#hope u enjoy eva
starzzach · 10 months
hi [peeks out from writer's block] for @c2-eh
read part 1 here and part 3 here! (or don't)
Carlos has an accident. Charles almost has one, too.
Oh Carlos is so dead.
Well. Charles hopes he already isn't already. It wouldn't work very well for his revenge agenda. He had a good race himself – great, really. At least until it was red-flagged because Carlos had crashed on the inside of Turn 9. It didn't bother Charles at first, though a twinge of worry had snuck through when the yellow flag went down and the red flag had gone up.
No, he'd just rolled his eyes and asked Xavi to keep him updated. Xavi didn't, at all, so when he jumped out of the car and asked for Carlos and nobody gave him Carlos, he thinks he had a pretty standard reaction.
Really, they should be happy he didn't stomp his feet and throw a tantrum. Carlos was – well. Carlos was. He was a lot of things. He is a lot of things. Charles frowns. And asks for Carlos again.
"Down in medical," a newer, recent hire tells him. Clearly no one told him not to listen to the drivers. Good for Charles, anyway. "They're making sure he's properly okay. He was pretty banged up."
Okay, now might be time to be a little worried. "What?" he demands. "Why did you not tell me this before?"
Charles isn't as friendly with the engineers as Carlos is. He likes to think he's a nice person. He's certainly had his moments, but everyone has. Nobody really questions him at Ferrari – nobody really questions him at all, really, except Carlos.
Carlos is always quick to, infuriatingly, talk him back down to Earth. So. He really can't afford for anything to happen to Carlos.
They don't let him go, though. Fred tells him to stay in the garage, warning him not to leave, and so Charles stays put like a prize pony, waiting for the debris to be cleared and the track to be deemed safe. He's distracted and stressed and everyone knows it.
The race is uneventful. He crosses the line in third, right where he'd started. The podium celebration is quiet – there's still not much word on Carlos. So, naturally, it's the first thing he does.
They part for him, like a sea. The reporters stay away from him, the drivers stay away from him. Tomorrow, or maybe even this evening, they will spin a story about how Charles hates Carlos for possibly ruining his race and Ferrari simply cannot handle the petty teammate drama.
Carlos cares about all that much more than Charles does, but Charles is always the one who ends up defending them. He argues with the nurse for a minute or two, increasing in volume. "I need to see him!" he shouts, unsure of why he's being so adamant. Perhaps he's a little bit more worried for Carlos than he wants to admit.
Andrea materialises at his side. "Charles," he says very quietly, hand on his arm. He pulls him to the side, and the nurse looks considerably relieved, breathing in big gulps of air. His scent must be worse than he realises. "Charles, did you get darker fireproofs this weekend?"
"What? No, of course not."
"Then tell me..." Andrea looks worried, properly worried. "Tell me that's not blood on your thighs."
"What?" He glances down and it's like– it's like looking at it acknowledges the pain he's in– the pain he's been in. "Fuck, what the fuck?"
"You need to see medical, too–"
Charles tries to shrug him off, vision blurring. "No– no, I'm fine– I need to– Carlos–"
Andrea fights him, and it's easy, too, given the cramps in his stomach. Fuck, this really can't be happening. "Let medical give you the OK," he says sternly, but there's concern in there, too. "You can see Carlos after."
Charles isn't an idiot. They've been having sex – lots of it, and the intention had been pretty clear. Pregnancy isn't very encouraged in athletes, much less male omega athletes. The stress from the race probably didn't help. He should have expected the miscarriage, really.
Tears sting in his eyes. He's not the most optimistic person, and he would have expected this, if he knew at all. "Please," he says, hoarse. "Let me see him first."
The thing is – in Ferrari, everyone is soft for Charles, and Andrea is no better. Irritated, he agrees, making Charles vow he'll get himself checked out. The nurse who had been pretending not to eavesdrop wordlessly guides him to the room he's been looking for.
"Idiot," is the first thing he says, so so so relieved. There's an IV in Carlos' arm but he's awake and safe. "Idiot, idiot, idiot."
Carlos laughs. Charles feels drunk on the sound of it. "Happy to see you too. I lost the wheel. How was the race?"
Charles climbs into the bed, trying very hard not to wince. Carlos notices and grills him until he pouts, but they talk. They talk and Charles pours his heart out and kisses Carlos until he forgets his own name (it might be the concussion) and then very quietly tells him he might have had a miscarriage.
Not the best way to go about it, but Carlos holds his hand through the checkup two hours later and they tell him no miscarriage, just some common bleeding. The baby is fine. He's almost two months along. He's due in late March. Carlos cries. Charles might have too.
"Wow," Carlos whispers after the tech wipes the gel off, the palm of his hand coming to rest on Charles' belly, slightly squishier than normal. The tech says something about a printout. "There's our baby in there. Our tiny baby."
Then the irrationality hits him and he whacks him with a pillow. He's going to hate being pregnant, how could he–
Oh, Carlos is so dead.
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linnienin · 1 year
🦋 A s t e r o i d ⁕ S i r e n e ⁕(1009) 🦋 i n ⁕ t h e ⁕ h o u s e s
How they seduce you, and how you can make them FAIL THEIR PLAN 😈
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Hello gorgeous mermaids ✨🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️
I hope you're doing well 🌸
I finally wrote the "Sirene in the houses" post! And added a little treat to reward you for your patience 👀
Enjoy 🦋
Disclaimer: These are my PERSONAL THOUGHTS on an asteroid we know very little about, i am researching it and trying to understand it to the best of my abilities. Take what resonates
Disclaimer 2: This post is for entertainment purposes mostly, don't use these methods at home kids 💖
⁕ I n t e r p r e t a t i o n ⁕ g u i d e :
The "How to make them fail their plan" paragraphs were formed using the theory "opposites attracts".
I tried to decipher every Sirene in the houses's possible behaviour and how to strike back using the unknown (to them) force of the energy from the opposite house.
Remember, this is MY THEORY and this post is meant to entertain and add some useful infos, like the Celebs examples for each house...yep, curious of knowing who they are? 👀
Keep reading 🦋
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⁕ 1ST HOUSE : Masters at knowing how to use their body. Naturally mesmerizing, they'll use their mannerism, their seductive and entrancing aura and expressions to get you do what they want. Usually these natives don't even need to speak a word to capture you, their confidence and self-assurance makes them appear as the ultimate trophy everyone wants. This placement can trigger other people's deepest insecurities... "do i have what it takes to win them?". Needless to say, Sirene in 1H individuals have seen it all, all the clownery and the ludicrous attempts from others to get them, while they stand in their confidence, looking at them making them think they catched their attention. But these natives, they're not as impossible to break as them make it seems... (they have been over-sexualised and judged on their appeareance for a long time, and want someone that goes beyond their looks, a partner in crime, someone that is serious in their approach and know how to share, instead of keeping everything for themselves)
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them you notice them (i mean, it's impossible not to) but you consider them as normal people like everyone else in the room. They'll wonder why you don't get showy and greedy over them, and you'll spark their curiosity, they'll feel a sense of tranquility in looking at you being social with others and treat people with good manners. Because they've seen extremes, your balanced persona will make them feel it safe to approach you.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 1H: Eva Green, Debra Paget, Bella Hadid, Angelina Jolie, Grace Kelly, Selena Gomez, Anne Hathaway, Zoe Kravitz, Grace Jones, Elvis Presley, Jennifer Lawrence
Click HERE to see an exclusive post on Sirene in 1H
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⁕ 2ND HOUSE: Expensive lovers of sensations. They will attract them using bad or good ways, and because they know these sensations way too well, they also will set a trap for others making those people fall for them with their sensational methods. They will seduce you with their looks, touch, smell, voice and the taste of their kiss (or well, they could prepare you a sensational meal too hehhe). As soon as your 5 senses are triggered you'll only want more. These people use the human's carnal sin as their bait, they know perfectly how much to give to receive 10x more from their prey. They could even seduce you by showing how much money they have or their expensive possessions. Or could seduce to gain those material needs. (can have self-worth insecurities, so they'll persuade people sometimes only to get validation from them and to feel a sense of victory from winning their prey, so they can feel better about themselves)
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them control of yourself, especially control of your vulnerable side. They will not know how to get you if you show no problem in resisting their seductive attempts, they will instead be confused by you and take them back to avoid looking stupid (again, they can suffer from self-worth image so they'll feel riddiculous and they'll go find another prey to fill their self-esteem with), but if you want to reverse the situation, open up to them and make them feel like they're the only one worthy of knowing your vulnerable side, they'll love it and they'll fall for it.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 2H: Beyonce, Lily Rose Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Naomi Campbell, Princess Diana
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⁕ 3RD HOUSE: "Welcome tributes to the 29372992 edition of Mind Games" ,and may the odds be in your favour because 3H Sirene natives have always won it. Sneaky, Clever, smart asses, these natives knows how to get to It quickly: a little smirk, the right word, a playful touch, and they've already hijacked your brain circuit. They love to confuse you with their double face game, looking at your pathetic and obvious reactions. You're going to feel like you're their partner in crime, their special someone, but all their pretty words, their quotes from your favourite poetry book, they ain't for nothing...their eyes are stuck on that prize, and you're just in their way. These natives love cars and driving. Could seduce you to buy them a car, give them a ride, or ride them on it 🙊. They could manipulate your siblings to get to you (and even get them both sistah and brothah). Spread rumors like it's nothing and be so good at hiding their face behind an innocent persona.They're quick and witty, it's extremely difficult to caught them slip unless...
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: ...you observe their game from a higher perspective. They're very detailed individuals, so their weak point lays in the bigger picture. They can't be everywhere at the same time, if you show them you got the higher ground they can't reach you with simple words. Show them you are worthy of completing their game, show them your spiritual side, your deeper knowledge, words they've never heard about, they're extremely curious beings , and if they consider you interesting enough, they'll respect you and listen to what you can bring to their table of knowledge, if you pass their test, soon you'll hear the engine of their car and them approaching you saying "get it loser, we're going to play with people's minds"
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 3H: Elizabeth Taylor, Emma Watson, Halle Berry, Honor Blackman, Johnny Depp
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⁕ 4TH HOUSE: Cuddles that cage you. Such a sweet cutie pie right? Well, check your cholesterol levels because a too darn nice gesture from these natives can reveal itself as a fatal dose. They know the strings to pull to get your heart, and believe me my friends, if they get you to feel a nice comfy cozy presence that makes you feel at home, don't get too comfortable because they're about to cut that heart of yours in slices of cake to satisfy their bitter palate. Masters at emotional manipulation, they get your heart, they get your favours. And you'll feel so good about it won't you? They're giving all those nice smiles, warm hugs, puppy eyes, how could such a lovely little thing has shady thoughts right? Oh dear, you already fell into that trap didn't you...ohhh they're sobbing... nono, listen to me, don't rush to them, there's something more you need to know...(these natives actually never felt a sense of belonging, they didn't receive affection from their family, they don't really know what it truly means to have a home to return to)
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them you're a mature person, and that you won't play with childish people. Show them you get the job done, and you have earned and built a place with seriousness and competence, you serve people you are loyal to, and their loyalty awaits for you every single time you get to them, back to the place you call home. They will fall for your confidence and devotion, they'll want to become one of those loyal people you care for so much, they'll want to experience your genuine feelings and learn how it must be to feel them personally too.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 4H: Marilyn Monroe, Rihanna, Jane Russel, Barbara Bach
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⁕ 5TH HOUSE: "I'll paint you like one of my french girls". Artistic, creative and smokey hot individuals. Their acting is flawlessly on point, they will dramatically impersonate the character you have a crush on. They'll show you their beautiful sketches and suddenly you're wearing the Heart of the Ocean, laying 💃au naturel💃 on an expensive sofa. Charming like the sun, they're the reincarnation of Apollo, they give you attention and seduce you by playing a hot chase. Beware of your position, the push and pull is not so cool if you're on the top of the Titanic with your arms wide open: one push, no pull and you're gone. But if you wanna catch their heart and not be catched by the ocean you'll need to resist their bright blind sunny aura by putting on sunglasses ,we're about getting✨ extra✨ too 🕶 (and don't forget the sunscreen!)
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them your rebellious side. Break their mirror into pieces, and the Gaston in them will go crazy. While they play with their ego to get attention, you play with your individuality and eccentricity not to get it. They'd wonder how such an introverted individual can arouse so many eyes without even trying! They'd get so jealous of you being unbothered of it, until you make them realize they're not embracing their true self, and you'll make them wonder how it should feel like to break free without caring about all those mirror scars...
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 5H: Margot Robbie, Diana Rigg
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⁕ 6TH HOUSE: The sexy competent librarians 👀. Details makes the difference, and these natives know it way too well. "Ohhh that book fell on the ground could you please hand it to me?" *proceed to put a little note in your hand* "ohh thank you, i guess this must be a book i'll have to read, the universe has spoken 👀". Skilled individuals and humble about it. They work hard behind the scenes to create a perfect plan to seduce you, it even shows on their face, like did you sleep? But well, those dark circles look so hot on them it's crazy, you can't resist their appeal. Naturally good at picking up what people needs. They make even the everyday tasks so worth it when it comes to spend time with them. They could seduce you by giving you a pet as a meaningful gift. You'll feel special because they started playing their plan by showing you they have high standards. And who wouldn't want to be picked by someone picky?
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them it's ok to be imperfect. Show them that their plan don't need to be so detailed, they already got you by showing their efforts. They attach their worth to how capable they are, and refuse to believe they're worthy as only human being. If you let them know with empathy that value is only a matter of perspectives and that in your perspective they're already genuinely perfect in all their imperfections they'll feel so appreciated that the detailed plan they built can only unfold further without it making them even feel like they're putting efforts.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 6H: Lana Del Rey, Timothee Chalamet, Michael Jackson, Natalia Dyer, Chelo Alonso, Claudia Cardinale
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⁕ 7TH HOUSE: *sweet wedding music playing*... oh shoot, why are you wearing that suit/wedding dress?... ohh right, they seduced you to get married to them right away to steal your fourtune 😏. No but really, these natives makes people want to put a ring on their finger just after a singe conversation. The favourite of the masses. They're liked by everyone, because they are impeccable at the art of changing masks during conversations. Could even easily grasp the heart of their enemies. Their poise, their composure and their balance in themselves makes people think they're the perfect wife/husband material. Flawless fashion and perfect taste in clothing added to a, now rare, common sense inspire a sense of lost glamour that invade other people's minds and fantasies. Their gentle movements and nice actions strike to win other people's daydreams to be able to win their own dream life.
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them you catch the real them in between changing masks. They'd vacillate and lose that control a bit, if you show that you also are confident in your skin and you aren't afraid to show your authentic self in public,even if this means having haters, you'd make them want to lose their kept and to just break themselves free from any expectations to live life discovering who they truly are inside and not who they should be to respect society's standards.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 7H: Audrey Hepburn, Greta Garbo, Zendaya, Demi Moore, Kristen Stewart
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⁕ 8TH HOUSE: Intoxicating nymphs with a soft spot for inheritance. They're black widows standing at the funeral of their poor husband number "i lost the count" (well, they could easily marry a Count and "lose" him from death to "natural causes" 🥺). These natives will seduce you privately, they'll wrap you up in their fog and you won't be able to see anything else but them with no way to escape their bubble. They'll get you obsessed and addicted, poisoning you with their charisma and their deep meaningful words, making you feel special. They know how to use human psychology to their advantage, some of them might even seduce you with sex, or might seduce you to get sex with them.(These people feel extremely lonely even if they hide it under a mask of perfect self control , they crave that intimate deep connection that they never or rarely experience where they can show their vulnerabilities without getting judged.)
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them stability in yourself and your element to create a space that will make them feel safe to open up. Let them feel all the sensations they closed themselves up to, and once you see them getting comfortable,make them feel themselves in all their power by triggering their senses. Make them feel heard by sharing your insecurities and listen to theirs with compassion and genuine understanding. They'll be yours forever.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 8H: Shakira, Uma Thurman, Ursula Andress, Priyanka Chopra, Billie Eilish, Cate Blanchett
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⁕ 9TH HOUSE: Exotic and ethereal beings that will seduce you with their spirituality and higher knowledge. They like to present themselves as gods/goddesses (put on that white shapeless drape and make it looks expensive and like they've been living in it for ages *sexy wise*🔮). They'll make you fall for their trap by triggering your mind and sense of self, trip you by making you believe there's something greater than you, let you believe they are IT. They'll use their personal philosophies to brainwash you. Could seduce you by challenging/changing your faith/religion. Their foreign appeal attracts people in, and with that contagious laugh...you won't feel any symptoms, instead it'll feel like you're being transported to the Temple of the Gods, enjoying your wine, letting yourself be cradled in the arms of Bacchus. Enjoy the voyage of the mind, but not by too much or you'll never find your way back home...
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them you can't see what they want you to see. Make them doubt their blind faith by picking up details they've forgot about, important details that would break the higher purpose and sense of their plan. If you give them even a little existential crisis, they'll feel lost and will follow you to have a little bit of certainty to bear the huge uncertainty.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene in 9H: Sharon Stone, Elle Fanning, Gina Lollobrigida
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⁕ 10TH HOUSE: Bosses of sensuality. Their intensely demanding and confident aura traps everyone in making them wanting to crawl at these natives feet to receive just a pinch of their attention. They take responsibility, they inspire everyone around them with their work ethic and their serious approach. No mistakes allowed, they're the epitome of a perfectly stable and successful individual. Bearer of way too much attention, they try to focus on their path, and this only drives people crazier. They're not particularly flirty natives, but their availability to others makes them irresistible beings people feel entitled to project their insecurities onto. In case of highly sexual beings, people with this placement could seduce you at work, or by showing their work and how good they are at it.
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them how to embrace their emotional side. They only open the doors to hear other's problems, forgetting they have emotions that scream the needs to be expressed too . They're always cold and composed to mantain their public persona, feeding the weight of that outer burden with mature temper, forgetting their inner joyful child.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene 10H: Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren, Dakota Johnson, Winona Ryder
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⁕ 11TH HOUSE: Driiiiing!...Hello?... *speaks in native alien language*...yeah, i didn't understand either. What's on these natives minds? Their unpredictable actions catch everyone off guard. But then they get on your mind and you wonder why. I told you, they called it. They have so many connections they'd get to you in 0.0001 seconds, yeah, 3H natives are fast, but these natives's brain technology is faster. They strike alone, anonimously, and ironically they take the hard and impossible route even when they could easily use their crowd of submissive sheeps. But they're the black sheep, like Batman, they don't fit in, Bruce Wayne is just another insignificant rock in the pile of the universe. But Batman, he can make a difference, he's dark, he's hot and he won't listen to your boss. Their rebellious aura is irresistible. But i know more, so take my call: 🎵 <Hello from the other siiiiiiide... ⬇
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: ... at least i can say that i've trieeed>🎵 . No but seriously, these natives aren't so easy to get. They don't care about the fact they're seducing people most of the times, they let them be and focus on the bigger reason on why they're doing the stuff they do. You'll have to remind them they're a special person in their normal boring everyday clothes too. Bruce Wayne isn't just a simple sheep in the crowd, he is a phenomenal individual that can have as much power as Batman. Tell them they need to live for themselves, not for others.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene 11H: Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, Brigitte Bardot
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⁕ 12TH HOUSE: If dreams could kill, then you'd meet a Sirene in 12H. They're the enigma, the fantasy everyone want to get lost into. They understand life can be boring and monotonous, and people are so stressed out by It that they seduce their prey offering them a ticket to the Land of wonders. But their prey doesn't know that this ticket has a hidden price, much like in Squid Game, the premise of the game is too good to be true. Lies, unknown truths, a harsher reality these people will soon face if they ever wake up after falling in their trap. Sirene in 12H natives could play with their prey abusing substances on them, making them drinking way too much to the point of not realizing who they are anymore. They make you wander in your confusion. Most of their preys will come back or even never leave that deadly sweet arena because the thrill feels heavenly and once you see you can't forget.
⁕ 💥 HOW TO MAKE THEM FAIL THEIR PLAN: Show them reality is not that bad. Beauty is found in the mundane, because life is meaningful but only if you make it so. Choices are important and can forge one's path, and by not making choices you inevitably set youself up for failure and delusions. Dreams don't last forever and are not sustainable to have in the long run, besides, the most vivid dreams you remember are often your worst nightmares.
⁕ Celebrities examples of Sirene 12H: Aishwarya Rai, Megan Fox, Ingrid Bergman, Charlize Theron, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kate Winslet
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Congrats! You've reached the end of the post! 🌸
✨ Did you like it? ✨
I hope it kept you entartained, added a pinch of knowledge and maybe even made you smile a bit 🥰
Let me know in the comments if you resonated with your placement ✨
If you're curious to know how Sirene in the signs would manifest in your chart i made an entire post on it, click here to read it!
Wish you a fantastic day!
(like the one the mermaids from Neverland are having ⬇)
Linnie 🦋
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hooppiway · 1 year
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Eva Top
Hello everyone!🖤 Hope u enjoy this creation to keep ur sims warm and stylish!
Love fam 🔥💖
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Any questions, just ask!
🌟 Credits
Poses by @HelgaTisha - 1
Texture 1 - distress texture
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slytherinshua · 6 months
i'm not really one for new years or rly doing anything for it, but i thought i should at least thank all my friends who have made this year infinitely better for me. i'm ngl, this year was really hard in many ways. it felt like me and my family particularly were hit with new things to deal with as soon as the old ones had ended, and we just desperately wanted a break.
my way of getting a break was talking to you all, writing my silly little delusions, and being able to have a space here to share my work. so thank you. whether you were a silent reader, liked, reblogged, followed, or gave feedback for my writing-- all of you have helped me so much this year. the love that my writing has received has given me such motivation to keep going and to keep trying, and i don't think i would've otherwise.
now to thank my lovely friends, who without, i wouldn't be here today :( in no particular order...
@aravrs,, @kyrjnie,, @nyukyujs,, @etherealyoungk,, @rubywonu,, @kyeomyun,, @idubiluv,, @minholing,, @welcometomyoasis,, @dinotoro,, @wonijinjin,, @hannieheartuu,, @mangocustard16,, @amara-mars,, @glosskirt i don't like putting you all together because each of you mean so much to me individually, but i was worried i was gonna forget some of you especially since i don't talk to you guys as much </3 i love each and every one of you, and you have made 2023 such a fun year for me since i was able to talk to you all!! thank you for wanting to be moots with me and for talking to me, talking with you has been so fun and comforting this year <3 cheers to 2024 🫡
@blue-jisungs axe you were one of my first moots ever, and the first blog i followed. we became friends last year but i feel like we became so much closer this year. we watched kdramas together, spammed and ranted to each other, fed each other brainrot and delusions, and just generally enjoyed each others company :( i cannot see my life without you in it, you are so so so important to me now and i want to cry whenever i think about how amazing it is to have you as one of my best friends. i love you more than you know <3
@fairyhaos yena! you were one of the first blogs that i saw and went "woah" bcuz ur writing has always been so amazing. i seriously love it so much, i'll never get sick of it. once i got to know you as a person, i realized that you're even more amazing than your writing is. you're fun and kind and sweet and caring-- thank you so much for being my friend this year and i can't wait to make more memories with you next year 🫡
@weird-bookworm sky you are truly one of my closest friends. we've spent so much time talking and i've enjoyed every second of it. i feel like we have a unique dynamic cause unlike my other friends, we're constantly teasing and bullying in each other in the best of ways <3 in a weird way, the fact that i still know someone who is as big an army as i used to be is comforting. you feel like nostalgia-- like the old me in 2021. and even tho ur older by a bit, you feel like a younger sister to me sometimes skdjsk i really love you a lot, thank you for being my friend this year!!
@haecien cien my only guy friend 👹 talking to you has been especially fun this year. introducing you to the new loves of ur life, listening to you scream about minghao, harua, seungwoo, hyunjae, shin and gaon, playing stardew valley, and sharing some nostalgia from the philippines is all so comforting to me <3 i love u so much and i hope that i can find some more guys to add to ur loml list in 2024 🤞
@kkooongie sarah!! we've talked quite a bit since we met, and it's always been so fun and nice to talk to someone who is as much of a multi as i am <3 finding someone who also stans groups like victon and verivery is extremely hard??? and i'm so happy that there's someone out there who loves silly little nugu kpop men just like me <3 i love you a lot, and i hope you never forget that 🫶
@evalevaeva eva.... ur just incredible to me sometimes?? from writing the best fuma delusions to stressing out abt ur auditions (don't go to cube istg) talking to you has always been so fun!! i'm still so glad that you reblogged that one so mun fic, otherwise i would've never found your blog or talked to you </3 the sieun delusions are real and stan lucy for a better life 🤞 you always make me laugh and smile so much, and i hope i do too cause otherwise that would be a little awkward... 🧍‍♀️ PLS I HOPE IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES OUR FRIENDSHIP 👎
@caramel-maveeato viv </3 my wife fr 🥹 whether it was screaming about the men i love the most to dying over your art or fics, you've always been someone who was always comfortable to talk to. i just love talking to you so much its so therapeutic??? stop rizzing me up tho it must stop before i go insane 🙅‍♀️🚫 no more rizzing in 2024 okay 👹 i hope we talk a lot more and stay as close as we are now bcuz talking to you has always been one of my favorite things to do, i love you so much 💖
@candewlsy mizu my baby </3 I LOVE U SO MUCH LIKE PLS PLS PLS KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE U IM GONNA SCREAM I WANNA SQUISH U?? what. ur just so fun and silly and comforting and I LOVE U AND UR HUMOUR 🥹 i love how you allow me to introduce you to new kpop men and actors, and how you love them just as much as me!! you're just as delulu and slightly deranged as i am AND THATS WHAT MAKES IT FUN 😭 i love watching kdramas with you, and i hope we can finally get through our list of kdramas to watch in 2024 cause its getting l o n g e r 🧍‍♀️ thank you also for reblogging my fics bcuz ur reblogs have to be some of my favorites ever </3 they're so fun and entertaining to read, i always end up giggling :(
@wheeboo rania :( i know i usually bully you and you bully me back, the whole divorced wives things but idk i'm feeling a little emo rn so i'm just gonna be appreciative?? i know we have talked recently, but it feels like we haven't talked enough since before christmas cause i've been busy and you've been busy... and idk i've just felt that void a bit?? talking to you has always been so fun and relaxing, and it's guaranteed to make me smile and laugh and just be an escape from anything i've been thinking about. watching k-dramas and having little music sessions were some of my absolute favorite memories of this year. it's just so special that I can call you one of my best friends, and i hope that i can continue to talk to you for years to come because you're one of the most comforting people i've ever met. not to mention that you write like an absolute goddess?? i still remember proofreading psycho for the first time and just being so shocked bcuz how does anyone even write like that????? i love that i'm ur little go-to for fic spoilers pls don't ever replace me or i'll cry 🧍‍♀️ and whenever i'm struggling with a fic, i always go to you as well <3 i can't express how much i love you and how much you mean to-- words just aren't enough 😭 i'll never get tired of talking to you
@eternalgyu i saved you for last cause i know this is gonna be a long ass paragraph.... ppl are gonna be dying to scroll past this so i wanted to make sure u were at the end. saving the best for last yk 🫡 hannie you have changed my life. like from the day i met you my life was completely changed. it felt like i had finally found my missing puzzle piece?? the best friend that i never had was finally in my life. and my life has never been the same since. everyday when i wake up, i text you. my brain is just "hannie hannie hannie hannie hannie hannie" that's all it is now. when you weren't able to text me for 3 days, i felt like my world had stopped. i couldn't think about anything else, i couldn't sleep. at this point, i need you to live. i need you to be able to function. you are the reason i kept writing. you are the reason im alive. and you will always be my favorite person on this entire earth. i'd choose you over everyone and everything in a heartbeat. it's not even a question at this point, but i know the answer is gonna be you every time. i know this isn't an accurate number of the messages i've send to you, but just on discord, in 2023, i've sent you 183,422 messages. i'm sure ive sent thousands on instagram, and hundreds on other social media too. if you ever stop talking to me, i'll literally find u. LIKE U CANT EVER LEAVE ME CAUSE UR STUCK WITH ME FOR THE REST OF TIME >:( i'll start sending you daily emails pretending to be car insurance or smth like idk ill think of smth... anything to keep you as my best best friend for eternity. i know i say that i don't believe soulmates exist, because the idea of romantic soulmates is a little too fantastical for my realist mind. but since meeting you, i can say for certain that platonic soulmates do exist. we fit together so perfectly, i couldn't imagine anyone else as my best friend.
i remember one time before i met you, i tried to make an irl friend here and my dad said "i hope that you'll find your diana". obviously they didn't end up being your diana, but it's fine. because i did find my diana. you are my diana, and i am your anne. if i could spend the rest of my life talking to you, it'll still not be enough, so please keep talking to me in heaven or something.... the beomgyu to my taehyun, the jeonghan to my joshua, the sejun to my subin, the hoyoung to my gyehyeon, the wyatt to my yuto, the anton to my sohee, the taesan to my jaehyun, the yechan to my wonsang, the chanhee to my changmin, the jeongin to my seungmin, the moonbin to my rocky, the jo to my yuma, the jake to my jungwon, the theo to my jongseob, the taehyung to my hobi, the hwiyoung to my hwiyoung (what), THE HWIYOUNG TO MY DAWON (there we go), THE TAEYANG TO MY HWIYOUNG (even better), the jihoon to my minhyun, my one and only hannie. i love you more than anyone and anything. even though we're so different, we work so well together. we have different biases, and different habits. different religions and different plans for our lives. but we both have plans to meet each other, and i know it'll happen eventually. my life won't be complete until i can run up to you at the airport and give you the biggest hug. i'll probably start crying when that happens since i'm crying just think about it. i won't let go of the hug for maybe 5 minutes because i need to make up for all the hours spent that i couldn't give you a hug. i don't usually like hugs, but giving you one is all that i want to do. there's been so many times where i wished i could hug you. whenever you're struggling or feel depressed, whenever you feel hopeless and lost and uncared for and unloved and overlooked. i just want to hug you when i hear about them, because even though i don't know how to help you in those times, even when i don't have the solution, i know a hug would make things just a little better. when we eventually get ourselves a little apartment with a couple of cats, you can always come to me for a hug when you feel down. i'll bake you some brownies or cookies and we'll watch some kdramas together. we'll reminisce to old kpop songs from our childhood (like... srr SUGAR RUSH USH SUGAR RUSH USH SUGAR RUSH USH UH) and we'll eventually be old porch grandma's still bopping to txt's emo songs. i'll spend my teen years with you, and my adult years with you, and when i'm old and wrinkly, i hope you're still by my side. cause i don't want anyone else as my best friend. only you. pls don't cry while reading this cause ik you might AND I DIDNT MAKE THIS W THE INTENTION OF MAKING U CRY BUT LIKE IT MIGHT HAPPEN..... i rly rly love you. seriously. i love you so much. every memory i've made with you in 2023 is precious, and i know we'll make millions more in the years to come. please stay my best friend for the rest of time, because i'm never going to get sick of you. i love you the most, i hope you know that <3 i hope this is a good paragraph cause i forgot everything i wrote at this point, i don't really plan to write this much but whenever it comes to writing an appreciation for you, i always have more to say. you're my favorite person in the entire world, so ofc i would never run out of words to describe how much you mean to me. please be happy in 2024 and talk to me a lot <3 we'll meet each other for real soon and share a long hug together. until that day, let's continue how we are 🫶
happy new year to you all!! i hope 2024 is filled with love and joy and happiness <3 i love you all very much!! - zanna
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Of Peaches and Honey || Aegon ii x reader
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Requested by: @cara-eva
A/N:finally got around to finish this one, hope u enjoy some soft pampering Aegon fluff 💚
Summary: it’s nearly impossible for anyone to get Aegon into a bathtub, anyone but his beloved aunt
Warnings: incest kinda, implied nudity, FLUFF, whiny Aegon
“Oh how I’ve missed our sweet talks, dear sister” Alicent beamed, taking Y/N’s hand in hers “Please, do visit more often, this castle feels empty without your presence”
“I shall try my best, your grace, I do myself indeed miss our family” the lady nodded with a smile “If you’d allow it, I would like to retreat to my bedchambers for the night”
Lady Y/N Hightower, the flower of Oldtown was renowned for her beauty, elegance and grace. Many were lined for the maiden’s hand yet, much to the displeasure of her father, the queen’s younger sister seemed to show no interest in any suitor.
Y/N walked down the long corridors that led to her chambers, quietly humming to herself, when she heard violent splashes of water followed by enraged shouts and grunts. Consumed by curiosity, the girl gingerly skipped to the slightly agape doors.
The room was an utter mess, puddles of soapy water leaked across the floor, pieces of clothing scattered across every corner and small glass vials shattered, leaking their precious oils. Her gaze traveled across the wrecked room until it fell on the very angered face of Aegon, her sweet nephew.
The prince was standing as bare as his nameday while several servants were desperately trying to get him into the large brass tub that stood in the middle of the chamber.
“Please, your grace, it shall only take a moment” a frightened maid begged him.
“NO! Remove your filthy hands off me, wench!”
Y/N rolled her eyes with a sigh as she finally decided to make her presence known.
“What’s going on here?” she pushed the doors, stepping in, all eyes falling on her “Aegon? What’s the meaning of this?”
“M-my lady, we’re so sorry for the disturbance” one of the maids stepped forward with an apologetic look “We were merely trying to help prince Aegon with his bath per usual”
“Is my nephew causing you trouble?” Y/N shot a warning look at the prince who scoffed in response
“N-no m-my lady, of course not, we-”
Y/N shook her head in disappointment “Out, all of you!” she ordered “I shall take care of this myself”
“B-but my lady, there’s no need, it’s our duty” the maid stepped forward
“You think me incapable of caring for my beloved nephew? Or perhaps you wish for him to awaken the whole castle?” she cocked a brow “I won’t repeat myself, OUT!”
Without another word of objection the maids swiftly saw themselves out of the chambers, heads bowed down. Aegon stared at his aunt, confusion spread across his beautiful features, it was as if he couldn’t grasp what had just happened.
Y/N slowly approached her nephew, seemingly unfazed by his current state of undress “Now my prince, let’s get you cleaned” she smiled gently, motioning towards the tub.
“N-no, I said NO” Aegon stepped back as anger and fear shadowed his face
“Now, is that a way to speak to your lady aunt?” Y/N lifted a brow “You can trust me” she gave him a reassuring smile and pulled him to sit on a small chair by the tub. “Now, tell me what’s wrong”
Aegon silently contemplated her words, he knew he could trust her, he always had, ever since a little boy, when he first laid eyes on his aunt, he had felt a deep sense of admiration towards her. He liked it when she would visit, he liked looking at her, her tight emerald green dresses that always sat just a little bit too low on her shoulders, her perfectly styled hair that always smelled of sweet peach and the glistening gold jewelry that graced her soft skin, it was hard not to stare at her in awe.
“These filthy wenches, I hate them” he sneered “I hate them, I hate everyone in this damned castle”
“Even me?” the lady lifted an eyebrow
Aegon shifted and quickly shook his head
“Good, I wouldn’t like it very much if my favorite nephew hated me” a sly smirk lingered on her lips.
“No need to pity me my lady” he scoffed, turning his head away “It’s no secret that my brother is the one favored by all…my mother included”
“I’m not “all” Aegon, neither I’m your mother” she scrunched her brows and gently pulled his face to look back at her “Am I not the one who would always tell you stories as a child, am I not the one who would always bring you gifts during each of my visits, the one who would sing you to sleep as a babe? Am I not, Aegon”
The prince sighed, looking into her eyes “Y-you are my lady…forgive my words”
Her features softened and she gave him a comforting smile “How about we go to my chambers, my prince, I’ll draw you a warm bath” she handed him his long green silk robe “I promise you shall enjoy my baths much more”
Aegon reluctantly draped himself with it and followed after her. The younger lady Hightower had always been his weakness, he would bring the realm to her feet if she asked; she was the only one who cared, the only one who listened.
Y/N’s chambers were humble in size at least in comparison to the ones of the royal prince, yet there was a certain aura in them, a certain warmth and comfort that made the young prince instantly feel at ease.
He stood by the doors, closely observing his aunt, as she was filling the big tub with warm water, taking in how nicely her thin silky dress hugged around her curves. The young lady wasn’t one for modesty, much to her sister’s disapproval, Y/N always preferred the scant styles of the Dornish attire.
“Sweet nephew, if you’re done staring, would you be so kind as to go in the tub so I can help you bathe?” she smirked, untying his robe. In any other scenario, with any other woman, Aegon would have smugly teased her for undressing him in such a lewd manner yet with her, with lady Y/N he could do nothing but silently stare in awe as her delicate hands slowly pushed down the robe from his shoulders. He then cautiously slid into the steaming bath, allowing his body to get accustomed to the heat.
“How is the water, my prince?” Y/N’s soft voice awaking him from his trance.
“Good…I guess” the prince mumbled, still not convinced of the whole ordeal.
“Okay then” Y/N sighed as she stood up, shuffling for something in a small drawer of her vanity “How about we try these instead?”
She was holding a small wooden chest, in which intricate vials of sweet scents were nicely placed.
“Go on, pick one, they all have special qualities”
Aegon blinked in surprise, he never knew he could choose the scent, he had gotten used to the maids soaking him in a heavy bitter vanilla essence, oh gods, how he despised that stench, but now, now he could actually pick for himself. The prince carefully examined each bottle, taking his time to inhale each intoxicating scent.
“This one” he lifted a small coral vial, a sweet peach scent with soft hints of honey, it smelled just like her, that sweet, sweet scent which would make him swoon each time she’d enter the room.
“Excellent choice, my prince” she smiled “My personal favorite, always helps me relax after an eventful day”
The young lady poured some of it into the warm water, gently lathering it with her hand.
“Ouch” Aegon winced as she began scrubbing his body “Stop doing that!”
Y/N swiftly withdrew her hand from his chest, the delicate pale skin, gleaming bright red from the harsh rag.
“Oh, forgive me, my prince” she caressed his cheek “I’ll be more careful, okay?”
He nodded, giving her permission to continue, this time using a soft cotton cloth to gently clean his sensitive skin. Aegon had finally begun to relax his muscles, allowing himself to indulge in her soft touch. She then moved her hands to gently wash his soft silver curls, taking extra care in preventing the soapy water from falling into his eyes. The prince’s lids grew heavy from the soothing technique she was using to massage his scalp, no one had ever put so much care into him, he wished he could stay like that forever, just the two of them.
“So pretty” she whispered as her hands then glided down his chiseled face “So perfect, the most handsome man I’ve seen”
“Y-you really think that?” Aegon’s eyes fluttered open in disbelief, no woman had ever said such words to him, well, except the flea bottom whores, but this, this was different, she had said them, she, on her own accord, Y/N, his Y/N.
The lady nodded with a smile, leaning in to place a small kiss on his cheek “Every word”
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sometimes-rendog · 1 year
i want to eat ur artstyle j think it would taste of cotton candy ,,, /pos
i humbly request a last life ren with lizzie 😌 they were cute in that season
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day 6, LL ren an lizzie!! he put her hair up!!
also TYSM WTF!!!!!!! best compliment ive eva recieved eva, i hope u enjoy yr fairydog crumbs. i miss them so bad bro
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bridenore · 1 year
HD prostitution fic recs
Here are a few drarry fic recs featuring Harry or Draco as a prostitute. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Ai by talkplaylove [18k]
Harry Potter wanders into a bar.
Another Mask Behind You by @letteredlettered [116k]
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity.  Harry unknowingly hires him.  And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies.  (And then more porn.  Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this.  And please read the warnings.)
Coins by Inell [5k]
Coins make a certain jingling sound whenever they are tossed onto the top of a wooden bureau.
Exposure by GallaPlacidia [26k]
When Seamus uncovers Draco Malfoy’s camboy profile, he, Harry and Ron decide to anonymously book a private show so as to humiliate him later. Fascinated by Draco’s confidence, Harry keeps booking private shows under the disguise…
Self prompt: Draco is a camboy. Harry betrays him.
The First Time He Held Me by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed [11k]
Draco works for a Muggle escort service, and uses a Polyjuice potion to disguise himself when meeting clients. He’s highly desired, but not often requested because of his high prices, so it’s more of his side-hobby to bring in a little extra cash now that his parents are in jail— plus, he enjoys it. One night, he’s called to the room of the one man who he has always wanted, but could never have. Now, he needs to decide whether or not to reveal his true identity, or to remain in this polyjuiced body so that he can keep the attention of the Boy Who Lived.
“You remind me of someone,” he murmurs, tilting his head as his fingers sweep under my chin. I look up automatically and my stomach flips because I hope he’s talking about me— the real me, I mean, not this Muggle body.
“Who?” I ask, and I’m frustrated at how breathy my voice has become.
His eyebrows pull together fractionally and then they smooth out as a smile pulls at the corner of his mouth.
“Someone even more stubborn than the pair of us combined,” he says calmly, and I arch a brow.
Heart Like Neon by @lqtraintracks [41k]
Bored of being The Chosen One, Harry discovers he rather likes sex and becomes a professional. He’s good at it, and part of why is that he can read people. Not minds, not Legilimens, but their whole self, and he can give them what they don’t even know they want. Enter Draco fucking Malfoy, enigma to everyone, including himself. Harry can’t help but want to break into him, to figure him out. And Draco, thinking he’ll fuck Potter on a lark, has no idea what he’s in for.
If Sex Is the Drug, Then What Is the Cost by @eva-eleanore [3k]
For quite some time, Harry has been seeing Malfoy. Well… Actually, he’s hired Malfoy, to keep him company, in his bedroom. It’s only sex — honestly — and since Malfoy is the best, he’s the only person Harry wants. That’s all it is, right?
In The Red by @bixgirl1 [45k]
When Harry goes looking for a vampire at a Creature club, the second-to-last thing Harry expects is to find Malfoy working there.
The last thing he expects is to fall in love with him.
In Which Harry Potter Discovers a River In Egypt by Kestrel_Sparhawk [23k]
A missing roommate, a mysteriously familiar male prostitute, murdered Muggles, and an angry boss are all making life difficult for Auror Harry Potter. And that’s before he discovers that the reason he’s avoided having girlfriends for three years is not just because he doesn’t like publicity.
Kiss A Boy In London Town (And Other Intimate Misadventures of A Society Whore) by @femmequixotic [36k]
There’s only one cardinal sin for a whore.
Little Star by @ladderofyears [39k]
Ever since the end of the war Draco Malfoy has been scratching a living as a sex worker. He lives on the margins of society in squalid rooms and doesn’t imagine that his life will ever change. Then, after a couple of years, Draco becomes pregnant by an unknown client. Despite the Healers at St Mungo’s treating him with prejudice and contempt, Draco is determined to keep his baby. In his desperation, Draco approaches the wrong person and the result is disastrous. Draco is beaten up and left for dead in an alleyway. As Draco hovers between life and death, Harry Potter discovers his bruised and battered body.
The Saviour doesn’t only save Draco’s life. He takes Draco back to Grimmauld Place and helps him to recover.
Morning Mr Devil, Come Say Farewell to Your Dreams by @thisbloodycat [32k]
Nothing stays the same after a war. Except for lack of luck, that much Draco has noticed.
Paradigm by @dysonrules [57k]
Harry Potter is an Auror and Draco Malfoy is a rentboy, but this is not a typical rentboy story.
Party Poppets or ‘How Not to Fall in Love (and why you should do it anyway)’  by anon_drarry [18k]
Head Auror Potter has no idea what he’s about to get himself into when he decides to investigate the Ministry’s newly created POPPET program, and meets its star poppet - one Draco Malfoy.
Put a Price on My Soul by lamerezouille [11k]
Harry has become used to being a whore in the crapsack Wizarding World that’s now governed by Voldemort. Everything changes when Malfoy becomes his new pimp.
Railway lands by Maelipstick [65k]
Draco finds his own way to cope with being a failed Death Eater at Voldemort’s headquarters. Voldemort finds a way to destroy the wizarding world even after his death. Harry is trying to hold the world together while his mind quietly comes apart.
Warnings for graphic drug use, depression and suicidal ideation, Draco being an arsehole, sex work, criminality, non-con sexual situations, shifting POVs, ofc werewolves, self neglect and self harm, general unprettiness, unplanned parenthood and references to other works of fiction.
Soldier's Eyes by Eruditewitch [31k]
Almost six years after Voldemort falls, Harry Potter goes missing. No    one can find him, until chance would have Draco Malfoy thrust right in    his path, picking up shattered pieces while trying to keep himself together.
That Which Remains by @sitaz [2k]
Being a Junior Auror is not what Harry expected it to be. And the unregistered Veela in cell 4 does look familiar…
Things Worth Paying For by MalenkayaCherepakha [11k]
After leaving post-war Britain for Paris, Draco is finally happy, with friends and a job he loves. But then his newest client turns out to be Harry Potter, and everything changes.
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks [23k]
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
You open always (petal by petal) by birdsofshore [65k]
Harry’s not the kind of person who pays for sex. He really isn’t. Until he is.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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adamworu · 4 months
hii i just wanted to say thank you for the years uve been posting eva and hyper-analyzing the series and kaworu especially .. i found ur blog after watching the series back when the Kaworu Database consisted mostly of soundboards and shit like that and despite my waning interest in the series ive not had the impulse to unfollow u. which is weird for me, because at the ripe age of 26 there’s a lot about nge that doesnt sit right with me anymore.
i got my boyfriend to watch NGE and the rebuilds with me and found myself genuinely ashamed way more than i’d anticipated. the last movie was the nail in the coffin for me specifically because of, let’s face it, the surplus of self-aware asuka fanservice. i was repulsed and denounced my interest in the series entirely. it was difficult to make such a claim because of how important to me the series was (still is, if im being honest) and how pivotal it was to my growth at the time i first watched it.
saw one of your posts on my dash today and went to take a casual look at your blog cuz i was curious as to how you were faring in the sea of eva content after a solid 10 years. looked at one of your posts explaining what nge is at its core and the messages it means to send and How it sends them and found myself falling back into the mindset of “fuck, i missed this shit.”
i appreciate how many years you’ve spent looking at evangelion as a piece of psychological horror, how many years you’ve spent dissecting it under a microscope with 50000x magnification. you’ve been the Only thing that’s brought eva back to the front of my feeble little brain over the past, idk five years or so, and youve now been the reason why i can still appreciate the series despite its flaws. you don’t focus on those flaws and it reads that you do so not because you don’t care, but because they’re obvious and don’t need to be stated. im starting to ramble and im sorry that this ask was long but dming you felt too.. personal despite this message being exactly that.
TL;DR, thank you for analyzing evangelion and kaworu nagisa for many years and singlehandedly reminding me of all the reasons why i enjoyed the series as much as i did when i first watched it. i know your interest in eva is waning, so thank you for what youve given the world over the last 10 years <3
Thank you ever so much! This blog sort of started as a way for me to navigate Eva myself. It's been 10 years and though my passion has fizzled, I still get those visceral feelings of Eva no matter what. It always pulls me in. I still have some of that juice left in me, but mostly I found other source material at the moment I'm highkey obsessed over (I'll give you a hint: cult classic, starts with V, ends with D). It's not all bad. I hope you have a wonderful day :)
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aleeyenn · 11 months
hi aleeyenn. hi joy! i just wannted to say..how much your art means to me how important YOU are to me. you are just so spectacular and creative. i know u probably get that a lot but its so true! your shipart and comics are so on point. i always read them in the character's voices. theyre so accurate and you can tell you really care a lot about the characters and pay attention to their personalities. theyre just so personal. aa!!! your art seriously gives me so much serotonin. ive been feeling so down lately and today i looked at some of your art and it made me rlly giddy! so happy... you are so important to the osc and it wouldnt be the same without you. your content is so heart warmimg. ur a huge comfort artist to me...infact! my favorite bfdi artist eva! also your shipart has made me like the ship a lot! if that makes sense? i dont know how to word it. but for example: tacopop, liymote, NEEDLEDROP. ermmm ya, i wouldnt ship those if it werent for you. ur art makes me stim!!! hand flap!! i have screamed a few times in calls while looking at ur fireafy stuff. this part is probably gonna sound so CHEESY but..you made me proud to be a fireafy shipper? idk if proud is the right word but just enjoy that ship freely a lot more? i think last year is when i felt insecure about liking fireafy because there were (still are) so many fireafy haters and antis and were just completely WRONG about fireafy. same with coinpin. ohhh well i probably repeated a lot of stuff and no im out of words but thanks for being you! :) hope this reaches you and you're having a gr8! day or night
AAHHHHHH OH MY GOD THANK YOU😭😭😭💧💧💧 if i’m being completely honest i saw and read this lastnigjt and i had to wait a good ljke ???18 hours to process it all because oh my god… thinking that i can make that impact on a person is so crazy to me… making a positive impact with my stuff is my overall main goal with my creations and stuff and AAAAHHH i’m so happy😭💗 i get super giddy and scream over peoples art all the time and i never really thought of people Especiallt people i don’t know/aren’t too familiar with enjoying MY stuff to that extent… it’s one of the best things to hear for sure!!! i’m so happy that i can bring that much happiness to you EVEN WHEN YOURE SAD AAGH THATS LITERALLY SO COOL i cant express how happy i am… and YAAAYYY THE SHIPS YOU LISTED ARE SOME OF MY NON-POPULAR(ish) FAVORITE SHIPS IM GLAD I CAN OPEN YOUR EYES TO THEM thehre literally so good … j have to draw them again some time i miss drawing them so much… AND OH MYGODDDD YASSSZZZZ FIREAFY LOVE! i have always been a proud fireafy shipper because there is Nothing wrong with it at all… i mean it!!! they are the happiest couple of all! i will love them literally foreverrrrr no matter what anyone says about them because they’re all WRONG. i have literally seen the worst takes on them ever and i have to put my phone down and take a deep breath after seeing some of them… i do not correct them publicly but i literally turn into ☝️🤓 when someone is incorrect about them because Omfg people are so wrong and mean about them… BUT WHATEVER! I LOVE FIREAFY SO MUCH! AND IM HAPPY THAT I WAS ABLE TO HELP YOU BE MORE COMFORTABLR WITH LIKING IT TOO!!! YAAAAAAYYAYYYY omg SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I ALWAYS GO ON RAMBLES WITHOUT KNOWING IMMSORRU BUT THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDEST WORDS AND REACHING OUT TO ME!!! it’s always nice to hear what you have done for someone and how much you are cared for… i really really needed to hear it today🌷💗💓 THANK YOU AGAIN FOR REACHING OUT!!!
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booasaur · 1 year
Hey! Hope you’re doing alright. I binged Welcome to Eden and I have thoughts I want to share but am very much mindful of spoilers so don’t read this until you finish/catch up! I’ll put my thoughts under the break:
Okay so! I really enjoyed this season it was fun. I loved the progression of Bel and Zoa’s relationship. I liked that Bel initiated a convo with Gabi after she and Zoa fought, and Gabi picked up that Bel liked Zoa “a lot.” I’m always wary of f/f couples on television saying I love you too soon because I find it really jarring and I respect that they didn’t have Bel say that explicitly, but honestly after everything they’ve been through together I also wouldn’t mind if they did have her say I love you.
Also — the way that there were multiple moments where Zoa was with Bel but would leave to speak with Gabi and tell Gabi that she is the most important thing in the world to Zoa AND there were a couple of scenes where Gabi made digs at Bel or suggested Zoa was wrong for wanting to rebel … then in the finale Zoa has the opportunity to leave Bel to die and live with Gabi, but she chooses to stay with Bel and die together.
Lowkey I’m wondering about the racial politics of the show, like the way the majority of the main and/or sympathetic characters are white or at least white passing (Zoa, Charly, the kid, Mayka, Ibón, Eloy, África, Gabi … also Bel? Her actress is Spanish) and the characters of color, especially the Black characters, are discarded or unsympathetic (Eva, Saúl, Nico … man Nico is a mess and all over the place character-wise). This didn’t particularly bother me while I was watching, but it’s worth thinking about what’s implied even unintentionally. I appreciate the amount of queer representation in the show, truly off the charts and beyond my expectations, but idk…u know? Anyway thank you for reading this if you did, excited to hear your thoughts on the show :)
Hey! Thanks so much for the spoiler warning, I hadn't finished by the time I got this and was able to stop reading ahead in plenty of time.
Yeah, I was honestly shocked at the treatment Zoa and Bel got, especially since the trailer had almost no Bel or Bel with Zoa, and a romantic-seeming scene with Nico and Zoa. Given history, people could be forgiven for thinking s2 would return to a love triangle, or worse, kill off Bel. We couldn't have been more wrong.
The show didn't even do the kind of drama or distancing/sidelining that often happens in a second season, where Zoa would get frustrated with Bel's single-mindedness or choose Gabi over her. It was just them together, somehow both the established, grounded couple watching over everyone but also with tentative little romantic moments just for themselves.
I didn't even make that connection between Gabi accusing Zoa of being influenced by Bel and forcing her to reiterate that Gabi was Zoa's biggest priority, but then at the end Zoa choosing to die with Bel over living with Gabi, like, damn.
They just had so many scenes, like, I don't even know where to begin giffing. And along with the m/m and trans rep, the rebels were the queerest group on the island. :P Though I was super sad to lose my cartoon boy brought to life, Ibon, would much rather have lost Orson who in his final act of character development could have sacrificed himself for the others. >_>
I definitely know what you mean about race, I remember it last season when Claudia was just sacrificed like that and Nico was treated like a selfish moron, and then this season it wasn't much better, Nico straight up dying, Saul also dying, Eva being treated as an outsider the whole time. I'm just glad she survived it all and wasn't the traitor (which, dammit, Gabi, so annoying, her and Africa were by far the biggest disappointments). And when you're considering something like this, it is a combination of screentime, complexity, rootability, agency, I didn't love that Eva was one of the only women who went totally topless, along with Som, who is Asian but one of the darker skinned characters on the show. Which, lol, that's an even more nuanced discussion, like, it shouldn't be a matter of shame or poor treatment, but in reality, it can be, and if there's an imbalance, it does stand out. None of these are dealbreakers, but for sure, I definitely was racking up these observations.
I'm curious if it gets another season. I'd be okay if it doesn't, since it could very well be read as a full rescue and resolution of the story, though I'm sure the writers have something much more convoluted planned. :o
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evaajacksxo · 8 months
[ACFTL SPOILERS AHEAD, read at ur own risk]
basically, acftl was a disappointment, i feel like most people feel that way right now 😭
the first 60% of the book was perfect, but something bad happened in that last part idk what stephanie did there 😭 i understand she decided to change the end at the last minute, but honestly i would have waited longer if it meant we got a less rushed and more developed conclusion to the trilogy. (like stephanie baby if u were struggling you should have just pushed it back more, it would have been worth it i swear)
the whole thing about eva’s love being the cure to jacks’s curse was a huge cop out, and the plot surrounding the two trees was just weird and unnecessary. when we all saw that map with the tree of souls i feel like we all had the same idea that the tree would be the explanation for how jacks became a fate in the first place. and yet 🧍🏼‍♀️
the book focused far too much on apollo and his weird, rushed attempt at a corruption arc. the end was super anticlimactic, and after reading the waterstones epilogue, i really hope stephanie isn’t gonna give us an apollo book bc his character is so flat and BOOOOORING!!!!! his chapters added nothing to the story for me, and in fact it made the book feel totally different from the other two. not enough focus was placed on eva and jacks, and instead we had to hear waaaay too much about apollo and his daddy issues and his attempt at being an ass kisser to the valours. the book as a whole just didn’t serve as a conclusion for me and left me with more questions.
also the lack of a big love confession from jacks just had my enjoyment of the book dead in the water by that point 💔 this is a character who has spent many years having his heart broken repeatedly, being unable to feel love or receive love without killing people, and watching the girl he finally fell for die in his arms, and you’re telling me all he had to say was “i love you,”…..like cmon!!! he said more to tella than he did to evangeline and he apparently doesn’t even remember what tella looks like!
plus….what happened to the whole deal about how fates became human once they fell in love? why was this left as a gaping plot hole? i was very frustrated when the “epilogue” (if you wanna call whatever that was an epilogue) called jacks “not-so-human”……so like…..is eva gonna eventually die and jacks just ends up alone again? like where was the closure?
the last 40% was such a clusterfuck and it is really glaringly obvious that stephanie was either rushing to meet the deadline, or more focused on her new project to focus on finishing the finale of ouabh. it’s really sad to see, especially after waiting so long to read it! it’s wild that most of the fan theories i’ve been seeing the past nine months have wound up being more fitting than the actual ending 😭
(also, where the fuck was LUC??)
but yeah, the first 60% was enjoyable enough for me that i ended up giving it 4 stars. if i really let my head rate it i’d probably give it 3 or maybe 2.5 🤔 it really disappointed me.
idk if anyone else agrees or cares abt my ramblings but i just had to put smth out after seeing others get angry at people who didn’t enjoy the book 🤷🏼‍♀️
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linnienin · 1 year
🌸 A s t e r o i d ⁕ S i r e n e ⁕ i n ⁕ 1 s t ⁕ h o u s e 🌸
🎀 " W h o i s s h e ? " 🎀
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⁕ This placement is the true embodiment of a siren: mysterious, intriguing and magnetizing by just existing. They get obsessed fans and admirers (similar to Sirene in Scorpio). ⁕ Their body is simply perfect, but what's truly captivating about them it's the way the native moves creating sinuous curves and intoxicating the view with an unseen but strong smoke of sex appeal. These people can also be quite good at dancing, practicing sports because they have a great understanding of their bodies. ⁕ Their gaze is naturally penetrating, it's like they can see through your soul, and this both intimidates and enchants others, as they feel truly seen (people might overshare and spill their secrets with these natives). ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ M E S M E R I Z I N G ⁕ B O D Y ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕
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⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ S E D U C T I V E ⁕ A U R A ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕
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⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ "I have a body and i know how to use it" ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕
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⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ S I L E N T ⁕ C O N F I D E N C E ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕
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⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ B O N D ⁕ G I R L ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕
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⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ C A T W O M A N ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕
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C E L E B R I T I E S ⁕ W I T H ⁕ S I R E N E ⁕ I N ⁕ 1 ST ⁕ H O U S E :
⁕ Debra Paget ⁕ Bella Hadid ⁕ Eva Green ⁕ Angelina Jolie ⁕ Grace Kelly ⁕ Selena Gomez ⁕ Anne Hathaway ⁕ Grace Jones ⁕ Zoe Kravitz ⁕ Jennifer Lawrence Males: ⁕ Elvis Presley
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⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ Hi everyone!
How many Sirene in 1H do we have? Leave a comment if you're one of the lucky 😉
I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know what you think about it 🌸 After researching more celebrities's natal charts i wanted to make some posts highlighting the most powerful and prominent Sirene placements.
I still don't know if i'll make a single post for every single house, but i have planned to make single posts on Sirene in celeb's charts through the signs and most prominent aspects
I will still publish a post with Sirene through all the houses, meanwhile if you are interested to read my post on Sirene through the signs here is it:
SIRENE THROUGH THE SIGNS AND DEGREES (CLICK ON IT) And that was all for now, stay cool 🕶
I wish you a wonderful day! 🌸
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equallyshaw · 1 year
All Star Wedding feat. Sidney Crosby
- let’s pretend that Sid ditched this years all stars game lol
- also this is kinda a dig at sid because he hasn’t proposed yet lol
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@ninapetrova: all star off to a bang with my loves.
24.9k likes, 2.3k comments.
@nathanmackinnon: 🥹🥹 miss the fam
@ninapetrova: we miss you !!!
@evgenimalkin: need the wedding now !!
@ninapetrova: 👀👀👀👀 @sidneycrosby
@charlottewalker: sid she just called u out hehe
@krisletang: the best niece and nephews 💗
@catherineleflamme: they really are!
@veroniquelarose: someday that will be your guys wedding 😭
@marcandrefleury: if he ever proposes ..
@laurenoshie: I swear y’all are the cutest !!
@angelaprice: hottest mom eva
@ninapetrova: 🥹🥹 stopppp
@mel.landeskog: best way to spend the all star break 🙅🏼‍♀️
@ninapetrova: you already know !!
@paigelorenze: so stinkin cuteee, miss you all😘
@ninapetrova: miss you too!!
@carly.zucker: cutie pies
@hannahatcher: fav family 🫶🏻
@sid778: love you 🤍🤍
@ninapetrova: love you!!
@nikitamalkin: hottie alert
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@sid778: best all star break!
Tag: ninapetrova
134 likes, 34 comments.
@ninapetrova: 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@charlottewalker: WAIT
@charlottewalker: DID YOU @ninapetrova
@nathanmackinnon: wait wait wait wait
@evgenimalkin: didn’t tell you 2??
@catherineletang: 👀 the hand @krisletang
@carly.zucker: OMG OMG ITS HAPPENED
@ninapetrova: it did !!
@ninapetrova: loml
@nathanmackinnon: crying in the club
@andremarcfleury: sobbing
@andrewcogliano: little man growin up 😭
@hannahatcher: AHHH
@veroniquelarose: congrats guys!!
@nikitamalkin: favs!
Hope you guys enjoyed :) (and yes they did elope lol)
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iamfabiloz · 1 year
ASKING ABOUT ALL YOUR GUYZ SO HARD...what's up with jackdawstar what happened 👀
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(pic above is old art from last year of jackdaw and fernpaw backstory, fern n jackdaw as babies, jack n fern older hanging out, jackdaw crying over ferns body, and old man jackdaw telling his nephew pinekit (pinesap) abt his old friend)
YIPPPEE TY DUDE HEHEHE AHEMM *shuffles my garbled notes* SOO jackdawstar is the leader of my fanclan spruceclan he has a bunch of trauma and went thru a bunch at an early age way b4 he was ready😨 in da expressions art, hes grieving over the loss of his close friend fernpaw!! jackdaw and fern grew up together bein around bein besties!! (tho jackdaw might have a lil crush on fern or smth uhm) jackdaws mom, crowstar, is the leader at the time, n bc of nepotism she promotes him to warrior when hes far too little so he becomes jackdawclaw while his bud fern remains fernpaw n is still training as a med cat apprentice.
the deputy dies n so crowstar picks her 13 yr old son as deputy ofc, and jackdaw accepts all the burden bc he wants to make his mami proud :[ and then guesss what.. CROWSTAR DIEZ!! leaving 18 moon old jackdawstar as leader of an entire clan of cats... as u can imagine this is not very good for a growing boys mental health!! after a few moons of shaky leadership n jackdaw tryin not to crumble under it all, a flood hits spruceclans camp!! jackdaw has a meltdown during evacuation n is frozen unable to move in his den n fernpaw races to save his bestie!! jackdaw is able to get hauled to safety by fern, but fernpaw isnt able to swim out and sinks beneath the water, drowning. jackdaw is absolutely DISTRAUGHT over the death of like his only friend :( he blames himself n so does fernpaw's adopted mother/mentor velvetvein (blink blink there some drama there but id be here foreva if i screamed abt it BAH) so jackdaw continues to lead spruceclan trying to do his best for his clanmates and in memory of spruceclan!! he sure is lucky to have his deputy snowshiva :] who is velvetveins wife and they do not have no ambitious or malicious plans eva hmm involving disposing of him or anythin uhh anyways
jackdaws an old man now and fernpaws ghost still hangs around him, fern neva blamed jackdaw for his demise, fern chose to save his dear jackdaw...
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(old art from last year part two: old man jackdaw crying as ferns ghost hangs over him in an attempt to be comfortin even tho jack cant see him)
anyways that uhh a good chunk of sillytalk abt my sillay fella jackdaw!! i hope u enjoyed ty for asking, there is a bunch more lore but it trapped inside my head HELP anways YAYY
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johnpriceslamb · 6 months
Why must I suffer with how cutely you write. I’m the Anon who suggested the secret admirer and I ADORE it! It was lovely and you better have an amazing year ! !!! Thank youuu 💕🎀
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mwa mwa mwa tenk u o so much for enjoying it !!!!! hope u have da bubbliest year eva 🍼
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reidselle · 2 years
i stg if i’ve liked ur fic and haven���t reblogged it it’s bc i haven’t read it.
i’m very avid about reblogged fics i’ve read and enjoyed so please don’t think i’m just like multiple fics of urs and never reblogging them.
i’ve honestly just been so busy lately that when i do have the time to mindlessly scroll i like things i want to read later. atp i don’t even the energy to save them in my drafts like i usually do so i’m going w the most effortless option out of them all.
ALSO if i’m on ur taglist pleaseee continue to keep tagging me if u can. i PROMISE i will get to interacting w the posts you’ve tagged me in. i’m just struggling to get in the flow of being a college student.
tagging of few people that this applies too: @boldlyvoid @foxy-eva @spacecowboyhotch @radiant-reid @honeypiehotchner @backpackgoldfish @ddejavvu @samuel-de-champagne-problems @fortheloveofwonderland (im sorry if this isn’t a big deal to u, or if it was even noticeable but i’d still like to make sure so i hope this tag isn’t too bothersome.)
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