#magolor aus qna
cherry-blossom-qf · 23 days
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UT your son's under the table
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UT picks up his pizza stealing Yo-Kai son 🍕
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otterronpas · 23 days
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Drop in and ask my magos anything!
Also I realize that uh. I haven’t actually posted about that mago on my sona’s head, at least not here. Folks in the magoverse discord know about him, but that’s Mistilteinn! Specifically the Mistilteinn that possessed Mistilor. Long story short, my pals and I did a RP where we split Mistilor and Mistilteinn into two separate beings. It’s not officially canon to the AU (at least not yet, I may write it into the story for a future thing) but he’s a chaotic gremlin and I love using him. So he’s part of the Q&A too!
🥚- Eggy
🍡 - Mistilor
🌱- Mistilteinn
📜- Paperlor
Ask away!
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blazingstaro · 3 days
To Iro, your park hanging in there little dude?
⚙️: It's going good! Magoland has really popped off in popularity. Popstar locals love it! Who'd have thought that they really needed someplace like this to be an outlet for fun with friends and family, eh?
I'm making smiles, and going miles! It's the dream! And pretty surreal, honestly. It's been over a year and I'm still in shock that all of this is real. Crazy happy ending, am I right? Don't let your dreams be memes, dude! Rise, grind and shine! You'll make it too! ~⭐️
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boa35 · 23 days
I've seen some of my friends do this, so I thought, "Maybe I should do this"
It was originally @cherry-blossom-qf 's idea, so shout out to her for the inspiration.
Also, go to @otterronpas ! She also has one of these going on!
Mago QnA!
Ask my Magolors any question that you want!!
❌️ - Anti
🔋 - Byte
💣 - Whitilor
💧 - Splasholor
I know I don't have much Magolor aus, but I honestly want to give this a try. I hope you guys will like it!
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cherry-blossom-qf · 28 days
magolors do you have games on your phone
🦋: "I can't see anything, dumbass"
🎩: "I don't have a phone! I think it would break if I gotten into any fights"
💙: "All I have is Candy Crush."
🚔: "CANDY CRUSH?? Loser! I got Monopoly!!"
🍏: "Wtf are you guys talking about????"
👑: "Wait, Monopoly is an app game now????"
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cherry-blossom-qf · 28 days
Hey, Magolors!!
Question. If you have a favorite mario game, Which is yours?
(Also, for those who allow hugs, can I hug you, pls?)
🎩: "What's a Mario?"
🚔: "We have much to discuss, little bell boy"
🍏: "I could use a hug right now to be honest"
🦋: "You sounded slightly depressed."
🍏: "Cuz I am."
🦋: "Damn!"
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cherry-blossom-qf · 25 days
*plops Sam in front of all of your Magos*
Everyone is keeping Socially Awkward Magolor away from the mean and smelly Necromancy Magolor.
And then they all have a pizza party.
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Because they all deserve pizza. 🍕
Not Necro tho. Eff him. He's too bitchy and stinky for pizza.
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cherry-blossom-qf · 25 days
(to blind, prince, and necro) sooo thoughts on super hell another dimension and dream kingdom?
🦋: "Well, I couldn't see most of it, hehe!!" (blind joke)
👑: "Hell is now my home and my kingdom, the kingdom is now my place of business~! Suck it!"
🩸: "I'm just glad I'm save now. That is all."
💙: "I don't think the artist running this account has ever said this publicly, but I have in fact been to Another Dimension during the first few months I got my monster form. But, that's a looooong story that is probably gonna be told another day!!"
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cherry-blossom-qf · 28 days
[For all the magos]
Favorite song?
💙: "I'm Still Standing by Elton John!!"
🦋: "La Vie en Rose is a classic"
🎩: "A Human's Touch by TWRP has been an earworm for me lately and scarily relatable "
🍏: "I relate a lot with Karma by AJR, so I'll say that one is my favorite."
🚔: "It's a tie between Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon and 6up 5oh Cop-Out by Will Wood!"
🩸: "Charlie's Inferno by That Handsome Devil. No further comment."
👑: "Looking at Me by Sabrina Carpenter is a BANGER, dude!!
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cherry-blossom-qf · 13 days
(all magos) imagine this: someone with the powers of a god makes an ideal reality for you, no strings attached. they grant any wish you may have, no matter how impossible it might seem. you want to be with someone who's deceased? sure! you wish certain events never happened? absolutely! you wish someone was less of a jerk or just generally different from how they are at the moment? sure! you wish you yourself were different for whatever reason? you got it!
what do you think this reality would be like for you?
🩸: "Sounds like heaven..."
💙: "Eh, to me, it would be kinda pointless. I mean, yeah I have a lot of regrets. But, after meaning the wonderful that I know and have in my life, I'm as happy as I could ever be."
👑: "I agree with UT. Oakley and others at the castle has given me a new wonderful life already. However, I would love to use this kind of thing to rid the untrusting stares of folks that know of my marriage with Oakley..."
🚔: "Kinda the same here, but I would like to use this wishing power to make cooler weapons please!! I wanna make a real functioning gun sword!"
🍏: ".....I would only wish for the crown piece to get off my head. So I don't have to feel like I'm in constant danger of others and my own self."
🦋: "Well, if it's only way to get rid of my blindness, then I would like to live in that world... and maybe I could give Taranza a chance to—..... nevermind..."
🎩: "Uhm.... I too would like to live in a world like that. BUT FOR RICHES!! OBVIOUSLY!! I am a child of Greed, so it would be most fitting! Gold, jewels, all the treasures in the world!"
(Kh zlvkhv wkdw wkh jrog ulqj pdun durxqg klv wdlo zrxog glvdsshdu. Wuhdvxuh phdqv qrwklqj wr klp.)
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cherry-blossom-qf · 16 days
(to all da magos except magomon) how much do you remember about wearing the master crown?
🚔: "Well, I remember the evil overlord monologue, throwing magic shit at Kirby and the others, and then the crown started to... hurt... And then everything was getting harder and harder to see. And I was staring to lose control over myself.. And then it started to hurt even more.. THEN the soul form happened and I couldn't control myself at all... AND THEN KIRBY SLICED THE CROWN OFF MY HEAD WITH THE GIANT SWORD!"
🍏: "Yeah, I remember that too. That crown was feeding on our negativity... mostly our anger. Our desire for revenge. And our desire to reach our goal corrupted us badly.... I remember voimting up a lot of dark matter that was still stuck in my body after that bullshit. Thankfully that doesn't happen to me anymore."
💙: "Dude, I'm still throwing up that black voidy shit to this day!! Everytime I push myself with magic spells or get anywhere near dark matter stuff, I hurl like that gnome from that mystery kids show! Bleeh!!"
🚔: "Oh damn, you get that too?? Glad to see I'm not the only one that is suffering the side effects of that damn crown!!"
👑: "Well, Oakley was able to rid that dark matter in my body by absorbing it himself. He felt really bad for doing that to me. He's so sweet, I love him so much, dude."
🦋: "Lucky!! All the extra dark matter is permanently stuck in my eyes!! Hence why I'm still blind!!!"
🩸: "Wait, what were you guys so angry about? I got the crown to just control everything. You guys had a different reason?"
🩸: "Sounds like a skill issue."
🦋: "You are lucky I'm blind. Because if I wasn't, I would spit directly in your eyes."
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cherry-blossom-qf · 23 days
Also speaking of which for Undertale and freelance police magolor, what is your favorite things about earth
💙: "The Northern Lights! And the meteor showers!! And the time we all got to see the solar eclipse!!! And a double rainbows!! They're all so beautiful...!! All the monsters in town all gather together to watch every single wonderful event involving the sky!! Because to all the monsters who lived underground all their lives, the sky is a treasure.. and that fact made me appreciate the sky even more..."
🚔: "The carnivals are mostly my favorite!! Cheap rides, fun games, and questionable food brings back memories of first arriving here on earth. I still have the plushie Sam helped me win at one of those 'shoot-the-ducks' games and a funny memorable photo from one of the rides. It's probably not as dramatically poetic as UT's pick, but carnivals still hold a emotional value to me..."
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cherry-blossom-qf · 23 days
So we know about the favorite attacks, what about the most powerful attacks you guys know for all magolors
🍏: "I just mentioned it! The Sky-Chi! Warth of Mistilteinn!! FEAR ME, FOR I AM THE TREE!!!" :D
💙: "Rainbow Mago-Cannon. I learned a lot from that fight with Asriel. Especially how to put your heart and 'soul' into laser blast attack"
🦋: "Butterfly Swords. ol' Buggy's help is awesome to have in battle."
👑: "I don't think I showed it off yet, but I do have a third form for more advanced combat and intimidation. Cuz this 'prince form' isn't really meant for fighting... I'd say any attacks from that form is my strongest~"
🎩: "Well so far I can evolve all the way to Ultimate level... And I don't wanna talk about anything about Crownedmon... Too scary."
🩸: "I'm not sure. This necromancy book as a lot of powerful spells. It's hard to pick one..."
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cherry-blossom-qf · 25 days
well don't mind if just- *plops down hero mago in front of everyone* (he's gonna conveniently ignore necro for the sake of any sense of civility)
yo ~
Hero Magolor joins the pizza party!!
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💙: "I have no idea why there's so much pizza, but I like it!!!" 🍕
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cherry-blossom-qf · 28 days
To your Magolors
Do you believe in ghosts? :)
🎩: "THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY FUCKING GHOSTS HERE!!!" <- terrified of ghosts
💙: "The sponsor for my theme park is literally a ghost in a robot body, so yes. But since I'm not legally allowed to say that, you didn't here that information from me."
🍏: "The Undead Element exists in my world, so yes. A lot of people say that I have a habit of befriending a lot of Skylanders from that element."
🩸: "Since I am mostly undead myself, I can in fact see ghost. There's this one ghost of a knight I killed that won't SHUT UP about me killing them!! Not my fault that you're weaker than the other version of you that I know!! ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU WERE AN EASIER TARGET THAN THE REAL META KNIGHT!!!"
🦋: "...I'm sorry, YOU DID WHAT?!"
🚔: "I heard Momma Bosco used to be a ghost!" ^w^
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cherry-blossom-qf · 28 days
to prince mago: how do ya feel about most magolors being able to beat the master crown with out too much issue :3c
👑: "First of all, fuck you. Second of all, as jealous as I am, at least I can say that I am proud of them for doing the thing I couldn't. I mean... I love Oakley to bits, but I know that not all versions of him are nice enough to spare them. So I'm grateful for the ones that were able to beat those merciless versions."
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