#honestly no hate to sam smith but like-
lithuvan · 2 months
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ever since i saw the sam smith airport jeans photos i couldn't stop thinking about this
at least pelle wore some leggings under his jeans
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illithiddatingsim · 1 year
constantly thinking about how the song dance the night by dua lipa is on neil newbon’s official playlist for astarion. constantly
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americas-ass-writing · 5 months
Drunken Nights
Steve Rogers
Words: 1.6k
Summary: A bet has unforeseen consequences that drive Bucky Barnes insane.
Warnings: drinking, violence, swearing, mention of abortion rights, this is such a crack fic I'm sorry, reader insert mention at the end
Author's Note: This is my second entry for @stargazingfangirl18 and @labella420 Cum Together: A Community Revival Extravaganza I used the prompt: "You are such a fucking menace.” and kinda sneaked it in because I've been sitting on this fic for at least a year 😅 The idea sparked because @rogerswifesblog and me had a conversation about this 🤭
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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It started out as a joke. It started with the Avengers discussing what kind of drunk Steve would be. Tony firmly believed he would be embarrassing, he would spill all the secrets he kept. Natasha thought he would pass out after two drinks. Clint was adamant that Steve would be a very touchy drunk. Thor believed that his friend would be as normal as ever. And Bruce honestly didn't have an opinion but after some pressing said Steve would be a dance machine when drunk. After a while Sam and Bucky were pulled into the discussion. As his best friends they had to know but they didn't. Bucky saw him drunk once, in the 40s, before the serum. And Steve honestly was just paranoid his mom would find out they drank a whole bottle of gin.
Steve was so annoyed with the topic and bets about his drunken state that he didn't say anything for the entire two hours this was passionately discussed. But he did agree on testing the theory. He hasn't been drunk since that one time Bucky mentioned and he was honestly intrigued. He had so many things he wanted to forget, even if it was for just a few hours. An empty brain for once, wouldn't that be nice?
Which is what brought him here. An Avengers party organised by Tony with a shit ton of guests. Three bottles of Asgardian liquor in front of him and his friends staring. The first bottle left a slight buzz. Steve could feel the effects of the alcohol but his brain was still functioning normal. The second bottle made him forget his worries. He had an easy smile on his face as his friends all surrounded him. The third bottle? He took along after his friends got distracted. They left him alone for a few moments too long. The senator he was verbally fighting before stood at the bar alone and Bucky's brain brought back an alarming feeling he hadn't had for a long time. "Fuck... We gotta find Steve!" He said, his voice panicked as he looked at the group of Avengers.
It was a quick search but they were fairly sure Steve wasn't here anymore. "Friday?" Tony's voice quibbed, all of the others’ eyes were on the brown haired man. "Captain Rogers has left the building with a tall male, identified as Jason Smith, bodyguard of senator Ernst, about five minutes ago." The AIs voice gave back, without even being asked the question.
"Told you he'd be very touchy." Clint says with a shrug and a grin. Natasha rolled her eyes at that but didn't seem that bothered. "No... No no no." Bucky rubbed a hand over his face. "fucking hell. He's gonna start a fight. He probably went outside with the bodyguard to start a fight in an alleyway." He grumbles. This couldn't be happening to him. Weren't all those years he had to pull Steve's asthmatic ass out of fights enough?
"Are we talking about the same Steve Rogers? He has a stick so far up his ass he even shook Rosses hand with a smile on his face." Tony quibbed. "He's just reverting to the idiot that couldn't stand back from a fight. I'm telling you." Bucky gave back, throwing his hands up in the air. "No way. Capsicle wouldn't. Even when shit faced drunk he's too righteous." Tony crossed his arms.
"Boys... I really hate to interrupt your little banter here but Smith is back... And... He doesn't look like he had a fun time with Steve." Natasha quirked an eyebrow as she took in the senators bodyguard. Bloody nose, already forming bruise under his eye and a limp in his step that hasn't been there before. "Fuck" both brunettes let out at the same time.
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"Hey Captain. Maybe you wanna lay off the liquor?" the tall man's voice interrupted Steve's rant about abortion rights. "Leave this discussion with senator Ernst for another time huh? We don't wanna run into any problems do we?" Steve's eyes took in the man in front of him. He's a professional sure but Steve had fought fucking aliens before. "Wanna take this outside?" It slipped out before he could even think about it. The bodyguard laughed, one hand landing on Steve's shoulder as if it was a joke. Funny banter. But Steve was serious. He was in the middle of telling senator asshat why abortion rights are important. Why women deserve the option to be safe and protected and to choose for their own bodies. Why his fucking religion has nothing to do with an uterus. And this guy has the nerve to think Steve's invitation for a fight is a joke? "I'm serious. Let's take this outside. If I win, senator a... Ernst changes his vote." Steve's voice was dangerous. If Smith hadn't seen him down two and a half bottles of liquor he'd believe he was sober. "Captain... By all means I'm working. I can't just go outside and start a fight over silly little matters." That got Steve's blood boiling. Of course that guy was also stupid. "Ah yes of course..." Steve gave back dryly. His hand moves to shove the senator next to them just a nodge. "And now? Now you gotta do your job and protect senator asshat. I can do so much worse than that." His blue eyes flickered, a smirk on his lips. Just a few minutes later Steve had handed Smiths ass to himself in an alleyway close by.
While Smith stomped off, fuming, Steve downed the rest of the bottle and threw it into a bin. He's drunk, he starts fights but he'll still recycle. Taking a deep breath he looks back to the tower. He couldn't be bothered to go back there. Maybe he could go for a walk? Maybe he could let out all this pent up anger and frustration and do something good with it. This is New York. There were enough criminals for him to use as punching bags right?
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"Captain Rogers. Can you please give us a statement as to how you took down this robbery all by yourself?" The blonde in front of him asked, holding the mic a bit too close to his face. He still pleasantly smiled. "Oh uh... I was just in the area and saw it happen... So I swooped in?" He explains, that stupid smile still on his face. As the women asks the next question he just starts to giggle. He runs a hand through his hair. "Sorry... Sorry... It's a serious topic but man Bucky is gonna be so mad at me" he giggles again.
"Damn right I will." Bucky mutters at his phone. There had been several reports of Captain America stopping crime in the last hour and every time one of the team got just a little closer to Steve's apparent location he somehow ended up in a different part of Manhattan. Bucky doesn't even want to know how many fights Steve had started tonight. Never again, he swears. Never again he'll let him get drunk.
After another hour Bucky finally had the blonde in front of him. He was yet again sucked into an interview and passionately ranted about how racism and Nazis suck when Bucky managed to approach. His arms were crossed, his face was stern.
"I think it's important that we show racists... Oh my gosh Bucky is gonna be so mad at me... Uh that we show racists that they're not welcome." Steve says before his eyes find his friend. "Shit." He curses, eyes wide before he runs off. Bucky lets out a sigh and follows him.
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To everyone's surprise Natasha managed to lure Steve back to the tower just two hours after Bucky had initially found him. She sets him up with the hangover necessities and leaves him to sleep the alcohol off. Tomorrow would be a big day of fixing whatever mess Steve got into. But that never came. Surprising to everyone Steve did a damn good job and the only 'scandal' that came off this was him saying shit on national TV. Which quickly became a meme.
"I don't regret it. And to be fair this is all of your fault. You wanted to see me drunk and then you invited senator Ernst? You know I hate that guy." Steve said, his arms crossed, his face pouty like a toddler. "Steve you can't just... You ran off and fought people on the street!" Bucky threw his hands in the air. "You shoved the senator so his bodyguard would fight you!" He adds, hoping his friend would see how crazy this was. "I'd do it again." Steve mumbles and looks away from his friends. Bucky lets out an exasperated sigh. "You are such a fucking menace.” He mutters to his best friend who proudly smiles, before addressing the group. “We can never let him get drunk again."
"I don't know, jelly shot Cap seems to be very effective. Maybe we should get him drunk before the next hydra base raid." Tony shrugs, clearly amused by the situation. "No!" Bucky groans. "No. No. No." His frustration is filling the room.
"We can be lucky that this is all he got into. Now let's stop whatever this is and get brunch." Clint suggests, sunglasses on his face, clearly hungover. Steve is very thankful for that. 'Yes Clint. Let's stop this, get brunch and I'll buy you 5 packs of premium coffee beans.' he thinks to himself. Just a few minutes longer and he'd spill what else he got into last night. And he doesn't need the jokes. He doesn't need the judgement. And he certainly doesn't want to share the cute tattoo artist with them -just yet.
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boybandbaby · 2 years
I'm Not The Only One
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Summary: You and Steve hate each other. He sees your boyfriend cheat on you. Will you believe him?
Word Count: 2316
Note: Not revised. This was an idea I got while listening to Sam Smith.
Your best friend was Eddie Munson and he had introduced you to the group when you moved back to Hawkins the summer after he graduated. Eddie spent so much time with his friends, especially Dustin that you grew close to him as well. You assume this is where the hatred from Steve started.
Steve would often hear your name so much it started to piss him off. First it was simple things such as Max or Nancy skipping out on group hangouts to go to the mall or a concert with you. Then it was his two closest friends Robin and Dustin who would go to you for things instead of Steve. It started with Robin: “Sorry Steve, Y/N is actually giving me a ride” after a shift. Then came Dustin: “I’m going to ask for Y/N’s opinion” on his outfit for a school dance or a date. Steve felt he was slowly getting replaced. With his lack of parents and his growing insecurities, Steve could feel himself isolating and becoming lonely. Soon, he would start flaking on group activities too and stop offering rides to his friends. 
Everyone noticed but no one knew how to bring up Steve’s absence. He would ignore their phone calls and door visits. He would be “too busy” at work to talk to Robin about it. He would somehow always be “unloading boxes” or “doing inventory” in the backroom when the kids would appear.
The group then decided to have a little meeting to see what they should do about it. It was when you suggested that maybe you should go talk to him about it, that the group started piecing together your new presence in the group coincided with his new absence. After much bickering from both Wheelers about how this seemed like a bad idea, you decided to just do it anyway.
So here you were, knocking for a third time on Steve Harrington's door. Eddie, Dustin, Robin, Lucas, and Max decided to “hide out” in Eddie’s van across the street to watch. You could definitely see them from the front door and so would Steve if he ever answered. You started getting impatient with Steve. His car was clearly in the driveway and you could hear the sound of a tv through the door.
“Steve, I know you’re in there. I can hear you.” You shouted. “If you don’t want to answer the door, I’ll just say my piece through the door.” You waited a few seconds. No reply. “Okay then, well we’re all worried about you. If me or any of the others did something to upset you, we’d like to know so we could fix it. I offered to come and speak with you because we all agreed ever since I joined the group, you’ve been off. If I’ve offended you or hurt you, I’d like to talk about it.”
The door suddenly opens and Steve’s looking as cozy and handsome as ever. Was he always this pretty? “H-hi Ste-” Your stuttering is cut short by Steve’s glaring and stern voice.
“I don’t want to speak with you.” He looks over your shoulder and can see Eddie’s van with several heads poking through the windows. “You can tell them that too. You know, since you’re this great, amazing, wonderful person. They clearly don’t need me anymore since they have you. Miss perfect.” He scoffs.
“Stev-” You attempt to stop him to ask what the hell is going on.
“Just go. Honestly, just get out of Hawkins. Go back to wherever the hell you came from and leave us alone. More importantly, leave me alone.” And with that the door slams in your face, leaving you in a blanket of embarrassment and anger. That was the start of your hatred for Steve.
A few years had gone by, the kids now seniors in high school. You’d met them when they were soon to be sophomores. Steve had integrated back into the group when you dialed back on your involvement. You’d often still hang out with Max or Lucas, and of course Eddie. But you started declining solo hangouts with Robin or Dustin and sometimes Nancy. Steve didn’t want to believe or think he was only useful now that you were out of the picture, well partially, but he appreciated it. It definitely helped with the loneliness too.
Over the last two years, anytime you’d see Steve, you’d just roll your eyes and keep your snarky comments to yourself (and Eddie who’d just chuckle and shake his head). Steve wasn’t as professional as you were though. He’d “accidentally” bump into you causing you to stumble, not enough to where you’d fall or seriously hurt yourself but enough to irk you and distract from whatever task you were doing. If you are at movie nights, he’d steal the entire bowl of popcorn or take the last slice of pizza or be super obnoxious by licking the top of the soda bottle so you (or anyone else) could have some. Of course Eddie would defend your honor and tell Steve to lay off and share his snacks with you, but it started to become too much. And there was the name calling: you forgot what time a hangout was? You’re dumb. You got over excited about a new song or movie? You’re a dork. You were too scared to go into a haunted house? You’re lame. So ultimately you started pulling back from the group even more.
This led you to seek friends in other places. That’s how you met Matt. Friend turned boyfriend. You’d met while on a solo trip to the arcade. He’d noticed you were playing Pac-Man alone and offered to play with you. You’d spent the entire night playing games and shared a basket of fries and chicken tenders. After exchanging phone numbers, you’d promise to see each other again. 
A few weeks later, you’d walked hand in hand into Family Video, all smiles as you searched the racks of movies. 
“Who the hell is that?” Steve leaned his elbows onto the counter, watching you and Matt. “She’s got a boyfriend? Since when?”
“They’ve been dating for like a month, you dingus. I’d think you’d realize that since she’s been spending less time with us.” Robin laughed quietly.
“Surprised anyone would want to date her, since she’s a witch.” Steve smiled at a customer who approached the counter. As he made small talk and rang the man up, you and Matt separated so you could go talk to Robin. Matt continued to scan the shelves, finding something you both might like. 
“Hey girly,” you smiled at Robin. “How’s work?”
“Better now that you’re here.” She winked, both of you chuckling. “How are things with Matt?”
“Good, good. We’re having a movie night at his place.” You smiled and looked over to Steve. “What are you staring at?”
“Nothing, nothing.” He laughed and threw his hands up in surrender. “You know, you might like this movie here. Since you starred in it and everything.” He handed you a copy of The Wizard of Oz.
You rolled your eyes, quick to respond. “You’re in it too ya know? You must have made a lot of money playing three roles. No heart, no brain, and a coward. I guess it didn’t take much to play those roles.”
“She got you there, Steve.” Robin laughed. 
“Matt, I’m going to wait outside.” You called.
“Okay babe, I’m almost done choosing.” He smiled, grabbing a copy of Grease. “Hey man, just this one.” He handed it to Steve.
“Sure thing.” He sighed and rang Matt up. Steve watched as Matt made his way out to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders and walking to his car. Steve scowled while Robin snickered. “What’s funny?”
“Oh dude, you’re so jealous.” Robin hopped onto the counter. “You like Y/N.”
“Absolutely not.” Steve faked a gag. “She’s the worst.”
“Why do you hate her so much? She literally never did anything.” Robin kicked Steve’s hip with her foot.
“She tried to replace me!” He argued.
“She did not. She had just moved here and her only friend was Eddie. She just wanted to make friends. You,” She kicked his butt cheek as he turned to leave from behind the counter. “Got jealous and blew up on her.”
“Did not.”
“Did too. And now you like her.” Robin hopped off the counter. “You try to hide it by being mean to her but you really like her.” She starts to make kissing noises. “You’re such a cliche Harrington.”
“Am not.” He tosses a rag toward her. “And I don’t like her.”
To say this night was a mess was a huge understatement. Not only had Steve’s comments actually hurt, but Matt was acting completely like Danny Zuko. You’d been watching Grease on his couch, snuggled under a blanket, when he tried to pull a move like Danny did to Sandy. You’d declined because you wanted to just watch the movie but he insisted. Then he made you feel guilty about not kissing him yet. You hadn’t had a serious kiss before and wanted to wait a bit. Your first kiss was with Eddie, a friendship pact to kiss each other and get it over with before you both turned 18. It was not good and you’d both laughed while it was happening. Now that you were looking to get serious with someone, you wanted a good first kiss redo.
The night had ended abruptly after you rushed off the couch and told Matt you’d see him later. You promised to call him when you got home. That call was not answered on his end. 
You tried calling him several times over the weekend but they all went unanswered. Had you messed up? No, he messed up. He was the one behaving like an idiot. You decided you’d go to his house and squash this entire thing Monday night after your morning shift.
What you hadn’t known was that he’d been preoccupied all weekend with his ex girlfriend Annalise. 
“You’re just trying to hurt Y/N. That didn’t happen Steve. It’s not funny.” Robin rolled her eyes. 
“I’m not Robin! I saw him. He had his arm wrapped around this girl that was not Y/N!” Steve followed her around the store as she reshelved returned tapes. “His tongue was down her throat. I swear.”
“How do you even know it was Matt?” She turned to face him, jumping when she realized just how close he was.
“He had on that stupid sweater vest and that lame haircut. I know it was him. Now you have to call Y/N and tell her.” He urged. 
“Why don’t you call and tell her yourself?” Robin shrugged. “You actually saw them.”
“She’ll believe you. She’ll never trust my word.” Steve pleaded. “Please, you have to tell her.” He grabbed the movie from her. “Please.” He whispered.
“I love Y/N but Steve, I didn’t see it and I don’t want to speak about something I don’t know about. Maybe ask Eddie to talk to her.” Robin snatched the movie back from Steve.
“If I tell Eddie, we’ll both be forced to kick this guy’s ass. I’d like to avoid going to jail for murder.” Steve sighed. “Please just talk to Y/N.”
“Talk to me about what?” Your voice carried across the store as their heads snapped to the door. The bell above the door definitely needed to be fixed. How did they not hear you come in? “Cat got your tongue?” You laughed and approached the counter.
“I was just telling Robin that you forgot to return Grease. It was due yesterday.” Steve muttered. 
“Actually, it’s under Matt’s name. So he forgot to return it. You can give him a call.” You shrugged. “Not sure if he’ll  answer the phone though.” You sighed.
“Well, what brings you in?” Steve asked nervously. There was no normal tone of annoyance or snarkiness laced in his words. You raised an eyebrow.
“Was just looking to speak to Robin actually. Girl problems.” You turn to look for her but she’s nowhere to be found. “Robin? Where’d she go?”
Steve’s just as clueless as you. He clears his throat and steps behind the counter. “So, um… how are things?”
“How are things?” You chuckle. “Why do you care?”
“I’m just trying to make small talk to fill in the awkwardness of this interaction.” He replies honestly. “How’s Matt?”
“I don’t know.” You lean against the counter. “He hasn’t been answering my calls. We kind of had a weird thing happen Friday night. That’s what I came by to ask Robin ab-”
“He’s cheating on you.” Steve blurts.
Your body tenses and you lean off the counter. “What?”
“He’s cheating. I saw him with another girl.”
“That’s not funny, Steve.” You glare at him, eyes narrowing. “You’re always so mean but this is super hurtful.”
“I’m not making a joke Y/N. I saw him!” He steps out from behind the counter as you start to back away. “I wanted to tell you but I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Who else knows? Who else was there?” You ask quietly, tears springing into your eyes.
“Just me.” He sighs. “I was grabbing food after work when I saw-”
“When? What day?” 
“Friday night. I thought it wasn’t him because he should’ve been with you.” He steps forward. “But he was wearing that vest with the diamond pattern. The green one. That’s how I remembered him.”
Suddenly, unfortunately, the bell signaling a new customer went off. Both you and Steve jumped at the sound, looking to the door.
“Welcome to Family Video!” Robin shouted as she entered from the back room. Her eyes flickered between Steve and you. You had to get out of there. And you did. Running as fast as possible back to your car. 
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ruedavis · 2 years
𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑢𝑠.
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pairing: jacob custos x fem!reader
warnings: strong language
song inspiriation: im not the only one by sam smith
word count: 602
back to hackett’s quarry for another summer of fun.
i had my headphones in the whole car journey there but could still all of the loud voices beside me. kaitlyn and dylan argued about something stupid had knocked into my side.
my eyes skimmed over the trees we drove past - feeling a bit motion sick i looked back into the packed car to lock eyes with the last person i wanted to see.
jacob. surprisingly we used to be the best of friends but that soon flipped around when i realised he fucked me over so he could screw emma.
as i had thought back to all the times we had hung out together it really didn’t surprise me now, the subtle but obvious touches, him always being by her side, him making excuse after an excuse as we had made plans together.
yes, yes i know what you’re gonna say. y/n why didn’t you see that? that’s so obvious! blah. blah. blah.
it’s kind of hard to see someone’s a walking red flag when i’m wearing rose tinted glasses isn’t it?
i was deeply falling for that boy and i thought he had felt the same about me since we had spent every waking minute together, i obviously found that out a little too late.
we had finally arrived back at the camp really early in the day so we had more than enough time to set up. i went off to one of the cabins near the radio shack, setting my stuff and a few of the necessities as i heard the door slam shut.
turning around to be face to face with jacob.
“we need to talk.” 
i scoffed at his empty words and carried on with my tasks at hand. he stood in the same spot as when he had walked in, just watching me do things before trying to speak again.
“we really need to put this behind us dude, like i miss you, don’t you miss me? miss us?”
my back was facing away from him. stopping fluffing the campers’ pillows. “you have some fucking nerve walking in here talking about some what? comfort? empathy? something to make you sleep better at night since emma didn’t want your sorry ass?”, jacob looked at his feet in response.
“no c’mon jacob. wanna fuck around with me a bit more, huh?” 
“y-you know it wasn’t like that y/n!” i went to walk around him to the exit of the cabin, done with his obvious bullshit. that’s when he grabbed my arm, him with the upper hand with his clear strength advantage. it was no use.
tears filled my eyes as i struggled, “i can’t believe you! i can’t believe you’d come back and do this to me again.” i stopped flailing my arm and started to push at his chest.
“i hate you.” my strong jabs soon turned weak as my sobbing became stronger - i fell and bawled into his chest and he just stood and took it, soon catching my fragile figure.
after a couple of minutes of standing in that position the brunette spoke, “im so sorry. i really am, i never meant to hurt you.” with that said realisation kicked in and i pushed myself away from him, taking a small glance in his direction.
“i loved you.”
he was looking back at me with a pained expression, i honestly couldn’t careless on how he felt in that moment of time.
i gathered myself before walking out the door to the others, he did not think to stop me again, but when he did turn around to do so the door had slammed in his face.
i know i’m not the only one...
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smallsdotcom · 2 years
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BREAKING : fans are updated on Y/N after idol had gone radio silent for months. many are wondering what happened and what she’s been up to.
posted by smalls 25012023 12:20 PM
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ARMY were greeted by a nice surprise when BTS member V had gone onto WEVERSE and did a short live in order to update fans.
even though the live was short, lasting only six minutes, v told fans that he was resting well. along with him, fans got to see JUNGKOOK and Y/N.
while the latter only waved her hand in front of the camera, many ARMY were excited to see the maknae as the female idol had not been heard or seen since SEPTEMBER. the last fans had seen her was thanks to her feature on SAM SMITH’S newest song UNHOLY.
her last instagram post was on AUGUST 17, 2022.
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grlzilla 💕🎤
this lead to many flooding the chat asking how she’s been, but all questions were ignored.
many ARMY took to twitter to express their joy at finally seeing the famous maknae, even if was just her hand. netizens also began wondering what happened to her that caused radio silence while some others believe she could possibly be working on a new project.
let us know what you think here!
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[ +1982 -278 ] OMG i can’t believe we got to see y/n even if it was just a second long!!!
[ +562 -273 ] i really hope she’s been working on new music bc if not then what else would she be doing
[ +739 -923 ] ughhhhh why is she even still in the group?! honestly you can tell she hates being an idol and she’s not even THAT good of a singer 🙄🙄
[ +467 -288 ] like how NONE of the comments are actually concerned for her and are more worried if she’s working on music or something. really shows how most of you view her.
[ +928 -1023 ] honestly i would go radio silent too if i had a fandom like you armchairs
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hiii so i put in a request for the matching thing but you didn’t respond to it so im guessing i didn’t put enough info which i completey understand!!! very sorry about that, i hope ur still doing these requests if not i deeply apologize. anyway pls take ur time so so sorry!!
i’d also like to be matched with someone in pjo pls!
personal info ? 15 yrs old, i’m a girl, she/her(truly idc), bisexual, half mexican (white dad…)
physical: i have medium length wavy brown hair with grown out bangs, im 5’4 average weight, pretty tan, brown eyes, silver circle glasses, i wear smudgy eyeliner w/mascara, i either wear tank tops with big pants or big t shirt with shorts
personality: i’m honestly very weird with the people im close with, like very. i have brainrot humor so im always saying weird ass shit acting like it’s normal. i’m also very sarcastic and if im not very close with someone i give them like 0 reaction i guess? idk ppl tell me im nonchalant but that sounds rlly corny 😬 anyway im very embarrassing in public when im with my friends and they hate it but i think its funny idc!! im also pretty moody but im just a teenage girl!!!!!!! i dont get mad that easily tho like i can take a joke i just get ANNOYED easily but then ill be fine in a few minutes. also ppl tell me im very funny so 😇 meat riding myself YES IM A NO SABO KID I AM TRYING TO LEARN SOANISH.
hobbies/intrests: love love love listening to music, love tv girl, tyler, mitski, arctic monkeys, the smiths, depeche mode, the cure, lana, tame impala, beabadoobee and so many other generes and artists but i only know like 2 songs 😬
i also had a severe fnaf phase, avatar the last airbender, spiderverse, saiki, and obvi percy jackson
currently OBSESSED with slushy noobz they are my whole personality they are how i act. along with avascreams on tiktok ive literally had 6 different ppl tell me “you know that one girl on tiktok?? you act just like her” IM TRILY NOT EVEN TRYING TO ACT LIKE HER I SWEAR. also love sam and colby i full heartedly believe in ghosts just watch ima become a ghost hunter 😊😊
as of right now my hobbies are playing stardew valley and never getting my homework done, i also love to draw but im not very good at it. i also love painting but i haven’t done it in a while bc of school :(( i take piano lessons as well but again, not very good even after 5 years. i rlly like reading too but again bc of school i haven’t read as much lately, love playing with my pets (dog and cat) they’re so cute i love animals so so much i want more but yknow im busy, ive also gotten into working out bc im tryna lose this face fat🫥
likes: love carnival rides!!!! they’re so fun i love the fair SO MUCH. beautiful atmosphere truly. the zipper is so fun don’t let anyone lie to you. nature, i love going on walks in the woods but i can’t bc i don’t live near any😔 food i love food, korean, mexican, american, japanese, i love it all. english class! teacher is so sweet i love her and its also easy and boring so
dislikes: six flags. i hate roller coasters. annoying ppl like bruh stfu up OH MY GOD. when my mom asks me about college, leave me alone pls!
okay i truly don’t know what else to put i hope this was enough 😓😓
-faith 👐
Hey Faith, I am so so sorry that this took incredibly long to complete. I’ve been insanely busy these few months and lots of personal stuff going on so I really hope that this does it justice! And also also don’t be sorry I’m really sorry that this took so long
Your PJO ship: Leo Valdez 🔥🔥🔥 (man I’m jealous)
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Explanation: honestly the best way I can explain this is that you’re crazy totally matches his crazy. Your freak matches his freak. is somebody gonna match my freak? Yes, someone will match your freak and that person is Leo. Starting off with your physical appearance, I think that he would be very attracted to you and I think you give a vague match of his mom like I feel like you look like his mom a little little bit, which is what kind of drew him to you in the first place I feel like he probably saw you in a crowd and his jaw dropped. He just thought that you were your clothing style. He also liked your eyeliner which he had you do on him whenever you guys got comfortable enough in the relationship he was like hey can I please have your make up routine done on me? He looked rlly hot but anyway- you guys are just so chaotic together with your personality like you match him so well I feel like Leo in order to make a relationship work with him. He needs to have someone that’s either vastly different than him or the same because I mean, I just see you guys as Deadpool and Vanessa, you guys so chaotic in public you guys would do so much embarrassing shit together and social anxiety would be afraid of both of you combined, a deadly duo. Whenever you were first getting to know each other, and you were more relaxed and chill around him less if you’re crazy with showing, that’s what kind of Drew him like he thought that your dynamic could be that you would kind of be more opposites, but then he slowly realize that you were just as fucking goofy and silly as him, and he would have a blast with you as you guys got further on into your even like just friendship that eventually turn into romance. You guys always have the funniest times together like I’m not joking. You guys would be the couple to go out with if you wanted a good time because you guys just yeah you’re chaotic and glorious and also really freaking funny and I mean yeah. (I would also like to let you know to do a deeper dive into your personality. I did research some of the people you mentioned that you were compared to and watched some of their videos and subjected myself to the painful amount of puns and batshit crazy, honestly I’m pretty impressed if people are comparing you) as for your hobbies, he would love playing Stardew Valley and I feel like he would romance. Sebastian don’t ask me why, but I just feel like he would. He would totally want Sebastian as I don’t know why OK I really don’t. I really don’t but anyway that’s just my personal theory. But he would love playing Stardew with you. He’s also a procrastinator when it comes to homework and work and taking things seriously in general so you guys would be quite the interesting duo and I feel like U2 would just end up making out during study date so if you want someone to study with? He’s probably not the best person. Also, I think that he would love your art and would be absolutely obsessed. If you ever did any artwork of him or just inspired by him like he would love that he would frame that shit he would brag to everyone about how good you are and same goes with piano he’s obsessed even if you think you weren’t very good after five years of playing he thinks you’re magnificent. It took everything in him to not compare you to Apollo because he knew that that would probably get you like blasted into the sky or something, but he just thinks anything that comes from you is good basically. That’s Leo Math.
You + Anything= Good.
He can never read very much because of his ADHD. I just feel like he would lose interest in books really easily unless they’re really exciting or exactly what he’s being into at this point, so I feel like he would get the being too busy to read. He also loves animals. He would absolutely snuggle all the pets in the world. I feel like he just loves animals. I feel like he especially loves dogs because they match his energy and he’s definitely like a golden retriever guy or maybe a Chihuahua guy one of them anyway dogs are very Leo core. Also, he thinks your chubby face is cute, and while he promotes working out for the healthiness of it, he thinks you have the wrong motivation if you want to get rid of that cute squeezable cheeks. (Multiple cheeks if ykwim) he also loves carnival rides and he’s a huge foodie so if you ever went out to him, you guys would end up eating more than your stomachs and belts can handle I mean yeah you guys would just be done if you ever went out to eat because he would order so much food and then I feel like because of his ADHD he’d be midway eating through another thing and then see other stand and be like babe. We gotta go there next. basically you guys would be extremely full. He also likes nature walks. I think that he kind of just likes the dirt of it because he’s definitely not afraid to get dirty and he loves just poking around nature I mean, I honestly that’s how I see him going on hikes like he’d pick up slugs, he do all kinds of like gross stuff. People normally wouldn’t do like I don’t know, letting a worm crawl on his arm or something.  anyway you guys totally match each other crazy and match each other’s freak yes just like the song, and I really ship it 💕💓💗💞💗💞
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Fingers Crossed-Miguel Diaz
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A/n: All right Miguel is my favorite character from the show even though I do like other ones, but he's my first favorite. Anyway I honestly just thought of this idea from listening to this song. So I hope you enjoy it, and I also hope it's not confusing. If it is, let me know and I'll do some editing.
Song: Fingers Crossed
Written: Lauren Spencer-Smith
'Introduced me to your family, Watched my favorite shows on your TV, Made me breakfast in the mornin', When I got home from work'
I was walking hand and hand with Miguel to go over to his house. I was super nervous to meet his mom and grandmother even though he told me that his mom would love me and his grandmother already adores me.
" Babe, you all right?" he asked
I turned to him and smiled. " Yeah, I'm great."
He didn't look at all convinced, but went with it. He gave my hand a squeeze when we were getting closer to his house. I took a breath before he opened the door of his house.
" Mom, I'm home. I brought over Y/n." he announced
All I could do was stand by the door which made Miguel chuckle before pulling me gently over to his mother. She gave me a smile. " Oh my. You're  so beautiful. I'm so glad Miguel found someone like you." She gushed
I let out a small giggle at Miguel's face due to what his mother said. " Thank you Ms. Diaz. Miguel is so wonderful. You've raised him to be a perfect gentleman." I said
She smiled and looked over at him before back over to me. " Oh, honey, just call me Carmen."
I just nodded, I was about to ask where Mrs. Diaz was, but she came over and smiled. She then patted Miguel on the arm and said, " Elegiste uno bueno Miggy."
Miguel just smiled and looked over at me. She then came over to me, and stated..." Eres preciosa."
I smiled and told her " Gracias"
Miguel then told them..." Well we're going to go to my room."
They smiled and Carmen said..." Be safe Miggy and the door stays open."
All he did was pull me away from them. I just laughed at how red he got. We both then got comfy on his bed with his laptop to watch y/f/s.
'Makin' plans to travel 'round the world, Said we'd always put each other first, Old love songs we used to play to funny, now I hate you'
I was sitting at home thinking of all the plans Miguel missed. We were supposed to go to the movies tonight, but he called and said something came up. I couldn't respond to him because I didn't know what to say. I just want to go out with my boyfriend, but I don't even think we're together anymore. I mean we're not physically broken up, but I feel like we should be. All I could think of was hating him and hating this whole relationship.
'Shoulda paid attention to my friends, Tellin' me how bad it's gonna end, Always giving' their opinions, Now I wish I would have listened'
"I told you he was gonna go back to that bitch Sam." Tory said
I could feel my eyes get watery. I then felt a warm arm wrap around me. I could tell it was Robby due to his cologne he wears.
"We're here for you Y/n/n. We won't let him near you okay. We promise." he said
I saw Tory nod her head and then she wrapped her arm around my waist from the other side. I'm so happy to be in my best friend's arms. " Thanks guys. I don't know what I would die without you."
They both let out a chuckle. " You probably wouldn't survive one minute." Tory said
I let out a small laugh which made them both smile. I then just spent the rest of the day curled up next to them.
'I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not, You don't deserve the one thing that you lost'
I was watching Miguel and Sam from inside my car practicing their karate. I really wish I could apologize for whatever made him want to cheat, but Tory told me that there's nothing I should be sorry for.
Miguel's POV
I saw Y/n's car out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't help, but feel bad for the things I'm doing. I just never got over Sam and it was probably a mistake to cheat and not break up with her. " Sam, one second."
She  looked over to see what my attention was on and grinned. " Just text her and say it's over."
I know I shouldn't have listened, but all I could think was Sam. Once I shot the text we got back to our sparring.
Your POV
I heard my phone ding and the words on my screen broke my heart. I didn't respond. All I did was throw my phone in the back seat and let out a frustrated scream. I then drove off to Tory's job just to be close with her, since I don't want to be alone right now.
'Now, I...                                                                                                                                                                                             Remember when you'd call me late a night, And I gave you my hours and advice just tryna fix you, And all you daddy issues, But now, I don't even miss you anymore'
I heard my phone ring, so I picked it up and smiled. " Hey Miggy."
I could tell he was smiling. " Hey babe."  
I asked " So, what advice do you need this time?"
He let out a gasp. " How do you know I don't just want to hear your voice?"
I let out a giggle, " Cause Miggy, I know you."
" Okay you caught me. I just need some comfort tonight."
I sighed " Why? What happened? Did Kyler come at you again or did something happen with Johnny?"  
He just chuckled. " Slow down Y/n. Breath,  it's just that Johnny is working us so much that I'm physically tired all the time."
" Awe babe. Why not just have a sit down conversion with him and explain to him how it makes you feel. I don't want you to get too stressed out from doing too much."
He let out a sigh. " Thanks babe."
'So, I...                                                                                                                                                                                                           I want all the tears back that I cried, All the hours spent given advice on how to write your songs, All you did was prove me wrong, When you said you love me, Well, you must've had your fingers crossed.'
All I could think about was helping Miguel with hours of karate moves. I helped him by telling him how to improve and he would always smile at me.
" Thanks babe."
I nodded and gave him a small side hug and he added a small kiss to the side of my head. " I love you. " he whispered in my right ear
I smiled and whispered in his left ear, " I love you too."
But now I know the truth he never really loved me I think. Was it all an act to make Sam jealous?
'(Oh-oh, oh-oh) Your fingers crossed, (Oh-oh, oh-oh) Your fingers crossed, (Oh-oh, oh-oh) Oh, when you said you loved me, Well, you must've had your fingers crossed.'
I was hanging out with Tory and Robby at the roller rink having a blast. I then thought I saw Miguel, but then when I looked again he was gone. I felt a hand make contact with my shoulder. " Y/n, you all right?" Tory asked
I turned to face them and smiled. " Yea, all good." I paused for a second before starting..." You know what I'm going to get closer."
They both looked shocked, but also supportive.
" Yes,You go girl. You tell him." Tory said
Robby just smiled, " Go get him and put him in his place."
I let out a soft chuckle while waving and headed for the door.
'Oh, I...                                                                                                                                                                                         I want all the tears back that I cried, All the hours spent giving advice on how to write your songs, All you did was prove me wrong, Wish you said you loved me, When you didn't have your fingers crossed.'
I was preparing to knock on Miguel's door when I heard another door open. I spun around to find Johnny. I gave him a friendly smile. He smiled back and walked over to his car.
" Hey, Don't be afraid, I know what he did was very wrong and he deserves what's coming to him, but you were my favorite out of all the girls he's gone out with." he said with a wink
I let out a small giggle, " Thanks Johnny." I smiled
He just nodded and went in his car. I took one last breath and then knocked on the door. It opened and he was standing right there. I gave him a small smile.
" Um...I just wanted you to know that I always loved you Miggy. I don't know about you, but that's how I feel and I don't think I can ever stop loving you. Miggy, I really wish you the best and really hope she makes you happy. That's basically all I wanted to say, so I guess see you around Miggy."
He opened his mouth, but then closed it and gave me a small sad smile. " See you around Y/n/n." he whispered
I gave him one more glance before heading to the direction I parked.
Miguel's POV
All I could do was watch her walk away. I know what I did was wrong and I wish I could take everything back, but I have to suffer the consequences. Once her car left my site I gently closed the door and put my head against it.
" Oh Miggy, everything will get better I promise." I heard my mom say. I then turned to lean into her warm embrace. " Thanks mom." I whispered into her shoulder
I hope you all love this one. I know I do, I think it's definitely different and I'm proud of it. Again I really hope it's not confusing.
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I saw someone say "taylor's music is starting to feel like marvel, you have to listen to everything before to understand the story. Too much history" and i agree. As a fan for 13 years, i don't mind cause i know the story but i can see why the gp that don't listen to her often on her day to day don't get this album or even like it cause it is a LOT
So I think the difference between the two comes down to what you personally are looking for in media.
If you're looking for songs to relate to your own life, I think you can jump into TTPD without a problem in a way that you cannot jump into Marvel's newest media nowadays. Like if relatability what you're looking for, it feels more like pre Infinity War Marvel where like yeah you can have a bit of extra context if you have listened to the other stuff (insert the Marvel 'I recognise that reference meme here), but ultimately you can enjoy it on its own.
If you are listening to music for artistic reasons or to know Taylor (as an artist, person and/or celebrity) then yeah, I think it's hard to accurately do that without having listened to all of her work. But honestly? I would say that for all artists. Like for a minor example, a lot of people hate Unholy by Sam Smith and think it's just some cheating pop song. But if you have listened to what Sam has to say and their past music, they have made it clear that in many ways, it's the continuation of their song Him and very important for queer expression. And while I loved the song regardless (despite its unfortunate collab but that's another story), that definitely adds layers to it that made me love it more. The difference with Taylor, in my opinion, is that she has released far more than most artists do, is far more popular (as a person, celebrity and artist) nowadays than most artists ever get and (though this is not exclusive to her, more so a shift I've seen with the music industry in general) values the album over singles more than a lot of the current generation of music. But she's not the first this has happened to and won't be the last (siri, play Clara Bow lmao).
It's also interesting that you say about this being a reason people may not get/like the new album because I genuinely don't feel like you need much more context than what's in the album to understand it. Like perhaps because while I'd say I fall into both the above groups I'm definitely more in the first, but yeah I understood it from the first listen; I just think people are going to be divided on whether they relate or empathise with the story. And that's fine, like I have literally said that while I empathise and understand it, this story is not relatable to me (as someone who could have but didn't go down that path historically) and it's not my favourite execution from her, so of course I understand others feeling the same I do. Ultimately as a whole though, like I'm never going to criticise people for not getting or liking any piece of art so long as they aren't being a dick about it.
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renyen808 · 9 months
2023 Movies You Need to Watch (Part One)
The year of 2023. What an interesting year it was for me personally. Honestly, I’m done with this year, so instead of thinking about the memories I’d rather forget, let’s go through the best movies of the year!
Scream 6 (Released March 10th)
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(Credit: Wikipedia)
Starring: Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Mason Gooding
Director(s): Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett
Scream 6 is the first movie on my list and first horror movie! With the fifth movie being an excellent addition to the franchise, this sixth installment takes us out of Woodsboro and into the city that never sleeps: New York. This movie clearly benefits from the change of scenery, adding suspense in ways that was unreachable for the franchise until this point, like the subway scene with Mindy (Jasmin Savoy-Brown) or the ladder scene with Anika (Devyn Nekoda). The story follows sisters Sam (Barrera) and Tara (Ortega) as they fight against another Ghostface. 
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(Credit: Variety)
What made this one stand out to me more is the lack of legacy characters this time around. Courtney Cox returns as Gale Weathers, in a very small cameo, while Hayden Panettiere reprises her role as Kirby Reed from Scream 4 in a much more substantial role. Despite those additions, this is Barrera and Ortega’s movie, with their relationship becoming the main thing holding the movie together. The Ghostfaces (Yes, more than one) are kinda mediocre and predictable, but the motives aren’t, which makes up for it. All in all, an awesome suspenseful film that is a perfect end to a franchise, thanks to Barrera, Ortega, and the director leaving. 
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (Released March 31st)
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(Credit: Wikipedia)
Starring: Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Justice Smith, Sophia Lillis
Director(s): Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley
An underrated gem from this year is Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. The trailers did this movie an injustice, as it was nothing like they made it out to be. Pine and Rodriguez play a perfect platonic pair of friends as they try to survive in this big fantasy world. The story follows Edgin (Pine) and Holga (Rodriguez) as they travel across the world to save Edgin’s daughter Kira (Chloe Coleman) from Forge (Hugh Grant). Everyone plays their parts to perfection, and it makes you feel like you’re playing as these characters, and it shows that not everything will go as planned. 
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(Credit: NY Post)
There are so many funny moments from the Fat Dragon to different ways Edgin gets out of sticky situations. It also helps that both Smith and Lillis play excellent side characters that add to the awkward dynamic that may feel familiar to D&D players. Along with that, there are fun cameos from different actors that I won’t spoil that made me and my friends laugh. I hate that this film didn’t get more love because it truly is a joy to watch it. All in all, this is an amazing movie that deserves more love, and you should give it a watch if you haven’t, you’ll enjoy it!!
Evil Dead Rise (Released April 21st)
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(Credit: IMDb)
Starring: Lily Sullivan, Alyssa Sutherland, Morgan Davies, Gabrielle Echols
Director: Lee Cronin
Another horror movie that came out this year, and on my birthday, was Evil Dead Rise! This was my first time watching an Evil Dead movie in the theater, and I really enjoyed it, thanks to other patrons in the theater. This movie was brutal, but not as brutal as the 2013 remake. A lot of people were mad about how goofy the movie was, but that’s actually my favorite part! It was like a return to the original Evil Dead, taking it back to its roots. I loved the change in scenery, from a cabin in the middle of the woods to an apartment building on the verge of falling apart. 
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(Credit: Variety)
The cold open was literally the best part, shoving people into the deep end and showing what’s to come. The story follows sisters Beth (Sullivan) and Ellie (Sutherland) as Ellie becomes possessed and begins to attack her sister and three children in their apartment. It was so suspenseful and insanely dramatic, to the point where it was laughable in the best way possible. Although, I’ll admit, the ending kind of lost me a little, I was willing to look past it thanks to the performances of the actors on screen. Overall, I say if you’re a fan of the first three Evil Dead movies starring Bruce Campbell, I highly recommend it. If you’re a fan of only the 2013 remake, I suggest going in with a bit of a warning that it is not as intense as the previous remake. 
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3 (Released May 5th)
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(Credit: IMDb)
Starring: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldaña, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan 
Director: James Gunn
The end of a beautiful trilogy. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 not only solidifies the fact that this is the best trilogy, but also Gunn’s reputation as the best director in the MCU. From the very beginning, Gunn perfectly captured the tone of the film, and didn’t let me go until the very end. The story revolves around Rocket (Bradley Cooper) suffering a deadly injury, where Peter (Pratt) and the other Guardians travel to save him. 
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(Credit: Space.com)
Throughout this movie, I was so anxious that someone was going to die, but to my surprise, Gunn didn’t kill anyone off. I adore this film so much, and while Gunn has left, I will hold this story and the other two in my heart forever. If you would like to read more about the Guardians from me, please go to my previous post!
The Little Mermaid (Released May 26th)
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(Credit: Wikipedia)
Starring: Halle Bailey, Jonah Hauer-King, Daveed Diggs, Awkwafina
Director: Rob Marshall
Ah, the best Disney remake. Ariel has always been my favorite princess. I wasn’t born when the movie first came out, but coming from Hawai’i, I’m constantly surrounded by water, so how could I not have Ariel as my favorite princess? When I heard that they were remaking it for live action, I was excited. I was even more excited when they casted Bailey in the role. 
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(Credit: Screencrush)
Although I am not African American myself, I am a POC, and it made me so happy to see representation. I can see the joy in other girls' faces when they see Bailey performing as Ariel, and it brings a tear to my eye. I never had anything like that growing up and seeing them makes me so happy. If you would like to read more about The Little Mermaid, please read my post below.
Spider Man: Across the Spider Verse (Released June 2nd)
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(Credit: IMDb)
Starring: Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld, Brain Tyler Henry, Lauren Vélez
Director(s): Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson
The sequel to the highly praised Spider Verse movie has finally been released this year, and it does not disappoint. First off, addressing something in the room, although it is a Part One to another movie, this is a full movie, and it does end on a cliffhanger, but it has an ending! This movie tries to pack so much into its runtime, that I’m surprised it even accomplished being a complete movie! It builds off of everything that happened in ‘Into the Spiderverse’, building off of characters like Gwen and Peter B. Parker, while also making us care about new characters, like Spider Punk and Spider-Man India. 
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(Credit: Polygon)
This might be pretty contriversial, but I am not a fan of Spider-Man 2099, he’s too much of an asshole for me to care about him. The only saving grace is that he’s played by Oscar Isaac. Also, Jason Schwartzman as the villain was surprisingly amazing, and his origin story is hilarious. All in all, an excellent sequel that leaves me dying for more!
Elemental (Released June 16th)
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(Credit: Disney Movies)
Starring: Leah Lewis, Mamoudou Athie, Ronnie del Carmen, Shila Ommi
Director: Peter Sohn
Pixar is still releasing bangers, with Elemental being added to the list. First off, the trailers did this movie a HUGE disservice! It sold it as some whimsical world where elements live together in harmony, but it is a retelling of Sohn’s life story told through the eyes of Ember (Lewis). It is emotional, and it hits me in a certain way, thanks to being raised with Asian parents. 
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(Credit: Los Angeles Times)
Ember and Wade (Athie) are both adorable in their own way, and I believe that people just saw this as a Zootopia rip off and decided not to go. It’s not!! They’re two different stories!! Please go ahead and watch it if you haven’t!! You will not be disappointed. With Pixar movies just being shoved into Disney+, Elemental deserves to be on the big screen. 
With that, I’m ending the first part here! Thank you for reading, be on the lookout for Part Two and my review of The Iron Claw, coming out next week!
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mylimoji · 2 years
honestly, i don't like sam smith's outfits that much either, but wherever i see people hating on them i just know it's because they're fat. everybody goes crazy for mr styles' outfits which usually are boring and uninspired, but idk, it's alright, because he is slim, he's allowed, lol. when a fat person tries to do something, the first thing for all of you is just straight up shit on them. we live in a society
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tschulijulesjulie · 2 years
yeah, i love Harry like the next person (actually not, because im having a very complicated hate-love for this man and his music, but thats beside the point) and im happy for his grammy (even tho Harrys house really wasn't that good and definitely his worst album thus far) but what does he mean with "this doesn't happen very often to people like me"?? like, my guy, youre british, you're white, you're able-bodied, you're cis as far as we know, you're straight-passing, etc. this is no critique, theres nothing wrong with any of that but - thats literally your average, quite privileged guy. this is every pop singer ever. what do you mean this doesn't happen to guys like you??? like it does???
Kim Petras and Sam Smith winning a grammy as a transgender woman and nonbinary person - that doesn't happen very often to people like them. in fact Kim is the first openly transgender woman to win a grammy. Sam is the first openly nonbinary person to win a grammy.
most of the YT comments under the video of Harrys speech that i watched praised him for being so humble, like... man, i know he was overwhelmed and happy - and honestly good for him! my sincere congratulations (even though im still dissapointed by Harrys house, but thats still besides the point) - but touch some grass (respectfully).
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ironwoodwizard · 1 year
“I’m not perfect, but I’m working on it.” (Nikolas to Ollie; @mxrvelouscreations
Sam Smith Starters | @mxrvelouscreations
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Those words resonated in a way that caught him completely off guard. Ollie had spent most of his life trying to be perfect for his father, only to learn that dear old dad wasn’t worth the effort. All he’d succeeded in doing was turning himself into a hateful nerd with a superiority complex. Years, nearly a decade of deprogramming and atonement….honestly, Ollie didn’t know for sure if it had done any good, but he wasn’t about to stop trying.
“Take it from someone who chased perfection practically from the day he was born til the day he nearly died…the first time: you don’t have to be perfect. You just gotta keep tryin’ to be a better you than you were yesterday. Even if it’s only the teeniest, tiniest bit better. And do it for yourself, not for anyone else.” His advice was followed by the most genuine smile he’d ever flashed Nikolas’s way as of yet, soft and bright, like the first light of the autumn sun cresting after a dark and stormy night. He’d already been warming up to the vampire, but this show of vulnerability brought to light a side of him that Ollie hadn’t yet seen. A side he quite liked. He wasn’t the type to pry, but if they had any more of these heart-to-hearts, he had a feeling that he might actually grow soft for this man.
“Any particular reason why you’re aiming for perfection in the first place? What drives you?”
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releaseholiday · 2 years
Honestly Louis Team they have reached d peak of how they can help Louis and i feel Louis really needs to reevaluate his team. He needs a diverse set of people who can offer him some thing new like a different strategy , new outlook etc. he has worked with his current team for years and years and they just keep giving him the same stuff and its hurting him alot and would continue to hurt him a whole lot more in d long run.
This new era alone really called for an outfit change to match his punk era
This radio interviews make nonsense he shouldn’t be focusing so much on radios and rather focus more on Social Media
And honestly i hate all the fucking 1D questions they keep asking him
Jeeez it is really frustrating.
100000% agree. On everything. They’re trying to do the same stuff that’s worked years ago but the world has changed. Even tik tok lol I know Louis doesn’t like it but it’s silly not to take advantage of that. This platform, whether people like it or not, has become very important for music. Look at Sam Smith and the way the snippet from their song blew up. Look at Olivia Rodrigo who literally has a huge career rn bc of it. Even Louis’ beloved Sam Fender is using it. Louis’ social media presence is basically non existent and it’s so stupid bc he can get people talking with just one pic or a video from the studio or something and they don’t use it. The “how are you doing” tweets and the q&a spree became repetitive, and they’re not even doing that now. It’s like he wants the success (and don’t tell me he doesn’t bc he wouldn’t be on this press tour doing 1284 radio and tv interviews if he didn’t lol every musician wants success, it’s okay to admit) but he refuses to play the celebrity game that’s relevant now. And idk maybe it’s his team who’s advising him to do all this, but if that’s the case he should know better.
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praphit · 2 years
Infinity Pool: I once was lost, but now I’m filthy.
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You're a writer. You wrote a book, but it's been about six years since then, and you've been bone dry for inspiration. You're beginning to question whether you ever had any talent at all. You decide that the best way to kick writer's block is to go to a resort in a foreign country, engage with murderers and other degenerates, get shot at, soak yourself in a world of clones and death, and maybe have an orgy or two with some strangers. Sound like a good idea?
It's a great idea if you're Alexander Skarsgard (playing James, our writer).
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He even dragged his lovely wife (played by Cleopatra Coleman) along. He married rich; she's funding this crazy plot. Nothing quite like murder to clear the sinuses and creative struggles.
James meets a couple (Gabi and Alban) who after helping him out of a serious situation (sort of), then lead him into the craziness I described above.
Look, the casual moviegoer has probably not even heard of this movie. And honestly, there are plenty of reasons for you not to watch this smut. So, let me save you the time. I watched this smut so that you don't have to :) But, as far as the horror movie fans... well, yeah, still good reasons not to watch this smut.
Maybe you've heard that this movie is STRANGE, GORY, and SEXY. Two out of three ain't bad. Idk about sexy. I mean, if you call an orgy between mostly middle-aged people, who are simultaneously splattered with all kinds of bodily fluids (it's a juicy movie:) including blood, and also wearing creepy masks, sexy... then maybe some of these scenes will do it for you.
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Some might say "What about Mia Goth? Sexy, right?!" 
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I think those people are confusing "sexy" with crazy and manipulative.
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I've been there, especially when you get a few drinks in you; you'll start seeing "sexy" all over the place, but... nope, it's just crazy.
This movie IS gory though, but not as much blood as I thought it would have. Movies like "Saw" and "TC Massacre" are way worse/better in that dept.
And, STRANGE? Oh, yeah... I feel comfortable saying that it's one of the strangest movies you'll see all year.
These masks
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This pool
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Whatever the hell this is
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My buried lede of clones
At times, naseating directing style
punching and stabbing people to literal pulp
Freaky, unneccessary images
And I loved all of it!
All of the above! I could have done without the orgy stuff, but maybe that's gonna be Brandon Cronenberg's (the director)  signature. Random, Nasty, Horror Movie Porno. So, maybe we should just get used to it. Perhaps it'll be the new trend. I can see it now - Leatherface pauses (mid-kill), puts down the chainsaw, and takes off all of his clothes, slowly, to Sam Smith’s “Unholy”.
The violence is gross, but artistic (somehow).
People rave about Mia Goth's performance (and it's excellent), but I was also impressed by Skarsgard. Well, as much as one can be impressed by the acting in a horror film:) He was good though!
There's a group of rich people who Gabi (Goth) introduces James to, and they are horrible. I loved hating them! They're the type of people in horror movies that you can't wait for the monster to get to, but then you realize, they ARE the monsters. It is a purposely uncomfortable movie.
I loved the character of James. He doesn't quite belong anywhere in this movie. He never really has any clarity of what's happening to him. And neither does the audience. The only thing that's clear is that he's getting pulled closer and closer towards a dark place.
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The ending will have you staring at the screen trying to figure out what the hell you just watched. Let me help you:
There's no mystery. No hidden meaning. No layers. You'll have to accept that what you watched is all that there is. It's dissatisfying on purpose. Sure, I guess you could derive some social commentary if you wanted to, but... meh. You want a lesson? - I'll give you one.
When you get lost in life, and lose your sense of self, don't stay there long or you will be taken advangetage of... and sure as hell don't go to some foreign land with weird laws.
Frequent a bar. Go to church. Go to Disneyland. Buy a sports car. Have sex with people 20 years younger than you (legally:). Join that cult you’ve been thinking about.
Do something different with your hair.
Normal stuff, you know??
No Mia Goths and no clone orgies.
Did I have any problems with the movie? Not really. I've heard the complaints from others, and they're mostly valid, but I'd counter by saying that that's why I loved it!
I'm proudly in the minority, but... Grade: A+* from me.
(asterisk* - AGAIN, it’s weirdf AF, but that’s right up my alley)
Have you ever gone on a trip outdoors and gotten dirty? You're bothered at first, but then you get more dirty? And after that. you just don't care anymore. You're all in.
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Afterwards, you could say to yourself "Wow, I'm a filthy and disgusting human being. What's wrong with me?" OR say to yourself "Wow, that was fun and thrilling." and take a shower. It's up to you.
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wannafeel-you · 3 days
Can you answer, 15
Also, who is ur favorite music artist?
The films we cherish, the songs we sing, Reveal so much about who we are, and who we’ve been.
-a curious femme <3
15: Favourite movie
i have a love-hate relationship with questions like these bc i rank things depending on genre and style or the feelings they evoke, so i can never narrow it down to a single one. for nostalgia’s sake, i’ll say the Incredibles - it was a huge part of my childhood and i can watch it a million times and never get bored. plus the soundtrack is phenomenal. but Inception also holds a special part of my heart because it was the first film that actually got me thinking about the bigger picture (plus the hallway scene is fucking crazy), i also adore the soundtrack to this film too.
the same problem with music artist questions because different genres evoke different emotions and you can’t compare… so i’ll give you a bunch of my favourites instead!!
Montell Fish, RY X, Flawed Mangoes - mostly for a slower, more romantic vibe
i’m a huge fan of vocalists with deep and/or rich voices especially when they match the sound they’ve developed for themselves: Coco Jones, Reneé Rapp, Billie Eilish, Jorja Smith, ENNY, Becky G, Chloe x Halle, FLETCHER
Honourable Mentions: The NBHD, Chase Atlantic, Sam Fender, BMTH, PVRIS, HAARPER, Hans Zimmer, Alfonso Peduto… honestly i’ll listen to anything once. my liked playlist is a bombshell. and there’s probably a bunch i’ve missed too
i also like kpop but that’s a whole DIFFERENT ball game
and i agree with that sentiment a lot, so i hope this was able to satisfy some of your curiosity anon :)
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