#honestly got so carried away with this thing
To Call You Mine
Chapter 12
Authors note: Getting back into the swing of things! I hope lol, enjoy the update!
Word count: 4738
Nat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist TCYM Masterlist
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Nat walks into the bedroom to find you standing in front of the mirror by the closet. You've already got your black suit pants on and your suit jacket is lying on the bed with your tie. She watches for a few moments while you work on buttoning up your gray dress shirt and you quirk a brow at her in the reflection.
“See something you like, Omega?” you tease
She smirks at you before taking a few steps forward, “Oh I most certainly do, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to seeing you in your security uniform again”
You turn around and look into her eyes, “Oh, is that so?”
“Mhm, what can I say? I’m a sucker for a girl in uniform”
Right now you want nothing more than to smash your lips against your mates and spend the rest of the evening and well into the night worshiping her. But you're getting dressed up for a reason, and that reason prevents you from doing anything
“Damn Tony Stark and his stupid galas”
Nat chuckles, “Don’t worry lyubov'(love), we’ll have time to do whatever it is you're thinking about this weekend”
“I’ll hold you to that, Natty” you tell her, sending a wink her way
Her cheeks turn the adorable shade of pink that you've come to love, “How about you hold me?”
You chuckle at her, but indulge her and wrap your arms around her, careful to situate her bump appropriately, “You alright?”
“Mhm” she mumbles against your neck, “Just going to miss you tonight”
“I’ll miss you too detka(baby), but I should be home before you know it with Yelena and Kate here to keep you company”
She chuckles a bit, “I know they're going to be here to make sure Dima and I stay safe, but I honestly think I’m the one watching them tonight”
“Well, Clint can’t keep them out of trouble all the time” you joke earning a smile
“Oh don’t I know it, especially because he encourages them”
Just then the doorbell rings, signaling the arrival of the two being talked about. Nat pulls herself away from you and you watch her head out of the room before going back to getting ready. Down the hall you can hear the excited voices of your mates sister and her friend as they greet her, and soon the voices get even more excited as they walk into the living room and spot Dima.
Your pup was equally as excited as you could hear him cooing and repeatedly asking for his Aunt Lena to pick him up. You assume she must do so as soon his giggles are echoing around the house along with a few of Kates. Your mate takes this moment to slip away from them and back to you.
“You ready lyubov'(love)? After work traffic will be pretty heavy right now, don’t want you to be late.”
“Yeah, just gotta get my shoes on” you assure her with a smile
She smiles back before a slight pout overtakes her features, “I’ll miss you tonight”
“I’ll miss you too, my Omega” you tell her as you make your way over to her, “I shouldn’t be home too late though since this is a benefactor party. Midnight at the latest”
“But I suppose you’ll tell me not to wait up”
“I think I’ve become too predictable with you.” you chuckle, “True I’d prefer you to get your rest, especially since your carrying two little ones- ”
“Shhh” she cuts you off, “if Yelena finds out through your big mouth instead of from me later, I’ll make you take the couch tonight”
“Okay okay, geez.” you laugh, “My point was, yes I’d like you to sleep as much as possible. But I know you don’t sleep well without me and I also know that with those two goofballs out there that a late night is most likely going to happen”
Nat smiles again, “Well, you can at least take comfort in the fact that Dima will be going to sleep at his usual time”
You laugh again, “Oh good, at least he’ll be getting his rest”
She giggles and you finally wrap your arms around her. She nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck as she wraps her arms around you in return, and a soft purr escapes her as your hand comes to rest on her belly. The two of you take a moment to just enjoy each other's embrace, letting the sound of her purrs fill the space.
After a few minutes you reluctantly pull back from her, “I should get going love”
“Drive safe, and have a good night” she tells you before leaning in for a kiss
You of course indulge her in this and kiss her back before you both head out to the living room. You exchange quick greetings with the two Betas and thank them for coming to spend time with your Omega while you have to work, and then you make your way over to the pup. You affectionately ruffle his hair and kiss his forehead as you say goodbye to him and though there's no need to as he's always been well behaved, you remind him to be good for his Mama.
Your mate walks with you as you head to the garage and the two of you share in another quick hug and kiss, “I’ll see you later baby, have fun with your sister and don’t worry too much about me”
“I’ll try. Just text me when you get there and when you're leaving for home, please”
You nod, “Of course my Omega”
And with that you hop in your car and pull out of the driveway. Natasha watches the garage door shut before she returns to the living room, where she finds her sister bouncing Dima on her lap while Kate is indulging Liho in her attention seeking by playing with one of her toys with her. Nat can’t help but chuckle as she joins them on the couch
“Setra(sister), how are you feeling?” Yelena asks, shifting her focus but still bouncing the pup
“I’m good all things considered, this pregnancy hasn’t been as rough as Dimas was. At least so far. I’ve had morning sickness a few times and I of course have the normal body aches and pains but Y/n is really good at keeping everything I need to ease those nearby”
“That's good! I’m glad your Alpha is caring for you well!” Kate exclaims, and Yelena nods in agreement, “Have you guys gone to find out what you're having yet?”
Natasha can’t help the wide smile that breaks out across her face, and one matching it shows up on Yelena's face, “ Well come on, tell us!”
“We’re having two pups, both girls!”
“Oh setra(sister), that's wonderful!” Yelena exclaims, wrapping her one arm around her as the other secures Dima, “And did your Alpha like this news?”
“She's just as excited as I am, If not more” Nat laughs, “I’ve had to help her calm down a few times while we’re putting together their nursery in our room. She doesn’t read the instructions properly in her excitement”
“Sounds just like what I witnessed with Clint when Laura was with Nathaniel” Kate laughs
“Might be worse” Nat admits, “Because this is Y/ns first time getting to care for me and prepare for pups with me”
Yelena gives her a soft look, “I've never seen you so happy”
“Well, I have everything I’ve ever wanted. Dima and I are safe here with Y/n as our Alpha, and she's so good to us. She's everything I knew she would be, and more. She gave us little Liho and now we’re growing our family” she states, rubbing her belly, “I couldn’t ask for a better mate, or a better life”
“I’m glad you got this sestra(sister), I truly am. Seeing you so happy, thrills me”
Kate nods in agreement, “It's good to see you smile again.”
“Thank you both. Now then, I can hear my boys tummy growling. Lets get dinner started, shall we?”
“Okay, but you are letting Kate Bishop and I do most of the work. You just tell us what needs done”
As your mate begins to prepare dinner with the two Betas you are still on your way to the city. The drive isn’t too long, but you do feel a bit restless. Likely because this will be the longest you've been apart from your mate and pup. The knowledge that her sister and friend are there with them does at least bring you comfort, as you know she's safe. But still the anxiety of being apart from them remains. You decide to turn the radio on in the hopes that it either calms you or distracts you. It seems to work, for now at least, and you drive on with a sense of ease.
But outside your house, there is indeed a reason for this anxiety to linger. Because parked just down the street from where your mate currently cooks with the Betas sits a car. And in that car is a very familiar and unwelcome Alpha along with two Alpha friends of his.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna just grab him tonight? I mean we watched the Alpha leave, and two Betas aren't a threat at all.” the Alpha in the front passenger seat says
“For the final time, yes I am sure.” Bruce answers, his grip on the steering wheel tightening
“But why?” the other Alpha in the backseat questions, “Isn’t your Omega in there?”
Bruce growls, “That bitch has me so angry right now that if I saw her, I’m likely to snap. And while I’d love to snuff the life out of her beloved new mate, that's not a fate I want for Natasha.”
It falls silent for a while before one of the Alphas speaks up again, “So we just watch then?”
“Yes, we learn their routines. And we wait.” Bruce continues, “As soon as Y/n leaves this house with my son, she's as good as dead and Dima is as good as mine again.”
The car continues to sit there for a while but does eventually pull away and leave, coincidently around the same time you had texted your mate about your arrival at Stark Industries. You're now in the employee elevator heading on up to the floor the party is being held on. As soon as the doors open you spot Tony, wearing his signature shades even though he's indoors. He spots you too
“Y/n!! Good to see you!!” he shouts, causing Pepper, the chef, Happy, and a few of the other security members to look your way
“Hey Tony!” you greet with a wave and make your way over to him, “How many are we expecting tonight?”
His face scrunches up in thought, “Well I had a couple hundred invites sent out, but they all included an additional plus one, so really, could be a hundred could be triple that!”
“Oh, wonderful” you mutter, graciously taking the tablet Pepper passes to you
“This is a layout of knights event, Happy already added his suggestions on where tonights additionally security should be placed, you just have to sign off on it”
“Okay great. I’ll look it over.” you assure them, “Are there any guests we know of that will for sure be here that we need to keep an eye on?”
“Just Justin Hammer, as usual” Tony says, “Keep him away from any of my tech. That includes computers and tablets. As usual.”
You nod, “Right. Let me just look this over then and we can get everyone in place before the first guest arrives”
A few hours later and the gala event is in full swing. The floor is now filled with rich and well off guests who are mingling and drinking while a live band plays off in the one corner. Servers have been rushing around all night to provide everyone with enough drinks and the bar alone was not meant to handle this sheer number of people, and hors d’oeuvres have been flowing out of the kitchen at a steady pace.
Thankfully it's been business as usual and nothing out of place or suspicious has occurred. You're still on alert though as it is quite literally your job to be, but you must admit that you do still have lingering anxiety about your family. You're able to push past it though, and focus on the crowd before you.
Back at home your Omega has just finished tucking Dima into bed and is now preparing to watch a movie with the two Betas. Kate has a large bowl of popcorn on her lap while Yelena has some nachos.
“Where did you even get those?” the redhead asks with a chuckle
“I made sure to bring them!” Yelena exclaims, “I was in the mood for them tonight. There's still more out in my bag if you want some, or if Kate Bishop doesn’t share the popcorn”
“Hey, I can share!” she exclaims, “Besides the bag I made this from was from Nats pantry, If i didn’t share I’d be a terrible guest”
Yelena shrugs, “I just know how you are with snacks thats all”
“Oh? And how am I with snacks, Yelena?”
The blonde gulps as she tries to take her foot back out of her mouth and looks to her older sister for help. But the Omega has no plans on getting in the middle of this, “Well, I think it's time I go make myself some nachos”
Natasha can feel her sister's glare in her back as she walks out of the room and she chuckles when she sees Liho down by her feet, joining her on her trek to the kitchen. Once they reach the kitchen counter she stops to pet the adorable furball, who is quickly growing, before grabbing a plate for her nachos. By the time she got her plate ready and walks back into the room, whatever words that may have been spoken have already been exchanged and Nat has to bite her tongue to avoid teasing Yelena for looking like a kicked puppy or teasing Kate for looking so smug.
“Alright, what Bond film are we starting with?”
A few more hours and a few Bond films later Natasha can feel herself getting a bit antsy. Its growing later and is nearly the time she lays down for sleep, her body is growing tired but her mind is well aware of the lack of her Alphas presence.
“Why don’t you go get your blanket from your nest, that should have enough of Y/ns scent on it to comfort you” Kate offers, having smelled the slight discomfort coming off your Omega
“Yeah, good idea” she mumbles, getting up to go get it. While grabbing it she spots the two stuffies you'd bought her sitting in her nest as well and she finds herself reaching out for the lion one
When she returns and gets all snuggled up under the blanket neither Beta mention the stuffed animal that now sits on the Omegas lap getting cuddled against her, but she's aware of the small knowing smiles that appear on their faces.
Back at the Gala it's finally time for donations to be made, which means you and the rest of the guests will likely have to hear a few speeches from both Tony and the benefactors. Thankfully your boss was usually able to avoid being long winded, but the others weren’t as reliable.
As the third donator drones on you spot some unusual movement off to the side of the crowd. A young man seems to be slipping past everyone, making his way towards the front where the stage and Tony are. You aren’t alerted right away, as perhaps he was with the press and trying to get a better shot or something. But the longer you look at him, you find yourself unable to find any sort of press badge or even a camera
“All hands, be prepared. I have a fellow acting strange here on the right side of the crowd, moving up”
Your ear piece is full of other security members saying they understood followed by the ones closest to that region saying their eyes were on him and they were ready to move at your notice. Having not actually done anything yet and still being a ways away from Tony you tell them to just remain vigilant for now. But then he's lifting his suit off his chest with his left hand and his right makes a move to go into the space just created, as if he was reaching for something concealed.
“Move in now!” you order, quickly breaking away from your own position in order to form a barrier in his line of sight to Tony
As soon as your infront of him his eyes widen but he doesn’t have the time to do or say anything before your men are grabbing him and forcing him to the ground. The crowds attention is of course grabbed by this and their eyes all fall on the scene instead of what was happening at the front of the room.
“Nothing to worry about, please carry on!” you assure, sending your boss a thumbs up
He nods, “Well, I’m sure whatever my security just dealt with was riveting but please folks, let's get back to the matter at hand”
The gala goes back to its regular activities as you and a few men escort the now hancuffed man out of the room and to a small room where you can question him and hold him until you figure out if the police need to be notified.
Your men sit him down a bit harshly at the small table as you speak, “What the hell were you thinking out there?”
The man remains silent and his gaze shifts away from you and down to the floor. That was fine with you. He didn’t have to explain himself, you could simply search him and figure out what he had on him and piece together his motives. But as you reach for his suit he starts to squirm
“Hey, back off! You can’t touch me! I know my rights!”
“Then you're well aware that its within the law for a private security team to search you once your in custody to determine you have no weapons and pose no threat”
This proves to only upset him further however and without warning his leg shoots up and his foot hits you in the gut. The sound of all the air leaving your lungs fills the room as you stumble backwards a bit and without saying a word your men move to hold him down.
“Get off me! I said let go!”
You scoff at his behavior and again reach for his suit. You pull it back and reach inside, expecting to find a shoulder slung holster and pistol which is exactly what you find. You whistle as you pull the gun out
“My my, what have we here?” it's a rhetorical question, which you answer yourself while checking to be sure the safety is on before removing the magazine, “A Glock 17 huh, oh and look at that, you even had one in the chamber ready to fire. Boys sit tight here, I’m going to call in the police to deal with this guy”
After a few more hours, half of which was taken up by paperwork, police paperwork and an interview, the gala finally seems to be winding down. Majority of the guests are either making their way out or are currently grabbing their belongings to make their way out. And a sigh of relief slips past your lips. Tonight had been more daunting than you anticipated, especially with someone actually managing to get a firearm inside despite all measures taken. If you hadn’t spotted him, you're unsure how well his plan to shoot Tony would have gone and that makes a chill run through you.
But you had stopped him and that's what mattered. Now all that was on your mind was getting back home to your Omega. You wanted nothing more than to just get nice and cozy in her nest and hold her close. And this was apparently written on your face
“You know, you don’t have to come in for a while” Happy says as he comes to stand beside you, “I can handle the set up, and its easy enough to just email you plans to double check”
You ponder it for only a second, “No, this is my job Happy and I can handle it.”
“Kid, this job has a bit of danger to it, as we were reminded tonight, and you have a pregnant Omega at home. What would she think of the situation you just had to deal with?”
You sigh, “She’d probably panic”
“Right. And my guess is that she's already nervous enough when you just leave the house for groceries, let alone your job.” your silence on the matter proves his point and he continues, “Take some time off. Be there for her during the pregnancy and give her that piece of mind. At least until the pups are born, but hell id wait until they were a year if I were you”
“I can’t just take a year off from work!” you exclaim
“You won’t be taking it off, you’d just work remotely. Do everything from your home office instead of being the hands on guy here. And hey, if it works well for you, being a family Alpha now, you might just wanna make that a permanent position”
You think about what he's saying, and it does make sense. You have a family now, why put yourself in harm's way and stress your mate out by doing so. And why stress you both out by being apart from her when you really didn’t need to be
“Yeah, you're right. I’ll talk to Tony about it before I head home tonight. Thanks Happy”
“Anytime kid”
Finally you're pulling into your own driveway. It's an hour later than you had told your mate to expect you, but you know Nat won’t hold that against you. Especially when Tonys parties are known to be long.
You're greeted by Liho as you enter the house and quickly reach down to pet her, “Missed you too little one”
You can still hear a movie playing in the living room, which puzzles you a bit as you hadn’t gotten a response from your mate when you said you were on your way home so you had expected to find everyone in bed. You stop petting Liho, much to her displeasure, and make your way further into the house. There's no sound to indicate that anyone is even home, let alone watching the film and you honestly start to worry a bit. But that all goes away once you actually enter the living room, and a soft smile spreads across your features as you take in the scene before you.
A Bond movie is still playing on the tv but all three of the women that had once been watching it are now fast asleep on the couch. Yelena is in between your mate and Kate, who both have their heads resting on the blonds shoulders, and Nat is all wrapped up in your blanket from her nest. She even has her lion stuffie cuddled up against her chest. You can’t imagine how hard you being away from home must have been for her considering how hard it was for you tonight.
You take a moment to just watch the three before you reach out to cup Nats cheek, “lyubov'(love), I’m home”
Her eyes slowly open and she looks at you in the most adorable groggy way, “Alpha?”
“Hi baby”
She smiles and reaches out for you, “Missed you”
“Missed you too” you reply, instantly wrapping your arms around her, “Why don’t we get you into your nest”
She hums in agreement so you shift your hold on her, one arm bracing her back as the other slides under her legs. You lift her with ease and she wraps the blanket closer as she snuggles into you. You both continue down the hall in a comforting silence, but when you attempt to set her down in the nest alone she looks at you quizzically
“You’re joining me, right?”
You chuckle, “I will be. I just gotta make sure your sister and Kate make it up to the spare room. And I’ve also gotta get out of this suit”
“Okay” she huffs, “Just don’t take too long”
“I won’t, love. But go to sleep if you need to, don’t wait on me” you tell her as you slip back out of the room
You head back down the hall and into the living room to find a groggy Yelena looking at you, “Y/n?”
“Hey Lena”
She blinks away some of her sleepiness, “What time is it?”
“Time for you and Kate to head upstairs and crash in the guest room” you reply, making her chuckle
“Yeah, okay. Go ahead off to bed with my sister, I’ll take care of sleepy head” You nod and turn to leave but halfway down the hall you have to hold back laughter as you hear the sound of a pillow hitting something followed by Yelena whisper shouting, “Kate Bishop! Up!”
Now back in your room you find your mate checking in on your pup via the monitor, but her attention quickly shifts to you, “Dimas still in a deep sleep”
“Good, because sending those two up near him may bite us in the ass otherwise”
She chuckles and watches you fondly as you change out of your work clothes and into your pajamas, “How was the gala?”
“It went well. I think he earned more than double what he asked for in donations. It will be nice to see what internship programs he builds with the funds and what charities he’ll donate to” You answer, finally climbing into the nest behind her
Her own hand covers yours as it comes to rest on the swell of her belly, “No security concerns?”
You let out a sigh, knowing you had to tell her, “I’m telling you this because I don’t want you seeing it on the news tomorrow and panicking”
She stiffens slightly, and her grasp on your hand tightens, “What happened?”
“There was a guy acting suspicious and heading towards Tony. I stopped him and my men detained him. He had a gun. Was probably planning on shooting Tony on stage” She immediately turns around to face you and her hands cup your face. You can instantly sense her mild distress and do your best to soothe her, “Nothing bad happened though, I’m okay. Everyone is”
“You could have been shot” she says, her voice a mere whisper
“But I wasn’t”
“But you could have been” she stresses, “It could have gone differently and you could have gotten really hurt, and I could have…could have lost you”
“Omega…” you croon as your thumbs delicately wipe her tears away, “Things could have gone differently, yes. But they didn’t. I made it home safe and I’m here with you right now. Focus on that”
“How can I when you have to go back again for the next gala, or for an autograph signing, or a private group tour, or an outing to the race track, or anything else Tony decides he needs you for? It's hard enough watching you leave the house now that I’m with pups, but now that I know just how much danger you're in….I don’t know if I can do it, Alpha”
“You won’t have to” you assure her as you bring your forehead to rest against hers, “I’m still his head of security, but I no longer need to work events. I just do online meetings, schedules and event set ups now. I just have to go to my office now. No danger.”
“I promise” you tell her,placing a soft kiss against her lips, “Now get some rest detka(baby), you three need it. I’ll be right here.”
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming  @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @aeroae @sashawalker2 @naslt @lattayhottay16 @yelenabelov-ed @thatonebrazilian @that-one-gay-mosquito @marvelwomen-simp @wannabe-fic-reader @tashakink @whitewidowsbite @smromanoff
145 notes · View notes
n0tamused · 2 days
Midnight thought that popped into my head… If you watched Spirited Away, do you remember a bunch of little black soot balls that carried coal around? What if the reader also works at the academy and has made herself a bunch of those little robots to fetch tools when she needs them? Imagine working on something with these little goofballs running around, making high-pitched robot noises and being useful at the same time, what a dream. The second part is, what if some of them started running to Xiangli Yao's office (and Academy too) to get tools (screwdrivers, hammers, etc.) because they couldn't find them in our office due to some errors (or some other reason)? Which led to a funny little investigation of missing items? Honestly saw it as already established relationship, but could be used as push-to-confession maybe? Can definitely see something like this: -My little babies would never steal! -Your… babies? -Erm, never mind…
Honestly, use this however you like if you do, the possibilities are endless and fun, no matter how you twist it, I have just come up with an example.
A/n: this was awfully sweet, but even with that I didn't imagine it would turn out this long. I do hope this is what you had in mind. I really enjoyed writing this. And hey, first Xiangli Yao fic! Yipeeee
Contents: Xiangli Yao x Reader, she/her pronouns, fluff
Words: 4221
Steel Hearts
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Little pitter-patters of feet echo down the empty corridor, the sound accompanied by the low mechanical buzz that could be said to be a coo or a call. Xiangli Yao had yet to get used to the new tiny companions around the Academy, although they made for an endearing sight when they got together to work. Xiangli Yao steps to the side of the corridor, slowing down his step as he notices a few Aideroids rush past diligently, carrying a few empty petri dishes, box of gloves and some unlabeled material samples. He tilted his head as they passed by, clicking and clacking without paying him any mind, like a line of ants as they made it straight for their queen - you. It would seem that the confusion of the recent incidents at the Academy have rubbed off on the Aideroids as well, otherwise known as Assistive Intelligence Droids, judging by how scattered they seemed after your own office has been subjected to a little... disaster, to put it plainly. It has pushed you to share an office with your colleague until the renovations are done, and while you had adjusted well, the little droids would always stop by the old office or by his own next to yours before finding you at last.
Xiangli Yao admired them and once he had run into a droid in the corner of his office that had gone down due to battery problems. He had fixed it up for you then. The droids weren’t admirable by looks alone, but by their design as well with their creator behind them. Although they seemed to be a nuisance of a sight for Mortefi, even he commented on their usefulness. The only thing everyone was against was to make them capable of flight. You agreed that the sight of so many droids buzzing about wouldn’t be quite comfortable.
He continued on into his office, looking over the report he had yet to finish, one he was looking forward to writing out. The half done pages reeked of promise and satisfaction, as they would come to represent the best part of the job in Xiangli Yao’s eyes. The end, the fruits of his labor. He hummed something low in his throat as he glimpsed an error in his grammar, making a mental note to fix it up later as he swung the door open and closed it behind it, failing to notice that the door had been creaked open already. Muscle memory brings his feet to his desk, and as he goes to put his papers down he is greeted by several singular eyes looking up at him, all scattered on and around his desk. He blinks at them in surprise, and for a moment they mirror his confusion and shock in equal measure, but as no command or response comes from his mouth, they swiftly return to their ‘work’ at his tools. One Aideroid was carrying the rubik's cube he liked to keep in his office, oftentimes fidgeting with it when he came into a slump during work hours. The Aideroid chucked it over the edge of the desk with a ‘kahooo’ and another similar sound came from below, where another droid caught the cube. Another droid was already halfway to the door with screwdrivers and small container of oil he uses to treat his prosthetic arm - had the door been unlocked, the little droid would have managed to escape the office with Yao’s belongings. 
“Hey, hey, hey- now, little friend. It seems you have plans for my things-” he speaks to the droid with a light laugh in his tone as he manages to pluck back the oil and screwdrivers from its clasping hands before it could truly clasp down. “Has Miss. (L/N) been in such desperate need of oil that she sends you to take mine?” 
The droid looks up at him and the lenses of its eye narrow and zoom in on the towering figure of Xiangli Yao, yet, ever loyal and determined to assist you, the droid lets out a disgruntled beeping sound, almost like a little howl. Its arms stretched upward, waiting for the tools to be given back to its hold. 
“Ah, no, my friend. I’m afraid I cannot give you these back” he says and turns towards the desk just as the droid carrying his cube walks by, and Yao swiftly takes the cube back as well, and then the microscope from the next droid, and a few pencils from the next few. By the time he’s up to his desk again, he feels as if he went through an attempted robbery, his arms full of his things and behind him he hears several voices of dissatisfied and demanding droids. He holds onto his lighthearted demeanor, a gentle and amused smile plastered over his lips as he sets back his belongings on his desk and back onto the shelves. “Miss. (L/n) would not want you to rob her colleagues, would she now? I know you don’t like returning to her with empty arms, but I can’t be giving you my own research and tools so easily” he tells the droids as if they’re a bunch of kids and for a moment he expects to be greeted with more protests as the droids all but stare at him in grave silence. Thankfully they do not pose more verbal danger, and scatter to climb onto one another and skillfully open the door before moving out again. Xiangli Yao can only stare at the space they occupied, still trying to acknowledge what has just happened. He was about to shake the thoughts of before he remembered the droids he passed in the corridor, now realizing the tools and materials they carried were his.
Black bolded letters lined every page, and page after page you scanned the book for the chapter you needed to fuel your brain for power which you desperately needed for this experiment. You sigh in disappointment as you find the chapter of your favorite book ripped out, leaving the next chapter as some distant tale you were yet to understand. You close the book with a thump and push it aside, returning to another set of letters on your research paper and the propped up tubes and test tubes and cylinders before you. Testing biological matter and the effects of the Waveworn Phenomena on them came with its limitations, but for all of those you managed to achieve quite a few breakthroughs in the last few years. 
You found yourself just short of other achievements, it was just an arms reach away yet you were stuck. Not understanding where you began to go over the same papers again, going through numbers, chemical formulas and the hypothesis at the start, but the important puzzle piece was yet to be revealed to your mind. The sound of small feet do not alarm you as they buzz behind you and move about the office. They came and went the entire day, bringing you your torn book and some other less important things at the moment, yet you acknowledged their need to be of help- it was in their code. Just like animals which flee or fight naturally when confronted with danger, the Aideroids wanted to help when confronted with your frown and furrowed brows. They knew something was amiss, so by bringing you all the tools and materials you previously praised them for, their droids’ minds hoped to see and hear the praise once more to know their daily task had been fulfilled. Yet, the last few days have been filled with your stagnant moods with not a sweet word in sight. The loss of the comforts of your own office was palpable even with the adjustments you’ve made - nothing can beat having your own space to do with as you please.
Your head hands low over the papers, forehead resting on your clasped palms as you let your eyes close. Searching for the answer deep in your mind, you fail to see the way forward and your mind swiftly wanders to imagery of the open fields, summer days and your favorite food stalls. Aideroids made their way up the side of your desk, carrying the microscope between them in their strong little arms, and as they set it before you with a small thump, you looked up to see it, a look of confusion falling over your eyes. “Now, why have you brought me this, AIDE?” you ask the droid group who coo at you in unison. “I already have a functional microscope..” you added, sighing at their attempt to assist you with no success. But before you can reprimand them and ask whose microscope they’ve taken, you see more of the droids climb up the desk with a glove box and unmarked materials sealed in small boxes. At that you were a bit more alarmed. Sitting up straight in your chair you feel a wave of anxiety come over you as you’re made to guess whose research they just snagged up with no pardon. “AIDE, where did you get this?” you asked as you took one of the sample bags one of the droids offered you. You carefully unpacked it and took a quick look inside, a bit more relieved to find it was only dirt samples from god knows where. But the other baggies held materials you weren’t trying to mess with, judging by their looks alone through the translucent bag. 
The droids coo and click, and on your watch monitor you can see the transcribed text that they were trying to convey. 
‘Xiangli Yao’s office, Baizhi’s office’.
You had to physically stop yourself from face palming at the sentence. Your little helpful companions resorting to stealing from your fellow colleagues, one of them a renowned genius? You thank god that most of them have already left the Academy for the day, and others were on break.
“Please, give the rest of those to me… I’ll have to give you another code input, this can’t happen again - you can’t just take other people’s belongings” you gently scold while the many pairs of eye just look at you, mechanically blinking and adjusting their lenses as they try to comprehend why you didn’t like what they’ve done. You have already gathered the things they took, carefully cradling the items in your arms as you tell them to stay in the office while you go and return them - hoping to also clear your mind with this brisk walk.
You turn the corner from your current office, closing the door behind you and your mind is running, hoping your droids haven’t done any damage, even if you have put all the necessary codes into their system that avoided damaging things, but who's to say they can’t malfunction or accidentally push somethin or-
“Ah! Xiangli Yao!” you nearly squeal as you run into him when you turn to go down the corridor leaning to his office, and like a kid caught with their hand in the candy jaw, you flush with items that are obviously his in your arms. You take a few steps back to put a more professional and comfortable distance between the two of you. You swallow the lump in your throat, hoping the warmth you felt wasn’t as visible on your skin as you imagined it to be. 
“Ah, Miss (L/N), it is you, and with quite an interesting assortment of things in tow” Yao greeted back, his eyes quickly catching on to the items in your hold, a warm smile pulling on his lips. “I was just about to pay you a visit. It would seem your Aideroids have been up to some mischief as of recent”
“Mischief?” you countered almost instantly, and be it fatigue or the knowledge that the droids weren’t mischievous by their nature, you almost took it as an insult. “Oh, you misunderstand. They aren’t mischievous, Xiangli Yao. They just.. need some code tuning” you added with a stubborn shake of your head, holding the items closer to your torso. 
“Oh? And is that why they have resorted to taking my things without being given permission beforehand?” Yao retorted, his voice a warm honey. Was he teasing you? 
You couldn’t muster up a laugh, your lips pressing together in a tight line out of some nervousness for feeling so cornered. “Xiangli Yao..” you began, sighing as you nearly trailed off - he had his point, yet you couldn’t let your little droids be subjected to any form of insults, even in jest! “That doesn’t mean they’re mischievous. Although their objective is flawed in execution, something I’ll have to fix later, I assure you they did not mean to deprive you of your own ability to conduct your work. This is why I have come to return your belongings by myself and.. apologies on their behalf - although the fault is also mine own for not having foreseen such a thing happening with them” you told him, nearly rushing through the entire sentence. “AIDE has told me some of these materials are also from Baizhi. Do you mind taking back the ones that are yours?” 
Xiangli Yao looks on at you, letting you speak and he nods at the question. Did this make you so riled up, or was it him? He had to admit, he felt rather weak in his word arsenal now. This has in no way ruined his day, nor has he meant any offense to you with his quips. The interaction it all led to between the two of you felt sweet to his heart, as most encounters between the two of you during the day felt almost artificial, all work no soul chatter which he found himself craving to have with you. And both of you needed solo time to recharge, but now it felt like there was emotion behind it, there was a heart. Yao wasn’t about to simply let it go to waste. But what does he say to make you more at ease?
“Of course. Here, why don’t you come to my office, I’ll also help you sort the other items out that belong to Baizhi afterwards” he offered as he took back his things, and also some more to lighten your load as some seemed at the point of slipping past your fingers. “Your droids are quite skilled to unlock doors previously locked - have you taught them to pick at locks?” he asked, his tone genuine as well as he recalled an occasion where he overheard Mortefi complaining to you about AIDE ‘breaking into his office’. 
You sigh at the memory. “No. I have not taught them any of that. Their objectives and codes only revolve around listening to my orders and helping me work, I genuinely don’t know where they got it to pick locks..” you tell him as you walk side by side to his office. His presence felt as if he was pressed right against your side, even if there was comfortable space between you, or perhaps that was just you overthinking the situation. Xiangli Yao’s company was always welcome, you wished your paths crossed more often during work, but alas..
“Admirable, really” Yao comments, looking up ahead and hastening his step to open the door with his elbow, leaving it wide open for you. You walk in and you can already tell AIDEs has been through here. Xiangli Yao sets down the items he had in his arms, returning the ones that belonged to him to their right place.
“Have..have they damaged anything of yours?” You cautiously asked as you looked around, almost expecting to see broken glass or torn papers.
“Oh no, they've done no harm. They were quite adamant on taking my things, however” he chuckles. “The group that I encountered in my office even wished to scold me for not allowing them to take the items back to you. Kahooting at me and beeping, heh. They even picked up the oil for my prosthetic” he said as he turned back to look at you, noticing how your brows curled in a worried expression, the cogs and wheels turning so loud he could nearly hear them from where he stood.
You sigh for the nth time, your shoulders slumping as you shake your head. “I'm really sorry for this, they really aren't like this. I'm assuming that the loss of my office, which was coded as their own ‘HQ’  , impacted them more than I imagined. They wouldn't do any of this otherwise “ You adjust the few small items in your arms, the sample bags stacked on top. 
Xiangli Yao hums in acknowledgement. “I understand that. Thankfully, that is an easy fix until your office is done and ready for use again. I often see the little guys lingering in front of the locked doors of the office.. makes me think they’re rather sentimental about the place” he nodded thoughtfully, and as he talked he approached you again, taking the items from you even after you tried to give a word of protest. 
“Although, I also have a suspicion it is not just the loss of their ‘HQ’ that is making them behave like this” Yao added as he motioned towards the door again, having you walk out first. You did as he requested, but you closed the door behind him before he could try to. You look at him quizzically, brows furrowed in confusion. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well..the droids’ objective is to help you reach an end in your research or daily tasks, yes? Have you perhaps not been able to reach an end of your work that the droids' could physically see? This is just my hypothesis but..uhh..” he trails off as he notices the weight of your stare, his eyes going back to the path ahead, focusing on going to Baizhi’s office. Was he being too prodding? 
You couldn't deny that his words held some water, but a part of you wasn't ready to simply say what you thought. The AIDE were a bunch of robots you created, scraps of metals and wires, and giving them any form of sentimental intelligence aloud felt wrong. Even if you treated them kindly and softly like puppies and cats countless times, you weren't going to risk being seen as soft and fragile in your workspace, in front of Yao no less. He wasn’t cold in any way, or unkind to either robots, people or animals - but you felt silly in your treatment of your helpful companions.
“Are you saying that the droids may have a.. small flaw in their system? Their code could use some fine tuning, that's for sure…” you replied, trailing off as you thought about it, relieving him of your gaze in the meantime. 
“Yes, that is what seems most plausible, although I do not know their code as well as you do” 
You nod and just shrug, too tired to think of inputting more codes and numbers, but you knew the task was unavoidable. “Yeah…I'll take a look at the codes once I'm back. Uh, you know where Baizhi keeps her things?”
“Not exactly in the way she has her things organized…but, we can just leave them in an orderly place. I can explain the situation to her in the morning for you, no worries” Xiangli Yao is about to hasten his step again but you make it a point to beat him to it, opening the door for him and keeping it open. You hear a huff of a laugh behind you but you do not immediately turn around to face him and see his expression. Yet when you do take a look, your heart jumps in your throat as he passes by you, giving you another one of his warm smiles.
You feel stiff compared to him, he who seems so carefree and professional. 
“You don't have to do that on my behalf. I'll just talk to her myself” you slide in next to him above Baizhi’s desk. It looks rather empty with how well organized it looks. Papers piled neatly on one end next to the simple lamp, pens in their pen holder, a few other things carefully tucked over the desk but besides that, there was nothing else on the desk. Everything else had its place on the shelves or in the drawers. You have to hold back your awe at it, remembering how much of an ‘organized mess’ your desk is. 
“It wouldn't be an inconvenience, Baizhi and I have a task we have to do together tomorrow,” Yao said as he sat the sample bags down along with the little boxes. 
You find yourself not knowing what to say, and suddenly you feel as if you're standing too close for comfort, your neck feeling too warm and you decide to pace away, taking in the office - one you have probably visited before but that fact wasn't important right now. 
“Coohoo, clack?” 
You both turn around and see several eyes staring back at you around the doorframe. 
Xiangli Yao chuckles as he sees that the little droids have, once again, managed to snag something of his to bring to you - this time the Rubik's cube from before. They murmur among themselves when they see him, and one at the front almost hisses when he approaches. The others rush in with the Rubik's Cube in tow, rushing straight to you. 
“Ah- not again…” you grumble as you crouch down to welcome your rowdy robot children in, taking the cube away from them as they crowd around your feet and tug lightly at the tail of your coat.  “I'm really sorry, Xiangli-”
“No, no, please, no need to apologize. Now that I look at this, I have a feeling they're trying to lift your spirits. Surely, AIDE realizes a Rubik’s Cube has no other use but momentary play”
You look up at him, joining in the stare group made from your droids who all can't seem to take their eyes off of him. 
“That…could be it. Hah, a rather cute thought, isn't it? I should give these guys a bit more praise, I think..” you feel yourself cracking slowly, the exhaustion and the weight of your unreached goals making your mind a fuzzy place. You feel your cheeks go warm again and cast your eyes down swiftly to take a look at your droids again.
“Quite so. Do you need help with the coding?” He suddenly asked as you rose to your feet, taking a careful step over the grouped up droids. You stumble and feel Yao grab onto your elbow to stabilize you. “Careful-”
“Thanks.. here's your, uhm, cube” you mutter as you hastily hand him the Rubik's cube even before you get to stand back properly on your feet. 
The droids coo in unison, first in surprise and then in relief when you don't fall. 
“And no, actually, I should be fine with doing the coding on my own. It will only take a bit, but anyway- I'd rather not be in your way any more than I already am.” You said as you found your feet again, the droids already gathering around your feet again and looking up at you and Yao unblinking. 
“In my way? Miss (L/N), you’re not in my way. I am offering you my help of my own free will, not out of pity or anything similar” he assures you and soon joins you in looking down at your droids when you fail to respond. This time he can’t help but notice the flush on your cheeks, but he doesn’t comment on it for your sake.
“These little ones are.. quite something” you added as your eyes gazed over them all, listening to their lenses “blink” and observe.
The droids huddle closer, almost climbing up over the other to reach better heights to either of you. His words from before strike you once more in that moment, and you find yourself thinking deeper about the issue at hand - although can you really call it an issue? The droids have done nothing but try their best to be of use to you, and not only in your work but in your mood as well. Would it be so wrong to treat them with a little more humanity? The droids seemed to favor Xiangli Yao in some ways too, as most of the items they brought back to you were his.
“Xiangli Yao..”
“Hm?” He tips his head to the side, looking over at you as you still observe the little ones.
“Could you actually..help me with these guys a bit? I think I want to do more than just coding changes, I'd like to add some more features - and you have more experience in this field than I do”
Xiangli Yao feels his heart swell with something he can't quite describe coherently in that moment, but he knows it is making him feel fuzzy and energized. “Of course! I'd love to - spending some time with these droids is going to be a time well spent”.
Although he loved the droids on their own, he was more so looking towards spending time with you. And where the droids were is where you are.
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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uriekukistan · 1 day
thoughts on jjk 270, unfiltered for your reading pleasure
honestly the whole chapter feels like a disservice to megumi. i know i say that all the time, and maybe i'm just too jaded, maybe i'm wearing favorite character goggles idk, but as a whole i think this chapter was just. not good so if i wanna talk about it with regards to the Favorite Character, i will
my first thought seeing megumi at tsumiki's grave was that gege was gonna finally give a proper moment where he could grieve and reach some kind of closure, maybe get some of the overdue development he's earned. like to me there's nothing better than when the emotionally reserved character breaks down, and this would have been the perfect moment. i feel like so much of megumi's character has been built around his relationship to tsumiki, and the past 60 chapters-ish have been building up to this moment where megumi can properly grieve and maybe express some kind of remorse to tsumiki for being a bit of a brat when he was younger, but he never gets that. instead, we get this really stale and emotionless ending for their relationship, and for megumi's character as a whole. like idk, this whole time he's wanted to be able to apologize to tsumiki and make it up to her after everything she did for him, and he never even gets a moment to mourn. i hate that for him.
next. why am i getting more emotionally satisfying endings for side characters that i literally dgaf abt than for main characters like megumi, yuuta, gojo (i'll stand by the fact that i think he should have died, but like show people mourning him damn), nobara, YUUJI?????? idk like wtf is going on here. to me there is no reason to get a more satisfying ending for that middle school friend of yuuji's who was relevant for like two pages before i get a satisfying end for the literal deuteragonist of the story
then there's the whole thing w hana. i'm not even saything this from a shipping standpoint, but it's frustrating to me that megumi gets to reach some kind of peace w hana and have a good conversation with her before he talks to itadori, the person who's been by his side this whole time, the person who appreciates him for who he is and not their idealized version of him, the person who he decided to live for, the person who arguably means the most in his life right now. he doesn't get to exchange a serious heart to heart with him, but he gets to have a shallow surface level interaction with hana? idk i just feel like it reduces his character to something very superficial and i hate to see it.
and maybe i'm just dumb but i don't get like. any of these new plot points that have been introduced, but honestly, i don't care to understand. it seems like gege is in fact trying to set up a second part to jjk and im just so annoyed by that, because we get this rushed ending where nothing reaches proper fruition so he can introduce these new plots? like idk, somehow that pisses me off more than if he just fumbled the ending, but i hold that thought until we know for sure that he's making a second part.
this was supposed to be more general, but i got carried away w my thoughts abt how bad megumi's ending was fumbled. anyway. yeah canon doesn't exist to me past 268 :D
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xxlady-lunaxx · 4 hours
Hehe i think you arleady know me cause i am litteraly the queen of spam anyways PLEASE can you do a uzugiyuu thing when like Tengen (and maybe his wives) got jealous cause his so called husband Giyuu is too close with Shinobu or smth like that (dont mind my grammar i am french) anyways that's all i love you and your post very much btw💗💗
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keep spamming me i love it and i love you too <3 tysm
Giyuu wasn’t quite sure how or when he’d been proclaimed Tengen’s husband, but he honestly didn’t mind. Especially since the four Uzui’s had a tendency to keep him company whenever or wherever he was, without a care in the world. Their enthusiasm was contagious and Giyuu was all for it, as long as they weren’t barging into his house again. But as much as he appreciated their constant patience with him and how much they claimed to love him, there was definitely cons to this relationship they’d established. One being Tengen’s something something jealousy and the arguments that erupted constantly between him and Shinobu. Somehow, Tengen had decided that Shinobu was ‘hogging’ Giyuu and had taken it into his own hands to warn Shinobu to ‘back off.’ Or something.
Giyuu found himself stuck in between the two—which was very disorienting because of Tengen and Shinobu’s height differences so that it felt like the words were ping ponging around him. He was getting dizzy at all the shouting and snapping. He didn’t even understand Tengen’s logic when he said that Giyuu was his—mostly because Shinobu had no interest in dating Giyuu and that was apparent, even to Sanemi. There was something about being tugged from Tengen’s arms to being pulled by Shinobu to being snatched back by Tengen that didn’t quite sit right with Giyuu. But when he voiced the opinion, Tengen spoke over him and Shinobu told him—Giyuu—to shut up. Which was all well and all, so he was yanked around like an idiot until Tengen settled the argument by carrying Giyuu away.
Eventually, Giyuu found himself hoisted over Tengen’s shoulder and marched to the Uzui household. At least, he thought, Tengen’s wives were quite to intervene and have him put down. So while they coddled him and Hinatsuru had a word with Tengen about all this manhandling, Giyuu walked the rest of the way to the Estate, accompanied by Makio and Suma. They questioned him, knowing how Tengen probably had been earlier. Giyuu figured they must be quite used to this by now.
He assured them that Shinobu had also played a part in it so his disheveled state mustn’t be blamed purely on Tengen. Nevertheless, they hustled him inside and took down his ponytail to assist in brushing his hair out and dusting him off. He supposed it wasn’t all too bad, then. What with Hinatsuru and Tengen joining them soon after. Hours later, Giyuu found himself bundled up in a futon with the four Uzui’s, the women in the pile all fast asleep. Tengen was wide awake, as was Giyuu, mostly because he was aware of missions he had to attend to in a bit and refused to let himself sleep. He took the chance to assure Tengen that he, in fact, did not see Shinobu in any romantic light. And that she was more of a friend to him, or a sister. Tengen agreed, though he didn’t bother apologizing for earlier. Which was the end of that.
Except it really wasn’t because the next day, when going over to the Butterfly Estate for a check up—his original plans yesterday before Tengen crashed the party—he found Shinobu and Tengen bickering. Sensing immediately that it was about the thing from the day before, he took a safer route and went to a sympathetic Aoi for his check up instead.
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im out of ideas my brain is fried HELPP im sorry its friday im ready to sleep
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honeydewandcake · 5 hours
random game mechanic logic thing for yandare twisteds. Common twisteds really only act like bodyguards (at least. Boxten, Poppy, Shrimpo. Teagen, Tisha, and Finn do) they are not too mutated or mutilated to do much more or much else. Finn being the least effective but he slows down other twisteds (and toons) if they get within a certain radius of their s/o Uncommon. (or in better words. Scraps, Goob, Flutter, RnD, and Rodger) all have unique things they do. Scraps and Goob using their stretchy limbs to yank their S/O away from danger (or away from another toon if they spent too long next to them) while Flutter finds items with their mechanic of not stopping to bring to their S/O if they got no items. Rodger basically becomes a item where if the S/O uses him, he'll pop out and blast anything that threatens his S/O. After a moment he'll return to item form and can be picked up. Probably the easiest to control. RnD, leashed to their S/O. Moment they sit down together, killzone goes up. Unique case, if Cosmo or Sprout are the yandare twisted, both act to protect the S/O if on the same floor together. The main toons... honestly, All I can imagine is them all carrying their S/O around in certain ways. Besides Astro who makes everything else real slow and sleepy. Just random thoughts, hope you like em
These are such cool ideas!! I like the fact that the twisteds have basically become a teammate (at least for their S/O)
Posting this so others can see!!
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bokettochild · 2 years
Hero's Wake - Part 1/3
This story happened because I wanted to write something for a piece off art, but like anything I work on, I had to justify how everything came about and it ran away from me LOL
(I'll share a link to the art in another installment in order to prevent spoilers)
Summary: A battle in the middle of nowhere leaves the younger heroes grievously injured and a couple near death. It's only been a day since their last big battle and they're nearly out of medical supplies, and with no towns or healers in sight, the boys have to hope that the owners of the small farmhouse Twilight saw when scouting ahead will be kind enough to help them. Turns out, the farmers have a lot more to offer than medical aid; they also have stories and memories of a young hero of courage it seems the Chain hasn't yet encountered.
  It started like anything did, with a day on the road. 
  It progressed as all ill things did with a battle gone wrong. 
  Wild had attempted to jump in front of a blow meant for Wind once more only for the sailor to duck out of the way and stumble into the champion instead. Neither had been overly harmed by the incident, although both were irritated, but the noise and their cries had made many a head whip around and miss the weapons aimed at them. 
  When the monsters cleared, it was with Sky and Warriors on their tails, eyes flaming as the rest of the heroes had scrabbled to pull themselves and each other together. Time’s own injuries were the least serious, the plate armor doing its job and preventing anything worse than heavy bruising and a cut that would more likely than not leave a second scar across the other side of his face (although thankfully missing his eye). Malon will be thankful when he gets home, for that at least, but the old man can’t help but wonder if it’ll even matter. 
  His boys are so much worse. 
  When Warriors and Sky return, ichor and blood still dripping from their blades as, in their hurry to join the others and ensure that all are alive, they’ve neglected to even wipe their weapons. It’s touching that Sky would neglect the Master Sword for one of them, and a small, maybe cruel part of him feels just a bit of satisfaction for that. 
  It’s short lived though. His mind has better things to be doing, like pressing his hands over the gaping wound in their veteran’s chest as he tries to keep the other focused, to keep Wind from panicking where the sailor is trying to help him while Twilight wraps the gash in the smithy’s side and makes his own protégé stay still long enough someone can handle the champion’s headwound. He’s not quite sure where Hyrule is; the traveler is silent and his feet more so as the other does whatever he’s doing. Whatever it is, his first check over the group had assured him that, at the least, Hyrule isn’t dying currently, which is all he really has time to focus on at the moment. 
  There’s panicked babble from Wind beside him, Sky’s own voice asking questions as he seeks to help, but Warriors is his rock and steady strength as the man pushes him away and takes over, inspecting the wound and immediately covering and bandaging it as best he can, voice ever calm as the captain assures not only Wind, but Time and Legend as well. 
  “It’s going to be okay. The worst of it is the broken ribs, and with a potion or two this’ll close and be nothing more than a scar.” 
  Wind’s eyes are watery, but he nods, dashing away tears.  
  He wants to offer assurance or comfort, but he honestly doubts the sailor would appreciate Legend’s blood being smeared over his clothes, hair or cheeks, so Time keeps his hands to himself and turns his eyes to the field. 
  Sky is helping Twilight, and while Hyrule is limping, badly so, the traveler isn’t leaking blood anywhere as he moves to tend to Wild’s head and keeps the champion murmuring and mumbling so as to prevent passing out. It’s not the best tactic, but Hyrule’s just a half-fae, he’s no healer. Still, he’s doing his best and his best is a lot more than what the rest of them, save Warriors with his medical training, can offer. 
  “Someone grab a potion.” Warriors huffs, gathering Legend up as the vet visibly is fighting with his body for consciousness. He’d almost just tell Legend to let go and let himself rest, but the blow the veteran had taken was hardly a kind one and he doesn’t know if Legend might be struggling with a concussion or not as well. Either way, the vet’s eyes are very much open as he stares at the others and their work, as if for lack of anything better to focus on. 
  Then again, Legend is farsighted, trying to focus on any of them must be a struggle with how close they’re all sitting. 
  “Potion, now!” Warriors raps, and it snaps Time back to himself. 
  Maybe he’s dealing with something upstairs too, because his reaction time is never this slow. It can’t be. His boys need him and dallying will waste time, blood and life. His bag doesn’t have a potion though, and when he turns to look to the others their faces are grim as only one more is produced, half-drunk but there. The captain has it in his hands within seconds, Wind the willing carrier, and it’s being pushed to Legend’s lips moments later. 
  There’s no fighting. The stuff may taste like rotting fruit but Legend doesn’t even complain, just lets the captain ease the liquid into his mouth and down his throat fast enough that the veteran won’t choke, but will get the much-needed potion as quickly as is safe. And it helps, it does. The smaller wounds close and the vet’s breathing eases just a bit, but it’s not enough. 
  “That was the last one?” It’s both question and statement as he looks across the group of younger heroes.  
  They nod. “Yeah, the others were used day before yesterday.” 
  Also a terrible battle, only that one was worse. That one they’d been fighting one of Legend’s lynels and one of Wild’s hinoxes, as well as various smaller monsters. The fact they’re alive today is truly a miracle of some sort, although a short lived one if they can’t get more potions to stop the profuse bleeding of the smithy and veteran. 
  “Twilight, you went scouting ahead with Four, were there any signs of civilization ahead?” 
  Warriors shouldn’t be needing to take charge, but in the wake of Time’s slow-moving mind the captain is, and it’s frustrating. His brother is a skilled leader, yes, but these boys are his duty and their care shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of another, no matter how strong and steady Warriors’ might be. 
  Twilight huffs a heavy breath, shaking his head and gritting his teeth as he ties off the last of the bandages and pulls Four up into his arms. “Just an old farmhouse up the road. There’s nothing else for miles yet.” 
  “We’ll have to hope the folks in the house will take pity then,” he finds himself saying, pulling himself up to his feet and offering to take Legend from the captain’s hold. He's declined, the man using his scarf to help fashion a sling to carry his brother in. “We won’t make it much further, not without medical supplies.” 
  And it’s only with great luck they make it that far. While Time wouldn’t say Hylia is smiling on them exactly, he’d dare a guess to say her favor is offering a bit of aid to keep them all breathing long enough to make it up to the farmhouse his pup had spoken of. It’s a lovely place, rather familiar really, although he doesn’t bother trying to place why. He’s got two young heroes in desperate need of care, and while not as serious, six other boys who at the very least could do with some stitching, bandaging and cleaning up. 
  They must make a sight as they knock at the door, he in the front and Warriors behind with Legend, Sky carrying Four and Twilight supporting his own protégé while Wind does the same for Hyrule. There’s blood on the lot of them and panic in their eyes and the poor woman who opens the door, teary eyed and sniffling, barely has time to blink back in horror or surprise before they’re begging for her help. 
  “Please, we need help, they’re dying and-” 
  The door makes to close, bright eyes flashing as the red-head draws back, tears still on her cheeks but hatred in her eyes. 
  It’s all Time can do to catch the door and push back against it, not entering but still asking for aid. “Please! They’re just kids, they need help!” 
  And that makes her pause. He knows that knights and armored, blood covered warriors may not be something people are keen on dealing with, but when her eyes trail over his shoulder (she’s taller than him he realizes) she seems to soften at the sight of small figures clutched close or barely standing. 
  “Wait there.” 
He wants to protest that there is no time, his boys’ every breath may be their last, but she doesn’t close the door or even step too far away, just calls into the house. 
And then another woman, one who looks much the same but slimmer, more grey but just as teary eyed, appears and takes only a look at him, at Warriors who’s come to stand beside him, at Wind and Hyrule peeking around with faces tired and eyes pained, and something glimmers to life in tearful eyes. 
“Come in, come in.” The older of the two women breathes, voice catching as she all but pulls them into the house. Within instants she’s on their younger members, guiding the group of them through a well-appointed house to a warmly lit living area which seats two more red-headed girls with drawn faces and teary eyes. Both girls jump up at the sight of them, standing and staring as the elder woman, likely their grandmother if he’s guessing right, motions Warriors and Sky to the couch with their burdens while settling Wind and Hyrule in armchairs with soft clucks of the tongue and shakes of the head. 
“Malon, fetch my med-kit. Creamia, fetch a few blankets, luv, these gents’ll need some place to sleep tonight and heaven knows I ain’t sendin’ ‘em out in the rain.” 
It’s not raining, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it did; Legend was complaining of an ache in his joints and Warriors’ tremor was worse, even Wild had said something about his scars acting up.  
Both girls dart to obey orders, eyes sharp but not a word spoken as they head different directions, the taller towards the stairs near the door and the shorter towards a door set in the wall that he doesn’t catch anything through before it swings closed again.  
While they run and fetch, his boys settle, soft groans and whimpers sounding as they adjust.  
“Ma’am, do you have any-” 
“Romani, check the kitchen for red potions, I keep ‘em up in the top cabinet, y’know the one.” 
The woman who greeted them at the door nods firmly, darting back the way they came.  
There's a clatter and clinking from the other room, but his attention is on his boys. Warriors is sitting with Legend, applying pressure to the still leaking injury in the vet’s chest while Sky does the same for their smithy. Both smaller boys are well passed out by now, be it from pain, lack of blood or worse he doesn’t know. All he knows is that what little good he can do at the moment is help Hyrule’s leg into a splint with the bandages he finds placed in his hands by a girl with a familiar face (although much younger than his own wife) and a stick Wind grabs from the woodpile beside the raging fireplace. 
There’s fuss around him. The warm, comfortable tutting sound of a worried farm-wife as injuries are stitched, potions are administered and bandages set. The woman takes no issue with ordering them about, but no one questions her. When she says for him hoist Legend in his arms he obeys, he follows her up the stairs as she carries Four, and he asks no questions as the taller of the two grand-daughters, Creamia (and do they all have such familiar names?) holds open a door at her grandmother’s command and allows them entrance to a child’s bedroom. 
There’s no child in the room, but there’s books and toys stacked on shelves. There’s a plush rabbit perched among the pillows and colorful books piled on a side-table. There's art on the walls that, while well made, is not the practiced hand of an adult (or at least, nothing like Wild and Legend’s many sketches). He doesn’t ask if the boy- because he thinks it must be a little boy's room, there’s simply just the feeling to it- will mind giving up his space. There’s something about the room, too clean smelling for a farm child, that tells him there’s no child coming back here at the day’s end save his own. 
“Settle them in the bed.” The elder woman orders, and he does so. He slips Legend, now breathing steady but still a bit pale, beneath the covers as Four is laid down at his side. A part of him wonders if he should remove the bunny plush from between them, but he doesn’t have time to try before the woman is catching his arm and guiding him back down the stairs, clucking softly. “Your turn now, my girls’ll have the little ones all tended by now.” 
He’s pushed down on the couch, still bloody from its last occupants, and he goes. He has no clue why he goes, but maybe it's because he’s well accustomed to having a redheaded woman order him about when injured and Malon has trained him to simply comply until his hurts are treated. It’s a good thing she did, because this other woman seems to appreciate his compliance. 
“Concussed.” She tells him, after flickering fingers and candles in front of his eyes and staring at him near uncomfortably long. “A potion can help, but lettin’ your eyes and brain rest some is best. No sleepin’ though, not ‘till I’m sure your stable.” 
He nods. “I can’t anyways. My boys-” 
“Will live.” Her smile is wry, the tears now gone from her eyes in the wake of the bustle and fuss. “They’ll rest easy in my baby’s bed,” and there’s the hint of sadness again in indigo eyes as they glance towards the stairs, “heaven knows he always did.” 
“Their injuries-” 
“Aren’t the worst I’ve seen. Scarrin’ is inevitable, but ain’t nothing that won’t heal with time. As for the rest,” she turns, and he follows her gaze to the other three women, who’ve since moved back to give his boys their space and now stand watching their elder, “Romani, what’s the state a’ things?” 
“A broken leg for the fae child, momma,” the eldest of the three reports, startling all of the heroes considerably but never reacting to their eyes turning to her. “Various gashes on the two knights, some deep, but nothin’ a potion didn’t fix. The blonde teen’s concussed too, a bit badly, but he should recover. The wolf one got a bit mangled, but again, nothin’ as wasn’t fixed with a sip a’ red.” 
The matriarch nods, firm and sturdy, shoulders releasing a bit. “Good.” And then she turns to his boys with a small half smile that’s so like Malon’s own when tired it makes him stare. Are all these women so close in looks to his wife? “You gent’s can rest up here. My husband's gone up to bed already, but I doubt he’ll take issue with aiding a few young‘uns an’ their papas as got themselves all messed up fightin’ a drove of ‘blins.” 
They didn’t even tell her. They never once mentioned what happened to them, but her eyes glitter with knowledge he daren’t question, not when it’s been used to their aid. Granted, he’s suspicious, quite a bit so, but this woman and her daughters have done nothing to prove themselves of ill intent, and had they wanted to cause harm all they would have had to do was close the door and lock the heroes into a fate that would have left them short their two shortest. 
So, he doesn’t ask how she knows, he doesn’t do anything more than sit still when he’s told to, Wild settling at his side on the worn couch and the four women bustling about as they make the others all comfortable. Hyrule’s offered a lift up the stairs, and although he moves to reject the offer, he immediately falls silent at a look from the eldest of the four. As a result, it’s not long before Wind has followed the one called Romani up the stairs, Hyrule in her arms, likely to be tucked up in another bed where hurts can heal and peaceful sleep can be found. 
That leaves five of them on the ground floor, but Twilight, Warriors and Sky seem entirely unphased with the thought of sleeping on the floor this evening. They don’t have to of course, with chairs abandoned they’re quickly pushed into them. He knows for a fact that the captain and Sky can both drift off sitting up, and have, with only minimal back or neck problems come the dawn, depending of course on what they’re leaned against. Comfy armchairs with excellent support will be no issue for the two, and already Sky’s eyes are looking heavy as he sinks down in relief. 
Twilight neglects the seats, instead settling close to Time himself and their cub, gaze wandering and wary as it trails over them, searching for signs of worsening or hurts that haven’t been tended. The rancher has nothing to do though, not with the matriarch of the house fussing about the cut on his mentor’s cheek and Wild already tended as far as he can be. 
Still, the pup still settles close, nearly on Time’s feet, gaze flickering over the rest of the room and ears flicking about. 
“Calm.” The eldest woman, the only un-named one as yet, scolds, tweaking the rancher’s ear gently and in a familiar manner that he supposes to mean her own children have met the same fate. Twilight looks more startled than offended, but considering how Ordon treats the pup he wouldn’t be surprised if any kindly farm-wife could get away with correcting the lad without question or comment. “Knights or not, there’s nothing harming y’all here. Lon Lon’s walls are the safest in all Hyrule.” 
“Yeah, far better than the castle I’ll reckon,” the youngest (he can’t think of her as Malon) scoffs slightly. 
Warriors straightens in his seat, not daring to move as a look is shot his way by the farm-wife. “We’re where?” 
He only realizes that the familiar name has been uttered when Warriors points it out. “Lon Lon Ranch,” the woman repeats, finally drawing back and giving him space, eyes critical as they sweep over him. “Best you shed that armor, hun. Poor darlin’ is bound to hurt himself leaning on all that.” 
A motion to Wild, leaning on his shoulder with a dazed expression, helps convince him. He has to remind himself that these woman won’t cause harm, not after providing aid, but it doesn’t stop him fumbling the buckles and belts of his gear, and Twilight has to sit up and help him with them. He only realizes then that his hands are shaking a bit. 
No one comments on it.  
“I’m Mirta Lon, s’pose I outta say that afore I send y’all off to rest. My husband, he’s gone up already but he’ll be down early in the morning, his name’s Hanson. Those there are my grand-babbies, Creamia and Malon, and their momma, my daughter, will be the one who was bringin’ the chilluns up to bed.” Thin hands with long and nimble fingers (something like their vet’s really) settle on slight hips as indigo eyes glide over them all again, expectant. 
“I’m Twilight,” his pup answers in kind, recognizing whatever cue he’s missed in his haze and proceeding to do the honors of their group. “That there is Warriors and Sky, and these two here are Wild and Time.” 
Three faces, all painfully familiar and shockingly similar (although there are differences they are slight) adopt the same expression, brows raised and eyes narrowing slightly. Mirta (Miss Mirta?) at least has some grace with her hesitation though, looking regal rather than just suspicious. 
“They’re nicknames,” he explains, although they’ve never done so before and he has no clue why he’s doing so now.  
“Ah.” And she nods like that explains all. “Right then. Time, Wild, you two need to keep awake some until you’re stable. Girls,” she turns, smiling softly at her grand-daughters, “best you two head on up to bed.” 
Glances are exchanged between the two, both talking in little ways like he’s seen his boys do, done with Twilight and Legend, Warriors and Wild, sometimes even Wind. It’s the Malon look-alike who speaks, a frown on her face. “Granny, ain’t our room full?” 
“No. Why’d you think that? I wouldn’t give up your room and make you sleep on the cold floor, you know that, sugar.” 
Another glance, another frown, something flickering in brown and green as the girls glance at each other and then their grandmother. “But then what room are those boys sleepin’ in? There’s only four in the house an’-” 
Miss Mirta shifts, not uncomfortably, but in that way that says she recognizes she’s about to say or do something that her children won’t care for. He doesn’t know the woman, but he knows the mannerism, he’s displayed it enough times himself after all. ”I set them in Link’s room.” 
He doesn’t need to look to know all his boys are perking up, even Wild at his shoulder. 
“The poor darling hardly needs it anymore.” 
And down duck heads as sadness clouds multiple shades of blue eyes. A Link usually means a hero, but it would seem the one of this world is already fallen. Bitterness bites at his throat and stomach, pinching his heart as he thinks to the room being discussed, one furnished for a young child, with books and drawings and toys and things suited for someone Wind’s age or younger. 
He feels sick. 
“But Gramma! It’s-” 
A thin hand is raised, the motion not dissimilar to how Warriors or Legend will cut someone off on their better days when they feel like being mature. “Malon, were Link alive he’d tell us to use the room. These boy’s ain’t much older than he was after all an’ after heaven knows how long on a road, they’ll need it.” 
“But it’s Link’s room.” Cremia murmurs, and there’s a hint of tears in big green eyes.  
She looks her name. It’s startling to realize it, having not gotten a good glance in the bustle, but he can almost imagine himself some thirty years younger and staring up into that face as soft words are spoken of a falling moon and an envied beverage to be granted as a final promise. 
“Were Link alive and needin’ a room, would you want someone to deny him jist cuz it used to belong to the lost? These boys have homes somewhere too, families who’ll be wanting someun’ to look after them. It’s only right we do our best by them as others did for our boy.” It’s said firmly, but it’s not hard to notice that her eyes glitter a bit with unshed tears. Said tears are wiped quickly, and he can’t help but note that the handkerchief used is already quite damp. “Apologies, y’all. Our family’s been having a night of it.” 
“Are you alright?” Warriors is moving to stand again, even despite the looks sent his way. 
Miss Mirta just smiles, bittersweet and pained. “Just an’ anniversary, hun. Link’s been known dead three years today. ‘s why Romani almost turned you away at the door. Was bad enough losin’ him, but them knight types like showing up ‘round and about and take no care whatsoever for folks who’s mourning, ‘specially when it’s half their fault.” 
The captain nods, but he doesn’t look pained. Warriors may be a knight, but he doesn’t esteem ‘knight types’ any more that Twilight or Legend. Time doesn’t blame him, having fought at the man’s side he’s seen what Hyrule’s knights will be like in his future, and it seems a constant that the worlds after him feature guardians worse and worse, only Wild truly knowing a Hyrule after his own whose soldiers devote themselves to the people and not just the throne. 
“Well then,” the matriarch sighs, breathing a soft huff and offering a worn smile. “Best let you gent’s rest up. Third step from the top creaks if you plan on checkin’ the young ‘uns, and either Romani or I will check in on y’all to tend those concussions every few hours.” 
The one called Malon stares, her grandmother the object of her attention, and then moments later she’s slipping out of the room. It’s a near silent exit, but it feels like thunder. Her older sister is softer, still pained and hurt, but she offers a weak half smile of her own. “Waters in the kitchen should you need it, and there’s soup and bread left over from dinner if you’re feeling peckish.” And with those words, the older girl likewise slips away, only in the other direction. 
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
what's fun about shipping Tim with Dick, Jason, or Damian is he has, at some point, hallucinated all of them to comfort himself. even when he doesn't like them or particularly get along with them, he has to imagine/hallucinate them just so he has the power to go on. Tim's concepts of the Robin mantle and what it should be is so fun, because he respects the others through the Robin mantle. Tim worships Dick because he was the first Robin. he wouldn't be Robin if Jason hadn't died in the mantle. and a lot of his frustration with Damian is he feels Damian isn't honoring the mantle correctly. when you ship Tim with the other Robins you can't divorce their identities as Robin from it because Tim will always see them as a Robin first and that's so fun and fucked up. like.
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batman (1940) #456
Tim perceiving Dick as *Robin* cheering him on, not Nightwing, which is the version of Dick that Tim actually knows? that's just. wild of him. he will always view Dick as Robin first, his personal hero but also the original of the legacy. his love for Dick is shaped by that.
and then of course, even when he's hallucinating/imagining Jason cheering him on, it's *still* through the lense of being reminded how Jason failed? subconsciously believing that Jason got himself killed because of his actions, and that being a lesson for Tim to learn from? Jason isn't a person to Tim, he's a moral lesson about how to be Robin. any potential idolization he could have of Jason isn't because he loves Jason, it's because of the lessons Jason's death taught him.
and then, even though him hallucinating TIm is from the New-52, which makes characterization all kinds of questionable, i do think it makes sense for TIm to hallucinate/imagine Damian after Damian's death in an attempt to cope with it.
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teen titans (2011) #18
to an extend, he sees Damian's death as in part his own fault. and even hating Damian, Tim needs the comfort from this to cope with Damian being gone. he's angry that Damian even was Robin, and has to learn something from Damian's death and how it impacts the Robin mantle, and teenage heroes as a whole. like, Tim can pretend he hates Damian all he wants, even getting taunted by the image of Damian, but there's still an underlying love to their relationship.
i think that's just the fun of shipping Tim with any of them. you will never divorce Tim's views of them from the Robin mantle and how fucking Unwell he is about anyone else who's been Robin before or after him, to the point he has to hallucinate them comforting him when he's at his lowest. it's always going to be a little unhealthy, a little toxic, and driven by Tim's relationship with being Robin as well. i need more Tim being weird about Robin in these ships.
#necrotic festerings#batcest#jaytim#dicktim#damitim#this post was first going to just be about tim hallucinating damian but i got carried away thinking about the identity crisis arc#have whatever this is.#idk if there's much of a thesis other than “tim's fucking weird about the robin mantle and that should extend to shipping too”#been meaning to post this for forever#finally got around to it though so yay me.#now i need to go work on my jaytim in the new-52 thoughts bc. i have a whole post planned.#a stack of comics next to me for research and everything. god help me.#ALSO while rereading to grab panels#why is it that everyone talks about how jason says “robin is magic” in an attempt to mischaracterize him as sunshine boy#and not the fact that tim *also* says robin is magic?#like it's not a jason thing. it's a robin mantle thing.#that's just what robin *is*. it doesn't say much about jason's character for him to say that when he's robin. it just means he's robin.#the robin mantle is magic. that's the point.#and you could argue that's more of a meta thing that exists on the wavelength of how children where supposed to project onto robin#moreso than an in-universe commentary on what the robin mantle is#(honestly the same argument applies to tim hallucinating here for like. meta intent vs in-universe meaning.)#i hesitate to even call it hallucination it's more like. daydreaming coping.#giving a face to his internal monologue type thing and this is just how the medium depicts it#also it was just sexy and cool for characters to hallucinate loved ones in the 90s in comics. it was a convention of the genre.#but still my point stands. tim pictures all of these ppl as robin first internally#and he self soothes using their image in his head. that's wild of him like what#tim you are weird about the robin mantle more than anyone else i give you that.
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ratcorner · 4 months
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guar guar guar!!!
[ID. A digital Illustration of a Guar from The Elder Scrolls. The guar is being pet by a Khajiit, the two illuminated by a lantern tied to a silt strider leg. End ID.]
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capricioussun · 5 months
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Started this sometime around late February and wanted to do more w/ it before posting (more expressions, started a walk cycle too) but I noticed it in my files and I’m impatient lol
I wanted to explore a sort of “classic d/sney” vibe with him, and eventually the others too, and this is my first attempt before doing actual studies. For Stretch I’m probably going to draw most from Milo Thatch and Roger Dearly 👍
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no27-autonation-honda · 4 months
congratulations to Mme. Pascale Leclerc, who has surely just experienced both the funniest and most unhinged weekend a mother could ever have. Dear fucking christ, I hope your middlest son brought you a bottle of champagne for yourself, ma'am.
#kazoo noises#charles leclerc#cl16#monaco gp 2024#zoomies posting#sports posting#like man. where to begin. one of your racecar children is back in town for the weekend. he has yet to have a truly good work#weekend it seems in town. now this year. we're feeling ourselves a bit. we're feeling optimistic even. and then ur son becomes talk of town#because he keeps doing fucking bits on twitter about adopting his coworker who is friends with your youngest son. this goes on long enough#for actual reporters to comment on it. no one is willing to blink first so by friday night we've yes-anded ourselves to a grandson#(congratulations mme leclerc)#things go well. and then at qualifying they go DAMN WELL#BETTER THAN EVER REALLY! but man. im superstitious. i dont trust shit until its over and the dust has cleared#(the adoption jokes have continued by the way) and MEANWHILE everyone is eyeing that starting grid. were humming. we're making vague hand#gestures when commenting. we're all thinking. Maybe? (the streets can hear u tho. keep it down)#race starts. lap one CHAOS. so many fucking crashes. i'd faint if i had a child even in karting honestly.#(every parent in this sport deserves a prescription for laudanum)#but he's not in it. hes at the front. and he. well. he just Stays There. Through It All. and the laps tick down. until the race is run. and#there he is. your middlest son. cross the line and into the books. first place. home town. what curse indeed. thats your boy!!!!!!!! THERE!#they play the radio of him winning and the audio is peaked because he screams out so loudly. you can hear the water in the laughter.#later theres gonna be videos and photos taken of him pushing his boss into the harbor and diving right in after the man. those photos are#gonna be fucking studied in photography classes one day. and STILL! everyone involved with that goofy joke about him adopting his coworker#(who. despite all the silliness of the race stayed second place and got a podium) is still carrying the bit like a baton relay. Do you have#him over for family dinner? might as well add a plate i guess! people are joking about your youngest son having two nephews? a dog born#maybe a month ago and a man born about... what twenty three years and about a month ago? fuck it! family dinner#sorry this bit got away from me but as someone who loves my homecity and my mom so much it might actually be like.#a visible growth inside my body if they do an autopsy on me at time of death or like. my love will eat me alive. sometimes the charratives#gets to me#anyway cheers mme leclerc i hope you party so fucking hard this week
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
ive been unhealthily fixated on kubosai for the past few weeks, i just have no idea how to put it into words. kuboyasu aren and saiki kusuo are in love btw
#they are.#been thinking a lot about t*rusai and k*bosai and all three of them together#(really long rant in these tags that shouldve been a rant post but im not changing it soz i got carried away LMAO->)#see the thing is that k*bosai is my absolute favorite ship ever. but i get genuinely pissed when people smack talk t*rusai#idk like i get why people wouldnt ship kbs and i really dont care. and i also get that a lot of people have differing opinions and-#wont ship trsai. i honestly cant wrap my head around why (other than people who just hate teruhashi and are misogynistic) but im okay with-#agreeing to disagree and i dont care yk??#but people so often make these long discussion posts just yapping and yapping and making up shit about how trsa 'wouldnt work'#and its always just... actual complete bullshit. like unreadable word vomit.#sorry. but its true.#thats why it gets me so mad#i cant think of a single reason why you would feel the need to do that#why cant you be normal and just. not like a ship. just dont like it. hate it even. but dont make up shit just to shit on it#its so dumb i have to force myself to just scroll past them every time i encounter one#usually on tiktok or tumblr#if i read them i wont be able to stop myself from making the most concerned and upset noises ever cuz what is actually wrong with you#theyre always the biggest dumbest stretches ever and they ignore their actual development and pretend it didnt happen#it just makes me wonder why people are so okay with making fun of that ship but get mad if anyone even dislikes theirs#and then they complain about people 'shitting on their opinion'#LIKE ?? NOBODY CARES THAT U HATE THE SHIP. I CERTAINLY DONT GAF.#but ur in the main tags advertising ur hatred for it and sounding stupid as shit for no reason? UR SHITTING ON PEOPLES SHIP ON PURPOSE#AND THEN GETTING MAD AT ANYONE WHO EVEN SAYS 'i disagree actually' IM LAUGHING SO HARD STOP IM KILLING MYSELF#the one time i ever talked in that much detail about why i disliked a ship was bevause somebody specifically asked me#and yk what ?? i have literally gotten death threats over it. im not allowed to hate that ship but everyone else can do whatever i guess#okay sorry. rant over.#is that controversial i cant tell. i dont really care and im not tagging anyway#meows post
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giulzart · 1 year
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Velvet Solstice & Violet Rose
Template by @cozmiccore for @infamous-if
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
Castiel steals another glance from where he is sitting propped against the passenger seat door. Dean doesn't notice, lost as he is in the road stretching for miles and miles ahead of them, lost as he is in the music coming softly from the speakers.
He looks so beautiful like this, glowing in the sunset, as a memory of what Castiel could see when he was able to see his soul. His freckles are way more visible now with the summer sunlight kissing them almost as much as Castiel himself every day, his hair is a spiky mess, just like Cas left it while they shared a breathtaking kiss.
He looks relaxed, his eyes hidden under sunglasses, he bought the same pair for Cas, they are lost somewhere in the backseat he is sure of it.
He lets Dean's rough, deep, voice flood him, anchor him to the moment,
"And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God, I know I'm one,"
He isn't singing too loud, careful not to wake him up.
Castiel closes his eyes again and just listens, for a while. He doesn't dare to open his eyes, as tempted as it is by the sight he knows awaits for him, he doesn't want Dean to stop in embarrassment.
Just a quick look.
Dean is drumming the fingers of his left hand on the wheel, he keeps singing, unaware of his audience or so it seems.
"I know you are awake." Dean doesn't sound too embarrassed, to Castiel's relief he sounds more amused than anything.
Before Castiel can apologize or say anything at all he is raising his arm, beckoning Cas to move closer with a muttered "c'mere, Cas."
He puts his arm around his shoulders once he is close enough, letting Castiel rest his head on his shoulder with a light kiss to the top of his head.
He keeps singing, his voice almost a whisper now, no need for more since they are pressed so close together. Castiel rest his hand on Dean's tight, squeezing lightly, his other hand reaching up to play with the fingers Dean's has splayed on his shoulder.
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dangerous-disposition · 11 months
I think deliberately ignoring and spurning any attempts friends make to speak to you and then claiming no one cares about you when they move on isn't depression babe, thats you being a cunt. hope this helps
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minamill · 5 months
finished editing two posts from a few weeks ago and posting the first one tmrw, still not back back though
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red-dyed-sarumane · 10 months
my friend asked me to put together all the ways oumen & apoptosis are connected as songs today & i love those two so naturally ive been on this since i woke up & after really going thru the lyrics Yet Again i think i FINALLY have my answer about tenshi's song right.
so basically we know the nami no ne no motif from aru sekai shoushitsu being present in a song means whoever in the song is still a "person"/still has their free will & gets to continue into the next loop. standard info. in all the other songs this is mixed into the instrumental, the only times its sung are in shoushitsu of course & in oumen mokushiroku. didnt think much of it when the song first came out bc like yeah thats just whats in series songs. but more & more across various songs, shoushitsu, apoptosis, kanon, oumen itself it talks about sacrifice & implies that sacrifice was a permanent death. oumen as a whole is her not wanting to accept that sacrifice role, she doesn't have a choice in it, but she doesnt want it either, (& apoptosis being it was originally that girl who was supposed to be the sacrifice but she pushed it off on someone else, therefore is the reason tenshi's song goes the way it does in the first place)
so then why does she have the motif if everything else including her herself say that she dies permanently.
i propose to u my newest theory.
the whole song is her wishing she had more time, not wanting to do it, she wants to live. so. since she's specifically singing it. im willing to bet its a last wish of hers. that somehow, someway, she still has enough free will to counteract the act of sacrifice, if she wishes hard enough, if she holds enough of her own desires, then maybe against everything, she'll get to live on into the next loop. basically, not a sign that she Does live, rather, just that she desperately WANTS to
#aru sekai series#no joke ive been tearin up over her all day why is her song so painful#SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG. WHY. WHY DID IT HAPPEN LIKE THIS. WHY#<- literally the end of apoptosis#apoptosis just looooves to cause problems until the one person she refuses to admit she cares about get caught in it#apoptosis is her own beast & u put the two of these together & im just in emotional overload.#apoptosis lying & saying shes in it for the other when shes just thinking of herself#until the other gets taken away from her without a chance to even say anything about it#& she just cant handle that#& u have tenshi who wants nothing more than to make it out alive with her taking her place & dying & in the end it changes nothing#im so fucking upset she wanted to LIVE she tried to lie to herself & say at least it might absolve everyones sins of carrying out this#project & it doesnt do a damn thing#she was SCARED she DIDNT want this she just desperately wants to live & see the other again & THEY KILLED HER......#honestly apoptosis is so in the right to have a breakdown over it. its like half her fault but like. a breakdown is#the only correct response i think#kanon feels guilty but she doesnt seem to outwardly show that very much#so like. yeah i would also lose my mind if someone i was close to got killed for no reason & everyone just acted like it was nothing#i feel like im finally starting to come to terms with like labo's & yamete's deaths but god tenshis is just so........... awful.
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