#hopefully it just got capitalized
The nicewashing of Keyleth in tlovm, while pleasant from an actual entertainment perspective, is kind of annoying. Stream Keyleth has ugly anxiety, is obnoxiously self-righteous, and shows big time Karen tendencies. Her voice is also much softer and gentler in the streams rather than the fun shrill and shout-rasp thing Marisha would do. A bit less accidental murder too. I won’t exaggerate and say she’s barely the same character or anything, but there are massive differences, maybe more so than with any of the other PCs.
Scanlan is a bit less competent and sexual harass-y (and they are foreshadowing Bard’s Lament heavily), Pike’s more around and has overall a more defined character, a lot of Vex’s nicer moments are toned down to make her a little more guarded and jagged, Vax is a bit less of a prankster, etc., Grog’s pretty spot on tbh, and I don’t particularly like Percy so my opinion may be biased, but he’s fine. They fucked around with the plot so he’s a bit more possessed; he insists he’s fine in the show where in the stream he knew he was getting pretty wild and asked the party to put him down if he got too dangerous.
But I don’t think Keyleth has been judgy or pushy once in the show, and those are some of her defining character traits in the early stream. She also spends less time wildshaped, doesn’t seem to have an issue with organized religion, and her anxiety is much cuter. She’s not freaking out and threatening a magician, she’s blushing about whether or not Transport Via Plants will work. Keyleth feels much more… conventional? I guess? in the show rather than the kind of bold, uncomfortable character she was in the stream. It has been a while since I watched c1 though, so I might be misremembering literally all of this and no one should listen to me about anything (even though I’m always right).
(Sidenote: I actually like watching Percy, I think Tal plays him with a lot of nuance and personality, but then whenever Tal talks about him outside of the stream he’s like, “actually he’s just a bad person with no redeeming qualities who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else and is a dumb traumatized bitch who didn’t go through any meaningful character development until the last episode” and I find that obnoxious and don’t think it actually reflects how he played in game so that sours him for me a bit. I know it’s Tal doing his bit, but I enjoy all of his characters more the less he talks about them.)
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medicinemane · 1 month
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So... I hadn't checked for a while cause I knew the government was covering my $0 a month income ass with the SAVE program (which I've since learned republicans have been suing to put a stop to and federal judges have frozen which... thanks guys)
Anyway, before that happened they must have paid off my loans cause... I mean... I cut everything even remotely identifiable out there, but just look... paid in full, $0.00 balance!
So... thank Biden, thanks Harris... you actually did what you said you would
That's a huge weight off me. I mean, I was in forbearance (or whatever the one is where you tell the loan company you've got $0 in income) for a long time (which I learned probably had kind of screwed me over with the old rules) but... this way I don't have to worry that if I ever get on my feet I'll suddenly be slammed by student loans
This means I get to focus on making things better for myself by doing stuff to work on my house so it holds heat better and so my backdoor has a deck instead of a 5 foot dead drop into the basement stairwell
Really fucking wish these student loan repayments wouldn't keep getting blocked by judges, like sorry, now that mine's been paid off I still want the program even though I got mine... I want everyone else to get theirs too
Just... yeah... some good news, some real good news
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rozeliyawashereyall · 5 months
@willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @astralbulldragon13
Made these at 2am when I should've been studying for finals instead
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I have no idea how accurate these are of your characters, so here are the icons-
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
dear body: when I complained about being So Very Tired for no reason, what I meant was that I wanted to wake feeling rested after a long night’s sleep, not that I wanted you to wake me up at 2:30 am and keep me awake.
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lucalicatteart · 1 year
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 16: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should offer to help the travelers with their broken wagon.....
After much internal deliberation (and some zoning out staring at butterflies), The Adventurer decides it would be best to offer his assistance. Technically, he IS still following his goal of not getting distracted, because theoretically it would make his journey much faster if he were able to catch a ride on a carriage. So really, this is all an ultimate big brain genius strategy for maximizing efficient travel.. Or, at least that sounds like a good enough justification to him.
Gathering up all of his social courage, he approaches one of the travelers fiddling with a broken wheel near the far end of the carriage and meekly asks if there's anything he could do to help.
The man was so focused on his task, he seems initially startled to look up and find someone near him. "OH..! Oh, uhh.. help? With the wagon?", he smiles pleasantly, gesturing towards a few wooden boards that are just out of his reach, "Sure, kid. If you could just hand me th-"
"Apologies, but we actually won't be needing your assistance, stranger." A taller man, surprisingly almost matching the stature of the Adventurer, suddenly slinks out from somewhere behind the carriage, sternly placing himself like a barrier in front of the man working on the wheel. Wheel Guy nervously averts his eyes, making himself smaller, silently resuming his work.
The Adventurer tries his best to maintain composure against the weight of the tall man's bitter gaze, but can't seem to muster much of a response "Aeughh,,, uh… b-but, h- Bu--HHHh,,?.."
"Look, disregard whatever my father told you, he's old, never has any clue what he's talking about. It'd be best for you to simply move along." ('Father'? They don't look alike at all, and seem to be nearly the same age..)
"W-well.. he.. he didn't really tell me anything, I me-hhH,,.. I mean, I literally just got here, s-so...."
"Good. Even more reason to be on your way."
Placing a gloved hand firmly on his shoulder, the tall man begins to motion the Adventurer away from the wagon, but a strange noise interrupts, echoing from inside. Perhaps some sort of animal sound? Or a person faintly yelling about something? Or… both?
"WH-wHggg… whAT was t-that???!!" The Adventurer immediately stops in place, pausing to listen as the tall man keeps trying to push him ahead.
"I didn't hear anything, stranger."
"No, t-there.. was dEFinitely, UHH, a-"
"Likely something in the forest."
"Wh--aah... d.. do you think it was an animal?"
The tall man continues a dramatic struggle to 'subtly' drag him further down the road, whilst the Adventurer mindlessly digs in his heels, too distracted to even notice he's being so strongly prompted to leave.
"Many animals do, indeed, exist within forests. This should not be suprising."
"...It's just.. ..eughh… s… so weird…"
"I assure you, it is not."
"I-it really sounded like.. like it came f-from insid-"
"Yes, from inside the forest. Now, please, if you would.."
The noise interrupts again. It's definitely someone, or something, in some sort of distress.. And definitely from inside of the cart.
"wHoAAGH, aa!!! T-tHat's NOT from the f-forest, that-"
The tall man fully just shoves him now, sending the Adventurer toppling across the dirt, clumsily rolling and landing just past the other side of the carriage. A mother and young child who seem to be part of the traveling group simply stare down at him with empty blank gazes, wholly unconcerned about helping him up.
As the Adventurer fumbles back to his feet (still confused as to why he was even pushed in the first place), the tall man looms by the carriage, diligently watching to ensure that he leaves.
"Travel safe, stranger."
Despite his initial obliviousness, the Adventurer begins to piece the situation together as he stares back at the man, now fully convinced something suspicious might be going on...
…What should he do next??
Additional Information
the adventurer's current main quest: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#poll#polls#choose your own adventure#ERM.. ... hee hee... yes.. alas.. it has been like two months since the last one lol#IT'S SUMMER!!!! how can anyone function in the summer..? It's literally 83F in my room indoors right now at this moment at NIGHT#I'm about to go to sleep.. who can sleep in an 80+ degree room comfortably?? ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#Really no hope of productivity at all from like June - September basically... EVIL.. and also the spring this year had some heat waves so#AUGhh... my nemesis the Summer.. Or moreso capitalism is my nemesis for worsening climate change and also keeping people in such#economic inequality that cheap apartments with terrible ventilation get made and people cant afford air conditioners and etc. etc.#but ALSO... the summer... grrrr.. 'Heat' you will never be famous.. you will always be lame nasty and so forth..#ANYWAY.. also sorry this is another blurb that's longer. The text is always longer when there's actually spoken interactions lol#I know I'm not very good at this style of writing (especially when rushing with these) so I always feel kind of awkward having really long#sections people will have to slog through or etc ghbjhjh but.. I don't really know how it make it shorter. the interaction#is just the interaction. certain things must be said and conveyed. peace and love on planet orth.#Ough it's been so long I almost forgot to draw his injuries lol.. in-world it's only been what like.. a day? since he got into a fight with#that mysterious cloaked person who was tracking him to steal the egg. I also always just forget how to draw him in between breaks#hopefully his hair and stuff doesn't look too different. They're meant to be really quick sketches anyway but still.. you at least want him#to be recognizable lol#ANYWAY.. another update from the Son.. what is he up to on his little traveles...
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famewolf · 11 months
tires successfully gathered! i will now proceed to bundle up under all my blankets and spend the day recovering from the stress-hell that was my weekend
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feraecor · 1 year
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"At least they did something intelligent..."
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"Satan and Pythius have been in the forest for the better part of Satan being missing, as far as I can tell. Both of them are definitely Corrupted."
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"Keep an eye an them as much as possible, Behemoth. But keep your distance. Do not become Corrupted."
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"Don't plan on it, Flaer."
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honeyvenommusic · 2 years
this week has been a weird shithell but wow if I didn’t just crack a song that I made a year ago or more in a deep depression hole that will makes no sense to anyone but me but damn is it compelling last night.
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copperbadge · 2 months
I cannot believe that I just found out about That Time A Teenage Kid Stole Guy Fieri's Lamborghini.
It's a wild-ass story and unfortunately the theft of the Lambo happens right in the middle of it, which makes the story difficult to tell since while it's super funny that a kid jacked Guy Fieri's ride, he then went on to try and murder a guy, which is not at all funny.
Basically this kid started a fake ID business at the age of fourteen and by sixteen was looking to expand, and the way he decided to do that was to rappel into a car dealership where Guy Fieri stored his $200K Lamborghini, steal it and deactivate the tracker, and then sell it to a cartel head which would give him the seed capital to invest in his other criminal enterprises. He didn't end up selling it, and he didn't use it in the drive-by, but he was caught when he became the prime suspect in a drive-by shooting where he fired into a truck where the guy he wanted to kill and the woman he wanted to kill him over were sitting (as far as I can tell they were unhurt).
So they caught him and then found out he had the Lamborghini and on the one hand Guy Fieri's reaction of "Brave kid," is super funny but maybe not so much when you throw the shooting in there. But still have you ever heard anything more Guy Fieri in your life than "Well, I guess it takes balls to rappel into a building to steal my sports car."
Anyway the kid got 21-to-life but seems to sincerely regret what he did and he's white, so he got paroled last month. Hopefully he has indeed had some time to consider the consequences of his actions and is on a good path now.
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jinkiesmariz · 9 months
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Hey guys I did a aggio with the ummm server again sorry Lucinda is so distracting anyways sketch dump :3
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Nicole !!!! :333
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Me… and garroth 🦅🦅🦅💥💥⚡️💥⚡️⚡️
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Also me and my MCDnD oc :3 Lapis
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This is Juniper! Another MCD oc who is Lapis’ mentor and a Tu’lan mage, ermmm very much on the side of the revolution tho
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Also here is another MCD oc !!! I DONT have a name for her but she’s a childhood friend of lapis’ and now a baker in the capital of Tu’la who looks after the young children wandering the alleyways :3
Hopefully next time I can be more normal and just sketch normally :’3 got lost in the sauce
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nathaslosthershit · 4 months
A Big Decision (Teen Dad!Oscar AU)
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(Part 8 of Teen Dad!OP au [Can be read on its own])
Summary: It is time to pop the big question
The twins had finally gone down for a nap after spending so long fighting it. The kids, at age three, have started to fight them more and more, leading their parents to start discussing if it's time for naps to stop. Honey, being a stay at home mom, had needed the nap time as much as her kids had in the past, giving her time to catch up on chores or just rest for a little, so she was really trying to get as much time as she could with it. But maybe it truly was over.
She was surprised to see Oscar pacing in their living room once she went back downstairs.
“Well, aren't you home early?” She says as Oscar immediately wraps his arms around her, burying his head in her neck and kissing it.
“Missed you all, did what they needed from me extra fast so I could get home earlier. Thought we could maybe go out tonight?”
“Oscar, it's a friday night. Do you know how impossible getting a babysitter would be? The kids also take a while to warm up to babysitters, I don’t think it's a good idea.”
“Good thing I thought ahead then. Lando had a free night and has been begging to see them after the last ‘betrayal’ when they wore Sargeant hats. Even better, he said he would do it for free if it meant working towards being the favorite.”
“Oscar, you can’t get your coworkers to babysit your twin toddlers for free by dangling favoritism in their faces.”
“It was his idea! I am just capitalizing off of it. I got us a nice reservation too, we just need to let him now in the next…” Oscar checks his wrist where his watch usually rests but finds it missing, “uh now. So I need an answer quickly, are we going to stay home and eat the same leftovers we have had for the past two days, or are we going to make Lando Norris the happiest man alive by letting him watch our kids for free while we have an amazingly romantic dinner?” Oscar quickly asks as he takes his ex-fiancee, now girlfriend, in his arms.
“Fine, let's go out, we could use the night off. Let Lando know I appreciate him watching them for us.”
“Perfect, why don’t you go out, do something nice for yourself, I'll take over with the kids. We still have time before dinner tonight.” Oscar suggested in a strange tone as he kissed all surface area of her face.
“What is up with you today? I don’t mind it but you are so much more touchy.” She laughed.
“Don’t worry bout a thing.” Was all he replied as he walked away. “Tonight will be the best yet, I promise.”
That’s when it struck her, why he was being so weird. Surely, he was going to propose.
After the huge fight in Suzuka, she had called the engagement off, causing them to ignore each other’s existence unless it came to the kids, for seven weeks. Since they had gotten back together, life had been blissful. Sure, it was most likely the ‘honeymoon’ phase of their relationship, but even so, they had been so ready to marry each other before things started going downhill. Maybe days after they got back together isn’t the right time to get engaged, but they had been to hell and back together since they got pregnant at 18 years old, they were it for each other, always would be. 
Oscar taking off of racing had also been a blessing. It had been hard for him, certainly. But he had needed to learn how to put his family first again, a priority that got harder to keep up with since joining Formula 1. 
As she sat in the nail salon chair, getting what were hopefully her engagement nails done, she thought back to how far they’d come. 
Arriving home with her nails done, and after getting the most amazing massage, Honey was giddy as she greeted her, hopefully, soon to be fiancé. After an hour and a half of filling her head with wedding plans and thinking about their future when she would finally get to be Mrs. Piastri after 7 years, she was more excited then she was the first time he proposed. 
This excitement continued from the moment she stepped into the shower, till the moment she sat in her seat at the restaurant. Oscar had hired a driver for the night, saying it was a night all for them, no need to be careful of how many drinks they were going to have, he had also told her he had plans to take them to the beach after where they could finish the night with a picnic by the water and stay as late as they liked. 
There was one thing that was off about him though, while she had expected nerves, she had also expected excitement from him and soon noticed the more giggly she was, the more upset he seemed to be. Maybe he realized she had caught on?
She finally asked what was up after he spilt his drink.
“Seriously Osc, what is wrong with you? You claim this is such a nice night for just the two of us but you are a mess right now!”
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m like th-”
“Bullshit. I thought I made it clear how awful of a liar you are Oscar Jack Piastri, just tell me. Please?”
Silence filled the air as he stared at her, words failing.
“I will get up if you don’t-”
“I had a meeting with higher ups at McLaren earlier today and was told if I don’t come back then I am out of the contract and I agreed to come back for the Spanish Grand Prix!” Oscar blurted out.
Again, a heavy silence landed on the couple, both of them daring the other one to speak first.
Then, without a single word, Honey got up from the table and walked to the car leaving Oscar at the table, tears starting to fall.
Part 2 out now!
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avoxrising · 10 months
The Feral One • Ch 11
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
I had such a hectic day but decided I wanted to stay up late and upload anyways. Prepare yourselves for a plot twist!!!
Content Warnings - Mentions of suicide/torture
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How long had you been here? Weeks? Months? None of that mattered to you. You were happy here.
The capital doctors had fixed you. No more meltdowns over people touching you; no more urges to kill. You were finally healed.
You don’t know why they took the route of healing you while they tortured the others, but who were you to complain? They had made you whole again. Maybe they thought that making you realize the stability you had lived without for the past five years would be a form of torture. Maybe they thought it would make you sad. It didn’t. It made you the happiest you had been in a long time.
The only thing that would make you happier would be seeing Finnick. You know he’s not in the capital. Peeta said he saw him on the screen the other day while he was doing an interview, so you know he’s alive. You just hope you’ll be reunited soon.
Hopefully he will come here and they can fix him too. He may not show it, but his games and the years after have left him with a lot of scars. If he comes, you’ll make sure he gets the same treatment you received.
The power here keeps flickering out. Peeta says it’s cause the dam in District 5 was destroyed. Apparently Finnick and Katniss are in District 13 and the capital sent bombs. Peeta warned them and got extra torture because of it.
Johanna is silent outside of her screams. Whatever they’re doing to her sounds horrible. You don’t want to find out.
“Y/N!” Peeta whispers loudly to you. His room is across from yours and you can hear each other under the door.
“What?” you respond.
“I overheard them talking about you,” he states. “The peacekeepers were talking about your treatment.”
“What about it?” you ask.
“I didn’t hear all of it,” he explains, “and it’s hard for me to know what’s real nowadays, but they said something about a timer going off and how they would make you crazy again. We have to get out before they hurt us.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask him annoyed. “They won’t hurt me. Snow promised.”
Just as Peeta goes to respond, the lights cut out again and peacekeepers enter the hall. They usually set up extra guards when the power goes out in case anyone tries to escape. Why would you escape? You like it here.
It must be an hour later when panic sets in. You hear a hiss coming from the hall and what sounds like people falling over. You don’t have time to think, however, before your door is opened and a canister of smoke is thrown into your room. Peeta was right. They are going to hurt you.
“Did you always love her?” Katniss asks Finnick as they wait for the rescue team to return. All communication had been cut off but the two were still holding onto hope that they would return safely.
“No,” he chuckles. “I guess she snuck up on me.”
“How?” Katniss asks.
“After her incident in the capital Snow killed her family,” he explains. “I moved in with her because she wasn’t stable enough to live on her own. We were scared she was going to kill herself and selfishly I couldn’t let the one victor I had brought home at that point die.”
Katniss nods her head in understanding and Finnick continues.
“I don’t know if I’d even call us friends when I first lived with her. She wasn’t thrilled I moved in and found me annoying, yet I was the only one she would talk to. She wouldn’t even speak to Mags,” he states. “Before Annie’s games my nightmares got worse. I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night completely disoriented. Instead of running or turning violent she would stay. Whenever I woke her up she would come to my room and sit near me till I fell asleep again. Something just clicked at that point and I knew I couldn’t live without her. I still can’t.”
“I never even told her I loved her,” he sadly says to Katniss.
“She knows,” Katniss responds. “And I know she loves you too.”
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
I would like you to write a fic with Dark! Cregan Stark x reader
Dark you mean... like this...?
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Price of War 
part 2!
Dark!Cregan x Targaryen!Reader
Summary: You are send to the North to rally Cregan Stark to your side, 
Warnings: cursing, misogyny, medieval setting, war, usurpation, smut, loss of virginity, a bit of blood, dub-con (reader feels pressured), coercion, hints of a threesome (mfm), breeding kink, breeding, might miss some warnings 
“your sister will go North!”, said Otto, talking to Aegon and Aemond, Alicent just shook her head
“No, she is the girl, she will not travel the longest distance, it makes no sense!”, Otto just looked at his daughter
“Exactly, she is the girl, Cregan Stark will only answer to soft and innocent words”, he continued. Alicent then looked more scared than before
“You want her to whore herself to that pagan?”, she whined, her mouth twisted downwards 
“If she must”, he said dismissively, Aegon only smiled wickedly, Aemond looked to the floor in front of him, grabbing his hands behind him tightly, controlling himself 
“I must go”, the four of them turned to the girl that just entered the chamber, silent like a little mouse, “Grandfather is right, if a marriage alliance will grant us the North, I must try”
“No”, whined Alicent
“Sush mother”, said Aegon, and that surprised even Aemond, “if our little sister wants some northerner cock who are we to stand in her way?”
“You will respect your sister!”, grunted Otto, Alicent just whined, covering her mouth in a horrified glance
“i will offer my hand in marriage, for after the war”, she muttered, with a hopeful smile, trying to ignore her brother, and she looked at her twin, Aemond, she wanted him to be proud of her, “and then I will come back, sooner rather than later, to protect the capital from the blacks”
“Oh my sweet”, Alicent grabbed her daughter and hugged her tightly, caressing her silver hair 
“I’ll be back soon mother”, she offered, and with no time to waste, she grabbed the letter her grandfather had written, and went to get dressed.
She wore the thickest riding gear he had, if it gets cold up there in the skies, the skies of the North would be even colder
She braided her own hair in a single braid
She wanted to do this, she wanted to make her family proud of her, she had to show determination, she had to protect her family, so with a hopeful smile, the kingsguard escorted her to the pit
Aemond wanted to speak to her, but she wouldn’t let her, she would lose her determination if she heard the soft words of her brother, besides, he was supposed to be betrothed also, she couldn’t take the same liberties, not that something ever happened…
Her dragon was waiting for her, happily, it was the only dragon that hatched for her or her siblings, so it was small, like Vermax, Jacaerys’ dragon.
She took to the skies quickly, she wanted to go and come back as soon as she could
She had heard stories about Cregan Stark, that he was young, and honorable, and as a Stark, he was joust and kept his word
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He was going to support the King, your brother, or at least that is what you wanted to believe
You smiled hopefully
It took you two days to reach the capital of the North, and you knew when you got there because it was magnificent
It was a huge castle that looked like it had been there for a thousand years, and was going to be there far after you are gone as well.
The snowy mountains, the frozen lakes
It was beautiful 
Your dragon landed heavily on the snow, and when you touched the snowy ground, you heard another growl, you looked up to thee your nephew’s green beast, growling and snapping. Your dragoness growled back. You let them smell and growl at each other, without a rider to command them, they wouldn’t attack
 You were received by a soldier who after hearing your introductions, guided you inside the huge fortress, unimpressed and weary. The castle was huge, but you had no time to look at it, as you followed the men with fast feet. They led you to the great hall, it was filled with people, lords and ladies, but there, in the center of it all, you couldn’t miss him, stood a twenty five years old Cregan Stark.
“Princess (Y/N) of House Targaryen, daughter to the dowager Queen Alicent HIghtower”, and sister to the new King, you thought.
Everything went quiet, and all of them them walked away from you, to give you a huge space, for now there was nothing between you and the guardian of the North 
“Lord Stark”, he was an impressive man, dressed in wolf furs, his face serious to be so young, his eyes a piercing blue, his hair a dark brown, a strong beard on his chin and jaw
“Princes”, immediately you saw Jace, standing a few feet away from the Lord
“Jacaerys”, you greeted, and you wanted to smile, you liked Jace, but unfortunately, now you were enemies, he looked at you with a mean frown, you tried to clear your throat, your eyes to the ones of the big Wolf, sitting on the Northerner throne
“My Lord”, you said, “I bring word from my brother, the King”
“The King?”, he asked, Jace smirked, “forgive me, princess, because I believed Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was supposed to sit the Iron Throne after her father, King Viserys”, he said, you paled, you got here too late, but still, he stood up from his throne and walked towards you, taking the scroll from your hand, he read it hastily, not before giving you a last heavy look, to then turn to the paper 
“I see” he whispered, looking back at you, he then looked at Jace, “my allegiance and my swords, for you”, he said smirking
You don’t know how long Jace had been in here, you guessed it couldn’t be that long, but the way that they looked at each other, it seemed like they had formed some sort of friendship, that they were in an alliance together, leaving you out in the cold
It was too late 
“Why would I support your brother’s claim?”, he asked then, sitting himself again, “My father sworn allegiance to the Queen, and you must know, Stark’s words mean something”, he said, “unlike the words of Hightowers and Lannisters”, you swallow thickly, but you couldn’t rid of the knot in your throat 
“The Queen was there, in the last moments with the king…”, you said, unconvinced, “she heard him muster his last words, that he desired Aegon to seat the Iron Throne after him”
“Lies”, said Jace
“So the only one there, to testify, is your mother”, he said, unimpressed, it sounded bad, it did, very convenient, but you knew your mother, and she wouldn’t lie with something like that… she wouldn’t, she was to good, too pius, you heard the lords and ladies snickering
You felt his deep gaze on you
It was true what they said, you believed, the Starks were more wolf than men, he looked like he wanted to eat you, you felt a lightning bolt traveling down your back, you started playing with your fingers, you were so cold and nervous 
You missed the way Jacaerys and Cregan smirked at each other 
“Clear the room, leave us”, commanded Cregan, and in seconds, the rooms as empty, even Jacaerys had left, only then you dared to look up at him
“Say it again”, he demanded, “why would I accept your brother’s claim?”, he asked
“He is the King’s first born son”, it was a justification, but it sounded like a question. He stood up front he throne, making you jump, he walked slowly, circling you, like a hunter
“They offered you up to the wolf uh?”, he asked
“Yes”, you said shakily, feeling his hot breath in the back of your neck 
“Show me how much you are willing to give for me to support your brother”, he whispered huskily
“What?”, you asked, looking at him, “I don’t understand”, he grabbed you by the hips and draw you back to him, now your back was to his chest, his mouth lingered over the side of your face 
“I am in need of a wife”, he purred, you felt like your heart beating so strong you believed he could hear it 
“But… would you support my brother?”, you asked, so nervous, you knew this was wrong, but you had to do something, or else, you would lost the North
“You’ll have to earn it…”
“How?”, you asked, when his big hand traveled from your hip, to your belly to one of your breasts, making you whimper
You whimpered, hiding your moans on the sheets underneath, but Cregan grabbed your by the hair roughly and made you crane your neck back
“I want to hear you”, he growled, pounding into you, over and over, “as I breed you”
“You already did”, you whined grabbing onto the sheet
This was wrong
You were not married 
And yet Cregan was cumming inside of you yet again, the dirty, squelching noises resounded over the room, your cunt, creamy and weeping, dripping the Stark’s seed, and yet he didn’t tired, you had been at it for hours
It hurt
Not much as it did when it started, when he took you for the first time, making you bleed, stealing your maidenhead, but now you were sore and tired, he hadn't stop 
“Cregan please”, you whined, you reached back, managed to grab his side, “I’m so full, I’m tired and sore”, you cried
But it felt so so good
“I have to teach you a lesson”, he growled, grabbing you greedily, he had you face down on the bed, your thighs bend, giving him complete access to you, “coming here, thinking a Stark’s word is feeble and weak, that we forget”, you cried out, his big cock reached a spot inside of you that made your eyes roll to the back of your head, “The North remembers little one, you are traitors and usurpers”
“I-I’m sorry”, you babbled, your thoughts, because of the pleasure, melted in a cloud, “I didn't mean it”
“You only wanted this, didn’t you? whoring yourself, searching for a real man for a husband”
“Answer me little dragon”, he whispered teasingly, his hot open mouth in your cheek, you felt his teeth teasing your skin, threatening to bite you
“Yes”, you said barely
“I will marry you, you will stay here with your dragon like the good lady wife you are”, he growled, “they won’t take you back, with my seed dripping down your thighs, you will marry me won’t you? you will give me many children?”
“Yes”, you accepted your fate, closing your eyes and feeling his thick, fat cock pumping you full of his cum again, it felt so good
He was finally over, after hours and hours, he dropped himself to the bed right next to you, he grabbed you a bit rough, but accommodate you by his side
His fingers caressed your shoulder, then your back, then your bump, and then
You whined pitifully when you felt his thick fingers entering your creamy pussy, his seed mixed with your cum…
“So full of me, so good”, he purred, “You will stay here and bear children won’t you?”, he continued, “you have to eliminate from your pretty little head thoughts about war and alliances, the only thing in your mind from now on will be to take care of my child, and bare me more, is that understood?”, you nodded, “you are usurpers and traitors, so you will have to work hard for us to forgive you, won’t you?”, you looked at him even is it was a question he wasn’t really asking, you barely nodded, as his finger continued to play with you, “answer me little dragon”
“Yes Cregan”
“My lord, I’m your lord now”
“Yes My Lord” 
Then the door of his chambers opened, you jumped trying to cover your nakedness, but Cregan prevented you
Jace entered the room, with a wide smile on his face
“Our dragons are mating, isn’t that appropriate?”, he teased
“Jace?” you looked back at Cregan who was smirking, “what are you doing here?”
“Your family usurped my mother’s throne, I think you have to make us up for it”, he teased. YOu whimpered, looking at him wide eyed 
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You watched the Northerner army march south, from the Lord of Winterfell’s rooms, against your family, you were so worried tears welled in your eyes, as you touched your five moons old baby bump
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More notes: Well, technically he didn’t promise her anything hehe, I don’t know if it was THAT dark, but even though we haven’t met Cregan yet, I can’t picture him being cruel and very dark with a lady… anyways… hope you liked it noonie! ❤️
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luveline · 2 years
okok if you'd be into it, maybe Roan seeing reader in the supermarket and slipping away from Eddie to go and say hi? like he looks down from where he was reading the label on something and just panics 'cause wheredidshegoohmygod
you are the GOAT babe! absolutely best idea ever ever I owe u my life. kind of single dad Eddie losing his mind while u and his kid bond <3 | fem!reader
Eddie's completely unaware that you're even at Bradley's Big Buy. Him and Roan have only stopped by for some princess bandaids to cover her skimmed knees. She's calmer now she knows the princess bandaids are an inevitability, but she'd been near inconsolable on the drive here.
"You feeling better?" he asks hopefully, swinging her small hand gently as he walks.
He's taking slow steps to match her. They've made a one minute walk to the toiletries into five minutes and counting.
"Maybe," she says.
He almost regrets teaching her the word 'maybe'. Everything is maybe these days.
"What can I do to get a 'yes', huh?"
She wriggles her fingers in his. He gives her a nice squeeze and waits hopefully, pulling her past the aisle of shampoos and then the aisle of deodorants to the one beside it, first aid and ointments and things.
"Y/N," she says with surety.
"She's coming over again next week, babe."
"Now?" she says, or asks.
He stops in front of the plasters. "I wish, sweetheart. Alright, here's the bandaids... But where..." He frowns at the lack of pink bandaids and kneels down to search for them. There's puppies and sharks and fall leaves, but no princesses. He drops Roan's hand to push a box of plain bandaids aside. "You got along so well, I know she's excited to see you too, but I can't just ask her to come over. Well, maybe I can. How many dates do you go on before you..." He peers behind the boxes. Not a princess in sight.
He pulls away. "Baby, I don't think they have any-" Eddie stops short, a placating speech caught in his throat when he realises his daughter is nowhere to be seen.
"Roan?" he asks. With no time for her to answer, he repeats, "Roan?" loudly, loud enough to draw stares.
He swings his gaze one way and then the other, praying for a hint of her. The bounce of her little dark bunches or the flare of her dress dungarees.
Roan can hear her dad calling her, she just doesn't care. She'd seen you standing in the shampoo aisle debating between bottles and needed to come and see you.
You shrug and drop a blue bottle that brags moisture and definition into the basket and go to move to the deodorants in the next aisle when you feel something tug your skirt.
You look down and see a little kid.
"Hi, baby, are you lo- Roan?"
Hard to confuse her honey brown eyes for anyone else, you stop short when you realise it's Eddie's baby.
Roan finally has confirmation that it's you and shouts exuberantly, "Y/N!"
Your heart melts. Capital M, melts. You're putty in her tiny hands. "Well hi, princess."
She beams wide as she can and holds up her arms. It's a struggle to pull her into your chest — you're not as adept as juggling her with one full hand as Eddie is and you doubt you ever will be — but you make up for your clumsiness with pure adoration. She's just as pretty as her dad and twice as charming, wrapping her arms around your neck and ducking her forehead to your collar in a hug.
"Aw," you croon, patting her back. "Hi, baby. How are you?"
"I got an owie," she says very quietly. There's a soft whine to her voice like she might cry.
You encourage her head back to look at her. "Yeah? What have you hurt, sweetheart? And where's your daddy?"
You look over her head suddenly, half-expecting Eddie to be standing there watching. He's not. The aisle is completely empty. You walk to the end of the aisle in hopes that he's gonna be coming around the corner. No dice.
"Roan, where's daddy?" you ask seriously.
She looks as pensive as a three year old can. "I want the princess ones."
"Princess what?" you ask distractedly, eyes searching the store for Eddie.
Music plays loudly over the speakers, an old Bowie song. You can barely hear her answer. "For the owies."
You make a decision without thinking. Yes, Eddie's probably very worried that Roan isn't with him, but she keeps talking about a mysterious owie and you'd found her by herself, so you prioritise her hurting over his.
Sorry, Eddie, you think.
"What did you hurt? D'you wanna show me?"
She points down.
You hold her away from you (kind of, this carrying thing is hard) and find the rips in her thick wool tights edged in red.
"Oh no! You poor girl, I know that must've hurt. Did daddy kiss them better?" you ask sympathetically, wincing as you assess the surface scrapes on her knees. Bloody, but with no deep cuts you think she'll be okay.
"Yeah," she says tearfully. To your horror, her eyes start to well up. You've reminded her that she's hurting. It's not a good move.
"Oh no," you repeat, rubbing up and down the breadth of her back.
She's heavier than she looks and your basket makes your wrist ache but you refuse to put her down. Her crumpled face strikes a fear like God and you reckon putting her down will make it a whole lot worse.
You've yet to see her tantrum as Eddie promises she does. This feels awful enough, you decide, to see her actually upset about something. You flail to make her feel better.
"What can I do, sweetheart? Shall we go find you some bandaids?" you ask softly. She nod slow and rubs her eyes with her fists.
You hike her up your chest and move out of the aisle. As soon as you do you're almost knocked over, a fast-moving body smashing into your basket and tugging your arm. You shriek and Roan shrieks and Eddie stops in front of you, dark curls framing a frantic face, and says, "Thank fuck."
"Don't repeat that," you tell Roan.
"Y/N," Eddie says. Your name is sweet on his lips, affection and relief and gratitude. "Oh my god."
He laughs and then keels over.
"Eddie!" You drop your basket and it slams to the floor, reaching for his back.
"I'm okay!" he says, equally abrupt and stressed. He scratches two hands through his hair before he emerges and scrapes it all away from his cheeks, eyes bright.
He takes a deep breath. His chest rises.
His laugh is nice. You've heard it before. This one is sunshine in sound.
"I think I just had a heart attack."
"Oh my god."
"You're in my bad books," he says to Roan pointedly, glaring.
She glares back. It's amazing to you how they mimic each other, intentionally or otherwise. Twin scrunched noses, twin sloped eyebrows.
Then he dips forward and kisses her sloppy on the cheek. His smell washes over you, the unmistakable stick of engine oil hidden by too much laundry detergent. It's endearing. It makes you want a kiss on the cheek too.
"Baby," he says, voice all drama. It takes you a while to realise he's speaking to you. "I owe you my life."
"Well... actually, I think it might've been my fault. She knew it was me and-" Your eyes blow wide. "Eddie, she skimmed her knees."
"I know," he says, reaching out to squeeze your shoulder. You can feel the clear indent of every finger pressing into your skin. "That's why we're here, for princess bandaids."
He rolls his eyes as if to say, what can you do? Though his voice had been so soft when he'd reassured you, like he'd understood the stress. Well, of course he had. He knows it better than you ever could.
"Princess bandaids," you repeat, stroking a rogue curl out of Roan's eyes. She shys at your tone, fondness for her doubled now you have some context. Princess ones, princess bandaids.
"You heard about 'em?" Eddie asks knowingly.
"All about 'em." You remember yourself and move your hands to under her armpits. "Speaking of..."
Eddie holds his hands out and takes her. Upset in remembering her injured knees she goes without a fuss, clearly craving her dad's comfort. She tucks her face into his neck and all but disappears into his hair. Eddie wraps her up tight, the last bit of nervous tension he'd been holding slipping away.
"We should go get some," he finishes.
You shift onto the side of your foot. "Maybe I can help look?" you ask.
Eddie grins at you. It's a cheeky kind of smile.
I see through you, it says.
"What do you think, baby? Think Y/N can come help us find some bandaids for your owie?" he murmurs.
She mutters something into his neck. He whispers something back, pats the top of her shoulders, and kisses her head.
"What'd she say?" you ask apprehensively.
Your awkward smile must amuse him, must endear him, something, because he smiles at you with his lashes kissing in the corners and elbows you with a great laugh.
"She asked if you'd kiss her owies too."
Oh my god. "Of course I will."
"That's what I told her," he says.
You pick up your basket and trip over yourself as you follow him into the first aid aisle. You're frenetic and awkward under Eddie's steady gaze, a bumbling mess of nerves and shakey giggles, but when it's your turn to kiss Roan's scraped knees, you're perfect.
more eddie n roan
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hi!! i was wondering if you could do adult! gn reader that got transported to teyvat with verlaine? i love your works!
If you were not alone
Part XII
Characters: Self-Aware! Paul Verlaine
Reader: GN! Adult! Reader
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Some violence.
🇫🇷 You and Paul were on a walk, when that happened. One moment, you two were in a park. Next moment you were laying on the ground. You were dizzy, the world was spinning before your eyes. Verlaine was luckier than you. At least, he was standing. And, perhaps, he didn't get a headache, or, at least, was better at keeping himself together. He was holding good enough to walked to you and effortlessly pick you up and put you back on your feet.
A few minutes later, the world stopped having a rolling party, and you finally managed to look around. You looked at grass, at trees, at water and at familiar giant blue blocks of Fontaine Research Institute.
You felt Paul's hand squeezing your shoulder.
"[Y/N], since when your..." Paul noticed the side glance you gave him and corrected himself. "Our world's technology became that advance to have an antigravity?"
Your chuckle was bitter.
"We aren't home."
🇫🇷 You took your time to explain To Paul what Teyvat (and Fontaine) are. During your explanation, Paul nodded from time or hummed, showing, that he understands. However, when you tried to share the Idea of Genshin Impact Characters also being self-aware, Verlaine shook his head in disagreement.
Apparently, BSD Cast, before transportation, monitored every last of your apps. To find more about Real World, to take care of you. And to investigate, if someone else has become self-aware.
There was nothing wrong with Genshin wrong. It was just a game.
"I admit, it is possible, that we overlooked something, and they were self-aware all this time. Nevertheless, let's be careful. We don't know, how they will react to us."
With that in mind, you two start moving, using Callas Line as a "waymark" to Court of Fontaine.
You run into Fatui Operatives, tho... For some reason, they insisted on getting into a fight.
At least, now you have mora and operatives will be on a sick leave.
🇫🇷 Plan was simple.
Get to city - Go to the Adventurers' Guild - Ask Katheryne about Traveler's whereabouts (or Alice's)
You two get into the city (with some difficulty). Entrance from institute's direction was a bit hard to reach. And, as Paul pointed out, if he uses his ability to get to the aquabus station, you will get unwanted attention.
It's not like you didn't get it.
The atmosphere in a capital was... strange.
People were staring at you. Their eyes were full of confusion. You heard a whispered "Aren't their Holiness were with Monsieur Neuvillette today?"
"Holiness"? Is there a religion in Teyvat Hoyo still haven't dropped a lore about?
Melusines were looking at you with a mix of disbelief and hope. You overheard Muirne whispering "They are the real one. Who else would be traveling with a living embodiment of a storm". (You sneak a glance at Paul after that words, but, he either didn't hear her, didn't care about her words or did a good job hiding his emotions).
It was hard to navigate through Fontaine. You decided to go to Palais Mermonia and take the elevator here.
You reached Palais Mermonia.
And came face to face with your own doppelgänger and Neuvillette.
Your double... The moment they looked at you, they started to look sick. And you weren't talking about "pale, stuffed nose, have a fever" kind of sick. They looked at you with outright predatory gaze. They were trembling. The white of their eyes looked yellowish.
For some reason, you thought about withdrawal.
Paul grabbed your shoulder and pull you behind him. The emotions in his dark-brown-eyes were... You might call it "time-to-pray-so-Monsieur-Paul-Verlaine-hopefully-will-forget-that-we-exist."
The silence can be cut with a knife.
Your double point their finger at you. Their voice rang in the air.
"Preposterous! Dirty Sinner, how dare you impersonate my Holy Looks. Get them! Lay their body before my feet..."
The sickening crunch cut their speech short. With animalistic howl, your double fall on the ground.
You felt sick, trying not to look at what happened to their legs.
A bloodied mora coin, still under the influence of Paul's ability, hit the wall of Palais Mermonia, sticking deep inside, making a huge crack.
Neuvillette, guards and mekas attacked.
Paul, without looking, grabbed you and threw you on his back. He almost barked.
"Hold on tight!"
The fight begun.
🇫🇷 After the fight (at the end of which half of mekas can be sold for scrap, and Fleuve Cendre got a beautiful skylight, that was snapped like Hydro Archon statue.
While Neuvillette and others retrieve (while taking injured "Creator" with them), you finally reached The Guild.
Katherine, who supposed to be an android doll with a very limited functions and with undying loyalty to Teyvat and Creator, after taking a look at Paul's grin, was not only ready to tell you about Traveler and Alice, but also about the partisans, the smugglers from Snezhnaya, the atheists of Mondstadt, the nihilists of Natlan, the flat, where Pantalone hides his secret stash of mora, Capitano's doll collection and the shop, where Tsaritsa buys scarfs.
After getting all necessary information, you and Paul decided to search for Alice.
🇫🇷 Traveling with Paul Verlaine was like traveling with a portable avalanche/earthquake/volcano eruption/any catastrophic event, that makes people run for their lives. And it wasn't only because of ability, that can turn mountains into flat surface. Paul himself looked imposing and dangerous.
Yes, he was King of Assassins. But, ever since BSD Cast get into the real world, Verlaine was just minding his own business.
He spent time with Rimbaud, helped Flags, if they were in a need of heavy lifting or another pair of hands, talked with Chuuya. He spent time with you, cooked French cuisine, read books. And nothing in his facial expression implied, that he is dangerous.
But, Teyvat and constant danger you were in. That makes him show, how dangerous he truly is.
🇫🇷 The journey was rocky. You would say, that after what happened in Fontaine, people won't dare to attack you. Perhaps, it does decrease the number of attackers. But, there were devoted ones, who were going all and beyond during attacks. They would either try to separate you from Paul, or try to lead a large scale attacks.
For now, they didn't succeed. Nevertheless, Paul was on his guard and insisted on you staying where he can see you.
You weren't against it. It wasn't the situation for arguing.
You got to Sumeru. You got help from Nahida and Wanderer. Apparently, Alice was in Natlan. The nation, that still was hesitant in letting "Creator" stepped on their land. Wanderer even shared some rumors about a barrier around Natlan. Barrier, that keeps Creator away.
Dehya and Candace helped you and Paul cross the desert.
You swore, that you could see a barrier made of Phlogiston around Natlan. You braced yourself and made a step forward.
Barrier let you two through.
🇫🇷 You spend in Natlan a mere five minutes, but Saurian population, for some reason, already adored you. On top of it, baby tepetlisaurs and baby yumkasaurs seems to like Paul and his hat. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, but let them nibble on his fingers and hat.
Paul felt relieved. He didn't show it, but he was extremely worried about you. He was afraid, that one day you will get hurt, or you will wander off and get captured, or you will get sick. Yes, you were an adult, but he still was worried. And having a bunch of cartoony dinosaurs helping to protect you was reassuring.
You get to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame without troubles.
And was met with Pyro Archon herself.
🇫🇷 Mavuika asked you and Paul to join her for dinner. Well, it was a mix of interrogation and dinner. Everything went mostly neutral, until Mavuika decided to press further into your supposed "Real Creator" status. She didn't outright say, that you were lying about not knowing anything about being a Creator and just being a simple person, but Pyro Archon made it clear, that she didn't trust you. And, perhaps, it would be beneficial for Natlan to sell you out to the Holy Guard.
Paul didn't like the implication. The stone table was crushed under his hands. He was towering above Pyro Archon.
"If you dared to lay a finger on them, I will crush your precious little nation."
You grabbed Paul's hand. He looked like he was ready to become a Demonic Beast Guivre, and without Dazai it would be a death sentence. To Teyvat and to Paul.
Mavuika took Paul's threat well. She nodded, gave you a half-bow. She spoke.
"I knew what it means to be a mortal in a position of a God. Forgive me for my small performance. I need to make sure. Your companion has a loyalty of a warrior. I will help you. I will send a letter to Alice. She will be here in a few days. Until then, you are my guests".
🇫🇷 Paul felt relieved. You were almost safe. The Stadium of the Sacred Flame was full of music and warmth, and people weren't here to attack you.
In a few days, you met Alice.
While giving your goodbyes to Mavuika, she suddenly asked.
"I understand, that I have no right to give you two that kind of task. But, if you knew someone who can help us to deal with imposter, could you, please, send them here? People of Teyvat aren't bad. They are scared."
You didn't promise anything. But you kept her request in mind.
Alice prepared a portal. You and Verlaine finally returned home.
🇫🇷 The Return was something. You two were gone for almost two months, making everyone worried sick about you two. The story of Teyvat made everyone angry and curious. Kids wanted to see saurians, adults wanted to help people, who helped you, and punish people, who tried to hurt you.
You and Verlaine were sitting under the starry sky. You whispered.
You secretly also wanted to help Mavuika, Alice, Dehya, Candace, Nahida and Wanderer. They didn't deserve to get in trouble because of you.
"Paul... If one day I decide to return to Teyvat and save everyone, will you..."
You didn't get a chance to finish, when Paul turned his head towards you and nuzzle the top of your head.
"I will come. You won't be alone, [Y/N]."
Tag list: @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu @izzieg3987
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xaviers-star-tassel · 7 months
⭐️ sleep, i’m here
✦ pairing: xavier / gn!reader
✦ genre: fluff
✦ warnings: hopefully, none
✦ word count: 1.6k words
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ: you’ve recently had troubles falling asleep. luckily, your sleepy neighbor and partner is there to help
⋆˙ ✦ note: this is my first ever fic that i uploaded, so it might not be perfect! i may or may not upload more in the future, depends on how well this will do. i have to thank my friend for finally giving me the kick to actually upload this, because i would probably never post this if it weren’t for them
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another sleepless night. turn after turn, no matter what you did, you just couldn’t turn your mind off. it had been like this for over a week. eyes droopy, skin sickly paler than usual. you were a mess with the darkest circles under your eyes.
you couldn’t even think straight. with how tired you were, your performance during missions got sloppy. mistakes, mishaps, injuries. things that were usually rare in your case, were now a daily part of your work. your skin was covered in cuts and bruises, making each squirm against the soft mattress painful.
whenever someone asked if you were doing well, you mustered up the speckle of energy to cover up the exhaustion pulsing within every particle of your body. others seemed to brush it off, even tara asked about your well being less frequently. though, unbeknownst to you, there was one person who was keeping an eye on you, even more than before.
that someone was none other than your partner and neighbor—xavier.
since he was always making sure you were safe, you didn’t particularly found his concern strange. it was nothing out of the ordinary, at least that was how it seemed to you. perhaps it was your sleep deprived mind, because you seemed to be utterly blind to his actions.
whenever your head was close to bumping a corner of your desk when you dropped your pen, his hand was quick to cover it. when you couldn’t keep your eyes open while filing documents, he secretly left a cup of coffee on your desk. your tired mind was making you believe you were slowly losing it at the sight of freshly brewed coffee, as bitter as possible to give you the energetic kick you need. bitter like the one from xavier’s brewing machine, you always thought to yourself as you took a sip, then cringed at the taste.
as you continued to restlessly lie on your bed, not even a blink of sleep coming to you, you tossed your blanket aside to sit up. your eyelids were heavy and sight blurry as tears of frustration welled up in your eyes. you wanted to cry, but you were tired even for that.
oh, how you wanted to steal at least a little of xavier’s drowsiness at that moment. you were sure that your neighbor was now sleeping soundly, while you were suffering in the darkness of your bedroom.
when you dropped yourself back onto the mattress, a sudden ring of your phone tore you away from a total breakdown. without looking, you picked your phone up. your eyes slowly adjusted to the light upon turning it on, and you were met with a message from xavier. huh, speak of the devil.
xavier: Are U awake
you stared at the adorable bunny chat bubble for a good minute. in your astonishment, you didn’t even manage to get bothered by the capitalized ‘U’ in the middle of a sentence like you usually did. your thumbs slowly typed in a short ‘yes’ before sending it, surprising you once more at the speed he read it.
xavier: Come here. Ill leave the door open for U
was he really just inviting you to his place in the middle of the night? why was he not asleep? despite your confusion, you didn’t hesitate to take up on his offer. leaving the last text unanswered, you lazily got up from the bed. with the phone in your hand, and a pair of slippers on your feet, you made your way out of your apartment.
you walked quietly along the hallway, careful not to disturb the neighbors. since he lived on the floor above yours, you found it useless to wait for the elevator. somehow, the idea of seeing xavier fueled you with at least enough energy to walk up to his apartment on your own tired feet, and it took only a minute or two for you to stand before the door, which were in fact opened just for you.
you barged into xavier’s apartment with a quiet step, closing the door behind your back. when the lock clicked, the silver haired head poked out from behind the doorframe of his bedroom. he smiled upon seeing you, silently inviting you in.
with your eyes half closed, you waddled to him. every step you took suddenly felt heavy, as if your entire skeleton was made of steel. the short distance that was the hall of his apartment appeared to be endless to your aching body.
finally, you were standing next to him. your head dropped onto his shoulder, which was something you wouldn’t normally do without feeling flustered. but with how exhausted you were, you couldn’t care less as you closed the small gap between you.
“there you go,” he muttered into the crown of your head, lips pressed against your hair.
your only answer was a low grumble that vibrated from your chest. xavier wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you to his bed. he gently laid you on the left side of the mattress before crawling up to you.
you watched his every move. he made himself comfortable on his side to face you, one arm bent under his head and the other propped against your waist.
the dim light radiating from the lamp behind you illuminated his face, letting you see the worried expression on his face. he studied your features without uttering a word, his warm breath caressing your cheeks. reaching his arm up, he cupped your face. the pad of his thumb rubbed the deep dark circles underneath your eyes, his touch careful and gentle.
“why didn’t you tell me anything?” he suddenly asked, catching you off guard.
you let out a sigh, pressing your cheek against his calloused palm. “i didn’t want to worry you.”
silent chuckle erupted from his throat as he shook his head. his hand slid down from your face back to your waist, expression no longer as tense as it was a second ago.
“you know i’d worry no matter what, right? after all, it was me who was making sure you wouldn’t hit your head against your desk whenever you dropped your pen,” he whispered with a smile.
this revelation had left you surprised. connecting the dots in your brain, all of the images appeared in a clear vision between your eyes. from the freshly brewed bitter coffee to the neat stack of documents that you left scattered on your desk the day before. it was all him. and only now were you realizing it.
“so i wasn’t going insane. thank goodness, i thought that my mind was playing tricks with me,” you joked meekly, huffing a laugh through your nose.
his eyes softened when he heard you laugh briefly, though deep down, he was still worried. how couldn’t he be worried? not once had he saved you from your potential doom while fighting off wanderers within the last few days.
“still, you should’ve told me,” he scolded you, though not very sternly. he didn’t have the heart to be hard on you when you looked like a distressed bundle of drowsiness.
you hummed in acknowledgment. guilt suddenly washed over you that you didn’t notice it sooner, but it was too late to cry over spilled milk.
“i’m sorry,” you whispered, glancing into his eyes.
xavier took your hand in his, inspecting the scrapes and small cuts on your fingers and palm. he lifted the hand upwards, letting his lips graze over your knuckles.
“please, don’t apologize to me. you did nothing wrong,” he said softly, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. “just… let me know in the future. i don’t want to see you like this.”
the caring tone made you feel slightly emotional, if only you realized sooner just how worried he was.
“i will, xavier. i promise,” you nodded, lips curling into a tired smile.
he extended his pinky finger toward you, smiling while doing so. “then let’s seal the deal. pinky promises shall never be broken.”
you chuckled at the silly gesture, but you complied anyway. your pinky fingers hooked together, holding them right under your chin. only then you realized how small the gap between your faces was. the tip of his nose was merely inches away from yours, his breath fanning over your skin.
your gaze flickered down to his pink lips, the sudden desire to kiss them bubbled within your chest. xavier noticed where you stared right away, making his ears turn faint red. as if he could read your mind, he slowly began to lean in. his deep blue eyes were focused on yours, closing them only after his lips touched yours.
he hummed in what seemed like relief as he melted into the kiss. the world suddenly fell completely still, the only thing that mattered was the tender moment you shared. xavier unhooked his pinky from yours to pull you closer to him, desperately wanting to feel your warmth.
the kiss only lasted a few seconds before you pulled away. thanks to the soft light of the lamp, you caught a glimpse of the reddish dust on his cheeks. you watched as he took a deep breath before relaxing his head against the fluffy pillow.
“let’s take a day off. you must catch up on sleep, even if you’ll sleep for a whole day,” he whispered, his eyes fluttering close.
“is that really okay?” you asked worriedly.
“yes, i’m sure others will understand. now sleep, i’m here for you,” he pressed a last kiss to your forehead before relaxing completely.
the comfort and the heat radiating from his body was slowly but surely lulling you to much needed sleep. letting out a small yawn, you pressed your forehead to his chest. your breathing pattern slowed down, signaling to xavier that you had fallen asleep.
“no matter what happens, i’ll always be there for you. that is my promise to you.”
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© xaviers-star-tassel
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