#holden caulfield also just sounds like a catch-22 name
bones-and-whatnot · 1 month
I feel there is something of a similar vibe between Holden Caulfield and John Yossarian.
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flakandforay · 6 years
Catcher in the Rye Theory
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overall: The Catcher in the Rye is a classic literature book written by J.D. Salinger. The plot roughly talks about Holden Caulfield, a youth who goes through adulthood etc.
warnings: spoilers of the book, mentions of death; please read discretely
theory: the reason why i am talking about this book is because of this quote ‘while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for once’ that appeared in the Run JP MV; it was in the form of graffiti on the walls in Taehyung’s room. 
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The original quote ‘The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.’ by Wilhelm Stekel, a psychoanalyst which is found on pg 101.
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“It was written by a pyscoanalyst named Wilhelm Stekel.”
“Here’s what he said: ‘The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”
-Pg. 101
this was the conversation between Holden and his ex-teacher Mr Antolini. I have mentioned before in this Run Jp. theory, this quote roughly means as such.
The meaning behind Mr. Antolini saying this to Holden is very important. First, Mr. Antolini may think that Holden is contemplating suicide. If Holden is, in fact, contemplating suicide, Mr. Antolini may think that by giving this advice to Holden then Holden may reconsider taking his own life.
Outside of that, the quote itself refers ti the fact that once a person is dead they can no longer fight for anything, if Holden does have a cause to fight nobly for, it would be immature of him to die for that one cause. Instead, Mr. Antolini is hoping that Holden wants to live for his cause. When one lives for a cause they are more likely to make things which would support their cause.
In essence, Mr. Antolini is hoping that Holden see the difference between dying for something and living for something. It is only through living that a person can make a difference. Once a person is gone, the changes they have tried to make can revert ( given they are no longer around to fight. )
out of all the interpretations, this one speaks to me the most and is the one most appropriate for the HYYH series as i have explained in the Run Jp. theory ; hence some resemblances to Taehyung who gives up on his life yet Holden here seems as if he is contemplating to. 
but moving on, i managed to actually finish the whole book and personally, i have never hated a main character this much since i enjoy reading novels etc. but aside from that, i must say that this book actually contains a lot of hints relating to the whole HYYH series which i would begin now.
see, based on Wikipedia, the plot mentions this.
When asked if he cares about anything, Holden shares a selfless fantasy he has been thinking about (based on a mishearing of Robert Burns's Comin' Through the Rye): he pictures himself as the sole guardian of thousands of children playing in a huge rye field on the edge of a cliff. His job is to catch the children if, in their abandon, they come close to falling off the brink; to be, in effect, the "catcher in the rye". Because of this misinterpretation, Holden believes that to be the "catcher in the rye" means to save children from losing their innocence.
Reference: Wikipedia; Plot
again, we see the idea of ‘innocence’ coming out. as i have mentioned before about the symbolism of lilies and of butterflies as seen in their HYYH series.
lilies to represent the restored innocence and that butterflies were meant to be souls of the dead people; even white feathers being used to symbolise innocence.
again, the HYYH series being revolved around the concept of ‘innocence’.
asides from this, i realised later on in the book, probably around the last 40 pages or so, about the similarities between the book and the HYYH series. 
the main plot of the book talks about how Holden Caulfield, a normal teenage both, is getting kicked out of school yet again and wants to return home for a while to say his goodbyes to his sister, Phoebe before actually not returning home for good. 
the fact that Holden gets kicked out of school, but then again, not as if he wanted to stay anymore, already reminds me of Yoongi, based on the HYYH: the notes, O version of Yoongi and Jungkook.
Yoongi 7 April YEAR 22
I came to a stop after hearing the sound of a piano. The only sound that could be heard at the empty construction site was someone popping an oil drum. I knew the sound of the song that I had just played, but why did I think of that? My drunken footsteps stumbled. I closed my eyes and walked even more carelessly. As the heat of the fire grew stronger, the piano sound, the night air, the drunkenness fading away.
I opened my eyes at the sound of horn as a car grazed dangerously past me. In the confusion of the blazing headlight, the wind of the car’s passing and my drunkenness, I stumbled helplessly. I could hear the curses of the driver. As I came to a stop to curse back, I could no longer hear the sound of the piano. In spite of the sound of the blazing fire, the wind and the silence left after the car, the piano sound was gone. It stopped. Why did it stop? Who was playing the piano?
The sparks from the fire picked up its pace towards the oil barrel with one sound together. I could only look at the scene blankly. My face became flushed. Bang, it was at that moment when I heard a fist slamming on the piano keys. Instinctively, I looked behind. For a moment, my blood rushed that my breathing became uneven. The nightmares that I had when I was young. That was where I heard the sound.  The next moment, I was running. It wasn’t of my own will that I ran towards the music shop and instinctively looked behind. This was something like I had done numerous times. It was a feeling that I had forgotten something important. The music store had a broken window. In front of the piano, someone was sitting there. It had been a few years yet I still recognized the person. The person was crying, fists being clenched. I didn’t want to be concerned with anyone’s life. I didn’t want to comfort anyone who was lonely. I didn’t want to mean anything to someone. I couldn’t protect the person and I had no confidence. Until the end, I had no confidence. I didn’t want to give pain. I didn’t want to receive pain. I slowly moved. I wanted to go back but before I know it, I started approaching the person. Just then a wrong note was heard. Jungkook lifted his head and looked at me. “Hyung”. This had been our first meeting since quitting high school.
Jungkook 25 June YEAR 20
I stroked the piano keys and smeared the dust. I put some strength in the finger, but the sound was different than of Hyung’s playing. It has been 10 days since Hyung stopped coming to school. I heard the rumours of him getting expelled. Namjoon Hyung, Hoseok Hyung didn’t say anything, I was afraid to ask. Two weeks before, Hyung and I were the only ones in the hideaway classroom when the teacher opened the door. It was a day for the parents to visit. I didn’t want to be there, so I went into the hideaway one. Hyung didn’t bother to look at me and kept on playing the piano, I took 2 desks and lied down and closed my eyes. Hyung and the piano seemed different but yet they seemed like one. While listening to Hyung’s playing, I wanted to cry.
The tears threatened to fall then the sound of the door slammed open and the piano playing stopped. I was hit in the face, stumbled backwards and eventually fell. As I crouched to withstand the violence, the voice stopped. When I lifted my head, I saw Hyung standing in front of me and pushing the teacher’s shoulder. Over Hyung’s shoulder, I saw the teacher’s shocking expression.
I pushed the piano key. It was supposed to mimic Hyung’s playing. Was Hyung really expelled? Will he come back? Hyung said it was okay if he was beaten up a few times. What if I wasn’t there, would Hyung not stand up to the teacher? What if I wasn’t there, would I still hear Hyung playing the piano?
but of course, in the end, he ends up going home and staying there after much persuasion from his sister. Hence, this reminds me of Taehyung in which he would listen to his sister, and protect her at all costs, much like Holden. 
yet, asides from this story, it also talks about underlying themes of being an adult etc, Holden is now at the age where he transits from being a teen to an adult; and as stated from wikipedia:
A classic novel originally published for adults, it has since become popular with adolescent readers for its themes of teenage angst and alienation.
The novel's protagonist Holden Caulfield has become an icon for teenage rebellion.
The novel also deals with complex issues of innocence, identity, belonging, loss, and connection.
first off, here, it shows Holden who went to visit his ex-English teacher, Mr. Antolini for a house to stay for a while, considering he ran away from his home and school.
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‘Among other things, you’ll find that you’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened, and even sickened by human behaviour. you’re by no means alone on that score, you’ll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You’ll learn from them-if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement.’
-Pg 102 
Mr. Antolini begins to give advice to Holden as such. notice the words that Mr. Antolini gives him. 
i feel as though this applies to bangtan as whole, if given that the story revolves around Taehyung originally, and how Seokjin is trying to save him etc, Taehyung can find comfort in bangtan because they are all like him ‘troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now.’
see, based on the HYYH notes ( masterlist here for translations ), one could see how all of bangtan struggled morally and spiritually;
Seokjin - he already struggled in his teen years with his father, had to 
Yoongi - his mother most likely died and his father became miserable, often drinking etc, Yoongi gave up playing the piano that his mother taught him, might have gotten expelled from school
Hoseok - he was abandoned when he was younger and often got intimidated by adults including Jimin’s mother, had some kind of addiction
Namjoon - thinks lowly of himself, often caught up in his thoughts, did vandalism with Taehyung
Jimin - has some sort of disease/condition hence having to be in the hospital for long periods, had to transfer schools frequently therefore unable to forge real friendships for long till he met Hoseok
Taehyung - had an abusive family background, with his father being an alcoholic, had a knack for vandalism to sort of escape
Jungkook - didnt have the will to live, had an abusive stepfather and stepbrother, his mother didnt do anything, nobody helped him at all. 
hence Taehyung could relate and find comfort in them. bangtan learns things from one another and that’s what makes them stronger and happier when they are together. 
moving on, this situation in which Holden starts being slightly delusional as he imagines that he would never see the end of the streets. he then begins to talk to his dead younger brother, Allie. 
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‘Every time I came to the end of a block and stepped off the goddam curb, I had this feeling that I’d never get to the other side of the street. I thought I’d just go down, down, down, and nobody’d ever see me again.Boy, did it scare me.’
‘Every time I’d get to the end of a block I’d make believe I was talking to my brother, Allie. I’d say to him, ‘Allie, don’t let me disappear. Allie, don’t let me disappear. Allie, don’t let me disappear. Please, Allie.’.
-Pg 106
here, it reminds me of the song ‘Butterfly’; specifically in their lyrics. 
난 아직도 믿기지가 않아 이 모든 게 다 꿈인 것 같아 사라지려 하지마
I still can’t believe it All of this seems like a dream Don’t try to disappear
Reference: Colour Coded ©
if i put this in the context of the book, you can imagine Holden telling his brother Allie to not disappear, even though in reality, Allie is already dead. it seems as though he hasn't fully grasped that Allie was long gone for a few years. Hence, he began to believe as though Allie was there with him and would help Holden to not disappear at all. 
not to mention that in the book, Holden was actually quite fond of Allie who also had a baseball glove that he wrote poems on. 
then you see at the bottom of pg 106, Holden talks about moving to the West and getting a job.
“I figured I could get a job at a filling station somewhere, putting gas..”
-Pg 106
then at pg 107, it completes it.
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“and oil in people’s cars.”
-Pg 107
this already reminds me of Namjoon.
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but later on, one would see how Holden talks about building a cabin near the forests.
“..and I’d build me a little cabin somewhere with the dough I made and live there for the rest of my life. I’d build it right near the woods, but not right in them, because I’d want it to be sunny as hell all the time.”
-Pg 107
this already reminds me of bangtan’s photoshoots for HYYH pt.1 and 2. 
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more importantly, it reminds me of Namjoon in Run MV, and looking at this concept photo of Hoseok; it’s right near the forest.
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also, i found it interesting that Holden Caulfield has been associated to some kind of mental hospital etc, since he stopped smoking as much and has been getting regular check-ups here. 
From Holden’s perspective, the reader knows that he has been ‘sick’, and earlier he mentions having to ‘rest up’. The fact that Holden has been having regular visits from a psychoanalyst suggests that Holden might be on the receiving end of some psychiatric care, regardless of whether he is in a regular hospital, sanitarium, or a mental hospital. Since the reader knows that he has been an extended care patient for quite some time, it seems likely that Holden is ‘resting up’ at a special facility. Not to mention that his parents are very wealthy, they could afford to out Holden in the best possible place to recover. 
this already reminds us of Jimin and Hoseok. 
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but lastly, on the last page, i find the last 2 sentences intriguing. 
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“Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.”
-Pg 115
i really love the last 2 sentences really. it just reminds me of the friendship of bangtan especially when the boys didnt meet each other after some time, they will miss each other; constantly searching for them after confiding in each other for a long time. 
this could be seen in the HYYH notes that was released before the love yourself albums.
Seokjin 13 June YEAR 22
we were all alone after returning from the sea.
we didn’t contact each other as if we planned it. we could only assume our existence by the graffiti left on the street, the brightly lit gas station and the sounds of the piano in the old building. that was when everything comes back to life. taehyung’s eyes were ablaze, the way they looked at me as if they heard something unbelievable, namjoon’s hand that tried to stop taehyung, i couldn’t take it and threw a punch at taehyung.
we couldn’t find taehyung after he dashed out, not even at the beach or guesthouse after i returned. broken glass cups, bloodstains that began to cling, smashed cookies that reminded me the incidents that happened a few hours before. a picture had fallen. we were laughing and smiling together in the picture with the sea as the background.
today, i just passed by the gas station. there will be a day when we will meet again - the day when we were all laughing just like in that picture. there will be a day when i would be able to gather courage and confront myself. whoever, now is not the time. today, just like that day, the wind was blowing strongly. and in the next moment, just like a warning, my handphone rang. the picture that was hanging on my room mirror shook. hoseok’s name then appeared on my screen.
‘hyung, jungkook got into a car accident that night’
so here, does it mean that inevitably, the boys miss each other then? 
overall, i do believe that this book did drop some hints on the whole timeline of HYYH; not to mention with the main character already having similarities with the boys, especially Yoongi and Namjoon and a bit of Taehyung. i believe Holden Caulfield is the perfect representation of all bangtan boys at one stage or another. 
truly, i love a group that makes me read. an interesting choice of book to convey their message. 
[Photo Source] Bighit Entertainment  Credits: maxine ☕️ DO NOT REPOST ©
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