#honestly same daniel same
rxsewqter · 8 months
the bi is showing
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0nlyhere4phil · 2 months
jesus christ his gaze was LOCKED on that monitor or whatever. bitch was liking what he was seeing and I do not blame him.
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the-fruit-bandit · 25 days
Honestly, I just hate how Lis1 has like, what, 3 games now? And along with True Colors has DlCs, comic books, and huge attention from both fans and developers, while Lis2 (which I personally think is the best one of them all) gets almost zero attention and never grew beyond a single 5-episode game.
And also how this is largely because a lot of people just refuse to actually PLAY the game, and prefer to simply hate on it instead, because it's not a story about a teenage girl with superpowers
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gahtheone · 4 months
Me: *listens to Dan's overexplaining of why they have a pole on their bed*.
Also me: yeah, nobody believed that.
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iguessricciardo · 9 months
@.buffalobills hey there, josh allen 👍
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shouldering-worlds · 4 days
does anyone know if Dan and Phil have talked recently about working w Jameela Jamil? The Good Place is one of my favorite shows and I don't think I ever heard them mention her since working at Radio 1 which is kind of wild
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mitzvahmelting · 2 months
ok i just read the devil's minion chapter of QOTD and honestly that version of the daniel/armand dynamic interests me not at all
i am way more interested in old man daniel's perception of armand than young man daniel's perception of armand. and i'm way more interested in how armand feels to be faced with two time pulitzer prize investigative journalist daniel molloy's full attention.
i don't care what young dumb daniel molloy thinks of armand. i want older daniel molloy to crack open armand's heart like a mussel and finally reveal all the gooey insides hidden away for five centuries to ferment.
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windsweptinred · 9 months
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A fascinating insight into Dream's relationship with 'RULES' in Nightmare Country.
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fuck matty i only know these three <3
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kurashikeys · 1 year
literally nothing beats when a character who's superficially obsessed with sex turns out to be super ace coded when you look just a little bit deeper
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faofinn · 11 months
No. 27 - "You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding."  
Matches | Scars | "Let me see."
WARNING - Explicit mention of SH. Proceed with caution.
As autumn fell into winter, the nights only grew longer and colder. On one hand, Finn enjoyed it, enjoyed the excuses for thick hoodies and long sleeves. There was always an excuse for a blanket to be wrapped around, for fluffy socks and hot water bottles. 
The dark nights had well and truly settled in, and so had the darker thoughts. It was his fourth winter at university, and the workload was crushing. He loved it, deep down, but it was just adding to the fragile ?? he was trying to hold onto. The cold weather had brought one illness after another, the freshers flu making its way round the cohort and back again. Of course that had messed with his seizures, coming to on the cold ground more than once, often with strangers surrounding him. He had his fair share at home too, mainly on Fao, but he'd terrified Ollie once or twice when they just wouldn't seem to stop. 
He wasn't quite sure how things had gotten out of control, but a simple accident while being forced to wash the dishes had led to a spiral he was no longer in control over.
The knife had slipped at first, a myo catching him unawares and scoring a line across his forearm. The pain shocked him, blood immediately welling up at the wound, but it hadn’t felt wrong. For the first time in a long while, he'd felt something. He'd watched the blood drip down his arm, onto the floor, and he'd done nothing but watch it until Ollie had rushed across, grabbing a tea towel and pressing hard against it. He couldn't admit to it, so blamed it on an absence; Ollie wasn't as hot with Finn’s seizures to know he was lying. 
As the wound healed, he almost missed it. It had been something he'd finally felt, and he found himself craving it. After all the years, he finally understood Fao. 
He wasn't going to use a kitchen knife, he wasn't that stupid - it would be easily missed, and it wasn’t like he could return it after each use. Instead, he found himself pocketing a scalpel during one of his practicals, the cool metal burning against his leg. His stomach flipped as he thought about using it, the hope he'd finally feel something again. 
By the time he was home, he was desperate, the urge gnawing in his stomach. He said hello to Fao and the pup, heading straight for the toilet. His hand shook as he unwrapped it, pausing to watch the blade's edge glinting in the bathroom light. His stomach flipped as he pressed it to bare skin, though he didn't cut, not yet. The pressure was enough to start with, though the small indent it left taunted him. He trailed his fingers across it, imagining the blood, the sting of it, the release he was desperately craving. 
He'd drawn the blade across his skin before his mind caught up, taking a sharp intake of breath as the pain caught up. Blood welled and dripped, trailing down his arm, across his wrist, off his fingers. Again, he watched it with interest, the small thud it made as it splashed on the tiles by his feet. Another line joined the first, and another, and another. He was lost to it, head tipped back as it rested against the wall from where he sat on the toilet lid. 
Fao's knock startled him back to reality, the gravity suddenly hitting him. He gave an excuse that Fao seemed to buy, and quickly tried to tidy himself up. The floor had to be cleaned too; he couldn't leave any trace behind. The blood made patterns in the sink as he rinsed his hands, swirling down the drain. Eventually happy there was no trace of it, he headed out, muttering another grumbled excuse to Fao before slumping away to his room. 
It slowly became a routine, the same blade, new cuts, more pain and blood. It helped, or, at least he thought it did. He knew it wasn't right, that it wasn't healthy, but it worked. That was all that mattered. It was easy to hide with long sleeves in the cold weather, and Finn was rarely in Fao's bed now that he had Ollie. Jess was swamped too, so their date nights were spent on the sofa watching films and dozing, wrapped up warm. 
He soon ran out of space on his arms, one stacked on top of another, on top of more. He tried his legs, his stomach, his ribs, but nothing compared to his arms and the appeal quickly died out. It just didn't work the same, didn't feel right. Even cutting deeper there wasn't enough, and for each one he'd do on his arms, he found himself three or four down before he even felt anything. 
Finn had been quiet, as Uni started again and the workload piled heavy onto him. Fao knew fourth year was hard, it only got more and more demanding as time went on, and he also knew his brother was still reeling from his accident and his actions afterwards. It was hard for Fao to know what to say or do to help him. 
He was struggling too, no job and his recovery dragging its feet. He felt like all he did was drift lamely around the house, no real purpose, trying to get his head together enough to start applying for work and get himself back on track, but it was hard. Ollie helped, and Finn did too, but some days were still darker than others. And with Finn struggling, Fao felt more like a burden than a big brother. 
Fao bumped into Finn on the way out of the bathroom one afternoon, not expecting him to come through the door as quickly as he did. Fao reached out for him, resting a hand on his shoulder. 
“Oops, sorry.” He murmured. He shifted his weight a little, and for whatever reason Finn’s hand caught his attention. There was a smudge of blood on the sleeve of his hoodie, and some smeared over his thumb. He frowned, skimming his hand down to take Finn’s. “Did you hurt yourself?” 
Finn flinched away, shoving his hand in his pocket. "It's fine, it's nothing."
“Hey, what’s wrong? It’s not nothing, you’re bleeding.” He said softly. 
"I just caught myself. It's fine."
Fao frowned. “Let me see?” He asked gently, trying not to push Finn too hard. He’d never flinched before, why had he flinched?
"I said it's fine." He took a step back, not able to look at Fao. 
"It's not that bad."
“You’re bleeding.”
"I know."
“Show me?”
"No." He drew his arms across his chest, finally looking up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Doesn’t look like nothing.”
"It's nothing important."
“But you’re important.”
He shook his head, taking another shuffled step backwards. Fao had him cornered, he was all too aware of that. He instinctively glanced around the room, trying to find something to help. And then he caught sight of the scalpel on the sink. Shit. He'd cleaned it as normal, but Fao's knock on the door had had him on edge and he must have just forgotten. He tried to brush it off; he was just shifting his weight, not deliberately trying to obstruct Fao's view. 
Fao frowned, Finn’s movements all too obvious. Despite Finns height advantage, Fao could see past him, the metal that glinted in the sink. “What’s that in the sink?” 
"It's not your fault."
“Talk to me?”
"There's nothing to say." His voice wavered. 
The blood on Finn’s sweatshirt had gotten more noticeable. “I’m your brother, you can tell me anything.”
"Not this."
Fao paused, and then pulled his brother in for a hug. “I’ve got your back, no matter what.” He murmured. 
Finn all but fell into Fao's arms, quickly dissolving into tears. "I'm sorry. "
With Finn against him, Fao could see into the sink, the scalpel that glinted in the lights, and it made his stomach twist with nausea, his suspicions confirmed. “It’s okay, don’t cry. Come on, let’s go and sit.”
Feeling like a kid again, he nodded. "'Kay."
Fao steered him into the living room, glad Ollie was at work. They sat on the sofa, and Fao took a moment before he spoke again. “Let me see?”
"You won't be mad?"
With shaking hands, he slowly rolled his sleeves up, staring at the floor. He couldn't look at Fao, couldn't look at the expression of hatred he expected to see.
Fao’s heart shattered, looking at the angry red cuts and scratches up his arm, some half healed, some fresh, and ones clearly from that day, still trying to bleed sluggishly. “Oh, Finn.” He breathed. 
He shoved his sleeves down, deliberately rough over the broken skin. He deserved the pain, deserved Fao's anger and whatever else was coming his way. "Please don't tell mum and dad."
He shook his head. “It’s okay, I’m not mad at you.”
"You should be." He managed. 
“I’d be a fucking hypocrite.” Fao managed to joke. “You’re still bleeding, let me help?”
"I don't need help." He snapped before hesitating. "It'll stop eventually."
“Maybe you don’t need help, but I can help all the same. And you don’t want to get any more blood on your hoodie. Actually, think that’s my hoodie.”
He knew Fao wasn’t being entirely serious, but he'd had enough. He pulled it over his head and shoved it at him, standing up. "Fine. Have it back then."
“Finn, I was taking the piss, you can have it.” He said gently. “Come on, it’s okay. I’m not mad.”
"It doesn't matter." He knew Fao would just corner him if he tried to get the blade from the bathroom, so chose to stalk to his bedroom instead.
“You know you can talk to me whenever, yeah?” Fao said, following him. “I’ve been where you are, you know that. I’m always here for you.”
Finn's response was to shut the door in Fao's face. It wasn’t the same with Fao. He'd had actual reasons for what he did, but Finn refused to think about them. Even the sight of the harsh line across the ECG was unwelcome, repeatedly sending a stab of guilt and pain through him. 
Fao sighed, resting his forehead against the door with a soft thud. If Finn was going to shut down, that was fine, Fao couldn’t force him to speak to him. He stood there for a minute, wondering if Finn was going to come out. When he didn’t, he disappeared into the bathroom, finding the blade Finn had left in the sink and getting rid of it, hating the feelings it dragged up for himself. He hated the guilt, too. How had he not noticed? The scars on Finn’s arms weren’t all new, he’d been doing this for a while. Fao should’ve known, he’d struggled enough, and all he’d ever wanted was for someone to notice, to help him. Sheila had often been that person, but now he couldn’t even be there for his younger brother. Keen for something to keep his hands busy, he went to the kitchen, flicking the kettle on. He made himself a tea, hot chocolate for Finn, hoping it might make him feel a little better. 
He knocked softly on the door. “Finn? I made hot chocolate. Can I bring it in? I’d leave it outside but the dog will probably just knock it over.”
Finn was curled on his bed, arms wrapped across his chest. "Then you drink it."
“Made it for you, since you’re feeling crappy.” Fao said softly. 
"I don't feel crap." That was the problem, he wasn't feeling anything. 
“Okay.” Fao mumbled, and opened the door a crack, sryting the mug down on the floor in Finns room and closing it again. “I’ll just leave it here, then. I put marshmallows in, just so you know. I’ll be in the living room if you need me. Stay safe, yeah?”
Finn hesitated, though wasn't sure if Fao would still hear him. "You don't have to go."
“It’s okay, I don’t want to smother you if you’d rather be alone.” Fao said. 
"It doesn't matter what I want."
“Of course it does, Finn.”
"Don't be stupid."
“You matter.”
He scoffed. "Thought i said to not be stupid."
“I’ve always been stupid.”
"I'll give you that."
“You know I love you, right?”
"That's got nothing to do with you being stupid." He snorted. "Actually, I think it has everything."
“Exactly. Can I come in? Or should I go?”
He sighed. "Do whatever."
Fao carefully opened the door again, picked up Finn’s hot chocolate, and headed into the room. He put the mug down on his bedside table, and then flopped onto the bed next to him. He didn’t say anything, just laid there. His brother would come around, he always did. 
While Finn still stayed facing the wall, he shuffled across until his back hit Fao. Of course he wasn't mad, just worried. It was Fao, his brother, the only person aside from Jess that he would completely and utterly trust with his life.
As Finn pressed against him, Fao shifted to drape an arm over him, not saying anything. 
Finn had changed hoodies, the sleeves pulled down over his hands. As Fao rested his arm across, he fully pressed against him, lifting his arm to lace their fingers together. 
Fao squeezed his fingers, finally breaking the silence. “Love you.” 
Finn nodded, tapping in response. I love you. 
There was so much more Fao wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure Finn was ready to hear it yet. They laid there in silence, just the sound of their breathing filling the room, before Fao heard the telltale clack of claws on wood, and Arrow barged into the bedroom, catapulting himself onto Finn’s bed and snuggling up between the two brothers. 
“Fucking hell, dog. Were you worried you were missing out?” Fao joked. “I suppose you can join the cuddle.”
Finn had braced for impact as Arrow launched, managing a small laugh as he firmly cemented his place between them. He rolled over, the ghost of a smile still playing on his face as he kissed the pup's nose.
Fao echoed Finn’s smile. “Obviously he wanted some love too. Couldn’t have you getting it all. Jealous dog.”
"Who, me or him?"
“You’re not a dog, dumbass.”
"Just an ass?"
“Can think of a few choice words for your ass.”
“Given you call me dickhead.”
"But that's just true." There was a flicker of Finn behind his eyes. 
“Um, ouch.”
Finn drifted into silence, taking a few minutes before he raised his head to look at Fao. "It's not your fault."
Fao made a noise, not sure what to say to that. Of course it was his fault. 
"It's not."
“I… I remember you struggled when you were young, and when you were in hospital too. I was terrified you’d seen mine.” 
Finn was quiet a long while. "I saw yours and felt like I wasn't crazy for doing it. The person I saw before you came to live with us said I was. There's just so much pressure inside, and it's the only way it stops, but it's not long enough and it needs more each time. It was an accident at first. I dropped the knife in the sink."
“Did I ever tell you what happened when I went back to uni whilst you were still in the ICU on the vent?”
He frowned. "You had cuts on your arms…and then you…you had a drip?"
He hummed. “I was an idiot and I got an infection.” He said softly. “But I failed my BLS, and then I drank myself stupid, basically locked myself in the flat. That’s the worst I’ve been… other than hospital.” He rubbed his wrist self-consciously. “Dad basically kicked my door down and dragged me home, y’know? But he made sure I was okay.”
"I didn't do it to die."
“Nor did I. It’s just… it’s the only way to feel something.”
"You did in hospital."
Fao had seen that one coming, and his words caught in his throat. “I…”
"That was different to the others."
He laced his fingers with Finn’s again, sighing heavily. “It was. I’m sorry. I know sorry doesn’t even start to cover it, but I genuinely am.”
Finn matched his sigh. "You shouldn't be sorry for it. You did it because it was the only thing you could think to do."
“I hate what I put you all through.” Fao murmured. “But I want you to know I’m always here. I’m your big brother, it’s my job to keep you safe. And I know what happened in hospital, but I’m here to stay. Promise.”
"You do keep me safe."
“I love you, Finn.”
"I love you too, Fao."
“The best little brother I could have ever dreamed of.”
He gave Fao a watery smile. "The bestest big brother."
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noxmalfoy · 5 months
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also met daniel radcliffe today. wearing dark mark earrings. this is my legacy.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 7 months
I kinda feel bad for the original ftwd stars, I mean it really became The Morgan Show as soon as he dropped in. But. At the same time. The Morgan Show is really fucking good.
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iguessricciardo · 2 years
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volfoss · 11 months
every popular male comic author who i hate will have leagues of fans who are like omg u just read his REALLY bad stuff the rest is better. it totally doesnt have the same problems as his bad stuff did. and then it in fact does
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lestatslestits · 1 year
I am rotating a House of Leaves AU in my brain where Daniel is Johnny but I’m honestly not smart enough to write it and also how do you format that shit on AO3?
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