#honestly thank you sm for this
stingslikeabee · 2 years
The 'how's my portrayal meme' - where do I start? You know I'm going to lowkey be a little bias because you're the ultimate waifu but I want to write this to you regardless.
Thing is, when you first approached me with Mel I remember being a little like ':o' at how structured, neat and well-thought out everything appeared on your blog. It was all so in line and well put together and...professional? Which I remember being so impressive to see and more so INTRIGUED BY, I was like OHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok-
and then when we started plotting and chatting OOC and I met this wonderful person who is down-to-earth, funny, interesting, has an excellent grip of canon / and her own character as well as human interactions & storylines, it was like. Oh my god, this is the perfect roleplayer.
I know you said 'how's my portrayal' - I'll get to that PFFFFFT-
but for real, I hadn't had a roleplay or partner in a while that I could plot in depth with and write something further in depth with and to suddenly have that was awesome. To go from a discussion about secrecy and plots and (maybe) blackmail and all of that between our muses to, oh shit, they're falling for each other! Was so cool and happened so naturally that it felt so fluid and comfortable to write. More-so with you because you're such a special writer. (and this is where I get into portrayal OKAY---)
the way you describe Melissa and her surroundings - her clothes (which I always picture looking so glamorous), the intricacies of the Inn or whatever bar it is she's running, the people and npcs in her life that support her *or even dont*, the little bits and pieces that make up a story and are important. It's like, you have this way of writing that isn't anything different to a novelist / story-book-writer. I read your replies and it's like reading a little chapter in a story, you take the world and create it not just through Mel and what she's doing but also her surroundings and the way that she looks. It's got this almost Ian Fleming quality to it and I'm SO THERE for it, I love it!
As for Melissa; god, what can I say that I haven't already said? I love her. So much. She's this perfect mixture of beautiful, powerful, vulnerable, maternal. She's all of those brilliant traits rolled into one excellent example of a fantastic female character. I think my male muses fall for her so hard because she's got something for each other. That strength, that care, that softness. But then in the same breath, we have those verses - the Killer Queen verse - the obsession that she denies from Kano but laps up from Lautrec. I LOVE that you shape these verses and you don't just say 'oh yeah, she's in The Boys now' instead you create an entire world, an entire REASON for her being there.
God, I've waffled (when don't i lol) but I really do adore you and your girl. I think your writing is some of the best I've encountered on this website and I am so thankful to not only have you as a writing partner but also a friend. You are your girl are special, always remember that.
how's my portrayal? . accepting
You should know that I am smiling like a psycho on this side of the screen because this was so sweet? So cute? Also so obviously fueled by some sort of narcotic because where in the world is my writing in any way similar to the friggin’ CREATOR OF JAMES BOND but your praise has nonetheless left me crying happy tears. ;---;
Gosh Han, thank you so much for this - I believe you were one of the very first mutuals of mine who took a chance on Melissa when I returned to tumblr in early 2020 and not only embraced her, but also me? I met so many lovely people through you or thanks to you too and I don’t think I will never not follow any of your blogs because I LOVE to see what you create, the passion for your muses and just how overall great you are at making these side characters and/or ‘unpopular’ types so full of life and entrancing!
I guess Heid will forever be the first love but also a prime example of how much talent you ALSO possess and how you have been able to single-handedly tackle these villains with such a refreshing and tridimensional approach to them. You’ve made me care for Homelander, you turned me into a Kano stan and I’m here looking at the next thing I’ll be wrecked by because I know it’s just going to be a matter of time. 8)
I will never be able to say ‘thank you’ enough times because it was against Heid that I’ve been able to fully flesh Melissa (and Fred 8D) for the first time in years and I feel I’ve also developed and grown as a writer so fucking much thanks to the entire timeline we plotted for them - and then for all the other boys later, too. :) I love the range we have and the fact we’ll always be here for each other and you are truly a cornerstone of my tumblr experience. <3
I am so fortunate to have met you and TO THIS DAY I appreciate your kindness, your friendship, your sexy accent (aha 8D) and the fact we’ve built all these amazing stories together. I’m sure we’ll build even more heartwarming and heartbreaking things together. :D
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plantteaful · 5 months
Your durgetash art is sooosososo insanely good. Since you asked for inspo ideas, maybe durge and gortash dressed up fancy for a ball?
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Gortash is always in charge of their wardrobe and Durge just wears whatever is presented to him even though he thinks the life and customs of patriars are stupid.
(+ Gortash would definitely have matching outfits tailored for them)
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leviiackrman · 2 months
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I recently had the opportunity to do an OC swap with my beloved @c-3pno over of insta, and I couldn’t be happier!!
Morgan captured my beautiful sunshine girl PERFECTLY and her dnd daughter Willow was so much fun to draw, I love her!! They are truly sisters from another life🤍
If you’re interested in doing an OC swap, drop me a message!
more art || oc page || commissions
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @marivenah @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @zevlor @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @queennymeria @shadowglens @imogenkol @heroofpenamstan @fenharel @alexxmason @rolangf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @nokstella
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captainfern · 3 months
oh and a big thank you to all my babygirls commenting and reblogging my fic rec post saying thank you and all that cute stuff
but thank YOU
i luv you all and appreciate all the kindness and support you’ve offered me, and you absolutely deserve the recommendation as a whole <33
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real-reulbbr-band · 2 months
Since I can never get enough of them, would you happen to have any more spare Demeter/Alonzo thoughts? Anything really - angst or fluff or anything in between ^_^
OH my god thank you for this, perfectly good I'm always thinking about them to!!
For Alonzo, Demeter is like a siren in the Jellicle Choir; he can hear her singing voice so clearly in each melody and note without having to listen out for it. Her voice was distinctive; it was honeyed, silky, and soothing to the ears. He feels content whenever he hears it; it fills him with so many emotions: comfort, nostalgia, and a longing to bring her closer, hold her tighter, and treasure her. 
A particular moment of significance for him was hearing her sing lullabies to Jemima. Her voice was softer and quieter. As if she herself was still afraid, afraid Macavity might hear, like he was still there, but she remained so focused and dedicated that he couldn't help but admire her more. 
Despite that, he never requested for her to sing. He thought that would ruin the authenticity of it all. It felt stupid to ask; remembering titles was out of the question, and the lyrics seemed to blur together for him. He did remember the melodies; however, Demeter seemed to never sing the same song twice. He did wonder how she knew so many, or if she would make them all up on the spot. 
The one-time Alonzo did remember the lyrics clearly was the morning after the ball. They were alone again in the emptiness of their den while Demeter examined him for any serious damages after his fight with Macavity. He was still indignant but was just trying to force himself to sleep. It wouldn't have worked; he would've stared at the cloth that made up their roof all day and thought of what more he could've done, and Demeter knew that. Funnily enough, when she laid by his side and sang, it was the first time he'd ever heard a lullaby directed towards him.
Alonzo told Demeter his third name, only her, and generally that’s seen as extremely  taboo in the tribe. Not in an ostracized way, but more cursing yourself for misfortunes; that’s why it needs to remain secret between a jellicle and the everlasting cat. By telling it to another, you placed them above the everlasting cat in your heart and mind.
But Demeter made the same mistake before; she told Macavity and lived to regret it. To be fair to her, she was pushed to show her commitment to him and to him alone. Macavity was possessive like that; he needed to be the one she held above all else; it was the only way he felt secure that she wouldn’t ever leave or love another. 
She told him hers, but he couldn’t bring himself to share his own. He just held her, and that was enough in the moment. Looking back, she wished she had confronted him or said anything about it. She figured he would, in time, but he never did. It felt as if she were beneath him.
It was a pain and a choice she’s only ever confessed to having done with Alonzo; she didn’t want to relive that moment or that awful memory beyond that. But when Alonzo told her his own after, she informed him he shouldn’t have—it felt wrong to know, she didn’t want to know—he upset her when that was far from his intention and he hated himself for it. 
His love for Demeter was his strength and his undoing in that way- he was always so reckless when it came to her.
Demeter did tell him hers after she calmed down again: she wanted them to be equals; she didn’t want to be above someone she had learned to love again for.
shorter one:
Demeter is quite literally an ice cube when it comes to weather reacting with her fur; she doesn’t get cold easily, but when she does, Alonzo is typically the first to notice. With him being a longhair cat, he’s almost always warm, so when winter comes, Demeter is more often cuddled up with Alonzo. She doesn’t say anything, though; she doesn’t need to. She normally just leans into him; Alonzo won’t admit it, but the chill does shock him sometimes, but it’s also so soothing
Honestly ever since I saw your post of sillabub being their kitten that has been my canon for them, so I do have some head canons based on that: (All Baby!bub btw)
Alonzo’s never been around newborn kittens often enough before joining the junkyard to be aware of their habits, so whenever Sillabub would waddle around and suddenly fall on her back, he’d panic and sometimes scoop her up to make sure she wasn’t hurt, only to discover she was completely fine. He saw her as almost “too fragile,” which wasn’t completely irrational; she was born earlier than expected and needed additional attention compared to the average kit. But to Alonzo, it was like she was made of glass.
So much so that while she was still small, he preferred holding her by the scruff or in his arms rather than letting her follow along.
Ironically, this birthed a rather cheeky habit in Sillabub; she would often bap her dad's spots whenever he was holding her for a longer period of time. The spots weren't completely noticeable from a distance, but they were there—small black spots throughout a bronze and brown coat. Even when she woke up in his arms, she’d often bang him awake. 
Alonzo didn’t understand how or why this became a habit, but at most he didn’t mind; he’d pretend her soft little paw would make any impact on him, often with a louder gasp of indignation that would make Sillabub giggle (and bap him again). 
Demeter would use this to her advantage; whenever Alonzo was particularly reluctant to get up in the morning (he always would get up; it was just slow progress), she’d often set Sillabub on his back or his stomach and let her bap away until he was wide awake again and could pick her up.
In the rare cases where Sillabub got too excited and wouldn't stop bapping her father, Demeter would make the claim that if she didn't, all his spots would fall out. Normally, Sillabub would say sorry right after, and of course she's immediately forgiven.  (Silly HC, but she thinks that's why Victoria's white.)
Sillabub, like her sister, started talking later than the typical kitten. Most of her communication was just mewing and coos. Whenever she didn’t want something, she’d show it through her actions. Like whenever her mom or dad offers her another piece of food after she’s already full. She’d often try to feed it to them instead by holding the piece in her mouth and trying to approach her parents’ muzzles. She’d normally end up tapping the food next to their mouths instead of actually feeding them. Demeter always politely declines, while Alonzo tries to encourage her to have one last piece. But Sillabub shakes her head and keeps trying; if she could talk at that stage, she’d insist her parents needed food too; they did eat; she was just too busy munching to see. 
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enluv · 6 months
not sure how I missed it till now but thank you for 3.9k ?!?!?! y’all are insanely incredible 🫰🏽 love you all so much hehehe be on the lookout for some new content soon!! muah love you all tooties <333
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
Big congrats on finishing your stamp pages! Also split grundos are one of my fave pets of all time so plz tell Volks that I love him. :')
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He's thankful to say the list.
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yappacadaver · 8 months
Most of my lore-related Zevlor headcanons are going into the *glances at draft* uh...stupidly long fic.
But I'm in the "Zevlor had deep camaraderie and all kinds of wild sex in the Hellriders, but not a lot of relationship experience" camp. Stuff happens after battle, or when drunk, or in the barracks, but once he climbed the ranks, he wasn't going to abuse his position or fraternize. There wasn't time for him to be a good life partner outside of his duties.
So he is an absolute sucker for all the cute romantic things he missed out on earlier in life. Public displays of affection, flowers, courting rituals, he thinks he's too old for those things and claims he doesn't need the trappings. But then he gets so flustered when his partner makes the effort.
I'm of so many different minds when it comes to Zevlor's prior experience idek if I'm gonna be able to get all this down
So I totally agree that sex definitely happened amongst the Hellriders. I mean damn it's a military branch. I'm sure individuals found ways to get dirty in the barracks, the showers, in the field, in the stables, using equipment you'd likely find in a stable, using magic, if you can think it it probably happened.
I'm not sure that it's something Zevlor (even as a younger man) would've pursued? maybe it found him anyways, who knows. But he strikes me as someone who was (WAS) an idealist, and a proud one. Maybe he was saving himself for the perfect courtship, maybe he was too devoted to his religious education and martial training, maybe he's always been the kind of man to hold himself back (like at the tiefling party).
Now this is not me saying I think Zevlor's a virgin, I honestly think he's had both romantic and sexual experience. But I'm trying to hold in my mind the image of a young devout tiefling who is so proud to serve his city and his god, who wears practically the most respected uniform in that city, and have to imagine he thought he had HUGE ass boots to fill and no time to dally.
So ig what I'm saying is my personal hc is yours in reverse xD I think Zevlor would feel much more at home in the formal, formulaic space of romantic courtship, and completely out of sorts when it comes to experiencing desire or being desired in turn. He's old, he's a victim of extreme prejudice, he's of a race whose physical traits are associated with everything he's learned through his faith to despise, I feel like this man would have a hard HARD time with physical intimacy. Taking the metaphorical armor off could feel like self-ruin to a man who was practically raised in it. An aegis is meant to be struck not caressed, etc etc.
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s--mine · 1 month
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Have an attempt at a less... "gremlin" looking EC-Dyne!
(( my love, my darling, MY FRIEND -
god BLESS you for fixing his gremlin face - AND while i am thanking you for this, i want to take a second to just tell you how incredible your art is. like, god-dAMNit- everytime i see you post your art, i'm just blown away. it's so beautiful and you're works are a huge inspiration <3
as a thank you, pls accept my attempt at og glenn :) ))
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tapeworrmart · 3 months
ILL SEND YOU AN ASK I'm so happy you got into postal so i could find you and your work, your art inspires me so damn much. every time you post i feel like i need to draw. And ANGEL.... im his biggest fan............. incredible design 10/10 i cant wait to learn more
AAAAAAA BRO WAIT I'M SMILING SM RN STOP!!!!! ARE U KIDDING 💞 okay but seriously I'm so happy I got into postal because YOUR art inspires me so much and it was partly your art floating onto my dash from a mutual that made me be like 'oh shit I gotta play this game. I need this guy he's my flavour' like holy fuck and then you LIKE MY ART????? absolutely love your work sm, love seeing it every time.
Also Angel my boy!!!!!!! Again I have you to thank for making me less shy w drawing him as an insert cuz of your boy Colt (excited to see more of him too btw.) But yeah man like.... So happy you like him!! It's funny cuz he originated as an insert in my head to go with Trevor from gta v and he developed a lot just purely in my head from there. It's only been this year and a bit before really that I actually have drawn him, and esp recently drawn him with other ppl, and I'm so so fucking happy ppl like him it makes me wish I did it sooner!!
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lanternlightss · 1 month
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all of you drawing. my silly little guy. i love you so much oh my god it’s making me so happy you like them !!!!!!!
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taegularities · 2 months
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theelmoarchive · 9 months
have you ever drawn skully? :33
I have!!! :D
I have this post of mine from a little while ago, but I also have this guy on the whiteboard in my kitchen lmao
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I wanna draw them more tho cause theyre so <3<3<3
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nympippi · 1 year
Hc that robin is scared of the dark and Finn comforts him? I just feel like with human opponents he can always predict what their next move will be but in the dark you never know what’s in it
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Yeah…. Especially after the Grabber, I think Robin would just spend nights in Fin’s bed because that’s his biggest comfort, while Fin just runs his fingers through Robins hair until he falls asleep.
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figurativepieceoftrash · 11 months
And if you find it interesting: 9, afo. Thank you!
Prompt 9: Say you love me
"Say you love me."
Not a question, but a command. Comfortingly familiar and gratingly predictable all at once. Pathetic, too, Sorahiko has come to realize. For all his bluster and projected confidence, Hisashi is damningly insecure.
Not that he knows it, of course. He could never be so self-aware. Sorahiko isn't exactly certain he wants him to be, though.
"Give me a reason to and maybe I will," he replies with begrudging interest, because it's ten in the morning, and the shirt he's wearing isn't his, and maybe, just maybe, he's a little bit pathetic too.
"So demanding." There's a touch of mockery in that. Sorahiko feels an arm close around his waist, pulling him ever so slightly into Hisashi's orbit, before a quick peck dusts his cheek. "There, is that enough for you? I'm not especially inclined to take you back to bed now, so it'll have to do regardless."
Inadvertently, the bridge of Sorahiko's nose wrinkles. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"That you smell like eggs." Sorahiko feels the head on his shoulder incline, pointedly towards the stove at his waist. "That's the worst omelet I've ever seen, by the way. You know you're supposed to remove the shells, don't you?"
A growl. "I did."
"Then what's that lumpy bit there?" 
Sorahiko's eyes follow the path of Hisashi's finger. He honestly can't parse where its target lies. As loathe as he is to admit it, the entire omelet is a mess.
"Just be grateful I'm cooking you anything, you–"
"Let's not get heated Sorahiko, you know I'm only teasing." That elicits an eye roll. Sorahiko knows quite the opposite. He isn't. Not entirely, anyways. "In truth, I find this domestic side of yours rather endearing. To force yourself through something you're so humiliatingly inept at, and all for my sake… I had no idea I held such an impressive sway over you."
"Fuck off."
"Ah, but not so impressive, it seems. I supplied the reason, did I not? A kiss and a compliment in one, I'm certain that's enough to fulfill my end of the bargain. So now you say…?" he trails off, pointedly pulling away from the two's considerably prolonged embrace.
Sorahiko hates that he misses the warmth. He hates it even more once he catches on to the familiar note in Hisashi's phrasing. Bargain.
Over the course of their intermittent and considerably rocky relationship, Sorahiko has come to learn, with increasing intensity and emphasis, that Hisashi sees the world entirely and exclusively in terms of transaction.
An expensive, candlelit dinner in exchange for sex. An apartment key for one-sided, yet ineffably binding romantic exclusivity. A name for a name. Breakfast for a button down. Physical affection for verbal affirmation.
Sorahiko doesn't mind it, per se. He likes knowing the terms of his relationship. The boundaries, the expectations, the do's and don'ts. It's no secret that he struggles with displays of affection, and Hisashi evokes them in ways that are obviously permissible, if not entirely free.
But it does feel… obsessive, on occasion. Demanding. Almost religious in its ritualism.
And even so, he's powerless in the face of it.
"I love you." 
Why does he mean it, when he says it?
Sorahiko would like to think it's because he pities him. The two have never exchanged personal information with each other beyond that of addresses, ages, and names, but what he's gleaned of Hisashi's life from shrewd bits of insight he's been allowed hasn't painted a pretty picture.
Hisashi is wealthy, certainly. Excessively so. Doubtlessly successful from the perspective of the average salaryman, and more still. 
But there's a desperation to it, Sorahiko has often noted, a compulsion to throw himself into to his work, whatever it may be, to parade his wealth around in the form of designer suits, and limousines, and French Champagnes, and penthouse suites, that suggests less of a desire to pursue a life worth living and more of a ravenous, clawing need to escape the reality of one that isn't.
The only pictures in his apartment are stock photos, he never speaks of his family, and the way he manipulates tenderness out of Sorahiko – hungrily, always hungrily, but with such a marked desire for distance – implies an upbringing completely devoid of genuine emotional connection. 
Every tender word is postured with Hisashi, practiced, and calculated, and rehearsed. Out of a compulsive desire for perfection, certainly, for power over one's partner, but there's also a very real sense of fear to the practice. Vulnerability is not a word in Hisashi's vocabulary. 
It isn't found in Sorahiko's either. Maybe that's why the pity comes so easily.
But no, that isn't his desire's origin, as much as he may wish it were.
There's a magnetism to Hisashi completely independent of his more vulnerable aspects, a surety and gravity as powerful as it is prevalent. Sorahiko loves to butt heads, the thrill of a chase, the stubborn push and pull of a yearning to which neither party will vocally lay claim.
Belonging to someone else, someone just as jaded, and worn, and pessimistic as him. Someone who comprehends the importance of detachment in the face of intimacy.
That was why he'd broken things off with Nana Shimura, though he'd never say it aloud. He'd known her too well, and she'd cared too much. Not enough distance.
"And I love hearing you say it." Apparently, Hisashi is feeling generous this morning. The second peck is placed on his lips. "I'm leaving the country tomorrow for work. I don't know when I'll be back."
Not generous then, placating. A salve in anticipation of a burn. Oh well. Last night had been too passionate anyways. Really, it's a blessing. Thank God for distance.
Breakfast is eaten in cold, impassive silence. Hisashi doesn't even comment on the obvious bits of eggshell that crack between his molars. Doesn't even lament the burnt crust that coats the dishes underside. A rare occurrence by all accounts. He lives for drama.
Sorahiko should be grateful. And he is.
Thank God for distance.
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lamortwrites · 5 months
As a fellow "oh shit actually I just suck" writer, let me tell you that I am an obnoxiously picky reader. Most of the stuff getting big recs and kudos for bg3 has made me roll my eyes and hit the back button barely a few passages in. But everything I've read from you has made me go "fuck, this is GOOD."
Oh my god thank you SO much! Absolutely absolutely same to you, you're honestly one of the best writers in the fandom imo so thank you this means. SO so much coming from you thank you so much!
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