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catfindr · 1 year ago
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deathbysports · 8 months ago
currently thinking of how abusive some hockey coaches are and how players are supposed to act like that sort of stuff is normal
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teenagefeeling · 3 months ago
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pictures from my walk this morning! genuinely very much enjoying being in a place where i can casually scale a mountain at 10 am to be very real with you all. living my mountain goat dreams.
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thedegu · 1 year ago
Pie has been baked!
Vegetables have been washed and chopped!
Green bean casserole has been prepared!
Dinner rolls are ready to be put in the oven!
All I have to do from point A tomorrow are the potatoes, thr rest just need to be cooked or warmed up :)
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silverbirching · 3 months ago
Perhaps a pie of bak'd almonds and honey'd lamprey eels if thou art feeling fancy.
Forsooth, this recipe's origin lies in antiquity. My great grandmother--
me, eating a pile of nuts, cheese, and apple: mmmm tasty
the medieval peasant in my head watching me eat: thou knowst what would MAKETH this meal? dried fruits.
me, getting out the raisins: god damn, etheldred, you are SO right
the medieval peasant in my head: yet thou art still not heeding mine words regarding the blasphemy
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 months ago
I really want to try Honeybaked Ham's mashed potatoes and gravy, but my parents don't really want me to bring that home for Christmas.
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justtakeout · 1 month ago
The Big Bang Continuum EP 2: The Coefficient of Chaos in Child-Rearing
Sheldon faces a parenting dilemma when Leonard’s hockey game clashes with Laura's newfound passion for acting, a hobby he blames on Penny. As the gang gathers at the ice rink, Sheldon tries to maintain his scientific approach, but family dynamics quickly challenge his methods. 
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hi guys, this is ep2 of the tbbt webtoon! had to split what was originally ep2 into two separate episodes because of the upload limit. the next chapter will be the last one, and it'll probably take a while too since i haven’t even started it yet hahaha. hope you guys enjoy this one as much as i enjoyed making it, and i’d love to hear what you think! you can check it out here: Read The Big Bang Continuum :: The Coefficient of Chaos in Child-Rearing (Part 1) | Tapas Community Read The Big Bang Continuum :: The Coefficient of Chaos in Child-Rearing (Part 2) | Tapas Community
leonard cooper’s jersey number was supposed to be #12, but i messed up in ep1 and didn’t notice the typo until later. decided to roll with #14 instead to match his age, figured it worked out in the end.
apparently, “silver fox” means an attractive older man, which i had no idea about hhahaha. i was just throwing around team names with foxes, monkeys, and koalas. too late to change it now since the jerseys and logos are already done, and honestly, i’m too lazy to redo it t_t.
i don’t have a background in hockey or webtoons, so i pulled a lot of inspiration from dogshred (https://www.manhwatoon.com/manga/dogsred/) after seeing it recommended on reddit. mostly used it to figure out how to panel the game flow and sfx. no idea if what i did is accurate, i just went with what felt right, lol. if you’re into hockey manga, i’d say check it out, though i haven’t finished reading it yet.
for the gameplay, leonard cooper was loosely inspired by connor bedard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxFUWS5MBOc&list=WL&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB), but the script’s game play is a mix of:
Little Caesars VS #2 Chicago Mission 15s | Game Highlights 2019 MAHA Bantam Major State Championship - HoneyBaked vs Little Caesars Bauer Bantam Elite Invite Finals - West Van vs Delta - Extended Game HighlightsAAA Bantam Day 3 Championship (Full game, no commentary)
asked a coworker for advice on the game and terminology, but yeah i don’t really know hockey hahaha used a ton of references while drawing the scenes.
also cut a lot of scenes from the original script since it felt like it was dragging the pace haha big thanks to angel @girlnamedangel for beta reading and giving super helpful feedback!
if you notice any differences in details, it’s probably because i drew some stuff from memory while at work lol. let me know if you spot any typos or mistakes so i can avoid them next time hahaha.
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socialistexan · 1 year ago
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This looks like a Moonmelon-style shitpost where someone photoshopped honeybaked ham onto pineapple.
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mst3kgifs · 1 year ago
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Hey, he's becoming honeybaked!
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honey-oak · 5 months ago
As I door dash my Jersey Mikes sub, I will never forget the day I once ordered just one pound of honeybaked ham to be delivered to my house for lunch. The world we live in the fact that I was able to do that astounds me.
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turtlemagnum · 7 months ago
thinking about that little family get-together again. i remember when we were eating dinner, they made sloppy joes. and like, they were good for sloppy joes, which is a bit like saying someone is good for a hate criminal but they at least had a bit more flavor than manwich or whatever the fuck my grandparents usually buy. but at one point, one of the women (i didn't see who specifically, i wasn't looking at them and i honestly can't tell most of them apart) exclaimed "hoOh! these sloppy joes sure are spicy!!!" and it's like. holy shit, you people are so insufferably white. sloppy joes??? SPICY????? like yeah they were probably the most flavorful sloppy joes i've ever had, but that's more of an indictment of the concept itself rather than a compliment to this specific example of them. spicy fucking sloppy joes, oh my fucking god, her taste buds must be more sensitive than my mental health when i was a teenager.
anyways i didn't wanna eat more sloppy joes but one of the women told me to eat more, so i got some fucking cheese (what the fuck is it with honky ass crackers like them and their fucking cheese) and i swear to god it had less taste than water. i swear to god it was like biting into fucking wax except at least wax usually has a bit of a scent to it when it's used in candles.
i'm kinda rambling at this point but god do i hate white people cooking. i hate how every fucking christmas and thanksgiving they insist on having that grody ass overpriced honeybaked ham and they don't even have the taste to heat it up beforehand, and i hate how every thanksgiving they insist on having a fucking turkey. seriously, why did it become the standard to insist on the only two meats i actively dislike on holidays!?!? can i blame fucking puritanism??? i know they thought having seasoned food was a sin or whatever, i don't fucking know man. i can't wait until i'm consistently cooking for myself, christ
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crustywhitedogenthusiast · 1 year ago
i keep smelling.... like incredible delicious smells in the bathroom at work and im not sure if it's like a ventilation issue of what but
yesterday, it smelled like a honeybaked ham. a gorgeous thanksgiving honeybaked ham.
the other day it smelled like buttered theater popcorn....
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qrfit · 1 year ago
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Day 4 of 5 day workout week:
End of the week is racing toward us and the holiday weekend awaits. But, I’m determined to get these last two workouts in! I’m sore from a full body, weighted HIIT yesterday. So, today is all about cardio!
-55 minutes of Cardio Step with the Cathe Live app (see below for example link)
-15 minutes of abs/core and stretching
One more day to get some work in before the cookies, candy and Honeybaked Ham starts coming for me! Gotta stay vigilant! 🙅🏽‍♀️
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thebigshotman · 1 year ago
(stolen from @codenamejudas lol, thought it would be fun to finally do one of these big character profiles for Spam. A blank template will be under the cut)
NAME: Spamton G. Spamton
NICKNAMES/TITLES: Spaul (among duplicates of himself and friends)/ Big Shot (himself)
SPECIES: Puppet (formally Gen 2 Addison)
AGE: 46 (looks 25)
DATE OF BIRTH: May 3rd, 1978
NOTE-WORTHY ABILITIES: Can unhinge his jaw and create a vacuum with his mouth, create little F1 healing angels, create Pipis, engage in mimicry (not always by choice), and will never ever stop trying to sell you something (unless you’re a friend)
CURRENT RESIDENCE: A dumpster…just, any dumpster
OCCUPATION: Salesman (self-employed), mainly of trash but also of other totally legitimate things. CL1CK HERE TO [[fr33 downl0ad]] [#1 movie of the summer!] N0W!!!!
AFFILIATIONS: None technically speaking, but he’ll help out his Addisons with most things
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Voice Clips/Commercials, can also mentally pull up Google Translate to understand you if need be
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
ASSETS: Mechanics tools that are very rusty but still work, his Dealmakers
FLAWS: Greedy, reckless, impulsive, bit of a temper sometimes
LIKES: His girlfriend (Eileen, main verse only), Kromer, Kromer, and more Kromer, actually selling something, food he doesn’t have to scavenge for, fixing cars
DISLIKES: His body, his voice, his situation, that damn television, that [$&@!] phone-
FEARS/PHOBIAS: Calling people (not receiving a call), something happening to Eileen, a certain someone yanking his strings
FAMILY: The Addisons that took him in, a Gen 3 cluster named Coral, Saffron, Navy, and Clementine/Clem. He also considers any duplicates his brothers by default
FRIENDS: W3 DON’T NEED THOSE!!! But he does get along well with Pari, Sophie, Judas, and Derecho among others
ROMANTIC INTEREST: Eileen, his [Hazelnut], his [Honeybaked Ham], his [[silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!]]-
ENEMIES: Tenna, Swatch, Mike (all equally for similar reasons)
-He’s incapable of making those little noises people make anymore with his broken voice box, a wide array of sounds (confirmation noises, desktop noises, video game sounds, voice clips of those sounds from movies) come out instead
-He used to sing to himself all the time when he was an Addison, but with his voice in the shape it’s in he can’t carry a tune for very long anymore
-His systems tend to glitch out if you give him or he gives you something for free outside of holidays, like a present or a free meal. Expect him to start very aggressively fighting with his own voice soon after
-He puts on a very, very good front and tries to suppress his awareness but there’s times he wants everything to just stop, please help this man-
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I misread where you worked and thought you meant a Honeybaked Ham store, which would also be a jarring place to see Pocky
I mean I would say a honeywell is a pretty fucking weird place to see pocky, though considering someone across the hall from me has set their lock screen to some Gawr Gura fan art maybe not?
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fearthefuzzy · 9 months ago
when was this? 'Cause my family always took a honeybaked to the be3ach with them and eat off it for several days. This year it was suddenly over $100....and while the price had slowly been creeping up, it'd never been that much. Mom almost walked out. I wonder if there was some kind of summer bump going on.
Thinking about when I worked for honey baked ham and whenever we got busy our store manager would recalibrate the pricing scales to make hams more expensive per pound and most hams landed around $80 naturally so sometimes you'd get an 8lb ham for like $110
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