#homestuck fic requests
grimme-and-specs · 5 months
This shit's gonna take over a year to make but I'm having a ton of fun with it
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Oh and, with anyone curious about this? Feel free to ask me, I just wanted to post some art I thought up when plotting :b
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sleepy-crypt1d · 6 months
if i took requests for fics, mainly reader x canon, would anyone be interested??
fandoms being borderlands, subnautica, inscryption, dialtown, portal, creepypasta <- primarily these
POSSIBLY things like outlast, uncharted, the stanley parable, stardew, pokemon but specifically Guzma, bioshock, homestuck
idk i have like a huge range of interests, but i wanna work my brain a little bit and do some random oneshots to get back into the flow of writing so i can finally finish my main fic lol
fine with fluff, angst, smut, whatever, some darker topics I'll steer away from simply cuz of what im comfortable with but!! if i opened up taking small oneshot requests for x reader fics would anyone be interested??
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morsartis · 1 year
Kiss The Girl
Marvus x fem!Reader
Fish darted through the tanks in brilliant colors, the cooler lighting highlighting the brilliance of their scales. All around you were families and couples enjoying their own outings. Despite this, the aquarium was remarkably slow today. What little crowds that managed to form always dispersed as if to mimic the schools of aquatic life you’d all come to see. Leaving you and Marvus in your own personal bubble. You had wandered into a more secluded indoor section of the aquarium to escape the hot sun, this one boasting small Alternian fish with iridescent white scales and vivid violet eyes. You knew it must have cost the aquarium a fortune to get them- or maybe a violetblood had been taken with the fanciful notion of the aquarium and donated the fish for their own amusement. It was always hard to tell. Either way you watched as the fish swam lazily through the water with their spiny barbs and fancy flared fins. Like a mix between a betta fish and a catfish. Beside you Marvus chuckled. 
“That one looks like that lil’ violet that you been bringin’ ‘round.” He pointed to a fish near the bottom corner that was much smaller than the rest- and seemed to be sulking grumpily as it watched the others swim around. You stifled a laugh. It did look like Eridan oddly enough. 
“That’s rude Marvus.” You couldn’t keep the humor out of your voice despite trying to scold your matesprite. 
“Am I wrong?” He asked sardonically as he glanced down at you lazily. This time you couldn’t help the snort that left you. 
“Eridan’s a wriggler, play nice.” 
“Sure. Soon as he stops eyein’ you like a piece a fresh grubloaf.” 
“Oh please. He’s just happy to have a friend. May I remind you how Zebruh gets?” 
“I could still cull him if you want lil mama. Ain’t no big thing.” 
“You know I don’t want you killing people on my behalf.” 
“Worth a shot.” He teased leaning down to steal a quick kiss. Leaning into the kiss you rolled your eyes at his antics. Even so, you couldn’t help but smile at him when the two of you pulled away. 
“Culling is illegal here on Earth, Dear.” You reminded him. Marvus gave you an exaggerated pout. 
“I still say we should do it anyway.” 
“No.” You replied bluntly, already walking away. Marvus snickered in amusement, his long legs catching up to you instantly as he placed a chilled hand on your shoulder and gently guided you more firmly to his side. The two of you made an odd pair, you’d admit. Especially to the people in the mostly empty aquarium. One human girl in her pale sundress and her juggalo troll companion in the most form fitting t-shirt he could get his hands on and an absolutely gaudy pair of skinny jeans. Still, it was nice to have a normal date. It’d been so long since either of you had had the time to spend together outside of stolen moments after Marvus’ concerts. Having this day just to be normal and in love was something you’d be riding the high of for weeks. Months even. 
“Is that a cafe?” Marvus asked in confusion pointing at a cluster of tacky straw roofed “hut” shaped tables tucked near a tropical themed alcove. 
“Looks like it.” You snorted in amusement. 
“That is the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Marvus told you as the two of you drew closer. 
“Oh its horrible.” You agreed, entertainment thick in your tone. 
“Who told them this was okay?”
“Not a clue.” “Even the menu items are tacky.”
“They are.”
“I want pictures.” 
The two of you shared a look before dissolving into laughter. At least this way you’d both have something to eat. Not a bad way to end a date really.
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anewgayeveryday · 9 months
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Jake English from Homestuck-Bisexual
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive
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agerefandom · 1 year
Dream-Bubble Diamonds
Fandom: Homestuck
Characters: regressor!Mituna, Caregiver!Kurloz, other dancestors mentioned but not present
Words: 1, 200
Summary: Kurloz gets a visit from his moirail, Mituna, and takes care of him for the afternoon.
Warnings: Canon-typical difficult to read dialogue from Mituna, also cussing from Mituna, seizures, difficulty communicating, references to both of their previous injuries but nothing graphic
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Kurloz was lazily knitting against a wall, hands flitting over needles and purple yarn. Porrim had been happy to teach him, and it gave him something to do in the monotony of the dream bubbles. There was something satisfying about watching fabric coming together out of twisted cords of thread, and it was just as satisfying to pull apart at the end, each stitch coming apart with a little jolt.
Stab, twist, and tuck the needle through: a rhythm that Kurloz’s fingers were becoming quicker and quicker to carry out.
“Kulozzzz!!” The mangled version of his name was shouted from above him, and Kurloz looked up to see Mituna running along the top of the wall that Kurloz was leaning against.
Predictably, Mituna slipped just as Kurloz looked up at him, and went sideways with a little shriek.
Kurloz dropped the knitting and caught his moirail, who had curled up to try and minimize the fall.
Finding himself unharmed and in Kurloz’s lap, Mituna scrambled up. “Dnn touch now!!” he complained, brushing off his arms. Kurloz held up his hands, showing that he was no longer reaching for Mituna. His moirail could be picky about when and how he was touched, which Kurloz could understand. Mituna wasn’t wearing his helmet, and his hair was chaotic as usual.
HOW ARE YOU? Kurloz signed, raising his eyebrows to signify the question.
Mituna scowled, showing his little fangs, and plopped down cross-legged across from Kurloz.
“Fucked sll thought,” he said, grumpy. “Flcking toddler brainer.”
Kurloz had always enjoyed the sign for pacifier, as if he was placing it in his own mouth.
“Not a babybrains.”
Kurloz raised an eyebrow, making the sign for pacifier again. Mituna bared his teeth, a baby troll gesture of aggression from before their horns grew in properly. Kurloz waited, and sure enough, Mituna frowned and nodded after a few seconds.
“Stills not frcking baby,” Mituna declared, sticking out a hand.
Kurloz smiled, stitches tugging at the corners of his mouth as he dug Mituna’s pacifier out of his pocket. Between Mituna and Meulin, he always had a collection of baby gear in the pockets of his suit, making him think about adding a bag to his usual outfit. He wasn’t sure where he would find one here in the dream bubbles, but he could always tell Horuss to make him one.
Mituna snatched the pacifier from Kurloz’s hand and popped it into his mouth, still managing to pout with his whole body, even with his mouth covered by the yellow plastic guard. Kurloz nodded and flashed a thumbs-up, tapping his smiling mouth.
“Efrenv’sh,” Mituna said, his usually slurred speech utterly incomprehensible from behind the pacifier. Kurloz bobbed his head as if he’d made perfect sense. “Snnnf’rm?” Kurloz continued to smile as Mituna babbled, waving a hand this time as if to make a point. “Krlw’nrt!”
Catching on that Mituna was asking for something, Kurloz raised his hands and asked YOU WANT TO GO AWAY?, pointing back where Mituna had gone. COME? He added as a second option, gesturing to his open arms.
Mituna shook his head, vigorous enough to spin his hair into new tangled formations, then tried to get to his feet and fell over sideways. Clearly disoriented, Mituna managed to get back onto his knees and crawled over to Kurloz, poking his leg.
SIGN? Kurloz asked.
Mituna made a series of gestures that did not remotely resemble sign language, most of them involving hitting himself in the side of the head. Although he understood Kurloz, Mituna’s own use of sign language was even more spotty than his speech capability.
Kurloz shrugged, showing Mituna that he’d not understood any of that.
Mituna sighed and dropped his head down on Kurloz’s leg, a familiar position from his regression. Kurloz twisted his gloved fingers in Mituna’s hair, so much finer than the yarn that had been abandoned beside him. Mituna made a happy moirail rattle in his throat and settled down, tension draining from his body. Kurloz felt himself relax as well, relieved to no longer be guessing what Mituna wanted from him.
The two of them sat there for a while, Mituna’s little purring rattles breaking the silence every so often. It was one of Kurloz’s favourite sounds, a troll at their most comfortable and trusting. If they had been back on their home planet, they would have needed to worry about the oncoming dawn, and finding shelter from the dangerous light. Here in the dream bubbles, there was no change of time unless you went from one area to another, and they could sit out in the peaceful evening light for as long as they wanted.
Lulled into a sense of peace, Kurloz took a second too long to realize that Mituna had gone unusually still.
Immediately, Kurloz twisted around and dragged Mituna away from the wall, as gently as he could while still moving quickly. Sure enough, he had barely moved his moirail when Mituna started to convulse, and Kurloz tugged the pacifier out of his mouth before retreating to a safe distance. Mituna’s full-body seizures weren’t unusual, and they weren’t dangerous if he wasn’t at risk of falling, but Kurloz still wanted to keep close. Kurloz crossed his legs, leaning forward to watch over him.
Count the seconds, keep his breathing controlled. Kurloz tapped his fingers against each other, keeping the rhythm of his own body steady even as he watched his moirail shake on the ground.
This one was a long one for Mituna, lasting over two minutes before he finally went limp. Kurloz moved over when he was sure it was safe, not directly touching Mituna but lying down beside him in easy reach. Mituna blinked his eyes open and touched his jaw, moving it in a way that made it clear he must have hurt it clenching down. Seeming to conclude it would get better soon, he looked around and beamed when he saw Kurloz.
“Kurloz!!!!” Mituna scooted over and rolled himself into his moirail’s arms, and Kurloz pulled him in. “Kurloz, sing fme?” He tapped Kurloz’s throat, making it even clearer what he was asking for.
Kurloz pressed his stitched lips to Mituna’s forehead in his version of a kiss, and obediently began to hum.
Back when the two of them were younger, and the game that ended the world had not yet begun, Mituna used to love Kurloz’s singing voice. It was one of his most common requests, whether he was sad or regressed or tired. “Kurloz, sing to me?” And Kurloz would curl up on the chair with his headset on, Mituna’s voice in his ear, and he would sing until he heard Mituna’s little rattling snores over their call.
Kurloz wasn’t used to making any vocalization anymore: he didn’t even make the subvocal rattles and clicks that were used for communication between partners. Mituna, however, was an exception. For the memory of all the nights they had fallen asleep at their computers, listening to each other’s voices, Kurloz hummed familiar songs as Mituna curled against his chest.
“Mml’v you,” Mituna whispered.
Kurloz’s arms were too full of his moirail to sign a response, so he traced a diamond on Mituna’s back and hoped he understood. I love you too, little miracle.
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I asked something but I feel liked it wasn't detailed if you know what I mean so yeah
Could you do tagora❤reader where reader sleeps over tagora's hive and then something unexpected happens? Tagora is a huge comfort character I would love if you wrote this! /nf
Have a good day/night :))
(My requests are not open I am getting to the last ones I have in my inbox, thank you! ❤️This is the last one in my inbox and these will be closed for a few months, I promise they’ll be open again soon ;3)
Hihi sweetie!! Ofc I can! Fufufu unexpected you say? I have the purrrrfect idea >:)) I hope you like it!!
Tagora x ❤️ Reader
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It was pretty often that you and Gorgor spent time together when he’s not working. Ever sense you met after he almost killed you with alternian money (caegars!) debt, you two have been inseparable! Alien and Troll! Best friends! …right?
Anyway, you were sitting on a troll word couch waiting for Tagora in the kitchen. He was making a big bowl of popcorn for the both of you to share for a movie marathon. They were prod casting….well you didn’t know what it was exactly as you were still learning Alternian alphabet but the teal had told you it was about a group of legislacerators who were at least trying to be- despite none of them being teals. Not that you have to be a teal to be one (Tagora made sure to specify this)
It’s just a common place teals go when they go through grubschool. It seemed interesting to you! And you were excited to learn about trolls and their well “alien” world to you!
You had brought human candy yourself to share with the popcorn, Tagora was surprised how you even got it- you’re not sure yourself!
Finally the man of the hour did return to you in the living block holding one of those plastic blue bowls full of popcorn. Thankfully (from your knowledge) this popcorn looks mostly “normal” just a few kernels being orange and purple shades more then you’re used to but eh! You knew your friend here wouldn’t poison you without a monologue prepared so there’s nothing to worry there-
You smiled taking the bowl from the teal so he could sit on the couch, he was in his favorite teal tinted white fluffy bath robe. You had one on too! In your (insert your favorite color)
“It didn’t start already did it?*_____” Tagora asked moving his hair some off his neck
“Nono! Still some ads..something about uh…being a laughsassin or something after.. ascension?” Your face kinda scrunched trying to recall to which Tagora cackled at your confusion
“Ahaha! They’re playing those again, The Condence always wants more jesters in her army. And I don’t mean purples I mean any fool, she’ll take anyone at this point. However I can see the appeal of a laughsassin, being the one to deploy the setting stone for battle can get any troll hungry for power jumping in for it. *_________”
Oh the fish lady! You’ve done your best to stay clear of her, thankfully your friends and peers haven’t spilled you to her.
Especially Tagora- you don’t mean to put your friend in a bad light just, Alternian currency always have had a soft spot with him and if there was ever a chance your ass was found by that anglerfish Queen you honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Tagora was the first to send you in for the bounty.
But let’s not think about that! The show finally started playing and you both got comfy. The opening song started playing as you reached for a hand of popcorn before stopping- seems Tagora had the same idea as both your hands came in contact over the bowl. Usually this would be no biggie but for some reason you felt your heart in your throat. The teal seemed to have the same reaction as you both looked from your hands to at eachother.
Tagora had a somewhat look of surprised bewilderment. You shared the same expression not really sure where to go from here..you mean..Gorgor he’s- well- he makes your heartbeat ring in your ears and your stomach twist in knots- but would Tagora want that too? He knew you knew about his pitched infatuation crush with Galekh but both of them were too scared to pursue true feelings yet. Would he be the same with..your red feelings?-
NO! Nono! No more being scared! No more being afraid! You have one life, live it!
With that, you gulped some gently guiding Tagora’s hand away from the bowl with your own (trying your best to maintain yourself). The teal’s confusion continued as he watched your every move.
“Gor…I uh-“ you started but feel short and tried to start again
“..W-Well? Go on you’ve got all night here *_______” Tagora joked but you could hear the nervousness in his voice.
Here we go…
You leaned your face closer to him, really feeling the heat grow in your cheeks. The teal seemed to start getting your gestures, his eyes closed slightly leaning closer to you as well.
“I really- I’m really glad we can spend so much time together and- you make me really happy”
“Really?*______” The teal seemed genuinely surprised by your words, you meant every word of it!
“Yes! Yes I- you’ve been so great and I’ve loved every time we get to hang out I- I want, I want to be able to do that more with you”
You had been avoiding eye contact with him the whole time you mumbled but you tried to sneak a peek at his face. Tagora had small red hearts in his pupils, they were actually visible! You had seen spades in his eyes before but..was he feeling the same way? Did he-
“So do I…..*______” Tagora mumbled, his face now a deep teal color and his forehead pressed softly against yours.
My lord-
You smiled nervously returning the gesture of your foreheads “Tagora I love you- I love you so much and I- I want to ask you to be-“
“Matesprits..? *_____” The teal smiled, a big genuine smile up to you. Not his snake lawyer smile, his true joy filled smile!
You were over the moon, you nodded repeatedly happily hug tackling Tagora. Thankfully he returned to sentiment, grinning wide hugging you tightly to him. You pecked basically 200 kisses on the teals cheeks and the teal’s grin only grew bigger.
The show was already half way through at this point but you cares! ;3
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dixonsluvr · 16 hours
just a reminder my requests for drabbles/imagines/oneshots are open! oneshots typically range from 1000-3000 words depending on how much motivation i have :)
all the young dudes/harry potter
metal family
the arcana
any other fandom/character of your choice (note: this is dependent on my knowledge of a fandom and its characters. i do not write for problematic media.)
while i am willing to write /reader or ships of characters who are canonly underage, they will be aged up and i will not be writing smut of them, even if they are aged up. it is not right for someone my age to be writing things like that about children.
i am willing to write nsfw, so feel free to request and let me know what you'd like (kinks, scenarios, etc.) for nsfw, i am willing to write most kinks (bdsm, dom/sub dynamics, even things like light blood play/knife play.)
i am generally okay with most kinks, but am NOT willing to write anything with kinks such as ageplay, abdl, scat, piss, vomit, cnc, or anything really gross like that. i am also not willing to write anything involving graphic depictions of s/a. i will write hurt/comfort, but details involving s/a will be omitted.
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thekingthatwrites · 1 year
I crave for writing requests
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Triheart from @lolliepops-rox's brain and Emperor Reformer from Dayveh's Broken Diamond Club are moirails!
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upsidedownknight · 2 years
anyone have any good no sburb au fic recs centered around the beta kids? i miss them :(
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cthonicascendant · 1 year
If you’re still doing art requests, could you do Eridan and Gamzee talking with each other? Or just one or the other, if you’d prefer.
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«so, like, i WILL get the vision i have out on either paper or procreate at some point, it's consumed me, your honour they should have been friends, but i also didn't want to leave this ask sitting here until i was finally satisfied - anyways, here, have some practise sketches.»
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rindomness · 2 years
assassin fic karkat assassin fic karkat!
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i drew one version, decided that i would be the only person who would ever see it ever, and drew another one and almost cowarded out again are you happy now jamathan @jam-blue dearly beloathed
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nightmarist · 1 year
baldurs gate consuming me as i immediately start on a haarlep fic. might just..... take requests like the good old days
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morsartis · 2 years
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?
In the warmth and safety of your bed you tried to ignore the way your phone was buzzing lost in the sheets. You had decided to stay home for once instead of letting your friends rope you into going to some party you didn’t want to be miserable at. Instead you’d enjoyed some alone time and crawled into bed as it had grown darker outside. Being home, on Earth, was still a surreal experience for you. But after the destruction of Alternia and the mass exodus of trolls fleeing the carnage you had slowly tried to come to terms with it. Which all yet again led to your predicament. Again your phone buzzed and giving into demands you picked it up and checked your messages. 
Most of them were pictures of the party you had declined to go to, all from Cirava. Scrolling mindlessly through them you paused on his last few texts. 
‘Where are you lmao’
‘Thought I saw you sneak out carrying your shoes’
‘I still need those back btw lol’
Sighing heavily you already knew the guy was higher than a damn kite. He usually was when he deigned to go to parties and if you weren’t with him he had a tendency to pull shit like this. Another message pinged through.
‘Must have been dreaming of bumping into you or something lmao’
It could have been a sweet compliment. Unfortunately things were never that simple. Letting the phone slip out of your grasp and back onto the bed you rolled over and tried to get some sleep. You’d managed to doze for a short bit before your phone began to buzz more insistently. Groaning in frustration you snatched it from your side and squinted angrily at the photoshopped image of Cirava on a moisturewave background. Rolling your eyes you hit decline on the call. Just as soon as you had done so the phone lit up again with his caller ID. Hitting decline again you checked the time and felt another swell of annoyance. 
‘Its 3 AM Cirava’
‘I’m tryna change your mind lmao’
‘Why’d you only call me when you’re high?’ 
Letting the phone fall onto your chest you tried to take a deep breath. He was just high and lonely. You didn’t want to be cruel but it was truthful, he really only called you when he was high. Always trying to talk you into something or another but tonight you were going to stay home and ignore it. You could apologize in the morning but not now, not tonight. Again your phone rang and in a fit of frustration you finally answered it, cutting Cirava off mid greeting. 
“Hi.” You replied flatly, “Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” 
“Lemme get somewhere darker.” He shouted over the music in the background, you knew he was only going to talk the same shit he always did. “I need a partner.” 
You sighed, doubting he could hear it over the noise. 
“Well, are you out tonight?” He continued. 
“Cirava its getting harder and harder to get you to listen, you know that right?” 
“What?” He shouted clearly not having heard you. 
“You’re incapable of making alright decisions, always having bad ideas.” 
“Its only three in the morning,” He scoffed, “and I’m tryin’ to change your mind.” 
You stayed silent. Frustration was back along with old hurt. 
“I left you multiple missed calls-,”
Unable to stand it anymore you cut him off.
“Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” You asked. Maybe it was the hurt talking or maybe you still wanted a genuine answer. Either way you knew you wouldn’t get one. For a moment the other side of the line was silent and you wondered if he’d hung up on you. 
“I can’t see you here.” He spoke, voice surprisingly subdued, “ Wonderin’ where I am.” 
What was that supposed to mean? Did he like jerking you around for his own amusement?
“It sort of feels like I’m runnin’ out of time.” He sighed, you could hear the rustle of fabric and realized abruptly that it was silent on the other side, “I haven’t found all I was hoping to find.” 
“I know you said you gotta be up early in the morning, ‘gotta have an early night’, but I’m worried I’m startin’ to bore you, baby.” The use of the human pet name had you on edge. Cirava rarely bothered to use it. 
“Then call me when you’re no longer high.” You replied softer than you’d like. 
You knew he wouldn’t. 
He only called you when he was high. 
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
then could yyyou write a gamtav fluffshot? nothing in particular, just let them be happyyy
Of course I can! And I am ignoring canon a little bit for story
Summary: Gamzee finds himself feeling just a tinge lonely, so he calls up Tavros for some regular baking.
Warnings: Excessive swearing, check tags for further warnings.
A long ass sigh escaped Gamzees lips, for the first time in what felt like hundreds of years, he wasn't wearing his clown makeup. Gentle, chilling air oozed into his pores and brushed against his scars and he felt lonely. The entire hive reeked of metaphorical despair, visceral miracles and day old Faygo, and he needed some damn company before he decided to ruin his kitchen even more.
So he called up the brother Tavros.
It only took a few hours for Tavros to roll up with Tinkerbull on his shoulder, metallic legs a little bit rusted over due to long time use of them. He was grinning, his mohawk was a little bit tangled and his horns had a few scratches and dents and Gamzee grinned as he let Tavros in. The two Trolls ended up sitting on the couch and passing banter, sharing sips of Faygo tinted with soporific pie filling from various times over, Tavros didn't seem to notice.
"Yeah man, I met up with Vriska the other day and she was totally gushing over Terezi," Tavros said with a bit of a grin as he tilted his head against the couches backrest, kicking his feet up on the low down table with a clank as half empty capped Faygo bottles went spinning, "she kicked me out after she noticed I was recording it, not sure what I'll do with it though."
"Oh brother, you should so mother fucking Terezi, I would, but we aren't on the best terms right now, no amount of miracles could fix things up," Gamzee said, reaching to rub the back of his neck, his grin faded for a quaint second as his claws brushed over a scar, Tavros' smile faltered as well before he inched closer to Gamzee, purple scattering across the latter of the twos face as Tavros inspected the slash scars, aware of origin.
"I didn't, I didn't even realize you weren't in makeup, ha, silly little me, I'll back off," Tavros said, words coming out fast as deep orange peppered his cheeks, he pushed himself away after seeing how uncomfortable Gamzee looked, a faint sigh of relief was released after the proximity was minimized.
"Naw brother, it's chill, you wanna make some mother fuckin' miracles happen though?" Gamzee asked in reference to pie, Tavros face lit up vibrant orange with hints of brown, it shot down his neck a bit as well and Gamzee realized what he had said, "not that kind of miracle brother."
"Oh, oh, yeah that makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking, sure thing Gam," Tavros said as he rubbed the back of his neck, orange glow retreating from his face.
Gamzee took a heaving sigh before standing up, the springs in his couch were old and gave quiet groans as Tavros followed. The two led each other to the kitchen over scattered Faygo bottles, pie tins and horns. When Gamzee cracked open his bubbling pot of ingredients and a pie crust from the freeze box, Tavros cringed a little bit as the scent singed his sensitive nose, Gamzee noticed and his wide grin shrunk.
"You good Tavbro, we don't have to do some brotherly baking if you don't want to," Gamzee offered as he placed the lid back on the pot, Tavros was quick to respond.
"No, no! I'd love to bake with you, just, maybe not entirely soporific this time...?" Tavros offered shakily, Gamzee slowly slanted his eyes before they cracked open alongside a grin, he was quick to start looking for alternatives.
"I don't have that much, but we could slap some fuckin', shrimp in there and see what miracles happen," Gamzee said as he grabbed a small tray of shrimp from seemingly nowhere, he had already decapitated them and in the center of the shrimp ring was parsley and some other herb that Tavros didn't recognize, the scent was extremely strong, "I think we even have some other seabugs here as well."
"I'm absolutely sure that we won't need anything more than shrimp and some sauces," Tavros said as he grabbed the pie crust and the shrimp, he could just drop them in, but that's unsophisticated, he started looking for knives next, and a cutting board, "hey Gam, where do you keep the knives?"
"Whoa now, what do we need those blood coated miracle makin' things for Tavbro?" Gamzee asked, reaching around to the back of his neck again, stupid scar and it's stupid knife related origin, Tavros gestured vaguely at the shrimp.
"You really want whole shrimp in your pie? Biting into one of those fuckers whole isn't pleasant, unless of course, you like whole shrimp, then we could leave it like that," Tavros said, trying his hardest to not be a nuisance even though he knew Gamzee was chill.
"You can find The Piece Maker on top o' the cupboards, I call her that on account of the way she leaves things," Gamzee said and Tavros had to jump a little to reach it, it came tumbling down and Gamzee near jumped to push Tavros out of the way, catching the blade in his hand, it sliced thin skin and purple gushed out, "see? Leaving me in mother fuckin' pieces."
"Gamzee! Gamzee, holy shit, where do you keep the first aid in this hive?" Tavros asked, panic washed over his as Gamzee simply turned on the water and ran his hand under it, humming a stupid tune as he wiped down the knife before placing it on the platter.
"Relax, you do the cutting and I'll make the sauce," Gamzee said as he tore a thin strip out of his stained and dirty shirt, getting the fabric wet to rinse out the stains a bit before tying it around his hand, purple started to saturate the fabric, Tavros stilled looked panicked a bit, "I'll be fine, you just do some fuckin' choppin' and we'll be on our way to miracles in no time."
"Ha, yeah, yeah, I'll do the choppin' you do the saucin' Gam," Tavros said, a bit of a quaver in his voice as he grabbed a small slab of wood, using it as a chopping board, slicing each shrimp into a few small pieces, dropping them into the crust as Gamzee poured a few ladles of soporifics into another pot.
"See, perfectly chilled my guy," Gamzee said before started to root around for other items, dropping them into the sauce, ketchup, a handful of mayonnaise and soy sauce was mixed in, the fumes potent until Tavros mixed in actual spices, "smells real fuckin' good now Tavbro."
"Yeah, Tinkerbull isn't exactly the best at food, so, I got a lot of practice in 'the kitchen' as Jade would say," Tavros explained as he placed the knife back under water and stirred the pot till the fluids looked combined and evened out, then he slowly poured it over top of the shrimp.
He offered the ladle to Gamzee who gladly took it and poured another layer onto the shrimp, it was bubbling a little with how quickly it had heated up. But it cooled rapidly and started to gelatinize, it only took a few more ladles worth of the sauce, which smelled shockingly rich for cabinet cooking, to filled the crust. Then Tavros asked Gamzee for the top of the pie whilst reaching for The Piece Maker once again, to which Gamzee reluctantly reached for the lid of the pie.
"Look, I trust you with makin' the munchies more than anyone else Tavbro, but last time I put one of those mother fuckers on my pie, it exploded real majestic like," Gamzee explained, Tavros rolled his eyes as he laid the lid of the pie on top of the filling, using blunted claws to prevent them from coming apart, he pressed the tip of the knife to a part of the pie.
"Easy remedy to exploding pie syndrome," Tavros said as he cut a few choppy heart shaped panels into the pie, the brownish sauce threatened to ooze from holes and he nearly vomited, "now, let's slap that fucker in the oven and see what happens."
"Oh, holes, that makes some good sense in my think pan Tavbro, and the hearts, nice touch," Gamzee said as he slid the pie tin in and slammed the stained door shut, pressing the button and twisting the knob until it started to hum, "any meaning behind that touch my brother?"
"What? No, never," Tavros said, nervously glancing to the side as his face heated up, dull eyes narrowed in almost a glare that had Tavros shaking, "yeah, yeah definitely, we can just be pale though."
"Naw, naw that's chill mother fucker, I guess I can't go calling you Tavbro no more though, Tavros," Gamzee said as he grinned just a bit, the heat of the oven radiating into the room and his face was purple either way as he left, "Tavros doesn't sound right coming out of my maw though."
"It really doesn't," Tavros stated with a slight nod of his head as Gamzee sunk down into the couch, gripping a bottle of Faygo before patting the spot beside him.
"Tavbro it is then," Gamzee said as he leaned into Tavros just a bit, taking a swill of the Faygo, "you want some?"
"Yeah sure," Tavros said before Gamzee took an especially large swig of Faygo and gripped Tavros jaw, yanking him in for a rough kiss, the mix of saliva and Faygo was foreign to Tavros who nearly sputtered upon release of the kiss, "dude what the fuck?"
"You said you wanted some Faygo brother," Gamzee said in his defense with that trademark grin and a shrug of his shoulders.
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basiclyirljohn · 2 years
Asks are open!
feel free to give writting suggestions or request fics.
i WONT write: underage, wlw, abuse, heavy angst
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