#hopefully build up the courage to tell Sun and Moon you were there at the parks opening and would like a picture with them
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sun-e-chips · 3 months ago
Why is Y/N so nervous around Sun and Moon? Also, what is life like at the water park?
Okay so for this question some brief background lore about y/n and how they know Waterspark Sun and Moon.
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when y/n was a child their parents booked a week long vacation at Waterspark Bay following its grand opening. In the waterpark, y/n was the type of child that didn’t really seek making friends or playing with the other kids
(not that they wanted to be alone they just didn’t place themselves into other kids fun)
but y/n was content doing their own thing, being in their own little world etc.
It didn’t take long for the new waterpark mascots to single you out and throughout the whole week the three of you were inseparable. Waterspark Bay was still staffed with humans at that time so the boys were free to get acquainted with the property and guests. Needless to say you made a great impression on one another, this photo was taken on your last day and it’s your only memento.
I think anyone would be a bit nervous seeing childhood friends after such a long period of time, especially knowing that they now own and run an entire theme park and resort!
Also theirs the whole ordeal where you said you were married to the water boys, silly kid stuff that came back to haunt you.
Soooooooo good luck with that:)
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prose-for-hire · 4 years ago
The opposite of weird
Pairing: Buffy Summers x fem!reader
Request: Could you please write a buffy x reader story set in season three where when Buffy and Faith start hanging out the reader gets jealous and keeps making digs about Faith which Buffy eventually calls her on and the reader admits she has a crush on Buffy?
Requested by: Anon
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You had loved Buffy slowly. It had creeped up on you gradually, but now it had you in a chokehold. Your feelings, that is. You didn’t realise it was happening until it was too late. Now you were consumed by her. Completely and irretrievably in love.
You were close friends, you had been through a lot together. The Master. Angelus. History Class.
You always spent time alone together, often you offered to patrol just to spend more time with her. You could handle yourself and she liked the company, so she always happily agreed.
Something you didn’t know was that she harboured a crush on you. It was small, but definitely there. She valued your friendship more than anything though and tried to stay close to you without anything having to change.
She thought about kissing you a lot when you spoke and she admired the way you appeared so confident in yourself when she sometimes doubted certain things about herself. She didn’t realise that you had plenty of doubts too.
Especially when it came to her. You were working up the courage to tell her. To explain how deeply you felt. How your passion burned brighter than the sun, the moon and perhaps even all the stars. But you were working on telling her something that was slightly less of a massive cliché.
You and Buffy would usually spend a lot more time together. That was, until she came along. The giant stake in your neck that was Faith. She had just run in and taken up all of Buffy’s free time.
Now they patrolled together when you used to be her first pick. They went dancing at the Bronze when you never had the courage to ask her to come with you alone. They even trained together.
When you thought of Buffy in her cute tank top all sweaty

Well, perhaps you should stop thinking so much about that and more about how to solve a problem like Faith. She was everything you wished you were, confident in herself. Not putting on a front like you often did. She was strong where you weren’t and she could snatch Buffy’s attention at any given moment. Not to mention she was very attractive and although you were as well (especially to Buffy) you couldn’t help comparing yourself.
That night, you all went to the Bronze and, of course, Faith was there. You couldn’t hide your bad mood, brought along by your insecurity. You knew Buffy’s time was hers and it really upset you.
You and Willow sat at a table with Xander as Faith ran straight into the crowd of dancers. Buffy stood beside the table and watched as you stared at Faith, watching the way she would move on the dancefloor. Buffy decided, seeing as that was where your attention seemed to be she would join Faith too. Perhaps some dancing might make you look at her again.
“She’s always showing off” You roll your eyes and were surprised when Willow nodded in agreement. You wondered what she had against Faith. You really hoped she wasn’t crushing on Buffy too, you didn’t need all of this competition. You swore everyone that had come out tonight had some sort of affection for Buffy and it was driving you mad.
Xander had barely picked his jaw up from the floor after watching Faith dancing wildly on the dancefloor. Hopefully, he was distracted from Buffy at least.
Buffy didn’t understand why you had grown so distant with her recently. She was really starting to like you and it made her ache when your attention appeared to be elsewhere. She even spent some time with Faith trying to figure out what it was that she had that you liked.
When Buffy came back to the table, she brought you a drink. Your favourite drink. You smiled and thanked her and she just shrugged as if it was no big deal. But she had gone out of her way on purpose just for you. She had always wanted to buy you a drink she was just unsure if you would accept it in a romantic way.
Faith came back and told Buffy she was just warming some men up for her on the dancefloor although she assured the table that she could handle them herself as Xander’s face perked up. It made you scowl. Buffy actually said no, that she was happy sitting at the table for a while and she would catch the next song. The real reason was that she just wanted to be with you, but she was concerned when she noticed that your attention had been on Faith all night. You had been acting really strange.
When Faith walked off you couldn’t help yourself, “She’s totally just lying for attention” You muttered which was the last straw. You weren’t usually this vocal and you definitely weren’t usually so rude for absolutely no reason. Buffy grabbed by the wrist and pulled you into a quieter corner of the Bronze.
You wouldn’t dance, you wouldn’t barely talk unless it was about Faith and now you were being mean. One of the things she liked about you was that you usually accepted pretty much anyone so long as they weren’t hurting people. But not today apparently. It felt wrong to her.
“Y/n, what’s going on? You’re being
“Me? Weird?!”  You looked affronted, and you could feel yourself completely overcompensating, “I’m the opposite of weird, I’m-I’m- what’s the opposite of weird?”
“Willow’s not here so, we’ll probably never know” Buffy shrugged but that look was still in her eye. She was waiting for the truth. And neither of you were going to leave until she got it.
“I’m just missing you, that’s all
” You said, this time sincerely and she could tell. She frowned, she really didn’t understand how you could miss her. She saw you literally everyday.
I mean sure, she would like to spend all of her time with you too but she was a little confused that this was the way you were explaining yourself.
“Go on” She said, raising an eyebrow to get you to elaborate.
“I miss you all the time, Buff. Ever since Faith came around you dropped me like I’m some
 some dusty vampire”
“That’s-” Buffy tried to cut in and tell you this just wasn’t true but you had started to build up your courage as you spoke and so you started blurting everything out. And I mean, everything.
“-and it’s not fair because I love you. I spend every waking moment wishing I was with you, like alone with you. You make my heart beat so fast and I just want to hug you and kiss your beautiful face! You’re so pretty, Buffy – I mean it. You’re also just so strong, not just, like, superstrength strong, I mean you’re out here everyday with all of this courage and-”
“And I miss being your training partner, you look so hot when you’re all sw-” You cut yourself off (finally) and your eyes widened as you realised you had started to say perhaps too much about why you had always been first to volunteer to help Buffy train. But when you looked back at her you saw her smiling and then giggling. Before she had to hold her stomach she was laughing so much.
You smiled, but you weren’t sure what this meant. You were slightly alarmed that you had just basically said everything. Without planning it.
“That’s what’s wrong? That’s why Faith is suddenly enemy number one?” She held off her giggles as she tried to be serious for you. You nodded and looked at the ground. The anxiety now setting in as she hadn’t acknowledged everything you had said.
You nodded softly, staring at your hands which were now fidgeting uncomfortably. Until she stilled them with hers. She had stepped towards you, her eyes trained only on you. The rest was just background noise. You felt like you were the only people in that room as she leant in, her lips pressed against yours. It was fleeting and sweet and it didn’t last nearly long enough.
“Y/n, I love you too. Faith’s my friend but you’re my girlfriend
 or I’d like you to be, if that’s okay with you?”
You just nodded again, you had said enough words already tonight and you didn’t think you had anymore left. Everything had just poured out at once. Of course you wanted to be her girlfriend. You leaned in again, this time her lips allowing you to deepen the kiss. Her hand slid to rest on your waist, the other from the side of your neck to cup your cheek.
You spent the rest of the evening like that, showing your affection rather than hiding behind insecurity and anxiety over the other’s thoughts or intentions. This kiss slow, sensual as every feeling poured between you that you had yet to explore. Your fingers weaved between the soft strands of her hair as she traced her mouth against yours.
You promised each other, after that day, to always be honest with each other. And to make sure that nobody, imaginary threats or otherwise, could ever get in the way of your love again.
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chaotically-cas · 4 years ago
I know I request a lot, but Chylvia song fic to the song Peace by Taylor Swift? Thanks if you write this!- Cherry
No worries!! I got you 💗 hopefully this is ok 😭😭
Also. Not the best proof read cause i’m tired.
Our coming-of-age has come and gone, suddenly the summer, it's clear, I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger is near
Falling in love was dangerous but easy for Cherry Valance. It didn’t take too much more than a couple of dates and a summer of pure movie romance before she found herself falling so deep she didn’t think she could ever get up. Not that she really wanted to.
She never really let herself be this happy before in her entire life. Not with Bob. Not with friends. Not with anyone. Sure she deserves happiness, everyone did, and she guessed she knew that. But knowing was different than actually experiencing. And experience? Better than a dream.
And it's just around the corner, darling, 'Cause it lives in me, no, I could never give you peace, but I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm
Cherry remembered the feeling she got throughout her whole entire body the first time Sylvia looked at her, or even just smiled. It felt like the icy walls that she had begun to build around her heart had slowly started to thaw. And after not long at all, they were able to melt away completely.
She didn’t show it at first, scared of what would happen if she let her guard down a little too much a little too fast. But somehow Sylvia made it all seem worth it with every smile and brush of her hand. Waver in her voice. An angel beyond her eyes. Even just being with her was the most surreal sort of peace.
If your cascade ocean wave blues come all these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret
Sylvia was the complete opposite of Bob in every way possible. She was free and he was a cage. She was perfect and he was the furthest thing from. Sylvia represented everything Cherry wanted out of life and everything she wanted to be. While Bob represented a past she never wanted to go back to, let alone look at.
So Cherry just kept right on moving forward. Saturday night dates at the drive it. Sharing smoothies and holding hands under tables. Soft kisses and hands run through hair. Long walks and late nights. All the stuff you usually do when you no longer have chains on your ankles and cold metal bars in front of your face.
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me, would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
A lot of people said that Sylvia was bad news. That Cherry shouldn’t be hanging around her or she might end up like her too. Whatever that meant. Like it was supposed to be a bad thing. Like Cherry didn’t want to be Sylvia’s friend and even more. Maybe even be parts of her too. The details that had her so drawn in so quickly. So deeply.
Every moment Cherry spent with Sylvia was a moment she felt liberated and finally like herself. Like Sylvia brought out the best in her in ways that no one else had done before. That no one else even knew was possible. Things that Cherry had no idea were even hidden so deep that they came out with moth balls and dust. Still, she loved every second of it.
Your integrity makes me seem small, you paint dreamscapes on the wall, I talk shit with my friends, it’s like I'm wasting your honor
The hardest thing Cherry ever had to do was try her hardest to pretend like she wasn’t falling for every single thing Sylvia did. Laugh with her friends like she wasn’t growing to despise them more and lore with every word. How fake they were and how honest Sylvia was. How she was so unapologetically herself no matter what. And that’s what Cherry wanted to be like too.
She didn’t want to care about what her friends thought. Or her parents. Or Bob. She only cared what Sylvia thought. And when Sylvia told Cherry that she was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside, her world nearly ended in the best way possible. Maybe it was pathetic, but it was the best thing anyone had ever said to her.
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches, give you my wild, give you a child, give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other
“You know, Cherry, people should give you more credit. You’re just as beautiful inside as you are on the outsiders. I know cause I can tell.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“No, I mean it. I really do.”
“Thank you, Sylvia. You’re beautiful too. On the inside and outside.”
“Now are you just saying that too?”
“No, I mean it. I really do.”
Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother, is it enough? 'Cause there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west
When Sylvia smiled, the whole world smiled right along with her. And if Cherry could choose, she would choose to see that same smile every day. And she would choose Sylvia every single day.
It was kinda funny how that worked. Because in a million years Cherry would’ve never pictured herself in the situation she was now. How absolutely opposite everything had ended up. All topsy turvy and messed up. Except it wasn’t messed up at all. It was the furthest thing from messed up.
She was the best thing that ever happened to her.
I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best, but the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me, but I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm
Sylvia was like the sun and the moon at the same time. The brightest light in Cherry’s like but also the most confusing and mysterious. Brightening up Cherry’s world by just being in it. And Cherry wanted her more to just be in it.
“What would you say if I told you I loved you?”
“I’d ask you why you did.”
“And then I’d tell you you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me, would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
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mybiasisexo · 4 years ago
What Happens in the Dark
Genre: Angst | Vampire!au
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Length: 4.6k
Warning: unfinished | 1st person (final product won't be I swear) 
Summary: You were just trying to survive, but that get’s difficult after running into the wrong guys on your way home from work. Luckily, your knight in shinning armor came to rescue you, but as the saying goes â€˜never trust a man in leather pants and a particularly pointy-toothed smirk’. Wait, that’s not the lyrics to Poison??? Hmm....
Author’s Note: Do any of yall remember back in October of ‘19 (yike) when I said I was going to write a vampire!bbh fic and never did?? Cause I do. But, wait, what is this??? A chaptered vampire!bbh fic??? Yes, you heard me right. I decided to turn it into a series (?) and hopefully will get my head out of my ass long enough to give it the attention it needs so I can post it during the dark holiday. For now, here’s what I have written so far, enjoy!!! (And yes, that’s the title, bb we going ✈ kokokrazy, mmkay???)
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(couldn't find the credit for the gif, if anyone knows please lmk, thanks!!)
I take a deep breath and hold it for a brief moment, deluding myself into believing that the lack of oxygen to my brain will bring me courage as I stare through the glass of the front door of my job at the book store. In the distance, the sun glows red as it dips into the horizon, dragging the light with it. It will be dark soon.
I let out the breath slowly through my mouth.
I don’t mind closing, I live close enough to my job that I can walk the few blocks to my apartment. The only time it is a problem is on the weekends. I work downtown, right next to a few night clubs, and walking past those on a Saturday—which is today—makes me anxious. It’s bad enough I am a foreigner, so I grab people’s attention easily, but add alcohol to the mix
 the lack of inhibitions frightens me.
But it is time to go.
I reluctantly open the door and enter the chaos that is the city. Cars zoom past and people head to their respective destinations without a care in the world. I lock the building behind me and clutch my messenger bag closer to my stomach, playing with the frays of the strap distractedly as I make the journey to the safety of my home.
It is about a fifteen-minute walk, and any other day I wouldn’t blink twice about the trip, but as the sun continues to disappear, the city begins to spark with it’s night life.
Soon, the nightclub I have to pass appears. I hold my breath as I speed past, keeping my face forward to keep attention off of myself, but that isn’t the worst part of my journey.
I turn into the alley next to the club, my pace nearly a sprint as I try to get through the shortcut as quickly as possible, but my feet stutter to a shuffle when I notice a dark figure ahead of me.
It is around 10pm, and as much as I worry about it, I don’t expect the club to be that busy—being how early it is. I’ve made this late night trek a handful of times, I was always left anxious, but unscathed.
Something isn’t right this time.
I slow my walking, but continue nonetheless, I have to get home.
As I close in, apprehension thick in my throat, the shadow separates to reveal two bodies, long lean torsos and head’s pressed close together, deep voices quietly speaking.
My footsteps echoe in the quiet night air and they finally notice me. Stopping abruptly, and in eerie synchronization, they turn their heads from the huddle they are in to face me. They’re tall, much taller than I originally thought, although it is difficult to see with the dim lighting. They stand on the opposite side of a light post. They are dressed well, which I expect if they are party goers. But, it is obvious that the dark jeans, silky button downs, and gold rings and chains wrapped around their necks cost a pretty penny. Their dark hair is styled to perfection, the separate styles fitting their face shapes.
Why are two men that are definitely out to be seen huddled in a dark alley?
.” I grow nervous as the silence stretches. Their piercing eyes leave me frozen in place and I am overwhelmed with the feeling something is askew or that coming down this particular alley was a mistake. I quickly rack my brain for something to say so that I can be on my way, but am left blank.
I gulp despite my dry throat and open my mouth to say
anything, really, but then the two share a look before hovering over me, pressing me against the cool red brick of the outside of the club.
“What did you hear?” One of them, who has wide eyes and short black hair that is gelled back to reveal the manly features of his face, snarls.
“No—nothing!” I am quick to assure.
The other, who’s hair is longer and framing his face, tilts his head. “Her heart is racing. Are you nervous, Kitten?”
I am. There is something about their energy that fills me with dread, makes me want to scurry away without a further glance back and go home immediately.
“Come on,” the former, who’s voice I feel in the pit of my gut with how deep it is, coaxes alluringly. My eyelids flutter and my balance is off, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden. “Tell us what you heard and I promise, we won’t hurt you.”
“I already told you,” I push, finding words difficult to punctuate. It is as though I am fighting a deep sleep, eyes practically closed as I put all of my weight against the wall to hold myself up at this point. “I didn’t
One of them snarls—my eyes are sealed shut, so I am not sure which it was—and a shockingly cold hand grips my chin. I gasp, eyes springing open from the shock of pain as his dull nails dug into my skin.
“We didn’t want to do this,” the first talker, who is the one currently holding me, growls, not seeming particularly remorseful in the slightest. His huge eyes are blown out and I am captured by the frightening depths of his pupils. They are bottomless and it feels like I am on the edge about to slip into a never-ending fall.
“Chanyeol, stop.” A new third party urges monotonously. I didn’t hear him enter, but I am kind of distracted at the moment, trying not to think about the fact I might be murdered in an alley.
The Chanyeol fellow smirks crookedly, eyes never leaving mine as he speaks. It’s unnerving. The man doesn’t even blink as he holds my gaze. “She overheard everything.”
“No, she didn’t. You’re just hungry.”
The guy beside Chanyeol sighs as if bored, folding his arms across his chest and flicking some of the bang away from his eyes. “And so what if we are?”
The third man barks a laugh. “Well, you’re wanted inside, Sehun. Both of you. You can conspire in there.”
“We’re almost done here,” Chanyeol replies, distractedly. His grip on me has loosened some, but not enough for me to try and break out and make a run for it. Instead of his nails digging into me, he is now caressing the corner of my lip with his thumb. “We’ll meet you inside.”
I have a sinking feeling I’m not going to see the inside of that club anytime soon.
The newcomer joins our little party, finally coming into my eye line. He is about a head and a half shorter than the twin towers before me, but holds just as much, if not more, authority in his broad shoulders. He’s dressed similarly to the other two, but his eyes are an approachable chocolate brown, instead of the inhuman glittery black I’ve been trapped by.
“I bet you have places to be.” He addresses me, voice soothing and calm.
I nod frantically, wanting to be out of this situation.
“Let’s go.”
He reaches out to me, probably for me to hold on to, but Sehun swipes his hand away before he can fully stretch it out to me. “She’s ours.”
The shorter guy’s jaw jumps irritably. He definitely isn’t happy about being touched. “She is not.”
With that, he lurches forward, getting into a fight with Sehun. It happens so quickly, I nearly get whiplash from the drastic change of the man. Their moves are fast, I can’t keep up with what is going on, it is as if they are a blur.
Chanyeol uses the distraction to tilt my head back, making me stare at the indigo sky, twinkling lights beckoning me to join them.
“I’ll be quick,” he assures, voice raspy with want and low from focus. He closes in, lips a whisper against my sweaty neck and I wonder if he is going to kiss me. Wonder what torture I am going to endure.
I never find out.
He curses as he is yanked away and I shift my head back down to see what is happening, but can’t comprehend anything. Shadows moving against darkness and animalistic growls and snarls, things that didn’t belong in this setting.
A flash of white is in front of me and I scream. It can’t be helped. My heart races, adrenaline kicking in as the whole situation finally dawns on me.
“You’re okay.” Someone bends down to crouch in front of me—I guess I slid down to the ground at some point—and brings their face closer, into the spotlight of the full moon high above us, revealing his dainty features.
It is the third man that had stepped in.
“You’re safe now,” he assures.
 those men.” My voice is shaking and I have to pause to swallow and steady myself. In fact, my whole body is shivering and it isn’t from the cold.
“They’re gone.” His voice is grounding, his words relieving. I let out a breath and press my lips together, feeling a tad nauseous. I check the narrow alley to confirm that they have indeed vanished into the night.
“You saved me.” I realize, taking him in with wide eyes.
The right side of his mouth lifts and he tilts his head to the side. “Would you like to go home?”
“Please,” I nearly beg, wanting that most of all. I feel exposed for some reason, feel as though I am still in danger as long as I am outside. What if those strange men decide to come back? I shiver at the thought.
“Cold?” He questions. His almond shaped eyes take in my curled body, his eyebrows furrowing in a pout. “Do you have a coat?”
“I didn’t need one,” I say with a small shrug. “I was supposed to be home by now.”
His expression is fixed on disapproval. “I left mine inside. I’ll run in and get it real quick and then walk you home.”
He goes to stand and I panic, my arms shoot out to latch onto his arm, trapping him in an awkward squat. “Don’t leave me out here!”
“Alright.” He pats one of my hands that dig into the thin material of his shirt, most likely leaving crescent marks into his flesh, although he doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort or pain. “We can go in together. Does that work for you?”
“Are they in there?” I ask in a whisper.
He shakes his head. “Even if they are, they won’t do anything as long as I’m with you. I’m sure of it.”
I take in his angelic face. He really is beautiful in a sweet boyish kind of way and I wonder briefly how old he is. It is almost comical, because he’s definitely going for the whole ‘bad boy’ look, what with his leather black pants, rose red button down, and smokey eye. Despite that, I truly feel safe with him there, feel that he will be my white knight and get me home unharmed.
“Okay. I’ll go with you then, Sir.”
“’Sir’?” Now he smiles, full pink lips stretch into a shape of a box revealing the loveliest set of teeth I have ever seen. A soft breeze hits at that moment, tousling the already messy, slightly curled, dark brown hair around his head and, despite myself, my breath catches. He chuckles lowly, the sound causing saliva to flood my mouth. “My name is Baekhyun. What’s yours?”
I waste no time telling him, needing him to know who I am.
He repeats it, making sure he gets it right and I want to curse my hormones for being so affected when my life was on the line only a few minutes ago.
“Well,” he takes one of my hands that still holds onto him into one of his, causing me to shiver from the crisp velvety texture of his skin on mine. “Let’s get you home.”
We slip into the club without any trouble, the security doesn’t even card me. It is as if, just being in Baekhyun’s presence allows me an in. I gaze at him in awe as we maneuver through the slightly crowded entrance towards coat check, but he doesn’t notice—either that, or he is pretending not to. He leans against the square glassless window, broad back exposed to the rest of the club, waiting calmly for his jacket. I lean against the wall, taking in everything I can through the haze and saturated lights, making sure I am clear from the other men I had the displeasure of meeting.
“Ready?” Baekhyun asks, drawing me out of my search and I find my body untensing with his close presence. I bring my attention up to him, his head is cocked slightly, an eyebrow raised in a question. I nod in affirmation and take the lead, with my back to him, I feel the pressure of a sturdy jean coat around my shoulders. Glancing down, I take in the rough black material and smile to myself as I slip my arms through the sleeves, peeking behind me once quickly to see him studying me like a hawk, eyes sharp and a pleased grin on his lips, so small I can barely make it out, and I wonder if he’s even aware of the action. When I face in front of myself again to watch where I am going (and to hide my reddening cheeks from him) I feel a private grin so happen to pull at my features and I wrap the massive jacket closer to myself, inhaling what must be Baekhyun’s scent.
It’s an indescribable smell. It’s luxurious and soft, yet also grungy, like the scent of a new car mixed with a bouquet of Jasmine and gasoline.
It’s intoxicating.
We finally make it out of the stuffy building and I don’t hesitate to turn left, leading us down the familiar path to my place. Once there is room, Baekhyun lazily falls in line beside me, matching my pace so closely, his arm brushes against mine every other step. We get to the alley immediately, since it’s beside the building we were just in, and my footing falters, causing me to trip.
Arms are around me in an instant, not allowing me to move forward, let alone to the ground and the momentum drags me to a hard chest. I huff, the air is knocked out of my lungs and everything stops for a few seconds.
Finally, I remember how to breathe and lift my head to see Baekhyun’s mere inches above mine, eyes wide from surprise and slight fear.
“Are you alright?” He breathes, startled.
The urge to laugh at his expression is strong, but I swallow it once I remember where I am. Clearing my throat soberly, I realize I am practically splayed over him. I tap the shoulder my hand is resting on awkwardly and he finally realizes the situation as well. I feel one of the arms he has around my waist tighten briefly, pulling me even closer, but just as quickly, he is pulling back apologetically.
“I’m fine,” I finally am able to muster. I laugh drily, rubbing my face. “Still not over the memories
Baekhyun bit his lip worryingly. “They really frightened you, huh?”
I let out another breathless laugh. “I’ve honestly never been more terrified in my life.”
My voice shakes and all I can think of is the Chanyeol fellow’s depthless eyes. “Something about them was just so
“Those guys,” Baekhyun’s voice cuts through my horror flashbacks, closer than I remember, startling me. He tries to steady me with slender fingers on my bent elbow, but keeps it there even after I’m still. “They were just hungry.”
“Hungry?” I question. He is now using the hand on my arm to lead me through the dark trail.
“Yeah, they
. They get a bit cranky when they haven’t fed in a while.”
I scoff. “’Fed’? What is this? A Snicker’s ad?”
He chuckles at that, but you press on. “You sound like you’re on pretty friendly terms with those guys.”
He winces at that. We’ve cleared the alley at this point, so he drops his hand, losing contact with me, much to my disappointment. I’m back to leading, so I continue down the familiar streetlamp lit sidewalks.
“I mean
.” He scratches the back of his head. “We’re
 familiar. I wouldn’t go as far as calling them friends, by any means.”
“What do you mean by that?” I ask, genuinely curious as to his connection with those psychopaths.
He purses his lips as he stares ahead unseeingly, thinking about the right way to explain himself. “What I mean is
 we share the same circle. Some of the guys
 they’re rowdier than the rest. They have a few loose screws, I’ll be the first to tell you, but they’re a part of the group.”
I lift an eyebrow at that. “So
. You all just let them run around and act crazy without any repercussions?”
not what I said,” he’s quick to defend, lifting a finger in a scolding way. “I kicked their asses for you did I not?”
“You did that for me?” I ask, not able to resist the urge to bat my eyelashes up at him. I’m not going to lie to myself, I like the idea of him fighting for me.
“I did. Because I knew they were up to no good. You’re welcome, by the way.”
I roll my eyes, but bump my shoulder with his in thanks.
“But, even though I think I already know the answer, I have to ask.” He’s grown nervous. “Did
did you hear anything they were talking about?”
I shake my head and shrug. “Not a word. I could hear voices, but they were talking too quietly for me to understand any of it.”
He lets out a breath he must’ve been holding in relief.
“What? Was it that bad?”
He smiles, his beautiful teeth on display. “No! No, no.”
“Are you sure?” I press, teasingly.
He throws me a look that causes me to laugh.
“Enough about them,” he dismisses and I laugh harder. He goes ahead of me, spinning around so that he’s walking backwards, giving me his undivided attention. “I want to know more about you.”
“Like what?” I ask, instantly flustered. Under the moon, the smooth bit of skin of his neck and chest shine pale, the contrast with his dark eyes and long lashes something to behold. Does he know how incredibly attractive he is? Well, if his fashion and confidence is any indicator, he surely did, and used it to his benefit.
“Like why you were in the alley in the first place? I’ve never seen you at the club before, and trust me, I would remember.”
The comment flusters me more and it takes me a moment to remember how to speak. “I
 I work nearby. The alley is my shortcut home.”
“I’m pretty familiar with the area.” He hums. “Where do you work?”
“At the used book store down the road.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I wonder if I should be telling this man such personal information. Yeah, he may be hot, but he’s still a stranger, whether he saved me or not, I didn’t know him enough to trust him with the information. Yet, what was done was done.
“Ooooh, so you’re a nerd?” He teases and I roll my eyes.
“I guess you could say that, Baekhyun.”
“I think it’s cute! I was never much of a reader
“Well, if you need any recommendations, I’m your girl.”
He grins and I think he may have liked that statement a little too much.
“I’ll have to visit you soon then, to get those recommendations.” His voice has lowered, deepened, coming from within his chest and my mouth utterly dries.
“M—maybe you should,” I stutter and then stop abruptly as I finally take in our surroundings. “Shit.”
“What?” He’s shocked again and I guess it’s because I swore. Maybe he finds it unbecoming of me.
. We passed my place.”
His lips form into a thin line as he presses them tightly together—holding in a laugh, no doubt. I ignore him as I swiftly double back the half block to my apartment. “This is me.”
He takes in the brightly dimmed complex. “Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you in?”
I nod. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me tonight, but I think I can take it from here.”
.” He slides his hands in his pockets and finally meets my gaze, disappointment visible on his face. “Well then, I guess my work here is done.”
“I guess so.”
“It was nice meeting you,” he says my name and shallowly dips his head, although we both seem rather hesitant to move.
“Nice meeting you, too, Baekhyun. Thank you again, for saving me.”
“Anytime.” He grins boyishly and I can’t help but stare at his mouth, at his perfect teeth.
An awkward silence follows and needing to break it, but also not necessarily wanting to, I began making my way towards the door to my building. “Good night.”
“Goodnight.” His farewell is a mere breath, he watches me, eerily still as I slowly retreat, walking backwards as he had earlier. My back roughly hits the face of the door and he chuckles at my silly antics, shaking his head.
I embarrassingly try to save my ass, but I’m just speaking gibberish, barely making sense as I succumb to my mortification and slid through the mint green door, into the familiar lightly dimmed foyer, leaving Baekhyun on the sidewalk.
I get into my apartment, my roommate/best friend already retired to bed. I stand in front of her closed bedroom door, wondering if I should wake her because I just need to tell someone about what happened to me, but thought better of it, showered and got ready for bed.
Once in the protection of my blankets, the nights events replay in my mind. I find myself tossing and turning as those men keep swirling around my head, threatening me over and over again as I wonder what they thought I overhead was and what Chanyeol had planned to do to me if Baekhyun hadn’t intervened.
Despite myself, I find solace in his presence. I have never felt so instantly attracted to someone before and I regret not getting his number or asking him to come in, but I’m just not that kind of girl. Even though he is nothing but nice, there is a chance he could’ve taken my invitation the wrong way.
Or, maybe we would’ve just learned more about each other and started a blossoming friendship.
Well, no use dwelling on the past. I sink deeper into my blankets and finally fall asleep with the reassuring thought that if it is meant to be, then it will be. Plus, I know at least one place I can find him if I really want to.
I sleep rather well that night.
The next week flies by uneventfully. I’m busy enough that the thought of Baekhyun doesn’t come to mind until I find myself face to face with him inside my store.
He’s gazing down at me, eyes wide and alight with humor. Actually, the humor coats his face, lifting the corners of his red lips and wrinkling his nose.
Under the cool yellow of the lights ahead, he appears warmer, but still paler than one should be in the summer. Again he’s draped in tight black skinny jeans that wrap around his delicious thighs, rips at the knees and sporadically on said thighs. Tucked into the belt is an expensive looking silky button up shirt with random patterns of blacks, maroons, and golds. The top two buttons unfastened to give a glimpse of his firm chest—just enough to leave you wanting more. Between the V of the opening sat a ruby, hung from a bronze chain. It appears to be the only piece of jewelry he has on. His hair is parted on the side, thrown messily aside, exposing his round eyebrows and blemish-less forehead.
He looks wildly handsome.
Handsome enough to garner the attention of the few bit of customers wandering the store.
I blink up at him. He seems so out of place here, amongst the old tender pages of discarded books. He belongs within the walls of clubs, with beautiful women draped all over him, wine in hand, the world at his feet.
That is the vibe he gives off. As if he were of a different species.
“Are you that shocked to see me?” He finally utters, head tilting to the side. “You haven’t said a word and have been staring for the past minute.”
“It hasn’t been a minute,” I finally mumble, taking my eyes off his glorious face and down to the counter that only holds my hands.
He chuckles lowly. “Well, it diffenitly was longer than deemed friendly.”
“What are you doing here?” I say. “You don’t have any books.”
“It’s Friday.”
He shrugs at my confused expression. “I know you walk home and decided that I could protect you from all the scary men out there during the busy night. I wasn’t sure if you closed tonight, but decided to check since I was in the neighborhood.”
I have to swallow all the fluttery gushing things that form in my mind at his words. He’s worried about my safety? Concerned enough to check on me and make sure I am protected? His words definitely have my heart fluttering.
 very nice of you,” I’m able to get out eventually, bringing out a large pleased smile from him. “I actually do close today, so thank you.”
“When are you off?” He asks.
I check the time. “Ten. We still have about two hours left.”
“I don’t mind,” he says, answering my unasked question. “I faintly recall you informing me of some recommendations. It looks like I have the time to get those.”
I take his outfit in. “But you’re dressed for an event. I don’t want to take that from you.”
“These?” He motions at his body before scoffing. “I always dress like this. No special occasion, other than walking you home, of course.”
“Of course,” I repeat, again trying not to get too giddy over the idea he wants to impress me. “Well, my favorite book that’s in right now is a classic, Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice.”
.” He get’s a far away look for a moment. “I’m quite familiar with that story.”
“Oh, you are?” I am both disappointed and intrigued. “Didn’t take you much for a reader.”
That brings him back to Earth and he glares at me. “I’ll have you know that I haven’t, in fact, read the book, although I still do take offense with your idea of my intelligence. Are your books sorted alphabetically by name or author?”
“Author.” I inform. “But also by genre. Have fun.”
He throws a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll just be over here if you need anything.” With that he turns on the heels of his fancy dress shoes, clacking down the hardwood flooring as if it was a runway in Milan and I watch his shoulder blades through the loose silky shirt, swallowing the saliva that has built in my mouth.
I catch the eye of a few girls hidden around aisles, catch both glares and curiosity and sink a bit lower into the counter.
The next two hours are both the slowest yet the quickest two hours of my life. I can feel baekhyun’s gaze on me heavily the majority of the shift. Especially when I am out on the floor helping a customer or restocking. It’s fun. Baekhyun sits at one of the side tables that has a decent view of the counter and some aisles and whenever I lift my head and accidentally get drawn to his dark and playful eyes, peeking over whatever book he has open, I feel myself get shy and have to quickly glance away, face red and hot. 
Finally when I am officially ready to go, I head over to where he is lounging, one of his ankles rests lazily against his thigh as he scans the pages.
I readjust the strap of my purse as I wait for him to acknowledge me, cause I know he knows I’m hovering, but he ignores me, too entranced in the story.
Finally I clear my throat. “I’m done—“
The bastard shushes me.
My mouth drops as his eyebrows knit. “This is a good part.”
“That’s a picture book!” I scoff. 
That draws him out of his act and he grins up at me before making a show of slowly closing the book and sighing heavy as he stands up and leans in close. “Shall we?”
I blink a few times, catching my bearings. He/s going to step ahead of me but pauses pointing at my chest. “Is that my jacket?”
If I wasn’t red before....
Yes I have been wearing Baekhyuns jacket everyday since that fateful night. It still smells strongly of him and is the only proof I have that that night actually happened.
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morepeachyogurt · 4 years ago
a sky full of stars (and she was looking at her)
Word Count- 2.8k
Pairing- Penemily
Summary- Penemily highschool au where they are paired up on a English assignment! Based on this post.
Part 1 of my, maybe we’re from the same star, series
Read it here on ao3
Tw’s- very small mentions of substances, minor swearing
A/N- this is the first installment of a series based on my yearning posts, and my first time writing romance/3rd pov, I’d love some feedback!
It’s hard to miss Penelope Garcia. With her bright clothes and brighter personally it seems like the sun shines a spotlight on her. Her golden hair is like a halo around her, she looks like an angel, and perhaps one of these days Emily will get the courage to talk to her beyond small talk and group presentations. She’s pulled out of her thoughts when the shrill bell rings, too loudly for her tastes but this whole building seems to scream at her, so perhaps it’s fitting.
Ms. Blake starts to talk about ancient poetry. The greats from the time periods before everything got so complicated. English is not Emily’s favorite class but somehow Blake’s class is more or less interesting, is it because she’s a milf? Maybe, who’s to say. As the class nears its end, she announces, “Alright, as we close out our poetry unit, we have one last assignment that hopefully at least one of you will enjoy, it’s a group project where-” immediately two hands go up ready to ask the question that always gets asked when a group project is announced. “Before you ask, no, you aren’t picking your partners, I am,” a collective groan comes out of about half the class. Emily isn’t too mad about it though, she doesn’t have many friends, especially in honors English. JJ barely passes English as it is. She’s all alone here, so she’s glad she doesn’t have to suffer through the awkwardness of trying to find a partner before everyone else does and ending up with the one kid who she’s pretty sure has been high the entire year and likes to leer at her in the hallway. “For this assignment, you’ll have to analyze one famous poem, from whatever time period you’d like, and write an essay about the poet’s intentions. If you’d like extra credit, which I know for a fact some of you need, you can do a reading of the poem in front of the class or do a drawing that represents it. Any questions?”
The classroom fills with questions of ‘when is this due?’ And ‘this sucks do we have to do this’. Emily however, is distracted by one very colorful girl in the upper left corner of the room, her spot in the back lets her admire the view without being caught, which tends to make it difficult to pay attention, but well, some things are just more fun than others. Her attention is drawn back to Blake when she hears her name followed by Penelope Garcia.
Oh shit.
On the one hand, this is exactly the opportunity she’d been looking for to ‘make her move’ so to speak, on the other, she’s terrified of making a fool of herself. Emily realizes that she’s been sitting for a bit too long when Blake stops talking and the rest of the class has already paired off. She catches Penelope’s eyes and tries to fight the blush of her cheeks. The sound of her docs hitting the linoleum is a bit too intense for this setting, she prefers their ‘clunk’ when it’s a crowded room, and she can walk like she owns the place. Emily sits down at the desk adjacent to Penelope and gets ready to ruin her chances with her.
“Okay! Hi! I’m Penelope! Which you already knew because Ms. Blake announced it, but it’s polite to introduce yourself to people so I thought I would do that now which I’ve done so I’ll stop talking now!”
Emily can’t help but giggle a little at her rambling, she doesn’t want her to stop talking quite yet, her voice melodic to her ears.
“So, I’m not big in poetry, I’m more of a comic book gal if you catch my drift, so I was hoping that you had some thoughts?” She drags the o in hoping and trails off waiting for Emily to fill in the blanks. It takes her a second too long because her brain is short-circuiting but she manages.
“Yeah okay, um, I’ve read some Sappho back when my mother was stationed in Greece? That could work?” she hopes bringing up Sappho wasn’t too obvious of her intentions, but it was all she could think of. Sappho had a point when she said ‘Sweet mother, I cannot weave – slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl’
“Yeah okay! Cool! We’ve got like 3 minutes left of class, would you want to go to Bricks and Beans after school to work on it?”
“Uh yeah, yeah, that, um, that sounds great! I’ll meet you in front of the school?”
“Yep!” She pops the ‘p’ and Emily thinks she can’t possibly get cuter.
Emily’s walk to lunch has never been quite this mix of excitement and anxiety as it is now. Hopefully, JJ will be able to make sense of what’s happening because the wires in Emily’s brain are very much twisted.
“Okay, I’m telling you it’s not a date,”
“Yeah I know it’s not technically a date but come on. I personally have never asked my group project partner to a coffee shop before. She obviously likes you.”
Jennifer Jareau has been blessed with the right combination of looks that ensures she never had to wonder if her crushes liked her back. Emily wishes she had that special brand of confidence, but it’s simply not realistic, the number of openly queer girls at school is small, the number of them that would be interested in her? Even smaller.
“Look I’m not going to be the loser that gets my heart broken all right,” she steals a fry off of JJ’s tray before her hand gets smacked.
“Ugh I’m so bored here, promise me you’ll at least try. I need some new drama around here and you two would be so fucking cute.”
“Fine. On the condition that when* it goes south you’re buying me ice cream.”
Emily’s day goes by slowly and all at once. Hours turn into years turn into seconds and before she knows it she’s awkwardly standing outside the building waiting for Penelope to meet her.
When she does, Emily’s pulse quickens ever so slightly in her presence. It’s annoying as hell.
“I was worried you were standing me up,” a futile attempt on Emily’s behalf of trying to seem calm, cool, and collected.
“What! I would never, I’ve been looking forward to getting a macchiato and hanging out with you and Sappho all day! Coolest ladies from recent history,” she has to try and stop herself from getting too excited at Penelope’s words, they don’t mean anything, she’s just some loser that she has to work with to get a good final grade in the class. A means to an end, disposable.
“I don’t think Sappho counts as recent history but thank you, ma’am,” ma’am? God, what is she doing, this is going to go south faster than the time she tried to wear ripped jeans to one of her mother’s stupid dinner parties. To her surprise, her stupid comment is met with a giggle on Penelope’s part.
“Why thank you darling,” she replies in a phony southern accent that makes them both crack up, “Lead the way.”
Bricks and Beans is the staple coffee shop where all the high schoolers hang out after school or work during college. The owners are a sweet old couple in their 70’s who seem to be reliving the past with the vintage decorations. The pair settle into a table in the back, a window next to them showing off the highway. Emily is tasked with buying the coffees and Penelope rattles off her order filled with things Emily’s never even heard of.
“Okay, I’m pretty sure the barista is laughing at me now but here is your sugar coffee with whipped cream,” she says as she slides into her seat, placing down the coffees on the minimal free space left.
“My savior,” she says, fake swooning, “Okay so, Sappho? That’s the lesbian right?”
Emily answers with a snort before actually replying, “Yeah that’s the lesbian. I’m sure Blake will love it. I’m like, 90% sure she’s gay.”
“Single English teacher who loves Oscar Wilde? Yeah, I get it. My gaydar is spectacular by the way.”
“Oh yeah?”
She nods.
“Um, yeah, okay how about this poem:
‘and in your song most of all she rejoiced.
But now she is conspicuous among Lydian women
as sometimes at sunset
the rosyfingered moon
surpasses all the stars. And her light
stretches over salt sea
equally and flowerdeep fields.
And the beautiful dew is poured out
and roses bloom and frail
chervil and flowering sweetclover.
But she goes back and forth remembering
gentle Atthis and in longing
she bites her tender mind’”
“That’s gorgeous,” Penelope had a dreamy look in her eyes, like seeing a beautiful sunset for the first time. Except, instead of a sunset she was looking at Emily, seeing her, like for the first time, “I love when artists talk about the stars,” she leans back on her chair and looks up as if she’s looking at a constellation and not an off-white popcorn ceiling. Her collarbones are exposed and Emily feels like a 17th-century peasant pining over exposed ankles, “There’s just something about the stars ya know? They’re so far away, but sometimes it feels like we’re there with them. They twinkle at us and at each other,” she pauses to make eye contact, “maybe the greatest love story is in the sky,” there’s a beat too long, Emily doesn’t know how to respond to that comment, it’s hard to follow art without ruining it.
“Or maybe I’m just a sad sap for romance.”
“No!” She gets a of couple heads turned her way, the exclamation too loud for the environment, “I mean no, I get what you mean, they’re beautiful. Sometimes at night I go on my roof just to stargaze. It’s so peaceful there,” it’s now or never, “you should do it with me someday.”
“I’d love that,” it’s almost bashful, the two of them hoping the underlying meanings of their words are being shown, lest their hopes not be conveyed and come shattering down like a falling star.
The sun slowly sets as they work on interpreting the inter-workings of Sappho’s mind. The drinks run out so Emily buys them both hot chocolate, extra whipped cream and chocolate chips for Penelope. When she takes a sip, the whipped cream sticks to the side of her face.
“You got some whipped cream on your face,” she gestures to the offender in question. The blonde tries and fails, to get it off.
“Did I get it?”
“No, it’s more,” after some failed attempts, and the failure of Emily’s common sense, she decides to just get it off herself. It feels too intimate too quick, they both freeze, Emily’s hand inches away from Penelope’s face. Their eyes lock, scared brown eyes met soft blue ones and just for a second, there is peace in between their beating hearts and hands. Emily quickly brings her hand down and mumbles an apology.
After three hours they call it a night, Emily now the proud owner of Penelope’s phone number. On her drive home, she wonders if she’d done right, and she wonders if she’d done wrong. If she was clear about what stargazing meant to her. A branch into her world, her safe space. To share the dark night sky with something is to share your soul with them. Even JJ didn’t know about her nighttime viewings. Did Penelope feel the same way? The shared smiles and small laughs pointed yes. But Penelope was Penelope and Emily was Emily. How could an angel love a human? Why would it sacrifice its virtue for the danger of love? If Penelope was pink and Emily was dark green, could they mix and make something beautiful or would they both end up a ruined brown?
Dinner is tense as always, she does not share anything with her mother, she does not want to. They tiptoe around each other hoping that they won’t step on each other’s toes and crash. Emily retreats to her room the second dinner is over and opens a window. She loves that it gets dark earlier now. The fresh fall air trumps that tacky of scented candles that fill the house in a futile attempt to make it a home. She opens her laptop to finish the concluding paragraph of their essay. She allows herself to be lost in the words of another in order to avoid her own problems of love and belonging. Her phone rings. It’s her problems. They chat with careful conversation about their project and finally, it is finished. It looks good actually, or at least, to Emily it does. It’s not going to win them a Pulitzer, but they’ll get an A.
And then, “Hey.”
“Hey?” They’ve been on the phone for a half an hour, she’s not sure why she’s being greeted all of a sudden.
“Does your offer to stargaze still stand? It’s nice out tonight and, I don’t know, it sounded nice?”
“Yeah of course! Do you, um, do you need a ride or?”
“Nah I got my license and good old Esther. I do need your address though.”
“Oh yeah, I’ll text it to you. Who’s Esther?”
“My car! She’s a lovely thing thought she needed a name. I’ll be there in say, 15 minutes?”
“Sure. Bye Penelope.”
Holy shit.
Okay, she’s got 15 minutes to both have everything ready, but also seem completely casual about the fact that her crush is coming over to stargaze on her roof. The ambassador is long retreated either in bed or into her office, so she shouldn’t be a problem. Emily grabs a couple of blankets for them to sit on to avoid the chilly breeze and a bag of popcorn. She brushes her hair and touches up her eyeliner, not that it’s really visible in the dark, but it helps her feel confident which she’s desperate for at the moment. Her phone buzzes with a text, *im here!!!* It reads. She takes a deep breath before very slowly opening the door.
“Hi,” she whispers, the wind carrying her voice, but it’s just loud enough for its recipient. She closes the door
“Hi! So! Stargazing? That’s fun, I’m like, really excited it’s been a while since I’ve done something like this,” she somehow makes a whisper seem filled with enough energy to power a flashlight that Emily definitely should have brought. They make their way to the intersection where the hill meets the rooftop, and they only trip once, on a stick, but together they stay upright. Emily throws the blankets on the roof and climbs up on the chair before throwing her body on the roof. With her help, Penelope makes her way up after a couple of tries. By the time they lay the blankets out and are sitting down, they’re both practically crying from laughter, her nerves from earlier disappearing slowly.
The laughter fizzles out, and they’re both left staring at the stars. Penelope apparently is an expert of both astronomy and astrology so Emily’s ears are blessed with the sound of her voice. Like sunshine on a sweet summer day. She thinks that Penelope and her are like the sun and the moon, both beautiful, and complementary. Emily’s gaze shifts from the constellations to Penelope’s side profile. The stars shine almost as bright as her, and she can’t help but watch her instead. She can see the stars in her eyes, perhaps they were always there, but they’re more visible now looking in their reflection.
“God they’re beautiful,” Penelope says in awe. Like she can’t believe she’s blessed with the presence of the stars when really it is the stars who should have the honor.
“Yeah, yeah they are,” at this point she’s openly gazing at Penelope. When Penelope turns to meet her gaze she thinks she’s been caught, that it’s over and this night will be one for the ages in terms of beauty and heartbreak. Slowly, a hand makes its way to her cheek, cold like the air around them, but it somehow manages to set her skin on fire.
“May I?”
Emily nods and then they are lips on hers, it is sweet just like her. She’s being kissed under the starlight by a girl who deserves only beauty. Perhaps her dark green can be the field by the sunset of Penelope’s pink in the painting they make together. They do not have to mix, they can simply be combined to create something stunning. They can simply be. They pull apart slowly, and looking into her eyes, Emily thinks that the stars in comparison are simply dull. There is nothing as bright and beautiful in the world as the eyes of your lover.
Tag list- @royalpenelope @scandinavian-punk @kermitsaysgayrights
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saudadeonly · 4 years ago
someone to you
Read on ao3. Part five.
Death Eater!Sirius Black AU
Remus's life is not at its peak right now. It only goes downhill when Sirius Black, former Marauder, current Death Eater, appears in front of him with Earth-shattering news.
Word count: 2938
CW: barest mention of torture and blood
October 1981
Remus steps onto the cobbled streets of Hogsmeade just as the clock inside the Hog’s Head strikes noon. Although the sky outside is without a hint of clouds and the wind has rather settled in the past hour, the usually lively village is empty, save for a few daring individuals hurrying by with heads bowed, their hands stuffed into their pockets, likely gripping the wand stashed there. No one dares to go out anymore, not in these times, where one misstep could mean death—or worse.
Remus tilts his head back, letting the sun wash over his battered face, soothing the bruises that have not yet disappeared. He has spent too long in the dark forests where light doesn’t reach even on the sunniest of days, stripped of everything that ties him to his humanity, demoted to a growling, begging animal he has always tried to escape from. Even now, in the light of day, in the warmth of magic, his birthright, his home, his stomach turns with the thought of going back there and the knowledge that he must do so soon.
Always, when Dumbledore says. Always, when he asks. Remus is in his debt, after all. It doesn’t matter what Dumbledore’s orders, his pleas, as he so cleverly put it, bring along, what the secrecy does to already crumbling trust. Remus is expendable on all fronts these days.
The Firewhisky he knocked back catches up with him, floating through his head. It makes him melancholic, when before it made him impulsive, quicker to laugh, easier to get lost in life. But there were a lot of things before. Dwelling on them brings nothing good, Remus has learned that the hard way.
He hopes he will be able to see Lily and James and little Harry before he leaves again. He hasn’t seen them in months, not since before Harry’s birthday. Harry must have grown by now, must have learned some new words, become steadier on his feet. Remus has missed all of it.
He wonders if they’ve had to move again or if they’ve opted for the Fidelius Charm already, finally. If they could even bring themselves to choose. Once, their choice might have been obvious but all certainty seems to be gone nowadays. If Remus allows himself to think of before, he can pinpoint exactly the moment it happened.
Remus shakes his head and opens his eyes. He blinks and then again. He hasn’t drunk that much, has he?
Several metres in front of him is a dog, sitting patiently on his haunches, his eyes pinned right on Remus. His black fur gleams in the sun even as the breeze ruffles it. An omen of death; the saviour of Remus’s youth, the bane of his adulthood.
Remus wonders for a moment if he’s been somehow transported to his past. Or maybe he didn’t stop after the second Firewhisky. Maybe he kept knocking them back and is now fast asleep on the table inside. Aberforth is probably smacking him across the face with that dishrag he can’t have washed for the past half a decade right now. Remus is dreaming. He has to be.
It seems almost plausible for a moment, more so than the scene before him but—the dog is skinny, painfully so, and Padfoot never used to be so thin, not even after the end of the summer, and there’s a scar across his muzzle, just barely noticeable, but not a detail Remus’s mind could have just conjured up.
The dog—Padfoot—stands up, giving him a look far shrewder than a dog should be capable of, still as intimidating as he’s ever been, and trots away, clearly expecting him to follow.
Remus doesn’t know what compels him to move after him. Dutch courage probably, or sheer stupidity, which always has been particularly pronounced in Padfoot’s presence, either in his human form or his dog one.
Padfoot slips into a small alley next to the Hog’s Head, probably heavily warded and silenced beforehand, and shifts in the three smooth steps it takes him to reach the wall at the end.
Some common sense slips into Remus’s head, finally. He pulls out his wand, faster than he thought he could, and points it at the man now standing in front of him—tall, gaunt, with a mess of black hair and pale skin.
Sirius Black regards him with cool grey eyes. His hands are by his sides, not reacting, not reaching for his own wand. “You should at least hear what I have to say before you kill me,” he says softly, mouth curving up slightly. The sunlight can’t reach past the musty walls of the buildings around them and it paints dancing shadows across his face, the face of Remus’s dreams and nightmares, the face Remus still loves and hates more than anyone else’s.
Remus tightens the grip on his wand. “Why should I?” he asks. His throat burns but he can’t convince himself it’s from the Firewhisky. “You wouldn’t offer me the same benefit.”
Sirius blinks, once, slowly. “No,” he says, “I wouldn’t.” A hand moves toward his pocket, but Remus’s warning spell shooting by his forearm makes him stop. “I’m not going to take out my wand,” he snaps, like it’s an unreasonable assumption on Remus’s part. He pulls up his left sleeve to reveal the wand holster underneath. His wand rests in it, bisecting the Dark Mark scorched into his skin directly. Bile rises in Remus’s throat. “See?” He reaches into his pocket with his right hand, keeping his left arm firmly away from himself, and pulls out a packet that looks like it’s certainly seen better days. Cigarettes, Remus realises, as Sirius places one of them in his mouth, using the tip of his finger to light it.
The smell of menthol and tobacco wafts through the air and Remus has a fleeting flash of a rooftop, a star-specked sky above, a smile. You’re going to run yourself into the ground with that.
A flash of teeth around the cigarette, a bark of laughter. Hopefully someone else will do it for me sooner.
Remus shakes the memory away. “What do you want?” he growls. The moon was just a couple days ago; he’s still sore from it and he just wants to go home, not to mention he would rather avoid a murder attempt before lunch. Although, considering he chose to walk into this alley, he has to admit this one is mostly on him.
“You have a spy.” Sirius’s cheeks are hollow as he sucks smoke into his mouth then down into his lungs, more than it should be possible. “Among your—” He waves a hand, long-fingered and elegant, the cigarette hanging loosely from it. “—people.”
“Thank you,” grits out Remus, who most likely the one everyone suspects while they sit around at home and he spends his days being beaten down in an attempt to persuade people to at the very least not fight for the wrong side. “I wasn’t aware.”
“You weren’t?” says Sirius, always Sirius, never Black, not even when Remus hates him more than words can describe. He’s studying the posters along the walls, the ones that are searching for missing people, who are probably long dead or better off missing anyway, and promising awards for the wanted, one of which is currently looking right at them. “Well, someone should have told you.” He tilts his head, a strange reminder of his other form. The smoke curls around him, twining into his hair, curving along the too-sharp arch of his cheekbone. “Huh, I thought I’d be worth more than that.”
You were. You were to us, Remus thinks. Where did you go? Why weren’t we enough?
“What,” he says again, with more of a bite, more of that part that he tries to keep hidden otherwise, “do you want?”
“In a hurry, I see,” Sirius says, turning his eyes back on him; they are slate-coloured, vicious, but for all of his impatience, for all of his intent to hurt, there is no smile on his lips, not even a hint of mocking. “Anyway, Peter’s the spy.”
The world stops. The ground sways, Sirius’s figure blurring, sharpening, approaching. There’s a pain in Remus’s chest and no air in his lungs and he knows it’s not from his recent transformation. It’s not worse than Sirius’s face underneath the Death Eater mask was. Nothing is, has ever been, worse than that.
The ground evens out again. Sirius is closer now, his hand twitching toward him as if wanting to steady him, just as Remus’s vision slides back into one picture. It must be the remnants of his shock. Sirius Black would not reach out for a dark creature like him.
“I don’t believe you,” Remus says hoarsely. His fingers are white on his wand, the only real thing in a world tipped on its axis. He doesn’t believe him, but it makes sense all the same. Peter, crafty Peter, who has always known more than he seems to let on, who is much, much cleverer than anyone ever thinks him to be. He wouldn’t be the obvious choice, but he would be the most probable one. He knew about the McKinnons’ party, the wards surrounding their house; he was one of the few with the knowledge of Fabian and Gideon’s mission, the path they were going to take; he has always been one of the select few entrusted with the secret of the Potters’ location. He is one of the most considered candidates for the Secret Keeper. It all makes a frightening amount of sense. No, no, no. “It’s not possible. He wouldn’t—” He swallows, unable to finish the sentence; he’s told so many lies recently—he doesn’t want to lie to himself as well.
Sirius squashes the butt of his cigarette with the heel of his boot. He reaches into his pocket again, probably to light another one, to laugh at Remus and enjoy in his turmoil. Even if Remus does believe it, he has no proof and no one is likely to take him on his word, not the poor werewolf who has spent more time trudging through the forest in scraps of clothing than watching his best friends’ son grow up. Something Peter could never be accused of.
A fine situation indeed. Maybe Sirius only wanted to antagonise him; maybe that’s why he’s here, telling him this. Remus can think of no other reason.
Something bright arcs through the air and Remus reflexively reaches up to catch it. A small vial rests in his palm, the silvery substance inside swirling, darker than he’s previously seen but he recognises it all the same. A memory, a fragment of someone’s mind.
He looks up at Sirius, who has indeed lit another cigarette. The smoke drifts out of his mouth, then far up, farther than any of them could ever hope to reach. “I believe you’re competent enough to find a Pensieve,” he says.
Sirius’s eyes are dark, the line of his throat stretching as he leans to the side to blow out the smoke. The pale scar across his cheek, the same one as Padfoot’s, almost blends in with his skin. Remus hates himself for wanting to ask who did it, then track them down and let the wolf destroy. “There are lines.”
Remus raises his eyebrows. “Loyalty?” he asks incredulously. He snorts, wild, raucous laughter bubbling up in his chest. “You’re one to talk.” He tilts his head, looks at Sirius as though he can see through him. He wishes he could and feels the knowledge that he once thought he could cut him like the edge of a blade. “Although you have betrayed one group of allies, I suppose another one is not much more to you.”
“Not loyalty,” Sirius says, lifting his head to look at him, his eyes flashing. “A child’s life, given away in cold blood.”
“You seemed to have no qualms about Edgar Bones’s children.” His stomach turns at the memory of those little bodies, broken, in pools of their own blood. Tortured, maimed to get their father to talk. Not murdered, but butchered. The way Marlene’s family might have been if she hadn’t managed to escape and McGonagall hadn’t been there to pass on the message.
Marlene has only just returned to active duty for the Order, her leg having more complications than the Healers had originally gauged, though there isn’t much to return to. They are defeated on all fronts most of the time, their homes and family the tiniest specks of light that remind them to have hope still. How unfortunate for Remus that he has neither—not anymore, anyway.
“I wasn’t there,” Sirius says. “I didn’t even know.” He sets his jaw, lifts his chin. There he is, the pureblood heir, the fiercest of Voldemort’s soldiers. Oh, how he loathes him. “You have what you need, Remus. This is a debt paid, no more, no less. There will be no other.” Something shifts in him then, Remus can physically see it, his eyes like shards of steel. “Walk away.”
And Remus almost does. He’s already moving to step out of the alley, to Apparate right on James and Lily’s doorstep but a thought stops him. He turns back to Sirius. “They don’t know,” he says, thinking back to the black dog that waited for him in front of the Hog’s Head, with a degree of patience ever so rarely seen to be exercised by him. “About Padfoot.”
Sirius pauses, his hand stopping halfway to his mouth, then shakes his head. Ash drifts to the ground. Maybe it’s a trick of the light but his eyes seem almost sad.
“Why not?”
Sirius takes a deep breath, puffs out the smoke. “That was—ours,” he says. “It’s not theirs to abuse.”
“There were a lot of things that were ours,” Remus says as sharply as he can manage. Elbows in ribs, dog-eared books, James's smile and the smell of tea, the taste of chocolate. The smell of night in the dark corridors, the feel of freedom, of foolish youth. He despises his voice for shaking. “You ruined all of them. Why keep this?”
“I like going to the park sometimes,” Sirius says dryly, “to play fetch with the neighbourhood kids. It would make for an awkward conversation if they saw me.”
“You’re a lousy liar.”
“Quite,” Sirius says with a sardonic incline of his head, the hints of a downturned smile playing on his lips. Then, in an exhale of breath and smoke, “You don’t know me anymore, Remus.”
It hits deeper than Remus likes. He’s done so much to try and forget Sirius but he’s only ever come to the point of hating himself more for not being able to hate him. It’s never made sense, Sirius’s sudden disappearance, his abrupt conversion to Voldemort’s side. They had considered the Imperius curse for some time, then Regulus’s involvement but someone as stubborn and fierce as Sirius would have broken an Imperius a long time ago, not to mention he acts too much like himself to be cursed, and Regulus has been dead for nearly two years. If Sirius ever had any qualms about joining, they seem to be gone now, replaced by stone-cold cruelty and a fierce desire to hurt. Marlene’s nightmares, almost always starring Sirius, according to Dorcas, seem to be proof of that.
The thing about Sirius – Remus has always known, since that first day when Sirius Black stood between him and a group of Slytherins, ready to hex them black and blue, that Sirius has the capacity to be cruel. Sirius might have fooled some people, even James and Peter sometimes, but Remus has always seen the darkness underneath, the uncanny ability to read someone like a book, pinpoint their greatest weaknesses and strike exactly there, a blow that would bring even the greatest to their knees, begging for mercy. It never scared him, not before. Sometimes, when he thought people deserved it, he relished in the way the slope of Sirius’s shoulders would straighten, the way his grin, always a touch mad anyway, would turn into something dark and slick without ever really changing. Remus never told him, never stopped him because most of the time Sirius had a reason to strike, to stab through the chink in the armour and twist the blade, but that was when he looked most like his mother.
He never told him because there was always the kindness underneath, the fierce loyalty, the unapologetic love delivered with a mix of sharp humour and tender words, told like a story in an arm over their shoulders, in soft smiles and sharp elbows, in hesitant fingers over new wounds and old scars, in murmured spells that soothed the pain. Sirius never told them – he only ever showed them.
But now, looking at this man, grown-up from the boy he loved, this shell of a man who could be his friend, who was his friend once, a long time ago, he doesn’t see any kindness at all, not even a shred of decency.
Remus takes a deep breath, swallowing down the lump in his throat. “No. And I don’t want to anymore either,” he tells him and this time, his voice is firm.
He only allows himself a second to watch the words register, to notice how deep they cut. He feels no satisfaction upon it, only bone-deep weariness, only the rest of his heart shattering apart. Then he turns on the spot and thinks of Harry’s green eyes.
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bow-woahh · 5 years ago
She-Ra Fics Masterlist
(It’s 100% Catradora but hey)
Started: 12/10/19 Last updated: 28/10/20
Catradora —
What drove her insane... (Canon Divergent)(Completed) (4/4)(13k+)(Ao3 only)
There were a lot of things Adora would do that would get to Catra. A lot of things that would make Catra melt inside or combust. Or both. Things that would make her feel this intense feeling in her stomach, these flips, these... butterflies, is what she thought of them as.
Similarly, Adora didn't think she had many weaknesses, but most things Catra would do drove her up the wall. In a good way. In the best way. In a way that made her heart feel like it was about to hop out of her ribcage, that made her feel she was about to faint, from an unfamiliar, yet familiar, dazed dizziness.
Both of them drove each other insane.
Heal me after hurting (Modern AU)(Completed) (3/3)(29k+)(Ao3 only)
A million feelings she’s been fighting off for months threaten to overwhelm her: feelings of deep and utter care; of complete adoration; feelings of hot and harsh hatred; of absolute disdain; and abandonment, definitely abandonment; to confusion, anxiety, all bubbling as she tries to calm herself down; eyes closed, chanting the mantra:
you are in control, you are stronger now.   ___
Catra gets sick and someone unexpected turns up to help.
bloom (just for you) (High School AU)(Ongoing) (8/?)(68k+)(Ao3 only)
She was probably about to tell her to fuck off, though maybe—hopefully—she'd say it nicely. Catra closed her eyes and hoped when she opened them that this whole situation was just a figment of her imagination. Instead, she saw a one word reply. One single word. 
Adora Grayskull is the popular jock, the golden girl, the one that everyone loves. Catra Dïżœïżœriluth is the opposite. Yet despite this, they form an unlikely bond.
One shots:
Catradora —
What (Who) drives her to this? (Canon Divergent)(2k+)(Ao3 only)
Both Catra and Adora are tired. Both Catra and Adora reach a breaking point. Both Catra and Adora need to stop thinking. And when they do what will it drive them to do?
Catra’s Last Day (Canon Divergent)(2k+)(Ao3 only)
Catra has been anticipating this for months now, and now it's finally come - her last day at the Horde.
As the Sun Sets (Canon Compliant - Post S1)(1k+)(Ao3 only)
Watching the sunset was one way to end your day back at the Horde...
damn you, unrequited love (High school AU)(7k+)(Ao3 only)
Unrequited love sucks. That's what both Adora and Catra think.
Don’t sneak into the kitchen (Unless your girlfriend tells you to) (Canon Divergent)(2k+)(Ao3 only)
Catra has a bad habit of getting into mischief and Adora has a bad habit of agreeing to get into mischief with her.
They sneak into a kitchen and make a mess.
As the Petal Falls (Beauty and the Beast AU)(1.5k+)(Ao3 only)
Shadow Weaver comes to kill the beast and take back Adora, who to her knowledge is a hostage there, when she has actually chosen to stay there - with Catra.
If I was perfect (Modern Family AU)(2.5k+)(Ao3 only)
Call it a coincidence, but just as Adora said the word “baby” (for the second time actually), Catra had choked on her own saliva.
How had children not crossed her mind before?
Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Gang AU)(1k+)(Ao3 only)
"Come on, Catra! You know better than to trust the horde!"
"And you know better than to trust the Rebellion!"
"The Horde is manipulating you!"
"At least they don't hide it and do it behind your back!"  
OR AU where the Rebellion is manipulating Adora and she doesn't realise (but Catra does)
I could get used to the sound of her voice (Royalty AU)(3.5k+)(Ao3 only)
Princess Adora was lucky enough for her parents not to marry her to a man. But, Princess Adora didn’t feel lucky in the slightest when she learned her wife to be was a right pain in the backside – or so she thought.
Who knew that all it would take for Princess Adora to fall was her voice?
Fiction will make you think (what if it was real?) (YouTuber AU)(8k+)(Ao3 only)
All of a sudden, a new thought hits her like a train. Why does it matter so much? Image? Catra doesn’t exactly have a good one anyway, and if anything, it would be worse for Adora. But she is already in most of her videos, so clearly Adora doesn’t care either. So what would actually change?
Wait, Catra’s train of thought stops. Why am I thinking about dating Adora anyway?
A YouTuber AU
Perspective (Prison AU)(25.5k+)(Ao3 only)
"Like you caved in Adora, you took the dive, and was it worth it?"
Adora looked at Catra, biting the inside of her cheek.
"I guess not."
Although, Adora couldn't deny that she felt almost lucky to have met someone like Catra, even if it was in here.
Twelve months. Adora had earned herself twelve months in Prison — it was virtually hell on earth. Or it least it should have been, if not for a certain someone.
Sink my teeth to save you (Vampire AU)(1.5k+) — Ao3 link —
“How did...what are you?”
The stranger stroked her chin, pondering something, then said, “Well, I’m the tall dark stranger your parents warned you about," flashing her abnormally sharp fang like teeth, almost in a grin, though it felt more like she was just showing off.
I'll be your crutch to cope (College/Modern AU)(1.5k+) —Ao3 link —
A late night (or early morning) text from Catra’s roommate leads to more than she bargains for.
Do you know any spells to get rid of this thing? (Modern with Magic AU)(2.5k+)—Ao3 link—
“You know, like, spells and stuff, right?” Adora asks, hold a little looser on her wrist.
“Uh...yeah?” Catra replies, baffled.
Catra’s a mage in training and Adora comes to her with a ridiculous request.
Christmas wouldn't be so bad (with you) (Modern Christmas AU)(1.9k+)—Ao3 link—
Catra wants to reject her responsibilities and problems for one night. Though, she can't avoid the one right in front of her for much longer.
As our differences divide us (Canon Divergent )(3.2k+)—Ao3 link—
Adora believes in the Horde. Catra doesn’t.
An AU where Adora (with the sword) stays with the Horde and Catra leaves for the Rebellion.
Lost my heart (now you've taken it back) (Valentine's AU)(1k+)—Ao3 link—
Catra decides to make her first Valentine's with Adora a memorable experience.
Demons hiding underneath (Modern Gang AU)(3.3k+)—Ao3 link —
She kept plummeting deeper and deeper into the once beautiful blue abyss. And the further down she got, the more Adora realised it was closer to darkness than blue. It seemed she would continue falling, falling into the darkness until—
They may be running away, escaping from their problems, but that doesn’t mean Adora can avoid her own too.
Distressing (over you) (Modern Superhero AU)(3.1k+)(Ao3 only)
Wearing her signature smug smirk, she stood, hands on her hips with a knowing look. Despite how many times she'd seen her in the familiar getup before, it somehow always managed to get her stomach lurching: those thigh highs which somehow weren't impractical; the crimson red suit which clung to her body in all the right places (arguably there were no wrong ones); the black sleeves which came up to cover her hands; and the red mask with pointed ears obscuring her face. However, the blue-gold glow of her eyes was still inexplicably Catra. It still captured her essence. At least to Adora.
things you said with clenched fists (Modern AU)(1.5k+)—Ao3 link—
Alone, at loss for words, but still – I've won and I've lost but I've fell and I've fucked it up
An argument which stems from lies, deception and the past.
things you said when you were drunk (Modern AU)(1.6k+)(Ao3 only)
As Catra took her hand, with her mismatched eyes gleaming, and flashing her pearly white teeth in a grin, the smells, the noises of all the people around them dissolved into nothing more than white noise. 
The aftershock (of your touch) (Modern Soulmates AU)(28k+)(Ao3 only)
“When one finds their soulmate, they don’t immediately know that is the case. Some believe it is a way for the universe, for the great First Ones to test our ability to listen to its calling, to let us steer the wheel to our own fates. Others believe it is an act of cruelty—to try our patience, to punish us for being unable to love without any inhibitions. No matter what one believes, it doesn’t rid us of the fact that finding one's other half does not allow for instant gratification.”
Catra, jaded by her past, moves to Bright Moon to start a new life, and finds herself growing increasingly closer to her neighbour, Adora. Initially, she's apprehensive, but no matter what she does, something draws her to the girl, and a revelation causes it to make a lot of sense—and none at all.
all the time in the world (Post-Canon)(1k+)—Ao3 link—
In space, it feels like they have all the time in the world. All the time to relearn the new parts of each other, all the time to indulge the old parts of each other, all the time to simply just be.
You have their attention (and I want yours) (Modern AU - Actors)(1.9k+)—Ao3 link—
It’s all made worse when Catra does look in her direction, searching for none other than Adora’s eyes. She sees her sitting there, seething, and all she does is raise an eyebrow, then after a moment, grin. She can tell. And that only makes Adora more agitated as Catra turns back to the crowd and that girl is practically hanging off her arm. Now, Adora really is contemplating going up there, kissing the smirk of Catra’s face where everyone can see.
a regular customer of mine (Modern AU - Bakery)(3.9k)(Ao3 only)
Catra works at a bakery and Adora comes by every day trying to build up the courage to ask her out (unbeknownst to her).
Headcanons + Shorter Works: 
Catradora —
Fate Only Plays a Part (Canon divergent)(Ao3 only)
Adora finds a wounded and almost lifeless Catra in the woods and decides to bring her back to the castle.
I want to be with you when I grow up (Canon Divergent)(Ao3 only)
They are supposed to be fighting- they should be killing each other.
But they never can. And they never will.
Bad Dreams (Canon Divergent)
She tastes like coffee (Modern AU)
I like me better when I'm with you (Modern AU)
Adora's birthday (Canon Divergent)
The Start of Something Wonderful (Canon Divergent) 
Catradora Summer AU (Modern AU)(Snippet)
things you said when we forgave each other (Post-Canon)(Written before S5)
Reunion (S5 speculation)
354 notes · View notes
signs-of-the-moon · 4 years ago
Moon Rise: Chapter 37
A half moon had passed since the last battle for the Forest Patch. Treeclan made no attempt to trespass or take back the land Grassclan had claimed; and Grassclan kept to their own boundries, opting to take this time to heal and train. There were multiple cats who itched to get back out there and strike their enemy once more, but Whitestar demanded patience. 
"We have been given a great opportunity," she proclaimed during a strategy meeting, "because of this peace, our clan is growing strong again."
"Some peace. Feels more like a stalemate. What if Treeclan is planning something?" Snailear fretted. 
"Then we'll be ready for them," responded Chicorynose, eyes darkening. Every cat knew Chicorynose was the biggest advocate for getting the clan back on the battlefield. She wanted revenge on Treeclan for their almost-victory in the last fight. And for the death of her little sister Heatherwing.
Swiftcloud twitched her whiskers, building up the courage to speak up. "Do you think something could be wrong within Treeclan?" She wondered, earning looks from her superiors. "I remember when I'd fought Thornberry in the last few battles, he didn't...seem to be giving it his all. His blows didn't hit as hard as usual. And..and he smelled kinda strange..." Swiftcloud trailed off, shrinking a little in her fur. A few of the clan's senior warriors whispered among themselves while Whitestar swished her tail thoughtfully.
"I think Swiftcloud may be onto something," meowed Sheeptail. "A cat or two I'd fought in the last battle seemed a little dull behind the eyes, and shaggy in the scruff. Even some of the young ones. It felt too easy, even though it ended in a stalemate."
"And Treeclan doesn't seem to be checking their border as frequently as of late," Tigerfang chimed in. "I've been on the last two border patrols and haven't caught fresh Treeclan scent either time."
"Hmm, that is concerning. Perhaps we should investigate what is going on with our neighbors," Whitestar proposed, raising her chin a little.
"Should we send spies across the border?" Chicorynose suggested, licking her shoulder fur.
"No," Whitestar countered, rising to her paws. "We shall send a patrol to their camp."
"That's mouse-brained!" Slugsnout hissed. "Our cats will be shredded if we send them into the heart of Treeclan territory. We're better off catching a patrol to interrogate or something."
"We will be visiting in peace. Treeclan will have no right to attack. And to ensure this, I will lead the patrol myself. I will also be bringing Snowfrost and a few non-fighting warriors along so the clan will not feel threatened."
"Snowfrost?" Chicorynose parroted the medicine cat's name in a tone which sounded like she'd bitten a bad piece of fresh-kill. "Why would you allow her to come with you to Treeclan?"
"She knows the territory better than any of us. And should there be no patrols at that time, we'll be needing a guide. I know Snowfost will be able to lead us safely through the forest and to Treeclan camp," Whitestar answered surely. The senior warriors exchanged wary glances. 
"I still think it's a mouse-brained idea," Slugsnout muttered under his breath, but still loud enough for Grassclan's leader to catch.
"Which is why I won't be bringing you," Whitestar hissed, shocking the white and ginger patched warrior with her perceptiveness. "Swiftcloud. You will accompany me to Treeclan. You've been there before, I'm sure you'll recognize the area. And I think I'd like Rosebloom to come with as well. Can you send her to my den please? And Snowfrost too."
"Um, yes Whitestar," Swiftcloud agreed with a blink.
"Very good, thank you. Meeting dismissed."
One by one, the senior warriors trailed out of the den. Swiftcloud followed closely behind, padding away from the group across the clearing to search for the cats Whitestar requested for a patrol.
The first place Swiftcloud decided to check was the warrior's den. Perhaps the cats she needed to find were taking shelter in the warmth of the large boulder. It was a cold day after all, with dark clouds looming in the sky above. It might even rain.
Swiftcloud slipped into the crack of the den, blinking to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness inside. When her vision cleared, she was able to make out the shape of one of her soon-to-be companions. Rosebloom was laying in her nest at the back of the den, an empty patch of wool beside her which lay untouched. The former queen had taken to building a second nest beside her own ever since she'd returned to warrior duties. Swiftcloud always wondered if Rosebloom saved the space for her deceased mate, Ryestep, but never had the courage to ask. In fact, since she became a warrior again, Swiftcloud hadn't spoken to the she-cat much at all.
"Rosebloom. Can I bother you for a moment?" She piped softly, trying not to disturb the other molly too much. 
Rosebloom's eyes fluttered open, dilated with sleepiness as she focused on Swiftcloud across the den. 
"Hm..? Oh yes, of course. What can I do for you, Swiftcloud?"
"It's for Whitestar, actually. She'd like an audience with you in her den." 
"Really?" Rosebloom yawned, stretching all four of her legs out. Her face twisted for a heartbeat then relaxed just as her muscles did. The former queen stood to give her pelt a shake, then sat back down to groom. "In that case, I'll be sure to meet with her shortly."
"Thank you." Swiftcloud dipped her head respectfully to the older she-cat before turning, allowing Rosebloom some privacy to clean up. 
Out in the open, Swiftcloud searched for her next target. As she scanned the clearing she parted her jaws, tasting the air for the familiar scent of Grassclan's senior medicine cat. When she'd caught hold of it she was off, following the trail to the medicine den.
Here she found Snowfrost, sitting alone at the back, covered by the shade. By her right was a pile of lavender, perhaps the last for the season. To her left, more generic flowers and leaves. The lynx point molly was concentrating on sorting a particular set of herbs. Her mouth moved as she recited the use of each plant, piling them on top of each other in a neat row of four. Perhaps they were meant for the elders. When she'd finished with those, Snowfrost gently swept them aside with her tail, then pulled another pile of herbs in front of her with a paw. Swiftcloud hated to interrupt the medicine cat while she was busy with her work, but Whitestar needed to speak with her. Quietly, she padded deeper into the den, seating herself a tail-length away from the medicine cat to patiently wait for her attention.
"Swiftcloud," Snowfrost meowed with a glance, but otherwise not taking her focus off her herbs, "did you come to have that shoulder of yours examined? I'm assuming the cold has been causing it to ache some, judging by the way you're favoring that side."
Swiftcloud felt herself flush beneath her pelt self consciously. She hadn't even registered the ache in her shoulder until it was pointed out. Snowfrost's a really good medicine cat if she can tell that while hardly even looking at me. "I..I guess it's a little tender. But I'll be alright. That's not what I came here for, though. Whitestar would like to speak with you in her den, when you have a free moment."
"A meeting, hm? I wonder what she could want from me." Snowfrost's ears twitched as she poked her claw into a bundle of leaves below her paw, her eyes narrowed. Whether it be from annoyance or concentration, Swiftcloud was uncertain.
"It's nothing bad, I promise," the patched molly found herself needing to assure. Snowfrost blinked and glanced up at Swiftcloud again, her tail-tip twitching. With a sigh, she rose to her paws. After putting her supplies away, she headed to the den's exit, and disappeared past the ivy tendrils. Swiftcloud held herself back a heartbeat before following. She carefully picked her way through the clearing and over to Tall Stone, watching the tip of Snowfrost's tail disappear into the stone's crack. The white and black patched warrior seated herself outside. She waited patiently for the other mollies to emerge, standing once Rosebloom came into sight. Snowfrost came out after her, padding back to her den with Whitestar watching her as she went.
"Snowfrost's putting together some traveling herbs for us. Once she's done so, we may leave," she informed the others. Within moments, Snowfrost had returned, three bundles of leaves in her mouth. Swiftcloud resisted the urge to grimace as one was placed at her paws. She remembered how vile these herbs tasted, and was not looking forward to eating them again. But Rosebloom and Whitestar didn't seem to have a problem with them. So, Swiftcloud buried her disgust and quickly gulped down the nasty concoction. Once they'd all had a dose of their medicine, Whitestar flicked her tail prompting her patrol forward. Chicorynose called out well wishes behind them, just as the last of the mollies slipped through the bramble tunnel. 
While traveling across the meadow, the patrol's pace was swift. Whitestar wanted to reach the Forest Patch by sunhigh, so that they'd hopefully make it back to familiar ground before the sun would set. As luck would have it, the patrol was right on time. As they drew closer to the Treeclan border, Whitestar began to slow down.
"Snowfrost, why don't you lead us the rest of the way?" She suggested, looking back towards the medicine cat. Rosebloom's eyes narrowed as the healer brushed past her to stand beside their leader. 
"I haven't been that far into the forest in ages," Snowfrost warned. "How are you so sure that I will lead us in the right direction?"
"I have faith that you will," Whitestar answered simply. Rosebloom let out a snort, prompting Snowfrost to lash her tail.
"Faith? In me? My, I haven't heard that in quite a while." There was resentment in the healer's tone and Swiftcloud couldn't understand why. Didn't all warriors put faith in their medicine cats? Sure, Snowfrost was unpopular, but that was no reason to not have faith in her. 
"Just do as you're told," Rosebloom growled, "don't make this into a big deal. We don't have any time for that."
"Rosebloom's right, I'm afraid. Come now, let's get moving shall we?"
Snowfrost simply grunted and lifted her chin. She moved to the head of the patrol, keeping a few paces in front of Whitestar. She led the patrol onward through the Forest Patch, ducking under low hanging branches, and leaping over tree roots. The four she-cats twisted and turned through the brush cautiously, following the medicine cat's lead, up a small incline and into an area where the trees began to thin. Swiftcloud recognized this place, moreso by scent than by the scenery surrounding them. A few more fox-lengths ahead, the Thunder Path came into view. A monster had recently stormed by-judging by the smoke still lingering in the area. The four mollies huddled together, pressing themselves side by side as they looked out at the black stone path in front of them. It was dangerous going across, Swiftcloud remembered, and so the patrol would have to be very careful.
For safety they checked in each direction. First left, then right. In the other direction the rumble of an approaching monster gave the patrol enough warning to jump to safely. Once it sputtered passed, the mollies cleared their lungs of its fumes and dashed across the stone. They skidded to a halt safely on the other side, resting in the undergrowth. Here, in the deeper part of the forest, bird song echoed through the trees. Squirrels could be seen scurrying across bare branches, chasing each other around tree trunks in an attempt to steal food away from their rivals.
The forest was a much livelier place than any Swiftcloud had seen before. It was serene. For a brief heartbeat she thought back to the time she'd left her kittypet home, eager to explore the wild beyond her garden and neighborhood. What would her life have been like if she had chosen to visit the forest instead of the meadow? Would she be a Treeclan warrior now? Would it be possible for her to be as happy in the forest as she was in the open fields?
Swiftcloud gave her pelt a quick shake, ridding herself of such hypothetical questions and thoughts. She had no doubts in her mind about the place she'd chosen to call home. Despite all the trouble going on, she was happy. That's all that mattered. A warm feeling filled Swiftcloud's heart as she glanced at each of the mollies on her patrol. Snowfrost was padding a fox-length ahead of the rest. Her muzzle was raised so she could see exactly where she was going. Every now and then she'd pause to sniff at a particular plant or tree before pressing onwards again. Despite her earlier griping, she seemed to know exactly where she was going.
Next in line was Whitestar, who carefully watched every move the medicine cat made. Every now and then she would check on Rosebloom and Swiftcloud, but otherwise her focus remained forward. Like usual, her overall demeanor was as calm as water. But the leader's eyes showed trouble. She must have been wondering what the patrol would find once they'd reach Treeclan. She could even be worried about the sort of greeting they'd receive showing up unannounced. Whatever might be going through Whitestar's mind, it remained unclear.
Rosebloom seemed the most wary of their surroundings the deeper they traveled into the woods. She bristled at every unfamiliar sound, probably expecting an ambush from an awaiting Treeclan patrol. Her fears were justified; the clans were still at war after all. The mission they were carrying out was dangerous. But the patrol was peaceful, so Treeclan had no reason to attack. Still, Swiftcloud figured Rosebloom probably couldn't consider things in the same way. Especially since she'd lost her mate to Treeclan unjustly.
The forest floor began to dip beneath the patrol's paws as they reached the heart of the forest. The winds revealed fresh cat scent the further they headed in the same direction. Treeclan couldn't be too far off now. Three bear-lengths ahead, Swiftcloud spotted a wall of shrubs in their path. As they drew closer to it, the easier it was to make out the blackthorn bushes which lined the outer perimeter of Treeclan's camp. They had made it! Although the joy of the Grassclan cats' arrival was short lived.
Swiftcloud fought the urge to shrink back in fear and disgust as the patrol at last settled outside their enemy's home base. A smell unlike any other hung over the clearing like a poisonous fog. It was murky and bitter, similar to the stench of bile. It was repugnant. The Grassclan patrol exchanged troubled looks among themselves, silently questioning their choice to visit. But they knew there was no turning back now. They had to figure out what was wrong with Treeclan, if only now to prepare themselves for whatever may come. 
Whitestar led the way to the entrance of the camp. She crouched momentarily, springing into the low hanging branches of the Entrance Tree. She waited for the rest of her patrol to follow before jumping down into the heart of Treeclan's land below.
The camp appeared very different in the cooler seasons of the year. An unnatural silence hung in the air, devoid of birdsong and chatter. The trees which surrounded the clearing were practically bare now, exposing dull light onto the leaf littered floor below. The sun peeked through the clouds momentarily, revealing illness within the sunken eyes of warriors laying around camp. Swiftcloud felt uneasy. 
Cats lazed around by where she assumed the medicine den was, coughs rattling in their chests. The clan's unusually few apprentices worked hard on the elder's den, taking expert care of a lone silver and black tabby she-cat. Pitiful shrill mewls erupted from the nursery from kits begging for relief. And worst of all, hardly any cat paid attention to the visitors who had invaded their home. It was as if the entire clan was in a sickness related trance.
"Whitestar," a cat meowed, voice steady but firm. Wolfheart approached the Grassclan patrol from across the clearing, dipping his head to the leader with the deepest of respect. Swiftcloud noted that Wolfheart appeared healthy in comparison to a lot of his clanmates, although he did look a bit thin. It was good to see at least one warrior unphased by whatever ailed everyone else around them. "You must be Starclan sent to have come all this way. Follow me; Blazestar will want to speak with you."
Rosebloom and Swiftcloud exchanged a glance but said nothing, following Whitestar as she was led to the Great Stump by Wolfheart. Snowfrost walked just a few pawsteps faster than her clanmates, trying to match pace with the tom. She cleared her throat, obviously trying to gain his attention. But Wolfheart ignored her entirely. Snowfrost's ears soon lowered, betrayal crossing her features. Rosebloom growled as she watched the medicine cat, while Whitestar fixed her with a glare. The mollies' display was so unusual to Swiftcloud. Neither Rosebloom nor Whitestar were the types to get annoyed. Why were they now acting so hostile? It must have been because they were in Treeclan's camp, Swiftcloud reasoned with herself. Maybe they were upset that Snowfrost was trying to be friendly.
Blazestar emerged from beneath the Great Stump as he scented the enemy patrol approach. Whitestar flicked an ear, stopping her patrol a tail-length away from the Treeclan members. Alone she stepped forward to speak with her fellow leader.
"Well isn't this a surprise." Blazestar looked at each Grassclan warrior in turn. His head was lifted high with authority. For once, no hostility shone in his expression. "Welcome. What brings you four here today?"
Whitestar dipped her head respectfully. "Grassclan has not scented one of your patrols in quite some time, Blazestar. We were wondering what had become of Treeclan since our last battle."
"Some cats thought you had left your forest entirely," Snowfrost muttered, sarcasm apparent.
Blazestar narrowed his eyes at the medicine cat, not the slightest bit amused. "You would've liked that, wouldn't you? Considering the reputation you have within my clan."
The fur along Snowfrost's spine rose instantly. She flexed her claws in and out again, as if she were trying to hold herself back from cuffing the Treeclan leader's ears.
"We are not here to discuss past grievances," Whitestar broke in before an argument could ensue. "We simply came looking for answers."
Slowly, Blazestar forced himself to relax. He huffed, licking down his ruffled chest fur. "Well, you've found them. There isn't any use in trying to hide the obvious, when the sickness in my clan is so apparent."
Swiftcloud had to admire the bravery it must have taken for Blazestar to admit his clan's weakness. Leafbare had hardly begun to dawn upon the Land's Star. And yet Treeclan had fallen victim to greencough. Things must have been terribly rough for them. 
"We've lost many brave cats already. Most of our elders have perished. And even my long time deputy hunts in Silverpelt's domain."
"Thornberry has passed?" Rosebloom asked quietly. Blazestar gave a sad but confirming nod.
"Wolfheart is doing a fine job as replacement. Although he still has much to learn, and has very big paw prints to fill. Still, we are all getting on as best as we can in these challenging times of the year. Mothsong is dividing up what's left of our catmint to ensure all of our sick get at least a small dosage." 
"Low supplies, hm?" Snowfrost queried. Blazestar looked to the medicine cat with intrigue. He seemed almost eager to hear what else she might have to say. "Well there's a simple solution to that. I can provide your medicine cat with the herbs she needs."
Rosebloom bristled at the offer, with Swiftcloud looking to the medicine cat for an explanation. Did she really have the authority to offer such assistance? Swiftcloud's attention turned towards Whitestar to see what she would say. 
The siamese she-cat seemed to be lost in thought for a heartbeat. When she finally spoke again, her tone was hard with seriousness. "I will allow our medicine cats to share catmint with your clan, seeing how much of a hold this illness has on you. But, we will only share only under one condition."
"Oh?" Blazestar prompted. "And what might that be?"
"The war between us must be postponed," Whitestar began. "You see, I believe this could be a benefit for both of our clans. Grassclan will have time to heal from the wounds yours has left, while Treeclan can recuperate from it's greencough. I propose we call a two or three moons long truce. I think that should be ample time for us all to become fit enough to fight again."
Blazestar seemed bewildered by the prospect that his enemy would grant him such a luxury. Time to heal? In war? The idea must seem absurd. But it was obvious that Blazestar was desperate. Everyone knew how dedicated he was to keeping Treeclan well and strong. By this point, he would probably agree to most stipulations. 
"We will gladly accept your offer, and your proposal," Blazestar finally meowed with a head dip. "The war between Treeclan and Grassclan shall be settled when the worst of Leafbare is over."
"When the worst of Leafbare is over," Whitestar echoed in agreement, sitting down. She dipped her head to the other leader once more then sat erect to address the four cats around them
"Wolfheart, Rosebloom, Swiftcloud, Snowfrost. You are the witnesses of this agreement. As such it is now your responsibility to help us maintain peace for the next season. You are the proof that this meeting took place. Be sure to keep hold of our agreement."
The three warriors and medicine cat nodded, moving to flank their respective leaders.
"I shall bring the catmint to the border tomorrow at sunhigh," Snowfrost informed Blazestar. "It is crucial that you let Mothsong and Berryfrost know immediately. I will not sit around for long, should they decide to take their time meeting with me."
Blazestar swayed his tail, turning to Wolfheart. "You heard her. Go and make sure my sister and her apprentice are aware of the plan. I'd like to know what Mothsong says when she finds out about the herbs." There was a softness in the ginger tom's tone, and an excited gleam in his eye. It was hard for Swiftcloud to tell if Blazestar was excited about the temporary truce, or if he was anticipating how happy Mothsong would be.
Whitestar rose to her paws and flicked her ears twice, summoning her patrol to fall in step behind her. 
"We'll be taking our leave now, Blazestar. I'll be waiting to hear an update from your clan come half-moon. May the winds be with you." 
"And may Starclan light your path," Blazestar answered in return. "I'll have Moonface and Tigerlily escort you four back to the border."
The Grassclan patrol gathered by the Entrance Tree awaiting their escorts arrival. Moonface and Tigerlily padded up to them a few heartbeats later, flanking either side of the patrol. The warriors acted as guides as they all made their way back through the forest, and swiftly across the Thunder Path. Swiftcloud fell in step beside her friend Moonface and spoke with her as they travelled. Through her, Swiftcloud was able to learn that Magpietail had had her kittens; the clan none the wiser of their half-clan heritage. She also learned of the molly's recent pairing with her longtime friend Sunflower. It felt nice to catch up with the lives of her Treeclan friends, outside of a gathering. For a little while, things felt as though they were normal again. And perhaps, if they were lucky, this truce would lead to a more long lasting peace. 
Grassclan's patrol finally pulled ahead once the scent of their borders became noticeable. Their Treeclan escorts watched as they went, and promptly bid them farewell once they'd crossed back into their own territory. Whitestar in return expressed her gratitude before at last leading her patrol back towards their camp, the light of the settings sun guiding their path onward.
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hungline · 6 years ago
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key: (✎) = ongoing ✧ (m) = mature themes, 18+ 
links: main m.list âœ§ bts drabble m.list ✧ ao3 
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« crayons and love Â»  ✧ uni au / fluff / 1k   ✧ Hoseok's had a bad day, but Seokjin is there to make it better. 
« you and me, we’re like kerosene » (m)  ✧ slice of life / smut / fluff / 1k ✧ Beads.  All seven of them connected on one string with a ring at the end, only one of them big enough to make Seokjin wary. Hoseok’s waiting for him though and Seokjin doesn’t feel like now is the time to tell Hoseok that he’s never used anal beads before.
« got any grapes? » ✧ slice of life / fluff / 1k    ✧ “That wasn’t for you! These are for the ducks! Stop stealing their food!"   
« let’s stop running from us Â» ✧ meeting the parents au / fake dating au / fluff / angst / 2k ✧ Seokjin has had plenty of bad experiences when it comes to meeting his friends’ parents, so he is more than nervous when Hoseok invites him to his hometown for the holidays. What he is most surprised about though is the fact that Hoseok’s parents seem to think the two are dating and Hoseok is more than willing to go along with it.
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« jihope bingo 2016 » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff / smut  ✧ A bingo centered around JiHope.
« trapped in the closet » (m)  ✧ non au / pwp / smut / 2k  ✧ Jimin can't keep it in his pants and Hoseok is more than willing.
« everything led to you » (m) ✧ strangers to friends to lovers au / fluff / mild smut / 6k   ✧ When Hoseok finally gained the courage to ask for what he wanted.
« catch me (if you can) » (m)  ✧ club au / fluff / mild smut / 1k  ✧ Hoseok literally falls in love with the club’s new security guard. 
« a swim in the dark » ✧ teenagers au / angst / fluff / 2k  ✧ Jimin's always been there whenever Hoseok has needed him. This time around, it wasn't any different. It was them, together at three in the morning, with their feet dipped inside Hoseok's pool and that was really all that Jimin had ever known. Or, when Hoseok shoved Jimin into a pool then asked him to prom.
« jihope bingo 2017 » (m) (✎)  ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff / smut  ✧ The second round of JiHope Bingo.  
« let’s take our time » (m) ✧ non au / fluff / pwp / smut / 1k   ✧ Hoseok's still sensitive from the night before but nothing would ever stop him from riding Jimin early in the morning 'cause this is what Hoseok craves, what he absolutely lives for. 
« jihope week 2017 » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst / smut  ✧ A week dedicated to JiHope.  
« the plan Â» ✧ non au / angst / fluff / 4k   ✧ Jimin’s head over heels in love with Hoseok, but Hoseok only sees him as his cute dongsaeng.
« for us, you’ll stay Â» ✧ fake relationship au / fluff / 8k  ✧ Namjoon is the mastermind behind Hoseok's life, but all Hoseok wants is to bring little Seokjin home. Park Jimin says he can help him with that. 
« part of the world of the sun Â» ✧ mythology au / angst / 3k  ✧ Park Jimin loves the sun. When his tribe chooses him, unwillingly, as the sun's future consort, Jimin begins to learn what loving the sun really means.
« jihope week 2018 » (m) ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst / smut   ✧ The second round of JiHope Week. 
« round and round Â» ✧ non au / angst / fluff / 1k   ✧ It takes a while for Hoseok to realize that he and Jimin are circling one another - have been circling one another - for a while now, but at least it all comes to an end one way or another.
« do you believe in magic? Â» ✧ magic au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jimin’s the worst when it comes to control. Hoseok is an expert on it.
« skool luv affair Â» ✧ teachers au / fluff / 1k  ✧ When his student, Kim Taehyung, lets loose that the calculus teacher may have a crush on him, Hoseok doesn't really know what he should think...or maybe he does. 
« i’m coming home to you Â» ✧ magical realism au / witches au / fluff / 2k  ✧ He doesn't want to do this anymore. He cannot keep pretending to be something he isn't.
« new wave Â» ✧ mermaid au / fluff / 1k  ✧ "Yep," Jimin murmurs, fighting the urge to look down and meet Hoseok's gaze. "It got me thinking."  Hoseok shuffles on his knees. "Oh? What about?"  Jimin smiles. "Whether you're courting me or not."
« coming soon » ✧ uni au / fluff  ✧ “Hold me back.” 
« coming soon »   ✧ android au / angst / fluff 
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« love like you Â» ✧ fantasy au / angst / 3k   ✧ Prince Seokjin has been cursed to be unable to love and it’s all Jeongguk’s fault. 
« from summer to winter, i’ll be yours Â» ✧ mythology au / fluff / angst / 6k   ✧ Seokjin had learned long ago that he and Jeongguk could never really be together, but his time as summer is almost over and he'll wait as long as he has to before winter comes to pass.
« cramped space » (m)  ✧ mile high club au / pwp / smut / 1k  ✧ Seokjin needs this to be quick. He really does, but he's also grateful to Jeongguk's libido for packing the travel-sized bottle of lube too.
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« touch me soft, love me hard Â» ✧ non au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jimin worries about how their performance at the AMAs will be received and Seokjin does his best to reassure him, glad when Jimin returns the favor.
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« the first and, hopefully, the last Â» ✧ teenagers au / fluff / 2k   ✧ Hoseok is seventeen years old, has known Jeongguk ever since the bunny-looking kid was born, and he has never been kissed. Luckily, his dongsaeng knows exactly what to do. 
« i got my tongue between your teeth » (m)  ✧ post-disbandment au / fluff / smut / 2k ✧ When they had all agreed to go their separate ways, Jeongguk never thought he would find himself here.
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kim line  
« if the heavens ever did speak »  ✧ demon au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Seokjin and Taehyung are lust demons who have their sights set on Namjoon, an unassuming college student who definitely knows there is more going on behind closed doors. Good thing Namjoon is absolutely smitten with them.
« when that moon falls asleep Â» (m) ✧ slice of life / established relationship au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Aftercare, the fic. 
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« to have and to hold » ✧ greek mythology au / angst / fluff / 4k   ✧ Namjoon falls and falls and falls, but Jimin is there to help him get back on his feet and find the truth within himself. 
« coming soon Â» (m) ✧ sub daddy/dom baby boy au / pwp / smut  
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« you and me (+him) » (m) ✧ uni au / fluff / smut / angst  ✧ How minjoonseok came to be. 
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« delights of december Â» ✧ xmas and new year’s au / fluff / angst / 6k   ✧ Three relationships create friction at a Christmas party and things fall apart only so they can be put back together again.
« love is quiet » (m) ✧ unrequited love au / angst / smut / 1k  ✧ When Taehyung first met Jimin, the first thing that ran through his head was "fuck, he's so pretty." The second thought had been "this is your friend's boyfriend, shut up." His third thought was "you don't even like guys." 
« now isn’t the time, nor the place Â» ✧ soulmate au / fluff / angst / 1k   ✧ Seokjin isn’t Namjoon’s soulmate. Hoseok is. 
« a love as strong as you » (✎) ✧ fae au / angst / fluff  ✧ The trials and perils of fae!Jeongguk learning to love. 
« build me a place i can call home » (m)  ✧ abo au / fluff / angst / mild smut / 3k  ✧ A collection of abo drabbles centered around nesting!
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« coming soon Â» ✧ greek mythology au / angst / fluff 
« coming soon Â» ✧ enemies to lovers au / angst / smut / fluff 
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« birthdays aren’t important, but you are Â» ✧ birthday au / fluff / 5k   ✧ That time Seokjin thought Namjoon was cheating on him when he tried to keep a secret.
« houses divided (and then united) Â» ✧ hp au / angst / fluff / 3k  ✧ Namjoon is pining after Head Boy Seokjin, but he might have to rethink his ideas about Houses first.
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« kiss, kiss, fall in love » (m) ✧ uni au / angst / fluff / smut / 19k  ✧ Kim Namjoon can admit he’s an idiot. He can also admit that he likes Jeon Jeongguk more than he should. 
« first snow Â» ✧ long distance relationship au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jeongguk smiles at the smiley emoticon, the tiny feeling of nerves in his chest dissipating when he realizes that he's about to meet Namjoon! And then it comes back in tenfold when he realizes that he's about to meet Kim Namjoon! 
« namkook week 2018 » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / smut / angst  ✧ A week dedicated to NamKook. 
« now you see me Â» ✧ non au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jeongguk’s always felt like he was hiding the real him from the rest of his members, the men who practically raised him when they were trying to raise themselves at the same time. Now he feels it’s time to show his true colors to them because they’ll always love their maknae. He is more than sure of that.
« every time i look into your eyes (i see it) Â» ✧ childhood friends to lovers au / uni au / fluff / 5k  ✧ Jeongguk loves Namjoon, platonically and romantically and any other way that you can love a person, but would he ever admit that out loud?
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« arranged to be » (✎)  ✧ charbol au / arranged marriage au / angst  ✧ Hoseok has only ever exchanged a few words with Kim Namjoon and now his parents have informed him that they're getting married. Hoseok doesn't know why, how or even what the hell is going on and best friend Yoongi is of no help either. Hoseok's pretty sure he's screwed any way you look at it.
« namseok week 2018 Â»   ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff  ✧ A week dedicated to NamSeok. 
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« crafts and magic and flowers Â» ✧ flower shop au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Yoonji hates Namjoon, it’s true, despite what her girlfriend, Jinah, may say about Yoonji actually thinking the glasses wearing blonde is cute. Yep, Yoonji hates him. Still, it’s better if he didn’t find out the two girls who own the flower shop are nature and love witches. Maybe.
« love and school days Â» ✧ teacher au / fluff / 1k ✧ Seokjin's students ask him how he's able to love two people at the same time and Seokjin explains that it isn't really that hard.
« for you, i’d give up my happiness Â»   ✧ “for you” mv au / angst / 2k   ✧ The boys all get together to help Jeongguk save up to go visit his girlfriend and Yoongi is the only reluctant one because he's actually in love with Jeongguk, but doesn't want to get in the way of his happiness.
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« meet me under the mistletoe » (m)  ✧ non au / fluff / mild smut / 2k ✧ Seokjin couldn't sleep, but after some kisses under the mistletoe, he felt whole again. 
« flowers and chocolate Â» (m) ✧ valentine’s day au / fluff / smut / 3k  ✧ Hoseok hadn't even known it was Valentine's Day, but when Mark oh-so-kindly reminded him, he rushed back home with flowers and chocolate and a proposal he wasn't really sure would be welcomed when he got back to his six boyfriends (but were they really his boyfriends? because he still didn't know and it'd been six years already so here goes).
« blow the candle, make a wish Â» ✧ non au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Hoseok really, really loves his members. He may as well ask them out.
« around the rim » (m)  ✧ sports au / fluff / smut / 4k  ✧ Yoongi thought they'd forgotten, but they always seemed to surprise him in the most pleasant of ways.
« trippin’, stumblin’ » (m)  ✧ forgotten birthday au / angst / fluff / 1k  ✧ Namjoon should be used to being forgotten. 
« wings are meant to fly » (m) ✧ soulmate au / fluff / angst / smut / 16k  ✧ Jeongguk doesn’t know how many soulmates he will have in total, but by the end of it, at least he’ll get his wings. 
« put on a show Â» (m)  ✧ friends to lovers au / smut / fluff / 4k  ✧ Seokjin loves his boys. Maybe not in the way that people generally love their friends since he frequently has threesomes with them, but he loves all six of his friends just the same.
« what we feel is the same Â» (m) ✧ reverse abo au / uni au / angst / fluff / 9k  ✧ In a world where omegas are on top of the food chain and alphas are treated like scum, Namjoon and Jeongguk are doing their best to do right by each other and their pack. 
« when tomorrow comes » ✧ the umbrella academy au / kids au / plaotnic / angst / 2k ✧ Today, Namjoon looks at his siblings beside him then at their brother lying in this hospital bed before them and thinks, I won’t let this happen again.
« arms, chest, thighs, and stubble » (m) newest  ✧ established relationship au / smut / fluff / 1k ✧ It feels beyond strange having someone’s tongue lap at his chin but Namjoon deals with it. He has weirder kinks than this.
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sunshine line 
« falling (into you) » (m) ✧ fwb au / friends to lovers au / angst / fluff / smut / 9k  ✧ Ignoring the knife that's been shoved into his heart is a feat Taehyung never knew he was capable of, but when he turns back to face the couple in front of him, Taehyung realizes just how lonely he really is.
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« heaven is right here with you » (m)  ✧ angel/demon au / angst / fluff / 3k  ✧ Eventually, they realize that they don't need heaven to find peace.
« love blossoms in winter » (m) (✎)  ✧ fwb au / developing relationship au / angst / smut / fluff  ✧ TaeGi’s love during the season of winter. 
« taegi week 2017 Â» (m) ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst  ✧ A week dedicated to TaeGi.  
« sailing for love (sailing for you) Â» ✧ mermaid au / pirate au / angst / 1k  ✧ Taehyung has a way of making Yoongi do the things he definitely should not be doing and none of it is in Yoongi’s favor. 
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« space for you » (m)  ✧ slice of life / fluff / 1k   ✧ Jeongguk latches onto him immediately, bringing Yoongi with him and it vividly reminds Taehyung of how they first came to be. 
« tangled up Â» (m)  ✧ childhood friends au / tentacles au / fluff / smut / 2k ✧ When Yoongi was eleven, he was forced to leave Taehyung and Jeongguk behind. Now, fourteen years later, he’s back and he is never going to let them go again.
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« slow hands » (m)  ✧ uni au / smut / 1k  ✧ The gentle hands of a lover, the slow, mesmerizing touch of a man. Maybe that’s all Taehyung needs. Maybe that’s all he really wants.
« overcast and in love Â» ✧ weather au / angst / fluff / 1k  ✧ “I'm scared,” Taehyung admits, his voice shaking. Seokjin takes him into his arms, holding him close as the tears start and the rain begins to fall upon them. “I know.”
« i jump on you » ✧ first date au / fluff / 1k  ✧ Taehyung is glad he didn't jump Seokjin's bones earlier because their date is going pretty well as far as first dates go. 
« the rainbow connection Â»   ✧ uni au / established relationship au / 2k  ✧ Who said that every wish would be heard and answered when wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that and someone believed it. And look what it’s done so far.
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« wings and wine Â»   ✧ greek mythology au / angst / fluff / 1k  ✧ He may have been the patron god of tricksters and thieves, but at least he was honest and Jeongguk found that to be the most important fact of all. 
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« double the trouble Â»   ✧ double proposal au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Taehee and Namjoo are ready to get married. Yoonji and Seokjin see to it that the two like-minded individuals mean it.
« it’s getting dark (but here comes the sun) Â»  ✧ future au / space au / angst / fluff / 3k ✧ He has been gone three years now and most likely will be gone for three more.
« the scent of a promised change Â» ✧ werewolf au / fantasy au / fluff / 2k  ✧ There is a boy in the woods.  
« how do i get to you again? Â» ✧ soulmates au / fluff / 1k ✧ Namjoon doesn’t remember any of the time they have spent together, Taehyung’s appearance, or even his name when he is awake, but they always remember in their shared dream.
« be showered with all those stars Â» ✧ abo au / fluff / 2k  ✧ Taehyung does not realize he’s in pre-heat until he comes home and immediately starts looking through the linens closet for extra sheets and pillows.
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« strawberry kisses Â» (m)    ✧ travel au / vampire au / bookshop au / fluff / smut / 5k ✧ When Namjoon and Jeongguk decide to travel to Transylvania, they end up staying long past the summer for one supernatural being with an obsession for strawberries.
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« to busan we go » (m)   ✧ train to busan au / angst / horror / action / 6k / abandoned ✧ In the crazy of it all, Yoongi is just making sure the ones he loves make it through this.
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« yoonjin week » (m)  ✧ assortment of aus / angst / fluff / smut  ✧ A week dedicated to YoonJin. 
« what a spread Â» (m) (✎)  ✧ idol actor au / photographer au / strangers to lovers au / smut / fluff  ✧ Yoonjin and their morning routines.
« pumpkin pie » (m)  ✧ uni au / mild smut / 1k   ✧ "Fuck! My ex is here. Quick! Make out with me!" 
« let’s share the weight of the world Â» ✧ parent au / angst / fluff / 1k   ✧ Seokjin is nervous and excited and a little scared, but he's ready for this. He and Yoongi are both ready for this.
« let’s give it our all » (m)  ✧ soulmate au / uni au / fluff / angst / 13k ✧ Dread fills Seokjin as he continues to watch the video, only daring to speak once Namjoon's screen has gone dark. "Did I confess to Yoongi last night?"
« yoonjin week 2019 Â»   ✧ assortment of aus / fluff / angst  ✧ Second round of YoonJin Week.
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« minty fresh » (m)  ✧ abo au / uni au / fluff / angst / smut / 11k  ✧ Jeon Jeongguk has always had the worst of luck. Even when he met the two most wonderful men in the universe, it was under dire circumstances. Still, maybe his luck isn't so bad after all.
« tear me down (build me up) » (m) ✧ abo au / pwp / smut / fluff / 1k  ✧ Jeongguk fucking hates IKEA furniture. Yoongi and Seokjin make it better. 
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« bitter Â» ✧ coffee shop au / angst / 1k  ✧ The coffee shop is Yoongi’s entire life, which isn’t saying much. To Jeongguk though, it’s just a summer thing.  
« home for christmas » ✧ xmas au / fluff / light angst  / 1k  ✧ Yoongi freaks out over how to make Jeongguk's first real Christmas memorable, but Jeongguk appreciates the little things and doesn't mind. He's quite at home with how things are. Still, the thought is kind and Jeongguk loves Yoongi lots.
« stardust Â» ✧ soulmate au / parent au / fluff / angst / 17k  ✧ Soulmates are supposed to be your other half, your same bit of stardust, but when Yoongi meets his soulmate, he turns and runs with his tail between his legs. He has too much at stake to fall back in love again. 
« my memories still go to that cafe Â» ✧ coffee shop au / fluff / angst / humor / 12k  ✧ "Holy shit," Blondie whispers under his breath — almost quiet enough that Jeongguk could pretend he never even heard him — as his face slowly flushes a darker red by the second. 
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« honeycomb for a heart Â» ✧ hybrid au / fluff / 1k ✧ Yoongi never actually expected to build his own hive.  
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« moonless marigold » (m)  ✧ soulmate au / uni au / angst / fluff / smut / 40k  ✧ "You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate." "Why? That sounds horrible, Mom." "Because nothing else should bring to you the beauty of a flurry of colors like your soulmate should, Hobi." 
« they’re like ocean waves » (m)   ✧ surfer au / angst / fluff / mild smut / 4k / abandoned ✧ Jung Hoseok is a hotshot surfer entering the biggest competition of his life and Park Jimin is a judge who just saved his life (but who also actually hates Hoseok?). Hoseok isn't very sure, all he knows is that Yoongi has been in love with him for years and now he wants to have a threesome with Jimin. Go figure. Seokjin just makes sure that Hoseok doesn't ruin all their hard work again.
« moonless marigold 2.0 » (✎)  ✧ soulmate au / uni au / angst ✧ Hoseok has horrible luck and of course finding and attaining his soulmate wouldn’t be easy. On top of that, college fucking sucks.
« two in one Â» (m)  ✧ slice of life / smut / fluff / 2k  ✧ Yoongi’s barely walked through the door, but that won’t stop whatever Jimin and Hoseok have up their sleeves.
« moonlight in the day Â» ✧ slice of life / fluff / 1k   ✧ All Hoseok wants to do when he finally gets home is sleep. For a few hours at least, or maybe an entire day, who knows actually. However much sleep will get his jet lag to take a hike is fine with him. 
« if these sheets were the states » (m)  ✧ online romance au / angst / smut / 2k  ✧ The drive from Connecticut to Illinois is long. Not as long as the drive from Illinois to California will be, but at least Yoongi will have company for that leg of the journey.
« late night runs (late night love) Â» ✧ midnight grocery shopping au / fluff / 2k   ✧ Yoongi doesn't generally hate the fact that he and his boyfriends are night people... But there are times like now when Yoongi wishes that his boyfriends were more of day people instead. 
« the beginning of us (three) » (m)  ✧ abo au / angst / smut / 2k  ✧ Jimin thought that Hoseok was it for him, that he would only ever have him in his life, but then Yoongi goes into heat and shows Jimin that maybe he has always known there was something missing from their lives. Who could have guessed that it would be Yoongi though? 
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© hungline 2016-2020 
198 notes · View notes
throneoflevin · 6 years ago
How he hated the cold.
Even as the warmer moons made their way to Ishgard the cold was still present. Ketsuchi let out a long breath of air, watching as it hung visible in the air for a moment before disappearing. He tugged the heavy fur hood further forward over his head to keep his ears hidden from the biting cold. He was grateful the wind had died down, but treading through the snow was still an arduous task. The heavy furs and linens that covered his body had helped to keep the cold away when he began his journey, but now that he neared his destination they did little to stop the chill that had made its way into his very bones.
The Seeker produced a piece of paper from the pocket of his wool pants, unfolding it to check the hastily created map he had been given of the geography. He lifted his head to look around, his eyes darting from one apparent cave to the next. The area was littered with them and checking each one would take him more time then he cared to spend out in the cold. He had passed that mark quite a long time ago, if he was to be honest with himself. Taking his best guess of what the map was telling him, he tucking it back into his pocket to reference later should he need it. 
A sloped path just to his right led up to a more narrow cave that was difficult to see had he not been in possession of a map with scattered Xs to mark their locations. This was the one that had been circled...or so he thought. He wasn’t adept at reading maps, especially when they were thrown together in such a manner that made them barely discernible from chocobo scratch. Ketsuchi reached up with his right hand, grasping the handle of the large, jagged-edged blade he wore on his back. The leather restraints held it in place well enough that it was in no danger of falling from his person. With that checked, the Seeker began his ascent of the snow-covered slope that led to the first, and hopefully last, cave he would begin to search. 
He realized when he reached the cave that the entrance wasn’t as narrow as he had thought from further away. While still barely wider then a person, he at least wouldn’t have to shimmy his way through it. He reached up with his right hand again, taking hold of the weapon on his back in order to keep it straight so that it wouldn’t bump against the walls as he walked inside. The cave felt longer then it was, but eventually it opened up into a wider cavern that gave him plenty of room to maneuver around. It didn’t take long for Ketsuchi to find what it was he was looking for.
In the wider portion of the cave there was a pack, materials to build a fire as well as a place that looked like it had already been used for those means, and a container that likely contained food of some sort. There was a bedroll, pillow, and a few whetstone lying nearby as well. This certainly seemed like a place someone had taken to living in if only temporarily. The Seeker looked up, noting the ceiling of the cave was open. He was able to look up at the grey, cloud covered sky without any obstruction.
“This must be the place
” He murmured to himself as he approached the camping supplies at the other side of the wide, open space. While there was always the likelihood these supplies had just been left behind, it seemed as if a fire had been burning here not all that long ago. The ground was still singed in places and the darkened area showed signs that something had been burning at least at some point in time. It was difficult to toss all his chips on the table for this wager, especially since it meant waiting even longer in the cold, but the Seeker decided that was what he had to do. So he would wait.
Ketsuchi made his way to the bedroll where he sat down and bent his knees up into his chest. He wrapped his arms around his legs and tried to keep them close to hold as much body heat as he could within his body. The cold was almost worse inside this place, but he had no choice but to endure it for a while longer. This was the only place he had been able to connect to the man he was searching for, making it the only thread he had to ensnare the person who had chosen to try to imitate the Seeker’s actions.
Time passed slowly. Ketsuchi didn’t know if it had been a bell or a sun by the time the silhouette of a man appeared at the entrance to the cave. He had nothing to think about other then the cold that he could shake. His eyes lifted slowly to the person walking toward him, settling on the black armor that adorned the man’s body. The Miqo’te could tell by the look it was made of darksteel, the very same as the armor he had used. There wasn’t a doubt that this was the man he was looking for.
The horned, black helm of the man recoiled as Ketsuchi got to his feet. He must have blended in enough that he hadn’t been seen from far away. The Seeker rose to his full height, staring with his mismatched eyes at the armor-clad man down the frozen tunnel. Nothing but the wind made a sound. Neither man seemed intent on breaking the silence...until the armor-clad one spoke up.
“Is that you, Demon?” The words were muffled by the helm and even with the raised voice, Ketsuchi was barely able to make them out. 
“Yes, it is. I assume you are the fake then. It takes a lot of courage to impersonate me like you have been doing.”
Ketsuchi’s response was yelled, a sound that carried up and out of the cave as well as toward the man who had reached the end of the tunnel. His heavy blade was visible now, as well as the tail that swung side to side behind him. The furry, blonde appendage gave away that he was a Miqo’te just like Ketsuchi. 
Silence once more hung in the air just like the cold. It lasted for a moment before the armored man started to emit a sound. At first, Ketsuchi didn’t realize what it was. It took a few more moments of the sound building before he could make it out. The man almost doubling over helped to give away what was happening: he was laughing. Ketsuchi let out a low growl, reaching up to grasp his own weapon with his right hand. 
“...What is so funny?”
The laughter continued until it came to an abrupt and sudden halt. The man straightened up, standing just slightly shorter then the actual Demon. He stood motionless, his head indicating he was likely staring at Ketsuchi. Much like the silence he had broken, it was a swift move that cut the tension between them. He drew his blade and bolted toward the man who had invaded his “home”. The sound of steel on steel reverberated around the cave as Ketsuchi brought out his own blade to block the attack.
“I have been waiting for so long! Finally. Finally I can slaughter you!” 
Ketsuchi clicked his tongue, his right hand holding the grip of his blade tight while his left braced the flat back side of it. He felt the blade being pushed back, the power of the armored man overwhelming his own bit by bit. The Seeker dug in his feet, shoving the other Miqo’te away before a flurry of blows was exchanged between the two.
The sound of metal against metal filled the cave. It carried on for quite some time before it finally grew quiet again. A brief break from the flurry of attacks left the two men several fulms from one another. Ketsuchi took the time to take stock of his opponent, something he hadn’t had a chance to do until now.
He wore heavy black armor, adorned with red straps that held the breastplate together. It had jagged points and edges to it. The helm had two large horns as well as the same jagged look. It was exactly the same as the armor he used to wear in his time in Ishgard. It was only now that Ketsuchi also realized something else: the man was uninjured. He hadn’t managed to land a single blow to his armor or the flesh that was beneath. 
In comparison the Seeker had taken several strikes. The light chainmail beneath his coats and hides hadn’t helped to protect him from the massive sword. A large wound, though shallow in depth, ran down his right side. A few shallow wounds adorned his arms while a deeper one had found its way into the inside of his left thigh. This wound was the one he could feel even through the numbness of the biting cold. His leg felt like it could buckle at any moment.
“Are you tired, Demon? Is this all you can do? I haven’t even begun to enjoy this yet!” The armored man spoke with an obvious tone of mockery. He had the upper hand and he knew it. The man grabbed his helm by the right horn, pulling it off his head to reveal the face beneath. His hair was long, blond, and obscured most of his face. He had to sweep it back over his head to reveal the eyes that made Ketsuchi swallow a snarl. The radiant, glowing, violet eyes that stared back at him were the same as his right eye.
“...So, you are just a monster as well, huh?” Ketsuchi straightened himself up, taking in a few deep breaths to steady his breathing before he spoke again. “What is it you want from me? You went through a great deal of work to get my attention after all.”
“What do I want from you?” The man let out another cackle, narrowing his eyes and smirking at the Demon. “Isn’t that obvious? I want to play with you for a while before I kill you. I thought that killing that woman of yours would be enough but you didn’t come running like I wanted. I knew you would come eve—“
“What did you say?” Ketsuchi’s voice had grown cold. There was nothing short of rage filling his words as his grip on his weapon tightened.
“You heard me. I killed Y’ashe. She came out here to find the person who was imitating you,” He made a grand gesture of pointing to himself, “me. She came alone, and I killed her. I had some fun with her first—“ 
Words were not what cut the man off this time but a torrent of violet levin. The storm flashed past him, striking him a few times and leaving pieces of his armor burnt. The maddening look on the man’s face twisted more and more as he let out another fit of laughter.
“There! Finally you resemble the Demon I wanted to kill so badly! I was worried you had forgotten how to truly fight!” The large blade raised to rest on the man’s shoulder as he bent his knees, eyes growing wide as the violet light grew brighter. “I’ve waited for so long to take your life from you! I’ll have my revenge at last!”
Ketsuchi could feel the warmth from his right eye. His aether was swirling inside him and finding every way it could to force itself out of his body. The glow in his eye was just the start as his anger built inside of him. Purple sparks leapt around his body here and there, the emotion getting the better of him.
“...So many people want to see what the Demon looks like. Everyone thinks they understand
” Ketsuchi lowered his head, looking down at the snow while his ears stood tall on his head. “...Very well. If that is what everyone wants, then that is what I’ll do. You took away the only thing I cared about in this world
The heat inside him was growing. The anger was building. He felt like his body was on fire, despite the frigid temperature. It took a single moment, just one final thought of letting go, before Ketsuchi launched himself forward. Once more steel slammed against steel, but this time it was the Demon who has the upper hand. Swing after swing connected with his opponents blade, pushing him back toward the wall of the cave. Soon there would be no more retreat, but it wasn’t fear that filled the man’s eyes, but the same look that now filled Ketsuchi’s.
Both men took enjoyment in the fighting, the Seeker’s opponent sending out a flurry of his own purple levin to push back the aggressor. The fight continued, both men trading attacks and strikes of aether until finally both men stood several fulms apart. Both were bloodied now, wounds covering either man’s body. It didn’t seem that one or the other had taken an advantage, and if nothing else, Ketsuchi had made up for the blows he had taken earlier on.
The two charged each other again, blades clashing. Ketsuchi drew back his left hand, aether gathering in his palm as a spear of lightning burst into existence. His opponent tried to take a step back, but it was too late. His foot slipped in the snow and the lance of levin drove itself through his right shoulder. A howl of pain filled the air as he dropped his blade to the ground before recoiling away from Ketsuchi. The Demon didn’t miss a step, striding forward and slamming the hilt of his blade against the man’s nose. A sickening crack came from the impact, followed by another howl of pain. He fell to the ground, and soon the Demon was on him. 
His weapon now abandoned, Ketsuchi drove his elbow into the man’s head, sending him down onto his back. The unarmored man set on top of his enemy, raining down punches to the man’s face. His gloves grew bloody as he continued to pummel the man.
“You wanted the Demon! Don’t give up now! Defend yourself! Make this fun!” Ketsuchi yelled out, laughter following his words. A dark, twisted, and depraved laughter. His opponent had managed to raise his left arm in an attempt to defend his face but it was pointless by now. The Demon had no intention of stopping until the man’s head was nothing but a crimson stain on the snow. It was only when the man stopped even trying to defend himself that Ketsuchi got back to his feet.
“Pathetic. Weak. Worthless. That is all your revenge is worth? That is all whatever I took from you meant?!” Ketsuchi’s right eye cast a brilliant purple glow on the blood-stained snow beneath him. The man didn’t move, but he made a sound. It was barely audible, but the Seeker caught it. A laugh that was almost entirely muted by the sound of the blood filling his throat. His face was a mess; he was barely recognizable anymore. His blond hair was the same shade of crimson as the snow beneath his head. 
“Death it is then. How dull. How boring. How pointless.” Ketsuchi grabbed his blade, hoisting it into the air as blood ran down his gloves and over the handle of his blade. His knuckles were just as much of a mess as the man he had pummeled, but they would hold for long enough to land one more strike. His hands gripped the handle tight, but before the blade could fall his ears stood straight up again. Behind him.
The Seeker tried to pivot, but it wasn’t fast enough. His exertion had left him too slow to react, and soon a spear of ice had found its way into the right side of his chest. The pain was immediate and immense. Ketsuchi fell to his knees, bloodied hands grasping for the ice once he had dropped his weapon to the side. 
“Quite a fitting end to your story, isn’t it Ketsuchi?” 
It was a woman’s voice. He didn’t recognize it, but as he lifted his head to stare at the person approaching him he was met with another pair of glowing eyes. These, however, glowed a brilliant blue. The woman grabbed the spear of ice and pulled it free, blood pouring from the open wound before she drew back the spear and struck it against the side of Ketsuchi’s head. He fell to his side, the world spinning as the pain and weakness made its way through his body. He couldn’t sit up. He couldn’t fight back. He couldn’t move.
“You had to know this would happen, Demon. People would gather together to bring you down. You have taken more than your share from us and had it not been for Kikusui we wouldn’t have found the power to stand against you. You had to take her from us as well though...didn’t you?”
Ketsuchi couldn’t make out her face. Darkness was closing in on his vision and what he could still make out was clouded at best. The woman squatted in front of him and pressed the bloodied ice against his forehead. All he could see was the blue light flooding out of her eyes. 
“This is what monsters like you get. You deserve to die and you know it.”
The Seeker couldn’t speak. He found it too much effort to even open up his mouth to make a sound. He felt cold. He felt weak. He felt

The thought passed through his mind as his eyes finally shut. Sound faded away and the Seeker lay motionless on the ground as blood pooled beneath him. The woman straightened up from her crouched position, looking to the other man that Ketsuchi had been fighting with. There was no need to go check him; he made no movement and his eyes stared up at the grey sky. 
“The cold take you both.” She looked once more down at the Seeker with a mixture of emotions in her eyes. The light had faded from Ketsuchi’s as well as her own. It was the look on the Demon’s face that made the woman furious. A smile that was far from his usual sinister face graced his lips. He seemed happy. 
“I didn’t think this would feel...so hollow. I feel...nothing.” Her right hand lifted to rest over her heart, turning her head to stare up at the sky. “...This is the price I paid for this power then, is it?”
There was no point staying any longer. Her work was done, the revenge she wanted had been taken and at long last the allies she had made could all rejoice in their victory. Or, so she thought...if any of them still had the ability to rejoice over anything.
OOC time! Did you really read all of it and get this far? You’re crazy. Well, this took ages to write. I found myself going in and out of my creative mindset, and it ended with the story being a bit disjointed since it took me probably 5 or 6 times sitting down to write it. I wanted to post it all the same as this is my â€œI’m on hiatus for a while” post. Lots of jobs to level, lots of Shadowbringers stuff to do, lots of...work just kicking my ass.
Some people may know this and some may not, but I have been struggling to write Kets for a while now. I feel like his character was at a point where I had nothing left to do with him. No, I’m not killing him off. I haven’t decided yet what I am going to do with him, but don’t worry, if anything I will be taking a break to try out a new character and I am sure I will move back to him in time. Or I’ll just wake up one day and go â€œyeah I like my piece of shit asshole” and just jump right back into things. Creativity is weird. 
Thank you to everyone who has RPed with me and my damaged boy. Thanks to you who actually read through all this to get this far. I’ll still post some inspiration and what not up on Tumblr, and feel free to tag me as I’ll still be active, but consider this my â€œI won’t be RPing until the mood strikes me and I have the time” post. 
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pocket-luv101 · 6 years ago
Summary: Norman leaves his palace and meets Emma. (Norman and Emma, Aladdin AU)
Norman stared up at the wall that circled his palace and pictured what was beyond it. He placed his hand on the aging tree that stood next to the wall. He gave the branch a light tug to test how durable it was. The tree could be his only opportunity to climb over wall but it was dangerous. If he stepped on the wrong branch, he could fall and break his leg. He had to try though.
The moon peaked over the wall and beckoned him to climb to it. As the prince, Norman could never leave the palace. He would often see the city from his bedroom’s window. Tonight, he would explore the land beyond the wall. Norman gathered his courage and gripped a tree branch. Before he could pull himself up, a voice startled him. “That one won’t hold your weight.”
He studied the guard’s patrol schedule and he was certain that they would be in the east wing. Norman let go of the branch and peered around the tree. He saw Ray leaning against the wall. He hadn’t noticed him when he approached the tree because he was standing in the shadows. Ray pushed himself off the wall and they faced each other. “I thought it was strange when you said you wanted to go to bed early. So, where are you planning to go in the middle of the night.”
“I want to spend a day in the city.” Norman told him. He knew that it was pointless to lie to Ray but he hoped he could make him understand his feelings. “In a year, I will turn eighteen and become king. Yet, I don’t know a thing beyond this wall aside from what I’ve read in books. If I am to be a good leader, I need to understand their problems and needs. Please, just give me one day outside.”
“That doesn’t explain why you’re sneaking out in the middle of the night. You can arrange a day where the public may come to the castle and voice their concerns. That’s the safest and best solution.” Ray pointed out and a part of Norman knew that he was right. He added, “It’s dangerous to walk through the city without your guards. Even if you’re disguised as a peasant, thieves and bandits might target you.”
“A formal audience might be safer than my plan but it feels too distant. Trust me, Ray, I know what I’m doing. I’ve planned for every possible detail and I spent a month preparing everything.” He opened his bag to show Ray its contents. “I found a map of the city and I already planned out my path so I won’t get lost. I have money for lodging and food as well. This is going to work.”
“You’re book smart but that will only help you so much. We both know that.” Norman couldn’t disagree with him. He was confused when Ray took off his pendant and held it out to him. “If you get yourself in trouble, find someone wearing this pendant. They’ll help you. I’ll tell the servants that you’re sick and you want to rest in your room undisturbed. But I’ll only cover for you until midnight tomorrow. If you aren’t back by then, I will send every available guard after you.”
“I promise I’ll come back. Thank you, Ray.” Norman smiled brightly and took the pendant from him. He hugged him tightly. They had been friends since they were kids and Norman considered them brothers despite their different stations. Ray let him go and watched Norman climb towards the top of the wall. He still felt uneasy with his plan but he doubted he could stop Norman once he made up his mind.
“I wonder if you know that you’re lying to yourself.” Ray muttered. Even though Norman had a birthright to the throne, he took his responsibilities very seriously. He was dedicated to his studies. There were times Ray noticed him staring at the city though. A part of him likely wanted more freedom but he never voiced that to his mother. That self-sacrificing side of Norman frustrated Ray sometimes because he wanted his friend to be happy. He hoped he would have fun in the city.
At the top of the wall, Norman tied a rope onto the tree trunk and tossed it over the other side. He used the rope to climb down the wall. He landed safely on the ground and glanced around his surroundings. The rope was pulled back up and he guessed that it was Ray. He was grateful for his friend’s help.
Norman took a deep breath and then walked into the world he only saw from his balcony.
Norman wanted to learn more about the people in his city. He reasoned that the best place to start was the marketplace. With a destination in mind, he walked through the crowd and scanned the stalls. He stopped next to a merchant’s stall and waited for him to finish bartering with a customer. In the corner of Norman’s eyes, he noticed a child staring at the apples on display.
The child appeared nervous and it was painfully obvious that he planned to steal an apple. Norman couldn’t see an adult accompanying the boy so he was likely a hungry orphan. He felt sympathy for him so he decided to buy food for him. Before he could reach into his bag, the boy grabbed an apple and tried to slip away. The merchant caught him though. He gripped the boy’s arm with such force that Norman flinched slightly. “You better be able to pay for that. There is a steep punishment for stealing.”
“Wait,” Norman rushed to stop the merchant the moment he saw him aim the cleaver at the boy’s hand. “I will pay for him so there’s no need for violence. How much does an apple cost?”
“No one steals from me. Street Rats like this brat needs to learn respect. If I don’t teach him now, the guards will throw him in jail later.” He snarled and pointed the knife threateningly at him. Norman didn’t have the strength to pry the boy from his grip and he tried to think of another solution.  
A new voice cut through the tension of the situation. “There you are!”  
A woman with bright copper hair came between them. She didn’t seem to be fazed by the knife he held. The merchant was surprised by her sudden appearance so she was able to slip the knife from his hand. She stabbed the knife into the wood. Then, she shook his hand vigorously to stop him from grabbing it again. “Thank you so much for finding my friends. I will be taking them now.”
She left as quickly as she appeared so Norman could barely react when she dragged him away. She was carrying the child as well yet she ran quickly. He struggled to keep up with her. Admittedly, Norman wasn’t the most athletic person. He could hear the merchant yelling after them. He did his best to run along with her but it was clear that she was far faster than him.
She must’ve noticed that as well because she slowed her steps. The merchant was still chasing them and she pulled him into an abandoned building. She guided him to the window and then she untied the curtain. The thin fabric wrapped around them and kept them hidden. They had to stand close so the curtain could hide all three of them. He felt a little flustered.
Once he was gone, set aside the curtain and she stepped away from Norman. She stopped when she noticed that their necklaces were caught on each other. They likely became entwined when they hid in the curtain. She placed the boy down and started to untangle their necklaces. She introduces herself, “My name is Emma. Thank you for helping Charlie. We should leave before that merchant returns. Would you like to come with us, Norman?”
He stiffened when she said his name. Emma could guess his thoughts. She chuckled and pointed to their necklaces. He realized that her necklace had the same pendent as the one Ray gave him. She explained, “Ray and I are friends. I recognized the necklace he gave you. Musica likes to give everyone in our family these good luck charms. He sent me a letter this morning and he told me about you.”
“Hopefully, he didn’t say anything mean about me.” Norman laughed nervously. He trusted that Ray wouldn’t tell her that he was a prince but he had to be cautious. She didn’t seem to notice how nervous he was as she freed their necklaces. She went on to help the boy climb out the window. They were on the first floor so he could easily climb down by himself yet she took the time to help him.
“He told me that you’re a hopeless, idealistic man.” She answered as she climbed out the window. She turned to Norman with a smile. “He says the same things about me. You and Ray are close so you probably know that he’s critical of those he cares for. He also asked me to help you if anything happens. I never expected to run into you like this though.”
Norman reasoned that accepting her help would be the best way to learn more about the citizens and their specific needs. She must know the city well since she was able to evade the merchant through the streets. He climbed out the window and jumped to the ground. “I’m passing through the city but I would love to see more of it. Will you help me?”
“Okay.” Emma took his hand and tugged him forward. “Even if you’re just passing through, hopefully we can become friends, Norman.”
“So, what do you think of the city?” Emma asked Norman later that day. They sat on the roof of the orphanage she lived in and they looked over the city. The sun was setting and Norman knew he should return to the castle soon. He was exhausted but he had a lot of fun playing with the orphans. He enjoyed his day more than he expected.
“There’s a lot more to it than I thought. This orphanage is wonderful too.” His answer made Emma smile. He saw a hint of pride in her green eyes as she watched over the children. Norman told her, “I never played tag before. Growing up, Ray was my only friend. We didn’t have enough people for tag so we would play chess most of the time.”
“Have you ever been able to beat him?” She gasped when he nodded. “I could never do that!”
“You seem like someone who follows their instincts. That’s not a bad thing but Ray can predict your moves. I can teach you a few strategies that might help you beat Ray the next time you play chess with him.” He offered before he remembered that he couldn’t stay for much longer. He thought over the possibility of writing down the strategies for her.
Norman thought he would be satisfied with a day but he wished he wasn’t a prince. He chastised himself and wish he could be more selfless. Emma noticed his expression change and tugged lightly on his sleeve. “Is there something on your mind?”
“Nothing you need to worry about.” He gave her a reassuring smile and tried to brush her worries aside. “I’ve read about the city and a few of its problems. I want to help change this city into a place where everyone is safe and happy. You run an orphanage where children are happy. Do you have any advice?”
“We don’t have much here and life can be difficult. None of us chose the situation we’re born into and it can you feel trapped.” A subtle longing entered Emma’s eyes. She took out an apple and handed it to him. “We can try to fly free though. I teach the kids how to read and write and other skills so they might find better lives in the future. Unfortunately, I’m just one person so I can’t do as much as I want.”
“You’re a wonderful person, Emma.” He whispered. Norman had to respect her strength and compassion. He wished he could help her and his gaze fell onto the palace. “I should go back home. Ray will yell at me if I’m late. Thank you for showing my around, Emma.”
“It was my pleasure! Do you still have time to say goodbye to the kids?” She asked as she stood. They continued to talk as they climbed down the roof. Norman’s footing was a little unsure so she held his hand the entire way down. “The kids like you. Will you come visit us again?”
“Yes. I might come back with a surprise though.” He said. Norman hoped Emma would accept him.
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scarlettlillies · 8 years ago
Hetalia- Crush (Nyo!EstAus)
@matistama I have heard your call. And I’m here to deliver.
I don’t really have much to say for this one other than I really didn’t know what to name this fic. This ended up being more platonic than I had originally planned but I still hope you like it regardless. ;w;
Miss Estonia was a mysterious woman.
She didn't really know much about her. They only met during meetings, mostly the EU ones. Very rarely did their leaders ever meet but when they did, it was always on good terms. She had a strong presence about her: confident and professional. She appeared social but really always stuck with the same crowds of people. Germany spoke highly of her, Prussia enjoyed her company (despite their difficult past), and Hungary considered her family. In Austria's mind however, Estonia was a tad too intimidating for her.
Still, she remained curious about her. Her sense of style and beauty had caught her eye many moons ago at meeting in Brussels. She had a way of words when she spoke. Whenever questions would arise, she seemed to have an answer ready and was open to new ideas. She was the perfect diplomat in every way. It was no wonder why Germany was always so impressed by her!
But most importantly, she was lonely. She lived in a large home by herself and didn't have many friends. Very rarely did she ever go out and instead stuck to playing music for hours on end in her study. Everyone she knew seemed to be in Estonia's circle somehow. Perhaps there was room for her too.
Because she was too shy to talk to her personally, she chose to ask around with the people she knew. She and Hungary were joining Lithuania and Poland for lunch at a small restaurant in Budapest. Ukraine and Belarus were supposed to have joined them as well but had forgotten they had a previous engagement with their sister. Austria was on friendly terms with the two women and had noticed many times, they hung out with Estonia. They must have been close friends, Austria had noted, and figured it'd be the perfect opportunity to clear up the air surrounding her curiosities. They had ordered some sandwiches and salads with a side order of homemade fries to compliment their meal. Austria however ended up giving most of them to Hungary. For dessert, they all enjoyed coffee and a slice of strawberry vanilla cake.
Austria remained silent throughout most of the gathering. She did most of the time anyhow as Hungary was a chatterbox whenever the four of them got together. Their laughter got a little loud at times that Austria worriedly wondered if they were disturbing the other customers. Time had flown rather quickly however when she noticed on her watch that they had been at the cafe for nearly two hours.
Poland was recalling a story that took place at Estonia's house a few weeks prior. Austria was enjoying a sip of her coffee when Hungary gave her a little nudge. She looked up at him in surprise and with an unpleasant glare but a slight nod of his head gave her a sign as if she should pay attention to the conversion. Poland continued on how Estonia organized a sleepover at her home, with her, Lithuania, Latvia, and Finland as the invitees. They had done all sorts of activities like play games (to which Finland destroyed them all at), marathon some mini-series, and catching up on old times, amongst other things; a typical girls night. Poland got a little side-tracked as she couldn't stop raving about the pastries and cakes that Estonia had baked herself and Lithuania had to interrupt and put her back on track. Hungary couldn't stop laughing.
“Sounds like a good time! Speaking of Estonia, Austria here has been wanting to meet her.”
Austria nearly jumped out of her seat when she heard his comment. “Hungary!!”
He grinned, “What? You haven't said much during this whole gathering so I did it for you.”
Austria huffed and looked away embarrassed as she sipped on her coffee. Lithuania giggled at the conversation unfolding.
“So you want to get to know Estonia, is that correct?”
“I'm curious about her, yes.” Austria became a little shy and hesitant but she quietly tried to keep things going, seeing there was no way she could back out with Hungary sitting next to her. “I only know her professionally but everyone seems to say such nice things about her. I always saw her as intimidating.”
Poland and Lithuania looked at her rather baffled.
“Intimidating? Well, she does have a strong image that she puts on strictly for work. But I can assure you she's not like that all the time. Estonia is actually very laid-back and friendly,” Lithuania replied. “You love to make music don't you? Estonia is very passionate about the subject. I think you two would be very good friends if you took the time to meet.”
During the time that Lithuania spoke, Austria stared down into her coffee rather somberly. Estonia had so many people in her life. Would there even be room for someone like her? She doesn't feel so sure of that.
Months had passed since their get-together at the restaurant and no progress had been made. Lithuania had given her Estonia's number but she never had the courage to pick up the phone and call her. But Austria's thoughts are plagued of the other woman, day and night. Everyday she sits at her bedroom vanity doing her hair and makeup and her mind always wanders. Lately her recent experience with Estonia has been looping in her head. At the last meeting in Berlin, Estonia had caught her glance and gave her such a warm and tender smile. She didn't know how to take it and quickly looked away, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red. Hungary couldn't stop poking fun at her for the rest of the day.
Dressed in a long lilac-coloured nightgown, she gets cozy under the sheets but her mind can't stop racing. She doesn't understand the feelings she's holding deep in her chest. She merely wanted a friend in Estonia but clearly something else is blossoming under the surface. She feels so alone in her journey, as Germany was clueless when it came to relationships and Hungary may push her further in places she is not ready to go to. Austria clutched her pillow tightly. Maybe as time goes on the feelings will dissipate and she'll look back at this as something silly to lose sleep over.
The next round of meetings was taking place in Tallinn and she had wondered if God was playing a cruel trick on her. But nevertheless, she went on the orders of her boss. She arrived in town a few days early to take in the sights. She hadn't been around these parts in several years and it was nice to be able to forget about work and just be a tourist.
The city was blessed with nice weather and Austria decided to head out and explore the city once again after breakfast. She had brought her violin with her on the plane but the neighbouring guests in the hotel seemed to considered her playing a nuisance. She was interested in finding a quiet spot where she could play a few notes. She admired the many buildings around town and found it fascinating how well the old city was preserved. She was not very savvy when it came to technology but she was able to snap a few photos with her phone, just as Hungary had taught her. She had walked quite a bit throughout the city and soon began to realize she was seeing less and less shops and people and more greenery and residential homes. She had walked into a wealthy suburb where many of the homes looked modern and new. A feeling of panic washed over her. She had no idea where she was or how to get back to the hotel. She couldn't read or speak the language and no one to call.
Austria was fuming. She knew better than to go wandering off so carefree like she did. It was so easy for her to lose track of time and her surroundings. Her only choice now was to hopefully find someone who could speak English and help her find her way back.
That was easier said than done however, as the neighbourhood felt like a giant maze. She swore she was going in circles.
She found it strange that with all these homes, not a soul could be found on the streets. Not that she had a right to complain however considering she rarely left her own home unless it was absolutely necessary. She checked the time on her watch. Though it had said 3:24, she had forgotten to adjust the hour on it to fit the timezone she was in after she had arrived. With the sun beginning to show signs of it setting, Austria had begun to wonder if she'd ever make it back to the hotel.
But passing by a nicely decorated home came the sounds of a piano. Her thoughts became lucid as she curiously stared at the property. She didn't recognize the tune but she knew talent when she heard it. With the sound beautiful, clear, and precise, whoever was playing must have had many years of practice under their belt. The window on the right side of the home was large and wide open but she couldn't tell who the mystery player was. As she debated whether or not to take a peek, the sound of a feminine voice rang through her ears.
She gasped. Never had she heard such a mesmerizing voice in her long life. The language was so foreign to her but she couldn't get enough of it. If she could stand there all day to just listen to this voice all day, she would do it in a heartbeat.
But who was this mysterious woman? She couldn't let that question go unanswered in her mind. She simply had to know. Austria was hesitant for a brief moment but quietly tip-toed further down the sidewalk to grab a peek inside the home. A clearer silhouette was forming and—
“Miss Estonia!”
The playing immediately stopped and Austria covered her mouth embarrassed. She had never meant to speak up like that but her shock was too much to contain. She had expected for Estonia to shoo her away and shut her window, seeing as she had arrived at her home unannounced. But instead she had smiled at the woman and walked up to the window to greet her. “Miss Austria! What brings you all the way out here?”
“Oh, um,” Austria struggled to find the words she had wanted to say. The whole experience so far had left her mind frazzled as she clutched her violin case tightly. “I was out sight-seeing and got myself lost. I don't know how to get back.”
Estonia hummed, “That is indeed a tough situation. I'm glad we caught each other then! I'd be happy to take you back into town. But first, why don't you stay a while? I'll make us some tea!”
“A-are you sure?” Austria asked in a surprised tone.
“Of course!” Estonia chirped. “The front door is unlocked so just come inside!”
Before Austria could protest, Estonia had already left. She had contemplated on whether or not to go inside but she really didn't have much of a choice. She quietly entered the home and removed her shoes. She left her violin case next to them by the door. Several pairs of slippers in different colours were on a shoe tray. She had figured they were for guests and slipped on the pink pair, as there was no purple pair, much to her disappointment.
Estonia's home was very cozy and welcoming with many of the shelves and tables decorated with homemade crafts and nick-knacks. Her living room walls were a bright baby blue colour while many of the window frames were white. Her lacy curtain was see-through and also white. In the distance, she could hear the sound of cups tinkering as Estonia emerged into the room with a tray of tea and two small strawberry pastries. Austria watched her carefully as she lay the tray down and poured her and herself a cup. The tea set was nicely designed in white with blue cornflowers all around it. She thanked her for her hospitality. The pastry looked delicious and was eager to try it. Taking the plate, she took a small bite and immediately fell in love.
“Is it good?” Estonia asked as she took a seat on the sofa across from her. Austria nodded.
“It is. Lots of flavour all around. Definitely one of the better pastries I've eaten.”
Estonia grinned. “I'm glad. I made it myself so I'm really happy you enjoy it.”
Austria finished the pastry rather quickly and immediately went for a sip of her tea. She studied Estonia closely. Dressed very modestly, she wore a simple blue plaid dress that stopped around her knees. Underneath, she wore a white top with puffy sleeves. On her left wrist, she wore a bracelet with blue plastic gems and a long necklace with a fancy silver key. Austria also took notice of the matching blue slippers. The air surrounding her was pleasant and relaxing and it made Austria feel comfortable and at peace. It was hard for her to believe that this was the same woman she was intimidated by.
“Miss Austria?”
She snapped out of her thoughts.
“You're close with Hungary aren't you?”
“Yes, that is correct.”
“I figured as much. He's talked about you a lot.”
“Is that so?” Austria stared at her rather surprised.
“Yes, he's told me many things about you. Like how dedicated you are to music and cooking! He's told me you like to compose your own pieces and form your own recipes. Is that true?”
“Oh,” Austria was surprised at her questions but quickly remembered how Lithuania had mentioned she was very fond of the subject. She was happy to obliged in her curiosities. “Yes, I spend a lot of time in my study making my own music. It's been long-time love of mine.” A grin quickly formed on her face. “I mostly bake but I enjoy cooking as well. I like taking existing recipes and making my own twist to them. It's a struggle sometimes but once you find that right balance, it's extremely rewarding!”
“Yes!” Estonia chuckled. “I agree with you wholeheartedly! I too compose my own music and bake as well. I would love to hear and taste what you've made sometime.”
The two women enjoyed a lengthy conversation that lasted into the evening. Everything from their hobbies, to the instruments they played, work and their bosses, their friends, family, and even the annoying Prussia, nothing seemed to be off-limits. Estonia was impressed and thankful on how quickly Austria opened up to her. True to her word, she gave Austria a lift back to the hotel. When they arrived, she thanked Estonia again for her kindness and generosity.
“Hey, before you go, hand me your phone for a second.”
“Just do it.”
Austria wasn't sure why she was so interested in the device but she pulled it out of her pocket and handed it over. Estonia quickly went to work with the sounds of the keyboard emitting between them. In a flash, it was all over and handed it back to her.
“I've added my number to your contact list. Don't hesitate if you want to call me. I'd love to meet you again.”
Austria blushed, “Of course. I'd like that as well.”
“I'm glad. I'm happy I got the chance to meet you today,” Estonia said. “Hungary's been worried about you for a long time.”
“Oh?” Austria blinked curiously.
“Yes, he feels guilty that he can't come and see you as much as he used to. He hates to see you so alone in your home. He told me everything— how you wanted to meet me and how intimidating I appeared at times. I'm sorry if I ever frightened you at any point.”
She gasped, “Oh no! No, no! Please don't apologize. You've done nothing wrong. But I must ask, why didn't you reach out to me if you knew about it all?”
“We Estonians are very reserved. We almost never make the first move.” Estonia smiled. “I didn't want to invade your space, that's all.”
Austria seemed surprised of her response. But she was happy that Estonia was not upset with her and understanding of her feelings. She smiled back at the other woman as a feeling of joy washed over her. “You have a kind heart, Miss Estonia. Thank you again for everything.”
She quickly got out of the car and the two said their good-byes with a friendly wave. As she watched Estonia drive away, her heart sped up at the experience she just had. She doesn't know what kind of future is in store for the both of them. But whether it is friendship or love, she knows for sure that she has someone special in her life that she can always count on.
And Miss Estonia was suddenly not so mysterious anymore.
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