#holy shit someone put me out of my misery
dichromaticdyke · 7 months
definitley. weird to see people act like...skwisgar is more poopuar than he is. bc he's not.. like i saw the poolls, he i s the least popular current dethklok member by a country mile. ppl don't like him. i've seen it in the tags of my own posts, ppl odn't like him.
and it makes me sad. like he's given the least mamoutn of screen time and character-focused episodes out of all of them which i think was done for a reason since. he's so OP. he coluld easily be the protagnsit. but he's not. brendon scaled whay abck on what they could have donw with him. which is why i'm so crazy about him.
FUCk. i love him. i know he's not the fandom's cup of tea. like you strip him away from shipping, regardless fo what ship you put him with, and ppl jsut. don't usually care about him by himself. but fuck there's so mcuh to him. i adore him. i'm crying rn bc i love him so much. and im drunk.
he has so much potential for more. like. number one most OP band member, does the most work PERIOD, is totally socially awkard but still bangs like a million women a day. definitely hasa fucky wucky gender. any gender/sexuality headcanon you have for him WORKS excpet for one where he's a cishet man or a gay man. anything else?? perfections.
i jutst. i haven't felt this crazy about a character liek. ever. he's so special to me i understnad if not everyone likes him because he IS so standoffish. but he's. he's basically the reason dethklok exists as it is. he does 60% of the work by himself. he invited toki into the band--so he's the reason DSR happens at all. he is one of the most perceptive members of the band, noticing when toki and murderface are acting weird and figuring out what's going on with them, figuring out how to saves them.
ij just.
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angel. darling. princess. to ME. if no one else lieks him, you have bad taste, ubut good he's all for me. i'm hittn gi him with lesbian ray, he's either transmasc or transfem, it doesn't matter, lesbian isn't cis at all. love skwisgaar. daily. thank you. im drunk rn lgksdhfls.
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coolcoelacanth · 11 months
i've been so fucking sad about my ex recently and i feel like a crazy person. it's deadass been 1 year since we last saw each other but it's all just hitting me right now. i was relieved for the first few months after we ended things, then i was sad, then i was doing just fine, now all of a sudden i have been fucking miserable about it for the past month. i really wish i could take my brain out of my head and run it under cold water. i feel like im short circuiting. ive just been overall depressed then ill randomly burst into tears about it for like 30 minutes. i've only been one one date since we ended things, and im starting to feel like ill never find someone i love like that again. he didn't treat me right, and i deserve better, but damn did we work together so well. if he hadn't been an idiot things could've worked out really well. now im back to square one, with all these people i genuinely have no interest in. and im pretty sure he started seeing someone shortly after we ended things and theyre still together. so i just feel even worse, like did all of that really mean that little to him? and why does he get to move on and have a happy ending? i feel like nothing is ever fair bro, i give my heart and soul to this shit and i get the short end of the stick every time. and i really, truly, deeply trusted him. i really really did. i dont know how to get over this horrible feeling of betrayal. it burns a hole in my stomach. it doesnt feel real. i dont want any of it to be real. its all just some kind of sick joke. and i keep playing back all the memories of all the things he did that hurt me, so im just hurting myself over and over again and just crying about it all. my brain is truly putting me thru my own personal hell, for why? who fucking knows. maybe bc i havent had a day off since august and im finally having a nervous breakdown, so my brain is just throwing everything its got at me. and i literally spent 8 hours studying today, then im working 8 hrs tmrw and studying afterward for my exam on monday. but it doesn't end there, it all just repeats on an endless cycle until my semester ends in december. i only have this semester and next semester left until i will only be doing rotations, but jesus christ if this doesnt kill me. and i used to have a reprieve on the weekends when my ex would come over for three days and we would just LOL and eat good food and i really felt like i could completely let all my walls down. now i never get to let my walls down because i dont trust anyone to be myself around. so im just constantly holding everything in all the time until i finally explode one day. this is literally so long but if you made it this far, im literally at my breaking point. and i dont even have time to have a break down, i get to cry about my life for a couple hours a day then i just keep going and going and going like a fucking lunatic. somebody please put me out of my misery for fucks sake
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
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-She likes a boy-
Pairings - clarisse x fem! reader
An - You like a Boy clarisse likes you
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You laid on top of clarisse as you continued to swoon over her brother. As you continued your love sick antics clarisse had been debating for the past half hour on taking her spear and using it to put herself out of her misery.
“You realize he leaves his underwear around right” clarisse scoffed and inspected her now polished spear with her free hand wrapping itself around your waisr. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “Whatever”
“The other day though henry he came up to me right!” You continued now sitting up on the girls toned waist, she just nodded following along. “He’s like 5’10 right and so I was trying to-”
Clarisse Just tuned you out, she didn’t understand what you saw in her brother. He was loud rude a player and so what if he was 5’9 she was 5’10 big shit. It’s not like height matters anyways. She knew someone like henry didn’t deserve you— shit she was pretty sure no one deserved someone as perfect as you.
“— and then he kissed me! He’s just so- Clarisse your not listening” You complained which brought the girl back to earth.
“I was” clarisse spoke in retaliation.
“Oh yeah? What was I talking about hm”
“Uh.. something dumb about Henry helping you grab a book or something” she sarcastically spoke. You rolled your eyes, “Common lise at least try to be intrested I need your support since this is your brother, I can’t do this without you” you grabbed her cheeks squishing them softly while looking down at her. Clarisse knew she was always gonna loose when you gave her those eyes.
“Fine..” she sighed giving in. Anything was worth it if you smiled, to her atleast.
The following day as clarisse spun her spear in the arena you ran up to her and jumped on her excited.
“Holy shit!” Clarisse yelled as she caught you. “Dude I—” She started to go on a lecture before you squeeled excited. “Clarisse guess what guess what!” You laughed while jumping up and down..
She calmed down and sighed watching you with a raised eyebrow. “Hm?” She responded trying to sound uninterested. “He did it! Henry finally asked me out! Oh my gods it was so romantic” you continued excited.. clarisse tried to be happy for you but the overwhelming sense of dread sat in her stomach. “—And then he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a Kiss!!”
“That’s great babe” she spoke quietly,calming down you gently grabbed her arm your cheeks still flustered. “Did I say something?“ you chuckled worriedly
Clarisse nodded while putting up a façade. “Nah course just thinking of a way to threaten Henry to treat you right” she spoke in her usual aggressive tone. You rolled you eyes and teased the girl to not kill her brother.
You eventually left, she sat down on a bench near by while letting out a deep sigh. She didn’t know what the hell you saw In Henry that she didn’t already have.
The next few months were living hell for clarisse. How Henry talked about you behind closed doors, only sexualizing you. The way you would run up to him in the mornings instead of her like you use to.
How you two snuck off to makeout somewhere after hours. She hated how much she just hated your relationship. Your were a half Greek demigod who had the most beautiful face she’s ever seen, it pissed her off how you wasted your strawberry lipgloss on some boy who liked the chase..
At this point clarisse didn’t even know why she was angry .. you weren’t even her girlfriend.
You were at the nightly bond fire, cuddled up to Henry that you didn’t noticed how he was stairing off at other girls. Clarisse however did. She got up and jerked Henry’s shoulder back making you sit up and him almost fall.
“Clarisse what the fuck!” He yelled, Henry started to fix his jacket rather than check if you were ok.
“Let’s Go we Need to talk” she grabbed his arm not letting him even get a word in.
Clarisse threw her brother against a tree before quickly spinning her spear off her back and stabbing it into the tree by Henry’s head. “You keep on fucking around with y/n and if you break her heart” she turned her spear in the tree starting up it’s electric current— finishing her threat for her.
Henry laughed in response calling clarisses bluff. “Your just mad that she wants me and not you” Clarisse furrowed her eyebrows before giving him a misleading smile.. she backed up pulling her spear out of the tree. She looked up at the spear watching the electricity fly out of it. “Know what, your right.. I am mad” she looked back with a smile before jabbing her spear into Henry’s gut.
Clarisse returned to the campfire, she place she jacked around you once she realized how cold you were. “Thanks” you smiled at her, leaning on her shoulder once she sat down. “Wheres Henry” You asked confused.
Clarisse wrapped a hand around your waist. “Oh him? He got sick needed to go back to the cabin”
“Oh.. we’ll tell him I said love you when you go back ok?”
“Mhm ok”
Reluctantly she let you go so you could return to your cabin. Clarisse watched as you left, sighing she turned around however only to be met with silena.
The daughter of Aphrodite had her arms crossed while looking up at clarisse angrily. “Your not sly”
“Wasn’t trying to be”
“I saw you clarisse” silena gave her a harsh look. Clarisse bit the inside of her cheeks embarrassed and irritated. “Don’t know what your talking about” she continued.
“Stabbing your brother with your spear might make you remeber” she stepped closer to the girl. “Your my bestfriend and so is y/n, if you love her then tell her but don’t hurt her boyfriend and your brother.”
Clarisse looked down at silena not wanting to step down from where she stood. “It’s not That easy silena”
“And Why’s That?”
“Because did it ever occur to you that she likes a boy and incase you didn’t see I’m not a fucking boy”
Clarisse shoved past silena not really caring to be gentle. She was just gonna have to deal with the fact that, she was yours but you weren’t hers.
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autisticandroids · 2 months
someone sent me an ask about soulless sam and in order to successfully answer it i actually have to give my opinions on soulless jack. basically this post is about what being soulless "means" in different episodes and whether it actually matters that jack is soulless.
i'm only going to talk about s14 because i don't have a lot of respect for s15 and also it doesn't super matter that jack is soulless in s15.
so the episodes in which jack is soulless are peace of mind, don't go in the woods, game night, absence, jack in the box, and moriah.
jack's actions in those episodes are
going to see donatello about soullessness, killing the snake to put it out of its misery
playing with the girls from lebanon, trying to show off to win their approval, eventually causing them to get scared but not listening when they tell him to stop, losing control and accidentally injuring one of them, and then healing her
torturing nick to death to keep him from resurrecting lucifer while mary begs him not to, then accidentally killing mary
running away because he's freaking out, trying to resurrect mary, kidnapping and threatening rowena in the process of trying to resurrect mary
trying to be good by doing what the angels tell him without understanding that what they're telling him to do is bad, failing to show sufficient contrition for killing mary, trying to be good by doing what salmondean tell him without understanding that they mean him harm (partly because he's unable to empathize with them well enough to understand that they're angry), busting out of the box because he realizes they lied to him and mean him harm
telling everyone to stop lying, going to see his grandparents in the hope that someone out there still doesn't see him as a monster, telling cas that he can't love him back [because he's soulless], and trying to allow dean to kill him
that's not like every action he took in those episodes but i think it's all the relevant ones and i'm not rewatching that shit again. well, i probably will. but not right now.
the rest under a cut because holy shit 3k words.
so in peace of mind, it definitely matters that jack is soulless, but what that means is kind of an open question. that's the point of the episode. donatello gives this whole speech about being soulless where soullessness is primarily framed as tragic for the soulless, which makes sense, because donatello became soulless in season eleven. in season eleven, soulless characters play a dual role as both victim and problem, and so get to have way more complexity than soulless sam or soulless jack, both of whom exist narratively only as problems. watch 11x05 "thin lizzie" for my favorite example of eleven's distinct handling of soullessness. len the lizzie borden nerd losing his soul and therefore both losing his capacity for fear and his capacity for joy, which is what allows him to be heroic (because he's not afraid and also has nothing to lose), is like a perfect way to take soullessness and turn it both tragic and positive. actually sometimes when i think about spn soullessness i actually think about this hyperbole and a half comic. mostly because thin lizzie and to a lesser extent peace of mind are both playing in kind of a similar space.
so we have this tragic framing of soullessness as primarily about a kind of emptiness. but then also there's this other thing more relevant to the rest of the arc. which is donatello's framing of soullessness as "without moral guidance." this is obviously kind of silly and very spn, but it's also kind of... inherently giving the lie to the premise, isn't it. donatello asking himself "what would mr. rogers do" is in fact a kind of morality. he is able to successfully simulate moral behavior in his mind, which means... he has a sense of morality. just like anyone else's. but it does set up the way in which jack's soullessness causes problems for him later on (not just a lack of an inherent sense of morality, but also because he (maybe?) lacks an internal moral compass, where he gets his guidance becomes very important).
this is also a thing that comes up in 6x09 when dean offers to be soulless sam's jiminy cricket. more on that coming in another post.
also this introduces the concept of "what would the winchesters do" as jack's guiding light. which like. lol. that COULD be thematic. if you wanted it to be.
and then jack kills the snake which is like. totally a thing that's a result of him having a mistaken belief about what's best because he lacks an internal sense of it. which makes sense as an answer to the questions of the episode and the themes of the arc. so him being soulless matters in this one.
so being soulless matters in peace of mind and what it means here is that jack doesn't have enough moral compass to figure out what the Right Thing To Do Is, despite wanting to, so he needs to find an external moral compass to follow. it also means he feels empty and lacks emotion, which is mostly a problem for him.
then there's don't go in the woods. and this one is supposed to be about how him being soulless is Scary. there are several moments in it where we're meant to be scared on the girls' behalf, because Something Is Off With Jack.
but the thing is... jack behaves normally in dgitw. he tries to fit in with and impress some kids who are narratively framed as his own age-peers, normal kids who he would have grown up playing with if he'd lived a normal life. jack trying to fit in with and impress people is normal, he does it all the time. the fact that he does it via tools of violence (throwing knives) is offputting, but that's a result of him being raised in a bunker full of serial killers, not of him being soulless. that's what he knows. jack also loses control of his powers and injures one of the girls. which is in fact totally par for the course with jack. he doesn't have very good control of his powers, and he's very powerful. see tombstone for details. he then panics and tries to fix it. which he succeeds in doing, although the girls don't forgive him.
the only moment in dgitw where him being soulless actually seems to impact his behavior is that there's like a quick moment, just before jack loses control, where the girls from lebanon become nervous and ask him to stop messing around, and jack doesn't pay attention to them. potentially if he had, maybe he wouldn't have lost control. but even this is overstating things - the boy who is their friend remains impressed with jack and encourages him to continue to mess around. jack not immediately stopping because the girls are scared is not exactly outside the range of normal behavior, though it kind of is for jack because he is normally mr. sweetheart goodboy.
so if being soulless matter at all in dgitw, it means that jack can't quickly read, react to, and acquiesce to to emotions of others. he can't, when things are split second, notice and care about the girls' fear, and then react in the most deferent possible manner.
it's also notable that what scares the girls is jack's otherness, his powers, and not his emotional affect. which kind of matters for how all this is framed, and is again, more continuous than discontinuous with things that happen to and around jack when he is ensouled.
alright. now we've come to the big one. game night. man it doesn't matter that jack is soulless in game night at all.
jack tortures nick to death because torturing enemies to death is normal. he JUST did it to michael and everyone clapped and cheered. sam and dean torture people all the time. they love torturing people. they love killing people. they love combining the two things. the only problem here is that it's jack who is doing it. also maybe that nick is human, which means killing him is more bad for some reason.
additionally, jack has tortured a person before, the gas station kid in let the good times roll. (yes what he did was technically torture). (man not really related but you guys should watch that one jacob geller video). torturing is clearly normal and acceptable to jack. i would say this is because he was raised by serial killers who torture people all the time.
also, people freak out when jack tortures that kid too, because the idea that jack isn't capable of correct moral judgement doesn't actually start with him being soulless. jack is frequently framed as the Creepy Threatening Weirdkid Who Can't Be Trusted To Distinguish Right From Wrong throughout season thirteen, except then it's because he's not human. the idea that a soul prevents him from being like that is kind of silly given how often he's framed like that while ensouled.
killing mary is also easily something that could've happened while jack was ensouled. i direct your attention once again to tombstone. jack simply does not have very good control of his powers. he did what teenagers do: he had a moment of "i wish you were dead" type anger toward a parental figure because he was frustrated, but unfortunately, due to his godlike powers, his wish was granted. this has nothing to do with him being soulless (and in fact is kind of. antithetical to soullessness as a concept. since that should mean he shouldn't be able to get that angry).
(man. doesn't really add a lot to my analysis but the two people jack tortures and kills while not soulless are people of color. like come on. this show is so racist.)
the only moment where it MAYBE matters that jack is soulless is that mary freaks out while he's killing nick and begs him to stop and he doesn't listen, just like in dgitw. also like in dgitw, this isn't necessarily like, crazy behavior. salmondean torture people all the time. it's not insane to think that he's just asking himself "what would the winchesters do."
then in absence, jack is framed as menacing but like..... all he does is panic and try to fix what he did to mary. also it's worth it to talk about how all these episodes but ESPECIALLY absence utilize gender in order to make their case that jack is dangerous. like the fact that it's rowena he goes to and not like, cas, is because the show wants you to see him as threatening, wants you to empathize with A Woman Menaced By A Man (even though rowena is certainly in less danger from jack than, say, sam or dean would be), wants you to see threatening a woman as uniquely morally bad. but what he does in absence is just. run away, panic about the fact that he killed mary, be wracked by guilt, kidnap rowena (which, sure, bad, but the winchesters kidnap people and force them to do things for them all the time. jack has SEEN them do this. they have DONE THIS to rowena. more than once!), and try to fix mary being dead. which like. in tombstone when he killed the security guard, he also panicked, tried to get someone to fix it, then ran away. fully consistent with his ensouled actions. it does not matter at all that jack is soulless in absence. the episode frames him as scary and unsettling but his behavior is not at all different from his usual behavior.
then jack in the box. ohhhhhhh jack in the box. stupid episode. genuinely almost everything about it is bad. the buckleming special. honestly season fourteen would genuinely make more sense if you just took jack in the box out because it comes pretty much out of left field, actively contradicts a bunch of shit and is generally inconsistent with the characterization of every single character except maaaaybe cas, and then doesn't end up mattering very much. i guess i could say that i kind of like the sam stuff, in theory, but even that.... like the execution is not great. man i hate jack in the box. like, bottom ten spn episode, easily.
anyway jack being soulless ABSOLUTELY matters in jack in the box and it like...... matters in a way that impacts all of his characterization. we return to the idea of soullessness that peace of mind proposes - lack of emotion, lack of emotionally-guided moral compass, need for guidance. except that what happens in jack in the box is quite explicitly that jack, because he lacks an intrinsic, emotionally guided moral compass, takes guidance from the wrong source and does bad things. that's explicitly the issue.
and then. and then buckleming argue that jack is insufficiently contrite for killing mary. that he does not understand the harm he's caused. which like, okay, that IS consistent with the characterization of soullessness that they've gone with. but it's not consistent with everything that has happened in this arc. like, absence JUST happened. this is just clearly not... accurate. jack clearly does understand the harm he's caused, he's clearly horrified over killing mary, and in general he's been highly emotional while soulless (desperate for approval in dgitw, angry and stressed in game night, panicked and upset in absence). this characterization of soulless jack would make sense if you skipped straight from peace of mind to jack in the box but i didn't, lol.
jack is also genuinely impaired by this emotional emptiness. he is unable to accurately predict the winchesters' actions because he can't comprehend the depth of their hurt, and therefore he can't predict the depth of their anger. he also can't just tell that they're lying, because he can't directly empathize.
which honestly. is actually pretty interesting and cool. for being soulless to be portrayed as having serious personal drawbacks in this way, rather than just making you an Evil Guy. like soulless sam was a "better hunter" for some reason, even though "difficulty empathizing" would obviously cause you problems in a people-facing activity such as hunting. but jack is actually impaired by it. it's not an impairment in morality. it's an impairment in general, and one of the things it affects it the ability to act morally. which is conceptually one of the better ideas of soullessness that's presented in supernatural. joss whedon (the guy who invented soullessness) (this is why soullessness is so stupid in spn. incompetent cribbing of an already bad concept) is rolling in his cancellation-grave. that's what soullessness means in jitb.
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but it's still wildly inconsistent with the rest of the arc. and stupid. and jack is throughout the episode framed soooooooooo scary it's dumb. like there's a different soulless jack arc that could exist that centers on a better version of jack in the box. but in the soulless jack arc we have, jack in the box is an incoherent diversion. a narrative cancer.
alright. okay. moriah. time to talk about moriah.
so the first thing jack does in moriah is run away again, and then he does the no lying thing. which is more about him having bad control over his powers than being soulless.
then the next thing. the next thing is the fake out with his grandparents. we once again get this moment where jack is menacing a female civilian (his grandmother) and we are supposed to be afraid for her. except..... it's a fakeout. maybe jack is harmless after all and we were being unfair, the narrative says.
then we get this:
JACK: And then I tried on my own, but every time I try, it- it never goes right. It never... All I ever wanted was to be good. But now I'm just empty. Even this. I know you're here because you love me, and I want to love you back. It's just, I can't.
so we return to soullessness as emotionlessness as personal tragedy. actually, given that andrew dabb is a consummate trekkie, i would bet you real money that this is an intentional concept-quote of lal's death scene in tng 3x16 "the offspring." jack's soullessness is fully portrayed as a personal tragedy here, not a threatening thing. it matters, but it only matters to him, not how he interfaces with the world. jack wants to be able to feel love, but he can't. he can't feel and this is sad.
his soullessness may impact his decision to let dean kill him, but it may not. jack is routinely suicidal while ensouled, very happy to accept that he deserves to die for various things, starting way back in 13x02. this isn't outside the range of normal for him. but on the other hand, he could be like len in thin lizzie - willing to destroy himself because he has no fear and nothing to lose. it could be the soullessness talking. it's not clear.
so. that's an overview of whether soullessness matters and what it means in every episode of the moriah arc. stay tuned for another post about soullessness coming soon (tonight or tomorrow), this time about sam.
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whumpshaped · 11 months
drained for your bingo?
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masterlist bingo card
tw vampire whumper, noncon biting (like my guy is unconscious, its fucken vampire somno), home invasion, invasion of privacy, violating bodily autonomy big time, dehumanisation
In a moment of gross selfishness, Beck decided to crawl under the covers before Helle arrived. He didn't feel like waiting any longer. It was already late, he had work tomorrow, and he was exhausted. All he wanted was some rest.
He closed his eyes and let out a pleased little sigh, almost unable to believe that he was alone in the apartment. It was so peaceful. The buzzing of electronics and the noise of the street below began to fade rapidly, and he soon drifted off into a relaxing sleep.
His eyes fluttered open a single moment before Helle bit down. He let out a startled yelp and tried to push them off, but he couldn't even do as much in his half-asleep daze as he usually could — which already wasn't a lot.
They didn't even wake him before feeding. They just waltzed in and helped themself to a generous serving of his blood without him even being conscious. Maybe this was his fault for having fallen asleep before they arrived, but holy shit, this was a new level of terrifying.
He let them have their fill while he stared at the ceiling, only illuminated by the faint moonlight from the living room. He couldn't help it when he began to cry softly. He had no idea why he thought Helle would be considerate enough to let him rest. It was stupid. He was stupid. He should've known better, he should've known that sleeping away his problems wouldn't work if the problem was nocturnal.
Helle licked the wounds closed, then rolled over to the other side of the bed like a cat that got the cream. The low hum of contentment they let out was almost a purr, and he couldn't understand, he couldn't imagine being this comfortable with violating someone's living space and body.
"You went to sleep early," they whispered.
"Y-yeah." He was still shaking from the experience, and his brain was screaming at him to go and clean out the fresh wounds. He couldn't. He'd thought he was drained when he got home from work, but... Helle always found a way to make him feel just a lick more empty. "Could you... could you wake me next time?"
"Mmm, but I liked you like that. Calm, peaceful... unaware."
His desperate plea hung in the air between them, and the knowledge that he was the only one so distressed by the situation weighed heavy on his heart. It made sense, of course. Helle wasn't the one whose autonomy was being ripped away. But he hoped they would at least understand. Sympathise?
"Is it scary?" they asked quietly, and Beck realised it wasn't even that they didn't care; they loved making him uncomfortable.
"Yeah... It's... it's very scary."
"Would you stay up for me every night, just so this could never happen to you again?"
Beck swallowed. "I... I don't want t-to..."
"Would you? If I began visiting well after midnight, would you deprive yourself of precious sleep to put your mind at ease? I wonder how many nights it would take until you fell asleep anyway. I wonder if you would be exhausted enough not to wake while I drank from you."
He choked out a sob, curling up into a little ball of terror and misery. "P-please... I just– I just want to be awake for it, is– is that too much to ask for..? I d-don't want to wake up to this... I don't want t-to wake up with– with new wounds... I just... I just want to be awake..."
Helle let him cry, and he felt like they enjoyed the sound of it. They must've, they had no other reason to mock and taunt him to the point of tears. Still, he wished they would at least answer him, and assure him that this was a one-off.
No such assurances were given. Beck couldn't sleep for more than five consecutive minutes for the rest of the night.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries
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lu-sn · 2 years
#kpweek2022 day 1: mvp
pete & macau, vegaspete, shooting things for fun, <1K
Pete yelps as he receives a whap to the back of the head, right before the offender circles around to perch himself on the arm of the sofa Pete is sitting on.
“That’s for not telling me you’re a crack shot,” Macau grumbles.
Pete hisses as he gingerly rubs at the back of his head. “Did you have to hit me that hard?”
“That’s on you for withholding literally the coolest thing about you,” Macau says, crossing his arms. “Hia says you grazed his shoulder. I didn’t know that was you.”
“Um.” Pete wonders if he should maybe scooch away from Macau before he gets bopped on the head again. “Yeah, yep. That was me.” He winces. “If it helps, I didn’t mean to hurt him?”
“Obviously,” Macau scoffs. “That’s why you’re so legit. Hia says you shot him as a distraction, so you shot him in the least painful place possible, and you did it from across a parking garage. With your left hand.”
“I’m a leftie,” Pete says weakly.
Macau waves a hand dismissively. “Details. You aimed for a spot inches away from his heart and you nailed it.”
Well, when Macau puts it like that. “I am a pretty good shooter,” Pete admits.
Pretty good is probably underselling it. When Pete started working for the main family, fresh out of the boxing arena and with the ever-burning desire to prove himself worthy, shooting was understandably the skill he sucked at the most. Luckily, shooting was also one of the easier skills to practice. It didn’t tire him out the way hand-to-hand training did, and to be honest he still finds it a bit meditative. So he put in way too many hours at the shooting range — and it paid off. Chan used to pull him for sniper jobs, and that was practically a badge of honor for Pete.
“You’re a sniper? Phi, why the hell are you not on my CS:GO team?”
“What’s CS:GO?” Pete asks bewilderingly.
Macau facepalms. “Okay, you know what, I’ll get to that later.” He abruptly stands up, then grabs Pete by the arm. “Right now, you’re gonna show me your stuff.”
“Holy shit,” Macau says, almost reverently, after an hour of making Pete attempt increasingly ridiculous trick shots. “You’re an absolute beast. What the hell. I’m in the presence of a god.”
Pete isn’t really used to receiving praise, so he awkwardly laughs it off. But there’s a warmth inside his chest that has been growing ever since they got to the range, and it’s making him feel a little giddy.
“What are you waiting for?” Macau shouts at the bodyguard way off in the distance, who’s been reluctantly recruited to throw stuff in the air for Pete to shoot at. “Do the playing cards next.”
Pete is confident enough in his skills to know that he’s not going to hit the guard, but he decides it’s well past time to put the poor man out of his misery. “That’s ok, we can stop here,” he tries.
“Hmm, no,” Macau says, whipping out his phone, “You need to do one more, so I can get it on video. And then you’re gonna teach me.”
“I am?” Pete says.
Macau turns to him, suddenly looking just the slightest bit vulnerable. “Well, yeah,” he says. “I wanna try. Can I?”
Pete just stands there for a moment, struck dumb, before he feels his face break out into a huge grin. He’s never had the chance to teach someone something before. He’s never had someone ask.
He puts the gun he’s holding down, before yanking Macau into a headlock and ruffling his hair, to great protest. “Of course, if my Nong asks so nicely,” he says sweetly.
“Ow, Phi, get off-”
Pete can’t help himself. He hugs Macau tightly, drops a sniff kiss on the top of Macau’s head. Is this what it feels like to have a younger sibling? Pete gets it now.
“Phi! Ew, gross.” Macau frantically manages to extract himself before attempting to knee Pete in the stomach - which Pete manages to deflect, laughing all the while.
“Yes, Macau, I’ll teach you,” Pete says happily as he watches Macau fix his hair. “But you’re going to have to practice, you know? You can’t complain later, when I have you running drills until you drop.”
“A cause worth suffering for,” Macau says magnanimously. “Now stop distracting me, I need footage.”
(Later, Vegas corners Pete in the kitchen, wraps his arms around Pete’s waist from behind. “Are you going to teach me how to shoot too?” he murmurs.
Pete snorts. “Is that a euphemism?”
“Maybe.” Vegas presses closer. “I think I deserve to see just how good you are. And don’t you want to teach me?”
“As if you’re even going to try learning anything.” Pete says, rolling his eyes. “You’ll just use it as an excuse to fuck me. And we really should stop traumatizing the staff.”
“I don’t need an excuse to fuck you,” Vegas says, clearly skipping straight over Pete’s well-earned concern for the staff’s sanity. “See?” he continues, as he begins to drag Pete backwards and out of the kitchen. “Here I am, no excuses.”)
day 1 - day 2 - day 3 - day 4 - day 5 - day 6 - day 7
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oddcryptidwrites · 11 months
10 Songs Tag
Rules: Use your WIP playlist and put it on shuffle. Write the first 10 songs that come up and quote your favorite lyrics from each song and/or the lyrics that fit your WIP best (they might be the same lyrics), then tag 10 people.
@druidx tagged me in this and I'll tag... @delusionisaplace @wordswrittenbynight @nemaliwrites @missaddledmiss @lili-loves-whump @pga-books @downtoithaca @jubatuslucifer @from-the-depths-into-your-soul @fluffy-with-the-red-clouds and whoever else wants to play!
I'm going to do this one for Not Your Typical Fairytale (a post-post-zombie apocalypse thriller-ish wip). get ready for a WILD fucking ride
1. The House of the Rising Sun -- The Animals
Oh, Mother, tell your children/Not to do what I have done/Spend your lives in sin and misery/In the House of the Rising Sun
2. Dead Mom -- Beetlejuice
Hey mom, dead mom/I need a little help here/I'm probably talking to myself here
3. DARKSIDE -- Neoni
There's no heroes or villains in this place
4. The Snake -- Eric Church
Rattlesnake said to the copperhead/"You know we were the original sin/And I bet my rattle against your copper/The bitch takes the apple again."
5. Unholy -- Sam Smith and Kim Petras
Dirty, dirty boy, you know everyone is talking on the scene/I heard them whispering 'bout the places that you've been/And how you don't know how to keep your business clean
6. Who's Ready for Tomorrow -- RAT BOY & IBDY
I think I need a hero (oh)/I don't have no ego (oh)/'Cause I'm spinning out now
7. The Devil Went Down to Georgia -- Zac Brown Band
The Devil went down to Georgia/And he was looking for a soul to steal/He was in a bind, he was way behind, he was willing to make a deal
8. Rasputin -- Boney M.
For the Queen, he was no wheeler-dealer/Though she'd heard the things he'd done/She believed he was a holy healer/Who would heal her son.
9. Survive -- Jorge Rivera-Herrans
You have hurt me enough/Six hundred lives I'll take/Six hundred lives I'll break/And when I kill you, then my deed is over
10. Hell's Coming with Me -- Poor Man's Poison
He wiped the blood from his face/As he slowly came to his knees/He said I'll be back when you least expect it/And hell's coming with me
Also just for shits and giggles, 1, 5, 7, 8, and 10 are all about the same person (and 9 is someone else referring to that person). @thetruearchmagos here's a little glimpse into NYTF's soundtrack that plays in my head
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 9 months
Six of Crows Thoughts
So I finally read Six of Crows and it was a ride. It was probably the first actual physical fictional book I've read in a decade.
I watched the Shadow and Bone show first and knew plot beats and general spoilers/important quotes from the books. And I'm not gonna lie, knowing what was going to happen, but not how it happened made reading the book so much more fun.
Thoughts below.
First of all, holy shit, the crows are so mean to Wylan in the beginning! Even Nina and Inej. That poor boy!
Like, knowing Wylan can't read and that his father tried to have him murdered for it made the rest of the crows' speculation about him running away so petty and unnecessarily mean. But it's not their fault because they don't know. Really glad the book shared the details of what's written in Van Eck's letters to Wylan. The message is so cruel, Wylan's better off know knowing what's in it them. If I hadn't been aware of the spoiler, I wouldn't have even registered all of the little hints Bardugo left. Like the unread letters. Wylan not labeling the map he made and pushing the pen toward Mattias to let him write the ice court names in Fjerdian when Kaz demands to know why it's not labeled. And asking what the book says when they pass it to him before he realizes it's a spyglass. As someone with the mathematical equivalent of dyslexia (math version called dyscalculia), Wylan and his learning disability representation is so important to me.
It was so exciting to hit the big plot beats. There's Inej getting stabbed and Kaz going feral to rip a man's eye out! *fangirls* Waiting for the goddamn tank to appear. Inej's shoes melting as she climbs the incinerator shaft. Nina taking parem.
Every. Wesper. Moment. God, I squealed so hard at the "Just girls?" "No, not just girls," line and had to read the scene out loud to my husband. (Thank you for indulging me, Love.) Their slow burn build up was so satisfying. I get to enjoy their speedrun show version and slowburn book version -- it's the best of both worlds! The shocking part was that the not-just-girls conversation took place while Wylan's hands were bloody from trying to hack away at the chain link. Like, Wylan may be new to crime, but like he goes all in and gives 100% the entire time. Ouch.
Despite knowing so much of the story before reading it, all of the things I didn't know were equally entertaining. Like, I knew Wylan sings a Fjerdian drinking song, but learning the context when and why was so satisfying. (Fuck netflix for not letting Jack Wolfe show off his voice in this scene. Fuck netflix in general.) I also have a new appreciation for Nina and Mattias and their very complicated ... everything. I probably knew the least about them coming into the book and walked away really liking both of them as characters far more than I expected.
Breaking someone out of jail: barely an inconvenience.
Boarding a ship: The most dangerous task of the entire book. lol.
The most unexpected moment in the books was the Crows stumbling across the burning bodies on the pyres. This is a YA novel. I had to remind myself that this gruesome scene straight out of a horror story Is. In. A. YA. Novel. Then Bardugo says, you think that's bad, and makes the entire scene so much darker! Goddamn. One of the bodies is still barely alive, suffering, and Jesper puts it out of it's misery like it's a horse with a broken leg. All Kaz can do is snap at Jesper for giving away their location with a gunshot. Jesus christ.
Speaking of ... Kaz is waaaaaaaaaay more violent in the books. Holy shit. The show neutered him. Little Kaz swearing at Jakob Hertzoon. Him climbing out of the harbor at 9 years old and robbing a kid in front of a candy store, taking the boys pants just to humiliate him. Cutting another kid's feet up just so that he can steal the boy's job. Brutal. Every time I came across those scenes, I summarized them for my husband (who is a saint for watching the Crows scenes of the show with me and listening to me talk about this series non-stop) because my hubby thought Kaz came off as the most useless member of of Crows because for someone said to be so violent, Kaz Brekker never actually did very many violent things. Hubby pointed out the Inej, Jesper, and even Wylan have a higher body count in the show than Kaz.) SO I felt obligated to prove just how insane and deranged Kaz was in the book.
Nina is a queen for taking parem and saving all of them. What a sacrifice.
I'm so proud of Inej for stealing Heleen's diamonds. Take back your autonomy!
I also really appreciated the irony of the entire Ice Court being Grisha made. Like, my druskelle dudes, you hate Grisha but you depend so heavily on them. You can't have it both ways.
Jesper's horror of the kefta lined tophy wall and his internal struggle after killing the tidemaker gave him so much more depth. He denies his powers pretty hard, but he acknowledges that it could have been him captured, strung out on drugs, or murdered. Part of him died after killing the tidemaker that was actively attacking him and Wylan ... it's so heavy. He knows that he should have volunteered to take the parem with Nina or in her place, but was too scared to do it. I love Jesper so much.
I knew there was going to be a body switch, but didn't realize it happened in Six of Crows. I thought it would just be in Crooked Kingdom. Van Eck's betrayal was ... woof. Sad that Kaz and Wylan's conversation about being a useless hostage/Wylan's disability/and the body swap plan was summarized in Kaz's narration and not shown. I have a mighty need to read that entire scene, dialog and all! Give. It. To. Me!
Kaz probably threatened the shit out of Wylan to not tell Jesper about the body swap onboard the ship. (That's book Kaz's usual style of persuasion.) But Wylan as Kuwei standing near Jesper on deck each evening is the most romantic, sweet gesture I've read in years. God, the pining. And it's just treated as a throw-away line! Excuse me, I'mma need some fanfic about this. Meanwhile, Jesper's like, why is this new weirdo following me? lol.
Jesper thought Wylan (and others) were on the ship as it blew up. And Kaz wanted him to think that. Goddamn. The book just straight up says that Kaz let Jesper think Wylan had died to punish him. Again, Kaz is insane. This cannot be understated. He really earned that title of Dirtyhands.
Random, but I also really enjoyed all of the names, whether characters or locations. The naming was a point and easy to pronounce, (aside from Kuwei, which I double checked the pronunciation but that's probably just me being overly cautious.) Fantasy names can be kinda tricky, either sounding too modern or using obscure letters to be an incomprehensible mess of x, q, and z. So well done with minor phonetic changes and lots of double letters.
I'm so excited to read Crooked Kingdom now.
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fuzzydreamin · 1 year
What The Companions Say About... Feral Ghouls!
I'm posting these just because I find the companions in-game reactions to things rather interesting. You might be surprised by what some of them have to say about certain things.
These are just their dialogues for during combat, and after combat or walking through areas inhabited by this enemy type. It does not include anything from specific areas, quests, or other dialogue.
⌨ Ada
⌨: It's difficult to fathom that these ferals were once human. ⌨: Be certain to check every feral corpse, they tend to carry items useful to humans. ⌨: Radiation exposure can have an astonishing effect on human flesh…. oh, forgive me… I tend to forget the company I keep. ⌨: Perhaps one day you'll discover how to communicate with these feral ghouls. ⌨: {an attempt at humour} Ferals feast on human flesh, yet leave each other alone. A bit overcooked perhaps?
☘ Cait
☘: Shamblers! Take 'em down! ☘: Come on, you rad-spittin' zombies!
☘: Damn, these things reek! ☘: Shamblers! I hate these wretched things. ☘: Best thing about killin' a shambler is that dry sound they make when ya snap off their limbs. ☘: Good, I've been itchin' to bust some shambler heads. ☘: Goddamn shamblers. Only thing they're good for is torchin'.
⚙ Codsworth
⚙: Feral Ghouls! ⚙: {Neutral} Let's put these poor creatures out of their misery.
⚙: {a sincere sentiment} Feral Ghouls, a sorry lot, indeed. To lose one's mind slowly like that. ⚙: {with some bravado / Concerned} Be wary of Feral Ghouls, mum. ⚙: {a sincere sentiment} One ought remember the folly of man created these Feral Ghouls. ⚙: {talking to cover his nervousness} I imagine the scent of Feral Ghouls is most unpleasant. ⚙: {talking to cover his nervousness} What irony that radiation heals the Feral Ghoul.
⚕ Curie
⚕: Monsieur Platt predicted this condition. It appears he was correct. ⚕: A "ghoul." Most intriguing. Starting recording. ⚕: Detecting an increase in radiation. ⚕: One must wonder, what causes the deterioration of this ghoul condition?
⚕: Some "ghouls" are in possession of their mental faculties. Others are not. Why? ⚕: Should ghouls be considered a new species? ⚕: I wonder if my oaths apply to ghouls, as well? ⚕: If you find any scientific journal articles on ghouls, I would be much obliged. ⚕: I should give a ghoul a full physical. I am certain the data would be very interesting.
♞ Danse
♞: Die, you godless heathen! Die! ♞: No mercy! Blow it's goddamn head off! ♞: Exterminate the heathens! ♞: Godless bastard! To hell with you!
♞: Skinwalkers, ferals, shamblers… call them whatever you like, but they're not human. ♞: Ferals might have been human once, but now they're scavengers of human flesh. ♞: If it was up to me, I'd make it my life's work to wipe these things off the face of the planet. ♞: Extermination is the best these ferals deserve. ♞: The only things ferals are good for is scraping the mud off of my boots.
🕶 Deacon
🕶: We got ferals. 🕶: Anyone got some holy water? I always wanted to try that on them.
🕶: I avoid ferals if I can help it. 🕶: Glory came up with the bright idea of putting ferals in the catacombs. Not a fan. 🕶: More ferals. Great. 🕶: Some jackasses call ferals "ghouls". Like ghouls don't have enough problems. 🕶: Bet you crapped your pants the first time you saw a feral. I know I did.
☠ Gage
☠: I'm doing you a favour here, slimeball. ☠: Keep your irradiated ass away from me!
☠: I ever start looking anything like that, I hope someone puts me down fast. ☠: Being a ghoul's a fate worse than death. ☠: They look like shit, but damn if they can't move. Watch yourself. ☠: God I hate ghouls. Never know when one is gonna pop out at you.
☣ Hancock
☣: {Apologetic} Sorry, pal. ☣: {A tad remorseful / Neutral} Had to be Ferals.
☣: {Question} Ghouls, huh? You lookin' to fix me up? ☣: {Neutral} Least Raiders and Mutants have the politeness to know when to die. ☣: {Neutral} Ferals sure make it easy to forget they were ever people. ☣: {Amused} Lotta good lookin' faces around here. You gonna introduce me? ☣: {Question} Wonder how close I came to going feral. Or maybe I did? ☣: {Neutral} Poor bastards. ☣: {Neutral} Hate to put down a fellow Ghoul. ☣: {Neutral} Shame. There were some lookers in that group.
☸ Longfellow
(All of Longfellow's lines have the {You're disgusted by ghouls and a little afraid of the idea of becoming one} note) ☸: Don't you worry, if I see you turnin' into a ghoul, I'll put a bullet in you quick. ☸: Damn… can't think of a worse fate than turnin' into a ghoul. ☸: Way I see it, killin' a ghoul's an act o' mercy. ☸: A ghoul's lost every shred of what once made 'em human. I'd rather be dead than one of them. ☸: They might look like shamblin' corpses, but ghouls are lightnin' quick. Don't let 'em flank ya.
⨁ MacCready
⨁: Feral over here! ⨁: {Mimic (mocking) zombie grunt noise} Eeeeehhhh! Shut up!
⨁: Oh good, ferals. Like shooting ghouls in a barrel. ⨁: I can't believe these things move so fast. ⨁: If too much radiation leads to looking like that, I think I'd rather die. ⨁: Yeah, they were people once. But trust me, their humanity vanished the moment they changed. ⨁: Oh god, not these walking piles of flesh again.
♥ Nick
♥: {Stern} Sorry, folks. Won't be chewing on us. ♥: {Stern} Nasty cannibals.
♥: {Neutral} Wandered into College Square on my own once. Never seen so many Ghouls in one place. ♥: {Neutral} Sometimes you can still make out the person in there. ♥: {Neutral} First time I met a Feral, I hoped it would ignore me because I wasn't made of meat. Guess they'll eat anything. ♥: {Neutral} Keep your distance. Ferals hit hard. ♥: {Sombre} Poor bastards.
✉ Piper
✉: {Neutral} Watch your digits, Blue. Ferals. ✉: {Neutral} Poor Ghoul bastards.
✉: {Question} Nasty cannibals… wait, are Ghouls cannibals? They don't eat each other, right? ✉: {Stern} These things stopped being people a long time ago. ✉: {Neutral} Mayor McDonough chased all the Ghouls out of Diamond City. I wonder if any of them ended up out here. ✉: {Neutral} Ghouls love to play peek-a-boo. Keep your eyes open. ✉: {Playful / Amused} I don't have to outrun the Ghouls, Blue. I just have to outrun you.
☀ Preston
☀: Ferals! Don't let them get behind you! ☀: Oh, dammit. Ferals. ☀: Come on, you zombie bastard.
☀: Those things are the worst menace in the Commonwealth. ☀: When I was a kid, these things gave me nightmares. ☀: The scariest thing about ferals is they used to be people like us. ☀: If I ever turn into one of these things, you have my permission to put two in my skull. ☀: You can smell these ferals a mile away, if you're down wind. ☀: Nobody seems to know exactly what makes a normal ghoul turn feral. Kind of scary.
☢ Strong
☢: Ghouls not worthy foes. Bad warriors. ☢: Human, shoot ghouls. Don't let ghouls get close. ☢: Watch for glow. Ghouls with glow are bad. ☢: Ghoul flesh taste bad. ☢: Worthless glowy ghouls.
☾ X6-88
☾: {Emphasis on "they"... disapproval} Ghouls... without the Institute, they'd be the future of humanity. ☾: {Urging caution} Careful, ma'am. Ghouls are quicker than they look. ☾: {Disgust} That smell... should have brought a breath mask. ☾: {Urging caution} Don't let the shamblers surround you. ☾: {Almost sympathetic} If you ask me, ma'am, killing a ghoul isn't murder. It's more like mercy.
So, interesting stuff right? Some things I found noteworthy:
Deacon doesn't call ferals 'ghouls' and tries to seperate the two, as a kindness to non-feral ghouls. Hancock does not make this seperation.
Both Cait and Preston use what can be considered slurs against ferals, such as 'zombie'. The word 'shambler' also comes up a few times with Cait and others.
Danse's issues with ghouls seem to have some religious untertones. Not all that surprising seeing as he is from the Capital, where both pre and post-war religion is popular.
Ghouls do not ignore Nick and will try to eat him.
Gage, Longfellow, Mac, and Preston all claim that they would rather die than become a ghoul.
Longfellow even says he will shoot you if you become one. (I didn't include dialogue from quests and the like, but Danse also has a line saying he will kill you if you turn into a ghoul.)
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grozaperspektive · 10 months
Toji ramblings because I realized that I'm allowed to do other stuff besides drawing lmao
you know, I have this impression that Toji's trauma is slightly different from regular PTSD or being abused
because (at least, as far as I know) people who were abused, especially by their family members, usualy have self-esteem issues
Toji, though, does not have any... It seems, he's fully aware of his strengths and weaknesses. And, damn, he IS a professional (a gentle reminder that Toji does not see cursed spirits, and yet his fight with Geto in premature death arc?? omg)
so, Toji is a confident, self-aware man
he'd never known that he's worthy of love, just like any other human being (maybe even more so in some ways), until he met Mamaguro. So, he'd just accepted the fact that love and emotional bonds are not for him
I think that he doesn't feel any longing or craving for close relathionship with someone
he's a lone wolf lmao
maybe he's even cynical???? But, honestly, I believe that he just never cares to think about deep stuff like that
and dammit, I'm trying to put myself in his shoes rn, and the only thing I can think about is that he probably wanted to die, quickly and painlessly
preferablly, in a fight
he's just... too lazy to unalive himself
so, he just exists, waiting for it all to end
but then Mamaguro came into his life and showed him that he can live and love living
and then she died.............
and everything came back to how it had been
and yet!!!!! she changed him!!!
no, he's not the best person in the world, he's far from it, really
his morals are still ugh..... debatable...
but he started to??? be more sociable?? can I say that??
idk, to my mind, he just started to care more...
I think, he hadn't even been that close to Shiu before he met Mamaguro(((
and his meeting with Megumi in the recent episode??? I'm gonna explode
so, yeah, he's so precious((
actually, he's giving me the vibe of someone with a fucked up family who thinks, "holy shit, I'll never become a parent because I don't want to traumatize my child"
but his wife was amazing and everything COULD work out perfectly if only she hadn't died T-T
they would be so freaking happy, it's killing me((
and I really can't stop thinking about the fact that Toji is a person who is SO worthy of being loved, cherished and appreciated...
and he had a chance to receive all this support and care(( but life had to fuck it up by killing his wife, thank you very much
just fucking imagine, he was living in literal hell with the Zenins, then, he met the love of his life and finally became happy, and then)) he was robbed of his happiness and was sentenced to living in misery again
AND THEN THEY FUCKING KILLED HIM. TWICE!!!!!!! I fucking can't I caaaaan't
and he died just because he remembered to have an ego and some fucking ambitions. like a normal person, you know
I don't know, I just want to hug him??????? so bad??????????
he deserves the whole world and I stand by that even if he's rude and wrong, I really don't care
⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄☆
anyway, feel free to ignore, I have a fever, I'm sad and English is not my first language, so yeah.... have a nice day, everyone
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fictionalreads · 1 year
Love Is Blind Season 4 Episode 5
Marshall and Jackie
Jackie no. Don’t be messy. I like you. Don’t fall under Micah’s influence.
LOOK AT MARSHALL BEING A MATCHMAKER acknowledging they wouldn’t have been good together but letting his boy know she was a good one.
They seem fun
👏👏 Yes Marshall!! Speak about vulnerability and it’s role (or lack thereof) in the black community!!
Zack and Irina
Run Zack Run
Did she just tell him his face was sexy? Ma’am your fiancé is there. So is his.
They need to put us all out of our misery and just end it.
I’m with him. I’m not chasing after you. It may suck like hell but either you want me or you don’t.
Damn she don’t even want to sit next to you. That’s bad.
Ooh yes they broke up.
Damn she’s rude!
Oh don’t try to push him to someone else.
Oh fuck! He brought it up with her and reminded her Paul was with her best friend!
Brett and Tiffany
Oh they did it. Just good? Seems like more since you can’t talk.
Kwame and Chelsea
Good for her! Setting her boundaries and letting him know she’s not putting up with that shit.
I feel like other couples that were in this situation before kind of brushed it away and didn’t fully talk about it. Like they scratched the surface but didn’t actually say what needed to be said so good for her for having that courage.
Cacao ceremony isn’t my cup of tea but I can appreciate it.
Damn he said no with the quickness when asked about Irina and Zack
Paul and Micah
That is gorgeous. I want a vacation so bad.
Don’t get yourself in trouble Paul. That’s her bestie.
Holy shit he’s meeting up with Bliss. What happened to wanting her to be with someone who chooses her? Say no Bliss.
God that water is gorgeous.
I love this black male convo.
I kinda wish it was just the three couples instead of five.
LMAO Brett was like “I had no choice but to see it. I was there. An unwilling participant in that situation”
It’s Irina I dislike the most now. It used to be Micah but Irina takes the cake.
What the fuck? Josh is coming back?
Brett and Tiffany better get married.
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hextechmaturgy · 1 year
7 and 8 :-)
7. Weapon of choice?
Hmmm depends on the game I guess........ I avoid P2 combat as much as I can. Never helped Stakh with those worms, didn't even bother to defend my dad's house from robbers LMAO they can keep that shit. I just find combat to be a huge waste of time, and I'm not good at video games so the chances of me dying during it are high, and dying in P2 sucks. This is another reason why I prefer P1! The combat is just as wonky but it's not taking itself too seriously. Most of the guns in the game are fun, I'm a big fan of the shotgun , but I think my weapon of choice is a knife. 🔪 Can easily find new ones if you keep killing muggers, and trying to melee in this game is just glorious. You can practice being good with a knife for hours and you still won't be any good with it, and that's fine because this is all make believe <333 I also get a kick out of stabbing people thinking of it as a character choice. Doctors using a cutting tool to kill instead of healing etc etc, this shit writes itself.
8. Best side character? (You can only choose 1!!!!)
Who could've seen this one coming, she's about to say Bad Grief!! P1 and P2 Grief are two miserable little rat men that won't leave my house for very different reasons. It's my understanding that P2 Grief never really had much to his name, besides his friends. Probably grew up poor in the streets, mischievous to a fault but always good deep down. He wanted to not be miserable all his life, and in his universe this goal demands some selfishness. He gains notoriety in the streets, gains people's respect at last and some modicum of financial stability, but in so doing he loses all his friends, who now see him as one of the bad guys. And you can't blame them for thinking that, he's literally hanging out in shady warehouses selling knives, but we know he never partakes, he even warns his men not to kill and possibly requests Andrey's help to put the ones who disobey in line. Is it worth "being someone" if the price you pay is crushing loneliness? <- Grief arguing with his own reflection. And then P1 Grief is a whole other can of worms, he's SO fucking funny for a start, everything he says needs to go into a quote book. He's the opposite of his P2 counterpart, playing the part of the innocent fool just trying to get by, when he's actually the mastermind of the underworld. That is already a really fun character concept, but then you get to the Changeling route and a whole new side of this character is revealed. You sit there going, huh. You've known you were a toy this whole time too? P1 Grief is much older, he's been around the violence and the misery and hopelessness of this game he can never escape from, playing the role of the big bad wolf. I reckon he figured: hey, if I'm doomed to be a bad guy all my life, I might as well be best bad guy I can. Let it be fun for me too. Doesn't mean he doesn't want to change, he's absolutely devastated that even Clara may not forgive him, and if the holy girl can't do it, he's doomed doomed. I've mentioned before that P2 Grief could grow into P1 Grief in a way, after what Aglaya puts him through. Nothing matters, so why should I care that cutting is wrong; the blood on my hands isn't real. EVERYONE needs to play the changeling route !!!!!!
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 57
Oh no. Not Love Shack. Leave it alone, Sam. How could you? "Rock lobster barbarian from Hell?" SERIOUSLY?!!! "I'm starting to lose the will to live! Please put me out of my misery!" Really, Sam? Oh dear gods ...
Taliesin: "Did you say gothy?" Ah yes, that's catnip to Jaffe.
"Applebee's Soulcycle" again ... (snort)
Ashley and Laura rocking the caps, I love it ...
Yes, they are all talking to each other in their heads. Chetney (immediately): "Balls!"
So clearly sound = gruesome death.
FCG: "If the stag had a dream I could talk to it." Yeah ...
Chetney: "Get loose, FRIDA, get loose!" FRIDA: "Someone oil me!"
Yuck ... fumes ... lovely ...
Massive tower. ALWAYS a dead giveaway.
"Round here" ... Counting Crows, now? Oh, that's set Matt off, that dark grin! Travis: "No, don't roll, don't roll!"
There's motes and spores IN THE AIR?!!! It's like the Upside Down out here? Not good ...
Aaaaaaaah ... undead traces? Lovely ... it's getting worse ... Matt is totally messing with Travis now. XD
Creepy tree ... CREEPY TREE ...
Imogen: "A fiendish tree? Is that loke a thing?" Chetney: "I don't know, I didn't read the books!"
Oh fuck ... it's a PEOPLE TREE ... that's nasty ...
Ashley: "How do I have a minus 1 (for Nature check)? I rolled a ZERO. What ARE plants?"
Deanna: "I'M DISTRACTED!!!" Imogen: "We can all hear that!" Deanna: "Shit! I thought this was like a single line!"
My gods, it's like Annihilation. With dead horses ... oh shit, yes, don't let Imogen see THAT!!!
Oh fuck ... not Fearne's topiary again ...
Decompose? Are you SURE? In THIS place?
In a nutshell, Imogen means STOP MESSING WITH THIS SHIT!!!
Chimes? Really? And a HOWL?!!!
Chetney has advantage on scent based stuff and Travis STILL rolls balls ... and Chetney inhales a spore! XD
Slow going, so another stealth check, but Pass Without A Trace is still up ... phew ...
"We're in Molaesmyr, it's Upside Down day!"
Ask the Changebringer? FCG casts Divination ... so what's the skinny? Ooh, wind based response! Cool ... Imogen: "That's the first time I've ever seen a god actually DO something."
More ghosts? Fuck ... it's the Paths of the Dead! Not good!
Little teeny FRIDAs! That's adorable! :3
Aabria: "Can I insight check the ghosts before you say the scary thing?"
Shiiiiiiiiit! That didn't go well at all ...
Fuck, these thing are moving like the Weeping Angels! Aaaaaaaaaaah!
Channel Divinity ... JJ Abrams lens flare? Cool ...
Am I the only one thinking that that's a whole FUCKLOAD of rolls?
Five left ... and FOLL INITIATIVE?!!! Shiiiiit ...
Holy fuck that is a SWEET Battlemap ...
Slightly mesmerised by the minicam's slow pan ... O.O
Spiritual Weapon! A tiny FCG? Cute ... Superman style ... "Can you read my mind?"
Deanna turns her staff into a HALBERD?!!! Awesome!
Another Spiritual Weapon ... giant Dawnfather mace! Cool. Boosh!
Travis: "We don't need to see a crazy mini with baby arms." Don't give him ideas, Travis!
Fuck, there's something watching from the tower? Great ...
The ghost tries to REACH INTO Deanna? Seriously? Fuck ... Dirty 20 gives it a hit, though.
Tiny FRIDA whirlwind? Hmmm ...
Chetney getting attacked now ... Charisma Save ... 2? Shiiiiit ... and now he's POSSESSED?!!!
Now FCG? 13 ... what, Us that NOT good enough? Oh ... just worked! Phew ...
Imogen would be a hard attack, wouldn't she? And Fearne KILLS her save too, NICE!!!
Mind Whip! Cool ... and they FAIL!!! Ouch ... and Laura rolls THREE ONES in damage? Oh fuck, the dice gods are CRUEL ...
Mister! Yay ... Fearne shoots out three Scorching Marisha Rays? XD Cute ... all three hit ... aaaaand it doesn't do much ... oof ... they're resistant to fire. Crap.
Chetney is now ATTACKING FCG with Turmoil! Crap ... 17 points of damage! Ouch!
FCG: "Chetney, what's gotten into you?" Laura: "Her name's Rebecca!"
Divine Strike! Yuuuuuusssss!!!
Sam: "I'd say I am a Close Friend to FRIDA now since we've swapped spit!" XD
Deanna beelining for Chetney ... Greater Restoration! Nice! "GET OUT!!!" at the possessing spirit ... BOOF!!! Nice ... Full blown exorcism ...
Deanna: "Are you all right?" Chetney: "I'm a little salty!" Deanna: "Thanks, I hate it!"
Desperate crossbow action ... and that actually WORKS against ghosts? Trippy ...
Aabria (at Sam): "God, baffle your fucking dice!"
Scare effect ... ouch ...
Sam's flask ... RIP Gerry? Oh. My. Gods ...
Imogen casts Dissonant Whispers ... 3D6 psychic damage! Cool ...
FCG gets to Divine Strike on an Attack of Opportunity ... and KILLS that ghostly bitch! Nice!
Mister's mad so he shoots flaming shit at the ghosts! XD Fearne chucks an Ice Knife at another one ... nooooooo, she backs up and takes a devastating Withering Strike! Aaaaaaaah ... thankfully FCG takes HALF of it ...
Oh ... that Ice Knife ghost kill was REALLY COOL, though ...
Ashley: "I'm not scared anymore!" Aabria: "OWN your power, girl!"
Chetney gets the HDYWTDT ... Matt: "You kill it. That's what you get."
"A large wing type tip"? REALLY, Matthew?
Matt makes Ashley roll for concentration ... Nat1? Fuck ... she just RECASTS Pass Without A Trace instead ... phew ...
And now there's something FLYING AROUND out there ... great ...
"Trained as an absolute unit ..." XD
Oh ... that is FREAKY ... multiple legs AND streamers? Forty odd feet wingspan ... and NO HEAD?!!! Sweet fuck, Mercer ...
Creepy place ... are they SERIOUSLY gonna stay here? And there's a tree growing in the middle of the place ... okay ... and it's got a face like the other one ... lovely ... carefully please, FRIDA!
And now it's GRABBED them ... great ... RUN!!! Oh, that wasn't fun ...
Impressive view ... and COMPLETELY terrifying.
Don't talk to the tree, Fearne. PLEASE don't talk to the tree.
Still a half mile to go ... time to move, then ... znd FRIDA keeps watch ... hmmm ...
Chetney: "If only I had a Bonded Blessing." Aabria's explosive laugh is adorable. Sam: "With hindsight that was a mistake ..."
Time for a break.
They're now lost, essentially ... shit roll, Sam!
And now FCG has now fallen into s hole that's just erupted open in the ground! Shit! Everybody gets hit by the miasma! Aaaaaaaah!
Imogen pulls FCG out JUST IN TIME ... but they feel like SHIT. Oh, discussions of their potentially LOSING IT ensue ... yeah ...
Chetney (while they all start babbling): "We're sll gonna die. This is how it happens."
Crap ... the flying thing is COMING ... and it has one massive purple eye instead of a head ... and it's been hunting? So maybe it's gonna be busy for a while, at least ...
Time for FRIDA to head out snd join the others ... and that's a Nat1 on stealth ... crap ...
FRIDA gets halfway back to the others ... Travis: "Oh, he's in storytelling mode." Yup, bad sign ...
Oh, that is a NASTY tumble ... and NOISY. Double crap ...
Howling ... shit ...
"The barks and snarls of MULTIPLE beasts" ... oh, that is LOVELY ...
Chetney wolfs out ... but only his UPPER HALF?!!! Ye gods ... running round on creepy little baby legs ...
Oh, decisions decisions ... this is fucking CHAOS ...
Seething Storm? Whoa ... that is AWESOME ...
Oh my gods ... Fearne PICKS UP a sobbing Deanna and just BOOKS IT for the tower.
Wait ... did that actually WORK?!!!
Chetney Donald Ducking it with his tiny legs ... Matt (dismayed chuckling): "That is HORRIBLE ..."
Stoneshape for cover? Cute ... is it gonna work?
The Gildhollow Tower ... hmmm ... looks like it's gonna be HARD to get in ... but lots of COVER, at least ...
Dire wolves? Oh shit ... MUTATED dire wolves ... oh, it's just ONE BIG FUCKED UP RAT KING of a creature ... that is HORRIFYING ...
Everybody's all over the place and it's FUCKING CHAOS ... and now it's dusk ... lovely ...
Imogen tries to Send to FCG ... and Matt makes her roll a D100 ... shit ... is her hair gonna fall out again?
Chetney and FCG home in on the tower ... snd now it's howling! Great ...
Trying to find some way into the tower ... and now Imogen's just CLIMBING up the growth on the outside ...
Guardian of the Faith? Okay ... shaped like a giant Chetney wolf? Cool ...
Fearne makes a Mirthful Leap ... nice roll!
Everybody's climbing now ...
FCG: "Imogen, what the fuck are you doing?" Imogen: "SOMEBODY'S gotta save their asses!" (hair flip)
This fucking thing can CLIMB?!!! Shiiiiit ...
Hiding inside the windows now ...
Guardian of the Faith is SERVING right now! Nice!
Oh, so IT IS the Wolf King. Lovely ...
Ah ... it's backing off ... phew ... thank fuck for that ...
Freaky attempt to comfort Deanna from werewolf Chetney ... "Relax." Deanna: "I can't relax, this is CREEPY!!!"
So ... to business. This is where Ludinus came from ... what can we learn?
Chetney's smell adventure ...
Laura: "That's skin ..." Oh PLEASE don't tempt fate like that ...
Heavily looted ... shit ... not a good sign ...
Fearne tries to "Vibe Check" the place ... XD
This is indeed The Place. Okay ... going upstairs, then ...
Let's not loot the nasty mouldy corpse, guys ...
Traps ... crap ... burn? Oh dear ... a glyph? Hmmmm ... Dispel Magic! Quickly! Oh ... that was cool.
The ring ... snack or souvenir? Hmmm ...
Investigating the weird papery strips ... it IS shed skin ... charming ... and now we're considering the possibilities ... oh boy ... whatever it is, it can't be good.
Looking for clues ... mouldy scroll ... oooh ...
Casting Mending go try and repair the scroll ... SMART.
I'm sorry ... Laerryn? REALLY?!!! O.O
"An Exandrian TED Talk" ... XD
"What is her name? There is power in names."
I swear, one mention of Exandria Unlimited: Calamity and Travis starts channeling Cerrit ... :3
Oooh ... Chetney funds a clue ... intriguing ... what is it?
Arcana Check ... Aabria rolls a NAT20!!! Nice ...
It NEEDS magic? Ooooh ... interesting.
Matt: "FCG, a fickle bitch." Laura: "Fickle Care Giver?" XD
Trying to get at whatever it is in the back of FRIDA's mind ...
Something SOFT ... oh fuck ...
Everything starts shaking ... great ...
A pinkish OOZE?!!! Really? FACES?!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!
Some freakish shape-shifting NIGHTMARE ... Matt: "And that's where we're gonna end for the night." SHIIIIIIIIT!!!
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688199 · 1 year
my opinion on miraculous ladybug season 5 finale
take this with a truckload of salt, cause i’ve not seen other episodes yet.
from what i’ve seen, it feels like marinette has been forced into the adrien and gabriel conflict, replacing adrien just because she’s meant to be the main character. shouldn’t adrien himself do the confrontation, not marinette?
not only that, she tried talk no jutsu with gabriel ☠️ gave him a second chance even though he’s obviously a selfish pos. like, i know practicing empathy is good but not to your boyfriend’s abuser.
overall, the message of the story is obviously: be your own person, don’t let others control you, be free. a good message. but very poorly executed. having adrien blissfully unaware, stuck in false belief about his father, with marinette lying to him just to grant gabriel’s wish, is contradictory to the message. there are zero consequence to gabriel’s actions. his wife lives, adrien thinks of him as a hero… despite all the shit he’s done.
seems to me this is an adrien arc, but marinette’s there to guide him through the development like he’s an infant rather than let him do it himself. he’s not even present in the majority of the episode, which is meant to be about him and gabriel. wouldn’t it be more compelling for gabriel to reveal everything to adrien? adrien to realise everything, then make his own decisions as to what to do next?
plus something i don’t like, marinette’s being painted as some holy saviour for adrien… it’s off putting to me.
genuinely what are the writers thinking? this is possibly the worst way you could execute a finale.
in terms of direction, everything feels so messy. too many cuts, maybe some unnecessary scenes going on just to force characters into the finale to feel grand. imo.
lots of cheesy lines ☠️☠️☠️ “the only thing you will free is the world from your existence” - 🤓
personally, it’s a very disappointing finale. i wonder how actual fans think about this.
@aguinhaac here’s what i think
oh bonus rewrite, think of it as a really shitty complete remake based on what i thought would fit better (like i said, idk anything about everything beforehand so this is entirely based on what i watched):
“oh adrien, my sweet boy.”
“take my name out of your mouth! don’t speak to me like you know me!”
“but i do.”
“i don’t know anyone as cruel as you, and i would rather die than let someone like you in my personal life.”
“unfortunately, reality is painful… but we can change it. i can change it.”
reveal emilie’s coffin
“mother! how… what is she- why are you… father…? no no no…”
“chat noir, get a grip!”
“my dear sweet emilie… her sparkling eyes, her soft voice, her lovely smile… i want it! i want it all back! i want her back! the miraculouses snatched her away from me, from us, adrien. so they have to give her back you see? it’s only fair. don’t you want your mother back too? then youll finally be happy. emilie and kagami by your side, your life will be perfect.”
“fair? destroying the universe just because you can’t get over the past is fair? adrien this adrien that. admit it already! you never once thought about him!“
“if you truly cared about him, you’d know that all his life, he’s been suffering because of you! he’s nothing except a trophy in your eyes, isn’t he? a mere object to project your own selfish desires on! you want emilie back because it’ll make adrien happy? what a load of crap!”
“don’t act like you know adrien better than me.”
“please… father… listen to her…”
“just admit it adrien! you love emilie don’t you? you love her as much as i do, right? then you should understand that i’m doing this for all of us! for our happiness-“
“but i’ve never been happy! but it’s not because of mother’s death… no, i’ve moved on from it. my misery is because of you, father! it’s because you couldn’t move on!”
“how can i? when she’s in my grasp! i can bring her back! i can make everything right!”
“open your eyes, father. how is this… right? bringing back mother won’t remedy all the pain you caused.”
“then i’ll die. i’ll die, since i’m dying anyways. and you’ll forgive me, won’t you, adrien? …adrien?”
“i’m sorry, father.”
falls onto the ground, vomitting out ash.
“no no no not now not yet i haven’t… the miraculous! give it to me! please! i can’t die! not when i’m so close!”
reaches out, but his arm disintegrates. the rings clatter onto the ground one by one.
ladybug picks them up, ignoring the desperate monarch trying to gather them back together
“adrien, my sweet boy, please… i just want to see… her smile… your smile… one more time… is that too much to ask for?”
tears flow down adrien’s cheeks, but expression remains stone cold.
“claws in”
“spots off”
he and marinette remove the miraculouses and hold them tightly in their palms, out of sight
“i’m sorry… father.”
monarch’s eyes are filled with heartbreak as the last of him fades
after he’s completely gone, adrien drops to his knees and bursts out crying
marinette hugs him, stroking his hair, muttering
“you’re free now, adrien. you’re free.”
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isadora-greenhall · 1 year
dndads s2e36 spoilers
here’s my traditional “thoughts from the episode” post lol
"fwHAT?!" lmao love you veronica
linc wears contacts?! UNZIPPING HIS EYES?! 💀
henry nearly killing a child AGAIN
double roll-off!!!!!
turtle-neck?!?!?!?!?!??! is he actually a fucking vampire rn??
metal cuff...?
have they actually forgotten nick lmao
WAS I RIGHT LMFAO (that terry jr's shooting an enemy?)
OH WAIT is he being compelled to attack them??? did willy do this?!?!?!
terry jr's "WHAT?!" 😂 like husband like wife :')
yeah they've totally forgotten nick lmfao
are we gonna learn about scary's bio dad 😬
"NO WAY!" lmao terry is so cute
oh fuck, yeah, willy knows they're alive now T.T scary's fucked
damn thought we were about to get a full confirmation of terry jr's surname, but alas, anthony is silent :')
"someday my dad's gonna come to a game" SOBBING FML
oh yeah hermie's here lmfao 😂 i didn't forget nicky but i did forget him 💀
hermie x linc?? 😬
hermie still wants to be with normal though, huh?
lmao based on the gif on twitter for this ep someone is not gonna make a roll for jumping off parachuting lmao
y'all. ANNULMENT. so much easier
ooh yeah the black parade looking for their leader scary!!!
no don't let terry jr find more ammo he's gonna be compelled to shoot the boys again!!!
"terry 2" 🥹
poor terry jr T.T T.T T.T
hermie's misery isn't right there, huh?
i knew it would be taylor crashing lmfao
"putting on his backpack with his feet" fucken linc 😂
oh no scary's poem 😭 and just after the nice hug awww
the "cool goth collar" ahaha
"gerard" asdfghjkl
"pretend you're my stepdaugher" HOW ABOUT RIP OUT MY FUCKING HEART HUH
i'm cryyyyyyying
willy put those collars on the dads to make them wipe themselves and the other kids out 😭 fuck me i hate that man 😭😭😭
at least terry jrdoesn't seem to know it was Grant who got him??
also terry jr and grant were canonically pretty close - terry's the one grant thought he could talk to about his feelings of disassociation (during the convo with yeet), and after yeet rejected him and they got back to the other terry jr went over to ask if he was okay...
fuck me i'm so sad now 😭😭😭
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aspenwriter · 2 years
Bloody Ann: Chapter 4
(CW: Violence, Smut, Torture)
If I were to compare the situation I was in right now, I'd say it was very similar to a medieval court.
We had our Queen, Anastasia I of House Rayne, sitting in her throne (an executive level office chair) attending to her supplicant peasants. We had an interminable row of people entering the HQ asking for a myriad of things to be done for City 43. Queen Anastasia heard all of them patiently, while I, the royal scribe, annotated diligently.
Now, the thing was, Ann was quite affectionate with me. Petting my head and stroking my back very frequently as I tried to work. And of course, everyone saw it. I could hear them whispering to each other, and oh I could see the tabloids speculating already.
I desperately needed something interesting to happen. Three hours of hearing supplicants. God someone put me out of my misery.
And then something interesting happened.
This woman climbed up Ann's desk. She was tall and buff, probably a construction worker, with a black pixie cut. There was she looked at me with pity, and disdain. And she looked at Ann defiantly.
"Leave us alone Rayne!" She proclaimed "we're not scared of you!"
If Anastasia was bored, if somehow the endless stream of supplicants had crushed her spirit a bit, that feeling dissipated immediately. She laughed. Loudly, mockingly.
"And who are you to make demands to me, speck?" She asked, wiping a small tear from the corner of her eye amidst the laughter.
Yeah, who the hell did she think she was?
"Does it matter bitch?" The woman replied defiantly. "Do you think I will give you the pleasure of entertaining your sick mind!?"
"You're already entertaining me sweetheart, that's for sure" Ann said, resting her head on her lowered arms to be almost at eye level with the woman. Then she… began sniffing around her.
The woman still stood defiantly, but I could see her closing her eyes as Ann got closer and closer.
"You… smell funny, speck" Ann said, almost as a whisper. I was captivated by the scene. I needed to know where this was going.
Oh god, did I…
Did I want to see Ann doing something horrible?
Holy shit I did. The fucked up shit she does… It's hot.
OK OK I will confess. I've spent every free hour since we slept together looking at her social media posts… and broadcasts of her delivering the Director’s justice.
I will confess that thing she did with the gang leaders, well it was true, she did deep fry then alive. She looked gorgeous doing it. As gorgeous as she looked intimidating this random woman.
Ok that's enough of me daydreaming about her, back to the show.
"I don't know what you're talking about" said the woman to Ann's comment.
"Yes. You. Do." Said Ann. "Otherwise you wouldn't have said that. What are you hiding? Do I need to pick you apart to find it?"
Did she mean that literally? Oh please do.
"I will not say anything to you, tyrant!" Screamed the woman.
"Oh, you will" whispered Ann. And immediately her open palm came crashing down like if slamming a bug. The woman screamed. Ann most probably broke some of her bones.
And then, she pulled something out of a drawer, a strange device consisting of a needle and a screen. She injected it, uncharacteristically carefully, on the woman's back. The device turned on, and numbers, symbols and data started appearing on its screen.
"Ohhhh, so that was the smell, little one…" Ann said, tasting every word like some sort of candy. "Pounds of pills filled with poison inside you".
The woman started sweating profusely.
"You didn't ingest them, of course… you're packing enough to kill a normal sized person" Ann said "If I had to take a guess…"
Anastasia grabbed the woman with the same hand that had restrained her, and lifted her up. With her other hand's sharp nails, she cut through the woman's vest. Revealing a huge, recently stitched scar on her abdomen.
Ann laughed again, longer, genuinely amused. "Oh dear… did you really think I was going to fall for it?" She asked.
The woman was silent, Ann smashed her down on the table again. Her mood radically changed from amused to outraged.
Oh please scream like that more often.
The supplicants on the row backed, the woman screamed in pain and I didn't move an inch. I wanted to see. I wanted to see whatever punishment awaited this random woman.
"You walked here, trying to bait me into eating you, so you could get all that poison inside my belly did you?" Ann said, with a grin. Her mood returning to amusement.
"We… ughhh" tried to say the woman, amidst her pain. "We…"
"Ugh, you're in a pathetic state" said Ann with disdain. "Lilibeth!"
She called to me!
"My lady!" I said, standing up. It's true we were on a first name basis already, but I had to keep appearances even if Ann wasn't going to. Also, she's still my hierarchical superior here. "What do you need?"
"Call the doc, make them extract the poison out of this bitch and then send her to our quarters for interrogation, I want to handle this personally"
Our quarters!
Anastasia sighed and sat down, still clutching the now desperate woman in her hands until the medical team arrived on a drone and sedated her. She took a glance at me during that ordeal. I could only respond with a look.
A look that said: I'm going to watch my giant girlfriend rip you apart.
Believe it or not, we attended supplicants for two more hours. Nothing stopped the wheels of government, not even a lousy assassination attempt. When Ann announced that petitions to the authority will resume tomorrow, there was still a long line in waiting.
Anastasia picked me up and raised me to her shoulder, where I sat comfortably. Interaction with normal sized people is always a thrill, no matter how mundane, but this was another level. The Director already carried me sometimes from place to place but never on her shoulders. It felt like riding a moving skyscraper. A walking castle.
"What did you think of that, Lilibeth?" She asked, turning her head to me.
"Attempted magnicide is a serious thing" I replied.
"It is… I fear little Lydia has left our City infested not with simple rioters, but an actual rebel organisation"
"An entire organisation?" I asked.
"A capsule of the things the docs found inside her would have killed you. They found enough to kill me. Someone supplied her".
"Do we have any suspects?"
"Oh, that's what we're going to find out, my pet" she said, smiling gleefully as she entered our room in the HQ.
There, she awaited us.
The woman was trapped inside a transparent jar on the kitchen's table. Ann gleefully sat down at the counter, me still on her shoulder, and opened the jar, letting the woman fall down on her back.
"So the docs got you all prepped for me!" Ann said cheerfully "they even got your whole info via your biometric registers"
The woman was still defiant. Although shaken.
"It says here your name is Mia Brown. 32, a healthy 3 inch and a half…" the woman scoffed at the mention of her height. "From a middle class family, school dropout, suspected of radical thought, now construction worker for the Rayne Public Works Consortium"
Mia stood up. "I'm not saying anything".
"You won't, but Lisa will" Ann said.
That made Mia freeze.
"Ohhhh, yes, I know about her" Ann said. "In fact, give me a sec…" she shoved Mia back in the jar and set me down on the counter.
She then planted a soft kiss in my head and said "take care of Mia while I'm gone, alright Lilibeth"
"I… will!" I replied a little surprised by the kiss.
"That's a good girl! I'll be back in half an hour, if my calculations are correct"
Ann left me in the table and left the room. As soon as she did, Mia tried breaking the glass with the weight of her body. And looked at me with some eyes injected in blood.
"You monster! DON'T TOUCH LISA!" She screamed at me.
"Hey, I don't know who this Lisa person is, keep quiet" I said.
"Don't tell me to keep quiet you pet!" She barked.
"Is that supposed to be an insult?" I said, somewhat arrogantly I must admit.
"You're nothing to them. Amusement, at best. They don't see you as human and yet there you are, playing along their stupid god fantasy" she said "They literally stomp over the human spirit and you gladly offer your face to the boot and thank them for it"
I'm not gonna lie, I would let Ann hover her boots above me.
"And yet, from my point of view, I live a happy life, while you're in a jar" I said.
"And you aren't?" She replied.
I didn't reply. I stood there for ten minutes without looking nor talking to Mia. Was it true? Did I lack any agency in this relationship?
Then Ann came back, holding a brunette girl firmly in her hand. Mia's eyes let tears drop, as she whispered a simple "no…"
"Well well well… I thought you two had broken up" Ann said. "Or at least that's what little Lisa barked at the enforcers that took her, I heard she put on quite a fight and she cursed like a sailor, I wonder why she's been so quiet since I picked her up at the helipad then…"
"Please… please don't do anything to her…" Mia said, almost whimpering.
Ann sat back and, same as with Mia before, slammed Lisa on the table with the palm of her hand. The brunette screamed in pain. I sat down on the floor (Well, the kitchen's table actually) and watched the spectacle.
"Listen to me, Mia" Ann said "you're gonna tell me about your rebel friends or you'll have to watch your cute little girlfriend's limbs break one bone at a time"
"I… I…." Suttered Mia.
Ann's finger came for Lisa's left arm. She started pulling, slowly. I heard her muscles stretching. I heard Lisa begging. And I heard Mia screaming a name.
"Tch, tch, well, whoever this General person is, they should have sent a suicide agent with no loose ends" Ann said. "Tell me about them Mia, now"
"She operates on sector T9…" Mia said, defeated. "I've… only seen her once, when she thanked me for my bravery"
"Quite an interesting friend you had there… what organisation she runs, huh?"
"The Torchbearers" Mia said, amidst a whimper.
"Oh, interesting, I thought they'd been disbanded…" Ann said. "Is that all?"
"It's all I know I swear! I'm just a footsoldier, I now nothing about the upper command I swear!"
"I believe you" said Ann. "And therefore, you're of no use to me, neither is your little girlfriend"
Ann picked Mia and Lisa up, and held them in her clutches. She took a moment to appreciate the pair. I had no possible means of understanding the purpose of it. Was it pity? Disdain? Disgust?
She left them both on the floor. Near her right foot. I peeked out from the table to see what was happening.
Mia and Lisa were hugging and crying, apologising to each other. Mia kept telling Lisa that everything was going to be ok. But I looked at Ann and knew that wasn't going to be the case by a longshot.
But just as her foot was about to go down on the couple, I yelled.
"Huh? Lilibeth?" She said, turning to me.
"I know attempted magnicide and association with a terrorist are two things that deserve death… but I beg you, don't crush them"
"And why shouldn't I, my dear?" She asked, genuinely curious.
I confess I was acting just on sympathy for the couple. I didn't know a reason for Ann to spare them. I had to act quick.
"Mia was ready to die anyway" I improvised. "Killing her is no true punishment.
"I see…" Ann said, biting her thumb, thinking.
"And Lisa, didn't directly threaten you, killing her will be unsatisfying!" I bluffed.
"I… suppose you're right Lilibeth"
Holy shit. Did it work?
"I suggest" I continued "that Mia should attone by living the rest of her life in your service. If she was so ready to die to see you gone, a life under your shadow will be poetic justice!"
"That's actually a great idea Lilibeth!" Ann said, with an ear to ear smile.
"As for Lisa, she wanted to cut off ties with Mia, if we believe her, and she used that as a defense… so as punishment… she should remain the rest of her life with Mia, a slave of your needs too!"
"You're getting pretty good at this pet! You make this young woman proud!" Ann said.
She slammed her foot on the floor, barely millimetres away from the couple and said:
"Listen up you lovebirds! My dear Lilibeth thinks killing you would be a waste of two healthy slaves, so I'm keeping you here. You will spend the rest of your lives at my service, you will answer first to me and second to my pet! And you will thank her every day for the rest of your sad, pathetic lives that you're alive because of her intervention alone" she proclaimed. "Now kiss my fucking shoe while you thank me for being so nice to you two! That's an order!"
Lisa scurried away to Ann's shoe, I've never seen anyone so relieved and terrified at the same time. She thanked, and spilled almost an epic poem in praise of her new owner. Mia too, went and kissed that giant shoe, she thanked Ann, but every word coming from her mouth was like I was seeing her vomiting her soul.
"Good job little ones!" Ann said. "And great idea my pet!"
I couldn't believe it. I actually influenced her mind. I was of actual value to her. I was a partner.
Her index finger came to pat me. I let it, of course, but as soon as Ann began to pull it away I grabbed it, pulled it down and hugged it. Of course I didn't have the strength to pull it down, she just let me. I was now rubbing myself against her digit.
She looked down at me, blushing.
I looked up. She was biting her lips. I was sweating. Shaking even. And then I dropped the bomb.
"Let's fuck, let your slaves watch"
Anastasia Frederica Rayne, the most powerful woman on Earth besides the Director, let out a long moan.
"I love you, Elizabeth" she said, and carried the three of us to our bed.
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