#holiday (but not Gift Exchange)
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bilaudad · 2 months ago
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my secret santa gift for @kneelbeforeyourdogbabylon who has the patience of an angel (as this is so late! 😅), and whose likes include canon-compliant works as well as AUs, historical eras, pining, and smut. hope this scratched some of the itches! 😁🩷
a belated merry christmas and happy new year to all!
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tourmaline-dream · 3 months ago
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I don't trust these feelings When I'm staring at the ceiling With your body on top of me You can crash here, hope you never leave
Notes: This is my gift for @starlightafterastorm for the Oshamir Holiday Gift Exchange 2024, and double thanks to her for all the hard work of organizing!!! I hope you like it. <3 HAPPY OSHAMIR ONE AND ALL!
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sincerelywhistler · 2 months ago
❄️ bundled up ❄️
It’s year 2 of the Skyside holiday gift exchange! I was so delighted to draw @mars-mell ‘s lil version of Gavin. Your art sparks so much joy, my friend. Happy holidays <3
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sangytual · 3 months ago
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SEVENTEEN — ; [Semicolon] Official Photos ↳ for @wonboos 🎁 from your 🤫🎅
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archerdepartures116 · 4 months ago
Random question,
Of the transmigrators, who would be the most insane about holidays? And how would the disciples react to seeing their shizun going insane on an ostensibly random day?
Qi Qingqi, she used to be an influencer and she loved loved loved the holidays and loves decorating, giving and receiving gifts, she would decorate the entire mountain if let loose and allowed to run wild. During the month of December, she would turn the peak into a winter wonderland then throw a feast and gift giving session on new years eve (because she loves seeing ppls reactions)
(she's not celebrating Christmas but she just loves the vibes and looks of Christmas)
people usually held smaller celebrations for the new years so this wasn't really that jarring for the disciples, it was only when she brought out these strangely themed decorations that they started raising eyebrows
(sqh coughed blood when he saw the budget reports for that month)
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lttlewing · 1 year ago
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daemyra holiday gift exchange 2023 for @black-dread!
surprise! may this bring a touch of happiness to your day. happy holidays!
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mvthr · 3 months ago
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“versez le sang, mes beaux amis. and let the darkness set us free…”
merry christmas @maxanor from your secret santa 🎅 insp.
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phandomgiftexchange · 4 months ago
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Hello everyone! The sign-ups for the Holiday 2024 Phandom Gift Exchange are now open!
This event is a gift exchange where people create a phanwork for who they are assigned; you don’t know who will be creating your gift, but you can be assured that their talents will match up to your requests!
How to Sign Up
The grand majority of people participating will be gifting a phandom work to another, therefore, you all will be gifters. The person you will be gifting for will (probably) not also be the person gifting for you. On the form, you’ll choose what kind of gifts you’d like and genres/tropes/themes/etc. you enjoy. You’re also encouraged to provide some more specific prompts. Sign-ups to be a gifter will close Friday, November 29th at 11:59 PM.
The gifter sign-up form is here!
If creating something might not be your thing, but you’d still like to participate in some capacity, you might be interested in being a beta! Betas assist gifters (especially fic writers) with their gifts. If you’re interested, send an ask or contact @husbants! We’ll put you on our email list and invite you to the Discord server so that you can chat and find beta work there.
Saturday, November 16th: Sign-ups go out
Friday, November 29th: Sign-ups close
Sunday, December 1st - Monday, December 2nd: Pairings go out
December 16th: Check-in goes out
Friday, December 20th: Check-in closes
Saturday, December 28th: Posting day!
More Details
The gifting assignments will not be random. The admins (@husbants and @ttlmt) will be matching up each gifter with a partner based on the gifter’s self-identified skills and the partner’s likes and prompts.
There will be separate under-18 and 18-and-older groups (if we have anyone under 18, that is; it hasn’t happened the past several rounds). A gifter will only be considered to gift for people within their age group.
In the past few rounds, we had a Twitter-user group. There will be no Twitter group this round. You are free to cross-upload your gift to whatever platform you like, but you will need a Tumblr account to participate.
We will be communicating through Tumblr DMs and email. There will also be a Discord (the link will be sent through email when assignments go out) and we’ll post updates and announcements there, too. Make sure your DMs are open so that we can contact you, you’re checking this blog, and you’re checking your email during the event!
When the gifters post their gifts on December 28th, they should tag both this account and their partner on the post. This blog will reblog everyone's gift posts. Our Twitter will retweet anyone who cross-posts there. There will be an email sent out with more information about posting closer to December 28th.
We’re really hoping this doesn’t happen, but if you are assigned to someone you have blocked or have any sort of issue with, contact one of the admins and we can switch around our own assignments or talk to someone signed up as a pinch-hitter and deal with it. If you know you definitely couldn’t gift for someone, you can also specify this on your sign-up form.
In Conclusion
We hope this event will spread some joy throughout the phandom! Thank you so much for your interest and it would be great if you could reblog and spread the word. If you have any questions, feel free to DM @husbants or send an ask!
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notsosaucystuff · 3 months ago
The works on Tumblr for the holiday phandom gift exchange 2024 @phandomgiftexchange
@notsosaucystuff Crochet Pattern
@aromanticphillester Crochet Doll and Art
@yeehawodyssey Art
@notsosubtlequeer Fanfiction
@cowboy-bec Fanfiction
@sn0k0plasm Fanfiction
@femmmie Fanfiction
@caff3inated-art Art
@undead-queer Art
@kool-dry-berries Art
@sensorydephrivation Fanfiction
@dnpbeats Video Edit
@wdapteo Video Edit
@tesseractingrey Fanfiction
@foreverjustanemokidatheart Fanfiction
@possumdnp Fanfiction
@splingefix Fanfiction
@finding-you-in-any-world Fanfiction
@phandoras-box Art; Art
@platypuscrab Art
@couragetoexist Fanfiction
@nic-the-rat Fanfiction
@calvinahobbes Fanfiction
@cat-clawz Art
@bassband Fanfiction
@husbants Fanfiction
@saturnisfallingdown Art
@toomanystairs Art
@babystarrbunny Art
@illdriveumad Art, Art
@cryptidjeepers Art
@silliestgirlintheworld Art
@matutito Art
@lostinpacifictimez Art
@phukbang Art
@proudsnackeezowner Art; Art
@zackstriker Fanfiction
@gamingbeats Fanfiction
@train-mossman Fanfiction
@manchestereyes Fanfiction
@someone-stole-all-my-fruit Fanfiction
@doomedhowell Fanfiction
@blossoms-phan Fanfiction
@totalincandescense Fanfiction
@jonsaremembers Fanfiction
@anironsidh Art Collage
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letsgofruits · 3 months ago
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This Must Be The Place- a very short and sweet comic about C.C finally find a meaning of home through Fran's company. Created for CCBDS Holiday Gift Exchange 2025; gifted to @iheartlosergirlz
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masseffectholidaycheer · 4 months ago
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY before filling out the survey.
Surveys will be collected until December 06, 2024.
Match emails will be sent out by December 10, 2024.
Gifts may be given between January 15, 2025 and January 31, 2025.
Anyone making/sending a physical gift must provide proof of postage by January 15, 2025.
*Postal services are often somewhat hampered by distance, weather, strikes, etc. If you’re receiving a physical gift, it may be delayed.
But worry not—everyone gets a gift. Minion Keeper is VERY good at this job! They have a sacred spreadsheet, which they keep in the tiny sacred backpack. (Nothing gets past the sacred spreadsheet. Not even Shepard.)
Read the rules. We’ve made some changes/clarifications this year.
FILL OUT THE SURVEY! (Enjoy Holiday Harbinger’s sense of humor. Truly, the gift that keeps on giving.)
**Follow @masseffectholidaycheer for the duration of the exchange. This is where we communicate. It’s also where you can enjoy all the gifts people make.**
Spread the news! The more the merrier! Otherwise, Holiday Harbinger will never collect enough organic paste to make a Tumblr Reaper.
Join in the fun before the Harvest takes you all.
If you have questions you’d like answered, please send Holiday Harbinger an email at [email protected].
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worstplayr · 3 months ago
Hehehe… it’s time 🎄✨
Please enjoy this lovely lyric comic made for you with love and care. I hope your holidays are jolly and your stockings full!
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This gift is a part of @isat-secretsanta-2024 , please check out all the other awesome gifts, and give the artists and writers some love over there!!
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climbthemountain2020 · 3 months ago
Okay, this was my big, big contribution to @acotargiftexchange
For the first time ever, I tried my hand at animating, and HOO BUDDY it is HARD. Lol. But I was determined.
@itsybitsybluesy I hope you love this little video that goes with the end of Ch. 4 of What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? You have A+ holiday song choices! <3
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changewingwentz · 3 months ago
Crushed by silent snow❄️
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My ST gift exchange for @hookedhobbies 🌨
Hope you like it! they’re trying out an old hobby which is group ice skating!! They’re going to slip again
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dragonflylady77 · 3 months ago
only with you
The secrecy has been lifted, and I can finally reveal the fic I wrote for @billysblueeyes for @harringroveholidayexchange. The brief was some domestic fluff, GBFs, Billy and Max bonding, and some smut. I think I delivered.
Rating: M | 2185 words | domestic fluff, a dash of smut, harringrove parents
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Billy and Steve are hosting Christmas dinner at their house. Domestic fluff with a sprinkling of smut. And kids.
Read on Ao3
Steve watched Billy sigh and scrunch the piece of paper he’d been scribbling on into a ball.
“Babe…” Steve started as Billy threw the newly formed ball towards the trash can, narrowly missing it.
“Not now, Stevie, I’m concentrating. Need it to be perfect.”
A warm feeling unfurled in Steve’s chest. He walked across the living room to stand behind his husband at the breakfast bar and plastered himself against Billy’s back, hooking his chin over Billy’s shoulder. “It will be.”
Billy grunted as he grabbed another piece of paper and started again, pencil moving quickly across the page, lines and swirls filling the space. 
“You got this.” Steve dropped a kiss on his cheek before moving away. Best to leave Billy in his creative bubble. This stage of tattoo design was usually the most frustrating for him and the added pressure of this particular one was bound to stress him even more. It wasn’t every day that Billy had to come up with a matching tattoo with Max as a surprise Christmas present.
After checking that Noah was still fast asleep in his crib, Steve gathered the dirty laundry and put a load of washing on. It was early enough in the day that he would have time to hang it before their guests arrived. He double checked the guest rooms were ready then went back to the kitchen and made some coffee.
A few more scrunched up balls of paper had joined the growing pile by the trash can. He picked them up, feeling Billy’s gaze on him as he straightened up. He turned around to see Billy staring at him with a smirk.
“See something you like?”
“You know I do, baby,” Billy replied, unfolding himself from the stool he’d been sitting at for over an hour and walking to Steve, stopping when he was standing toe-to-toe with him. Steve went willingly when Billy put both hands on his hips and pulled him closer.
Leaning into the kiss was second nature at this point. Steve hummed softly as he wrapped his arms around Billy’s neck, fingers running through the unruly curls that had escaped his messy bun. Parting his lips when Billy nibbled on his bottom lip, and too focused on the heated way Billy licked into his mouth like he wanted to devour him, Steve let himself be walked backwards until his back was against the wall.
Billy abandoned his mouth to nibble a path down the column of his neck and Steve relished the feel of his husband’s body pressing against his—had since that day Billy had cornered him in the locker room after basketball practice, really. 
Steve’d had enough of the endless taunting and had surprised both of them when he’d grabbed the lapels of Billy’s open shirt and planted one on him... He’d been really late picking up Dustin from school after that and endured a million questions about the hickey on his neck. It had all been worth it, though, when Billy had shown up at his house later that night. They had been together since. 
Billy’s hands pushing on his hips brought him out of his little trip down memory lane and he startled when he realized Billy was on his knees in front of him.
“Billy, babe, your knee…” Steve protested, in a feeble attempt to spare Billy some unnecessary pain on Christmas Day. His knee hadn’t been the same since that fateful night Neil Hargrove had found out about them and taken to Billy with a golf club.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, pretty boy, I’ll pay for it later,” Billy countered as he kept undoing Steve’s pants and pulling them down his thighs. “Some things are more important,” Billy whispered, nuzzling Steve's cock over his boxers, before he moved a hand up under the hem to cup Steve, giving him a squeeze. 
Billy looked up, the blue in his eyes nearly eclipsed by his pupils, and Steve shared the hunger he could see on his husband’s face. Always had, from the first day he’d seen Billy show up in that blue Camaro at Hawkins High. 
Keeping the eye contact, Billy then carefully extracted Steve’s cock out of his boxers and used the precum beading at the tip to help his hand slide better as he got Steve fully hard.
Steve held back a moan, bucking his hips, searching for more.
“So greedy, Stevie… always so greedy,” Billy said with a grin. 
“Shut u—” Steve bit down on his hand to stop from crying out when Billy swallowed him down to the root without another word.
Steve stopped trying to make words, all thoughts that were not BillyBillyBilly fleeing his mind. His free hand found a home in Billy’s hair, hanging on for dear life when Billy did that thing with his tongue that made Steve see stars.
Too soon, way sooner than Steve would have liked, he reached his peak and came down Billy’s throat, remembering just in time to keep quiet. Knees threatening to buckle, he helped Billy up, and was still trying to get his breath back when he heard cries.
Billy chuckled. “Impeccable timing, your son.”
“Oh, now he’s my son, is he? I don’t remember doing a DNA test…”
“You can deny it all you want, baby, but he’s got your eyes, and your gorgeous hair.”
“Whatever,” Steve retorted with an eyeroll. “I’ll go get him.” He put his pants back on and gave Billy a quick kiss. “You better get back to your design, they’ll be back soon.”
Billy nodded and Steve headed down the hallway.
He stopped and turned to look at Billy, who was standing by the wall still, his curls a messy halo around his face, his shirt kind of askew, his jeans looking kind of tight in the front. “Yeah?”
“You owe me.”
Steve snorted. “I love you, too.”
Billy picked up his pencil and tried again. He could see the design in his head but, for once, didn’t seem to be able to get it onto the page. He knew moving to the iPad, like he usually did when working on a design for a client, would not help. Not for this particular one.
He heard Noah’s cries stop as Steve’s soothing voice carried from the nursery. His pretty boy seemed to be a natural at this being a parent thing, to the surprise of exactly no one. 
Some days, Billy still found it hard to believe that he was a dad. It wasn’t something he’d ever even remotely considered, too scared he would turn into his father. But Steve’s gentle loving, and a few years of therapy, had convinced him to give it a go. And now, he wouldn’t change it for anything. Steve and their kids were his whole world. 
The jingle of a key in the front door ten minutes later pulled him out of his creative bubble and he turned around to see some of his favorite people enter. Maisie ran at him with a happy screech and wrapped her arms around his neck when he picked her up. Robin and Heather followed at a slower pace, carrying a mountain of bags.
“I didn’t realize you ladies were buying everything at the store today,” Billy said with a smirk that earned him a sneaky middle finger behind his daughter’s back.
“Papa! Did you know, Auntie Hank said I should get Daddy ice cream from Scoops for his Christmas present and that’s just silly, because it would melt!”
Putting his five-year-old daughter down, Billy turned to his best friend. “How about we don’t bring up traumatizing memories for Christmas, Hank? Please?”
“Sorry, Billy,” Robin answered for Heather. She put down the half-dozen bags she was holding and collapsed into a chair. “We walked past the vendor with the samples and things were said. Now, where is my godson? I need cuddles.”
“You’ll have to wait, I’m afraid,” came Steve’s voice from the hallway. “Unless you want to help me with his bath.”
“Oooh, yes, I’m coming!” Robin left the room, Maisie hot on her heel.
Billy chuckled when he heard the little girl asking to jump in the bath with her brother and turned to Heather. “Hey, you.”
“Hey back. Did you get it done?” Heather walked over to the breakfast bar and sat on a stool, looking over the pieces of paper.
Sitting next to her, Billy let out a sigh before bumping shoulders with her. “Not gonna lie, Hank, I’m struggling.”
“Oh, come on, Blue. She’s your sister, surely you can come up with something.”
“That’s the thing though, it can’t be just anything. It needs to be special. And perfect.”
“It will be. Maybe you just need to freestyle it, like you did for us,” Heather said, her finger tracing the lines of the Hawkins Lifeguard tattoo they’d both got on their arm.
“Maybe.” Billy wondered if maybe she was right. 
“What time are they getting here?”
Billy checked his phone and found a text from Max letting him know they had just parked outside. “Right now, apparently. I’ll go see if they need help.”
Leaving Heather to unpack the bags, Billy grabbed his keys and headed out.
Excited voices welcomed him in the driveway.
“Uncle Billy! Uncle Billy!”
“Hi, guys!” He grinned as his nephews crowded him and they did their special hand shake. He had been told in no uncertain terms at their last birthday that seven years old was too old for cuddles.
“Uncle Billy! The plane was late because of the snow. We had to sit in our seats for aaaaages and Wyatt cried like a baby.”
“Did not.” Wyatt glared at his brother, fists at his sides.
“You so did. I saw you.”
“Arlo William Sinclair, what did I tell you about being an A-hole to your brother?” Max warned her son before stopping in front of Billy and dropping the bags she was carrying. “Hey, Billy.”
Billy wrapped his arms around his sister and pulled her close while Lucas called the boys back to the car to get their backpacks. Max held him tightly, her cheek pressed against his neck. Billy whispered, so the boys wouldn’t hear. “Good to see you, shitbird.” 
“It’s been too long. I can’t wait to finally meet that son of yours.”
“Well,” Billy started, letting go of her, “if you guys moved to Cali like I’d been telling you since the twins were born…”
“We’re trying, I promise. I need to finish this enormous project at work, we’re so close to being done, after three freaking years… then I’ll talk to my boss.”
“Okay. Noah is in the bath, which means your niece will be in there too. Stevie and Robin are supervising.”
Max groaned. “Oh, god. That means your bathroom will be flooded, I hope you know that. And there won’t be any hot water left for me to wash the plane off.”
“There’s cold beer in the fridge, and enough food to sink a small ship in the meantime.”
“Lead the way, Hargrove.” Max laughed when Billy pinned her with a glare.
He’d taken Steve’s last name when they’d got married, letting go of the last piece of his father that was still in his life, and Max knew it.
“Whatever, Maxine.” He picked up the bags she’d dropped at his feet and high-tailed it to the door before she would swat him on the arm.
Arlo and Wyatt followed him, saying “Maxiiiiiiiiiiine” louder and louder, to their mother’s annoyance.
Steve looked around the living room where most of the people he loved were gathered. They’d had a delicious, yet unconventional, Christmas Eve dinner, made up of various random dishes everyone had contributed to. Afterwards, they had opened presents and Max had absolutely loved the idea for their matching tattoo, like Steve had said all along.
Now, after Christmas mince tarts and ice cream, Heather and Robin were chatting animatedly with Max and Lucas on the sectional couch while Maisie, Arlo and Wyatt were lying on cushions in front of the tree, looking rather blissed out, and Billy…
Feeling someone next to him, Steve turned his face and found his husband, who was cradling their sleeping infant son against his chest.
“You okay, pretty boy?” Billy asked, his hand moving slowly up and down Noah’s back.
“Yeah, I was… I don’t know… looking at our family, thinking how happy I am that they’re all here, at our house.”
“We did good.”
“Yeah, babe, we sure did,” Steve replied, putting one arm around Billy’s waist and looking down at their son.
“Bet you didn’t think we’d be married with kids before your thirtieth birthday when you dragged me into the locker room all those years ago.”
Steve scoffed. “Excuse you, you’re the one who shoved me first. I merely… acted on impulse.”
“Right… so your immediate reaction when a guy pushes you is to shove your tongue down his throat? Is that what you’re saying? Did that happen a lot to you in high school, King Steve?”
Steve smiled.
“Only with you, baby.”
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lemonwrap · 3 months ago
Mistletoe Mishaps
This is a gift for @tetradfreaker for the 2024 Ghoap Holiday exchange, hosted by the wonderful @forsaire!! I hope you like it :)
Read it on Ao3
Ghost doesn’t really do parties. 
Soap knows this because Ghost hasn’t attended a single Christmas party in the three years Soap has known him. …Actually, now that Soap’s thinking about it, Ghost hasn’t shown up to most of the various celebrations thrown and usually made an Irish exit when he had the chance. 
Having grown up in a big family with three sisters and a plethora of other relatives, Soap is used to every celebration being made into big events packed with people. It’s the typical kind of ‘party’ thrown on base—food, unfortunately nonalcoholic drinks, cheap decorations, and about fifty people gathered in the mess hall. It’s also exactly the kind of event Ghost would prefer not to attend, so Soap can’t be blamed for being surprised when he spots his lieutenant’s hulking figure in the tinsel-strung doorway.
“Lt, you made it!” Soap grins, abandoning Gaz and a few other soldiers to give Ghost a friendly punch on the arm. “Good to see ye this year.”
“Nice sweater,” Ghost deadpans, glancing at the garish red and green reindeer sweater that Soap is donning. “Dressed for the occasion, I see.”
“Nice mask,” Soap remarks. “Wasn’t Halloween a few months ago?”
At the quip, the corners of Ghost’s eyes crinkle in a smile, and Soap’s stomach definitely doesn’t do a little flip at the sight. 
“I’d rather have a Halloween party than this,” Ghost comments. 
“Why’d you show, then?” Soap asks. “Get visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past?”
“Just Price,” Ghost says. “You know how he is around the holidays.”
“Aye,” Soap says, thinking of their captain’s insistence on ‘team bonding’ whenever Christmas rolls around. “Want a cookie? Dawn brought some.”
“Have they got sprinkles?” Ghost asks. 
“Of course,” Soap replies.
“Good man,” Ghost says in that same approving tone he uses on ops, and Soap hopes his cheeks aren’t as red as they suddenly feel. 
…Okay, so maybe Soap has a bit of a crush. Whatever. Despite what Soap’s pastor growing up would have said, it’s not a crime to like looking at Ghost’s biceps or his deep, dark brown eyes and his long, blonde lashes, the only visible part of his face. Or his ass. Can’t forget that ass. 
Most of the tables have been pushed out of the way, so it’s easy for them to weave through the partygoers and to the front of the room, where a table filled with drinks, cookies, and other treats sits. A fake Christmas tree only three or so feet tall is set on it near the edge, adorned with a handful of ornaments. Most of the food is okay, but Laswell’s wife, Dawn, has a knack for baking and brought what Soap considers to be cookies just as good as his mum’s. Dawn herself is nowhere to be found, probably off with Laswell, but a few of her revered sugar cookies still remain on a plate.
“Got here in the nick of time,” Soap says and takes a cookie, round with red frosting. Ghost nabs the cookie with the most sprinkles, a green one shaped like a Christmas tree, and lifts up his mask to take a bite. The half Glasgow smile that runs from the corner of Ghost’s mouth and travels up until it’s hidden by his mask catches Soap’s attention like it always does, pale and long since healed. Soap likes watching how it curves on the occasion he can get Ghost to smile and has imagined how it would feel against his lips a few too many times. 
“Gonna eat that or just stand there?” Ghost asks, pointing at Soap’s cookie.
“Huh?” Soap says. Upon realizing that he’s been standing there and watching Ghost eat like an idiot, Soap hurries to eat his cookie. It’s pretty good, but he’s more distracted than usual by the man of his dreams. Sue him, but Soap knows what he wants for Christmas this year.
“Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing?” Ghost asks out of nowhere, his mouth quirking up but not smiling yet.
“I dinnae ken, you tell me,” Soap replies.
“‘Cause they always drop their needles,” Ghost says, and Soap chuckles a little. He’s liked Ghost’s horrible jokes since day one.
“Alright, what does a gingerbread man put on his bed?” Soap asks.
“A cookie sheet. I’ve heard that one, Soap.”
“Bastard. Alright, what do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.”
That one gets Ghost to truly smile, just a small thing, and Soap treasures it. They quickly fall into their usual routine, telling shit jokes and borderline flirting with each other, like they have been for nearly three years at this point. 
Ever since Las Almas, Ghost has always matched Soap in every way, from being his equal in a spar to their endless back and forth bantering. Ghost was only trying to keep him calm and get both of them out of the city alive, but their talks continued long after Las Almas, with Ghost’s deep, gravelly voice haunting both Soap’s dreams and his waking moments. 
Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but Soap gets the feeling Ghost isn’t opposed to going a little further than over-the-comms flirting. They just need to find the right moment.
So when Soap watches over Ghost’s shoulder as a mischievous soldier pins a mistletoe right over the doorway leading in and out of the mess hall, he has a brilliant idea. 
The mistletoe! All he has to do is get Ghost under it, and a kiss should naturally follow. Genius, really. 
It’s a few minutes before Soap can manage to subtly herd Ghost towards the doorway. He’s pleased with his progress until Corporal Hodges approaches, smiling.
“Lieutenant Riley! MacTavish!” he says. “I don’t think I’ve seen you at a Christmas party before, sir.”
“You haven’t,” Ghost says, already getting that bored expression he has when he’s not interested in talking to someone. Soap knows the feeling.
Amazingly, Soap doesn’t find Hodges annoying because he’s American. It’s actually because he’s a kiss-ass and tries to butter up his superiors, Ghost included. Ghost cuts it short every time, including today, in which he not-so-discreetly moves away from Hodges only thirty seconds after the corporal started talking. Unfortunately, that also means that Ghost moves away from the mistletoe hanging nearby, and Soap groans internally when Ghost strays far enough that Soap can’t guide him back without arousing suspicion. 
To Soap’s dismay, that pattern continues. Every time he tries to even get Ghost close to the mistletoe, his plan is somehow foiled. First it was Hodges. Then Ghost goes off to talk to Price. After that, Soap nearly has Ghost where he wants him, and then a private taps Soap to get his attention and asks him when his next demolitions demonstration will be. Soap would usually be thrilled to talk about demolitions, but he’s a little preoccupied, damnit!
“It’s hopeless,” he finds himself lamenting to Gaz after Ghost walks right under the mistletoe twice without pausing on the way to and from the restroom.
“Maybe he didn’t see it,” Gaz suggests, taking a sip of his soda.
“There’s no way he didnae see it, Gaz!” Soap exclaims, nearly spilling his own soda on Gaz when he throws his hands up in exasperation, “Look at the size of ‘im, his head nearly touches it!”
Soap is beginning to come to the conclusion that he will not be getting a kiss from Ghost tonight.
The final nail in the coffin is when two soldiers steal a brief peck under the mistletoe amidst the oohs and whoops of their peers, with Ghost being entirely unaffected by the display from where he’s standing next to Soap. Soap is pretty sure the universe is just messing with him at this point.
Ghost isn’t even looking directly at him. Having given up on the mistletoe being his chance, Soap indulges himself by silently gazing at his lieutenant instead. Ghost is as beautiful as ever, even surrounded by half-assed Christmas decorations and holding a plastic cup of soda. Not a supermodel or conventionally pretty, no, not with his scars and face shape that gives off the impression of a very ordinary-looking man, but Soap has spent enough time trying to put Ghost’s likeness down on paper to be certain that Ghost is all he could ever want or need.
“Did you want to come back with me?” Ghost says, turning his head to look at him.
“Um, what?” Soap fumbles, mind blanking and trying to look like he hasn’t been staring longingly at Ghost for the umpteenth time tonight. 
“I’ve got a gift for you,” Ghost explains, seemingly unaware of Soap’s hopeless pining. “Meant to bring it with me, but I forgot it in my room.”
“A gift?” Soap asks, and hopes Ghost doesn’t see the flush that must be on his face at the idea of Ghost getting him a gift.
“I can show you,” Ghost says. 
Soap doesn’t even bother to look up at that useless sprig of leaves as he hurries to catch up with his lieutenant, trying not to be disheartened by the whole thing. The mistletoe was decidedly not as brilliant of an idea as Soap had originally thought, but he’d like to think he has the balls to make a move anyway. The night’s not over. 
“So, is it a book?” Soap asks. The hallway is still brightly lit, not having reached lights out yet, so Soap can easily see how Ghost’s eyes shine with humor.
“No,” Ghost says. 
“Okay, a sketchbook.”
“Still no.”
“Matching pajamas.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Something very obscure that took you months to find.”
“You’ll see,” Ghost says, sounding amused. 
They stop in front of Ghost’s door at the end of the hallway before Soap knows it. He’s not expecting Ghost to turn around, pull that damned mistletoe out of his jacket pocket, and hold it over their heads. Stunned, Soap doesn’t make his move even when Ghost pulls his balaclava off, and oh, he’s just as stunning as Soap imagined, all dark brown eyes, scars, and blonde hair staticky from the balaclava, and—and then Ghost’s lips touch his.
It shouldn’t be anything special. Ghost’s mouth tastes like too-sweet icing, his lips are a bit chapped, and the hallway lighting isn’t exactly romantic, but Soap has died and gone to heaven, because Simon fucking Riley is kissing him. 
It’s over so much quicker than Soap would’ve liked, but it’s worth it when they part and he sees Ghost’s pale cheeks flushed pink and his eyes locked right on Soap.
“Not bad,” Ghost comments, sounding a bit winded, and his scarred lips curve into a smile—just how Soap likes.
“How’d you know?” Soap blurts out. “About the mistletoe.”
“It got kinda obvious after the third try.”
“Thank god,” Gaz says to Price when the two finally leave the room, Ghost discreetly plucking the mistletoe from the top of the doorway and stuffing it in his pocket. “The puppy dog eyes were starting to get painful.”
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