#honestly my favorite pictures anyone has ever taken of me
xensilverquill · 1 year
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me when i get on my earthsea bullshit (more under readmore)
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catboybiologist · 9 months
Hi! I'm Sierra. Time for a pinned post refresh.
Otherwise known as CatboyBiologist, or @hi-sierra (my SFW blog [this one is SFW too, but less so]). This page is remaining active, but if you want to find me somewhere else, I use the same username on reddit, Instagram, co-host, and tech.lgbt. This is me:
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Trans woman, PhD student in molecular biology, boymoder, shitposter, freediver, hot girl on your phone, hiker, rambler (this post included), tgirl tummy tuesday supplier and enjoyer, former femboy, bane of bioessentialist fuckwads who try to use biology to validate biogotry, flaming bisexual, 196 nanocelebrity… whatever was the first thing that brought you to my blog, I hope it’s enough to get you to stay! I post selfies, hornyposts (minors and people who are averse to that be warned), stuff about the ocean, posts about my growing sense of wanderlust, my adorable lil tortoise, tutorials for transfemmes and GNC people, rambles about science, documentation of my own transition, rambles about transness, rambles about the eroticism of programming a machine to feel arousal, rambles about nature, and random shitposts. Please send me pictures of cute animals in your life!
If you wanna support my science career and my transition, consider dropping a tip here! PhD salaries are notorious for being negotiated to be exactly the cost of living…. And then forgotten about for years as inflation drops that below minimum wage. So I’m always a little strapped for cash. Anything helps!
Links to some of my tutorials and relevant resources under the cut:
I'm tracking my transition, and some people have said they found this helpful! This spreadsheet is generally updated monthly:
Usually, I write a little journal to go with it when it updates- you can find that under the #trans journal on my blog.
If you're interested in checking out some of the things I'm trying to write, here's a post with links to individual stories I'm making:
My femboy guide, written well before I started HRT, but still has relevant info:
A "boyboob" tutorial, aka how to make it look like you have cleavage in an outfit that looks better with it:
A quick and dirty guide to taking better selfies, with a specific emphasis on people who may have stopped hating their body recently due to transition:
And here's a few of my personal favorite little rambles and posts about my transness, in no particular order:
CW for transphobia on this one:
A massive shoutout to @foldingfittedsheets for this amazing art of the lil borgir holding a trans flag:
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I adore this so much <3 if you want to support their art, her commissions are open and really sweet!!!!
And of course, a massive shoutout to @whalesharkcat for this lovely pixel art of my tortoise:
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I still love this so much, and will continue to into the future <3
For preHRT selfies, search the femboy tag. For post HRT selfies, use the "trans selfie" tag. I've been on HRT since August of 2023, so I'm still very early in the process! Day to day, I present male, but I plan to change that around the 1 year mark.
I guess that's about it! One final note is that I've been alluding to video/podcast style things for a while now. With my aderrall prescription, I've actually put in a lot of research work that might lead to 1-4 of those, so that might actually happen in the near future! No promises of course, life always catches up to you.
And if you liked my previous pinned post better, here it is:
Anyways, if you read this far, thanks for sticking around and bbyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Nosy Best Friends
Tristan Flynn x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Based on this request from Anon! It was very fun to write and it gave me a second, related idea that I'm planning to post Monday, so thanks for sending it in! Hope you like it!
Fandom: Crescent City
Summary: Flynn's been disappearing a lot to spend time with his human girlfriend, and his friends have decided to finally figure out where he's been going.
Word Count: 2,219
Category: Fluff, Humor, maybe a tiny bit of Angst? But not really
A/N: This fic also has a prequel called Presentation Problems and a sequel called The Best Night Ever, but can also be read on its own!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Ruhn's POV
"Where the Hel are you going?"
Flynn barely stopped at the sound of my voice, half-turning back with an irritated look. I gave him the same one right back.
"I'm going out. Why do you care?"
"You've been disappearing doing Urd knows what for weeks. Come on, Flynn, what's going on?"
Flynn just rolled his eyes. "Nothing, mom. Just relax and mind your own business."
He turned on his heel and walked out the door without looking back. I watched him go, then turned to Dec on the couch.
"Something's going on with him."
"Yeah. Think it's time we do something about it?"
I sighed, rubbing my eyes as I tried to reread what I'd written for the thousandth time. I'd been holed up in my apartment for almost forty-eight hours straight working on a paper for grad school, and I'd started to go a little crazy.
The only reason I hadn't gone crazy about twenty hours ago was my boyfriend, Tristan Flynn. He'd been keeping me company, providing a stream of encouragement and my favorite snacks and helping me take a break when I really needed it, even if I wouldn't admit it. He'd left a couple hours ago to go do something he needed to do, and I'd come very close to hurling my laptop at the wall in his absence.
We'd first met in a similar situation, when I'd hurled my notebook across what I'd thought was an empty classroom. Flynn had been looking for somebody the Aux had followed to campus, and only his fae reflexes had kept him from taking my notebook to his head. If I hadn't been stressed out of my mind already, I would've been worried about having accidentally attacked a member of the fae Aux, especially as a human, but I'd hit my limit that day, so instead I'd shouted at him for interrupting my studying.
Luckily for both of us, once he'd recovered from his shock, he'd seemed to be into that. He'd tried to get me to leave for safety reasons, and I'd refused, so he'd stayed. We ended up hitting it off the bat, and the rest was history.
We'd been together for a few months now, and despite every warning I'd ever heard against dating a member of the Vanir, it was quite honestly the best relationship I'd ever been in. We hadn't told anyone else in our lives yet, mostly because we didn't want our little bubble of happiness being burst, but I had a hard time believing anything could ruin what we'd found together.
The few seconds I'd spent losing myself in memories had been nice, but the glaring light of my laptop screen didn't let me escape for long. I sighed heavily, trying to decide whether it was worth it to power through. I didn't entirely have a choice, unless I wanted to drop out of grad school, but maybe I could find something to do as a small break.
Somebody must have been listening to my silent pleas, because a moment later my phone rang. I smiled when Flynn's face popped up, a terrible picture of him that I'd taken when he wasn't ready. He always switched it back to a shirtless one he'd taken himself when he got the opportunity, and it had become a little silent war between us.
"You have amazing timing," I sighed as soon as I picked up. I could hear his smile through the other end of the phone.
"I always do. Come downstairs."
"...You know I shouldn't. This paper-"
"Is something you've been holed up in that apartment working on for way too long. You're driving yourself insane, and last I checked, you can't turn in anything if you smash your laptop to pieces against the wall. Besides, humans need sunlight. And fresh air."
"An expert on that, are you?"
"I sure am," his voice purred over the phone and I rolled my eyes, but I also felt heat rising on my cheeks. "Just come down here, and I'll show you how much of an expert I am."
I let out a long breath through my nose. Flynn was right. Sitting in this apartment driving myself insane wasn't helping anything. And besides, I really wanted to go spend time with him.
"Alright. I'm on my way."
"Good. I'll see you in a second."
Ruhn's POV
"What in Hel is he doing here?" I hissed to Dec, trying to keep my voice down. We'd tailed Flynn to some apartment complex not far from the college we'd chased some monster down at not long ago.
"I don't know..." said Dec. "Maybe he's got a lead on something for the case? Or a new case, related to all that shit we dealt with last time?"
"You think Flynn's spending his time off work doing more work?"
I shot Dec a look, and he snorted.
"Okay, you're right. It's probably not that."
We turned back to watch Flynn, who had a full bouquet of flowers in his hands. He'd put on the nicest clothes he owned, and if I didn't know better, I would've thought-
"Oh! Tristan, holy shit!"
Dec and I stared wide-eyed as a human female came out of the apartment building, absolutely beaming at Flynn. She ran to him and jumped in his arms, hugging him tight, as he picked her up and spun her around. He kissed her, and when they pulled apart they stayed close, forehead to forehead, just staring at each other lovingly, something I'd never seen Flynn do with a female. I glanced at Dec to find him looking just as shocked as me, and when I turned back to find Flynn practically floating looking at the girl in front of him, I couldn't help my surprised shout.
Tristan and I whirled around in sync at the sound of a loud shout from across the street. I found two fae males staring at us, looking absolutely outraged, and I started to get a little worried until my boyfriend shouted back.
"What the FUCK are you two doing here?"
"I take it you know them?" I asked, turning to Flynn and keeping my voice low. He shook his head, but the irritation in his eyes faded the second he looked at me.
'Yeah, sweetheart, I do. They're my roommates and my friends from the Aux. And they're absolute idiots."
I turned to find the idiots in question storming across the street and towards us, shouting at cars that almost hit them in the process. Unconsciously, I took a half step towards Flynn, and he immediately wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
Not a moment too soon. His friends finally made it across traffic to come to a stop in front of us, and my jaw literally almost hit the floor when I realized one of them was the Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae.
"What the Hel are you doing?" demanded the prince before turning to me. "And who is this?"
"I'm his girlfriend," I snapped, not quite able to stop myself. Both newcomers stared at me in wide-eyed shock, then whirled on their friend.
"Your what?"
"My girlfriend," Flynn said, an edge of steel in his voice that I'd only heard once or twice, usually in relation to Aux business.
The fae before us shared an absolutely shocked look, then whirled back around to look at Flynn.
"Why the Hel didn't you tell us?"
"Is that where you've been sneaking off to every day for the last few months?"
"What the fuck, Flynn?"
They shouted their questions at Flynn in sync, then without waiting for my boyfriend to get ahold of himself enough to answer, the one I didn't recognize turned to me with an apologetic smile.
"I'm Declan," he said, holding out a hand for me to shake. I stared at it for a minute, then slowly took it. "It's nice to meet you."
"...Nice to meet you, too."
"Ruhn. Also nice to meet you," said the prince with a chin nod of a hello in my direction. Then, he turned back to Flynn. "You know everybody's gonna lose it when they realize you've been keeping a steady girlfriend a secret from us, right?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Bunch of Aux members, a spy, and Bryce, it's your own fault for not figuring it out sooner. You should be better at your jobs than this."
Ruhn and Declan's mouths dropped open, and I laughed. I could see them getting ready for a comeback, so I stepped even closer to Flynn and fixed the other two fae with a bright smile.
"It's been nice to get to meet some of Tristan's friends, and I'm sure I'll see you both again soon. But right now, I was promised a break from my term paper by my wonderful boyfriend, and I don't intend to let anything get in the way of that."
"I'd listen if I were you," said Flynn, a massive smile on his face as he looked at me with the most lovesick expression I'd ever seen. It made my heart melt. "We met because she almost clocked me in the head with a notebook for interrupting her study session."
"Well technically I threw the notebook before you came in. And then I yelled at you for interrupting."
"Are you trying to say you wouldn't have thrown the notebook at my head anyway if it'd still been in your hands?"
"...No, I probably would've."
"I know. And I love it." He grinned, leaning in for a heated kiss. It still took my breath away, kissing him, even though it'd been a few months now, and he pulled away far too soon for my liking. "What do you say we get the Hel out of here for your distraction?"
"I say Hel yeah, let's go."
He gave me one last quick peck, then pulled back with a wink. His arm stayed wrapped around my waist as we turned to head off to whatever surprise he had planned, not bothering to spare more than a nod at his absolutely stunned friends.
"You get the weekend, Flynn!" one of them called after us. "And then we're having a party and getting to know this female you're so head over heels for!"
"Sure!" Flynn said, calling back over my head. "As long as she decides she actually wants to meet you!"
I snorted, and when I looked at Flynn I found a beaming smile on his face as we walked down the street together. He held out the hand that wasn't around my waist, finally presenting me with the gorgeous bouquet he'd first shown up with.
"For you."
"Thanks, Tris." I took the flowers and leaned into him, and we continued in comfortable silence for a moment. Then Flynn cleared his throat.
"So, do you... uh, do you want to meet them? My friends and everybody?"
"Well, that depends a little bit... why were they so shocked? Was it because I'm human?"
"No." Flynn's response was immediate, and he stopped dead in his tracks to turn me to face him. He put both hands on my shoulders, his warm brown eyes finding mine. "I would never voluntarily spend time with people who felt or thought that way."
"Okay... then why did they seem so surprised to see you with somebody?"
He grimaced. "You... might be the first serious girlfriend I've had. Ever."
My eyebrows shot up, and my heart skipped a few beats.
"Yeah. I think my record before this was... seeing the same female for two weeks? Maybe?"
I couldn't help barking a laugh, and Flynn grimaced again. My heart, on the other hand, was soaring as I reached up to gently cup his cheek.
"Well, I guess I can see why your friends were so surprised then. I'd be happy to meet them. And I'm honored to be the first female you've decided to stick around for."
He grinned at me, making my heart race even faster, then slowly leaned in until our lips were just a hair's breadth away.
"I'm honored to be a fae male you're willing to date. Based on what another friend has told me, a human like you wouldn't be willing to give just any of us a chance."
I snorted. "Yeah, no kidding. But I'm glad I gave you one."
"Me too."
I gave Flynn a little smirk, then leaned in to close the rest of the distance between us. He wasted no time kissing me back, hard, and we quickly deepened the kiss. I let my one free hand wander up to tangle in his hair, and I was ready to lose myself in him right then and there, but after a few long moments he gently pulled back.
"As much as I'd like to continue this... I think you'll really like the surprise break I have planned."
I smiled, going in for one last quick kiss, then pulling all the way back.
"Alright. Let's go. As long as we can continue this after I finish my assignments?"
"If I ever say no to that, you should be concerned."
I laughed as we headed off down the street together again, hand in hand. I still had many hovering stressors, from school to finally meeting Flynn's extended friend group, but I knew I'd have him with me for all of it. I was starting to get the feeling he was in it for the long haul, and even though that brought plenty of challenges, I couldn't help being excited for it all the same.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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cinnamontails-ff · 28 days
Writing Interview Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag @roguishcat ❤ I love getting to chat about these things.
When did you start writing?
I know this sounds cheesy, but the answer is probably as soon as I could hold a pen. My grandma still has stacks of little stories I wrote (and illustrated ...) when I was a kid. Very cute, but I'm glad I gave up on drawing in the meantime.
I've been writing on and off ever since, but it wasn't until I was in my mid twenties that I decided I'd actively pursue a career in writing. I wrote a few original novels, none of which were ever successful in the world of traditional publishing, then got into fanfiction as a way of rekindling my joy. Once I'm done with my current fic, I'm ready to try with traditional publishing again. Maybe it'll work this time, maybe not, but I guess the bottom line is that I'll always write in some capacity.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I really like stories that are a little unsettling. Not horror, per se (I'm a coward), but those underlying creepy vibes, especially when they come wrapped up in beautiful language and actually end up culminating in something cool toward the end of the story. "Uprooted" by Naomi Novik comes to mind, "The Devil and the Dark Water" by Stuart Turton, and "Portrait of the Pale Elf" by @larvasmoon.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Terry Pratchett is the person who first sold me on the English language. Prior to his books, I'd never seen anyone use English in such a fun, cheeky yet poignant way, and it's definitely something I find myself emulating (all while hopefully putting my own spin on it). I have been compared to him a few times and it's always made my day.
Oh, and I guess Stephen Sommers because people compare my fic to "The Mummy" a lot. Which honestly, is just as flattering.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
At my desk, with a mechanical keyboard. Not because I'm a hipster but because I have absolutely destroyed my laptop's keyboard and then the shop where I'd buy the replacement keys stopped selling my model and I refuse to replace the whole laptop.
I need a sense of quiet when I write. Usually, I write early in the morning before I go to work, and it's honestly my favorite time of the day. It's dark and quiet, I'm all alone, and the day still feels so fresh and full of possibility. I cannot write in public; I find it too distracting. Occasionally, when I'm very in the zone, I'll edit at work but it's never quite as productive.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Go and hunt that bitch down. I know many people love romanticizing their craft and if it helps them to light scented candles or play aesthetic playlists - go for it! For me, the most powerful tool is routine. Knowing that every morning I will sit down and I will write, whether I feel like it or not. Sometimes I drag my feet the whole time, sometimes things click into place and suddenly, I'm having the best time ever. But I will always put words on the page and for me, there's no better feeling than having written (past tense).
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
You probably know this, but I really, really love stories where a regular guy/gal saves the day. It makes me so happy to see the evil vampire lord taken out by the mousy accountant, the fountain pen striking harder than the sword. I think it's because I like to read about real people. People that you could have met in real life, that seem simple on the outside, but have all this strength locked up inside. It's why I dislike stories with picture perfect beauty goddesses that always have the perfect quip, always take out their opponents with 1 blow because they're just that special.
Normal people are special, too. You just need to look a little harder to see.
What is your reason for writing?
I believe it was Brandon Sanderson who said "Stories are like real life but with the boring parts removed". That has really resonated with me. I think the beautiful thing about stories is that they can portray very real issues and conflicts in a way that is infinitely more satisfying because it's all been arranged just so. It can give you closure, it can make you see something in an entirely new light without feeling confrontational. It's like a really, really good conversation with the author and I hope that's what my writing feels like as well.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Two things. I love when readers point out specific lines they enjoyed and I love it when they tell me they reread my work. The term "comfort read" makes me particularly happy because that's exactly how I reread my favorite stories as well.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I think the most important part to me is that my stories feel real. I dislike pretentious, over-the-top writing where you can tell the author is trying super hard to sound clever or sexy or just drowns you in heaps of cheap, undeserved drama that never leads anywhere. With my stories, I want things to feel earned. Natural. Maybe you wouldn't have made those choices, but it makes sense that these characters would have and now we're looking at the very real consequences of their actions.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Character voice, specifically in 3rd person limited. My favorite type of narration because I love getting into a character's head and making you see things through their eyes.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I think every writer struggles with their confidence here and there. I've gone through so many cycles in the past 1.5 years, it's kind of crazy. Going from constant failure in the world of publishing to writing your very first fanfiction just for fun and then having it blow up out of nowhere, all these people showering you in praise, only for the vast majority of them to disappear immediately afterward is a lot to process. We write for ourselves, yes, but as a writer, you can't help but take reader responses to heart. Fortunately, I've never let it influence what I write or how I write; it really only affects my mental state. I know what I like to read and those are the stories I am going to tell, whether they're successful or not.
Aww, this was fun! Tagging @larvasmoon @davenswitcher @pickel182 @karinamay @pouroverpaloma ❤ ❤ ❤
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mxboxlocks · 28 days
heyo, i always wondered why wynslow's wings are the colors that they are? all good if theres no actual reason, theyre very cool looking :)
honestly, it's just because those are my two favorite colors: purple and blue!
well, it's a bit more than that. wynslow was originally extremely based on my sona, which i have the ref for...
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right here! say hello to River, the fallen angel! (if anyone wants a loredump on them i'm highly stacked in Knowledge lol)
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pictured: the first reference sheet i could find for one of wynslow's first designs
now, initially, the resemblance is uncanny. this was fully intentional, as they're a self insert ofc, and it was really just supposed to be "me but in don't starve" rather than trying to make them into an interesting character with backstory and differences. (not that there is anything wrong with true self-inserts, mind you!)
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pictured: one of the first ever instances of wynslow in digital form. i drew this when i was 18 years old! they used to have a circular head... ewww
now, wynslow's gone through a lot of changes since then. most notably, their wardrobe! their sweater vest was directly taken from an item in the game, seen here:
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just with altered colors to match the sort of blue-sleeve-grey-shirt baseball tee they had going on before!
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pictured: wynslow 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 (current design) related note, see wynslow's skin color details here
but the wings have always remained, despite their changes and tweaks. as for why RIVER has purple and blue wings?
...iunno. looked cool i guess. ;P (there'smoretoitthanthatbutshhh this is about wyn)
thanks for asking, i really love it when i get to dig up the archive of old wynslow art on my harddrive. if anyone else is interested in seeing stuff like this, pleaaase let me know!! /gen
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harper-sherman · 1 year
In honor of Robert Fuller's 90th (!!!) birthday today (July 29, 2023), I'm posting about meeting him last month at the MidSouth Nostalgia Festival. @sportstudfan put me up to this, lol. Hope y'all enjoy it!
The MidSouth Nostalgia Festival was held on June 8-10 in Olive Branch, Mississippi. That's just south of Memphis, Tennessee for anyone like me who had never heard of the place. The festival brought together a bunch of classic actors (and one or two contemporary), who mainly appeared in Westerns but from some other genres as well.
The first morning we were there, we got right in line to schedule a time to see Robert, or Bob as his fans call him. Most guests had tables that you could walk right up to, but such is his popularity that his fan club orchestrates time slots to make sure everyone who attends has time to speak with him and get autographs and photos. It was a pretty good system, I believe we waited less than 2 hours. We were able to get into his first group of the day. When Bob showed up, he walked right by the line and greeted everyone very enthusiastically and gave out hugs to some of the more eager fans. I could only smile as he went by because I was honestly starstruck by this point.
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Once our turn came up, we probably got a good five minutes talking to him. I got the impression he would've allowed us to stay even longer, but we tried to be sensitive to the others waiting to see him. We discussed some of his stunts, such as jumping onto Hoot (his horse) in Duel at Alta Mesa. He confirmed that yes, that was actually him and not a stunt actor. He also told us about breaking his leg on Wagon Train. There was a stunt involving a breakaway chair and he wanted to re-shoot it, but he neglected to check the chair beforehand. It had been replaced with an actual chair! We also talked about his quick draw abilities, and he informed us he had been clocked at 28/100ths of a second. Talk about fast! Before we left his table, we got his autograph on a photo from his Emergency! days. If I ever get to meet Randy Mantooth, I plan to point out that Bob's signature went over his forehead, so he can give him Hell about it.
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Something that really amused me watching Bob interact with his fans is how much attention he gives everyone. He was more than happy to hand out hugs and kissed many of the women in attendance. He even autographed a woman's chest (upper sternum, lol) so she could get it tattooed. Keep in mind most of the fans were middle-aged or elderly women, who had fallen in love with him during their youth. The guy's still got it!
We also attended a few panels. The photo below is from one of them; from left to right we have Tony Cameron (son of Rod Cameron, one of my favorite Laramie guest actors), Patrick Wayne (2nd son of John Wayne), the panel interviewer, and Bob. All of the guys were really enjoyable to listen to. Tony is dedicated to keeping his dad's legacy alive and is just a lovely person in his own right. Patrick was very funny and used his some of his time on the panel to advocate for the John Wayne Cancer Foundation.
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There was also a panel with Bob and his wife Jennifer Savidge that I unfortunately did not take pictures of. Those two are great together, they had everyone laughing and you could really tell how much they love one another. Jennifer is also incredibly gracious about the attention Bob gets from his fans. She's a wonderful actress in her own right, having been on her own medical series St. Elsewhere, JAG, and much more.
The MSNF also had vendor tables where you could purchase comic books, memorabilia, or even original art. One woman rented a vendor table so she could share her miniature Sherman Ranch! She removed the roofs so we could see inside the ranch house and barn. She also told us she has swappable backgrounds for different times of year. We were really impressed with the detail and talent that went into her creation.
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On the last day of the festival, we had a photo taken with Bob and Jennifer. We dressed up as Slim and Jess. The first thing Bob said to us was "Wow!", so I think he liked the outfits. ;) On the way out, a few other fans in line stopped us to tell us how much they liked our costumes, which felt really great.
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And that was pretty much it! It was honestly one of the more laid-back conventions I've been to. I wasn't used to having a bunch of downtime between the things I wanted to do. It was also a little weird being one of the younger fans there, but everyone was pretty nice and we were all there for the same reason: to meet Bob!
Bonus pic: while in Memphis we visited the largest Bass Pro Shop I've ever seen, known as The Pyramid. The inside looks like outdoors (as is normal with every Bass Pro), but it was lit like nighttime with string lights and stuff. Along with the usual fish tanks, there was a pond with ducks. I unfortunately did not pay to ride the elevator to the observation deck.
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nighthaterfrfr · 9 months
ama yay! any lautity headcanons u have? (i love collecting peoples headcanons for my favorite characters and ships lol)
-personally, i love thinking that since grace has freckles, steph always likes to try and kiss every single one of them. grace, being grace is just very flustered and confused the whole time. it's gonna lead to sin according to her, but she cant move and she loves it
-they visit each others houses frequently. grace's excuse is that she's got a guest for a bible study, and steph doesnt have an excuse. who needs one if ur dad doesnt give a shit abt u?
-steph regularly uses glasses, due to poor eye sight from blue light exposure (her phone, like a fuckign lot) because of this, grace will sometimes tell steph to get off the phone instead and simply look at her. because looking at a pretty girl never hurt anyone.
(well, except if ur max jagerman)
-grace had been progessively calming down about her christianity thanks to steph, but mostly because its taken a toll on her, too. however, her hardcore beliefs about going to hell, just the guilt one feels from being gay, it still remains deeply rooted. steph tries to comfort her the best she can, but sometimes it just doesn't work,
those are the days steph worries most
-steph being in a class with both pete and grace makes me think she is really intelligent than most people seem. in the fic i made, i picture her in like a hella lot of ap classes, but somehow barely passing
she still does rlly good w the ap exam though somehow
-before they started high school, steph once found her instagram. she scrolled through grace's instagram and was just like "oh my god she's rlly fucking pretty hello?" steph, having no idea about her was crushing hard on some silly girl on her phone. but when they met???
shit she's cute, but she's just... she hates me.
now diverging from some silly things, that would connect well w the hatchetverse
-at one point, steph does in fact find out grace has the black book. she's upset, but grace has no regret. she's up for the hunt. she's up for the hunt and her next target is supposed to be her and pete. but, she can't find yourself to do it. wiggly especially is pissed, but he finds something out.
she has a weakness. perfect to know if she ever betrays them.
-after everything, grace was a shaking crumbling mess. god isnt real, a bunch of asshole beings are, she just turned back on what she treasured most, and most importantly, she got her virginity taken by some ghost max jagerman. steph watched, and pete comforted grace to the best of his ability.
she doesnt know why she's standing by when she knows that she wants to comfort her the most.
thats it for now tbh but i may have more later lol
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year
Fave shows tag game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
Life on Mars
Good Omens
Mad Dogs
@loki-is-my-kink-awakening Thank you so much for the tag lovely!! Putting my answers to the questions behind the cut 😊
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Oh no not this😅 Don't wanna start off totally indecisive but In all honesty Aziraphale and Crowley are such a package deal I've never been able to decide who I liked more so both it is!
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Probably Frank Morgan since he's meant to give everyone the creeps and totally untrustworthy but if we're talking main cast then Ray because everyone else is just too good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
Episode two THE beloved my one and only 🥺💖 12/10 would gladly watch Owen and Tom sit around chatting and mirroring the cafeteria vibes either as Lokius or themselves for the rest of my days
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Gotta be S2!! All the earlier seasons are gold so was very tempted by the latter half of S3 but S2's like a tour de force
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
Baxter and Quinn would an obvious one since John and Phil are married in every role and this is no exception but the dynamic between Baxter and Rick is so weirdly fascinating?? They just clash so instantly, usually to great disaster but will never stop themselves or learn from their mistakes, absolutely obsessed tbh
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
I don't really have one?? If pressed I wasn't interested in Anathema and Newt being shoved together for no real reason or the implication of ending up with someone because you're told but I don't have any active dislike for them or their pairing
7. How long have you watched 1?
Well I was pretty late to pick the show up and watched for the first time around three years ago, have since rewatched the entire series at least 5 times in full, and various clips more times than I could ever count lol
8. How did you become interested in 3?
Thank my url namesake, lol. Truly the most stunning TV experience start to finish I've had with a flawless all star cast and just criminally underrated show in general!!
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
🤣🤣 Feel as if I've walked right into this one and y'all don't even need to hear the answer but that would be Owen Wilson, whose take on Mobius has honestly been life changing for me 💖
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
Oh man as much as I adore Psych I'm stuck between Life on Mars and Good Omens on this one... Oh this is the worst, okay, I'm going... Life on Mars! When taking the point of how much I love both main pairs out of the picture there are more elements of and characters in LoM I think I enjoy more
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I've watched both fully through multiple times but Life on Mars just edges by with having more episodes so that'll be the one!
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Loki or Ravonna just for sheer proximity of how much time would be spent around Mobius lmao, literally my only primary consideration
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
Laughing so hard at this because ironically my favorite character in Psych has pondered many scenarios potentially resulting in his own death lmao. If necessary he'd probably prefer a blaze of glory gunfight but I don't think he'd mind being taken out by his favorite land mine going off?? "Sweet music. And then…nothin' but red mist." 😂
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Not necessarily unless you mean would it work in terms of turning me on in ways I've yet to experience in this life because yes, yes, and YES 😳😳
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Idk if it would be the most unlikely but Sam and Chris would've been cute and I always enjoyed how earnestly Chris ended up admiring Sam's approach to the work and who he is as a person
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
I mean Mad Dogs is my favorite show of all time in part because of how talented the cast is in balancing their roles and I can't see that changing plus I'd follow those guys anywhere
Tagging @faylights, @too-funky, @safedistancefrombeingsmart, @symphony-in-silver, @colourfulwatson, @bebx, @linz33y, @michaelsheens, @veraynes-blog, @aleerax, @abitofboth, @eyeldritch, @lovingvincent, @seekers-who-are-lovers, @z-aliada, and @alternatively-undesignated as always only if y'all feel like it plus anyone else who wants to join! 💕
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dearmailman · 1 year
Yay! Thank you for responding :)
I would really like to request a writing piece about a Regressor Howdy? It may seem silly but I like to picture him on the Younger/Baby side of regression!
I don't mind fanfic or headcanons, nor who would be a caretaker in this scenario (if anyone at all!), just whatever's easiest on you!
Thank you again Eddie! Seeing your blog on my dash is always enjoyable! :D <3
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I might do a fanfic with this too, but here’s some ideas and headcanons for now! Enjoy neighbor!
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Howdy is often very stressed out - understandable as he’s the only neighbor with a business to run. He has a lot of trouble slowing himself down, he even talks at 50 mph! Wally, being the most helpful neighbor, noticed this early on. What started as making sure he gets to bed and feeds himself and stops to have fun eventually became caregiving for him.
Howdy nor Wally realized what was happening at first. Just that Howdy would quiet drown and get very sleepy and wide-eyed when Wally took on responsibility instead. Eddie was the one who recognized regression as regression! Wally loved the idea right off the bat - what a perfect way to get his neighbor to take time off!
Wally and Eddie looked at a catalog for baby toys in secret and ordered anything they thought Howdy would love. Howdy was certainly surprised when five entire boxes were delivered to him the next day. He opened them and was quite confused - until Eddie suggested asking Wally what they were for. There were six entire pacifiers, a whole box worth of building blocks, three cuddly blankets, and more - honestly more than Howdy would ever have gotten for himself!
Howdy called Wally, and Wally came to the shop very smug. He was swaying his hips in a “can you blame me?” way the entire time Howdy interrogated him. Wally convinced him to close up early and they went up stairs to his apartment. Wally wrapped him in a blanket (barely big enough for him) and convinced him to try one of the pacifiers. Howdy was very nervous and unsure at first, it was a little embarrassing to let himself be so relaxed and vulnerable. Being in a baby-like mindstate is so comforting, though....
Howdy did relax as the night fell, with Wally chatting at him softly as the sun set, wrapped in blankets and just settling down for a bit. He felt that same mindstate come to him, feeling safe and quiet, not needing to impress anyone or worry about selling things. Just relaxing with someone who cares for him, no responsibility or pressure over his head.
Wally doesn’t talk about memories often, but that night he reminisced about finding a baby caterpillar in an apple outside while the other little neighbors were playing. He laughed and ran his hand over Howdy’s hair, and told him that it’s his favorite memory of the few he has. He reminds Wally of that memory when he lets himself be taken care of.
Howdy was very tired and felt pleasantly foggy and warm. He doesn’t actually remember that, but that’s okay. It’s comforting to know he and Wally have a long history.
Howdy ends up really enjoying pacifiers, they’re soothing and help him relax. Building blocks are great too! It gives all four of his hands something to play with, sometimes building three towers at once.
Even if Wally isn't over that day, Howdy always sleeps with one of the baby blankets - a light blue one with fruits patterned on it. He indulges and lets himself regress every night before bed. Regression is his tool for relaxing and decompressing!
Eddie and Frank also caretake for him sometimes. They’re involved less often since it makes Wally jealous sometimes, but Wally also trusts them as babysitters! Frank reads books about butterflies to him - sometimes asking suspicious questions about caterpillar biology, which makes Howdy laugh. Eddie always does crafts or bakes with him!
Poppy also babysits! She doesn’t understand as much about regression, but she would always care for her neighbors when they need it. Howdy loves her snacks and they’re the perfect size to cuddle each other!
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asteracaea · 3 months
Hi! Do you hear the vibe of Dress in imgonnagetyouback or just me? Also the first 10 seconds sound similar to the first 10 of Cornelia Street, what does it mean!?
oh, imgonnagetyouback, one of my most favorites! i'm wild for this song!
i just listened to the first 10 seconds of both back and back: and YES i totally hear what you mean! the "wub wub wub wub wub" of cornelia street kind of smoothed out and softened. i really wish i knew more about music and production to be able to talk about those aspects of her songs better! i'm sure there's a TON of things to analyze there that we don't often think about!
and yes i definitely get the dress vibes! they are both so sexy and sultry, a low slow burning electricity of attraction. ah! so hot lol
and as for what it all means? well, i'm sure you can guess what i would say it means 😉 that they could all be inspired the same muse. and now to a very important point about how i listen to taylor's songs:
>>> in that last sentence i deliberately wrote "inspired by the same muse" instead of "about the same person" because i believe there is a distinction. to me, the phrase "about the same person" implies that a song is telling a true story about an actual event that actually happened. i know taylor has built her entire brand on the narrative that her songs are taken straight from her diary entries, but i honestly don't believe that and i don't think it was ever true. sure maybe some are more direct than others but definitely not all. remember how she said she had never been in any relationship before like speak now? so all those songs about relationships from her first two albums and the unreleased catalogue are made up. which IS SOMETHING ALL WRITERS DO. there is some weird insistence today that all female songwriters are not imagining fictional scenarios and all their art is taken directly from their lived experiences, but that's never true. sure, they can be related to or inspired by or transformed from emotions they felt but they could also be about things they've observed in others or seen in movies etc etc etc. i'm going off on a tangent but i think this point is important.
so ok, the concept of a muse. a muse is someone who inspires art and creation. taylor could have a muse in her life who she imagines in different scenarios, imagines how she herself would feel in those scenarios, crafts stories with the muse as a main character. dreams about how other people respond to the muse. muses inspire the imagination. so taylor could be musing on her muse and come up with fictional stories. they don't all have to be about actual events taylor experienced with this person.
(disclaimer: i don't know her creative process. maybe i'm completely wrong about how she works. but it's possible, and i think it discredits her talents as an artist to claim that she can only ever write about things she herself has experienced. no one ever says that about novelists!!! and taylor herself explicitly said she did this with folklore, so i don't know why this is even a conversation, ya kno?)
so, in my mind, a song like the 1 or gold rush or imgonnagetyouback could be inspired by a certain person even if the two of them never experienced those things literally. in my prívate mind, i can enjoy picturing a certain person in these sad broken-up heartbreak longing songs, but not believe that's what actually happened between them in real life. taylor could be imagining how she (or a fictional narrator) would feel in a situation like that, if the muse were her lover and left her, or if they never became lovers at all, or if they broke up but she's not sure if she's gonna smash up this person's bike or pull them back into the closet... etc etc
so that's just how i do. it may not make sense, i may not be able to explain it well, but it makes me not worry or stress about this kind of stuff. we can't know the truth, so let's interpret the songs in the way that makes us enjoy them the most! and don't let anyone tell you you're wrong, because they don't know the truth either, and the truth honestly doesn't matter. as taylor says over and over, these songs are ours now.
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tvshowspoilers · 2 years
Doing another re-watch of Our Flag Means Death. Figured I'd time it with Kristan Nairn's (spelling) last watch and David J being on his stream. I got more stuff to say/noticed. I love this show soooo much <3 Apparently it is live commentary time!
Does anyone know what is on Jim's old knife that is on the rock with their clothes when they go swimming in Episode 2. Looks green with a flag?
Mary's mom's outfit is so pretty! The pink with the embroidery is lovely <3 (Episode 4, at the beginning) Also her wedding outfit is pretty too. I love that blue.
Also, I wonder if the pearl necklace that Ed wears is one Stede gets from home cause we see Mary wearing a pearl necklace in epi 4. Or do you guys think he makes it?
Also, why did Stede immediately jump to thinking Ed was apart of Blackbeard's crew?
Also, the picture over the fireplace changed I think? In the scene with Nigel dying it has people on it but when he is talking to ed in 4, its just clouds.
I also love that when Stede suggests retirement he's like "I can't believe I'm saying this"
I adore that we as a fandom have just taken Ed's knee brace that is probably there to make him look cool and just ran with it actually being there cause knee problems.
Still analyzing what his look before saying "want to do something weird" means...
Izzy is such a dramatic bitch and I love that (definitely on the right ship for that)
When I first saw this I didn't understand why Ed was pushing Stede so hard but I think now its because he was showing him the pressure he suffers as Blackbeard. Same with episode 6. I get now that he's preparing him to be able to stab someone in case shite happens. The first time I saw it, I honestly thought it was because he thought they might have to fight each other and Ed was preparing him for that.
I wonder of in season 2 we are actually going to get to see Ed fighting cause we didn't at all in season 1.
Still can't get passed Ed's look when he tells Stede "Go" to pull the sword out.
Also something something episode 6 when Ed mentions turning a persons fear against them feels important for the last episode but I can't explain it.
When Stede is wearing his black turtleneck get up, I just noticed he was wearing a blue cloth tied around his waist.
Also can't get over Izzy caressing the curtain in Epi 6.
Still hurts that Ed not only lost a potential love interest but someone that seemed like a true friend.
So proud of Stede for catching the sword when challenged by Izzy. And I think he means the use of fuckery that Ed taught him well on, not actual sword fighting.
Also Jim during the entire duel scene XD love seeing them pantomime stabbing Izzy, lol
Also Izzy's choice of words still makes me giggle. "You will rue it LONG and you will rue it HARD." Izzy, what
Still wondering why exactly Ed wanted to leave the Revenge in epi 7 and why he was in a mood all day? was he embarrassed? Did he realize his feelings? During the treasure hunt was he just hungry and hated nature?
I can't wait to see if we ever get more about Jim's brother in season 2
Episode 7 is my favorite Jim/Olu episode <3
In episode 8...Ah I love Stede's little eyebrow flinch when CJ asks if he's buggering Ed.
Also I can't get over Samba's story about the hardest filming moment being the scene with Karl's death because he was behind a hexing Buttons who had his butt clenched.
Confident Stede is just...*chef kiss*
poor stede looks like he's going to cry when Ed leaves
I just noticed the red rim around Stede's eye from the telescope in episode 8 when he is spying on Ed and CJ
Goodness do I love that they used "The Chain" and it has gained new popularity because of that. It's such a good song. Freaking love Stevie Nicks. I grew up listening to this song <3
The foot touch!! Still hits even after seeing it several times.
I love unhinged Roach, lmao.
Idk but something about when Chauncey says to Ed that Stede is "apart of my world, not yours"
Aww, my heart still warms when the crew calls Stede a real pirate and defends him <3
Izzy's Revenge does sound funny
Omg, the kiss still is just as powerful. The little noise Stede makes! Ed practically climbing in to his lap! I can't wait till season 2 kisses.
Aww I want to see a little bit of Captain Olu in season 2.
Just noticed Stede has two pillows. Is one Ed's or did he Stede his way in to getting two?
Ed's last scene being happy D:
Geez, the trauma of Chauncey's death. I just took a trauma theory class and something we discussed is what is trauma. There was a writer who had a theory that a part of trauma comes from how a person reacts to a event. Considering (we assume) that this death caused Stede to run back home, we can say that this death was much more traumatic then any of the others. I hope that gets explored in Season 2.
My heart hurts every time I see Ed waiting for Stede. I wish he had looked for Stede, considering that man is a trouble magnet, but considering his own trauma, I can see why he didn't.
He had to of cried a bit while he rowed to the revenge, right? But he definitely looked angry while rowing? Probably at himself and Stede
I love the title of episode 10 so very much. Also, that we got to see Mary explore freedom. And the song at the very end of the episode. Miles from Nowhere was a wonderful choice. Also Avalanche.
I finally realize what I would call some of Stede's behavior while he is home. Bitter. I was just going to go with heartbroken and stuff but yeah, bitter.
I wonder if the crew realizes that Izzy is lying out his ass. Or if they know what happened to Stede. Maybe the crew just thinks that Stede decided not to come? or that he wasn't able to leave? Up until Lucius talks with ed?
Fang is precious <3
Just realized Ed was whistling while he was tidying up the Captain's room.
Sometimes I skip episode 10 on my re-watches. It huuuurrrts. I don't think I could accept a Izzy redemption arc until he realizes he messed up by turning Stede in and verbally hurting Ed when he was already vulnerable
He couldn't let go of Blackbeard so he's letting go of Ed T_T I think along with all the other analyzing of why Ed is crying, I think some of it is he just misses his friend.
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nickypoppieandel · 1 year
Tuesday 3rd October
Hopefully I can upload a few photos this evening. Having gone to bed really early, day started started really really early for Nicky and I as we woke right up at 5 am, jumped up, showered and dressed and went for a walk along the waterfront - there being enough lights for us to see our way and not trip and spoil our holiday! Flam (pronounced Flum … or as our tour leader calls it, “The Flum”!) is honestly one of the prettiest and most peaceful and yet dramatic places I have ever been to. I hope you get an idea from the photos.
After our walk, a MONSTROUS cruise ship (Carrie’s 5000 people!) was parked right in front of our hotel balcony! It wasn’t there when we set off, but was being guided in to the dock. Not for me, that sort of holiday, but others love it. Actually …I would be interested to try it for a long weekend, “just to see…”. The walk was beautiful because it was mild …. and silent …. and pretty!
Anyway, after breakfast, we jumped on board a lovely catamaran ferry and slowly cruised up and around the Sognefjord (the King of fjords) which is UNESCO World Heritage site. Water literally thousands of meters deep and fed by hundreds of small and huge waterfalls with the occasional farm house - often with its own sauna hut at the water’s edge - and a few sheep. I have SO many questions to ask about how the people living there survive, surely they can’t make a living from 20 sheep and there was no sign of electricity poles and wires on one side of the fjord and there would be no chance of solar power. So if any of you know a Norwegian who knows anything about this area of agriculture, I’d love to know!
Again, I am blown away by the height of the mountains either side of the fjords and the depths of the water. We all ooo’d and aghhh’d about how beautiful it is - and it is - but how tough would it be to live there!!
Although we came to Flam by rail, there is vehicle access too, one road going through the longest tunnel in the world - 25 km!
But back to the fjord cruise… I think I will have to let the photos paint the picture.
From the ferry, we caught a bus, weaving along the road (no… the driver wasn’t our “high” tour guide from 2 days ago!!!) past the sweetest little houses and tiny villages and …. MORE WATERFALLS. What amazes me about the waterfalls is not only how many of them, but the power of them. Even the ones that look to be trickling down, are white. I have just looked up a scientific answer to this, but you can do that!! I just know it’s because of the velocity of the fall.
From the bus, we were again on a train, and arrived in Bergen (or as Richard our tour leader says “The Berrrrrgen”. Bergen is a very busy shipping port (it would been very scary thousands of years ago, to see the Vikings rowing in!) that has very little flat land on which to build, so many of the houses are built on the side of mountains. Nicky Poppie and I have become accustomed to a very early dinner and book reading for Nicky and blogging for me (Poppie is in another room) and going to sleep early. So as I write this, it is 8 pm and we have had our dinner (a restaurant specializing in fish which was so beautifully fresh and yummy), walked a bit and then stopped at a groovy little place and had a short black coffee and Poppie and I shared a scoop of ice cream and half an apple cake thing. I didn’t eat my chips, so didn’t feel too guilty! Each day though, we had taken advantage of the delicious breakfast and had a more than hearty one and not needed anything until dinner. All breakfasts are provided and some dinners.
There are 22 people on our tour, mostly couples and all friendly and thank goodness no prima donnas! Of course there are all sorts and we have our favorites!! There is one giant of a man (tall and big, not fat) who is just a bit “odd”. He has an English wife who seems oblivious of the fact that we know he’s a bit odd. He doesn’t engage with anyone, and if he answers a question, it is always a bit obtuse. He seems completely in his own world, pushes past people etc. Anyway, I think he’s harmless! On the way back from dinner-plus-naughty-snack, we passed a group of young women lit up from head to toe in sparkles and pink, in an outdoor cafe. I asked (all Norwegians are happy to speak English) “Is someone getting married?” and they said it was the pink breast cancer “run”. We told them we had that in Australia too. We actually told them it started in Australia but maybe it didn’t. But they think it did, now!! How amazing is that anyway! A little later we saw lots of young runners dressed in all different shades of pink, running through the town.
Norway is a very peaceful and generally homogenous and egalitarian country, but there are rumblings of dissatisfaction about “economic refugees” being given special treatment. Yet they are still reeling from “one of their own”, Anders Breivik, who was the young man who firstly, killed 8 people from a bomb he planted in the city, then 69 young people at a youth camp on one of the little islands off Oslo. He said it was a wake up call to save the world from Muslims. Such is Norway’s homogeneity, each year on National Constitution Day, they all dress up - regardless of politics - find their ribbons and Norwegian flags and come out onto the street and watch children sing songs. They do this to celebrate something wonderful or reflect on something awful, that has been in the press about Norway. It’s al ost childlike. Maybe because it’s such a small country that it is easier to gather people.
Well, I’m going to have a go at uploading photos now. Wish me luck …
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Secretos o las ruedas y el mar: Act 1
In 2024 a group of our favorite skaters ended up having a bit of a time-traveling escapade. Now over 20 years later, two girls find the very mysterious book at the Blake library and end up discovering that they definitely do not know everything about their parents' past.
So, this is a little bit of a Daughter fic/Spin-off of Memories of Time, so I recommend reading that before this. Like a Red Rose Blooms in the Oxford Garden is also recommended for some context.
“Don’t get in trouble!”
“You said that last year as well. Why on earth would I get in trouble?” Aurora rolled her eyes at her brother Oscar, who had dropped her in the front of Blake South College. Their younger sister Laura had already come in early for freshmen orientation, so Oscar only had had to drive Aurora to the school.
“Well, Firecracker, if someone of us gets detention someday, it’d be you,” Oscar laughed at her, “And I am not explaining that to Mom and Dad.”
“Don’t call me that!” Aurora yelled as Oscar drove the car off to park it. As he was out of view, she just shook her head and walked through the heavy wooden doors. 
Firecracker was a nickname Dad had given her years ago, even before Laura had been born. Aurora didn’t mind when he called her that, but it was their thing, if anyone else did it, it was one of the most annoying things ever. Only Dad was allowed to call her that.
Oscar always loved to tease her. He was the firstborn, who had their mother’s intellectual, calmness, and sensitiveness. Laura had the artistic talents of both of their parents, while Aurora was the headstrong, charming, inquisitive perfectionist who apparently reminded Grandma a lot. Three of them were pretty different in some aspects, but anyone who ever met them always said that you could not mistake whose children they were. 
Aurora’s phone dinged again. Her best friend Stella had been blowing up her phone all morning. She was apparently panicking about something that she refused to tell her about via text… Honestly, with Stella, it could be anything, especially since it literally was the first day of their sophomore year. 
“Oh good, you are finally here!” Stella jumped to hug Aurora as she met her at the door to the library and her blonde-dyed natural curls went straight to Aurora’s face.
Aurora shook her head, as she hugged her back. She had known Stella all her life, or more like all Stella’s life, Aurora had already been ten months and there were pics, taken by her dad, of them meeting at the hospital. Their parents always joked that they were the reincarnation of their moms, who were best friends, just like their dads were as well.
“Oscar was driving,” Aurora explained, “So, what is so urgent that you woke me up with your alarming texts? I had to be on my phone so much, that Dad full-on asked me who I was texting. Now he thinks that I have a secret boyfriend. So, thanks a lot.”
“But your dad’s not protective,” Stella shrugged.
“You’re only saying that because he is your godfather, not your father,” Aurora scoffed, “I mean, he pretends that he is not. Always says that we can go out, but we need to let them know where we’re going and he wants to meet the guys first, just to put faces to the names. It’s a miracle Alex has not run away yet, or that Laura didn’t get grounded for meeting him at camp.”
Alex was Laura’s boyfriend, who she had met during the summer at a skating camp she had attended with her best friend Ivory Alvarez. He didn’t go to Blake and Laura had spent the whole of last evening talking with him on the phone.
“I need this book,” Stella took her phone out and showed Aurora a picture of a book cover, “I have this perfect move that I could do on the rink with a snippet of this, for the book tok.”
“This was about a book for your TikTok?” Aurora crossed her arms. She had known Stella for almost 16 years and still, she was able to surprise her. “I thought you were on fire at least.”
“I need your help,” Stella pleaded, “Blake library for sure has that book, but you know I can’t go deeper than two shelves before getting lost.”
“It’s really not that hard.”
“For you, it is not,” Stella grabbed Aurora’s arm, “It’s in your blood. We all don’t have the library navigation genes that the Peridas carry.”
“Just because Mom and Dad got together while spending way too much time at the library at Oxford, doesn’t mean there is genetics involved,” Aurora shook her head. She had heard that story more times than she would have liked, but Laura the hopeless romantic, had always pleaded with Mom and Dad to tell them the story more times than was possible to count when they had been younger. 
Mom and Dad had known each other while they had been at Blake and in the team of Jam & Roller and Stella’s Mom and Dad had been—and still were—their best friends. Then both of them had gone to study at Oxford and ended up in the same circles again. Apparently, sparks had flown pretty quickly, but they had actually done something about it once Dad had volunteered to help Mom with some physics course she had taken. Who knew why a literature major who would become a well-known author later ever took physics, but that was not important. They had gotten married six months after they had moved back to Buenos Aires after Mom had graduated with her masters.
“—And we can talk about how Stella Balsano can’t play the guitar to save her life.”
“Okay, you made your point,” Stella started dragging Aurora towards the library, “Now, lets go find that book.”
“Okay, so it’s fiction so stocked at the very back,” Aurora said as they entered the library. “And the author’s name started with an S, right? That means left…”
“Told you, Master Navigator,” Stella teased her as they started walking deeper in the library.
“Do you know where we are?” Stella started questioning as they walked even deeper into the library.
“Of cours—” Aurora started saying but stopped in her tracks, “Except that I have never seen that before.”
They were standing next to the wall that had a big, engraved stone board. 
“Huh?” Stella walked towards the board, “Notable Alumni of Blake South College.” She read. “Cool, I didn’t know they kept tabs on these. Wonder what these people have done?”
Aurora walked next to Stella and looked at the board herself. It read a bunch of names, their graduation year from Blake, then a degree and the school. “Yale, Harvard, Cambridge. I don’t think these are notable because of what they have done, but because of what school they attended after graduating from Blake. Blake seems to take a lot of pride in stuff like this.”
“Wow, look,” Stella exclaimed suddenly, “Your parents are on here.”
“What? Really?” Aurora moved to the right side of the board where Stella was standing. There it really was. 
About maybe five names from the last one read:
Gastón Perida; Graduated in 2017; Master of Science and Technology, University of Oxford 2022
Nina Simonetti; Graduated in 2018; Master of Literature, University of Oxford 2023
“Well, it does make sense why these are stacked here then,” Aurora had noticed that on the shelf next to the board held all of her mother’s books, from her debut trilogy, the five-part SciFi saga to the currently only published part of the new mystery series. The shelf even had the stand-alone book that her parents had written together. That was currently the only time Mom had published something under her current name: Nina Perida, instead of her maiden name Simonetti, which she had kept as a pen name. 
Mom had always said that Blake had her books in stock, but Aurora had never been able to find them, well until now. She had always wondered where they were. The couple of research articles Dad had done —he had argued for a Ph.D. after Laura had been born and now gave occasional lectures at the University of Buenos Aires and UCA in addition to being one of the senior engineers in Castillo corporation’s executive team— were well on display at the library’s entrance. 
“Hmmm, wonder if Oscar knows about this board,” Aurora looked back up from the shelf, “Because if he does, he must be hell-bent on getting his name on it. I heard him working on his personal essay yesterday with Mom…typical of him, better be early than on time. School started today! He appears to forget that he still needs to actually graduate before he can go to college, and that aint happening till the end of the year.”
Oscar had, ever since Aurora could remember, always wanted to be a doctor just like Aunt April. About a year ago he had set his eyes on Oxford. “Continuing the legacy” Aurora guessed.
“It’ll be weird to think that he’ll be gone.” Stella looked up, her eyes getting a dreamy look in them. “Well, across the ocean, but still not here. All alone, without any of us. I’m gonna miss him.”
“Steallaaaaa, I really need you to stop,” Aurora groaned. She had not yet been able to pinpoint where Stella’s ludicrous crush on Oscar had appeared, but it had already run its course with her patience over the summer, “He is my brother, that is gross.”
“Well…” Stella just shrugged her shoulders.
“I am saying this because I care about you,” Aurora took Stella by the shoulders, “He is not interested in you, and never will be. He will go to Oxford, find some english girl, and bring her home. Plus, your dad will kill any guy who even dares to approach you… And contrary to popular belief, I don’t want Oscar to die.” 
Honestly, those words didn’t hold as much weight as you might have thought. Yes, Aurora didn’t want her big brother getting killed in Matteo’s hands, but that wasn’t any surprise to anybody. Oscar, she and Laura were actually really close, had always been. They were only about two years apart from each other —Laura was a freshman, Aurora a sophomore, and Oscar a Senior— and Mom and Dad had made sure they had made a lot of memories together growing up. They had travelled the world: a lot of trips to the states, to Disneyland and Disney World, multiple Disney Cruises and had been to Europe more times than you could count. Aurora had been able to speak fluent English since she had been 11, if not younger.
“He wouldn’t kill his own godson…” Stella pondered, “...and who else is Dad supposed to approve of?”
Aurora shrugged, “Lucas?”
“Lucas Arias?” Stella questioned.
“I wasn’t being serious.” Aurora shook her head, “I just feel weird about even considering dating anybody offspring from our parents' circles… we’re all basically cousins. It just feels wrong…and he has a girlfriend. Oscar should get one, so you would get released from under that spell.”
"Don't tempt fate like that." 
Aurora had gone back to looking at her mom’s books and her attention suddenly focused on a book next to them. It was a thick book called With the Speed of Light by Markus Tuominen. Aurora had never heard of that before. The book looked really intriguing.
“What are you staring at?” Stella walked next to Aurora.
“Ever heard of this book?” Aurora pointed towards the book. Aurora had grown up with two bookworms as parents, so she obviously was a nerd quite profoundly, but Stella loved reading too. Luna and Matteo always said that it had been due to Aurora’s parents’ influence as Stella’s godparents. 
“No.” Stella shook his head. 
“Me neither.” Aurora grabbed the book and tried to pull it off the shelf. It was heavier than it looked, and it was extremely hard to get it moving. “Something about the name Markus Tuominen sounds familiar to me.”
“Let me help.” Stella took hold of the spine of the book and together the girls were able to get it to moving. 
It was a struggle, but they finally got the book pulled out of the shelf, but it was so heavy that they instantly dropped the book onto the ground…
Suddenly a bright light, almost like lightning had stricken inside, blinded both of them. 
“What was that?!” Stella screamed as they jumped away from the book.
“Something just happened,” Aurora shook her head. “That was very weird.”
She bent down to pick the book off the ground, and to her confusion, it was much lighter. Aurora was able to lift the book up with ease. 
“Aurora… look…” Aurora was just about to open the book when Stella’s horrified voice stopped her. She looked toward Stella, who was pointing to the Notable Alumni board. 
Aurora saw the problem at once. The board was limestone, the type usually used in gravestones and all the names were carved into it… It was not possible to remove them. Still somehow, someway, her parents' names were gone and so were all the other names that had been after them. The last name that was on the board now, had graduated in the year 2012. 
“They’re gone…” Stella said in a horrified whisper. “How’s that possible? We’re not crazy right? They were there carved on stone, you saw them.”
“I did,” Aurora walked closer to the board. This was strange…
…something came into her mind in a flash…It was not possible, but what other explanation was there? 
“Aurora?” Stella’s voice sounded again, “You are being too quiet.”
“Just got an idea,” Aurora mumbled and pulled her phone out of the blazer pocket, “This is absolutely crazy…but…”
“But? But what?” Stella’s voice grew more frantic, but Aurora ignored her for the time being. She opened her phone and…
It wasn’t possible… but at the same time, it really was. Aurra stared at the right corner of her phone. The date couldn’t be right. 
“My phone says that it’s 2017.” Aurora finally said and looked at Stella, whose face was absorbed by shock. 
“No,” Stella started shaking her head, almost like she was trying to detach the skull from the spine. “That’s not possible.”
“Would explain the board,” Aurora felt her voice waiver…
“It’s not possible,” Stella was still standing more still than she ever had in her life. 
“It shouldn’t be,” Aurora looked at the book again. Had it caused this? What had that big flash been? “But everything is evolving. Dad sometimes says that he wouldn’t be surprised if material teleportation was invented in twenty years’ time.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that we should not be time-traveling now! Why? How?”
Aurora shook her head, “It has something to do with this.”
“A book?” Stella stared. “A book caused us to travel back in time?”
“You know light-speed is a type of time-travel, and how the book was super heavy, but now it is not.” Aurora continued, “I mean if you don’t believe me, look at your own phone. When have they ever been wrong about the dates? Technology doesn’t fail like that.”
Stella pulled her own phone from the pocket of the uniform…and stared at it. “No… no no no no. It’s not happening…Non è possibile! Come è successo!?! Devo stare sognando, questo deve essere un incubo. No no no, questo non è reale. Non sono nemmeno riuscito ad andare al college. O avere il mio primo bacio! O sposare Osc...” She started pacing around while words kept coming out of her mouth. 
“Stella,” Aurora sighed. Ever since she had been little, she had had this aspiration of speaking languages. She wanted to be able to speak four or more, by the time she finished college. Spanish was her native and English had come along quite naturally as their parents had made sure they all had learned it, not just from school. Aurora had been studying Italian since the seventh grade since La Hoja de roble had not offered it before which had been extremely frustrating. She was actually quite good at it already and often understood it quite well… but when the bi-lingual Stella went off, no one could understand her… “Can you cool it with the Italian?”
“It’s how I panic!” Stella stopped her pacing and stared at Aurora.
“I know,” Aurora nodded, “But there’s no reason to panic.”
“THERE’S NO REASON TO PANIC?!” Stella grabbed Aurora by the shoulders, “There is every reason to panic! We just have traveled back in TIME! To 2010s! The feeble early years of the 21st century! This is literally 30 years before where we were!”
“Okay, yeah, I get it,” Aurora tried to keep her voice calm, even though Stella’s panic was starting to catch on. There were thons of other places she’d much rather be, but Aurora Perida would not panic. “But this is not helping.”
“What will help?”
“But we have to start from somewhere…” Aurora put the book back on the shelf and started looking around the library.  “Now we first need to figure out what kind of time travel this is.”
Aurora stood in place for a moment thinking, before walking next to the nearest bookshelf and knocked on the wood. It made a sound. This would need some testing. She could cross the consciousness transferring off her list, given that she and Stella would have not been born for over ten years.
She ran her hand on the shelf before picking up one of the books. Aurora turned it around in her hands… and then threw it on the floor. 
“What are you doing?” Stella stared at her. 
“Just wait.” Aurora said while not taking her eyes off the book on the floor. Then she suddenly blinked and…and the book was gone. Aurora turned her head back to the bookcase and saw that the book was back on the shelf, exactly at the same place where she had taken it from. “Fascinating.”
“What?” Stella was looking extremely confused, “Mind telling me what’s going on here?”
“I think I figured it out,” Aurora finally turned to look at Stella. “Were like observers.”
“Meaning?” Stella pleaded, “Aurora, I’m not you. My mother is not an author, I don’t speak fluent poetry. Please don’t speak in riddles.”
“Okay,” Aurora leaned into a bookcase, “You see I’m leaning on this. I can touch it, so we can interact with stuff, so we’re not ghosts like…like in A Christmas Carol. You understand?”
“I think so?” Stella’s eyes were wide open.”
“The thing is, you saw the book, that we can interact with things, but can’t influence them or impact.” Aurora continued, “In other words, we can’t change the past in any kind of way.”
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“Yes, it is,” Aurora nodded, “We can only observe. This is cool.”
“Aurora, you're the only person in the whole world who can find this cool,” Stella groaned.
“Well, I am the daughter of Nina and Gastón Perida,” Aurora rolled her eyes, “You said it yourself, it’s in my blood.”
“So, what do we do now?” Stella was running behind Aurora who had started walking. 
“First figure out if anyone can see or hear us,” she responded and stopped next to the library's office, a little bit away from the library entrance. 
“You mean we’re going go amongst other people?” Stella asked alarmed, “What if they can see us?”
“Then we’ll just blend in,” Aurora shrugged. Yes, she was a bit scared herself, but also getting more and more excited by the second. There was something so fascinating about this… “You have seen the pictures from our parents’ school days. The uniforms have not changed one bit.”
Aurora peeked inside the librarian’s office. Maybe if she banged on the glass, she could see if she was getting a reaction—
“Oh my god!” Stella suddenly screamed and Aurora jumped around. 
“What?” Stella was pointing toward one of the hallways between the bookcases. Aurora saw a back of a student, whoever they were, walking away. 
“He almost ran over me.” Stella squeezed herself against a bookcase, “Like he didn’t even see me.”
“He didn’t see you!” Aurora exclaimed. 
“Why do you sound happy about me almost getting trampled to my death?”
“It proves that no one can see us,” Aurora continued as relief flooded into her. Whatever this was, at least it was following the rules. “Or hear us… since you have been yelling a lot. Let’s go!” She grabbed Stella’s hand and started pulling her toward the library exit.
“Go where? Shouldn't we stay at the library and find a way to get back?”
“Yes, of course,” Aurora nodded but still kept walking, “But first let’s look around. We have nothing to lose, and I want to see how Blake has changed. Let's go explore…I mean we don’t know if we’ll even ever remember this.”
“You really are enjoying being in this Sci-Fi novel?” Stella tried to keep up with Aurora. 
“Maybe just a little bit,” Aurora shrugged, “No harm done, plus I kind of feel like there is something that someone somewhere wants us to see, hence why any of this is even happening.”
“Like what?” Stella really seemed like she wasn’t going to have any of this. “What on earth could there be to see in 2017?”
“We’ll need to figure that out. “Aurora shook her head. 
She looked out of the library’s entrance. The time was 9:15 pm so the first class of the day had just ended and the second one was about to begin in 15 minutes. The hallway was crawling with students…and yep, the uniforms had not changed one bit. 
Aurora tried to look around everywhere as she and Stella joined in the flow of students leaving their classes. Stella on the other hand was jumping from place to place making frightened noises. 
“You don’t need to keep dodging,” Aurora raised her eyebrow at Stella. “They can’t see us.”
“I know that,” Stella stopped for a moment, “But I rather not know what it feels like to have someone else’s body morph through mine. Can we go somewhere where is not this crowded?”
“Sure.” They turned left from the hallway and entered the school’s main hall. It was much less crowded, thankfully. 
Aurora looked at the walls. How ancient was this school? Again, almost nothing had changed in 30 years. Only the touch screens on the walls were missing. Her eyes saw a paper calendar on the wall. Those really had been real? Seemed like it. 
“Aurora?” Stella was poking her on her shoulder. 
“If this really is 2017…?”
“It is,” Aurora pointed toward the calendar. She had no idea what Stella was getting at. “Look at that calendar. It proves it, once and for all.”
“Yeah, that’s great and all,” Stella didn’t turn, since she was looking at something, “But…If it is 2017…then what is Oscar doing here?”
“Oh my god!” Aurora yelled. How on earth could Stella think about Oscar at a time like this? “Just why? Okay, I get it! You for some godforsaken reason have a crush on him and think he’s the love of your life and want him to be your first kiss and stuff… I get it that, no matter how disturbing it is, you see him in your dreams, but this is not the time or place!”
“No,” Stella shook her head, actually sounding serious for the first time in her life, “I didn’t mean that. Although I do see him in my dreams…” She shook her head, “But he’s actually here, look.”
Stella pointed toward where she had been looking and Aurora turned and froze. 
Stella hadn’t been just kidding or dreaming…A tall, brown-haired guy was standing around the door that led to the cafeteria…and he looked alarmingly alike to Oscar. 
It wasn’t possible. Thoughts were spinning in Aurora’s head. The book was the cause for the time travelling, and she and Stella had been touching it…there was no way Oscar could have had…
The longer Aurora looked, the more and more it became evident it wasn’t her brother. It looked like him, quite a lot, but not enough… The only explanation was… 
“What?” Stella whipped her head around to look at Aurora so fast that all her hair went to Aurora’s face. 
Aurora just kept staring at—at her father. It was him. Aurora had seen more than enough pictures of him as a teenager to be positive. He was on his phone and looked up every once and a while—Waiting for somebody perhaps. 
“Wait wait,” Stella was showing her shock a lot more animatedly, “That, that really is your Dad? My godfather? Dr. Gastón Joakim Perida?”
“You know he hates to be called that,” Aurora rolled her eyes, “It’s not like he’s an M.D., he just has a doctorate. But yeah, it is him… Of course, it is 2017, so he would be 18 and is a senior right now. Why didn’t I realize it sooner?”
“That our parents are all here somewhere as teenagers right now?” Stella asked she spun around on her feet. 
“I mean yeah,” Aurora nodded. 
“Well, that explains why I’m seeing your mom.” 
“Where?” Aurora turned around to look where Stella was looking. 
It was like looking into a 3D mirror, except that there were certain things out of place. Green eyes, hair was straight instead of wavy and glasses, otherwise she basically saw herself walking down the hallway. It was weird. 
Aurora looked back at her dad, who had put his phone away and was now looking straight ahead. Aurora realized that he was looking at Mom, and that she was walking toward him… 
Well, that wasn’t that weird. They knew each other and probably had agreed to talk about something. 
“Uuu, this should be interesting.” Stella was jumping some more. “I wonder what they were like when they weren’t in love yet. Well, we’re about to see.”
Aurora had to agree with the sentiment. Her parents—especially Dad—had never shied away from showing affection toward each other, sometimes to disgusting degrees, at least in Aurora’s opinion. On the other hand, she never could imagine them being just friends. So, this would be extremely interesting. 
“Hey. I got your message,” Dad started saying as Mom walked up to him, “Is everything okay?” 
Maybe it was because she knew what was to come, given that she, Oscar and Laura were the result, Aurora got a kind of non-platonic vibe from this conversation. Something about the body language and the looks, the fact that Dad’s hand had gone on Mom’s upper arm almost automatically, but she probably was just imagining. 
“It’s better than okay,” Nina had a very wide smile on her face before wrapping her arms around Gastón’s neck and kissing him. 
Or not. Aurora realized very quickly that she in fact had not been imagining. 
“What is going on?” Aurora had almost completely forgotten that Stella was standing next to her. “I thought they got together at Oxford. Why are they kissing now?”
“They told us that they were just friends during this time.” Aurora couldn’t get her eyes off the sight. 
“Well, you seem happy this morning,” Dad smiled at Mom as his arm left from around her waist.
“Well, I got some good news,” Mom looked like she was beaming, “My parents told me I could go.”
“Really, Nina? I can’t believe it. Great! I thought they were going to say yes.” 
“It was all thanks to you. What did you say to them?”
“I had to tell them how I felt about their daughter.” 
“Yeah, because this looks so much like friendship,” Stella crossed her arms amused, “Unless the definition has changed drastically in the last 30 years. What is going on?”
“I don’t know,” Aurora shook her head. She wasn’t the best person with surprises. She was the one who always knew what was going on when no one else did. If she for some reason didn’t, she would always have a way to figure it out. There was no way to figure out her and Stella’s current situation, they were time-traveling for crying out loud. Aurora could feel the small amount of control that she felt like she had over the situation, slipping away, and she didn’t like it.
“Things must be dire if you don’t know,” Stella turned toward Aurora with eyes wide, “That’s not something I hear from your mouth often.”
“Funny,” Aurora rolled her eyes before they focused on another short brunette who suddenly came through the door, “Hey look! It’s your Mom.”
“Uup, I came in at the wrong moment, didn’t I?” Luna stopped on her tracks and tried to walk away before Nina stopped her.
“Huh, she really always has been that short,” Stella remarked, “I was kind of hoping that she shrunk during childbirth or something…just so I could have more tall genes.” 
“We’re doomed to be short, both of us,” Aurora tapped Stella on the shoulder, before focusing again on the conversation between her parents and Luna, “Apparently Laura is going to be taller than me, which is no fair.” 
“My parents allowed me to go to Oxford.” 
“Hold up,” Stella piped up again, “Why is your mom going to Oxford now? Your dad was the senior here, isn’t she a year younger?”
“She is,” Aurora nodded while wracking her head. This was making her way too confused… “I honestly don’t know what she is talking about…unless…unless she somehow finished high school in England.” 
“But if she did that,” Stella continued, “and went with your dad…and since they are together now…Does that mean that everything about their story never happened? Your mom having roommates who knew your dad and then him helping her with physics…and the library thing? Thats just a story and not real?”
“I don’t know,” Aurora tried her hardest not to snap. She had already said I don’t know way too many times today. “This is not making any sense. I mean… maybe they are not together right now.”
“We just saw them kiss.” 
“I know,” Aurora wasn’t fully sure what she was saying herself anymore, that confused she was, “But that doesn’t hundred percent mean that they are exclusively together.”
“So, what do you reckon is happening here?” Stella rolled her eyes. 
“Maybe a casual relationship?”
“Aurora, do you hear yourself? This time-travel juice has really gotten to you,” Stella grabbed Aurora by the shoulder, “You just talked about your parents and a casual relationship in the same context.”
“Yeah, I realized that as soon as it came out,” Aurora cringed. What had gotten into her?
“Nothing in this world—even the existence of, well, time travel—can convince me that your parents weren’t madly in love before they ever slept together.” 
“You can drop that topic right there,” Aurora gave Stella the sternest look she was able to muster.
“Come on,” Stella huffed, but she clearly also was very amused, “I know that you know how it works. How do you think you exist otherwise?”
“Of course, I know how it works,” Aurora sighed again. She was 16, not six for crying outloud, “But I’d rather not discuss it when it comes to my parents… or do you wanna talk about yours and that?”
“Oh, no no no no no,” Stella started laughing before suddenly stopping, as the door her mom had come through, opened again.
“Hello, how are you? I’m Matteo Balsano. I know you’re happy because my album is coming out soon. I promise you will be the first to hear it because I love you all very much.”
“I was wondering when Dad was going to insert himself into the situation.” Stella noted as Matteo walked through the door and everyone else was giving him very questioning looks. 
“Me too,” Aurora responded. With their parents, where was two, the other two almost always followed, curse or blessing of being four coupled best friends. “What album is he talking about?”
“How would I know?” Stella shrugged, “Isn’t he like 18 too? Ooooh, this must be the one that got canceled.”
“Are they even together right now?” Aurora asked as Luna and Matteo started arguing almost instantly.
“Again, no idea—” Stella shook her head, “—and I’m not going to figure it out. They always say that they didn’t know themselves half the time were they together or not. Honestly, that’s what I thought was the reason why your parents didn’t really get it on before college, since the tensions between Mom and Dad… Now I obviously do see that they in fact did get it on—I still don’t get this. Why did they make it up about how they got together and when?”
“I have hard time believing that they made it up,” It didn’t make any sense to Aurora. All of it couldn’t be a lie. There were too many moving variables. Marlee and Ariana were real people, who existed and had known Dad before Mom. All of Mom and Dad’s Oxford friends would have needed to be in on it. “Neither of them are very good liars.” A sudden realization hit her, “This doesn’t make sense because Mom didn’t go to Oxford.”
“What do you mean?” Stella was looking at Aurora with the most flabbergasted expression, “Of course she did, her diploma is literally framed on the wall of your place.”
“I didn’t mean the University part,” Aurora sighed. Of course, she knew that, “I meant that she didn’t finish upper secondary there, like she is planning at this moment. She did her senior year at Blake and graduated with your mom and Jim and Yam. There are pictures of it, and Dad wasn’t in them.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right,” Stella seemed like there were at least three hundred gears turning in her head, “But that doesn’t answer anything.”
“I have always felt like the there is more to that story about the library,” Aurora started, “They definitely omitted some facts.”
“It still doesn’t all add up.”
“It doesn’t,” Aurora agreed before slight gasp left her lips.
“What?” Stella looked at her concerned.
“That is why we’re here,” Aurora started explaining, “We have just been presented with a mystery. “What happened or didn’t happen between my parents?” Now we need to solve it.”
“And how do you presume we do that?” Stella leaned against the wall, “We don’t exactly control any of this. Look, I will take ten calculus classes over this any day. You hear me universe! I’LL NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT MATH AGAIN!”
“I should have forced you to read more Agatha Christie,” Aurora looked at her disapprovingly, “Nothing will get solved by just standing here.”
“So, we’re basically in a murder mystery?” The comparison didn’t seem to amuse Stella at all, “What if the people who end up being dead end up being us?”
“No one is going to die,” Aurora gabbed Stella by the hand as she noticed that her parents had slipped away from Luna and Matteo’s argument, “Come on, let's follow them.”
As they started walking, they were once again blinded by a bright light.
I once swore I would never write any nextgen content for Soy Luna, because I wasn't fully able to imagine it and I have not really enjoyed any of the fics I have read about the topic either (personal preference, no hate to the stories at all). But now I have found myself coming up with headcanons and characterizations for the kids, especially the ones Gastón and Nina will have. My biggest problem with next gen content has been that he kids have always been one group. I will not do that, since they all wouldn't be one friend group. They're different ages and have different interest, so on and so forth. They obviously all know each other and have a good relationship, they are basically cousins because they are very close family friends. Only some are like besties with each other, often because they are the same age etc. like Stella and Aurora and Ivory and Laura. Anyways, here I go again, writing timetravel, but I am just obsessed with the trope. The scene we see here is the scene from S2E70 where Nina tells Gastón that she can go to the Oxford with him, if it wasn't clear, I just added stuff in the beginning of the conversation. So if you have missed MOT... we're back... well, kind of. This isn't exctatly the same style of time travel, but we'll see what happens next. Leave predictions please what they will see next
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I want to know the answers to all the questions.
Pick your favorite 5 :D
ok so if i remember correctly this is referring to the oc questions i rb'd a little while ago!!
Your first OC ever?
Emma Katherine, an OC for my very first fanfic i ever wrote and posted on ff.net! She was for my RotG/Frozen crossover, and i love her very very much!
Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
i miss rping so much, honestly. i have rp blogs for my four main OCs (Hestia, Quasi, Miela, and Jitterbug), but i don't do much rp'ing anymore. there's a lot of feelings associated with certain storylines that make me kind of emotional when i look back on those blogs.
i used rp as a way to help me through some very difficult times in this fandom, so because of that, a few storylines that i did bring back some of those not great feelings from that time, hence why i haven't rp'd in quite a while. i do really want to start back up, though!!
Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
JUBILEE JUBILEE JUBILEE JUBILEE!!!!!!!!! @queen-with-the-quill's Jubilee is the BEST girl, i love her more than anything, she's so lovely and wonderful and UGH my favorite!
also also also literally ANY of @storyweaverofgondor's OCs, they're all amazing and iconic and so well-created!!!!
Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
i mean, just looking through my blog, it's quite obvious that Hestia is an OC that's extremely near and dear to my heart. for one, she was my very first Cats OC, as well as the first OC i had made in a WHILE. because of her, I ended up getting to meet some really lovely friends within the fandom who i'm eternally grateful to have the chance to know, and overall, her character is so important to me
Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
oh, Hestia has such a happy memory linked to her!! she's the reason i met @queen-with-the-quill on this sight, we found each other because of our two girls, and started chatting, and she's become one of my best friends!!!! very grateful that our OCs caused me to meet my IRL Jubilee <3
Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
first row (all drawn by my insanely talented bestie @storyweaverofgondor):
the Con Quintet (Crash, Pebble, Charcoal, Anomaly, Dove)
Tumblebrutus and Hestia
Hestia + her dads
second row:
Hestia by @soh-da-meatball
Hestia by @lucifersimpp
Quasi by @storyweaverofgondor
third row (both by the amazing @hufferysnuffery!):
Encanto AU feat. Coricopat, Apollo, Anthea, Hestia, and Hermes (who belongs to hufferysnuffery!)
fourth row:
Hestia by @thedragonchilde
Hestia by @lepoppeta
Tumblebrutus and Hestia by @sillybub
fifth row:
Jitterbug, Quill, and Quasi by @rainbowratsstuff (Quill belongs to Rainbow)
Muffin, Henry, and Hestia, also by @rainbowratsstuff (Muffin belongs to @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer, Henry belongs to Rainbow!)
Hestia by @platothefluffbutt
sixth row:
Miela by @thedragonchilde
Miela by @rainbowratsstuff
Miela and her Uncle Shucks by @thedragonchilde (Shuckleford belongs to dragonchilde!!)
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darsynia · 2 years
15 Questions
'Tagged' by @residentdormouse. Shy AF and hoping some lovely folks who would like to respond would choose to! HEY RO. *pokes* That's you. @ronearoundblindly 💨
1.) Are you named after anyone?
I am not named after anyone, but 2 of my children are!
2.) When was the last time you cried?
I cried 2 days ago explaining something I saw on Tumblr to my husband (I'm the person that cries when something is beautiful, hah). Short version: the piece of music played at the end of M*A*S*H* prompted a bunch of people to call in and ask the guy running the NYC classical station what piece it was. He pointed out in an article/interview afterwards that more people heard that piece of music than heard it the first time it was ever played. Thinking about whether the music touched people that time as much as the first people to ever hear it really got me.
3.) Do you have kids?
Yep, I have 3 kids, they're 13, 10, and 8.
4.) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
A lot less than I used to, come to think of it. Few enough now that I think I'm gonna have to say 'no' for once!
5.) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I notice their eyes and hair, I think. I love the various combinations of hair color + eye color so much. My middle daughter's eyes, freckles, and hair are all the same hazel-brown color and I think that's SO cool.
6.) What’s your eye color?
My eyes are very dark brown with a tiny little ring of dark blue at the very edge. I never realized this until my oldest was born and I was remarking to my husband about their eyes and he was like, 'Uh, that's what YOUR eyes look like, honey!'
7.) Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, always.
8.) Any special talents?
I have a photographic memory, and I'm very good with yarn crafts. There are multiple pattern magazines in print with pictures of things I've made for a designer who contracted me to create the finished product example.
9.) Where were you born?
I was born in a hospital on the California coast. My birth certificate has a seashell on it.
10.) What are your hobbies?
I am a voracious knitter and crocheter. I self-designed Cap's shield made out of thread for Ro last year, and have made and given away many blankets and other things.
11.) Do you have pets?
I do not, as my husband is allergic. When one daughter was 5 she asked if her father died, could we have a cat? I said I liked him more than any hypothetical cat. She then asked if maybe all of us died, maybe we could have a cat in heaven? Kids, man.
12.) What sports do you play/have played?
Does synchronized marching band count? No? ok.
13.) How tall are you?
I'm 4 inches shorter than Tony Stark, and 1 inch shorter than RDJ.
14.) Favorite subject in school?
HISTORY. Though writing would have taken a close second but I went to a very poor school that had no classes like that.
15.) Dream job?
Honestly? Probably a geologist. Novelist as a close second.
Click under the tag to see a pic of my kiddo's eye?? IDK, I think it's cool
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servin-up-surveys · 6 days
survey #240
Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? No.
Have you ever built a snowman? Yes.
What is the last thing you drew a picture of? A meerkat character of mine.
What do you think about babies? I actually think most are ugly as opposed to cute and they're all annoying. That's my problem, not theirs, they're literally babies and are therefore going to be, but still.
Was your last kiss standing up, sitting down, or lying down? Lying down.
Do you hate the last person you kissed? No.
Do you like to listen to the radio in the car? No, I prefer to listen to my own music.
Do you sleep with a fan on? Yes.
Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else? It was PART of the reason I left Girt the first time we tried dating.
Is something bothering you? I've been bothered by life for a long time now.
Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? When I was young.
Have you done anything sneaky lately? No.
Were you happy when you woke up today? No. For the past long while I've literally been disappointed upon waking up.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Of course I do.
Have you ever been cheated on? No.
Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? Indoors, realistically.
Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? I'm sure I do.
When was the last time you were sick? Last month I had Covid.
Has anybody close to you passed away in the last six months? No.
Have you ever broken the law? Yeah.
What was the one subject in school that frustrated you because you just couldn’t process it? Various kinds of math.
What common advice do you think never works? "Just be positive," stuff like that.
Do you own any cookbooks? Mom has a lot.
Do you have the same religious beliefs as your parents? No.
Would you ride a motorcycle if given the chance? (or have you?) I don't think so.
Is your hair healthy? It's not right now. All the bleaching and stuff it took to dye my hair has it very, very dry, but it's probably my own fault because I haven't done all the aftercare I was told to do with my hair.
How often do you take a train? Never.
Do you have an interesting passport? I don't have one.
Who supports you financially? My mom.
Are you generally a quick learner? It VERY much depends on the subject.
What’s your favorite spot to read? On the back porch, which is meshed in and roofed so it stays a bit cooler.
Would you be/are you a good role model to a younger sibling? No. My younger sister is a role model to ME.
Are you scared of reptiles? Not at all.
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? Yes.
Where would you most like to go in your state, etc. that you haven’t been? If we're just talking my state, the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Are you camera shy? Why/why not? Yes, because I think I'm ugly and don't like pictures proving it.
From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside? Two.
Who was the last person to give you flowers? Girt.
What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Technology.
Do you like BBQ sauce? I don't at all.
Is your mother a lesbian? No.
Would you ever consider getting dreadlocks? No.
Have you ever donated blood? Twice. I wanna do it more often.
Do you believe in miracles? No.
What are three ways in which you are not normal? I'm unemployed, I live with my mom when I'm pushing 30, and I guess being neurodivergent counts.
Which genre of music do you listen to the most? Metal and rock of sorts.
Last person you kissed, are they into any type of sports? Which ones? No.
Does your best friend have a job? Yes.
When you move out of your house (or if you already have moved out) do you plan on still visiting your parents’ house? Yeah.
Have you ever worked two jobs at once? No.
Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? I mean, myself, really.
Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? In my last college attempt, actually, yes. I had the same English teacher my mom did at one point.
What’s something you complain about frequently? Being depressed. Especially lately.
Have you had any confrontations with anyone lately? No.
Do you walk fast or slow? Slow.
Is there any alcohol in the fridge? No.
Is the last person you kissed older than you? Yes.
Are you the type of person who seeks out revenge? No.
Did you ever build furniture forts as a child? I loved doing this.
Do you plan on losing weight any time soon? I've been planning that for multiple years now... and it doesn't happen.
When was the last time you used a disposable camera? I couldn't tell you.
Do you hate it when people smoke around you? Yes.
Have you ever been to Florida? Yes, my maternal grandma lived there.
When’s the last time you screamed really loud? The last time I did this was I think into a pillow, quite a while ago.
Has anyone ever called you a whore? Only ever playfully by friends. I'm quite the opposite (not that being a whore is even bad, I literally do not care).
Who were you last in a car with? My mom.
Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Yeah. I don't think they're anything exceptional, I wish they were bluer.
Have you ever played the guitar? Yes, for a little while in high school I took electric guitar lessons.
Would you rather be called "honey" or "baby?" Hunny.
Have you ever eavesdropped on someone’s conversation? Sure, who hasn't? This doesn't necessarily have to entail standing outside of a door with your ear to it or something, sometimes you just listen to convos that aren't yours.
Do you still play the "slugbug no slugbug back" game? I've... never heard them called "slugbugs," we always said "punchbug," ha ha. Anyway, I don't.
Has anyone ever told you to grow up? Most likely, I think this is a common insult.
Have you ever eaten a bug? Not to my recollection. I'm not necessarily against it, though. I think people make way too big a deal out of eating bugs, it's just a massive food source. I wouldn't be opposed to trying a bug-made dish if I trust it was somewhere that prepared it well.
Do you think Apple Jacks is a good cereal? Yes, that's literally what I ate this morning.
Do you think pit bulls are as mean as everyone says they are? Oh shut up.
When eating, are you more concerned with the taste or healthiness? Taste.
Have you ever shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? I haven't, actually.
Do you know anyone who has been a victim of a drunk driver? I probably do.
What would you do if your best friend was marrying someone you can’t stand? This would kinda depend on why I can't stand them. Are they abusive or in some other way toxic? Then I'd gently try to open their eyes to it. Are they aggressively right-wing or something? In that case I'd feel it's not my partner, so not my business to try and stop my best friend from marrying a person if they're not actually dangerous to said friend.
Would you drink a gallon of sour milk for $250? NO.
Has someone ever thrown something at you & it landed down your shirt? HAHA yes.
What toys did you play with in the bathtub as a kid? To be honest, I don't really remember.
Do you like jumping off diving boards? I wouldn't now because I'm too afraid to jump, I don't think my knees can handle me jumping.
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