idea.” Of course, it was his eldest’s brothers idea - his younger brother, Rognvaldr, may be the drunk but Guthfrith has always been the instigator, at least that’s what Sigtryggr always made it seem like. Really, she only knows Rognvaldr as they are in the same year at the Academy. But, she has exchanged a few words with Guthfrith when he’s visited the Academy with other Victors, and as for Ivar - he keeps to himself these days, hardly ever talks with his family anymore. “Something about carpe diem,” Sigtryggr finishes.
With a small nod, she tugs her bottom lip between her teeth as she gestures with her eyes to his bare chest, “I see. And the shirt?”
“Rogvaldr. Thinks he can sell it at the market for a high price.” 
She resists rolling her eyes, imaging his younger brother at one of the weekend market stalls, spinning tales about the t-shirt. Though, she has to give the imbecile credit - if Sigtryggr wins, he’ll probably get a hefty price for it. Her heart constricts again at the thought of losing her boyfriend, killing the playful mood instantly. Woefully, she strokes a few pieces of his shoulder-length ash-blonde hair, streaked with red from the summer sun, away from his eyes successfully, then breathily whispers, “Don’t let them cut it.” Next to his eyes and smile, it’s one of his best features - wild and untamed just like him. 
As her hand recoils, he grabs it, bringing it to his lips to place a gentle kiss upon her palm before placing it back over his heart. “I’ll start the next rebellion if they do,” he teases. At least, one of them has not yet lost their joy. But, he wants to volunteer, just like she wants to in two years…maybe…she isn’t quite sure anymore since meeting him…But, it’s one of the first things they had in common - a ferocious hunger to be the best the Academy had ever seen. So, she tries to find the spark of joy buried deep inside of her again, hoping the fog of the alcohol helps. 
Pressing herself up onto her tip toes, slightly swaying, her lips reach for his. Only millimeters a part, a roar of an engine tears them apart. A white vehicle rolls to a sudden stop, five Peacekeepers quickly exiting it. Forming a line, their guns take aim at the crowd. 
“Return to your houses immediately,” the middle one roars - sounding eerily like Haesten, the Head Peacekeeper of District 2. He’s typically pretty easy going, letting most law violations slip by unnoticed - unless of course, Edward or other Captiol advisors are around. So if he’s actually doing his job for once, it must mean Aethelflaed, their District's escort and older sister of Edward, must have arrived earlier than expected. 
Without a moment of hesitation, the crowd disperses, stampeding past the line held by the Peacekeepers. Sigtryggr tugs Stiorra behind him as they begin to join the crowd in fleet. They run for several minutes at full speed, stumbling occasionally with the alcohol still fresh in their system. Only slowing down once they reach the stone white buildings of downtown. Coming to a full stop with his hand still firmly gripping hers, he peaks around a corner. Her blood hums in her ears, adrenaline mixing with the alcohol in a way that lights her blood on fire. Coast clear, he keeps them moving until they come upon an alleyway. 
Abandoned metal scraps, wooden palettes, shattered pottery pieces, and other random misplaced objects lay scatted across the backstreet like a mine field. Creeping around the debris, he releases her hand suddenly, then jumps a top of a nearby dumpster. Then, he jumps again, grabbing the bottom rung of a latter that clatters down after a few tugs. Dusting his hands off of each other, he gestures towards the old rusty fire escape. With a smirk, she glides over to it, beginning their quiet ascent of the eight story building. 
A smile lightens her face when they reach the edge of the rooftop, coming upon her favorite spot, now their favorite spot. In a monotone world of white and grey stone, hidden treasures like the rooftop garden are a rarity. Her mother created the oasis when her parents first moved to District Two back when her father was still a low-ranking Peacekeeper.  But after catching the eye of the former President Alfred, her father, Uhtred, was quickly promoted prompting their move to the wealthiest area of the District. Knowing the garden meant something to his wife, Uhtred bought the building with his new wealth to ensure it could never be destroyed. But after the death of her mother, Gisela, he abandoned the building, evicted its tenants then left it to rot. It remained this way until the last year when she worked with her older brother to restore it to its former glory. 
Landing on the gravel, she closes her eyes, letting the sweet heavenly scent of the garden invade her senses, beginning to clear the fog of alcohol from her system. Wooden paths lead to a larger circular patio at the center of the rooftop. Vases and beds of pink roses in full bloom line the pathway with small fairy lights stringing along the posts. As Stiorra walks slowly towards the center, the lights suddenly flicker on. Waiting with her hand out stretched, Sigtryggr strides back towards her from the voltage box near the fire escape then grasps it firmly. Her head lolls to the side, leaning into his shoulder as they walk towards the center only for the sight ahead of her to make her pause. In place of the intrinsically patterned black iron table and chair set, there is a small makeshift tent instead. 
When they agreed to come here after tonight’s party, she pictured only sharing a brief private moment, one last night private goodbye in peace - then they’d separate till the morning, sleeping in their own beds. But, it seems he had his own plans for the evening. 
Turning towards him with a glint in her eye, she says, “You know. I’ve seen archives from the old world in my father’s office telling horrific stories of these scenarios - ‘Handsome young man lures naive young woman to her death’.” 
A small chuckle reverberates from his chest as he slowly runs a hand over her hair, a smile forming over his lips, “Really? I thought the headline read ‘Handsome young man gets knife to chest after luring young woman to death’”. 
Blue eyes enchant her, knees weakening beneath her as his thumb brushes over her cheek then tugs her upward by her chin. Lips meet in the middle, hands skating across his chest to tangle into his hair. Calloused hands slip under her crimson t-shirt as they graze the smooth skin of her stomach, sending shivers down her spine, pooling heat in her belly. A small gasp grants him the opportunity to tease her bottom lip with his tongue, then a low growl escapes his throat as his hands find the hem of her shirt. Slowly, he pulls the material upwards, kisses trailing from her mouth to her jaw, and finally to her neck. 
Parting only briefly to toss the shirt to the side, their lips find each other again as he effortlessly pulls her into his arms. Hands cup his face as he approaches the tent, then… she’s lost to the moment, barely able to hear the rumble of patrolling Peacekeeper vehicles as the night starts to feel less like a goodbye, and more like a new beginning…
Falling in love with Sigtryggr Ivarson may have been the biggest mistake she has ever made…. But as their bodies say all the words they can’t, she reckons - it also may have been the best decision she’s ever made. 
TAG LIST: @ladyaldhelm @holy3cake @arcielee @kingslionheart @whitedarkmoonflower // If you are tagged it is because you demonstrated interest (?) But happy to remove for future chapter postings! Also zero pressure to read <3
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disasterhimbo · 8 months
I had a very tiresome day and I’m totally worn out but I saw a lot of good Palestine posts that I’ll try to reblog soon and in the meantime, everyone who sees this should go look at the free Palestine tag (and participate in the global strike, do whatever you can to get governments’ attention and force them to stop killing people).
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correct-bangtannies · 2 years
I don't even like men and I'm somehow already a military wife, what goes on
PS. Don't open the tags unless you want a big ass wall of text of me rambling on your screen
#hit#im just honestly so glad that I've become a lot more chill with the whole being an army thing#in the sense that i used to be a lot more attached and hyped over everything#i do still get very hyped and i do still have an attachment to them n their work but y'know just more toned down#(i mean i remember the days of staying up all night to watch award shows knowing damn well they'd always perform last)#(mma 2018 was an emotional rollercoaster like i legit cried a little from the tiredness and being overwhelmed with the performance)#so im glad im a lot more calm about the enlistment news than what i would've been say three years ago before they started to#take longer breaks and eventually announce the hiatus this year#it's like they did it in purpose so that the fandom would grow a bit more used to it n im glad to see that a huge majority are very calm#many are sad ofc but its not being treated as some kind of horrific news#if anything ppl are coping with humor including me lmao#so idk im mostly just happy for them that they're taking their VERY well deserved break before doing their service#i just hope everything goes well and is decently peaceful (as peaceful as enlistment can be at least lol) for them once they're there#now why am i rambling in the tags? bc i need to put my thoughts in order but i don't wanna clog my blog with a long ass wall of text 💀#I'm at least relieved to know that they already have a set plan of when they're going to go and return + BH is sure af gonna keep putting#out a lot of content that they've filmed over all these years#i mean run bts; documentaries; probably even music and ofc not all of them are gonna go at the exact same time#and ofc stuff related to the HYYH and Chakho#them being absent won't as hard for most hopefully#and hey 2 years aint nothing ive waited far longer for stuff to come out than that we'll be fine!#*cries in silksong and the YOI movie
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meownotgood · 1 year
mother is there soon a chance for aki fic 😭 i love your writing so much and i cant believe how much i miss how you write him.. im just in love!! no pressure about it though, just wondering if you have something hiding in your drafts about our precious boy or if you are too busy
love and thank you for sharing with us your fantastic work ❤️
yes honey. mother meow meow will be working hard for you soon. pls be patient for a while longer!!!!
okay okay on a serious note, I do have a lot of aki works planned / in my drafts, I still have a 30k+ word fic I've been working on. I just haven't had much time to write recently because my work schedule is really sporadic. but FINALLY next week I'm gonna start getting some days off... I want to work on aki writings again!!
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sunflowerrboyy · 2 years
finally figured out why ive been having panic attacks every night for the past week 👍
hopefully i sleep better tonight knowing the reason why i couldn't before
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doodlingwren · 5 months
Aughhghghh still busy <3 sorry for the late replies to comments and such lol bye <33333
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voiceshearingyouloud · 8 months
If you were worried about me based on my last diary entry post, worry no more! My parents are our for dinner with friends and it turns out when I’m not completely dissociated from PTSD I exist as a human being who I like and enjoy spending time with 👍
The pain from the various PTSDs gets so bad that it does convince me that life has always been and always will be pain. But that is so deeply not true and there is so much joy and love in my life and there always has been and always will be. It’s so so lovely to feel that again. I am such a lucky person in so many ways, mainly because of my partner (I still pinch myself wondering what they see in me) but also my friends and uni and my brother and so many other wonderful things.
I know once my parents get back I’ll probably get triggered again, but I had genuinely forgotten what it felt like to not be in fight or flight (or freeze, really) so hopefully having this now will sustain me for another month until they go on holiday. If I can figure out how not to get triggered at work then I should be in a much better place, because that’s been making things a thousand times worse.
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changbunnies · 16 days
Hopelessly Devoted To You (18+)
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♡ Pairing: Greaser!Bang Chan x fem!Reader
♡ Genre: grease inspired 50s au, some angst and fluff, this was supposed to be a long full length fic but it somehow became just porn with plot lol
♡ Word Count: 11.2k
♡ Summary: You were so excited to see him again– the guy you'd spent your entire summer with, entagled in a fleeting but explosively sweet romance. But the Chris you meet again isn't the one you remember, and now if he wants to win you back he's going to have to prove just how devoted to you he really is.
♡ Warnings: chan is referred to as chris, smoking (cigarettes), some misogyny + toxic masculinity + fuck boy behavior, some 50s references and lingo, 1 instance of reader shoving chan in a fit of anger / sadness, jealous and mildly possessive chan, minor appearances from felix, changbin, minho, and hyunjin (who goes by sam)
♡ Smut Warnings: 1 reference to reader losing their virginity to chan, references / flashbacks to other smut scenes before the main scene, light dom/sub dynamics, switch!chan, pet names (doll, sugar, baby), public sex, car sex, exhibitionism, oral (f rec, referenced m rec), fingering (f rec), nipple play, daddy kink, panty stealing (kind of), squirting, 1 mention of reader having pubic hair, maybe a lil breeding kink??, protected piv
♡ Notes: i've had this sitting in my drafts since december and finally got around to finishing it gfdhgfh this is incredibly self indulgent as grease is one of my fave movies ever and chan as danny zuko is constantly rattling around in my brain. the build up is pretty short (by my usual standards) as i moved the plot along a lot quicker than i normally would so idk if it's my best work but hopefully you enjoy it!
♡ Disclaimer: please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people.
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You remember well the first time you met Chris. Lounging aimlessly at the beach with the sunset on the horizon, his feet in the sand with a silver dog tag necklace hanging low over his bare chest, a cigarette from his previously discarded jeans held between his lips. Fresh from the ocean with beads of water still dripping off his toned body, slicking back his damp hair before fumbling through a different pocket for his lighter.
You watched him bring it up to his face after successfully digging it out, cupping his other hand around it to protect the flame as he lit the cigarette in his mouth. You watched him take a long drag, watched him blow the smoke out from the corners of his mouth, watched him sigh before deciding to towel dry his legs enough to wrangle his jeans back on. 
The beach had been quickly growing sparse by the time you spotted him. Groups of friends clearing out to make it to the local diner before all the tables were filled, parents wanting to get their kids to bed before the moon fully rose in the sky, couples on double dates bunching up in one car as they decide to hit the drive-in together.
You yourself were in no rush to leave– you came alone, tired of your parents bickering during what was supposed to be a fun family vacation. You’d stay as long as you could, you’d decided– really soak in the peace the sea brings before returning to your aunt’s beach house, where you were all staying for the summer.
But safe to say, the sight of him enraptured you. He was handsome, devastatingly so– you never expected to see a man with a visage to rival even that of James Dean himself with your own eyes, but there he was before you; and your heart stuttered when he glanced over in your direction.
He had just finished pulling his jeans up and over his haunches when he noticed you, cocking a brow when your eyes met– and you could tell in an instant that he knew you’d been staring at him. His smile made your breath hitch, pretty dimples peeking out on his cheeks as he acknowledged you with a playful wave.
Hesitantly, you lifted your hand and waved back, and he grinned, eyes still locked on yours as he pulled up the zipper of his jeans. He turned back to his belongings on the ground, shook the sand out of his white tee before pulling it on. He grabbed his leather jacket, slung it over his shoulder before turning to look at you once more.
You swallowed, face running hot from his gaze alone– you hoped, as he began walking towards you, that you could play it off as having not put on enough sunscreen before coming here. You were sitting on a towel, legs to your chest with your arms wrapped around them, but you lowered them as he approached you.
He tossed his cigarette to the the side once he was close, letting its flame fizzle out in the sand. He looked you up and down when you stood up, introducing himself with a charismatic smile that made your heart race faster. You stuttered when speaking, and his smile widened, one of his hands going to rest in the pocket of his jeans while the other kept his leather jacket in place over his shoulder. 
Chris was the most, to say the least– and when he asked if he’d see you again tomorrow, you promised him he would. You watched him walk over to a beat up, old top down cadillac, throwing his jacket into the car before jumping in– literally jumping in, hand on top of the closed car door as he hopped over it into the driver's seat. 
He gave you another glance after starting the ignition, and you smiled meekly as you offered him another wave. Chris grinned, raising his hand to say goodbye before putting it back on the wheel and burning rubber out of the parking lot.
You spent nearly every summer day with him after that. Days at the beach spent splashing each other in the water while you giggled, hopping in his cadillac to go catch whatever new flick was showing, or sharing a milkshake at his favorite diner. He’d hold your hand as you walked through the sand, giggled with you over silly inside jokes while eating burgers and fries, hugged you tight after you gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek at the end of the night.
Chris gave you dimes to pick tunes on the jukebox, and would sing along to your selections with the prettiest voice you’d ever heard. He took you to the county fair, would shoot you goofy grins after kissing you with lips sticky from cotton candy, got on the ferris wheel with you and squeezed your hand when the height made you dizzy, kissing away your nerves when you reached the very top.
He won you a teddy bear from the soda toss, put his leather jacket over your shoulders when the sun set and the air began to chill, wrapped his arm around your shoulder while you were waiting in line to buy some popcorn. He’d lean down to whisper a joke in your ear, and you’d slap his arm with a giggle while he squeezed you closer.
You watched him soup up the engine of his car, and he’d take your hand after a long day of working on it, pull you in to dance with him while the radio blared the hippest tunes. When he was satisfied with the restoration of his cadillac, he started taking you out on long drives, wind whipping through your hair as he drove fast through the back streets of the city.
He’d drive you to secluded hills overlooking the city, where you’d make out until he had to drive you home in time for curfew. He’d park his car far down the street, away from where your family could see him dropping you off– because Lord knows your mother's heart would give out if she saw you spending your vacation with a guy that looked like him.
And through it all, days spent back at the beach where you first met him were always your favorite. You would let Chris lay you down on a towel in the sand and kiss you over and over, until you were both heaving and hot. You lost your virginity to him like that– alone on the beach, towels laid down and moon high in the sky after having snuck out of the window of your guest bedroom to meet him.
He’d whisper sweet words in your ear, make you fall apart with deft fingers and an equally deft tongue. Sometimes, instead of sneaking out to see him, he’d be the one showing up at your guest room's window, grinning at you as you opened it to let him in. He’d fuck you there, in the bed with his hand clamped over your mouth to muffle your moans of pleasure, lest your family discover what it is you’re really up to while "alone" in your room. 
Chris would crawl over to you in the passenger seat at the drive-in, sink to his knees and dip his head underneath your long poodle skirt, the flick on screen long forgotten as he pulled your panties to the side to kiss and lick your dripping pussy. Sometimes he’d fuck you there too, parked all the way in back with the windows and hood of the car up to hide what you were doing (as if the rocking didn’t give it away to anyone who happened to look.)
Sometimes, when he parked up the street to drop you off after sharing ice cream at the drive thru malt shop, you’d lean over the gear shift, taking his cock out of his jeans and sucking him off right there, with not nearly enough care for who could possibly see you. He’d give you the sweetest kiss before helping you out of the car, promising he’d see you tomorrow too, and the day after, and the day after that, until eventually your family’s summer vacation had to come to an end.
Chris was a dreamboat that day, as he always was– hair greased back with a few curly strands left over his forehead, loose black tee tucked into his jeans, leather jacket on with its collar ever so slightly popped, his dog tag necklace sparkling when the sun hit it just right. He was leaning against the door of his newly souped up cadillac with a lit cigarette resting between his lips, though he promptly threw it to the ground when he saw you walking over.
“There’s my girl! And ain’t she a doll,” he grinned as he pulled you to his body, kissing you sweetly as you blushed. You weren’t wearing anything he hadn’t seen you in before– just one of your usual white blouses and pretty pink skirts, but he always made sure to tell you that he thought you were the absolute most.
He walked around to the other side of the car, opened the door for you and closed it shut behind you when you got in. He hopped into the driver’s seat after, starting the ignition and turning to you with that beaming smile that made your stomach flip. “What’s the plan today, sugar?” he asked, throwing his arm around you while leaving one hand on the steering wheel.
In the end, you spent the day as you had many times before– driving through the city, hitting up the diner to split a strawberry milkshake, and watching the sunset at the beach; the same beach where you met him, and where the house you were staying in lied just a couple hundred yards away. You were sitting on the rocks, his leather jacket off and resting behind you, his arm curled around your waist. 
His jeans were filthy with sand, as was your skirt, but neither of you cared– you just stayed there together, watching the sun sink lower and the waves crash against the shore. Chris kissed you when you looked up at him with watery eyes, agonized over the idea of never seeing him again. He’d given you the best summer of your entire life, and all you wanted was to stay– but you couldn’t. And though he comforted you the best he could, you both knew it was the end.
Chris held your hand to help you off the rocks, gave you a kiss before you turned away to make the walk to your aunt’s beach house. And you both knew it was the end– but not just yet. He came to your window later that night, and you let him in, bringing your hands to his face and eagerly pressing your lips to his.
He walked you back to the bed as you kissed him, laid you back gently and crawled between your legs. He made you cum on his fingers before reaching into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out a condom and tearing it open with his teeth. He rolled it easily down his cock, his jeans having fallen down his legs just enough to let him fuck you.
You reached your hands underneath his shirt, hungrily tracing your hands over every inch of his skin. Your nightgown was bunched above your thighs, legs spread wide to accommodate him. He eventually pulled the top of it down too, exposing your chest to him and leaving your stomach as the only covered part of your body.
Sweat dripped from his brow, his normally perfectly slicked hair tousled from your fingers sliding through it– and you didn't care that the pomade in his hair dirtied your fingers; in fact, it made it feel nicer when you brought your hand to one of your breasts, and rolled your nipples between them. Your stomach flipped when he grinned and called you a dirty girl, running a hand through his hair to grease up his fingers too and tweak the other nipple not being played with by your own.
He kissed you to muffle your moans and desperate whines, and it was nowhere near as effective as when it was his hand clamped over your mouth, but it was better. He had to slow down when fucking you fast unintentionally made your bedframe slam against the wall, and you gasped, praying no one woke up from the sound.
Thankfully, no one came knocking on your door– and though you were both desperate, clinging to one another hard and sliding your tongues around each other’s with fervor, he fucked you slow and deep after that. "Chris, daddy, please– 'm gonna cum," you moaned when he brought his slicked up fingers to your clit. 
Chris groaned before kissing you again, and you came with a muffled cry, your nails digging desperately into his biceps. He kept rolling his hips into you through it, your body trembling with sensitivity until he eventually came too, all his cum spilling into the condom. 
He stayed for a while after that, holding you close and wiping tears from your eyes with his thumbs. He snuck out in the middle of the night, promised you despite it all that it wasn’t the end– you’d see each other again someday, he just knew it; he wanted you to believe it too.
You got a couple of hours of sleep before morning, and gave your family the best smile you could manage as you tossed your luggage in the trunk of your dad's chevy bel air. You slouched in the back seat, trying not to cry and wishing more than anything you were in Chris’ old cadillac instead.
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The Chris you reunited with wasn’t yours, and if it was, then fate was cruel for bringing you back to him.
The Chris you knew wouldn’t have looked at you like that– like you’re a desperate and fast girl, or an overly smitten near stranger hoping to get her kicks from him one last time while his friends snickered behind him. The Chris you knew wouldn’t join in on their snickering, tilting his head with an amused expression, tongue poking his cheek as he combs his fingers through his slicked back hair.
The Chris you reunited with wasn't yours, and the realization that you didn't really know him the way you thought you did utterly broke your heart.
You were back in the city– your parents, after having settled whatever marital disputes they were having, decided to settle down here. They loved their time together in the city when all their little tiffs were said and done, and they could tell you loved it here too.
They thought it’d benefit everyone to set up shop somewhere new, where everyone could reset. Plus, your mom wanted to be close to her sister again– and you certainly wouldn’t complain about spending more time at your aunt’s beach house.
You desperately wanted to see Chris again, and you knew it’d only be a matter of time before you did– unlike you, he grew up in the city, lived here his entire life. And while it’d been months since you parted at the end of summer considering your parents had to do a lot of work to shift the family business to a new location while also looking for a decent house up for sale, it would happen eventually– you were certain of it.
And soon enough you did see him, knew in an instant it was him even at a distance– because you’d recognize his restored cadillac anywhere. He was leaning against the car door like usual, cigarette in his mouth and leather jacket on his back, with a circle of friends around him. You never met his friends– he told you they were pigs, said that you wouldn’t like them much.
Besides, you were only going to be in town a few short months– why waste your precious few days hanging around with other people when you could be alone? That’s what he always told you– and as you tentatively began to walk up the street closer to them, you could tell they certainly did talk more vulgarly than you were used to hearing.
“C’mon man, you gotta let me borrow her,” one of his friends begged in reference to his car, “she’s a real pussy wagon. My chick’ll cream if I pick her up in it.” “Get your own wheels, bozo,” Chris shoved him with a laugh, “I ain’t lettin’ you take my girl on any joyrides.”
“What if you come too? Make it a double date, you know– and nobody’s got bigger tits than Annette. I got dibs, but she’ll be real nice eye candy for you,” his friend persuaded and Chris hummed, as if seriously considering it. Would he really go?
“Mm, maybe,” he grinned, tossing his cigarette to the ground and digging it into the gravel with his foot, “You do got a point. Tell her to bring a pretty friend, and I’ll think about it.” You blinked, stopped walking and simply stared at him. Had he moved on already? It’d only been a few months, but maybe you fell for him harder than he fell for you; the thought of it made your heart sink to your stomach.
His friend cheered and hugged him tight, and Chris pushed him away with another laugh, running a hand through his hair to fix it up as he characteristically did whenever it got even the slightest bit out of shape. In that same moment is when he glanced over in your direction, catching sight of you by pure coincidence.
His eyes widened when he saw you, mouth gaping open for a split second before he called your name in a mix of utter shock and joy. That was more like the Chris you knew– and it gave you hope. You ran up to him, and he to you, bringing his hands to your shoulders and touching you up and down your arms– truly, he couldn’t believe you were here, and he had to touch you to be certain it was real. 
“What– what are you doing here? I-I thought you went back home with your folks, I thought–” he was smiling, entirely giddy as he looked you up and down. “We moved! I’m here to stay,” you told him excitedly, bouncing on your heels as you stared up at him.
It made you so, so happy; to the point that the contents of his prior conversation entirely lifted from your mind. It pains you thinking back to how naive and lovesick for him you were– you wish you'd have known better. 
“I can’t believe it! I–” he started to exclaim, but then realized his friends followed him, crowding around his back while shooting him inquisitive looks, and he quickly took his hands off you.
He cleared his throat, tucked his hands in his pockets in a gesture meant to bring him back to his aloof state of being, and he grinned– not that pretty grin that made your heart flutter, but a wicked one. “I mean– that’s cool, baby.”
You didn’t like it, your brows furrowing at the change in his demeanor. “Christopher–” you started, but one of his friends spoke up before you could talk much more. “Who’s the chick?” he asked as he looked you up and down, and Chris hesitated. “Oh, uh–”
“Oh, I know!” the friend suddenly exclaimed, hit by an epiphany, “the one from the beach you wouldn’t let us meet– the one who puts out. This her? It is, isn’t it?”
Your face burned red, unpleasant heat crawling over your body as the rest of his friends snickered. He told them you put out? Why would he do that? Your expression crumbled, body trembling with embarrassment and grief, but Chris kept his own cool.
“Don’t worry, doll, I didn’t tell them all the horny details,” he smirked, and his friends' snickers erupted into full on laughs as they slapped his back in amusement. Your body burned hot with indignation, eyes welling with tears as your frustration and anguish boiled over. You shoved him as hard as you could, though it hardly even caused him to take a step back.
“I wish I’d never laid eyes on you, you– you creep!” you cried before turning away, ready to run back home to throw the teddy bear he won you in the trash and sob into your pillows. “That’s not all she laid on him,” one of his friends commented under his breath, the rest laughing and hooting as you sprinted away from them, back down the street.
Chris just watched, body tense and face sullen, heart twisting in his chest. He watched you turn the corner, wiping tears from your eyes before you disappeared entirely out of view, his friends still laughing and giving him pats on the back.
But when he turned to them, he put the smirk back on, and they all hopped into his car to hit the drive-in as if he didn't care about what just happened with you, as if the guilt wasn't going to eat away at him every night.
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The next time Chris sees you is weeks later, at a new mom-and-pop shop freshly opened on the edge of the city. He’s there with his friends, all of them jumping out his cadillac before he’s even fully parked, rushing inside to grab a good table.
And when he walks in, it’s not his friends that he sees first but you– sitting at a booth with another guy across from you. There's an empty plate with tiny remnants of ketchup still left behind that he just knows you used for your french fries, and a milkshake between you with two straws stuck in it.
Part of him is relieved you aren’t sharing a single straw with the man like you would’ve done with him, but his gut still twists from the sight regardless. And when you giggle at something indiscernible the guy says, Chris feels liquid hot envy boil in his blood, jaw tightening and fists clenching as he cracks his neck. 
“Chris, over here!” his best pal, Felix, calls from across the shop, and that’s when you see him too. You can’t help but look when you hear his name called, eyes widening when they land on him. He tenses, eyes lingering on you for a few seconds longer before he inevitably joins his friends at the table they scouted out in the middle of the room.
He can't focus on anything his friends are saying– the only thing he vaguely hears through the fog in his brain is Changbin begging the others for spare nickels so he can afford the dog-sled delight. It all becomes tuned out noise, because all he can think about is how much he missed you, and how much it pisses him off that you're here with someone else.
It's Chris' own fault, he knows that, and that makes the feeling even worse– like bile in his throat that he can't swallow down. It doesn’t take Minho, the most perceptive of his friend group, to notice that he’s staring at you and to comment on it.
“What, you still hung up on that chick?” he questions, and Chris scoffs as he snaps out of his fog, leaning back in his chair and acting as aloof as he can bring himself to. “What? No, of course not,” he says, but his eyes still linger on you, fingers twitching with irritation when he hears you laugh again, and watches you playfully slap the man’s arm like you would do to his.
Eventually, you hold out your palm to your date, and he watches the guy dig through his pockets to give you something. Chris knows immediately what's happening– you’re waiting to be given a dime or two, and you’ll saunter off to the jukebox to pick a new tune once they’re in hand.
He watches you rise from the booth, waits until you’ve made the walk over to rise from his table, muttering to his friends that he needs to hit the can real quick. He takes a few steps in the direction of the bathroom, and then immediately turns, going straight to you instead.
He props an arm on the jukebox after he approaches, leans against it and looks down at you as you cycle through the record choices. “Hey baby,” he tries, but you ignore him, don’t even spare him a glance as you continue to give the jukebox your full attention.
“Listen– I’m sorry,” he tries again, and you just hum in acknowledgement, still not turning your gaze to look at him. He swallows, glances back at his friends who are perfectly oblivious to what he’s doing, and then back to you. “I just– you know how it is, right? The guys, they expect me to act a certain way, and–”
“That’s why I’m so glad I met Sam,” you interrupt, turning around to look at your date and offer him a sweet wave. Chris hates it, but at least you’re talking to him now– he’ll take what he can get. He still ends up scowling however when your date waves back, and you turn back to the jukebox, still without glancing up at Chris himself.
“What, you like that square?” he scoffs as he looks your date up and down. He’s smartly dressed; pristine khaki slacks and a brown sweater vest pulled over his white button up, his hair in a neatly styled, respectable crew cut– but that’s not your type.
At least, he hopes it's not; because that would make Chris the outlier, and that’s not what he wants to be. He’ll also be damned if he ends up losing you to a goody two shoes like that.
“He’s sweet to me. And I don’t have to question what his intentions are, unlike with you,” you reply, and the emphasis put on 'you' makes his heart sink. While he certainly deserves to hear it, it doesn’t make him any less upset– not with you, but with himself. He really let his pride and reputation get in the way, and he knows he fucked up. But he wants you, and surely you know that, right?
You finally settle on a tune; Those Magic Changes– the one he knows is your absolute favorite. The one he even used to serenade you with once whilst dancing, you giggling away with a cute blush on your cheeks whilst he twirled you around. He sang it more exaggeratedly towards the end, purposely putting on a goofy voice to make you laugh harder as he dipped you down.
He kissed you before lifting you back up, and then again when you were completely upright, your hand on his shoulder and his arm around your waist, your other free hands intertwined. The way you looked at him when he pulled back from the kiss made his heart pound, but he played it cool– shot you that grin that always made your legs feel like jelly, kissing your cheeks when it made your blush deepen.
Chris liked feeling the heat of your blush against his lips, liked having your hands on him even when it was in the purest of ways, liked the way you giggled and smiled at him when he playfully winked at you. The memory strikes him hard when you press the play button to start the song, and he takes a step back from the jukebox, fists clenched at his side.
You look at him then– really look at him. Instantly he feels small, your gaze that once held so much love for him now meeting him with the utmost scrutiny. He fucked up, he knows he did– but what does he do now? He can’t even trust himself to say something without fucking it up even worse. 
And the pain of it all hits you too– he can see it in your eyes just before you steel your expression, and do your best to act unaffected. "See you around, Christopher," you mutter as you turn away from him and the jukebox.
You walk back to the booth where Sam awaits your return with a smile, while Chris just stands there, your favorite song blaring painfully loud in his ears as he stares at your back. "..begs you please, come back to me, please return to me, don't go away again," the lyrics mock him harshly.
He doesn't know what to do, but he knows he has to do something, anything, to show you he’s sincerely sorry. He needs to show you he still wants you, needs you to give him another chance– more than he’s ever needed anything.
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The next time Chris sees you is once again by coincidence, while he’s sitting alone in the parking lot of the sock hop his little sister just begged him to take her to. He was trying to decide what to do with his time– if he left, he’d have to come back in a couple hours to pick her up, but surely it was better than sitting around outside, bored out of his mind while he waited for her.
He could go in, but sock hops aren’t really his thing– the only time he ever danced was with you, and he didn’t plan on changing that. All he’d do inside is stand on the edge of the room and watch his sister dance, and he didn’t much feel like doing that either. Besides, his little sister was a good girl, and she didn’t need, nor want, his constant supervision.
And he’s just about to turn the key in his ignition and burn rubber when he sees you, arm linked with stupid fucking Sam as he opens the door for you with his free hand. And fuck, he doesn't even care that he's about to crash your date– he just needs to talk you. He jumps out of his car in a rush, pulling open the door to the building and heading straight to the line leading to the dance floor.
Chris’ jaw tenses when he sees you– Sam is leaning down to whisper something in your ear while you wait in the line, and you cover your mouth as you giggle. He hates how similar it is to the days he spent with you at the fair, waiting in line for rides and popcorn. The envy bubbling in his gut makes him feel sick, and he has to take a breath to calm himself down before he approaches you.
He steps to where you are in the line when he feels mellowed out enough, you and your date turning around curiously when they hear his voice call your name. Your eyes widen when you see it's him, but you’re quick to correct your expression before your date notices anything off about you. “Can I talk to you?” Chris asks, not at all acknowledging Sam’s presence beside you.
Even when you divert your gaze to glance at your date’s reaction, Chris’ eyes stay firmly on you, awaiting your answer. “Please?” he follows up, and it makes you swallow. It’s the first time he’s ever taken a pleading, desperate tone with you, and he can tell rejecting him isn’t going to come easily to you– it gives him hope that you'll finally hear him out, maybe even take him back.
“I–” you hesitate a moment, and just as Chris’ new, shiny hope begins to dim, you unlink your arm from your date. “I’ll be right back, just stay in the line,” you tell Sam before shooting Chris a look and walking past him. He follows you back outside, and you cross your arms as you stand against the cold brick of the exterior.
“What do you want?” you cut straight to the point. There’s a million things he wants to say, but his built up jealousy causes him to ask the stupid, burning question first and foremost. “Since when do you go to sock hops?” he questions, and it almost makes you laugh– he’s unbelievable, breaking your heart like that and then pulling stunts like this. 
“Since nice boys ask me to go with them. Why, you jealous?” you accuse him and he scoffs, trying once again to play off what he feels. “Me? Jealous? Don’t make me laugh,” he says, unable to help the instinctive reaction to being called out. And he instantly regrets it, but it’s too late to take it back.
“Oh, so you won’t mind if I go back inside then?” you ask as you step away from the wall, starting to walk past Chris and back to the doors. He grabs your arm to stop you, and you look up at him expectantly. “Don’t, I–” he grits his teeth, hesitates for a moment, but ultimately decides to be honest, “I am, okay? So don’t.”
He lets your arm go, and his admission thankfully proves enough to make you stay. You settle back against the brick wall, but you don’t look at him after– instead you look down at the ground, staring at your sleek, black and white saddle shoes instead of meeting his gaze.
It’s silent for a moment, with Chris wracking his brain as he tries to figure out the right thing to say to you. “What you did was terrible, you know,” you end up breaking the silence first, your voice soft.
“I know, I– I meant it when I said I was sorry,” Chris says while moving a step closer to you, and still you hesitate to look at him. “I didn’t believe you. Still don’t,” you reply, and honestly, he can’t blame you– he should’ve been more sincere when he approached you.
But he was being a fucking idiot, still trying to play it cool even though it was just the two of you standing there by the jukebox. And who gave a fuck if his friends happened to look over and saw him talking to you? Why should he care? Is it really so wrong for him to be whipped for you?
Even the first time he saw you again, he should've done all the things he really wanted to do. He should've kissed you and hugged you tight, should've told you how happy he was to know you’re here to stay, should’ve flipped his friends the bird and told them to fuck off if they questioned him. But he didn’t– he cracked under the expectations, and you suffered for it.
There’s a lot he wants to say, but he doesn’t know how to say it– he’s never been vulnerable about his feelings before you, but he wants to try. Even if he screws up over and over again, he’ll keep trying– because you deserve it. And he should apologize again, sincerely, but there’s another question burning in his blood that he has to ask.
“Do you really like that guy? You’re not, like– going steady, are you?” Chris questions and you shrug, finally looking up from the ground to meet his eyes. “That depends,” you tell him, peeling your back away from the wall to stand directly in front of him, holding your hands behind your back.
“On what?” he follows up, and you smile– a small one, but it’s enough for him. “On you,” you answer, and the hope flares back up, drowning out the envy and shame in veins and replacing it with pure, unfiltered glee.
“Yeah?” he grins as he tilts his head, and your smile grows the tiniest bit more as you nod. You may still have your doubts about his sincerity, but the fact that you’re willing to give him a chance is all he needs– he’ll use the time you give him to prove it to you, to make sure you’re left with no doubts that you’re the one that he wants, to promise that he'll never break your heart again.
“Come with me then, back inside– you’re gonna be my date,” he says as he holds out his hand to you. Sock hops may not have been his style before, but they can be for you. “What about Sam?” you question, but still take his hand regardless.
“He can stag it the rest of the night for all I care. You’re mine, sugar,” Chris replies, and it sends butterflies sweeping through your stomach as you giggle in delight. “And your friends?” you ask next, knowing it’s very well possible he’ll crack under the expectations of his rep with them again if they see you together.
“Fuck ‘em,” he replies easily; and you’re both sure it’ll be easier said than done for him to not give a shit what they think, but he’ll do his best. He doesn’t want to do anything to make you regret giving him another chance. “Let’s dance, baby,” he grins at you, pulling you along with him as he steps back inside the building with you in tow.
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There’s a thought in Chris’ head that he never before thought he’d ever have– the sock hop was perfect. And well, maybe it’s not the sock hop itself necessarily that he enjoyed, but you– yes, it was most certainly you. The time spent with you was everything he’d been missing, everything he could’ve ever hoped for following your departure from the city and his subsequent abysmal fuck up. 
He knew he didn’t deserve any of it– and he was certain you were going to share a more serious talk about it all later, but he couldn’t deny the satisfaction he felt walking back into the building and seeing Sam utterly bewildered that his date was now clinging to his own arm instead.
And he won’t shirk his responsibility to do better by you– he’ll own up to his mistakes, he’ll change, be someone deserving of you. It may take a lot of time and effort to unlearn all the dumb shit he’s taken in over the years, but he swears he’ll try– tonight is just the start of a lifetime of proving to you that he’ll do anything to keep you.
All night, you’ve been positively radiant– and truly, Chris has never felt luckier in all his life. He delighted in the way you smiled at him while dancing, enjoyed the way you squealed in excitement and bounced on your heels when the live band decided to play a cover of your favorite tune, couldn’t help the way a goofy grin spread over his face when you pecked him on the cheek following a slow dance.
You’re the only one in the world who’s ever seen it, you know– the only one who gets to see his dimples, or to hear him giggle. The only one he’s ever sung to and danced with, the only one he’s ever wanted to stay up all night talking on the phone with, the only one he’s ever taken out for more than a quick and simple joyride in his car.
He could feel the inquisitive, disbelieving stares too– Chris has lived here his entire life, and everyone knows the kind of guy he is. And maybe he’s simply lucky– he knows he’s nothing but a delinquent, knows his reputation precedes him, knows he doesn’t deserve the affection of a good girl like you. 
Regardless of it all, you love him– enough to give him another chance even when he hasn’t yet done enough to earn it. And effortlessly, you unlock the soft part of him– the part of him that desires and yearns and wants. He burns for you, the only girl in the world his heart has ever raced for, the only who knew who he was beyond the rough surface he projected to the rest of the world.
Now you’re outside tentatively standing next to Chris’ car, waiting for him to come back from confirming with his sister that she’ll hitch a ride home from her friends instead of him. It embarrasses him how she grills him with questions about you– and he answers in the vaguest of terms, having to promise that he’ll fill her in on it all in more detail later, but to please just let him go be alone with his girl.
He’s certain that no one else would believe it if he told them, but his intentions to be alone with you are entirely pure. Now that he’s close to having you as his again, he wants to do right by you– take it slow, kiss you soft and tender, touch you light and chaste, respectfully, sweetly. He wants to take you on dates again, wants to save up all his quarters to buy you something special, wants to devote his every moment to showing you how sincerely he loves you.
He wants you to meet his friends properly (after he gives them a stern warning to be gentlemen in front of you), wants you to meet his parents, and he wants to meet yours in turn. He wants to stop playing it cool and aloof and confident when he feels something– doesn’t want to keep pretending that the way you look at him doesn’t drive him wild, not just with lust but with adoration.
And certainly, you know that Chris is softer than he outwardly appears– you’re not blind to the way his cheeks and ears burn when you kiss him sweet and call him that name that makes his heart skip a beat. And unlike you, Chris knew what he was doing– so it was natural for him to always be the one leading your little song and dance, even when on the inside he felt like he was going to positively combust from the way your eyes sparkled at him.
There’s something you’ve been wanting to try– something that you couldn’t before, because your summer together passed by in a blink, and there was so much you didn’t know when your relationship first began. And Chris has taught you a lot in your time together– maybe more than he even realizes.
He may not know it, but he’s made you into a real insatiable minx. And now that you know he’s willing to beg and plead and grovel for you to take him back, oh how it makes your heart race with the possibilities. How far can you take it? How far is he willing to go for you, to prove that he’s devoted to you entirely? Would he really do anything to keep you?
Chris told you, just a few moments ago as the sock hop was coming to an end, that he’ll do anything and everything to make sure you don’t regret giving him another chance with him. He looked you straight in the eyes, vulnerable and entirely sincere, squeezed your hands in his as countless promises left his lips. 
Could he be manipulating you? Is he nothing but a dirty liar? It’s certainly possible– but you’d like to believe the Chris you knew last summer is the truest version of himself. You’d like to believe that the Chris you saw tonight isn’t an act to keep stringing you along. So you want to try something– something bold, something the you of last summer would’ve never thought to do.
You don’t think your shyness will ever entirely evaporate given that Chris is such an utter dreamboat, but he does well enough at playing it cool, so who's to say you can’t do it too? You can be playful and enticing, can play it coy and innocent while you flutter your lashes at him, can smile and pout at him in a way that makes desire spread through his veins like explosive, hot fireworks.
When Chris walks back out of the building you have to make a conscious effort to ignore the butterflies in your stomach– you’ve decided you’re a woman on a mission tonight, after all. The parking lot is sparse now, and the last stragglers from the sock hop all shuffle to their cars, his sister and her group of friends being among them.
Though you only met her briefly, you offer her a pleasant wave goodbye, and she smiles at you as she returns it– though you don’t miss the way she shoots her older brother a look after. A look that says “don’t fuck this up for yourself.” It almost makes you giggle– you like having his sister on your side; you get the impression she’ll chew him out if he doesn’t shape up the way he’s promised to. 
Chris doesn’t turn to you until after his sister and her friends have peeled out of the parking lot– you’re not sure if it’s because he wanted to make sure she was going to be safe, or if it’s because he felt like she’d gotten enough of an eyeful of him being affection with you, and he’d be embarrassed if she saw anymore. You like either answer.
“Hi baby,” he says, soft and sweet as he smiles, and it makes your heart once again skip a beat. Even after hours of dancing, he still looks utterly perfect– not a single piece of his greased up hair out of place. You hope you’re faring the same– you didn’t really get a chance to look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the night to know for certain, but you want Chris to think you look divine.
“Am I taking you straight home?” he asks; it’s dark out now, but you still have a fair amount of time before you’re expected back home. And while he’d love to spend more time with you, he isn’t going to assume– this is a trial period, after all; he still has to earn that, he’s sure.
Calling you his earlier was more hope on his end than confidence– he wants you to be his, but he knows he has to earn your trust back first. And he’s going to be a gentleman– any boundary you have, he’ll adhere to, no matter what. He refuses to fuck up with you again.
“No,” you answer short and simple, smiling up at him as you do. But before he can ask you what you want to do until curfew, you’re speaking again. “My shoe's untied,” you pout, leaning back against his car while gently lifting your foot from the ground to show him, “can you fix it for me, please?”
“You want me to tie it for you, baby?” he laughs a little as he tilts his head to the side, thinking you’re just oh so cute when you keep up the pout as you nod. He gets down on one knee easily, and you put your foot right on his knee, watching as he ties your laces back together. When he’s finished, you don’t put your foot back on the ground– you press it right to the middle of his chest.
“Baby?” Chris looks up at you curiously– and there’s a twinkle in your eye he’s never seen before. He almost thinks you’re going to kick him back on his behind, but you don’t– you take your skirt into your hands, and start to pull it up. Slowly, it rises above your calf, your knee, your thigh, until he can see your pretty white panties, with its precious little pink bow in the center.
“S-Sugar, what– what are you–” he stammers, struggling to form words in a way he never has before. You’ve never exposed yourself to him like this– just out in the open, with no barrier between you and the rest of the world. You aren’t in your bedroom, you aren’t inside the car with the windows and hood up– you’re out, in the middle of the fucking parking lot where anyone could see. 
Fuck, even the times at the beach, when he made love to you in the sand, were much, much more secluded than this– because those excursions were isolated, close to your aunt’s beach house and happening in the dead of night. And this is very much not– it’s barely even 9 o’clock, and you’re at a public venue; anyone could come by, and for any reason.
“I need your help with something else too, daddy,” you say as you pout some more, clearly acting coy, and he swallows as he stares up at you. “Can you do it, daddy? Can you help me?” You take as much of your skirt's fabric into one hand as you can, keeping it lifted above your thigh while you move your other hand between your legs, pulling your panties to the side to show him your pussy.
The action sends all of Chris’ blood careening to his cock– he can’t believe you’re really doing this right now. “Right– right here? N-Now?” he gulps, taking a quick glance around the parking lot. You’re alone now, but still– he never thought you’d do something so bold. Even just fooling around in the back seat of the cadillac with as much privacy as he could give you made you impossibly shy.
“Yes, here, now,” you tell him, keeping your panties hooked to the side with two fingers, while using the other two to spread your folds apart for him the best you can. You’re trying to entice him, and fuck, is it working. He never thought he’d see you this way, and it’s making him feel so utterly electric– he’s a fucking live wire, and he’ll pour his current straight into you.
Anything you want from him, it’s yours– he doesn’t need any convincing, he’s already impossibly ensnared by the rope that is your desire for him. And fuck, he said he wouldn't do this, said he'd be a gentleman, take things slow and build back up to intimacy with you– but if you're practically begging him for it, how can he resist?
Chris takes your foot into his hand, carefully lifts it from his chest and throws your leg over his shoulder before he crawls closer to you. The concrete of the parking lot ground is brutal against his knees, but he doesn’t give a shit– you need him, and that’s all that matters.
He replaces your hand, keeps your panties shoved aside with his own. Now that your hand is free you use it to hold onto the car door and give yourself some extra support as he starts placing kisses to your clit. His lips always feel so perfect– especially when he licks them first, gets them nice and wet for you; the sensation draws out a pleasant sigh, but you both know it isn’t really enough.
Chris likes to tease you, make you wait until you’re squirming and trembling from all his repeated kisses, gets you so worked up you could beg and cry before he finally gives you his tongue. But tonight is about getting what you want, when you want it– so as much as you enjoy his soft little kisses, you’re not going to let him work you up.
He’ll be the one fraying at the edges, the one desperate and pleading, the one who feels like his brain is filled with cotton, looking up at you from down on his knees with glassy eyes full of need. You let go of the car door, bring your hand to his head and thread your fingers through his hair. You pull back just enough to have his head tilting away from your pussy, making his eyes land straight up at you.
“Baby–” he gasps, and again you meet his gaze with that sinfully deceitful pout. “You said you’d do anything for me, daddy,” you say as you shoot him your best doe eyed look, “Did you mean it? Will you do anything for me?” Fuck, you’ve got him throbbing– you can see his erection straining against his jeans, and it nearly makes you grin in delight.
Still, you don’t crack– Chris always does well at only showing you the version of himself he wants you to see, and you will too. You won’t give him your meek looks or timid declarations of desire for more of his touch– he’ll only see a new you; a confident you who knows exactly what she wants. You’ve learned from the best, after all.
“Well?” you demand when he doesn’t immediately answer, and you watch him swallow, swearing you can see the shiver that spreads down his spine and throughout the rest of his body. “Y-Yeah baby, I meant it. I’d do anything for you,” he tells you, hoping you can’t see how red his face and ears are getting in the low light.
“Prove it– prove you want me, prove you’re good for something,” you say, and again he shivers, breath catching in his throat. “Eat it, make me cum.” Fuck, Chris is reeling– he still can’t even believe it’s really you talking to him this way. His brain feels like a faulty circuit board, all his synapses sparking dangerously as they fire off, ready to ignite his blood and engulf him in an uncontrollable flame of desire.
When you let go of his hair, he wastes no time diving right into your pussy, eating you out like a man starved. He brings his free hand to your ass, squeezes and holds you in place while he shakes his head to get more of you on his tongue, his nose bumping your clit and making your legs quiver.
You bite your lip, doing your best to suppress the loud moan he brings out of you by sucking on your clit. His plush lips wrapped around it, the flicks of his tongue, how expertly he sucks– it’s already so overwhelming, in the best way possible. Chris does his best to sink lower, tries to lick at your hole and get his tongue inside, but it’s hard like this– he’s not sure if he can.
“B-Baby, doll, let me lay you down, in the car, let me–” he pulls away from your dripping center to look up at you, and fuck, he looks ruined in the prettiest way imaginable. His eyes are hazy and pleading, glistening with your arousal from the tip of his nose all the way down to his chin, sweat dripping down his brow. “Need to spread you out, I– please? Gotta taste more of you.” 
Shit, you can’t deny you want it– especially not when he’s begging like this. You nod, and he smiles at you in appreciation, a smile that makes your knees even weaker than they already are. You take your leg off his shoulder, and he quickly rises to his feet, giving you a messy kiss before he ushers you away from the car door to open it for you.
You crawl into the back seat, and he follows, slamming the door shut behind him. He waits until you get comfortable, not acting until you're lying propped against the opposite door of the car. Chris hooks your panties in his fingers, pulls them down your legs and tosses them aside into the footwell; it'll be a sweet treat for him when he finds them again later.
He'll keep them, he thinks– stuff ‘em in his pocket and take them back to his room, where they'll lie safe and protected under his pillow. It's a dirty thought, one that'd otherwise fill his gut with shame, but right now all he feels is need– need for you to cum on his tongue, need to give you everything you want and more.
He settles on his stomach between your legs, and it’s certainly not easy, but he manages well enough. One of your legs ends up over his shoulder again while the other stays spread out with the help of his hand holding you under the knee. And finally, his tongue dips into your hole, and it’s pure bliss– maybe even more so for him than you. He’s hungry, utterly ravenous; all he can think, breath, and taste is you, you, you.
“Chris– your fingers, need your fingers,” you whine more shamelessly than you would've otherwise liked, but you know he enjoys it. He separates from you long enough to run his fingers between your folds, making sure they’re nice and slick for you before he presses them to your hole. 
He slides one finger in first, bringing his mouth back to your clit while you adjust to the feeling. Your legs are already trembling by the time he adds another finger, and when he starts curling his fingers to hit your most sensitive spot while flicking his tongue against your clit you can hardly even breathe– it’s just so, so good.
Your stomach is clenching, thighs and legs shaking hard, your release building up with an intensity you’ve never felt before. “Oh, fuck, Chris–” you cry when he presses the tips of his fingers into your spot harder. You’re certain that if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re still wearing your shoes, your toes would be curling from the pleasure.
Your pussy sounds so sloppy and messy, and Chris himself isn’t making it any better– he’s drooling so much, his saliva drenching you just as much as your own dripping arousal. You’re breathing hard, and even your hands are shaking as they continue to hold up your skirt to watch him devour you.
“Oh my god, ‘m gonna cum, I’m gonna– fuck, gonna cum for you daddy, please don’t stop,” you’re crying loud– and you know you should at least try to be quieter considering how out in the open you are, but you’re too far gone to care. With your head thrown back, you whimper and moan, high pitched and loud, eyes rolling back as your orgasm takes you.
It feels like it’s endless, the waves of pleasure ceaselessly jolting your body as your vision blurs white; and you feel wet; so, so wet. It’s only when you finally come down from the high and lift your head back up from where it thunked against the car door to look at Chris that you realize why you feel so drenched.
It’s not just your thighs that are dampened– it’s your skirt, Chris’ face and shirt, the leather of his seats; all of it is soaked with your cum. Your face starts to burn hot, and you swallow as Chris stares at you, almost bewildered. “Baby– did you just..?” You squirted for him, because of him– he doesn’t even fucking care how much of a nightmare it’s going to be to clean his car, all he can think about is how fucking sexy it is.
You simply nod, because it’s all you can think to do– you really weren’t expecting this to happen. “Oh my god, baby, you have to do it again, please, you have to,” he practically whines, and his enthusiasm over it makes you giggle. You honestly feel more than a little shy about it, but Chris’s apparent elation makes it worth the tinge of embarrassment.
You reach out for him, take the necklace dangling from his neck into your hands and pull, urging him to come closer to you. He crawls up your body, and you kiss him, sliping your tongue into his mouth and tasting yourself all over him. “Fuck, you’re so dirty baby,” he groans when you pull away, “what are we going to do, huh?”
It makes you giggle again, a soft thing full of mischievous delight. He basks in it, giggles with you before he kisses you again. “Need your cock now,” you tell him when he pulls away, and shit, he’d nearly forgotten how fucking hard he is whilst wrapped up in pleasuring you. He can feel it straining against his jeans, desperate for stimulation of its own.
“Yeah? Want my cock baby?” he asks, grinning at you the way he always had before; you tug on his silver chain again in response. “Don’t forget, you’re giving me everything I want. Everything, okay?” you say once his face is mere inches from yours again, making him look you closely in the eyes. Chris swallows as he nods, the smile you offer him once again making his brain feel fuzzy and floaty.
He looks you over once more, really takes it all in before he scrambles over the front seat, reaching for the glove box where he still has some spares from your time together over the summer. Condom in hand, he settles back over you, and you help him with his jeans while he tears the package open. He spreads it quickly down his length, and you take your legs in hand, holding them under your knees to keep yourself open for him. 
The sight of you like that is dizzying– legs open, skirt bunched up all the way to your stomach, pussy wet and glistening, with the hair there matting from how wet you are; you’re perfect. So fucking perfect. He moans as he pushes into you, so slick that you take him with ease. You take his face in one of your hands and pull him down to kiss you, a desperate one that makes pleasure lick over every inch of his skin.
Chris rolls his hips into you slowly to start, while you let go of the leg you're still holding to wrap your limbs around him, keeping him pressed close. He grabs onto the car door, uses it to keep himself steady when he starts to pick up the pace of his hips, harsh breaths and low moans leaving him freely. Neither of you are trying to be quiet, the street lights are burning bright, the hood of his car and the windows are down, anyone could hear you or see you– and the excitement of it all makes the pleasure he feels all the more intense.
“Baby, your tits– let me see ‘em, please, can I see ‘em?” he asks between labored breaths– he needs to see them, has missed them more than is probably allowed. You quickly do as he asks, fumbling with the top few buttons of your blouse to expose yourself to him. You tug down your bra so he can see your breasts bare, and again he groans, bringing his free hand to one of them to brush his thumb over your hardened nipple.
“Oh, you’re so pretty– so, so pretty baby,” he says, groaning when the words make you clench harder around him. It doesn’t take long for the car to start rocking with the motion of his thrusts, his rhythm quickly growing sloppier. He’s been so worked up, and believe it or not, he hasn’t actually fucked anyone since you– he feels so high strung and on edge, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold out.
He just hopes he can make you cum again before he does, or at least make you cum with him– he needs you to be happy with him. You can feel his cock twitching and throbbing, you can tell that he’s already impossibly close– so, like the little minx you are, you talk dirty to him, wanting to see him utterly unravel at the seams. “You gonna fill me up, daddy? Make this pussy all yours?”
Chris gasps and shudders, goosebumps erupting all over his impossibly hot skin. He knows he can’t actually– all he’s going to really fill up with his cum is the condom, but fuck, the thought of it is making his head swim. “Y-Yeah, gonna fill you up baby, daddy’s gonna make you so full,” he breathes, and God, that really does it for you.
You bring your fingers to your clit, rubbing in quick, practiced circles. Even through the condom he can feel you gushing and soaking his cock, and it sends him over the edge– as do the sounds of your incredibly pretty whimpers and moans of pleasure. His hips still when he cums, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as his eyes roll back, head thrown back in utmost bliss.
It takes Chris a few moments to recollect himself and catch his breath, and he slowly slips out of you when does. He tucks his softening length back in his jeans before he helps you fix your bra, and smoothes your skirt out over your legs while you button your blouse back up. “You feeling okay, baby?” he asks, wiping messy strands of hair out of your face.
You’re both covered in a sheen of sweat, faces flushed and hot, hair utterly a mess– it’s obvious, even with your clothes fixed up, what you’ve been doing. “Mhm, are you?” you ask, and he smiles, giving you a quick peck on the lips. “I’m peachy keen, jelly bean,” he replies and you giggle, kissing him once more.
He looks at himself in his rearview mirror when he pulls away, does his best to fix his messy hair while you lift yourself up from your propped position and stretch out your aching limbs. He then takes another glance around the parking lot, and notes that you’re still the only ones here– thank God. He was too enraptured by you to check earlier, and he’s grateful that no one else has showed up.
“Should probably get you home now, yeah?” Chris asks, looking at the clock on his dashboard and noticing it’s now getting dangerously close to your 10 o’clock curfew. He helps you get into the passenger seat when you nod, and you smile at him when he settles in beside you. He turns the key in the ignition, one hand resting on your thigh while the other stays on the wheel, and he drives you home.
Chris parks up the street, like he did all those times at your aunt’s beach house. He watches you walk over to your house, and he smiles when you turn around to blow him a kiss. At 11 he leaves his car, walks up the street to your home, and approaches the only window with a light still on– the window to your new bedroom. And you smile as you open it for him, letting him crawl his way inside.
He sees the teddy bear he won you at the fair sitting right in the middle of your bed, nestled against your pillows, and he smiles, delighted that you still kept it even after he broke your heart. “I love you, baby,” he tells you in a whisper after a sweet kiss, “never gonna hurt you again, I promise.”
“You better keep that promise, mister. Or I might just have to make you jealous again,” you warn and tease him with a cheeky little smile. He strips out of his jeans and tee shirt as you turn off your lamp, lies down beside you after you settle into your bed, runs his hand up and down your back as you press yourself against him. Head on his chest, with your arm and leg tossed over him, he kisses your head and smiles once more– because as he promised, this is just the start of a lifetime.
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network tags: @ksmutsociety @skzstarnet
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perotovar · 5 months
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dedicated to everyone, for the @swiftiscruff friendship exchange ♥
sappy message and tags under the cut:
this week snuck up on me and i didn't have any time to make the things i wanted to for specific individuals (and even got this out at the last possible second) so i'm sorry that never happened! hopefully this funny/cute moodboard will suffice <3
y'all, i don't even know where to begin. i love all of you so fucking much and feel so blessed and humbled to consider so many of you my friends.
when i joined this fandom (end of january 2023) i told myself i was just going to make my gifs and stay in my lane. i didn't want to make any friends because i'd been there, done that.
i'm so fucking glad that never came to pass because even if this fandom can be full of drama and toxicity, it's also one of most lovely and supportive groups of people i've ever been a part of.
i can't tell you all how much i love you and thank you for your love and support on my gifs, my fics, god, i never expected that. tbh i thought people were just being nice and humoring me when i started writing but i'm slowly but surely realizing you're all just giant sweeties. seriously, thank you so much.
i tried to find as many people as possible that i consider friends and/or admire a great deal for their creativity/presence in this fandom because you all make my time here beyond worth it <3 if i left anyone out i promise it wasn't on purpose!
i'm so grateful that this silly, talented man brought you guys to me!
in no particular order: (sorry it's broken up weird, tumblr sucks lol)
@scenaaario @sp00kymulderr @qveerthe0ry @undercoverpena @kedsandtubesocks
@hellishjoel @chronically-ghosted @gasolinerainbowpuddles @5oh5 @theredviper
@swiftispunk @joelscruff @jksprincess10 @for-a-longlongtime @bonezone44
@mrsmando @freelancearsonist @ozarkthedog @ghotifishreads @futuraa-free
@pedrorascal @userparamore @guiltypleasure-art @psychedelic-ink @pedgito
@survivingandenduring @yourcoolauntie @beelzebeth87 @immarocketman @goodwithcheese
@rhoorl @sin-djarin @ezrasbirdie @haylzcyon @reedrchards
@sweetenerobert @ghostofaboy @toointojoelmiller @theywhowriteandknowthings @covetyou
@nerdieforpedro @agentmarcuspike @missredherring @boliv-jenta @beefrobeefcal
@toxicanonymity @marisferasiop @morallyinept @atticrissfinch @trulybetty
@max--phillips @iamskyereads @grogusmum @tieronecrush @nicolethered
@thetriumphantpanda @radiowallet @wannab-urs @oonajaeadira @fuckyeahdindjarin
@beardedjoel @secretelephanttattoo @schnarfer @joelsgreenflannel @janaispunk
@tomshiddles @djo @trashcora @miguelo-hara
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pyramid-of-starrs · 1 month
Very Demure
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Jongho x Fem reader
Genre: Fluff, optional smut
Summary: TikTok trends are so corny sometimes, still fun to fuck with your boyfriend with though
A/N: have 2 more stories I’m hopefully posting this week 🙂‍↕️ enjoy this cute little story with a bonus spicy scene
“Notice how my boyfriend wears brown because he’s a bear. Very cutesy, very mindful, very demure.”
“What…?” Jongho said as he looked at you recording him.
“Nothing.” You put your phone down and walked back to the kitchen of your apartment, leaving Jongho in the living room with a puzzled face.
A little later while you two were eating you pulled your phone out again.
“See how my boyfriend eats slowly but still enjoys every bite his hardworking girlfriend made for him? See how he gets a full plate because he works while I stay home and make TikTok’s ? He’s very mindful, very manly, very demure.”
Jongho watched you as he squinted in confusion once again, his button nose wrinkling.
“Y/N… why wouldn’t I enjoy my food- what are you doing ?” He questioned again, you quickly put your phone away again.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it. Enjoy your food baby sorry.”
Later you two were in the bathroom mirror getting ready for bed. Jongho wore a cute bear make up hair band you got him as he brushed his teeth with his face mask on and you just couldn’t resist. You pulled out your phone and propped it up, facing the camera towards both you.
“See how my boyfriend does his skin care while being cute and not gendering it? Very cutesy, very demure.” This time Jongho just slowly side eyed you. He knew questioning you would be pointless.
Finally you two were in bed, you sat with half your back against the headboard on your phone while Jongho was laying on your stomach with his strong arms wrapped around your waist. You looked down at how insanely adorable your boyfriend looked as he laid peacefully.
You tried to record slyly because you knew Jongho would not want to be recorded while he’s in his squishy teddy bear state but alas, you were determined to show your baby off on TikTok.
“See how my baby is the little spoon? Very modest, very mindful, very dem-“ before you could finish you looked into your camera to see Jongho giving you the strongest face of disapproval, you knew it was over from there.
“… put the phone down y/n…” he said in a stern voice.
“N-no I’d rather not.” You said knowing you were for sure in trouble.
“Y/n…” Jongho released your waist.
“Fine! Sorry Jjongie you’re just so cute, I have to show you off.”
“…okay but no more annoying trends… and ask before you record!” He said pinching your nose and returning to his comfortable position on you.
“Well I’m obviously not gonna do that but I’ll say okay for now!” You said going back to your phone, he sighed but didn’t even try to fight it.
“And don’t post that, you probably got all my bad angles.”
There was a moment of silence as you stopped typing then a swoosh could be heard.
“….what was that ?” He questioned.
“…nothing, sending last minute messages.” You said quickly.
About 15 minutes passes and Jongho’s phone buzzes. You, too busy on your phone to notice Jongho pick his phone up from the nightstand to check it.
Mingi: Jongho your girl has you all on tiktok looking crazy lol
San: I thought he looked very cute 🥺
Hongjoong: what the hell does demure mean????
Bonus scene:
Smut tags: unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), a bit of manhandling, teasing, fingering, fingers in mouth, drool, a little degrading ?? Dom Jongho, sub reader
You once again felt the cold stare of Jonghos eyes on you, you peeked over your phone to be met with his stone face.
“You posted it.”
Your face immediately gave it away that you indeed did post that TikTok.
“Nooo…” you tried to look back at your phone to hide the guilt on your face.
“So why is my group chat telling me you did?” Jongho said.
“So you’re gonna believe them over me?” You said trying to escape this somehow.
“They sent me the link.” He pressed the hyperlink and your TikTok started to play.
“… you gonna believe your eyes over me-“
Jongho swiftly got up and off the bed. Before you could speak he was already pulling you towards him.
“Ah- wait Jongho okay I’m sorry I’ll delete it I promise.”
“Too late.” Jongho lifted your gown, revealing your bare pussy, before you could plead more he spread your legs, got on his knees and delivered a few licks to your cunt. He licked slow stripes up and down just drive you a bit crazy, he knew you would want him to go faster but you knew if you asked he would deny you. You bit down on your lip and used your hand to grab at his thick dark locks.
“Fuck- baby please, don’t tease me like this.”
Jongho began to lick slow circles around your clit. “Mmm tease you like what?” The vibration of his words shooting through your body. All you could do is try to ride his face as your hips began to move up and down while helpless moans left your lips.
He stuffed one of his thick fingers into your hole while he began to suck your clit, earning a louder whimpering moan from you. He slowly slid his finger in and out of your needy pussy, he knew you were going crazy and that one finger was never enough to make you feel full.
“Please, I want more.”
Finally Jongho released your ringing clit, keeping his finger pumping inside of you.
“More? Like what baby?”
“Your dick… please jjongie, want you to fuck me.”
“Oh my, that’s not very modest, or demure.”
Yeah, you deserved this.
“Please Jongho please.”
He finally added another finger to your neglected pussy and began working them faster inside of you, your moans getting louder.
“Begging for dick like a little slut, is that demure baby?”
He continued fucking his fingers into you, his eyes watched you as you slowly came undone on them.
“Please, please fuck me.”
“Aww you’re asking so nicely, how could I say no.” He abruptly stopped and removed his fingers. You groaned to complain but he positioned himself between your legs to replace his fingers. He pulled down his boxers, his thick, hard cock springing up. He aligned himself perfectly with your eager pussy and slid into you.
“Fuuuck Jjongie it’s so fucking thick.” You moaned out. Jongho didn’t reply, he instead began to slowly pick up speed inside of you. Your eyes rolled back as he pounded into you with no remorse. “Oh my fucking god” and other swears was all you could say.
“Such a dirty little mouth. That’s not very cutesy” you have to say the teasing made the whole experience a bit better for some reason. Your mouth hung open as Jongho effortlessly rearranged your guts. He took the opportunity to put his two wet fingers onto your tongue, your lips immediately closing around them. “Sucking your cum off my fingers like a good toy, so mindful, so demure”
Again, you deserve all of this.
“Now be a good little slut and cum on my dick for me okay?” He shoved his fingers deeper into your throat, causing saliva to fall from the sides of your mouth. He slowed his pace only a bit just so he could pound into you deeper, his heavy cock hitting you in the stomach. Your pussy began to squeeze around him as you felt him cumming deep into your cunt. His hot cum covered your walls as you followed behind him, covering his dick in your juices in return. His removed both his fingers and dick and went to the bathroom to get a towel to clean up the mess you to made.
He began cleaning you as you two enjoyed the silence in the room. The silence was short lived as you picked your phone back up and started to record.
“See how my boyfriend cleans up after himself? Very mo-“
“ don’t worry this is just for me.”
385 notes · View notes
sixflame438 · 23 days
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Synopsis - Its exam season and you just finished your last paper. What better way to celebrate than to spend the night with the love of your life?
Pairing - Pham Hanni X Reader
Tags - Fluff, jumping jokes, swear words i think? Established relationship, possible spelling and grammar errors as i proofread this at 3am. You’re both so in love
A/N - FIRST POST!! Lowkey quite excited to make my debut but it’s scary lol. Hopefully you enjoy reading it. This is in honor of me finishing mocks, cant wait to fuck up my real ones :D
Word count - 4k
“Pens and pencils down students, your exams are now over” called a monotone voice. A crack of bones could be heard as the invigilator stood up and walked around collecting all the papers.  You hurriedly finished off what you were writing before dropping the pencil in your hand, looking back at your paper with disdain and disbelief. 
3 hours. You had spent 3 hours writing and erasing the same thing over and over again. The first time you had done spelling mistakes, the second time you had thought of a better way to rephrase everything and by the fifth time you rubbed your work out you had 5 minutes left.
Why did you even take that subject? You never enjoyed it and it was a chore to even complete the work assigned. Well it was either this or advanced maths and chemistry you thought to yourself, lowly chuckling knowing you would’ve rather jumped than take either of those courses.
Reluctantly you handed the paper over to the old man who said nothing as he hobbled over to the next desk, still with the same bored expression he wore when he first walked in. You cant blame him though, he had been sitting in the same room as you for 3 hours doing nothing but staring out the window. 
Scanning the room you could see the mixture of emotions, some ecstatic that the paper went well, some just as distraught as you were while some were just glad  it was over. Deciding maybe that’s the best thing to think about right now you also let out a sigh of relief, following your peers out of the exam hall.
After collecting your phone and bag you open it to see the time and no new text messages. Strange, Hanni should be free around now considering she had finished all her exams last week and the one you just took was the last one on the schedule. Thinking nothing more of it you trudged your way through the busy corridors of the building and found yourself in the cafeteria, the long, dreadful hours of your exam really took a toll on your energy.
After surveying your options for lunch you eventually decide to just keep it simple and grab 2 of the prepacked sandwiches, not even caring enough to see what flavours they were, you were just too hungry. As you took a bite of your sandwich (inside was ham, scrambled egg, hash brown and sauce) the deafening sounds of the dining hall finally catching up to you.
It was always busy, hundreds of students gathered in one place to hangout and enjoy some mediocre food, not to mention that an exam had just finished so the level of activity in the hall was tremendous. Deciding it was too much you opt to go home instead, back to your dorm you shared with the best (and your only) roommate you could ever ask for. It was the end of the week and you had no classes left either so there was no reason to stay anyways. 
During the hike home (you lived 10 minute walk away from campus) you stopped as you walked by the local park and playground. Seeing all the kids running around so carefree and excited had you reminiscing about all the times you and Hanni had fun there too. When one would have too much energy to sleep or were too bored to study you would always find a way back to the park together having the time of your life doing the most stupid shit known to man kind. Small but precious moments like those were the ones you cherished most. You didn’t need big grand and fancy to be happy, being quite content with small and intimate instead.
Finishing off the last bite of your sandwich you reached into your backpack and pulled out your second one as you continued your trek home. The first sandwich although did surprise you wasn’t all that bad. The flavours worked well together especially with the house made special sauce but it was all probably leftovers from breakfast anyway as they were your typical morning foods. You would kill to find out what was in that sauce though, there was just something about it that had your tastebuds melting away into a land of bliss and yumminess. Hanni never agreed with you (being a strong hater of the sauce) but found you quite endearing and just marked it off as one of your weird but adorable quirks. 
By the time you had finished your second sandwich (just a basic BLT but with chicken??) your legs had carried you to the front of your door. Scrambling around the pocket of your backpack you pull out your bundle of keys (filled with memorable keyrings and charms you and Hanni got one another) unlocking the door and slowly closing it behind as you enter.
Kicking off your shoes and placing down your stuff on the nearest table you walk over to your bedroom, quietly opening it to find a sleeping Hanni curled up in a little ball deep in the depths of her slumber. You giggle to yourself as you take a picture of the sight with your phone, adding it to the preexisting album of similar photos you had been sneakily taking for the past (almost) 1 year you guys had been together.
Hanni sleeping was one of your favourite versions of her. Here she is all calm and relaxed which is a stark contrast to when she was awake, lively and chaotic bring havoc anywhere she went. You loved her for it though, it brought a sense of uncertainty to your day and you just loved to see her have fun.
Deliberately trying not to disrupt the serenity you had found yourself in, you place your phone on the bedside drawer. Taking off your hoodie you change into more comfortable sleeping shorts. You carefully crawl into bed next to Hanni and wrap your arms around her waist. Instinctively Hanni responds to your touch pulling you closer to her and snuggling her head into the space between your head and shoulder. Your heart fluttered inside your chest at the small movement. The two of you did this every night but you knew you would never get tired of having her in your arms, basically sharing the same air. A small smile could be seen on your face as you drifted into the slumber of your afternoon nap, the exhaustion of the early morning hitting you hard. 
Shifting around you warily open your eyes to be met with closed blinds, a blanket placed over you (now ruffled up as you had woken up) and an empty spot where Hanni used to be. As you got out of bed and peeked behind the door you could clearly hear light jazz and the sound of Hanni tapping away on her phone.  Tiptoeing over to her you gently pull her into a soft embrace. She flinches a little startled by your presence but quickly reciprocates the hug. 
“Hey baby how was your nap?” 
“It was nice but i woke up to find my giant teddy bear missing” you say with a pout.
“Aww baby your so cute, I’m right here though and I’m not going anywhere” she says back with a light chuckle, clearly amused with your response. “How’d your last exam go?” 
“I don’t think its anything worth talking, it wasn’t anything good thats for sure.” You reply, disappointment clear on your face. 
“Hey its alright, its just a measly paper you can always do better in the finals yea? Mocks are just for practice anyway” 
“Yea yea” you say dismissively “Whatcha doin?”
“Oh yea i was replying to Yunjins text, she was asking if we were gonna go to Wonyoung’s party tonight, you know the one she hosts after every last exam?” 
“Are we?”
“That depends on you, do you wanna go?”
“Uhh I’m kinda tired and parties aren’t usually my scene anyway”
“I think you should though. It would be a good way to let loose after exams and have some fun. I’ve seen how tense you’ve been the past few weeks, studying so hard to do well. Plus you would get to see the rest of the girls, its been a while since we’ve all hung out outside of class.”
In all actuality you didn’t want to go at all but with how much Hanni wanted you to just have some fun, you couldn’t say no to those pleading eyes. You missed the girls anyway so it would be a nice bonus.
“Yea okay but I’m only gonna have a few drinks max.” 
“Its fine you drink as much as you want i’ll stay sober for you tonight. Just have some fun okay?”
Parties were always more Hanni’s forte and for her to stay sober just for you was heartwarming as you knew she didn’t want you to risk doing anything dumb or getting hurt. Testament of how you had broken a large ceramic vase at the last party you went to when you had drunk too much and tripped over your own foot while walking. Luckily Wonnie didn’t care too much about that specific vase, saying she wanted to get rid of it anyway so you just gave her more of a reason to do so.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel left out or anything because of me”
“Yes I’m sure plus taking care of you is my full time responsibility can’t let anything happen to you. Now come on lets go get ready” Hanni says excitedly.
You grumble in annoyance but ultimately allow yourself to be dragged back into your bedroom, how could you ever say no to Hanni anyway???
“And done!” Hanni exclaims as she steps back, admiring her hard work. “I’m gonna go get myself ready now hurry up and put your outfit on! I’ll be waiting outside” your girlfriend says before kissing your cheek and skipping out of your shared bedroom. A light blush appears below the blush she had just finished applying to you as you smile to yourself. God you loved Hanni so much she was just so adorable and treated you so well too.
You were never a big fan of doing your makeup or purposefully dressing to impress and you only really started putting in that effort when you started trying to rizz Hanni up. (You tried and failed but she found you quite endearing) How you managed to pull her you will never know but you would go through all your failed attempts again if it meant having her by your side. She is literally the love of your life and the amount of things you would do for her makes you seem borderline insane, but anything for her right?
After putting on the outfit Hanni had planned for you and grabbing a few other essentials you walk out to see the girl in her own outfit, although simple it did wonders on making her look so much prettier. Or was it the other way around?
“Aww baby you’re so beautiful, I’m so glad I get to call you mine” 
“Such a sweet talker, have you seen yourself in the mirror? The pleasures all mine” You reply back in between kisses. If there was one way you would happily die to it was lack of oxygen while kissing Hanni. Her soft pillowy lips were quite literally to die for and just thinking about them could have you watering. 
“Okay we can continue this later let’s go!”
Hand in hand you walk up to the house that was blasting hiphop tunes, door wide open as you could see that it was already packed. You felt a queasy feeling come up but pushed it aside as you felt Hanni squeeze your hand in comfort. “Remember if you want to leave just let me know, i’ll probably be talking to other people but I promise to stand in open places so you can find me easier okay?” 
“Okay I’ll keep that in mind, thanks again for tonight”
“Aww baby you’re too cute” Hanni says with a happy pout, giving your face a little squish in the process. “Now go have fun its what your here for” 
“Yes ma’am” you respond with a small salute before going over to the drinks table. Hanni giggles again at your behaviour, how could she have not fallen for you? Although nonchalant on the outside you were just an adorable little loser, HER adorable loser and she wouldn’t trade you for anything. 
“Aye Yn you look so hot girl! If I didn’t know any better I’d so hit on you tonight” 
A small laugh escapes your mouth as you feel 2 arms wrapping around you. 
“Hey Gigi its nice to see you too and don’t even get me started on you’re outfit! Are you trying to get hit on tonight or something??”
“Haha thanks girly, I’m not but Minjeongs definitely trying to. She’s been attempting to flirt with Karina all night but she’s so short and cant stand her ground because she keeps getting interrupted by not only her own stupidity but also the other partygoers who are also trying to hit on Karina. I feel sorry for Minjeongie but its fucking hilarious to watch especially since she keeps stumbling over her words. She’s both whipped and drunk, its a great combo” Giselle tells you as she laughs at the situation Winter had gotten herself into.
“Enough about her let’s go get you some drinks in your system and have some fun!” 
You nod in agreement as you allow yourself to be dragged away again, twice in one day. 
By now you had had multiple drinks and played 4 rounds of beer pong against different classmates. You danced here and there when good songs started playing and also managed to trip up Yunjin completely on accident as she has tried walking up to talk to you. You didn’t drink much normally and were quite the lightweight.
Some how during the night you ended up with Minji instead, neither of you knowing how you ended up together. You were barely coherent as you tried to drink more, swaying from side to side as you walked. 
“Okay girl I think you’ve had enough where’s your girlfriend at? Come on Yn let’s go” Minji whines as she attempts to drag you over to Hanni but you weren’t having it, choosing to grab onto the nearest object you could to prevent yourself being dragged away. You weren’t about to be kidnapped today and no one but your girlfriend could touch you. 
“God you’re so stubborn how does Hanni deal with you everyday? You know what forget it you’re a lost cause” 
“HEY! You say exasperated “thats so meeeeaaannnnn” purposely elongating your words to annoy Minji even more.        
“Yea? Well I’m done ah perfect timing here’s the angel you speak so highly of.” 
“Hey Minji sorry for having to deal with her but I can take over now” Hanni had been easily alerted by your loud presence and came over to see what was up.
As soon as you registered who the owner of that angelic voice was you turned around and did a little jog over to her with outstretched arms ready to crush her and never let go.
“Hannnnniiiiiiiiiiiiii” You were always extra clingy when drinking but ONLY towards your beloved, everyone else had to face an annoying baby who was actively praying on their downfall. 
“Hey baby I’m here now” she tells you but she’s sure its gone straight over your head as you do nothing but cling tighter. 
Minji just stands there amused at the scene in front of her. “Nah don’t worry about it Yn hardly ever drinks anyway and despite how annoying she is she’s quite entertaining haha”
“Yea she’s something when she’s drunk alright. Do you and the rest of the girls wanna hang out sometime? Exam season is over and its been a while”
“Oh yea of course I’m so down, i’ll ask the girls later. Speaking of I should probably go check on Dani, last I saw she was throwing up in a random bush” Minji says wincing at the last part, Dani no anyone throwing up was a disgusting sight.
“Oof yea have fun dealing with her, I think I’m gonna take Yn home now. I’ll text you later yea?”
“Yep sounds like a plan, have a good night!” 
“I think you need that more to me haha” 
“Yea I probably do” Minji says deadpanning before leaving to go find Danielle “Cya!”
During her conversation with Minji you had managed to almost fall asleep just hanging onto Hanni like a koala and if it weren’t for the support you would’ve fallen over by now with how much you were swaying on your feet, the alcohol making you unable to stay still. 
“Hey sweetheart wanna go home now? You look very sleepy” Hanni cooes gently. However you were unresponsive so she pokes you in the cheek and squishes your face with her hands. This does nothing to wake you up though as the warm hands against your face just make you feel more at home. 
“Yn?” Hanni chuckles lightly. What a sweet sweet voice that is you think to yourself, should only belong to the prettiest girls in the world. Oh wait thats my girlfriend. Hehehehe, mine. Hanni chuckles again as she hears you mumble out that last part 
“Ynnie you’re too cute, come on lets get going” 
“Nooooo but I don’t wannnnaaa go homeeeee” You whine pouting your bottom lip even further as if it would convince Hanni more.
Your girlfriend thinks for a second before replying “how about we got get some food then? From that one place we go to when I’m hungover and your too lazy to cook?”
“Oh yay I love that place! They make the best fried chicken and cold noodles. Its always so yummy, there isn’t a single time its been bad. And their homemade dumplings??? Ugh so good. Have you tried their…” You carry on rambling as Hanni leads you out to your car, most of your words slurred but having spent so long with you now Hanni has no problem deciphering your drunken thoughts.
The entire drive over was just more of you asking and answering your own questions like a loopy idiot. Hanni did nothing but listen and hold one of your hands as she drove towards the late night restaurant you both frequented. Usually it was always Hanni yapping away so it was a nice change for both of you today.
After you both devoured that one hell of a meal;(you ordered almost everything and Hanni couldn’t find it in her to stop you. If it weren’t for the old grandma who owned the place you would probably be out of money now “yah don’t eat so much so late! Come back another day”) you decided to go to the local park.
It wasn’t far from your home (the same one you walked past earlier) and had a beautiful view. Not prettier than your girlfriend of course but definitely up there. Sure it was now 4am but thats beside the point and you both had nothing planned anyway. Somehow after spending the entire time laughing and giggling away your drunk ass still had too much energy, the alcohol still apparent in your system. Hanni didn’t know how you did it, you were always so energetic when drunk, more hyper and affectionate.
It was as if all the energy you didn’t use in the day gets stored and just comes out all at once. She loved you like this though as it gave her a chance to take care of you like you normally did to her. Hanni was always more appreciative when you drank though as it was when she realized how much energy it truly takes to look after a drunkie and made her feel sorry for you as you were always there for her after every night out. 
Hanni made her way over to your spot on the little hill, luckily she didn’t have to lug you around this time as you had bolted off as soon as she had parked the car. Running around like a child in the meadows, basking in the sunlight. It wasn’t the afternoon or anything close but the bright moon rays casted a wonderful glow over everything it touched, including your body that was now sprawled out on the grass. 
Sitting down next to you she leans on the giant oak tree standing proud as the flagpole of your sacred space. You shift closer to Hanni and put your head in her lap, staring up at the stars above. Tonight was the first time you had seen this many stars out in a while, the sky free of clouds as the stars shone like glitter in the night.
No matter how radiant the stars were you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at your girlfriend, her dazzling beauty and kind personality captured you in a kind of enchantment. There was no other star you needed except her. The both of you just sit and stare out at the stars as you enjoy being in each others presence. It had been about 10 minutes before you spoke up, nearly dozing off against Hanni.
“Hey Hanni thanks for taking me out tonight, I think I really needed this and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
You speaking out of the blue catches her attention as she looks down at you with an affectionate smile.
“Aww sweetheart there’s no need to thank me I’m just returning the favour” She replies back proudly
“I love when you take care of me like I’m the only girl in the world” 
“I’ll make sure to do it more often then my sweet baby angel” Hanni says as she brings her hand up to your hair, combing through thoroughly and getting rid of the knots that formed from the eventful night you’ve had. “ you’re lucky I love taking care of you and I’ll keep doing it for as long as you’ll have me” 
“Make yourself comfortable then cause I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.” You retort back with a muffled chuckle. “Or ever for that matter” Whispering the last line softly when you feel a warm hand fall to your left cheek.
“Oh really? So forever?” Hanni asks a little amused but more wonderstruck as the implications of your words didn’t escape her. 
“Forever” you replied back, asserting your previous statement. 
Hanni’s face goes flush as she turns her head away from you in embarrassment, not that you could tell either way as your eyes had almost fully closed. A small ping from both of your phones regains Hanni’s attention as she glances down at the notification. Beaming at you she bends down to leave a kiss on your forehead. The gentle and delicate touch wakes you up as your eyes open up again, looking back at your girlfriend with a dopey and sleepy but loving gaze. 
“I love you so much you know that?” You remind Hanni as your eyes start fluttering close again, shifting in and out of consciousness. The mix of her tender touches and the stress of the week adding to your sleepy state. 
“You remind me everyday, how could I not?” Hanni quips before fondly adding  “I love you too Yn, happy 1 year anniversary” 
Tearing her gaze away from your drowsy figure, she could see the glimpses of sunlight start to poke through the sky.
A low whisper could be heard as you mumbled back an I love you too.
There is no combination of words Hanni could use to describe how much you meant to her and how much she cherished you. You were her everything. She smiled lovingly as she heard your breathing slowly even out.
Ironic how you fell asleep as the world began to wake but sometimes it’s better to just have that moment to yourselves. And what better time to have it than when everyones asleep? Not a single soul out to bother you.
Just you and the love of your life.
Together, forever. 
232 notes · View notes
myysaints · 1 year
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LANDO NORRIS x f!model!reader
⌗︙・ summary — lando accidentally slips up on stream, revealing he has a girlfriend. chaos subsequently ensues.
genre — social media au, fc yeji from itzy
notes — as a fashion girlie myself this was like scripting my ideal life LOL. i love lando and i'm so excited for baku!!! hopefully he can haul ass and get that mclaren to podium - or at least a girl can dream. also gif not mine!!! pics are all from pinterest :) hope you enjoy this one! sorry for the crunchy quality on the tweets, can't seem to find a high quality tweet maker 😭
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Liked by landonorris, hoooooyeony, bellahadid, and 1,263,402 others
yourusername   new york, it’s been a minute ❤️
view all 564,221 comments
bellahadid   so great to see u on the runway again! xx
yourusername   had so much fun with u babe xx
miumiu   🤍🩰
heconghc   pretty girl
Liked by landonorris yourusername   all u ❤️
maxitaxi   anyone else notice lando lurking in the comments? 🤨
landonorrizz   my guy aint slick at ALL 🤣 y/nults   lmfaooo leave him alone he just like us fr Liked by landonorris
tifosiiibabe   So Lando and Y/N were both in NY at the same time, AND he’s liking every comment calling her pretty?
lulusdelulu   the math is, in fact, mathing…. yukismatchagirl   Y/N WAG CONFIRMED!!!!!!!
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Liked by yourusername, daniel.jpg, f1, and 3,219,004 others
lando.jpg   Singapore. Shot by Lando Norris.
view all 899,216 comments
daniel.jpg   you’re gonna give me a run for my money mate!
lando.jpg   All’s fair in love and war, mate
yourusername   talented showstopping incredible!!!!!
Liked by lando.jpg
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Liked by lando.jpg, lilymhe, carlossainz55, and 14,912 others
yourusername   shot by my love
view all 324 comments
yourbestfriend   okayyyyyy so the mystery man has skillz!
yourusername   On and off the track ;)
lilymhe   gorgeous baby!!!! date me!!!!!
alex_albon   :((( yourusername   🤭 alex_albon   sleep with five eyes open, y/n >:(
y/nsbiggestfan   y/n interacting with lily he and alex albon i prayed for days like these
kimikimchi   y/n at the paddock WHEN
y/nnspinkiefinger   no one talking about this post being a literal soft launch ?????
takeawalk   omg yeah and the “on and off the track” comment…. SO HE IS A DRIVER!!!!! landooonorizz   fr like “SHOT BY LANDO NORRIS” “SHOT BY MY LOVE”. IF 1+1=2....
yourusername added to their story.                                                      17s
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[caption: gooooooo teammmmmmmm @/mclaren]
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Liked by landonorris, and 34,021 others
f1wagupdates   Cause for celebration! After his podium win at the Singapore Grand Prix, fans spotted Lando Norris enjoying a night to remember with a mystery woman on a small motorboat not far from the Sentosa resort at which he allegedly stayed at. Fans reported the couple being “all over each other” and “laughing the night away”. 🥂🪩
view all 4,551 comments
maxitaxi   that is so definitely yourusername you don’t even have to think for a minute
sarascardriving   BROOOOO tagging her is crazy 😭😭   maxitaxi   and i’ll do it again. so yourusername when’s the hard launch? maxitaxi   as a matter of fact. landonorris when’s the Y/N .jpg feature?
drivingmeinsane   lando liked omfg
kikilikeskiwi   all thanks to maxitaxi thank you for your service 🫡
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Liked by daniel.jpg, yourusername, pierregasly, and 1,293,334 others
lando.jpg   You ask, I deliver.
view all 774,291 comments
maxitaxi   I-
Liked by lando.jpg
yourusername   hot damn norris. who’s the pretty lady?
lando.jpg   🤷‍♂️
daniel.jpg   Man, you’re gonna put me out of business!
lando.jpg   Too bad I have the prettiest muse. Liked by yourusername
charles_leclerc   Wearing the superior team colours I see.
lando.jpg   Don’t even start, I can take you on anyday Frenchie louderlauda   OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH HE HIT HIM WHERE IT HURTS yourusername   low blow, norris, low blow lando.jpg   😔 sorry ma’am reorgegussellshirt   🤳📸
danielricciardo added to their story.                                                                                   38s
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[caption: making a @/lando.jpg post]
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, heidiberger, and 2,219,442 others
yourusername   sun’s out & fun’s out!
view all 213,459 comments
bellahadid   glowing
lilyrosedepp   mother is mothering!
landonorris   ahem, pic creds?
yourusername   🙄 thanks i guess…. landonorris   we can talk about my payment when you get home 😉 This comment has been removed.
barbiealbono   “when you get home” UM. HELLO????
dannyr333   Sooooo the girl Lando was taking a pic of for lando.jpg on danielricciardo 's story is … Y/N?
tsunodascupcake   girl you lost me at Lando betaromeo   no fr like i had a stroke tryna read that 😭
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Liked by yourusername, lilymhe, and 4,213,577 others
🏷   yourusername
lando.jpg   lost the pic but gained some great memories 🎞 have this one instead as an apology
Comments on this post have been limited.
yourusername   what a great shot
lando.jpg   well, it’s pretty easy when you have a great muse daniel.jpg   We get it, the two of you are in love. Now leave the rest of us in peace lando.jpg   Wow, thanks for the support, Daniel yourusername   you’re uninvited from our housewarming party daniel.jpg   NOOOOO I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BACKKKKKKKKK      
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Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, danielricciardo, and 8,213,994 others
🏷   landonorris
yourusername   swapping out the soft launch for the hard launch 🛞 did i get it right landonorris ?
view all 657,492 comments
landonorris   nailed it ❤️ couldn’t have been prouder my love
yourusername   does this mean i get to pick the movie tonight? landonorris   You’re cute, but not that cute landonorris   Just kidding babe i love you landonorris   Babe landonorris   Baby? landonorris   I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean it you can pick the movie you can pick dinner just call me back PLEASE landonorris   …Y/N? yourusername   whoops sorry my phone died !!!! what happened here???? landonorris   …. yourusername   LOL love you babe xx yourusername   soooooooo do i still get to pick the movie tonight…? landonorris   i love you, so fine. yourusername   ❤️ !!!! landonorris   😊
© myysaints
1K notes · View notes
requiemforthepoets · 2 months
this time, i’ll love you much better 𖦹 FA14 (pt.2)
click here for the part 1
PAIRINGS: fernando alonso x ex-wife!reader
SUMMARY: as the great peabo bryson once said, and i quote, “the best of romances deserves second chances.” and oh how fernando would love to prove that. he let you go before, but now that you’re back, he’ll take his chances.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: finallyyy here’s the part 2 guys. i decided to make this a 3 part series. idk, writing for more than 6k of words will send me into a coma lol so i just decided to make it a 3 part series. this was supposed to be posted the other day, but i wasn’t finished yet and i’ve been busy playing supermarket simulator lol this is not proofread, so i’m sorry for the typos but i hope you’ll enjoy this one! :)
***i’m accepting for taglist as well for this fic hehe just message me or comment if you want to be tagged.
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect to the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
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The moment Jullianna received Sofia’s message that they’ll be flying off to Spain, she immediately put a plan into action. Well, there’s no plan at all, it was decided that she’ll just wing it, and hopefully, Fernando will go with it. But knowing Fernando, he’ll surely do it without any complaints. It’s his daughter that is asking, and what his daughter wants, his daughter gets.
Jullianna made her way to Fernando’s home office and knocking on the door softly, “papá?” She waited for a reply before entering the office, “yes, mi vida? You can come in.”
“Papá, I had finally thought about what I want to do for my 13th birthday,” Fernando stopped what he was doing and put all his attention to his daughter, “really? What is it that you wanna do mija?” Jullianna doesn’t really have a clue on what she’s doing.
“I want to go to Mallorca for my birthday.” She blurted out, “Mallorca? Really?” He questioned.
She nodded, “yes. I decided that I want to celebrate my birthday there,” thinking a little bit, “maybe birthday dinner?”
“Okay,” Fernando shrugged and smiled at his daughter, “Mallorca it is.”
“Thanks, papá!” She quickly rushed to Fernando, hugging him tightly. “Okay, mi vida. As long as you’re happy on your special day.” He replied as he kissed Jullianna’s forehead softly.
“Is it okay if we celebrate my birthday tomorrow?” She looked up at Fernando, as he stare at her confusedly, “tomorrow? Your birthday is not until next month, are you sure you want to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?”
“Yes!” She said too quickly, “I mean yes, papá. I would very much like to celebrate my birthday tomorrow.”
Fernando was still a little bit confused, he somehow can’t figure out what’s going on inside his daughter’s head as to why she want’s to celebrate her birthday a month earlier.
“Okay no problem. I’ll be booking now the hotel, we can stay at Cap Rocat,” she nodded, “we’ll be leaving too tonight, so we can get there early.”
Right after the conversation with Fernando, Jullianna rushed towards the bedroom and began packing her stuff. She quickly sent a message to Sofia telling her that they will be in Mallorca and will be staying at the Cap Rocat hotel.
While she was in the middle of packing her things, a knock had interrupted Jullianna, “mi vida, I had invited Bianca and her parents to join us.” She let out an internal groan, which Fernando had failed to notice. Taking a deep breath and calming himself, “okay, papá.” He smiled proudly at his daughter, knowing that she’s trying to make an effort in getting to know her future mother…or so he thinks.
“It’s time for you as well to properly meet your abuelo and abuela, yeah?” Jullianna just nodded, “the wedding is in a few weeks, it doesn’t hurt to get to know your abuela and abuelo.” She just put up a thumbs up at his father, and leaving the room. Letting Jullianna continue packing her things in peace.
“Future mother my ass,” she groaned to herself, “sorry papá, but I’ll never see that witch as my mother.” At this point, she’s just throwing everything in her luggage without folding her clothes, “over my dead body. This better be all worth it, can’t believe I’m sacrificing my birthday celebration. But if it means that mamá and papá will be together again, so be it.”
This is gonna be a one hell of a week, and hoping that after all of the fiasco, her sanity is still intact.
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As you made your way to your private jet that was waiting for the three of you in the tarmac, you can’t help but feel your palms get sweaty due to the nervousness. After twelve whole years, you’re going back again to the place where everything had started and abruptly ended. Your mind is in haywire right now, thinking of what you would say to Fernando when you meet him again.
But it doesn’t have to be this hard, right? You’ll just swap the twins, and talk about visitation schedules. Now that the twins had met, it is not right if you would still keep them apart, besides you and Fernando shouldn’t be involved with each other anymore, you’re just simply doing this for the twins. After this has all been settled, you’ll be on your merry way again. Back to Singapore.
“Did you already speak to your papá?” You asked Sofia as you enter the jet, “uh yes! I talked go him before leaving the house. Papá said that he’s really anxious to see you.” This caused Jamie to chuckled silently, and Sofia locking eyes with her.
“He did?” You sat down at one of the seat, while both Jamie and Sofia sat in front of you, “anxious-nervous, like he’s dreading it or anxious excited like he’s looking forward to it?” A flight stewardess bad offered you a whiskey, but respectfully declined it. “No thank you.” You certainly don’t want to consume any alcohol right now.
“Anxious-excited, definitely!” Sofia and Jamie made eye contact again, and squinted at her, knowing that she’s definitely lying. “Papá said that he’ll meet us in Mallorca.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Mallorca? Where in Mallorca? It’s a big place.” There was a slight pause before Sofia managed to answer you, “he said he’ll meet us at the Cap Rocat hotel.”
“Alright.” You nodded and stood up from your seat to inform the captain that you’ll be redirecting the flight from Madrid to Mallorca, “I’ll just inform our captain that we’ll land in Mallorca instead.”
Once you were out of earshot, Jamie whispered to Sofia, “liar, liar, pants on fire.” She just raises a finger to her lips, motioning to Jamie that she needs to keep quiet. “Aunt Jamie, please don’t tell mamá.” Jamie just nodded and Sofia made her swear by doing a pinky promise.
“Okay, we are all set.” You sat back down on your seat.
As the jet began to exit the tarmac, you let out a deep breath. This is it, there’s no backing out. After twelve whole years, you’ll see and meet Fernando Alonso again—the man that you’ll always love and will drive you crazy.
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As soon as Jullianna and Fernando entered the entrance of the hotel, a painful screech had greeted them. Jullianna definitely know who the screech belongs to, and it belongs to the witch. She immediately rolled her eyes, and she’s not afraid for Bianca to see it, Jullianna had made it well known that she’s not fond of the woman, but always tried to hide it whenever Fernando is present.
Bianca rushed towards Fernando, as her parents was trailing right after her. Now, Jullianna may hate Bianca to the core, but she was not raised to be disrespectful, and greeted Bianca’s parents as a sign of respect for the older couple.
“Hi, darling!” Bianca greeted Fernando, kissing him on the lips. Jullianna was disgusted at the action, “mommy, daddy, this is my fiancée and the love of my life, Fernando Alonso.” Bianca said as she introduced Fernando to her folks, “and this is his adorable daughter, Sofia, who we can all thank for bringing us together this week! This entire get together was all her idea.” Bianca pinched Jullianna’s cheek a little too hard, and swatted it away hardly, causing Bianca to flinch and immediately removed her hands from Jullianna’s cheeks.
Her father bent down to Jullianna’s level and spoke, “¿cómo estás, hija? He oído nada más que cosas maravillosas sobre ti.” Fernando just beamed at you when he heard what Bianca’s father had said. You just smiled at her father and thanked him, not really in the mood to have a conversation.
“Now that pleasantries had been exchanged, why don’t we all go up to our respective rooms, freshen up, then meet for lunch?” Bianca spoke, “sounds good, I had made a reservation for us at Quadrat.” Fernando replied, making Biance smile.
“Sounds perfect!” She cheered, “while we’re at it, want to checkout the honeymoon suit? I bet it’s to die for!” He just smiled at her, “why don’t we check it later, yes? We’ll head up to our hotel room first.” Bianca just nodded and kissed Fernando on the cheeks, winked at him and walked away.
Jullianna was so caught up that he didn’t hear Fernando calling out for her, “Sofia.” She was busy peeking outside of the hotel, looking for any indication of your arrival, “mi vida, what are you looking out there for?”
She snapped her attention back to her father and just shrugged, “nothing.”
Jullianna followed Fernando to their hotel room, and hoped that you and Sofia would arrive in time.
The hotel was gorgeous, you were struck with it’s beauty. You’re happy the Mallorca was still the same last time you had visited, there were a few new establishments, but nonetheless it’s still the same. You walked up to the receptionist and confirmed your reservation, she handed you the key and thanking her.
You turned back your attention to Sofia, she was busy looking around, “sweetheart, let’s go to our room and freshen up,” she didn’t seem to hear you the first time. “Sofia, come on darling.” Jamie had tapped Sofia gently, giving her a nod in thanks.
“Oh, I’m sorry mamá!” She quickly followed you, with Jamie trailing behind her. “Is your papá already here? Since you were busy looking around.”
“Oh uh, I’m not sure.” You sighed, “okay, please update me as soon as your papá is already here, okay? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go back to our respective lives, with a new visitation agreements and everything.”
The moment you entered your hotel room, you threw yourself on the bed, putting an arm over your face, sighing. Jetlag is already starting to hit you. “Lunch is almost approaching, why don’t you guys freshen up?” You sat up, “where do you want to eat lunch?”
Jamie had chimed in, since she had been to Mallorca plenty of times. While you, you only went here one time, and that was years ago…with Fernando. “How about we eat at Quadrat? I’ve been there before, and the food was amazing!” She smiled, “okay, Quadrat is it! Go freshen up, darling.” You turned to Sofia.
While Jamie was in the bathroom freshening up, Sofia gently went to you and sat down on the bed while you were unpacking some new fresh set of clothes to change on, “mamá,” you stopped what you were doing and looked at Sofia softly, “yes, sweetheart.” Smiling. Sofia thought that she should come out clean, and tell you everything.
“Papá…” you urged her, “papá’s getting married.”
Your smile faltered at what Sofia just said. “Oh. I see…getting married…” you chuckled, continuing on unpacking your things. Sofia whined, “she’s awful mamá! We can’t let him go through it!” Sighing, you sat down beside her.
“Baby, there’s nothing we can do.” You gently tucked some of Sofia’s hair behind her ears and smiled, “your papá is a grown man. Capable of deciding whom he wants to marry…besides, how can you assume something about someone who you haven’t even met yet.” You gently poke her sides, causing Sofia to squirm.
“Mamá, you don’t understand. Even if I haven’t met the woman, she’s all wrong for papá!” Sofia sighed exasperatedly, “and the only way that Jullianna and I came up for him not to marry that hideous woman…is if he sees you again.” She lied down on the bed, covering her face.
“You two are trying to fix me up with your papá.” You gently removed Sofia’s hand on her face, “why not? You two are perfect for each other. You two had always been perfect for each other, a match made in heaven.” It somehow made you happy that your twin would still think about it. But twelve years had already gone by, if you and Fernando would’ve been a match made in heaven, none of all these things would have happened. The divorce wouldn’t have happened.
“Nonesense, Sofia.” You shrugged off what Sofia had said and stood from the bed, “up you go. You need to freshen up, we have a reservation in the restaurant. Let’s not keep them waiting.” Completely dismissing everything, you returned back to what you were doing. You are not in the mood to talk about the past, it was called past for a reason.
When everyone was done freshening up, you turned your attention to both Jamie and Sofia. “Okay, before we leave this hotel room, let me say this loud and clear,” you sighed, “Fernando Alonso and I no longer have anything in common. I don’t care that he’s marrying someone soon.” What you had said made Jamie looked at Sofia, and Sofia looking back at her, “I want you and Jullianna to explain to your papá that I am here for one purpose only. That is to switch you and Jullianna back and talk about new visitation agreements. Now that it’s settled, let’s do what we have to do and be done with it. Understood?” Sofia nodded in agreement. Even if you had said everything in your normal tone, it is hard to hide the fact that you were a little bit angry at the turn of events.
Arriving at the the lobby you left the hotel room key at the receptionist. “It’s not very far from the hotel, just a walking distance.” Jamie said, “that’s good! I don’t think I can handle anymore riding cars. I need some fresh air! Everything had felt stuffy.” You replied.
You grabbed Sofia’s hand gently as the three of you walked the streets of Mallorca, getting a good dose of vitamin d and a fantastic view of the ocean. When you arrived at the restaurant, the waiter directly sat you at your table, and gave you the menus to choose from. The service in the restaurant was quick since it’s not peak hours, and after fifteen minutes of waiting, your food was already served, and you three began enjoying the delicious meal.
You were enjoying your meal in silence, not really in the mood to chat from the discussion you and Sofia had back in the hotel room and how tired you were from the long flight from Singapore. “Mamá,” Sofia began, “are you nervous?” You looked at her confusedly.
“Why would I be nervous?” You replied, and continued eating. Jamie just motioned Sofia not to continue, it’s best not to trigger again your pent up anger and nervousness when you had already calmed down. “Nothing mamá, it’s nothing.” You nodded.
Sofia had already finished her meal, when she turned her attention to the entrance of the restaurant. In came Jullianna and Fernando. Her eyes immediately widened when her and Jullianna’s eyes met. You were seated where your back was facing the entrance, so you didn’t saw Jullianna and Fernando entering the restaurant since your were engrossed in a conversation with Jamie.
However, your attention was grabbed by the people that had entered the restaurant since there was a bit of commotion, you turned around discreetly, and saw the face that you never thought you would see again in your life. Quickly grabbing your purse, you pulled out your credit card, “I’ll just go to the restroom to freshen up. Darling, why don’t you get the bill?” You handed Sofia your credit card and gently stood up.
You had never walked so fast in your life. It is not how you envisioned with your mind in seeing Fernando again after twelve years—Fernando Alonso all wrapped up in another woman’s arms. Yeah, not exactly the scenario you had in mind at all. Despite of being divorced already, you can’t help but felt a little hurt with what you had seen. Trying to convince yourself that everything is okay, that you’re both single and free to date whomever you want…but the truth of it all, is that you never really got over Fernando. No siree. No matter how much Jamie introduce you to other guys, you’d somehow always find a way to ruin it and compared them to Fernando.
A little bit of tears had already been threatening to escape from your eyes, but you held it in. “Damn it, Fernando. Twelve years and you still have me falling for you like an idiot in love.” You said to yourself quietly.
Fernando glanced around to check the restaurant, that is until he spotted you, getting up from your table and quickly walking towards the restroom. A waiter passes in front of you, blocking you from his view. He didn’t want to lose sight of you, so he went after you, not hearing Jullianna’s voice calling out for him to look out. “Papá watch out!” Jullianna covered her eyes to avoid witnessing what was about to happen.
Fernando tripped on the floor’s carpet, and crashing onto a waiter that was carrying a big tray that contained food and drinks. The commotion had you turning around and stopping your tracks, only to see a man getting up from the floor, and recognizing that the man turned out to be…Fernando.
You let out a gasped and put a hand over your mouth. Fernando pulled himself up from the floor, his suit was soaking wet from the drinks that had been spilled all over him, the gash on his cheek bleeding from how the tray had hit him. He certainly wasn’t happy about what had just happened, but he helped the waiter, and apologized, promising to pay for the damages that he had caused.
He slowly walked up to you. “Fernando, hello…long time no see,” you breathed, “please try not to go crazy.”
“A little late for that advice, don’t you think?” Fernando chuckled, “what is going on? I haven’t seen or heard from you in twelve years and suddenly you’re popping up everywhere I look.” Before you could answer Fernando, Jullianna, the real Julliana had appeared beside you.
“Papá, I can explain why she’s here.” She began, “Sofia, you know who she is?” He looked at Jullianna confused, and she just nodded. “Yes, papá I know her, and actually, I’m not Sofia.” She trailed.
“I am.” Sofia, the real Sofia. Fernando looks from Jullianna to Sofia, then back to Jullianna again, until he finally looked at you. He’s beyond speechless. “Both of them? Jullianna…Sofia…”
“I guess you and mom still had that connection after all these years.” Sofia nodded in agreement, “You two had ended sending the both of us to the same camp. Sofia and I both met and the whole thing kind of just spilled out.” Jullianna had removed the part where they got in trouble during the camp, last thing they want to do is the both of you getting angry at them.
It seems like Fernando was still processing everything, “they decided to switch places on us, Fernando.” You softly said, “wait a minute. You mean I’ve had Jullianna all this time?” He was speechless.
Jullianna nodded, “I wanted to know what you were like and Sofia wanted to get to know mom.” She explained, “are you angry?” It took a while before everything sink in, then Fernando takes Jullianna into his arms, hugging her tightly.
“Mi vida, of course not.” He broke the hug, kneeling down to Jullianna’s level, “it’s just…I can’t believe that it’s you. The last time I saw you, you had diaper rash…and now, look at you.” Fernando caressed Jullianna’s cheeks softly.
“I’m quite grown up now, and without a father.” Jullianna had emphazised the word ‘father’, making Fernando chuckle lightly, “and I’m on my way to being a crazy mixed-up teenage years. I’ll be the only girl I know without a mother to fight with.” Sofia chimed in.
Fernando was still trying to put everything together, having a bit of hard time grasping everything that has been happening, “Sofia, you have been in Singapore all this time?” She nodded, “come here mi chiquitín.” He pulled Sofia softly towards him, hugging her tightly as well.
“Mamá’s amazing, papá.” Sofia broke the hug, “I don’t understand why you ever let her go.” She added, causing Fernando to smile lightly.
“Girls, why don’t you let your papá and I talk for a couple of minutes, okay?” Both of them took off, and you guided Fernando back to your table. “I hope you still remember my best friend, Jamie.” He nodded, acknowledging Jamie’s presence.
“I’ll excuse myself for a while, so you two can have your privacy. I’ll be watching over the twins for the meantime.” Jamie said smiling, as she stood up from the table and went looking for the twins.
A waiter had passed by in front of your table, you had managed to get the waiter’s attention and asked for a towel and first aid kit. “I can’t believe this. Seeing them together…I, how are you, mi amor?” The nickname had you in stupor, “I’m so sorry,” Fernando apologized the way how he called you. “No, no. It’s fine…I’ve been terrific, how about you?” He just chuckled, “well, I’ve had better day.” Fernando touches his cheeks, and winced at the small wound that he earned from the disaster minutes ago.
Just in time, the waiter had arrived with the first aid and towel in hand. Thanking him, you put down the first aid kit on the table and gave Fernando the towel, “let me help you with that.” You brought your chair near him so that you can tend to his wound, “how is your dad? Still sneaking those stogies?” He said as he looked up to you. “Every single day.” You exchanged smiles.
Fernando was just staring at you while you tend to to his wound, “I can’t believe you still haven’t changed at all…” he trailed off, “you thought that maybe I’d be fat and grey?” You chuckled, “well, not grey…ouch!” He winced.
“There you are!” A voice had caught both of you and Fernando’s attention, “I just talked to the manager and one second you’re already gone…” Bianca stopped midway as she saw you and Fernando so close enough to be kissing, and was taken aback. There was also a sudden realization in her face the moment she saw who you were. “Oh my god, you are Y/N Young…” she was looking back and forth at you and Fernando, “I don’t understand, how did you two meet…and why are you drenched?” She turned to Fernando.
There was a silence, no one had answered Bianca. “This is one small world…” Fernando trailed off, “how small?” Theres was a bit of anger in her eyes, but Bianca had kept her composure.
Sofia had witnessed the scene from a distance, and decided to intervene. She couldn’t stay still, so she walked away before Jamie can stop her, with Jullianna following suit.
“Hola, Bianca.” Sofia had greeted Bianca, “hello,” she held back. “Hello.” Jullianna chimed in, waving a hand at Bianca, causing to scream seeing the two of them.
“Did I ever mentioned to you that Sofia was a twin?” Bianca was at loss for words, “no, as a matter of fact, you didn’t. Two of them?! How fabulous.” She can handle one child alone, but now that she found at that there are two of them, she has to rethink of a new plan how to get rid of them both.
“Oh don’t feel bad, Bianca!” Sofia said, “papá never mentioned it to me either. Imagine my suprise,” she made a fake surprised expression. “By the way, I’m the real Sofia, and this is my twin, Jullianna. She was just pretending to be me while I was in Singapore pretending to be her. This is our mamá, Y/N Young.” She added as Sofia introduced you to Bianca, “by the way papá, I want to legally change my name to Sofia Young-Alonso.” Sofia smiled cheekily.
Bianca looked at you incredulously, as if you had just offended her. “This-this is your mother?” The twins just nodded, “you were married to Fernando Alonso?” She turned to you. “Guilty,” you raised both of your hands in surrender, “well this is a small world. What a coincidence that we are all here on the exact same weekend.” Her smile tightened.
“Well it’s not really a coincidence.” You softly smiled, “the children arranged it so their papá and I could work out the custody situation.” Bianca looked at the twins and they were just smiling at her, further pissing her off.
Later that night, the twins had organized a family dinner, it will be just you, Fernando, and them. The four of you are already together, so why not make the most of it.
As Fernando was fixing his suit and tie in front of the mirror, Bianca was sitting at the bed, clearly looking unhappy when Fernando had said that he’ll be going to dinner tonight with you and the twins.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t see why you need to go on a dinner with your ex-wife.” Bianca said, “why couldn’t you just meet her in the lobby, discuss the custody situation, shake hands and say good bye? I’ll exactly tell you why, it’s because your daughters do not want me to marry you!”
Fernando just sighed. “You know that’s not true.” But she just rolled her eyes at him, “it’s true! They see me like I’m some kind of evil stepmother. Trust me, Fernando, I’m not being paranoid. I swear, those girls have something up on their sleeves.” For sure Fernando didn’t have to deal with anything like this with you.
“Bianca, calm down. The girls have never had a meal with both of their parents their entire lives, how could I say no?” She stood up, “I told you to let me represent you on all your negotiations, didn’t I?” By now, Fernando is being fed up with this conversation.
“I need to get to dinner.” Bianca had managed to grab Fernando by his wrist, “but Fernando, what am I supposed to do while you are gone?” She whined. “I don’t know, what the television and order some food? I’ll be back before you know it.” Fernando was able to pry off Bianca and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Fernando and Sofia, both dressed to the nines, are already waiting by the entrance of the hotel for you and Jullianna. “Sofia, mi vida, I already had enough surprises for the day. Why don’t you just tell me where we are going, yes?” Sofia just shake her head no, refusing to tell him. “It will be ruined if I tell you anything, papá. But trust me, you’re going to love it!” She said excitedly.
Just then, you and Jullianna came out of the hotel, thanking the staff for opening the door for the both of you. You are wearing a gorgeous black dress that was recommended by Jamie. Fernando was trying not to admire you too openly.
“Hey,” he softly greeted you. “Hi…so do you know where they will be taking us?” You smiled, “I tried, but Sofia won’t crack.” This just caused you both to laugh.
“Okay, now you both need to put these on. You can take them off once we arrive at the destination.” Sofia handed both of you a blindfold, “we’re going in that limo?” Fernando’s face contorted into a confusion, wondering where and how did the twins managed to pull off a limo. “You want me to drive?” Sofia sassed, and he just surrendered.
You’re not very keen on your sight be taken away, you had unconsciously grabbed Fernando’s hand. Smiling to himself, he just squeezed your hand gently. It was a twenty minute drive when you had arrived at the destination, the twins got out first and guided the two of you out of the limo.
“You can now take them off.” Jullianna said in excitement.
As you take off your blindfolds, you gasped and your eyes widened as you look ahead and saw an exquisite 150 foot yacht, all lit up and bobbing gently at the waves of the sparkling bay.
“Surprise!” Both of the twins said, “she’s ours for the night.” Jullianna said. “And how exactly are we paying for her?” Fernando directed his gaze at Jullianna, “well…we had a little bit of help from grandpa…” she trailed off.
You and Fernando just exchanged a quizzical look and followed the girl towards the entrance of the yacht, where a uniformed Captain welcomes all of you aboard. Sofia had led you all to the deck, where there is a candle-lit table that is set for two in the middle of the dining room. You can see the entire view of the vast Mediterranean sea, lit by the yacht’s twinling lights.
“Why is the table only set for two?” Fernando questioned, “that’s the other part lf the surprise! Jullianna and I won’t be joining you tonight.” They both smiled cheekily, “you’re not?” You asked, while the twins just just shook their heads.
The twins disappeared at the deck and a man dressed in ship’s steward, in tropical white had entered. “Good evening, sir and madam. I’ll be your server for tonight.” Fernando had pulled your chair out for you to seat down, thanking him. “May I both offer you a champagne?” Fernando nodded, as the ship’s steward pour each of your glass a champagne.
There was a comforting silence, “you know, it’s incredibly sweet for them to do this.” You said, chuckling. “It is very sweet, indeed.” Fernando just smiled at you.
As the yacht sailed, a soft wind blowed in your hair, and this had made Fernando stare at you lovingly. But before he further get lost in your beauty, he lift his glass for a toast. “Well then, here’s to…” you lifted your own glass as you finished his sentence, “our daughters.” It was not exactly what Fernando had in mind, but okay. “To our daughters.”
The twins had decided to sneak a peak at you and Fernando, and they are happy that to see that you two are toasting.
“You know,” Fernando began. “I always see you in Sofia, something about her eyes reminds me of you.” He chuckled. “That’s funny, because I had always seen you in Jullianna, the way she smiles completely resembles you when you smile.”
There was an awkward moment as you both sip your champagne. Glancing by the deck’s entrance, the twins had drop out of sight when you both had caught them taking a peak, and this had just caused you to giggle.
“They turned out pretty good, huh?” Fernando smiled. “We’ve been lucky.” You smiled back at him.
“Sometime, if we’re ever really alone, maybe we could talk about…what happened between us.” Fernando stared directly at you, and you are holding yourself from melting. Those eyes, it always does something to you, it makes you weak on the knees. But what can you do? Fernando always had a beautiful eyes. “It all feels a bit hazy to me now, it ended so fast.”
“It started so fast.” You softly said, “now that part I remember perfectly.” He chuckled.
“So…you’ve done incredibly well. I didn’t know that you’re back in F1.” Fernando smirked at you, “I see that you’re still updated about me, eh?” You nearly spit your champagne, “I am not! You know very well that my father is still one of the major sponsors in one of the teams, and he would tell me all this stuff every once in a while. So don’t you go assuming things.” You said defensively and he just laughed at you.
“I’m just kidding, no need to be all defensive on me.” He smiled, “yeah, I’m back in F1. But enough about me, how about you? I hear that you’re big name in fashion, exactly what you wanted to do…that is pretty impressive. Always thought that you’ll be running the family business.” You just smiled at him, “yeah. Well, the thing about running the family business is still open. Maybe in a couple of years, I’ll take charge. Dad is still handling the business like it has always been. It’s pretty amazing that we both ended up where we wanted to be…” you trailed off. “We did.”
The ship’s steward enters, carrying two bowls of soup and placed it in front of you, and left right after. “So what do we do about the girls?” You pondered, “I guess now that they’ve met, you can’t expect them to be apart of each other…I could keep them half the year and you could-“ before you can finish what you’re saying, Fernando had cut you off. “They can’t go to two schools every year, y/n.” You nodded, “okay, I can keep them for a whole year, and then you could-“ he cut you off again. It’s like every time you suggest something, he cuts you off.
“Listen, y/n. This is why we both came up with the solution we have right now.” You looked at him intently, “really? I thought it was because we decided to never see each other again.” Fernando just frowned at you, “not we, y/n.”
“You know, that part has become a bit hazy for me as well over the years.” You said as you start your soup, “you don’t remember the day you packed?”
“Oh no, I remember that day very perfectly. Did I hurt you when I threw that hair dryer? I’ve often wondered.” Fernando rubbed his shoulder in an impulse, “yes, it did hurt. So how come you never got married again? I’ve always figured by now that you’d be remarried with a new family.” You nearly choked on your soup and grabbed a tissue.
“Me? Getting remarried? No…no, no…no.” He chuckled at your reaction, “that’s a lot of no’s.” You sighed, “that’s because I realized that marriage is not for me. Jamie did help me set up a few dates, but I always ended up ruining it.”
There was a beat of silence again. “You know, this may be the only time that I’ll get to be alone with you, so I’m throwing everything out in the open.” He sighed, “about the day you packed, why did you do it?”
“Fernando…” you looked at him softly, “we were getting along so badly, we both had tempers, and ended up saying things that hurts us. So I packed my things and left, catch the first flight home, and you didn’t even come after me.” That night when you and Fernando had a big argument, you had enough and just packed up, grabbed Jullianna, leaving him.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to.” He responded quietly. “Well, any of it doesn’t matter now. Let’s just put on a good front for the kids, and get this show on the road, shall we?” Fernando couldn’t do anything but just nod, “yeah, you’re right.”
Both of you ate the food in silence, no one bothered speaking right after that conversation. Fernando would make small talks with you, but you’ll just end up answering all straight to the point, no chance of him prolonging the conversation.
Last night’s dinner was full of silence, you and Fernando weren’t able to talk about the custody, and today is the day that you and Jullianna were flying back to Singapore. It has been silently agreed upon that both of your respective lawyers will just handle everything. You had been missing meetings left and right if you prolong this situation, you needed to fly back to Singapore.
You gave the twins some time to say theid goodbyes in the hotel room while you’re at the fromt desk, signing the bill. After signing the bill, you give your thanks to the bellman and left him a hefty tip.
“Alright, we are all set! Where’s Jullianna?” You turned to Jamie, “she just texted me, she and Sofia are on the way down.” Just then, Fernando arrived in the lobby, without Bianca. But you couldn’t care less.
“Okay, so I’ll uh, send Sofia to you over christmas.” You nodded, “and I’ll see that Jullianna spends easter with you.”
The twins came out of the elevator, dressed identical to each other, making it hard to tell who’s who. This made you and Fernando looked at each other, “this one’s Sofia, I’m sure of it.” He said as he grabs Jullianna, and Sofia just grinned. “I hope you’re right, papá. You don’t wanna send the wrong kid all the way back to Singapore.” Fernando looked at you, silently asking for help.
“Okay, here’s our proposition. We go back to papá’s house, pack our stuff and the four of us go on a camping trip.” The twins smiled, “camping? The four of us? Girls, don’t do this to me right now. I had enough headache as it is.” You sighed as you put a hand on your forehead, “or you do as I say and I take one of you back with to Singapore, whether you like it or not.”
It was two against one, and in the end, everything was pushed back, since your powers did not work against the twins. All of your appointments were rescheduled, and Jamie had to return to Singapore since her company needed her. It appears that just you and Jullianna will be returning to Singapore following the twins' desired camping excursion. You decided to accept everything since there was no point in resisting, and before long, you were headed back to Fernando's house. All you can do is hope that everything goes as planned.
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< taglist >
@pear-1206 , @hc-dutch , @llando4norris , @issi-loves-dannyric , @gaypoetsblog , @timmychalametsstuff
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angelicdanvers · 9 months
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by iamplvtinum, iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, and others
y/n — pretty when u cry. plvtinum. tonight.
tagged | iamplvtinum
iamplvtinum BEST DIRECTOR
iamplvtinum absolutely honoured to have you ↳ y/n bro i should be thanking YOU for letting me join ↳ y/n THANK YOOOOU
iamcharliebushnell LITERALLY WHAT
iamcharliebushnell ITS GIVING SCREAM & AHS ↳ y/n 🤭 mighta been the inspo
walker.scobell HOLY ZEUS ↳ y/n holy poseidon
leahsavajeffries OH MY GOD YOU DIDNT EVEN TELL US ABOUT THIS?!$:&/@; ↳ y/n oopsies 🫣
yasmeenfletcher THATS MY SISTAH ↳ y/n LOVE U MEENA
iamcharliebushnell im surprised you didn’t spoil this to me ↳ y/n trust me im just as shocked ↳ iamcharliebushnell did you tell anyone is the question 🤨 ↳ y/n yes your mom ↳ iamcharliebushnell 😃
levizmiller i’m so proud of you ❤️ ↳ y/n thank you, love you lev <3
william.franklyn.miller I SEE U I SEE U 🫣 ↳ y/n EXPECT A STYLE WHEN U SEE ME NEXT MISTER
iamcharliebushnell im back because i still can’t get over how epic this is ↳ y/n STOP BEING SO CUTE ↳ iamcharliebushnell “pretty little thing telling pretty lies” YEAH SHE DEFINITELY IS ↳ y/n THAT WAS THE BEST REFERENCE ↳ iamcharliebushnell BUT ITS TRUE DUMMY ↳ y/n OI I DIDN'T LIE ABOUT YOU BEING CUTE ↳ iamcharliebushnell neither did i, pretty little thing
user no way charlie made such a conspicuous reference 🤭 ↳ user2 NO FR THIS IS INSANE
— taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @gcidrvsh @idontevencare1223 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan @rinisfruity14 @chasebeth @auttumnsayshi @prettygirlformula @alwayswndr @balletfilmss @kestisvrse @1forthemoney2forthekish @eissaaaa @emelia07 @toffytaste @soulaires @bearwon @happy-mushrooms @simrah1012
thank you so much for all the love on chapters one and two! hopefully this chapter reveals more of the state of charlie & y/n's relationship hehe :) i had so much fun writing this because every time i listen to the song i think of slasher films 😅
as always, i will continue updating the taglist :)
i love you and am so proud of you, stay safe and drink water <3
341 notes · View notes
voidbeomgyu · 1 year
ALONE (Teaser)
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In which you meet your bias in the worst circumstances.
PAIRING Idol Jake Sim x Fan Fem Reader
GENRE Zombie Apocalypse, Angst, Slow Burn, Romance/Strangers to Lovers, Suggestive (Maybe smut, not sure yet.), some fluff
WARNINGS 18+ MDNI, Descriptions of violence, death, blood, etc., All members except Jake died so keep that in mind (I'm sorry), Cursing, Crimes, Mental health talk and experiences, Death, Sickness (Throwing up), Making out, Smut(?), It's an apocalypse!au idk how else to warn about that LOL
SUMMARY The group Enhypen get on a plane to the US and when landing are met with the worst. Jake makes it out alive... but alone. Since the dead are attracted to areas where the population is saturated, your best bet is to stay low in the areas usually considered dangerous (alleyways, abandoned buildings, etc). He made his way into the country and found a nice cabin alongside a lake. His further inspection led him to believe it was abandoned for whatever reason, maybe it was a vacation home? Little did he know his inference was correct, and soon he was met face to face with a member of the family who owned it. How would she react to seeing her favorite artist rummaging through the cupboards of her new--hopefully permanent--home? And how would he be able to explain to a loyal fan of his that he was the only member left?
RELEASE DATE To be determined.
TAGLIST Comment on this post or send an ask to be added. (Have your age on your profile or you will not be tagged)
Endless walking while trying to find a suitable place to stay was slowly driving Jake insane. The exhaustion from travelling, fear of death, and anguish from the scene at the airport was weighing down on him heavier and heavier every second. Having watched his best friends, his brothers, his family all being taken away from him without being able to do anything but listen to the oldest’s words, “Run”.
Jake had not yet cried, there was no time for it. It’s been almost thirty six hours since then, he’d stolen a bike around a mile away from the airport. It’s helped him a lot on his journey to safety. He never stole, he wasn’t like that, not that type of person. But in the moment he didn’t have the time nor energy to feel guilty about it. 
Jake didn’t know exactly what he was looking for, but he wanted quiet. Not knowing wether or not it’ll be safer in the city or the country side, he chose the latter. Cities are crowded with people, meaning they must be crowded with the dead by now, right? No matter; either way he knew he’d feel much better being in the middle of nowhere, or at least in the middle of what looked like nowhere. All alone in an abandoned farm house, maybe a lake house, any house on the country side would do. He was being too optimistic, he knew, but he couldn’t help it. Finding a safe home to live in alone with no one around for miles sounded comforting.
The Jake from two days ago would’ve shivered at the thought of being completely alone. Though no extrovert, he needed people. He needed that connection, that interaction. His reasons to smile and laugh were mostly based around the people around him or the entertainment he consumed. Entertainment was out of the question now, and it seemed like people were too. Most dead, and others probably too violent to give Jake a chance due to the circumstances. 
All he held on him was his and Sunghoon’s carry-on bag from the flight. Note to self, don’t try to save your friend by holding onto their bag. Thoughts like this crossed his mind every few minutes, tragedies sentenced as jokes but he wasn’t laughing. What’s wrong with me? How could I think something like that? Maybe it was the dehydration, starvation, overall fatigue? He hadn’t eaten anything since the flight and was savoring the small amount of water he had on him. Either way, thinking of his beloved friends didn’t do much to help his mood. Trying to think of the good times? Those good times will never happen again, they’re gone forever and I’ll never get them back.  
More days passed like this. With a stop at a gas station probably being the reason he’s even alive right now. It was abandoned, for the most part. It was the early morning, and he was literally starving now. The cashier was still there, but his neck was chained so tightly to the wall that it was on the edge of ripping his head clean off. Oh, he was a living corpse too. Jake could tell that much by just looking at him, muffled grunts and groans coming from the pale body every minute. Luckily, he didn’t seem to care much of Jake’s criminal activities there. Stuffing whatever foods and drinks he could into the bags he had on him. They were even heavier now, but he couldn’t feel anything. He was numb to all feeling, mentally and physically. 
At day four he had started keeping track of how many days passed with a calendar he found on the wall of the gas station that morning. He didn’t stay there though, he didn’t have it in him to kill the cashier, and he knew that if he somehow got loose while he was sleeping it would all be over. The past few days he hadn’t slept or rested much at all actually. Napping for at most an hour at a time, waking up to the slightest noises and scurries of nearby wildlife. He knows he’s incredibly lucky to not have encountered any of the dead, besides the one at the gas station, but it’s a little stressful to not have seen any either. Where could they all be? He had made it out of the city, the once bustling streets on day two, he knew many people weren’t out here to begin with. But knowing there are creatures that could kill him in seconds lurking while having no idea where they are was terrifying. 
It’s been six days. His legs started feeling numb just hours after finding his bike due to the frantic pedaling, now he felt like his legs were asleep all the time. The feeling of pins and needles covered his lower body as they worked on auto pilot to keep him going. His back felt horrible, slouched from his broken spirit. Endless cramping and soreness of his hands and fingers from gripping the bikes handles for hours at a time. His knuckles were white, and now so was his once tanned and alive skin. 
His lack of proper meals, sleep, and rest was now obvious. Jake hasn’t seen himself since that day in the airport, but from looking at his now thinner, paler, vein visible arms, he could take a guess at what his face looked like. Hell, he could feel the bags under his eyes whenever he blinked now. 
It’s been quiet and empty for a few miles. Nothing but grass, and a dirt trail he’s been following in sight. How long is this damn trail? he thought. Jake started following the trail at the sunset of day five; he remembers because of his calendar. It was coming to the end of day six, the sun starting to set in the distance behind him. He found a flashlight at the gas station and used it to find himself a place to “rest” for the nights he faced, it neared the time to find a spot to sleep.
Trees were all around him now, the area looked more alive here, not dried out and dead like the miles before. He must be getting close to some sort of building, forest trails usually have a building as a starting point, right? Unless this trail wasn’t made for hikers, in that case he was hoping in vain. 
It was almost completely dark now. Jake had usually found somewhere to stay by this time, but something was telling him to keep going. Using the flashlight to illuminate the shadowed forest, he heard his friends voices cheering him on over and over again. 
“Keep going Jake!”
“Just a little longer!”
“You’ll be okay!”
Tears were unconsciously streaming down his face now, though he still didn’t feel anything. His body just gave up on the effort of keeping them in. 
Jake pedaled faster. He couldn’t hear anything but his heavy panting, it felt like someone had covered his ears with their hands and muted the sound of everything around him. He saw something in the distance, the roof of a building; he padaled faster. A house, the roof made of wood, looked like a cabin; he padaled faster. He could hear the muffled sound of streaming water; he pedaled faster.
Face to face with a cabin, going so fast he couldn’t stop himself from crashing into the wet grass below him. Still struck with adrenaline, he pulled himself up quickly and dragged his bike to the front door. His broken and unused voice sounded through his pants as he tried frantically to open the damned door. 
The door handle had a key hole but was locked with a rusty padlock. He could turn the handle and wriggle the door, that padlock was what he needed to remove. He pulled a hammer out of his bag; he grabbed it from the gas station floor, it was covered in dried blood. Obviously used by someone prior to leaving it there. Jake slammed the hammer into the padlock, over and over again. The loud bangs from striking the lock were null to Jake’s ears, his desperation coating over all his sense. 
Smash. The padlocks body is broken away from its handle and the door is free from it’s hold on the wooden frame. 
Jake shoves his way inside, throwing the bike onto the hard floor of the entry way before turning to lock the door. It was locked from the outside but had a perfectly working lock on the inside, though he didn’t care to question it. He made it, he was safe, he felt like he could faint.
He had no time to think, let alone find a good source of light before he threw up. Keeling on the once clean floor, liquid from his stomach poured out from him. His throat burned and ached at the feeling, like his throat was made of sandpaper. Falling back he sat on the floor, staring at the door and the mess he made on the ground. He laid back and let his eyes rest for the first time in nineteen hours. Jake fell asleep there on the hard floor, knee propped up on the backside of a couch.
If he was thinking clearly, he would’ve checked the entire cabin, then scavenged for any foods that may be there. But he was broken, body and mind. Luck had been on his side since the beginning though. The home was completely vacant before he entered, and when he wakes up he’ll have found himself a place to live in safely. Away from the corpses living in the surrounding cities, and away from any still living people, all alone.
(A/N: Hello friends! I'm finally writing LOL I've had this wip since December and I'm finally going to finish it. This post is just to see if people would even be interested lol. The total fic word count I don't know yet because I haven't finished it, but I am close! I won't give y'all any hints but I will apologize in advance for the angst I'm about to put y'all thru<3 sorry love you guys muah. Don't know exactly when I will publish the full fic, maybe right when I finish it, maybe a month after I finish it IDK I haven't written seriously in months so I'm not too confident anymore but I am excited. Hope y'all are as excited as I am :D )
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