Marry Me in Laramie
82 posts
A blog dedicated to the tender M/M moments on "Laramie". | gay millennial cowboy | TERFs/transphobes/homophobes/racists and the like fuck off
Last active 4 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
harper-sherman · 11 days ago
@thatsprettylane I'm honored! 🥹 These text posts are adorable and hilarious, keep it up!
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SlimJess + Assorted Text Posts (Part 16)
Dedicated to @harper-sherman for helping me find the episode that the first image is from!
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harper-sherman · 27 days ago
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SlimJess + Assorted Text Posts (Part 10)
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harper-sherman · 2 months ago
Kind of out of the blue, but do you happen to know what episode it is that Jess bakes bread?
I believe it's episode 10 of season 2, "Drifter's Gold". Slim goes into town for supplies and Jess is making bread in the opening scene. Slim is supposed to bring yeast back for him. Jess is in the end scene too, but I won't spoil it for you. 😉
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harper-sherman · 5 months ago
@incorrect-laramie @mag7dumbies we need a pic of the finished puzzle!
Happy 65th anniversary to Laramie!
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@mag7dumbies and I are being really normal about it
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harper-sherman · 5 months ago
Laramie and Emergency! besties, you know what to do!!!
Robert Fuller Vs. DeForest Kelley
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Robert Fuller - (Laramie, Wagon Train, Emergency!) - I have loved this man ever since I was a teenager and first saw him in Emergency! There are so many fanmade music videos on youtube dedicated to this man and how hot he is! Everytime he says "good girl" on emergency I go weak in the knees! I adore this man, he's so hot!
DeForest Kelley - (Star Trek, Rawhide, Gunsmoke) - he has a delightfully droll, impish quality about him
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Robert Fuller:
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just a short blooper clip because he has a lovely laugh.
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A short clip of him in Emergency!
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DeForest Kelley:
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very cool guy!! as far as I can tell he didnt get involved in any set drama, just took a step back and had a good time where he could. seems like a genuinely decent guy. all his cast mates on star trek said he was the best actor of them all
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harper-sherman · 6 months ago
Thank you @otterfire for reminding me that TODAY is the 65th anniversary of the start of Laramie! How better to commemorate it than with screenshots of episode 1, Stage Stop? The boys are looking gorgeous in color, which we won't get again until season 3. ❤️💙
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So right after starting this little blog my computer needed a new power supply, which meant I couldn't get to any of the screenshots I'd been diligently creating T_T Anyway, here are a few from the episode that started it all, Stage Stop. Jess is totally checking Slim out when he's confronted on Sherman property. Also, notice that Slim is originally wearing Jess' signature bandana. So sweet that he decides to share it with Jess later on. <3
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harper-sherman · 7 months ago
Robert Fuller sweep! Let's do it, y'all!
James Arness Vs. Robert Fuller
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James Arness - (Gunsmoke, McClain's Law) - TALL MAN (OVER 6'6"!!). Was used to measure the ocean in WWII- as the tallest person, he got to be the first to jump off the boat, and if he vanished well they weren't close enough to the beach yet. Was also wounded in WWII and had issues from it for the rest of his life. Mostly known for Westerns and his Matt Dillons incredible chemistry with Amanda Blake's Miss Kitty. Truly the most sexually tense relationship on television in the 50s. And 60s. And possibly the 70s too. Great voice, calming but authoritative presence. Worked for John Wayne, and played Matt Dillon for 20 years on TV as well as in a series of movies, which is simply unheard of. I mean over 600 episodes of anything is madness.
Robert Fuller - (Laramie, Wagon Train, Emergency!) - I have loved this man ever since I was a teenager and first saw him in Emergency! There are so many fanmade music videos on youtube dedicated to this man and how hot he is! Everytime he says "good girl" on emergency I go weak in the knees! I adore this man, he's so hot!
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James Arness:
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Robert Fuller:
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just a short blooper clip because he has a lovely laugh.
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A short clip of him in Emergency!
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harper-sherman · 7 months ago
I'm working through watching Laramie for the first time, and I liked reading your comments as I watched each episode. I recently passed the point where you left off making them, and I miss reading them! No obligation of course but I wouldn't mind seeing episode posts again :) Just letting you know I read all of them ^^
Thanks for your kind words! I love that you were reading along as you watched episodes, that's unbelievably cool. I'd like to pick back up again, but life got really busy for me. Maybe someday!
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harper-sherman · 7 months ago
Reblogging this for Robert Fuller's 91st birthday! 🥳
In honor of Robert Fuller's 90th (!!!) birthday today (July 29, 2023), I'm posting about meeting him last month at the MidSouth Nostalgia Festival. @sportstudfan put me up to this, lol. Hope y'all enjoy it!
The MidSouth Nostalgia Festival was held on June 8-10 in Olive Branch, Mississippi. That's just south of Memphis, Tennessee for anyone like me who had never heard of the place. The festival brought together a bunch of classic actors (and one or two contemporary), who mainly appeared in Westerns but from some other genres as well.
The first morning we were there, we got right in line to schedule a time to see Robert, or Bob as his fans call him. Most guests had tables that you could walk right up to, but such is his popularity that his fan club orchestrates time slots to make sure everyone who attends has time to speak with him and get autographs and photos. It was a pretty good system, I believe we waited less than 2 hours. We were able to get into his first group of the day. When Bob showed up, he walked right by the line and greeted everyone very enthusiastically and gave out hugs to some of the more eager fans. I could only smile as he went by because I was honestly starstruck by this point.
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Once our turn came up, we probably got a good five minutes talking to him. I got the impression he would've allowed us to stay even longer, but we tried to be sensitive to the others waiting to see him. We discussed some of his stunts, such as jumping onto Hoot (his horse) in Duel at Alta Mesa. He confirmed that yes, that was actually him and not a stunt actor. He also told us about breaking his leg on Wagon Train. There was a stunt involving a breakaway chair and he wanted to re-shoot it, but he neglected to check the chair beforehand. It had been replaced with an actual chair! We also talked about his quick draw abilities, and he informed us he had been clocked at 28/100ths of a second. Talk about fast! Before we left his table, we got his autograph on a photo from his Emergency! days. If I ever get to meet Randy Mantooth, I plan to point out that Bob's signature went over his forehead, so he can give him Hell about it.
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Something that really amused me watching Bob interact with his fans is how much attention he gives everyone. He was more than happy to hand out hugs and kissed many of the women in attendance. He even autographed a woman's chest (upper sternum, lol) so she could get it tattooed. Keep in mind most of the fans were middle-aged or elderly women, who had fallen in love with him during their youth. The guy's still got it!
We also attended a few panels. The photo below is from one of them; from left to right we have Tony Cameron (son of Rod Cameron, one of my favorite Laramie guest actors), Patrick Wayne (2nd son of John Wayne), the panel interviewer, and Bob. All of the guys were really enjoyable to listen to. Tony is dedicated to keeping his dad's legacy alive and is just a lovely person in his own right. Patrick was very funny and used his some of his time on the panel to advocate for the John Wayne Cancer Foundation.
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There was also a panel with Bob and his wife Jennifer Savidge that I unfortunately did not take pictures of. Those two are great together, they had everyone laughing and you could really tell how much they love one another. Jennifer is also incredibly gracious about the attention Bob gets from his fans. She's a wonderful actress in her own right, having been on her own medical series St. Elsewhere, JAG, and much more.
The MSNF also had vendor tables where you could purchase comic books, memorabilia, or even original art. One woman rented a vendor table so she could share her miniature Sherman Ranch! She removed the roofs so we could see inside the ranch house and barn. She also told us she has swappable backgrounds for different times of year. We were really impressed with the detail and talent that went into her creation.
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On the last day of the festival, we had a photo taken with Bob and Jennifer. We dressed up as Slim and Jess. The first thing Bob said to us was "Wow!", so I think he liked the outfits. ;) On the way out, a few other fans in line stopped us to tell us how much they liked our costumes, which felt really great.
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And that was pretty much it! It was honestly one of the more laid-back conventions I've been to. I wasn't used to having a bunch of downtime between the things I wanted to do. It was also a little weird being one of the younger fans there, but everyone was pretty nice and we were all there for the same reason: to meet Bob!
Bonus pic: while in Memphis we visited the largest Bass Pro Shop I've ever seen, known as The Pyramid. The inside looks like outdoors (as is normal with every Bass Pro), but it was lit like nighttime with string lights and stuff. Along with the usual fish tanks, there was a pond with ducks. I unfortunately did not pay to ride the elevator to the observation deck.
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harper-sherman · 7 months ago
I'm used to text posts being funny, but these are just plain sweet! ❤️💙
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SlimJess + Assorted Text Posts (Part 6)
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harper-sherman · 7 months ago
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Girl Perverts are you ready to ruin western tv with me
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harper-sherman · 7 months ago
Couldn't have said it better myself!
I swear, John Smith played Slim Sherman like he had a crush on Jess, the way Slim acts around Jess is far from heterosexual
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harper-sherman · 7 months ago
Ooh, these are so good!!!
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SlimJess + Assorted Text Posts (Part 7)
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harper-sherman · 9 months ago
These are so Slim 🤣
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Slim Sherman + Reductress Headlines
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harper-sherman · 9 months ago
YES he is a MASSIVE BITCH but hes also BISEXUAL and a PUNCHING BAG and ALMOST DIES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. AND hes my little meow meow.
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harper-sherman · 10 months ago
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SlimJess + Boyfriends! (Part 2)
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harper-sherman · 11 months ago
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SlimJess, a Timeline
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