#oooooo memes be upon you
rozeliyawashereyall · 5 months
@willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @astralbulldragon13
Made these at 2am when I should've been studying for finals instead
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I have no idea how accurate these are of your characters, so here are the icons-
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Kisses!!!!!! Wally Darling x Gn Reader
The tik tok creator is mentioned on picture. I love this so much I wanted to make a short. I always loved this . Super duper loving fluffffffddd
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You were with Julie and Sally just talking about this cute little meme you saw on tik tok as you showed them. “Oooooo , you should do that to wallllllyyyy,” Sally says smiling brightly. “What???!!! No I can’t do that. We aren’t together and like he definitely probably does not like me,” you say face a bright hue even thinking about it. Julie sighs and pats your back , “ Everyone in the neighborhood knows you have fallen for him and we all can see he likes you, and this is like a perfect way to tell him. We could also record it so you have something to look back on.” You bite your lips debating and sigh. “ Alright , Julie I need some lipstick and Sally music,” you say and the girls squeal going to get the items. You sigh and pray that this won’t backfire like when Wally accidentally ate a lemon.
Later on that day you are waiting at Wally’s favorite apple tree for him to show as normal. Wally was humming and waves upon seeing you . “Well, hello neighbor . How are you today. That’s a lovely shade of red you have on today. Why you all made up?” He asks smiling wide. “ Wally please forgive me for this. Ok girls hit the music,” you say. (Play the tik tok this is what you are doing right now)
Wally is flustered and got a lovesick gaze. “Well neighbor I’m glad you feel the same.” You blush bright red heart beating fast . Wally gives you a kiss this time and Julie screams in background, “I told you soooo (Y/N)” everyone laughs and you just hug the adorable small man to you smiling as wide as him.
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blackidyll · 1 year
4, 8, 13, and 32 for the writing meme pls! :DD
this is from the weird questions for writers list!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? i like words that are kind of oddly spelled - hymn, myriad, idyll (hence my username). For a verb, coalesce.
but as for feral in a negative way? it's souvenir. i can never for my life spell it correctly, i always put in extra vowels. Spell check has to save me (as it just did!).
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go? oooooo story without dialogue is probably easier because i already write so. much. exposition as it is. it'll be interesting to go without putting in any dialogue, but there are ways for characters to communicate or express themselves without active dialogue, so i can probably figure it out.
i write dialogue-only snippets when i'm outlining fics and I always get the urge to fill in the blanks with descriptions of actions and so on. a dialogue-only fic for me will not want to stay dialogue-only upon edits haha.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? haha! explicit sexual content! i can read it and plot it just fine, but when it comes to writing the minutiae of it i will combust. It's just easier for me to cut off/fade to black and leave the fic at a mature rating.
not necessarily easy, but i guess pining/longing/nostalgia? i've moved countries a lot when i was younger and it always feels like i'm missing someone or longing for something, and so when I write that kind of content it's easy for me to access my own feelings and channel that into my characters. It's a sort of bittersweetness where the sweetness is your feelings for the person/place/time but bitter because you're apart from whatever it is you're missing, and I like exploring that dichotomy.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you? @derpinathebrave asked the same question so i'll tackle a poem/novel example here and a fanfic one for them!
the last two lines of Clementine von Radics' poem, "Mouthful of Forevers" really stuck with me. I encountered this poem through a Sam/Lucifer SPN fic, How To Fall; the author included poems/excerpts from songs/prose at the beginning of every chapter. The fic has such a visceral depiction of Lucifer's motivations and this poem was just incredibly apt for that point of the fic, as well as being a beautiful work in its own right. Here is the last stanza of the poem:
I know sometimes It's still hard to let me see you In all your cracked perfection, But please know: Whether it's the days you burn More brilliant than the sun Or the nights you collapse into my lap Your body broken into a thousand questions. You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I will love you when you are a still day. I will love you when you are a hurricane.
A line from a novel - definitely this one from Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings series: the Fool's "And I set no limits on that love." It's a recurring line in the series (iirc) as the Fool tries to explain his love to Fitz, and Fitz constantly struggles with understanding/coming to terms with it. I think us fans tend to have mixed feelings about how the Fool and Fitz's relationship is depicted in the series, but that passage where Fitz skill-links with the Fool and experiences the Fool's love for him is just so profound. The Fool's love defies boundaries - it is not romantic or sexual or even platonic, it just is. He loves Fitz, and his love is limitless. I remember reading this book in high school and finding out a friend read it too, and the first thing we both said to each other? "I set no limits on that love." Even though there were (at the time) nine whole books in the series, out of thousands of other lines this one resonated with us the most.
That entire passage is just incredible so I'm gonna stick it under this read more.
"Would you have more than this?" The Fool's voice was less than a whisper. I discerned a challenge in his words, but could not understand it.
"Yes, please. Try," I bade him.
Beside me at the table, I was aware of the Fool making some small movement but my vision was unfocused on the room and I had no warning of his intentions until his hand settled on my wrist. His fingertips unerringly found their own faded gray fingerprints, left on my flesh so many years ago. His touch was gentle, but the sensation was an arrow in my heart. I physically spasmed, a speared fish, and then froze. The Fool ran through my veins, hot as liquor, cold as ice. For a flashing instant, we shared physical awareness. The intensity of it went beyond any joining I'd ever experienced. It was more intimate than a kiss and deeper than a knife thrust, beyond a Skill-link and beyond sexual coupling, even beyond my Wit-bond with Nighteyes. It was not a sharing, it was a becoming. Neither pain nor pleasure could encompass it. Worse, I felt myself turning and opening to it, as if it were my lover's mouth upon mine, yet I did not know if I would devour or be devoured. In another heartbeat, we would be one another, know one another more perfectly than two separate beings ever should.
Just as I opened my eyes, the Fool's thought uncurled in my mind like a leaf opening to sunlight.
And I set no limits on that love.
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kelseyfitzherbert · 5 years
bex! what! okay fine! XD
1. Favorite Character? 
- eugene. duh. look at him. he’s a goober. i love him. 
2. Favorite Episode?
- uhhhhHHHHHhhhhhHHH beyond the corona walls. followed by you’re kidding me because of those sweet sweet fitzparents feelz
3. Least Favorite Character?
- calliope. she’s annoying af. XD 
4. Least Favorite Episode?
- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh probably ruthless ruth. it’s got good moments but in the grand scheme of things, it’s my least favorite. also no eugene, so.....
5. What is your OTP?
6. What is you NonOTP?
- oh, so many. but my top ones are varipunzel and eugarian. ugh. UGH. it’s fucking GROSS.  
7. Favorite Song?
- uhhhhhhhh shit. uh.....they all have good moments! right now i listen to ‘with you by my side’ the most, but i also really like eugene’s angsty solo, and i also like their breakup jam. 
8. Most Underrated Song? (What song deserves a second listen?)
- oooooo i really like them all but its hard to chose. the friendship song is cute! 
9. Best Moments?
- oh man HOW do i chose. okay off the top of my head? either new dream’s slidey kiss or eugene looking at his freaking MOTHER for the first time in destinies collide
10. Constructive Criticism (What do you hope the series will improve upon come season 3)?  
- more. arianna. content. PLEASE. also if rapunzel apologizes for things that aren’t her fault entirely i will throw a fucking fit. (yes im still bitter over challenge of the brave and if she is the only one that apologizes with the whole varian thing i will mc-lose it) also i want to learn about fitzmom and if i dont i will cry
11. Theories and Predictions for Season 3?
- shorty is going to betray rapunzel next, and also the captain sent cassandra to steal the stone back. 
12. Favorite Friendship?
- lance and eugene! NO STAN AND PETE I LIED 
13. Best thing about the fandom?
- just being able to freak out with everyone when stuff comes out or airs!!! i love love LOVE staying up late on premiere nights and just screaming with everyone!! 
14. Do you own any merchandise for the franchise?
- hahhahaahahha
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15. Any fan fiction recommendations?
- there is a post here that i did recommendations (many of them are nsfw)
16. Saddest/most shocking moment in the show?
17. Best Villain?
- M O O N S A N D R A 
18. A crossover you would like to see, ( no matter how unlikely)?
- none. leave tangled alone. (no frozen, either.) 
19. Funniest Moment?
- oh man thats hard. i really like when edmund says “oh he likes it” in destinies collide 
20. Ricky’s Quest? (have you found anything)?
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whats that? who knows? why does the captain have a floating oval in his hallway? huh? HUH
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