#honestly a lot of the appeal is that i expect that if i get stressed and sit on the side with my knitting halfway through
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unopenablebox · 16 days ago
possible i'm going to go to a local... renaissance dance class? just to have a full range of human experiences?, i guess
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plotthotrobin · 1 month ago
I am honestly convinced that Byleth as a character would be received a lot more positively if they were just given more lines and voice acted in Three Houses like they were in Three Hopes. They’re so interesting to me, but to get to the compelling things their character provides requires players to do two things:
One: See Byleth as their own character and not simply an extension of themselves, which Instys actively works against most of the time because they want to appeal to their audience with a direct stand-in.
Two: Piece together a lot of their personality from what we are told rather than shown most of the time. They’re unnervingly stoic and awkward, but desire connections even if they don’t know how to go about it some of the time. They’re politely blunt to everyone regardless of status or social expectations. They grew up completely isolated from most of the world and don’t know much about life outside of being a mercenary. They like fishing, just like their dad. They care deeply for their students, along with the members of the church. They’re loyal and dutiful. They’re stressed and guilt-ridden. We’re told all of this, and it makes sense given their setup, but Byleth just blinks and shakes their head when they’re on screen.
Silent protagonists aren’t always a bad thing. I adore Link, for example. (Who doesn’t? Lol) But in a game where the main connections between characters are conversations? Byleth being both visibly emotionless and silent is not a good combination for this game especially. It was a big miss on Instys’ part.
I know Three Hopes tends to be hated on (I myself find it to have good yet clunky highs and really low lows), but it did so much good for Byleth as a character to be able to see them voiced and from an outside perspective.
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funhouse-mirror-barbie · 3 months ago
How I would re-write Stella Goetia, Backstory + Season 1
Probably my most popular posts on this blog are about Stella from Helluva Boss. I like to talk about her because I think she had the potential to be a really nuanced character, and I really would’ve loved to see her and Stolas have a more complicated relationship.
So I’d like to talk about the direction I would’ve taken her characterization and story in.
I do need to stress that this is NOT a writing “fix-it” post. Canon Stella may be an evil bitch, but she’s MY evil bitch and I LOVE HER. I’ve already talked quite at length about how her character and conflict with Stolas being purely black and white is not a bad story decision, but to me is less interesting than having a grey or nuanced conflict.
I just want to go over a rough outline of what I would’ve done with her as a character. Just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s better or is “fixing” the canon story. I also am not trying to make Stella inherently more sympathetic/likable/or “woobify” her—this is just a ROUGH outline of what I’d do to flesh Stella out as a person, and ideas I’ve had for her character that would make her (and her relationships with Stolas and Via) more appealing to me personally.
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I just really wish Stella had gotten more depth, and wanted to talk about it.
(LONG) Rewrite Summary below!!!
While I think there’s also an interesting re-write where Stella and Stolas are not in an arranged marriage, and may explore this idea as well, this time around I am going to be sticking with the canon background that their marriage was arranged.
Instead of having Stella be an evil heartless spoiled child who strangles puppies, I would give her a very strict upbringing where from birth she was groomed to be the “perfect noblewoman and wife”—I would base her upbringing and the expectations placed on her on what was expected of Regency noblewomen.
Basically, Stella would be raised to be able to run the house/estate when Stolas was away, be accomplished in the “domestic arts” (hosting events such as parties and balls, being able to do embroidery and other hobbies “befitting” of her class, and being involved in charitable efforts). She would be taught to be quiet, graceful, courteous, and to always anticipate the needs of her husband.
Stella’s “true” personality as a young child would be boisterous, loud, and precocious. Stella loved playing outside, singing loudly, and dancing.
She would have gotten in trouble with her parents often due to this (“Dancing for fun is what the poor do, Darling. You should only dance to find a suitable husband”) and would be punished by her Father by his ordering the rest of the family and their staff to ignore Stella completely and act like she didn’t exist. This would usually result in Stella acting out even more to try and MAKE everyone pay attention to her, until she’d get too tired to continue and start acting “proper” (I.e. quiet, not speaking too loud or speaking out of turn, being obedient, etc.)
Her relationship with Andrealphus would have been strained, as he would have been the “golden child” while Stella would be the scapegoat. I’d also like to give Stella magic fire powers. Because honestly why does Andre get Ice Magic and Stolas get space magic and Stella is the same type of demon as them apparently and gets nothing??? Boring.
Maybe this is basic, but honestly I love characters with fire powers who have to learn to control them. As child, Stella would have difficulty controlling her fire abilities, and would be not be taught how to use or maintain her powers, but would be taught to suppress them.
As an aside—again, I’m not giving Stella a traumatic childhood to make her more likable and more pitiable. I have two reasons I’m giving her this backstory—1) I believe that even people with great parents still end up with some childhood trauma, because being alive and growing up *is* traumatic. And 2) I think that there’s a lot of pretty good evidence that ROYAL upbringings, and the expectations and restrictions that come with them, are especially traumatic in a very particular and very intense way.
Doesn’t mean that they’re not extremely privileged, but that privilege also doesn’t take away that trauma.
I think it’s very realistic for both Stella AND Stolas, as children of royalty and nobility, to have a lot of childhood trauma surrounding their upbringings, and that’s something I really want to explore in my rewrite—how they cope with their traumas and how it impacts their relationship and their ability to raise their daughter and navigate conflict.
By an older teen to young adult, she would have learned how to behave as a “perfect noblewoman”. This is when she would meet Stolas for the first time (with a a Chaperone of course).
There would be a little bit of time shortly before and after their marriage where they would have their “honeymoon” period—both Stella and Stolas were very infatuated with each other and mistook that infatuation for “true love”.
This time where they were extremely infatuated with each other would last about a year, after which they would slowly begin to realize that the idealized images they had of one another was false. They would start to argue more, have a harder time compromising etc. until they finally realized they fell out of love, and maybe were never in love in the first place.
Even though the two of them would have come to this realization, it would be separately, and due to their upbringings (where you don’t really talk about your feelings and push them down) they would NOT talk to each other about it.
This would be the first big crack in their relationship, and they would both have a lot of guilt over it.
I like the idea of the two of them really, really want to stay in love with each other, but after they get to TRULY know each other they just…never fully “click”. They realize they don’t have the same interests, they can’t really find anything to talk about, and they just. They don’t stay in love.
Stella would be very in denial about her true feelings after this turning point, and would still try to convince herself that she really loves Stolas. She would have a lot of deeply buried guilt over not loving him, and see it as a failure of her “duties” as his wife.
After this, they would find a way to keep their relationship would be cordial and respectful, but it would always tinged by an unspoken awkwardness. It would be almost business-like in nature, and they would start spending more and more time apart.
To cope with this lackluster relationship that they were both now stuck in, Stolas would throw himself fully into his duties (which I would want to show a little more of…seriously what does…what does he do??? What does he use the grimoire for????) and Stella would do the same—throwing herself into her duties as the lady of the house and a Goetia Princess.
Stella would host parties and balls, she’d make sure manor was always clean and orderly, she’d become a patron of the arts.
The basis of their relationship would become one of them sticking to the roles that were thrust upon them since birth.
Things WOULD change for the better though after Octavia’s birth.
Because for a while, Stolas and Stella would have something, someone, that brought them together, that they both loved and cared for dearly.
Something that Stella and Stolas would have spoken about before having Octavia is that they did NOT, under any circumstance, want to raise Via like they were raised.
As I already went over, both Stella and Stolas would have dealt with abuse and neglect growing up—Stolas’ abuse stems from his parents being LARGELY absent in his life and him being very neglected as a child, while Stella’s stems from her parents being extremely controlling and giving her very little, if any, freedom.
They would firmly agree on letting Via be her own person, on making time for her, on not putting too many expectations on her.
And, in this rewrite, I would not have them be abusive or neglectful parents. But I would have them be very flawed parents, whose own traumatic upbringings negatively affect their ability to raise Via.
I would want to explore Stella and Stolas fighting to break the cycle of abuse they went through, but still struggling because they don’t have a good frame of reference for what being a good parent looks like.
Stolas doesn’t realize that he’s not always giving Octavia all the time with him she needs, because in his eyes he’s spending tons of time with her—it doesn’t occur to him that he’s actually being neglectful towards her, because to him, spending any long amount of time with her is more than he ever got from his father. He’ll spend time with her, and talk to her, but not really LISTEN to what she’s saying she needs, and doesn’t understand why she doesn’t like the things she used to, or is mad at him for not taking more time for her.
Stella doesn’t realize she’s still being controlling or pushing her expectations onto Octavia by making passive aggressive comments suggesting she wear more “appropriate” or “feminine” clothing, or take up a “nicer” hobby like needlepoint and drop taxidermy. She gives Via the freedom to choose what she wants to do, but doesn’t fully SUPPORT those choices, and doesn’t understand why that’s so important, since in the end Octavia is still enjoying freedoms that Stella only dreamed of as a child.
Still, they manage to be a fairly functional and loving family towards Octavia. And Stolas and Stella maintain their cordial and business like relationship for Octavia’s sake, and to keep up appearances.
During Octavia’s teen years, when she’s 14-17, is when more cracks begin to show—Stella and Stolas have been keeping their relationship together, but it’s stagnating more and more. Stolas throws himself even more into his duties with the stars (or whatever) and Stella begins to become gradually more and more concerned and anxious about making sure her family maintains a “perfect” reputation among the other royals of hell.
Stella begins to throw more balls and parties for Hell’s charities (if this version of hell has banks, and police and prisons, they can have charitable organizations, okay.) As her and Stolas’s anniversary starts to get closer, she begins planning a HUGE ball for Hell’s nobility to celebrate. It’s hugely important to her.
While she’s doing all of this, Stolas is beginning to have an early-to-mid-life crisis. His work and duties that used to be engaging and fun are feeling more and more like a chore, his relationship with Stella has stagnated and is purely for show, he’s getting more and more anxious about Octavia approaching adulthood, and his whole life is beginning to feel more and more claustrophobic.
So. Stolas decides to do something wild, spontaneous, and very selfish, before he loses it. On a night where Stella is attending an Opera, and Via is spending the night with friends from school*, Stolas dresses in clothes he assumes “the common folk” would wear, and goes to shady bar in IMP city, with the goal of meeting someone to hook up with.
This is where Stolas meets Blitzø. (Sorry, I’m. I’m not doing the whole “paid childhood friends for one day” background.)
They have what both assume will be a one night stand at Blitzø’s place. It goes. MUCH better than either of them would have expected sex-wise. The two start meeting up more and more when they’re able to. Stolas begins to open up more to Blitzø, but it stays VERY sexual—eventually Stolas comes clean about who he is and they start to hook up at Stolas’ place whenever Stella is out. Stolas is very much infatuated with Blitzø (and the sex they have). Blitzø thinks they’re having non-complicated fun.
During AAALLL of this is when Blitzø learns about the Grimoire, and asks if he can “borrow” it for I.M.P. Stolas is impressed with Blitzø’s confidence and drive, and agrees to let Blitzø use it anytime, with the one exception being the night of the full moon. There is no full moon “deal” beyond the agreement that Blitzø cannot accept clients on the full moon because Stolas needs the book back that night.
During all of this is ALSO when Stella begins to notice Stolas acting differently, he’s slightly more energetic, he’s spending less and less time in his study and the manor in general, he doesn’t look her in the eyes when they do have time to chat briefly. It’s odd, and she’s suspicious of SOMETHING going on but she’s not sure what.
Stolas DOES feel guilty about cheating on Stella, but justifies it by telling himself that they’re not in a “true” marriage, and it’s “just sex”, so he’s not really cheating on Stella.
The night of Stella and Stolas’s anniversary ball arrives. To Stella, everything goes as expected, and it’s a huge success.
During the ball, though, we get the same scene we get in the Circus—Blitzø gets caught trying to sneak into Stolas’ room. Instead of the guards bringing him into the party, they call Stolas outside privately to deal with it (because why would the disrupt the party by dragging a party-crasher through the middle of a fancy ball?? I didn’t really understand why they did that in the og episode)
Stolas dismisses the guards, and we learn that Blitzø has been sneaking in (with Stolas’ permission+ knowledge) to get the grimoire after the full moon when he and Stolas don’t have time to meet up in person. Like tonight.
Instead of just handing off the grimoire like usual, Stolas and Blitzø end up hooking up (mutually and wholly consensually). Stolas does not return to the party.
Stella is really concerned about how Stolas’ absence looks, especially at a ball she planned with so many high profile demon lords present, but she’s able to wave it off as Stolas feeling a little tired and retiring early, due to it being the day after his full moon duties and all.
Instead of returning to their room, that night, Stella sleeps in one of the many guest rooms. She doesn’t know where Stolas is, but she’s mad at him for leaving early without saying anything on such an important night, and is hoping not coming to their bed will send a message—she’s tired anyway and doesn’t want to get in a big fight before bed that will tire her out more.
The next morning she has tea in the garden with some close friends. And this is where we get the infamous “Sorry, I fucked your husband!” scene.
After this, well. Stella kinda loses her shit. She had been pushing down all of her negative feelings and thoughts and frustrations surrounding her life and relationship for YEARS, because in her mind, as long as she was able to maintain the facade of having a “perfect” life, it would be worth it.
And now in a moment she’s lost the thing that, after her daughter, mattered to her the most.
She essentially explodes in fury in a way Stolas has never seen before—they get in a huge argument—Stella’s fire powers come out and burn down the manor’s garden, things just really get out of hand.
So. What would follow would be most of what we see of Stella in season 1 of HB—now that that floodgate has been opened, she finds she’s struggling to control her feelings, she’s mad and sad ALL THE TIME, and she’s deeply deeply hurt in a way she didn’t know she could be.
She can’t show her face in society, she doesn’t know WHAT to say to Octavia, she can’t believe Stolas could be SO SELFISH after EVERYTHING she had done to make sure their family was in high standing—and she can’t push down her feelings anymore. She’s never been so furious in her entire life.
And so she contacts a hitman, Striker.
I really like the old fan theory that Stella hired Striker in a moment of irrationality and anger because of how hurt she was—obviously her hurt does not justify trying to have her husband MURDERED, but I like the idea that she called the hit because she was deeply hurt and unable to cope with those feelings—not because she just hates him to the core of his being and has for their entire marriage. Her anger would be a coping mechanism, if she’s so busy feeling furious she doesn’t have to actually sit with her feelings of betrayal and sadness and hurt.
From here, the rest of season one would play out like in canon, we don’t see Stella in person again, just the apparition of her in Ozzie’s.
I’m going to stop here because this post is already way too long, it it’ll help me to think more if I split it up.
If you read this far please tell me what you think! I think I’d like overall for Stella and Stolas’ relationship to mirror Blitzø and Verosika’s, or maybe become a foil to it. From here we could honestly go either way—either Stella becomes a true villain, or she becomes an antagonist turned hesitant ally like Fizz, Ozzie, and Verosika.
I can see both being interesting, so maybe I’ll do a rewrite for both. We’ll see I guess.
*it weirds me the FUCK out that we don’t know anything about what Hell’s kids do, like I assume schools exist but ???anyway in this rewrite Stella and Stolas send Octavia to a fancy private school—cause the thought of her having NO friends or social circle makes me so sad)
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rockybloo · 2 months ago
With it nearing the end of the year, I feel like it's a good time to just have some real talk about why I create art.
At some point during in high school, during those years where you are pressured to figure out what you want to do when you grow up and what you want to major in when you go to college, I had wanted to go to art school after high school. I decided against it ultimately because I just didn't see a true appeal for me. I started to realize that I enjoyed my art so much more when I didn't have the pressure on me to create something for a fancy final product. Yeah, I could go but then I'd have to change aspects of myself I didn't really want to change but had to because that's what the world says I gotta do if I want to be a good artist.
And that's the thing I sort of hate the most about being able to create anything. You have to be good. Otherwise you are wasting your time. You aren't allowed to just make stuff for fun and for a hobby - you have to constantly be striving for improvement at a pace others have set for you. You can't just have it as a hobby. If you make art then it's expected that you make good art.
You're not allowed to be satisfied with being mediocre.
I've been actively posting my art online since I opened a Deviantart account way back in middle school. I'm 26, on my way to becoming 27. And as someone who has spent a solid decade online, I feel more certain than ever that I am a hobby artist. Having a fulltime job DEFINIATELY has helped me come to that conclusion but even before, I knew I liked to draw for fun. I don't like to stress about what I am sharing to cyberspace, I like just having this digital archive of stuff I've made and stories I've written.
I call myself a self indulgent artist because I'm incredibly selfish draw things I want and write stories I'd enjoy.
That's not to say I don't care that people enjoy my work and feel represented at times. I love it when people share how happy they feel when they see my OCs and read my stories. I'm happy I can fulfill some niches for people. Honestly, it'll always be crazy to me when I make something so damn specific that I wanna see and share it just for some other people to get excited. There are benefits to having a public digital archive your art and reactions people may have are one of them.
But ultimately I don't create to make others happy. If I did focus my art on just doing that, I promise you that my online presence and art would look DRASTICALLY different.
I share my stuff online because it's a whole lot easier to archive all my art as well as being able to share my stuff with the world and occasionally make some friends. Posting my art shows I was alive so MAYBE JUST MAYBE I will not be watered down when recalled in memories and people will always know I was insane about my OCs.
I'm pretty satisfied with be a mid artist. My finished work makes me happy, and what I care about is managing to create something of the fellas that reside in my head because seeing my OCs makes me happy...AND I'M THE ONLY SOURCE OF CONTENT FOR THEM SO I GOTTA COOK MY OWN FOOD AND EAT IT TOO--
ANYWAYS I am in no rush to level myself up. I'm 27 and human lifespans are pretty long. Even though it's slow and subtle, I have def been making improvements in my work...but mainly because there are aspects about my OCs that I occasionally realize I am struggling with and pull a "Do it for her" as I work on what I am having a hard time with. SURE they might not be improvements others would like to see but they are improvements that make me happy. And I am excited to see how my art develops over my existence on this planet.
...I am also excited to see if my black ass can finish any of my webcomics before I die. I KNOW I CAN DEF FINISH ONE OF 'EM I JUST DUNNO WHICH ONE IT'S GONNA BE! IT'S A RACE TO SEE WHO MAKES IT TO THE FINISH LINE BEFORE I KEEL OVER
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larcenywrites · 1 year ago
Could you write about how Tony is with a younger gf that's like half his age? And maybe a lot more energetic than him if you know what I mean 🤭 I understand if age gaps make you uncomfortable and you don’t want to write it though!
I’m into age gaps given the right circumstances, and I completely understand the appeal! I wasn’t quite sure what to write since it’s not something I really put much thought into anyway, but I think it turned out okay and pretty cute :)
Warnings: 18+ for sexual references and themes | mentions of Dom/sub stuff | age gap obviously | like two feminine/she/her pronouns used
💠 Tony doesn't particularly mind either way that his s/o is (a lot) younger than him, but admittedly, he didn't expect that he'd end up with someone younger! He figured he'd prefer someone closer to his age, with whom he could share similar experiences of life...
💠 But the world works in mysterious ways! And it definitely works in mysterious ways when you find yourself in a loving relationship with Earth's grumpiest Avenger! Well... one of Earth's grumpiest Avengers 🤭
💠 It's partly his older age and partly his stressful job that has him tired and irritable, but lucky for him, you found this grumpy old man sweet and handsome 🥰
💠 And now he’s your grumpy old man 🥰
💠 He’s always had a thing for being the more dominant one. He wants to be bigger and stronger, the protector and provider, and his older age helps play into that!
💠 He definitely loves to spoil you! Anything you want!! He just loves spending money on his lovers, but in a way, he’s kinda showing off 🤭 not necessarily to you, but to prove that him being older still has its advantages 😉 a much younger man probably couldn’t treat you this well 💅
💠However… there’s often a difference between how much a person in their early 20s works and how much a person in their 40s works. You may not be used to your boyfriend working like 8-9 hours a day nearly every day! It might be quite the learning curve not having him around as often as you’d be used to :( Tony does feel pretty bad about it, he can remember being much more free and clingy too, so he cuts you some slack when you wanna bother him at work or in the lab 😉🩵
💠 He loves when he can teach you new things! He has a soft spot for it 🥰 even if it’s just the cleanest way to separate the egg yolk or just, like, how to do taxes, he enjoys being helpful and teaching you new things :) it’s cute tbh 🥰
💠 And he also loves getting to watch you practice things and keep learning things!! Are you cooking a ton of new things every day? Awesome! Even if it’s the same stuff or doesn’t always turn out good!! If you’re a college student, he’ll adore watching you work and read!
💠 You’re also from a whole different generation than him, so you’ve probably got a few things to teach him, too 😌💅 From new music to social media! While he’s still not really into the latter, he does enjoy all kinds of music!
💠But because you’re from different generations, his gestures may feel a bit more… old fashioned? But they’re classy! Always bringing flowers, always kissing your hand, always offering his arm for you to hold onto on a walk, offering his coat— it’s enough to make you feel like royalty honestly 🥰
💠 Though, it may feel a bit weird at first hanging out with his little social circle? They’re pretty much all Tony’s age, so you may feel a little out of place. Rhodey is actually quite welcoming though! Well, you weren’t there when he teased Tony about it a little 😅 but it wasn’t aimed at you! Honesty he was just happy to see his friend going out again :) in fact, Rhodey is probably the first person you’ll meet! After all, Tony’s parents aren’t around, and there’s no one else quite so important and close to him 🥲
💠 But don’t worry, Tony feels just as awkward with your similarly-aged friends 😅 and he was very nervous to meet your friends and/or family! Shit, he’s likely the same age as your parents 😭 while that might make things a little awkward as well… it’s actually pretty nice that they can share and bond over their very similar experiences and childhoods!
💠 Sometimes he wonders what his parents would think… but he’s pretty sure his dad was older, too! He likes to talk about them a little bit, and about his younger years. It probably kinda reminds you of how your own parents talk about how they grew up and how different it was from how you did, but it’s much more cute to hear Tony talk about it 😘
💠 Obviously loves to be called Daddy, but the age gap really has it driving him up the wall 😈 it's an authority thing, a power thing, and definitely a Dom thing 😏 and plus, you’re probably more, uh, innocent than he is 😏
💠 Bunny, princess, little deer, sweetie— he has all sorts of pet names to remind you of not just the age gap, but the gap in your power dynamic, too 🥴
💠 He definitely also loves teaching you new things in the bedroom 😈 there’s gotta be something you haven’t done yet if you have been sexually active before, and he’ll be sure to figure it out and teach you right 😌😉
💠 But he is still older, probably a lot older, and that does come with some… differences. Sure, he can go for a while, but once he cums a time or two 😮‍💨 he’s down for the count! So when you still want to go for another round, he’ll probably just have to hype you up while you touch yourself, or you’ll just have to settle for his hand 😅 it is kinda cute, the way you can tire him out 🤭 and he does find your high sex drive pretty hot 😘 he can go again as long as you can wait like an hour or two! The cuddles are great, though, if you do fall asleep 🥰
💠 He calls you the Energizer Bunny since you can go for so long 🤧 but he can remember being like that, too, when he was younger 🥴
💠Sometimes he (maybe a bit sad or insecure) jokes about if only you’d been able to meet him when he was younger, but give him a little kiss and remind him how glad you are to have met him now 🥰🥰🥰🥰
💠 He never thought he’d be insecure about his age, but… he is a little :( especially if you do comment on a picture of a younger him about how hot he was 😔 young age had him so naturally sculpted and more physically inclined. He was very pretty, huh! And while he’s obviously still strong, he’s got a little bit of tummy, and scarring, and crinkles in the corners of his eyes— a shame you didn’t get to see him back then!
💠 “You’re so silly, Tony~” you scold lovingly, interrupting his reminiscing of the past. You enjoy hearing his stories, but not when he starts to beat himself up! Another quick kiss shuts him up 🥰 And eventually he stops worrying so much about it 🩵
💠 But… Tony Stark dating someone younger? Possibly someone even like- half his age or more? It’s bound to gain traction in social media. Of course, some are positive, some are not, but either way, he really doesn’t want to deal with it :/ and he really doesn’t want you to deal with it :( and it kinda makes him feel worse that you have to :(
💠 But he’s gotta admit: your brighter mood and energy has made him happier, even at work! He wants to do stuff again! Like take you to his favorite cities and go on picnics and to the aquarium! Like the dates he took plenty of exes on when he was your age and loved 🥲 sometimes he even comments about how you make him feel young again 🥰
💠 And when he says stuff like that, you’re probably like “🙄 You sound old when you say stuff like that 🤭” but without skipping a beat, he makes sure to correct you.
💠 “I am old 🤨.”
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thebibliosphere · 1 year ago
What is the gameplay like on Gotham Knights? I have poor coordination so I have trouble with anything more complex than LOZ: Ocarina of Time. Like, on a scale of Pokémon->Dragon Age->LOZ->Dark Souls?
It's a bit clunky like Dragon Age 2, tbh. Except it doesn't have the excuse of coming out in 2011. The mechanics and camera controls are one of the things that let it down a lot, IMO.
I’m constantly getting stuck on walls and the edge of ledges because the controls feel laggy and the game’s not consistent about which surfaces you can climb and which ones you need to grapple. It's fine if you’re fighting in more open spaces but it turns the timed events into an exercise in frustration. Not to mention the number of times it feels like I’ve taken damage through an obstacle from enemy ranged attacks when my own ranged attacks bounce off invisible walls if I’m not standing in the exact spot the game needs me to be in. This results in me just key smashing melee a lot until every around me stops twitching.
I’m still enjoying it, but it is v. glitchy and I understand why people are leaving angry reviews. Especially if they are deeply committed to the immersive elements and were expecting the same level of polish from the Arkham games, which this studio also made.
I’m just casual enough a gamer that I’m enjoying muttering “parkour” to myself as I accidentally fall off buildings and plumet to my death because my graple hook glitched out and went the exact opposite way I’d been aiming.
I’m really just playing it for the characters. It feels like playing a a game written by people who understand the appeal of found family that went hard on the campier elements of the franchise while still maintaining a decent level of aching sadness for the tragedy they’ve endured.
You can feel the group fracturing under the weight of Bruce’s death with Dick doing everything he can to fill the void and stay positive and “normal” for the sake of everyone around him, including Alfred who is devastated but also trying to keep it together. Barbara, mourning an extra loss, is trying so hard to stay level headed and useful for Dick. Being both Oracle and Batgirl while also acting like a fun big sister to Tim who stands out as really young in this iteration.
Sure he’s a kid genius, but he’s also only 16 with a monumental caffeine addiction (you can’t tell me all the energy drinks on the shopping list pinned to the fridge aren’t for him) and mourning the loss of Bruce while also just wanting to do normal teenage shit, like asking the group for help with his art homework and being annoyed that his role as Robin is keeping him from spending time with his online boyfriend.
Jay is very raw and angry and obviously processing his own trauma on top of everything that just happened but even he steps up, trying to be there for Tim, teaming up with Babs to gently pick on Dick when he’s being particularly Boy Wonder-ish. Seeing him stress cook is also a nice added touch as are the photos of him and Bruce working on stuff. Bonding.
Which is another thing I Love. From what we see of him, Bruce is in his absolute DILF element in flashbacks and in recordings. All sad smiles and a gentle, head-shaking tolerance for the absolute ribbing the kids put him through for being too serious and neglecting himself. Not to mention all the pictures of him with Dick and Tim and Jason. And so many of him and Alfred and Ace. (The one on the fridge of him and Alfred showing them adopting Dick at the courthouse almost killed me. They all looked so young and happy.)
I’m getting serious “Bruce is a good dad with a warped sense of humor who hugs his kids and spends quality time with them, actually, and you’re wrong if you write him otherwise” fanon vibes, and that's honestly my favorite Bruce.
It’s basically appealing to everything I love about the franchise while scratching an itch in my brain the way crackfic taken seriously does.
And that’s enough to make me forgive the bad controls and glitches. But I could see it not being enough for some people, especially if you’ve already got poor hand eye coordination. Which I do. But again, I don’t really care about being good at games. I’m just dicking around and having fun wringing dopamine out of the narrative.
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wanderingmoonflower · 1 year ago
I love Team Star a lot, actually
This is like. a lighthearted mini rant, mainly cuz I am tired of seeing Team Star getting the "they're bad cuz they're not evil" treatment. Honestly remembering the context that ScarVio takes place within a school environment, having an evil team that's just a group of delinquents works perfectly, considering you don't really personally interact with adults plotting to end the world during your school career.
I get that those kinds of evil teams tend to appeal better, but if Team Skull is able to get a lot of love while also being a group of delinquents (albeit influenced by a bigger evil), then what's stopping Team Star from getting the same kind of love?
This does have vague spoilers for Indigo Disk, and obvious spoilers for the main story, so please proceed with caution and read at your own risk.
I went into the Starfall Street storyline without expecting much, I mean, when Cassiopeia came to us asking to help disband Team Star, I didn't think much of it.
"We need to disband a group of delinquents cuz they're causing the school a lot of trouble? Okay, sure, whatever."
But every time we met up with Penny in-between each star base, and she starts putting details into our heads about how everyone in Team star were bullying victims, and this was their way of standing up to their bullies, I saw them in a completely different light.
Bullying is something that's, unfortunately, still frequent in a lot of schools, and I'm a victim of bullying myself. So when all these details came to my attention, I grew extremely fond of all these characters. I grew especially fond of Giacomo, who was alienated from his peers for his strict policies when on the student council.
In all honesty, ScarVio is very down to earth with its story and how it's portrayed, so much so that I forgot I was playing a Pokemon game, since I'm used to these elements of whimsy being present. Team Star at its core is a group of young kids who were bonded together by similar experiences, and use that similarity to lift each other up and support one another. Operation Starfall only came into effect because of threats of expulsion, and Penny cared for them too much to let that happen.
Team Star was built on the basis of love, and while calling them an "Evil Team" after learning all this is a little weird, they initially present themselves as antagonistic, so it still checks that box. That love is still present in a cutscene after finishing the Indigo Disk, where the Team Star bosses take it upon themselves to form a study group so they don't stress Penny out too much.
These characters feel so real, and honestly all the characters do. They're so full of personality and color yet don't feel overly exaggerated. For Team Star, there's bonding with others through your loneliness and alienation, the uncertainty of not know what the future will bring, and treasuring your friends even if they don't know how much you truly care for them at first.
So sure, Team Star isn't evil. But by no means are they bad characters. I've found comfort in them, as I'm sure many others have too. Their experiences are real, and has happened to others. But everyone can have their own opinion, just don't push yours onto others because they don't agree with it.
Shine bright like the starry sky and become who you really want to be, hasta la vistar... ☆
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mikailys · 4 months ago
MCL NewGen Ep 9 Commentary
I poured blood, sweat, tears, and money to finish this episode. I fought my inner demons to convince myself that they didn't deserved my money but here we are: with a concluded episode and me with 30 euros less in my bank account 🥲 As always, this post will obviously contain spoilers under the cut so beware~
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Ngl after the disaster of episode 8 I had zero (0) hopes for this new one, I wasn’t even excited after everything that happened last month (e-girl pack, episode 8, Halloween event and so on) but I have to admit, this one surprisingly exceeded my low expectations by a landslide by finally giving some insight on the LIs about time i might say.
But first thing first, the cost. This episode was hella expensive, I spent 2604 aps, of which 1832 were free. I'm following Jason's route so I know it's more expensive than the others but I didn't imagine this much. I genuinely hope the others will be shorter and that this was just an exception given the backstories cause I can't handle every ep being like this 😩
As a Jason's girlie, I was ecstatic about this episode. For once, his presence was well-contextualized, he didn’t come off like a stalker and we weren’t the damsel in distress. I didn’t expect him to start trauma-dumping on Candy so soon, considering they don’t see each other as often compared to the other LIs, but I’m glad we got to know him better. I really hope Candy’s attitude toward him will start to soften 'cause she’s always on guard around him and it’d be nice to see her relax and trust him a little more, especially after the intimate moment they experienced in this ep.
I must admit tho the premise didn't really appeal to me and I was skeptical this would be another silly ep with all the Devenementiel crew doing stuff but luckily it wasn't. It all starts with Devon telling us that, starting the next day, a group of interns will be joining the team and it turns out these are Devon’s younger brothers, Gebril and Joen.
Overall I liked the time spent with them. I agree that there were a lot of unnecessary moments and some parts I could’ve gladly skipped but it was a cute scenario, and finally we get to meet some new characters for a change also idk but Joen's attitude kinda reminds me of Armin oh I miss himm
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Since we're here let’s already get to the sore spot of this whole ep: the whole Tasha situation. I don’t care if it’s wrong to have beef with my fictional sister, but I’m honestly speechless at how she and their mom acted during the internship situation. You knew for months that you needed to pick a company for your internship and yet, the night before, you have no plans because you delayed the application?? And now you’re asking me to call up my boss at 8 pm to beg him to include you in the internship that’s supposed to start tomorrow? Are you out of your mind?!?
Also isn’t the whole traineeship supposed to be organized by the school? I’m not sure how it works in France, but I was quite confused—here in Italy the school usually guides you through the process and handles all the paperwork. It’s unusual for students to be left on their own in a situation like this...
And the mom is even worse cause she just says "I don’t want to judge you for how you’re acting with her because if I were in your shoes I wouldn’t know what to do either" like uhmm you’re the mother, not me?? If you knew about this the whole time –and she knew for months– why didn’t she help Tasha earlier? Or better yet, why didn’t Tasha ask us weeks ago instead of the evening before? And yet they’re just chilling while playing cards omg you have no idea how much this stressed me out it's so stupid but yet so infuriating like the fact that they only have a bathroom in a mega villa but whatever i guess.
After we refuse to help her, Tasha mysteriously ends up joining Goldreamz for her internship. I’m honestly confused, once again, about how this happened because the night before no company had accepted her and now suddenly she's got the job?? Did Jason see her candidacy last minute right before clocking out the office? If I missed something pls let me know cause I genuinely can't wrap my head around it lol.
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What a way to twist things...
But anyway, I honestly liked this option. I admit I would have never imagined this plot for his route but I’m glad they went this way. I loved seeing Candy’s reaction when Tasha told her about working with "the devil" and I also enjoyed her reactions to the ambiguous conversation between Candy and Jason in his office watch Tasha being the first to get the hints about their situationship lol
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Maybe it's for the better, we don't want to let our lil sis know we blew up big time our first solo project.
Once Tasha leaves, Candy asks Jason wtf he’s doing and he assures her that he doesn’t have any ulterior motives. He just thought it would be an amusing situation for both him and Candy. After a quick recap, we get a better understanding of Candy and Tasha's relationship. It seems like there’s a bit of a rivalry/competition between the sisters—something I would have never guessed, considering we've only seen Tasha about three times since the beginning but okay. I only wish to see more of their sisterhood but I guess we won't any sooner since she's going to her father for a while, that sucks.
After some usual bantering, we find out that Jason envies our relationship with Tasha since he’s an only child, which leads him to open up a bit about his past. We learn that he found comfort in solitude, often isolating himself by going out on his father's boat in the middle of the ocean. I admit this was unexpected, I never would’ve guessed he’d be so into the marine world - as we'll see soon in the rowboat scene. It adds a surprisingly nice contrast to his otherwise business-like persona.
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Touched by Jason’s childhood story, Candy spontaneously suggests they take a boat ride right then and there, to experience the peace and solitude he felt throughout his childhood. This was a cute gesture from Candy ngl, I thought she would simply nod and listen to his story but no. This is the first time she takes such an important first step with him in their relationship and I'm proud of her.
But, once arrived tho she has to ruin everything destroying the cute little moment...
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Oh my God. You strangely enough managed to get him to open up about his difficult childhood and you still can’t help but joke about him being the big bad guy? Ugh I take back whatever I said about you Candy, you're dumb.
Thankfully, Jason doesn’t seem that much bothered by her comment and they get on the rowboat. I was lowkey hoping for a cute moment where he offers her his hand to help her aboard but nope, doesn’t happen. Honestly I’m convinced this is his subtle payback for that insensitive joke, if so props to you J.
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Anyway, he starts rowing and soon we find ourselves in the middle of the lake. This is where the heart of the episode unfolds imo. We finally get a glimpse into his family history. Jason opens up about his father, a scientist deeply passionate about the ocean, that tragically passed away shortly before he turned 19.
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This is the moment where I truly lost it. I swear, I was a sobbing mess.
Jason’s vulnerability hit me harder than I expected. We already knew about his father, but hearing him tell the whole story was tough. I can barely imagine what he went through at such a pivotal age. The emotional distance between him and his mother after she got remarried definitely played a big role and when you add his strained relationship with his stepfather into the mix, it’s impossible not to feel for him. It's such a tragic backstory, I hope they don’t mess it up from here on out. My pookie deserves better :(
As for the special scene, it wasn't that much but I liked it. Unfortunately, I can't post the screenshots since I’ve hit the limit per post sigh but it was such a sweet and heartwarming moment. It offered a smooth transition from the heaviness of the conversation to their usual playful banter and I really appreciated how it slowly lightened up the mood without taking away from the emotional depth of his story. I have to admit, I wasn’t really a fan of the illustration. The setting and moment were adorable - it totally gave me Rapunzel vibes with all the whimsy and charm - but Jason’s expression feels off, it’s almost like he’s a villain plotting revenge rather than being swept up in the moment lol. Plus his proportions seem a little strange mmh. Candy, on the other hand, looks gorgeous so gg.
And that’s it. Afterwards, Jason accompanies Candy back to her house, reminding her that despite the little walk down memory lane, things haven’t changed between them in his eyes, and he expects the same from her. Oh, and let’s not forget she owes him an intimate story too as if the whole Ioan drama wasn’t enough.
With that, he leaves and the episode ends with Candy having her same old crisis whenever she spends a little time with Jason.
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Now, I’m really curious to see if Jason opening up will actually shift things between them or if it’ll stay the same old. At this point, Candy doesn’t have much of an excuse to keep trash-talking him - he hasn’t done anything to harm her or Devenementiel, yet, and he’s actually been there to help her on multiple occasions. I’m hoping she drops the whole “he’s the devil” mindset because he’s honestly shown more support than hostility in the latest eps.
But honestly I can't hide that rn I'm more worried about the next episode. Thomas having an incident was on everyone’s bingo card -even though I didn’t expect it to happen this early- but here we are. I’ve got so much repressed trauma from everything with Lysander that I genuinely have no idea what to expect next 🫠
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pauls1967moustache · 1 year ago
subby Paul just makes so much sense to me I mean like, I think people get so hung up on Paul being a control freak but a. lots of subs are people who are control freaks who like being able to let go of that for a while and b. Paul I think is the kind of person who wants control/power without 'being the one in charge' so to speak, which. hello.
Yess exactly my thinking! He literally says in get back he doesn’t like it when he’s in charge, plus there’s that quote of his about how great it was that john was the leader because it meant he got to do things second without any of the stress. He’s a control freak about music but I don’t think he likes being the leader in situations where he’s not sure of himself, and gay sex would be such a situation.
AND the letting go thing. Like the thing about D/s (and honestly a lot of kink) is that it’s all kayfabe. It’s letting go, yes, but it’s also doing it in a controlled environment where there’s a contract of expected behaviours. He’s losing control but in a situation where he knows that won’t get taken advantage of because of the Rules—which is the exact sort of “losing control” that would appeal (and does appeal) to control freaks, because it doesn’t require the really scary part of being vulnerable (the unknown).
Also it’s another area of life where he it’s very clear if he’s getting a good grade which we all know he thinks is normal to want and possible to achieve.
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 year ago
3.68 Get over it
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Mama had a few things to do before visiting us, so I didn't know what time to expect her; just sometime that afternoon before Sophia got home. I worked out and did everything I needed to do in the morning to ensure I'd be home whenever she arrived. She greeted me with a big hug and a kiss, gushing about the house.
"This is such a cute little house! It reminds me of my first place in Brindleton Bay. I think this is a little bigger, though. How do you like it?"
"It'll do for now."
"Yeah, I bet," she said, staring at my little monsters. "They definitely need more room. That's how I ended up in Willow Creek. The things we do for our fur babies, right?"
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I loved my little guys, but I don't know if I'd buy a bigger house specifically for them. I mean, true, they factored into our thoughts about moving, but we had bigger plans to accommodate. But I wasn't a dog lover like her, so there were plenty of things she did that I'd never do.
"Moving has come up, but we haven't discussed it seriously."
She watched them try to tackle each other and chase their own tails, mesmerized by doggy energy.
"They're so rambunctious! I love it! Luca, you're a daddy!"
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I expected her to be excited, but it tickled me to think about how she'd be when I had actual children. She did everything for me and Less, so I knew she'd move Mt. Komorebi for my children. They have come up indirectly a lot lately, and now and then I thought about them, especially because I had to factor them into most everything I did. Originally, having children was this far off goal I figured I'd accomplish one day. But the goal got closer and closer by the day, and instead of fearing my lack of preparation and stressing myself out about it, I found the idea more and more appealing and welcomed it.
Rosie began running in circles, and familiar twinkling orbs danced around her. I went outside to find Kooper, and he was doing the same thing.
"They're aging up already?" I asked in disbelief.
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Even though they were loud and got into everything, I enjoyed them so much as puppies, and I thought we'd have more time for shenanigans. But I was glad for their adult phase. We could do so many more things together like go jogging. I knew Rosie would appreciate that. She was the more rambunctious one and ran around the house and yard all day like she was vying for a prize. Kooper was much more low key.
"Happy birthday, little dude!"
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I went back inside and scooped up Rosie.
"Don't tell Kooper, but you're my favorite."
"Ahhh, so she's the one," Mama said. "Shiloh was always my best girl, but I had an extra special place in my heart for Hunter."
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"I feel like I shouldn't have a favorite, though," I said.
"Yeah, it seems that way, but it's inevitable. We always gravitate to one thing when we have options. It's natural and happens with everything...favorite shoes, favorite pen, favorite chair..."
"Favorite child?"
Her eyes flicked open, and jaw dropped in surprise. Catching her off guard was really hard, and I felt immense pride in my accomplishment. She pretended to watch the dogs to avoid answering me, and I snickered at her. We all knew who her favorite was.
I thought Rosie would make a mad dash for the door when I put her down, but oddly enough she sat next to us and Kooper as if she were actively trying to spend quality time, and I appreciated it.
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Mama's buzzing phone took her out of her fake busyness. A tiny smirk crawled across her face as she read the text. I had a question I'd always wanted to ask but selfishly never did, especially after I gave her permission to go public with Dwayne.
"Why'd you never move in with him?"
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Again, she was surprised.
"Would you have really been okay with him living with us?"
"Of course not. But even after we left. Every time I come over, I half expect to see him. I just thought you would have jumped at the chance."
"No, I understand. I honestly thought I would too, but...
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She stared out the window for a moment, collecting her thoughts.
"Saying yes to him wasn't as simple as saying, okay we're in a relationship now. I also had to say no to your dad."
"You talked to Dad about it?"
She laughed and shook her head.
"Of course not! You see, even though we had been divorced for a while and were moving on, I still felt the need to show him how sorry I was. I felt like, if I got with Dwayne and lived happily ever after, that meant I won, and he lost."
"But...that's what happened."
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"I know. But I didn't want it to be like that, especially since the situation wasn't malicious. I liked Ali. I mean, I loved him, but I liked him. He's really smart. Like, really intelligent."
"Yeah. I've learned that."
"Yeah! He's kind. And he's wise. I know you know that. He always impressed me, and I wanted him to like me too, even after it was over. Like, I knew he'd be angry for a while, but I didn't want him to hate me. I thought, if I move on completely with Dwayne, that door would be closed and he would never like me. So, when I said yes to Dwayne, I had to close the door and let go of the hope that we could be friends again. I had to reject that fangirl in me who still cared what he thought. Most of all, I had to stop allowing my love for him interfering with my love for Dwayne, because whether or not I like it, I made a choice and needed to live with it."
"Wow. That's...wow..."
"Yeah... But the thing is, Luca...that wasn't a one-time thing. I have to make those choices daily. Some days are easier than others. But lately..." She sighed. "Your dad and I are in a good place now. He likes me, ha! That makes it hard to commit to those choices, and I find myself peeking behind that door and leaving it cracked."
"But, Mama..." I couldn't believe I was about to rally for Dwayne, but I kinda felt sorry for the guy. "You're with Dwayne now. Don't you think you owe him all of your love?"
"Of course I do! This is the fight I have with myself every day."
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I sat there for a moment, mulling over her words, feeling bad that she was still so tormented, but really frustrated that she refused to live with her choices. The rest of us had adjusted and moved on while she still clung to the past. And honestly? She kinda reminded me of a child who had a room full of toys but still screamed for more and was unwilling to share. And sadly, that made it easier for me to see how she decided to destroy our family. She wanted to have it all. And in her own sad way, she was still trying to have it all. That's when I realized what hid between the lines.
"If Dad came to you right now and said he forgave you and wanted you back, would you go back to him?"
She let out the longest, heaviest sigh I ever heard.
"I won't say yes...but I can't say no either."
Wow. Part of me felt for her. The torment I put myself through with all this dating stuff paled in comparison to what she went through. But another part of me wanted to yell, "He's not coming back! Get over it already!"
"Your sweetheart is home," she said. "We'll have to continue this later."
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
How would the vongola guardians prepare an anniversary for y/n? May be dating anniversary or even wedding anniversary, depending on who we are talking about.
This was such a cute request, and I had a lot of fun thinking about it! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons, dear!
Tsuna really does place some importance on anniversaries in a relationship, as the romantic he is. So, celebrating them with his partner really is an important thing for him. First problem is that Tsuna is so, so bad at remembering important dates so chances are, he blanks on the exact date of his and his partner’s anniversary. He does do his best to remember and to take steps to help himself remember, like putting it on the calendar, but, as bad as it sounds, he will kind of rely on others to help him remember his anniversary with his partner is coming, like having Reborn or one of his family members remind him. Worst comes to worst, he’s hoping his partner leaves him hints that the anniversary is coming up.
Second problem?? Tsuna has a really hard time coming up with even date plans that don’t seem boring or dumb to him. Leaving it entirely to him to plan the anniversary? It’s not going to work out well, honestly, and it’s just going to massively stress him out. Given that his partner has likely been with Tsuna for long enough, they really should realize this, and it will be in both of their best interest if the plans for the anniversary are discussed between them instead of his partner just leaving it up to him to surprise them with some sort of celebration. If they have ideas of what they’d like to do, he really wants them to tell him or at least give him strong hints.
Now, as much as he does firmly plan on celebrating his anniversary with his partner, the fact of the matter is that Tsuna is still the tenth generation Head of the Vongola family and he does have a lot on his plate with the family and there’s no absolute guarantee that, as hard as he tries, something won’t come up at the last minute that absolutely cannot be put off, like an attack on his own family or the Vongola family in general that Tsuna has to take care of. He will genuinely apologize and sincerely mean every word if he’s late or can’t make their anniversary and he’ll try everything he can to make it up to them, but he also lets them know that he’ll understand if they no longer want to be with him, knowing that things like that will happen again.
Straight out, Gokudera doesn’t really get anniversaries. They just aren’t important to him. And it’s got nothing at all to do with his partner’s importance to him. Like, it absolutely isn’t that at all because even with arguably the most important person in his life, Tsuna, Gokudera couldn’t tell you the exact date that he met Tsuna. To him, anniversaries and such don’t really matter because what does matter is that he’s in these people’s lives and they’re in his every single day. That, every single day, he’s doing his best to be good to them and doing his best to make their lives easier and vice versa. He sees no reason for a great big celebration of love on just one day. To him, it’s a little stupid to make such a big deal out of one lousy day.
If it’s incredibly important to his partner that they celebrate their anniversary with him, then Gokudera will do his best to show up and celebrate with them, but he’s not really putting a lot of effort into planning anything, other than getting them a gift. It’s them that this whole anniversary thing is important to, and he really will mostly expect them to plan out the anniversary celebration they want.
I do think Yamamoto does kind of get the appeal and meaning behind celebrating anniversaries with your romantic partner and he’s pretty good at remembering the date. He’s kind of chill about the whole thing though and would be the one to just straight up bring up their upcoming anniversary to his partner, being all ‘so, our anniversary is a week away, did you want to do anything special for it or is there anything you’re hoping for for the anniversary?’ He’s not going to just wing it and assume he can read his partner’s mind or that what he wants will be exactly what they want, so he wants them to have an equal input into any celebrations. He’ll be pretty open about any plans or ideas he has, and he’ll want to kind of come to a compromise or an agreement that makes both of them happy for anniversary plans.
He will put thought into what gift he gets them for their anniversary. If he’s not sure what to get them or is unsure if what he’s thinking is the right thing, he might get other people’s opinions, and if he still isn’t sure, he goes to the old surefire fallback – he asks his father what he thinks and asks the old man to go shopping with him for the gift because there is nobody’s opinion that Yamamoto trusts more than his father’s opinion.
Yamamoto would prefer for anniversary celebrations to be more on the fun side than the super romantic side and more chill and relaxed than anything over the top.
Now, I’ve said it several times before, but I’ll say it a million times. I really do think Ryohei is very much a romantic in his own way and things like anniversaries?? They really do mean a ton to him, and he cannot handle not celebrating them. Honestly, if his partner would let him, they’d be celebrating multiple anniversaries of any major milestones in their relationship with Ryohei, like the anniversary of when they first got together into a relationship, of their first date, their first kiss, the first ‘I love you’, and of course their wedding anniversary – though honestly, I could see Ryohei being someone who wants their wedding on the exact same day that he first got into a relationship with the person he goes on to marry, just for the sheer corny romanticness of it…that, and he’s bad at remembering dates and his calendar is crowded enough so it simply streamlines things a bit.
For the anniversary of their first date, Ryohei goes simple for him and simply recreates their first date all over again. Whatever they did on their first date, they’re doing it all again, every year on that day. On the anniversary of their first kiss, Ryohei makes it his goal to give them ten times the number of anniversaries passed as many kisses during the day and night. But he definitely would go over the top and way overboard, because Ryohei does everything to the extreme, planning insane celebrations for anniversaries like his one-year (or two-three-four, etc.) anniversary or his wedding anniversary. For wedding anniversaries, he also really pays attention to the old traditions of what each anniversary means (the first-year anniversary being paper, etc.).
Now, that being said, there will be times, given his role as a Vongola Guardian, where Ryohei will likely miss an anniversary, though he tries so incredibly hard not to. If that is the case, he’s calling his partner whenever possible and he’s apologizing so hard and promising them the moon and stars to make up for it. It will really make him feel so bad and really kind of pissed off to have to miss it, so whatever enemies or rivals he might come up against in that scenario are more than a little screwed.
Okay, but to be honest, it’s not that often that Lambo really makes it far enough into a relationship to celebrate either a dating or a wedding anniversary. If his partner doesn’t leave him before the year, because Lambo is a lot to take and handle at times, it’s usually that the fickle cow gets bored of his partner and moves on. Him getting the opportunity to celebrate an anniversary is rare and honestly, it means that his partner is someone he’s fully in love with and really serious about.
Because of this, Lambo is really going to go so over the top when it comes to celebrating their anniversary and it’s going to make so much sense in his mind that he should totally plan out this lavish, gaudy, extreme celebration without ever consulting them about what they might want, as a grand declaration of his love. However, much like when he gives gifts, the celebration is either hampered by his laziness, his lack of cash, or the fact that he’ll gravitate towards celebrations and gifts that he would like, even if he is trying his best to be super romantic for his partner.
Also, there really is a huge chance that he misremembers the date and is either a couple days early or a couple days late. He’ll generally be in the ballpark of the same week, but there’s at least a 85% chance that it’s the wrong date.
Hibari doesn’t really understand why anniversaries are important, much like Gokudera above. He doesn’t really want to celebrate them. It’s enough for him and it should be enough for his partner, in his mind, that he’s in a relationship with them and that he’s in their life and they are in his. Beyond that, he doesn’t much see the point of all the bells and whistles society places on romantic relationships, like the expectation of anniversary celebrations and he’s just not going to celebrate.
It’s kind of hit or miss on whether Mukuro even remembers his anniversary with his partner, and again, it has little to do with his feelings towards his partner and more that Mukuro is insanely busy and always has a million things going on in his head. And sometimes, honestly, some of those million things are a lot more important than remembering to celebrate something he really does think is largely a romantic notion perpetuated by mass consumerism.
If Mukuro does remember and he does have the time to celebrate with his partner, he’s definitely going to try to do so, and he is one of those who would like to plan something and to surprise his partner with an anniversary celebration.  He’s not going to be someone who really buys a lot of gifts or plans a lavish night on the town though.
Mukuro’s ideal celebration with his partner for their anniversary? He loves to travel, and he loves his partner, so is it any surprise that he’d love whisking them away on surprise trips to various locations for their anniversary?
Much like Hibari and Gokudera, Chrome really doesn’t understand the importance of celebrating a single day of the year. To her, there’s so many other things worthy of celebrating in her relationship with her partner than simply the day they became a couple, and that list of worthy things increases every day that she spends with her partner, increases with every new experience they have with each other. She simply doesn’t understand why, when they’re living their lives beside each other and loving each other every day, there’s really no need for a celebration of a single day.
That being said, if anniversaries are something that is important to her partner, Chrome will make an effort to remember the day and to do something small for her partner, getting them a gift and making sure to clear the day entirely to spend with them, if at all possible.
She’d really prefer any anniversary plans to be made by her partner and for them to be really low-key. She really hates large crowds and big to-do’s, especially if any of the attention will be on her and would rather something simple and sweet than anything major being done to celebrate.
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ivysmidnightramblings13 · 2 months ago
Hi, can you do a NSFW hc of Nolo Pasaro, from acceleracers, please? (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
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I didn't expect two for him, but I'll definitely do my best :)
Nolo Pasaro NSFW Alphabet
Summary: A NSFW Alphabet drabble for the character Nolo Pasaro from Hot Wheels: Acceleracers
Warnings: Sex...duh. This is my own take on the character btw...all characters portrayed as 18+
Notes: I don't write these very much, but what the anon wants, the anon gets lol! Hopefully it's somewhat in character :/ It's totally going to be OOC
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's a complete cuddlebug, even though he won't admit it, but he's not letting go of you so it's kind of obvious.
"Hey, are you alright?"
*Nolo's face buried in your shoulder, nodding* "Yup!"
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his hands, they're actually really soft, but he's constantly working on his car or punching a bag. He cracks his fingers a lot, he's stressed, but holding your hand in his makes him feel better.
He loves your eyes, he could stare into them all day, and he does. Every time he sees the color while out and about he thinks of you. You're a comfort to him, something to keep him grounded.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He kinda hates it, like obviously not completely, he just hates the consistency
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He'll never admit it with his words but he's totally a bottom and a brat, put him in his place, he lives for it!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has experience, but honestly not that much, he learned from Tone and the internet. He knows what to do but has to take a shot for confidence.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
69 or Spooning, he gets handsy
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's serious, but like cringey serious, as in he's trying to be macho or act like his brother. He doesn't really seem comfortable. You'll have to crack a few jokes to help him relax.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I'd like to believe he'd have a little happy trail, a small one, trimmed
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's a complete sweet heart, gentle with you and likes to hold onto your hand. He'll pull you hair back, squeeze your thighs and kiss up your neck to your jaw. He'll tell you how good you look, and ask if you're doing alright.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does, but not very frequently, it's kinda not his thing, unless he's being needy
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Please wear his Teku jacket or pants, especially if you're his size or smaller, you look way too cute. I think he'd absolutely love someone bigger than him though, he wants to be the little spoon! Otherwise pull his hair or kiss his neck, biting is optional but he still likes that, put him in his place if you can be dominant he'll turn to puddy.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His bed or the hood back of his car
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Confidence and a sense of pride. But honestly if you boost his ego or agree with him, he likes that. No specific clothes or sex appeal will get him going. Just match his energy. He's picky.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won't fuck you while he's driving, or accept anything while driving. You're parking in a safe location where nothing can happen.
He also promises to keep his temper in check, he won't hit you or yell at you. He'll step away if he's upset or change plans until he's calmed down. Your safety is his top priority!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves receiving! Suck him off, fuck him, pull on his hair! Mark him as yours and he'll mark you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Starts slow until he gets comfortable and focused on you, then he's fast, but honestly he'd prefer being soft and slow, it's easier to watch you and how you're doing...if you're enjoying yourself.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He secretly prefers them, especially if you might get caught, he lives for the adrenaline and risk. Sneak into the back seat or a spare closet, the bathroom of a restaurant, he doesn't care.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves the risk of being caught, living on the edge, if you're comfortable with fucking out in the open he's so down for it...but he won't try anything deemed dangerous or "experimental", he'll risk his safety but not yours.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Just one or two
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No? Maybe...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's kinda an ass, and uses a lot of dry humor, but he'll apologize later. It's kind of a heat of the moment thing, otherwise for the most part he's a complete sweetheart to you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He moans...like a lot...
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
His chain is definitely smacking you in the face and clinking as he fucks you. It might get tangled in your hair if it's long :/
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Just about average
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not that high to be honest, he's usually preoccupied or thinking about other things. But when he does think about it he needs it then and there.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He'll curl up in to a ball and fall asleep pretty fast. Give him a little kiss on the cheek or forehead, he'll give a little smile, or hold him in your arms, let him fall asleep on your chest, he's clingy.
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wishbonegame · 6 months ago
Hi I have more misc questions:
Who are your favorite characters?
How many quests are in the game? Can you get to them all in one playthrough, or do you have to do multiple playthroughs?
What's Nikki's favorite dog breed?
What is the name of Tobias' cat?
Has Tobias always been this cranky?
And finally: how are all the adult characters so attractive??
Ooh, these are some fun ones!
Regarding favorites: It's honestly hard to say what my own favorite is at this point! I've been working on the game so long that my interest has cooled somewhat on some of my original favorites, and some characters who I had initially conceived of as "just filling an NPC role" wound up being a lot more fun than expected.
Sheriff Pilgrim was my original favorite (especially when he's interacting with Jack!) and I do still enjoy him, but I've found I enjoy writing for Sonny and Vincent quite a bit, too. Mike is also fun... and Morgan... and a bunch of others, depending on what mood I'm in. Our main writer @kwillow enjoys Mayor North and Em.
One of the nice things about Wishbone is that we have a similar writing approach to Bioware RPGs, where each character is somebody's baby. To make writing practical, we do have to write for whatever character needs writing for sometimes, but we do also have someone who's sort of the "captain" of each character (or at least major characters).
Regarding quests: The final quest count won't be known until later in development, but I've "stubbed out" quest log code for all planned quests so far, and the end of the quest log looks like this:
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There are roughly 40 quests of various types fully implemented right now, so a bit less than half of planned quests have been implemented! That 109 number covers all the character quests, story quests, and other major quests, but I might add a few very small quests to add interest to slower portions of the game. It'll depend on how playtesting goes!
You won't be able to do every quest in a single playthrough because the story does split into Outlaw path and Lawful path eventually. Once you've made certain pivotal story choices, some characters will consider you to be on the enemy team and will no longer be willing to trust you (or, possibly, even talk to you at all!), and some story moments will force you to pick one of two characters to work with.
So you'll need a minimum of two playthroughs to do everything! Certain quests might also have more than one ending, depending on how you solve the task and who you work with. The game might not be as branchy as Fallout New Vegas or Baldur's Gate 3, but it is pretty dense!
Regarding Nikki's dog opinions:
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She likes all dogs, really! She can go on at length about the pros and cons and various uses and quirks of any breed. She also thinks mutts are interesting. But she is most interested in "wilder" looking breeds, like her cattledog, Sirius!
Regarding Tobias's cat:
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His name is Mr. Grumpus. Like his owner, he has permanent Resting Surly Cowboy face. He can often be found sleeping on the counter in the general store or wandering around town, though most townspeople know better than to bug him. He's not the friendliest to strangers!
Regarding Tobias's crankiness: He was always serious and standoffish and never the most popular or sociable person. However, it seems that he's gotten more sullen and gloomy since his mother's health started declining and he had to take over managing his family's general store. Being a cashier isn't really the life he dreamed of, and the stress of his family situation is getting to him. But maybe there's hope for things to improve...?
Regarding the characters being attractive: Ah, I'm glad you like 'em! I (and everyone else working on the project) love to design eccentrics and oddballs. I worry sometimes that we've gone too far catering to our own interests, rather than making something a wider audience would enjoy, so it's great to hear that they have appeal beyond our little niche! They're certainly not your typical "romanceable NPC" lineup, but we do hope that they find their target audience of people who want something more unconventional. :)
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dragontamer05 · 5 months ago
Kisara did the send a yugioh character meme?
Why I like them/why I don’t; She may not be the most indepth or charactar but she's not with out some depth despite her limited screen time. And so much unused potential. (Potential that while unlikely we'd ever seen or know there was always a chance - before Takahashi's unfortunate death. Cest la vie. Like I don't expect he'd have ever written anything but imagine if we could have one day gotten her story written even as a one shot or something- or maybe even get more answers in an interview ah well)
What I like about their appearance; What can I say I like me a white haired character lol. She's pretty, perhaps not the most unique look but nice. (If you mean appearence in show- I like that while she clearly is one to avoid conflict / not try to fight back as shown when she was being stoned at the same time she does care and when push comes to shove she will fight back and protect someone )
Do I prefer their dub names or original names? Thankfully she got to keep her name (While not all dub names are bad I can admit there are plenty of times where their og name was better)
OTP; Blue/Mizu any form of Kisara/Seto *chefs kiss* but also a personal favourite that does not get enough attention Kisara and Thief King (I did a really fun rp with someone years ago), Outcastshipping has so much potential and it's honestly a shame the two never got to interact in canon. They're like two sides of the same coin. (Kisara with any of the legendary Knights is rather appealing to)
NOTP I mean besides the obvious of like underage shipping
OT3 Never thought about it maybe Kisara/Seto/Bakura or Kisara/Seto/Atem
Favourite card they use; asf She is the White Dragon
Favourite moment they were in; Her moments are few and far between sadly but honestly I think I might say I really like a moment that I know is in the Manga but can't recall the anime where when the Palace is underattack/ getting damaged or whatever and Seto goes to set her free she asks if what's happening is HER FAULT. Which I just feel is very telling that FOR SURE she has been accused of and had the blame placed on her for problems in the past (whether her fault or not)
Least favourite moment; I don't hate the choice of her dying protecting Seto I just suppose I dislike that she ended off being killed before we got more time with her (I know he was under a lot of stress and pressure so even if he wanted to he couldn't explore that)
Would I fuck, marry or kill them If forced to pick out of the 3 Marry.
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thisdreamplace · 5 months ago
oh my goodness hayyy it’s me 🍁 anon once again! apologies for so many.. I absolutely adore how you guide from life honestly your words have guided me through such hard times.
I wanna ask some questions so feel free to Answer them!
what is your favorite part about nondual/ Taoism
how did you discover it?
what are some hot takes you have about it?
how do you input in daily life!
what are your favorite ways to fully surrender?
what do you do in a wave of a depressive time?
what are your favorite experiences ever Since you gained this knowledge !🎼🎵
alright have a lovely day! I always love your talks!
hiiii <3 thank you for your sweet words~ hehe
well, for me my favorite part in all of this was how it opened me up so much and allowed me to allow love into my life, for the first time ever, with less fear. as a child i was very loving but as i grew older and felt more of the coldness of the world, i really closed myself off from so much. at some point, i even saw myself as extremely bitter and cold and would think of myself as an ice princess... so yeah. definitely forever thankful that nondualism/taoism helped warm me, and open me up to unconditional love.
i remember during early 2020, i began to get really into spirituality and exploring what that means for me. at the time, i was highly interested in witchcraft (ive always had a true interest and connection with the natural world, which is why this path appealed to me~) and didnt really believe in the law of attraction at all, but going onto tumblr to connect with witchblr, i would often see quotes from neville goddard that sparked an interest in me, and the rest is history :)
i think my biggest hot takes are that... so much of it is blown out of proportion, sensationalized, and used to prey on the weak. once people started to realize how popular all of this could be, so many people began to jump on the train and often share information or enforce expectations that are rather harmful, except they dont care because its all about what hooks the desperate people and keeps them coming back. the amount of coaches and things like that which are just looking to make a buck, is pretty wild. even for people who arent asking for money, theres some that clearly just want the clout and they dont really care about anything else. so much of this is actually extremely natural and not supernatural at all, but a lot of what "sells" are these hollywood movie promises of success. as someone who started in this community when there was like... 1 or 2 blogs actually dedicated to this, its definitely grown a lot and almost has become something i seperate myself from, because i dont really fully agree with the way a lot of things are now taught or the way theyre approached. i kind of like to stay in my own lane, stay true to my experience, and hopefully that reaches people as is... :)
for daily life, i try to think about what i learned from the book, "breaking the habit of being yourself" and as well as from the book, "the tao of pooh" because these are two things that really deeply touched me and made lightbulbs go off. im not perfect... but usually i believe that what you do within, you have to start to do without if youll ever see anything different happen. but this is on a very personal level, like for example, "be the change you wish to experience" if you want to experience more love, be love. if you want to experience less stress, begin to implement that... etc etc
i think my favorite way to fully surrender is to cry it out, and take care of myself first (and repeat as needed, hahah)
gosh, this is hard. during a depressive time all i can do is... be depressed. but i always put in effort to not lose sight of whats in front of me. being really depressed can make you feel like nothing is great anymore in your life, and its all empty. so i always try to remember how much love is there already, and all of the blessings that havent gone anywhere, all of the ones ive had up until now, gratitude. in every little pocket of sunshine that i get, i hold onto it because (in a depressive time) i know that the melancholy is lurking. but i still go outside and get fresh air, i still try to exist around those moments i can do nothing more but bedrot or doomscroll.
i think my most favorite experiences are all of the little things that living this way has afforded me. for once, i felt happy. for once, i felt loved. for once, i could push anxiety to the side and truly live. for once, i truly trusted in me. i wasnt afraid of the world anymore, i was enamored with it. i think being able to experience that, after the life i had been living in the darkness for so long before, is truly my most favorite thing of all. ☁️
anyways, hopefully you find this somewhat insightful :')
xoxo 🫧
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minevn · 2 years ago
(I'm sorry for the mistakes) What do LI do in life?
Minato: Minato has been helping his grandparent's out at the shop ever since he moved in with them! It first started with getting things ready in the displays and helping his grandma get orders ready. Then on the weekends Minato would get fishing lessons from his grandfather until eventually he was the one who got most of the fish and delivered them to where they needed to be.
Haruto: Haruto is a CEO of his mothers interior design company that was handed down to him in her will. Haruto and his mother are both clean freaks who enjoy nicely decorated homes. Haruto enjoys his job, he likes what the job entails. Honestly, he's not even sure what job he would do if not interior decorating, no job is cleaner in his eyes.
Jun: Jun is college student majoring in fashion and in her free time is an influencer. She wants to make beautiful, trendy outfits for everyone to wear! She enjoys doing silly little challenges and showing off her designs online. She'll lose her mind if she finds out you watch her and if she see's you wearing her designs.
Hoshi: Hoshi works as a cook in his dad's restaurant with his dad. Hoshi honestly doesn't have any aspirations, nothing that he's ever been like "Oooo! I wanna be that! That's my dream!" He's tried many other things, but nothing too appealing for a life long aspiration. He's pretty fine with being a cook, he likes it enough.
Habiki: Habiki works as a host for his dad's restaurant(At least in the beginning) and he hates it. Unlike his younger twin who has no dream, Habiki does have a dream. They want to go on stage and play the violin, they want to make beautiful music for everyone, mainly themself.
Kage: Kage is a job-hopper, they can never keep a job too long and don't really have any jobs they want. They try to find night shift jobs or jobs where they can stay inside. Currently, in game they work at the graveyard, making sure that no one is digging up bodies or anything, often cleaning the graves as well.
Kei: Kei is a hacker, legally and illegally. He has his own little cyber security business that helps with stopping hackers from hacking your computer. But he often hacks into places like he shouldn't, places that contain confidential info that is only supposed to be seen by few eyes. He enjoys his job and studies for a bunch of other things as well :3
Yani: Yani's a coder, for video games. She makes the characters, the music, the backgrounds, everything. She does a few other side jobs, but never keeps jobs long, things like cashier at a convenience store. Yani also enjoys animating and has a fairly large following on her animation channel. She also take's commissions. She doesn't buy a lot of things so has quite a bit of money saved up.
Aki: Aki is a model. She often helps Jun model outfits, but she'll model any kind of outfit. She often makes it on covers of magazines and has a ton of fans, helps get Jun some exposure! Sometimes her job can be really stressful with obsessed fan and high, unrealistic expectations.
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