#hopefully I finish the chapter before the three year anniversary of the fic comes up 😂
jabba-theslutt · 1 year
Oh yeah! The scenes are starting to blend together to form a cohesive story!
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6th Blog Anniversary
I never thought I would be making this post. How have I been on here for six years?!
For those who don't know, it all started when chapter 671 was released. Up until then I was still reading and loving BLEACH but didn't feel any need to create an account anywhere to discuss it; but then Hitsugaya transformed into Hyourinmaru's Completed form, and I just needed to talk about with someone. How the heck is this possible? Is Momo going to show up?! How will she react?! This was the result of his training for her?!
I looked around at the usual sites for their hitsuhina communities, but none were very active...except for the one on here. Many hitsuhina bloggers have come and gone since then, but the ones I met back six years ago when I joined were so welcoming and supportive. I wanted to be the same for those who joined the fandom, and hopefully that's how I've been.
To be honest, I thought I was going to leave this site after two or three years, especially when there was no word about an anime return or manga sequel. However, a few things kept me on here:
First, the support of my followers, who's likes, reblogs, and comments encourage me to stay in the fandom and to keep being active on here.
Second, the friends I have made on here (you know who you are and I can't thank you enough for your support) and the hitsuhina community. We're a small group but we keep the ship alive, and seeing your contributions (whether it's fanart, fics, edits, gifs) always brightens my day. And thank you so much to those who have gifted me fanart, fics, done fanart of my fics, or done requests for me, I love them all and go back to look at them often.
And finally, the fact we really are getting a new BLEACH anime. I held on to the hope that it would happen one day, even though there were days where I could feel my enthusiasm waning, but then something in the fandom would pop into my dash that would keep me here. Then the anime's announcement came, and now I know I can't leave this site until it's finished. I need to be here for the reactions, discussions, and general fandom madness.
I'm still doing my blog requests, so keep an eye out for some gif reactions, fics, and headcanon posts coming before the end of the month :D
I hope you'll stick with me for another year, I don't plan on going anywhere. Thank you all again!!
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
Someone sent me an anon asking if I was doing Camp NaNoWriMo again this year but I must have accidentally deleted it bc I can't find it. 😭
But, YES, I am!
I didn't set a specific word count goal because then I get too distracted by the numbers but I do have a list of things I'm trying to accomplish by the end of the month.
Fanfic wise I'm trying to...
Finish and post the last three two (since I posted one last night) chapters of Prince Bow and Archer Glimmer so that fic is fully complete
Have the remaining 7 (ish, I keep changing how I split them up) chapters of The Other Me ready to go so I can hopefully start posting them on a consistent schedule instead of willy nilly like I've been doing
and then if I have any time left I'd like to have at least the first four chapters of Outlaws of the Whispering Woods aka the Robin Hood AU ready to post because I'd like to start posting that with some kind of consistent schedule on or before the anniversary of Season 5 in May
And then I have a bunch of non-fanfic writing stuff I need to do. That seems like enough to keep me busy for a month!
If somehow I finish all of that early, I might try to throw up a chapter of Going There or Coming Home or post one of the many random one-shots I haven't posted yet but that's a pretty big if.
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trekkiehood · 3 years
Title: “I’m Not Going to Hit You”
Fandom: Supernatural
Chapter: 2006 - Sam
Part: 3/3
Words: 1,673
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
TW: Implied Child Abuse
Summary: Three times Dean was told, “I’m not going to hit you.” Three times the people in Dean’s life realize that there might be more going on in Dean’s life than the kid is willing to admit. A Christmas Present for my friend @pricelesstrashpanda <3
Part 1
Part 2
(I rearranged the chapters to make them chronological so if the authors notes seem backwards it's because they are.)
Ao3 Link
Wow it's been a hot minute.
Sorry... I started this chapter months ago and just never got around to finish.
But here it is!
A bit of a warning, Sam starts off kinda self centered and a bit of a jerk. This is not a "Sam Bashing" fic... but be warned he's a bit of a jerk to Dean in parts of this story. No flames. If you come at me for the way I portray Sam I'll just delete the comment. Because you've been warned. (I've been told it's not bad and in character I just wanted to ensure that no one comes at me lol.)
Here she is!!
This was originally gonna be the last chapter but I accidently wrote an epilogue. So there will be one more after this... hopefully up soon but I'm not making any promises.
Hope you enjoy @pricelesstrashpanda <3 (and everyone else too ;)
Sam felt conflicted. He wanted nothing more than to get blackout drunk. He wanted to drink until he could forget the date. Forget the week. Forget everything. Then he’d picture Jessica’s disapproving glare, telling him that this was not what she wanted for him. But of course then he was picturing Jessica and flames and the whole cycle started over.
Right now, he was on his second beer. It was starting to take the edge off. He just wanted the day to go away. A few more hours and November 2nd would be over. The mark of the one-year anniversary of the love of his life burning to death on the ceiling.
Dean had disappeared at some point. He had been annoyingly clingy all day. Dean had barely spoken, remaining silent but hovering over Sam, wanting to please him. Sam had ended up shouting at him to just get out and leave him alone. Dean had looked surprisingly relieved, grabbing his keys and rushing out the door. Sam had been alone since then. He didn’t know when Dean was going to get back, he didn’t know if he honestly cared. He just needed today to be over.
It was almost midnight when the door opened and Dean stumbled in. Sam’s concern warred with his desperate anger as the severity of Dean’s drunkenness sunk in. The anger inevitably won.
“Dean! Where have you- where’s the car?!”
Dean blinked twice at him, “Uh, back at the, back at the bar. Walked back.” A small giggle. “Too drunk to drive.”
Concern again fought for a place in Sam’s mind. It took a lot for Dean to get drunk and an even more ridiculous amount to get him so drunk he wouldn’t drive. That he would leave his Baby in the parking lot of some bar. But the anger and grief he was feeling left little room for much else.
“Really Dean? Really? You go out and get black out drunk today of all days? What’s your problem?!”
Dean flinched slightly before pushing past Sam towards the bathroom. “I can get drunk if I wanna get drunk.” It wasn’t much more than a mumble. It only caused Sam’s anger to rise.
“What reason do you have to get drunk, Dean? This is the anniversary of my girlfriend’s death! You didn’t even know her!’
Dean’s eyes had glazed over half-way through his speech and Sam had no clue how much of what he said had gotten through.
“I’m allowed to grieve too.” It was said slowly, as if he was trying to force himself to sound sober.
Sam snapped. “You have no one to grieve, Dean! If anyone should be grieving, it should be me!”
“She was my mother and if I wanta get drunk I will!” Dean shouted back.
Sam stood dumbstruck, feeling a cold weight fall into the pit of his stomach as the pieces fell into place. Of course. November 2nd. The night of the house fire. Not just Sam’s apartment, but Dean’s childhood home as well.
He should have known - remembered.
November 2nd was a sort of a morbid holiday in their home growing up. Dad would get drunk (even more than usual), Dean would sit quietly waiting for dad’s drunken orders (trying to predict them before their old man even issued them), and Sam would head to school and then be sent to the library with a few bucks for dinner (provided by Dean of course.)
It was one of those things he’d intentionally forgotten about. One of those memories he’d locked away in hopes of not revisiting.
Before Sam could respond, Dean’s eyes widened and he took a stumbling step back. “Crap I, I didn’t mean - ‘m sorry I didn’t mean-”
“Dean man, hey,” Sam said placatingly, recognizing the lost, drunken look in his eyes. “It’s fine I wasn’t thinkin’. You didn’t-”
Dean wasn’t listening, still rambling on, nearly tripping over himself in an attempt to put distance between him and his brother. “I-I swear I didn’t mean for it please don’t- I just- I miss her too!”
“Hey, Dean, it’s okay,” Any residue anger had evaporated at the sight of his now terrified and grief stricken brother. “Really, just, just take a deep breath man.” Sam took a step forward and Dean let out a strangled gasp, taking another step backward and banging his head against the wall in the process.
“Don-don’t please don’t- jus’ don’t - ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry.”
Sam didn’t know what he was seeing. Dean seemed to be in some form of shock. Some form of alcohol induced panic mixed together with grief. Sam moved forward grasping Dean’s face in his hands. “Hey, hey look at me, man.”
Dean’s eyes slammed shut and his breathing became shallow. “Don-don’t - not the face. Please. Don’t- Sammy will see!”
Sam froze. He felt sick. Like all the air had left his lungs. Like something had just happened that he needed to process and analyze. Something had just happened that his brain just couldn’t get to click into place. Something he really didn’t want to process or analyze or click into place.
“Dean, Dean, hey Dean, look at me! I’m not-” He felt the words stick in his throat. “I’m not going to hit you.”
Dean let out a whimper, too drunk or too upset to comprehend. Sam adjusted his grip, letting his hands trail down his brother’s neck until they reached his shoulders.
“Hey,” he squeezed Dean’s shoulders, trying to draw his attention - or any form of awareness. “Dean,” A small shake. “Come back to me man. I don’t know where your head is but you gotta come back.”
When there was still no response aside from Dean’s frantic breathing, Sam pulled him forward and shoved him down onto the bed. The older Winchester melted into it, not even attempting to get up. Lying motionless while his brother watched on in concern.
Sam ran a hand over his face. Trying not to think about what had happened - what was happening.
“‘M sorry - sorry.” Dean was mumbling again. He struggled to push himself up. “Dad ‘m sorry I didn’t mean ta- ta-”
Sam pushed him back down. “Shh, Dean, it’s okay. Dad’s not- he’s not here.” Dad was dead. And if he wasn’t Sam would kill him himself. If the floating pieces in his brain were forming the picture he thought he was seeing.
“”M sorry.” Dean was now speaking barely above a whisper. “‘M sorry, I didn’t mean ta- ta get drunk. ‘M just so… tired.” His voice broke on the last word. The sleepless nights and lack of self preservation catching up to the eldest Winchester on the worst possible night. “‘M so tired, Sammy. ‘Nd I miss - I miss ‘em.”
“I know, Dean. I miss them too.”
“But they’re both gone, S’mmy. They’re both gone.” There was a small breath of a laugh. “We’re orphans.”
“I know Dean - just- just try to get some sleep, okay? Sleep it off. We can talk in the morning.”
“Don’ wanna sleep. Can-Can’t. Needta, ta, take care of Sammy.” He half pushed himself up, only for his arms to give out as he collapsed back into the pillows.
“I’m fine Dean. You don’t need to take care of me right now, just sleep.”
“No, Dean. You need to sleep. You’re drunk. You need to sleep it off. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
“But Dad-” But Dad would get angry. Because it was becoming more and more abundantly clear to Sam that Dean was the caretaker - the father and mother - of the home. That one misstep by either one of them would likely result in Dean taking the brunt of Dad’s anger. But he never - he wouldn’t have- He yelled a lot but did he ever -? “Can’t sleep.” Dean muttered, barely conscious. “Dad-”
“Isn’t here. You’re okay Dean. You’re safe.”
Dean hummed something not quite recognizable as speech before falling completely silent. His breathing evened out and his eyes closed. Dean finally drifted off to sleep. Sam did not.
Jessica had all but left his mind. The sadness was still there, lingering in the back of his mind, threatening to bring him down, but his forethroughts had been replaced. All he could hear was his brother begging him not to hit him. But no. Dean hadn’t begged Sam not to hit him. He’d begged him to not hit him where Sammy could see.
If dad wasn’t already dead, Sam would have killed him.
He knew he shouldn’t jump to conclusions but what else was there?
Grown men don’t just give specific instruction to ensure little brothers don’t see the bruises without some massive trauma. Without some horrendous implications.
And Sam had never even noticed.
Sure he’d been sent away every November 2nd, but… something about it just didn’t feel right. There’s no way this was a once a year thing. Dad was drunk more than once a year.
And now that he thought about it… Dean had always had strange bruises and scratches, even when he wasn’t hunting. Dean had always explained them away but was it possible…
It was the only answer. The puzzle finally clicked together with a finality that sent Sam reeling. He stumbled back into one of the chairs. He stared at his sleeping brother. Their father had hit Dean. Had abused him plain and simple. He’d caused Dean pain. Given him bruises. All of this had gone on while Sam complained that he was sick of eating Mac’N’Cheese every night even though he knew it was the only thing left in the room.
His hatred for his father was immaculate, but his hatred for himself wasn’t far behind.
Sam waited. He didn’t dare sleep. He wasn’t sure if he could. Wasn’t sure that he wanted to. He didn’t know what would haunt his dreams tonight, whether it would be Jessica burning and bloody, or his brother crying out for help as their dad beat him with Sam only standing silently to watch?
Both were plausible. Both had already happened.
So that's that!
Like I said, there is one more chapter that's gonna tie up all the stories (I think it would be perfectly fine to leave it like this but I wrote a "Sam confronting Dean" scene and didn't use it so we adding an epilogue lol).
Anyway, check out @pricelesstrashpanda's fics! We have a similar writing vibe and have even co-authored a Walker (2021) Fic!
Make my day and leave a (non-flame) comment!!!!
God bless,
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simonxriley · 4 years
I wanna ask more because I love your writing, your writing style, and I just want to know more about you and your work! 2,3, and 4, If that isn't too much. I looked them over and thought these were all really cool.
Awe thank you! And if you ever just want to talk about anything or writing in general my IMs are always open. 
2: Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Obviously the Outbreak in Jade Helm, that’s the main one I’m looking forward to writing and hopefully I can do the action parts justice. To finally be able to finish Warmness On The Soul this year, I got stuck on some prompts but with the help of a few people I got some good ones to finish it.
For future projects, I have a Fuze & Glaz one-shot where Glaz find’s Fuze in the workshop in the middle of the night because it’s the anniversary of when Fuze’s brother went MIA. And to finish/start the prompts/small fics I’ve been neglecting 🙃. 
3: What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
The one thing I struggle with in writing is action. I have this small fic Yamantau and the chapter I’m on is 90% action. I’ve been putting it off because of that, but at some point I’m gonna need to write it. 
4: Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
“Faith? Kotyonok you didn’t need my faith, I needed yours. You could’ve easily ended this relationship before it even started, yet you didn’t. You put your trust in me from the moment we fell on that ice at the holiday party, and it has grown immensely since then. My faith was already there, yours had to grow and it had every reason too.”
“My trust in you was there a month after I joined.” She pulled away from him, eyes beginning to glisten. “Henry took everything from me, my worth, my dignity. My innocence. After I finally escaped him I realized he took my trust too, trusting comes a lot harder for me now and I tend to not trust people as a default.” She wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand, letting out a shaky breath. It broke his heart to see her like this, hurt and he wished he could take it away. “Then you came along. You gave me my space the moment I got here, and you always asked if it was okay for you to touch me whether verbally or not. It didn’t take me long to figure out you knew something happened to me before joining, my scar shows proof of that.”
I can’t exactly explain why I’m proud of this part, but I just am! 
“I know you love my mama uncle Alex, just as much as papa does but you don’t get to kiss her.” This one I’m proud of because it’s just funny. Tachanka get’s called out by a three year old 😂
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adonis-koo · 5 years
Three’s a crowd
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Plot: (CEO AU) When your mom’s fairytale life begins to bleed over into your world you’re suddenly caught between two men and one big secret, what was suppose to be a relaxing trip soon begins to spiral out of control. All you wanted was a free vacation…
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader/Jimin, Hoseok/Reader, Taehyung/Reader, Seokjin/Reader
Genre: Smut, angst, drama, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 10k
Previous | Next
Tags: semi public sex, female receiving, brief smut, very brief compared to last chapter x) 
Warning ⚠️ This fic touches on drug use, alcoholism and abuse. Please read with caution if any of these things are triggers for you 🖤
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You didn’t realize, when you had slept with Jimin. That he was going to take it like you both were official fuck buddies. It was almost embarrassing with the amount of marks that covered your body. At this rate you needed to just skip the concealer and get a high coverage foundation. Were you ever not limping? Even your mother noticed, except she assumed you had been walking too much and strained a muscle.
In fact, she wasn’t wrong, you did strained a lot of muscles, but to be fair that was Jimin’s fault. You hadn’t realized how soft Jungkook was on you honestly. Jimin was not afraid to throw you around, tie you up, gag you, blind you, the whole nasty nine yard. It was even more alarming that you found it hot, you were almost ashamed at how much you enjoyed his rough manhandling. 
Aftercare was the direct opposite of Jungkook, outside of a little praise, Jimin wasn’t for clinging and cuddling, there was no hair stroking or thigh kisses either. You felt bad for actually preferring it. Touching was still a difficult thing for you to do when it came to anything outside of sexual activities, it wasn’t that you hated it, or didn’t enjoy it...it just felt weird and foreign to you, your entire life was devoid of any sort of physical affection from either of your parent’s. Maybe unintentionally on your mothers part, but you fathers was the direct opposite. 
Thinking of Jungkook though, you haven't actually seen him a whole lot, mainly due to Jimin keeping a firm hold of you every second he had. Jungkook...wasn’t happy to say the least, but you had texted him variously reminding him this was just open ended curiosity. 
You weren’t in a relationship. Jungkook had backed off after your message, apologizing and saying you were right, ironically enough. You actually felt a little bad for being so blunt, but you didn’t want any miscommunications, god only knew you didn’t need to add another thing to your list of problems.
“Stop! What if they see?” The situation though? Out of sight, out of mind currently. You had whined instantly in objection at Jimin’s grip on you. You were currently eating with your mother and his father, and of course he thought it was a good idea to start getting handsy under the table, your face was getting redder by the moment and your body temperature rising to match.
Jimin’s lips only coiled into a smirk, those dark locks brushing over his brows making his gaze all the more sultry, clearly not intimidated by the social setting you were in,  “Let me worry about that.” 
His fingers had brushed along your thighs stroking them delicately compared to his harsh touch more times then less, but just the feeling of his fingers running along your inner thighs was all your body needed to start getting hot and bothered. Your grip on your glass hardened as you tried to focus on the parent’s conversation.
Jimin’s hand suddenly squeezed at the skin making you jump slightly as you bit back a whine, forcing yourself to swallow the cool liquid of your glass of water, the icy drink unfortunately didn’t do anything to help your body as his fingers began to stroke up your core. The jean’s doing little to cover the forceful grip of his hand as he pressed against the bud of your clit. 
You had to swallow back another whimper as you glanced towards him pleadingly, he could’ve at least took you to his room if he really wanted you. But Jimin’s smirk only furthered as he went about eating with his free hand, even looking enamored with whatever the other’s were talking about. 
You didn’t even have the nerve to look at them though, your cheeks undoubtedly red and you knew if your mother stopped talking for even a second to glance at you, she’d assume something was wrong and you did not want to deal with that.
Jimin’s hand finally wiggled underneath your jean’s the constriction proved to be a challenge but he wasn’t about to back down as he let his fingers find their way under the band of your panties, your pussy shamefully soaked as his fingers stroked through your slit a few times. Letting your arousal coat his fingers before giving letting his finger’s prod against your clit making you jump in your seat. 
You tried to keep yourself from wiggling any further but all it took was a few strokes of his fingers against your swollen bud for the pressure to begin to build inside you, your grip on your glass never ceased and you had even noticed your knuckle was beginning to turn white. It contrasted your face heavily though, bright red and your expression probably wasn’t helping. 
Jimin’s fingers only sped up, quickly finding the sweet spot of your clit before letting his nimble fingers rub down against it, you had almost squeaked out a moan at the sudden pleasure. Your legs were beginning to shake and your heart rate had spiked as you began to try and keep your hips from bucking needily to his hand, you were so close
 He let his fingers slow down and dig more deeply into your clit making you inhale sharply trying to stay still in your seat, but Jimin wasn’t having it as he finally leaned in, letting his lips come close to your ear as he breathed quietly, “Be a good girl and cum.”
The orgasm suddenly snapped inside you at his words, and much to your mortification you had let out a moan, but the pleasure took over, trembling in your body and your mind was becoming number and fucked out despite gaining the whole tables audience, both your mother and Seung’s concerned looks quickly made you come down from your high as they asked if you were okay.
Your face was beyond red and you fumbled out quickly in embarrassment and humiliation, “O-oh sorry! I um…! Thought I felt something against my leg...I didn’t mean to startle anyone!” they both smile understandingly though, completely unaware of the pair of fingers that sat resting against your wet, throbbing pussy before pulling out of your jeans.
Your legs were shaky and briefly you wondered how this got so out of hand? He was going to inevitably be your step brother, and you had the most warped feeling that even after that became official. This likely wasn’t going to stop. God you really needed to get a hold of your hormones. 
It’s not like you had much choice though, okay maybe you did have a choice. But Jimin made it extremely difficult to say no. It was just so good. Maybe a little too good. 
Jimin brushed your hair back while chuckling, leaning back in his seat, acting like he hadn’t just made you orgasm at table full of people. You didn’t have the nerve to look at either parent the rest of the time to say the least.
 As much as you wanted to ignore it, you couldn’t. Saturday was tomorrow, the infamous anniversary party you had heard so much about would be tomorrow evening. Seung would be proposing. It had all been fun and games up until now, no matter how much you wanted to pretend this wasn’t going to happen. It was. 
The closer Saturday became the more guilty you felt, your mother was still giving you the icy cold shoulder and you figured, for both your and her sake you should try and make amends tonight. Given she had no clue about tomorrow. She’d definitely want to celebrate. You wouldn’t want too, but you were going to. For her sake, that’s what you kept repeating to yourself. And when you got home from this trip, you’d go back to your regular life. 
Get as far away from her and this life as you could.
There were some things to mull over of course. Your mother would undoubtedly move in with Seung when they got married, if not before then. You didn’t make enough money even with both of your jobs to pay rent and utilities both each month. Fuck, maybe Taehyung would be willing to bunk with you? He and his dad were extremely close though, especially after the divorce. Unlike a lot of guys his age he didn’t really mind still living with his one functioning parent. Maybe you should ask? 
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You felt your body relax in relief, okay all of your bases would be covered. At the expense of possibly your back but it wasn’t like that would’ve been a first. Especially for Taehyung. Dinner had finished up quickly and eventually you had made your way back to upper floors. Finding your mothers room to go and speak with her.
The sooner you got this out of the way the sooner you could pretend like life was cool and go back to work. 
You’d be departing Sunday morning earlier and hopefully you’d be able to rest well because Taehyung had texted you earlier that day saying you’d have to open shop with him monday morning. Not that you minded, after so much lounging you began feeling uneasy. Needing something to do, get back on your feet. You didn’t like having this much time off, was your final conclusion. 
Atleast without something to do. Not like that wasn’t provided but still. God only knows what your paycheck was going to look like after missing a full week of work. 
Your body for once, rather then acting like a horny nutcase was more eager to fall back into your old routine. What about your dad? It would be the first week you hadn’t visited him in over a year. Not like he couldn’t take care of himself but...okay well you did have some doubt.
Fidgeting at the door you sighed, sobering yourself to apologize to her. Tell her she was right, let her hear what she wanted to hear. The good news about this new change in your life was that once you moved in with Taehyung, you wouldn’t be beholden to her anymore. 
You’d be able to come and go as you pleased mainly because Taehyung did so as well. In fact, you’d be able to probably do more with him at least living together. With that encouraging idea in your mind you knocked on the door, you could hear a distinct shuffling inside before the door opened. Your mother still in her evening attire though her hair had been taken down.
“Y/n?” Your mother obviously hadn’t been expecting you as her eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
You awkwardly looked away, sighing as your shoulders slumped, “Look I just wanted to say I’m sorry about what happened…” you scratched the back of your neck before sheepishly looking back towards her, “I’ve been thinking about why you said and you’re right. I should be careful and I should let you or at least someone know when I’m going out. I don’t want us to be like this the rest of the trip…” 
“Awh I’m sorry Y/n,” Your mother wasn’t hard to apologize to, to be honest. Her eyes were already watery and you weren’t even sure why as she quickly hugged you. Your body stiffening at the contact as you awkwardly patted her back, “I shouldn’t have been so harsh with you. I just can’t help but worry, after everything with your father. I just want you to be safe.” 
You sighed, trying to just take her words for what they were. She only wanted the best for you. But your life, no matter how fucked up, it was still yours. You didn’t know anything better outside of it. You grew up in the most ghetto and ratty neighborhoods, but if anything it made you anything, it made you street smart.
And for gods sake you weren’t stupid. You didn’t want to act like a child and say you could take care of yourself, but you could. You had too, living where you did left you no choice but to be able too. There was never a day when you didn’t. Shoving your bubbling frustration back down as you finally murmured, “Yeah I know mom. Anyways I just wanted to clear the air. Big day tomorrow so I’ll let you get some sleep.”
“Alright sweetheart, I’ll see you in the morning.” Your mother gave your shoulders a small squeeze before returning to her room, a smile lit on her face. She’d sleep well tonight. The same couldn’t be said for you.
Making your way back to your room you mulled over your options. You could go out, by yourself this time. No one to try and get in your pants, no one to distract you. Or you could just do late night exploring in the hotel. Anything to get your mind off of what was to come tomorrow. It wasn’t that you were dreading it...well maybe a little, but it was a lot to digest. Your whole world would change forever tomorrow.
You had just gotten out of the elevator when it happened. Walking down the empty hallway when a hand suddenly lunged out from a room, pulling you in as it shut. Jumping your eyes widened before you sighed, “What the fuck? Can you guys please calm down the testosterone train? My cooch can only take so much.” 
Jungkook had instantly began laughing, whether it was from your complaint or the look on your face when he pulled you into his room was beyond you, “I’m not here to pound your pussy baby.” 
“Right…” you puckered your lips, eyes squinting in disbelief as you crossed your arms. If there was one thing you learned about men. It’s that they told half lies left and right. It wasn’t technically a lie, but it wasn’t a full truth either. And Jungkook, was looking like he had definitely told a half lie, just his quirked smirk told you so.
“At least right now,” and there it was, he began laughing again at your expression as he walked further into his room, away from the door as he gestured you to follow, “We’re going out.”
“We?” Your lips puckered again in suspicion but you followed him regardless. Seeing the gown laid out on his bed as you sighed, closing your eyes, this shit again? 
It’s not that you didn’t enjoy it, but it was so obvious anytime he took you somewhere expensive that even dressed up you still seemed to stick out, it’s not that you wanted to have a complex about it. But it still made you slightly nervous and honestly? A fair bit insecure with all of the stares,  “Where? That doesn’t look cheap…”
Jungkook scoffed though the amusement in his eyes didn’t falter, “Let me worry about the bill. We’re going to the casino floor, can’t say no to gambling with money that isn’t yours, right?” 
You picked up the dress, it was black and went to the floor, the plunge in the neck was just enough that it would definitely flash cleavage but not to the point of raunchy.
“I can’t even imagine being that rich.” You clacked your tongue, shaking your head at just the idea of being so wealthy that you could let someone you barely know toss your money around,  “You want me for arm candy?” that was basically what you would be serving as, right? Or that’s at least what you’d look like to the mass majority of people there, a gold digger tossing away some rich dumbass’s money. 
“Yeah If you wanna put it like that,” Jungkook nodded casually, his lips struggling not to pull into a smile at your flat expression, maybe aware of your thought process and just really not caring what others might assume, “But I’d prefer the term company. I haven’t seen you at all the past few days.” You watched his gaze sullen slightly, as if the idea of you being with Jimin disturbed him.
Sighing exasperatedly you shrugged, picking the dress up, “Well, it's not like I’m gonna say no to a free drink and gambling. It’s not every day a guy offers me money to go blow.” 
Jungkook laughed, sitting down on the bed as he smirked, “Money makes the experience, go get changed baby.” 
You went to the bathroom, changing into the dress didn’t take long, it was you standing in the reflection of the mirror with flushed cheeks. Your hands running up your sides, just as anticipated the dress was skin tight. The plunge in the neck most definitely showing off your rack but it got worse. 
As if it had been designated your design, the dress had a slit on the side going all the way up to your thigh, flashing your leg. You had fixed your hair a little, leaving it down and your makeup hadn’t been ruined yet from earlier. It wouldn’t get much better than this. 
You had exited and went to put on the black pumps that was definitely a pair of red bottoms. Damn those were worth more then your paycheck. You could barely stand up straight before you felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around you, “Perfect fit.” 
“Maybe a little too perfect.” You shifted in the dress as you huffed, turning around as you crossed your arms, forcing the small space between you both.
Jungkook’s eyes were too busy raking over your body though as he hummed, “Maybe,” he agreed, “But the casino’s about showing off babygirl. Everyone can look all they want, but they know not to touch. Let’s go.” 
Jungkook had led you out of the room, hand firmly wrapped around your waist as you went all the way down to the first floor. You would’ve thought the lobby would be quiet by now. But you supposed it made sense, it was a friday night and what better way to spend it then at a casino? At least both rich and poor thought alike in some ways. 
Walking down the vast lobby you had inadvertently tucked further against Jungkook’s side, trying to stay out of everyone’s path as they pushed past you. Damn what was the hurry? Jungkook didn’t seem to mind though, keeping you close to him as you entered the casino extension of the building. The crowd was thick tonight and noise had filled the large room, between the loud chanting and laughter. Jungkook however had ignored the entire scene, making straight for the elevator on the far end of the room.
Pressing a hand against your back as he lead you inside, the departure up in floors was quiet but peaceful. Briefly you let your gaze flick to Jungkook’s figure, the cool and confident expression on his face, and for a second you wondered how he could be like that all the time. Be like he was untouchable, you supposed that was a good way to describe it, he always seemed so confident in his ability, no matter the subject.
And maybe that’s what gave the false illusion, you weren’t sure. You would admit though, it was attractive. His unwavering confidence was extremely attractive, maybe it was from you growing up in such an unstable house. A house where both your father wasn’t confident enough to get his turmoil sorted, where your mother wasn’t confident enough to leave him when he couldn’t. Maybe because you weren’t confident enough to stop him when he had her on the ground with a broken bottle in hand. 
But Jungkook wasn’t any of those things, maybe that’s why you were letting this continue. You had never met someone so sure of himself and his capability. It was nice, refreshing even, and dare you say it even made you feel a little, just a hair, safe. Jungkook’s dark eyes suddenly met yours, and his previously blank lips curled up slightly, the tiny smirk accompanying them as he raised a brow. 
You could feel your face flush slightly as you looked away, feeling the awkward tension come over your shoulders as you tried to keep in mind this guy was supposed to be getting married soon. Just a friendly outing, right? It’s not like you were gonna sleep with him, you made a silent vow in that moment to try and keep your cat dick free for the night. Whether you’d accomplish that or not, let’s be honest, wasn’t very high. But a girl could hope.
The doors to the elevator slid open with a buzz letting you know you had arrived to your floor but as soon as it came to view you had been took a back at all the glamour. You didn’t think anything could be more beautiful than the first floor but here you were blown away. The glitzy low lit chandeliers made the tiling pop in an almost iridescent glow making both slot machines and tables look far more ethereal and breathtaking than they ever deserved.
“This is the VIP floor.” Jungkook leaned down with a soft murmur as he wrapped an arm back around you, guiding you out onto the floor of the ritzy level. You were suddenly grateful for Jungkook’s thoughtfulness in your outfit. Seeing so many flashy cocktail dresses made you feel not so out of place. And seeing barely anyone bat an eyelash at you made you feel even better. 
He had lead you all the way down to the poker table, Texas Holdem was being played but it wasn’t the game he had come to watch, it was one of the players he had stopped to see. The said player had instantly recognized Jungkook, tapping out as he stood up, fixing his tie as he gave a half smile, “Jungkook! It’s good to see you again. Where have you been? We’ve missed you in our meetings.”
Jungkook’s lips had curled into a smile, looking as if he had just seen an old friend in a long time. And maybe he had, they seemed fairly familiar with one another, “With Dark Ace’s anniversary coming up I’ve been busy with the preparation,” Jungkook’s eyes flickered towards you as his smile dropped into a smirk, “And when I haven’t been doing that I’ve been keeping her company.”
You tried your best to keep yourself composed, but no matter how much you tried; you still lifted a hand towards your face, glancing away from them both with a weary expression. 
“You really don’t have an ounce of shame do you Jungkook?” He clacked his tongue but his dimpled smile was amused, he had finally turned to you addressing you for the first time and that’s when you realized he was a few inches taller than Jungkook. His dark hair styled up and over and his smile was absolutely killer, was all of his friends so attractive? Was there a reason that was the case? Or did he just really want to kill you? “Kim Namjoon, I’m currently training Jungkook for when he’s ready to take on his own company.” 
It came as a surprise to hear him say that, but then again, was it really? Jungkook had said in the past he was working under Kim corporations, this must’ve been his boss. But he had never mentioned opening his own company, it made sense though, Jungkook was filthy rich and he had confirmed with you he didn’t want to work under his father. All he really needed was experience for the task.
“L/n Y/n,” You gave a reserved smile as you shook his hand, deciding you didn’t want to look so shotty in front of his boss. Who had just referred to his engagement, meaning he must’ve been one of the few Jungkook had told. You wouldn’t have understood the sentence had you not known, making it safe for Namjoon to casually say, he didn’t look terribly judgmental. But you could tell he had evaluating eyes of a CEO, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Namjoon gave a charismatic smile as he nodded breaking grip as he answered, “Your name seems unfamiliar, I can’t say I’ve heard of you.”
Some girls, could’ve took that the wrong way, but being a CEO you figured he must’ve been referring to your surname. You clacked your tongue as you gave a cheeky smile, “I’d be a little concerned if you had, my family isn’t in the corporate field.” 
Namjoon’s face suddenly filled with understanding as he gave a nod, turning back to Jungkook as he gave a laugh, “Finally found your Cinderella?” It wasn’t his words, that inherently bothered you. But it was the tone Namjoon had used, it sounded like it had an overtone of mockery in it, even if his face was clear of it. But his words were all you needed to confirm he didn’t really approve of Jungkook’s actions. Or was it really just because you were poor? If it was from that aspect, then you’d just write him off as shallow, but you had the sneaking suspicion this wasn’t about your money.
If Jungkook had noticed what you had, he didn’t let it show, keeping that professional smug smile on his face as he shrugged. You could feel his grip on your waist tighten though as he shifted you closer to him, “She’s too feisty to be a Cinderella-“
“Excuse me?”
“But if it helps you understand the situation then sure.” Jungkook had glanced down at you, a tiny smile playing on his lips at the offended curve of your brow. His words, directed at Namjoon though felt slightly cryptic. Were they talking about his engagement? You could see the overtone of disapproval in Namjoon’s eyes, almost making you feel like a mistress in one of those old noir movies that had been caught in the act. Your old feelings of this being very wrong began to bubble in your stomach again.
If this was how you were going to be seen by people, maybe you should’ve straight up told Jungkook to stop talking to you? But what’s done is done, the damage couldn’t be erased and after the words of you admitting, you were curious just like him. You knew Jungkook wasn’t going to take any other answer now, not after having that conversation. 
“Well as long as you’re happy,” Namjoon gave a reserved nod, staying neutral despite unconsciously giving his opinion on the matter, or did he really take you for someone who was just that dense? Anger simmered inside you at the idea, if there was one thing you couldn’t stand people assuming about you, it was that you were stupid.
But you’d let them think that in this situation, because the more they assumed they were correct, the more information they’d give, the more they’d ‘cryptically’ say and give their thoughts on the subject away. It benefited you in the long run, if you could ever keep your mouth shut long enough to listen.
“Play a round of cards with me?” Maybe it was a peace offering you didn’t understand but Jungkook had nodded, walking back over to the table of poker, sitting down. What you didn’t expect though was him to pull you over, sitting you down on his lap much to your embarrassment, “Know how to play?”
“I’m familiar.” You answered reserved, letting all of your opponents size you up, clearly looking at you like the arm candy you served as. A ditz, who didn’t actually know how to play. 
Unfortunately that was far from the case, poker was a common bar game and while your mother would be ashamed of you saying you consider yourself a pro, you on the other hand were curious to see if these upperclass men could compare to the cheats and swindlers you had played against.
Jungkook gave a hum, his hands settled on your sides as he replied, “Then play for me baby.” Maybe Jungkook had caught onto your mentality, wanting to see for himself. Regardless you shrugged, not looking incredibly surprised by his words as he bought in for you. 
The cards had shuffled and been thrown out, the good news was that you had a three and four, the bad news was that it was a low pair. It wasn’t likely you’d get much out of it unless you could score a three of a kind, or maybe a full house. The one upperhand you did have was possibly a straight, or a straight flush since your hand matched black.
Jungkook had attempted to give you some advice but you had quickly shut him up quietly, “I know what I’m doing.” 
“Alright, I'll leave you to it princess.” He laughed, leaned back in his seat, amusement in his eyes at your huffy tone. 
But you weren’t kidding when you said that. Especially when everyone assumed you were a ditz who was just throwing around her sugar daddy’s money tonight. And you must’ve looked like a big one when you threw in two hundred thousand, you could see a lot of greedy smirks on the table when you had done it. Some tapping out while others quickly called your bet, Namjoon included, “You sure do know how to throw money.” He hummed out, a silent accusation that you were definitely a gold digger.
Clacking your tongue as you watched the dealer flip the fourth card on the table, perfect. Just what you had been hoping for. Namjoon had pulled another hundred thousand chip out, tossing it in as the tiniest of smirks played on your lips, “Only when I know I’ll win.” 
Your words were cocky and it must’ve been laughable to half the table, given that’s exactly what they did. Why did people assume you were shit talking, why was it they assumed because you were poor, you were dumb? You lived in the lower downtown neighborhoods of Seoul, where murders and robberies were constant, girls were took advantage of as soon as they blinked at the wrong time and people had gotten knifed more times in a week then you could even imagine. You weren’t just smart, you were street smart, especially when you were playing alleyway poker. A bit more dangerous than when you were at the bar.
The dealer had flipped the last card, making you gave a hum, reserved and you could tell everyone was scanning each other for last minute plays. But to your delight everyone called one last bet before flipping, the few of you who had stayed in had fairly good hands. Two had managed to get a straight, but it was Namjoon’s cards that caught your attention, “Flush.” He stretched back, the smug look on his face taking over. What a bold crow, rich or not that was some attitude he had.
Your poker face had finally broke as you scoffed a laugh, your smile gleaming as you raised your brows, “My point still stands,” you dropped your cards on the table, “I only bet when I know I’ll win; straight flush.” 
Everyone’s eyes looked like they were little googly eyes that were about to pop out. Whether it was from your words of your hand was beyond you, the only hand that could’ve beat you was a royal flush, and the card suit wasn’t set up for that. Meaning just like you said, you won.
Jungkook had given a laugh, hands squeezing against your sides as you leaned forward pulling the large pile your way as you leaned back down, “Just familiar, huh?” 
You let out a tiny smile as you shifted a little to look at him, “Bar hero wasn’t reserved for me just drinking. Speaking of which, I’m gonna go get a drink. Want anything?” 
He gave a hum, lips pressing against your neck briefly as he answered, “Bloody Mary.” 
He let go of you as you stood up, straightening your dress as you began to search for the bar, your bladder was pulsing though in threatening to burst. Maybe you had been a little more nervous than you thought? 
Deciding to find restroom first before embarking towards the bar, coincidentally enough they were both by each other making this a whole lot easier for you. It wasn’t until you were drying your hands before going back to the full mirror that stretched over the sinks to fix your hair that you saw a vaguely familiar figure standing, arms crossed with a scowl, fuck.
“I don’t mean to be rude but,” Jae clacked her tongue, taking a step closer, her heels clacking against the floor with an intimidating echo, “Aren’t you too poor to be wearing that?” 
Sighing you finally turned around, raising your brows as you gave a hum, not in the mood to be pushed around. Especially by some entitled rich brat, “Is there a real reason you’re here? Or do you just bully the commonwealth in your free time?” Your voice dripped with sarcasm making yourself laugh, your smile a little too sharp to be friendly, “Kind of a sad hobby to be honest.” 
Jae’s scowl furthered on her beautiful features, making them look a whole lot less attractive as she stepped closer maybe assuming you’d back away. But wearing a pair of Louboutin pumps sure did boost your ego, “Do me a favor,” her voice dropped as her glare furthered, “And stop whoring yourself to Jungkook. You know...my fathers a very powerful man, I could easily make your life a living hell.”
You only crossed your arms, curving a brow as you gave an exasperated nod, “Yeah, I’m sure you can. But this isn’t about what you can and can’t do. You could make my life hell all you want, but at the end of the day Jungkook’s still gonna go to my room over yours,” you dropped your arms as you shrugged, “Look I’m not here to catfight, I don’t know how badly you fucked up with him. But by the looks of it…? Must’ve been pretty bad.” You shrugged, fake pity glossing your eyes that only made her shift in anger. 
This was a bad idea, but you really couldn’t stand her good girl attitude. If she had a fucking problem with you, she needed to just be upfront about it. Not hunting you down in a casino to corner you and use her dad as some vague threat.
“That’s our business. Not yours,” Jae snapped out, her jaw tightening and her shoulders stiff, “Be a shame if your mother got a tip off about your affair with my fiancé…” Her expression suddenly dropped to one of innocent wonder, making your expression harden. 
Swallowing thickly as she gave a hum, her lips twisting into a sweet smile as she pulled out her phone presumably, “Understand Y/n, that I didn’t want to threaten you like this. But you’re really leaving me no choice here. Your mother is such a sweet woman, she’d be heartbroken to find out something so...scandalous wouldn’t she?” Jae gave a frown as she showed the screen to you.
It felt like a hard punch in the stomach at the blurry picture of you drunkenly clinging onto to Jungkook’s waist, head resting against him at the perfect angle to that showed it was no mistake in you and him both together. That had to have been taken when you just got out of the club.
“You’re a fucking psychopath.” Your words were empty though and your hands were beginning to shake. Fuck, your mom would completely ostracize you if she ever found out about what you had been doing when you weren’t with her. 
Jae only smiled as she hummed, closing her phone, “And you’re a whore for sleeping with someone who’s getting married. Can you blame me? I mean, he’s going to be my husband. I'm not just gonna let him sleep around because of what’s happened in the past.” Jae finally sighed wistfully, whatever tension she originally had, left her body in victory as she smiled making her look like a whole different person then she had been previously, “So I’m going to assume you won’t be sticking around Jungkook anymore. And if you do...well you know what happens.” She waved her phone. 
You nodded though your jaw was clenched and your face was irritable, this was so fucking childish of her to resort to blackmail, you could understand why she wanted you to back off. It was perfectly reasonable you’d acknowledge that much, but seriously? 
Dragging your mother into this was extreme even for you, and hadn’t she brought this on herself? Whatever had happened with Jungkook, he made it clear it originally wasn’t like this. Or maybe this was an excuse to try and not feel guilty? You could feel it gnawing in your stomach regardless of your outward aggression, “Glad we’re on the same page now. See you tomorrow Y/n.” 
Jae practically waltzed out of the bathroom, looking victorious as she rightly should have, having achieved what she must have come here to deal with. Her exit making you sigh. Well you definitely needed that drink now.
Exiting the bathroom you took your time making your way to the bar, not even having the courage to look in Jungkook’s direction, where you were sure Jae would be occupied at now. Taking a seat as you pulled out your phone, ultimately just wanting to blow off steam with your friends.
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You had been pleasantly surprised that they were actually siding with you for once. But maybe it was because Jae was actually blackmailing you, you supposed that did warrant a stronger reaction than her just sending you an empty threat. Sitting down at the bar you had sighed, your martini left half drank when a voice jumped you out of your thoughts.
“What’s with the long face doll?” 
Your head snapped towards the voice that had just sat down next to you, the handsome face making you instantly flush despite him only stating your expression, “Mr Kim, I didn’t expect to see you here.” 
“Oh please,” He laughed, obviously flattered by your formality, “Call me Seokjin, I’m not gonna call a hitman on you. Especially not someone as beautiful as you.” He sent a wink your way making you roll your eyes despite the smile playing on your lips.
Kim Seokjin, was above all else more charismatic than anyone you have ever met. No a single soul could rival him in that aspect, “What brings you here, Seokjin.” You tried his name out with a hum, tilting your head as you plucked the glass back up.
Seokjin gave a dazzling smile, victorious in his small battle for his name to be spoken. Running a hand through his hair as he replied, “For the party tomorrow of course. It's a good place to reconnect and spin a few deals in. I’m assuming your mother will be there…?”
His words suddenly made you laugh. Like really laugh, the most sincere you gave the entire trip. Maybe Seokjin had noticed the tension you had before approaching…? Whatever it was you felt significantly more relaxed talking to him, “Are you trying to give my mom a bootycall?”
“Well I mean…” Seokjin gave you a cheeky smile as he leaned back, both of you began laughing again before he explained himself, “Mainly because I didn’t think you’d want to be my first go too. Age is just a number Y/n.” 
His words only made you laugh harder as you shake your head, “She’s 42!” You cried out, feeling the tears sting your eyes from your laughter. Forcing yourself to calm down as you gasped for air.
“Some men like cougars don’t be judgmental.” Seokjin defended himself though it seemed more out of hopes of keeping you smiling then out of seriousness, “Not that I’m one of them but my point still stands. What about you hm? Will you be going tomorrow?” 
Clacking your tongue you gave a cheeky smile back, letting your head rest against your hand as you answered, “I will, but for one reason. Promise to keep it a secret?”
Seokjin gave a hum in playful thought before the smile pulled back on his lips, “I love secrets.” He stuck out his pinky finger making you pause. It was an oddly innocent gesture that made you all warm and fuzzy, maybe not all rich guys were assholes. Wrapping your pinky around his you answered, “Seung is going to propose to my mom tomorrow. It’s why he wanted me to come on this trip.”
“Oh…?” Seokjin raised his eyebrows in surprise, noting your expression didn’t seem as exciting as the news itself, “You don’t seem very happy about it…”
That’s when your lips finally caved into the frown that had been threatening to pull on your lips, sighing you finally set the glass down, back slumping slightly at his words. He wasn’t wrong, you weren’t happy in the least about it, “Yeah well it’s not about my happiness.” You hadn’t meant for your words to sound so bitter. But they were, not like you weren’t used to it. 
You were always the afterthought anyways.
Seokjin gave a hum, looking in thought before his expression brightened again, “Well, tell you what. How about we go for a game of pool. If I win, you spend the rest of the night with me. Sound like fun?”
His words made you laugh shortly, the amused smirk pulling on your lips with a hum, “And if I win…?”
“I’ll give you anything you want, sound nice?” Seokjin got up from his seat, he wasn’t wrong. It did sound nice, you could do anything, with anything. Playfully thinking over your options as you got up you gave a nod, “Sounds fair enough to me.” 
Seokjin was confident in his ability but what he didn’t know was at the end of the day, the bar hero always won.
You were howling out a laugh, sitting propped up on the pool table when you knocked both balls together, the striped 10 ball knocking into the corner pocket and the 8 ball rolling into the middle pocket. Seokjin groaned, while he definitely gave you a run for your money, or your body you supposed, you luckily had the experience necessary to beat him.
You had just finished your request with Seokjin when you noticed the crowd of people surrounding you both, all intrigued at the game you had finished, “You sure you don’t want to go for 3 out of 6?” 
“I’d like to think I was being charitable with the 1 out of 3.” You smirked victoriously before grinning cheekily, pressing a tongue into your cheek as you crossed your arms. He was good, in fact you wouldn’t mind taking him as your pool partner for a team in the future. Out of the corner of your eye though you had caught onto the familiar face of Jungkook, he didn’t look happy. 
But you couldn’t tell if it was directed at you, Seokjin or Jae, who had her arms wrapped around his yapping his ear off about something. It was weird for how intuitive she was and yet ignored the way he ignored her, in trade for staring you off in the distance. 
This was awkward, you didn’t even have the nerve to meet his eye. A gentle squeeze on your upper arm brought you back to reality as Seokjin gave a small laugh, “I’ll make sure to hit you up if I ever need a pool partner.”
“Feel free, I think we’d be able to take on anyone.” You grinned playfully as he released his gentle hold on you, you had talked for a few minutes before a business dealer had interrupted. Seokjin looked mildly annoyed before apologetically excusing himself, leaving you alone.
Sighing you wrapped your arms around yourself, unsure of what to do now that you were alone. You had only come because Jungkook wanted to spend time with you, but that had been hijacked barely an hour into your night. 
Pressing your lips together as you scanned around the room, damn a cheap beer sounded really good right now. Casino’s were never any fun without someone with you, but then again so was a bar. Maybe it just had to do with familiarity, you weren’t sure, what you did know was the casino had suddenly gotten a lot more stuffy. It was time to blow this shit and find something a little more up your alley.
You had swore on your life to your mom, that you would never get into any trouble with the authority, wouldn’t even glance at the idea of gambling , and especially drug dealing. Those were all traits your father took on to the point of near self destruction. But the acorn never falls far from the tree...does it? You considered yourself a bit more of a dabbler, just a little bit of testing here and there.
Not like you had ever ran drugs before, but there were a number of times you had accidentally ended up in the police station- curtsy to Taehyung. Gambling especially was your forte, not a habit you should’ve been proud of, but you knew when to quit. And that's what made you good. It’s what made it safe to dabble in. It’s what separates you from your father.
You fixed the black leather jacket before knocking the hat down your head, shuffling through the crowd, your clothes were discreet enough. For once, you fit in. Once a gambler, always a gambler, and your kind knew where to look for one another. That’s how you found yourself in the back alleyway. You usually avoided them back in Seoul unless you were incredibly familiar with it, in the downtown area you lived in it was known for kidnapping and rumor had it there was a prostitution ring in your area. It would explain the high rates in female abductions.
But again, when you lived around it your whole life, you knew when to run and when it was safe. This alleyway in particular was as sketchy as most for gambling rings. But as long as you looked like you knew your way around, no one ever blinked an eye. You loved coming with Taehyung and Hoseok on more wild nights. It almost always ended in someone trying to shiv your throat though from talking too much shit. 
The shifty table sat more towards the wall of the old graffitied building where four guys laid out in their chairs, smokes in hand while laughing. You had dragged up a chair flipping the old rusted metal out before taking a seat down, tossing a smile at them. Smile with many, never trust any. The men, ironically to those at the casino had gave you a nod. Noticing right away that you weren’t shifty or nervous. 
It was all about confidence in these parts, this crowd could practically smell fear and would latch right onto it if given the chance. It was odd how you’re nerves were made of steel in the face of muggers and gamblers but you turned to putty in front of silver spoon purebreds all because they wore fancy shit and had a killer superiority attitude, “Liar’s dice, you familiar?” The one to your right asked
All it took was a single nod from you before a cup and five dice were shoved into your hands. You were familiar enough with the game, like most it was luck and guessing based. 
The difference though was that it was based on estimating whether someone was telling the truth or lying when they placed a bet. Hence the name, unlike pool where you could learn how to play or poker where it was based off of the luck of the cards. You had one edge to Liar’s dice, which was guessing people’s reactions on whether they believed their own words of not. 
The first few rounds had gone well enough and the guys had relaxed again, none too interested in you besides the one on your right, he had introduced himself as Minho, “Four sixes.”
You held your tongue at his words before his buddy raised his bet with six sixes. That’s when you had called out his bluff, forcing everyone to lift their cups, surprisingly there was the said amount on the table. You watched them snicker as he pulled the pile of bills his way while flicking one of your dice to the side, leaving you four. 
The game was easy enough, all you had to do was place a bet on how many dice were all total on the table, and guess which face value it was. But seeing their expressions made you shift slightly, Minho had shoved his friend slightly before sitting the next round out, “So, you aren’t from around these parts are you?”
He had been doing that at the beginning of each round, talking to you. Something was up, deciding to focus more on the cup rolling before slapping your cup down, “Yeah…” you murmured, your eyes flicking away for a brief moment as you addressed him, “I’m on visit for family.” Your eyes had shot back just in time to notice the other three’s cups were lifted slightly while they all took glances at each others hands.
These little conniving snakes were trying to con you out of your money. You had quickly glanced back at Minho, he was extremely charming, and you wouldn’t deny his attractiveness, but after what you had been around the past days you considered yourself near immune to anyone else. Pretending as if you hadn’t noticed their planning.
“Ah, what business…? If you don’t mind me asking, you’re a long way from home.” Minho hummed out, he was the only other foreigner from Seoul outside of yourself. But you kept your expression bland, not giving away anything in expression, while he was a nice guy, his charm attempting to sway you, and if you weren’t careful you would definitely fall for it. Even Lucifer use to be an angel. You always had a hard time trusting people, let alone backstreet gamblers.
For all you knew him and his friend’s saw you as a good time for the night.
“So are you,” You replied, a sharp edge to your tone, a silent warning for him to not press anymore as you took a quick glance under your cup. It took every ounce of you to not smirk at the sight of one two, one five, and three sixes. But you did well, keep your face blank as you placed you bet, “Two sixes.”
It was the highest face value you could start off with, making the other guys shift slightly, trying to be discreet at their eye contact as the one on Minho’s right raised your bet, “Three sixes.”
The one in the middle stayed raised it by only one as well and the one on your left though, smirked as if knowing what he said, though outrageous in most games, was true, “Five sixes.”
Gotcha, “Seven sixes.” You raised it higher, watching their eyes blow out in dilation as the one to your left scoffed, failing to notice the tiny smirk that lifted on the corner of your mouth. His first mistake was letting his cockiness in knowing his friends die show.
“Bullshit.” He snapped out, letting his chest puff out as he leaned back in his seat, look ready to just take his stake and continue on. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case when you had lifted the cups. Altogether they did, in fact have five sixes. Unfortunately they didn’t take into account whether you would’ve or not, solely assuming you would’ve called them out instead. 
The one on the right of Minho threw his cigarette at the one on the left swearing him out as you smiled, grabbing the wad of cash in the middle, “Damn, that was quite the bet.” Minho praised, leaning back in his seat.
“And you’re quite the group of cheaters, huh.” The other three paused at your words, clacking your tongue as you opened your wallet, placing the bills inside. Cheater’s always had more than one tactic to swindles someone out of their money, even after being exposed. Just like you always did, you knew when to quit, this was one of those moments.
You jolted slightly when a chair suddenly scrapped up to the table and a figure plopping in it between you and Minho, “Oh hey dude what’s with the-”
“Yoongi?” Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, his face was vaguely familiar if you dug deep into the memories of your drunk night out with Jungkook, did he always prowl around in sketchy alley ways? 
You hadn’t seen him up this close before, but the dark circles under his eyes were just as prominent as you remembered and you could even see the split ends of his platinum hair. The vague memory of him had made your eyes briefly flicker to his knuckles, dark purple and scabbed over on a few parts. 
His expression remained blank as he turned to you, gazing over your figure, eyes dilated slightly as if remembering you as well. But he said nothing, leaning back in his seat as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, “The fuck are you doing here?”
He said it, as if he knew you like an old friend. But something about his words made you curve a brow, tilting your head slightly as you answered, “Just leaving.” Jungkook had told you to stay away from him, but there way something odd about him you couldn’t place. The longer you looked, the more you felt like he seemed vaguely familiar, had you seen him somewhere outside of your last meeting before?
“Awh come on,” Minho sighed, leaning back in his seat as he groaned, “That’s a buzzkill. Yoongi’s great at liar’s dice, you should stay for another round, he doesn’t deal with their shit so you don’t have to worry.”
You pressed your lips together, glancing between the five of them before sighing, you stayed out of curiosity more than anything. The more you watched Yoongi, the more you were positive you’ve seen him somewhere before. He could hide behind that brooding personas all he wanted but he had to know you too. Unless this trip really was giving you hysteria, that could’ve been a likely candidate too.
You had continued playing a few more rounds with them but it seemed to be you and Yoongi who had won the most dice. One minute you were playing and the next a loud echo rang out, across the alleyway. 
That was a fucking gunshot. 
The guys had immediately jumped to their feet as well as yourself, flipping the makeshift table before bolting, you could hear more shots fire and you could’ve swore you felt a bullet wizz right past you. Was there a gun fight going on behind you? 
You couldn’t look back to tell because a roughly calloused hand had suddenly took hold of your wrist, dragging you forward. You could hear screams and groans and the sickening jut of what sounded like skin being ripped open as you stumbled further into the alley way along with a strew of other people. 
You were sharply turned to the right into a narrower alleyway and shoved against the wall, Yoongi’s forearms pressing on either side of your head encasing you close as he growled lowly, “Stay quiet.”
You did as told, your lips almost feeling glued shut and you had forced your ragged breathing to be controlled as you could make it. You chest still heaving and yours almost pressed to his due to being so close, he was a fair bit taller then you but he wasn’t looking at you. His head was turned completely towards the alley entrance as you jumped, hearing another gunshot echo and a flutter of footsteps running past.
Forcing your eyes shut as you pressed your back on the wall, okay, what the fuck? You were almost positive a big city like Dubai wasn’t this violent, in the least. Or had you really just did that bad of a job at estimating what shotty alleyway you went into? 
Yoongi suddenly stepped away from you before grabbing your forearm again, his hands easily circling it and pulling you along, “You should’ve stayed at the hotel.” He grunted a mutter, leading the way further into the maze of narrow streets before guiding you back out onto the main sidewalk, police sirens were already loud and present. The scene you were just at already occupied three cars, it was almost hard to believe you were there playing dice just minutes ago.
Yoongi had turned his back though and guided you down the street until you realized where he was taking you back to the hotel, “Can we get a drink?” You suddenly blurted out, the back of your mind ready to scratch your eyes out at trying to figure out where you had seen him before.
He turned back to look at you, those dead, dark eyes smouldering like coals over a fire. He looked like he was going to say no and lead you on towards the hotel, but he had paused for a moment, the crowd pushing past you making you both anonymous to the scene that had just unfolded moments ago. 
Sighing you watched his eyes fluttered shut for a moment, and for a second his face had shifted into an expression you didn’t quite understand, he only gave a single nod much to your surprise. 
He had took you to a dodgy bar, the place reeked from cigarette smoke and the floors were stained and dirty, a familiar sight to most you went too. You usually didn’t care but your case furthered today, there was something oddly comforting at having someone so intimidating as Yoongi walk beside you. 
It was silent for a couple of minutes between you both as you thumbed the glass neck of your bottle before finally caving into your minds pleas, “Have we met before?”
He raised his brows despite his expression remaining monotonous. How did he keep such a dead look so easily? You knew for a fact that something like that wasn’t just a personality trait. It was bred through tragedy, and Yoongi reeked of it,  “We just got out of a shoot out and that’s your first question?”
Unfortunately, he didn’t realize how much of a quick study you were, or maybe he just assumed you were too dense to connect his words. He made it sound like he had answers to it, did he though? You weighed your options, you could pursue your original question or drop it for your new question. You were so quick witted though it often worked against you at times, today was no exception, you couldn’t even stop yourself from asking, “Well it’s not like you know anything about it...unless you do?” 
Yoongi was quiet for a moment before licking his lips, a silent huff leaving him as he leaned back into his seat, the bottle gripped tightly in his hand. Was it from your question, or was that just how he held everything? You concluded you couldn’t stand talking to him for the little you had, you were so used to being able to read people easily, meeting someone you couldn’t read, someone who wouldn’t let you, was incredibly frustrating, “What were you doing there?”
You pressed your lips tightly together, he avoided both of your questions. It felt like you were playing an intricate game of words at the moment but you could’ve swore you saw a ghost of a smile on his lips at your frustration, “Why does it matter that I was there? I’m a stress gambler.”
“No wonder you’re always broke.” Yoongi muttered under his breath, leaned back in his seat as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket, snapping the box before taking one out. The roll placed between his lips before lighting it up.
“Well it’s not like I’d be rich if I didn’t, you make me sound like I’m a compulsive gambler,” You scoffed indignantly, you could understand how it looked! But you weren’t your dad, you had self control, fuck if there was an award for self control you would’ve easily won it. But it’s not like you lost in gambling...okay well you did lose... a lot, but you also won a lot too! It was rare you ever walked out with more lost than won, “Big difference there, I can’t help it if it’s one of my poorer stress outlets.”
“Mhm yeah I know.” Yoongi rolled his eyes, blowing the smoke from his lips as he shifted in his seat. You had accidentally ended up rambling while he’d listen, nodding occasionally unless he was cutting you off with some snarky comment. After you both had a few beers he had eventually stood up, signalling you it was time for your night to end, sighing you heaved your body up from it’s seat, paying for your drinks before leaving.
You fiddled with your fingers as you both walked back to the hotel, it was nearly two in the morning and as much as you wanted to prolong it, you knew you’d have to wake up in the morning and face reality, “Yoongi…”
Your footsteps slowed down as you glanced towards the pavement, wondering if asking a stranger for advice was a good idea. But you felt strangely connected to Yoongi, it was like you had been through similar lives, or maybe situations…? You weren’t sure what it was, but it made you want to trust him, “How do you cope with a situation that’s changing your life...and you don’t want it too...but you know it’s going to happen anyways?” 
The familiar steps to Dark Ace came to view, the towering building dazzled in it’s glitzy yet sophisticated light making Yoongi’s face appear more angelic than it really was, his expression stayed the same though forcing reality to weigh back in as he glanced at you. And you thought for a brief second you saw a ghost of pity in his eyes as he answered, “Accept it. It’ll make your life a lot less hellish.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, “See you around, Y/n.”
You sighed but said nothing in return as he walked back down the street, disappearing like the ghost he was into the crowd as you trudged up the steps. Acceptance huh? But he knew just as well as you did for even being strangers, you were going to go down kicking and screaming before you ever accepted this situation.
You’d run, you’d deny, you’d ignore it before you ever accepted that tomorrow was going to change your life, for better or worse. Stopping in front of your bedroom door you suddenly paused in your thoughts. 
You felt a sudden drop in your stomach and your heartbeat suddenly sped up as your realization kicked in late at his last word, you never told him your name.
Note: So the plot thickens 👀 ALSO I had no idea that my anon asks were turned off SO if you wanna hmu on anon feel free bc it’s turned on now!!! tytyty so much for all the love y’all 🖤prepare urselves shits gonna go down next chapter 😌
Taglist:  @sapphireprinces5 @jazzytfw @theslumberingcat@mrsfandomz @cainami @nininek12 @loveherpersona
(Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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some-cookie-crumbz · 7 years
New and Improved Fic Schedule
New and Improved Fic Schedule
Okay, gonna try and be brief with the nitty-gritty details here so I can get you all to the good stuff!
I’ll be going on a six-seven week hiatus starting the first week of April due to my school load getting heavier and the one-year anniversary of my dad’s suicide on April 21st. I will try to keep checking in on my account, but my activity is gonna be way less.
I will still be participating in Kidge Week. I have already written a good chunk of the fills for it and, as such, will schedule the posts ahead of time so they’ll release on the right days. The only day I will not be uploading ahead of time is April 22nd, since I want to take the time to make my post about all the other wonderful Kidge shippers out there myself. I will be aiming to still participate in Hance month, but I may only complete a handful of prompt fills.
All multi-chapters are being side-lined until at least June, due to school, but there are also a couple new projects in the work, so that also has an effect. Also, if I find the time to write up any additional one-shots, I’ll upload those as well. I’ll also need to see about maybe getting a Beta reader to look over the chapters for me before uploading - excluding LMv.tW, as I already have a Beta for that story – so I might make a separate post seeking one out as we get closer to June.
There are 3 categories under the “Read More”; Main Projects, Developing Projects, and Undefined Projects.
Main Projects are ones that I have already started writing/ completed the outlining process for and have defined start dates, plots, and release schedules. These are the projects that I’ll be focusing on most of the time and can be expected from me on a regular basis.
Developing Projects are ones that I would like to write, but as of now are more ghosts of a thought than concrete works. These have the potential to be scrapped or, should I decide I myself do not want to write them, will be offered out to any writer interested in taking them on themselves. If a project is dropped, I’ll make a post letting everyone know I’m offering the idea over to another set of creative hands.
Undefined Projects are projects I have every intention of writing, but are a bit wider in scope/range and I am unsure of how far ahead in development they’ll be when I start making them more public. These are projects that I have started to write/ draft, but I have done very little in the way of determining where to end the project off at. Basically, these are stories that have no end goal in sight. This projects will have no upload date or upload schedule, as such, and will be more sporadic in when I choose to work on them.
Main Projects (Fics will be listed in chronological order based on release date.)
Dress Rehearsal: Voltron (Kidge, sidelined Hance): After publically calling out the shady business practices of Galra Tech, acclaimed actor Keith Kogane finds himself the subject of both an attempted assassination and threat of blackmail. Undeterred, he feels no fear at the prospect of making an enemy of the powerful conglomerate. Worried about his safety, both physically and his privacy being violated, his agent, Allura LeAltea, calls upon the help of an old charm school friend of hers. Enter Katie Holt; renowned tech prodigy and secret hacker known as Pidge Gunderson, hired on to be Keith’s personal bodyguard. The only catch? The two must pretend to be dating to assure that Katie can tag along with him wherever he goes without cueing Galra Tech into knowing their threats have had an effect. Release Date: June 15th, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly Note: Only thing changing for this story is that it has a finalized update schedule and a proper working title.
Lance McClain vs. The World: Voltron (Hance, sidelined Kidge): After getting involved with a charming young engineering student named Hunk Garrett after meeting at a bar, Lance McClain finds himself getting dragged into a series of events that seem to be ripped right out of a comic book. He is given a warning from the leader of something called “Team Voltron”; a group of Hunk’s ex-lovers and close personal friends, dedicated to determining the worthiness of Hunk’s suitors through various competitive means. Never one to back down from a challenge, Lance agrees to the terms and is forced to learn various new skills and talents in order to compete with the roster of powerful opponents he faces. Release Date: June 29th, 2018 Update Schedule: Weekly Note: Pushed this one back a bit but also gave it a defined update schedule, so there’s that!
Lowlife: Voltron (Kidge): Inspired by the song of the same title by Poppy. After being framed for the murder of her own brother, Katie Holt is forced to flee to the bustling metropolis of Marmora, a city where anyone can disappear in an instance. Assuming the new identity of Pidge Gunderson, she tries to settle into life, despite the constant feeling of being watched. After an evening snack run takes an unexpected turn, Pidge ends up with a roommate who goes by the moniker Blade, a young man with a story all-too-similar to hers. Together, the two set out on a mission to uncover the truth and clear their actual names… While trying not to kill each other. Release Date: August 17th, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly Note: I decided to place a month between when any new multi-chapter fics will be coming out to avoid burning myself out. My plan is that I should be close to having finished both my other projects by the time this one drops. This project will most likely be a bit on the shorter side, as it will center almost completely on the two goofballs, but I’m really excited to work on it! Hopefully it’ll be a fun adventure for you all as well!
Story Time: Soul Eater (SoMa): Soul Evans has been struggling with life as a single father for roughly three years now; working two jobs and odd hours to support himself and his precious daughter, Harmony. Upon the announcement of his older brother, Wes, getting married, he is begged to return home to help with preparing for the ceremony and to be his brother’s Best Man. Feeling that he’ll have better opportunities with his family’s support and more time to spend with Harmony, Soul agrees to moving back to Death City. Through fate and circumstance, Soul meets Maka Albarn, the writer of his daughter’s favorite series of children’s books and intended Maid of Honor to Liz Thompson, Wes’ fiancée, and the two get along pretty well. And, perhaps from there, more will develop between them. Release Date: September 28th, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly Note: Again, another one where nothing really changes. This story is mostly just going to be domestic, romantic fluff, but I think it’ll have some nice touches to make it stand out.
Twilight: Voltron (Kidge): One night, Matthew Holt disappeared from his room without a trace. In the time that he’d been gone, his younger sister, Katie Holt, has been frantically pushing for more action to be taken in bringing her brother home; believing he has been whisked away to the deadly mystery of the forest around their small village of Kerberos. With her brother missing, her mother’s health rocky in her grief, and her father away to help a neighboring village with a fast-spreading illness, she is struggling to maintain not only all effort to bring her brother home alive, but also keep the family farm up to its normal functionality. The Head of the Village Guard, Thace Kogane, insists that she accept the help of his two children, Keith and Allura, to assist her with the farm. Initially cold and distant, Katie slowly warms up to the duo and finds that they may be able to offer her more help in finding her brother, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the dark forest just outside the fences of their small village. Release Date: October 31st, 2018 Update Schedule: Monthly Note: Decided that I want to push this one back to Halloween for very specifics reasons. Also, because this is a project with a lot of world building and establishment to it, I want to give myself/ any potential Beta plenty of time to go over it to make sure everything makes sense.
 Developing Projects
Keidge Month Day 30 Prompt: Voltron (Kidge, potential other pairings as I develop it further): Not gonna say too much about this one, as I want it to be a surprise, but basically a canon-divergent story that would fall more inline with the headcanons I had in the very first Kidge fic I ever wrote, which Day 30 will also kind of expand on in a way. Note: If I do decide to pursue this project, it’ll most likely end up under the Undefined Projects category.
Starring Role: Voltron (Lanlura, mentions/hints of Lotura, sidelined Kidge): Inspired by the song of the same name by Marina and the Diamonds. Lance understands that, as far as things go, Allura doesn’t really need him. Gorgeous, confident, intelligent Allura Altea could have any guy she wanted at the snap of her fingers. They all trip over themselves to just catch a glimpse of her as she wanders the campus of Olkari University. But, for whatever reason, he’s the one she calls upon when the nights are cold and lonely. He knows that someday she’ll realize he isn’t worth her time, but until then? Until then, he’ll enjoy pretending that there’s more to their nights together. He’s always been a showman, after all. Note: I fell into Lanlura Hell and I am not sure I want to crawl out yet. I’ve been entertaining the idea of writing something a bit more on the bittersweet side of things (though I’d probably end up giving it a happy ending because I AM WEAK). Plus, Lance would give Allura everything, even if it could break his little heart.
A Mirror’s Edge: Voltron (Lanlura, sidelined Kidge): For centuries, the Galra have pitted the families of Altea and Terrain against one another, framing the other for assassination after assassination, hoping the two noble bloods would wipe one another out so that Galra may control the entirety of the city. Tired of the bloodshed and scorn on the streets, the Grand Duke Mage of Voltron creates a magic veil; a mirror made of illusion and incantation, to keep the two warring families from coming in direct contact with one another. But even magical bonds do not always hold against forces of a different kind, forces that songs and poems and theater have been written about. This is the tale of how two young children, belonging to House Altea and House Terrain, happen a glance through the mirror’s glamour and find the spark of something more enchanted in between. Note: I fucking hate Romeo and Juliet but damn if the stupid thing doesn’t give a lot of room to play and come up with some fun ideas! I have already started to develop a whole world for this one fic but, again, I am unsure if I want to do a full exploration of it (or, also, if I might want to use my own characters for this one).
Seashells and Scallops: Voltron (Plance or Lanlura, I swing both ways, with potential side pairings if I decide to pursue this project): After being saved from drowning by what can only be called a mermaid, Prince Lance of the Azure Isles, falls in love with his rescuer. Mermaids, however, are tricky and mysterious creatures, leaving him with almost no chance to meet his dream girl again; at least, not without taking fate into his own hands. In exchange for his voice, a witch on the outskirts of his city trades his legs out for a tail and gills. He has six months to woo the young mermaid and have his feelings reciprocated, or be fed to the witch’s pet sleeping deep in the murky depths. Note: A Little Mermaid AU with a twist! I like to subvert tropes, and this seems like something Lance would absolutely do.
 Undefined Projects
The Star Witch: Voltron (Kidge, potential others as I develop the story): A continuation of my Keidge Month Day 25 Prompt fill. Would further their relationship, probably get a little spicy, probably have an incredibly tragic end. Might warrant having a sequel series, or just being a really long running multi-chapter fic?
Copper and Indigo: Voltron (Kidge, potential others as I develop the story): It’s the Soul Eater!Kidge AU I’ve been planning out! Haven’t yet finished the finalization of everything, as I want to wait a little longer on the poll, but this will be coming! And it will be coming soon!
Time, Space, and Everything Between: Voltron (Kidge, potential others as I develop the story): A continuation of my Keidge Month Day 15 Prompt fill. I have an idea for a good chunk of the beginning, but it’s simply determining where I want to go through the middle and end. I want to have it still follow some of the series, specifically in regards to them all piloting the Lions, but then it becomes a question of to what extent and where I’d want to end things off at. But I am most certainly going to be doing more with this!
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blouisparadise · 7 years
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Although pretty much all of our fic recs are for Louis/Harry fics, we recently received a request for a non-Larry bottom Louis fic rec list. In order to make that anon and whoever else may be interested in this happy, this list features fics with Louis/Liam, Louis/Zayn, Louis/Nick, Louis/Niall, Louis/Luke, and Louis/Greg. And after this, it’s back to our usual Louis/Harry fics.
There is a second part to this rec list that has been posted here. Check it out!
1) And Then Relief | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 2050 words
The first time Louis kneels for Liam is almost an accident.
2) Longer Night | Luke/Louis | Explicit | 2067 words
What happened after the 'Long day' photo was taken? Probably this.
3) Rough Trade | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 3328 words
It was Liam, wearing those boots and filthy fucking jeans slung tight around his hips and loose everywhere else, like they were meant for him. To say nothing of the sleeveless situation and black fingerless-gloves and his, frankly, unfair arms.
4) And I’m Walking In | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 3344 words
“What do you want?” Liam asks, moving them back to the bed, pressing Louis down and looking at him. He quirks his eyebrow, runs a hand down Louis’ chest. “We’ve got all night, you know.”
Louis swallows. “I thought—thought you said something about fucking me?” His voice cracks on the last word. He’d be embarrassed but Liam’s just pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side, and fuck, that’s always the sexiest thing Louis has ever seen. “Getting your mouth on me?” he finishes, a whisper in Liam’s ear.
5) If You Ask Me To | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 3698 words
Zayn and Louis are friends who fuck. It's nice.
6) Baby Go On Twist The Knife | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 4390 words
Zayn left the band without a word to Louis about it. After three years of being in a relationship Louis had expected more, so when Zayn had tried to get into contact with him afterwards Louis had felt very justified in ignoring every single one of his texts and phone calls. But it's been months now and Louis knows he needs to start getting closure on what happened between them, and when he goes to Zayn's house to collect all the things he'd left behind he ends up accidentally falling back into bed with him and realising that maybe he isn't ready to let go.
7) Clearly Intended For You | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 4455 words
“Look, you’re in university! It’s like the time for you to, y’know, experiment and try anal once or nine times,” Louis says in what he thinks is a comforting, calming voice.
8) When It Gets Loud, I Turn It Up | Greg/Louis | Explicit | 5405 words
Louis and Greg have a dinner party. People think he's the cute little boyfriend... but truly he's slightly slutty (but only for Greg). When all the guests go home, Greg carries him upstairs. :)
9) Taste Too Good | Greg/Nick/Louis | Explicit | 5609 words
Note: This is locked and can be read by AO3 users only.
When they pull back for air, Louis is panting.  “God,” he breathes, lips pink and wet and parted, pupils already blown.  “Is that that, then, or do you want to fuck on Grimmy’s bed?”
10) And When I Hit That Dip Get Your Camera | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 5719 words
He's pretty well known in the industry at this point and he likes to say with a certain amount of nail shining and hair flicking that he’s kind of a gay household porn star name now. (Louis is a gay porn star, Liam's strapped for cash and agrees to make a gayforpay video - basically PWP.)
11) Flawless | Greg/Louis | Explicit | 5732 words
Greg has a thing for Louis and his flawless body.
12) One Shift At A Time | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 6372 words
Liam's first few months on the job in the paediatric ward as a junior doctor would be easier if the head nurse didn't hate him. They would probably be even better if he could do anything about the hopeless crush on said nurse.
13) Wild Is A Fire | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 6653 words
Nick has a kink. Louis uses it to his advantage.
14) Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better Than You | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 7991 words | Sequel
Basically, Louis and Nick have grumpy sex and ignore their feelings.
15) I'm Just A Reader, You're Every Chapter | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 8274 words
Zayn and Louis are uni roommates, Zayn may have a crush, and Louis can't handle it.
16) Nothing You Can Fake | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 8742 words
Nick is not sure what Louis Tomlinson is doing at the Breakfast Show’s one year anniversary celebration.
17) And I have Promises To Keep, Miles To Go Before I Sleep | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 9042 words
“Also… grateful if you don’t cum and tell.” Louis keeps going with his fingers, now dancing dangerously close to Nick’s crotch and Nick is hard, he is really fucking hard and it’s not nice of Louis to tease him this much, especially not in a bloody bathroom belonging to Harry Styles of all people. “Because I don’t usually do this you know, and I don’t need a reputation of getting to the place I am today by spending time on my knees.”
18) Something Personal | Nick/Louis | Mature | 10570 words
Nick is a young, renown neurosurgeon. Harry is his worker-minion. Liam is Harry's new boyfriend. Louis is Harry's best friend and an absolutely wretched little monster, and Nick is stupidly, stupidly in love with him.
19) He Walks Like A God | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 10754 words | Sequel
Fame hit faster than one of Liam’s fists and Louis didn’t want to duck the punch.
With Liam’s rising fame after every fight Louis doesn’t want to be left behind for all the glitz and glamour by the best friend he secretly loves with all his heart.
Hopefully one of those knocks to the head will make Liam realise that the person who was made for him has been standing in front of him since they were 10 years old.
20) You and Me, Baby | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 11455 words
Three or four days, stuck in a cabin alone with Louis Tomlinson. Honestly, Nick doesn't know what he did to deserve this bad karma, but he hopes it was worth it.
21) Not A Bloody Thing | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 14875 words | Sequel
This thing that Nick has with his intern's friend really isn't a big deal.
22) Get Another Coal On The Fake Fire | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 16452 words
Note: This is locked and can be read by AO3 users only.
In Louis’ defense, this had seemed like a smashing idea with high potential for success six weeks ago when he’d first thought of it. // “I get that you’re jealous and all,” Zayn adds, “because—we all get it, yeah? Harry’s got like a million mates now outside of the band and he’s never around when we’re home—but it has never occurred to me that this problem might be solved by one of us sucking Grimmy’s dick.”
23) I’m Not Looking For A Lover | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 20006 words
Zayn has recently come into possession of a fortune he wants little to do with and time he doesn't know how to waste. And then there's Louis, someone who can solve both of these problems even though he has his own load of baggage. They meet in New York.
24) Nothing Is More Fantastic. Nothing Is More Tragic | Nick/Louis | Mature | 20162 words
After the Breakfast Show and after One Direction, Nick and Louis find themselves in the same place at the same time.
The place is Paris.
25) Heart Out On My Sleeve | Niall/Louis Explicit | 29277 words
After Zayn drops out of Hogwarts just before their last year in Slytherin, Louis is left adrift. In a high-level Charms class tasked with finishing the rebuilding of the castle, he strikes up an unlikely friendship with Niall Horan of Hufflepuff, and learns more than he expected along the way. (A Harry Potter AU set eight years after the Battle of Hogwarts.)
26) Truly, Madly, Crazy, Deeply | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 29744 words
In which Liam and Louis wake up married after Zayn's bachelor party in Las Vegas.
27) Set the Pace | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 34052 words
It's not always easy, but sometimes it's harder than it has to be. University meets Radio 1 AU.
28) Under Me, So Quite New | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 34135 words
Liam knows what Louis needs, even when Louis doesn’t.
29) We Were Good (Almost Perfect) | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 40863 words
Zayn doesn't want to leave on a bad note. A hurt Louis still tries to cut him off completely, but then a baby factors in and changes everything for the better.
30) Not Your Fault But Mine | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 127258 words
It's the beginning of Louis' second year at uni, and he's sharing a house with his four best friends in the world. This is going to be the best fucking year ever, Louis can just tell. The best fucking year ever.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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kitashiwrites · 7 years
Going Under - A Lucien ACOTAR Fic
Series: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas Characters: Lucien, Tamlin, Rhys, Amarantha, Clare Beddor, Feyre POV: Lucien Rating: T Word Count: 3023 Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10583400/
Summary: ACOTAR Chapter 28 and the aftermath from Lucien's POV
There were only days left to break the curse, and Tamlin chose to damn us all. All for the safety of one mortal girl.
Comments: Three fics in a seven day period! I honestly can't believe how much I've gotten done so far! Thank you guys for all the sweet notes on my fics this week! It's been absolutely heartwarming and so motivating, and I really can't thank you enough <3
Also, you can thank @illyriantremors from dissuading me from making this a Tamlin fic. THIS STARTED AS A TAMLIN POV. But we both agreed no one wanted to be in Tamlin's head in ACOTAR (not when we have Rhys lol) and have to suffer through more than implied Feylin. So instead you get Lucien and his disappointment with Tamlin's inaction lol
And this inspired another Lucien alternate POV for ACOMAF, so we shall see how it works out (I just really love Lucien, he needs more love).
Hope you all enjoy! :D
Feyre walked down the stairs in the most hideous outfit I’d seen in centuries. The layered pink silk dress and white jacket made her look ridiculous. Topped off with the most absurd little decorative hat—some human fashion, I’d be willing to wager—I couldn't help but snort at her appearance. “Those clothes are enough to convince me I never want to enter the human realm.”
“I’m not sure the human realm would know what to do with you,” she said with what I swore was affectionate sarcasm.
I tried to smile, but I couldn't even pretend to be happy about this. I looked sharply at Tamlin, who stood in front of a gilded carriage, waiting for her patiently, as though this wasn't as final as it really was. Waiting to send her away. “I thought you were smarter than this,” I said as I turned back to her. Indeed, I really had. But it wasn't her fault that we couldn't tell her the truth of our curse. I had to remind myself of that. It wasn't her fault.
“Good-bye to you, too,” she said sarcastically. I shook my head and stalked towards Tamlin, ignoring his very clear warning growl.
“You're not even going to give her a few more days? Just a few—before you send her back to that human cesspit?” I demanded. A last plea.
“This isn't up for debate,” Tamlin snapped, pointing at the house. “I’ll see you at lunch.”
I stared him down, but I didn't even have words to express my disgust with him right now. I spat on the ground at his feet, and without waiting for his reaction, stormed up the stairs to the manor. I couldn't be there for this. I would likely get myself killed for insubordination if I stayed any longer, curse notwithstanding.
I watched her talk to Tamlin from my window, too far away to hear what they were saying even with it open. I watched him kiss her goodbye and the carriage to the Mortal Realm drive away until I couldn't see even the silhouette anymore. Watched as our last—and only—hope disappeared through the gates. I didn't go down to lunch.
Three days passed, and when I woke on the morning of the forty-ninth anniversary of our lives going to hell, I knew with a sinking feeling that the end was upon us. She hadn't come back. But then why would she? It wasn't like Tamlin had tried to keep her here in the end. I knew I was being unfair to him—he couldn't have told her anymore than we could. But that didn't stop me from feeling more than a little animosity towards my High Lord and oldest friend. I had just finished dressing and looked once more beyond the gate—as though I would miraculously see Feyre running up the drive in the last few moments, here to save us. But the gates remained shut.
I heard the shift of fabric behind me.
“You let her go.” I didn't have to turn around to know Tamlin stood in the doorway behind me. We had somehow managed to avoid each other, though it had probably been for the better.
“I did.” His answer was simple. As if it were the most obvious thing in the world to have done. I turned to Tamlin, who hadn't moved an inch. He looked like hell—as though the curse was now sapping strength directly from him. But instead of feeling sympathy, I felt a chasm of rage and sorrow rip through me.
“You let her go, and in turn, damned us all.” I waved a hand to the rest of manor behind him, to the lands beyond our borders. “You have damned Prythian to protect one mortal woman, who could have saved us all if you hadn't—”
“Lucien,” he said wearily. “This was not her battle—”
“You made it her battle when you brought her here!” I snapped. “You made it her battle when you sent Andras out and she fulfilled the requirements to be our salvation by killing him with hate in her heart. This all comes back to you.” I could feel myself shaking in anger now. “Do you really think that she will leave Feyre alone? If she doesn't go after her immediately, she will tire of Prythian eventually.”
“And hopefully by that time Feyre will have passed on and be out of her clutches.” I gaped at my oldest friend.
“You really don't care what happens to us, do you?” I asked softly, but the defeated look in his eyes was answer enough. Any remaining wisp of hope I had of getting free from this metal mask, of living without the fear that any moment we would be whisked Under the Mountain, was crumbling into nothingness. “So what are you going to do? Just sit here and wait for her to take you away?”
Tamlin turned without answering, leaving the doorway. I followed after him through the halls, and watched as he walked to the head of the table, taking a seat. The table filled with food as it always did, and Tamlin grabbed a roll & a knife. He gestured to my usual seat with the knife.
“The food is going to get cold.”
“This is not up for discussion, Lucien,” he answered harshly. “Now eat.” He tore open the roll with more force than was necessary, and reached for a helping of potatoes.
I let out a ragged sigh, the pit of my stomach feeling like it was in a free fall. The last thing I wanted to do was eat. But even in my reckless anger, I didn't dare ignore the command in his voice and sat in my usual seat.
The table seemed so empty without her here. Even though we had spent so many years exactly like this, content if not for the weight of the curse bearing on us… for the first time it felt like something was missing. I hated to admit that a murderous, brash, and uncouth mortal girl had somehow wormed her way under my skin and made me not only respect her, but made me come to count her as a friend.
I looked at the only real one I had remaining now as he cut into his food, acting like we could just go on with our lives and pretend that Feyre had never existed. That our time wasn't going to be up at any—
The glass of the windows around us shattered simultaneously. I hunched down and covered my face out of reflex, and a loud crack echoed through the room as I heard the doors slam against the wall. There was the crunch of footsteps walking over broken glass, and I looked up slowly.
As though my thoughts had summoned him, Rhysand sauntered into the room with a feline grin. “That's all right Tamlin, I’ll just let myself in. No need to answer the door or anything. Though it seems my timing was perfect.” He took the seat opposite from Tamlin—the one Feyre used to occupy—and helped himself to a roll and a bit of jam. He looked over at me and narrowed his eyes, though the smirk stayed in place. “I’m surprised to see you here, Little Lucien. I’d have thought you would have run for the hills before I arrived.” He took a bite of the roll, and I could feel my anger threatening to spill over.
“Just get on with it, Rhysand,” I gritted out. He clicked his tongue.
“I told you, only my enemies and prisoners call me that. Though I guess you technically are, by virtue of me being Amarantha's whore and all.” He snagged a piece of meat from the center of the table. “Much as I would love to drag you both to our lovely home, I’m afraid this invitation is only for Tamlin. The rest of the Courts and their High Lords have already been summoned. All we need now is one more.” He looked around the table. “I see your betrothed isn't here, Lucien. Did she see the error of her ways and run back to the Mortal Realms like a smart human? Or did you tell her what the Autumn Court does to those that don't meet their standards?”
A low blow, as always. But he was the High Lord of the Court of Nightmares. The only rules he played by were his own.
“Did you tell her?” Tamlin asked harshly. Rhysand turned towards him with a lazy smile and propped his chin on his fist.
“Tell her what?” Tamlin almost relaxed for a moment before Rhysand continued, “That you had an inconsequential mortal woman in your manor and that she was clearly in love with you?” He paused for a heartbeat before the smile turned smug. “What do you take me for?”
Tamlin let out an enraged roar and in the blink of an eye, he was suddenly frozen inches from Rhysand’s face, claws out, as though he had planned to rip his face off. Rhysand clicked his tongue again.
“I see even having a human here did nothing to tame the beast inside you.” He looked hard at Tamlin and pushed him back roughly into the chair. Tamlin landed like a rag doll in the seat and straightened up, freed of whatever spell had held him in place, and glared at the smirking bastard. “You had your fun,” Rhysand continued, “but now my queen demands her payment.”
“You came into my court uninvited,” Tamlin said stiffly. “I have grounds to declare—”
“Only you would try to invoke a rule that has had no absolutely no recourse in the last century.” Rhysand raised his eyebrow. “I told you I was coming back.” He gestured to the broken glass on the floor and the doors, now hanging off of their hinges. “What part of this was not clear enough for you? But then you’ve known this day was coming for forty nine years.” He rose from the table. “Enough chit-chat though. It's time to go, Tamlin. Amarantha awaits.”
With all the dignity he could muster, Tamlin stood up from his chair.
“Tam—” I started. Rhysand looked at me, as though considering something.
“On second thought, perhaps you should come with us, Lucien. The entire manor is surrounded by Amarantha’s army, and if I leave you here, the chances of you surviving are not high. But you are welcome to make a choice.”
“What's in it for you?” I snapped. He had no reason to let me live. He’d said it himself; the invitation, if it could be called that, was only for Tamlin.
“I owe you no explanations,” he said dismissively. “Though if you would rather stay, I’m sure at least your mother will mourn you. But if you are coming, I’d suggest moving before the next turn of the century.”
I scowled at him, but rose from my seat nonetheless. No matter what his motives were, I wasn't about to… how did the humans say it? Look a gift horse in the mouth? Feyre had apparently rubbed off on me more than I’d thought.
I followed Tamlin out into the garden. Sinister looking creatures—monsters really—truly did surround the manor, sharp teeth bared in bloodstained grins and claws extended. They parted for Rhysand without a word, though the feeling of their eyes on us as we passed sent chills up my spine.
“Round up the stragglers,” Rhysand said to them. “The queen wants them brought alive. I’ll join you in a moment.” He waved to the manor, and they began moving in. Tamlin didn't even look back. There were still people in there—those who called the Spring Court home. And he was leaving them.
“He’s accepted his fate, fox-boy. We all have. It's about time you joined the party.” There was a hint of bitterness in Rhysand’s voice. He turned to two sentries that waited away from the others—not as bloodthirsty, but no less lethal. “Take them to Her Majesty's court. The fox goes with the rest of the Spring Court. The High Lord goes before the queen.” A silent nod. I felt the cold, clammy hands that made me cringe grip my elbow tightly. In the blink of an eye, we were no longer in the garden, but a dark, cavernous hallway. I had been here only twice in the last hundred years, but I had always been able to leave. I knew as the guards opened the doors that I had seen the outside world for the last time. They ushered me to the side of the room, where I saw more masked fae—more of the Spring Court.
The regally dressed woman on the throne at the back of the room was one I had hoped to never see again. Tamlin's face was stoic—almost stone like—as he was led in and stood in the middle of her throne room. Amarantha gave him a serpentine smile, toying with the finger bone that hung around her neck with the hand that displayed an eye encased in crystal. Both, I knew from our past interactions, were Jurian’s. I was relieved to see the one she had taken from me had not joined it.
“Welcome home, Tamlin,” she purred, her eyes lowering in a way that I was sure she intended to be seductive.
He shrugged roughly out of the grasp of the guards, and walked up to the dais, avoiding the gaze of faeries that watched him from every corner of the room. Avoided the looks of disappointment—of despair—that were prominent on their faces. Those few remaining faeries who had hoped as I had that Tamlin would be their saving grace.
“It's been such a long time,” she simpered and gestured to the seat next to her. “Your throne has been waiting for you, High Lord.” He showed no emotion, didn't speak a word. He ascended the steps and took the seat next to hers without a word, his posture uncomfortably rigid.
“Nothing to say, Tamlin? No thanks for me bringing you back instead of killing you where you stood?”
He still said nothing. Amarantha pouted.
“Is this the game we’re going to play now? Do you really believe that sitting in sullen silence is going to change anything?”
Tamlin stared at the wall ahead of him.
“Well, perhaps this will change your mind.” She clapped her hands. “We wanted to make your first day in my court extra special,” Amarantha continued with a cruel grin, “and so we got you a little.... present.” She looked towards the back of the room. “Bring her in,” she ordered.
I felt sick fear in the pit of my stomach. The doors opened again, and the sentries dragged a struggling, sobbing girl through the murmuring crowd, followed by the Attor. They pushed her roughly to her knees in front of the dais.
“I don't know who this is,” Tamlin said evenly. I had never seen this girl before either. She was clearly mortal, but other than that, she looked like any other human to me.
“Now now, Tamlin,” she cooed, “you didn't really think I wouldn't hear about your human pet, now did you?” Tamlin's eyes flicked to the side, to Rhysand, who leaned against the wall near him, a bored expression across his face, his hands shoved in his pockets. He had apparently snuck into the room when I hadn't been paying attention.
She turned to the frightened girl shaking at the foot of the dais.
“Is your name Clare Beddor?” she demanded.
The girl nodded, her face pale.
“Louder!” Amarantha demanded. The girl shrunk back in terror.
“Y-yes,” the girl stuttered. Clare Beddor… the name Feyre had given Rhysand when—
By the Cauldron.
I looked at the girl in horror. That name she had given him had been a real person. This girl—Clare—was supposed to be Feyre. But she didn't look anything like her. Rhysand knew what Feyre looked like—
“Do you know this man?” Amarantha said suddenly, interrupting my thoughts. The girl shook her head emphatically.
“No! I’ve never seen him before in my life,” she insisted, her voice choked with tears. “My family…what did you do to my family?”
“Oh, I wouldn't be worrying about them, girl,” the Attor said from behind her, its voice cold and full of amused malice. “They have nothing to worry about anymore.” Clare turned back to the redheaded demon on the throne in front of her.
“Please, I—”
“Did you not go hunting at the Wall?”
“No, I—”
“Did you not kill a faerie in the woods?”
“Did you not—”
“No!” The girl cried out in panic. “I don't know how! I’ve never hunted a day in my life and I’ve never seen a faerie before!”
“You dare lie to the High Queen of Prythian?” Amarantha demanded.
“I’m not—”
“You have guts, girl, I’ll give you that. I will enjoy watching them break you slowly.” She turned to the Attor and gave him a vile grin. “Give her a welcome worthy of my court.”
I could still hear her screams hours later, could still see her broken, bruised body as they nailed her to the wall across from Amarantha's throne.
As I fell into a fitful sleep that night, I thanked the Mother and the Cauldron it hadn't been Feyre.
And weeks later, after Clare had died suddenly in the middle of one of her public torture sessions, and I had finally let myself breathe as I thought Feyre was now finally safe, I watched her be brought before Amarantha's throne. She had come back to Prythian looking for us, the stupid girl, and now was declaring to everyone that she had come for the one she loved. After half a century of waiting, she had come just weeks too late. As Feyre looked pleadingly at Tamlin sitting next to Amarantha, his stoic expression showing no love, no compassion, no recognition... I asked them why Fate had chosen to be so cruel.
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inevera13 · 8 years
Fate’s Predicament - Chapter 1 (NEW MLB FANFIC)
(It’s not posted yet, but here’s my AO3)
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Marinette picked a loose thread on her pink sweater and let it fall on her denim skirt before brushing it off. She played with the little silver hoop earrings Alya had gotten her last Christmas while waiting for said girl.
It had been a long while since the power granting, black miraculous stones had left her ears; yet, here she found herself, reminiscing. She thought of Chat Noir almost every day, even if it got less frequent and less painful over the years. It didn't consume or overwhelm her with a painful variety of feelings anymore.
Today, though, would be their 10th anniversary and, in days like these, Marinette needed all the distractions she could get. 
"Hey girl!" Alya greeted upon arrival. 
"Hey! Finally!" The designer said good naturedly, eyeing her friend's flowy purple dress, black biker jacket and matching booties in approval.
"Listen, i have something to show you..." Alya said, cryptically. 
"Uh, okay..." She answered slowly, narrowing her eyes.
They ordered coffees and Alya looked at Marinette, increasingly excited.  
"Look!" The happy girl shoved her phone on her friend's face. 
"Alya, you're kind of blinding me right now. Um, that's a very nice phone...?"   
"Girl. Please." Alya deadpanned "Look at all these e-mails!" 
"Is that good?" 
"Yes! Because-" 
Their coffees arrived, the girls thanked and payed the waitress and, when she left, Alya quickly stirred the hot beverage a bit before blowing on it and gulping it down in one go, like a shot. She always did this, whilst Marinette always waited for it to cool down while calmly stirring it. 
"Because...?" The now curious girl asked, black eyebrows rising. 
"Because! These are all about a Chat Noir and Ladybug comeback!" 
"Why?! Did some Miraculous get stolen again? That's highly unlikely, and i think i would've heard about that." 
"Nope. But the crime rate has been getting stupidly high in Paris, and the people are demanding a comeback." 
"That's ridiculous!" Marinette rasped, incredulously. "The police can surely handle that. It's been six years since me and Chat left the scene... Why would they need heroes now? How did this idea even start?" The girl painfully rolled her eyes, "Besides, you know master Fu won't hand out Miraculous unless strictly necessary. We hopefully still have a lot of time until the next gen." 
"Marinette." Alya whisper-shouted "The people have spoken! They want their heroes back. And, believe me, this is starting to blow up. I'm nothing but the administrator of a no longer active blog and look! I got hundreds of e-mails. The people want this, and they, we, won't stop until we get it." 
Marinette sighed audibly. "Alya, don't be ridiculous. Master Fu won't be won over by a mass tantrum that isn't even directly associated with him or affects him in any way. He's a wise, patient man." 
Alya smirked "We'll see." ---#####--- "I can't believe this is actually happening." Marinette whispered, eyes shut tightly. 
"I told you..." Alya retorted in a small, dazed voice.
Both girls were currently looking down at a pair of very familiar polka dotted earrings, carefully stashed inside a strong wooden box that had magically appeared on Marinette's bag, for the second time in her life.
Marinette looked tentatively at Alya. "Do you think - you know - Chat got his too?" She fixed her gaze on the table in front of her. "Wherever he is. Or if i'll have a new, um, partner..."
"I don't know, honey...we can't know, we can only hope."
"I don't wanna do that. I don't want to hope. If i'm being honest, I don't even know if i actually want to see him again." She looked back at her friend. "I'm nervous, Alya. I'm gonna see Tikki again...I can't believe this. Maybe it's just- just a cruel joke. We didn't even see Master Fu at all today and...i don't know. This can't be."
"I get that you're nervous...it's a part of your life that took a lot for you to leave behind, and now it's coming back, out of thin air. But think of this as an opportunity, girl. To accept things better, or have closure..." Alya sighed "And...you said it yourself that you believe in fate. Maybe have a little more fate in fate, you know?" She paused. "Also...maybe master Fu sent someone, like that boy you helped today, to test you again, no?"
Marinette looked pensively at her journalist friend. "Maybe..."
All those years ago, the day after she had spilled her guts to Alya about everything, about a month after Hawkmoth's defeat and Chat Noir's disappearance, Marinette had gone to Master Fu's. 
Eyes still red and puffy, she had said one last teary goodbye to the wooden box that contained the earrings, and the kwami, that had changed her life and had enabled her to do so much for her city. That day, her and master Fu had talked a lot about many things, some questions had been answered, including how the wielders were chosen.
At first, it had sounded a little silly to Marinette, but, with time, she understood that maybe it had been a stroke of pure fate. She definitely didn't feel like the jewels had been left in the wrong hands, so perhaps fate should be a little more trusted.
Ever since that day, she went to visit the old man at least once a month. Usually more, unless she got lost in a spiral of work where she forgot she was still a human with basic needs. Thankfully, she had people to remind her of such fact, and get her out of said spiral.
She had been at master Fu's about a week ago, and none of them had even mentioned anything miraculous related. Marinette had happily gushed about having finished a commission she was proud of, and the man himself seemed proud of her too, and happy. Everything just seemed normal. 
But now, here she was, holding her past and her future in her hands.  Despite missing being Ladybug, Marinette's life hadn't stopped at all. She was happy, had many good friends, an amazing family and a well paying job she loved, even if it was a bit of a risky career path.
The first year after both Tikki and Chat had left her life had been rough, but she had had Alya and master Fu to count on and talk to through it all. The girl had had a few brief relationships, but didn't really feel the need to have a romantic partner in her life. And, truth be told, since both Adrien and Chat had left, she hadn't truly liked anyone romantically, despite the casual flings and dates.
After Ladybug and Chat Noir had unmasked Gabriel Agreste, Adrien had moved to Canada to finish his studies. He hadn't said a word to anyone apart from leaving a carefully typed letter for Nino, Alya and Marinette. He'd deleted all his social media, changed his number, and went off the radar for years.  Even if she hadn't been hung up on him anymore when he left - seemingly forever - it had been disheartening, and she had never felt as much hate for Hawkmoth as when she sat next to Alya on her and Nino's dark orange couch and listened to their friend read the cold sounding letter, tears silently streaming down his face. 
Adrien and her had become very close friends over the years, and she had been so worried. He was the first thing that went through her mind when she saw the villain that had been terrorizing Paris for years turn into Gabriel right in front of her eyes. She had almost wanted to cover it up, just so Adrien wouldn't have to suffer. But she knew she couldn't, and Chat was already on him.  Recent tabloids had talked about him possibly having come back to France a few weeks ago, but there were no clear pictures or official news yet. Some magazines venomously suggested he had come back for his father, who would probably be released sometime next year, which wasn't so far away.
"Should i...put them on?" Marinette asked tentatively.
"If you think you're ready..."
The girl inhaled and exhaled sharply before taking the earrings out of the box and putting them on.
✍ ✍ ✍
Chapter 2! 
Thanks for reading! :D Follow the tag if you’d like!!
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