#honestly whats stopping me from recommending over 50+ fics??
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biscuitboba · 1 year ago
Hii, do you have some zolu/luzo ff rec??
Hii!!, uhh i have over 100 zolu/luzo fics downloaded YES OF COURSE, i'll try and list down some (many) fics with one chapter only cuz i'm not sure if i can stop recommending if i include multi chaptered fics... (But if you want some rec for the multi chaptered fics just let me know!! Ohh and maybe some ongoing fics?)
This is gonna be a very long post😭🙏
Bleed like an Idiot by Augment [13k words]
Rating: Mature (for mild gore/torture)
Something something about their fear of disappointing/failing each other, the perfect amount of angst, so good
Not that Luffy wouldn’t die for each and every one of his crew, and he knows, though he will make sure it never ever happens, that they would die for him. But to supersede Zoro’s dream like this, that makes Luffy feel so hideously guilty it locks up his lungs, and his jaw, and he can’t speak, touch Zoro, anything.
The salt & the sea by novks (thychesters) [25k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Modern setting, reincarnation au. Zoro being the last person to regain his memories (of his past life) and luffy being lowkey annoyed by it lol
It’s like with Nami, hitting him full force, but it’s so much more than that as the reality of it all comes crashing down around him. Zoro, his (first mate, first friend in this world of pirates, first crew member and first one he swore an oath with), his—he isn’t even sure what to call him. There’s too much but too little to describe him.
Zoro. Zoro, who—no, no, no offense to Nami—should have been first. Zoro, who’s a constant, and he’s practically vibrating with the need to reach and touch him, make sure he’s really real. His tongue darts out to wet his lip as he steps forward, crowding into his personal space and finally grinning because I found you!
Luffy wants to call him an idiot, because it figures he would get lost finding his way home.
But Zoro just blinks at him, flushes, one eye still framed by a familiar scar and says, “Oh, sorry,” and makes it so much worse when he says, “Do I know you?
Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs [14k] 
Rating: General Audiences
Zoro's bad at feelings, but he is trying ok!! 
“First mates… we devote our lives to our captains. Our entire beings. We live for them, breathe for them. And they expect us not to fall in love?” He smiles, small and knowing.
Zoro’s eyes widen and he sputters, trying to muster a response. The man only laughs more.
Being a good first mate was easy enough for Zoro. That is, until the… feelings.
If I Had to Give a Reason by MiniPandaBuns [5k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Tooth-rotting fluff, Zoro and his view of luffy, #feelings, love confession, idiots in loveee
“I wonder what you see in him.”
"Too much." He'd say. "It's endless. All of my reasons can't be condensed into words."
I love him simply because he exists. Because Luffy is Luffy, limitless and free.
Inseparable on the face of Impossibility by the11thhour [25k]
Rating: Not Rated
Luffy is taken by some bad guy, his boyfriend and family (crew) to the rescue! #superworriedzoro:(
A fun trip to a new island takes a turn for the worse when a mysterious group of pirates cause trouble and Luffy goes missing. The crew led by Zoro embark on a mission to get their captain back while his vivre card burns away.
When the Dew Falls Up by louluna [10k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Time travel au, there are two zoros!!
As the bright light enveloped his body, Zoro knew his day had gone to absolute shit.
New year's kiss by grimsoul [4k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Post wano, the title is pretty self explanatory i guess.. fluff, very sweet!! 
Luffy didn’t understand back then but the couple seemed so happy. Kissing someone to strengthen a relationship must have really worked.
It’s been long since that time so Luffy had almost forgotten about it. But then as he sails again now with his crew—the title of an Emperor latched to his name, their journey getting closer and closer to the One Piece, to his dream—a new year approaches them.
Found in the Crack of Your Palm by The_Furthest_City_Light [11k]
Rating: General Audiences
#luffybeingsuperdemisexualatzorofor11k (personally demi luffy is my favorite headcanon of him!)
Zoro’s hands are big, thick and knuckly and covered in calluses from his swords. He has a strong grip, too, and strong muscles because he trains them to be strong.
None of it explains the way Luffy’s body lights up when Zoro clasps the back of his neck, like every nerve is alight and trained on the palm cupping the baby hairs at the back of his skull. His stomach knots over itself and he wants to eat everything in Sanji’s kitchen. Zoro’s skin is a little rough and sweaty from fighting and warm.
Zoro is close, his forehead nearly butting Luffy’s and Luffy couldn’t move if he wanted to, trapped there by the closeness and the touch that makes him aware of Zoro’s skin against his in a way he’s never been before.
Zoro’s eyes bore into his, digging deep into Luffy and dragging out—something, buried in the base of his spine. He feels like the earth is tilting, and freefall seems like it might be fun.
the moon asks a question by d_s_writes [1k]
Rating: General Audiences
A very short fic, but can't stop thinking about the rest of strawhats and their idea of love vs luffy's, like- he really gagged me here😭
Zoro doesn’t understand—how can he feel all the things that the others had spoken of, yet none of it the same time? He felt that each of their versions of love were merely motions of love, rather than love itself.
He doesn’t get it. Love has never been a word, or a sense of belonging, or any of those things. He had only ever really thought of love when he looked at Luffy.
OR: An investigation of the lives and loves of the Strawhat Pirates.
Robin knows by leopardgeckoz [3k]
Rating: General Audiences
Oh moment for both zoro and luffy but especially for the oblivious captain
In which Nico Robin has always known how her captain and first mate feel for one another, and the scenario's in which the rest of the crew discover it.
"Every passing hour of Luffy's silence drove Zoro further and further into madness. He wanted Luffy's smile, his laugh, his chatter, but his captain had spent the better part of the day on the complete opposite sides of the ship as Zoro. Out of sight, but most certainly not out of mind. If anything, his absence plagued Zoro's even more."
step 1: die by swordsmans [11k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Roronoa zoro and his unstoppable self  destru sacrificing tendency for his one and only captain (featuring sanji!)
After two years with Ivankov, Sanji knows something about Luffy that Zoro does not.
ship to wreck by novks (thychesters) [9k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Zoro and luffy but from nami's perspective?? Mutual pinning and luffy's oh moment
Nami is the first one to notice something is amiss, but then given her current competition is Luffy and Zoro, it isn’t surprising.
“Do you love Zoro?” She doesn’t bother beating around the bush. Doesn’t bother with easing into it with any metaphors or small talk, one of which Luffy would have little interest in, and the other of which would go over his head.
He stares back at her, and for a split second she feels like she’s gone and shoved her foot right into her mouth. Something flickers through his eyes, but she doesn’t have time to fully study it before his features shutter again.
Luffy tilts his head. “Of course I do.”
Part of her wants to cheer, shout aha! because she knew it, dammit, but then he proceeds to barrel right over that.
“I love you too,” to which she freezes, and then: “And Usopp, and Sanji, I guess. You guys are my friends.”
She wants to scream.
But Patience Boasts by Augment [9k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ughh i love the way this fic portray zoro and sanji's dynamic… anyways, lowkey wingman sanji!
Sanji and Zoro have very different love languages.
Kizuna by YokoHogawa [5k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
#nakamaship, basically 
Usopp carefully watches Luffy over the sandwich he is biting into, and he can’t help but worry.
Sanji has an anxiety problem.
Something wakes Zoro at the crack of dawn.
Half a step (into the sun) by TheOctopusofWriting [29k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Demon prince zoro, that's it, that's the point.
Zoro was the exiled prince of an island of demons. He spent the first portion of his life wandering from island to island without any place to really call home, that is until he follows a boy in a strawhat out to sea and finds the home he'd been looking for
to cut your teeth on love by freckledshoulderblades [10k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Smth smth the bond between captain and first mate...
Zoro meets Luffy and gives himself over wholeheartedly the instant Wadō is placed between his teeth again. Luffy meets Zoro and decides in a heartbeat that Zoro is his
Take Me Out to Sea by MiniPandaBuns [3k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audience
Just them being all sweet and wholesome<3
Luffy and Zoro take a pleasant little swim together, despite the fact that Luffy can't swim and Zoro told him no. Many times.
He just can't refuse his Captain. Even if he does, Luffy still wins, because he's just Luffy and that's how it goes.
everybody wants your time by dwaal [3k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Uhh abo au, omega zoro and alpha luffy, jealousy, bonded mates, making out, y knoww~
An unclaimed omega on the seas can be a liability. It's commonplace for captains to bite any of their crew to prevent any incidents, but the marks are usually temporary.
Zoro is intensely aware of this, as Boa Hancock proceeds to make herself at home on the arm of his captain's chair
it's an ambush! by tuhituhi [3k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Zoro meeting his bf's brothers for the first time!
Luffy's middle name should be B. for Blindside the way he's constantly taking Zoro off guard. Or maybe the D. stood for Devious, or Devil- any of them would fit, considering the Situations this man has put him through. OR
Zoro meets Luffy's brothers. Was he expecting this? Technically. Was he prepared for this?
Not in the slightest
end of summer (now i know) by taka0 [2k]
Rating: Mature
Just luffy being very sappy (and a tiny bit horny) about his zoro<3
Luffy loves all of Zoro while they lie in a hammock.
Ocean theology by swordsmans [40k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Reincarnation au, yearning and devotion, symbolism-
“Did you know?” he repeats, desperate, and Luffy just looks at him. And he wonders, then, how much of this has been preordained—how much of this is real, how much of this is him. How much of what he’s felt since they were wedged side-to-side in a shitty wooden boat on the East Blue has actually mattered, and how much has been the universe pressing him down into the mold of someone else's heart.
And then Luffy is gripping his horns, bringing his forehead down to meet his, repeating, “Zoro? Zoro?” like his name is a mantra, like he’s gone somewhere far away and gotten lost on his way back.
And Zoro blinks at him, then, and sees both of them at once—both of them—and he grips Luffy’s face in his own hands (claws) and presses his lips (violent, full of teeth) against his. Because this is who he has been waiting a thousand years for, the brightest and most beautiful of them all, the one thing he could never have—could never see, not if (Luffy, Joyboy, Nika) had made different (worse) choices—the thing that could never thrive in the darkness, just like he could never (has been unable to for centuries) survive without it—
let thy sword be thy tongue by queerweather [14k]
Rating: Mature
Sword language, sword personification, swords- zoro not being so normal about his captain, whats new?
It’s strangely exhilarating, imagining himself on his knees in front of Luffy, blindfolded. Like he really is getting executed this time. All of Zoro’s senses stand at attention and his mouth fills with saliva.
The flat of Kitetsu’s blade presses cold against Zoro’s cheek. “Zoro,” Luffy scolds. “I haven’t even done anything yet.”
Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and Zoro is not afraid of Luffy handling his swords; Zoro is afraid of how Luffy handling his swords might unravel him.
The only animal by batman [10k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content)
 It's about roronoa zoro and how he pines for his captain
It wasn't until Kuraigana that he realised how the world had split into two kinds of touch: swords and hands.
Luffy's hands.
(In a stolen week between islands, Luffy touches Zoro again.)
Sunward bound by iffervescent [13k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top zoro)
Ace luffy & sex positive luffy!!
Zoro's a pirate bounty hunter, which means he's used to going after the pirate he wants and getting them. Except this time the pirate he wants is his captain and now he has no fucking clue what to do.
Expressions by Leoporidae_Lagomorpha [2k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top luffy)
Them being disgustingly in love whats new?, sexy times (plot what plot) 
Monkey D. Luffy knows, that despite popular opinion, Roronoa Zoro is a man of many expressions.
hanabi | 花火 by narramin [8k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top luffy)
Just the captain and his first mate being silly while enjoying their date in wano (eventual smut)
firework /ˈfʌɪəwəːk/
plural noun: fireworks
• a device containing gunpowder and other combustible chemicals which causes spectacular effects and explosions when ignited, used for display or in celebrations.
• a display of great skill or energy.
Luffy and Zoro finally reunite in Wano, visit a gambling den and go on a less than traditional festival date night.
a tale of two gods by grimsoul [6k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top zoro, implied switching)
Sun of God x God of death. a fiery tryst between two gods
“Ne, Zoro, come with me,” Luffy said, giggling, pulling him closer. “You’re going to be a part of my court.”
Contrary to what most people believed, hell was a rather cold place. Zoro had been quite used to it, the lack of light, the vast glaciers, his body no longer as fragile as it was eons ago, and so a simple touch like this from Luffy, from the sun, made him feel like his flesh was scorched—melting away easily like winter in summer’s heat.
They were close, so close that their foreheads were almost touching, and despite the burn of it, Zoro didn’t push him away. He smirked, his one eye glowing just as red as Luffy’s.
“Don’t decide something on your own, idiot.”
running just to keep my hands on you by nevermordor [6k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, switching)
They are so competitive in pretty much everything lol
The thing they do is kind of like a game, because Luffy likes games, but it’s also kind of a competition because Zoro can’t not turn anything and everything into a competition. It doesn’t have a name and there are only two rules, because more than two would just be making things boring and overcomplicated.
1. Whoever takes out the most guys in a fight is the winner
2. Whoever is the loser has to do whatever the winner says
“Why’s it gotta be a whole game and stuff," Luffy says. "That’s gonna take too long.”
“It makes sex more fun," Zoro explains. "You gotta win it, you gotta earn it. Like anything good in life. Like pirate king or greatest swordsman.”
Luffy considers this.
One on one by EclecticIsMyMiddleName [6k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top luffy) 
Post canon, domestic married luffy and zoro my beloved… they are so in love?? It's sickening
Zoro's just trying to get ready for the day, but Luffy has other plans
Prayers Carried on Waves Reach the Sun by anarchycox [8k]
Rating: Mature (sexual content, switching)
Sun god luffy & demon zoro ftw
Luffy is the sun god, Nika. Zoro is a demon. And his boyfriend. They make it work. On earth the Thousand Sunny is the ship of worship for the sun god, the crew Nika's priests. When they call for help, Luffy and Zoro go to their aid.
Luffy decides they should stay a while, and Zoro loves him enough to do so.
Being human is a pain and stupid, but for his Luffy, he'll endure it.
Ok i need to stop here cuz it's getting way too longgg, but i'm just so ill about the two of them sorry not sorry😭😭
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drabsyo · 3 years ago
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📚 cissamione fic recs ❤ | requested! :)
(listen to 🎵 cornelia street | slow dancing | don't blame me | dress | call it what you want🎵)
📖 Love in the Eye of a Storm by rattlesoft
(A perfect read during a stormy night. Incredibly immersive. Also, bit of a 🛑spoiler: the image of Hermione soaked through the bone by rainfall is *chef's kiss*. I absolutely adore the 'I-ran-into-the-storm-so-I-could-reach-you' trope. That is just so meaningful to me.)
Summary: After the war, Narcissa Malfoy spends all of her time holed up in Malfoy Manor. Growing more and more dissatisfied, she takes a holiday to a mysterious island that promises no contact with the outside world. There, she encounters someone else in similar circumstances and a threat straight from her nightmares.
📖 She's Just a Boy by Looktotheedges
(THIS. This is a brilliant read. The dialogue, the banter, the humor, everything. Just read it. Trust me.)
Summary: Draco has been given a task by the Dark Lord. A task he can't refuse. Either kill Dumbledore...or he and his family will be killed. Well. Narcissa Malfoy shan't let her son become a killer. Not for her, not for anything. She'll do anything for her son. Give her life for her son. Become a killer for her son. Take his place at Hogwarts...and do the deed herself. Although she had not anticipated being a teenage boy being quite so difficult.
📖 From Heads Unworthy by intheinkpot
(THIS. I will never ever get over From Heads Unworthy. The plot is fantastic. I adore slow burn fics like this, where you're genuinely unsure when or if the two characters you're rooting for are going to end up together. And it's all about that tension that's somehow always present when they're in each other's company. It's about that journey, and From Heads Unworthy has that plot in spades. I really can't get over how good this one is. I honestly couldn't put it down the moment I picked it up.)
Summary: Unable to destroy Nagini, Harry dies at the Battle of Hogwarts. Hermione saves Narcissa from Voldemort's wrath, and now it's up to them to figure out how to destroy the snake and bring Voldemort down. Told as a series of drabbles and one shots.
📖 50 First Dates by Yanana
(One of the first cissamione fics I've ever read! Fun, light-hearted, heart warming, pure fluff. I had a blast reading 50 First Dates. Grinning all the way through. Yanana has a lot of awesome cissamione stories, check out her AO3! I recommend giving them all a read!)
Summary: Hermione had faced every fancy party, every snarky interview and every suspicious gaze when her relationship with Narcissa became public. When Hermione asks her wife, years later, to get to know the muggle world she was raised in, Narcissa agrees. They go on a muggle date, once a month.
📖 Heaven When We're Home by inkheart9459
(Also a part of the first cissamione fics I've read. I can never resist a soulmate AU. I rarely see soulmate AUs for cissamione, which is a shame because there's SO MUCH angst material there. Reading Heaven When We're Home feels like comfort. It's Hermione and Narcissa gravitating towards each other slowly, playfully, inevitably. You know how there's always that one person you can't stop thinking about, and each time they're in the same room or street as you, you can't help but go there and just be near them? And you can easily tell that they're feeling the same way, but neither of you say anything until it just keeps happening? This is that. I love that.)
Summary: 5 Times Hermione and Narcissa aren't ready to admit they're soulmates + the 1 time they are.
📖 Ice by Habren
(Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age is an idiot, pass it on. This is undoubtedly my favorite trope. But Narcissa being an idiot just as much as Hermione is? EVEN BETTER. Also Narcissa being furious, and Andromeda just being done with everything! Habren, you're my hero. Go check out all of Habren's cissamione stories on AO3!)
Summary: Nothing is as it seems. Hermione doesn't understand what's happening, and neither does Narcissa. Andromeda is in a corner rolling her eyes.
📖 Blood Magic by Cumbersome
(I told myself I'd only be putting Hermione/Narcissa fics on this list, Blood Magic does have bellamione but it's cissamione endgame. And I couldn't not put Blood Magic here because of it's great plot and terrific characterization. Blood Magic does a fantastic job of showing just how magnetic the Black sisters are, and just how different they are from one another other, but also how incredibly alike they are.)
Summary: An A/U set in 1970s. Hermione is born in an earlier timeline. Firmly on the Light side, she works as an Auror to stop Voldemort and his followers. But it soon becomes apparent that both the Light and Dark are capable of evil. As she struggles with her identity and her place, she finds herself drawn to the Black family and the old traditions.
📖 peppermint kisses & things in threes by evawrites
(I read this during the holidays. For those who love fluff and feel good stories! Who doesn't? The title alone is just so heart warming ❤)
Summary: Everyone is laughing, and it rings in Narcissa’s ears akin to a Christmas carol on a late December morning, but there is one laughter that stands out in particular. Hermione is laughing, and her hand is out of nowhere on Narcissa’s thigh, just a light touch, but enough to make Narcissa’s skin burn even through all the layers of clothing. Narcissa doesn’t know why, but she doesn’t question it; just thinks that she could get used to something like this.
📖 The Scientist (Remastered) by Greysfanhp
(I first came across The Scientist at ff.net, but it's been posted by the author on AO3 very recently! This one is definitely in my to-read list. The premise is incredibly interesting, and again, I just adore how it's about Narcissa and Hermione connecting with each other in the beginning for the sake of academic pursuits. That's one of my favorite plots and needless to say, I'm so excited to read this one!)
Summary: Curiosity killed the cat, they say; but satisfaction brought it back. A few years after the war Hermione is a widely respected academic about to start her latest research project. To see its completion, however, she will have to ask help from the last person she ever imagined.
📖 the rest of my sunsets by evawrites
(Poignant, sad, beautiful, wonderful read. Only the first chapter is up, and Hermione and Narcissa have barely exchanged a few words with each other and yet it feels like so much more has happened. evawrites does a magnificent job capturing just how broken and lost Hermione and Narcissa are after the war; the long pauses in their conversation, the tentative way they try to assess each other, the stilted manner of speaking, the massive uncertainty, the pondering, the asking, "where do we go from here?", and the tentative vulnerability they share with each other in a moment's notice, and the way they try to walk away from each other just as quickly. The way evawrites writes Narcissa, focusing on the quiet sadness this character carries all around her, and the way she actually deeply feels everything in a profound level is an absolute marvel to read. I'm a big fan.)
Summary: Narcissa never really believed in fate, but when she accidentally comes face-to-face with Hermione Granger all over Europe too many times, she thinks she might reconsider.
📖 Killing me Softly by Looktotheedges
(Listen listen. The plot is brilliant. Narcissa is an incredible legilimens, a workaholic, a genius, and of course, a stubborn person. Hermione is all those things too except she is NOT a legilimens, but she is undoubtedly one of the LOUDEST thinkers in wizarding Britain. So. They'repracticallymadeforeachother. I LOVE IT.)
Summary: When Ginny gets hurt in a wronski feint gone wrong, Hermione is on hand to take her away from the swarming fans and straight to a quieter part of St Mungo's. Where the only mediwitch around is Narcissa Black. Healer and master legilimens. And apparently Hermione's thoughts are rather loud. Oops.
📖 Perhaps by Naralanis
(AMAZING. The slow burn is absolutely worth reading every word. This was a visceral experience of Narcissa's childhood, with its fantastic writing and perfect pacing. I adore how patient Hermione is, and I adore how Perhaps perfectly captures Narcissa.)
Summary: Hermione Granger, Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, gets a new co-worker: Narcissa Black.
📖 Extinction by rubikanon
(NEED I SAY MORE? Don't speak to me. Don't look at me. Don't breathe in my direction. This has SLAYED ME. I am never ever going to be the same again after Extinction. EVER AGAIN. GO. READ THIS NOW. This is my "so something has always been missing in my life and now I know what that is" moment. THE ANSWER IS NARCISSA IN HIKING CLOTHES, OBVIOUSLY. No but seriously, Extinction is an outstanding piece of work.)
Summary: Now complete with less vague summary! Post-war adventure across the British countryside, Hermione accidentally falls in love with Narcissa Malfoy, classified missions and intrigue and dementors oh my, Ron isn't a jerk (what?! unheard of!), slow burn romance with a Serious Plot. "This is your last chance to turn back. I won't be responsible for any nightmares it brings you."
📖 Fixed in Time by TheWorldsaBeastofBurden
(THE BIG ONE. This is 600k words of amazing plot, fantastic dialogue, terrific character arcs, wonderful and diverse characters, brilliant Time Travel lore, and so much more. This is like Cissamione: The Series. Fixed in Time is like that series you binge watch until three in the morning, until it consumes your very existence. But if this was a series I could binge, it would be the only series I would ever binge ever again. EVER.)
Summary: "I did not want this for him, for my son. I did not want...any of this," the words poured from her lips like bubbling potion boiling over, "I wish...I wish I never allowed him to set foot on this path. That I never stood by and let the Dark Lord brand his precious skin with his Mark…I wish for many things Miss Granger. If I could change the past, I would.” | A desperate plea leads to a desperate mission. In a split second when all seems lost, Hermione Granger, Gryffindor’s Golden Girl unlinks the golden chain around her neck and throws it around the shoulders of Narcissa Malfoy and turns back time to a week before Draco was set to take the Mark. Working together they'll manipulate the events of the last few years to lead their past selves to victory against the Dark Lord. They have a year and a half to change the course of Draco's life, destroy the Horcruxes, prepare all versions of themselves for the Final Battle and make certain their past selves still end up in Malfoy Manor so they can snap back into time without creating a major paradox. A lot can happen in a year and a half.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 years ago
Hi! Do you have any Criminal Minds AU Sterek/Steter crossovers?
I adore your blog and always come here for amazing fic recommendations. Thank you loves! 🥰
Thank you!
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Adjust by ScarsLikeVelvet
(1/1 I 1,010 I Explicit I Steter)
A lot of worldview adjusting is going on because people storm into the house and how people inside react to the people storming in and also for the people following the people storming in. It's honestly a mess.
Condemned by BornToFly02
(1/? I 1,105 I Not Rated i Sterek)
Stiles was sure he had escaped the horrors of his teen years after entering the FBI.
He was wrong.
I'll Blow This (open wide) by LadySlytherin
(1/1 I 12,595 I Teen I Sterek)
FBI intern Stiles Stilinski is beyond excited at the prospect of joining the elite Behavioral Analysis Team. The BAU seems happy to have him joining their number.
When a fellow-intern comes to the mistaken conclusion that Stiles Stilinski and Dr. Spencer Reid are both dating the same person, Stiles sees it as an opportunity to bond with his future-teammate. One should never underestimate the pranking ability of two geniuses with devious tendencies.
Two-For by 3rdgenderfromthesun
(9/9 I 14,608 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is searching for his mother while Cora and Isaac dance around each other. When Stiles finds his mother he must face her reasons for abandoning him. Cora must face what she fears most: people. Isaac just wants to be loved.
Criminal Hunters by LitGal
(11/11 I 35,182 I Mature I Steter)
The Hale pack is circling the wagons and preparing for a counterattack from the French Argents. Stiles just has to make sure that Derek has stepped up as the alpha before that happens, all while worrying about Peter who has insisted on remaining in Virginia as he either makes himself a target or schemes--or both. Stiles is fairly sure it's both. Meanwhile, the criminal investigation of the Argents brings new people to Beacon Hills, and new threats lurk just over the horizon. And this time, it's possible that none of Peter's scheming will be enough.
I Have Friends In Not So Heavenly Places by Corvu_ss
(17/? I 38,891 I Not Rated I Sterek)
When the FBI catches Danny trying to hack into their database, they take an interest in a small town in California. It just so happens that there's been a new sting of murders in town, and not the team and the pack must work together to find and stop the culprit. Also, did I mention that the Doc and the Spark are related?
The Shadow Master by A_Darker_Shade_of_Thought
(7/? I 48,710 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was a Spark, a mage with certain reality-bending talents. To complicate matters even further, he had inadvertently brought himself and his pack to the attention of the Supernatural Crime Taskforce headed by Aaron Hotchner, also the Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. At least he could be comforted by the fact that they needed his help. In exchange for lessons on how to control his growing power, Stiles (and Derek) would need to help the BAU with a series of gruesome murders that have been slowly winding their way west to San Francisco. The case is exceedingly strange, the victims chased down and ripped apart by some unseen predator. Yet Stiles can’t shake the notion that there is something bigger than just an invisible killer rampaging across the country. If only he could take his mind off Derek Hale long enough to figure it out.
I'll cross this country on a frequency by illusemywords
(18/18 I 53,541 I Mature I Sterek)
“Stiles, I need you to run a license plate for me.”
“Whatever you need, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe.”
“Stop being such a sourwolf, just tell me the numbers.”
The one where there's a serial killer on the loose, Stiles Stilinski has a stalker and Derek Hale doesn't know how to express his emotions.
isn't it obvious? I love you* by Alphanimpala92
(50/? I 87,708 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek please don't do this." Derek stood in next to Stiles bedroom window, arms crossed over his chest. "Why don't you tell me why your here." "i was coming to make sure you were okay" "But why?" "because i was worried about you." "why are you so worried about me?" stiles just hung is head for a minute trying to hide the tears forming in his whiskey brown eyes. "Stiles?" "because isn't it obvious i love you" Derek was shocked, he replayed those 3 little words in his head i love you, over and over again..... but all he could do was think back to one the girl who he ever really showed his emotions too, the one who died because of him. "Complete silence i get it." was all stiles could say, with a swift swipe across his face wiping his falling tears away... he turned and walked out the door, leaving Derek lost and confused and not knowing if there would ever be any hope for them being together. he loved Stiles the feelings were there but he was just to scared to show them, to let Stiles in and break though the lock and chain on his heart....
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jrueships · 3 years ago
Fic you would 10/10 recommend
OKAY so i think or i heard or maybe i think i saw smthin abt this day being fic appreciation day or whatever so IM HURRYIN WITH THIS ONE so i might come back here later n reblog with some more fics i missed but I WILL GIVE YALL SOME!!! just to note tho im honestly not a big fic reader in just regular gen? I'd say I prolly read maybe like.. one fic over 2 months? And that's if a fandom gives birth to a new fic with people im intrigued by! Im a very picky reader so i don't do it often (as u can tell by my VERBOSE vocabulary of same one word showing up 50 times in one sentence i try to write) SO DON'T RLLY EXPECT LIKE. A BIBLE of recs! i also really like reading shorter fics!
You know for fic recs i GOTTA recommend the MOOTS writings!!!! btw if any other moot on here writes and posted a story that's not recommended here LEMME KNOW! LEMME READ THAT SHIT!! ANYWAYS from the moots ive read from: ok. Nevermind. I was gonna link each story and it would have been awesome but the links won't link so 😭 um. I'll just say the title of the fic and the author LMAO sorry im on mobile. OH ALSO most of these fics you're gonna need an ao3 account to read! But it's WORTH IT trrrust me paps!!
Wreck my plans (that's my man) : sunlightdappling!!! I think I read this b4 we became mooted or at the very beginning of moothood but!! The title ALONE made me excited to read it! I love titles with parentheses i love you song titles i love you two verses! The verses are unfamiliar to me but if i had to guess the title is from a swift song? Idk why! I've never really listened to her but i just get the feeling it's something she'd say? IDK what i mean is THE TITLE IS VERY SMOOTH AND ROLLING!! Which is very much how the whole story feels! It all flows so well and everyone is so real!! I love wall street exec/principal/dad/mom andre a ton here! So cool when authors include more teammates in the fic besides the two it's centered on! I'm personally not big on the warriors cause im attracted to poverty (spurs) BUT i LOVE this fic and tbh like all the warriors related stuff my moots bless me with because Warriors are Gay. And my moots? Gay. This is good stuff, everyone just IT IS JUST SOMETHING YOU WANNA AND SHOULD READ and my picky pallet self loved it VERY much! READ IT!!!!
Kdsburneraccount : <- author!! GO CHECK OUT THIS AUTHOR!!! Moot does it ALL! You see a fic in another language you really wanna read because it's like 1 outta the 4 fics your ship has? CHECK OUT KDSBA!!! (Not actually kd) translates the CUTEST stories with permission ofc so OTHERS can enjoy as well! ANDDD moot ALSO writes GREAT fics ! For very interesting ships!!! Includes lots of people in the fics without any being ooc! You can tell moot takes TIME with these!! If you're thinking of getting into nfl fic! This ur person! AND IM YOUR PLUG ‼️‼️
The whole kyle/demar tag. Read it . Just. Read it. 29 fics with love poured into each and every ONE of them (i think idk i read like half i don't remember) putting it in the moot section bcs there's gotta be some tumblr moots of mine established in these stompin grounds (or planning to set ship root here!! So just keep an eye out on this tag !)
Nahco3 : <- author! BRO. IF YOU ON SPORTS TUMBLR N NEVER READ A NAH FIC. DO IT. RN. Reading at least THREE sodium bicarbonate fics is required! Sorry! Either witness greatness or lag behind idk what to tell ya buddy! Moots ability to write like SO many 10k+ works where every single word sounds MWAH is so MWAH it's MWAH just CLICK ONNA FIC MAN!!! SEE FOR YOURSELF!!! my personal fav favs are the fics with russell just cus his personality and behavior are A1 both in real life AND fiction. Russell fics are just something to read if you like those kinda elegant but POPPIN personalities IDK lol READ IT!! Read a kyle/demar story and thank nah for being the strong pillar that ship needs to stop it from falling into the 'short one uwu smol bean baby tall one MEAN and emotionless daddy 🥺' trenches. Seriously. That's a real savior right there !!! Also james harden is so funny in the fics we hate him but we all agree a straight guy who is Straight can just be hilarious sometimes
Freaky Friday : hardlythewiser (sequinedfairy)/ just moots fics in gen also legally if you read nahco3 you read HTW too! TWO-PACKED DEAL!! it's like getting TWO ps5s for the price of ONE ps5! SERIOUSLY READ THIS FIC!!! READ THE FICS!!!! I included the one that got me into moots fics (b4 we were moots! It was just such a creative concept AND all done in one chapter too? The DEDICATION??? i HAD to check it out), but read them All. OR YOU ARE MISSING OOOUT!! writing main ships are HARD. Yet this account manages to knock em outta the park EVERY time!!
Of course i love ALL my moots AND ALL THEIR WORKS so if yall want to be included LEMME KNOW and i will add yall in the rec! I'm just writing this at night rn so im trying to go a lil fast n post!
Ok now just for fics in general hmm
Tonight : anonymous A BRAD/JOHN FIC!!!!! and the fic that encouraged me to join tumblr n scrounge up some fics of my own for the fandom! John n beal have such an interesting relationship and storyline which NEEDED to have a fic done on it! AND THIS ONE IS SO GOOD! i haven't read it in forever since my start here so i can't describe all the deets but! I like it :). It has my og fav there and the perfect melancholy kind of vibe beal/john gives off.
A little TLC : madina / madina fics overall. Madina was probably one of my first fav fic authors for the fandom. AND IDK IF I JUST HAVENT MET MADINA AS A MOOT HERE OR MADINA DOESNT USE TUMBLR OR SMTHIN BUT IM KINDA SAD I CANT BE MOOTS WITH MADINA! because i just wanna COMPLIMENT madina so BAD madina is a GENIUS i LOVE madinas fics i love how madina writes russ , (and yes i am biased because madina writes a lot of my favs but STILL), IF YOU LOVE RUSS.. you'll love madina! Madina just gets PEOPLE! So right! And knows how to write main ships AND rarer ships so well! Only weakness to madina i can think of? Lakers fan lol
Just read all the kd/russ fics they're like all so high quality and good concepts and it's all written about a really complicated relationship but the fics do it so well ! JUST READ EM!! (again tho i read like half and a long time ago so😭)
Football fics now I TOLDYOU I DONT READ ALOT anyways Prom King by playclock!!! When /I/ was rec this, i thought the authors name was playc*ck so i was a little confused 😭 waiting for that thing some writers do where they label it unexplicit or mature then it has l*wd in it LMAO but no! This one is just a really soft really cute fic about stef and allen! If you're looking into getting into nfl through that ship or just that ship, READ THIS FIC!!! it gets INSECURITY it gets PLAYFULNESS it gets FRIENDSHIP it gets LOVE!!! i love it im so glad i was recced it and now im reccin it TO YOU! guys
Easy like a [tuesday] morning : counselor. CUTE title for a somber soft fic!! I love sports fics that dive into issues athletes might have that no one really considers! This one was so understandable it was sad AND I LOVED IT!! a lovely lamar and hollywood fic, their friendship is shown so well!! READ.IT.
AGAIN i mainly read whatever catches my eye, whether that be interesting characters, title, coverart, booksleeve, SO TAKE MY RECS... however you wanna take em JUST KNOW i am no historian of literature or WHATEVER ! THESE ARE FICS I LIKE, you may not like em, who cares everyone knows everything is about me lol eat shorts
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years ago
do you have any amphibia fics you’d recommend? this hiatus is a struggle
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OK OKOKOK so i have a looooot of fave amphibia fics so it's quite a bit to sort thru but ill try to sort thru my absolute favorites ok
fireworks, by @hereforthehurts. anything by hanbon is a work of art! you will cry. fireworks is an autistic marcy human au and it makes me soooo emotional. there's also sashannarcy. could you ask for anything else?
your eyes look like coming home by evesarkisian. sashannarcy. trauma recovery <3 i love it
lost and found by @themissakat. stunning au. the characters feel so real and genuine and it's really wonderful.
you know what i think almost all of these are sashannarcy so i will stop mentioning it for now :3 just assume its sashannarcy unless i say otherwise k
gay people back from frogland what will they do by im_at_my_limit. this series. please read it... its so good i get so emotional over this series i could reread it 50 times and still wanna go back and reexperience it
forever and a day by lakeboys. could also be titled "sasha has a bad time". it's a timeloop au. so good....
christmas shoes by @callmemaybeee. its about the Found Family... i literally cried reading this fr. also autistic sasha? i am Listening... on that vein, all of maybe's fics rock
my body's looking wrong by @steelanuran. Too Real. someone give marcy a hug im begging
anything by @mothicalspoken. i think west coast is my favorite.
get in losers we're going to therapy by lesbinej. this series is also one of my absolute favorites!!!! its so good!!!!
the world outside calling by valerianavow. y'all know i love marcy-centric stuff
not delivered. by @camomile-t. its rated m but honestly!!! i think op could have gone with a t rating. this fic did have me at the edge of my seat the whole time tho
time's sail by kayseix. this one is still going!!!! i really like the way the author uses certain headcanons etc and it's just really sweet and warm and enjoyable overall!
i have others in my bookmarks but these are my absolute favs!!! i hope you enjoy anon 💜 i need to lay down after staying upright so long typing this up lol 😌
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suchalonelysunflower · 4 years ago
You Said Forever (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Based on the song “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo. You did everything you could to get over him, you talked to friends, went on long drives and even wrote him a song. Why cant you just let him go?
Warnings: Angst. Language. Mentions of alcohol. Some grammar mistakes? (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 6.7 k
Author’s Note: I’m so excited someone requested this! I highly recommend listening to the song before you read, references are in the text and dialogs. Please remember that Reblogs, Coments, Feedback and Likes are more than welcome and encouraged! You don’t know how much they help me 💕 Hope you like it and Happy reading 🦋
Fic of the week // My Materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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@rime-warrior : Hey love! Has anyone requested an imagine for Calum based on the song “Drivers license” by Olivia Rodrigo yet? I think you’re the only one who would be able to do it any justice 😭💕
“I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Can't drive past the places we used to go to
'Cause I still fucking love you, babe”
You could hear the doorbell ring over the thunderous storm raging outside. It was late, probably closer to midnight than you imagined. Who could possibly be outside right now? especially in this kind of weather?
After four consecutive rings, you decided to get up from your spot on the bed and walk up to the door. It must be something very important for someone to startle you that way.
Once you got closer to the door you could also distinguish some strong bangs coming from the other side accompanied by the endless ringing “Okay, okay! I’m coming!” You called, but whoever was standing opposite to you mustn’t have heard you as they continued to disrupt the peace of a stormy night.
A shiver ran down your spine before you could reach the doorknob, almost like the ghost of a feeling, a warning for you not to open the door. Despite your common sense, you decided to open the door, already being too late to go back.
He was standing in front of you, completely drenched from head to toes. His breathing was uneven, almost like he ran all the way over here, but his eyes were set on yours, unmoving as you both tried to take each other in.
“Calum-what is?-” Your words got stuck in your mouth as he pushed himself forward, grabbing your face delicately as he clashed his lips with yours.
You felt yourself melt into the kiss, making it everything you ever wished for. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss as you brought him closer to you. He was here, he was finally here with you. It all feels like a dream.
Your alarm clock marked 6 AM when you jumped from your dreams into reality. You should’ve known, everything was too good to be true.
You brought one hand to your face, trying to wipe away the tiredness of your eyes, but you found your cheeks were humid due to tears you didn’t even know you shed through the night, damping your pillow sheets once again.
It was always the same dream: Calum coming back to you. Night after night your mind drifted to another reality where you’d meet again, sometimes it was at a concert, other at the local café of your neighborhood that you used to love so much, but tonight was the first night where he appeared at your house. Which was funny considering that he hasn’t stepped foot in this place for almost a year.
You pushed your thoughts away as you tried to go back to sleep. And you did try, but the tossing and turning made you restless, you cursed your mind as the only thing you could see when you closed your eyes was Calum, standing at your door and asking for a kind of forgiveness you weren’t sure you could give. Although, who were you kidding?
Checking the clock once again you realized it was 20 past 6, still too early to go back to real life, but not too early to start and try to live a little.
Pushing yourself off the bed, you grabbed a big hoodie and some pair of sweatpants before putting on your running shoes and hopping into the bathroom to brush your teeth and clean your face before grabbing your keys and getting out of the house.
You sat on the driver’s seat, just like you did a thousand times, taking a big breath before starting the engine.
“You do know you have a perfectly good car in your driveway, right?”
You smiled at him and greeted him with a hug and a kiss as you climbed into the passenger's seat.
It was your usual morning routine. Ever since you met and he found out you lived nearby the studio he always volunteered to carpool with you. Since then, your mornings were filled with hugs, good coffee and stolen kisses you gave each other as the road to the studio became longer and longer thanks to all the detours you took.
“Hello, Calum. I’m very good, thank you for asking, how are you?”
Calum rolled his eyes and gave you a little peck on your lips “I would’ve been on time if I hadn’t had to pick your ass from the other side of town”
You lightly punched him in the arm “You know you love me” He smiled.
“That I do, darling. But I would love you more if you drove us from time to time”
“You know I don’t have a car!” Calum turned to you and pointed to the classic mustang sitting in front of your house, raising his eyebrows as if to ask if you were stupid “That’s my dad’s car!”
“That he kindly gave to you when he helped you move to LA so you could pursue your dream of becoming the next new sensation of music,” He said mocking a dreamy voice to try imitating you “He said it was yours, so it's yours! And honestly, it’s a pretty cool car if you ask me. A real chick magnet”
You mocked a gag at his old reference of movies from the 50’s “Sexist much?” You both laughed as he started the car and started driving “Anyways, he only gave me the car because mom was threatening to sell it on eBay if he didn’t get rid of it soon enough, so he could still come and get it whenever he wants to” You shrugged.
Calum started sniffing the air, “What?” You asked, sniffing as well in case there was something wrong.
“Do you smell that?” He asked with a concerned face.
“Smell what?”
He leaned closer to you and sniffed harder before whispering “The bullshit”
You scoffed and pushed him back “Haha very funny”
You waited until he stopped laughing, you never told him the truth, well two truths actually.
One: That you enjoyed the drives you had with him, it was a special time for the two of you to be yourselves without anyone to judge. You would laugh, sing, talk for hours as you sat in traffic under the city lights. It was the little moments that matter for the two of you, these were your little moments and you didn’t want to give them up just yet.
It was not easy being in a “relationship” that no one knew about, not even his bandmates, although you knew they were suspecting something. All the sneaking away while amid a recording session, hanging out in each other’s rooms, how adamant he was to carpool with you every day, even when he didn’t need to go to the studio… It was an easy tell, but it was also your private life.
You told yourself that it was for the best, that you shouldn’t mix work and personal life, especially when your personal life included Calum. He was adamant to keep whatever you had out of the public eye “What we have is good” He said, “Why ruin it with labels?” And you agreed, knowing that making everything official could just mess everything up. Calum was your best friend, after all, you would be damn if you lose him.
And for the second truth:
“I don’t know how to drive”
Just in time, the traffic light turned red. Calum turned to you in disbelief “Bluff” You shook your head, not looking at him just yet “Bluff! That can’t be right! Y/N how old are you?”
You shrugged again “I never needed to! I always enjoyed walking plus,” You said nudging your arm on Calum’s “I have the best driver right here!” You pecked his cheek with a kiss and saw how quickly they blushed, making you celebrate this tiny victory inside your head. You loved making him blush, it gave you some kind of security that he felt the same way.
Calum stared at you for a moment too long, making you self-conscious under his eyes. You could tell the gears were running inside his head “What if I teach you how to drive?”
You chuckled “Now I call your bluff”
“I’m serious!” He said, not taking his eyes from you “We have time before the tour starts, and that way you could drive us somewhere for once! You know? Picking me out and going on a date?”
Your eyes were set on him with an alarming tone, a what now? Was he serious? “You would do that for me?” You asked shyly, not wanting to fall into another of his pranks, but he seemed serious enough.
“Of course!” He said with a chuckle that accentuated all his dimples “Let’s get you your driver’s license, Y/N!”
Calum grabbed your hand and intertwined it with his, shaking it as a victory celebration and then placing a kiss on your knuckles. You laughed and reminded him where you were “Eyes on the road, Hood” even though the light was still red, you would rather him not noticing the red that tinted your cheeks and the loud beating of your heart.
You saw how the sun was starting to illuminate the coast as you drove by. Everything was so quiet this early in the morning and you were thankful, you needed this quiet so you could be alone with your thoughts once again. And, just like every day, that just meant you were thinking of Calum.
Could you blame him? Possibly, your friends said you should. But could you live with yourself knowing that you are holding a grudge towards someone who is probably unaware of it? Not in the slightest.
You were never official, not to the public at least, but in your heart, you knew he was the only one who could make you feel like this. He was the only one capable of making you laugh as hard as you did, cry the way that you did, and enjoy yourself to the fullest. You were your best when you were with him and now… How are you now?
Would he care?
You knew he loved you, he said so himself. The only thing you didn’t know was in what way. Did he love you like a lover? or just like a friend who he’d get to kiss and make love to from time to time?
The lump in your throat became stronger as you remember the last moments you had with him and all the promises he couldn’t keep. You tried to distract yourself, crying behind the wheel could be dangerous and you weren’t going to risk your life for him, not yet at least.
You turned on the radio in hopes that it would call your mind, at this point even the commercials would make you feel better if they made you think about anything but him.
“And now, Laurie. We have the hottest single of the year!” Said the radio host with the most cheerful tone a person could mutter this early “This up-and-coming artist debuted this single almost a month ago and it is still top of the charts in almost 34 countries all over the world!”
Now the lump in your throat came back but this time with a knot on your stomach as well. The first time you heard the song play on the radio you felt excited, after all this is why you came to LA in the first place. Yet the feeling became bittersweet in no time.
“My girls, boys, and non-binary folks; if you are in your car right now get ready to sing this at the top of your lungs with all the feelings you could muster and send a fuck you to your ex. This is ‘Driver’s License’ by Y/N L/N”
“I got my driver’s license last week, just like we always -”
You turned off the music and kept driving in silence.
You knew it was a bad idea to release the song you wrote about him. Maybe it was a petty move on your part, but… didn’t you have the right to be petty this time?
Either way is not like people would realize it was about him. It was your little secret, yours and Calum’s if he ever heard it, although you believe that if he did then he would’ve said something to you by now. Yet his silence was similar to the one in your car; deafening and heartbreaking.
“I don’t know Calum,” You said as you stared at your car parked in front of you “Is it safe to do it here?”
Calum was leaning on top of the hood, rolling his eyes at your indecision “Would you rather do it on the PCA?” You shot your eyes at him with a deathly glare, he just chuckled “I promise is okay, this parking lot is big enough and there are no cars left that you could accidentally hit”
You were both standing in the middle of the studio’s parking lot late at night. Calum insisted that this was the day you learned how to drive, so he spent the night at your place and today he drove you in your car, that way there would be no excuses left for you not to do it.
However, you were still hesitant. This was technically your father’s car, his other baby, and if you ever crash it you wouldn't know what you’ll do. Calum noticed your doubt and took a step closer to you, grabbing your hand in his to give you some sort of encouragement.
“Look, babe. It’s okay if you don’t want to do it. I won’t pressure you” He said softly “I just thought this could be fun for the both of us” He smiled “Fun and educational for that matter. But if you’re not ready then we can go home and-”
“I want to do it, Cal,” You said, “I just- I don’t know where to even begin!”
He chuckled and placed a kiss on your forehead, making all the butterflies in your stomach take flight.
“Tell you what,” Calum said confidently “You get behind the wheel and I’ll put us some inspirational music”
He walked back to the car to connect his phone to the speakers “You better put my song first!” You called after him as you walked towards the driver’s seat.
Calum laughed “God, I should’ve never told you that! Now your ego’s off the damn roof!” Soon enough he sat on the passenger’s seat next to you and buckled up.
“Not my fault that you think of me so often you want to put it into song” You teased, leaning in for a kiss that Calum was happy to oblige.
“Yes,” He said mid-kiss “It is completly your fault” Next thing you know ‘Kill My Time’ was playing on the radio, but Calum was not letting go of you just yet.
You wished this moment last forever, you wished every moment with Calum would last forever, but you both needed to breathe at some point “I wish I could kiss you all day long, I swear I could die on your lips and die happy” You said as you pressed your forehead to his, smiling like a fool in love.
“Soon, love,” Calum said as he crashed his lips against yours “Just wait until tour is over and then we’ll have forever to do just that”
You grinned at his words, a few days ago he promised to make your relationship publicly official once he came back from tour, that way you’ll have more time together as a fairly new couple. If he was willing to take that step, then you were more than ready to follow along. You knew you’d give everything for him if you had to and you still won’t regret it. You love him, and that was enough for you.
“Think I’m ready to start,” You said once you pulled away from him for the last time.
Calum nodded and patted his hand on your thigh “Okay, first you have to turn on the engine. Good, then you check all your mirrors and make sure your gear shift is on position-”
“My what?” You asked.
“Your gear shift, you know? The stick in-”
“Oh, you mean the PRNDL? You said, trying your hardest to stay serious, but failing to do so once you saw Calum’s face.
“You couldn't go one day without your references now, could you?” He said in amusing disbelief that had you both laughing.
The lesson was fairly simple, it just consisted of going forwards and on reverse a few times and practicing some turns in circles around the parking lot, and you were proud to say you were getting the hang of it pretty quickly. Calum turned out to be a great instructor with the patience of a god, he never got mad at you or showed that he was scared - even though it was pretty clear that he was, especially when you turned too far and almost hit a lamp post - and you appreciate him for that.
It was almost 2 AM when you decided to call it quits for the day and start back tomorrow. Calum was now behind the wheel driving you to your house so he could pick up his car and drive home.
“Cal?” You said once he parked in your driveway.
“Yes, love?”
“I’m really happy with you” You shyly admitted.
Calum’s heart beamed with love as he pulled you closer for a goodnight kiss “And I’m really happy with you”
You kissed him one more time before jumping out of the car “See you tomorrow!” He called before you watched him drive away.
The sound of a horn woke you up from your daydream memory. You didn’t know the light had just turned green until the car behind you started pounding their button and cursing at you to move.
You watched the white car from the rearview mirror as you drove away, it looked like his, all the white cars did, but you knew he couldn’t be here just yet, not until the tour was done.
A sinking feeling of hopelessness filled your inner thoughts once again. The promises he made faded like the wind in the summer once he stepped on that plane and decided that you were something he had to leave behind. It would’ve been good to know beforehand, that way you wouldn’t have wasted a year by the phone, hoping it would ring and that he’d be on the other line.
You glanced at the car’s clock one more time, it’s already too late to do anything, you’ve been driving around without a destination for hours when it only felt like minutes. Time is something you learn how to lose when you’re alone, minutes become meaningless once you realize there is no one there to share them with you, but it’s late and it was time to head home. You let out a sigh at the realization that your drive-through therapy didn’t work this time.
Deciding to take the long way home, you started to drive through the lesser-known streets of LA, hoping that you’d get lost somewhere and not knowing if anyone would care.
The dreams of running away came flashing down, more of an idea than an afterthought. Yes, you made it in LA, you have a hit song and your dreams are coming true. Why didn’t that feel like enough?
If you were gone, even just for a little bit, would anybody notice? If you just got up in your car and started driving somewhere unknown until the feeling of loneliness faded away. Could you drive your feelings away? Outrun them somehow?
You knew that if Calum could do it then so could you. It was so easy for him to just leave whatever you had behind, to leave you behind and hope that you were okay somehow. If he thought that you were okay then he maybe didn’t know you at all and you are probably better off without him, just like your friends say all the time.
But were you better off without him?
Tears started piling up in the corner of your eyes once again. No, you were not better off without him even though you want to be. And neither you are better off with him, if he ever came back to you, that is.
You swallowed a sob, trying your hardest not to break down again. It was useless, all the tears and all the songs and all the fuck him an attitude that you could muster… What was it for if not to dwell on your pain even more? You are still hurt and he still did not care.
You took a turn on the left, knowing the way like the back of your hand. You knew this path would lead you home, but you also knew it would lead you to his house as well.
The first time you did this was to practice how to find your way to Calum’s home without getting lost. You knew he wasn’t home and he wouldn’t be for many many months, but you wanted to surprise him once he got there, to pick him up and drive him to that date he promised you once he returned. Now, you avoided that road like a plague unless you had days like this, days in which missing him became everything you did, and now passing through his empty house gave you the reality check you desperately needed: He is gone. It also inspired you to write the song, it was a blessing and a curse.
You turned into the familiar street and looked to your right, you counted the houses passing by one, two, three, four… Until you spotted his old porch. Normally, that’s all you did. You would drive through his street and see the house dark and cold as his owner was out of town. But today there was a white car on his driveway.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you recognized the license plate, immediately stepping on the breaks and making the car stopped abruptly in front of the house.
That is his car… But how? You knew that Calum kept his car in Ashton’s place so they could drive up together to the airport every time they had to leave. What is it doing here? Tour didn’t end until a week from today and-
The sudden movement coming from the house pulled you from every rational thought as the front door opened. You held your breath as the person who stole all your sleepless nights came into view.
He was home.
Calum stepped out of his house with a bright smile on his face. His hair was shorter than the last time you’ve seen it, and he was less tanned, a fact that was easily noticeable thanks to the contrast of his leather jacket on his skin. But his dimples were intact as he smiled at whoever was inside the house.
A small figure came behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso as she was laughing at something he said. Her blond hair was falling down her back so elegantly, and her smile was bright as day as she hugged him, you wouldn’t have noticed that in the photos. She looked happy, but what broke you the most is that he looked happy as well.
He was home, but he was home with her.
You knew something was going on, even if there wasn’t anything official from either of them. You weren’t official, too. But seeing them was all the proof you needed to believe it. Believe that it was actually over and neither of you said goodbye.
You bit the inside of your cheek as silent tears started rolling down your face. You wanted to scream, to cry your hearts out, and let the world fuck itself over and over again. But for the love that you had on yourself, you promised that you wouldn't dignify him by making a scene. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve to know you cared.
With that in mind, you wiped your tears and floored the gas pedal, driving away from the scene.
“Guess what?”
“I can legally drive on my own now :D!”
Read 19:05
“Oh, you must be at the concert now, my bad!”
“Let me know when we can FaceTime again! I can’t wait to tell you how it went! I’m so excited we can finally switch places and let me be the one in charge of the road, lol”
Read 23:54
“Is everything alright, Cal?”
Read 04:32
“I miss you”
Read July 19th 14:49
Last week you sent your last text to him and he still hadn’t responded yet. You tossed all night waiting for at least a smoke signal from him. He was gone for two months now and he never missed one of your calls, it was so unlike him, especially when he promised you to call every day he was on tour.
You tried to distract yourself by doing everything you could think of. You watched videos, listened to music, played candy crush over and over again, and still, there was no answer.
You were starting to give up when a notification from Twitter graced your screen, it read: “Calum Hood, bassist from the band 5 Seconds of Summer, seen cozying up with a mysterious girl in a nightclub two nights ago”
You blinked twice and reread the headline, hoping that your eyes were deceiving you.
“The Australian bassist seemed to be catching up with some friends and letting it all loose at a wild night here in London after their sold-out show in the O2 Arena.
Hood was wearing-”
You skipped all that unnecessary information, scrolling down to the bottom where you knew all media kept the real gossip. A bubble of anxiety started forming inside your throat, as your fingers moved over the screen. The atmosphere became heavy while you could hear your heart thundering inside your chest, every little beat it made was hurting you, almost like it was banging your ribcages begging to be set free.
Time stood still as you looked at the pictures, not wanting to believe your eyes as they analyzed every detail of it.
There he was, hugging a blond woman from behind and resting his face on her shoulders just like he used to do with you. Even from the picture, you could tell she was gorgeous. The next picture showed her wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling at him. He had his hands cupping her cheeks, his face denoted a serious expression, but the look in his eyes was fixed on her.
He kissed her in the third picture, his hands still cupping her cheeks. It seemed like he was smiling through the kiss.
The last picture had them sitting on some kind of leather sofa. She was sitting on his lap and his hands were wandering very close to her butt, holding her close to him.
“The fans of the band wasted no time on identifying the mysterious girl. She seems to be the new tour assistant manager of the boys. Let’s hope that work and pleasure don’t get between this beautiful couple #goals<3”
The stream of tears was never-ending. You couldn’t understand what was going on, why Calum hasn’t said anything to you, why-why did he let it happen? Something was not right, and it wasn’t just your breathing getting heavy inside your lungs or your shaky hands as you typed the next text.
“We need to talk, please call me?”
You got no answers that night as you cried yourself to sleep, realizing that you had no one to comfort you cause nobody knew that you two were even together. You were utterly alone.
The next morning you woke up to no text from him, not even a call or a voicemail.
Read 08:45
You forced yourself to finish your nighttime routine. Ever since you came back home you did nothing but cry, but not of sadness, you were crying of anger.
With him being far away it almost didn’t seem real. You allowed yourself to create some sort of fantasy where he would come back to you, to start over where you left off and be together for everyone to see. How foolish.
You thought that he’ll hear your song and he’ll be running back to you to apologize, to ask if you still love him like before. But he won’t, because he is happy without you while you rot in your own pity party.
You grabbed hold onto the counter, trying to hold the tears as everything suddenly became clear as day. All the red flags you ignored were now shining as candy apples. He made a fool of you and didn’t even dignify you with at least some kind of warning or apology. He brought you down and now it was up to you to climb back up and even higher than before.
How could he?
All the memories you held close to your heart were burning in the pyre of your soul. You loved him, you knew you did. But all you meant for him was just a summer fling, something to waste time on before the real thing came along.
But he loved you…
Did he?
He spent entire days and nights next to you. He told you stories no one’s ever heard of. He sang to you to sleep and wrote you the most beautiful poems you’ve ever read. He picked you up every day and stayed with you until it was your time to leave. He made you feel welcome and there was not a day where you didn’t feel safe around his arms. He was your best friend. He taught you how to drive and what it meant to feel something real, something as important as the love you could have for someone. He loved you, he said he did, he promised he did.
Maybe love was not enough for him.
Your mind was divided, fighting over and over and over again about the same thing. Part of you cursed his name while the other part just wanted to be held by him, telling you that it will all be okay. But you couldn't even trust yourself on this one.
The doorbell rang, one, two, three times.
You were not going to answer it. One look in the mirror and you knew you couldn't answer anyone in this state. Your eyes were puffy and red, your cheeks were hollowed from not eating all day. There was nothing you could do to make you look or feel better, so whoever was behind the door will have to find another way to disturb the chaos in your mind.
However, they were persistent. With the ring of the doorbell came a few bangs. It seemed urgent.
You took one last look at yourself before deciding with a sigh to go and open the door. Whoever it was must have a good reason to come banging at your door a little past midnight.
“I’m coming!” You called, voice coming out a little hoarse from crying all night.
A shiver ran down your back and you felt like you were here before, in this exact moment where all your instincts told you to walk away. You decided to ignore them as you gently turned the doorknob and opened the door. Immediately wishing you didn’t.
He stood in front of you, soaked from head to toe. Hands in the pockets of his jacket, not the leather one, but one more cozy. He was also wearing a pair of sweatpants and part of his hair was stuck on his forehead. You didn’t realize it was raining.
“Can I come in?” He asked, not even a hello.
You debated on whether or not to let him in. Part of you wanted to throw him back into the streets, but a storm was coming - much in the literal and subliminal way, and you didn’t want him to drive in this weather, you still care for him even though you shouldn’t.
With a simple nod, you opened the door wide enough so he could enter the house, a little “thank you” came out of his mouth as he stepped inside for the first time in over a year.
You closed the door and started walking into the kitchen with Calum following you like a stray dog. Your hands were shaking so you hid them behind your back as you slowly wrapped your arms around you in an attempt to comfort you throughout this whole ordeal.
Calum is standing in front of you on the other side of the island. He is not looking at you, but rather he is looking at his feet. You figured he was too scared to be the first one to talk and it broke your heart that he has suddenly become shy around you when you used to tell each other everything. ‘But whose fault is that?’ You thought.
Now you were just two strangers in a room.
“I thought you’d still be on tour,” You said, breaking the silence that has fallen upon you.
Calum looked up and he almost looked thankful that you spoke first “The last two venues canceled at the last minute due to weather conditions,” He said “So we came back earlier than expected”
You nodded and faced the other way. The fact that he was here in your home made your stomach turn and not in a good way. You always thought him coming back was going to be something joyful, but it became more painful as time went by.
“They closed café Mariannete while I was gone” He said, was he really going to talk about that right now? Did he came over here to reminisce about the café you used to have breakfast in?
“I didn’t know. I don’t go there anymore”
More awkward silence came upon you. You both knew he was bullshiting his way into the real conversation he was avoiding to have. He always used to do that and you have forgotten how much you hated it.
“Were you driving by my house today?” He asked and you froze on the spot. You didn’t think that he saw you.
“I was,” You cleared your throat “I was coming back home”
“And you didn’t say hello” It was more a statement than a question.
A sour taste filled your mouth. How dare he? “You were busy enough” You knew it was a petty answer, but what did he expect?
A flash of hurt came through Calum’s eyes as he said nothing in return. He knew you saw him with her, so he had no excuse to push the topic back to you.
The atmosphere was tense as the only thing you could hear was the ticking of the clock and the raindrops falling through your window. There was so much to say and yet none of you were brave enough to muster them.
You had every right to be mad and he had a right to explain himself, but you were not going to be the first one to cave in. Not without hearing from him first.
Eventually, Calum got restless of the silence.
“Your song is amazing,” He said, pleading for an answer that didn’t contain poison in your words “Ashton showed it to us the day it came out”
So he has heard it, you didn’t know if you should be proud or ashamed “Thanks”
“I forgot to congratulate you on your number one”
“You forgot to do a lot of things”
If there was ever a moment where you could give him the chance to redeem himself, this was it.
You saw how Calum shifted his weight from foot to foot, he had his lips pressed in a thin line and you could see how his eyes changed and fell into a deep pit of regret as tears were forming in the corner of his eye.
“I know the song’s about me-” He said.
“How did you figure that out?” You said sarcastically.
“Y/N…” He pleaded, running a hand through his face, but you were having none of that.
“Why did you do it, Calum?”
You needed an answer, something you could hold onto to eventually let go. Calum, however, was almost speechless.
The ticking of the clock became even louder as you counted the seconds until he spoke again. One, two, three…
Ten “I don’t know”
The answer cut right through you as you let a stream of tears roll down your cheek, not lifting your head to look at him in the eyes. It wasn’t what you expected, it was way worse.
Calum noticed your crying and started panicking, spilling every thought he had through his mouth “I-I don’t- I was drunk and she was there with our groups of friends and we were too drunk to even take notice of what was happening and we just kissed and- Y/N, I’m not perfect. We weren’t perfect, we weren’t even official and it was only a kiss and I thought it would be okay but then the tabloids and your message and I just- And she’s a great friend, she didn’t mean any harm but things happened and-” He stammered, unable to connect his thoughts as he desperately tried to fix something so you would stop crying.
“For me it was perfect” You cried “We were perfect in my mind, you made it perfect. God, Calum. Why didn’t you tell me? I spent months in agony trying to figure it out, to make it make sense! I beat myself up over and over again and there you were having the time of your life with a stranger!” Your voice was loud, not enough to yell, but enough to make it clear that you were fuming.
“What are you talking about?!” Calum said matching the tone of your voice “I missed you every fucking day but there was nothing I could do about it! You don’t know shit of what you’re talking about!”
You scoffed “Oh yeah! It surely seemed like you missed me! You never called me once, Calum. Not even to apologize and try to make it better”
“I didn’t know how!” He said, “I was scared that-”
“That I’d hate you?”
“That you’d forgive me,” Calum said in one breath, making you stare in shock “I-I didn’t want you to forgive me, Y/N, cause you deserve so much better. On tour I realized that I wasn���t ready for a relationship, no matter how much you mean to me and I didn’t know how to tell you that so-”
“And are you ready now? That’s why you are with her?” You interrupted, head filled with anger to even think straight.
“I’m not ready to be with either of you!”
The room felt silent once again.
You had no answer to that and you weren’t sure you wanted to hear more from him.
The rain outside your window started to calm down, only droplets of water were left as the memory of the storm that almost was.
Your legs gave out a minute later, sliding you down slowly onto the floor. Calum walked up to you and sat next to you, neither of you saying anything for what it seemed like hours.
“You said you loved me…” You said with a faint voice.
Calum sighed “I did. I do”
“And you love her too?”
He thought about it “I don’t know. I might” You closed your eyes as a tear fell down your cheek “She’s good to me, Y/N. And we really got close but-”
“I know,” You said with a soft sniffle “We weren’t perfect either”
“You do know I love you, right?” He said softly, turning his face towards you “And that everything we had was real. Every minute of it, every word in every song was true and it still is. All was real and it’s still there somewhere. I still want you in my life, Y/N, cause you make it better. I just,” He sighed “I need to figure my shit out”
“Yeah, you do” You said, making him chuckle darkly “But I can’t promise I’ll be here”
“I wouldn’t ask you to”
You sat there in silence for a few more moments, just enjoying each other's company before everything fades away.
“I love you, too” You said in a whisper, hoping that he won’t hear “I still fucking love you”
Calum sighed “I know”
“Guess that you didn’t mean what you wrote on that song about me
‘Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street”
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @sarcasticallywitty15 @hoodhoran @flaneurcth h @notinthesameguey @myloverboyash @yeah-and69 @fckingpernico
* if your url is crossed please reach out to me so we can fix it
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internalsealpanic · 4 years ago
What’s Wrong with Superman?
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Summary: Flyman is a really stupid name.
a/n: I got a little excited so here’s my entry for @redhoodssweetheart​ ‘s writing challenge. If you’re a fic writer, I highly recommend joining.  This is for Quotes #1 This fic is based on the Superman Man of Tomorrow movie so it may not make sense otherwise.
Warnings: Reader is a bendy person so the physical descriptions will be weird and there will be some nsfw language but nothing happens.
"What's wrong with superman?"  You ask, raising your feet up over your head and resting them against Clark's wall. The blood rushes to your head but you couldn't find the energy to care, not when the work day had you drained and aching. You're just happy to stretch your limbs and contort in angles that would loosen them. You need to convince your supervisor to transfer you to a different division.
"It's kinda..."  Clark waves his hand. "Yanno..."
Eloquent. You raise a brow at him telling him exactly what you thought about his solid argument.
"How about Flyman?" He says quickly.
"Ah yes, like the illustrious Batman but somehow worse." You say, turning onto your belly and nearly knocking over the things on Clark's bedside table. You shrug innocently. You shift, putting your feet over your shoulders as you think. "How about uuuuuh Captain Barbel?"
"Cus the guy could chuck them at people real easy." You answer simply. Clark really can't tell whether it was your excessive fidgeting or your monumental leap in logic that entertained him more.
He snorts, "That sounds like a dumb gimmick."
"So is being called Flyman." You huff.
"Careful, you're gonna hurt my feelings." Clark huffs in return, shaking his head as he grabs your favorite mug and one for himself. He has no idea how this specific mug was lucky but he's learned not to question a scientist's superstitions. Though he suspected it had less to do with actual superstition rather that you didn't want to admit that you just found the little cow-shaped mug adorable. He'll have time to tease you about it later. For now, he had to figure out this conundrum.
"If I was concerned about that, I would have pronounced Kansas properly by now." You say, sitting up to face him properly.
"What would you call him? Seriously." Clark says, resting against the kitchen counter. He's watching you with a hint of fond frustration. His leg bounces against the floor, fingers tapping on the linoleum countertop.
"Hmmmm," You purse your lips and lean forward- elbows on your lap, fingers laced together, and chin resting on your hands.  "Wonder Man?"
Clark's handsome face breaks into an incredulous smile. "Pfft, you’re joking right?"
"I have never made a joke in my life." You grin, taking the cup of coffee from Clark and scooting over to make room for him. You shrug. "There is a reason I'm not in advertising but seriously I think you should just go with superman."
"And give Lois the satisfaction?" Clark asks over the rim of his mug. He raises his brow.
"Think about it."
"Rather not."
You push on, ignoring him."If you popularize it, guess who gets the credit?"
"Are you telling me to steal?" Clark gapes at you and the mischievous glint and his blue eyes make laughter bubble in your chest.
You blow out a breath into the neck of your sweater. Well, his sweater up until 2 months ago. "Nope. You're the one interpreting it that way."
"Your boss is rubbing off on you."
"Oh, don't remind me."
"How about Captain Marvel?" He suggests, wrapping around his arm around your shoulder. You can smell the caramelized sugar in his coffee. You blanch.
"Oh. So you want a lawsuit."
"No..." A complicated expression takes over his face. His lips purse to one side as he thinks. You wait patiently for his answer, snuggling up to his side.   "How's it working at star labs by the way?" He says finally and you just had to love the clumsy way Clark tries to redirect conversations. He needs to get better at that if he wants to be a reporter. Then again, he's never failed to get an answer out of you with the earnest look in his eyes.
"I'm supposed to be in the engineering division, yeah?"
He nods before resting his face in your hair.
"Yeah, yeah. Him. Blegh." You wrinkle your nose and stick out your tongue, waving your hand in the air as if to shoo a thought away.
"But they stuck me with checking on that asshole biker wannabe..." You sigh.
"Lobo?" He asks, his voice rising a bit. Clark's grip in the mug tightens a bit but he has enough presence of mind not to break the mug.
"Well, did he say anything?" Clark asks, adjusting his glasses.
You squint. "My name isn't going on the paper."
"It won't." He says flat and steady. And you know you can trust him because, well, it's Clark.
You give him a crooked smile. "Nothing useful really. How much patience do you have for shitty pick up lines?"
Clark stiffens. "He was hitting on you?" He squares his shoulders. You see his jaw tighten and you think you can hear him grind his teeth. God, he's cute when he gets like this.
"He was hitting on anything with two legs."
And he was. Well, not really. You honestly couldn't really tell what his category for this thing was but you're pretty sure Clark doesn't care. He seems to care more about the fact that Lobo was hitting on you judging from the way he's borderline pulling you into his lap. You, frankly, were more concerned about what weird category you fit in to catch his eye.
"Maybe if I go with you next time..."
"You're cute Clark but I'm not sneaking you in there for a story." You pat his cheek.  Clark pouts at you. You try your best not to squeal at how cute he is. You fail.
"Let me come in with you." He presses.
"Honestly, it’s fiiiiiiiiiiine. Nothing I can’t handle."
He still looks unconvinced.
Clark buries his face deeper into your hair. "Hmmmmm, he sounds like an a- a jerk." He grumbles into your hair. You will get Clark to swear at some point.
You're extremely amused by Clark's behavior.  You wrap an arm around him. "Clark, he is quite literally contained in a cage I helped design. He is not getting out."
"Should I tell him I have a boyfriend and show him a picture of you?"
Clark's face goes ashen.  "Don't tell me you've done that before." That would explain so much.
"Then I won't." You laugh. That sound sends butterflies fluttering in his stomach no matter how many times he's heard it.
"I’d still feel better if I could come with you." He sigh. You would be lying if you said that you wouldn't feel better with Clark accompanying you. Sure, he wasn't Heracles but Clark was no pushover contrary to the shy demeanor. But... admitting that kind of thing was... not something you're comfortable with or used to so you let it settle like the cheap coffee in your mug.
"It’s really not necessary."  And Clark knows from the frequency of your heartbeat that you're lying. He knows you well enough to let it go. You kiss his cheek.  "But thank you, you’re disgustingly sweet."
You kiss him again. "Sides, I think he's just bored." Your eyes brighten, a memory resurfacing. Clark watches with interest, knowing there's a 50-50 chance that it's something like the material of Lobo's shoe. "Get this he says that superman guy is a kryptonian. Sadly, when I asked him the typical anthropology question he made farting noises." You tilt your head. "Well, he did say they were a good lay and... well the super guy was hung."
Red blooms on Clark's cheeks as he sputters out a response. You squish his face with your hands. You love messing with Clark way too much. You really should feel bad that look on Clark's face was priceless.
"Oh relax Clark, we both know my type is small town dork and not man from the moon." You giggle.
Clark kind of hates you sometimes.  He hates how easily you throw him off balance. Clark rights himself but he can't quite get rid of the blush dusting his cheeks. "Did he say anything else?" He asks, face still squished.
Unable to stop your giggling, you put your hands away. "Well, he called our mystery streaker a pretty boy."
"Very relevant."
"Yanno..." You drawl, taking Clark's glasses off. "yanno if you push that hair out of your face you'd look pretty good too."
Clark swats your hand away. You pout at him.
He looks at you wearily. "I like my hair how it is." He mumbles, fiddling with it.
"I'm not gonna cut it you dork. I just want proof that you have a forehead." You say, brushing some of his hair out of his face. Clark really does scream handsome when given the chance.
There's a flicker of recognition in the back of your mind that has your pulse quickening. Clark can already see the pieces falling into place, your mind whirring to get the answer.
His mind sprints to keep up and counteract the flow of your thoughts. Clark leans forward and kisses you softly. Without needing to open his eyes, he knows your mind is short-circuiting. Affection was a sure-fire way to get your mind to slow down. It was dumb but you really should be allowed to be dumb sometimes. Especially now when Clark isn't exactly sure how your feel about the mystery streaker.
You laugh your easy chirpy laugh sure but that didn't guarantee you were on board with an alien of all things. He wasn't even sure if you would think of him as any more than a test subject. No, he knew you too well to think that but there's still some part of him that isn't entirely sure and it scares him.
"Behave," he says, his face in a grin. The expression lights up his face. The smug satisfaction of finally catching you wrong-footed fills up Clark's features and shapes them into something borderline evil. "Tell me more about Lobo and his ramblings."
You shake your head. You mumble some version of “I always behave”.  You know Clark's hiding something from you. You can see it in the delicate way he's looking at you. You purse your lips deciding whether this is a good time to push but in the end, you decide to let him keep his secrets for now. If Clark of all people has a reason to keep a secret then it must be important. You brush your lips against his before laying your offer on the table. "A kiss per story."
Clark stares at you. "I can live with that." Clark huffs, adjusting his glasses.
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ultimatebethylficlist · 3 years ago
Veteran Author of the Month: December 2021
This year flew by fast, didn’t it? For our final featured veteran author of 2021, we have none other than Audriss ( @inkinmytea )!
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Audriss can be found on both AO3 and FFN under the same penname.
When asked what got her into Bethyl and what the fandom means to her, she said:
I have no recollection just how I got sucked into the bethyl fandom. I remember watching the first episode and thinking it was so incredibly slow and that if they would make it any more slow, they would be walking backwards down the evolutionary path. And that’s what they have continued, basically. I hated only about 50 percent of the show, all in all. In the third episode I recognized Norman Reedus from the Boondock Saints. I think I got kinda into Bethyl in the third season when I saw Beth with Zack, and I was literally like “ugh, what’s this? Where did he come from? stop playing this like it is from a harlequin novel!” And like always with new TV shows and movies or books, I went to look for fanfics, because they usually fulfil the noticeable gaps in the plot, or they just make things better. But, honestly, if I had not seen people writing so many fics about Daryl and Carol I wouldn’t have gotten so bloody upset, and joined Tumblr. Tumblr was all new to me at that point and I was just browsing through stuff, minding my own business, but the other side of the shipping wars ruined that account for me by attacking me for asking a simple question, why was Carol forgiven after killing two innocent people for no good reason. Although, during this point, that kind of behavior has been all over the place. I wasn’t really into Bethyl even then, and I found this Norman Reedus group that had these movie nights and watched most voted Norman movie on a schedule, and I got to know some people there. Most of them were just Norman fans, a small part were caryl fans, and some were just neutral, and accepting basically anything. There, I got deeper into the fandom (in general) and then the fourth season came and that HUG kinda clicked. Some of the OGs got suckered into me adopting them as my friends, and now they are stuck with me. HAH! Not sorry. I was actually kinda happy to have friends, even though they lived in other countries, who were liking the same stuff. I have friends who live near me, but they don’t always get me. Building a family out of friends feels good. I can say that I have some of the bestest friends still hanging around, and tolerating my rants and ups and downs. Last five years haven’t been easy, and writing has really helped.
For her personal fic rec list, she recommends:
(With recommended stories, I am an oxymoron. I love reading fics, yes, but I am also not reading fics when I write. So, most of these are from the early days of Bethyl I think.)
All the fics of LemonStar
Spiced Molasses by MonDieu666
Piper1016 fics
Schwoozie’s Bethyl stuff
Abelina’s Bethyl stuff
Burn by PunkyNemo (The Vampire Cat)
Burningupasun’s Bethyl fics
SaraiVe’s Bethyl stuff
Feral by Silvergryphon06
Rckyfrk’s stuff
SuperNintendoChalmer’s (CaptainShenanigans) Bethyl stuff
(There have also been some stories that have been deleted by the author, so can’t really recommend those.)
Audriss’s Works & Personal Thoughts:
I know people write sometimes to overcome a difficult situation, as a coping mechanism, and have a strong emotional connection to the story being told. I don’t necessarily do that. I do have a strong bond with my stories, they are mine after all, but I mostly write things I just want to see written. Or since bethyl and TWD in general are pretty full of angsty fics (nothing wrong with those) I wanted to add something humorous to them. I want to challenge myself to write certain type of things, things that haven’t been written (to my knowledge). I’ve used some tropes in my fics before, but I do try to come up with a different kind of way to write those stories. I have written stories since I was ten years old. My first fic, oh boy I do still remember that. It was a hot mess, and I only showed it like 20 years later to someone, but like anything you do in life you get better over time.
By Any Other Name Summary: His life was left in ruins by the accusations and blaze of guilt when a crooked cop killed the only one that mattered to him. But the universe is fickle and no good deeds go unpunished and enjoys too much of self doubt and guilt that followed. He had given up on life ever being anything but pain and that was when the universe struck and threw his past on his face in a form of a blonde woman who bared the face of the love of his life. The one he thought was dead. Thoughts: I got the idea for this story a long time ago, while watching a movie, which had nothing to do with the original draft, or the Walking Dead itself. After the first draft, I changed a lot of things, and decided to use Daryl and Beth for the story. The idea was to set it in present time, no walkers, and have people believe that Beth had died, and how Daryl had to deal with her being dead, but also being accused of it. I’ve always loved to create worlds and writing the surroundings and feelings, describing the whole scene is like a second nature for me. It was supposed to be this easy little write, but hah, it evolved into a multichapter one. But this is my baby!
After A Night Of Tequila Summary: Beth wakes up in a strange bedroom, on a bed with a pillow fort. Thoughts: Like I said before, I want to write fun things. Imagining Beth totally trashed on tequila and trying to make moves on Daryl who just had to wrangle a cackle of drunken women to his place… and then what he had to do to stop her? Pure comedy gold. For my weird sense of humor. I do get it that funny things hardly ever are successful because my sense of humor is so unique to everyone but, I actually laughed a lot while writing this. I think I just wrote this for myself to laugh.
My Rising Sun Summary: Beth and Daryl take a long drive by bike.
My Home And Heart Summary: Daryl thinks about Beth while she sleeps, and comforts her when she wakes up to a nightmare. Thoughts: These were written for the Summer of Bethyl 2018. I had the idea from a song. They can be read as standalone stories, but also companion pieces together. I wanted to challenge myself to write some angst, and also, tried to jump start my muse to continue By Any Other Name. But I am pretty proud of these two.
Cold Summary: You don't know what it's like to be cold until one day you're cold. Thoughts: I have no clue where the idea for this one came. It wasn’t particularly cold outside, at least not for me. I like the cool air. I like winter. But, I do remember that there was frost on the grass and leaves that day. I wanted to veer off from the “body heat” trope, because that was the obvious choice, and then have mad hot monkey sex. But honestly… it sounds good on paper to have sex to keep the body heat, but only if you have solid four walls, roof and floor to yourself. If not, it is gonna get cold very quickly. This is a classic to me, at least.
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years ago
I love your blog, thank you for all you do. Maybe just consider that the lists of "fandom favorite fics" are hurtful to writers who are excluded. We all have our personal favorites. There's no need for general lists for all of fandom. That post keeps being reblogged and every time I see it it makes me feel awful.
I have quite some conflicting turbulent thoughts so allow me to write in bullets:
The post mentioned is a crowdsourcing one which means it gathers the opinions from all my lovely followers who respond (and I try to keep it up-to-date with every anonymous/direct comments)
Yes, we all have different faves, I even stated my faves; you can share your faves, whether it’s your own writing or others’
In order to NOT see the things that upset you, you can easily block the keywords or the whole sentence
And I never intend to make a joyful harmonious ask to become a depressing experience so this is me honestly want to know, what do you suggest me to do?
As I am such a cantankerous person, here’s a kind and eloquent answer from @thatmidstea :
I personally really like the list because it has been helping me discover lots of fics and authors I hadn’t read BUT I also think this isn’t meant to be a collection of the only fics that are good!! I have 50+ saved top tier fics that deserve being there but I only recommended the one, just for the sake of not overwhelming the submissions. The fact that your fic(s) might not be there yet doesn’t mean it isn’t good, nonnie. That being said, I understand how not being part of it might be troubling and I think I (and probably other people too) would love it if you were to suggest one of your own! There’s absolutely no shame in being proud of what you have done and if you have a favorite fic you have written I think you can definitely share it? If you don’t think that’s a good idea I’d still be very grateful if you could DM me a link to it, I’d like to check the fic out! :) Also, and I promise I will stop after this, just the fact that you have written fanfics is freaking commendable, nonnie. I’ve tried four thousand times and have always ended up procrastinating or dropping them halfway through. It takes a special kind of love for writing and fandom, and determination to pull through and share your art for free with people and I just wanted to remind you that that in itself is admirable and amazing! Hopefully you’ll get the recognition you deserve for it, but please don’t let this deter you from writing and making!!✨
And an optimistic reply from @myaulophobia :
I love the list as well. I’ve read so many fics over lockdown that I was starting to run out. This has reminded me of all of my old favourites as well as tempted me to read some new ones. The way I see it is writing fics isn’t for recognition, sure it’s nice, but for me it’s mostly a hobby. And given I read so many of the damn things it feels good to add to the collection. The one thing I know is that there are some amazing under appreciated fics, and anything that will help me find new and interesting things to read is fantastic in my book.
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colour-outside-the-liness · 4 years ago
Oh Disneyland Paris sounds fun yeah! Were you and your roommate already close then? I went to Walt Disney's world with my aunt and cousin when I was like 11 but it would've been way more fun if I could've taken my best friend with me for sure. Maybe we can go to the one in Paris now that she lives just 3h away from me! Oh I see, sounds like LA was really fun for you yeah! your roommate didn't mind third wheeling tho? Hahaha
Yeah Canada is beautiful but what I liked about it the most was the massive improvement in quality of life I had compared to where I was living before and just being able to be who I am and people accepting me for it. Not being worried about violence 24/7 felt pretty fucking great too. So yeah I highly recommend living there if you ever get a chance. But I am loving Portugal so far, people are a bit more judgemental here tho but I like that it's easier to travel to a lot of countries I've always wanted to go to. Everywhere you go there are pros and cons tho so sorting out priorities is key. But Toronto is my favourite of all the places I've been, before living there for a year I had already been two times!
Jesus 50 states, sometimes I forget how big the US is. And you can totally do it if you plan it out! After watching Bly Manor tho I really want to go to Vermont especially during autumn season looks really pretty! There's this fic I love (only the sun by prestonarchives) where Dani and Jamie go on a road trip from Vermont to Maine and I did their entire journey on Google maps street view bc I was so obsessed with this one chapter fanfic I had to immerse myself entirety in it hahaha. So now I want to go there irl. Here's the link if you haven't read it before!
Omg I totally remember reading that on CBML and being a bit confused bc I was like why would she think you can't see the moon from the great wall of China HAHAHA but I thought it was really funny and endearing yeah it's even funnier now that I know you said it irl haha.
Oh so ENFP-T means extraverted, intuitive, feeling and prospecting personality with a bit of turbulence. Which just means you're curious, perceptive, enthusiastic, an excellent communicator, festive and good-natured. On the other hand you can be disorganized, unfucosed, a people pleaser, overcommitted, too optimistic and restless.
I wonder what Jamies and Danis mbti are as well as their zodiac signs 🤔 I think Jamie might be an ISTP-A bc she's definitely an introvert, very practical, stubborn, assertive, layed back and energetic at the same time. And Dani is either an ENFP-T like you or an ESFJ-T with the whole selfless thing going on.
AE already made it canon that Jamie's an aries (and it makes sense) but I can't figure Dani out. I've thought about her being a leo ♌ bc she's generous, passionate, warm-harted and dominant in her own way and THE HAIR haha. But she's got some pisces ♓ vibes going on too...idk. aaand I'm back at it again with the astrology signs haha.
To be fair your recent drunken exp it was dark and at least you didn't think the road sign was a bear or something (don't know what kind of wild animals you've got over there) that you wrestled with and ended up in a ditch and your best friend let you believe that happened for 3 years up until recently haha. 😂 but yeah some things happen for a reason, having life threatening health issues doesn't sound great tho, but I guess it's a good thing it stops you from drinking too much and making dumb decisions. And hey maybe I secretly want that to happen again idk maybe moving countries is not exciting enough, I have to go out and make a complete drunken fool out of myself in a completely foreign place hahaha. I guess that did kinda happen last month when my best friend came to visit me from Spain and we got drunk on wine, I got lost on the way back home and it was way past curfew. 🤔 shit I'm 29 will I ever learn...
Episode 9 is 😢😍🥰😰😭🤬☠️ just the worst roller-coaster I didn't even know I was on. Haha I was more pissed off than heartbroken the first time I watched it ngl.
Well then maybe the way you do accents is friendly and funny so people can't really get mad at you haha. Like Dani! Oh so that's called a Geordie accent! I see, it's really really cool. AE said Jamie is from Lancashire but that's a whole county isn't it? Idk if there's a specific accent to this region. Knowing you speak kinda like Jamie is something else tho, I think if anyone who spoke like her ever talked to me irl I wouldn't be able to pay attention to what they were saying 😂 just the accent haha.
Oh so you already have 4k something words for it nice. I'm kinda starting to feel an obsession with this medieval AU growing in me, I made a Pinterest board just for it ngl hahaha but I'm still resisting creating anything for it, I did a face study yesterday for Dani and Jamie to see if I finally pick up the idea and just do it but my brain was still like "I don't want to do this rn" and was just being a little bitch about it so I'll just let it cook for longer see if we can reach an agreement eventually (if ever) haha.
Glad to hear you had a good weekend! Even if it left you feeling exhausted in the end. And yeah it makes sense for you to say you don't have favourites haha! Have a great week Colour, take care! 👋✨
Yeah me and my roommate have been friends since we were like 14 so when we went to Disney Land we asked if we could be roomed together because we've been best friends for that long now... been best friends since school and now we live together. She's seen me at my best, my worst, has seen me in all my stages in life and has been there for a lot of the rough stuff I've been through and I've been there for all the stuff she's been through!! Nah she didn't mind at all we had some moments where me and my ex would just go and be a couple and have dates but my ex didn't want me travelling that far alone so invited my roommate too because she didn't like the thought of me flying 11hours alone or being in airports alone so my roommate came with me and we had a great time Awwh good I'm glad it was such a nice place and that you didn't worry about violence all the time but I'm so sorry you ever had to worry about that anyway that can't be easy. I would honestly love to live in Canada I really hope I get chance one day... I'm glad you're loving Portugal but sorry people are judgemental there but I am glad it's easy for you to travel around to other places... oh yeah every place has it's pros and cons I mean England has some pros but it sure has a lot of cons too so I know all about that Yeah America is SO big but I do want to get around all 50 states at some point and I am stubborn enough and determined enough to make it happen eventually even if I don't get around them all until I'm like 70 I'll make it happen haha!! No I haven't read that fic but it sounds amazing so I'll definitely check it out thank you for sending me the link Yeah... that really happened to me and it was just a dumb moment where I had this momentary lapse of knowledge in my brain and now I look back at that question and I'm just like... "you idiot" and this is why people are shocked when I get questions in quizzes right because I have said some really dumb stuff but I'm glad people found it funny and endearing... and I'm glad it makes it better to know I really said that haha Oooo I didn't know that, I like that and I think it's definitely fitting for me!! I think from what you've said about what ENFP-T means Dani could easily be that too and I don't know anything about the other one but I will take your word for it matching Dani because you know way more about this stuff than I do. I have no idea for Jamie though. And with zodiac signs I love that Amelia looked at Jamie and thought she was an Aries, as for Dani I have NO idea what her zodiac would be... in CBML she's a Leo but in MoU with what I have planned for her birthday she'd be a virgo but I don't know anything about zodiacs... all I know is all the pieces I've ever met have been the opposite of what Dani is so maybe that has something to do with their whole charts but I know a lot of other people always make her a Pieces and I trust what other people say about zodiacs more than what I know about them because I really know NOTHING about them haha Nah I knew it was a road sign because of how heavy and hard it was- nah we have no bears where I live... I don't think we have many dangerous animals where I live... got a couple of badgers that can be pretty aggressive but that's about it we don't have much that is scary here or at least not in the little part of England I live. Having life threatening health issues has been hard and since having my spleen removed in January (that was the surgery I needed to try and fix the issue I had) things are even harder now because I have to take antibiotics for the rest of my life to stop me getting any infections because if I ever get a chest infection now or a really bad cold it can be really dangerous but I take it all in my stride and not drinking is just a way to make sure the antibiotics actually work properly and to make sure nothing happens to me... and like you said, means I don't do anything dumb too... haha drunken stories are the best I have been lost a few times when I've been drunk... and I don't think you do learn, I have siblings that are
like 40 and still do dumb shit... I know at 27 I am still doing dumb shit too I don't think I'll ever learn haha 😂 Its such an emotional roller coaster and honestly I was just devastated the first time I watched it... no TV show or movie has ever made me cry the way Bly Manor did when I first saw it and it still makes me cry now. I can cry just thinking about that last episode. I definitely mean it in a friendly way so I hope it comes across like that. Yeah the accent in Billy Elliot is a Geordie accent and its my favourite accent there are other accents around the north that are called different things. Yeah Lancashire is a county and again in Lancashire there are loads of different accents I can't really pinpoint Jamie's down to a city I just know it's Northern. I'm from Yorkshire but don't have a strong Yorkshire accent I just have a Northern accent, like people never believe I'm from the place I'm from because I don't sound like I am but you can definitely tell I'm northern... honestly there are so many accents in England... you can drive for two hours in any direction in England and the accent will change like two times at least it's insane... see a lot of people say that but I am not a HUGE fan of the northern accent and I think it's because I grew up there. I much prefer Dani's accent to Jamie's but like I said to me, Jamie just talks normal there is no accent really haha Yeah 4k words for it but it's all jumbled up it's not like a chronological story yet it's just all over the place haha but I hope I can get it all structured properly soon!! Awwh good I'm glad you're already interested in this medieval AU!! That makes sense you're resisting creating for it but I think it's so cool you did a face study for Dani and Jamie even if you didn't wanna finish it I think letting things cook for a while is always a good idea if you're not in the right headspace right away I had such a good weekend but I am so tired and today I had a busy day too celebrating my roommate's boyfriend's birthday so I've had so many days that have been so busy and right now I am just really to sleep haha!! Yeah definitely don't have favourites but I have spent more time with one of my nieces than the others simply because I always look after her if her mum and dad are working and I'm not... like until I start this new job I am looking after her for an hour every day after school while she waits for her mum and dad to finish work but I don't have favourites haha!! Thank you so much I hope you had a great weekend and that you have a great week too!!
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jinpanman · 4 years ago
20 Questions Tag
twas tagged by the always lovely @iniquitouspoppy uwu <3
am tagging @yoongs-jeontae @yeojaa @absoluteyoongit @ttttaehyungie @baojinnie @taestybae @jin-fizz @ezralia-writes @jtrbluv @begineuphoria @crazy4myself -- only if you want to ofc :”))
1. What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
i go by Mai here. :) i think only one person on this hellsite knows my actual name but she’s no longer here so i guess that doesn’t count lol. OR alternatively......yall can call me Mrs. Kim...cause i mean..... lmao.
2. When is your Birthday?
november 15.....👀
3. Where do you live?
in a one story house. in the us of a.
4. Three things you are doing right now?
pretending to be in a zoom meeting cause i just need time to BREATHE alone away from my family omfg. editing my long ass fic that’s soon to come out. and this.
5. Four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
uuummmm. gonna have to “n/a” this one bc nothing comes to mind.
6. How has the pandemic been treating you?
it’s been meh. yknow i really dont mind being stuck home all day long. i really, really don’t. but what i hate is being stuck home with like 50 people all day long (im exaggerating. not 50. but it def feels like it) bc then they get antsy and i get annoyed. living situation aside, school has sucked ass like it’s truly kicking my ass and next year is a total big Q up in the air because no one knows what’s going to happen and yall i need my clinicals in order to graduate but i can’t bc quarantine :-)))) so. but also yknow. i have a roof over my head, food to eat, a job, working internet... so i’m doing alright. not the best, but not the worst.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
8. Recommend a movie.
Over The Moon on Netflix! it’s really not bad at all. and i was definitely in my feels. also great songs! beautiful animation! beautiful story! sad af love story! cute side love story! 
9. How old are you?
i’m the same age as The Soulmates uwu <3
10. School, university, occupation, other?
i am a student and i am so sick of being a student.
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
COLD. i will always prefer cold to heat.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you.
i don’t like roller coasters.
13. Are you shy?
yes and along with shyness comes awkwardness! yay!
14. Preferred pronouns?
15. Biggest Pet Peeves?
drivers who don’t signal and drivers who tail gate you and drivers who brake for no reason or brake at the last minute and DRIVERS IN GENERAL :D i have terrible road rage and driving anxiety. they do not mesh well together when i’m behind the wheel. lmao.
16. What is your favorite "dere" type?
tsundere & deredere uwu
17. Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
i hate these type of questions so i’m gonna “n/a” this one too.
18. What's your main blog?
this one !!
19. List your side blogs and what they're used for
uuummm....looks at my 23184939 side blogs....lmao....i have my fic rec blog. i have one blog for each bts member (bc i can. lmao dont @ me) to save all my favorite pics of them. and then one for ot7. and then one for bts fan art. and then one to store random gifs/pics that i want to remember. um....and then....a few more....for things.....lol. DONT @ ME!!!!!!!!!
20. Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
i love chatting. i can chat all day if u’d let me. so tell me if u need me to shut up. i won’t mind honestly. also i totally understand if there’s pauses between our convo bc life happens and i disappear at random times too. also i feel bad when i run out of things to say but when i do i just..won’t respond back so pls don’t think it’s me ignoring you. i just don’t know what to say back and will wait until there’s something new to talk about sjkdfk
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pies-writes-and-more · 5 years ago
So I’ve never done one of these fic recommendations lists before but I really want to share some of the amazing work that I’ve read this past month! I’ve definitely read a whole ton more but I was dumb and didn’t think to like draft this list and then just keep adding to it... so I’m just attempting to go through my tags LOL please be patient with my dumbass. 
NOTE: Since I only started doing this recently, a lot of my recommendations are gonna come from a lot of my mutuals but I’m always open to hearing more about other fics!!! If you’ve got an incredible fic that you are super proud of or if you think that I should read something you’ve read, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME! I’m really big on StevexFem!Reader, BuckyxFem!Reader, WandaxFem!Reader, CarolxFem!Reader, and Stucky fics!!!
If you do end up reading these fics, please tag me if you reblog them or comment on them!! I’d love to see your guys’ reactions :) 
PS. if these links dont work for some reason, please let me know so I can update this list because I was very distracted halfway through making this so it might not be perfect!
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1.Walpurgis Night by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “In which Steven volunteers to find a long-lost princess of Starkerbürg. (Fairy Tale AU)” I have no clue why this fic is not given more goddamn attention because holy shit yall, I have never been so grasped by a fic before. If you love medieval/fairy tale type things, you will love this fic. And if you don’t, you’re gonna love it anyways because @anika-ann​ writes SO. FUCKING. WELL. 100% fluff and love.
2. Abs Aren’t Always the Answer by @its-not-captain-america​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve asks Y/N what girls are interested in, trying to impress her. Several shirtless pics later it’s not working.” Y’all want hilarious shit??? What about Steve Rogers always trying to take his fucking shirt off because he has the DNA (and the body) of a stripper? JK that’s not the actual reason but this fic is so funny, I died reading the first 700 times (and the 701st time too... and every time after that). 100% hilarious.
3. Challenge Accepted...? by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader ”Steve’s never been good at quick decision-making when it came to his own safety. After one particularly horrible experience, you find a way to remind him every day to think twice the next time he’s faced with a tough choice. He is not amused.” Steven Grant Rogers you stupid dumb hoe lol. That’s all I’mma say about this fic because it speaks for itself when you read it haha. Banter is iconic in this fic. 100% hilarious.
4. A Matter of Trust by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You and Steve get to go to a mission together after a while; free drinks, partying, dressing-up nicely, stealing blueprints, the usual. You might even enjoy this as a couple.“ This time it’s Y/N that’s kindof a stupid dumb hoe but like that’s okay because when Y/N is a stupid dumb hoe, it’s not as stupid or dumb as when Steve does it. There’s a bit of a carry on between Challenge Accepted...? and this fic! So I would suggest reading that one first and then this :) 100% hilarious.
5. For a Smile by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You see him run past every morning. So you smile, because he looks like a nice person. How could he not be when he smiles back and the world stops for a while to pay respect to such beauty?” So you know how Disney movies totally screwed over some of our perspectives of how guys were gonna come and sweep us off our feet? Yeah. This fic did it too. I’m still waiting for my fairytale fucking moment like this fic but if it never happens, I’ll settle for just reading this over and over again LOL. 100% F L U F F and LOVE.
6. Grease and Pearls by @anika-ann​​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “All you know is uptown; fancy clothes, expensive cars, jewellery outshining one’s personality and exhausting dinners with family acquaintances and business partners. Your life is all planned out; one day, you’ll marry Howard Stark’s son and you’ll be the golden couple adored by press.” This 3-part series slayed me. Like honestly, I’ve never been so torn apart before. Y’all lucky that if you read it, you get to read all 3 parts right away whereas I had to sit and wait for my heart to be torn apart and then stomped on. (Jk anika i love you you know that). Super amazing thing I love about this fic: it’s got links to the dresses that Y/N wears (super cute btw) AND it’s got two different endings so you can decide!!! 100% ANGST and 100% FLUFF? At the same time??? Because of the two endings?!?!?!? NOTE: part 2 got some steamy smut in there so 18+ readers only. I had to take a cold shower after reading it like goddamn.
7. Be Alright by @kayteewritessteve​ ​| Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve goes through a bad breakup, but a sweet voice and a friendly smile helps him realize he can begin again, and that he definitely should.” God this fic. I can’t with this fic. It’s based on the Dean Lewis song Be Alright, which is already one of my favourites, but this fic, ugh, Kaytee knows how to hurt you that’s for sure. It’s so pure and so wonderful. 100% SAD but like it gets better promise.
8. Cold Feet by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
“After two months of dating, you’ve come to a conclusion as exciting as well as a bit irritating: Steve Rogers is a perfect man. He simply has no flaw.Or does he?” Mother. Fucking. Adorable. I dunno if there’s anything else to say except that anika really knows how to make me wish I was Y/N adsoifhosd. 100% F L U F F
9. Hot Chocolate by @vodkaxtonic​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve gets sick and Y/N takes care of him, which involves a lot of Steve’s whining, hot chocolate and cuddles.“ Steve Rogers is a little shit who won’t just accept that he’s sick and needs to be taken care of BUT IT’S SO CUTE AND THIS FIC IS THE BEST!!!! 100% FLUFF!!
10. Home by @evanstush​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “It’s been 2 years since the last battle and it’s now Morgan’s 7th birthday, and well, Tony being Tony, he prepared a small party for her little girl, inviting everyone from the team, including you.” Hnnnggg this fic. Okay so. I love @evanstush​ with all my fucking heart because she’s always been so supportive of me and my fics. That being said I WAS NOT EXPECTING HER KIND ASS TO HURT MY HEART LIKE THIS. But again, it’s okay because it’s got fluff guys. 50% ANGST and 50% FLUFF. Well like it’s 100% both but like I have to split it haha.
11. Cocktails by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “ ~i really don’t know what to write i’m sorry~ DRINKS!” That’s okay, darling, I’ll write the summary you. HILARITY. WONDERFULNESS. THE WORD BLOWJOB WRITTEN SO MANY TIMES AND IT’S FUCKING GOLD. This is so funny i love it haha. This fic killed me. I should’ve seen it coming (hehe) but i didn’t lol. 100% HILARIOUS.
12. Unadulterated by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader No summary for this one but again, I shall do the honours haha. It’s part 2 of ‘Cocktails’ and this one is just as adorable and hilarious as the first part! Steve is a cheeky little soft boi and the flirting just makes me feel all sorts of ways <3 100% ADORABLE.
13. Water Wars by @writeyourmindaway | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader “The team finds a new way to unwind” I love fics where you just see the team get to be normal people!!! Plus haven’t we all thought about how the Avengers would are in a water fight? Is that just me? Don’t have to fantasize about it now because @writeyourmindaway wrote it for you :D 100% FLUFF.
14. Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “The gossip that buzzes around in the teacher’s lounge is that sweet, sensitive, divorcé Steve Rogers is hot-for-teacher. His daughter’s first-grade teacher, to be exact.” I binged this whole fucking series. 8 parts of PURE. EVERYTHING. I have never so badly wanted a happy ending in my fucking life. This is an amazing series with so much love put into it, you can tell. I really can’t explain this fic because you really need to just go read it to know how amazing it is. NOTE: Part 4, 5, and 8 have some serious love smut in there so 18+ readers only please. UGH. I love this fic so much. I will continue to keep daydreaming about it and thinking about it all the time. God I love me some Dad!Steve. 50% FLUFF and 50% ANGST (which seriously tore my heart out like I cried).
15. You Make My World Spin by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “After the Battle of New York and all the mess Tony gets involved in later, Pepper believes he is in a need of an assistant slash tech genius. Enter you. While Tony is not amused by Pepper’s idea at first… he soon warms up to you.” So many insanely wonderful references in this fic, it’s hilarious. Also, Tony being a little shit LOL. Such a hilarious fic!!!! 100% AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS.
16. If You Stumble... by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “If you stumble…make it part of the dance. In which you ask Steve what your date would look like if you lived the forties. He decides to show you instead. There are few flaws, holes to see through to glimpse beyond that illusion. But what life would be besides boring if everything was perfect? Perfect dress. Perfect date. Perfect gentleman…?” So my dumbass was so excited to read something that anika put out that I didn’t realize this was part 2 of a 3 part series lol I’m dumb yes I know. Anyways, this is part 1 so please don’t be like me and read the first part LOL. ANYWAYS, this was so fucking wholesome. This is definitely one that I need to read again and fully read in order (she’s got part 3 on her AO3, I believe) but ugh. I love the idea of Steve dating in this century, comparing things to how things were done in the old days ufglasodfhsd. I love it. Amazing. 100% FLUFF (I think because well my dumbass hasn’t finished but this part was fluffy :3)
17. @wxstedhexrt‘s poems | Read Them Here! | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes I don’t think Destiny ever gave me a summary of these but (and Destiny, please correct me if I’m wrong in how you want these to be portrayed!) I believe they’re poems written throughout the whole Steve and Bucky timeline. She’s used the Winter Soldier’s words and turned them into a gorgeous set of poems. 100% My favourite thing in the whole fucking world. 
18. The Lonely Tree by @sarahwroteathing​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You have a favorite tree which you make sure to pass every day on your way to class, but one day you find you’ll have to get used to sharing it with a friendly art student.” Holy shit guys this 15 part series was so amazing. It’s 100% PURE FLUFF and PINING and gorgeous. Holy shit. Like I screamed reading the whole goddamn thing. Amazing writing by an amazing human being with some awesome humour haha.
19. @sinner-as-saint​ responding to an anon request? Amazing. | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Request: May I just spice up your day with the thought of best friend/roommate bucky being jealous when you bring someone home HOT. AS. FUCK. Holy shit. It’s such a short little list of things that Bucky would do but ugh. I was dying reading it. I love me some jealous Bucky smut. 100% angsty fluff? With smuttiness ;) 18+ readers please!!
20. @alloftheimaginesblog​ prompted fic | Steve Rogers x Reader (I could be wrong here but I believe the gender of the reader is never specified? But the ring is a woman’s ring so?? @alloftheimaginesblog​ pls correct me if you want!) Prompt: Finding an engagement ring in one of their drawers. So fucking fluffy I needed a cavity filled after ugh. I loved it so much it was just a gorgeous piece of writing. Steve is a little piece of poop for not hiding that ring better I mean come on, you’re telling me you couldn’t have punched a hole, put the ring there, and then cover it up with like a cabinet or something??? jk i still love you steeb. 100% fluff!
21. Laser Tag by @stargazingfangirl18​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You play laser tag with your boyfriend Steve and his best friend Bucky. Since you’re just a plain ole civilian, you gotta use what non-Avenger skills you have to avoid losing. Hint: those skills involve Steve and kissing.” Iconic. Everything. Wonderful. There is nothing I love more than Steve Rogers being a little sucker for making out with his girlfriend even when there’s a competition. 100% fluff!!!!
22. Under the Rainbow, Draga mea by @binkysteebnpewter​ | Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader I don’t think there’s an official summary ( @binkysteebnpewter​ pls correct me if I’m wrong) but my summary is this: GAYNESS <3 I love me some wlw content so when I saw this pop up on my dash, I couldn’t NOT read. It’s soooo good. This is a Social Media AU and the amount of meme usage in there I- it’s fucking wonderful. It’s still in progress though so you guys will have to pine after this relationship with me. I FUCKING LOVE IT. 100% GAY LOVE <3
23. A Fic in which Peggy Carter plays wingwoman because these two idiots are in love with each other but they can’t see it so our Queen needs to throw it at them by @1she1hulk1​ (please note I made this title by myself because I don’t think there was a title LOL @1she1hulk1​ lmk if you want me to change this xD) | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “the plot is bacially you and Steve go to see Peggy and she tells Steve to finally make his move” Peggy Carter is a fucking Queen and she knows that Steve is falling for you, because he just won’t stop fucking talking about you LOL. Anyways, this is a super cute fic!!!! Please go give it some love because this human being who wrote it doesn’t think she’s a good writer?????? Crazy. 100% FLUFF!!!!
So because this is my first recommendation list on this site, I know I’m definitely missing some amazing fics that I’ve read but never saved (I’m a terrible person I know). So I’m just gonna add them in this list here because they deserve love and attention too!
@wxstedhexrt​‘s poetry. Period. End of story lol. JK. So the ones that I’ve read that are on Destiny’s tumblr aren’t all fandom related (besides the one that I posted above) but they’re still really amazing. I’ve never felt so captured by poems before (mostly because i’m stupid and don’t understand a lot of poetry). Ugh anyways I love her poems so much so please go check them out! CLICK HERE FOR BEAUTY <3
Alright so I know a lot of you guys know @kayteewritessteve​ but if you don’t, she’s this super amazing writer with INCREDIBLE series. (CLICK HERE TO SEE HER FULL MASTERLIST). But one of my most favourite series by her, and one of my favourite series of all time, is: If Only You Knew “You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day was going to come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friend and the secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him and everything else that happened on that horrible night.”  This 18 (plus an Epilogue) part series will literally have you screaming at your screen being like WHY YALL CANT JUST TELL EACH OTHER HOW YALL FEEL?!?!?!?! 75% angst (because Kaytee likes to hurt us) and 25% fluff BUT the fluff is SOOOOO worth it so it’s like 100% angst and 200% fluff (i was never a mathlete). NOW since, we’re on the topic of Kaytee’s writing, I’d also like to mention: Love and War  “In a harsh medieval world, you set out on a perilous quest that will lead you onto a forbidden land. A land ruled and controlled by a ruthless Warlord King, one who does not look favourably upon trespassers of any kind, and punishes all with an iron fist. You may not know exactly where this quest will end, but what you do know is you will forever be altered by it. And that knowledge alone is what truly terrifies you the most.” so I read this while Kaytee was writing it about a year ago and holllyyyyyy shit. Okay. So. Listen. Fantasy? Check. Romance? Check. Amazing writing? Well it’s Kaytee so yea obviously check. I want to list more things but I don’t want to give it away! This is a 15 part series (plus an Epilogue and Outro) but it goes by so quickly once you’re stuck and waiting for more!!!! 
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dumbepiphany · 5 years ago
26 Klance Fanfiction Recommendations
There is a heck of a lot of good Klance fanfiction out there. And while some may be easy to find because of how popular they are, there are many others that are buried in the depths of ao3 that I feel like more people should be reading!!
A lot of these are quite popular fics that you probably would have heard of already, but I hope there’s something in here that’s new, and that you’ll enjoy reading!
All are recommended for Teen And Up Audiences, so please be mindful!
1. Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
Words: 135,555 | Chapters: 13/13 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: This is my absolute favourite Klance fic. Childhood friends to lovers- what more could one ask for?
2. Squad Up
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: In which the team is in high school, and Lance makes a group chat (ft. college graduates Shiro, Matt, and Allura). (A generic bandwagon chatfic because why are these so fun to write????)
Words: 327,144 | Chapters: 140/140 | Warnings: none
My note: The chatfic format is super fun to read. A lot of fluff!!
3. A Midsummer Night’s Meme
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: Same group chat, new shenanigans. Or, the team's final summer before Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Shay begin college, as Pidge navigates the waters of young love, Keith and Shiro deal with family issues, Lance has a trip to Cuba, and more. Sequel to Squad Up.
Words: 79,457 | Chapters: 27/27 | Warnings: none
My note: If you read Squad Up, you must read the sequel! The storyline is really cool and the boys are Soft:)
4. Ignorance is Bliss
By YouAreInAComaWakeUp (Nikanaiko) on AO3
Description: As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew? Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he's the less-evil one, too, so that's always a plus.
Words: 172,675 | Chapters: 30/30 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Oh God this fic. C’mon, it’s Ghost Keith and Human Lance... and they bond... need I say more?
5.   Shut Up and Dance With Me
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
Words: 249,827 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: One of the first fics I read. Super sweet and fluffy, great storyline, complete with art by wolfpainters! Tbh any dance AU fic is a good fic
6. Chivalry is Dead
By Sheksper on AO3
Description: Prince Lance was an adventurer. That was all there was to it. So, when he's suddenly assigned a new knight to follow him around, all Lance can think is that his freedom is being taken away, and it's all because of the red-clad, mullet boy named Keith, who is honestly just trying not to lose his job on the first day.
Words: 61,071 | Chapters: 17/17 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Prince Lance and Knight Keith is a concept to die for and it’s written so so well in this story!!
7. Nothing’s Quite As Sweet
By dimpleforyourthoughts on AO3
Description: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
Words: 50,369 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
*You need to have an account to be able to see this fic!*
My note: A traditional must-read cafe/cat shelter fic! It’s got coffee and cats... the Softness levels are through the roof
8. The Fallen and the Wandering
By creeshtar on AO3
Description: Keith was born into a world of ice and darkness, with no sun to rise or stars to shine. In spite of humanity’s best efforts, the world is meeting a slow, but certain doom, which can only be stopped if the sun is found and replaced in the sky. Keith, meanwhile, is content to collect stars and eventually replace them in the sky, alongside a new partner that he can’t seem to help but gravitate towards--until a mysterious person with inhuman power goes on a warpath to find the sun for herself. Keith and his partner are unwittingly thrown into the race to find the sun first, only for Keith to discover, to his dismay, that it may be closer than he could’ve ever wanted.
Words: 106,108 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: The writing and the AU concept is gorgeous and intriguing, props to the author for the world-building and the gratuitous fluff and angst!!
9. Love Interest
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: Lance is getting his big American debut on a new T.V series called Voltron. He's excited and nervous about how amazingly talented and famous his cast members are. But most importantly Lance is anticipating meeting his character -Leandro's- love interest in the show. Who happens to played by the be mega famous, mega hot Keith Kogane. But due to a misunderstanding during their first encounter, Lance now thinks Keith is the biggest jerk alive. Keith now has to try and fix it, for the sake of the show, and also for the sake of their on screen romance, which may start venture off screen as well.
Words: 195,400 | Chapters: 50/50 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: If you love Klance and you love Leakira, then get ready for... Klance as actors portraying Leakira!!
10. (Unofficially) VLD- Season 9
By hoelko on AO3
Description: The Universe has been saved. The war is over. Voltron is no longer needed. But that's the thing about the Universe. It's always getting bigger.
Words: 225,777 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: This fic was everything the fandom deserved but never got. Hoelko is our God. Worship this fic.
11. ‘Til We Meet the Dawn
By angstinspace on AO3
Description: Keith is a mage and Lance is a knight, and they've been best friends since childhood. For years, Keith has known that Lance carries a dark secret: that if he doesn't kiss his true love before he turns twenty, he'll die. Now only three days remain before Lance's twentieth birthday, and Keith and Lance are sent on a dangerous quest to rescue Romelle––who Lance believes will be the one to break his curse. But what he doesn't know is that Keith is already hopelessly in love with him.
Words: 75,242 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Magic! Fantasy! Knights! Curses! True love! Angst! Fluff! All that good jazz rolled into one glorious fic!!
12. Follow My Lead
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all. aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Words: 117,792 | Chapters: 14/14 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: Everyone needs a little bit of no-strings-attached-turns-into-catching-feelings in their life! Just be careful with the nsfw!
13. Something Just Like This
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Keith reluctantly becomes the counselor for the Red Cabin at Camp Voltron, a summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that his older brother Shiro has worked at for years. Already unhappy with the current position that he is in, Keith prepares himself for a boring, sweaty, miserable summer; and his frustration only grows when he meets the counselor for the Blue Cabin- an insufferable asshole with a horrible sense of humor, a devilish smirk, an inexplicable animosity towards the Red Cabin, and a smile that literally looks like the sun. Needless to say Keith is really, really unprepared for the next three months.
Words: 58,800 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: A Very Soft Fic. A truly Soft Soft Fic. It has little kids in it,, it’s adorable and fluffy,, makes you squeal into your pillow,, please read!
14. The Marks We Make
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by. Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
Words: 255,302 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: none
My note: The soulmate AU that everyone needed. Complete with art by wolfpainters!
15. Lucky in Rivalry
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: After moving back to his hometown after ten years, Keith is being shoved back into the life of an unexpected individual who was his so called 'rival' from music school. How is Keith supposed to explain to Lance that he hasn't sung for a crowd in all those years after his disappearance? Lance is the town's favourite gig at Voltron Cafe. He's lively and has the voice that makes girls go weak. He's also one half of the cutest couple in school. Him and Lotor are what everyone wants in a relationship, but behind closed doors it's a bit of a different story. How much more can Lance take before he cracks?
Words: 134,484 | Chapters: 45/45 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: True love, music and singing, high school drama, this fic has the whole lot! Give it a go, you won’t regret!!
16. Drummer Boy
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance is 100%, without a doubt, straight. He has the perfect girlfriend and has never wanted anything more. But suddenly his world is being turned upside down by the boy playing the drums at his local bar--a boy who happens to be very good looking, very gay, and very very interested in Lance. aka: Good-Boy Lance has a crisis when he meets Keith because he's so damn attractive, and Keith is a little ho that is way too promiscuous and open about his sexuality. The become friends. Confusion and sexual tension ensue.
Words: 50,188 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
My note: This one is a great read, but it’s a pretty sexy fic. Read the warnings and stay safe, avoid it if it isn’t your cup of tea!
17. On Thin Ice
By anonimina on AO3
Description: This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Or: the not-so-simple story of two people trying to navigate the complexities of living in an ever changing world and face the traumas they've buried far away from the sunlight.
Words: 205,795 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: Figure skating and hockey playing! This fic is emotional and fluffy and very very adorable! Just a warning- it’s unfinished, so the last chapter is basically a summary and dot points of what the planned ending was!
18. Life After Death
By taylortot on AO3
Description: Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice. She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--” He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.” * After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
Words: 90,074 | Chapters: 13/14 | Warnings: none
My note: The Feels. The Feels are strong with this one. Memory loss always hits super hard, be prepared for angst (but also comfort and fluff!)
19. Homesick at Space Camp
By Kobot on AO3
Description: Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
Words: 74,280 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Fake marriage AU! FA K E M a R Ri A G E AU!!! Need I say more?
20. I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
By xShieru on AO3
Description: "So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps. Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith. Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
Words: 43,295 | Chapters: 7/7 | Warnings: none
My note: A steamy, fluffy dancing AU fic! I read this ages ago so I can’t really remember what happened but it was GOOD!!
21. Watercast
By fishwrites on AO3
Description: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit! (AU where Avians (winged folk), Galra, humans and merfolk cohabit earth. Shiro and Keith are avian soldiers, Lance is the youngest son of a Queen, Hunk is also a merman and Pidge is still looking for her family. They get caught up in a war.)
Words: 205,901 | Chapters: 15/16 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Avian Keith and Merman Lance is the forbidden love story that everyone needs in their life tbh. It’s been on hiatus for a while so idk about the final chapter, but it’s definitely worth a read!
22. Call Me, Beep Me
By orphan_account on AO3
Description: Where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there.
Words: 85,591 | Chapters: 10/10 | Warnings: none
My note: Arguably the most popular Klance fanfic (after Dirty Laundry of course)! You’ve probably heard of it, but if not, do read!! Wrong number fics are a godsend
23. Calling Me to Come Back
By aknightley on AO3
Description: Keith is a witch who owns a shop where he breaks curses on both magical items and people under spells. Love spells, family curses passed down generations, cursed heirlooms lurking the attic -- he can handle them all. But one day a boy named Lance walks into his shop, and his curse is darker and more difficult to break than anything Keith has ever seen before: the curse is draining his magic, and without his magic, Lance will die.
Words: 50,464 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Will Witch Keith break Lance’s curse, or will Lance die!?!?!? And will they fall in love along the way???!?! Read on to find out:D
24. Say My Name (And Every Colour Illuminates)
By parchmints on AO3
Description: Lance never thought he had a soulmate, but when he finds himself dreaming about a boy on Varadero Beach and in a southwestern desert, he learns they have an incredibly rare soul link–-one that allows them to form an unusually strong bond before they meet, but also exposes their greatest vulnerabilities to each other.
Words: 27,833 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Really well-written, relatively short but so so sweet! Another soulmate AU (honestly one of my favourite AUs) except this time it’s dreamscape:)
25. Video Killed the Radio Star
By europa_report on AO3
Description: In which Keith is the guy who suddenly finds himself a single-parent to his two nieces, and Lance is the charming radio host who might be his only voice of reason in this mess.
Words: 69,468 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: This is so cute, I almost cried. Any fic with kl interacting with little children is an instant KO for my heart:’)
26. Smile for the Stars
By maIikcutie on AO3
Description: Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company. The universe is cruel.
Words: 72,921 | Chapters: 9/9 | Warnings: major character death
My note: Please don’t read unless you are prepared for a MAJOR character death! If you’re up for it, prepare a box of tissues, and good luck, my friend!
And that’s all for my list! Hope you found something to your liking, happy reading folks!
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imagining-in-the-margins · 5 years ago
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Oof. I got carried away in these Anon answers. Warning, one of the questions deals with S12 spoilers (marked in the answer).
Check it below the cut 👇
1. Ah, a newbie! Hello friend! I hope you are enjoying our little fandom while you go through your first watch. I admittedly do not remember my fics off the top of my head, but I asked the others in the Discord and they compiled this list of Fics that DO contain spoilers:
Not your Backup; It's not You, It's Her; Dark Side; Big Bad Wolf; Bigger Bitch than Payback; Teacher's Pet; Protege; H2M; Repentance; Phoenix; and I Like It Like That.
Everything else should be relatively safe. I try not to focus too much on the plot of the show, since I want people to be able to imagine whichever version of Spencer they want.
2. You’re such a sweetheart. I’m glad you enjoyed my batshit Reader. She would be very flattered. I’m glad you get something unique from my writing, but there are tons of amazing other authors on here! They just haven’t been blown up like me... yet 😜 It’s still weird to me that people recognize my username or know who I am. I probably won’t ever get used to it.
3. 🚨 Spoilers for S12 🚨 Aaaaa every time Diana and Spencer are in a scene together, ever, I just cry. I have to write a scene with her in H2M soon and I am overwhelmed. I hope you’re doing well, too, my love! ❤️
4. Ah, we’re probably too late there 😂 Honestly, I don’t really ever get overwhelmed about the requests I have or unfinished works. I know I should, but I don’t. I just write what I want.
Since I’m betaing for a BDSM fic for the foreseeable future, it’s going to be on my mind. I’d rather start writing it while I want to than risk losing that inspiration in the future. Especially since it’s not a true “series” and won’t really have a decent sized plot. Just good ol’ fashion porn.
5. Ugh, I wish I could write for Hotch, but I don’t want to get too far out of Spencer mode. That being said, the amazing authors of @dontkissthewriter , @hyperfixations-galore , and @httpnxtt all told me they were willing to write Hotch. I highly recommend all of them.
6. I find this message... strange. Particularly the “actually start getting them done” part. Closing my requests wouldn’t make anything come faster, and history shows it also wouldn’t stop me from getting requests.
I often get the advice that I should just close my requests, but there are a few reasons I don’t:
(A) It would not stop me from getting requests – I promise. Several of the last 20 requests I’ve gotten started with some variant of “I know your requests are closed/idk if you take requests.” People will ask, and I don’t mind listening to their ideas. See C below.
(B) I would have to shut off Anon, since people consistently request Part 2s despite it being written in several places that I do not write Part 2s. Closing Anon would mean that about 50% of all of my feedback would disappear. People don’t comment or DM me nearly as much as they message me on Anon. I like getting feedback and talking to people. Anon is the best way for me to do that. So in the end, I would still get requests, and I would lose out on all the wonderful messages I get from shy people.
(C) I don’t lose sleep over requests I take awhile on or things I might never be able to write. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s just reality. This is why I warn people that it will be a very long time before your fic comes (and beg them to ask other people if they don’t want to wait – there are SO MANY GOOD AUTHORS ON HERE). You are always welcome to tell me you want to take it back or ask someone else. 
This is where the strangeness comes in, and admittedly, a little bitterness on my part. The implication I’m not putting work out fast enough is absolutely ludicrous. In the past 3-4 months, I’ve put out four hundred thousand words worth of content. That is the equivalent of five published novels. There is nothing in the entire universe that could make me write faster than I already do. It’s just preposterous to think that’s possible.
The only way I’m able to keep up with such an intense writing streak is because I have a wide array of topics to choose from. While it does suck for the people who have been waiting for forever, I can’t turn my brain on to a subject and demand performance for any particular person. Whatever came out would not be fun and you wouldn’t like it.
I really, really try my hardest to please as many people as possible, and the few Anon messages I get (on top of you beautiful, wonderful, amazing people who leave comments or DM me with commentary) are the reason I share them with you guys. Half the time, I won’t even hear back from the Anons who I do write for, so it’s hard for me to hear people suggest I am not doing enough, even if that wasn’t the intention.
At the end of the day, I’ll make someone happy and disappoint 40 other people. Closing requests won’t do anything but further isolate me from the feedback that makes me want to write in the first place.
And as always, if you want me to write your request sooner, the easiest way to do that is to talk to me about it. The more you bring the idea to my head (preferably through plot points, dialogue ideas, and visuals), the more likely it is I’ll become inspired to want to write it.
Sorry if that sounded harsh, but I did get a little in my feelings on this one. You probably didn’t mean it to sound like I took it, but it’s midnight and I’ve been writing for like 10 hours 😂
Thanks for your concern; I hope this cleared some stuff up for you. Thanks as always for support and reading my work. I hope you enjoy whatever I put out, anyway!
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searchingwardrobes · 6 years ago
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Happy birthday, @shireness-says! I have so enjoyed all of our chats during the cssns about our love for the Brothers Jones, Frozen Jewel, and Captain Cobra. You write all of those so well, but I tried to give you some quality Captain Cobra for your birthday nonetheless along with a fic that sums up your love of art and books. I hope you like it and that your day has been awesome! It is of course, based on the Beatles song “Blackbird” which I think both Killian and Emma could relate to.
Summary: Magical Mystery Books is your stereotypical quirky bookstore. Killian Jones, however, is not your typical quirky bookstore owner. Neither are the dark yet beautiful pieces of art that hang over the cash register.
Rating: G
Words: 2,600 and some change
Also on Ao3
Part of my Fandom Birthday Playlist. Previous Gifts:Shatter Me|White Flag|Keep Your Eyes Open|Black Balloon|Suitcase|Halo|Stay|
Tagging: @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jennjenn615 @bethacaciakay @teamhook @kday426 @thislassishooked @snidgetsafan @delirious-latenight-laughs @winterbaby89 @ultraluckycatnd @vvbooklady1256 @let-it-raines @distant-rose
Henry was the one who found it; the quirky bookstore called Magical Mystery Books. It was one of those eclectic places with every genre imaginable from out of print gothic hardbacks to bestselling paperbacks to edgy graphic novels. Just like one would expect, it was crowded with volumes from floor to ceiling. Yet contrary to stereotype, it wasn’t messy. The place was not only immaculately clean but organized by genre and carefully alphabetized.
Yet exactly according to stereotype there was also the store owner and his one faithful employee who could find what you were looking for even with a vague description. However, defying stereotype, said store owner was not an eccentric old lady with a cat. Oh no, he was far from that.
Okay, Emma Swan had to admit, maybe slightly eccentric. But he was male and definitely not old. Neither was he a bookish looking fellow with a tweed coat and an awkward stammer. Though he did occasionally whip out a pair of black framed reading glasses.
No, Killian Jones did not look like a book store owner with his leather motorcycle jacket, his pierced ear, and his distractedly tight jeans. The kids loved to come to the book store for the great YA selection and vintage comics. The adults came to ogle the store’s owner. Or perhaps his lone employee Belle with her high heels, fashionable skirts, and perfect, wavy auburn hair.
Emma, however, came for her son. Henry swore that no other store had a better fantasy or sci fi collection, and once Henry had exhausted all of those, Mr. Jones gladly supplied him with more obscure recommendations. Both Jones and Belle adored Henry, a rare ten-year-old who stood in rapt fascination at their collection of original illustrations by Maurice Sendak and E.H. Shepherd which were under glass in the children’s section with a sign that read “not for sale.” They had once belonged to Belle’s mother, a dedicated bibliophile herself. Henry even soaked up stories Belle told about how her mother risked death in a house fire to save the illustrations.
“That boy will be a writer someday,” Killian commented to Emma as he rang up her purchases one afternoon.
The boy in question was poring over an Avengers comic protected by plastic circa 1969. She hoped he had noticed how many digits were on that price tag.
“He certainly has enough notebooks full of stories to publish one day.” Emma couldn’t help the mom brag. She certainly hadn’t expected to luck out with a kid like Henry the day she held that pregnancy test in her trembling hand at nineteen.
“Aye, he’s told me. I said I’d like to read them, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”
“Don’t take it personally,” Emma assured Killian, “he won’t let me read them either.”
“Someday perhaps.”
Emma took the bag of paperbacks that hung from Killian’s prosthetic. She had never asked how he lost his left hand; she honestly didn’t know how one went about broaching such subjects. Henry didn’t know either, though Belle had alluded to some sort of accident when Killian was in the navy.
She thanked him, but before she turned to go, she noticed something new hanging above the register. It was mixed media art; a painting combined with some sort of collage technique. It was a dark painting with an outline of a bird done in such muted grays it almost blended into the background. Yet the collage technique gave the bird texture and a sense of movement. A quote was woven through the dark background: “Blackbird singing in the dead of night.”
“Beatles?” Emma asked, gesturing over his shoulder.
He smiled at her, but not the cocky one he gave to flirtatious customers. This one was more
genuine. “Know that song?”
Emma smiled in return. “My favorite Beatles song, actually.”
“Mine too.”
Emma shuffled her feet, something about his smile making prickles of nerves skitter across the back of her neck. “Well, I guess I see why you liked the painting then. And it makes the bookstore name make more sense. Then again you are British . . . “
She trailed off when she realized she was rambling.
“Ah, and all British people must like the Beatles.”
“Well, no, I mean – I didn’t mean -”
He laughed and waved his hand to dismiss her discomfort. “No offense taken, love.”
Face burning, Emma grabbed Henry and left as quickly as she could. It was easier when he focused all his attention on her son.
Henry had gotten to that age when he was suddenly harder to buy for. Most kids his age wanted electronics, and while she had saved up for a video game system last Christmas, most stuff was out of her price range. Thank God her kid liked books.
Of course, figuring out what he would like and what he hadn’t already read wasn’t easy. Hence why she was at Magical Mystery Books while Henry was at school. It wasn’t until she turned down an aisle to find Killian Jones with his ass literally in her face that it occurred to her she’d never been here without her son as a buffer. Jones was atop a rolling ladder shelving books on the top shelf, hence why his ass was at eye level. She noticed a bit of his abs as his shirt hitched up, and she averted her gaze as her cheeks burned. What was her problem? It wasn’t as if she’d never seen a man’s . . . er, assets before.
Emma took a few steps back before clearing her throat to announce her presence. When he turned and saw her, he gave her that same grin again. The one that made his laugh lines crinkle and his cheeks dimple. The one that made her skin buzz like a live wire.
“Emma! It’s nice to see you here at this time of day. Let me guess, you’re looking for a gift for your lad.”
Emma arched her brows. “How’d you know that?”
He shrugged as he turned and headed down the sci fi aisle. “Well, time of day, plus Henry mentioned he had a birthday coming up.” He stopped, ran his fingertip along the bindings before him, then pulled out a slender volume.
“A Wrinkle in Time?” Emma asked incredulously.
Killian nodded. “He said he’d never read it because it’s a ‘girl’s book’.”
Emma had to giggle at his eye roll and air quotes.
“I told him he’d miss out on way too many books with that narrow mindset.”
Emma’s brow wrinkled, unsure. “But the movie sucked.”
Killian staggered backwards, his hand to his heart. “Swan please, my heart can’t take it.”
Emma shook her head, laughing fully now. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re melodramatic?”
“Constantly,’ he told her with a wink.
Killian rang up A Wrinkle in Time along with another selection he said Henry had been eyeing last time he was there. It was something from the late 50s called Have Space Suit – Will Travel and had a cover that looked awfully sci-fi theater kitschy to Emma, but she decided to trust Killian’s suggestions. After all, when it came to this fantasy and sci-fi stuff, Emma was completely lost.
Emma paused once again when taking her bag. A new painting was above the cash register, in the same mixed media genre as the previous one. It was still mostly dark and featured a textured bird, yet this time there was a tiny ray of bright colors in the top right corner. The bird’s wings were outstretched this time, one of them bent and crooked. This time the words “Take these broken wings and learn to fly” seemed to stretch towards the light. It took Emma’s breath away. Without tearing her eyes away from it, she spoke to Killian.
“It’s . . . sad, but beautiful.”
“Aye,” he told her softly as he gave her the receipt, “some of the most breathtaking things are a little sad. Wouldn’t you say?”
She looked away from the painting and into his sparkling blue eyes, and she had the strangest feeling they were talking about two different things.
As she took the receipt, her eyes were drawn to his prosthetic and she realized – the bird’s left wing was the one that was broken.
Emma was tucked into a leather wingback chair in the romance section of Magical Mystery Books (something Killian had already teased her about, to which she had retorted that it was either this or force her hips into the bright yellow Curious George chair in the children’s section) answering one last email for work. She could hear Killian and Henry having a heated debate in the YA lit section.
“- but there should be hope after a writer puts you through all that pain!”
“But dystopian lit is about commenting on social ills, is it not? Her whole point was the senselessness of war,” Killian retorted.
Emma shook her head and smiled as she hit send on her email.
“But saving Prim was supposed to be the whole point!”
Emma frowned. Henry had taken the ending of that trilogy way too hard. So hard it had worried her a little. She kicked herself now for letting him read them; he was probably too young.
“And thus the senseless part.” Killian always interacted with Henry with the utmost respect, never talking down to him.
“I still threw that third book against the wall,” she heard Henry mutter.
Killian laughed heartily. “Aye, I confess I did too. And not just over Prim.”
“God yes, that pissed me off.”
She heard both of them grumbling in agreement at Suzanne Collin’s plot choices, and a huge smile broke out on her face. She pushed herself off the chair and headed towards them. Henry was perched on a stool, a notebook in his lap as he scribbled with a pencil. Killian was next to him shelving books from a cart.
“Hey, Mom! This book report on Mockingjay is going to be so good thanks to Killian.” Henry shot him a glance. “Even though we sort of disagree a little.”
“On the contrary,” Killian countered, ruffling her son’s hair. If it made her ovaries quiver, that was only because she’d been a single mom for ten years. Ten long years. “I happen to agree wholeheartedly. I was just trying to help you see another point of view.”
“Ready kid?” Emma asked as her son stuffed his notebook into his backpack.
“Yeah, Mom.”
Emma frowned as she watched Killian make his way behind the counter. “I’m sorry we just came here to bug you for homework help. We didn’t even buy anything.”
Killian leaned his arms on the counter, and Emma couldn’t take her eyes off how his muscles filled out his button-down shirt. He’d rolled his sleeves up, revealing the dark hair on his arms as well as where his left arm met his prosthetic hand. Emma wondered if it ever made him self-conscious. She hoped it didn’t, at least not around them.
“Anything for my best customers,” he told them, winking at Emma.
Her eyes flickered nervously away from his, and that was when she saw the newest painting. “All your life you were merely waiting for this moment to be free” it said this time. The work, part painting and part collage, was still dark like the other two, but the light in the right corner was bigger. But the most striking part was that the blackbird was no longer alone, there was now a white bird in the painting as well, and the collage work on it was breathtaking, as if it really had feathers.
“It’s a swan.”
Emma’s gaze swung to meet Killian’s. His eyes were searching her face intently, and suddenly the breath left her lungs. Without another word, she grabbed Henry by the arm and hurried them both from the bookstore.
Emma hadn’t realized how often they had been going to the bookstore until she suddenly could no longer face its owner. Three weeks had passed, and Henry was now almost daily asking to go to Magical Mystery Books the second she picked him up from school. And every single time, she gave him a flimsy excuse not to.
“What did Killian do?” Henry finally demanded.
“What in the world are you talking about kid?”
Henry rolled his eyes. “Please, Mom. That has to be it. Did he try to kiss you or something?”
Emma almost collided with the car in front of her. “Why the hell would you ask that?”
Henry shrugged. “Because he likes you.”
Emma had no idea what to say as she gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“I wouldn’t mind you know,” Henry finally said. “If you dated him, I mean.”
Emma blinked in shock at her son.
“When did you get so smart?”
He grinned in a way that he definitely picked up from Killian. “When I started hanging out at a bookstore.”
Emma marched into Magical Mystery Books the next morning and headed right to the front counter. Killian was there doing something at the register, and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw her. Whether that was because he hadn’t seen her in over three weeks or because she looked like a woman on some kind of mission, she wasn’t sure.
She crossed her arms over her chest as she scrutinized the painting over his shoulder. The dark background in this one was now littered with stars, the blackbird swooping down through them, straining towards a white swan that floated on a pond with a glittering reflection of the stars upon their surface. Her (she assumed it was a female swan, anyway) neck was bent away from the blackbird. “Into the light of the cold dark night” it said.
“Did you paint those?”
She saw Killian’s adam’s apple bob as if he wasn’t sure if she was asking or beginning an interrogation, but he lifted his gaze to meet hers anyway.
She nodded. “Okay then.”
He yelped when she yanked him over the counter towards her, and his eyes were still opened when she crashed her lips into his. Soon, however, he was kissing her back, his hand threading her hair, his tongue seeking entrance. She gave it to him, her own hands releasing his shirt front to find their way into his hair. It was hungry and frantic, with teeth clashing and lips bruising. She started to pull back, only to dive in for more again. She was half tempted to scramble over the counter, his kiss so intoxicating it made her want every part of him. Finally, they were both panting, foreheads pressed together.
“That - “ he gasped.
“Would have been a lot better without this stupid counter between us.”
He laughed as he traced her jaw, but then his blue eyes went a shade darker with lust. “Then get over here,” he growled.
In his next painting, the blackbird was floating in the water, the swan’s neck bent over his.
Blackbird fly into the light of the dark black night.
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emeraldwaves · 7 years ago
Title:  #pinkwall Chapter 2 Pairing:  Promptis Rating: T Word Count:  2,580 Read on Ao3 Summary: As a last hurrah before graduating college, Prompto suggests he and Noctis take a road trip to L.A during their 2 week spring break. Prompto is desperate to snap pics in front of the infamous Pink Wall of Instagram and Noctis is hoping to finally confess his feelings for his best friend. Will either of them find what they’re looking for on their impromptu cross-country road trip?
Full fic under the cut! thanks to @liziscribbles and @youaremynewdream for reading this ahead of time!
Ohio is flat.
It’s so flat, Noctis wonders if he's going blind when he squints at what seems to be the never-ending road in front of him.
Driving through New York and Pennsylvania wasn't as bad, since there were mountains and scenery to look at, but Ohio is so flat; Noctis is trying not to fall asleep.
It's nearing 11 AM, and they're still almost 3 hours out from Cleveland. Noctis can't believe they've been driving for 5 hours.
Prompto's been doing his best, but there have been a few time he's fallen asleep. Noctis can always tell when it's about to happen because Prompto's voice starts mumbling, turning into ramblings about Instagram and pictures and graduation. He jerks himself awake usually, "I'm awake! I swear, Noct!" he insists multiple times.
Noctis can't be mad, because he looks so damn cute when he falls asleep. His head slowly tilts, his mouth drooping open against the side of the car.
"Suuure," he smirks. "That's why you were snoring so loud just two seconds ago?"
"I was practicing... my pig impression!"
Noctis takes a quick glance at him, raising his eyebrow. "I'll keep that in mind when we drive past the next farm. Maybe I can sell you off," he smirks.
"Noct!" Prompto gasps. "You wouldn't dare!"
"I dunno, if you're gonna sleep for the whole car ride..."
"I promise, man, I promise! No more sleeping ever!"
He pushes himself up on the seat, and leans his arm against the window. Noctis' eyes flick to the side. Driving with Prompto next to him is a little difficult; if only Noctis didn't wanna stare at him 24/7.
"Man," Prompto sighs. "Whoever said Ohio was flat wasn't kidding."
"You're telling me," Noctis grumbles. He taps his thumbs against the steering wheel. "At least you haven't been staring out at the empty road for hours and hours."
"True," Prompto groans, scrolling through his iPod to pick a new song. Noctis hopes he'll pick something that will simultaneously keep them awake and not give him a headache.
"Alright! Time to look up what there is for us to do in Cleveland!" Prompto says, pulling out his phone. He taps his finger against the screen, waiting for the page to load. "Maybe we can find some good places to take pictures! I want to document everything! But it's hard when all you see is flat farmlands," he mutters.
"What? You mean this scenery isn't the perfect subject for your Instagram?" Noctis says, gesturing to the flat plains in front of them. "I find it riveting."
"Ha-ha, very funny Noct," Prompto snorts, letting out a long sigh. "Dammit," he groans.
"What?" Noctis asks, not liking the tone of Prompto's voice.
"Ugh you're not gonna be happy about this," Prompto says, and the car moves ever so slightly with the shaking of Prompto's knee up and down.
"You have to go the bathroom again?" At this point, Noctis wouldn't be surprised; they've stopped almost three times for that in the past 5 hours.
"No... but... I'm starving!" he whines, flopping his head back against the seat.
"Prom..." Noctis mumbles, and he wonders if this entire road trip is going to be him dealing with what is basically the equivalent of a five year old. "That's why we bought snacks."
"Yeah. I'm hearing ya' Noct, I'm hearing ya', but I really want some real food!" Prompto begs.
Noctis sucks at saying no.
"What counts as 'real food'?" he snorts.
"I dunno, we stop, get out of the car, eat something good! You're getting grumpy," Prompto teases, nudging him with his elbow. "I think we both could use a quick break. It's not like we're in a rush to get to Cleveland!"
Prompto has a point. Neither of them are wanting to see anything in particular in Cleveland, and Noctis' eyes could honestly use a break.
"Alright," he sighs. "Look up somewhere to eat around here."
"Gotcha! Siri, find food near me!" Prompto says, shouting into his phone.
"Okay, Lionheart, looking up food near you."
"Did you... tell Siri to call you Lionheart?" Noctis asks, raising his eyebrow at his best friend.
"Uh duh! It's a badass name!"
Noctis snorts. "Sure okay..." It's damn cute though. Prompto has a way of making the dumbest things seem amazing.
"Oh! Here's a place! Five stars... only a few miles away... cheap prices... It's called Iggy's Place," Prompto looks at his phone. "It... says it's a diner but all the reviews say it's some of the best food they've had in all of Ohio."
"Guess we gotta go then," Noctis smirks.
"Woohoo! Food adventure time!"
They arrive at Iggy's Place twenty minutes later, and Noctis has to admit, he's starving too. The place is a couple miles off the main highway, and they haven't seen a car for miles. Noctis assumes it's because they're all parked at this damn restaurant.
"Man, this place must be real good if this many people are here," Prompto say. He holds up his phone, snapping a picture. The sun glints against the sign on the building, and Prompto gives Noctis a thumbs up. "Hashtag no filter needed."
Noctis rolls his eyes. "Come on, you were the one who said you were so hungry."
"Hell yes!" Prompto says, zooming past him as they both head into the restaurant.
It's no surprise it's loud in there. People are laughing and talking, most of the booths are occupied, and 50s music booms from a jukebox in the corner.
"Crowded..." Noctis mutters. He supposes it only makes sense for a popular restaurant to be crowded around this time.
"Awesome!" Prompto laughs, snapping a few more pics on his phone.
"Good morning!" A cheery looking waitress greets them. "Right this way!" she smiles and leads them to a table directly next to the kitchen. She places the menus down. "The coffee is one of our specialties, so if you need a good boost, I highly recommend it!"
Noctis twists his lips as he sits down. He's not the biggest fan of coffee, but they still have a few more hours to Cleveland, and it might be a good idea if he wants to stay awake.
"Dang this menu is huge!" Prompto says, snapping a picture of it. "We gotta document being at the most famous diner in all of Ohio!"
They both laugh as they flip through the menu. Noctis is currently torn between ordering breakfast food and ordering a sandwich.
"NO, NO NO!" A loud British voice yells from the kitchen. "I simply cannot allow you to quit right before the lunch rush!"
"Too frickin' bad! You're so picky about how people make your recipes, and I'm not dealing with it anymore!" The man storms out of the kitchen, followed by a man wearing glasses and hair spiked up in the front. The quitting man throws his hat on the ground by the front doorway, and Noctis blinks.
"Shit..." he mutters. "Maybe we won't be eating here."
"Trouble in paradise..." Prompto says, leaning over.
"Goodness... what am I going to do?" the man sighs tapping his forehead.
Prompto looks to Noctis, a familiar, dangerous glint in his eyes. No, Noctis thinks. He can't be...
"You're in luck, good sir!" Prompto says and jumps up from his spot at the table.
Dammit, Prompto...
"In luck?" the man blinks.
"Yup! Me and this guy here, we're... culinary students! I'm Prompto and this is Noctis," he lies and Noctis already knows this is going in a horrible direction. "We're taking a road trip to try out all the best restaurants in the country!"
The man frowns for a moment, but then looks shocked. "My diner is on that list?"
"Oh! Are you... Iggy, of... Iggy's Place?!" Prompto asks, grabbing the menu and pointing at the title.
"Indeed I am. Ignis is my actual name," he says. Noctis wonders why a British man is the owner of a random diner in the middle of nowhere in Ohio, but who is he to judge really. "I'm honored my diner has made your list," Ignis continues. "However, my main chef just quit so I'm afraid the service is going to be... slower than usual. I do hope you won't hold that against me."
"But see, that's where we can help! We can make your recipes!" Prompto says with a confident smirk. Noctis has 0 idea where this confidence is coming from however, since neither of them are chefs, and both of them have been eating ramen day in day out since they started renting their apartment together.
"Hm..." the man looks between both of them. "Normally, I would absolutely never agree to something like this, but I do love a good learning opportunity, and I need to make some phone calls anyway to see if my backup can come in earlier... so... why not!"
And here Noctis thought this was going to be a quick pit stop.
"Prompto," Noctis hisses under his breath. "What are you doing?"
"I dunno! Tryin' something out!" he says.
There's no way this won't be a disaster.
Ignis leads them to the kitchen, handing them aprons. "Alright. The recipe books are here," he says, patting a few large binders with his hand. No wonder the menus are huge.
"The servers pick up food here, and all the ingredients are either in the fridge, or on these shelves. Please don't try and do anything you think you can, just assist me when I need it."
Prompto is smiling, looking insanely excited for something that is going to go horribly wrong. Noctis is just waiting for Ignis to figure them out and eventually kick them out of the kitchen, and probably out of the restaurant.
The worst part is, Noctis still hungry.
Ignis immediately gets to work, shouting orders at Noctis and Prompto to get him various ingredients.
"Noctis, eggs! I need eggs!" he calls out, and Noctis is far too tired for this.
He glances at Prompto who is putting together some sort of salad. The set up is messy, and he can see Ignis' horrified face as he rushes to Prompto's side, explaining that lettuce should really go in the small bowl first. Prompto gives a sage nod, as if he's learning the world's knowledge in this small diner in Ohio.
When he's done, he snaps a pic of his salad creation and he looks rather proud of himself.
The lunch rush is intense and it lasts for far longer than Noctis expects. He drops a few plates, and as the hours continue on and on, Ignis seems to get more and more frustrated. Noctis keeps expecting some sort of outburst, but the man keeps taking deep breaths, pressing his glasses up against his face. It seems to calm him every time.
But for Noctis, watching Prompto has been the most fun he's had in awhile. And Prompto is screwing up every order. Somehow.
"Apparently even a grilled cheese is beyond you," Ignis sighs, shaking his forehead.
Prompto laughs. "Are you kidding? This is my specialty!" he says. "Everyone loves their ends a little burnt."
"I can guarantee you they do not," Ignis says. "Make it again, and hurry."
Even though it's 'ruined' Prompto still takes a picture of it, as he has of every single dish he's either made or put together.
As if to prove a point, Prompto picks up the ruined grilled cheese and takes a large bite of the burnt crust. He winks at Noctis.
Noctis is mostly surprised Ignis hasn’t kicked them out yet. He feels bad for anyone who came here looking to try some of the ‘best food in Ohio’, because he has feeling it's not up to their standard today.
He mostly feels guilty for stressing Ignis out more. He's flitting from station to station, checking on other stressed out workers.
"No, don't chop diagonal!" Ignis says, shaking his head as Prompto chops through chicken. Ignis stands next to him and gently covers his hand over Prompto's. "See?" he explains, "Like this..." He pulls Prompto's hand up and down, showing him the correct motion.
Jealousy stirs in Noctis' chest, especially seeing how Prompto's cheeks are dusted with pink. Noctis is frozen, daydreaming about covering his own hand over Prompto's. He's sure it's warm, and the first few times Noctis would definitely be nervous-
"Noctis, let's focus!" Ignis calls out, and he's snapped from his daydream, focusing on the dessert plate in front of him.
By 4 PM, the lunch rush is finally starting to calm down. There are only a few customers left in the diner and Ignis lets out a sigh, cleaning his glasses on his apron.
"...Boys," he says, looking to Noctis and Prompto. "Now, I don't want to sound ungrateful, but the two of you... you are not culinary students... are you?"
Prompto bites his lip. "We are... students?" he says, his voice all high pitched and squeaky.
Noctis isn't the least bit surprised they got caught.
"I thought so... but I have to admit. I admire your ability to charge in and take a chance, and even with all the mistakes, it was... helpful to have extra hands in the kitchen, so... I do thank you."
Noctis' lips pull into a small smile. Leave it to Prompto to somehow get away with his insane lie. And as nerve-wracking as it was, Noctis actually had fun all day working in the kitchen. It's certainly something he never would have tried had it not been for Prompto. Never a dull moment, always an adventure...
"I suppose I owe you... so pick a meal from the menus and... it's yours on the house," Ignis smiles. "I won't even force you to make it."
Noctis is pretty sure they should owe Ignis, after breaking all his plates and messing up some of his patrons meals.
But he can't say no to free food, and it really is some of the best food he's ever had in Ohio. Actually, it's some of the best food he's had period. Prompto’s got a grilled cheese, made correctly according to Ignis, and Noctis has the most delicious burger… though it’s completely plain, much to Ignis’ dismay. He claims it doesn’t taste as good without all the toppings but Noctis still thinks it tastes perfect.
"This is amazing!" Prompto says, his eyes sparkling as he takes a bite of his small piece of cake. "We gotta come back and try other stuff next time we're in Ohio!"
Ignis chuckles, leaning against the bar counter. "Feel free to come back anytime, but don't be surprised if I don't let you in the kitchen."
"Aw," Prompto sighs.
"No, we understand," Noctis snorts. Even though the food is free, Noctis still leaves a good tip.
"Guess we’ll see you around Iggy!" Prompto waves as he head out the door.
"Do try and drive safe!" Ignis calls out. Noctis is certain that man will never trust him with anything.
"I can’t believe you did that, Prom," Noctis chuckles, sliding back into the car.
"Did what? Helped in the kitchen?"
"Helped is a strong word..."
Prompto frown and pushes Noctis’ shoulder. "C’mon man! The whole point of this trip is to have adventures! I figured, why not!"
Noctis can’t argue with that.
They get to Cleveland after the sun sets, but Noctis is so amused by their day, he can't bring himself to care.
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